Enterptise Information System
Enterptise Information System
Enterptise Information System
Definition of EIS:
An Enterprise Information System (EIS) may be defined as any kind of
information system which improves the functions of an enterprise business
processes by integration.
❖ Order from customer.
Customer Service Department
❖ Warehouse triggered to pick.
Keeping track of all activities
❖ Accounting department notified for invoicing.
❖ Debtors department keeps track of payment.
Business Process:
A Business Process is an activity or set of activities that will accomplish
a specific organizational goal. Business processes are designed as per vision and
mission of top management. Business processes are reflection of entities’
management thought process. The success or failure of an organization is
dependent on how business processes have been designed and implemented.
Business Process Management (BPM)
It helps an organization achieve 3E’s for business processes, namely
Effectiveness, Efficiency and Economy. BPM is a systematic approach to
improving these processes.
Categories of Business Processes:
❖ Operational Processes (or Primary Processes)
Operational or Primary Processes deal with the core business and value
chain. These processes deliver value to the customer by helping to produce a
product or service. Operational processes represent essential business
activities that accomplish business objectives e.g. purchasing, manufacturing,
and sales. Also, Order to Cash cycle (O2C) and Purchase to Pay (P2P) cycles
are associated with revenue generation.
❖ Supporting Processes (or Secondary Processes)
Supporting Processes back core processes and functions within an
organization. Examples of supporting or management processes include
Accounting, Human Resource (HR) Management and workplace safety.
Application Controls
❖ Application Controls are controls which are implemented in an
application to prevent or detect and correct errors.
❖ These are designed to ensure completeness, accuracy, authorization and
validity of data capture and transaction processing
For example: In banking, application software ensures that only transactions of
the day are accepted by the system, withdrawals are not allowed beyond limits,
I. Risk Assessment
➢ Risk Assessment involves a dynamic and iterative process for identifying and
assessing risks.
➢ Identification of threats and vulnerabilities in the system.
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Step 1: Configuration
Step 2: Masters
Step 3: Transaction
1. Configuration
Configuration refers to the way a software system is set up. Ex: User
activation and deactivation.
When any software is installed, values for various parameters should be
set up (configured) as per policies. Ex: Creation of Customer Type,
Vendor Type, year-end process.
The various modules of the enterprise such as Purchase, Sales, Inventory,
Finance, User Access etc. must be configured. Ex: Mapping of accounts
to front end transactions like purchase and sales
Configuration will define how software will function and what menu
options are displayed. Ex: User Access, privileges and Password
2. Masters
Masters refer to the way various parameters are set up for all modules of
software, like Purchase, Sales, Inventory, and Finance etc.
The masters are set up first time during installation and these are changed
whenever the business process rules or parameters are changed.
Vendor Master - Credit period, vendor bank account details, etc.
Customer Master - Credit limit, Bill to address, Ship to address, etc.
Material Master - Material type, Material description, Unit of measure.
Employee Master - Employee name, designation, salary details, etc
Any changes to these data have to be authorized by appropriate
For example - The Customer Master will have the credit limit of the
customer. When an invoice is raised, the system will check against the
approved credit limit and if the amount invoiced is within the credit limit,
the invoice will be created, if not the invoice will be put on “credit hold”
till proper approvals are obtained.
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3. Transactions
Transactions refer to the actual transactions entered through menus and
functions in an application software, through which all transactions are
initiated, authorized or approved.
For example: Sales transactions, Purchase transactions, Stock transfer
transactions, Journal entries and Payment transactions.
Implementation or review of specific business process can be done from
risk or control perspective.
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IV. Inventory Cycle – Risks and Controls
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3. Career Development:
• Career development opportunities are essential to keep an
employee engaged with the company over time.
• The company also assesses the employee’s work history and
performance at this stage to determine whether he has been a
successful hire.
4. Termination or Transition:
• Some employees will leave a company through retirement after a
long and successful career. Others will choose to move on to other
opportunities or be laid off. Whatever the reason, all employees
will eventually leave the company.
• The role of HR in this process is to manage the transition by
ensuring that all policies and procedures are followed, carrying out
an exit interview.
VI. Fixed Assets – Risks and Controls
It ensures that all the fixed assets of the enterprise are tracked for the
purposes of financial accounting, preventive maintenance, and theft
It ensures that record maintains details of location, quantity, condition,
and maintenance and depreciation status. Typical steps of fixed assets
process are as follows:
1. Procuring an asset
2. Registering or adding an asset
3. Adjusting the Assets
4. Transferring the Assets
5. Depreciating the Assets
6. Disposing the Assets
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The input for GL Process Flow is the financial transactions and the
outputs are various types of financial reports such as balance sheet, profit
and loss a/c, funds flow statement, ratio analysis, etc. The typical steps in
general ledger process flow are as follows:
1. Entering financial transactions into the system
2. Reviewing Transactions
3. Approving Transactions
4. Posting of Transactions
5. Generating Financial Reports.
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This chapter is meant for providing an insight to Financial and Accounting
Systems, its working, audit and its use for business management and
development. Financial and Accounting Systems forms an integral part of any
business and acts as a backbone for it. Financial and Accounting systems may
include other aspects of business management like human resource, inventory,
Customer Relationship Management (CRM), etc. After going through this chapter,
a student is expected to understand about–
♦ What is a system?
♦ What is an ERP System?
♦ What is a Financial and Accounting system?
♦ How to use it for different purposes like accounting, auditing, business
management, etc.?
♦ How to assess risks and controls of any Financial and Accounting System?
In the process of learning about Financial and Accounting systems, there can be
different angles to view the same thing and to understand it in a better way; we shall
be viewing Financial and Accounting Systems from many different angles. At time of
understanding the system from one angle, another angle must be kept in mind and
cannot be ignored. Chartered Accountants are supposed to be experts in financial as
well as accounting systems. Financial and Accounting Systems does not necessarily
mean Software or Computerized Systems only. It may include many other aspects
Fig. 2.1.1 depicts different perspectives of the same view through different Professionals.
such as people, machine, money, materials etc. which undergo different processes
such as production, marketing, finance etc. and produces output like goods and
services depending on the nature of business.
In this chapter, we are discussing system for business finance and accounting.
A system includes defined methods and process to perform an activity. So
basically, processes are important components in any system.
2.2.2 What is a Process?
In the systems engineering arena, a Process is defined as a sequence of events
that uses inputs to produce outputs. This is a broad definition and can include
sequences as mechanical as reading a file and transforming the file to a desired
output format; to taking a customer order, filling that order, and issuing the
customer invoice.
From a business perspective, a Process is a coordinated and standardized flow of
activities performed by people or machines, which can traverse functional or
departmental boundaries to achieve a business objective and creates value for
internal or external customers.
2.2.3 Concepts in Computerized Accounting Systems
As we are discussing about Financial & Accounting Systems, it is necessary to
discuss some concepts to understand Financial and Accounting systems in a better
I. Types of Data
Every accounting systems stores data in two ways: Master Data and Non-Master
Data (or Transaction Data) as shown in the Fig. 2.2.1.
Master Data
We don’t have any control on this data as statutory changes are made by
Government and not by us. In case of change in tax rates, forms, categories;
we need to update/change our master data.
All business process modules must use common master data.
B. Non-Master Data: It is a data which is expected to change frequently,
again and again and is not a permanent data. For example- Amounts recorded in
each transaction shall be different every time and expected to change again and
again. Date recorded in each transaction is expected to change again and again
and will not be constant in all the transactions.
Example 2.1: To understand the concept of master data and non-master data in a
simple way, let us co-relate this with ourselves using following example.
Our Personal Master Data – Our Name, Name of Parents, Address, Blood Group,
Gender, Date of Birth, etc. is a personal master data and not expected to change.
Our address may change, but not frequently.
Our Personal Non-Master Data – Contrary to this, there may be some information
about us which may fall in the category of non- master data, i.e. not a permanent
data. For example- Date of Birth is master data but age is a non- master data,
weight is a non-master data, our likes, dislikes again is a non-master data.
C. Why Master and Non-Master Data?
Basic objective of accounting system is to record input in the form of transactions
and generate output in the form of reports as shown in the Fig. 2.2.3.
Please note:
♦ Master data is generally not typed by the user; it is selected from the available
list. For example- Debit Ledger name is selected from the available list of
ledgers. If ledger is not created, user needs to create it first to complete the
voucher entry.
♦ Master data entry is usually done less frequently say, once a year or when there is a
need to update. For example - prices are contracted with Vendors after deliberations
and the agreed prices are updated in the Vendor master when new prices are
negotiated. Generally, these are not done as frequently as the transactions with the
Vendor itself. Effective controls over master data entry would be a ‘four eye’ check,
where there is another person who independently checks whether the master data
entry is accurately done in the financial system of the company.
♦ Non-master data is typed by the user and not selected from available list as it
is a non-permanent and it keeps on changing again and again.
♦ Sometimes transactional data could also be selected from a drop down list of
inputs available to the user. For example, when a GRN (Goods Receipt Note) is
created by the Stores/Warehouse personnel, they might only select the open
purchase orders available in the system and input actual quantities received. In
this case, many fields required to complete the transaction is pre-filled by the
system and the user is not allowed to edit those fields.
♦ Master data is selected from the available list of masters (e.g. Ledgers) to
maintain standardization as we need to collect all the transactions relating to
one master data at one place for reporting. For example- all cash transactions
are collected in Cash Ledger for reporting purpose all transactions relating to
capital are collected in Capital Ledger for reporting purpose.
♦ While inputting the information, user is forced to select master data from the
available list just to avoid confusion while preparing reports. For example -
same ledger name may be written differently.
II. Voucher Types
In accounting language, a Voucher is documentary evidence of a transaction.
There may be different documentary evidences for different types of transactions.
For example- Receipt given to a customer after making payment by him/her is
documentary evidence of amount received. A sales invoice or a purchase invoice,
are also documentary evidences of transaction. Journal voucher is a documentary
evidence of a non-cash/bank transaction. In accounting, every transaction, before
it is recorded in the accounting system, must be supported by a documentary
proof. In computer language, the word voucher has got a little different meaning.
Voucher is a place where transactions are recorded. It is a data input form for
inputting transaction data. In accounting, there may be different types of
transactions; hence we use different voucher types for recording of different
transactions. Generally following types of vouchers are used in accounting
systems as shown in Table 2.2.3.
Table 2.2.3: Voucher Types
Module – Accounting
S. Voucher Type Use
1 Contra For recording of four types of transactions as under.
a. Cash deposit in bank.
b. Cash withdrawal from bank.
c. Cash transfer from one location to another.
d. Fund transfers from our one bank account to our
own another bank account.
2 Payment For recording of all types of payments. Whenever the
money is going out of business by any mode
(cash/bank). E.g. Payment of salary and rent.
3 Receipt For recording of all types of receipts. Whenever the
money is being received into business from outside by
any mode (cash/bank). E.g. Interest received from bank.
In some financial systems, instead of the word “Voucher”, the word “Document” is
used. Above Table 2.2.3 shows an illustrative list of some of the voucher types.
Different system may have some more voucher types. Also, user may create any
number of new voucher types as per requirement. For example- In Table 2.2.3,
only “Payment” voucher type is mentioned to records payments. But user may
create two different voucher types for making payment through two different
modes, i.e. Cash Payment and Bank Payment.
III. Voucher Number
A Voucher Number or a Document Number is a unique identity of any
voucher/document. A voucher may be identified or searched using its unique
voucher number. Let us understand some peculiarities about voucher numbering.
• Voucher number must be unique.
• Every voucher type shall have a separate numbering series.
• A voucher number may have prefix or suffix or both, e.g. ICPL/2034/17-18.
In this case “ICPL” is the prefix, “17-18” is the suffix and “2034” is the actual
number of the voucher.
• All vouchers must be numbered serially, i.e. 1,2,3,4,5,6 and so on.
• All vouchers are recorded in chronological order and hence voucher
recorded earlier must have an earlier number, i.e. if voucher number for a
payment voucher having date as 15th April, 2017 is 112, voucher number for
all the vouchers recorded after this date shall be more than 112 only.
IV. Accounting Flow
In Introduction part, we have discussed accounting flow from the angle of an
accountant. Now, we are going to discuss accounting flow from the angle of
Voucher Entry
Balancing Software
Trial Balance
As shown in the Fig. 2.2.4 regarding the flow of accounting, in all there are seven
steps in accounting flow, out of which only first two steps require human
intervention. Remaining five steps are mechanical steps and can be performed by
software with high speed and accuracy. Also, these five steps, i.e. Posting,
Balancing, Trial Balance preparation, Profit and Loss Account preparation and
Balance Sheet preparation are time consuming jobs and require huge efforts.
In very few cases, voucher entry may be automated and performed by software
automatically. For example- Interest calculation and application on monthly basis
by a bank can be done by software automatically at the end of the month. But
largely, voucher entry has to be done by a human being only.
V. Types of Ledgers
In accounting, we have studied that there are three types of ledger accounts, i.e.
Personal, Real and Nominal. But as far as Financial and Accounting Systems are
concerned, ledgers may be classified in two types only Ledger having Debit
Balance and Ledger having Credit Balance. Why this is so? Let us understand
with the help of the Fig. 2.2.5.
Balance Sheet
♦ Hence every ledger is classified in one of the four categories, i.e. Assets,
Expense, Income or Liability. It cannot be categorized in more than one
category. The examples of Ledger account are as follows:
(a) Assets includes Cash, property plant and equipment, accounts
receivable etc.
(b) Expense includes salary, insurance, utilities etc.
(c) Income includes sales, interest income, rent income and other
operating income etc.
(d) Liabilities includes Debt/loans, accounts payable, outstanding
expenses etc.
♦ Difference between Total Income and Total Expenses, i.e. Profit & Loss, as
the case may be, is taken to Balance Sheet. So, everything in accounting
software boils down to Balance Sheet. Balance Sheet is the last point in
accounting process.
♦ Income and Expense ledgers are considered in Profit and Loss Account
and Asset and Liability ledgers are considered in Balance Sheet.
♦ Accounting software does not recognize any ledger as Personal, Real or
Nominal; instead it recognizes it as an Asset, Liability, Income or Expense
VI. Grouping of Ledgers
At the time of creation of any new ledger, it must be placed under a particular
group. There are four basic groups in Accounting, i.e. Income, Expense, Asset,
Liability. There may be any number of sub groups under these four basic groups.
Grouping is important as this is way to tell software about the nature of the
ledger and where it is to be shown at the time of reporting.
For example- Cash ledger is an asset ledger and should be shown under current
assets in Balance Sheet. If we group cash ledger under indirect expenses, it shall
be displayed in profit and loss account as expenditure. Liabilities are recorded on
the balance sheet and measure the obligations that a company needs to make.
Liabilities include loans, accounts payable, deferred revenues, and accrued
expenses. In the similar way, Income includes Direct income and Indirect income.
The direct income can include Apprentice Premium, factory income and indirect
incomes include Bad Debts and Commission Received by company. Software
cannot prevent incorrect grouping of ledger.
Back End
Customer (User)
♦ Waiter will receive the order and pass it, to the cook in the kitchen.
♦ Cook will process the food as per requirement and had it over to the waiter.
(ii) Why separate Front End and Back End Software? Why not only one?
Table 2.2.4: Front End and Back End for Situation (cited in Fig. 2.2.7)
Reason Restaurant Software
In most software, there are three layers which together form the application
namely; an Application Layer, an Operating System Layer and a Database
Layer. This is called Three Tier architecture.
o The Application Layer receives the inputs from the users and performs
certain validations like, if the user is authorized to request the transaction.
o The Operating System Layer carries these instructions and processes them
using the data stored in the database and returns the results to the
application layer.
o The Database Layer stores the data in a certain form. For a transaction to
be completed, all the three layers need to be invoked. Most application
software is built on this model these days.
B. Installed Applications v/s Cloud-based Applications
There are the two ways (as shown in the Table 2.2.5) of using a software
including Financial & Accounting Software.
o Installed Applications: These are programs that are installed on the hard
disc of the user’s computer.
o Cloud Applications: Web Applications are not installed on the hard disc of
the user’s computer and are installed on a web server and accessed using a
browser and internet connection. As technology and internet connectivity
improved virtually, all web-based applications have moved to cloud-based
applications. These days many organizations do not want to install Financial
Applications on their own IT infrastructure. For many organizations, the
thought process is that it is not their primary function to operate complex IT
systems and to have a dedicated IT team and hardware which requires
hiring highly skilled IT resources and to maintain the hardware and software
to run daily operations. The costs may become prohibitive. Thus,
organizations increasingly are hosting their applications on Internet and
outsource the IT functions. There are many methods through which this can
be achieved. Most common among them being SaaS (Software as a Service)
or IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) of Cloud Computing.
(The details of Cloud Computing Service models are discussed in the
Chapter 4 of the study material.)
The Fig. 2.2.8 shows a typical non-integrated environment where all the
departments are working independently and using their own set of data. They
need to communicate with each other, but still they use their own data. This
results in two major problems - Communication Gaps and Mismatched Data.
Communication between different business units is a major aspect for success of
any organization.
Example 2.2: Let us consider an example of mismatched master data. A customer
record created by different departments for one customer named Ms. Jayshree
Jadhao shown in following Table 2.2.6 showing the same customer name written
Table 2.2.6: Example 2.2 Explanation
Sr. No. Name Sr. No. Name
1 JayashriJadhav 10 JayshriJadhaw
2 JayashreeJadhav 11 JayshreeJadhaw
3 JayshriJadhav 12 JayashriJadhao
4 JayshreeJadhav 13 JayashreeJadhao
5 JayashriJadhaw 14 JayshriJadhao
6 JayashreeJadhaw 15 JayshreeJadhao
7 JaishriJadhav 16 JaishreeJadhav
8 JaishriJadhao 17 JaishreeJadhao
9 JaishriJadhaw 18 JaishreeJadhaw
In the above case, we have considered first name and last name only. Had we used
middle name also, few more permutations would have been possible. This may lead
to total confusion in an organization at the time of inter-department communication.
2.2.6 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems
It is an overall business management system that caters need of all the people
connected with the organization. Every organization uses variety of resources in
achieving its organization goals. ERP is an enterprise-wide information system
designed to coordinate all the resources, information, and activities needed to
complete business processes such as order fulfilment or billing.
Accounting and Finance function is considered as backbone for any business.
Hence, Financial & Accounting Systems are an important and integral part of ERP
systems. ERP system includes so many other functions also. An ERP system
supports most of the business system that maintains in a single database the data,
needed for a variety of business functions such as Manufacturing, Supply Chain
Management, Financials, Projects, Human Resources and Customer Relationship
An ERP system is based on a common database and a modular software design.
The common database can allow every department of a business to store and
retrieve information in real-time. The information should be reliable, accessible, and
easily shared. The modular software design should mean a business can select the
modules they need, mix and match modules from different vendors, and add new
modules of their own to improve business performance.
Ideally, the data for the various business functions are integrated. In practice, the
ERP system may comprise a set of discrete applications, each maintaining a discrete
data store within one physical database.
The term ERP originally referred to how a large organization planned to use
organizational wide resources. In the past, ERP systems were used in more larger
industrial types of companies. However, the use of ERP has changed and is
extremely comprehensive, today the term can refer to any type of company, no
matter what industry it falls in. In fact, ERP systems are used in almost any type of
organization – large or small.
For a software system to be considered as ERP, it must provide an organization
with functionality for two or more systems. While some ERP packages exist that
cover only two functions for an organization, like- QuickBooks: Payroll &
Accounting; most ERP systems cover several functions.
Today’s ERP systems can cover a wide range of functions and integrate them into
one unified database. For instance - functions such as Human Resources, Supply
Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management, Financials,
Manufacturing functions and Warehouse Management were all once stand-alone
software applications, usually housed with their own database and network, today,
they can all fit under one umbrella – the ERP system. Some of the well-known ERPs
in the market today include SAP, Oracle, MFG Pro, and MS Axapta etc.
An ERP System is that system which caters all types of needs of an organization and
provides right data at right point of time to right users for their purpose. Hence,
definition of ideal ERP system may change for each organization. But generally, an
ideal ERP system is that system where a single database is utilized and contains all
data for various software modules. Fig. 2.2.9 shows different departments
connecting with each other through central database.
Admin Resource
Purchase Marketing
• DAC involves physical or digital measures and is less restrictive than other
access control systems as it offers individual’s complete control over the
resources they own. The owner of a protected system or resource sets
policies defining who can access it.
Types of Access
While assigning access to Master Data, Transaction Data and Reports to different
users; following options are possible.
Example 2.4: Let us consider a small case study for better understanding of Role
Based Access and Controls in Financial and Accounting Systems. Indradhanu
Consulting Private Limited, a company dealing in project management is having
different users as given in the Table 2.3.2 under.
counter must not be recorded in a date other than today (not a future
date or a back date), amount field must not be zero, stock item field
shall not be empty, etc. Input validations shall change according to
each data input form.
♦ As soon as service request is put by client into the system, one or more
partner should be informed by the system about new service request.
♦ Partner shall convert this request into the task and allot it to one of the
♦ On allotment of task to the assistant, client must be updated about this task
♦ Article assistant shall contact client for requirement of information regarding
♦ Client shall submit the document through the system and update the
information in central database.
♦ Article shall complete the work and send it for approval of his boss.
♦ After approval of work by article, client shall be automatically informed
about it through the system only.
♦ Information shall be passed on to accounts department for preparation of
bill for this assignment.
♦ Bill shall be raised from the system and sent to client through email.
♦ Client shall pay the fees and receipt is recorded in the same system.
Nirman (Client)
Task Reporting
(a) Source Document: A document that captures data from transactions and events.
(b) Journal: Transactions are recorded into journals from the source document.
(c) Ledger: Entries are posted to the ledger from the journal.
(d) Trial Balance: Unadjusted trial balance containing totals from all account
heads is prepared.
(e) Adjustments: Appropriate adjustment entries are passed.
(f) Adjusted Trial balance: The trial balance is finalized post adjustments.
(g) Closing Entries: Appropriate entries are passed to transfer accounts to
financial statements.
(h) Financial statement: The accounts are organized into the financial statements.
(Many examples like Order to Cash Process Flow (O2C) and Procure to Pay Process
Flow (P2P) have already been discussed in detail in Chapter 1 of the study
a. Financial
k. CRM Accounting
b. Controlling
j. Supply
Chain c. Sales &
i. Project
Systems ERP
d. Human
MODULES Resource
h. Plant
Maintenance e. Production
g. Quality f. Materials
Management Management
Payment Billing
order, pricing, scheduling deliveries (sales activity), picking, packing, goods issue,
shipment of products to customers, delivery of products and billings. In all these
processes, multiple modules are involved such as FA (Finance & Accounting), CO
(Controlling), MM (Material Management), PP (Production Planning), LE (Logistics
Execution), etc.; which shows the complexity of the integration involved.
Key features of Sales and Distribution Module are discussed as under:
♦ Setting up Organization Structure: Creation of new company, company
codes, sales organization, distribution channels, divisions, business area, plants,
sales area, maintaining sales offices, storage location;
♦ Assigning Organizational Units: Assignment of individual components created in
the above activities with each other per design like company code to company, sales
organization to company code, distribution channel to sales organization, etc.;
♦ Defining Pricing Components: Defining condition tables, condition types,
condition sequences;
♦ Setting up sales document types, billing types, and tax-related components; and
♦ Setting up Customer master data records and configuration.
Sales and Distribution Process (Referring Fig. 2.6.3)
♦ Pre-Sales Activities: Include prospecting of customers, identifying prospective
customers, gathering data, contacting them and fixing appointments, showing
demo, discussion, submission of quotations, etc.
♦ Sales Order: Sales order is recorded in our books after getting a confirmed
purchased order from our customer. Sales order shall contain details just like
purchase order. For example- Stock Item Details, Quantity, Rate, Due Date of
Delivery, Place of Delivery, etc.
♦ Inventory Sourcing: It includes making arrangements before delivery of
goods; ensuring goods are ready and available for delivery.
♦ Material Delivery: Material is delivered to the customer as per sales order. All
inventory details are copied from Sales Order to Material Delivery for saving
user’s time and efforts. This transaction shall have a linking with Sales Order.
Stock balance shall be reduced on recording of this transaction.
♦ Billing: This is a transaction of raising an invoice against the delivery of
material to customer. This transaction shall have a linking with Material Delivery
and all the details shall be copied from it. Stock balance shall not affect again.
Maintain Personal
Personnel Maintain Data and Family Recording
Development Benefits Plan Member/Dependent Education
Change of Leave of
Change of Pay Position Termination
Personnel Actions
Recording of
Issue of Material to Release of Payment
Purchase Invoice by
Production to Vendor
Perform Quality
Perform Quality Assurance Quality Control
Work Performance
Change Requests
Project Request
In Project System, each process has a defined set of tasks to be performed known
as process flow in Project Lifecycle. When a project request is received, a project
is created and it undergoes the following steps in project process flow/lifecycle.
j. Supply Chain Module
A Supply Chain is a network of autonomous or semi-autonomous business
entities collectively responsible for procurement, manufacturing, and distribution
activities associated with one or more families of related products. This module
provides extensive functionality for logistics, manufacturing, planning, and
analytics involving the activities like inventory, supply chain planning, supplier
scheduling, claim processing, order entry, purchasing, etc. In other words, a
supply chain is a network of facilities that procure raw materials, transform them
into intermediate goods and then finished products, and then finally deliver the
products to customers through a distribution system or a chain.
You can optimize your supply chain for months in advance; streamline processes
such as supply network, demand, and material requirement planning; create
detailed scheduling; refine production integration and maximize transportation
scheduling. Fig. 2.6.10 shows processes in the supply chain.
Companies especially the large listed corporations publish their annual reports to
public at large providing many insights as to their operations, their future and
their social responsibilities too. MD&A (Management Discussion & Analysis)
section in these annual reports discusses how management have prepared the
financial position, their interpretation of the company’s performance, the industry
in which they operate and provide critical guidance on where the company is
2.7.2 Management Information System (MIS)
An MIS report is a tool that managers use to evaluate business processes and
operations. There are different kinds of MIS reports and that may be used to
visually present different kinds of information.
I. What is an MIS Report?
Assume that you are the manager of a medium-sized company’s customer service
department. Your staff takes phone calls and emails from over 300 customers
every day. For the most part, they do a very good job, but recently, customers
have started to complain that it takes too long to get their questions answered.
Upper management at your company is concerned about this and wants to know
what they can do to fix the problem. But before they decide, they need you to
give them more information. How will you do this?
This is where MIS reports come in. Business managers at all levels of an
organization, from assistant managers to executives, rely on reports generated
from these systems to help them evaluate their businesses’ daily activities or
problems that arise, make decisions, and track progress. MIS reporting is used by
businesses of all sizes and in every industry.
II. Who uses MIS Reports?
MIS automatically collect data from various areas within a business. These
systems can produce daily reports that can be sent to key members throughout
the organization. Most MIS can also generate on-demand reports that allow
managers and other users of the system to generate an MIS report whenever they
need it. Many large businesses have specialized MIS departments, whose only job
is to gather business information and create MIS reports. Some of these
businesses use sophisticated computing technology and software to gather
information. However, the method of collecting information does not have to be
that complex. Smaller businesses often use simple software programs and
spreadsheets for their MIS reporting needs.
There can be as many types of MIS reports as there are divisions within a
business. For example, information about sales revenue and business expenses
would be useful in MIS reports for finance and accounting managers. Warehouse
managers would benefit from MIS reports about product inventory and shipping
information. Total sales from the past year could go into an MIS report for
marketing and sales managers.
III. Type of Information in a MIS Report
Example 2.8: In our pretend manager example, you’ve been asked to present
information about your department’s customer service calls. An MIS report for
this would likely contain data such as:
♦ The number of calls your staff takes;
♦ The number of emails that come in each day;
♦ The average amount of time it takes to answer a phone call or email; and
♦ The number of questions that your staff answers correctly vs. the number
that are incorrect.
To make this information most useful, you also need to ensure that it meets the
following criteria:
♦ Relevant - MIS reports need to be specific to the business area they
address. This is important because a report that includes unnecessary
information might be ignored.
♦ Timely - Managers need to know what’s happening now or in the recent
past to make decisions about the future. Be careful not to include
information that is old. An example of timely information for your report
might be customer phone calls and emails going back 12 months from the
current date.
♦ Accurate - It’s critical that numbers add up and that dates and times are
correct. Managers and others who rely on MIS reports can’t make sound
decisions with information that is wrong. Financial information is often required
to be accurate to the dollar. In other cases, it may be OK to round off numbers.
♦ Structured - Information in an MIS report can be complicated. Making that
information easy to follow helps management understand what the report is
saying. Try to break long passages of information into more readable blocks
or chunks and give these chunks meaningful headings.
Example 2.9: Let us take a case of MIS Report regarding control over cash
balance. The objective of this MIS report is to have control over cash balance and
accounting of cash transactions. A simple report of weekly cash report is depicted
in the Table 2.7.1.
Table 2.7.1: Image of weekly cash report
This report can be further improved by adding date wise denomination of notes
as shown under in the Table 2.7.2.
Table 2.7.2: Improved version of Sales MIS Report of weekly cash
Quantity 10 20 25 60 60 111 2 5 10 0
For a sales oriented business, Sales MIS Report can be designed as under in Table 2.7.3.
DATA plus foresight situations drives
or intuition better decisions
DATA in plus insight intelligence
context becomes
becomes knowledge
services firm. Otherwise, the last step in the data analytics process is
communicating the results generated by analytical models to business executives
and other end users to aid in their decision-making. That usually is done with the
help of data visualization techniques, which analytics teams use to create charts
and other info graphics designed to make their findings easier to understand.
Data visualizations often are incorporated into BI dashboard applications that
display data on a single screen and can be updated in real time as new
information becomes available.
2.8.3 Business Intelligence (BI)
Business Intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process for analysing data and
presenting actionable information to help corporate executives, business
managers and other end users make more informed business decisions. BI
encompasses a wide variety of tools, applications and methodologies that enable
organizations to collect data from internal systems and external sources, prepare
it for analysis, develop and run queries against the data, and create reports,
dashboards and data visualizations to make the analytical results available to
corporate decision makers as well as operational workers.
Reasons for Business Intelligence
BI enables organizations to make well-informed business decisions and thus can
be the source of competitive advantages. This is especially true when we can
extrapolate information from indicators in the external environment and make
accurate forecasts about future trends or economic conditions. Once business
intelligence is gathered effectively and used proactively, we can make decisions
that benefit our organization before the competition does.
The ultimate objective of business intelligence is to improve the timeliness and
quality of information. Business intelligence reveals to us –
♦ The position of the firm in comparison to its competitors.
♦ Changes in customer behaviour and spending patterns.
♦ The capabilities of the firm.
♦ Market conditions future trends, demographic and economic information.
♦ The social, regulatory and political environment.
♦ What the other firms in the market are doing.
Example 2.10: Fig. 2.8.2 showing example that Business Intelligence uses data
from different sources and helps to finds answers to various questions as shown
on right hand side.
♦ people consuming reports to test them against a set of business and logical
rules, to capture and avoid mistakes at their source.
♦ people using the information to do so in the way that best suits their needs,
including by using different languages, alternative currencies and in their
preferred style.
♦ people consuming the information to do so confident that the data
provided to them conforms to a set of sophisticated pre-defined definitions.
III. What is XBRL Tagging?
XBRL Tagging is the process by which any financial data is tagged with the most
appropriate element in an accounting taxonomy (a dictionary of accounting
terms) that best represents the data in addition to tags that facilitate
identification/classification (such as enterprise, reporting period, reporting
currency, unit of measurement etc.). Since all XBRL reports use the same
taxonomy, numbers associated with the same element are comparable
irrespective of how they are described by those releasing the financial statements.
Comprehensive definitions and accurate data tags allow preparation, validation,
publication, exchange, consumption; and analysis of business information of all
kinds. Information in reports prepared using the XBRL standard is interchangeable
between different information systems in entirely different organizations. This
allows for the exchange of business information across a reporting chain. People
that want to report information, share information, publish performance
information and allow straight through information processing all rely on XBRL.
In addition to allowing the exchange of summary business reports, like financial
statements, and risk and performance reports, XBRL has the capability to allow
the tagging of transactions that can themselves be aggregated into XBRL reports.
These transactional capabilities allow system independent exchange and analysis
of significant quantities of supporting data and can be the key to transforming
reporting supply chains.
IV. Who uses XBRL?
The international XBRL consortium is supported by more than 600 member
organizations, from both the private and public sectors. The standard has been
developed and refined over more than a decade and supports almost every kind
of conceivable reporting, while providing a wide range of features that enhance
the quality and consistency of reports, as well as their usability. XBRL is used in
many ways, for many different purposes, including by:
(i) Regulators
• Financial regulators that need significant amounts of complex
performance and risk information about the institutions that they
• Securities regulators and stock exchanges that need to analyse the
performance and compliance of listed companies and securities, and need
to ensure that this information is available to markets to consume and
• Business registrars that need to receive and make available publicly a
range of corporate data about private and public companies, including
annual financial statements.
• Tax authorities that need financial statements and other compliance
information from companies to process and review their corporate tax
• Statistical and monetary policy authorities that need financial
performance information from many different organizations.
(ii) Companies
• Companies that need to provide information to one or more of the
regulators mentioned above.
• Enterprises that need to accurately move information around within a
complex group.
• Supply chains that need to exchange information to help manage risk
and measure activity.
(iii) Governments
• Government agencies that are simplifying the process of businesses
reporting to government and reducing red tape, by either
harmonizing data definitions or consolidating reporting obligations
(or both).
• Government agencies that are improving government reporting by
standardizing the way that consolidated or transactional reports are
prepared and used within government agencies and/or published into
the public domain.
Identify the correct option that reflects the correct sequence of the
(i) Material Delivery
(ii) Billing
(iii) Pre-Sales Activities
(iv) Sales Order
(v) Payments
(vi) Inventory Sourcing
Choose the correct sequence from the following
(a) (i) - (iii) – (ii) – (iv) – (v)- (vi)
(b) (ii) – (iv)- (vi) – (iii) – (i) – (v)
(c) (iii)- (iv) – (vi)- (i) –(ii) – (v)
(d) (iv)- (i) – (iii), (v), (ii), (vi)
2. In purview of above situation, which of the following control can be helpful
to management of XYZ publishing house to retain its employees and
stopping them to leave the company?
(a) Training can be imparted to employees by skilled consultant.
(b) Allocation of employees to task matching their skill set, fixing of
compensation package.
(c) Management should stop the implementation of ERP.
(d) Backup arrangement is required.
3. The SAP software was successfully implemented by XYZ publication house
after overcoming many challenges. The risk associated with “Patches and
upgrades not installed and the tools being underutilized” belongs to
__________ risk.
(a) Technological
(b) Implementation
(c) People
(d) Process
3. (a) Technological
Unique Services, a well-established firm of Chartered Accountants with nine branches
at different locations in Delhi, deals in accounting, auditing and taxation assignments
like – return filing, corporate taxation and planning, company formation and
registration of foreign companies etc. The firm has its own ERP software. The firm
decided to come up with Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) registration which
requires upgradation in its software. Hence, the principal partner of the firm asked its
associate partner to prepare a list of various clients dealing in construction and
development of flats, commercial properties etc.
The firm’s management took care to select the vendor to upgrade their ERP software
which will act as an online assistant to its clients providing them the complete details
about registration and filling of various forms and resolving their frequently asked
questions. The firm also wanted a safe and secure working environment for their
employees to filing various forms under RERA Act on behalf of clients using digital
signature. The management also instructed its employees to mandatorily use Digital
Signature of clients for fair practices and any dishonesty found in this regard may
lead to penal provisions under various act including IT Act, 2000.
Answer the following questions:
1. In purview of case scenario, Unique Services requires to make changes in its
software for its users for RERA related matters. Identify the part of the
overall software which actually interacts with the users using the software?
(a) Back end
(b) Front end
(c) Middle layer
(d) Reports
2. The firm decided to have an online assistant for its clients to provide
complete details regarding taxation, registration and filling of various forms
and solve their queries. This is an example of _________ application.
(a) Installed application
(b) Web Application
(c) Cloud Based Application
(d) Direct Application
3. While filling the tax for its client ABC, the firm Unique Services enters the
detail of its TDS and GST in the requisite forms. Identify from the following
which type of master data it belongs to?
(a) Accounting Master Data
(b) Inventory Master Data
(c) Statutory Master Data
(d) Payroll master Data
Question Answer Question Answer
No. No.
1. (b) Front end 2. (c) Cloud Based
3. (c) Statutory
Master data
A. Integrated & Non-Integrated System
Central database is the main characteristics of an ERP system. In case of non-
integrated systems, separate database is maintained by each department
separately. Central database is accessed by all the departments for their data needs
and communication with other departments. Processes are defined and followed in
ERP system. ERP system contains different modules for different purposes. These
modules are connected to other modules as per requirements. Mismatch of master
data and communication gaps between departments / business units are two major
problems of non-integrated systems. Data is stored in two parts, master data and
transaction data. Master data is that data which is not expected to change
frequently. Voucher in manual accounting is a documentary evidence of
transaction. In case of software, it also a place, input form where transaction data is
input into the system. Grouping of ledgers is extremely important as reports are
prepared based on grouping only. Software consists of two parts, front end and
back end. Front end is used to interact with user and back end is used to store the
B. Business process modules and their integration with financial and
accounting systems
Business process modules are developed according to need of specific industries.
Various modules like Financial Accounting, Controlling, Sales and Distribution,
Materials Management, Human Resources etc., are there in an ERP System. These
modules are integrated with other modules depending on the nature of transaction.
Financial and Accounting Systems are small and medium levels may or may not have
inventory accounting.
C. Reporting System and MIS, Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
Business reporting or enterprise reporting is the public reporting of operating
and financial data by a business enterprise. With the dramatic expansion of
information technology, and the desire for increased competitiveness in
corporations, there has been an increase in the use of computing power to
produce unified reports which join different views of the enterprise in one place.
High-quality reports also promote better internal decision-making.
D. Business Reporting & Fundamentals of XBRL
XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is a freely available and global
standard for exchanging business information. XBRL is used by Government,
Companies, Regulators, Data Providers, Accountants, Analysts and Investors also.
E. Applicable regulatory and compliance requirements
Compliance means conforming to a rule, such as a specification, policy, standard
or law. Regulatory compliance is an organization’s adherence to laws, regulations,
guidelines and specifications relevant to its business. Violations of regulatory
compliance regulations often result in legal punishment, including interest,
penalty and prosecution in some cases. There may be two types of compliances,
General and Specific.
Components Data
Networking and
Systems (IS) Objectives of
Nature of IS Access
Management Control
Application Control
IS Functions Framework
Over the past few centuries, the world has moved on from connection amongst
individuals to more of connection amongst systems. We now have systems that are
constantly exchanging information about various things and even about us, many
a times without human intervention. This inter-networking of physical devices,
vehicles, smart devices, embedded electronics, software, sensors or any such device
is often referred to as IoT (Internet of Things).
What is interesting about various emerging technologies is that at its core we have
some key elements, namely, People, Computer Systems (Hardware, Operating
System and other Software), Data Resources, Networking and Communication
System. In this chapter, we are going to explore each of those key elements.
(Memory for storing and
retrieving information
(Information, new ideas, expertise, and customer feedback)
and other pointing devices for position-based input; Scanners and Bar Code, MICR
readers, Webcams Stylus/ touch screen for image-based input and Microphone for
audio-based input.
(ii) Processing devices are used to process data using program instructions,
manipulate functions, perform calculations, and control other hardware devices.
Examples include Central Processing Unit (CPU), Mother board, Network Card,
Sound Card etc.
The most common device is CPU which is the actual hardware that interprets and
executes the program (software) instructions and coordinates how all the other
hardware devices work together. It is like the brain of the computer which is built
on a small flake of silicon containing the equivalent of several million transistors.
We can think of transistors as switches which could be “ON” or “OFF” i.e. taking a
value of 1 or 0. It consists of following three functional units:
• Control Unit (CU): CU controls the flow of data and instruction to and from
memory, interprets the instruction and controls which tasks to execute and when.
• Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU): It performs arithmetic operations such
as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and logical comparison of numbers:
Equal to, Greater than, Less than, etc.
• Processor Registers: Registers are part of the computer processor which is
used to hold a computer instruction, perform mathematical operation as
storage address, or any kind of data. These are high speed, very small memory
units within CPU for storing small amount of data (mostly 32 or 64 bits).
Registers could be accumulators (for keeping running totals of arithmetic
values), address registers (for storing memory addresses of instructions),
storage registers (for storing the data temporarily) and miscellaneous (used
for several functions for general purpose).
(iii) Data Storage Devices refers to the memory where data and programs are
stored. Various types of memory are depicted in Fig. 3.3.3.
To bridge the huge differences of speed between the Registers and Primary
memory, the Cache Memory is introduced.
Cache memory is a smaller, extremely fast memory type built into a
computer’s Central Processing Unit (CPU) and that acts as a buffer
between RAM and the CPU. Cache Memory stores copies of the data from the
most frequently used main memory locations so that CPU can access it more
rapidly than main memory.
The differences between Processor Registers and Cache Memory are provided
below in the Table 3.3.2.
Table 3.3.2: Processor Registers vs Cache Memory
Processor Registers Cache Memory
These are high speed It is fast memory built into a computer’s CPU
memory units within CPU and is used to reduce the average time to
for storing small amount access data from the main memory. The data
of data (mostly 32 or 64 that is stored within a cache might be values
bits). that have been computed earlier or duplicates
of original values that are stored elsewhere.
The registers are the only Cache memory is an interface between CPU
Memory Units most and Main storage. It is not directly accessible
processors can operate for operations.
on directly.
(b) Secondary Memory: Secondary memory devices are non-volatile, have
greater capacity (they are available in large size), greater economy (the cost
of these is lesser compared to register and RAM) and slow speed (slower in
speed compared to registers or primary storage). Examples include Hard disk,
Pen drive, Memory card etc. Table 3.3.3 provides the key differences between
Primary Memory and Secondary Memory.
Table 3.3.3: Primary Memory vs Secondary Memory
Aspect Primary/Main Memory Secondary Memory
Basic Primary memory is directly Secondary memory is not
accessible by directly accessible by CPU.
With respect to CPU, the memory is organized as follows (as shown in the Fig.
• Registers that have small capacity, high cost, very high speed are placed
inside the CPU.
• Cache memory is placed next in the hierarchy followed by Primary
• Secondary memory is the farthest from CPU (large capacity, low cost,
low speed).
(iv) Output Devices: Computer systems provide output to decision makers at all
levels in an enterprise to solve business problems, the desired output may be in
visual, audio or digital forms. Output devices are devices through which system
responds. Visual output devices like - a display device visually conveys text,
graphics, and video information. Information shown on a display device is called
soft copy because the information exists electronically and is displayed for a
temporary period. Display devices include CRT monitors, LCD monitors and
displays, gas plasma monitors, and televisions. Some types of output are textual,
graphical, tactile, audio, and video.
• Textual output comprises of characters that are used to create words,
sentences, and paragraphs.
• Graphical outputs are digital representations of non-text information such as
drawings, charts, photographs, and animation.
• Tactile output such as raised line drawings may be useful for some individuals
who are blind.
• Audio output is any music, speech, or any other sound.
• Video output consists of images played back at speeds to provide the
appearance of full motion.
Most common examples of output devices are Speakers, Headphones, Screen
(Monitor), Printer, Voice output communication aid, Automotive navigation system,
Video, Plotter, Wireless etc.
II. Software
Software is defined as a set of instructions that tell the hardware what to do.
Software is not tangible; it cannot be touched. Software is created through the
process of programming. When programmers create software, what they are really
doing is simply typing out lists of instructions that tell the hardware what to
execute. Without software, the hardware would not be functional. Software can be
broadly divided into two categories: Operating System Software and Application
Software as shown in the Fig. 3.3.2.
(a) Operating System Software
An Operating System (OS) is a set of computer programs that manages computer
hardware resources and acts as an interface with computer applications programs.
The operating system is a vital component of the system software in a computer
system. Operating systems make the hardware usable and manage them by
creating an interface between the hardware and the user. Application programs
usually require an operating system to function that provides a convenient
environment to users for executing their programs. Computer hardware with
♦ File management: The operating system keeps a track of where each file is
stored and who can access it, based on which it provides the file retrieval.
(b) Application Software
Example 3.1: Consider the following examples:
• As the personal computer proliferated inside organizations, control over the
information generated by the organization began splintering. Say the
customer service department creates a customer database to keep track of
calls and problem reports, and the sales department also creates a database
to keep track of customer information. Which one should be used as the
master list of customers?
• As another example, someone in sales might create a spreadsheet to calculate
sales revenue, while someone in finance creates a different one that meets
the needs of their department. However, it is likely that the two spreadsheets
will come up with different totals for revenue. Which one is correct? And who
is managing all this information?
To resolve these issues, various specific purpose applications were created.
business or scientific or any other problem. Application Suite like MS Office 2010
which has MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, etc.; Enterprise Software like SAP;
Content Access Software like Media Players, Adobe Digital etc. are some examples
of Application Software.
Internet but are instead installed on a device and work with a single user at a
time. Various operations that can be performed on these files include adding
new files to database, deleting existing files from database, inserting data in
existing files, modifying data in existing files, deleting data in existing files,
and retrieving or querying data from existing files. DBMS packages generally
provide an interface to view and change the design of the database, create
queries, and develop reports. Commercially available DataBase Management
Systems are Oracle, MySQL, SQL Servers and DB2 etc. whereas Microsoft
Access and Open Office Base are examples of personal DBMS.
Advantages of DBMS
♦ Permitting Data Sharing: One of the major advantages of a DBMS is that the
same information can be made available to different users.
♦ Minimizing Data Redundancy: In a DBMS, duplication of information or
redundancy is, if not eliminated, carefully controlled or reduced i.e. there is no
need to repeat the same data repeatedly. Minimizing redundancy significantly
reduce the cost of storing information on storage devices.
♦ Integrity can be maintained: Data integrity is maintained by having accurate,
consistent, and up-to-date data. Updates and changes to the data only must be
made in one place in DBMS ensuring Integrity.
♦ Program and File consistency: Using a DBMS, file formats and programs are
standardized. The level of consistency across files and programs makes it easier
to manage data when multiple programmers are involved as the same rules and
guidelines apply across all types of data.
♦ User-friendly: DBMS makes the data access and manipulation easier for the
user. DBMS also reduces the reliance of users on computer experts to meet
their data needs.
♦ Improved security: DBMS allows multiple users to access the same data
resources in a controlled manner by defining the security constraints. Some
sources of information should be protected or secured and only viewed by
select individuals. Using passwords, DBMS can be used to restrict data access
to only those who should see it. Security will only be improved in a database
when appropriate access privileges are allotted to prohibit unauthorized
modification of data.
♦ Achieving program/data independence: In a DBMS, data does not reside in
applications, but database program and data are independent of each other.
Preventive Control
Detective Control
Corrective Control
Environmental Control
Physical Access Control
Logical Access Control
(B) Detective Controls: These controls are designed to detect errors, omissions
or malicious acts that occur and report the occurrence. In other words,
Detective Controls detect errors or incidents that elude preventive controls.
They are basically investigative in nature. For example, a detective control
may identify account numbers of inactive accounts or accounts that have
been flagged for monitoring of suspicious activities. Detective controls can
also include monitoring and analysis to uncover activities or events that
exceed authorized limits or violate known patterns in data that may indicate
improper manipulation. For sensitive electronic communications, detective
controls indicate that a message has been corrupted or the sender’s secure
identification cannot be authenticated.
The main characteristics of Detective controls are given as follows:
• Clear understanding of lawful activities so that anything which deviates
from these is reported as unlawful, malicious, etc.;
• An established mechanism to refer the reported unlawful activities to
the appropriate person or group, whistle blower mechanism;
• Interaction with the preventive control to prevent such acts from
occurring; and
• Surprise checks by supervisor.
II. Electrical Exposures: These include risk of damages that may be caused
due electrical faults which may occur due to very short pulse of energy in a
power line. These include non-availability of electricity, spikes (temporary
very high voltages), fluctuations of voltage and other such risk.
Table 3.4.2(B): Controls for Electrical Exposure
♦ Electrical Surge Protectors: The risk of damage due to power spikes can
be reduced using Electrical Surge Protectors that are typically built into
the Uninterrupted Power System (UPS).
♦ Un-interruptible Power System/Generator: In case of a power failure,
the UPS provides the backup by providing electrical power from the
battery to the computer for a certain span of time. Depending on the
sophistication of the UPS, electrical power supply could continue to flow
for days or for just a few minutes to permit an orderly computer
♦ Voltage regulators and circuit breakers: These protect the hardware
from temporary increase or decrease of power.
♦ Emergency Power-Off Switch: When the need arises for an immediate
power shut down during situations like a computer room fire or an
emergency evacuation, an emergency power-off switch at the strategic
locations would serve the purpose. They should be easily accessible and
yet secured from unauthorized people.
(B) Physical Access Controls: The Physical Access Controls are the controls
relating to physical security of the tangible resources and intangible
resources stored on tangible media etc. Such controls include Access control
doors, Security guards, door alarms, restricted entry to secure areas, visitor
logged access, CCTV monitoring etc. Refer the Table 3.4.3.
Table 3.4.3: Controls for Physical Exposures
I. Locks on Doors
• Cipher locks (Combination Door Locks): Cipher locks are used in low
security situations or when many entrances and exits must be usable all
the time. To enter into a secured room, a person presses a four-digit
number and the door will unlock for a predetermined period, usually 10
to 30 seconds.
• Bolting Door Locks: In this, a special metal key is used to gain entry
and to avoid illegal entry, the keys should not be duplicated.
• Electronic Door Locks: A magnetic or embedded chip-based plastics
card key or token may be entered into a reader to gain access in these
II. Physical Identification Medium: These are discussed below:
• Personal Identification Numbers (PIN): A secret number assigned to
an individual, in conjunction with some means of identifying the
individual, serves to verify the authenticity of the individual. The visitor
will be asked to log on by inserting a card in some device and then enter
their PIN via a PIN keypad for authentication. His/her entry will be
matched with the PIN number available in the security database.
• Plastic Cards: These cards are used for identification purposes.
Customers should safeguard their card so that it does not fall into
unauthorized hands.
holding area. It helps to manage traffic and prohibits the intruder from
escaping the facility quickly.
• Non–exposure of Sensitive Facilities: There should be no explicit
indication such as presence of windows of directional signs hinting the
presence of facilities such as computer rooms. Only the general location
of the information processing facility should be identifiable.
• Computer Terminal Locks: These locks ensure that the device to the
desk is not turned on or disengaged by unauthorized persons.
• Controlled Single Entry Point: All incoming personnel can use
controlled Single-Entry Point. A controlled entry point is monitored by
a receptionist. Multiple entry points increase the chances of
unauthorized entry. Unnecessary or unused entry points should be
eliminated or deadlocked.
• Alarm System: Illegal entry can be avoided by linking alarm system to
inactive entry point and the reverse flows of enter or exit only doors, to
avoid illegal entry. Security personnel should be able to hear the alarm
when activated.
• Perimeter Fencing: Fencing at boundary of the facility may also
enhance the security mechanism.
• Control of out of hours of employee-employees: Employees who are
out of office for a longer duration during the office hours should be
monitored carefully. Their movements must be noted and reported to
the concerned officials frequently.
• Secured Report/Document Distribution Cart: Secured carts, such as
mail carts must be covered and locked and should always be attended.
(C) Logical Access Controls: These are the controls relating to logical access to
information resources such as operating systems controls, application software
boundary controls, networking controls, access to database objects, encryption
controls etc. Logical access controls are implemented to ensure that access to
systems, data and programs is restricted to authorized users to safeguard
information against unauthorized use, disclosure or modification, damage, or
loss. The key factors considered in designing logical access controls include
confidentiality and privacy requirements, authorization, authentication, and
incident handling, reporting and follow-up, virus prevention and detection,
firewalls, centralized security administration, user training and tools for
monitoring compliance, intrusion testing and reporting. Logical access controls
enterprise. The controls flow from the top of an organization to down; the
responsibility still lies with the senior management. Top management is responsible
for preparing a master plan for the information systems function. The senior
managers who take responsibility for IS function in an organization face many
challenges. The major functions that a senior management must perform are
Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling.
(a) Planning – This includes determining the goals of the information systems
function and the means of achieving these goals which could either be a short
term or long term one. The steering committee shall comprise of
representatives from all areas of the business, and IT personnel that would be
responsible for the overall direction of IT. The steering committee should
assume overall responsibility for activities of information systems function.
(b) Organizing – There should be a prescribed IT organizational structure with
documented roles and responsibilities and agreed job descriptions. This
includes gathering, allocating, and coordinating the resources needed to
accomplish the goals that are established during planning function. Unless
Top management performs the organizing function properly, the Information
systems function is unlikely to be effective and efficient.
(c) Leading – This includes the activities like motivating, guiding, and
communicating with personnel. The purpose of leading is to achieve the
harmony of objectives, i.e. a person’s or group’s objectives must not conflict
with the organization’s objectives. The process of leading requires managers
to motivate subordinates, direct them and communicate with them.
(d) Controlling – This includes comparing actual performance of the information
systems functions with their planned performance as a basis for taking any
corrective actions that are needed. This involves determining when the actual
activities of the information system’s functions deviate from the planned
II. Systems Development Management Controls
Systems Development Management has responsibility for the functions
concerned with analyzing, designing, building, implementing, and
maintaining information systems. System development controls are targeted
to ensure that proper documentations and authorizations are available for
each phase of the system development process. It includes controls at
controlling new system development activities. The activities discussed below
deal with system development controls in an IT setup.
to a DRP mainly deals with carrying on the critical business operations in the
event of a disaster so as to ensure minimum impact on the business.
• Insurance is a contract, represented by a policy, in which an individual or
entity receives financial protection or reimbursement against losses from an
insurance company. Adequate insurance must be able to replace Information
Systems assets and to cover the extra costs associated with restoring normal
VI. Operations Management Controls
Operations management is responsible for the daily running of hardware and
software facilities so that production application systems can accomplish their work
and development staff can design, implement and maintain application systems.
Operations management typically perform controls over the functions as discussed
(a) Computer Operations: The controls over computer operations govern the
activities that directly support the day-to-day execution of either test or
production systems on the hardware/software platform available.
(b) Network Operations: Data may be lost or corrupted through component
failure. To avoid such situation, the proper functioning of network operations,
monitoring the performance of network communication channels, network
devices, and network programs and files are required.
(c) Data Preparation and Entry: Irrespective of whether the data is obtained
indirectly from source documents or directly from say customers, keyboard
environments and facilities should be designed to promote speed and
accuracy and to maintain the wellbeing of keyboard operators.
(d) Production Control: This includes the major functions like receipt and
dispatch of input and output; job scheduling; management of service-level
agreements with users; transfer pricing/charge-out control; and acquisition
of computer consumables.
(e) File Library: This includes the management of not only machine-readable
storage media like magnetic tapes, cartridges, and optical disks of an
organization but also its fixed storage media.
(f) Documentation and Program Library: This involves that documentation
librarians ensure that documentation is stored securely; that only authorized
personnel gain access to documentation; that documentation is kept up-to-
date and that adequate backup exists for documentation. There should also
Top Mgt. Systems Development Mgt. Programming Data Resource Mgt. Controls: Data Security Mgt. Quality
Controls: Controls: Responsible for Mgt. Controls: To must be available to users at a Functions Assurance
Functions functions like analyzing, acquire & location and form in which it is Controls: Ensure Mgt.
performed designing, building, implement high- needed, data is modifiable & data that IS assets are Controls:
by Senior implementing, maintaining IS. quality programs. integrity is preserved etc. Includes secure, To
Management This includes Problem Includes phases controls like Definition Controls to recoverable achieve
that includes definition and Feasibility Planning that comply with database definition, after disaster quality
Planning to Assessment to find possible estimates the Existence Controls ensure existence occurs. Includes goals & IS
determine solutions and their economic required of database after data loss, Access DRP (how to comply
goals of justification to resolve resources for s/w Controls prevent unauthorized recover from with set of
information problems, Analysis of existing development, access, Update Controls to restrict disaster & quality
systems system to study the existing Design involves update of database to authorized returns to standards.
function and structure, culture of the systematic users only, Concurrency controls normalcy) &
means of system, existing product & approach to overcome data integrity problems & Insurance
achieving information flows, program design, Quality Controls ensure accuracy, (protection
goals; Information processing Coding use Top- completeness, & data consistency. against losses).
Organizing to system design involving down, Bottom-up
Gather, elicitation of detailed approach, Testing
allocate, requirements, design of data to ensure Operations Mgt. Controls: Responsible for daily running of h/w and
coordinate flow, database, user interface, developed software computer, n/w operations, file library etc. Includes Computer
resources to physical design, h/w and s/w program achieves Operations to directly support daily execution of test or production
accomplish platform etc., H/w & S/w its goals, systems on h/w or s/w platform, Network Operations involve
goals, acquisition & procedures Operation & functioning of n/w operations, monitoring communication channels,
Leading to development wherein Maintenance that devices etc., Data Preparation & Entry include keyboard environments
Motivate, vendors are selected based on could be Repair, designed to promote speed/accuracy to maintain wellbeing of
communicate evaluation criterion, Adaptive, & operators, Production Controls include functions like receipt/dispatch
with Acceptance testing/ Perfective of I/O; job scheduling; mgt. of SLAs etc., File Library includes mgt. of
personnel; conversion to identify Maintenance & storage media, Documentation and Program Library ensures
and deficiencies in the system Control phase documentation stored securely; up-to-date & adequate backup exists,
Controlling before its release, Operation that monitor Technical support assist end-users to employ h/w & s/w, Capacity
to compare and Maintenance in which progress against Planning & Performance Monitoring to identify resource deficiencies,
actual with new system run as production all phases using and Mgt. of Outsourced Operations involve monitoring contracts.
planned system & maintenance WBS, Gantt
performance. activities monitored carefully. Charts, PERT. Fig. 3.4.2: The Management Control Framework
Boundary Controls: Involves Input Controls: Ensure Processing Controls: To Database Controls: To protect integrity
access control mechanism. accuracy of data to be compute classify, sort and of database when app. s/w act as
This involves Cryptographic inputted into application summarize data. This includes interface b/w user & database. This
Controls to transform data system. This includes Processor Controls to reduce includes Access Controls to prevent
into codes that are Data Code Control to expected losses from errors & unauthorized access & use of data,
meaningless for a non- reduce user error during irregularities associated with Integrity Controls to ensure accuracy,
authenticated person, Access data feeding, Batch processors, Real Memory completeness, and uniqueness of
Controls that involves 3 steps: Controls to prevent/ Controls to detect/correct instances, Application S/w Controls
Identification, Authentication, detect errors in batch, errors that occur in memory cells that involve Update and Report
Authorization; PIN is a Validation of Data input and to protect areas of memory Controls, Concurrency Controls that
random number stored in Controls detect errors in assigned to a program from handles cases of concurrency and
database, Digital Signatures transaction data before illegal access, VM Controls that deadlock, Cryptographic Controls used
to establish authenticity of e- data are processed & maps VM addresses into real to maintain data integrity, File Handling
documents, Plastic Cards to Audit Trail Controls to memory addresses, App. S/w Controls to prevent accidental data
store information required in log events from time Control to validate checks to destruction on storage medium and
an identification process and data are captured and identify errors during data Audit Trail Controls to log events in
Audit Trail Controls to log of passed to other processing & Audit Trail Ctrls database definition or database itself.
user gaining system access. subsystem. that log events b/w data I/O.
Communication Controls: Discuss exposures in communication Output Controls: Ensure data delivered to users is presented, formatted,
subsystem, controls over physical components, & channel access delivered consistently. It includes Inference Controls to prevent compromise
controls. Physical Component Ctrsl to mitigate effects of exposures, of statistical database, Batch output production and distribution controls
Line Error Ctrl to detect/correct error of attenuation/distortion, Flow include controls over file spooling, printing controls, report distribution
Controls to control rate at which data flows b/w users, Link Controls controls, storage controls etc., Batch Report Design controls to ensure
to manage link b/w 2 nodes in a network, Topological Controls to compliance with control procedures laid during the output, Online output
specify location & way nodes are linked, Channel Access Controls to production and Distribution Controls deal with establishing the output at
handle contention in channel, Control over Subversive threat require source, distributing, communicating, receiving, viewing, retaining and
data to be rendered useless in case of intrusion, Internetworking destructing output and Audit Trail Controls to maintain log of events that
Controls to control n/w connecting devices and Audit Trail Controls occur b/w the time content of output is determined to disposal of output.
to log events from dispatch time of a message to its receival.
Fig. 3.4.3: The Application Control Framework
of the PIN; (f) Storage of the PIN; (g) Change of the PIN; (h) Replacement
of the PIN; and (i) Termination of the PIN.
A PIN may be exposed to vulnerabilities at any stage of the life cycle of
PIN and therefore, controls need to be put in place and working to reduce
exposures to an acceptable level.
(d) Digital Signatures: Establishing the authenticity of persons and
preventing the denial of message or contracts are critical requirements
when data is exchanged in electronic form. A counterpart known as
Digital Signature (a string of 0’s and 1’s) is used as an analog signature
for such e-documents. Digital Signatures are not constant like analog
signatures – they vary across messages and cannot be forged.
(e) Plastic Cards: We may recall that while PIN and Digital Signatures are
used for authentication purposes, plastic cards are used primarily for
identification purpose. This includes the phases namely - application for
a card, preparation of the card, issue of the card, use of the card and card
return or card termination.
(f) Audit Trail Controls: This maintains the chronology of events that occur
when a user attempts to gain access to and employ systems resources. The
events associated with both types of audit trail control are given below in
Table 3.4.6:
Table 3.4.6: Audit Trail Controls - Boundary Control
Accounting Audit Trail Operations Audit Trail
All material application-oriented events occurring This includes the details
within the boundary subsystem should be recorded like resource usage
that may include the data related to identity of the from log-on to log-out
would-be user of system; authentication information time and log of
supplied; resources requested/provided or denied; resource consumption.
terminal Identifier and Start/Finish Time; number of
Sign-on attempts; & Action privileges allowed/denied.
and are, therefore error and fraud prone. These are of following types as shown in
the Fig. 3.4.4:
until the time they are deemed valid and passed onto other subsystems within
the application system (Refer Table 3.4.7).
Table 3.4.7: Audit Trail Controls - Input Controls
Accounting Audit Trail Operations Audit Trail
This must record the origin, contents, and Some of the data that might
timing of transaction entered into be collected include time to
application system, thus involving the key in a source document or
details regarding the identity of the an instrument at a terminal;
person (organization) who was the source number of read errors made
of the data and who entered the data into by an optical scanning device;
the system; the time and date when the number of keying errors
data was captured; the identifier of the identified during verification;
physical device used to enter the data into frequency with which an
the system; the account or record to be instruction in a command
updated by the transaction; the standing language is used; and time
data to be updated by the transaction; the taken to invoke an instruction
details of the transaction; and the number using different input devices
of the physical or logical batch to which like light pen or mouse.
the transaction belongs.
III. Communication Controls
These discuss exposures in the communication subsystem, controls over physical
components, communication line errors, flows and links, topological controls,
channel access controls, controls over subversive attacks, internetworking controls,
communication architecture controls, and audit trail controls. Some communication
controls are as follows:
(a) Physical Component Controls: In the communications subsystem, the
physical components shall have characteristics that make them reliable
and incorporate features and controls that mitigate the possible effects
of exposures. Major physical components that affect the reliability of
communication subsystem are Transmission media, Communication
lines, Modem, Port protection devices, Multiplexers, and Concentrators
(b) Line Error Controls: Whenever data is transmitted over a communication
line, it can be received in error because of attenuation, distortion, or noise
that occurs on the line. These errors must be detected and corrected.
(c) Flow Controls: Flow controls are needed because two nodes in a network
can differ in terms of the rate at which they can be sent, receive, and process
data. For example- data transmission between mainframe and
microcomputers may become erroneous because of difference in their speed
and storage capacity. Flow controls will be used therefore to prevent the
mainframe flooding the microcomputer and as a result, data being lost.
(d) Link Controls: In Wide Area Network (WAN), line error control and flow
control are important functions in the component that manages the link
between two nodes in a network. The way these link-management
components operate is specified via a protocol.
(e) Topological Controls: A communication network topology specifies the
location of nodes within a network, the ways in which these nodes will
be linked, and the data transmission capabilities of the links between the
nodes. The network must be available for use at any one time by a given
number of users that may require alternative hardware, software, or
routing of messages.
(f) Channel Access Controls: Two different nodes in a network can compete to
use a communication channel simultaneously, leading to the possibility of
contention for the channel existing. Therefore, some type of channel access
control techniques like polling method (defining an order in which a node
can gain access to a channel capacity) or contention method (nodes in
network must compete with each other to gain access to a channel) must be
(g) Controls over Subversive threats: Firstly, the physical barriers are needed
to be established to the data traversing into the subsystem. Secondly, in
case the intruder has somehow gained access to the data, the data needs
to be rendered useless when access occurs.
(h) Internetworking Controls: Different internetworking devices like bridge,
router, gateways are used to establish connectivity between
homogeneous or heterogeneous networks. Therefore, several control
functions in terms of access control mechanisms, security and reliability
of the networks are required to be established.
(i) Audit Trail Controls: This maintains a chronology of the events from the time
a sender dispatches a message to the time a receiver obtains the message.
Few examples of data item that might be kept in both types of audit trail is
shown in Table 3.4.8.
(b) Real Memory Controls: This comprises the fixed amount of primary storage
in which programs or data must reside for them to be executed or referenced
by the central processor. Real memory controls seek to detect and correct
errors that occur in memory cells and to protect areas of memory assigned to a
program from illegal access by another program.
(c) Virtual Memory Controls: Virtual Memory exists when the addressable
storage space is larger than the available real memory space. To achieve this
outcome, a control mechanism must be in place that maps virtual memory
addresses into real memory addresses. When an executing program
references virtual memory addresses, the mechanism then translates these
addresses into real memory addresses.
(d) Application Software Controls: These perform validation checks to identify
errors during processing of data. These are required to ensure both the
completeness and the accuracy of data being processed. Normally, the
processing controls are enforced through database management system that
stores the data. However, adequate controls should be enforced through the
front-end application system also to have consistency in the control process.
(e) Audit Trail Controls: This maintains the chronology of events from the time
data is received from the input or communication subsystem to the time data
V. Database Controls
These controls are used within an application software to maintain the integrity of
data, to prevent integrity violations when multiple programs have concurrent
access to data, and the ways in which data privacy can be preserved within the
database subsystem.
(a) Access Controls: These controls in database subsystem seek to prevent
unauthorized access to and use of the data. A security policy has to be
specified followed by choosing an access control mechanism that will
enforce the policy chosen. If database is replicated, the same access
control rules must be enforced by access control mechanism at each site.
(b) Integrity Controls: These are required to ensure that the accuracy,
completeness, and uniqueness of instances used within the data or
conceptual modeling are maintained. Integrity Constraints are
established to specify the type of relationship and consistency among
rows (tuple) in relationship.
(c) Application Software Controls: When application software acts as an
interface to interact between the user and the database, the DBMS
shall facilitate its flow though the output process and execution of
(d) Online output production and Distribution Controls: It deals with the
controls to be considered at various phases like establishing the output
at the source, distributing, communicating, receiving, viewing, retaining
and destructing the output. Source controls ensure that output which can
be generated or accessed online is authorized, complete and timely;
Distribution Controls to prevent unauthorized copying of online output
when it was distributed to a terminal; Communication Controls to reduce
exposures from attacks during transmission; Receipt Controls to evaluate
whether the output should be accepted or rejected; Review Controls to
ensure timely action of intended recipients on the output; Disposition
Controls to educate employees the actions that can be taken on the online
output they receive; and Retention Controls to evaluate for how long the
output is to be retained and Deletion Controls to delete the output once
(e) Audit Trail Controls: The audit trail maintains the chronology of events that
occur from the time the content of the output is determined until the time
users complete their disposal of output because it no longer should be
retained. The data items that need to be considered are provided in Table
Table 3.4.12: Audit Trail Controls - Output Controls
Accounting Audit Trail Operations Audit Trail
This includes what output This maintains the record of resources consumed
was assimilated for by components in the output subsystem to
presentation to the users; assimilate, produce, distribute, use, store and
what output was then dispose of various types of output like graphs,
presented to the users; who images etc., to record data that enables print times,
received the output; when response times and display rates for output to be
the output was received; determined and to manage the information that
and what actions were enables the organization to improve the timelines
subsequently taken with of output production and reduce the number of
the output. resources consumed in producing output.
(iii) System Control Audit Review File (SCARF): The SCARF technique involves
embedding audit software modules within a host application system to
provide continuous monitoring of the system’s transactions. The information
collected is written onto a special audit file- the SCARF master files. Auditors
then examine the information contained on this file to see if some aspect of
the application system needs follow-up. In many ways, the SCARF technique
is like the snapshot technique along with other data collection capabilities.
(iv) Continuous and Intermittent Simulation (CIS): This is a variation of the
SCARF continuous audit technique. This technique can be used to trap
exceptions whenever the application system uses a database management
system. During application system processing, CIS executes in the following
• The DBMS reads an application system transaction. It is passed to CIS.
CIS then determines whether it wants to examine the transaction
further. If yes, the next steps are performed or otherwise it waits to
receive further data from the database management system.
• CIS replicates or simulates the application system processing.
• Every update to the database that arises from processing the selected
transaction will be checked by CIS to determine whether discrepancies
exist between the results it produces and those the application system
• Exceptions identified by CIS are written to an exception log file.
The advantage of CIS is that it does not require modifications to the
application system and yet provides an online auditing capability.
(v) Audit Hooks: There are audit routines that flag suspicious transactions. For
example, internal auditors at Insurance Company determined that their
policyholder system was vulnerable to fraud every time a policyholder
changed his or her name or address and then subsequently withdrew funds
from the policy. They devised a system of audit hooks to tag records with a
name or address change. The internal audit department will investigate these
tagged records for detecting fraud. When audit hooks are employed, auditors
can be informed of questionable transactions as soon as they occur. This
approach of real-time notification displays a message on the auditor’s
Example 3.6: Consider an equipment database shown in Fig. 3.7.2 that has building
records, room records, equipment records, and repair records. The database
Repair Repair Repair Repair Repair
Invoice 6
Invoice 1 Invoice 2 Invoice 3 Invoice 4 Invoice 5
• Equipment 6 record does not own any record now because it is not required
to be fixed yet.
Example 3.8: A company manufactures black and blue ball pens and stores its data
using relational database wherein the data is stored in table structures defined below
in table 3.7.2.
Table 3.7.2: Description of Example 3.8
Table 1: Product_table that Table 2: Invoice_table has the description
contains the detail of all products. of invoices. Invoice table has Invoice_code,
Each product is assigned a unique Quantity(Qty) and total amount
code represented as Prd_code in (Total_Amt) with respect to products sold.
the table. Each invoice has unique number as
Prd_code Description Price Prd_code Invoice_code Qty Total_Amt
Example 3.9: Refer the Fig. 3.7.4. The light rectangle indicates that ‘Engineer’ is an
object possessing attributes like ‘date of birth’, ‘address’, etc. which is interacting
with another object known as ‘civil jobs’. When a civil job is executed commenced,
it updates the ‘current job’ attribute of the ‘Engineer’ object, because ‘civil job’
sends a message to the latter object.
Objects can be organized by first identifying them as a member of a class/subclass.
Different objects of a particular class should possess at least one common attribute.
The dark rectangles indicate ‘Engineer’ as a class and ‘Civil Engineer’ and ‘Architect’ as
both subclasses of ‘Engineer’. These subclasses possess all the attributes of ‘Engineer’
over and above each possessing at least one attribute not possessed by ‘Engineer’. The
line intersecting particular object classes represents the class of structure.
Secondly, objects can be identified as a component of some other object. ‘Engineer’
is components of a ‘Civil Job Team’ which may have one to more than one number
of member(s). An ‘Engineer’ may not be a member of the ‘Civil Job Team’ and may
not be a member of more than one team. The dotted line intersecting particular
object classes represents the part of structure. Apart from possessing attributes,
objects as well as possess methods or services that are responsible for changing
their states. Like the service ‘Experience’ as a Civil Engineer or Architect for the
object ‘Engineer’ calculates how much experience the engineers of these particular
two subclasses have as professionals.
Part of Structure
Engineer ID No.
Date of Birth
Address Civil Jobs
Employment Date
Current Job
Class of Structure
operations of the company more than we need to. Further, organizations also want
to analyze data in a historical sense: How does the data we have today compare
with the same set of data of last month, or last year? From these needs arose the
concept of the data warehouse. The process of extracting data from source systems
and bringing it into the data warehouse is commonly called ETL, which stands for
Extraction, Transformation, and Loading. The process is described below and
shown in the Fig. 3.7.5:
♦ In the first stage, the data is Extracted from one or more of the organization’s
databases. This stage involves extracting the data from various sources such
as ERP systems used, databases, flat files including plain text files, Excel
spreadsheet etc.
♦ In the second stage, the data so extracted is placed in a temporary area called
Staging Area where it is Transformed like cleansing, sorting, filtering etc. of
the data as per the information requirements.
♦ The final stage involves the Loading of the transformed data into a data
warehouse which itself is another database for storage and analysis.
♦ The information loaded on to the data warehouse could further be used by
different data marts which are nothing but databases pertaining to specific
departmental functions like Sales, Finance, Marketing etc. from where the
information is used for further reporting and analyzes to take informed
decision by the management.
However, the execution of this concept is not that simple. A data warehouse should
be designed so that it meets the following criteria:
It uses non-operational data. This means that the data warehouse is using a
copy of data from the active databases that the company uses in its day-to-
day operations, so the data warehouse must pull data from the existing
databases on a regular scheduled basis. Relevance and nature of the data in
the data warehouse depend on the time the jobs are scheduled to pull data
from the active databases.
The data is time-variant. This means that whenever data is loaded into the
data warehouse, it receives a time stamp which allows for comparisons
between different time periods.
The data is standardized. Because the data in a data warehouse usually
comes from several different sources, it is possible that the data does not use
the same definitions or units. For example- Events table in a our Student Clubs
database lists the event dates using the mm/dd/yyyy format (e.g.,
b. Data Selection: It may be possible that all the data collected may not be
required in the first step. So, in this step we select only those data which we think
is useful for data mining.
c. Data Cleaning: The data that is collected are not clean and may contain errors,
missing values, noisy or inconsistent data. Thus, we need to apply different
techniques to get rid of such anomalies.
d. Data Transformation: The data even after cleaning are not ready for mining as
it needs to be transformed into an appropriate form for mining using different
techniques like - smoothing, aggregation, normalization etc.
e. Data Mining: In this, various data mining techniques are applied on the data to
discover the interesting patterns. Techniques like clustering and association
analysis are among the many different techniques used for data mining.
f. Pattern Evaluation and Knowledge Presentation: This step involves
visualization, transformation, removing redundant patterns etc. from the
patterns we generated.
g. Decisions / Use of Discovered Knowledge: This step helps user to make use of
the knowledge acquired to take better informed decisions.
In some cases, a data-mining project is begun with a hypothetical result in mind. For
example, a grocery chain may already have some idea that buying patterns change
after it rains and want to get a deeper understanding of exactly what is happening. In
other cases, there are no pre-suppositions and a data-mining program is run against
large data sets to find patterns and associations. Table 3.7.3 provides the basic
differences between Database, Data Warehouse and Data Mining.
Table 3.7.3: Differences between Database, Data Warehouse & Data Mining
depend upon the talent and experience of existing leaders, in addition to each
leader’s workload and other factors. For example, if the director of IT program
management leaves the organization, the existing department could
temporarily be placed under the IT operations department, in this case
because the director of IT operations used to run IT program management.
Senior management can see how that arrangement works out and later
decide whether to replace the director of IT program management position
or to do something else.
3.8.1 Roles and Responsibilities
The topic of roles and responsibilities is multidimensional; it encompasses positions
and relationships on the organization chart, it defines specific job titles and duties,
and it denotes generic expectations and responsibilities regarding the use and
protection of assets. Several roles and responsibilities fall upon all individuals
throughout the organization. Some of them are discussed below:
♦ Owner: An owner is an individual (usually but not necessarily a manager) who
is the designated owner-steward of an asset. Depending upon the
organization’s security policy, an owner may be responsible for the
maintenance and integrity of the asset, as well as for deciding who is
permitted to access the asset. If the asset is information, the owner may be
responsible for determining who may access and make changes to the
Fig. 3.8.1 provides an illustrative overview of positions that report to CIO in general.
Database This position performs tasks that are junior to the database
Analyst administrator, carrying out routine data maintenance and
monitoring tasks.
Security S/he is responsible for the design of security controls and systems
Architect such as authentication, audit logging, intrusion detection systems,
intrusion prevention systems, and firewalls.
Security S/he is responsible for designing, building, and maintaining security
Engineer services and systems that are designed by the security architect.
(g) Service Desk: Positions at the service desk are responsible for providing front
line support services to IT and IT’s customers.
• Help desk Analyst: This position is responsible for providing front line
user support services to personnel in the organization.
• Technical Support Analyst: This position is responsible for providing
technical support services to other IT personnel, and perhaps also to IT
Question Answer Question Answer
No. No.
1 (ii) Many-to-One 2 (iii) Relational
Database structure
3 (ii) Data Redundancy 4 (i) Preventive
5 (iii) User Access 6 (ii) Enforced Path
Bianc Computing Ltd. has implemented a set of controls including those with
respect to security, quality assurance and boundary controls to ensure that the
development, implementation, operation and maintenance of information systems
takes place in a planned and controlled manner. It has also ensured that logs are
designed to record activity at the system, application, and user level.
Along with the implementation of controls and maintenance of logs, it has
approached a leading firm of IS auditors to conduct a comprehensive audit of its
controls. Within the organization also, it has opened new job roles and has hired
people with the required skill sets for the same.
Answer the following Questions:
1 The team of network engineers of Bianc Computing Ltd. recommended
certain controls to be implemented in the organization to bridge the rate of
data reception and transmission between two nodes. Which types of controls
are being referred to here?
(i) Link Controls
(ii) Flow Controls
(iii) Channel Access Controls
(iv) Line Error Controls
2 Which control is used to ensure that the user can continue working, while
the print operation is getting completed? This is known as ___________.
(i) Printing Controls
(ii) Spooling File Control
In the present contemporary world, apart from change the thought-provoking
terminology is business which is a driving force behind change and how to insight
into trade is a dynamic called integration. Organizations of the 1990 were
concentrated on the re-engineering and redesign of their business processes to
endorse their competitive advantage. To endure in the 21st century, organizations
have started paying attention on integrating enterprise-wide technology solutions
to progress their business processes called Business Information Systems (BIS).
Now, every organization integrates part or all of its business functions together to
accomplish higher effectiveness and yield. The thrust of the argument was that
Information Technology (IT), when skillfully employed could in various ways
differentiate an organization from its competition, add value to its services or
products in the eyes of its customers, and secure a competitive advantage in
comparison to its competition.
Although information systems have set high hopes to companies for their growth
as it reduces processing speed and helps in cutting cost but most of the research
studies show that there is a remarkable gap between its capabilities and the
business-related demands that senior management is placing on it. We learnt how
any enterprise to be effective and efficient must use Business Process Automation
(BPA), which is largely aided by Computers or IT. Information systems, which forms
the backbone of any enterprise comprises of various layers such as: Application
software, Database Management Systems (DBMS), System Software, Operating
Systems, Hardware, Network Links and People-Users.
This Chapter has provided an overview on the importance of information systems in an
IT environment and how information is generated. There has been a detailed discussion
on Information System Audit, its need, and the method of performing the same. Chapter
outlines the losses that an organization may face, incase, it does not get it audited.
3. Discuss the term ’Operating System’ and various operations performed by it.
(Refer Section 3.3.2 [Point II])
4. Database Management Systems (DBMS) is a software that aids in organizing,
controlling and using the data needed by the application program However,
there are many advantages and disadvantages associated with it. Discuss them.
(Refer Section 3.3.3)
5. Discuss Boundary Controls under the Application Control Framework in detail.
(Refer Section 3.4.3B[I])
6. Discuss Corrective Controls with the help of examples. Also, discuss their broad
characteristics in brief. (Refer Section 3.4.1[Point C])
8. Describe the term Preventive Controls and provide suitable examples. Also,
discuss their broad characteristics in brief. (Refer Section 3.4.1[Point A])
9. Discuss in brief the following terms:
(i) Snapshots (Refer Section 3.5.2)
(ii) Audit Hooks (Refer Section 3.5.2)
10. Recognize various factors influencing an organization towards control and audit
of computers. (Refer Section 3.5.1)
11. Data warehouse and Data Mining are terms related to better management of
information to enable quicker and effective decision-making in organizations.
Critically evaluate the statement. (Refer Section 3.7.3 & 3.7.4)
12. Explain the concept of Segregation of Duties (SoD) controls and its examples.
(Refer Section 3.9.1)
13. An internet connection exposes an organization to the harmful elements of
the outside world. As a network administrator, which Network Access controls
will you implement in the organization to protect from such harmful
elements? (Refer Section 3.4.2[C-III])
14. A company XYZ is developing a software using the program development life
cycle methodology and applying control, phases in parallel to the
development phases to monitor the progress against plan. Being an IT
developer, design the various phases and their controls for program
development life cycle. (Refer Table 3.4.5)
15. Discuss the key activities which require special attention for auditing the user
access provisioning. (Refer Section 3.6.3[(b - I)]