Unit Test 4 - Group A: Listening

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Unit Test 4 | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

LISTENING 3 Complete the text with the words from the

1 [Track 05] You are going to hear five short box. There are three extra words.
extracts in which journalists talk about their
artistic capturing clues composed
profession. What does each journalist
evokes landscape likeness posed
consider to be most important to success?
Match each speaker with their statement
(A–H). There are three extra letters.
I have to admit to being jealous of people
A writing an exclusive story who are 0 artistic. Take my oldest sister,
B being experienced in different areas of Steph. She loves the countryside, so it was
journalism natural that she started in photography by
C having strong intuition taking 1 ______________ photos when she
D possessing good people skills was still in her teens. My favourite photo is
E having good Internet skills this one of a beach near where we used to
F knowing what makes a newsworthy story live. It 2 ______________ a feeling of great
G having accurate factual information nostalgia. Later, Steph became interested in
H having a curious nature taking 3 ______________ of people and
buildings. I love this one of the inside of
Speaker 1 2 3 4 5 a factory. It’s so carefully 4 ______________!
Somehow, she has managed to make this
___ / 5 large machine in the middle look interesting.
And this photo just concentrates on the
5 ______________ of a girl. It’s me when
2 Choose the correct option to complete the I was ten!
___ / 5
0 This is the strangest story I’ve ever heard. It’s
really a hoax / an enigma / bizarre! GRAMMAR
1 I feel very emotional when I look at this photo – 4 Complete the text with the correct form of
it’s so weird / exclusive / poignant. the verbs in brackets. Use the narrative
2 After the argument he walked off, furiously tenses.
seizing / muttering / glancing to himself.
3 When the police questioned him again, he Graham 0 had recently joined (recently /
maintained / carried / eliminated that his story join) a local environmental group. The quiet
was true. nineteen year old was excited when he found
4 They wandered / raced / bellowed home as fast out that his group 1 _____________________
as they could because they were hungry. (currently / organise) a protest against the
5 Kidnappers are usually reluctant to abduct / closure of a local park. He really
assassinate / hold wealthy, high profile victims 2 _____________________ (not / know) what

because they want ransom money. to expect as he had never been involved in
___ / 5 such an event before. Finally, the day of the
protest arrived. It didn’t start well though
because it was raining, even though the
weather report 3 _____________________
(optimistically / promise) sun. Graham and
the other campaigners did their best to speak
to the few people who passed by. However,
after they 4 _____________________ (stand) in
the rain for five hours the group leader
decided to take a photo of the event and to
post it on the social media instead. While
Graham 5 _____________________ (slowly /
walk) home, cold and wet, he got a phone
call from the leader, who told him their photo
had already gone viral!

___ / 5

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5 Choose the correct option to complete the 7 Translate the phrases in brackets into
sentences. English so that the sentences are logical
and correct. You must use no more than six
0 Under no circumstances did / could / must you
show your suspicion. It could be dangerous.
1 I can hardly believe the news! Seldom I heard / 0 It is believed that our attention span was
have I heard / I have heard such (zakres uwagi był) longer before the advent
a heartwarming story. of TV.
2 In no way will / do / must I ever work for 1 By the time he was laid off, the reporter
Jonathan Evans. I’m afraid I don’t trust him. ____________________________ (ujawnił
3 Hardly had she started to speak to him than / wszystkie tajemnice) of the corrupted
when / that she realised she had met him businessman to the press.
before. 2 We were exhausted because we
4 You were very brave yesterday. At no time do / ___________________________ (chodziliśmy)
did / will I doubt you could do it. aimlessly around the neighbourhood.
5 He was very lucky. Barely / Never / Scarcely 3 His wife’s letters ________________________
has he had such a narrow escape! (rzuciły światło na) the fate of the stolen jewels.
4 Scarcely ____________________________
___ / 5
(zaczęła się demonstracja) when someone
called the police.
USE OF ENGLISH 5 The daredevil __________________________
6 Choose the correct option a–d to complete
(podjął wyzwanie) of flying nonstop for
the text.
24 hours.

Yesterday Bill Briggs, an investigative ___ / 5

journalist from the Mornington Express, 0 ___
another secret operation. The journalist 1 ___ READING
a suspect who, he believed, was involved in 8 Read the article. Match sentences A–F with
buying and selling endangered species as gaps 1–5 in the text. There is one extra
pets, for months. Last week he 2 ___ her sentence.
when he heard a strange shriek coming from
her backpack. Bill tracked her to a pet shop Student power
and then immediately 3 ___ the incident to Hundreds of thousands of school students left their
the police. classrooms yesterday in order to take part in
Although he was concerned that his country-wide demonstrations to draw attention to
evidence didn’t seem to be very solid, he the climate crisis, which some of them claim is often
needn’t have worried. The police knew he ignored by industry and some world leaders. 1 ___
was trustworthy and raided the shop. Not These teenagers intend to show the world how
only did they find a highly prized, much they care about climate change and aim to
endangered parrot, 4 ___ they came across focus citizens’ attention on what the major political
several rare monkeys too. The woman who parties are doing or, rather, aren’t doing, about this
the journalist had been following laughed it important issue.
5 ___ at first, but soon admitted her guilt.
These demonstrations were part of a global climate
strike by tens of thousands of young people in over
0 a told b admitted than 150 countries around the world inspired by the
c raised d revealed Swedish teenager, Greta Thunberg, back in 2018.
1 a was watching b is watching Teenagers like Greta still feel very frustrated by
c had been watching d has been watching what they see as a lack of action on the part of
2 a was following b had followed world leaders, who tell youth movements that they
c followed d has followed understand the urgency of the situation yet,
3 a informed b exposed according to the protesters, do little to help. Greta
c reported d talked showed teenagers just how influential they could be.
4 a and b but She started off by spending a week protesting
c however d also outside the Swedish Parliament. 2 ___ This
5 a back b up happened not only because of her demonstration,
c down d off but also because she was breaking the law. She
was only fifteen at the time and should have been at
___ / 5

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Friday’s events followed more worrying news A Although the majority of attendees at these
regarding the climate crisis. 3 ___ They revealed events are young people, there are an
that never had there been such a high concentration increasing number of adults, too.
of greenhouse gases in our planet’s atmosphere. B They also commented that under no
The organisations which helped plan yesterday’s circumstances should children leave school
student action, agreed, and drew attention to the unaccompanied as it could be dangerous.
importance of the next few years. C Never has such a large-scale protest by young
School age students all over the world are trying to people determined to make their voice heard
get across the same message. Among protesters in been seen.
the UK was thirteen-year-old Charlie, who travelled D Some of these politicians have seized a great
from the north to attend a demonstration in central opportunity to avoid confrontation and to
London on Friday with his sister Jayne and father expose their secret.
Greg. Charlie told us, ‘It’s not fair. The results of E The previous week, some scientists had
climate change are going to affect my generation, warned that it would be difficult, if not
who won’t know what a polar bear is!’ His sibling impossible, for the world to undo the damage to
added, ‘All the kids in my school know about this. the climate that has already been done.
Why don’t adults do something? We don’t get it.’ F The teenage activist hadn’t been sitting there
Theoretically, the Friday demonstrations are part of long before her heartwarming protest hit the
a youth movement. 4 ___ Charlie and Jayne’s father headlines and went viral.
told us, ‘People like me have gone along because ___ / 5
we believe in our children’s right to have a say in
society. They need to know they can make WRITING
a difference. They need to know that they can 9 Do the exam task.
change the world for the better.’ He added that the
Wiele młodych osób wierzy, że sława i kariera
younger generation has helped raise their parents’
w show-biznesie są przepustką do szczęścia.
awareness of the importance of trying to stop
Napisz artykuł do gazetki szkolnej, w którym
climate change, and of doing it immediately.
zrelacjonujesz historię osoby, która odniosła
So, what do schools have to say about this?
medialny sukces w młodym wieku oraz
According to a recent survey, a small majority of
przedstawisz pozytywne lub negatywne skutki
teachers are in favour of pupils missing lessons to
support a cause they believe in by going on
a protest or march, or by volunteering. However,
Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów
school leaders disagreed. 5 ___ An experienced
i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy
head teacher, David Smith, said, ‘We would prefer
wskazanej w poleceniu.
to urge our students to talk to us about activities
which they can organise in school to draw attention
to important topical issues such as the climate
crisis. They are most welcome to put in this kind of

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___ / 10
TOTAL ___ / 50

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