Prospectus 2011e

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Faculty of Engineering Technology

2011 / 2012

Faculty of Engineering Technology

The Open University of Sri Lanka
P. O. Box 21,
Nugegoda 10250,
Sri Lanka

Dean / Faculty of Engineering Technology 0112881228, 0112881351
Fax : 0112822737
University Hunting Line 0112853777
General 0112822712-16
Fax: 0112436858
Dean / Faculty of Engineering Technology [email protected]
General [email protected]
Important Points & Dates ….

Please note that this Prospectus contains important information on the

programmes and courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering Technology of
the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL). The information provided here
would be of use throughout your study at the OUSL. Therefore, you are advised
to keep this Prospectus safe, as new Prospectus may not be given to you in
subsequent years.

A list of qualifications presently recognised by the OUSL for granting

exemptions is given in pages 39 & 54 of this Prospectus. If you possess any
other qualification, which you consider should entitle you to obtain
exemptions for any course(s), you should apply for its evaluation, on a set of
prescribed forms given in page 75 of this Prospectus (These forms are also
obtainable from the office of the Faculty of Engineering Technology).

Closing date of applications**: February 26, 2011

English Grading Test: March 05, 2011

Registration for the Academic Year 2011/2012: May 05 to 17, 2011

Commencement of Academic Activities: May 28, 2011

Add / Drop Period: June 23, 24, & 25, 2011

Last Date for Withdrawal from the Programme June 27, 2011
(with 90% refund):

Last date for dropping courses: July 25, 2011

** Those who have English qualifications (GCE (A/L) General English or equivalent can apply for the
programme till May 2011
The dates given above are tentative. The exact dates will be individually informed to applicants
after processing the application forms.

Message of the Dean

The Faculty of Engineering Technology of the Open University of

Sri Lanka offers academic programmes leading to Certificates,
Diplomas, Degrees and Post-Graduate Qualifications in
engineering and industry related studies. We hope that this
Prospectus and course information would be helpful to you to
choose a programme of study to suit your requirements. Further it
is intended to give you an understanding about the distant mode
of education as practiced by the Open University of Sri Lanka.

The Open University of Sri Lanka differs from the conventional universities in that it imparts
instructions to students using distant teaching methodologies. This facilitates to enrol larger numbers
of students and to give opportunities of higher education to employed persons. The system of open
entry makes educational background and age no barrier for enrolment. Any of adult of the age of 18
years or above can register to follow our academic programmes.

You can study at home, at your work place and at any time of the day when you are free from work.
We will facilitate your studies by providing you with printed self study lesson material, which is given
to you at the time of registration. This means your academic studies begin as soon as you register as a
student to follow our programmes. In addition to printed lesson material, your academic activities are
supported by on-line classes, tutor marked assignments, day schools, lab classes, mini projects etc.
Some of these activities are done in classroom atmosphere with the presence of a teacher. Other
activities such as mini-projects and tutor marked assignments also contribute towards the assessment
of your performance. In addition, continuous assessment tests and final examinations are conducted
for the assessment of your performance.

Time schedule of all such activities conducted by the faculty are mentioned in the activity diary given
to you at the time of your registration. It is your sole responsibility to plan your self studies and to
participate in compulsory activities in order to have a satisfactory level of performance in each of the
courses you offer in a particular academic year.

I sincerely hope that you will find a programme suitable to your prospective carrier in our faculty. I
would like to welcome you as a student of ours, who is motivated to pursue studies in distant mode. I
wish you all the success in all your efforts to acquire a recognised qualification from our faculty.

Good Luck!

Prof. W. A. Wimalaweera
Dean / Faculty of Engineering Technology


General Information 1
The Study System 1
Structure of the Curriculum and Courses 2
Student Services 5
Student's Commitment 7
Student Fees 8
Programmes offered by the Faculty 10
Academic Departments 12
Staff of the Faculty 17
Course Information 25
Foundation course for Technology Programme 26
Advance Certificate in Technology 27
Diploma in Technology 29
Bachelor of Technology (Engineering) 31
Complete list of courses for Technology (Engineering) 33
Course Exemptions - Technology Programmes 38
Certificate in Industrial Studies 44
Diploma in Industrial Studies 46
Bachelor of Industrial Studies 48
Complete list of courses for Industrial Studies 50
Course Exemptions – Industrial Studies Programmes 54
Post Graduate Programmes 57
Post Graduate Research Degrees 61
Stand Alone Courses 61
How to select Courses 62
Scheme of Assessment 63
Explanatory Notes for Filling the Application Form 66
Map of Central Campus 71
Map of Colombo Regional Centre 72
Allocation of academic departments in new Science and Technology
building 73
Appendix 75

General Information
The University The Faculty of Engineering
The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL) is the
only recognised university in Sri Lanka where The Faculty of Engineering Technology is one
students may pursue further education by of the four academic faculties of the OUSL. The
distance education techniques in keeping with other three faculties are the Faculty of Natural
the philosophy of Open and Distance Learning. Sciences, the Faculty of Humanities and Social
The OUSL has the same legal and academic Sciences and the Faculty of Education.
status as any other national university in Sri
Lanka. The University has over 27,000 students The administrative and academic head of the
with extremely varied profiles, spread Faculty is the Dean. The Faculty of Engineering
throughout the island. About 80% of these Technology consists of the following six
students are employed. Academic Departments:
 Agricultural and Plantation Engineering
The OUSL offers its own programmes of study
 Civil Engineering
leading to Certificates, Advanced Certificates,
 Electrical and Computer Engineering
Diplomas, Degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas
 Mathematics and Philosophy of
and Postgraduate Degrees. In addition to these
regular academic programmes, there are
 Mechanical Engineering
continuing education courses, beginner‟s
 Textile and Apparel Technology
courses and awareness programmes. The OUSL
is also fully equipped to support postgraduate
Each department is collectively responsible for
research studies leading to Master of
all academic activities of the Faculty and
Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy
functions under a Head. The Faculty Board of
(PhD) degrees.
the Faculty of Engineering Technology
regulates all academic activities in the Faculty,
Any person who is above 18 years of age can
under the direction of the Senate of the OUSL.
enrol at the OUSL. Exemptions from specific
courses are granted to those who possess
The Faculty also has a multi-disciplinary
approved relevant qualifications.
Engineering Research Unit (ERU) dedicated to
enhance research in the Faculty and to provide
The OUSL provides a readily accessible and
a forum for discussion of matters pertaining to
progressive ladder of opportunities for study,
Engineering research. The Faculty also actively
to improve the vocational, professional and
participates in work of the Rural Research Unit
earning potential of an individual. The
(RRU) of the University.
educational programmes have been designed to
meet national educational and training needs,
This prospectus describes various academic
and to offer opportunities to those who have
programmes conducted by the Faculty of
the dedication and drive to succeed. With its
Engineering Technology and relevant
flexibility, the OUSL provides a more socially
information pertaining to these programmes.
equitable higher education system.

The Study System

The study system adopted by the Open delivery of engineering programmes in distance
University of Sri Lanka is based on multimedia education mode.
instructional materials with strong emphasis on
Distance Education techniques using printed The central component of Distant Education is
material, on-line learning facilities and audio- the printed material that offers the student the
visual aids. The Faculty of Engineering equivalent to lectures in a conventional
Technology is one of the pioneers, among all university. They also provide a series of carefully
academic institutions in the world, in the designed activities and self-assessment

questions, which help the student to develop instalment of fees already charged will be
analytical skills and independent thought. forfeited.
Printed material is supplemented by, audio-
visual material, on-line classes, face to face Each course in a programme of study is assessed
discussions/clarification classes (Day-Schools), separately. Assessment consists of two
tutor clinics, laboratory work, fieldwork, on-line components, namely Continuous Assessment
component and seminars. Laboratory work and (CA) and Final Examination (FE). Continuous
field work form an integral part of most courses assessment is not merely a means of assessment;
in technology and are compulsory. Pre- it is one of the significant means of facilitating
scheduled Day-Schools and Tutor Clinics are learning. Activities such as laboratory work, field
conducted by the academics for groups of classes, tutor marked assignments (TMA),
students at Regional and Study Centres of the presentations, mini projects (MP) and continuous
University. assessment tests (CATs) are integral parts of
learning and assessment.
The OUSL is meant primarily for working
students. Therefore, it is possible for a student to A student is required to obtain a minimum mark
study while working, without much difficulty. of 40% in continuous assessment of a particular
Those students who have passed GCE (A/L) in course, to be eligible to sit for the final
the mathematics stream can join the examination. If this minimum mark is not
Diploma/Degree programme directly. obtained, the student is considered to have failed
in that course and has to re-register in a
While the University is making every effort to subsequent year. In this event, the student can
schedule as many activities as possible during obtain only a simple pass (C) for the course after
weekends and public holidays, certain activities successful completion.
such as laboratory classes and examinations may
have to be scheduled during weekdays. Since the A student gaining eligibility in a particular
activity schedule for the whole year is given to course is expected to sit the final examination in
the students at the beginning of the academic the same year. However, facing the final
year, it is hoped that they can plan their work examination may be postponed to a subsequent
well in advance. year, within the valid period of eligibility (of up
to a maximum of 3 academic years including the
A student joins the OUSL for a particular year the student obtained the eligibility).
programme by fulfilling Entry requirements and
registering for at least nine credits of courses in Final assessment mark of any course depends on
the programme of study in his/her first year of the performance at both the continuous
registration. To register for a particular course, assessment and the final examination. For the
the student should have fulfilled the given courses offered by the Faculty, these components
Prerequisites for that course, either by gaining carry equal weight. Therefore, students must
Exemptions, or successful completion. Students practise continuous learning throughout the
are allowed to change their selection of courses academic year, in order to attain success.
after going through the study material, during
the subsequent Add/Drop Period (usually one Since a fair proportion of the activities used to
month after the last date for registration), impart knowledge in distance education have to
without any penalty. From the last date of be carried out by student, success is possible
Add/Drop period, for a further one month only if he/she is motivated to learn by him/her-
students can withdraw from the courses which self.
they are unable to handle. In this event, the first

Structure of the Curriculum and Courses

The curriculum of the Faculty of Engineering study to suit individual needs. To gain a
Technology ensures that the students receive an qualification with a particular specialisation,
academically as well as professionally specific course combination stipulated for that
recognised qualification in a particular field. specialisation needs to be fulfilled.
However, it still allows a student to structure
the subject combinations and total duration of

Courses (36) from Regular Courses (X, Z, and I
categories) and eighteen (18) from Continuing
The fundamental entity in the dissemination Education Courses (Y, J, K, L, M, and W
process of knowledge is known as a “course” In categories). However, the total number of
other words, a course is equivalent to a subject. credits that can be taken per academic year,
from both the Regular and Continuing
Education courses together, is limited to a
Course Categories maximum of forty five (45) credits.

Each course is classified into one distinct Thus, an average student opting to offer the
"Course Category" denoted by a specific letter. maximum allowable credits (45) in an academic
year would be expected to spend about 1125
Engineering X effective hours for studies during the academic
Engineering projects Y year (i.e. about 38 hours per week assuming 30
Mathematics Z weeks of study in an academic year).
Industrial studies I
General J
Computer literacy K Departmental Codes
English L
Management M Further, the course codes also indicate the
Training W department offering the particular course. The
codes allocated for the Departments of the
Course Levels Faculty are as follows:

Each course is also assigned a "Level", between Department/Faculty conducting

zero (0) and seven (7). The Level indicates the the course
relative complexity of the course content. Level Agricultural and Plantation
0 indicates the beginner‟s level, while Levels 1
Civil Engineering CE
& 2 comprise the foundation for different
Electrical and Computer Engineering EC
programmes. Levels 3 to 6 are different stages Mathematics and Philosophy of
in undergraduate study programmes leading to MP
Certificate, Advanced Certificate, Diploma &
Degree qualifications. Finally, the courses of Mechanical Engineering ME
postgraduate programmes are placed at Level
7. Textile and Apparel Technology TT

Faculty of Engineering Technology FE

Credit Rating
Following are the codes for the Departments of
The Credit Rating assigned for a course reflects the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
the amount of time an average student is and Faculty of Natural Sciences which offer
expected to devote for its study. certain courses for the Faculty of Engineering
Total effective time expected to be spent by an
average student for a course with a Credit Department Code
Rating of one (1) is about 25 hours. The credit Language Studies LS
rating of a course can be computed by Management Studies MS
multiplying the fifth character in the Course Legal Studies LW
Code for that course by three (3). Social Studies SS
Ex: for the course MPZ3231 credit rating is Physics PH
6(=2x3), which means the student is expected to Chemistry CH
spend about 150 (=6x25) hours of learning during Zoology ZO
the academic year Botany BT
Mathematics & Computer Science PS
Credit Limit
The maximum number of credits a student can In addition to these codes, in the Faculty of
offer for an academic year is limited to thirty six Engineering Technology, some of the courses
listed in the exemption list and prerequisites

start with the letters VR. The code VR 1. Kulshreshtha gold medal for the best
corresponds to virtual courses. These courses student in Bachelor of Technology
do not exist physically. However, in certain programme.
instances when the students possess 2. Thurairajah gold medal for the best final
qualifications for which the Faculty cannot year project in Bachelor of Technology
grant any exemption from an existing course, programme.
credit exemptions may be granted using virtual 3. ERU gold medal for the Best paper
courses with appropriate category, level and published in ERU journal
credit rating. 4. Mrs. S.M. Abeygunesekera de Silva gold
medal for the best student in Mechatronics
Course Codes Engineering stream.
5. Liyanaguruge Assie Annette de Silva Gold
The letters and numbers denoting the medal for the Best Student in Bachelor of
Departments, Categories, Levels, and Credit Industrial Studies (Agriculture)
Rating make up the code for a course.
Information from Course code CEX4231; Students who have academic qualifications
CE X 4 2 31 other than entry requirements (ex: NDT,
Department Engineering Level 4 Credit Serial B.Sc) may be granted exemptions
of Civil rating no.
according to their qualifications. Faculty
Engineering 2x3 = 6
approved exemptions are given in pages
Information from Course code VRM6100; 39-43 and 54-56. If you possess any
VR M 6 1 00 qualification other than these you can
Virtual Management Level 6 Credit Serial seek exemptions by sending duly filled
Credit rating no. application form given in appendix of
1x3 = 3 this Prospectus (page 75) on or before
specified date. Any exemptions granted
Study Programmes will be informed at the time of registration.

Study Programmes are made up of different Training

course combinations. For the award of a
qualification through a programme such as a Apart from the academic courses, students
Certificate, Diploma or a Degree, three major who are following Diploma and Degree
considerations need to be fulfilled: program should complete following four
training modules:
i) A total stipulated number of Course
Credits required for an award should be
acquired, while fulfilling the minimum Basic Training I – 10 days
requirements at different Levels. Basic Training II – 08 days
ii) Minimum stipulated number of Course Specific Training I – 15 weeks
Credits required for an award should be Specific Training II – 15 weeks
fulfilled by the student under each Course
Category at identified Levels. The students undergo two basic training
iii) In order for the student to qualify in a modules in the University (Colombo,
Particular Field of Study, (e.g. Civil, Kandy, Matara, Batticaloa regional centres)
Mechanical, Electrical, etc.), the list of
and for the specific training, they are
Compulsory Courses required for an
award in that field of study should also be
placed in different reputed public and
satisfied. private organisations. Students who
register for training should have enough
Special Awards time to devote for these training modules.
Students who have performed extremely well
Therefore, students are advised to register
in degree programs are rewarded with gold
medals. The gold medals awarded by the
for training by considering their other
faculty are: commitments such as employment,
number of courses registered, etc.

However, those who are working in related to the specific training by
industries relating to the particular field contacting through
may seek exemptions for specific training. Tel. 011-2881223.
Further details are available with Training
Engineer who looks after the matters

Student Services
Regional Educational Services Regional Officers in charge of the Centres, or by
full time co-ordinators.
The Regional Educational Services (RES) of the
OUSL provides support services required by Given in the following tables are the contact
the Faculties to conduct their academic details of the Regional Centres and Study
programmes. Centres:

Regional Centres
Study Centres

Regional Address Telephone

Vavuniya Centre
Anuradhapura Jayanthi Mawatha, 025-2222871
Trincomalee Batticaloa 23, New Road, Batticaloa 065-2222264
Colombo Nawala, Nugegoda 011-2853930
Anuradhapura 011-2881281
Puttalam Polonnaruwa 011-2881360
Kurunegala 011-2881380
Jaffna Browns Road, Kokkuvil, 021-2223374
Batticaloa Jaffna
Kegalle Kandy Polgolla, Kandy 081-2499370 to
Gampaha Ampara 2499372
Badulla 081-2494083
Monaragala Matara Nupe, Matara 041-2222943
Kalutara Ratnapura Bandarawela
Study Centre Address Telephone
Ambalangoda Ambalangoda 80/1, Polwatta Road, 091-2258585
Matara Ambalantota Ambalangoda
Ampara Inginiyagala Road, 063-2222052
Samapura, Ampara
The OUSL regional network consists of twenty Badulla Advanced Technical 055-2223818
four Regional and Study Centres spread Institute, Badulla 055-2230218
throughout the country. The six Regional Bandarawela St. Thomas Road, 057-2222820
Centres are in Anuradhapura, Batticaloa, Wewatenna,
Colombo, Jaffna, Kandy, and Matara, while the Bandarawela
eighteen Study Centres are located at Monaragala Technical College 055-2277395
Ambalangoda, Ampara, Badulla, Bandarawela, Junction, Sirigala, Potuvil
Monaragala, Galle, Gampaha, Hatton, Road, Monaragala
Ambalantota, Kalutara, Kegalle, Kuliyapitiya, Galle Labuduwa, Galle 091-2223784
Kurunegala, Polonnaruwa, Puttalam, Gampaha Gampaha Road, 033-2234571
Miriswatte, Mudungoda 033-2234572
Ratnapura, Trincomalee and Vavuniya.
Hatton Thondaman Vocational 051-2225139
Training Centre, Hatton 051-2223492
The Director of Regional Educational Services, Ambalntota Rajasaranagama Road 047-2225533
who is in charge of all activities of the Regional Lunama South
Education Services, is attached to the Central Ambalnthota
Campus at Nawala. Six Assistant Directors Kalutara 66/2, Nagoda Road, 034-3949160
separately administer the six Regional Centres. Kalutara South
The Study Centres are administered by Kegalle Kumaratunga Munidasa 035-2222501

Mawatha, Kegalle Tel.: 011 2881272
Kuliyapitiya Technical College, 037-2281181
Kuliyapitiya 037-2281271 Mr. SM Lal Chulawansa
Kurunegala Negombo Road, 037-2223473 Senior Educational Assistant
Malkaduwawa, Department of Mathematics and Philosophy of
Kurunegala Engineering
Polonnaruwa 24th Post, Bendiwewa, 027-2225776 Tel.: 011 2881441
Pollonnaruwa Eng. Dr. DHRJ Wimalasiri
Puttalam Colombo Road, 032-2266822 Senior Lecturer
Puttalama Department of Mechanical Engineering
Ratnapura Hidellana, Ratnapura 045-2228660 Tel.: 011 2881393
Trincomalee St. Francis Zavier Maha 026-3264813
Mr. LSA Perera
Main Street, Trincomalee
Department of Textile and Apparel Technology
Vavuniya No: 3666, Kandy Road, 024-2222995
Tel.: 011 2881310
Library Facilities
Student Affairs Division Students have access to the main library of the
University at Nawala and to the five regional
The Student Affairs Division maintains the libraries at Anuradhapura, Kandy Matara,
personal and academic records of all OUSL Batticaloa and Jaffna Regional Centres. Lending
students. Any change of address, medium of facility to students is limited to two books at a
study, study centre, civil status, e-mail address, time, and requires a deposit and is available at
withdrawal from courses, etc., should be main library, Kandy, Matara and
immediately informed in writing to: Anuradhapura libraries. The main library is
Senior Assistant Registrar, well resourced, and open throughout the year
Student Affairs Division, except on the seven "University Holidays" and
The Open University of Sri Lanka, a few days during the Sinhala and Tamil New
P. O. Box 21, Nugegoda - 10250 Year and Christmas.
When writing the letter, the student's name,
registration number and the programme of
study must be indicated. The telephone number
of the Student Affairs Division is 011-2823920.

General counselling by the Faculty staff on
academic matters is available to all prospective
applicants and students. You could contact the
Faculty office (Tel.: 011 2881283 / 011 2881228 /
011 2881351) for this purpose. Further, Student
Counsellors of the Faculty may be contacted for
all non-academic matters. The Faculty Student
counsellors are; The main library has an Audio-Visual Resource
Dr. (Mrs.) HKLK Gunasekara Centre (AVRC) with a substantial collection of
Senior Lecturer video and audio material in many subject areas
Department of Agricultural and Plantation for the use of students. Access to internet, WIFI
Engineering coverage and photocopying facilities are also
Tel.: 011 2881062
Eng. Dr. DAR Dolage (Senior Student Counsellor)
The regional and study centres also have a
Senior Lecturer small collection of books, and audio-visual
Department of Civil Engineering material, mainly for reference.
Tel.: 011 2881289

Eng. Gihan Anthonys

Lecturer (Probationary)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Elementary Computer Labs Canteens
Computer facilities are available at a number of Food can be purchased from the University
Regional and Study centres free of charge. canteens at reasonable prices. Canteens are
These are at Ambalangoda, Anuradhapura, available at Colombo, Kandy and Matara
Bandarawela, Batticaloa, Colombo, Galle, Regional Centres. These provide services
Kandy, Kegalle, Kurunegala, Matara throughout the week.
Polonnaruwa and Ratnapura. Limited Internet
facilities are available at Colombo, Kandy, Postal Service and Telephone
Matara, Anuradhapura and Batticaloa Regional
Centres and certain study centres. Call Boxes
The University has its own sub-post office at
Facilities provided by NODES the premises of the Colombo Regional Centre,
along D. M. Colombage Mawatha, Nawala. Call
boxes are available in the Colombo, Kandy and
National Online Distance Education Service Matara Regional Centres.
(NODES) is a self sustainable unit under
Ministry of Higher Education. The NODES has
26 NODES Access Centres called NACs. The Temporary Residential Facilities
main purpose of the NACs is to provide access
to all students registered for online programs The University provides temporary residential
offered by all partner institutions of NODES. facilities at Colombo, Kandy and Matara
As OUSL is also one of the partners of NODES Regional Centres for a limited number of
the students of the faculty have opportunity to students attending approved academic
access online material through NAC. Besides, activities.
these centres have other facilities, such as video
conferencing, (internet, e-mail), photocopying,
fax, scanning and printing at a fee. NODES
encourages the use of these centers for
accessing online material and other activities
related to open and distance learning.
Twenty out of 26 NACs have been set up
within the OUSL Regional and Study Centres
covering many districts of the country. Other
six centres are located, two in the premises of
University of Colombo (Weligaththa and
Colombo), one within the premises of
University of Peradeniya, two within the
premises of Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Student Union
Technological studies (Badulla and
Bandarawela) and one within the premises of The Faculty Student Union is elected by and
Institute of Engineering Technology from amongst the students of the Faculty. The
(Katunayake). University Student Union is constituted by the
four Faculty Student Unions. Moreover, two
representatives are elected by the students of
the Faculty to the Board of the Faculty of
Engineering Technology.
Laboratory facilities for most courses are
available only at the Colombo Regional Centre
at Nawala. However, laboratory work in the Banking Facilities
courses up to level 3 and a few higher level
courses may be conducted at the Regional A branch of the People's Bank is situated within
Centres and selected Study Centres, if the the premises of the Colombo Regional Centre.
number of students registered for a particular
course for that centre is more than 15.

World University Service (WUS) OUSL Bulletin
The OUSL publishes biannually, bulletin for
Students can purchase stationery and distribution among all its registered students. It
consumable items, at reasonable prices, from carries articles, general news about the OUSL
the WUS shops which are located in the activities, and other information useful for staff
Colombo and Kandy Regional Centres. and students.

Student Commitment
If you are looking for an opportunity to learn select the courses to minimise these problems.
about something that interests you, an You should pay particular attention to this, at
opportunity that you never really had, the the time you register for courses at the
OUSL may be the place for you. beginning of each academic year.

We would do our best to facilitate your In the case of some activities, such as laboratory
learning, but the hard work is up to you. If you classes, you may also have a choice in the
are to make use of this opportunity, you need selection of dates and times. Unfortunately, this
to be prepared to make some sacrifices. You is not possible in the case of tests, presentations
have to be self-motivated, and be prepared to and examinations, as these activities involve
sacrifice part of your leisure, at least for a few other students as well.
years. If you are motivated to make the best of
what is offered, we will attempt to provide you
with the means of achieving the highest
academic and professional goals, irrespective of
your present status.

Our programmes of study allow you to build

on your present achievements, and advance in
your career systematically, as you progress in
your learning.

It would be a mistake on your part if you

expect the OUSL to enable you to gain a
qualification without putting in a substantial
amount of hard work. The OUSL expects its students to interact
closely with the world of work. The fact that the
University was primarily established to
addresses the needs of working students cannot
be over emphasised. As such, we do make an
extra effort to accommodate the particular
situation of such students. However, the
students too should plan their programme,
taking note of the fact that there cannot be any
flexibility in arranging certain activities.
Therefore, when selecting the courses to be
offered in a particular year, you are advised to
consider your commitment in terms of time and

Working students may find it is difficult to For example, a student registering for thirty six
obtain leave of absence from work to attend to (36) credits of regular courses per year will
some of the compulsory activities that make up need to devote about nine hundred (900) hours
a particular course. However, as the calendar of his free time for self-study during the
giving the attendance requirements is usually academic year. This is about 30 hours a week
announced well in advance, it is possible to for 30 weeks (i.e. about 4 hours per day). Those

who are unable to find the required time your selection based on the amount of money
should register for lesser number of credits. you could afford for that particular year. Thus
you may follow a programme of study at your
Similarly, as the tuition fee is computed based own pace depending on time and money
on the number of credits offered, you can plan available.

Student Fees
Unlike the other national universities in Sri tuition fees applicable for different levels are as
Lanka, the OUSL does charge fees from its given in the following table.
students. This is related to the fact that the
OUSL was set up primarily to cater to the needs Level Tuition fee per credit
of employed students. As these students would 0 Rs. 294.00
naturally be earning at least a modest income, it 1 Rs. 294.00
was felt that the decision to levy fees might be 2 Rs. 294.00
justified. 3 Rs. 368.00
However, there is no intention of recovering the 4 Rs. 368.00
full cost of education from the students. As at 5 Rs. 664.00
today, the income from fees meets only a 6 Rs. 664.00
fraction of the total expenditure of the 7 Rs. 2238.00
University. The Government, by grants However, the fee for the Research Project in the
disbursed through the University Grants Master of Technology programme is Rs. 610/=
Commission, meets the major component of the per credit.
total expenditure.
The fees payable by a registered student Further, the students registering for the Basic
includes, registration fee, facilities fee, training courses (MEW3101 and MEW3102)
exemption fee (where applicable), library are required to pay an additional sum of Rs.
facility fee and tuition fee. 850/= for each of the two Basic training
courses. In addition to Colombo Regional
The Registration fee (of Rs. 250/=for Centre, Basic Training facilities are available at
certificate, diploma and undergraduate Kandy, Matara and Batticaloa Regional Centres.
programmes; Rs. 360/= for postgraduate
programmes) is charged to cover the In addition to that students registering for the
administrative expenditure involved in student course TTJ3146 Fashion Illustration conducted
registration. by the department of Textile and Apparel
Technology are required to pay an additional
The Facilities fee (of Rs. 900/=) is used to sum of Rs. 1500/=
provide certain facilities for the students and is
a fixed amount payable by all registered Students registering for the first time with the
students irrespective of the number of courses Faculty and those who have not completed
offered. The Library Facility fee (of Rs. 100/= courses amounting to 12 credits in X category
for certificate, diploma and undergraduate would be required to register for the course
programmes; Rs.200/= for postgraduate FEJ0010 – Learning to learn at a distance and
programmes) is charged at the time of first would be required to pay an additional sum of
registration. Rs. 1500/= as the tuition fee for this course.

The Exemption fee (of Rs.10/= per credit) is The various types of fees given above are
only charged if exemptions are granted. applicable for the academic year 2011/2012.
They may be subject to change in subsequent
The Tuition fee depends on the credit rating years.
and the Level of the course offered. Of the total
tuition fee for a year 60% should be paid at
registration and the balance to be settled at the Scholarships
payment of second instalment about half way
into the academic year. However, the other fees The University has a limited number of
must be paid at the time of registration. The bursaries, including Mahapola Scholarships,
and university bursaries, to help students who

are in need of financial help to continue their
studies. The University is aware that its bursary scheme
is inadequate to meet the needs of all the
Unfortunately, above mentioned bursaries are students, and is striving to increase the
not available during the first year of study at resources available to its bursary fund.
the University. Only students who have
demonstrated a certain amount of commitment In addition to the above, software companies
to their studies and achieved a measure of provide some scholarships and also placements
success during the first year can be considered in the industry itself to work while you are
for bursaries. studying. These will be available for the
students who are in the Computer Engineering
Students will be given guidelines for these stream and will be selected by the company
Scholarships with the scholarship application through an interview. Students who perform
form at the time of re-registration. The well in completing their courses at levels 3 and
completed application forms should be 4 will be nominated for these scholarships and
submitted on or before the given date to the industrial placements.
Assistant Registrar, Faculty of Engineering
Technology, The Open University of Sri Lanka,

- 10 -
Programmes Offered by the Faculty
The Faculty of Engineering Technology offers a addition to that, credits obtained from
wide variety of programmes from Certificates, certificate programme can be used as an entry
Advanced Certificates through Diplomas, qualification for Diploma programmes, if an
Degrees, PG Diplomas, Master of Technology applicant does not have an adequate
to the research degrees; Master of Philosophy qualification to enter. Currently the Faculty
and Doctor of Philosophy. offers this programme in the following
Faculty also offers courses at the Foundation
level to enable prospective students who have  Animal Husbandry and Aquaculture
not fulfilled entry requirement to enter the (offered only at Puttlam centre)
programmes offered by the Faculty.  Apparel Technology
 Textile Technology

Advanced Certificate Programme

Advanced Certificate in Technology
programme is designed for those who are
involved in technological industries and those
who wish to enter a particular industry to begin
a career, including school leavers interested in

Since this programme is an integral part of the

Diploma in Technology programme, students
following Diploma programme can obtain the
If you are interested in learning about Advanced Certificate in Technology on their
technology, it is very likely that there is a way to the Diploma.
programme to suit you.
Currently Advanced Certificate in Technology
The programmes offered by the Faculty and can be obtained in following areas:
their respective target clientele are given below:  Civil Engineering
 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Foundation Level Courses  Mechanical Engineering
 Mechatronics Engineering
Foundation level courses are offered by the  Textile Engineering
Faculty to enable students without adequate
academic qualification to enter the Advanced Diploma Programmes
Certificate, Diploma and Degree programmes,
and through that, all higher degree These programmes are ideal for industrial
programmes. Currently the Faculty offers five workers. If you do not possess entry
Foundation level courses. They are: qualifications to enter this programme directly,
 Basic mathematics you can do so through the foundation level
 Pure mathematics courses. These programmes may also appeal to
 Applied mathematics school leavers who intend to pursue a career in
 Properties of materials Engineering Technology. Currently the Faculty
 Physics for technology offers Diploma programmes in the following
two streams:
Certificate Programme  Diploma in Technology
 Diploma in Industrial Studies
Certificate in Industrial Studies programme is
The specialisations available in the Diploma in
designed for those who are employed in the
Technology programme are:
textile and other specific industries and those
who wish to enter a particular industry. In  Civil Engineering

 Computer Engineering equivalent to engineering degrees offered by
 Electrical Engineering the other state universities.
 Electronic and Communication
Engineering Bachelor of Industrial studies could be pursued
 Mechanical Engineering in one of the following specialisations:
 Mechatronics Engineering  Agriculture
 Textile Engineering  Apparel Production and Management
 Fashion Design & Product Development
Diploma in Industrial studies could be pursued  Textile Manufacture
in one of the following specialisations:
 Agriculture In addition, Bachelor of Software Engineering
 Apparel Production and Management programme is offered through the Faculty.
 Fashion Design & Product Development Documentation on this programme can be
obtained separately.
 Textile Manufacture

Degree Programmes Postgraduate Programmes

These programmes are suitable for middle level These programmes are designed for qualified
technical officers, usually holding a Diploma or Engineers desirous of postgraduate education
an equivalent qualification, who wish to and skills in a particular speciality. The Faculty
upgrade themselves to Degree level. They are currently offers PGDipTech (Postgraduate
also suitable for graduate engineers who wish Diploma in Technology) and MTech (Master of
to specialise in another discipline. Currently the Technology) in three different areas:
Faculty offers three types of degree  Construction Management
programmes:  Industrial Engineering
 Bachelor of Technology (Engineering)  Apparel Production and Management
 Bachelor of Industrial Studies
 Bachelor of Software Engineering Postgraduate Research Degrees
The specialisations available in the Bachelor of Postgraduate research degrees are suitable for
Technology (Engineering) programme are: well-qualified Engineers interested in research.
 Civil Engineering The Faculty offers two types of research
 Computer Engineering degrees:
 Electrical Engineering  Master of Philosophy
 Electronic and Communication Engineering  Doctor of Philosophy
 Mechanical Engineering
 Mechatronics Engineering Stand Alone Courses
 Textile Engineering
Stand Alone Courses are ideal for those
The degree of Bachelor of Technology of the interested in a specific quantum of knowledge
OUSL (B. Tech.) is recognised by the Institution or skills. Any of the regular courses can be
of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) as a fulfilling offered as Stand Alone Courses, without
academic qualification for Associate registering for a regular programme, provided
Membership. Further, the B.Tech. Degree is the student has the necessary prerequisite

- 12 -
Academic Departments

Agricultural and Plantation Civil Engineering

The Department of Civil Engineering enhances
The department offers Diploma and Bachelor of your prospects for employment and
Industrial Studies (Agriculture) Programmes opportunities for higher learning in the field of
which are biology based. Courses offered range civil engineering which provides for
from Crop Production, Plant and Soil Science, infrastructure facilities in a country.
Hydrology and Water Resources, Groundwater
Resources, Climate change, Postharvest Biology
and Technology, Farm Power and Machinery,
Food Processing, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries
and Aquaculture, Indigenous Knowledge of
Herbal Products, Agricultural Extension and
Agricultural Economics & Management. This
department also offers Certificate in Industrial
Studies (Animal Husbandry & Aquaculture),
only at Puttlam Study Centre.

The Department offers Advanced Certificate,

Diploma and Bachelor of Technology
programmes in Civil Engineering. Further, the
postgraduate programmes in Construction
Management offered by the Department are
designed to enable qualified engineers to
enhance their knowledge and qualifications in
this particular area by achieving a Postgraduate
Diploma and a Master of Technology Degree.

The department has a reasonably equipped

laboratory and well qualified staff, who in
addition to teaching, supervise MPhil/PhD
students and are also engaged in various other
activities contributing to national development.

While addressing traditional Civil Engineering

subjects in the broad areas of Construction
Materials, Structural Analysis & Design, Soil &
Geotechnical Engineering Hydraulics &
Irrigation Engineering, Land & Quantity
Surveying, Highway and Transportation
Engineering and Construction Engineering,
social, economic and environmental issues are

- 13 -
also considered in the development of curricula Electrical and Computer
for programmes offered by the Department.
As a result, management of human resources,
carrying out an environmental impact
The mission of our undergraduate programs is
assessment, the use of information technology to provide a flexible curriculum in
such as geographic information systems & fundamental and advanced topics in electrical,
global positioning systems and the economic electronics, communication and computer
analysis of projects are some of the additional engineering.
skills that are included in the Civil Engineering

While the Civil Engineering programme

consists of a compulsory core group of
subjects, it also allows students to select
optional courses drawn from various
specialised areas. Students are encouraged to
choose a combination of courses that best suits
their requirements.

The courses offered for Computer Engineering

integrate both software and hardware aspects
of computing. Graduates can work in the fields
of Software Engineering, Computer
Networking or Computer hardware.

The courses offered in Electronics &

Communication allow the students to pursue
career related designs of electronic systems
and equipment maintenance. It also gives the
required theoretical and practical know-how
Academically as well as professionally to embark on careers in rapidly growing fields
qualified staff of the Department of Civil in Telecommunications and Modern data
Engineering are committed to prepare you for networking such as Telephony, TV, Radio
work in the field. All courses contain practical broadcasting, Satellite communications and
components – such as laboratory work, field Mobile communications.
work, field visits and engineering designs – in
addition to theory, so that you will be better The Electrical Engineering courses are focused
prepared for this challenge. The seven months on planning, design, construction, operations
of specific training will give you an & controls in the fields of electricity
opportunity to observe how concepts learnt in generation, Transmission & Distribution. The
theory are put into practice. The Project, students have the opportunity to learn Power
which has to be taken towards the end of the systems planning, High voltage engineering,
programme, is the culmination of your studies. Electrical machines, Power systems &
This Project enables you to demonstrate and Electrical installations etc., during the study
prove your ability to apply the knowledge period. With the specialised training they get,
gained in solving real world engineering graduate students are well groomed to face the
problems. future challenges and work confidently in the
field of electrical engineering.

- 14 -
producing well trained Mechatronics
engineers/technical personnel and is
introduced for the first time to the engineering
curricula in Sri Lanka. It deals with an
integrated design approach involving
mechanical, electronics, and controls
engineering in finding solutions to the modern
industry as well as meeting commercial needs.

The department also offers a degree

programme leading to award of Bachelor
of Software Engineering (BSE). Further
information about this programme is
available separately

Mechanical Engineering
In addition to the above programmes the
The Department of Mechanical Engineering Department conducts a Postgraduate Diploma
provides the students with opportunities to and a Master of Technology programme in
advance themselves in Industrial Engineering.
their careers and become graduate engineers
in the specialities of Mechanical Engineering
and Mechatronics Engineering.

The Department from 2008 facilitates

conducting of the worldwide MSc programme
in Sustainable Energy Engineering (SEE
Worldwide) offered by the Royal Institute of
The students opting to do mechanical Technology (KTH) together with University of
engineering stream have the option to select Gavle in Sweden. The programme is offered at
courses in automobile engineering, no cost to the students. All mandatory courses
manufacturing engineering and combination are offered on-line and lectures can be followed
of both to meet their specific requirements. either at the time of the delivery of the lectures
on-line or afterwards through recorded media.
The theoretical components of these
specialisations are amply supported with Textile and Apparel Technology
exposure to practical situations, in our
reasonably well-equipped laboratories.
Department of Textile and Apparel Technology
of the Open University of Sri Lanka offers a
Mechatronics engineering is the newest stream
wide variety of programs in the fields of Textile
offered by the department with the objective of

- 15 -
and Apparel Technology. These programs The newly developed undergraduate
extend over a range from Certificate, Diploma, programme in the area of Fashion Design &
Degree and Master Degrees to higher degree Product Development is offered this year. It is
programs such as Master of Philosophy and aimed to train people on the aspects of Fashion
Doctor of Philosophy. Product Development.

The Department of Textile and Apparel

Technology offers programmes in four
specialised areas: Textile Engineering, Textile It is heartening to note that our graduates and
Manufacture, Fashion Design & Product diplomates are well accepted by the industry
Development and Apparel Production and within Sri Lanka and internationally.
Management. These programmes are carefully
designed to meet the current requirements of
Mathematics and Philosophy of
the Sri Lankan Textile and Apparel industry. Engineering
A small percentage of our students are school
leavers, and many are working in the industry.
Each year, increasing number of students join
the industrial studies program, after
completing the National Diploma in
Technology (NDT) program at the Institute of
Technology of University of Moratuwa and also
after completing our own Diploma in Industrial
studies program. Further, students who have
successfully completed Diploma courses (in the
related fields), conducted by approved
institutions, can also enter our undergraduate
programs directly.
The department is also involved in extension
activities to the industry in the form of short
courses and consultancies. The department is
endowed with differently qualified staff with
The Department of Mathematics and
wide experience in various fields of studies.
Philosophy of Engineering provides you
The department is prepared to undertake tailor
knowledge to enhance your capacity of
made courses for the individual needs of any
working as engineers and technologists
organisation and is also involved in research
effectively in complex societies where
activities in textile, apparel and distance
technology constantly influences and get
education fields.
influenced by social, environmental, cultural
and economic factors. The Department offers
The postgraduate programme leading to a
courses under two streams of studies;
Master in Apparel Production and Management is
mathematics and philosophy of engineering.
aimed at executive and supervisory staff, with
Mathematics courses offered by the
undergraduate qualifications in the textile and
Department are designed to provide the
apparel sector, who intend to enhance their
mathematics knowledge required by all
managerial knowledge and skills.
students following all programmes offered by
the Faculty of Engineering at all levels, as well

- 16 -
as to provide life long mathematics skills
required as a citizen of the world.

Under the Philosophy of Engineering stream

the Department offers subjects at Diploma,
Graduate and Post-graduate levels to raise
awareness of students on a range of themes;
the connectedness of technology, society and
the environment, linkages of technology with
development, nature of science and
mathematics, history of technology within
local and global contexts, opportunities and
constraints of technology, major social and
environmental debates in relation to
technology, etc. In addition to offering courses
on mathematics and Philosophy of
Engineering, the Department is also planning
to offer a Certificate Programme in Industrial
Studies on Small Scale Renewable Systems
and Energy Savings in collaboration with
other departments of the Faculty of
Engineering Technology.

- 17 -
Staff of the Faculty
Faculty Office

Prof. Dr.-Ing. WA Wimalaweera

Dean of the Faculty

Ms. Erandi Wagalath

Assistant Registrar

Heads of the Departments

Eng. PD Sarath Chandra Eng. Prof. TM Pallewatta
Head (Acting), Department of Head, Department of Civil Engineering
Agricultural and Plantation Engineering

Dr. KAC Udayakumar Mr. BD Witharana

Head, Department of Electrical Head, Department of
and Computer Engineering Mathematics and Philosophy of

Eng. (Mrs.) PR Dadigamuwa Dr. Dipl-Ing. GB Delkumburewatte

Head, Department of Mechanical Head, Department of Textile and
Engineering Apparel Technology

Department of Agricultural and Plantation Engineering
Prof (Mrs.) CS De Silva, Dr.(Mrs.) HKLK Gunasekara
BSc Agri (Hons) (Peradeniya), BSc Agri (Hons) (Peradeniya),
MPhil (Peradeniya), PhD (Cranfield) PhD (Peradeniya)
Professor in Agricultural and Senior Lecturer – Gr II
Plantation Engineering

Dr. (Mrs.) AGB Aruggoda Mrs. HMUN Herath

BSc Agri (Hons) (Peradeniya), BSc Agri (Hons) (Peradeniya), MA in Linguistics
PhD (SCAU) (Kelaniya)
Senior Lecturer – Gr II Lecturer

Mrs. NS Weerakkody
BSc Agri (Peradeniya), MSc (Peradeniya)
Lecturer (Probationary)

Department of Civil Engineering
Eng. Prof. TM Pallewatta Eng. Prof. KS Weerasekera
BSc Eng (Hons) (Moratuwa), MEng (AIT), BSc Eng (Moratuwa), MEngSc (UNSW),
DrEng (Tokyo), Int. PEng (SL), CEng FIE (SL), PhD (UNSW), FIE (SL), Int. PEng (SL), CEng,
Assoc. Professor in Civil Engineering Professor in Civil Engineering
Head of the Department

Eng. (Mrs.) MN Tantirimudalige Dr. J Liyanagama

BSc Eng (Hons) (Sri Lanka), MTech (OUSL), MSc (Eng) (Hons) (Moscow), PhD (Moscow)
MIE (SL), MICE, CEng Senior Lecturer – Gr I
Senior Lecturer – Gr I

Dr. PN Wikramanayake Dr. HGPA Ratnaweera

BSc Eng (Hons) (Peradeniya), MSc (MIT), BSc Eng (Hons) (Moratuwa), MS (NJIT),
PhD (MIT), MIE (SL), CEng PhD (NJIT)
Senior Lecturer – Gr I Senior Lecturer – Gr I

Eng. Dr. DAR Dolage Dr. AGK De S Abeysuriya

Bsc Eng (Moratuwa), MSc (Reading), MBA (SJP), BSc Eng (Hons) (Ceylon), MSc (Leeds), PhD (Leeds),
MA (Colombo), DBA(Uni SA), FIE (SL), CEng MIHT (UK), MCIT (UK)
Senior Lecturer – Gr I Senior Lecturer – Gr I

Dr. (Mrs.) BC Liyanage Athapattu Eng. LSS Wijewardena

BSc Eng (Moratuwa), MEng (Osaka), PhD (Osaka), BSc Eng (Hons) (Peradeniya), MENG(AIT),
Senior Lecturer – Gr I Senior Lecturer – Gr I

Dr. (Mrs.) PSD Aluwihare Eng. (Mrs.) LA Udamulla

BSc Eng (Hons) (Peradeniya), MSc (Saitama), BSc Eng (Hons) (Peradeniya), MPhil (Hong Kong),
PhD (Saitama) AMIE(SL)
Senior Lecturer – Gr II Senior Lecturer – Gr II

Eng. MNC Samarawickrama Eng. Dr. TC Ekneligoda

BSc Eng (Hons) (Moratuwa), MSc (Peradeniya), BSc Eng (Hons) (Moratuwa),
MBA (Moratuwa), MIE(SL), CEng, MGS(SL) MPhil (Moratuew), M.Sc (KTH, Stockholm), PhD
Senior Lecturer – Gr II (KTH, Stockholm), AMIE(SL)
Senior Lecturer – Gr II

Eng. DI Fernando Eng. MM Jayathilake

BSc Eng(Hons) (Moratuwa), BSc Eng (Moratuwa), AMIE (SL)
MSc (Moratuwa) Engineering Teaching Assistant – Gr.I
Lecturer (Probationary)

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. KAC Udayakumar Prof. H Sriyananda
MSc Eng (Hons)(Moscow Power Engineering BSc Eng (Ceylon), MSc (Salford), PhD (Wales),
Institute), PhD (Moscow Power Engineering CEng, MIE(SL)
Institute) Emeritus Professor
Senior Lecturer – Gr II
Head of the Department

Eng. CJSAH Perera Dr. LSK Udugama

BSc Eng (Hons) (Moratuwa), MSc (Munich), MSc (Donetsk polytechnical Institute ), PhD
MIE (SL), CEng (Donetsk polytechnical Institute), MIEEE
Senior Lecturer – Gr I Senior Lecturer – Gr I

Eng. LA Samaliarachchi Eng. SN Wickramasinghe

BSc Eng (Hons) (Moratuwa), MEng(AIT), CEng BSc Eng (Hons) (Peradeniya), MSc (London),
Senior Lecturer – Gr I MIE (SL),CEng, MIET
Senior Lecturer – Gr I

Eng. Dr. (Mrs.) KGHUW Rathnayake Eng. (Mrs.) H Pasqual

BSc Eng (Hons) (Moratuwa), PhD (Murdoch) BSc Eng (Hons) (Moratuwa), MEng(Saitama)
Senior Lecturer – Gr II Senior Lecturer – Gr II

Dipl. Ing. KARD Gunaratne

Dr. (Mrs.) DDM Ranasinghe Dipl. Ing. (Ilmenau)
BSc (Hons) (Colombo) Lecturer
Senior Lecturer – Gr II

Eng. MH Naushath Eng. G Anthonys

B.Tech (Eng) (Hons)(OUSL), AMIE (SL) B.Tech. (Eng) (Hons) (OUSL), B.Sc. (Applied
Lecturer (Probationary) Science) (SJP),,MSc (Moratuwa), AMIE(SL),
Lecturer (Probationary)

Eng. JC Geeganage Eng. CJ Basnayakege

B.Tec (Eng) (Hons),(OUSL) AMIE(SL), MIEEE B.Tech(Eng)(Hons)(OUSL), AMIE(SL), MIEEE,
Lecturer (Probationary) MBCS
Lecturer (Probationary)

Eng. (Miss) TCPK Wickramsinghe Eng. (Miss) SADAN Dissanayake

BTech(Eng)(Hons)(OUSL) , AMIE (SL) BTech(Hons)(Eng)(OUSL) , AMIE (SL)
Lecturer (Probationary) Lecturer (Probationary)

Department of Mathematics and Philosophy of Engineering
Mr. BD Witharana Eng. Prof. APK De Zoysa
B.Sc. Eng (Hons)(Moratuwa), BSc Eng (Hons) (Peradeniya), MSc(London),
M.Phil (OUSL) DIC(London), PhD (Colombo),
Senior Lecturer – Gr. II M.Inst.Energy(UK), CEng
Head of the Department Professor in Mathematics and
Philosophy of Engineering

Mr. JADFM Jayatillake Mrs. ND de Silva

BSc Special (Hons) (Colombo), BSc Agri. (Hons) (Peradeniya),
MA (Delhi) MSc Agri (Peradeniya)
Lecturer Lecturer
(on study leave)

Mrs. NK Herath Mrs. YAGS Yapa

BSc Eng (Hons) (Peradeniya), BSc. Eng (Hons) (Moratuwa)
MSc Eng (Moratuwa) Lecturer (Probationary)
Lecturer (Probationary)
(on study leave)

Mr. CPS Pathirana Mr. G Nandasena

B.Sc Special (Hons)(Ruhuna), BSc Special (Hons) (Colombo)
M.Sc (SJP) Lecturer(Probationary)
Lecturer (Probationary)

Eng. SM Lal Chulawansa

BSc Eng (Peradeniya)
Senior Educational Assistant

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Eng. (Mrs.) PR Dadigamuwa Eng. Dr. HD Goonetillake
BSc Eng (Hons) (Moratuwa), MPhil (OUSL), BSc Eng (Hons) (Sri Lanka),
MIE(SL), CEng MASc (British Columbia),
Senior Lecturer – Gr I PhD (British Columbia), MIE (SL), CEng
Head of the Department Senior Lecturer – Gr I

Eng. PD Sarath Chandra Eng. WRGA Wijesundara

BSc Eng (Sri Lanka), MSc Eng (Moratuwa), MIE BSc Eng (Hons) (Sri Lanka), MPhil (OUSL),
CEng Senior Lecturer – Gr I
Senior Lecturer – Gr I

Dr. SAMANS Senanayake Eng. (Mrs.) TSS Jatunarachchi

BSc Eng (Hons) (Moratuwa), BSc Eng (Hons) (Moratuwa), MPhil (OUSL),
MSc (Cranfield), PhD (Cranfield) AMIE(SL)
Senior Lecturer – Gr I Senior Lecturer – Gr I

Eng. (Mrs.) TMDN Medagedara Eng. WR de Mel

BSc Eng (Hons) (Peradeniya), MPhil (SHU) BSc Eng (Moratuwa), MSc (Peradeniya),
Senior Lecturer – Gr II MEng(NUS)
Senior Lecturer – Gr II

Mr. DC Wijewardena Eng. Dr. SDR Perera

BTech (Eng) (Hons) (OUSL), MASc(British MSc (Hons) (Odessa), MPhil (OUSL), PhD
Columbia) (SHU)
Senior Lecturer – Gr II Senior Lecturer – Gr II

Eng. Dr. DHRJ Wimalasiri Eng. JHSK Jayamaha

BTech (Eng) (Hons) (OUSL), PhD (SHU), BSc Eng (Peradeniya), PGDip.Comp (Colombo),
AMIE(SL) MSc Eng (Wolverhampton), AMIE (SL)
Senior Lecturer – Gr II Lecturer

Eng. VR Jayasekara Mr. PGD Siriwardena

BSc Eng (MSTUCA), MSc (INHA) BTech (Eng) (Hons) (OUSL), BSc (Peradeniya),
Lecturer Lecturer (Probationary)

Eng. (Mrs.) IU Aththanayake Eng. (Mrs.) EMHSK Ekanayake
BSc Eng(Hons) (Peradeniya) BSc (Eng), M Tech (IE), AMIE(SL)
Lecturer (Probationary) Lecturer (Probationary)

Eng. (Miss) K Vamathevan Eng. (Mrs.) K. Sriskandarajah

BSc Eng (Hons) (Moratuwa), AMIE(SL) BSc Eng(Hons) (Peradeniya), PGDip(OUSL),
Lecturer (Probationary) AMIE(SL)
Lecturer (Probationary)

Eng. HDNS Priyankara Eng. N Udhayakumar

B Tech Eng (Hons),(OUSL, AMIE(SL) BSc Eng (Peradeniya), AMIE(SL)
Lecturer (Probationary) Engineering Teaching Assistant – Gr I

Department of Textile and Apparel Technology
Dr.Dipl.-Ing. GB Delkumburewatta Prof. Dr.-Ing.WA Wimalaweera
Dipl.-Ing. (Dresden), MPhil (OUSL), PhD Dipl.-Ing. (Dresden), Dr.-Ing. (Stuttgart),
(Manchester), CText (UK), ATI(UK) CText (UK), FTI (UK)
Senior Lecturer – Gr I Professor in Textile and Apparel
Head of the Department Technology

Eng. Prof. SA Ariadurai Dr. P Ovitigala

BE (Osmania), PGDipTech (Moratuwa), PGDip (Leeds), PhD (Leeds), CText (UK),
(India), CEng Senior Lecturer – Gr I
Professor in Textile and Apparel

Dipl.-Ing. GYAR Jayananda Eng. Dr. - Ing. MER Perera

Dipl.-Ing. (Dresden), MBA (SJP), MA (Colombo), BSc Eng (Hons) (Moratuwa),
PGDipWritership & Communication (SJP), MSc Eng (Dresden), Dr. Ing. (Dresden)
CText (UK), ATI (UK) Senior Lecturer – Gr II
Senior Lecturer – Gr I

Eng. Dr. CN Hearth Mr. LSA Perera

BSc Eng (Hons) (Moratuwa), MScEng (Dresden), BSc (Colombo), MA (IGNOU),
PhD (Incheon) MSc. (Moratuwa)
Senior Lecturer – Gr II Lecturer

Eng. (Mrs.) TPGNT Alwis Eng. (Mrs.) DN Ginige

BSc Eng (Hons) (Moratuwa), BSc Eng (Hons) (Moratuwa)
PG Dip Eng (Moratuwa) Lecturer

Mrs. DS Wijerathna
BDes (Hons)(Moratuwa)
Lecturer (Probationary)

Course Information

Foundation Courses for Technology

The Faculty of Engineering Technology offers each individual course in the Foundation for
courses at the Foundation level to enable Technology shall be required to have
students without adequate academic completed eighteen years of age on the date of
qualifications to enter the Certificate, Advanced closing of applications for the Foundation
Certificate and Diploma programmes, and courses.
through that, all degree and higher degree
programmes. After the successful completion of these courses
The foundation Level courses are offered in students are eligible to obtain credit certificates
Sinhala, Tamil, and English. for each of the courses thus concluded. The
courses that are offered at the Foundation level
A person seeking admission to the programme are given in Table 01:
leading to the Award of Credit Certificate for

Table 01

Level Course Code and Title Prerequisites

0 FEJ0010 Learning to learn at a distance None
MPZ1310(EL) or
MPZ2310 Pure mathematics
Credit Pass in Mathematics at GCE (O/L)
MPZ1310(EL) or
2 MPZ2311 Applied mathematics
Credit Pass in Mathematics at GCE (O/L)
CEX2312 Engineering properties of materials None
TTX2313 Physics for technology None

Other Optional Courses available at the Foundation levels are:

Level Course Code and Title Prerequisites
0 LSL0203 English for technology (Beginners) None
1 MPZ1310 Basic mathematics None
FEK2130 Word for windows None
FEK2132 Excel for windows None

English requirement for the programmes offered by the Faculty:

Even though English is not compulsory, students may need to satisfy English requirement to register
for the courses at diploma and degree levels in both technology and industrial study programmes.
This English requirement is met by completing English courses (LSL0203, LSL3201) offered by the
University or by having exemption (VRL3200, VRL1201). The expected English requirements are listed
in the Table 01 a:

Table 01 a

Courses English requirement

For all the courses at level 3 unless specified LSL0203(CR) or VRL1201or VRL3200
For all the courses at level 4 unless specified LSL3201(EL) or VRL1201 or VRL3200
For all the course at level 5 and 6 unless specified LSL3201(P) or VRL1201 or VRL3200

CR - Concurrent Registration, EL– Eligibility, P- Pass

Advanced Certificate in Technology

The Advanced Certificate in Technology  Mechanical Engineering

programme of the Faculty is a programme  Mechatronics Engineering
introduced about six years ago. This  Textile Engineering
qualification is expected to open an avenue for
entry-level technical grades within the The Faculty expects a student who has been
Engineering profession. awarded the Advanced Certificate in
Technology to be:
The entry qualification for the programme is 36  Able to appreciate the existence and
credits from foundation courses in technology significance of well-known principles in
or have passed all subjects in GCE (A/L) – engineering technology and,
Mathematics stream. The minimum duration of  Self-motivated and capable of furthering
the programme is two years. The medium of career advancement.
instruction is English.
The courses selected for the award of the
For the award of the Advanced Certificate in Advanced Certificate in Technology shall be so
Technology, it is possible for a student to select as to meet the minimum requirements in each
any combination of courses meeting the category as shown below in Table 02. If the
requirements given in Table 02. credits gained in any category exceed the
maximum limit shown, only such maximum
However, particular combinations of shall be used in computing the total credits. The
compulsory courses, given in Table 03 will credits gained in foundation level courses
entitle the student to the Advanced Certificate cannot be counted towards the award of the
with a specialisation in one of the following certificate. The complete list of courses, with
areas: Prerequisites, is given in the pages 10 - 16.

 Civil Engineering
 Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Table 02

Category denoting Minimum credits Maximum credits
Engineering X 45 54
Engineering projects Y 0 6
Mathematics Z 6 15
General J 0 6
Management M 0 6
I 0 6
Training W 12 18
English L 0 6
Computer literacy K 0 6
Total 72

List of compulsory courses required for specialisation in a particular
field in Advanced Certificate in Technology

Table 03

Areas of Specialisation
Civil Electrical and Mechanical Mechatronics Textile Engineering
Level Engineering Electronic Engineering Engineering
MPZ3231 MPZ3231 MPZ3231 MPZ3231 MPZ3231
ECX3210 ECX3210 ECX3210 ECX3210 ECX3210
MEX3211 MEX3211 MEX3211 MEX3211 MEX3211
MEX3212 MEX3212 MEX3212 MEX3212 MEX3212
CEX3230 ECX3230 MEX3271 MEX3235 TTX3231
CEX3231 ECX3231 MEX3233 MEX3271 TTX3232
3 CEX3233 ECX3232 MEX3234 MEX3272 TTX3255
CEX3234 ECX3233 MEX3235 MEX3273 MEW3101
MEW3101 MEW3101 ECX3234 MEX3174 MEW3102
MEW3102 MEW3102 MEW3101 MEW3101 Any one of
CEW3290 ECW3290 MEW3102 MEW3102 TTW3290/1/2
MEW3292 MEW3294
4 TTX4232

Diploma in Technology

The Diploma in Technology programme of the  Mechanical Engineering

OUSL (along with the NDT, NDES and the  Mechatronics Engineering
HNDE programmes offered by other  Textile Engineering
institutions) is one of the main avenues to enter
middle-level technical grades within the The Faculty expects a student who has been
Engineering profession. The entry qualification awarded the Diploma in Technology to be:
for the programme is 36 credits from  Competent in the application of the well-
foundation courses in technology or have known principles of engineering
passed all subjects in GCE (A/L) – Mathematics technology,
stream. The minimum duration of the Diploma  Aware of social, environmental and
programme is three years and the medium of economic issues related to technology, and
instruction is English.  Self-motivated and capable of furthering
career advancement.
For the award of the Diploma in Technology, it
is possible for a student to select any The courses selected for the award of the
combination of courses meeting the Diploma in Technology shall be so as to meet
requirements given in Table 04. the minimum requirements in each category as
shown below in Table 04. If the credits gained
However, particular combinations of in any category exceed the maximum limit
compulsory courses given in Table 05 will shown, only such maximum shall be used in
entitle the students to the Diploma, with computing the total credits. The credits gained
specialisation in one of the following areas: in foundation level courses cannot be counted
towards the award of the Diploma. The
 Civil Engineering complete list of courses, with Prerequisites, is
 Computer Engineering given in the pages 33 - 37.
 Electrical Engineering
 Electronic and Communication Engineering

Table 04
Category denoting Minimum credits Maximum credits
69 90
of which at least 18 of which at least 18
Engineering X
credits are at level 4 or credits are at level 4 or
above. above.
Engineering projects Y 0 6
Mathematics Z 9 18
General J 0 6
Management M 0 6
Other (Industrial/Academic) I 0 6
Training W 18 18
English L 0 6
Computer literacy K 0 6
of which at least 18 credits are at level 4 or above

List of compulsory courses required for specialisation in a particular
field in Diploma in Technology

Table 05

Areas of Specialisation

Civil Computer Electrical Electronic Mechanical Mechatronics Textile

Engineering Engineering Engineering and Engineering Engineering Engineering

MPZ3231 MPZ3231 MPZ3231 MPZ3231 MPZ3231 MPZ3231 MPZ3231
MPZ3132 MPZ3132 MPZ3132 MPZ3132 MPZ3132 MPZ3132 MPZ3132
ECX3210 ECX3210 ECX3210 ECX3210 ECX3210 ECX3210 ECX3210
MEX3211 MEX3211 MEX3211 MEX3211 MEX3211 MEX3211 MEX3211
MEX3212 MEX3212 MEX3212 MEX3212 MEX3212 MEX3212 MEX3212
CEX3230 ECX3230 ECX3230 ECX3230 MEX3271 MEX3235 TTX3231
CEX3231 ECX3231 ECX3231 ECX3231 MEX3233 MEX3271 TTX3232
CEX3232 ECX3232 ECX3232 ECX3232 MEX3234 MEX3272 TTX3255
CEX3233 ECX3233 ECX3233 ECX3233 MEX3235 MEX3273 MEX3235
CEX3234 MEW3101 MEW3101 MEW3101 ECX3234 MEX3174 MEX3271
MEW3101 MEW3102 MEW3102 MEW3102 MEW3101 MEK3170 MEW3101
MEW3102 ECW3290 ECW3290 ECW3290 MEW3102 MEW3101 MEW3102
CEW3290 MEW3292 MEW3102 Any one of
MEW3294 TTW3290/1/2
CEX4230 ECX4235 ECX4232 ECX4230 MEX4231 MEX4243 TTX4232
CEX4231 ECX4236 ECX4234 ECX4233 MEX4233 MEX4271 TTX4233
CEX4232 ECX4237 ECX4236 ECX4236 ECX4236 MEX4272
CEW4290 ECW4291 ECX4238 ECW4293 MEW4292 MEX4273
or ECW4292 or Minimum of ECX4236
ECW5291 or ECW5293 two from MEW4294
ECW5292 MEX4230

Bachelor of Technology (Engineering)

The Bachelor of Technology (Engineering) is  Electronic and Communication Engineering

designed carefully specifying, minimum and  Mechanical Engineering
maximum limits for each category of courses, to  Mechatronics Engineering
ensure that the programme is balanced, and  Textile Engineering
that it meets the requirements of major
Engineering Institutions, both in Sri Lanka and The Faculty expects a student who has been
overseas (e.g. Institution of Engineers, Sri awarded the Bachelor of Technology
Lanka). The normal entry to the programme is (Engineering) degree to be able to:
through the Diploma in Technology, but entry  Develop creative and analytical ability and
is also possible for those with equivalent innovative thinking in Engineering
qualifications.  Address social, environmental and
The minimum duration of the Degree economic issues related to Engineering
programme, including the Diploma is five years  Access and utilize Engineering knowledge
and the medium of instruction is English. to the benefit of the society.

For the award of B Tech (Eng) Degree it is The courses selected shall be so as to meet the
possible for a student to select any combination minimum requirements in each category as
of courses meeting the requirements given in shown in Table 06. If the credits gained in any
Table 06. Particular combinations of category exceed the maximum limit shown,
compulsory courses, as given in Table 07 will only such maximum shall be used in
entitle the students to the Degree in the computing the total credits. The credits gained
following specialised areas: in foundation level courses cannot be counted
towards the award of the degree. The complete
 Civil Engineering list of courses, with Prerequisites, is given in the
 Computer Engineering pages 33 - 37.
 Electrical Engineering

Table 06
Category denoting Minimum credits Maximum credits
120 138
subject to a minimum of 45 credits subject to a minimum of 45 credits
Engineering X
being at levels 5 and 6, of which at being at levels 5 and 6, of which at
least 18 credits are at level 6. least 18 credits are at level 6.
12 24
Engineering projects Y subject to a minimum of 12 credits subject to a minimum of 12 credits
being at level 6. being at level 6.
21 39
Mathematics Z subject to a minimum of 6 credits subject to a minimum of 6 credits
being at levels 5 and 6. being at levels 5 and 6.
General J 9 18
Management M 9 18
Other (Industrial /
I 0 6
Training W 18 18
English L 0 6
Computer literacy K 0 6
subject to a minimum of 90 credits being at levels 5 and 6.

List of compulsory courses required for specialisation in a particular
field in Bachelor of Technology (Engineering)

Table 07

Areas of Specialisation

Civil Computer Electrical Electronic and Mechanical Mechatronics Textile


Engineering Engineering Engineering Communication Engineering Engineering Engineering


MPZ3231 MPZ3231 MPZ3231 MPZ3231 MPZ3231 MPZ3231 MPZ3231

MPZ3132 MPZ3132 MPZ3132 MPZ3132 MPZ3132 MPZ3132 MPZ3132
ECX3210 ECX3210 ECX3210 ECX3210 ECX3210 ECX3210 ECX3210
MEX3211 MEX3211 MEX3211 MEX3211 MEX3211 MEX3211 MEX3211
MEX3212 MEX3212 MEX3212 MEX3212 MEX3212 MEX3212 MEX3212
CEX3230 ECX3230 ECX3230 ECX3230 MEX3271 MEX3235 TTX3231
CEX3231 ECX3231 ECX3231 ECX3231 MEX3233 MEX3271 TTX3232
CEX3232 ECX3232 ECX3232 ECX3232 MEX3234 MEX3272 TTX3255
CEX3233 ECX3233 ECX3233 ECX3233 MEX3235 MEX3273 MEX3235
CEX3234 MEW3101 MEW3101 MEW3101 ECX3234 MEX3174 MEX3271
MEW3101 MEW3102 MEW3102 MEW3102 MEW3101 MEK3170 MEW3101
MEW3102 ECW3290 ECW3290 ECW3290 MEW3102 MEW3101 MEW3102
CEW3290 MEW3292 MEW3102 Any one of
MEW3294 TTW3290/1/2
MPZ4230 MPZ4230 MPZ4230 MPZ4230 MPZ4230 MPZ4230 MPZ4230
CEX4230 MPZ4140 ECX4232 ECX4230 MEX4231 MEX4243 TTX4232
CEX4231 ECX4235 ECX4234 ECX4233 MEX4233 MEX4271 TTX4233
CEX4232 ECX4236 ECX4236 ECX4236 ECX4236 MEX4272 MEX4243
CEW4290 ECX4237 ECX4238 MEX4243 MEW4292 MEX4273
4 ECW4291 MEX4243 ECW4293 Minimum of ECX4236
or ECW4292 or two from MEW4294
ECW5291 or ECW5293 MEX4230
ECW5292 MEX4235
MPZ5230 MPZ5230 MPZ5230 MPZ5230 ECX5233 MPZ5230 MPZ5230 MPZ5230
CEX5230 MPZ5140 ECX5231 ECX5234 MEX5230 MEX5270 TTX5131
CEX5231 ECX5234 ECX5332 ECX5239 MEX5231 MEX5271 TTX5232
CEX5232 ECX5235 ECX5238 MEX5232 MEX5272 TTX5234
CEX5233 ECX5236 MEX5233 MEX5233 TTX5237
CEX6230 ECX6235 ECX6330 ECX6330 MEX6340 MEX6270 TTX6231
CEX6331 ECX6236 ECX6332 ECX6333 MEY6595 or MEX6271 TTX6233
CEX6332 ECY6595 or ECX6241 ECX6241 MEY6496 or MEX6272 TTI6135
CEX6233 ECY6496 or ECY6595 or ECY6595 or (MEY6197 & ECX6242 TTY6595 or
CEY6595 or (ECY6197 & ECY6496 or ECY6496 or MEY6498) MEY6573 TTY6496 or
6 CEY6496 or ECY6498) (ECY6197 & (ECY6197 & Minimum of or (TTY6197 &
(CEY6197 & ECY6498) ECY6498) two from MEY6474 TTY6498)
CEY6498) MEX6331

Complete List of Courses for Technology (Engineering)
Please note that the course combination given for Advanced Certificate in Technology, Diploma in Technology
and Bachelor of Technology (Engineering), are lists of compulsory courses only (tables 03, 05 and 07). In order to
satisfy the requirement for the award of the relevant qualification, students would be required to offer additional

The complete list of courses that are offered in these programmes with respective prerequisites and core
requisites is given below. Students after offering the compulsory courses for the relevant programme should
select additional courses from this list. While selecting the additional courses, students must ensure that the
conditions regarding credit, level and category requirements for the award of the Advanced
Certificate/Diploma/Degree are met. Further, it should be noted that the students can claim consideration for
only one course in each of the following combinations:

ECX3230 and ECX3234 ECX3230 and MEX3272

ECX3231 and ECX3234 ECX3231 and MEX3272
ECX3232 and ECX3234 ECX3232 and MEX3272
AEX4237 and CEX4233 ECX3234 and MEX3272
MEX4234 and TTX5234 MEX4230 and MEX4236
TTM4239 and MEM5336 ECX4242 and MEX4243
TTX5136 and TTX6239 MEX4234 and TTX5234
MEX5230 and CEX5231 MEX6270 and MEX6333
CEX5231 and AEX6233

CR - Concurrent Registration, EL– Eligibility, P- Pass

For the English prerequisites refer Table 01 a (page 26).

All new students must offer FEJ0010 at the first year of registration
For reregistering students FEJ0010(P) or 12 credits (pass) in X category (excluding exemptions) is applicable for all the courses,
except for the courses for which the pre-requisite of LSL0203(CR) is required.

Courses Offered at Level 0

Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
L * LSL0203 English for technology (Beginner‟s) None
J * FEJ0010 Learning to learn at a distance None
* Please note that credits cannot be claimed for these courses

Courses Offered at Level 1

Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
Z * MPZ1310 Basic mathematics None
* Please note that credits cannot be claimed for this course

Courses Offered at Level 2

Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
MPZ1310(EL) or
MPZ2310 Pure mathematics
Credit Pass in Mathematics in GCE (O/L)
MPZ1310(EL) or
MPZ2311 Applied mathematics
Credit Pass in Mathematics in GCE (O/L)
CEX2312 Engineering properties of materials None
TTX2313 Physics for technology None
FEK2130 Word for windows None
FEK2132 Excel for windows None

Courses Offered at Level 3

Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
AEX3230 Crop production and farming systems
AEX3231 Soil management, tillage and traction
AEX3232 Plant and soil science
AEX3233 Post harvest technology I
CEX3230 Construction materials
MEX3211(EL), CEX3230(EL), CEX3234(CR),LSL3201(CR) or
CEX3231 Structural analysis and design I
VRL3200 or VRL1201,
LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201, MEX3212(EL),
CEX3232 Hydraulics and hydrology
CEX3233 Surveying I LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201, MEX3211(EL)

Courses Offered at Level 3
Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
CEX3234 Strength of materials MPZ3231(CR)
ECX3210 Electro-techniques MPZ3231(CR)
LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201, ECX3210(EL),
ECX3230 Electronics
MPZ3231(EL), MEX3211(EL)
LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201, ECX3210(EL),
ECX3231 Electrical circuits and measurements
MPZ3231(EL), MEX3211(EL)
LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201, ECX3210(EL),
ECX3232 Electrical power
MPZ3231(EL), MEX3211(EL)
ECX3233 Communications and information LSL3201(CR) or MEX3211(EL) or VRL3200 or VRL1201,
technology ECX3210(CR),
LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201, ECX3210(EL),
ECX3234 Electrical technology
MPZ3231(EL), MEX3211(EL)
MEX3211 Communicating engineering information
MEX3212 Basic thermo-fluids
MEX3233 Workshop technology* MEW3102(CR)
MEX3234 Engineering drawing LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201, MEX3211(EL)
MEX3235 Thermo-fluids LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201, MEX3212 (EL)
MEX3271 Applied mechanics and strength of
LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201, MPZ3231 (EL)
LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201, ECX3210(EL),
MEX3272 Applied electronics
LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201, MEX3271(CR),
MEX3273 Modelling of mechatronics systems
MEX3174 Principles of design
TTX3231 Fibre science and technology
TTX3232 Yarn manufacture I
TTX3255 Woven fabric technology
TTI3235 Apparel production
TTI3236 Fabric structure and analysis
MPZ3231 Engineering mathematics I A
MPZ3132 Engineering mathematics I B LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201, MPZ3231(EL)
MEK3170 C programming
MEK3289 Computer aided drafting MEX3211(EL)
J LWJ3160 Introduction to laws of Sri Lanka
L LSL3201 English for technology I LSL0203(EL)
MEW3101 Basic training I MEX3211(CR), ECX3210(CR)
MEW3102 Basic training II MEW3101(CR)
AEW3290 Specific training I (Agricultural MEW3101(P), MEW3102(P), Eligibility in 36 credits in X
engineering) category, including AEX3230, AEX3231 and AEX3233
CEX3230(P), CEX3231(P), CEX3233(P), MEW3101(P),
CEW3290 Specific training I (Civil)
MEW3101(P), MEW3102(P), ECX3210(P), {ECX3230(P) or
ECW3290 Specific training I (Electronics)
W [ECX3231(P) and ECX3230(EL)]}
MEW3101(P) MEW3102 (P), ECX3210 (P), MEX3211(P),
MEW3292 Specific training I (Mechanical)
MEW3101(P), MEW3102(P), MEX3174 (P), ECX3210 (P),
MEW3294 Specific training I (Mechatronics)
MEX3211(P), MEX3273(CR)
TTW3290 Specific training (Yarn manufacture) TTX3232(P) or [TTX3232(EL) and pass in further 18 credits]
TTW3291 Specific training (Weaving) TTX3255(P) or [TTX3255(EL) and pass in further 18 credits]
TTW3292 Specific training (Chemical processing) TTX4232(EL) and pass in further 18 credits
* Students registering for MEX3233 – Workshop technology should get through Basic training I & II before participating in
lab classes.
# If not mentioned otherwise, prerequisites for all courses at level 3 is LSL0203 (CR) or VRL1201 or VRL3200

Courses Offered at Level 4

Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
AEX4230 Integrated crop protection AEX3230(CR)
AEX4231 Food and nutrition AEX3230(CR)
AEX4232 Soil & water conservation AEX3232(CR)
AEX4237 Irrigation and drainage engineering AEX3232(EL)
CEX4230 Soil mechanics and introduction to rock
CEX3232(EL), CEX3234(EL)
X mechanics
MPZ3231(P), MEX3211(P), CEX3230(P), CEX3231(EL),
CEX4231 Structural analysis and design II
CEX4232 Construction engineering and planning CEX3230(P), MEX3211(P), MPZ3231(P)
CEX4233 Irrigation engineering CEX3232(EL)
CEX4234 Water supply and sewerage engineering CEX3232(EL)

Courses Offered at Level 4
Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
CEX4235 Building engineering MEX3211(P), CEX3230(P)
CEX4236 Highway engineering CEX3230(P)
ECX3210(P), ECX3230(EL), ECX3231(EL), MEX3211(P),
ECX4230 Fault diagnosis in electronic circuits
MPZ3231(P), MPZ3132(EL)
ECX3210(P), MPZ3231(P), ECX3232(EL), MPZ3132(EL),
ECX4232 Power systems I
ECX3210(P), MPZ3231(P), ECX3233(EL), MPZ3132(CR),
ECX4233 Communications
ECX4234 Electrical installations ECX3210(P), MEX3211(P), ECX3232(CR)
ECX4235 Data structures and algorithms ECX3233(CR), MPZ3231(EL), MPZ4140(CR) MEX3211(P)
ECX3210(P), MPZ3231(P), MEX3211(P), [(ECX3233(EL) and
ECX4236 Microprocessors and interfacing
ECX3230(EL)) or ECX3234(EL) or MEX3272(EL)]
ECX4237 Software engineering I ECX3233(EL), MEX3211(P), MPZ3231(EL), ECX4235(CR)
ECX3210(P), MPZ3231(P), ECX3232(EL), MPZ3132(EL),
ECX4238 Electrical machines
ECX4262 Object oriented design and programming ECX3233(EL), ECX4237(CR)
MEX4230 Production technology MEX3233(P)
MEX4231 Elementary machine design MEX3234(EL), MEX3271(EL),
MEX4232 Automobile technology MEX3235(EL), MEX3271(EL)
MEX4233 Materials engineering MEX3271(EL)
MEX4235 Production management MEX3233 (P),MPZ3231(P)
MEX4242 Automotive electronics MEX4232(CR), ECX3234(EL)
MEX4243 Controls systems engineering MEX3211(P), MPZ4230(CR) & pass in further 27 credits
MEX4271 Sensors and actuators MPZ3231 (P), MEX3271(EL), MEX3272 (EL)
MEX4272 Vibration and faults diagnosis MPZ3231(P), MPZ3132(EL), MEX3271(EL),MEX3272(EL)
MEX4273 Mechatronics product design MEX3273(EL), MEX3174(P), MEX4271(CR)
TTX4231 Knitting and non-woven technology LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201
TTX4232 Textile colouration LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201
TTX4233 Quality assurance for textiles and clothing LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201
TTX4235 Yarn manufacture II LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200, or VRL1201, TTX3232(EL)
TTX4255 Advanced woven fabric technology LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200, or VRL1201,TTX3255(EL)
AEJ4233 Rural sociology
MPJ4131History of technology Pass in 36 credits
AEM4234 Agricultural economics and management
M AEM4235 Agricultural marketing
TTM4239 Management studies LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201
L LSL4201 English for technology II
AEW4290 Specific training II (Agricultural
MEW3101(P), MEW3102(P), AEW3290(CR)
CEW4290 Specific training II (Civil) CEW3290(CR)
ECW3290(CR), [ECX4237(P) or [ECX4235(P) and
ECW4291 Specific training II (Software)
W ECX4237(CR)]]
ECW4292 Specific training II (Power) ECW3290(CR), ECX3232(EL), ECX4232(CR), ECX4238(CR)
ECW4293 Specific training II (Communication) ECX3233(EL), ECX4233(CR), ECW3290(CR)
MEW4292 Specific training II (Mechanical) MEW3292(CR), MEX3271(P), ECX3234(P)
MEW4294 Specific training II (Mechatronics) MEW3294(CR), MEX3271(P), MEX3272(P), MEX4273(CR),
MPZ4230 Engineering mathematics II MPZ3231(P), MPZ3132(EL)
MPZ4140 Discrete mathematics I

# If not mentioned otherwise, prerequisites for all courses at level 4 is LSL3201 (EL) or VRL1201 or VRL3200

Courses Offered at Level 5

Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
AEX5230 Power and machinery in agriculture AEX3231(P)
AEX5231 Post harvest technology II AEX3233(P)
AEX5232 Soil, plant and water relationship AEX3232(P)
MEX3211(P),CEX3233(P), MPZ3231(P) and pass in further 18
CEX5230 Surveying II
credits at Level 4 or above
CEX5231 Mechanics of fluids CEX3232(P), MPZ5230(CR)
CEX5232 Engineering geology CEX3230(P), CEX4230(CR)
CEX5233 Structural analysis CEX4231(EL)
MPZ3132(P), MPZ3231(P) ECX3231(P), MEX3211(P),
ECX5231 Network theory
MPZ3231(P), MPZ3132(P) ECX3232(P), MEX3211(P),
ECX5332 Power systems II
ECX4232(EL), ECX4238(CR)

Courses Offered at Level 5
Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
ECX3233(P), MPZ3132(P), MPZ3231(P), MEX3211(P),
ECX5233 Radio and line communication
ECX4233(EL), MPZ4230(P)
ECX5234 Data communications ECX3233(P), MPZ3231(P), MPZ3132(P), MEX3211(P)
ECX3233(P), MEX3211(P), MPZ4140(EL), MPZ5140(CR),
ECX5235 Operating systems
ECX4235(EL), MPZ4230(EL)
ECX3233(P), MPZ3231(P), MPZ3132(P), MEX3211(P),
ECX5236 Computer architecture
ECX5237 Software engineering II ECX3233(P), MEX3211(P), ECX4237(EL), ECX4235(EL)
ECX5238 High voltage engineering & electrical ECX3232(P), MPZ3231(P), MPZ3132(P), MEX3211(P),
machines ECX4238(EL), ECX4232(EL)
ECX3230(P), MPZ3231(P), MPZ3132(P), MEX3211(P),
ECX5239 Physical electronics
ECX3233(P), MEX3211(P), ECX4237(EL), ECX4235(EL),
ECX5240 Information systems
MPZ3231(P), MPZ3132(P), MEX3211(P), MPZ4230(P),
ECX5241 Distributed parameter systems
ECX5267 Software testing and quality assurance ECX4237(EL),
MEX5230 Fluid mechanics MEX3235(P), MPZ4230(EL)
MEX5231 Applied thermodynamics MEX3235(P), MPZ4230(EL)
MEX5232 Strength of materials II MEX3271(P), MPZ4230(EL)
MEX5233 Dynamics of mechanical systems MEX3271(P), MPZ4230(EL)
MEX5270 Power electronic & motor drives MEX3272(P), MEX4271(EL)
MEX5271 Machine vision MEX4271(EL), MPZ4230(EL)
MEX5272 Materials & manufacturing technology MEW3102(P), MEX3271(EL)
TTX5131 Structure and properties of fibres TTX3231(P)
TTX5232 Yarn and fabric mechanics MPZ3231 (EL), TTX3232(P), TTX3255(P)
TTX5234 Plant utilities
TTX5237 Speciality fabrics TTX3255(P), TTI3236(P), TTX4231(EL)
Pass in 18 credits and Eligible in additional 18 credits at
I TTI5139 Current topics in clothing and textiles
Level 4 or above
Pass in 18 credits at Level 3 & further 18 credits eligibility at
AEJ5240 Indigenous knowledge of herbal products
Level 4 or above
MPJ5231 The nature of science Pass in 63 credits
MPJ5233 Technology, society and environment Pass in 63 credits
M MEM5336 Management for engineers Pass in 72 credits
ECW5291 Specific training II (Software- ECW3290(CR), [ECX4237(P) or ECX4262(P)], ECX4235(P),
undergraduate) ECX5237(CR) *
ECW5292 Specific training II (Power- ECW3290(CR), MEX4243(EL), ECX4232(EL), ECX4238(EL),
undergraduate) ECX5332(CR)*
ECW5293 Specific training II (Communication- ECW3290(CR), MEX4243(EL),
undergraduate) ECX5233(CR), ECX5234(CR),*
MPZ5230 Engineering mathematics III MPZ3132(P), MPZ4230(EL),
MPZ5140 Discrete mathematics II MPZ4140(EL),
K MEK5201 Computer aided drafting and modelling MEX3211(EL)

# If not mentioned otherwise, prerequisites for all courses at level 5 is LSL3201(P) or VRL1201 or VRL3200

Courses Offered at Level 6

Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
AEX6230 Environment control in agricultural
AEX3230(P), MEX3212(P)
AEX6231 Processing of food products MEX3212(P), AEX4231(P)
AEX6233 Hydrology CEX3232(P)
CEX6230 Geotechnics CEX4230(P), CEX5232(CR)
CEX6331 Construction engineering and
CEX4231(P), CEX4232(P)
CEX6332 Structural design CEX3231(P), CEX4231(P), CEX5233(EL)
X CEX6233 Environmental engineering CEX3232(P), CEX4230(EL), CEX4232(EL)
CEX6239 Construction management CEX4232(P)
ECX3230(P), MPZ3132(P), MPZ3231(P),
ECX6330 Electronic systems
MEX3211(P),[ECX4236(EL) or ECX4230(EL)]
ECX6332 Power systems planning ECX4232(P), MEX4243(CR), ECX5332(EL)
ECX6333 Microwave engineering & applications MPZ4230(P), MPZ5230(EL),ECX4233(P), ECX6241(EL)
ECX6234 Digital signal processing MPZ5230(P), MPZ4140(P),[MPZ5140(EL) or MEX4243(P)]
ECX4235(P), ECX5235(EL), ECX5236(EL), MPZ4140(P),
ECX6235 Compiler design

Courses Offered at Level 6
Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
ECX6236 Processor design ECX3233(P), ECX4236(P), ECX5236(EL)
ECX6240 Knowledge engineering [ECX4237(P) or MEK3170(P)], MPZ4140(P), MPZ5140(EL)
ECX6241 Field theory MPZ4230(P), MPZ5230(CR)
ECX6242 Modern control systems MEX4243(P), MPZ5230(EL)
MEX6330 Mechanics of materials MEX5232(EL), MPZ4230(P)
MEX6331 Automobile engineering MEX4232(P), MPZ4230(P)
MEX6332 Vehicle dynamics and design of
MEX4232(P), MEX5232(EL), MPZ4230(P),
automotive components
MEX6334 Advanced manufacturing technology MEX4230(P), MPZ4230(P)
MEX6335 Thermal power generation MEX3235(P), MPZ4230(P)
MEX6340 Industrial engineering MEX3233(P), MPZ4230(P)
MEX6270 Factory automation Pass in 72 Credits
MEX6271 Robotics MEX4271(P), MEX4243(P), MPZ5230(EL), MEX5233(EL)
MEX6272 Intelligent control ECX6242(CR)
TTX6231 Advanced colouration technology TTX4232(P) or [TTX3234(P) and TTX4234(P)]
TTX6233 Technical textiles Eligibility in 36 credits at Level 4 or above
TTX6135 Textile product engineering Eligibility in 36 credits at Level 4 or above
TTX6239 Ergonomics Eligibility in 36 credits at Level 4 or above
AEY6595 Individual project - Type B (Agricultural Pass in 18 credits at Level 5 or above and Eligible in
Engineering) additional 18 credit at Level 5 or above
Pass in 18 credits at Level 5 or above in X category and
CEY6595 Individual project - Type B (Civil)
Eligible in additional 18 credits at Level 5 or above
ECY6595 Individual project – Type B (Computer, Pass in 18 credits at Level 5 or above from X category and
Electrical, Electronic and Communication) Eligible in additional 18 credits at Level 5 or above
MEY6595 Individual project - Type B (Mechanical) Pass in 18 credits of X courses at level 5 or above
TTY6595 Individual project - Type B (Textile and TTI5139 (EL), Pass in 18 credits at Level 5 or above and
Apparel) Eligible in additional 18 credits in Level 5 or above
Pass in 18 credits at Level 5 or above and Eligible in
AEY6496 Group project (Agricultural Engineering)
additional 18 credits at Level 5 or above
Pass in 18 credits at Level 5 or above in X category and
CEY6496 Group project (Civil)
Eligible in additional 18 credits at Level 5 or above
ECY6496 Group project (Computer, Electrical, Pass in 18 credits at Level 5 or above from X category and
Electronic and Communication) Eligible in additional 18 credits at Level 5 or above
MEY6496 Group project (Mechanical) Pass in 18 credits of X courses at level 5 or above
Pass in 18 credits at Level 5 or above and Eligible in
TTY6496 Group project (Textile and Apparel)
additional 18 credits at Level 5 or above
AEY6197 Project identification and literature survey
Pass in 9 credits at Level 5 or above
(Agricultural Engineering)
CEY6197 Project identification and literature survey
Pass in 9 credits at Level 5 or above in X category
ECY6197 Project identification and literature survey
(Computer, Electrical, Electronic and Pass in 9 credits at Level 5 or above from X category
MEY6197 Project identification and literature survey
Pass in 9 credits at Level 5 or above
TTY6197 Project identification and literature survey
Pass in 9 credits at Level 5 or above
(Textile and Apparel)
AEY6498 Individual project - Type A (Agricultural
CEY6197(P), Pass in 18 credits at Level 5 or above in X
CEY6498 Individual project - Type A (Civil) category and Eligible in additional 18 credits at Level 5 or
ECY6498 Individual project – Type A (Computer, ECY6197(P), pass in 18 credits at Level 5 or above from X
Electrical, Electronic and Communication) category and Eligible additional 18 credits at Level 5 or above
MEY6498 Individual project - Type A (Mechanical) MEY6197(P)
TTY6498 Individual project - Type A (Textile and
MEY6573 Mechatronic product design project MEX4273(P) and Pass in 18 credits at Level 5 or above and
(Individual) eligible in additional 18 credits at Level 5 or above
MEY6474 Mechatronic product design Project MEX4273(P) and Pass in 18 credits at Level 5 or above and
(Group) eligible in additional 18 credits at Level 5 or above
ECY6194 Special Project ECU4399(P)

* If not mentioned otherwise, prerequisites for all courses at level 6 is LSL3201(P) or VRL1201 or VRL3200

Course Exemptions – Technology Programmes
Exemptions are generally granted for courses. However, for certain qualifications credits at certain
levels and categories of courses are also granted (known as virtual credits). This is denoted by a code
beginning with letters „VR‟.

Exemptions applicable for Foundation Courses for Technology (Engineering) programme

Foundation courses
No. Qualification
MPZ2310 MPZ2311 CEX2312 TTX2313 VRX2300
GCE(A/L) Sri Lanka – Combined
1 X X
GCE(A/L) Sri Lanka – Pure mathematics
2 X
GCE(A/L) Sri Lanka – Applied mathematics
3 X
GCE (A/L) Sri Lanka – Physics
4 X
GCE (A/L) Sri Lanka – Physics & Chemistry
5 X X
MPZ1330 – OUSL OR MPZ2230 – OUSL
6 X
MPZ1331 – OUSL
7 X
CEX1330 – OUSL
8 X X
MAF1301 & MAF2301- OUSL
9 X
MAF1302 & MAF2302 – OUSL
10 X
PSF1302, PSF2302, PSF1303 & PSF2303 –
11 X X
PSF1302 & PSF2302 – OUSL
12 X
NCT (Civil) / NCT (Mechanical) /NCT
13 (Electrical and Electronics)
NCIT (Electrical and Electronics)/NCIT
14 (Civil)
Diploma in Civil engineering, GITI
15 X X
City and Guilds Advanced Technician
16 X X
Diploma in Electronics and
17 Communications-Jaffna College Institute of X X X X
BIT (University of Colombo)
18 X X
19 X X X X
BSc degree in engineering/ Physics/Defence
20 X X X X
studies /Surveying
21 X X X X

Note: In order to be eligible for admission to the Technology (Engineering) Programme, Diploma Level
courses equivalent to a minimum of thirty six credits should be completed or exempted.

Equivalent courses for the courses pre-2008 curriculum

Course pre-2008 curriculum Exempted granted
VRL1200 VRL3200
ECX2330 ECX3210

ECX6233 ECX 6333+VRX6F00
MEX2301 MEX3212
MEX2230 MEX3234
MPZ2230+MPZ3230 MPZ3231+MPZ3132
MPZ6231 MPZ4140+MPZ5140+VRZ6200+VRZ4F00+VRZ5F00

Exemptions applicable to Technology (Engineering) Programme of study

Qualifications in English Language

Qualification Courses exempted
GCE(A/L) – Simple pass in General English , OR Any recognized qualification in Science or VRL1201
Technology/Engineering, at the level of Diploma or Degree, the medium of instruction being
English (verification needed)

Qualifications in Agriculture/Biology/Food and related disciplines

Qualification Courses exempted
Diploma in Agriculture –School of Agriculture OR Diploma in AEX3230, AEX3231, AEX3232, AEX3233, AEX4230,
Agriculture – Aquinas College AEW3290

NDT (Agriculture) OR, NDA OR HNDA – Department of AEX3230, AEX3231, AEX3232, AEX3233, AEX4230,
Technical Education and Training AEW3290, AEM4235

Diploma in Technology (OUSL) – agricultural engineering (any MEX3211, MEX3212, ECX3210, AEX3230, AEX3231,
specialisation) AEX3232, AEX3233, AEX4230, AEX4231, AEX4237,
MEW3101, MEW3102, AEW3290, AEW4290, VRX3400,
VRM4200, VRJ4100

Diploma in Animal Husbandry, Sri Lanka, School of Animal VRI3200

Husbandry, Department of Animal Production and Health,
Note: Those who have satisfied only the academic requirements without industrial training components in NDT
(Agriculture) can be granted exemptions as listed, without Specific training courses at Levels 3 & 4

Qualifications in Civil engineering and related disciplines

Qualification Courses exempted
NCT (Civil) CEX3230
NCIT (Civil) CEX3230, CEX3231, MEW3101, MEW3102

NAB (Civil) MEX3211, MEX3212, ECX3210, MEW3101, MEW3102

Diploma in Civil Engineering, GITI CEX3230, CEX3232, CEX3233

HNDE (Civil ) MEX3211, CEX3230, CEX3231, CEX3232, CEX3233, CEX3234, MEW3101,

MEW3102, CEW3290, CEW4290

NDET (Civil) MEX3211, CEX3230, CEX3231, CEX3232, CEX3233, CEX3234, MPZ3231,

MPZ3132, MEW3101, MEW3102, CEW3290, CEW4290, VRX3200

NDT (Civil) or NDES (Civil) ECX3210, MEX3211, MEX3212, CEX3230, CEX3231, CEX3232, CEX3233,
CEX3234, MPZ3231, MPZ3132, MEW3101, MEW3102, CEW3290, CEW4290,

B.Sc. (Civil Eng.), General Sir John ECX3210, MEX3211, MEX3212, CEX3230, CEX3231, CEX3232, CEX3233,
Kothalawala Defence Academy CEX3234, CEX4230, CEX4231, CEX4332, CEX4234, CEX4236, CEX5230,
MEW3101, MEW3102
B.Sc.(Surveying Science) Institute of MPZ3231, MPZ3132, ECX3210, CEX3233,CEX5230
Surveying & mapping, Diyatalawa
Note: Those who have satisfied only the academic requirements without industrial training components in NDT (Civil)
and NDET (Civil) can be granted exemptions as listed, without Specific training courses at Levels 3 & 4

Qualifications in Electrical/Electronic/Communications/ Computer Engineering/ IT and related disciplines

Qualification Courses exempted
NCT (Electrical and Electronics) ECX3210

NCIT (Electrical and Electronics) ECX3210, ECX3230 or MEX3272, ECX3231, ECX3232, ECX3233,
MEW3101, MEW3102

Qualification Courses exempted
NAB Special Apprentice (AIT) –Electrical/Electronic ECX3210, ECX3230 or MEX3272, MEW3101, MEW3102,

Diploma in Electronics and Communications, Jaffna College MEX3211, ECX3210, ECX3230 or MEX3272, ECX3231, ECX3232,
Institute of Technology ECX3233

Diploma in Computer System Design, (NIBM) ECX3233, ECX4235,ECX4237, ECX4262

Higher Diploma in Computer based Information Systems ECX3233, ECX4235, ECX4237,ECX5240, ECX5237
Diploma in Computer System Design (NIBM)

NDT (Electrical) or NDES (Power) or HNDE (Electrical ECX3210, MEX3211, MEX3212, MEX3174, ECX3230 or
Power) MEX3272, ECX3231, ECX3232, ECX4232, ECX4238, MPZ3231,
MPZ3132, MEW3101, MEW3102, ECW3290 or MEW3294,
ECW4292, VRX3200

NDES* (Power) (New curriculum) ECX3210, MEX3211, MEX3212, MEX3174, ECX3230 or

NDT** (Electrical) (New curriculum) MEX3272, ECX3231, ECX3232, ECX3233, ECX4232, ECX4234,
ECX4236, ECX4238, MPZ3231, MPZ3132, MEW3101,
MEW3102, ECW3290 or MEW3294, ECW4292

NDT (Electronic & telecom.) or ECX3210, MEX3211, MEX3212, MEX3174, ECX3230 or

NDES (Electronics) or MEX3272, ECX3231, ECX3232, ECX3233, ECX4233, ECX4236,
NDES (Telecommunication) MPZ3231, MPZ3132, MEW3101, MEW3102, ECW3290 or
MEW3294 , ECW4293

NDES* (Electronics) or ECX3210, MEX3211, MEX3212, MEX3174, ECX3230 or

NDES *(Telecommunication) (New curriculum) MEX3272, ECX3231, ECX3232, ECX3233, ECX4230, ECX4233,
ECX4236, MPZ3231, MPZ3132, MEW3101, MEW3102,
ECW3290 or MEW3294, ECW4293, VRX4200

HNDE (Electronics) ECX3210, MEX3211, MEX3212, ECX3230 or MEX3272,

ECX3231, ECX3233, ECX4233, MPZ3231, MPZ3132, MEW3101,
MEW3102, ECW3290 or MEW3294, ECW4293, VRX3200,

National Diploma in Engineering Technology (NDET)- MEX3210, MEX3211, ECX3210, MPZ3231, ECX3230, ECX3233,
Electrical/Electronic MEW3101, MEW3102, VRX3200

BIT (University of Colombo) MPZ4140, ECX4235, ECX4237, ECX4262

CEI/EC Part I (Additional Exemptions for optional subjects) See below for exemptions for subjects

507 Electrical and Electronic Engineering ECX3230

507+ 508 Software and Information systems Engineering ECX3230, ECX3233

CEI/ EC Part II a (Exemptions for individual subjects) See below for exemptions for subjects

441 Field and Circuits ECX3231

443 Electrical Power Systems ECX4232

645 Communication Systems Engineering ECX4233

646 Computer Systems Engineering ECX4236, ECX5236

665 Controls Systems Engineering MEX4243, VRX5200

507+ 443 ECX3232, ECX4232, ECX3230

507+443+442 (Electrical machines and drives) ECX3232, ECX4232, ECX3230, ECX4238

*Effective year 2003 onwards **Effective year 2008 onwards
Note: Those who have satisfied only the academic requirements without industrial training components in NDT
(Electrical), NDT (Electronic & telecom.), HNDE (Electrical Power) and HNDE (Electronics) can be granted exemptions as
listed, but without relevant Specific training courses at Levels 3 and 4
Qualifications in Mechanical/Automobile/Manufacturing/Marine/Aeronautical/Nautical/Chemical
engineering and related disciplines
Qualification Courses exempted
German Training School- Full Certificate or Full MEW3101, MEW3102
Certificate of Basic Training Programme

Qualification Courses exempted
conducted by the Training Schools of Central
Transport Board (Werahara/Borella)

National Certificate for Industrial Technicians MEX3211, MEX3212, MEX3233, MEX3234, MEW3101, MEW3102
(NCIT) (Mechanical)

NDT (Mechanical) MEX3211, MEX3212, ECX3210, MEX3271, MEX3233, MEX3234,

MEX3235, ECX3234, MEX4231, MEX4230, MEX4232, MPZ3231,
MPZ3132, MEW3101, MEW3102, MEW3292 or MEW3294, MEW4292

NDT (Chemical) MEX3211, MEX3212, ECX3210, MEX3271, MEX3233, MEX3234,

MEX3235, ECX3234, MPZ3231, MPZ3132, MEW3101, MEW3102

NDT (Marine) MEX3211, MEX3212, ECX3210, MEX3233, MEX3234, MEX3235, MEX3271,

ECX3234, , MPZ3231, MPZ3132, MEW3101, MEW3102

NDT (Nautical studies & technology) MEX3211, MEX3212, MEX3271, ECX3210, MEW3101, MEW3102

NDES (Mechanical - General) MEX3211, MEX3212, ECX3210, MEX3271, MEX3233, MEX3234, MEX3235,
ECX3234, MEX4231, MEX4230, MPZ3231, MPZ3132, MEW3101,
MEW3102, MEW3292 or MEW3294, MEW4292

HNDE ( Mechanical ) MEX3211, MEX3212, ECX3210, MEX3271, MEX3233, MEX3234, MEX3235,

ECX3234 MEX4231, MPZ3231, MPZ3132, MEW3101, MEW3102,
MEW3292 or MEW3294, MEW4292, [MEX4230 or MEX4232 ]

NDES (Automobile) MEX3211, MEX3212, ECX3210, MEX3271, MEX3233, MEX3234, MEX3235,

ECX3234, MEX4231, MEX4232, MPZ3231, MPZ3132, MEW3101,
MEW3102, MEW3292 or MEW3294, MEW4292

NDES (Marine) MEX3211, MEX3212, ECX3210, MEX3271, MEX3233, MEX3234,

MEX3235, ECX3234, MEX4231, MPZ3231, MPZ3132, MEW3101,

B.Sc. (Defence studies) in Aeronautical ECX3210, MEX3211, MEX3212, ECX3230 or MEX3272, MPZ3231,
Engineering MPZ3132, MEW3101, MEW3102
Note: Those who have satisfied only the academic requirements without industrial training components in NDT
(Mechanical) and HNDE (Mechanical-General) could be granted exemptions as listed above, but without the relevant
Specific training courses at Levels 3 and 4

Qualifications in Textile/Apparel technology and related disciplines

Qualification Courses exempted
Certificate in Textile Technology (One year Fulltime), Textile Training TTX3231, TTX3232, TTX3255, TTX4231, TTX4232,
& Services Centre, Ratmalana VRM4100

Certificate in Textile Technology (One year Fulltime) and Diploma in TTX3231, TTX3232, TTX3255, TTI3235, TX4231,
Technology (Extension Course), Textile Training & Services Centre, TTX4232, VRM4100

Certificate in Textile Dyeing and Printing (Part time) from the Textile TTX4232
Training and Services Centre, Ratmalana.

Diploma in Textile Technology from the Textile Training and Services TTX3231,TTX3232,TTX3255, TTI3235,
Centre, Ratmalana. TTX4231,TTX4232, VRM4100

Certificate in Textile Colouration and Finishing (Part time) and TTX4232, TTX6231, TTX3231, VRM4100
Diploma in Textile Colouration and Finishing (Part time) from the
Textile Training and Services Centre, Ratmalana.

Certificate in Garment Production Management (Part time) from TTI3235

Clothing Industry Training Institute, Ratmalana.

College Diploma in Clothing Technology and Management (Fulltime), TTI3236, TTX4231, TTX4233, TTM4239
Brandix College of Clothing Technology, Ratmalana

NDT (Textile) (Old Curriculum) MEX3211, MEX3212, ECX3210, TTX3231, TTX3232,

TTX3255, (TTI3235 or TTI3236), TTX4231, TTX4232,
TTX4233, TTX4235, MPZ3231, MPZ3132, TTM4239,
MEW3101, MEW3102, Any two of TTW3290,
TTW3291, and TTW3292, MEX3174

NDT (Clothing) (Old Curriculum) MEX3211, MEX3212, MEX3174, ECX3210, TTX3231,

(TTI3235 or TTI3236), TTX4231, TTX4232, TTX4233,
MPZ3231, MPZ3132, TTM4239, MEW3101,
MEW3102, Any two of TTW3290, TTW3291, and

Qualification Courses exempted

NDT(Textile and Clothing Technology) – New Curriculum MEX3211, MEX3212, ECX3210, MPZ3231, MPZ3132,
TTX3231, TTX3232, TTX3255, TTI3235, TTI3236,
MEX3271, TTX4231, TTX4232, TTX4233, TTX4235,
TTM4239, MEW3101, MEW3102, Any two of
TTW3290, TTW3291, and TTW3292

NDT (Polymer Technology) MEX3211, MEX3212, MEX3174, ECX3210, MPZ3231,

MPZ3132, MEW3101, MEW3102

Diploma in Clothing Manufacture – CITI OR TTX4233, VRM4100, VRI3200

Diploma in Polymer Technology – CITI

BSc (Eng) Textile and Clothing, University of Moratuwa MEX3211, MEX3212, ECX3210, TTX3231, TTX3232,
TTX3255, TTX4231,TTX4232, TTX4233, TTX4235,
TTI3236, MPZ3231, MPZ3132, MPZ4230, MPZ5230,
TTM4239, MEM5336, VRJ6100, MEW3101,
MEW3102, Any two of TTW3290, TTW3291, and

Licentiateship of Textile Institute (LTI) Examination /Associate ship of See below for exemptions for individual papers
Textile Institutes (ATI) Technology Group Examination

Paper 2 in LTI/Paper 2(a) in ATI – Fibre Technology and Textile TTX3231


Paper 3 in LTI /Paper 2 (b) in ATI – Yarn Technology and Yarn TTX3232

Paper 4 in LTI /Paper 2 (c) in ATI- Fabric technology TTX3255,TTI3236,TTX4231

Paper 5 in LTI /Paper 2 (d) in ATI-Dyeing and Finishing Technology TTX4232

Paper 6 in LTI – Textile Testing TTX4233

Paper 8 in LTI /Paper 2 (f) in ATI- Management Studies VRM4200

Paper 10 in LTI- Merchandising of Textile Consumer Products VRM4100

Paper 11 in LTI – Garment Technology TTI3235
Note: Those who have satisfied only the academic requirements without industrial training components in NDT(Textile
and Clothing Technology) – New Curriculum, NDT (Textile) (Old Curriculum), and NDT( Clothing), (Old Curriculum) can
be granted exemptions as listed, but without relevant Specific training courses at Levels 3 and 4

Other qualifications
Qualification Courses exempted
BSc Eng (Peradeniya / Moratuwa) MPZ3231, MPZ3132, MPZ4230, MPZ5230, MEM5336,
IESL or EC (London) – Full Certificate VRJ6100
Levels 3 and 4 compulsory courses in the relevant field. [If
the student wishes to register for a specialisation different
to his BSc specialisation he has to register for 18 credits of
courses from Levels 3 and 4 as recommended by the head
of Department]

BSc with Physics at the final year ECX3210, MEX3212, ECX3230, ECX3231, ECX5239,

*BSc with Mathematics at the final year MPZ3231, MPZ3132, MPZ4230

*BSc Special in Physics
*BSc with Applied mathematics and Pure mathematics
*BSc Special in Pure or Applied Mathematics

*BSc with Pure mathematics or Applied mathematics as a MPZ3231, MPZ3132


*BSc Eng (Peradeniya / Moratuwa) – Part I MPZ3231, MPZ3132

*IESL or EC (London) – Part I

OUSL Faculty of Natural Science –Pass in CSU3276 MPZ4140, MPZ5140

Engineering Council Examination – Part2B MPJ5233

300 – The Engineer in Society
* Only exemptions from mathematic courses are listed. If you seek further exemptions a request should be made
with relevant documents in a prescribed form, which is available at the end of this prospectus. Also this form is
obtainable from the faculty office of the Faculty of Engineering Technology.

No. Abbreviation Full Text
1 GCE (A/L) General Certificate in Education (Advanced Level)
2 NDT National Diploma in Technology
3 NDES National Diploma in Engineering Science
4 NDA National Diploma in Agriculture
5 HNDA Higher National Diploma in Agriculture
6 NCT National Certificate in Technology
7 NCIT National Certificate for Industrial Technicians
8 NAB National Apprenticeship Board
9 HNDE Higher National Diploma in Engineering
10 NDET National Diploma in Engineering Technology
11 BIT Bachelor of Information Technology
12 GITI Galgamuwa Irrigation Training Institute
13 NIBM National Institute of Business Management
14 IESL Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka
15 EC Engineering Council, UK
16 CEI Council of Engineering Institutions, UK

Certificate in Industrial Studies

These programmes are designed to provide an and those who have previous training could
opportunity to those engaged in the relevant seek exemption from the specific training
industry to gain an in-depth knowledge on the modules.
subject of specialisation. No formal educational
qualifications are required for admission to the Presently, Certificate in Industrial Studies is
Certificate programmes. available in the following streams:

The minimum duration of the Certificate  Apparel Technology

programme is one year and the media of  Textile Technology*
instruction are Sinhala and English.  Animal Husbandry & Aquaculture (only at
Puttalam Study Centre)
The OUSL awards the Certificate in Industrial
Studies to students who have acquired 36 * This stream is available only in English medium.
credits satisfying the requirements given in
Table 08. The compulsory course requirements for
specialisation in a particular field is given in
Those who possess appropriate qualifications Table 09, while complete list of courses, with
may seek exemptions from relevant courses of Prerequisites, offered is given in the pages 29 -
the programme. Students who are employed 32.
and working in an environment that would
satisfy the training requirements of the Faculty

Table 08
Category denoting Minimum credits Maximum credits

Engineering X
24 36
Industrial/Academic I
Projects Y 0 9
Mathematics Z 0 9
General J 0 9
Management M 0 9
Training/Practice W 0 12
English L 0 6
Computer literacy K 0 3
Total 36

List of compulsory courses required for specialisation in a particular
field in Certificate in Industrial Studies

Table 09

Areas of Specializations

Animal husbandry and

Level Apparel Technology Textile Technology*
2 AEI2135 and AEI2234 or

3 TTW3293 TTX3255

4 - TTX4231

* offered only in English medium.

** offered only at Puttalam Study Centre and only in Sinhala and Tamil Media.

Diploma in Industrial Studies

The Diploma in Industrial Studies of the OUSL category as shown in Table 10. If the credits
is ideal for persons presently employed in gained in any category exceed the maximum
various middle level management/technical limit shown, only such maximum shall be used
grades in various industries. However, persons in computing the total credits. Particular
who wish to find employment in the industry combinations of compulsory courses, as given
may also follow this programme. in Table 11, will entitle the students to the
Diploma in the following specialised areas:
Students who have passed any* GCE (A/L)
subject would be given 18 credits of academic  Agriculture
exemption at Level 1, subject to a maximum of  Apparel Production and Management
54 credits. Students who have obtained 36  Fashion Design &Product Development**
credits in Level 1, either through completion of  Textile Manufacture
courses or exemptions, could directly enter the
Diploma programme. Students who do not Those who possess appropriate qualifications
have any formal educational qualifications may may seek exemptions from relevant courses of
enter the programme through the courses the programme. Persons who are employed in a
offered in Levels 1 and 2 or through the relevant industry and working in an
Certificate programme in the relevant environment that would satisfy the training
discipline. The minimum duration of the requirements of the Faculty may seek
Diploma programme is two years and the exemption from the specific training modules.
medium of instruction is English. However,
courses at Levels 1 and 2 are offered in Sinhala, * Students who wish to follow the Agriculture
Tamil, and English media. specialisation should have minimum of three passes from
the General Certificate in Education (Advanced Level)
Examination, Sri Lanka from among the subjects, Biology
The courses selected for the award of the (or Botany & Zoology), Chemistry, Physics, Agriculture and
Diploma in Industrial Studies shall be so as to Combined Mathematics (or Pure Mathematics & Applied
meet the minimum requirements in each Mathematics) including the subject Biology or Botany.
** Depending on the No. of Applications, a limited No. of
Applicants will be selected after a screening process.
Table 10
Category denoting Minimum credits Maximum credits
54 72
Engineering X
at level 3 or above, of which at at level 3 or above, of which at
least 18 credits at level 4 or least 18 credits at level 4 or
Industrial/Academic I above. above.

Projects Y 0 24
Mathematics Z 6 24
General J 0 24
Management M 0 24
Training/Practice W 6 24
English L 0 6
Computer literacy K 0 6
of which at least 18 credits is at level 4 or above

List of compulsory courses required for specialisation in a particular
field in Diploma in Industrial Studies

Table 11

Areas of Specializations

Apparel Fashion Design &

Level Agriculture Production & Product
Development Manufacture

AEX3230 TTX3237 TTX3231

AEX3232 TTX3237 TTI3238 TTX3232
AEI3234 TTI3238 TTI3239 TTX3255
TTI3239 TTI3240 TTX3234
3 AEI3235
AEI3236 TTI3240 TTI3235
AEW3291 TTI3241 TTI3236
PSU1182/PSZ3182 TTW3293 TTW3294 Any two of
AEZ3238 TTW3290/1/2/3

TTX4233 TTI4238 TTX4231

TTI4238 TTI4245 TTX4233
4 AEX4230 TTM4239 TTJ4247 TTX4234
TTZ4241 TTM4239
TTW4293 TTZ4241

Bachelor of Industrial Studies

The Bachelor of Industrial Studies programme  Fashion Design & Product Development
of the OUSL is designed specifically for persons  Textile Manufacture
presently employed in middle level
management /technical grades in various Those who possess appropriate qualifications
industries. may seek exemptions from relevant courses of
the programme. Persons who are employed in a
The entry to the programme is through the relevant industry and working in an
Diploma in Industrial Studies programme. environment that would satisfy the training
However, entry through other paths is also requirements of the Faculty may seek
possible. exemption from the specific training modules.

The Bachelor of Industrial Studies would be The courses selected for the award of the
awarded to students who have acquired credits Bachelor of Industrial Studies shall be so as to
satisfying the conditions given in Table 12. meet the minimum requirements in each
These credits may include credits acquired for category as shown below. If the credits gained
the Diploma in Industrials Studies. The in any category exceed the maximum limit
minimum duration of the Degree programme, shown, only such maximum shall be used in
including the Diploma is four years and the computing the total credits.
medium of instruction is English.
Particular combinations of compulsory courses *The applicants for the Agriculture specialisation should have a
given in Table 13, will entitle the students to minimum of 108 credits from among the courses which goes
towards satisfying the award of the Diploma in Industrial Studies
the Degree in the following specialised areas: (Agriculture).
 Agriculture*
 Apparel Production and Management
Table 12
Category denoting Minimum credits Maximum credits

Engineering X 90 114
Subject to a minimum of 36 Subject to a minimum of 36
credits at levels 5 and 6. credits at levels 5 and 6.
Industrial/Academic I

12 36
Projects Y Subject to a minimum of 12 Subject to a minimum of 12
credits at level 6. credits at level 6.
Mathematics Z 12 36
General J 9 24
Management M 9 30
Training/Practice W 6 24
English L 0 6
Computer literacy K 0 6
Total Subject to a minimum of 72 credits at levels 5 and 6, of which at
least 18 credits at level 6

List of compulsory courses required for specialisation in a particular
field in Bachelor of Industrial Studies

Table 13

Areas of Specializations

Apparel Fashion
Production & Design &
Level Agriculture Management Product Textile Industrial
Development Manufacture Management*

AEX3230 TTX3237 TTX3231

AEX3232 TTX3237 TTI3238 TTX3232
AEI3234 TTI3238 TTI3239 TTX3255
AEI3235 TTI3239 TTI3240 TTX3234
3 TTI3142
AEI3236 TTI3240 TTI3235
AEW3291 TTI3241 TTI3236
PSU1182/PSZ3182 TTW3293 Any two of
AEZ3238 TTW3290/1/2/3

TTX4233 TTI4238 TTX4231

AEX4230 TTI4238 TTI4245 TTX4233
4 PSU2182/PSZ4130 TTM4239 TTJ4247 TTX4234
TTZ4241 TTM4239
TTW4293 TTZ4241

TTX5131 MEM5251
AEI5243 TTX5234 TTI5154
TTX5234 MEM5252
5 AEI5244 TTX5235 TTJ5142
TTX5237 MEX5255
AEX5232 TTI5139 TTM5240
TTI5139 MEX5257

TTX6239 TTX6135 TTX6233
AEI6234 TTY6595 or TTI6159 TTX6239
6 AEI6235 TTY6496 or TTM6240 TTY6595 or
AEY6596 TTY6197 and TTY6190 TTY6496 or
TTY6498 TTY6491 TTY6197 and

* This specialization is not offered from the academic year 2011/12 until further noticed.

Complete List of Courses for Industrial Studies

Please note that the curricula for Certificate in Industrial Studies, Diploma in Industrial Studies and Bachelor of
Industrial Studies are the lists of compulsory courses.

In order to satisfy the requirement for the award of the relevant qualification, students would be required to offer
additional courses. The complete list of courses with Prerequisites that are offered in these programmes is given
below. Students after offering the compulsory courses for the relevant programme should select additional
courses from this list. While selecting the additional courses, students must ensure that the conditions regarding
credit, level and category requirements for the award of the Advanced Certificate/Diploma/Degree are met.
Further, it should be noted that the students may claim consideration for only one course in each of the following
TTM4239 and MEM5336 TTX3234 and TTX4232
TTI3235 and TTI3238 TTX4234 and TTX4232
TTI3235 and TTI3240 TTX3255 and TTX5235
TTI3235 and TTI4238 TTX4231 and TTX5235
TTX5136 and TTX6239 AEI6235 and AEX6233

For the English prerequisites refer Table 01 a

All new registering students for any program of study are offered for FEJ0010 at the first year of registration

CR - Concurrent Registration, EL– Eligibility, P- Pass

Courses Offered at Level 0
Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
L * LSL0203 English for technology (Beginner‟s) None
J * FEJ0201 Learning to learn at a distance None

Courses Offered at Level 1

Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
TTZ1235 Mathematics & Science for textile and apparel None
*MPZ1310 Basic mathematics None
 Please note that credits cannot be claimed for this course

Courses Offered at Level 2

Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
MPZ1310(EL) or Credit Pass in
MPZ2310 Pure mathematics
Mathematics in GCE (O/L)
MPZ1310(EL) or Credit Pass in
MPZ2311 Applied mathematics
Mathematics in GCE (O/L)
CEX2312 Engineering properties of materials None
TTX2313 Physics for technology None
FEK2130 Word for windows None
FEK2132 Excel for windows None
TTI2230 Introducing textiles None
TTI2634 Apparel technology None
AEI2330 Fundamentals of Biology None
AEI2131 Methods of Increasing Productivity of Farm Animals None
I AEI2232 Animal Husbandry None
AEI2333 Fish and Shellfish Farming None
AEI2135 Farm Practice None
AEI2234 Integrated Farming Systems None
AEI2235 Processing & Preserving of Farm Products None

Courses Offered at Level 3

Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
AEX3230 Crop production and farming systems
AEX3231 Soil management, tillage and traction
AEX3232 Plant and soil science
AEX3233 Post harvest technology I
X TTX3231 Fibre science and technology
TTX3232 Yarn manufacture I
TTX3255 Woven fabric technology
TTX3234 Textile preparation
TTX3237 Fibre to fabrics
I AEI 3234 Agricultural biology I PSF1305(P), PSF2305 (P)

Courses Offered at Level 3
Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
AEI3235 Land and soil tillage management
AEI3236 Post-harvest biology and technology I AEI3234(CR)
TTI3235 Apparel production
TTI3236 Fabric structure and analysis
TTI3238 Garment accessories
TTI3239 Garment analysis and sewing machinery
TTI3240 Pattern construction
TTI3241 Production planning and organisation
TTI3142 Concepts of fashion
TTI3243 Concepts of fashion design
MPZ3231 Engineering mathematics I A
LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201,
MPZ3132 Engineering mathematics I B
Z MPZ3231(EL)
AEZ3238 Mathematics for agriculture
PSU1182/PSZ3182 Biostatistics
LWJ3160 Introduction to laws of Sri Lanka LSL0203(P) or VRL3200 or VRL1201
TTJ3146 Fashion illustration I
L LSL3201 English for technology I LSL0203(EL)
AEW3291 Specific training I (Agriculture) Pass in 18 credits at Level 3
TTW3290 Specific training (Yarn manufacture) TTX3232(P) or [TTX3232(EL) and further 18 credits]*
TTW3291 Specific training (Weaving) TTX3255(P) or [TTX3255(EL) and further 18 credits]*
TTW3292 Specific training (Chemical processing) TTX4232(EL) and further 18 credits*
W TTI3235(P) or [TTI3239(P) and TTI3241(P)] or
TTW3293 Specific training (Apparel I) {[TTI3235(EL)] or [TTI3239(EL) and TTI3241(EL)]
and further 18 credits}*
TTW3294 Specific training (Fashion design) TTI3142 (EL) and TTI 3243 (EL)
TTW3295 Specific training (Textile Technology) TTX3232(EL), TTX3255 (EL)*
*No English requirement
* If not mentioned otherwise, prerequisites for all courses at level 3 is LSL0203 (CR) or VRL1201 or VRL3200

Courses Offered at Level 4

Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
AEX4230 Integrated crop protection AEX3230(CR)
AEX4231 Food and nutrition AEX3230(CR)
AEX4232 Soil & water conservation AEX3232(CR)
AEX4237 Irrigation and drainage engineering AEX3232(EL)
Diploma in Technology (OUSL) or equivalent,
MEX4240 Operations management
Diploma in Industrial Studies (OUSL)*
Diploma in Technology (OUSL) or equivalent,
MEX4241 Operational decision making
X Diploma in Industrial Studies (OUSL)*
TTX4231 Knitting and non-woven technology LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201
TTX4232 Textile colouration LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201
TTX4233 Quality assurance for textiles and clothing LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201
TTX4234 Textile colouration and finishing LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200, or VRL1201,TTX3234(EL)
TTX4235 Yarn manufacture II LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200, or VRL1201,TTX3232(EL)
TTX4242 Knitted garment technology LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201
TTX4255 Advanced woven fabric technology LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200, or VRL1201,TTX3255(EL)
AEI4238 Agricultural biology II PSF1306(P), PSF2306(P)
LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200, or VRL1201,TTI3239(EL),
I TTI4238 Garment manufacture
TTI3241(EL) or TTI 3239 (EL) and TTW 3294 (EL)
TTI4245 Process of fashion design LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201,TTI3243(EL)
AEJ4233 Rural sociology
J MPJ4131History of technology Pass in 36 credits
TTJ4247 Fashion illustration II LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201,TTJ3146(EL)
L LSL4201 English for technology II LSL3201(EL)
AEM4234 Agricultural economics and management
M AEM4235 Agricultural marketing
TTM4239 Management studies LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201
TTW3293(CR), TTI4238(EL) and further 18 credits
W TTW4293 Specific training (Apparel II)
eligibility at level 4 or above.
MPZ4230 Engineering mathematics II MPZ3231(P), MPZ3132(EL)
TTZ4241 Statistics for industrial studies LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or VRL1201
PSZ3182/PSU1182 (CR), LSL3201(CR) or VRL3200 or
PSU2182/PSZ4130 Design and analysis of experiments

* If not mentioned otherwise, prerequisites for all courses at level 4 is LSL3201(EL) or VRL1201 or VRL3200

Courses Offered at Level 5
Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
AEX5232 Soil, plant and water relationship AEX3232(P)
MEX5255 Maintenance management and project Diploma in Technology (OUSL) or equivalent, Diploma
management in Industrial Studies (OUSL)
MEX5257 Information systems management Diploma in Technology (OUSL) or equivalent, Diploma
in Industrial Studies (OUSL)
X TTX5131 Structure and properties of fibres TTX3231(P)
TTX5232 Yarn and fabric mechanics MPZ3231 (EL), TTX3232(P), TTX3255(P)
TTX5234 Plant utilities
TTX3237(P) or [TTX3237(EL) and further 36 credits
TTX5235 Fabric technology
eligibility at level 3 or above.]
TTX5237 Speciality fabrics TTX3255(P), TTI3236(P), TTX4231(EL)
AEI5230 Fisheries and aquaculture AEI4238(EL)
AEI5241 Agricultural biotechnology AEI3234(P)
AEI5243 Farm power and machinery AEX3231(P) or AEI3235(P)
AEI5244 Postharvest biology and technology II AEX3233(P) or AEI3236(P)
MEI5260 Industrial energy management 18 credits (EL) from level 5 or above
TTI5238 Advanced pattern construction TTI3240(P)
Pass in 18 credits at Level 3 or above and Eligible in
TTI5243 Principles of fashion design
additional 18 credits at Level 4 or above
Pass in 18 credits and Eligible in additional 1 credit at
TTI5139 Current topics in clothing and textiles
Level 4 or above
Pass in 18 credits at Level 3 or above and Eligibility in
TTI5145 Foundation garments
additional 18 credits at Level 4 or above
Pass in 18 credits at Level 3 or above and Eligibility in
TTI5146 Industrial garment washing and finishing
additional 18 credits at Level 4 or above
TTI3240(P) Pass in 18 credits at Level 3 or above and
TTI5148 Design through draping
Eligibility in additional 18 credits at Level 4 or above
Pass in 18 credits at Level 3 or above and Eligibility in
TTI5150 Enhancement apparels
additional 18 credits at Level 4 or above
TTI3240(P), Pass in 18 credits at Level 3 or above and
TTI5154 CAD for fashion I
Eligibility in additional 18 credits at Level 4 or above
MPJ5231 The nature of science Pass in 63 credits,
MPJ5233 Technology, society and environment Pass in 63 credits,
Pass in 18 credits at level 3 & further 18 credits eligibility
AEJ5240 Indigenous knowledge of herbal products
J at level 4 or above
MEJ5253 Industrial law
Pass in 18 credits in Level 3 or above and Eligibility in
TTJ5142 History and traditions of clothing
additional 18 credits at Level 4 or above
AEM5246 Agricultural extension Pass in 36 Credits at Level 3 or above
MEM5336 Management for engineers Pass in 36 credits at Level 3 or above
MEM5251 Industrial economics, accounting &
M MEM5252 Human resource management &
organisational behaviour
TTM5240 Apparel merchandising TTM4239(CR)
Pass in 18 credits in Level 3 or above and Eligibility in
TTM5149 Fashion show production
additional 18 credits at Level 4 or above
TTJ3146(P), TTJ4247(EL), Pass in 18 credits in Level 3 or
Y TTY5253 Design project above and Eligibility in additional 18 credits at Level 4 or
MPZ5230 Engineering mathematics III MPZ3132(P), MPZ4230(EL),
TTZ5244 Quantitative techniques TTZ4241(EL) or PSU1182(EL)

* If not mentioned otherwise, prerequisites for all courses at level 5 is LSL 3201 (P) or VRL1201 or VRL3200

Courses Offered at Level 6

Category Course Code and Title Prerequisites
MEX6351 Industrial automation MEX4240(P) or MEX4241(P)
TTX6231 Advanced colouration technology TTX4232(P) or [TTX3234(P) and TTX4234(P)]
X TTX6233 Technical textiles Eligibility in 36 credits at Level 4 or above
TTX6135 Textile product engineering Eligibility in 36 credits at Level 4 or above
TTX6239 Ergonomics Eligibility in 36 credits at Level 4 or above
I AEI6132 Groundwater resources management AEI6235(CR)

AEI6234 Environment control in farm structures AEX3230(P), AEI3234(P)
AEI6235 Hydrology and water resources AEX3232(P), PSU1182/PSZ3182(P)
AEI6236 Food processing AEX4231(P)
AEI6137 Impact of climate change on water resources AEI6235(CR)
AEI6138 Fruit crops and cut flower production AEX3230 (P), AEI3234(P)
AEI6239 Animal husbandry and production LSL3201(P) or VRL3200 or VRL1201, AEI4238(P)
MEI6350 Sustainable industrial development Diploma in Technology (OUSL) or equivalent,
Diploma in Industrial Studies (OUSL)
TTI6159 CAD for fashion II TTJ3146(CR),TTI5154(CR), Eligibility in 36 credits at
Level 4 or above
TTM6240 Fashion marketing TTI3142(P),TTM5240(CR), Eligibility in 36 credits at
Level 4 or above
AEY6596 Individual project (Agriculture) Pass in 18 credits at Level 5 and eligible in
additional 18 credits at Level 5 or above, AEW3291(P),
PSU1182/ PSZ3182 (P), PSU2182/ PSZ4130 (P) and
experience in OUSL Farm
MEY6499 Individual project (Industrial Management) 18 credits pass from level 5 or above
TTY6190 Inspiration of fashion design LSL3201(P) or VRL3200 or VRL1201, Pass in 9
credits at Level 5 or above
TTY6491 Creative fashion design TTY6190(P)
TTI5139(EL) , Pass in 18 credits at Level 5 or above
TTY6595 Individual project - Type B (Textile and Apparel) and Eligible in additional 18 credits at Level 5 or
Pass in 18 credits at Level 5 or above and Eligible in
TTY6496 Group project (Textile and Apparel)
additional 18 credits at Level 5 or above
TTY6197 Project identification and literature survey (Textile
Pass in 9 credits at Level 5 or above
and Apparel)
TTY6498 Individual project - Type A (Textile and Apparel) TTY6197(P)
Courses with virtual credits as listed in Schedule 3 will have the course code VR_ _ _ _ _
Further, a pre-requisite of FEJ0010(P) or 12 credits (pass) in X category (excluding exemptions) is applicable for all the courses,
except for the course for which the pre-requisite of LSL0203(CR) is required.
* No English requirement
* If not mentioned otherwise, prerequisites for all courses at level 6 is LSL 3201 (P) or VRL1201 or VRL3200

Exemptions applicable only for Industrial Studies Programme

Exemptions for foundation level courses

Qualification Courses exempted
G.C.E.(A/L) Sri Lanka – Pass in any subject 18 Virtual credits for each subject and up to a maximum of
three subjects [VRI1600, VRI1601, VRI1602]

Trained teachers Certificate (Agriculture) VRI2600, VRI2601

Credits obtained either from foundation courses of Faculty 18 virtual credits for each credit and up to 54 credits [VRI1600,
of Engineering Technology or/and Faculty of Natural VRI1601, VRI1602] Exemptions could be claimed only once for
Sciences each equivalent course

Qualifications in Agriculture/Biology/Food and related disciplines [Applicable for IS (agriculture)]

Qualification Courses exempted
Diploma in Agriculture –Schools of Agriculture or Diploma in Agriculture – AEX3230, AEI3235, AEX3232, AEI3236,
Aquinas College AEX4230, AEW3291, VRI3600

NDT (Agriculture) or AEX3230, AEI3235, AEX3232, AEI3236,

National Diploma in Agriculture (NDA) or Higher National Diploma in AEX4230, AEW3291, AEM4235, VRI4400
Agriculture (HNDA)- Department of Technical Education and Training

NDT (Agriculture) [without training] Exemptions granted for NDT (Agriculture)

except AEW3291

Diploma in Technology (OUSL) – agricultural engineering (any specialisation) ECX3210, AEX3230, AEI3235, AEX3232,
AEI3236, AEX4230, AEX4231, AEX4237,
VRW3400, VRW4200, VRX3400, VRM4200,

Diploma in Animal Husbandry, Sri Lanka, School of Animal Husbandry, AEI3234, AEI4238, VRI3200
Department of Animal Production and Health, Welisara

Qualifications in Textile/Apparel technology and related disciplines

[Applicable for IS (Apparel Production and Management) and IS (Textile Manufacture)]
Qualification Courses exempted
Certificate in Textile Technology (One year Fulltime), Textile Training TTX3231, TTX3232, TTX3255, TTX3237, TTX4231,
& Services Centre, Ratmalana [TTX3234 and TTX4234] or TTX4232, VRM4100

Certificate in Textile Technology (One year Fulltime) and Diploma in TTX3231, TTX3232, TTX3255, [TTX3234 and
Technology (Extension Course), Textile Training & Services Centre, TTX4234] or TTX4232, TTI3235, TTX3237, TTX4231,
Ratmalana VRM4100, VRL1201

Certificate in Fabric Technology (Part time) from the Textile Training TTI2230 or TTX3237
and Services Centre, Ratmalana.

Certificate in Textile Dyeing and Printing (Part time) from the Textile [TTX3234 and TTX4234] or TTX4232
Training and Services Centre, Ratmalana.

Diploma in Textile Technology from the Textile Training and Services TTX3231,TTX3232,TTX3255,TTX3234,TTI3235,
Centre, Ratmalana. TTX3237,TTX4231,TTX4234,VRM4100, VRW3200,

Certificate in Textile Colouration and Finishing (Part time) and {TTX3234 and TTX4234} or TTX4232, TTX6231,
Diploma in Textile Colouration and Finishing (Part time) from the TTX3231, VRM4100,VRL1201
Textile Training and Services Centre, Ratmalana.

Diploma in Clothing Technology, Clothing Industry Training Institute, TTX3237, TTI3238, TTI3239, TTI3240, , TTI3241,
Ratmalana TTX4233, TTW3293, TTW4293, VRM4100, VRL1201,

Certificate in Garment Production Management (Part time) from TTI2634 or TTI3235

Clothing Industry Training Institute, Ratmalana.

College Diploma in Clothing Technology and Management (Fulltime), TTI3236, TTX3237, TTI3238, TTI3239, TTI3240,
Brandix College of Clothing Technology, Ratmalana TTI3241, TTX4231, TTX4233, TTI4238, TTM4239,
TTZ4241, VRL1201,TTW3293

Certificate in Garment Industry Management, Garment Industry TTI2634

Management Institute

NDT (Textile) (Old Curriculum) TTX3231, TTX3232, TTX3255, TTX3234, TTI3235,

Qualification Courses exempted
TTI3236, TTX3237, TTX4231, TTX4232, TTX4233,
TTX4234, TTX4235, MPZ3231, MPZ3132, TTM4239,
Any two of TTW3290, TTW3291, TTW3292 and
TTW3293, VRW3400

NDT (Textile) (Old Curriculum) Without completion of training TTX3231, TTX3232, TTX3255, TTX3234, TTI3235,
TTI3236, TTX3237, TTX4231, TTX4232, TTX4233,
TTX4234, TTX4235, MPZ3231, MPZ3132, TTM4239

NDT (Clothing) (Old Curriculum) TTX3231, TTX3234, TTI3235, TTI3236, TTX3237,

TTI3238, TTI3239, TTI3240, TTI3241, TTI4238,
TTX4231, TTX4232, TTX4233, TTX4234, MPZ3231,
MPZ3132, TTM4239, Any two of TTW3290,
TTW3291, TTW3292, TTW3293, and TTW4293

NDT( Clothing) (Old Curriculum) Without completion of training TTX3231, TTX3234, TTI3235, TTI3236, TTX3237,
TTI3238, TTI3239, TTI3240, TTI3241, TTI4238,
TTX4231, TTX4232, TTX4233, TTX4234, MPZ3231,
MPZ3132, TTM4239

NDT(Textile and Clothing Technology) – New Curriculum MPZ3231, MPZ3132, MEX3233, MEX3230, TTX3231,
TTX3232, TTX3255, TTX3234, TTI3235, TTI3236,
TTX3237, TTI3238, TTI3239, TTI3240, TTI3241,
TTX4231, TTX4232, TTX4233, TTX4234, TTX4235,
TTI4238, TTM4239, Any two of TTW3290, TTW3291,
TTW3292, TTW3293 and TTW4293.

NDT(Textile and Clothing Technology) – New Curriculum MPZ3231, MPZ3132, MEX3233, MEX3230, TTX3231,
Without completion of training TTX3232, TTX3255, TTX3234, TTI3235, TTI3236,
TTX3237, TTI3238, TTI3239, TTI3240, TTI3241,
TTX4231, TTX4232, TTX4233, TTX4234, TTX4235,
TTI4238, TTM4239

Diploma in Clothing Manufacture – CITI TTX3237, TTI3239, TTI3240, TTI3241, TTX4233,

TTW3293, TTW4293, VRM4100, VRL1201, VRI3200

BSc (Eng) Textile and Clothing, University of Moratuwa TTX3231, TTX3232, TTX3255, TTX3234, TTX3237,
TTX4231, TTX4233, TTX4234, TTX4235, TTI3236,
MPZ3231, MPZ3132, MPZ4230, MPZ5230 TTM4239,
MEM5336, VRJ6100, TTW3290, TTW3291
Licentiateship of Textile Institute (LTI) Examination /Associateship of See below for exemptions for individual papers
Textile Institutes (ATI) Technology Group Examination
Paper 1 in LTI /Paper 1 (e) in ATI – Textile Technology TTI2230 or TTX3237
Paper 2 in LTI/Paper 2(a) in ATI – Fibre Technology and Textile TTX3231
Paper 3 in LTI /Paper 2 (b) in ATI – Yarn Technology and Yarn TTX3232

Paper 4 in LTI /Paper 2 (c) in ATI- Fabric technology TTX3255,TTI3236,TTX4231

Paper 5 in LTI /Paper 2 (d) in ATI-Dyeing and Finishing Technology [TTX3234 and TTX4234] or TTX4232

Paper 6 in LTI – Textile Testing TTX4233

Paper 8 in LTI /Paper 2 (f) in ATI- Management Studies VRM4200
Paper 9 in LTI- Quality Management in Textiles TTZ4241
Paper 10 in LTI- Merchandising of Textile Consumer Products VRM4100
Paper 11 in LTI – Garment Technology TTI2634 or TTI3235
*Certificate in Industrial Studies (OUSL) See below for exemptions for individual papers
TTZ1235 Mathematics and Science for Textiles and Apparel VRZ1200
TTI2230 Introducing Textiles VRI2200
TTI2631 Yarn manufacture TTX3232,TTX4235,VRI2200
TTI2632 Weaving TTX3255,TTI3236,VRI2200
TTI2633 Textile Chemical processing [TTX3234, TTX4234] or [TTX4232, VRI3200],
TTI2634 Apparel Technology [TTI3235 or VRI3201], VRI 3200, VRI2200
TTI3650 Pattern Making TTI3240, VRI3400
Diploma in Technology (Textile Engineering) from the OUSL MPZ3231, MPZ3132, TTX3231, TTX3232, TTX3255,
TTX3237, TTX4232, TTX4233, VRW3200
* Those who have completed the certificate under the Old Curriculum must be transferred to corresponding
courses in the new curriculum and be granted appropriate exemptions.

Qualifications in Diploma in any Technology area [Applicable for IS (Industrial Management)]*

Qualification Courses exempted

Diploma in Technology (OUSL)/NDT/NDES/HNDE in any VRX3600, VRX3601, VRX3602, VRX3603, VRI3600,
specialization AND Five (05) years of post qualifying industrial VRX4600, VRZ3400, VRW3200, VRW4200
experience in the relevant field

* For registered students

Exemptions from the courses of Faculty of Natural Sciences

Those who possess the following qualifications would be exempted from some of the courses offered by the
Faculty of Natural Sciences as mentioned below. These exemptions are only applicable for the students
registering for DIS/BIS (Agriculture) Programme of study and credits of these courses are not counted towards
the total credits requirements for the awards

Qualification Courses exempted

G C E (A/L) Examination simple pass or better
Biology PSF1305, PSF2305, PSF1306, PSF2306
Botany PSF1305, PSF2305
Zoology PSF1306, PSF2306
Chemistry PSF1303, PSF2303
Physics PSF1302, PSF2302
Diploma in Agriculture – Schools of Agriculture PSF1305, PSF2305
Science Teacher‟s Diploma (Bioscience) PSF1305, PSF2305, PSF1306, PSF2306
Science Teacher‟s Diploma (Physical Science) PSF1302, PSF2302
National Diploma/Diploma in Teaching (Science) or Trained PSF1302, PSF1303, PSF1305, PSF1306,
Teachers Certificate (Science) PSF2302, PSF2303, PSF2305, PSF2306
Lab Technicians Certificate, Institute of Chemistry PSF1303
National Diploma (Science) or Science Teachers Diploma CHU1221

PSF1302 Physics I PSF2302 Physics II CHU1221 Basic principles of chemistry

PSF1303 Chemistry I PSF2303 Chemistry II
PSF1305 Botany I PSF2305 Botany II
PSF1306 Zoology I PSF2306 Zoology II

Postgraduate Programmes

The Faculty of Engineering Technology offers  A degree of Bachelor of Technology

Postgraduate Diploma in Technology and (Engineering) in a relevant discipline, from
Master of Technology programmes in selected the OUSL, or
areas. At present, PGDipTech and MTech  A degree of Bachelor of Science of
programmes are available in three areas of Engineering in a relevant discipline, from a
specialisation: recognised university, or
 Eligibility to become an Associate Member
 Construction Management of the IESL
 Industrial Engineering
 Apparel Production and Management In the case of Apparel Production and
Management programme please contact. Dr.
Courses offered in the three streams are given Dip Ing G.B. Delkumburwatta (0112881307),
in pages 58 – 60. Programme Supervisor at the Department of
Textile and Apparel Technology for
The Construction Management specialisation is clarifications.
designed with the aim of providing knowledge
and skills required by the academically and/or Students who possess a Bachelors Degree in
professionally qualified engineers to fit into Textile and Apparel Technology or Bachelor of
managerial roles in the construction industry, Industrial Studies or any other discipline are
to enhance quality, efficiency and productivity eligible to apply for the postgraduate
of respective projects/ organizations. programme in Apparel Production and
The Industrial Engineering specialisation is
designed to suit the critical needs in modern Those who possess professional qualifications
society for an engineering approach to solving in the field of textile and apparel technology,
problems relating to the interplay of people, CIMA, CIM Apparel Merchandising (with
productivity, information, and management. appropriate additional credits) are eligible to
The aim of the programme is to produce seek for provisional registration.
effective engineering managers who are able to
drive their organisations to higher levels of Further, for all three specialisations students
achievement and thus contribute to should also have a minimum of two years post-
organisational productivity through upgrading qualifying and relevant experience in industry
managerial talents. at the closing date of applications.

The Apparel Production and Management A person who does not satisfy the requirements
specialisation is designed, with emphasis on the described above may be admitted to the
apparel sector, to produce effective managers program of study if such person possesses any
who will be competent to successfully manage other relevant qualifications and experience
and lead industrial or national organizations. acceptable to the Senate.

Students hoping to register for the Construction After evaluation of applications, successful
Management and Industrial Engineering prospective candidates will be called for an
programmes should normally hold a degree in interview by the relevant Departments, where
Engineering. However, if you are qualified and the candidates are required to produce original
have substantial experience in the area of study, certificates pertaining to the identity,
contact Eng. Dr. DAR Dolage, (0112881289) academic/professional qualifications, and
Programme Supervisor for Construction experience. The respective Programme
Management, at the Department of Civil Supervisor will inform the time, venue and any
Engineering or Eng. JHSK Jayamaha, other requirements for this interview.
(0112881457) Programme Supervisor for
Industrial Engineering at the Department of The programmes are available in English
Mechanical Engineering. medium only. The minimum duration required
to complete the PGDipTech programme is one
The applicants for these two programmes year, and the MTech programme is further one
should have: year after the PGDipTech. Those who

successfully complete the requirements in the
PGDipTech programme may proceed to the (Please note that there is a special application
MTech programme. form for Postgraduate programmes).

Postgraduate Diploma in Technology in Construction Management

Following are the courses available for the Construction Management specialisation:

Compulsory Courses
Courses in the following table are compulsory requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma in
Technology (Construction Management)
Course Code Course Title
CEX7101 Planning and control in the construction industry
CEM7102 Human resource management in the construction industry
CEM7103 Financial management and taxation in the construction industry
CEX7104 Estimating, tendering and marketing in the construction industry
CEX7105 Construction contracts and claims
CEM7106 Law and the construction industry
CEX7107 Construction productivity and quantitative techniques
CEX7108 Cost control and cash flow in the construction industry
CEX7109 Management of the design phase and quality control
CEX7112 Management information systems for the construction industry

Optional Courses
In order to complete the Postgraduate Diploma, students would be required to offer a minimum of
two courses from the optional courses given below:
Course Code Course Title
CEX7110 Construction project appraisal
CEX7111 Construction plant management and construction safety
CEX7113 Real estate and property development

Stand Alone Courses

Applicants offering courses from the PG Diploma in Technology (Construction Management)
programme, as Stand-Alone courses, need to fulfil the requirements indicated below:
Course Code Pre-requisite
CEX7101, CEX7108, CEX7111 Degree in civil/mechanical engineering or equivalent.
CEM7102,CEM7103,CEX7104,CEX7105, Adequate experience in construction industry.
CEX7110 Degree in civil engineering or equivalent.

Master of Technology in Construction Management

Those who successfully complete all the requirements of the Postgraduate Diploma program in
Construction Management may proceed to the Master of Technology programme, offering the
following course under the Research Option.

Course Code Course Title

CEY7C14 Research project

The student should undertake a comprehensive research study and submit a Dissertation in order to
successfully complete the Research Project of 36 Credits weightage. This should be done under close
guidance of an academic supervisor assigned by the Department.

Postgraduate Diploma in Technology in Industrial Engineering

Following are the courses available for the Industrial Engineering specialisation:

Compulsory Courses
Courses in the following table are compulsory requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma in
Technology (Industrial Engineering):

Course Code Course Title
MEX7211 Operations research
MEM7212 Business organisation and management
MEM7213 Industrial economics and accounting
MEX7214 Quality and reliability engineering
MEX7215 Production planning and materials management
MEM7216 Human resource management

Master of Technology in Industrial Engineering

Those who successfully complete all the courses in the PG Diploma program in Industrial
Engineering may proceed to the Master of Technology programme, offering the following
courses under the Course Option.

Compulsory Courses
Course Code Course Title
MEM7117 Strategic management
MEX7118 Technology management
MEX7119 Maintenance management
MEX7120 Project management
MEY7621 Research project
LWJ7101 Law and industry

Optional Courses
In order to complete the Master of Technology in Industrial Engineering, students would be
required to offer minimum of one course from the optional courses given below.

Course Code Course Title

MEX7124 Cleaner production for waste management
MEX7125 Energy management in industries
CEX7105 Construction contracts and claims
CEX7111 Construction plant management and construction safety
CEX7113 Real estate and property development

Postgraduate Diploma in Technology in Apparel Production and

Following are the courses available for the Apparel production and Management

Compulsory Courses
Courses in the following table are compulsory requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma in
Technology (Apparel Production and Management):
Course Code Course Title
TTX7131 Apparel Manufacturing Technology
TTX7132 Global Outlook of Textile and Apparel Industry
TTI7133 Human Resource Management and Legal Aspects for Managing
TTM7134 Textile and Apparel Marketing
TTM7135 Managerial Accounting & Financial Management
TTI7136 Supply Chain Management
TTI7137 Production Planning
TTI7138 Quality Management
TTX7139 Product Development
TTX7140 Human Factors Engineering
TTX7141 Strategic Management
TTY7191 Research Methodology

Master of Technology in Apparel Production and Management
Those who successfully complete all the courses in the PG Diploma program in Apparel
production and management may proceed to the Master of Technology programme, either by
Research Option or by Course Option.

(i) Research Option:

Course Code Course Title

TTY7692 Research Project

(ii) Course Option:

Course Code Course Title
TTX7151 Operations Research
TTM7152 Project Management
TTI7153 Management Information Systems
TTY7692 Research Project
and 9 credits from
TTM7154 Managerial Economics
TTM7155 Project appraisal
MEX7118 Technology Management
MEX7124 Cleaner Production for Waste Management
MEX7125 Energy Management in Industries
LWJ7101 Law and Industry
CEX7105 Construction Contracts and Claims

Postgraduate Research Degrees
You can register for a maximum of 18 credits
of courses at a time and if you later decide to
Research keeps a person motivated, at the enter a regular programme then you may seek
forefront of the respective professional or exemptions from the courses you have passed
academic career while contributing to solve as Stand Alone.
problems scientifically for the benefit of the
society. However, you will then have to satisfy the
admission requirements for such
Supervised research leading to a higher
degree is really only the beginning of a
All the courses that are offered by the Faculty
research career. Basically, it provides training
of Engineering Technology are available as
in research methodology and research
Stand Alone courses.
The lists of available courses are given in
The Faculty provides opportunities for science
pages 10 to 16 and 29 to 32.
and technology based research in most of the
Engineering disciplines. All research students
Please note that the students would be
are initially required to register for a MPhil
required to possess the Prerequisites in
degree. Suitable students could however
respect of each of the courses or equivalent
transfer to a PhD degree after about a year of
qualifications or knowledge, to register for the
work, on the recommendation of their
individual Stand Alone courses. In the case of
PG Diploma in Construction Management,
the Prerequisites for Stand Alone Courses are
Students are normally expected to possess an
indicated in page 37.
Honours Degree or an equivalent
qualification to read for a research degree.
The tuition fee for each course would be
However, in exceptional circumstances, other
three times that of the corresponding course
suitably qualified candidates may also be
in the regular programme.
considered for admission.
Please also note that students registering for
Students who register for Master/Doctor of
regular programmes cannot register for
Philosophy degrees are required to submit a
courses as Stand Alone courses.
thesis within 2-7 years. It is expected that the
work should reflect the student‟s research
capability and that it should make a
significant contribution to knowledge in the
area of study.

If you feel that you are competent and

motivated to pursue higher studies for a
research degree, you should contact a senior
academic staff member of an academic
department in which you wish to carry out
your research.

Stand Alone Courses

Sometimes it may be required by some to

follow a few courses for the benefit of their
industrial career development. If you are
looking for such courses the Faculty of
Engineering Technology has a series of such
courses covering many areas of study. You
can register for these courses without
registering for a particular programme.

How to Select Courses?
(Certificate, Diploma and Degree Programmes)

1. Choose the qualification you wish to gain (e.g. Diploma in Technology) from
pages 1 – 2. Take note of the respective credit requirements in Tables 01, 02, 04,
06, 08, 10 and 12.

2. Decide on your area of specialisation and locate it in the table of compulsory

courses pertaining to your desired qualification in Tables 01, 03, 05, 07, 09, 11 and

3. Identify the credits associated with different Categories at different Levels, for
the Compulsory courses.

4. Identify the balance credit requirements for different Categories at different

Levels, with reference to the appropriate credit tables.

5. Mark the Compulsory courses for your required area of specialisation in the
Complete List of Courses in pages 10 -16 (technology programmes) and 29 - 32
(industrial studies programme).

6. Select from the same list as in item 5 above, the additional courses to fulfil the
balance credit requirements for different Categories at different Levels as well as
the Total credit requirement. When you are selecting these additional courses pay
special attention to Prerequisites.

7. You may claim exemptions based on your existing qualifications (follow the
Faculty approved procedure) and offer courses at registration to gradually
complete the courses from lower to higher Levels through the years. This must be
done subject to maximum credit limits allowed per year.

Scheme of Assessment
Scheme of Assessment for Programmes conducted by the Faculty of Engineering Technology
[Extracts from relevant Rules and Regulations applicable to the above awards]
2. Scheme of Assessment
2.1 The assessment for the course “FEJ0010-Learning to Learn at a Distance” shall consist of Continuous
Assessment only. A student who obtains a minimum of 40% for the Continuous Assessment in FEJ0010
shall be awarded a Pass and shall be eligible to obtain a Certificate of Completion.
2.2 The assessment of a student in any course, other than FEJ0010, shall consist of two components, viz.:
Continuous Assessment and Final Examination.
2.2.1 The content, nature and weightage of each of these components shall be in accordance with the Rules
relating to the scheme and method of assessment as determined by the Faculty.
2.2.2 A student shall be eligible to appear at the Final Examination in respect of any course only if he/she has
been awarded a minimum of 40% for the Continuous Assessment component in respect of that course.
The eligibility thus obtained to sit for the Final Examination in respect of any course shall be valid for a
period stipulated by the Senate.
2.2.3 A student who fails to obtain 40% for Continuous Assessment or fails to obtain a grade C or higher at
the Final Examination before the lapse of the eligibility in respect of any course, shall be deemed to
have failed that course and shall be awarded the grade FA. Such a student may repeat that course by re-
registering subject to section 2.2.6.
2.2.4 The overall assessment mark (Z%) of a student in respect of any course shall be based on the Continuous
Assessment mark (X%) and the mark obtained at the Final Examination (Y%) and shall be computed and
grades awarded as follows:
For courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering Technology;

85 < Z :A+ 63 < Z < 70: B+ 45 < Z < 50: C+ 30 < Z < 35: D+

75 < Z < 85: A 55 < Z < 63: B 40 < Z < 45: C 20 < Z < 30: D

70 < Z < 75: A- 50 < Z < 55: B- 35 < Z < 40: C- Z < 20: E
A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, and C, constitute Pass grades.

The grades PA+, PA, PB, PC, PD, RE and RF already awarded under the previous structures shall be
converted in accordance with the conversion method approved by the Senate

2.2.5 A student who is awarded a C-, D+, D or E grade for a particular course cannot count that course
towards his credit requirements unless he re-sits the Final Examination on a subsequent occasion and
obtains a C grade.
2.2.6 A student who either repeats a course or re-sits a Final Examination or is exempted from a course shall
be deemed to have obtained a mark, which is not higher than 40% and a grade not higher than C.
2.2.7 A student who withdraws from a course by a written communication addressed to the Registrar within a
period of two months from the commencement of the course may be allowed to re-register for that
course in a subsequent academic year without being considered a repeat student. The date of
commencement of the course shall be as determined by the Senate, for the purpose of this Rule.
2.2.8 A student, who is eligible to sit for the Final Examination in a course (under section 2.3) but has not done
so, may postpone sitting such examination, for a period stipulated by the Senate, without being
considered as a re-sit candidate. Such a student shall be awarded the grade RX in respect of that course
in which he/she is so absent.

Award of classes in Bachelor of Technology Degree [Extracts from Relevant Rules and

3. Award of the Degree

3.1 A candidate who satisfies the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology
(Engineering) as specified in section 3 of the Regulations, and applies for the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of Technology (Engineering) in the prescribed form, shall be awarded the Degree either with:
First Class Honours, or
Second Class Honours (Upper Division),
Second Class Honours (Lower Division), or
Pass, in accordance with the guidelines given in section 3.4.
3.4 A candidate who has satisfied the conditions for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology
(Engineering) in accordance with Regulation 3.1 shall be allotted Grade Points Values (GPV) in respect of
the courses at levels 5 and 6 with higher grades, equivalent to a total of 90 credits, that shall include all
compulsory courses at levels 5 and 6, if applicable. In situations where 90 credits cannot be obtained
exactly, the nearest higher value to 90 credits shall be taken.
2.0 points per credit for grade C
2.3 points per credit for C+
2.7 points per credit for grade B-
3.0 point per credit for grade B
3.3 points per credit for grade B+
3.7 points per credit for grade A-
4.0 points per credit for grade A or A+
The Grade Point Average (GPA) shall be computed as follows:

3.5 A candidate shall be awarded the Degree of Bachelor of Technology (Engineering) according to the GPA
obtained as follows:
3.00 > GPA  2.00: Pass
3.30 > GPA  3.00: Second Class Honours (Lower Division)
3.70 > GPA  3.30: Second Class Honours (Upper Division)
GPA  3.70: First Class Honours
3.6 If the credits gained in any category exceed the maximum limit shown in section 3.1 of the Regulation
for the Award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology (Engineering), only such maxima shown in the
section 3.1 of the Regulation shall be used in computing the GPA for the award of the classes.

Award of classes in Bachelor of Industrial Studies Degree [Extracts from relevant Rules and

3. Award of the Degree

3.1. A candidate who satisfies the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Industrial Studies as
specified in Section 3 of the Regulations, and applies for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Industrial
Studies in the prescribed form shall be awarded such Degree either with:
First Class Honours, or
Second Class Honours (Upper Division), or
Second Class Honours (Lower Division), or
Pass, in accordance with the guidelines given in Section 3.4.
3.4 A candidate who has satisfied the conditions for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Industrial Studies
in accordance with Regulation 3.1 shall be allotted Grade Points Values (GPV) in respect of the courses at
levels 5 and 6 with higher grades, equivalent to a total of 72 credits, that shall include all compulsory
courses at levels 5 and 6, if applicable. In situations where 72 credits cannot be obtained exactly, the
nearest higher value to 72 credits shall be taken.
2 points per credit for grade C
2.3 points per credit for C+
2.7 points per credit for grade B-
3 point per credit for grade B
3.3 points per credit for grade B+
3.7 points per credit for grade A-
4 points per credit for grades A and A+
The Grade Point Average (GPA) shall be computed as follows:

3.5 A candidate shall be awarded the Degree of Bachelor of Technology (Engineering) according to the GPA
obtained as follows:
3.00 > GPA  2.00: Pass
3.30 > GPA  3.00: Second Class Honours (Lower Division)
3.70 > GPA  3.30: Second Class Honours (Upper Division)
GPA  3.70: First Class Honours
3.6 If the credits gained in any category exceed the maximum limit shown in section 3.1 of the Regulation
for the Award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology (Engineering), only such maxima shown in the
section 3.1 of the Regulation shall be used in computing the total points for the award of the classes.

Explanatory Notes for Filling the Application Form – Non PG Programmes
Before you start filling the „Application Form‟ please read the following explanatory notes. It will help you to
understand the questions and eventually help you to fill in the form.
When filling out this form please use BLOCK CAPITAL letters. If a question does not apply to you write „NA‟.
Write one number or letter in each box. Write „X‟ in appropriate boxes.

A1. Programme Code
Table below shows the Programmes and the Specialisations available in the academic year 2009/10. Programme
codes and the specialization codes too are given in the Table.
Bachelor of Technology Civil Engineering BT 01
Computer Engineering BT 02
Electrical Engineering BT 03
Electronic & Communication Engineering BT 04
Mechanical Engineering BT 05
Mechatronics Engineering BT 06
Textile Engineering BT 07
Specialisation not yet decided BT 00
Diploma in Technology Civil Engineering DT 01
Computer Engineering DT 02
Electrical Engineering DT 03
Electronic & Communication Engineering DT 04
Mechanical Engineering DT 05
Mechatronics Engineering DT 06
Textile Engineering DT 07
Specialisation not yet decided DT 00
Bachelor of Industrial Studies Agriculture BI 11
Apparel Production & Management BI 12
Fashion Design and Product Development BI 33
Textile Manufacture BI 13
Diploma in Industrial Studies Agriculture DI 11
Apparel Production & Management DI 12
Fashion Design and Product Development DI 33
Textile Manufacture DI 13
Certificate in Industrial Studies Apparel Technology CI 21
Industrial Environmental Hazards CI 22
Textile Technology CI 23
Foundation Programme Foundation Programme in Technology FT 31

Programme Code consists of four boxes. Boxes 1 & 2 are for writing the Programme. For example if you have selected the,
“Diploma in Technology” Programme you should write the code corresponding to “Diploma in Technology” Programme, that
is DT, in the first two boxes as shown below.

Boxes 3 & 4 are for writing the Specialisation. For example if you have selected the “Electrical Engineering” specialization, you
should write the code corresponding to that specialization, that is 03, in the boxes 3 & 4 as shown below.
D T 0 3

A2. Academic Year

Write the following numbers in the relevant boxes 2 0 1 0 / 1 1

A3. Programme Name

For example, if you have selected Diploma in Technology Programme and the Mechanical Engineering specialization, you must
write them in the boxes as shown below.

A4. Currently Registered Student at OUSL

Write „X‟ in the appropriate box.
If you are current student then, Yes X No

A5. Current OUSL Student No.

A6. Previous OUSL Student No. (Where applicable)

Only if you are currently following a programme in OUSL you need to fill these boxes. You need not fill A5 & A6, if you are not
following any other programme at OUSL or if you were not a student at OUSL on a previous occasion.
A5. If you are a current student write your Registration Number here.
A6. If you have followed an OUSL programme previously, state your previous OUSL student Registration Number here.

A7. Preferred OUSL Centre Code
Write the centre codes of two centres in the order of preference in the appropriate boxes. Include the centres which are closer to
your home/workplace, even if currently no activities are held there.
1. 2.

Centre Code Centre Code Centre Code

Anuradhapura K110 Badulla K120 Kegalle K140
Batticaloa K070 Bandarawela K120 Kuliyapitiya C100
Colombo C010 Monaragala M180 Kurunegala K090
Jaffna J060 Galle M040 Polonnaruwa K150
Kandy K030 Gampaha C200 Puttalama C135
Matara M050 Hatton K122 Ratnapura C130
Ambalangoda M041 Hambantota M051 Trincomalee J170
Ampara K080 Kalutara C020 Vavuniya J160

A8. Medium of Study (one only)

Write „X‟ in appropriate box


B1. Title
Write „X‟ in appropriate box.

B2. National Identity Card No. Print one number or letter in each box.
NIC number is compulsory for all Sri Lankan students to register with the OUSL. Currently, if you do not possess
one, you are advised to obtain one prior to the registration, which will be in May 2009.

B3. Passport No.

Only for Foreign Nationals. Print one number or letter in each box.

B4. Initials
Print one letter in each box.
R . M . K . . . . . . .

B5. Last Name

Write your surname. Print one letter in each box.

B6. Names Denoted by Initials

Write all the names corresponding to each of your initials. Print one letter in each box. Continue to the second line
only after the first line is full.

B7. Permanent Address

Write your postal address where we should correspond with you. This address should be a reliable address since all
your correspondence with the university will be directed to this address.
7 8 3 / 5 A , N A M A L P L A C E
B8. Postal Code
Print one number in each box. For example, Nugegoda 10250

B9. Gender
Write „X‟ in appropriate box.

B10. Civil Status

Write „X‟ in appropriate box.

B11. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)

Fill in order of Day, Month and Year of Birth.

B12. Telephone Numbers

Write all your contact telephone numbers (ten digits) in the appropriate columns

B13. E-mail Address

If you can be contacted through e-mail, please write your e-mail address. Please give only one email address.


C1. G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Results

Write your G.C.E (AL) results of three main subjects and General English with subject code, grade and year of
obtaining the results.

Subject Code Subject Code Subject Code

Physics 01 Agriculture 08 Higher 11
Science Mathematics
Chemistry 02 Biology 09 Common 12
General Test
Mathematics 07 Combined 10 General 13
Mathematics English
For all other courses please indicate the code given in your G. C. E. (A/L) Result sheet.

C2. G. C. E. (Ordinary Level) Results

Write your G.C.E (OL) results with subjects, grades and year of obtaining the results

C3. Other Relevant / Higher Academic Qualifications

If you have any Relevant/Higher academic qualifications listed in Course Guidebook 2009/2010 you may list here
indicating the name of the institution and year of obtaining the qualification. You may ignore the Qualification Code
and Institution Code.

C4. Relevant Professional Qualifications

You may write your Professional Qualifications. You may ignore Qualification Code & Title Code.

D1. Status
Write „X‟ in appropriate box.

D2. Chronological Order

You may write your work experience in chronological order (i.e., current job at top). You may ignore Org. Code & Title

E1. Please ignore this section as it is not relevant to students enrolling with the Faculty of Engineering Technology.


Please put the date and sign the application form.

Please go through the duly filled Sample Application Form given in the next two pages.


A Administration Building (students‟ affairs, L Automobile Engineering Laboratory

finance, examination divisions)

B Senate House M Railway Station –Kirillapone

C Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences N University Press
D Student Temporary Residential facilities O Health Centre & Day-care
E Examination Halls P Book Distribution Centre
F Media House Q Staff Development Centre
G Security Post (Narahenpita gate) R Faculty of Engineering Technology at the
Science and Technology Building
H University Guest House S Canteen (Common Dining Area)
J Library T Buddha Statue
K University Pre-School U Faculty of Education Building

1, 2 Department of Civil Engineering 16 Mechanical Engineering Workshop
3 Dept of Agricultural & Plant. Eng. 17 Industrial Automation lab and Mechanical
Laboratories Engineering Labs

4 Student Registration Block 18, 19 Department of Electrical & Computer

Engineering Laboratories, Electronic workshop
5, 6 Textile & Apparel Technology 20 Physics Laboratory

7A RES 23 Elementary Computer Laboratory (UF), Car Park

7B Auditorium 25 Colombo Regional Centre - Main Building
7C Drawing Room 26 Peoples Bank – University Branch
7D Mechanical Engineering CNC Lab 27 Sub-Post Office (Access from Collambage
8, 9,10 Lecture Halls 28 Examination Halls
9A WUS Shop 29 Automobile Engineering Laboratory
11 Textile & Apparel Technology Dept. 30 University Press
Laboratories and Lecture Halls Lecture
12 Department of Electrical & Computer 31 Book Distribution Centre
Engineering Laboratories, BSE program
12, 13, Lecture Halls 32 Student Union Office
14, 15

Different Avenues of Entry and Exit to the Technology (Engineering) and
Industrial Studies Programmes at the Open University of Sri Lanka



Master of

Bachelor of
(Engineering) Bachelor of

Work Work

Diploma in Diploma in
Technology Industrial

Certificate in
Certificate in

School Courses School




The following documents must be attached to the Application form:
(a) Certified copies of all Educational / Professional Qualifications.
(b) Certified copies of the syllabus of each subject of the course/programme to be evaluated.
(c) Certified copies of Past papers of each subject of the course/programme to be evaluated.
(d) Hand book (prospectus) of the Institution from which the qualification has been obtained.
A money order for Rs. 100.00, being the evaluation fee should accompany each application. Money
orders should be drawn in favour of Bursar, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.

If paying in cash, the payment should be made to the Shroff of the Open University and the receipt
should be attached. Please send the completed form to, Dean, Faculty of Engineering Technology, The
Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda 10250 by 15 th March 2011.

 Please note that applicant should provide certified English translations, if the originals are in a
Foreign Language.


Student personal Information:

Name of Student: ……………………..………………………………………….…………..………

1. Home Address: …………………………………………………………………………………….………
2. Telephone: ………………………..………… 4. E-mail :…………………..…………………


Exemptions granted for the Applicant.
(Indicate whether it is applicable for this particular student or common for all)

…………………………………. …………………
Signature of the Head of the Department Date

B. Particulars of the qualifications for which you seek exemptions for courses/programmes.

Title of the course/programme: ………………………………………………………………………………

1. Title of the award. (i.e. Qualifications): ……………………………………………….…...……………
2. Name & Address of the Institution, which awarded the above mentioned qualifications:
3. Duration of the course/programme: ………………….…………………………………………………
4. Year of the award : …………………….……………………………………………….………………….
5. Is it full time / part time: …………………………………………………………….……………………
6. Entry requirements to follow the course/programme: …………….……………………………….…

C. Details of courses/programmes mentioned in part (B):

(i) Details of Number of hours spent on each subject:

Time spent (hours)
Subject Year
Tutorials Lab work Training

(ii) List out the Laboratory experiments done in each subject. (Use separate sheet if

C. Courses (subjects) in the OUSL programme from which exemptions are requested by the

………………………………….. ……………………
Signature of the Applicant Date

(A separate form has to be filled for each course/programme)

Prepared by the Faculty Guidebook Committee - 2011/2012

Dr. (Mrs.) K Gunasekara Eng.( Mrs) TSS Jayatunaarachi

Eng. Dr. AGK de S Abeysuriya Mr. JADFM Jayathillake
Dr. KAC Udayakumar Eng (Mrs.) DN Ginige
Eng. SN Wickramasinghe

Translations Photographs
Eng. JHSK Jayamaha Mr. Dulip Samarasinhe
Eng. (Miss) K Vamathevan Mr. H Gunasekara

Cover page Word Processing

Mr. H Gunasekara Ms. DN Lokuge


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