Dna Amplification Reagent Kit Manual (With Marker) : Genei Genei
Dna Amplification Reagent Kit Manual (With Marker) : Genei Genei
Dna Amplification Reagent Kit Manual (With Marker) : Genei Genei
DNA Amplification
Reagent Kit
(with Marker)
Cat No.
Revision No.0004017
Merck Specialities Private Limited, 2012 Merck Specialities Private Limited, 2012
Page No.
v Introduction 1
v Description 2
v Materials Provided 7-8
v Procedure 11
v Trouble Shooting 17
v References 21
v Ordering Information 22
v Other Related Products 23
v Flow Chart 25-27
Genei Laboratories Private Limited, 2017 Genei Laboratories Private Limited, 2017
DNA Amplification GeNeiTM DNA Amplification GeNei
Merck Specialities Private Limited, 2012 1 Merck Specialities Private Limited, 2012 2
2. Annealing: The next step involves cooling the 4. Final extension: This single step is occasionally
reaction mixture to 54°C at which annealing takes performed at a temperature of 70-74°C for 5-15
place. In this step, the primers bind to the minutes after the last PCR cycle to ensure that
separated strands of template DNA due to their any remaining single-stranded DNA is fully
complementarity with target DNA. extended.
3. Extension: In the next step the polymerase binds
After this the entire process or cycle is repeated
to this dsDNA formed by linking between the
primer and template and the temperature is with the newly formed DNA acting as target DNA.
Repetition of these three cycles results in the
maintained at 74°C. At this temperature, the
amplification of target DNA generating millions of
polymerase binds and "reads" the template and
copies in a very short time.
adds complementary bases as it moves along
the template in the 5' - 3' direction, condensing This kit recommends 30 cycles.
the 5'-phosphate group of the dNTPs with the 3'-
hydroxyl group at the end of the nascent The entire reaction is carried out in a thermocycler.
(extending) DNA strand. This results in the In addition to the products, a standard DNA
synthesis of a new DNA strand. The polymerase
preparation or ladder of DNA fragments of known
also can proof read so as to correct any wrong size is also run because of which the size of PCR
base that it has added. The polymerase used is
products can be determined.
a special polymerase capable of withstanding
high temperatures. It is isolated from the bacterium
5. Final hold: This step at 4-15 °C for an indefinite
Thermus aquaticus and its optimum activity time may be employed for short-term storage of
temperature is around 75°C.
the reaction.
Genei Laboratories Private Limited, 2017 3 Genei Laboratories Private Limited, 2017 4
DNA Amplification GeNeiTM DNA Amplification GeNeiTM
This seemingly simple technique finds wide
applications in Life Science Research in the detection
of hereditary diseases, identification of genetic
fingerprints, diagnosis of infectious diseases, cloning
of genes, paternity testing and DNA computing among
others. Since the advent of the technology, PCR has
also become an attractive technique used in
diagnostics and the Diagnostic Industry.
Time taken: 1 hour
1. Denaturation 3. Extension
2. Anealing 4. Repeat cycles
Merck Specialities Private Limited, 2012 5 Merck Specialities Private Limited, 2012 6
Merck Specialities Private Limited, 2012 9 Merck Specialities Private Limited, 2012 10
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DNA Amplification GeNeiTM DNA Amplification GeNeiTM
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DNA Amplification GeNeiTM DNA Amplification GeNei
Trouble Shooting:
Observation: There is no yield of the desired Possible Suggestions
product cause
Possible Suggestions Proteases or Examine need to increase
cause nucleases in preincubation at 95°C for 5 to 10
the sample. minutes in the absence of enzyme
Enzyme not Make sure that the enzyme is to inactivate harmful proteases or
added being added reproducibly, nucleases in the sample.
appropriately preferably in a master mix.
Contamination There could be excessive
Incomplete l Ensure complete denaturation contaminants carried over in the
in the sample
denaturation of DNA in each cycle by using sample. Dilute the sample and
properly sized 0.2 / 0.5 ml repeat PCR.
microfuge tubes and by
allowing sufficient time at the Enzyme The enzyme could be inactive if
denaturation plateau inactivation not stored properly. Ensure
temperature. proper storage of enzyme.
l Consider a slightly higher
denaturation temperature.
Merck Specialities Private Limited, 2012 17 Merck Specialities Private Limited, 2012 18
Observation: A smear or non specific amplified Observation: A primer-dimer artifact band is seen
product is seen on the agarose gel. on the agarose gel
Possible Suggestions Possible Suggestions
cause cause
Excess Reduce Taq DNA polymerase Primer check primer sequences for 3'
Enzyme concentration sequence may complimentarity
is used not be
Annealing complimentary
l Increase annealing
temperature temperature Incorrect Design longer primers
may not l Minimize the incubation times Primer Design
be correct of the annealing and
High Primer Reduce primer concentration
extension steps
Number of Decrease the number of cycles
Cycles Amount of Increase amount of target DNA
may be to DNA
many insufficient
Genei Laboratories Private Limited, 2017 19 Genei Laboratories Private Limited, 2017 20
Merck Specialities Private Limited, 2012 21 Merck Specialities Private Limited, 2012 22
Sales: [email protected]
Customer Support:
[email protected]
Genei Laboratories Private Limited, 2017 23 Genei Laboratories Private Limited, 2017 24
DNA Amplification GeNeiTM DNA Amplification GeNei
Flow Chart:
For Control Reaction
Take 38 µl of MilliQ water or autoclaved double
distilled in 0.2 or 0.5 ml Microcentrifuge tube
Add 5 µl of 10X Taq Polymerase Assay Buffer
with Magnesium chloride
Merck Specialities Private Limited, 2012 25 Merck Specialities Private Limited, 2012 26
Add 1 µl each of Control Forward
and Reverse Primers
Add 1-2 U of Taq DNA Polymerase
Mix and Layer with 50 µl of Mineral Oil
PCR conditions (For Control Reaction)
l Initiation at 94°C - 1 min
l Denaturing: 94°C, 30 secs
l Annealing: 48°C: 30 secs
l Extension: 72°C: 1 min
30 cycles
Final extension at 72°C for 2 or more minutes
Analyze 10 µl of PCR product along with
StepUp™ 100 bp DNA Ladder by Agarose Gel
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