What Is Executive Presence - Booklet 2018

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So What Is Executive Presence Again ... and How Do I Get It?

by Paul Aldo, Ph.D.

There’s a new term in business. It’s executive presence. Writers, forward thinking executives, and HR
professionals are using it to describe your potential for getting into – or staying in – the executive
suite. While this is good news, as it recognizes the importance of interpersonal factors in business
success, it can also be confusing. That’s because there’s not much clarity or consistency in how the
term, executive presence, is used. Some see it as leadership, others as presentation skills, still
others as having natural people sense.

The purpose of this article is to clear away the confusion – to help you understand what executive
presence is all about, and what you can do to create a more powerful expression of it.

Recognizing Executive Presence

The best place to start is with how you recognize executive presence. Have you ever been in a
meeting or discussion where one of the participants just seemed to stand out; where there was a
level of personal engagement and clarity of thought and expression that said “this person is
exceptional?” If you have, you were likely witnessing executive presence in action.

But why did that person stand out? What did the person say or do that made you take note? Based
on personal observation and hundreds of interviews, I have identified a list of nine expressive
dimensions that consistently characterize the very best executive presence. They are themes of
interpersonal engagement that, when taken together, define what executive presence is all about.

The Nine Expressive Dimensions of Executive Presence

People who have excellent executive presence are very good at consistently projecting nine
dimensions of expression to their audiences. Three of these dimensions are seen by audience
members as personal qualities of character, internal to the person being evaluated; three are seen
as qualities of communication, interpreted as a person’s ability to be honest, think clearly, and be
open to ideas; and three are seen as relational qualities, understood as a person’s capacity for
caring about others and having an interest in them. Let’s look at each of them.
About us… The Personal Dimensions
x Passion: The expression of motivation, drive, and engagement that convinces others you
are committed to what you are saying and doing.
x Poise: A look of sophistication and unflappability that creates the impression you are
comfortable in your surroundings and able to handle adversity.
x Self-Confidence: An air of optimism and assurance that convinces others you have the
required strength, resources, and resolve to initiate and to lead.
About our messages… The Communications Dimensions
x Candor: The appearance of being interested in truth and honesty, with a willingness to
accept and engage the world as it is, not as you would like it to be.
x Clarity: The ability to create your story and tell it in an intuitively clear and compelling
x Openness: The willingness to consider other points of view without prejudging them.

So What Is Executive Presence Again ... and How Do I Get It?

About our audiences… The Relational Dimensions

x Thoughtfulness: The projection of thoughtfulness when dealing with others that conveys
an interest in them and the relationship.
x Sincerity: The conviction of believing in and meaning what you say.
x Warmth: The appearance of being accessible to others, physically and emotionally.
Notice that these qualities have nothing to do with the content of the message. Instead, they are
about how you package the content and tell your story. They are about how you engage with others.
That’s because over 80% of most communication is non-verbal! Your audience, whether it’s an
audience of one or one thousand, is relying on things you do outside the content of your message
to make important decisions about the message and about you. Unfortunately, if you’re like most
people, you don’t spend much time working on these non-content things, even though your
audience spends most of its time evaluating them.

This disconnect is why many people are perceived as not having much executive presence, or even
executive potential. They don’t exhibit the behaviors that cause others to decide they have
executive potential. If you want to have executive presence, remember this: the non-content
elements of your message – the packaging, if you will (although it is really much more than that) –
are critical to how you engage with your audience and how they perceive both you and the message
you are trying to deliver. You need to understand these non-content elements and work on them at
least as much as you do on message content, regardless of your delivery venue or the number of
people involved. If you don’t, it is unlikely you will ever project much of an executive persona.

Creating a More Powerful Executive Presence

Now that you know how executive presence is expressed and recognized, the next question is, how
is it created? What can you do to project the nine qualities associated with excellent executive
presence? Where do you start in creating a more powerful executive persona?

This is not as difficult as it may seem, if you pay close attention to two things. The first are the
expressive tools that project executive presence. The second is connecting your natural self with
how you use those tools. When you get both of them right, the result is an authentic executive

Your Expressive Tools

There are only six tools available to you to project the nine qualities of executive presence – your
eyes, face, body, voice, conversational pace, and message architecture. There is nothing more.
These tools, however, represent the richest of expressive possibilities.

Think for a moment about what you can see in a person’s eyes. The range of emotions they show is
almost limitless. Flashes of surprise, concern, fear, and anger are easily read. The same is true of
facial expressions beyond the eyes. The warmth of a smile is recognized everywhere, as are the
messages from frowns, sneers, and clenched jaws. Your audience is constantly examining your use of
these expressions in evaluating you and what you are saying.

If you face others with tightly crossed legs, arms folded over your chest, and a blank expression on
your face, you will come across as being inaccessible and not open to their ideas. It doesn’t matter
what you are thinking or what you say. Similarly, if you speak in a monotone and at a steady pace,
with no vocal inflection, punctuation, or rhythmic variety, you will be perceived as having no

So What Is Executive Presence Again ... and How Do I Get It?

passion for what you are talking about, even though you really do. If your messages aren’t crafted
clearly and cleanly, you will be seen as a muddled thinker, even though you may have great ideas. If
you speak with an edge to your voice and in a forceful declarative way, you will not elicit full and
honest input from others, regardless of how much you want it.

The bottom line? If you want to be perceived as having executive potential, you must use your
expressive tools in ways that cause your audiences to perceive you as an executive. You must learn
to use them to project the nine qualities of executive presence. If you don’t, how will your audiences
ever know you have those qualities?

Exploiting our expressive tools is called impression management, and it’s a big part of executive
success. Impression management determines how we come across to others and engage with them.
It’s about giving them a more complete context for evaluating who we are. Can we be trusted and
relied upon? Have we thought through options and fairly evaluated them? Have we done our
homework and are we prepared? Do we care about what they think? Our audiences want to know the
answers to these questions and look to signs outside the content of our messages to find them. But
there’s an important caveat: If you want to create impressions that make false messages appear
sincere, or to project qualities that aren’t there, you are almost sure to fail. That’s because it’s
extremely difficult to do, even for professional actors who work in very controlled settings. There are
simply too many things that give us away. Plus, our audiences, from small meetings to company-
wide gatherings, are terrific at recognizing phonies.

You should now see that real executive presence is more than an event. It is repetitive behavior
that creates a picture of who we are in the minds of others over time. That’s why the nine qualities
of executive presence and the expressive tools used to create them must be connected with the real
you. This almost always requires replacing some older behaviors with newer ones more appropriate
to the executive suite, while at the same time linking those replacements with our underlying
patterns of thought and emotional expression.

What You Can Do Today

My first recommendation is that you sign-up for an executive presence workshop or executive
presence coaching. It’s one of the best investments you can make in both yourself and your career.
If that’s not a viable option for you now, do the following:

1. Video yourself. Capture yourself in conversation, participating in a meeting (or mock
meeting), and giving a presentation. If you don’t have a video camera, borrow one. You need
to start the executive presence development process by getting a realistic look at how you
come across to others.
2. Review the video. Look for how you project yourself with the nine expressive qualities of
executive presence and how you use your expressive tools. Take some time with this. You want
to get down to the specifics of what you are doing well, what you could improve upon, and
what you need to do to improve.
3. Make a list of improvement needs. From your review of the video, write down exactly what
you need to work on and how you will use your expressive tools to improve. Start with just a
few targeted improvements. Changing behavior is hard, and you need to focus first on those
few things that will make the biggest difference. Don’t forget to evaluate message clarity. It
is extremely important.

So What Is Executive Presence Again ... and How Do I Get It?

4. Get a professional evaluation of yourself. If you use assessment instruments for this, make
sure they provide you with specific, actionable information that helps you improve. Knowing
how you naturally think and act provides the basis for authentically using your expressive
5. Enlist others. Pick a few people whose judgment you trust and tell them what you are doing.
Ask them to give you feedback on your performance. Your friends at work are especially
important, since they see you engage with others in a variety of settings. Another way of
enlisting the help of others is by watching how they express themselves. When you see
something that really works, try it out and see if it works for you. By doing this, you have all
kinds of models available to help you every day.
6. Practice. Get in front of a mirror and practice. Practice in front of others as well. You should
also video yourself periodically to see how you’ve changed and what still needs further work
and tuning.

Be Authentic
By now you should have a pretty good idea of what executive presence is and how it’s created. As
you embark on developing your own executive presence, remember to always be true to yourself. Use
your expressive tools – your eyes, face, body, voice, vocal pacing, and message architecture – to
engage more fully and productively with your audiences, regardless of how formal, informal, large,
or small they are. Remember that your expressive tools are extensions of you. Good executive
presence simply means you are using these tools in the best possible ways.

Paul Aldo is the President of Executive Presence, an Atlanta-based executive consulting firm that
helps companies quickly uncover and address the people-to-people issues that waste the time,
talent, and potential inhibiting productivity and growth. He can be reached at
[email protected] or 404.550.7687.

At Executive Presence, our mission is to make you more effective through

authentic and sustainable behavior change. We help you capitalize on your
natural strengths and better manage the vulnerabilities that are holding you

Paul Aldo, Ph.D.

Executive Presence, Inc.
[email protected]


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