The Universe of Conics
The Universe of Conics
The Universe of Conics
Hellmuth Stachel
Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry
Vienna University of Technology
Vienna, Austria
Springer Spektrum
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016
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4 5 7 6
3 1 8 10
2 9
C2 C3
2 Euclidean plane 11
2.1 Classical definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2 Tangent lines of conics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.3 Mechanisms tracing conics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3 Differential Geometry 61
3.1 Conics as orbits of planets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.2 Conics in planar differential geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3.3 Conics in differential geometry of surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . 120
References 480
Index 483
1 Introduction
Our Universe is full of conics, even if we cannot always see them – like the
orbits of the planets. It needed very accurate observations to detect (Johannes
Kepler), and a great physicist (Isaac Newton) to prove that.
FIGURE 1.1. A long history and a back and forth between languages: The 5th
book of Apollonius, here in a translation from Arabic into German.
The books five to seven present material which is probably due to Apol-
lonius. Therein, he discussed the problem of normals to a conic and pre-
pared even the construction of the evolute of a conic. However, Apollo-
nius’ books only survived in form of translations: first from Greek into La-
tin, then into Arabian, and back into Latin or other languages once again
(cf. Figure 1.1,
4737397.pdf). Unfortunately, the eighth book is lost.
Chapter 1: Introduction 3
2a √
x0= 3 2
y0 =
a 2a
FIGURE 1.2. The Delian problem: The volumes of the two cubes on the left
have ratio 2 ∶ 1. How can one construct the scaling factor of the edge length?
The Greeks even used conics as auxiliary curves for the solution of mathe-
matical problems: Menaechmus (380 BC–320 BC), e.g., suggested to
solve the classic “Delian problem” or “cube duplication” by means of pa-
rabolas (cf. Figure 1.2, for more details see p. 283).
Conics have a perfect shape, and with a bit of practice it is easy to judge
whether a curve is a conic or just a “similar curve”. This is why designers
and architects use “true conics” instead of “just some freeform curve” when
they deal with certain shapes.
Ax + By + C = 0,
Ax2 + Bxy + Cy 2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0.
4 Chapter 1: Introduction
s S2
=S s
c c c
FIGURE 1.3. In the algebraic sense, a conic c always has two points S1 and S2 of
intersection with a given straight line s. Left: two real common points. Middle:
s is a tangent at the point S1 = S2 . Right: The points S1 and S2 of intersection
are complex conjugate. We cannot find them in the real plane. However, we
sometimes indicate a pair of complex conjugate points by a pair of crosses on a
line or curve, just in order to point out that there are two further points though
we cannot see them.
Conics are always planar curves (there is no “true space curve” of degree
two). One says that they have zero torsion. They are of degree 1 two, i.e.,
they have two intersection points with a straight line – counted in the
algebraic sense, where a point of contact counts twice (has multiplicity
two) and complex conjugate solutions are also considered (Figure 1.3).
Sometimes and especially in the older literature the word order is used instead of degree.
However, we prefer the term degree.
Chapter 1: Introduction 5
T t2 t1= t1 =t2
t1 c c c
t2 =t1
FIGURE 1.4. In the algebraic sense, a conic c always sends two tangents t1
and t2 through a given point T : For an exterior point T , we find two real
tangents. Middle: At a point T on c, the two tangents coincide (one tangent
with multiplicity two). Right: Through an interior point, there are two complex
conjugate tangents. In order to make clear that there are such tangents, we
sometimes indicate such tangents by dashed lines.
Each theorem about conics that only contains the terms point, straight
line, to touch, and to intersect remains, therefore, true if we interchange
the terms point and straight line (and vice versa) but keep the relation
of being incident. A conic considered as its set of points and tangents is a
self-dual term. The dual of a conic is still a conic, represented as a set of
lines, cf. Figure 1.5. We will explain this in more detail later on.
FIGURE 1.6. Ellipses as path curves of the inner planets. This image allows us
to explain why one can see Mercury and Venus only close to the Sun (and thus
around sunset and sunrise): We have two tangents to each of the inner orbits
with comparatively small angle. To the orbit of Mars and all the other planets,
there are no real tangents.
and mark the position of all the shadows P s of P on the planar ground
throughout a day, the set of all shadow points will almost exactly trace a
hyperbola (or likewise an ellipse, if we are close to the poles). Only on two
days of the year (the equinoctials), the conic “degenerates” into a straight
line. The reason for this is the following: During one day, the Earth rotates
only approximately 1○ around the Sun. It fully spins, however, around the
Earth axis during that time. Relatively speaking, the sun rays through a
point P , therefore, form – in a good approximation – a cone of revolution.
The intersection of the cone with the base plane results in a conic.
Since the inclination of the spin axis is the geographic latitude, the cone’s
axis is only steep enough to generate an ellipse when our location is in
the neighborhood of the poles. Else we get a (branch of a) hyperbola. The
angle between the oriented sun rays and the oriented rotation axis varies
between 90○ ± ε, where ε ≈ 23.44○ is the Earth’s axial tilt. Thus, the cone
can also degenerate into a plane – which leads to a straight shadow orbit.
Chapter 1: Introduction 7
North Star
equinoctials P
FIGURE 1.7. On each day of the year, the shadow of a point moves along a
branch of a hyperbola. On the equinoctials, the curve degenerates into a straight
line (Ottoman sundial Istanbul).
Figure 1.7 shows how this was used for sun dials and calenders: The photo
was taken at the Topkapı-Palace in Istanbul2 .
The ancient Greeks drew their geometric figures mainly in sand. Whe-
ther they also drew ellipses, we do not know. Maybe they already knew
about the “gardener’s construction” of the ellipse (see Figure 1.8).
For sure, they knew many facts about conic sections. We have good rea-
sons to suppose that the painter of the scenes shown in Figure 1.9 (about
8 Chapter 1: Introduction
FIGURE 1.9. High precision perspectives of circles produced 310 BC: Paintings
in the tomb of Philipp III of Macedon. If this perspective wall painting was a
few hundred years old, it would already be impressive. However, it is 2300 years
old – and thus a little sensation.
310 BC) knew something about ellipses because otherwise he would not
have been able to draw perspective views of circles of such a high pre-
cision. It is uncertain if Menaichmos (380 BC–320 BC) already knew
that planar intersections of cones (and cylinders) of revolution were pro-
Chapter 1: Introduction 9
bably identical with the conics defined in the plane. Albrecht Dürer
(1471–1528) was probably aware of that, although his famous drawings in
his book Underweysung der Messung, mit dem Zirckel und Richtscheyt,
in Linien, Ebenen unnd gantzen corporen, from 1525 lack a little bit of
symmetry (cf. Figure 1.10).
A3 A3
B3 B2
p B3 p
FIGURE 1.12. Pascal’s theorem: The three pairs of opposite sides of a hexagon
inscribed in a conic section meet in three collinear points.
It was only natural that this generalization was extended to higher di-
mensions (Felix Klein, 1849–1925). Nowadays, we quite often use such
hyperquadrics as point models for arbitrary complicated geometries. Be-
sides the geometric importance of conics, there is an additional “physical
component”: According to Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), the orbits
of the planets are ellipses (Kepler’s First Law, 1609). The final proof
for that took another half century and was given by Isaac Newton
(1642–1727). Primarily the proof uses techniques from calculus. Newton,
however, did it in an elementary way with the help of certain properties
of conics (3.1).
Knowledge about conics and quadrics probably reached its culmination
point at the beginning of the twentieth century. Since then there seems
to be an increasing loss of knowledge. This book will help to sum up and
preserve more or less known properties of these fascinating curves.
2 Euclidean plane
y y y
F1 a x F1 a x R
F2 F2
p/2 x
P p/2
Q l p
P F1 + P F2 = 2a with 2a > F1 F2 ≥ 0
We use the overline to denote distances between two points or between a point and a line.
[P, Q] denotes the line connecting the points P and Q, while P Q is the segment terminated
by P and Q.
2.1 Classical definitions 13
Remark 2.1.1 The notion ‘parameter’ is standard in the geometry of conics and should not
be mixed with a ‘parameter’ used for the parametrization of curves.
L A F s
l P
FIGURE 2.2. The Apollonian definition of the conic c with the focus F and the
associated directrix l, with numerical eccentricity ε and parameter p.
Using the terminology of Section 7.3 below, we can state: The conics displayed in Figure 2.3
belong to a pencil of third kind with two complex conjugate base points and tangents (com-
pare with Figure 7.21, right).
2.1 Classical definitions 15
l ε=1
ε=1.80 ε =0.75
ε =0.56
F s
ε =0.40
ε =2.50
FIGURE 2.3. Conics sharing the focal point F and the associated directrix l.
In the hyperbolic case, we get for each y ∈ R a pair of real points P, P2 ∈ c sharing the y-
coordinate. In the elliptic case, we have to take care of the limits − √ p 2 ≤ y ≤ √ p 2 . For
1−ε 1−ε
y = 0 we obtain the two points
p p
A=( , 0) , A2 = ( , 0) . (2.2)
ε(1 + ε) ε(1 − ε)
y l
P P2 P2 P
L s x M A x
A F M F2 A2 F2 A2 L F
FIGURE 2.4. Conics with ε ≠ 1 have a second axis s2 of symmetry, and therefore,
also a second focal point F2 with associated directrix l2 .
See Section 5.4 on page 206. As a consequence of this harmonic relation, the directrix l is the
polar of the focal point F (see Exercise 7.1.3 in Section 7.1).
2.1 Classical definitions 17
Hence, for ε < 1, the standard definition of ellipses is a consequence of the Apollonian definition.
The semimajor axis a, the semiminor axis b, the parameter p, and the numerical eccentricity
ε of an ellipse satisfy
p p pε √
a= , b= √ , e = MF = = a2 − b2 ,
1 − ε2 1 − ε2 1 − ε2
b2 e b2 p a2
p= , ε = , Fl = , Ml = = .
a a e ε(1 − ε )
2 e
The triangle inequality applied to any triangle F F2 P with P ∈ c implies that 2e = F F2 <
P F + P F2 = 2a. The circles are not among the ellipses satisfying the Apollonian definition
since e > 0, hence F2 ≠ F .
Conversely, if any ellipse c is given according to the standard definition by its two different
focal points F1 , F2 and the constant 2a, we can compute consecutively the linear√ eccentricity
e = F1 F2 /2 ≠ 0, the numerical eccentricity ε = a/e, the semiminor axis b = a2 − e2 , the
parameter p = b2 /a and the distance a2 /e of the directrices l1 , l2 from the midpoint M of
F1 F2 . The focal point Fi lies between M and the associated directrix li , i = 1, 2 . Then, the
conic c′ defined according to Apollonius by F1 , by the associated directrix l1 and by the
numerical eccentricity ε shares with c the focal points and the constant 2a which implies
c′ = c.
(3) In the hyperbolic case ε > 1 (see Figure 2.4, right), the x-coordinates of the two points P
and P2 have different signs. Therefore, we obtain
∣P F − P F2 ∣ = ∣P F − P2 F ∣ = ε ∣P l − P2 l∣ = 2ε ⋅ ∣xM ∣ = = const.
ε2 − 1
Also for hyperbolas, the standard definition follows from the Apollonian definition. The mutual
dependencies between the two semiaxes a and b, the linear and the numerical eccentricity e
and ε, and the parameter p are
p p pε √
a= 2 , b= √ , e = MF = 2 = a2 + b2 ,
ε −1 ε −1
2 ε −1
b2 e b2 p a2
p= , ε = , Fl = , Ml = = .
a a e ε(ε2 − 1) e
The lines through the center M and with the slope ± ab = ± ε2 − 1 are the asymptotes of the
hyperbola (see Figures 2.1 and 2.4, right). In the following sections, we will learn that the
asymptotes are the limits of tangent lines when the point of contact tends to infinity. The
formulas above reveal that the directrix l passes through the pedal points of the asymptotes
w.r.t. F .
With arguments analogous to the elliptic case, we can confirm that, conversely, each hyperbola
c given according to the standard definition is identical with a hyperbola c′ defined by the
Apollonian definition. ◾
Equations of conics
A first equation of conics was already presented in (2.1) on page 14. The
corresponding coordinate frame (depicted in Figure 2.4) had its origin at
the intersection point L between the directrix l and the axis s of symmetry
which served as x-axis. Now we translate the origin to the vertex A (see
18 Chapter 2: Euclidean plane
Figure 2.5, left) in order to eliminate the constant term in the quadratic
polynomial on the left-hand side of (2.1). This means by (2.2) that we
have to replace x by x + ε(1+ε) . Thus, we obtain
p 2p p p2
(1 − ε ) (x +
) − (x + ) + ( 2 + y2) = 0
ε(1 + ε) ε ε(1 + ε) ε
which reduces to
y 2 = 2px − (1 − ε2 )x2 . (2.6)
This quadratic equation is usually called a vertex equation since one ver-
tex is taken as the origin. The vertex equation generalizes the standard
y 2 = 2px (2.7)
of parabolas to the other conics. In the limiting case ε = 0, we get the
vertex equation of a circle with radius p.
y y
P (x, y) l
c P (r, ϕ)
A F x F ϕ A x
p/ε p/ε
FIGURE 2.5. The coordinate frames for the vertex equation (left) and for the
polar equation (right) of the conic c.
On the other hand, in the case ε ≠ 1, we can eliminate the linear term
in (2.1) by choosing the center M as the origin of our coordinate frame
(Figure 2.1). This means by (2.3) that we replace x in (2.1) by x + xM =
x + ε(1−ε 2 ) . This gives
(1 − ε2 )2 x2 + (1 − ε2 )y 2 − p2 = 0 . (2.8)
Pb P
τ x
b M
cb c
The standard equation (2.9), left, of the ellipse c reveals that c with the
semimajor axis a and the semiminor axis b can be transformed into its
principal circle or circumcircle ca , i.e., the circle with center M and radius
a (Figure 2.6) by the scaling (affine transformation)
α ∶ E2 → E2 , (x, y) ↦ (x, y) . (2.10)
Conversely, one obtains the ellipse by starting with the circumcircle ca and
multiplying all y-coordinates by the factor ab < 1 . In an analogous way we
can start with the incircle cb with radius b and stretch the x-coordinates
by the factor ab > 1 .
This results in a construction attributed to Proclus (Greek philosopher,
412–485), as well as to De la Hire (French mathematician, 1640–1718),
20 Chapter 2: Euclidean plane
and which is depicted in Figure 2.6. Here the axial dilations are performed
by parallel projection of the ratio ab formed by the aligned points Pa ∈ ca ,
Pb ∈ cb and the center M .4
A curve of degree two in the Euclidean plane E2 is the set of points whose
coordinates in a Cartesian coordinate system satisfy a quadratic equation
Proof: The first part of this statement is a particular case of a standard result from linear
algebra, the principal axes transformation which holds for all quadrics. This will be shown
in volume 2. Here we confine ourselves to a short description of how to obtain a suitable
coordinate system in the two-dimensional case which reduces the general equation (2.11) to
one of the three standard equations given above.
(i) The substitution
x = x′ cos ϕ − y ′ sin ϕ, y = x′ sin ϕ + y ′ cos ϕ
Later we will learn that the axial dilations are perspective affine transformations which, e.g.,
can be used to transform tangents of the circles ca or cb into tangents of the ellipse c (see
Figure 2.6).
2.1 Classical definitions 21
represents a rotation of the coordinate frame about the origin through the angle ϕ. There is
always an appropriate ϕ such that after the substitution in (2.11) the coefficient of the mixed
term x′ y ′ in vanishes.
(ii) By an appropriate substitution x′ = x′′ − x0 and y ′ = y ′′ − y0 we can eliminate linear
terms: if the monomials with x′ 2 and y ′ 2 have non-vanishing coefficients we can eliminate
both linear terms, otherwise only one of them which yields the standard equations (2.9) or
(2.7), respectively.
The substitutions (ii) do not influence the coefficients a11 , a12 and a22 of the quadratic terms
in (2.11). In order to figure out the effect of the substitutions (i), we rewrite the quadratic
form a11 x2 + 2a12 xy + a22 y 2 in matrix form as
x a11 a12
(x y) A ( ) with A=( ).
y a12 a22
Hence, the substitutions (i) transform the quadratic form into
x′ cos ϕ − sin ϕ
(x′ y ′ ) A′ ( ) with A′ = RT AR, where R=( ).
y′ sin ϕ cos ϕ
The discriminant D = det A remains unchanged since the matrix R is orthogonal, and there-
fore, det A′ = (det R)2 det A = D. The standard equations of the conics indicate which sign of
D corresponds to which conic type.
The substitution x = r cos ϕ and y = r sin ϕ in (2.11) shows after the division by r 2 in the limit
r → ∞, that hyperbolas (D < 0) have two real points at infinity, parabolas (D = 0) one, while
ellipses (D > 0) have no real ideal point. Of course, this follows also immediately by inspection
of related figures. ◾
(0, t)
τ /2 τ
M x
describes one branch hr of the hyperbola. This is true since on the one
hand each point of hr satisfies the hyperbolic standard equation because
(a cosh τ )2 (b sinh τ )2
− = cosh2 τ − sinh2 τ = 1.
a2 b2
On the other hand, for each y ∈ R there is a unique t with y = sinh τ ,
while cosh τ > 0. By the same token, the branch hr of the hyperbola can
also be parametrized by
a π π
hr = {( , b tan τ ) ∣ − < τ < } . (2.15)
cos τ 2 2
As an analogue to (2.13), there is also a rational parametrization of hy-
1 + t2 2t
ch = {(a 2
, b ) ∣ t ∈ R {1, −1}} . (2.16)
1−t 1 − t2
It represents the right branch for −1 < t < 1. The lower part of the left
branch is obtained for t > 1 and the upper part for t < −1. The point
(−a, 0) is again missing.
2.1 Classical definitions 23
with constant p, ε ∈ R {0} is a conic with the focus F = (0, 0) and the
associated directrix x = p/ε. The conic has the parameter ∣p∣ and the nu-
merical eccentricity ∣ε∣. In the case ε = 0, we obtain a circle with center F
and radius p.
Proof: For p, ε > 0, the given polar equation is equivalent to r + εr cos ϕ = p, and further, to
r = ε( − r cos ϕ) .
This implies that ∣r∣ = ε ∣ pε − r cos ϕ∣, which means, in view of the coordinate frame depicted
in Figure 2.5, right, that
XF = ε ⋅ Xl with F = (0, 0) and l ∶ x = .
Also the converse of the implication above is valid for the following reason: When the sign of
r differs from that on the right-hand side in the equation above, i.e.,
p −p
r = −ε ( − r cos ϕ) , hence r = ,
ε 1 − ε cos ϕ
we replace simultaneously r by −r and ϕ by ϕ + π . This does not change the defined set of
points, but converts the above given polar equation into that presented in (2.18). Hence, for
p, ε > 0, the given polar equation is equivalent to the Apollonian definition.
Changing the sign of ε in the polar equation (2.18) is equivalent to the replacement of ϕ by
ϕ + π. Therefore, it causes a rotation of the conic about F through the angle π. The same is
true for changing the sign of p, since in this case r is replaced by −r. Thus, we have proved
that for all p, ε ∈ R {0} the polar equation (2.18) represents a conic. ◾
We conclude with a comment on the domain of ϕ in the function on the
right-hand side of the polar equation (2.18):
• We obtain the entire ellipse by −π < ϕ ≤ π for ε < 1.
• For parabolas ε = 1, we need to exclude ϕ = π, hence −π < ϕ < π.
24 Chapter 2: Euclidean plane
• In the hyperbolic case ε > 1, we have to take into account that when ϕ
tends to ϕ0 ∶= arccos(−1/ε), the radius r tends to infinity. Therefore,
we need to restrict the polar angle to −ϕ0 < ϕ < ϕ0 for obtaining
the first branch of the hyperbola. For ϕ0 < ϕ < 2π − ϕ0 , the radius r
in (2.18) becomes negative, and we get the second branch. The two
asymptotes have the slope ± tan ϕ0 .
Velocity and acceleration vectors
In order to comprehend why the trajectories of planets are conics, one
needs to be familiar with velocity and acceleration vectors of curves.
Therefore, we provide a brief introduction into the differential geometry
of parametrized curves in the Euclidean 3-space E3 .
With respect to any Cartesian coordinate frame (x, y, z), let
is the velocity vector. Its norm v = ∥ċ∥ equals the instantaneous velocity,
i.e., the derivative ds/dτ of the curve’s arc length s by the time τ . For
v ≠ 0, the vector e1 is the unit tangent vector to the curve, and the spanned
line {c(τ ) + λe1 ∣ λ ∈ R} is the tangent line to the curve c(I) at the point
c(τ ).
The second derivative
a ∶= c̈ = v̇ e1 + v ė1
is the acceleration vector. According to results from elementary differential
geometry, we have
de1 ds v
ė1 = ⋅ = vκ e2 = e2 , (2.19)
ds dτ
where κ ≥ 0 is the curvature and, for κ ≠ 0, = 1/κ is the radius of
curvature. For κ ≠ 0, the unit vector e2 is unique and orthogonal to e1 :
A positive quarter turn in the plane spanned by ċ and c̈ carries e1 to e2 .
We call e2 the principal normal vector of the curve. Thus, we obtain
a = c̈ = v̇ e1 + v 2 κ e2 .
2.1 Classical definitions 25
c∗ (τ0 )
c(τ0 )
t an
FIGURE 2.8. The geometric equivalent to the mutual dependence between the
velocity vector v, the acceleration vector a = an + at , and the center of curvature
c∗ is the shaded right-angled triangle.
The first term in this vector sum defines the tangential acceleration vector
at , the second one the normal acceleration vector an . We summarize
a = an + at with ∥at ∥ = ∣v̇∣, ∥an ∥ = . (2.20)
For constant speed (v̇ = 0) the tangential acceleration ∥at ∥ vanishes. Then
the second derivative c̈ is orthogonal to ċ everywhere in I.
In Figure 2.8, a planar curve is depicted. Beside the velocity vector v and
the acceleration vector a = an +at , also the center of curvature c∗ (τ0 ) = c+
e2 ∣τ =τ0 , i.e., the center of the osculating circle at the point c(τ0 ) is shown.
As a consequence of the last equation in (2.20), there is a right-angled
triangle with the altitude v subdividing the hypotenuse in segments of
lengths and ∥an ∥.
As demonstrated in Figure 2.8, it is quite useful to visualize velocity
vectors as well as acceleration vectors by arrows. However, this needs an
agreement about how to represent velocities and accelerations by lengths
of arrows. The simplest way is to define an appropriate scaling factor σ
and to depict the scaled vector σv. For example, σ = 0.005 s converts a
velocity of 10 m/s into an arrow of length 50 mm.
The last equation in (2.20) reveals that, if σ is used for velocities, then
σ 2 should be the scaling factor for accelerations. This guarantees that be-
26 Chapter 2: Euclidean plane
τ = f (τ ), τ ∈ I, with f˙ = ≠ 0.
The new parameter τ needs not be the time anymore. Nevertheless, we
want to retain the notations ‘velocity’ and ‘acceleration’ since they provide
the derivatives with an intuitive meaning.
The derivatives of the new parametrization c(τ ) ∶= c (f (τ )), τ ∈ I, are
dc dc dτ d2 c ¨
ċ = = ⋅ = f˙ ċ ≠ 0, c̈ = = f ċ + f˙2 c̈ .
dτ dτ dτ dτ 2
a = at + an
dd˙ ∣τ =τ0 = v0 ⟨c(τ0 ) − m, e1 ⟩, d˙ 2 + dd¨∣τ =τ0 = v02 + ⟨c(τ0 ) − m, v̇(τ0 ) e1 + 0 e2 ⟩ .
p ε sin τ εr2 sin τ
ṙ = = .
(1 + ε cos τ )2 p
The first component vr of the velocity vector v(τ ) has the direction of the
position vector c(τ ) while the second vr⊥ is orthogonal. This gives rise to
a universal graphical construction of tangent lines for conics (Figure 2.9).
P =c(τ )
σvr =−c(τ )
F τ A x
p σvr⊥
P1 p/ε
FIGURE 2.9. Construction of the tangent line tP at the point P = c(τ ) to the
conic c with focal point F and directrix l. We use the scaling factor σ = −r/ṙ for
velocity vectors.
Proof: Under the assumption sin τ ≠ 0 we have ṙ ≠ 0. Therefore, we can choose the scaling
r −rp −p
σ=− = 2 = .
ṙ εr sin τ ε r sin τ
p p
σv = σvr + σvr⊥ = −r(cos τ, sin τ ) − (− sin τ, cos τ ) = −c(τ ) + (1, cot τ ).
ε sin τ ε
In the final vector sum, the second component is orthogonal to the position vector, and its
first coordinate equals that of the directrix l. ◾
Remark 2.1.2 We have already noted that F is the pole of the directrix l. According to the
properties of polarities (see Section 7.1), the point T is the pole of the connecting line [F, P ].
This is obvious when we pay attention to the second point of intersection P1 between the
conic and the line [F, P ] (Figure 2.9).
The vector an (0) of the normal acceleration points from the vertex A
towards the center of curvature A∗ (Figure 2.8). Therefore, both A∗ and
the focal point F lie on the same side of the corresponding vertex A
(Figure 2.10).
F1 F2 A2 c
A1 A∗1 A∗2
F1 A1 A2 F2
c A∗1 A∗2
p p
F A∗
FIGURE 2.10. For all conics c, the parameter p equals the curvature radius at
the vertices Ai on the principal axis.
● Exercise 2.1.1 Osculating circle at the vertex. Confirm Theorem 2.1.5 in the following way:
Based on the vertex equations (2.6) of a conic c and a circle c∗ (ε = 0), try to specify c∗ in
such a way that all intersection points between c and c∗ coincide with the origin.
30 Chapter 2: Euclidean plane
tP T2 tP
P α P
ϕ vr2
A1 F1 F2 A2 F1 F2
l1 c l2 c
FIGURE 2.11. The tangent line tP at any point P to the ellipse c bisects the
exterior angle of the triangle F1 P F2 .
Figure 2.11, left, shows for an ellipse c how the tangent tP to c at any
point P can be constructed via F1 as well as via F2 . Of course, P must
be different from the vertices A1 and A2 . The slope angle of tP is denoted
by α. The intersection point of tP with the directrix li associated with Fi
(for i = 1, 2) is denoted by Ti .
As a consequence, the angle ϕ between tP and the segment P F1 is con-
gruent to the one between tP and P F2 , since according to the Apollonian
definition (page 13), we have
P F1 ε P l1 ε P l2 P F2
cos ϕ = = = ε cos α = = .
P T1 P l1 / cos α P l2 / cos α P T2
There is another way to prove this symmetry. Let any parametrization
of the ellipse be given. According to (2.21) the velocity vector v at P
can be decomposed into a radial component vr of signed length ṙ and an
orthogonal vector denoted by vr⊥ (Figure 2.9). If ri (τ ) for i = 1, 2 deno-
tes the distance of points P ∈ c to the focal point Fi , then the standard
definition r1 + r2 = const. implies that ṙ1 = −ṙ2 . Consequently, the radial
components vr1 and vr2 of v in direction of F1 P and F2 P , respectively,
2.2 Tangent lines of conics 31
have the same length but different signs. Therefore, independently of the
scaling of velocity vectors, the triangles formed by v and the two decom-
positions are symmetric with respect to the tangent tP (see Figure 2.11,
right). We can rephrase this property by claiming that the tangent tP
bisects the exterior angle of the triangle F1 P F2 at P .
P l1 l2 c P vr2 c
F1 A1 A2 F2 F1 F2
tP tP
FIGURE 2.12. The tangent line tP at any point P to the hyperbola c bisects
the interior angle of the triangle F1 P F2 .
If the point P ∈ c tends to infinity, the tangent tP tends to one of the two
asymptotes, since they intersect the directrices at the pedal points with
respect to F1 or F2 (note the asymptote t2 and F2 in Figure 2.12, left).
l tA
FIGURE 2.13. The tangent line tP at any point P to the parabola c bisects an
angle between [P, F ] and the parallel to the axis s. When reflecting the focal
point F in the tangent line tP , we obtain a point G of the directrix. The pedal
point N of tP w.r.t. F is located on the tangent line tA to c at the vertex A.
F1 F2 F
P a
tP a
P a
M F2 F1 M F2
FIGURE 2.15. The line m through the center M and parallel to tP intersects
the focal lines [P, F1 ] and [P, F2 ] in points at distance a to the point P .
● Exercise 2.2.1 Construction of the semimajor axis. Prove the following statement which
holds for ellipses and hyperbolas c with focal points F1 and F2 and with the semimajor axis
a : Let the line m through the center M of c be parallel to the tangent tP at P . Then, M
intersects the lines [P, F1 ] and [P, F2 ] at points P1 and P2 at distance a to P (Figure 2.15).
Hint: Project the equidistant points F1 , M , and F2 parallel to tP onto the line [P, Fi ].
N2 tP
G1 c
P P ca
N1 A2
A1 F1 M F2 F1 A1 N1 M A2 F2
2a N2
tP g1
FIGURE 2.16. The reflection of the focal point F1 in tangent lines tP of the
ellipse or hyperbola c gives points G1 on the orthotomic circle g1 = (F2 ; 2a).
The pedal point N1 of tP with respect to F1 is located on the principal circle
ca = (M ; a) which contacts c at the vertices A1 and A2 .
Remark 2.2.1 The set of pedal points of the tangent lines of a curve d with respect to any
point P is called the pedal curve of d with respect to P . The locus of reflections of P in the
tangent lines of d is called the orthotomic of d with respect to P . A dilation with center P
and scaling factor 1/2 maps the orthotomic of d w.r.t. P onto the pedal curve.
This theorem as well as the following statements are also valid for circles
when they are seen as limiting cases of ellipses with F1 = F2 = M .
2.2 Tangent lines of conics 35
FIGURE 2.17. The displayed circles contact g1 and pass through F1 . Their
centers are located on the hyperbola c.
36 Chapter 2: Euclidean plane
There are two kinds of contact between two different circles (M1 ; r1 ) and
(M2 ; r2 ). Either one circle includes the other, or the point of contact lies
between the two centers M1 and M2 . In the first case we speak of interior
contact, in the second of exterior contact. It makes sense to endow the
radii of circles with a sign such that at interior contact the signs of the
involved radii are equal and otherwise different. Then, the contact of the
two circles is equivalent to
M1 M2 = ∣r1 − r2 ∣. (2.22)
This equation reveals that the contact is preserved when we add an arbi-
trary constant r0 ∈ R to both signed radii while the centers remain fixed.
Of course, when one radius changes its sign, the type of contact changes.
In the case r1 = 0 the center M1 lies on the second circle.
FIGURE 2.18. The displayed circles which contact g1 and g 2 , have their centers
on an ellipse.
In the first (= elliptic) case, all k’s are in the interior of g1 and their si-
gned radii are positive. Otherwise (= hyperbolic case) we have an exterior
contact, and the radii of the circles k must be negative (Figure 2.17) in
order to satisfy (2.22).
Now we can generalize the definition of conics c given in Corollary 2.2.2
in the following way: We add a constant r0 ∈ R to the signed radii of
all k’s, replace at the same time the point F1 by the circle g 2 = (F1 ; r0 )
and g1 = (F ; 2a) by g1 = (F ; 2a + r0 ). This yields a set of circles k being
tangent to two fixed circles g 2 , g 1 with respective centers F1 and F2 . When
traversing the k’s, the types of contact with g 1 and g 2 either remain the
same or change simultaneously. The transition from one type of contact
to the other takes place when the signed radius of k either becomes zero
(note Figure 2.18) or tends to ±∞, while the center changes from one
branch of the hyperbola to the other.
g2 k
When the circles k serve as equators of spheres, then the surface enveloped
by these spheres is a Dupin cyclide, a spindle cyclide (Figure 2.19) or a
ring cyclide. A needle cyclide arises when g 1 contacts g 2 . The parabolic
case with a line g 1 leads to parabolic Dypin cyclides (Figure 2.20). We
will meet the Dupin cyclides again in Section 4.2 on page 147.
● Exercise 2.2.2 Pedal curve of an imaginary focus. In Chapter 7 we will learn that for
ellipses and hyperbolas it makes sense to define beside the (real) foci with standard coordinates
(±e, 0) also the pair of complex conjugate points (0, ±ie) as focal points. Prove analytically
the following counterpart to Theorem 2.2.2:
The pedal curve of an ellipse c with respect to its complex conjugate focal points is the circle
38 Chapter 2: Euclidean plane
FIGURE 2.20. Two parabolic Dupin cyclides as plaster models, selected from
the collection Martin Schilling, Leipzig 1880 (cf. H. Wiener , P. Treutlein,
Verzeichnis mathematischer Modelle, Teubner, Leipzig 1912).
Confocal conics
Another consequence of the bisecting property of tangents to conics, as
stated in Theorem 2.2.1, deals with families of confocal (or homofocal )
conics: Given two focal points F1 and F2 , all ellipses and hyperbolas sha-
ring these focal points form an orthogonal net (Figure 2.21). This is so
since through each point P off the symmetry axes there passes one ellipse
and one hyperbola, and the corresponding tangent lines at P are the two
bisectors of the lines [P, F1 ] and [P, F2 ], and therefore, perpendicular. As
limiting curves also the two axes of symmetry can be added: the segment
F1 F2 is the limit of an ellipse with vanishing semiminor axis b; the secon-
dary axis is the limit of a hyperbola with vanishing semimajor axis a; the
half-lines starting from F1 or F2 and pointing away from the center M
are the limit of a hyperbola with vanishing b.
Similarily, there is also an orthogonal net formed by confocal parabolas,
i.e., by parabolas sharing the focal point F and the axis (Figure 2.22).
On the axis, the two half-lines starting from F complete this orthogonal
2.2 Tangent lines of conics 39
F1 F2
● Exercise 2.2.3 Ivory’s theorem in E2 . Verify Ivory’s theorem (Figure 2.23) for confocal
ellipses and hyperbolas as well as for confocal parabolas in the following way: The parametri-
x = e cos u cosh v, y = e sin u sinh v, 0 ≤ u < 2π, v ∈ R
defines as lines v = const., v ≠ 0, and u = const., u ≠ 0, ellipses and branches of hyperbolas,
respectively which share the focal points (±e, 0) (compare with Figure 2.21). On the other
hand, the parameter lines u = const. and v = const. of the parametrization
x = u2 − v2 , y = 2uv, (u, v) ∈ R2
Sir James Ivory (1765–1842), Scottish mathematician and astronomer. His famous theorem
is only a by-product in his publication [39].
40 Chapter 2: Euclidean plane
belong to the family of confocal parabolas (Figure 2.22). Show that for given parameter values
u1 , u2 , v1 , v2 the diagonals in the curvilinear quadrangle bounded by the curves u = u1 , v = v1 ,
u = u2 , and v = v2 have the same length.
Figure 2.23 shows the mapping c → c′ with Xi ↦ Xi′ between conics of the same type. This
mapping is induced by v1 ↦ v2 while u remains invariant. It acts like simultaneous scalings
x ↦ x cosh v2 / cosh v1 and y ↦ y sinh v2 / sinh v1 of both coordinates.
The statement of Ivory’s theorem, X1 X2′ = X1′ X2 , is still valid when the ellipse c′ degenerates
into the segment F1 F2 . When the principal vertices A or B serve as points X2 with X2′ = F1 or
F2 , then Ivory’s theorem shows directly the standard definition of the ellipse c (Figure 2.24):
XF1 + XF2 = XA′ + XB ′ = X ′ A + X ′ B = AB.
● Exercise 2.2.4 Confocal conics obtained by a conformal map. Show that in the complex
plane the analytic function z ↦ e cos z transforms the rectangular coordinate grid into a net
of confocal ellipses and hyperbolas. The function z ↦ z 2 produces confocal parabolas.
Permanent users of geometry software might question the importance of these problems.
When one can draw the conic with sufficient precision, one can immediately ‘see’ the points
2.2 Tangent lines of conics 41
X2′ c′
F1 F2
(i) Draw the auxiliary circle h = (Q; QF1 ) and intersect it with the or-
thotomic circle g1 = (F2 ; 2a).
(ii) For each point G1 of intersection, the bisector t of G1 and F1 is
tangent to c and passes through Q.
(iii) The point T of contact between t and c is aligned with G1 and F2 .
A c′ X′ B
A =F1 B ′ =F2
FIGURE 2.24. Ivory’s theorem remains valid when the conic c′ degenerates
into the segment F1 F2 . Then, we obtain XA′ = X ′ A, XB ′ = X ′ B and, hence,
XA′ + XB ′ = AB.
Theorem 2.2.4 The tangent lines t and t drawn from any point Q to a
conic c share the angle bisectors with the lines connecting Q with the two
focal points of c, provided that, in the case of a parabola, the ideal point
of the axis serves as second focal point.
2.2 Tangent lines of conics 43
T α G1
β β T
F1 F2
FIGURE 2.25. Construction of the tangents t and t through the given point Q to
the conic c. The lines t and t share the angle bisectors with the lines connecting
Q with the two focal points. [F2 , Q] bisects the angle <) T F2 T .
On the other hand, when T and T are the points of contact of the two
tangents, then for each focal point F of c the lines [F, T ] and [F, T ] are
symmetric with respect to [F, Q]. This holds also in the case of a parabola
for the ideal point of the axis.
Proof: Only the second part of the statement above remains to be proved. Figure 2.25 shows
immediately that for ellipses the line [F2 , Q] bisects the angle <
) G1 F2 G1 which is equal to the
angle <) T F2 T . The same must be valid for the focus F1 , since the construction via the ortho-
tomic circle g2 = (F1 ; 2a) must lead to the same result. The proof for hyperbolas is similar.
In the case of a parabola (Figure 2.26) we must pay attention to three symmetries: the sym-
metry with respect to t with F ↦ G, the symmetry w.r.t. t with F ↦ G, and w.r.t. the line
through Q parallel to the axis with G ↦ G: These symmetries reveal the congruence of the
following angles: < ) QF T ≅ < ) QG T ≅ <
) QGT ≅ < ) QF T . ◾
Remark 2.2.2 Later, in Section 7.3, we will notice that the first part of Theorem 2.2.4 is a
particular case of Desargues’s involution Theorem 7.4.1 (page 309) applied to the dual pencil
of confocal conics.
l tA
β F
Q α
FIGURE 2.26. Construction of the tangents t and t through the given point Q
to the parabola c. The lines t and t share the angle bisectors with the line [Q, F ]
and the parallel to the axis. There are congruent angles <) QF T and <) QF T .
T2 of contact have the property that their connections with the focal
points F1 and F2 have an angle bisector passing through Q. The locus of
points s satisfying this condition is a particular curve of degree 3 called
strophoid. It has the point Q as a node and two orthogonal tangents
there (see Figure 2.27). The normal lines at T1 and T2 together with
the connecting lines [T1 , T2 ] are tangent to a parabola p which is called
Chasles’s parabola of the confocal family w.r.t. Q.7 It is the image of
the line pencil Q under the quadratic transformation of conjugate normals
w.r.t. any conic of the confocal family (note Example 7.5.1 on page 342).
For a proof see the references given in [43, p. 515] or [1].
2.2 Tangent lines of conics 45
T1 Q
F1 M F2
FIGURE 2.27. The points of contact (T1 , T2 ) of the tangents drawn from a fixed
point Q to the conics of a confocal family of ellipses and hyperbolas are located
on a strophoid s. The normal lines at T1 and T2 as well as the connecting lines
[T1 , T2 ] are tangent to a parabola p.
Remark 2.2.3 The strophoid s shown in Figure 2.27 and the circles s in Figure 2.28 are at the
same time locus of pedal points of normals which can be drawn from point Q to the conics of
the confocal family. This follows from the orthogonality of the confocal net: if the line [Q, T ]
is tangent to one of the two conics passing through T , then it is orthogonal to the other.
T1 T2 T1
Q′ M
M F1
F1 F2 T2
FIGURE 2.28. For points Q other than M on an axis of the confocal family, the
locus s of contact points as depicted in Figure 2.27 degenerates into a circle.
The same circle is also the locus of contact points for the point Q′ ∈ s opposite
to Q on s.
Proof: Our arguments are similar to that displayed in Figure 2.11 for the bisecting property
of conics’ tangents.
We parametrize e0 by its arc length as c(s), 0 ≤ s ≤ L. Then, the velocity vector ċ is a unit
vector, and the acceleration vector c̈ is orthogonal to ċ. Suppose, we attach the string to the
ellipse e0 any point c(0). Let us cut the string in our imagination at Q (Figure 2.29). First
we focus on the left part with the straight segment T Q :
When λ denotes the length of the string starting at c(0), curved along the ellipse e0 and
aligned from point T = c(s0 ) on, then the position vector of Q is
For variable s0 this would parametrize the trajectory of point Q if it were fixed on the string.
However, in Graves’s construction Q varies relative to the string. Therefore, we assume λ as
a function of s, too. Then, the velocity vector of Q reads
This shows v as a sum vt1 + vn1 of two orthogonal components. The first one of length λ̇ is
in direction of ċ and expresses the instant velocity of point Q with respect to the left portion
of the string. The second component is orthogonal to ċ.
The same holds for the right section of the string with the straight segment T Q. We obtain
a second decomposition v = vt2 + vn2 where vt2 shares the length λ̇ with vt1 but points
towards T , as it represents the instant velocity of Q against the right portion of the string.
The symmetry of the two decompositions of v reveals (see Figure 2.29) that v bisects the
) T QT and by Theorem 2.2.4 also that of <
exterior of the angle < ) F1 QF2 .
Now we reverse the arguments displayed in Figure 2.11, right: The orthogonal projection of
v onto the lines [F1 , Q] and [F2 , Q] gives two vectors of equal length. Therefore, the sum of
distances F1 Q + F2 Q must remain constant in Graves’s construction. The point Q has to
trace an ellipse with focal points F1 and F2 . ◾
2.2 Tangent lines of conics 47
Q vn1
e vt2
λ vn2
c(s0 )=T
F1 F2
c(0) e0
Figures 2.25 and 2.26 are also the basis for the following statement. It
deals with orthoptic curves which by definition are the loci of points from
which two orthogonal tangents to a given curve can be drawn.
t g1 t
FIGURE 2.30. The orthoptic curve of a hyperbola with a > b is a circle, the
director circle d.
For hyperbolas we obtain from (2.5) QM = x2 + y 2 = a2 − b2 (see Figure 2.30). For an
equilateral hyperbola (a = b), the orthoptic curves shrinks to the point M , in the case a < b
the orthoptic curve is empty.
When, secondly, in the case of a parabola (see Figure 2.26) the points G1 , G1 on the directrix
l are diametral on the auxiliary circle h, then also the center Q of h must be located on l. ◾
● Exercise 2.2.5 Tangents to confocal conics. Complete the proof of Theorem 2.2.4 for hy-
perbolas and parabolas. In the first case adapt Figure 2.25 for a hyperbola c. In the parabolic
case extract the proof from Figure 2.26.
● Exercise 2.2.6 Prove for points T of the circles s in Figure 2.28, left and right, that the
lines T Q and T Q′ are angle bisectors of the lines connecting T with the two focal points. When
Q is aligned with the focal points (Figure 2.28, right), then s is the circle of Apollonius which
is defined by a constant ratio of distances T F1 ∶ T F2 = const. for all T ∈ s, including Q and Q′ .
● Exercise 2.2.7 Isoptic curve of a parabola. Prove that the isoptic curve of a parabola, i.e.,
the set of points from which a parabola with focal point F and directrix l can be seen under
a given angle ϕ, under the conditions 0 < ϕ < π2 or π2 < ϕ < π, is a branch of a hyperbola with
the focal point F , the associated directrix l and the numerical eccentricity 1/ cos ϕ.
Hint: We refer to Figure 2.26. The depicted parabola c is seen from point Q under the angle
) T Q T , and we have here ϕ < π2 . A rotation of t and t about Q through the marked angle
ϕ =<
α together with QF = QG yields Ql = QF cos ϕ. The same is true in the case ϕ > π2 . The
2.2 Tangent lines of conics 49
rest follows from Definition 2.1.1. The orthoptic curve of a parabola which is mentioned in
Theorem 2.2.6, is obviously a limiting case: The hyperbola degenerates into a line.
For signed distances on g this equation is also valid without using the
absolute values since for Q in the interior of k the signs of the distances
QS1 and QS2 are different. In the case d = r, the line g contacts the circle
k at a point T , and pk (Q) = QT .
In Cartesian coordinates, with M = (m, n) and Q = (p, q), we obtain
So, to find the power of Q w.r.t. the circle k, we only need to plug the
coordinates of Q into the standard equation of k.
Given a second circle k ′ = (M ′ ; r ′ ) with M ≠ M ′ , a point X = (x, y) with
equal powers with respect to k and k′ satisfies
(x − m)2 + (y − n)2 − r 2 = (x − m′ )2 + (y − n′ )2 − r ′ 2 ,
2(m − m′ )x + 2(n − n′ )y = m2 − m′ 2 + n2 − n′ 2 − r 2 + r ′ 2 .
50 Chapter 2: Euclidean plane
Q k′
S2 d
FIGURE 2.31. The power of the point Q with respect to the circle k is defined
as pk (Q) = QM − r2 . For Q in the exterior of k, the power pk (Q) satisfies
pk (Q) = QT . On lines g intersecting k, we obtain pk (Q) = QS1 ⋅ QS2 , provided
these distances are signed.
exterior to k, then the circle o = (C; pk (C)) intersects all three given
circles orthogonally.
h S
F1′ g1
F1 F2
C k
n G1
Each point on the line n = [F1 , F1′ ] has the same power w.r.t. all circles
through F1 and F1′ . Let h be one of these circles. The intersection point
C between the radical axis dh,g1 and n satisfies pg1 (C) = pk (C) for all
circles k through F1 and F1′ . Hence, all chords dg1 ,k pass through C.
When k contacts the circle g1 , then the common tangent at the point of
contact passes through the radical center C too. Therefore, we can solve
our problem in the following steps (Figure 2.32):
C h
F′ k
● Exercise 2.2.8 Intersection between a parabola and a line. Extract from Figure 2.33 the
ruler-and-compass construction of intersection points between a parabola and a line.
● Exercise 2.2.9 Relation between two points of a conic and the foci. Prove the following
statement: If a conic with focal points F1 and F2 intersects a line in two different points S
and S (see Figure 2.32), then S and S are focal points of another conic which passes through
F1 and F2 . In this case the sides of the quadrilateral F1 SF2 S are tangent to a circle. Find the
analogue statement for parabolas.
2.3 Mechanisms tracing conics 53
y C
X x
FIGURE 2.35. The simplest case of an elliptic motion and the trammel con-
struction: A rod XY of constant length is moving along perpendicular straight
lines x and y. Each point C on the rod has an ellipse for its path.
Hoecken’s mechanism
a 1
2 4
3 3
1 4
FIGURE 2.36. A computer rendering of Hoecken’s mechanism.
colors of Figure 2.36, we have the following: Two yellow rods 12 and 34 are
directed such that their endpoints move along circles with the adjustable
radii a and b. After rotation about the angle ϕ, the point of intersection
has the coordinates (a cos ϕ, b sin ϕ). Thus, it lies on an ellipse.
Remark 2.3.1 In this case, the mathematical explanation is easier than a purely geometric
one, because the intersection point of the rods is, from a kinematic point of view, not so
easy to capture. However, one can consider the technically not realized points C1 and C2 , see
Figure 2.36 on the right, and see a “virtual elliptic motion” as described before.
A generalization in space
C′ v′
V v
U′ u′
Remark 2.3.2 The surface generated by the straight line [U, V ] is a quartic ruled surface.
FIGURE 2.38. The general elliptic motion: The straight guidances u and v need
not be perpendicular, the generating point C need not lie on the line [U, V ].
Proof: The synthetic proof, i.e., a proof based on purely geometric arguments without calcu-
lation or with a minimum of calculation, will not only verify the fact that any path curve is
an ellipse. Additionally, it will provide the axis directions and the lengths of the axes of the
• The straight lines u and v intersect at an angle ϕ ≠ 0. From the point O = u∩v, the segment
U V appears under the angle ϕ. According to the theorem of the angle of circumference,
the locus of all points with this property is the circle q with center Q that is given by the
three points O, U , and V . This circle has constant size, independent of the position of
the segment U V , and always touches another fixed circle p around O with constant radius
that is twice the other radius.
• Both q and p can easily be found via the point of contact P on the diameter OQ which,
due to Thales’s theorem,8 is found as the intersection of the normals to u and v in U
Thales’s theorem states that the endpoints of the diameter of a circle are seen under a right
angle from all the points of the circle (except the endpoints of the diameter).
For Thales’s theorem see Example 6.4.7 (Corollary 6.3.3, page 232), and in connection with
centers of involutions (special case of Frégier’s theorem, cf. Theorem 6.4.6 on page 255).
2.3 Mechanisms tracing conics 57
and V . This point P can be interpreted as the so-called instantaneous pole of the motion:
At the current position, the segment U V moves as if it was rotated around P . Thus, the
distances P U and P V indicate how fast the points move: The closer to P the slower. The
path tangents of U and V are (trivially) in direction of u and v.
• Now we consider an arbitrary point C, rigidly connected to the line [U, V ] (which is
indicated by the green triangle U V C in Figure 2.38). If we intersect [C, Q] with the circle
q, we get a pair X and Y of opposite points on q (XY has constant length). The lines
x = [O, X] and y = [O, Y ] are perpendicular and parallel to [P, Y ] and [P, X] according to
Thales’s theorem. Therefore, [P, X] and [P, Y ] are the path normals of X and Y through
P . Thus, X and Y move exactly towards O. Since this is true for any position of U and
V , X and Y run on fixed perpendicular straight lines x and y through O.
We have now fulfilled the conditions of the already proven special case (shown in Section 2.3)
of an elliptic motion and can be sure that C ∈ XY runs on an ellipse with the axes x and y.
The lengths of the semi-axes of the path are a = CY and b = CX. ◾
V tC
u O
FIGURE 2.39. Ellipse motion, not immediately apparent: Two circles (or wheels)
are moved along two straight lines. The lengths of the (green) velocity-vectors
are proportional to the distance from the instantaneous pole P .
◾ Example 2.3.1 Gliding of rigidly connected circles along straight lines. In Figure 2.39 on the
left, two circles with constant distance glide along straight lines u and v. Thus, their centers
U and V move on straight lines u and v, and we have an elliptic motion: Every point that is
rigidly connected with the moving system has an ellipse as path curve.
58 Chapter 2: Euclidean plane
◾ Example 2.3.2 Rolling wheels. It does not make a difference whether the circles glide or
roll: When a cyclist moves from one plane to another like in Figure 2.39 on the right, every
point on the bicycle’s frame is undergoing an elliptic motion. The guiding lines u and v are
the parallels to the given planes through the centers of the rolling wheels (or gliding circles),
the center O = u ∩ v of the ellipse is their intersection.
◾ Example 2.3.3 Another trammler. Figure 2.40 shows another mechanism to draw ellipses:
A big circular disk is moved in parallel guide rails within a rectangular boundary. Its center
is, thus, moving on the perpendicular bisector of the shorter side of the boundary. A smaller
circular disk is moved analogously so that its center remains on the perpendicular bisector of
the longer side of the boundary. The distance of the centers of the circle is adjustable by slot
guides, just as the distance of the drawing pen may be varied.
FIGURE 2.40. Another mechanism to trace ellipses: Two circular disks with a
rigid connection of their centers are moved within a rectangular frame. This
causes the circle centers to be guided along straight lines.
Theorem 2.3.2 If a circle q rolls inside a fixed circle p with double ra-
dius, each point C rigidly connected to q has an ellipse as orbit. Points
on the circumference of q run on straight lines through the center of p.
Proof: We only have to prove that q rolls inside p without gliding. This is due to the fact
that p and q are the fixed polhode and the moving polhode of the constrained motion. For any
motion in the plane, the moving polhode rolls on the fixed polhode without gliding [66]. ◾
2.3 Mechanisms tracing conics 59
FIGURE 2.41. Ellipse motion, forced by the rolling of the Cardan circles: A
circle inside a fixed circle of double size. Photograph of a kinematic model. The
black points X and Y on the rod lie on the diameter of the small circle, and
thus, have straight paths.
Theorem 2.3.2 is illustrated in Figure 2.41. The circles p and q are often
called Cardan circles, named after Gerolamo Cardano (1501–1576),
although they were known earlier to Arabian mathematicians.
B u F F u B B
v v q
q R R q
p p
C u C
FIGURE 2.42. A Reuleaux triangle ABC is revolved inside a square: The edges
are rounded off “almost circularly” by elliptic arcs.
Consider a regular triangle ABC (side length r). It can be “rounded off” by means of three
circular arcs (radius r = side length), and then has “constant thickness” r. Thus, it is possible
to revolve it inside a square with side length r. There are always two vertices that glide along
two perpendicular sides of the square. Figure 2.42 shows three subsequent positions of ABC
60 Chapter 2: Euclidean plane
when revolving clockwise. Subsequent elliptic motions (axes u, v, center F , Cardan circles p
and q) “shake hands” periodically. The center R of the triangle has an almost circular orbit,
consisting of four elliptic arcs.
FIGURE 2.43. The mechanism from Example 2.3.5 that draws an ellipse e.
g G
s P
n F p
U α
FIGURE 2.44. The mechanism from Example 2.3.6 that draws a parabola p.
3 Differential Geometry
U1′′ =U2′′
U3′′ =U4′′
U2′ =U3′
U11′ =U
U =U3′3′
The picture shows a triaxial ellipsoid with its curvature lines. The top and
front view of the curvature lines of the ellipsoid are affine images of confocal
conics. The four umbilical points U1 , . . . , U4 (singularities of the curvature line
parametrization) map to the common focal points in the top and front view.
Historical background
The problem of understanding the motion of the planets is possibly the
greatest historical problem of mathematical sciences. In 1609, Johannes
Kepler1 stated his first two laws concerning the orbits of planets:
• The orbits of planets are ellipses with the Sun at one focus.
• The line segment joining a planet and the Sun sweeps equal areas
during equal intervals of time (note Figure 3.2 on page 66).
Ten years later Kepler published his third rule:
• The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to
the cube of the semimajor axis of its orbit.
Kepler had no explanation for these facts which he had deduced by ana-
lyzing the extremely accurate measurements taken by Tycho Brahe2 .
It took almost 80 years, until Isaac Newton3 finally derived these laws
as consequences of his famous Law of Gravitation.
In what follows, we present an approach to Kepler’s laws via calculus,
and recall W.R. Hamilton’s4 short geometric derivation. We refer to
the differential geometric properties of parametrized space curves
c(t) = (x(t), y(t), z(t)) , t ∈ I ⊂ R,
which have been presented in Section 2.1 and visualized in Figure 2.8 on
page 25.
Two fundamental laws from mechanics
Newton’s Law of Gravitation: Between any two particles P1 , P2 with
masses m1 , m2 at distance r there acts a mutually attractive force F with
→ m1 m2
∥F ∥ = G ,
Astronomer and mathematician, 1571–1630, lived in Graz, Prague, Linz, and Zagan.
Born as Tyge Ottesen Brahe, astronomer, 1546–1601, lived in Copenhagen, Basel, Ham-
burg, Leipzig, and Prague.
Mathematician, physicist, astronomer, alchemist, theologian, philosopher, 1642–1727, lived
in London.
Sir William Rowan Hamilton, 1805–1865, was an Irish physicist, astronomer, and mathe-
3.1 Conics as orbits of planets 63
Newton’s Law of Gravitation is also valid for any two disjoint spherical
masses with homogeneous mass density; the attractive force F acts on
the sphere centers. In this way Newton’s Law describes the falling speed
on Earth as well as the orbits of planets around the Sun or the orbit of
the Moon around the Earth.
Additionally, we need
Newton’s Second Law of Motion: For any particle with mass m and
acceleration vector a the scalar multiple m a equals the sum of all affecting
forces, i.e., F = m a.
Now, we focus on the Sun and on one planet only, and we assume that
there are no other forces acting on this pair of particles than the mutual
gravitational attraction. Our assumption means that we examine the two-
body problem instead of the n-body problem.
Moreover, we simplify by the assumption that the center of the Sun is
fixed and the origin of a fixed coordinate frame. Thus, we ignore that
even when the mass of the planet under consideration is small compared
to that of the Sun6 , the center of gravity of the union of the two masses
remains fixed. This would be the true origin of an appropriate coordinate
Two-body problem
How does a particle P2 with mass m2 move around a central mass point
P1 with mass m1 fixed at the origin of our coordinate system?
Let c(t) be the position vector of P2 as a function of time t with c = re,
r = ∥c∥ ≠ 0. Then, according to Newton’s laws, the acceleration vector
a = c̈ obeys the vectorial differential equation
m1 m2
m2 c̈ = − G e. (3.1)
In the metrical system we have G = 6.67260 ⋅ 10−11 Nkg
2 .
The mass of the Sun is about 333000 times greater than the mass of the Earth and 750 times
greater than the sum of the masses of all planets in our solar system.
64 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
ṙ = dr
dϕ ϕ̇ ċ(t)
r ϕ̇ ⎛ cos ϕ ⎞
⎜ sin ϕ ⎟ =e
⎛ − sin ϕ ⎞ ⎝ 0 ⎠
⎜ cos ϕ ⎟
⎝ 0 ⎠ α
c(t) P2
r k
FIGURE 3.1. The set up for the proof of Kepler’s First Law.
⎛ cos ϕ ⎞
c = re = r ⎜ sin ϕ ⎟ ;
⎝ 0 ⎠
⎛ cos ϕ ⎞ ⎛ − sin ϕ ⎞ ⎛ 0 ⎞
ċ = ṙ ⎜ sin ϕ ⎟ + r ϕ̇ ⎜ cos ϕ ⎟ , c × ċ = r 2 ϕ̇ ⎜ 0 ⎟ , (3.3)
⎝ 0 ⎠ ⎝ 0 ⎠ ⎝ 1 ⎠
⎛ cos ϕ ⎞ ⎛ − sin ϕ ⎞
c̈ = (r̈ − r ϕ̇2 ) ⎜ sin ϕ ⎟ + (2ṙ ϕ̇ + r ϕ̈) ⎜ cos ϕ ⎟ . (3.5)
⎝ 0 ⎠ ⎝ 0 ⎠
(ii) In the case c × ċ = n = 0 the vectors c and ċ are always linearly dependent, i.e., ċ = λc.
This implies that
c = e∫ λdt a
with a constant vector a. So point P2 moves along a line through P1 . By virtue of (3.4),
this particular case with C = 0 shows up if, and only if, the initial vectors {c(t0 ), ċ(t0 )} are
linearly dependent. ◾
66 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
Sept. 23
Dec. 21
c(t0 )
June 21
c(t1 ) spring
March 21
FIGURE 3.2. The approximate orbit of the Earth (scale 1 ∶ 5.0 ⋅ 1012 ) with
positions marked every second day. The two red-shaded sectors of equal area
should illustrate Kepler’s Second Law.
Elliptical orbits
All types of conics are possible as orbits solving the two-body problem.
Ellipses occur for the motion of the planets and recurring comets around
3.1 Conics as orbits of planets 67
c̈(0) ċ(0)
ċ(0) P1
FIGURE 3.3. Different orbits starting from the same point c(0).
the Sun. The orbit of Halley’s comet around the Sun with an orbital
period of about 76 years is almost parabolic (ε = 0.966). Figure 3.3 shows
three orbits with the same initial point c(0) but different initial velocity
vectors ċ(0): an ellipse (in blue), a parabola (in green) and a hyperbola
(in red).
For ε < 1 the orbit is an ellipse with semiaxes
p p
a= , b= √ . (3.11)
1−ε 2
1 − ε2
This follows, by virtue of (2.4), from p = b2 /a and ε = e/a since
b2 a2 − e2 √ √
p= = = a(1 − ε2 ) and b = a2 − e2 = a 1 − ε2 .
a a
The area of this ellipse is abπ, and the complete ellipse is swept by the
position vector c(t) during one orbital period T . The constant C in (3.4)
is twice the areal velocity. This implies for the orbital period
2abπ 2π p2 2π 2 a 2 2π √ 3 2π 3
T= = √ = p ( ) = p a2 = √ a2 .
C C (1 − ε2 )3 C p C Gm1
For the last equality we substituted from (3.10). This proves
Hence, the squares of the orbital periods are directly proportional to the
cubes of the semimajor axes of the ellipses.
σ ċ P2 k′
hodograph ε
ϕ̇ r P1′ p/
B ϕ A ϕ
P2′ σ ċ O
FIGURE 3.4. While P2 = c(t) is tracing the planetary orbit k (left) with respect
to P1 , the point P2′ = ċ(t) is running with the same angular velocity ϕ̇ along the
circular hodograph k ′ (right). Note the orthogonality between P1 P2 and P1′ P2′ .
We use the scaling factor σ = p2 /Cε for velocities.
The function ϕ̇(t) is the basis for computing the velocity at different
positions along an orbit. From (3.4) and (3.10) we obtain
ϕ̇ = 2
= 2 (1 + ε cos ϕ)2 .
r p
3.1 Conics as orbits of planets 69
In the case ε ≠ 0, we obtain from (3.3) and (3.7) the coordinates of the
velocity vector ċ:
The velocities of the Earth around the Sun range between 29.3 km/s in summertime and
30.3 km/s in wintertime (w.r.t. the Northern hemisphere). The data for the orbit of the
Earth (Figure 3.2) are as follows (in metrical units): a = 149 600 000 km = 1 astronomic unit,
ε = 0.01672, b = 149 580 000 km, p = 149 560 000 km, T = 365.25964 days.
70 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
σ 2 an A′
σ 2 c̈ l
σ ċ α P
2 k′
hodograph ε
r P1′ p/
B ϕ A ϕ
P1 r
orbit P2∗ σ ċ
P2′ O
σ 2 c̈
FIGURE 3.5. The acceleration vector c̈ is the velocity vector of the hodograph.
This gives rise to a graphical construction of the orbit’s center of curvature P2∗ .
We use the scaling factor σ = p2 /Cε for velocities and σ 2 for accelerations.
Theorem 3.1.4 Let k be any conic with focal point F and parameter p .
For any given point X ∈ k let α denote the angle between the line F X
and the tangent line at X (see Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.5, left). Then, the
radius of curvature of k at X is
= .
sin3 α
Note that this formula holds for all types of conics. It is even independent
of the numerical eccentricity ε. The formula includes in particular the
statement that the parameter p of the conic equals the radius of curvature
at the principal vertices with α = π2 (Theorem 2.1.5).
Kepler’s equation
For each Kepler orbit there is a simple geometric relation between the
position c(t) and the corresponding velocity vector ċ(t), as Figure 3.5
demonstrates. However, the computation of c(t) as a function of time t
can only be carried out numerically since the function ϕ(t) cannot be
expressed in closed form.
We present a method valid for ellipses k, i.e., in the case 0 < ε < 1. Let
our moving point P2 pass the vertex A at minimal distance to P1 at time
t0 . Due to the constant areal velocity, the ratio between (t − t0 ) and the
orbital period T equals the ratio between the areas of the elliptical sector
from c(t0 ) to c(t) (shaded in Figure 3.6) and the area abπ of the ellipse.
We compute the area of the elliptical sector by inspecting its image under
the affine transformation from the ellipse k to its principal circle k̃ with
radius a. Under this transformation, areas are multiplied by the factor
Let β denote the center angle of the circular arc from c(t0 ) to the affine
image c̃(t). For 0 < β < π we can compute the area of the affine image
by subtracting the area of a triangle from the area of the circular sector.
Thus, we obtain the expression
a2 β ea sin β
− ,
2 2
72 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
c̃(t) k̃
c(t) k
β ϕ A
(0, 0) (aε, 0) c(t0 )
FIGURE 3.6. The Kepler equation allows the computation of the polar angle ϕ
for a given time t.
which turns out to be valid also for π < β < 2π. This leads to the propor-
(a2 β − ea sin β) 2a
t − t0
= ,
abπ T
and hence, to the Kepler equation
t − t0
β − ε sin β = 2π . (3.12)
The procedure for computing the polar angle ϕ for a given t runs as
follows. First we determine β from (3.12), where the function of β on the
left-hand side is monotonic. Now the comparison of the polar coordinates
of c(t) with that of the affine pre-image of c̃(t), i.e.,
cos β − ε
cos ϕ = , while sin β sin ϕ ≥ 0.
1 − ε cos β
3.1 Conics as orbits of planets 73
FIGURE 3.7. From Newton’s “De motu corporum in gyrum”, early draft —
reproduced with the kind permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University
At the time of Newton and still decades later ‘differential geometry’ was
rather ‘difference geometry’. One imagined an orbit as a polygon where
the segments represented the velocity vectors of the moving point. We
demonstrate this way of reasoning in a proof for the constancy of the
areal velocity.
We assume the fixed mass point P1 as origin of our coordinate frame and
start with a uniform subdivision t0 , t1 , . . . , tn of the given time interval,
i.e., with ti − ti−1 = h for i = 1, . . . , n. The polygon c(t0 )c(t1 ) . . . c(tn )
approximates the orbit (Figures 3.7 and 3.8). The difference vectors vi ∶=
c(ti ) − c(ti−1 ) approximate scaled velocity vectors (with scaling factor h)
1 1 1 1
ċ(ti ) = lim (c(ti ) − c(ti − h)) = lim (c(ti ) − c(ti−1 )) = lim vi ≈ vi .
h→0 h h→0 h h→0 h h
74 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
c(t4 )
v4 v3
c(t3 )
a3 v3 v2
c(t2 )
a2 v2
P1 v1
a1 c(t1 )
c(t0 )
1 1
c̈(ti ) = lim (ċ(ti+1 ) − ċ(ti )) = lim 2 (vi+1 − vi )
h→0 h h→0 h
1 1
= lim 2 ai ≈ 2 ai .
h→0 h h
Since the attractive force on the point c(ti ) acts along the connecting line
with P1 , we can assume that ai is parallel to the position vector c(ti ).
Hence, the vector c(ti ) spans with vi as well as with vi+1 parallelograms
of equal area (note Figure 3.8)8 . The halves of these parallelograms, the
triangles P1 c(ti−1 )c(ti ) and P1 c(ti )c(ti+1 ) have the same area too. Hence,
all sectors P1 c(ti−1 )c(ti ) of the orbit are equi-areal. The limit h → 0 shows
that the areal velocity must be constant.
By the “parallelogram spanned by vectors a and b” we understand the parallelogram with
the vertices 0, a, a + b, and b.
3.1 Conics as orbits of planets 75
1. The force F acts along the connecting line [P1 , P2 ] if, and only if, (i)
the orbit of P2 is located in a plane through P1 , and (ii) P2 moves with
constant areal velocity about P1 .
2. Let F always act along [P1 , P2 ]. Then, in the case of non-vanishing
areal velocity, the following three statements are equivalent:
a) The force ∥ F ∥ is proportional to the inverse of the squared distance
r between P1 and P2 .
b) The hodograph of the orbit of P2 is a circular arc.
c) The orbit of P2 is a conic with P1 as a focal point.
Proof: According to our proof of Theorem 3.1.1, the linear dependence of {c, c̈} implies that
c × ċ = n is constant. In the case n ≠ 0, the orbit is planar and the areal velocity is constant.
Otherwise the point P2 moves along a line through P1 .
Conversely, any planar curve can be represented in polar coordinates. The condition r 2 ϕ̇ =
C = const. shows by (3.5) the linear dependence of c and c̈.
a) ⇔ b): In the case of a central attractive force there is a kind of symmetry between the orbit
and the hodograph (see Figure 3.5): The position vector of one curve is a tangent vector to
the other.
For any planar curve, the Frenet equation (2.19) ė1 = vκe2 implies that ω = vκ is the signed
angular velocity of the tangent vector. Hence
1 v
= =
∣κ∣ ∣ω∣
is the radius of curvature.
The angular velocity of c and at the same time that of the tangent vector c̈ to the hodograph
is ϕ̇, and we confine our attention to the case C = r 2 ϕ̇ ≠ 0. Therefore, we obtain for the
hodograph in the case of an arbitrary attraction law ∥c̈∥ = a(r) the radius of curvature
∥c̈∥ a(r) r 2 a(r)
h = = = .
∣ϕ̇∣ ∣ϕ̇∣ ∣C∣
This equation reveals immediately that h is constant if, and only if, r 2 a(r) is constant, and
this holds only when the magnitude of the attractive force, namely a(r), is proportional to
r −2 .
b) ⇒ c): Let the circle k ′ with center P1′ and radius h be the given hodograph. The origin O
of the velocity diagram is assumed to be at a distance d to P1′ , and we start with the case
d > 0. We use polar coordinates centered at P1′ such that O has the polar coordinates (π, d)
(Figure 3.9).
Let ϕ be the polar angle of any point P2′ ∈ k ′ . Then, the arrow pointing from O to P2′ represents
the velocity vector ċ of the corresponding point P2 of the orbit k. Since the acceleration vector
c̈ of P2 acts along [P2 , P1 ], the tangent vector to k ′ is parallel to −c, the negative position
vector of the point P2 . For the orbit k, we now introduce polar coordinates with origin P1
such that the point A ∈ k corresponding to A′ = (0, h ) of the hodograph k ′ gets the polar
angle 0. Then, the polar angle ϕ of P2′ ∈ k ′ occurs also at the polar coordinates (r, ϕ) of the
corresponding point P2 of the orbit k.
76 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
e A′
h +
k d co
e sϕ k′
P2 ċ ϕ
d h
ϕ A
P1 O
We learned from Figure 3.1 that ċ can be decomposed into a radial component of signed
length r ′ ϕ̇ and an orthogonal component of signed length r ϕ̇. The same decomposition can
be performed on the hodograph (see Figure 3.9) and we obtain
h + d cos ϕ = r ϕ̇ = r = ,
r2 r
where C = r 2 ϕ̇ still denotes twice the constant areal velocity. This yields immediately the
polar equation of k
r= ,
h + d cos ϕ
which confirms that the orbit k is a conic with focal point P1 , with p = C/h and ε = d/h .9
In the excluded case d = 0, the vector ċ is permanently orthogonal to c̈, and therefore, also to
c, and consequently k is a circle.
c) ⇒ b): Whenever a conic with polar equation (3.10) is traced with constant areal velocity,
then, according to the computation on page 69,
cos ϕ − sin ϕ Cr ′ cos ϕ Cr − sin ϕ
ċ = r ′ ϕ̇ ( ) + r ϕ̇ ( )= 2 ( )+ 2 ( )=
sin ϕ cos ϕ r sin ϕ r cos ϕ
C − sin ϕ C 0 − sin ϕ
= ( )= [( ) + ( )] .
p ε + cos ϕ p ε cos ϕ
Hamilton proved this step by revealing a direct relation between the power of O with respect
to the circle k ′ and the Apollonian property of k.
3.2 Conics in planar differential geometry 77
The arc length l(c, J) of the parametrized curve c(t) in the interval J is
given by
l(c, J) ∶= ∫ ∥ċ∥dt (3.13)
where ċ denotes the velocity vector, i.e., the derivative of the parametri-
zation c(t) with respect to t. Thus, we find
l(c, J) = ∫ r dt = 2rπ.
● Exercise 3.2.1 Verify the above result by using the rational parametrization of the circle
like the one given in (2.13) in the case a = b = r.
where √
ε= 1−
is the numerical eccentricity. Note that 0 < ε < 1 for a > b and a > 0. In
the last step, we have used the linear substitution t → π2 − t. The integral
78 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
l ≈ π(a + b)
which somehow imitates the analogous formula for the circle’s circumfe-
rence. A much better approximation is given by
a2 + b2
l ≈ 2π
which is not more than five per cent away from the actual circumference
as long as a < 3b. Still better approximations are given by
l ≈ π (3(a + b) − (3a + b)(a + 3b))
or by
l ≈ π(a + b) (1 + √ )
10 + 4 − 3h
with h = (a − b)2 /(a + b)2 . The latter two formulas are due to the Indian
mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan Iyengar (1887–1920).
Using the numerical eccentricity ε one can evaluate the exact formula
(2k)!2 ε2i
l = 2bπ (1 − ∑ ⋅ ).
k=1 (2k ⋅ k!)
4 2i − 1
According to (2.19) and (2.20), the curvature of a planar curve with the
parametrization c(t) = (x(t), y(t)) and t ∈ J can be computed as κ = av2 ,
where v = ∥ċ∥ is the speed and an is the length of the component of the
acceleration vector c̈ with respect to the normal vector e2 = 1v (−ẏ, ẋ).
This yields a formula for the signed curvature
det(ċ(t), c̈(t))
κ(t) = , (3.16)
cf. [23, 58]. The sign of κ depends on the orientation of c(t): A positive
curvature means that the curve turns left, when traversing the curve with
increasing parameter t.
We apply the formula (3.16) to the parametrization of the ellipse c given
in (2.12) and find for a > b
κ(t) = √ . (3.17)
(a2 sin t + b2 cos2 t)3
with zeros
π 3π
t1 = 0, t2 = , t3 = π, t4 = .
2 2
These correspond to the points
This tells us that the points V1 and V3 are points of maximal curvature
on the ellipse c, whereas V2 and V4 are points of minimal curvature on c.
Note that the points V1 and V3 are the principal vertices, and V2 and V4
are the auxiliary vertices of the ellipse c (cf. Figure 3.10).
π π 3π t π π 3π t
0 2 2
0 2 2
FIGURE 3.10. Left: Curvature plot of ellipses for different ratios of the semima-
jor and semiminor axes: 3 ∶ 2 (blue), 2 ∶ 1 (violet), and 6 ∶ 5 (magenta). Right:
the respective plots of the curvature radii.
a b2 b a2
κ1 = κ3 = ⇐⇒ 1 = 2 = , κ2 = κ4 = ⇐⇒ 2 = 4 = , (3.18)
b2 q a2 b
compare with Theorem 2.1.5 on page 29.
We can give a simple construction for the centers of curvature at the
vertices of an ellipse c, as can be seen in Figure 3.11: The axes of the ellipse
c and the tangents at the vertices V1 and V2 bound a rectangle M V1 U V2 .
We add the diagonal joining V1 and V2 and draw the line perpendicular
to [V1 , V2 ] through the fourth corner U (not the center M of c).
3.2 Conics in planar differential geometry 81
V2 U
V1⋆ V1
FIGURE 3.11. The construction of the centers of curvature V1⋆ and V2⋆ at the
vertices V1 and V2 .
Proof: It is easy to see that this construction yields the desired centers of curvature and the
proper radii: Let M denote the center of the ellipse c. From Figure 3.11, we can read that
a ∶ b = M V1 ∶ M V2 = b ∶ 1 and a ∶ b = a ∶ 2
since the right-angled triangles M V1 V2 and V1 U V1⋆ are similar. The same holds true for the
two right-angled triangles M V1 V2 and V2 V2⋆ U . It is easy to verify that the circles around Vi⋆
through Vi hyperosculate the ellipse (cf. Definition 6.4.1). A simple computation shows that
the osculating circles at the vertices share only the vertices with c (cf. Exercise 2.1.1). ◾
We shall meet this construction again in Section 7.5 when we deal with
the quadratic transformation of conjugate normals.
Remark 3.2.1 We defined the vertices of conics in Section 2.1 as the points where a conic meets
its lines of symmetry. This yields four points on the ellipse, two points on the hyperbola, and
one point on the parabola. The only proper way of generalizing the notion of a vertex for other
curves is the following: Look for regular points with stationary curvature, i.e., regular points
on a curve with κ ≠ 0, κ̇ = 0, and κ̈ ≠ 0 provided that the curve is of class C 4 .
82 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
κ= . (3.19)
a2 b2
Proof: We shall have in mind that x = a cos t and y = b sin t (cf. (2.12)) holds for any point on
the ellipse
x2 y 2
+ = 1. (3.20)
a2 b2
After eliminating cos t and sin t from the curvature function given in (3.17), we arrive at an
algebraic expression for the curvature:
a4 b4
κ(t) = √ . (3.21)
(b x2 + a4 y 2 )3
Via the velocity vector of the ellipse at some point P = (ξ, η), we obtain the Hesse normal
form of the tangent at P as
−b2 ξ x − a2 η y + a2 b2
tP ∶ √ = 0. (3.22)
b4 ξ 2 + a4 η2
If we insert ξ = η = 0, we obtain the signed distance of tP to the center of the ellipse,
a2 b2
d(x, y) = √ (3.23)
b4 x2 + a4 y 2
Note that x and y in (3.23) have to fulfill (3.20). Combining (3.21) and (3.23) we can eliminate
the nasty square root and obtain (3.19). ◾
● Exercise 3.2.2 Analyze the curvature function of the ellipse given in (3.19) and show that
the vertices of the ellipse appear where the support function is stationary.
A deeper result relating the curvature radii with metric values is due to
the French mathematician Joseph Liouville (1809–1882) and given in
3.2 Conics in planar differential geometry 83
P π
l1 l2
P1 P
P2 M
1 2
FIGURE 3.12. Left: The cube of the ratio l1 ∶ l2 equals the ratio 1 ∶ 2 of the
curvatures at the two contact points P1 and P2 . Right: For the particular point
P , the osculating circle oP meets the ellipse c at the antipode P of P .
● Exercise 3.2.4 Give a proof of Theorem 3.2.2 by assuming P1 and P2 are arbitrary points
on an ellipse / hyperbola / parabola with the parametrizations
1 − t2 2t 1 + t2 2t
ellipse (a ,b ), hyperbola (a ,b ), parabola (2qt2 , 2qt)
1 + t2 1 + t2 1 − t2 1 − t2
● Exercise 3.2.5 Find a proof for the facts illustrated in Figure 3.12 (right).
● Exercise 3.2.6 Vertices of a hyperbola. Show that there are two vertices V1 = (a, 0) and
V2 = (−a, 0) on the hyperbola
x2 y 2
h∶ − =1 with ab ≠ 0
a2 b2
by using the two parametrizations
h(t) = (±a cosh t, b sinh t), t∈R
and compute the curvature (cf. the curvature plot in Figure 3.13)
κ=∓ 3
(a2 sinh t + b2 cosh2 t) 2
The radius of the osculating circle at V1 and V2 equals 1 = 2 = a
. As shown in Figure
0 t 0 t
FIGURE 3.13. Curvature plot and the curvature radius function of the hyperbola
for three different ratios of the semimajor and semiminor axes: 3 ∶ 2 (blue), 1 ∶ 1
(magenta), and 3 ∶ 4 (violet).
3.14 (left), the centers V1⋆ and V2⋆ of the osculating (hyperosculating) circles at the hyper-
bola’s vertices can be constructed in a simple way, provided that the vertex and at least one
asymptote is known.
In Section 4.2 (Theorem 4.2.3, page 145) we learn that the subnormals
(the orthogonal projections of the normal’s segment between the curve
and its principal axis onto the latter) of conics are linear functions in the
abscissa. The parabola is more special: The subnormal is constant, and
thus, independent of the point on the parabola as shown in Figure 3.14.
3.2 Conics in planar differential geometry 85
pt P
axis 0 0
V1 V1⋆ V V ⋆
FIGURE 3.14. Left: The construction of the center V1⋆ of the hyperbola’s os-
culating circle at the vertex V1 . Right: The radius 0 of the osculating circle at
a parabola’s vertex V can be found if a line element, i.e., a point P ≠ V plus
incident tangent, is known.
Evolute of an ellipse
What about the osculating circle oP for a generic point P = c(t0 ) of an
ellipse c? Assume that o is such a circle with center P ⋆ (with coordina-
te vector c⋆ and radius R). Locally, that means, in a sufficiently small
neighborhood of a generic point P = c(t0 ) on the ellipse c, the circle and
the ellipse share the point, the tangent, and the curvature.
We can express these three conditions algebraically: The first condition
⟨c(t) − c⋆ , c(t) − c⋆ ⟩∣t=t0 = R2 ,
i.e., a circle through c(t) (at any t) with the yet unknown center c⋆ and
radius R. Note that both, center and radius are constant at a certain
point P = c(t0 ). We differentiate once with respect to t and obtain
⟨ċ(t), c(t) − c⋆ ⟩∣t=t0 = 0 1⇒ ⟨e1 , c(t) − c⋆ ⟩ = 0 (3.24)
where (e1 , e2 ) is the Frenet frame at P . The last equation tells us that the
desired circle o is tangent to c at P = c(t0 ), for its radius vector c(t) − c⋆
is perpendicular to the tangent tP of c at P that aims in the direction
ċ(t) or e1 . Thus, the center P ⋆ of o is a point on the curve’s normal at
We differentiate once again. With ċ = vκe2 and ⟨e1 , e1 ⟩ = 1, we find
v⟨κe2 , c(t) − c⋆ ⟩∣t=t0 + v = 0 (3.25)
86 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
which yields
c⋆ = c + e2 . (3.26)
FIGURE 3.15. Evolutes of different ellipses being the envelopes of the ellipses’
normals. The cusps of the evolute correspond to the vertices of the ellipse.
Two C r curves c and d are said to be in n-th order contact (with n ≤ r) if there exist
parametrizations of both curves such that the derivatives of c and d agree up to order n.
Sometimes this is called a C n -contact. Two C r curves are said to be in Gn -contact (geometric
continuity of order n ≤ r) if the span of the first n derivative vectors of both curves agree.
C n -contact always implies Gn -contact, the converse is not true.
The projective differential geometric version deals with the first n + 1 derivative points
starting with c(t0 ) and d(t0 ) as the first derivatives.
3.2 Conics in planar differential geometry 87
We insert the parametrization (2.12) of the ellipse c into (3.26) and obtain
a parametrization of the evolute as
a2 − b2
c⋆ (t) = (b cos3 t, −a sin3 t) , t ∈ J. (3.27)
The evolute of an ellipse is an algebraic curve of degree six and class11
four. The parametric representation (3.27) fulfills the algebraic equation
2 2
x 3 y 3
( ) +( ) =1 (3.28)
α β
a2 −b2 a2 −b2
with α = a and β = b which is equivalent to the polynomial equa-
((a2 − b2 )2 − (a2 x2 + b2 y 2 )) − 27a2 b2 x2 y 2 (a2 − b2 )2 = 0.
The evolute of an ellipse has four cusps which are the centers of curvature
of the four vertices, see Figure 3.15.
The scaling (x, y) ↦ (x′ , y ′ ) = ( αx , βy ) transforms (3.28) into the astroid
with the equation
2 2
x′ 3 + y ′ 3 = 1.
For a generic point P on the ellipse c(t), there exists also an elementary
construction of the center of curvature P ⋆ = c⋆ (t), cf. Figure 3.16 (left):
The class of a planar algebraic curve is, roughly speaking, the number of tangents to the
curve that can be drawn from a generic point to the curve. In Section 7.5, we shall obtain
the evolute of a conic as the image of the set of the conic’s tangents under a quadratic
Cremona transformation. Then, it will be immediately clear why the class of the evolute is
88 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
tP tP
P c P
p p
1 nP
a a
c P⋆ P⋆
oP nP 1 oP
The normal nP and the principal axis with equation y = 0 meet at 1 with coordinates
a2 − b2
( cos t, 0) ,
and thus, the line l parallel to the tangent tP has the equation
x cos t y sin t a2 − b2
l∶ + = cos2 t.
a b a2
The diameter through P is given by xb sin t − ya cos t = 0. Therefore, its intersection 2 with l
has the same x-coordinate as P ⋆
a2 − b2
xP ⋆ = cos3 t
which, inserted into the normal’s equation, yields yP ⋆ , and thus, p⋆ (t) agrees with c⋆ from
(3.27). ◾
● Exercise 3.2.8 Alternative curvature construction. In Figure 3.16 (right), we can see that
there is a second construction that leads to the center P ⋆ of curvature for a generic point P
on the ellipse c. Show that this construction leads to the same P ⋆ , i.e., it is equivalent to the
first construction given above.
P 1 ∶ P 2 = P ⋆ 1′ ∶ P ⋆ 2′ . (3.29)
3.2 Conics in planar differential geometry 89
● Exercise 3.2.9 Proof of Theorem 3.2.3. Show that the construction of P ⋆ from
Theorem 3.2.3 as shown in Figure 3.17 is equivalent to that given in Theorem 3.2.2.
c 1′ c
2′ 2 P
P ⋆ 2 2′
1 ′ tP P′ P⋆
● Exercise 3.2.10 Evolute of an ellipse as the envelope of the ellipse’s normals. Show that the
evolute of an ellipse can be found as the envelope of its normals. Start with the equations of
lines depending on t ∈ [0, 2π[
x sin t y cos t b2 − a2
nP ∶ − + = cos t sin t
b a ab
and intersect the lines nP with their derivatives ṅP (with respect to t). The points nP ∩ ṅP
are precisely the points of the ellipse’s evolute.
● Exercise 3.2.11 Evolutes of hyperbola and parabola as envelopes. Find the evolute of a
hyperbola and a parabola as the envelopes of the normals.
p D p
tP tP
P 2 P oP
d 2d
DP ∶ DP ⋆ = 1 ∶ 3.
● Exercise 3.2.13 Alternative approach to the center of curvature. The construction in
Figure 3.19, right, for the center P ⋆ of curvature of a parabola is also valid at the vertex
(cf. Theorem 3.2.4). Give a proof of Theorem 3.2.4.
Evolute of a hyperbola
With the preparations from the previous sections, it is easily verified that
the evolute of the hyperbola parametrized by
circles at the hyperbola’s vertices. Figure 3.20 shows a hyperbola with its
The construction of the center P ⋆ of curvature for a generic point on the
hyperbola is very similar to the case of the ellipse. In Figure 3.21, we have
illustrated the two equivalent constructions of the center of curvature for
a generic point of a given hyperbola. The construction mirrors that of the
ellipse as shown in Figure 3.16.12
● Exercise 3.2.14 A circle on three infinitesimally close points. Another approach to the os-
culating circle of a C 2 -curve at a regular point P (that is not a point of inflection) could be
the following: Assume P = c(t0 ) is a point on c and let ε > 0 be sufficiently small such that
the Taylor series of c(t) is arbitrarily close to c(t) at least in the interval J ∶= [t0 − ε, t0 + ε].
Then, there exists a circle through the three points c(t0 − ε), c(t0 ), and c(t0 + ε), provided
that there is no point of inflection on c(J) (see Figure 3.22).
If the circle degenerates into a line (the radius becomes infinitely large and the center disap-
pears), then P0 is a point of inflection. This will not occur on conics. Show that the limit of
the circle for ε → 0 is the osculating circle oP .
● Exercise 3.2.15 Circle with intersection of multiplicity three or four. When dealing with
algebraic curves c, the osculating circle at a regular non-inflection point P can be defined as
a circle whose intersection at P with c is at least of multiplicity three.
A vertex V of an algebraic curve is a regular point where the curve and the osculating circle
intersect at least with multiplicity four. The definition of a vertex of a generic curve as given
on page 81 still holds. Conics are algebraic curves of degree two, and thus, this definition of
The constructions of the center of curvature shown in Figures 3.16 and 3.21 are sometimes
ascribed to K.H. Schellbach, see [22, p. 72].
3.2 Conics in planar differential geometry 93
2 1
1 nP
2 P⋆
tP P⋆ tP
o h o h
o c′
C′ p
C P+ B2
B1 c y =m−p
P− x
FIGURE 3.22. Left: The circumcircle o′ (with center C ′ ) of three sufficiently
close points P − , P0 , P + ∈ c converges to the osculating circle o (with center C)
at P0 if P − → P0 and P + → P0 provided that the discretization P − , P0 , P + comes
from a C 2 -curve and no point of inflection occurs in this interval. Right: A circle
c′ with double contact (at the points B1 and B2 ) converges to the osculating
circle c at the parabola’s vertex V . The parabola p and c are in third-order
contact at V , i.e., they intersect with multiplicity four at P .
a vertex also applies to conics. At the vertex of a conic (and any other algebraic curve) the
osculating circle is hyperosculating.
94 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
The case of a parabola shall demonstrate a way how to find a vertex with the help of the
hyperosculating circle. We assume that p ∶ x2 = 2py is the parabola in question. Assume
c ∶ x2 + (y − m)2 = r 2 is a circle which is in double contact with p, see Figure 3.22 (right).
Consequently, m, q, and r are related via q 2 + r 2 = 2qm, and thus, the y-coordinate of the
two contact points equals y = m − q. The x-coordinates are the solutions of the bi-quadratic
2 + x (1 − q ) + m − r = 0. If the two points of contact fall in one, then we have
2 m 2 2
equation 4q
one point of intersection with multiplicity 2 ⋅ 2 = 4. This is the case if, and only if, m = q, i.e.,
the circle is centered at the point (0, q) and has radius r = q. The vertex is the point (0, 0)
of contact. The parabola p and c are in third-order contact at V , i.e., they intersect with
multiplicity four at P . This verifies the results of Exercise 3.2.6.
● Exercise 3.2.17 Centers of curvature for parabolas and hyperbolas. Figure 3.23 shows a
construction of the centers of curvature P ⋆ of an ellipse e, a parabola p, and a hyperbola h
at a generic point P . In the case of a conic with center, i.e., a conic with two (real) focal
points, the construction is as follows: Draw the normals to the focal rays at the focal points
F1 and F2 . These normals meet the conic’s normal n at P in two points 1 and 2. Find the
fourth harmonic point P ⋆ of P with respect to 1 and 2. The case of the parabola is simpler
(see Figure 3.23, middle). Give a proof for these three constructions.
P N t p oP
n oP
P 1
F1 2 F2 2
P⋆ oP n
F1 F2 n
F P⋆
FIGURE 3.23. Left and right: The center P ⋆ of curvature at the point P on a
conic is the harmonic conjugate of P with respect to the points 1 and 2. The
points 1 and 2 lie on the conic’s normal n such that the triangle P F1 1 and P F2 2
have right angles at the focal points F1 and F2 . Middle: The parabola differs
somehow. Nevertheless, there is a similar but simpler construction.
oP p
ξ ξ ξ ξ
v F
A 2
The resultant of two polynomials with respect to a common variable is a polynomial defined
by the coefficients of the given polynomials. Resultants can be used to eliminate variables,
as is the case here. All common zeros of the two polynomials are zeros of the resultant. For
a precise definition and properties of resultants we refer to [20].
96 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
whose zeros are the x- and y-coordinates of the common points P (with
multiplicity three) and R:
The mapping (ξ, η) ↦ (−3ξ, 9η) which assigns to the point P of oscu-
lation the remaining intersection R of o and p is linear. Moreover, if t
is considered to be an inhomogeneous coordinate on p, then P ↦ R is
given by the mapping t ↦ −3t. This mapping is a projective mapping on
the parabola (cf. Example 5.4.3 in Section 5.4, page 248). It is hyperbolic
with the vertex p(0) as a fixed point (1, 0). The second fixed point does
not matter when we speak about osculating circles: It is the ideal point
p(∞) where no osculating circle is defined.
Now we can deduce a construction for the point R (cf. Figure 3.24): Draw
a parallel to parabola’s axis s at distance 3P s on the opposite side of P .
The triangle F AR has a right angle at A where A = (− 3ξ 2 , 0) is the point
on the tangent v at p’s vertex with As = 12 Rs.
In the case of an ellipse e with equation
x2 y 2
e∶ + =1
a2 b2
we can use the trigonometric parametrization P = (a cos t, b sin t) as given
in (2.12). Let ct ∶= cos t and st ∶= sin t. Then, (3.27) yields the equation of
e’s osculating circle at the points P
2 2
a2 − b2 3 a2 − b2 3 1 3
oP ∶ (x − ct ) + (y + st ) = 2 2 (a2 s2t + b2 c2t ) .
a b a b
4c3t − 3ct = c3t − ct (1 − s2t ) − 2ct s2t = c2t ct − s2t st = cos 3t,
st (4c2t − 1) = st (c2t − 1 + c2t + 2c2t ) = st c2t − s3t + 2st c2t = st c2t + s2t ct = sin 3t.
3.2 Conics in planar differential geometry 97
M t
R t t
e o3
P3 o1
Note that the function AP (t) is linear in t. Therefore, the area AR of the
larger triangle M V R with R as the remaining point h ∩ oP {P } equals
1 3
AR = ab ⋅ 3t = abt.
2 2
Thus, we have
AP ∶ AR = 3 ∶ 1.
h P⋆
FIGURE 3.27. The area AR of the curved triangle M V R equals 3AP with AP
being the area of the curved triangle M V P .
FIGURE 3.28. The degree two Taylor approximants to a cubic polynomial func-
tion are disjoint parabolas together with the tangent at the inflection point.
c a
p oP
a nP
P ⋆⋆ P⋆ A P⋆
P tP
FIGURE 3.29. Left: With respect to the Frenet frame of the curve c, the center
P ⋆ of curvature has coordinates (0, ) and the evolute’s center of curvature P ⋆⋆
has coordinates (− ,˙ ). The point A on the affine normal a has the coordi-
nates ( 13 ,
˙ ) (see (3.33)). Right: The hyperosculating parabola p at P shares
the osculating circle oP with c. It is uniquely determined by the center P ⋆ of
curvature, the line element (P, tP ), and the diameter a.
κ′ = −3a1 a2 .
By assumption, the curvature κc and its derivative κ′c of the given curve
c at P satisfy
with = κp −1 and ′ = (κ−1 ′
p ) = − κ2p being the radius of curvature and its
D d tP
′ P P
P P′ f a
d F
p P⋆ p
FIGURE 3.30. Left: The center P ⋆ of curvature and the point P define a point on
the directrix d (according to Theorem 3.2.4). The directrix d is perpendicular
to any diameter (especially to a). Right: The focus F of the parabola is the
reflection of P ′ in the tangent tP where P ′ is the orthogonal projection of P
onto the directrix d.
a = ( ,
˙ ) . (3.33)
a a
f oP c
e oP e
A P P⋆
We write down the expansion in the Frenet frame, i.e., the point P coin-
cides with the origin of the coordinate system and the tangent tP and
normal nP aim in the direction e1 and e2 . Thus, we have
⎛s κ2 κ4 − 3κ̇2 − 4κκ̈ 5
s + . . .⎞
− s3 − s4 +
⎜ 6 8 120 ⎟
c(s) = ⎜ ⎟. (3.34)
⎜ κ 2 κ̇ 3 κ̈ − κ 4
κ̈ − 6κ̇κ 5
˙ 2 ⎟
⎝ − s + s + s + s + . . .⎠
2 6 24 120
The equation of a conic that touches c at P reads
k ∶ Ax2 + 2Bxy + Cy 2 + 2Ey = 0, with E ≠ 0.
We substitute the first and second coordinates of c(s) from (3.34) for x
and y. This yields a polynomial condition on the coefficients A, B, C, and
E of k in order to annihilate the equation of k. We extract the coefficients
of powers of s. The first three, start at s2 , and read
A + κE = 0, 3κB + κ̇E = 0, 4κ2 A − 4κ̇B − 3κ2 C + (κ3 − κ̈)E = 0.
Therefore, the conic k has fourth-order contact (or equivalently a local
five-fold intersection) if, and only if,
k ∶ 9x2 − 6 xy
˙ + (9 + 2 ˙ 2 − 3¨
)y 2 + 18 y = 0.
3.2 Conics in planar differential geometry 105
4 2
5 1
6 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 s
FIGURE 3.32. The curvature diagram (blue) and the Mannheim diagram (red)
of the ellipse on the left-hand side. The two diagrams are drawn with different
From conics, we can deduce further curves as we shall see in later sections.
On the other hand, conics can define some curves in the plane: According
to the fundamental theorem of curves in the Euclidean plane, the curva-
ture function κ(s) depending on the arc length s defines a planar curve
uniquely up to Euclidean motions. This means that we can define planar
curves by prescribing a curvature function κ(s) ∶ I ⊂ R → R .
The graph of the function κ(s) is usually referred to as the curvature
diagram. Furthermore, with κ(s) we also know the curvature radius func-
tion = κ1 . This defines another diagram showing how the curvature
106 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
radius depends on the arc length s. Figure 3.32 shows both. The second
diagram showing the graph (s, (s)) is called the Mannheim diagram na-
med after the French engineer and mathematician Amédée Mannheim
(1831–1906). Sometimes, the diagram (s, κ(s)), or equivalently (s, (s))
is called the Cesàro curve of a planar curve, named after the Italian
mathematician Ernesto Cesàro (1859–1906).
Let now the conics enter the scene. We shall interpret conics as the Mann-
heim diagram or the curvature diagram of curves in the Euclidean plane
and ask for the curves defined in this way. We give just one example in
detail in order to show how to find the curve c. For various other choices
of diagrams showing a conic, we just present the results. The list provided
in Table 3.1 is far from being complete.
What does the curve look like if the Mannheim diagram is an equilateral
hyperbola given by
with a ∈ R {0}?
It is well known that the curvature κ of a planar curve c and the slope
angle ϕ of the tangent are related via
κ= .
3.2 Conics in planar differential geometry 107
s2 s2
ċ(s) = (cos ϕ(s), sin ϕ(s)) = (cos , sin ) .
2a 2a
Integrating once yields ∫0 ċ(σ)dσ = c(s) which in the present case gives
s σ2 s σ2
c(s) = (∫ cos dσ, ∫ sin dσ) .
0 2a 0 2a
The latter integrals are called Fresnel integrals (named after the French
physicist Augustin-Jean Fresnel, 1788–1827). The parametrized cur-
ve we obtain is called a Clothoid or Cornu spiral after the French physicist
Marie Alfred Cornu (1841–1902). It is used in curve design, especi-
ally for streets and railroad tracks in order to make smooth transitions
(at most C 2 ) between differently curved profiles.
So, we have seen that the Cornu spiral has an equilateral hyperbola for
its Mannheim diagram. Figure 3.33 shows an example of a Cornu spiral
and the corresponding equilateral hyperbola.
Figure 3.34 shows some of the curves mentioned in Table 3.1. The epi-
cycloid and the hypocycloid are trajectories of points on a circle rolling
outside or inside a fixed circle. The fixed circle is shown in Figure 3.34
(thin violet circle). Choosing various radii for the rolling circle (not dis-
played), we obtain different cycloids. The paracycloid and the hypercycloid
can also be seen as traces of points undergoing superposed rotations. Ho-
wever, in these cases the circles are not real, i.e., at least the radii of the
involved circles are complex numbers (different from real numbers) and
still some points move on real curves.
Finally, we collect pairs of conics being either Mannheim diagrams or
curvature diagrams and the corresponding curves in Table 3.1.
Multifocal curves
Ellipses can be defined by means of a constant sum of the two distances
to fixed focal points as we have seen in Section 2.1. Replacing the sum by
a difference leads to hyperbolas. There are many ways to generalize these
distance properties:
Sum of distances
This definition includes the ellipses as we have seen in Section 2.1. If now
n > 2, we obtain a new class of curves.
FIGURE 3.35. Multifocal ellipses: The black dots indicate the three focal points.
The boundaries of the differently colored areas are multifocal ellipses.
E(x, y) ∶= ∑ XFi − d = 0.
110 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
Now, we assume that fi = (fxi , fyi ) are the coordinates of the focal point
Fi and compute the gradient of the function E. This yields
Thus, the normal vector n is the sum of properly oriented unit vectors
pointing from the n focal points to the point X on the multifocal ellipse
(Figure 3.36). So we can say that even the construction of tangents to el-
lipses is generalized. Note that the case of the ordinary ellipse is included.
F2 F2
F1 F1
FIGURE 3.36. Left: Among the various confocal trifocal ellipses we find curves
passing through the focal points. Right: The tangent construction for multifocal
ellipses generalizes that of ordinary ellipses: Equally long vectors pointing from
the focal points towards the point on the curve sum up to a normal n vector of
the curve.
Definitions and properties of the δ-invariant among others can be found in: J. Milnor:
Singular points of complex hypersurfaces. Annals Math. Stud. 61. Princeton University
Press & University of Tokyo Press, Princeton - Tokio (1968), ISBN 0-691-08065-8.
The Kimberling notation of triangle centers is explained in the footnote on page 377.
112 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
The right-hand side of Figure 3.38 shows a top view of the surface. There,
the contour lines appear as the curves where the product of distances to
three focal points is constant.
3.2 Conics in planar differential geometry 113
FIGURE 3.38. Left: Graph surface with contour lines being curves of constant
product of distances. Right: The top view shows the curves of constant product
of distances. The black spots indicate the focal points.
Other generalizations are possible: such as the sets of all points with
constant weighted sum of distances
∑ wi ⋅ XFi = const.
The Lamé curves are obviously symmetric with respect to the x- and y-
axes, and thus, also with respect to the origin of the Cartesian coordinate
system if n is even. For n = 2, we find ellipses among the Lamé curves. For
n = 23 , we obtain the star-shaped evolutes of ellipses (3.28) in Section 3.2.
So, we can say that even the evolute of an ellipse is a generalization of an
ellipse since these two curves belong to the same class of curves, namely
the Lamé curves.
y y
x x x
xn y n
∣ ∣ + ∣ ∣ = 1.
a b
3.2 Conics in planar differential geometry 115
FIGURE 3.40. Piet Hein’s Lamé curve l (red) compared with the ellipse e
(blue) having the same lengths of their axes. Hein’s superellipse comes closer
to the corners of the common tangent rectangle of both curves.
This does not change the shape of the curves with even n, but forces the
curves with odd n into the bounding rectangle. Of course, these curves
are symmetric with respect to the x- and y-axes.
Naturally, Lamé-like curves can also be obtained by replacing the + with a
− in (3.40). We shall not discuss these curves here since this is far beyond
the scope of our book.16
The curves with equation
For further details see M. Matsuura: Asymptotic Behaviour of the Maximum Curvature
of Lamé Curves. J. Geom. Graphics 18 (2014), 45–59.
Felix Klein used the German word Wurf (throw) instead of cross ratio which is the reason
for the notation ’W ’.
116 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
y y y
x x
(0 ∶ 0 ∶ 1)
(0 ∶ 0 ∶ 1)
(0 ∶ 0 ∶ 1)
(1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0)
(0 ∶ 1 ∶ 0)
(1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0) (0 ∶ 1 ∶ 0)
(1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0) (0 ∶ 1 ∶ 0)
FIGURE 3.41. Some W -curves: affine images (above), projective images (below).
cr(B2 , B1 , B0 , P ) = n. (3.42)
The W -curves are the orbits of points under the action of smooth one-
parameter subgroups of the group of projective transformations in P2 (F).
3.2 Conics in planar differential geometry 117
cd P
c ⋆
P ⋆ =Q⋆ c
c−d c
FIGURE 3.42. Left: The curve c and its offset cd at distance d share normals
and have parallel tangents. The offset d is measured along the common normals.
Right: The family of offset curves of c (including c) share the evolute c⋆ as the
envelope of the common normals.
The offset cd of a planar curve c can also be found as the envelope of all
circles of radius d centered at c. This approach to the offset is shown in
Figure 3.43, left.
◾ Example 3.2.1 Contour of a torus under an orthogonal projection. Assume that the ellipse
FIGURE 3.43. Left: The two branches of the offset of an ellipse e form the en-
velope of a one-parameter family of circles. Right: The contour of a ring-shaped
torus consist of an “inner” (red) and “outer” (cyan) branch.
e(t) = (a cos t, b sin t) is the orthogonal projection of a circle with radius a. We compute the
offset at distance d which can be considered the contour of a torus with major radius a and
minor radius d.
The torus can be generated in many different ways. For the moment, we consider the torus
as the envelope of the one-parameter family of spheres with radius d centered at the spine
curve, i.e., the circle with radius a. The contours of the spheres under orthogonal projection
are circles with radius d and centers on e(t). Thus, the equation of all theses circles reads
c ∶ (x − a cos t)2 + (y − b sin t)2 = d2 with t ∈ [0, 2π[. (3.44)
We compute the envelope of these circles by differentiating c with respect to t which gives
ċ ∶ a sin t(x − a cos t) − b cos t(y − b sin t) = 0. (3.45)
Eliminating t from (3.44) and (3.45), we arrive at an implicit equation of the contour of the
torus, and thus, of the offset curves of the ellipse e(t). With the abbreviations
A = a2 + b2 , E = a2 y 2 + b2 x2 , Ω = x2 + y 2
this equation reads
ed ∶ E 2 Ω2 + 4E 3 − 2(d2 + A)E 2 Ω + 2(a4 − A(a2 + d2 ))EΩ2 + 4a2 d2 (A − a2 )Ω3
(12a2 (a2 − A) − 10Ad2 + A2 + d4 )E 2 + (22a2 d2 (A − a2 ) + 4A(d2 + a2 )(d2 + b2 ))EΩ+
+Ω2 (a4 (a2 + 12d4 ) − 2Aa2 (a2 − 2d2 )(a2 − 3d2 ) + A2 (a4 − 10a2 d2 + 2d4 ))+
+2(a2 − b2 )((a2 + d2 )A2 − (5a4 − a2 d2 + 4d4 )A + 2a6 + 3a4 d2 + 2a2 d4 + d6 )E+
+((a4 − 4a2 d2 + d4 )A2 + (6a4 d2 + a2 d4 + d6 )A + a8 − 8a6 d2 + 3a4 d4 − 4a2 d6 )Ω
−2a2 x2 (a2 − d2 )3 + (b2 − d2 )2 (a2 − d2 )2 (a2 − b2 )2 = 0.
The parallel curves of ellipses are algebraic curves of degree eight. Only in the case of a circle,
i.e., a = b, the parallel curves degenerate into pairs of circles.
The offset curves of hyperbolas are also of degree eight. Only in case of
the parabola, we can observe a reduction of the degree:
● Exercise 3.2.19 Offset curves of a parabola. Show that the offset curves pd of the parabola
p ∶ x2 − 2qy = 0 at distance d are algebraic curves of degree six and have the equation
pd ∶ 2P 2 (2Ω + P ) + 8d2 P Ω + 4d2 (d2 − 3q 2 − 4x2 )Ω − 4d2 (2d2 + 2q 2 − 3x2 )P
+(d2 + q 2 − 2x2 )P 2 − d2 (4(d2 + q 2 )2 − 16x2 − 7x4 ) = 0
where P = x2 −2qy and Ω = x2 +y 2 . Some offset curves of a parabola can be seen in Figure 3.44
Figure 3.44 shows some offset curves to an ellipse and a parabola. Offset
curves tend to have cusps which happens if at some point on the initial
curve the curvature radius equals the offset d. Usually, these cusps are
cusps of the first kind, i.e., like on the curve (t2 , t3 ) at (0, 0). Especially,
if the offset d is chosen equal to the curvature radius at a vertex, then the
cusps become cusps of the second kind, i.e., like on the curve (t3 , t4 ) at
(0, 0).
FIGURE 3.44. The offset curves of an ellipse (left) and a parabola (right) have
cusps. These cusps gather on the evolute of the original curve.
120 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
Dupin indicatrix
t1 t2
1 t1 t2
2 2
FIGURE 3.45. The principal curvature radii 1 , 2 are the radii of the osculating
circles of the normal sections in the principal directions t1 , t2 . Left: At an elliptic
point P , both osculating circles are on the same side of the tangent plane. Right:
At a hyperbolic point P , the osculating circles are on different sides of the
tangent plane.
Conics also play an important role in the study of the local normal curva-
tures of a surface at a regular point P . For that, we assume that S is a sur-
face in Euclidean three-space E3 given by a parametrization S ∶ U → E3
over some domain U ⊂ R2 . Let P = S(u0 , v0 ) be some point on the surface
with (u0 , v0 ) ∈ U . We use a common notation for partial derivatives:
∂S ∂S ∂2S ∂2S ∂2S
Su = , Sv = , Suu = , S uv = , Svv = .
∂u ∂v ∂u2 ∂u∂v ∂v 2
Points with Su × Sv ≠ 0 are called regular. In the following we consider
only regular points on S where the first and second fundamental form are
I = E(u, v)u̇u̇ + 2F (u, v)u̇v̇ + G(u, v)v̇ v̇,
II = L(u, v)u̇u̇ + 2M (u, v)u̇v̇ + N (u, v)v̇ v̇
where E(u, v) ∶= ⟨Su , Su ⟩, F (u, v) ∶= ⟨Su , Sv ⟩, G(u, v) ∶= ⟨Sv , Sv ⟩ are the
coordinate functions of the first fundamental form, L(u, v) ∶= ⟨Suu , n⟩,
3.3 Conics in differential geometry of surfaces 121
κn = . (3.46)
Obviously, at any point P , the normal curvature κn depends on u̇ ∶ v̇ only.
In other words: All curves on S with the same tangent line at P have the
same normal curvature there. The normal curvature can be positive, zero,
or negative.
Among the directions (u̇, v̇), we would like to find those which correspond
to the maxima and minima of κn . For the sake of simplicity, we define
F1 ∶= ( ) and F2 ∶= ( ).
The extremal value problem (u̇ v̇)F2 ( ) $→ extr. under the con-
straint (u̇ v̇)F1 ( ) = 1 is solved by introducing the Lagrange function
(u̇ v̇) (F2 − λF1 ) ( ) with the Lagrange multiplier λ. Differentiating
the Lagrange function with respect to the vector (u̇, v̇) shows that the
maxima or minima correspond to values of λ such that the 2 × 2-matrix
For the unit tangent vector we have t = u̇t1 + v̇t2 with u̇2 + v̇ 2 = 1. In
case κ1 = κ2 ≠ 0 and κ1 = κ2 = 0 the point P is called an umbilic or a flat
point, respectively. In these cases κn is indpendent of the tangent vector
at P . Written within the eigenvector basis of W (which is not uniquely
defined if κ1 = κ2 ), the expression for the normal curvature from (3.46)
simplifies to κn = κ1 u̇u̇ + κ2 v̇ v̇. Without loss of generality, we may set
(u̇, v̇) = (cos α, sin α), i.e., the tangent vector t encloses the angle α with
the first principal tangent. Then, we have
κn (α) = κ1 cos2 α + κ2 sin2 α (3.47)
which is called Euler’s formula, due to Leonhard Euler (1707–1783).
Now we study the following diagram (Figure 3.46): We look for the √points
Q on all (non asymptotic) surface tangents of S at P with P Q = ∣c ⋅ n ∣
where n = κ−1n is the radius of curvature defined by the tangent [P, Q].
Here, c ∈ R {0} is an arbitrarily chosen fixed constant. The set i(c) of
all points Q in the tangent plane to S at P is called the Dupin indicatrix
(Charles Dupin, French mathematician, 1784–1873). The diagram i(c)
shall be drawn in the Cartesian frame centered at P with the first and
second principal tangent for its x- and y-axes. Comparing with (3.47), we
can see that the x- and y-coordinates of Q, α, and n are related via
x y
cos α = √ and sin α = √ ,
∣c ⋅ n ∣ ∣c ⋅ n ∣
and in the case κ1 κ2 ≠ 0, we thus have
x2 y 2
i(c) ∶ + = ±c (3.48)
1 2
3.3 Conics in differential geometry of surfaces 123
with an appropriate choice of the sign on the right-hand side. This is the
equation of the Dupin indicatrix which defines up to two conics (including
one singular type).
t2 t2
i(c) i(−c) t2
i(c) t
√ c⋅ n
√ c⋅ n √ c⋅ n t
√ √ √
P c⋅1 t1 c⋅1 t1 c⋅1 t1
i(c) ∶ x2 = c ⋅ 1
and i(c) is the pair of lines x = ± c ⋅ 1 parallel to the second principal
tangent. Note that c has to be chosen such that c ⋅ 1 > 0. Figure 3.46
shows the indicatrices of all regular types of surface points.
In the case of a hyperbolic point P , there are two hyperbolas shown in
Figure 3.46, depending on whether c is positive or negative. It makes sense
to draw both curves: As can be seen in Figure 3.45, the surface changes
the sides of the tangent plane at P . That means the surface intersects
the tangent plane at P along curves that touch the asymptotic tangents
which correspond to tangent vectors with κn = 0. These tangents are
the asymptotes of the indicatrix i(c) at a hyperbolic point P and define
the asymptotic directions at P . The integral curves of the two fields of
asymptotic tangent vectors are the asymptotic lines. Any normal section
of S in the asymptotic direction has a point of inflection at P .
124 Chapter 3: Differential Geometry
Osculating paraboloid
FIGURE 3.47. Osculating paraboloids with their level sets (from left to right):
at an elliptic point, at a hyperbolic point, and at a parabolic point.
x p
′′ ′′
c C c
P ′′ ϕ O ′′ π ′′ c
rc ϕ
rs ϕ
o t
P′ r C′ P r P
c′ a
In the middle of Figure 3.48, we can see that the centers of the osculating
circles of all curves with the same normal curvature (at P in the direction
t) form a circle. Thus, all these osculating circles fill a sphere Σ which is
frequently called the Meusnier sphere. The right-hand side of Figure 3.48
shows these particular circles on Σ sharing the line element (P, t).
● Exercise 3.3.1 Hyperosculating circles of a hyperbola. Figure 3.49 shows a hyperbola as a
planar section of a right cone together with the Meusnier spheres at the vertices. Figure out
the construction of the centers of curvature at the vertices. By the same token, the two radii
of curvature are equal.
4 Euclidean 3-space
C′ 3c 2 c 1c
γ 1 e
The central projection of circles with different radii may result in conics of any
type. Depending on whether the projection cone C, i.e., the connection of the
circles and the center C of the projection, avoids, touches, or intersects the
vanishing plane, the image of the circle is an ellipse, a parabola, or a hyperbola.
z z
side view front view
P"’ P"
w front
vie view
side y
P" x
P"’ y
P’ P’
top view
Proof: The axis s of the given right cone C is supposed to be vertical. We can ignore horizontal
cutting planes as they intersect along circles. Therefore, we may assume that the cutting plane
π is inclined at the angle α with 0 < α ≤ π2 . The generators of the cone C are inclined at β,
0 < β < π2 . Figure 4.2 shows the front view with the image plane passing through the cone’s
axis s. The cutting plane π is in an edge-view.
Let M be the center of a sphere S which is inscribed in the cone C and contacts π in the
point F . We call this sphere a Dandelin sphere, since the following proof dates back to G.P.
Dandelin1 . S contacts the cone along a circle k in a plane which intersects the given cutting
Germinal Pierre Dandelin, 1794–1847, professor of mathematics in Liège and lieutenant
of the Belgian army.
130 Chapter 4: Euclidean 3-space
π ′′
E0 l′′ M
β α β
′′ X0
X s
plane π along a line l. In Figure 4.2 the line appears as a point l′′ , and the contour of S is the
incircle of the triangle formed by π ′′ and the contours of the cone C.
In order to prove that the section c = C ∩π is a conic with focal point F and associated directrix
l, we utilize what is depicted in Figure 4.2 on the right-hand side: Given a sphere S = (M ; r)
and an exterior point X, for all tangents drawn from X to S, the points T of contact are at
2 2
the same distance to X. The square of this distance XT = XM − r 2 is the power of X w.r.t.
S (compare with Figure 2.31 on page 50).
Now we choose a point X ∈ π ∩ C. There are two particular tangents to the Dandelin sphere
S available through X: One touches at F , the other along the cone’s generator through X
contacts at a point E ∈ k. In our front view we see the “true” distance XE after rotating the
cone about its axis until X comes to X0 and E to E0 on the right contour line of C. On the
other hand, the front view shows already the “true” distance between X and the line l. Now
we apply the sine law to the triangle which is shaded in Figure 4.2 and obtain that for all
X ∈π∩C
XF ∶ Xl = XE ∶ Xl = X0 E0 ∶ X ′′ l′′ = sin α ∶ sin β = ε = const.
The quotient ε = sin α/ sin β is the numerical eccentricity of the conic c = π ∩ C. Hence, for
α < β we obtain an ellipse, for α = β a parabola, and for α > β a hyperbola (Figure 4.3). ◾
Figure 4.2 shows on the left contour line of C how the parameter p = ε⋅F l of
the conic c can be found. Another construction of p, based on Meusnier’s
Theorem 3.3.1, is presented in Exercise 4.1.2 (Figure 4.9, left).
The proof given above can easily be adapted to the limiting case β = π/2.
The limit of C is a right cylinder L (Figure 4.3, right). We leave the details
of the proof to the reader and claim as follows:
4.1 Planar intersections of cones of revolution 131
′′ A2 π ′′
S S ′′ S
π ′′ π γ
A A1
A1 c′′ A1 c′′
c′′ c′′
ellipse parabola hyperbola ellipse
FIGURE 4.3. The type of the conic section c = π ∩ C depends on how the
inclination of the cutting plane π relates to that of the cone’s generators.
FIGURE 4.4. Dandelin’s proof in the case of an ellipse: The intersecting plane
is less inclined than the tangent planes of the cone (Exercise 4.1.1).
In terms of the radius r of L and the angle γ between the cylinder’s axis
and π, the semimajor and semiminor axes, and the eccentricities of c are,
a = r/ sin γ, b = r, ε = cos γ, e = εa = r cot γ.
● Exercise 4.1.1 Separate Dandelin proofs for ellipses and hyperbolas. In the proof above,
we presented a ‘Dandelin proof’ of Theorem 4.1.1 which works simultaneously for all types
of conics. Since ellipses and hyperbolas have two focal points, we can apply the fundamental
equation XF = XE (note Figure 4.2) two-times. In this way we directly obtain that the related
curves of intersection satisfy the standard definition of ellipses or hyperbolas. Formulate these
proofs on the basis of Figures 4.4 and 4.5.
Theorem 4.1.3 Let C be a right cone with a vertical axis s and with
generators with the inclination angle β. If the conic c = C ∩ π lies in a
4.1 Planar intersections of cones of revolution 133
π ′′
p X ′′ X0′′
l′′ α S β X1′′ π1′′
X ′F
X ′l
F =s′
A ′ S X0′
l X′
FIGURE 4.6. The top view c′ of the conic section c is a conic with the focus S.
plane π which is inclined under the angle α, α < π2 , then the top view c′
of c is a conic with F = s′ as a focus and with the numerical eccentricity
ε = tan α/ tan β. The horizontal plane π1 through the apex S intersects π
in a line l which appears in the top view as the directrix l associated with
the focus F .
Proof: As shown in Figure 4.6, we choose the apex S of C as the origin of our coordinate frame
and the cone’s axis as z-axis. In the front view, the cutting plane π appears as a line π ′′ .
For each point X ∈ C ∩ π with the pedal point X1 in the xy-plane, we obtain by virtue of
Figure 4.6
XX1 X ′′ X1′′ X1 l tan α X′S X1 S tan α
tan β = = = , hence = = = const.
X1 S X1 S X1 S X′l X1 l tan β
Contrary to the eccentricity ε = sin α/ sin β of the conic c itself, the top view c′ has the
numerical eccentricity tan α/ tan β. This shows that c and c′ are of the same type. Here we
excluded hyperbolas in vertical planes (α = π2 ); their top view is a line, of course. ◾
Figure 4.7 shows a right cone with a vertical axis and different planar
sections (compare also with the figure on page 11). All intersecting planes
134 Chapter 4: Euclidean 3-space
pass through the same line in the horizontal plane through the apex. By
virtue of Theorem 4.1.3, the top views of the conic sections share a focus
and the associated directrix. Hence, the top views of these conics form
exactly the same family which has been depicted in Figure 2.3 on page
Remark 4.1.1 Theorem 4.1.3 reveals that, once a cone C with a vertical axis s is fixed, all
conics c′ with focus s′ (including circles with center s′ ) show up as top views of appropriate
planar sections C ∩π. Hence, C induces a one-to-one correspondence between monofocal conics,
i.e., conics sharing one focus, and planes π in E3 not passing through S.
4.1 Planar intersections of cones of revolution 135
C ̃
S ε′′
A1 c′′
s′′ C
C̃ s′′
A′1 c′′
F1 F2 A′2
FIGURE 4.8. The planar section c is symmetric w.r.t. its secondary axis s.
Therefore, the cone C still passes through c after a 180○ -rotation about s or
after reflection in the plane ε which contains s and is orthogonal to the plane
spanned by c.
Ellipses and hyperbolas c′ have also a second focus. Where does it come
The conic c on the cone C has a second axis s of symmetry which appears
in the front view (Figure 4.8, left) as the midpoint between the vertices
A1 , A2 on the contour lines of C.2 A rotation about this axis s through
180○ maps c onto itself while the cone C is transformed into a second cone
C̃ with vertical axis which again passes through c. Therefore, the apex S̃
of C̃ has a top view which coincides with the second focus.
Figure 4.8, right, shows how the symmetry of the conic c with respect to
the plane ε through the minor axis s can be used to find another right
cone C̃ passing through the same conic c. This procedure can be iterated.
● Exercise 4.1.2 Parameter p of planar sections of cones. Confirm for the conic section c =
C ∩ π the construction of the parameter p, as demonstrated in Figure 4.9, left (compare with
Figure 4.2). By virtue of Theorem 2.1.5, this construction yields as a by-product also the
It is not so obvious that planar sections of a right cone have a second axis of symmetry. One
might conjecture that at the principal vertex which is closer to the cone’s apex, the radius of
curvature of the planar section is smaller than at the other vertex. It seems that even Dürer
had this expectation (see Figure 1.10, left). Figure 3.49 shows for a hyperbola the centers of
curvature at the two vertices. Of course, they deliver the same radius of curvature, though
the respective constructions look quite different.
136 Chapter 4: Euclidean 3-space
S l2 C
k ′′ c2
k ′′
π ′′ S
A β
AF / sin β
β F N β
N α c′′1 A∗1 ′′
α l1
C c′′ α β F1 A1 =F2
FIGURE 4.9. Left: parameter p of the conic section c = C ∩ π. Right: universal
proof of Theorem 4.2.1 (Exercise 4.1.3).
center of curvature A∗ for the vertex A of c (Figure 3.49). The latter can also be concluded
by virtue of Meusnier’s Theorem 3.3.1.
Hint: Note that p = (1 + ε)AF and ε = sin α/ sin β.
● Exercise 4.1.3 Apollonian property of planar sections of cones. Let a conic c1 be given
with vertex A1 , focus F1 , and associated directrix l1 (Figure 4.9, right). Prove Theorem 4.2.1
simultaneously for all types of conics c1 by verifying that the apices S of right cones passing
through c1 satisfy the Apollonian definition SA1 = ε2 ⋅ Sl2 , where l2 is the axis of the circle
which osculates c1 at A1 . Hence, all points S lie on the focal conic c2 of c1 . The numerical
eccentricities ε1 and ε2 of c1 and c2 are reciprocal. As parameter p2 of c2 we obtain p2 =
p1 /ε1 = F1 l1 .
Hint: We choose any sphere S which contacts the plane of c1 at the given focus F1 . Then, we
determine a cone C which contacts S along a circle k in a plane passing through the given
directrix l1 , such that one contour line of C contains the vertex A1 . By virtue of Theorem 4.1.1,
in terms of the inclination angles α and β of the cone’s generators and the cutting plane
(relative to the plane of k), the excentricity of c1 is ε1 = sin α/ sin β. We apply the construction
presented in Exercise 4.1.2 (Figure 4.9, left) and conclude, using the notation of Figure 4.9,
right, that3
SA1 1
SN = , Sl2 = SN sin α, hence SA1 = Sl2 .
sin β ε1
By virtue of Theorem 3.3.1, the point N is the center of the Meusnier sphere corresponding
to the horizontal tangent at A1 .
4.2 Pairs of focal conics, Dupin cyclides 137
The focal conic of an ellipse with semimajor √ axis a and semiminor axis
b is a√hyperbola with the semimajor axis a2 − b2 and the semiminor
axis a2 − (a2 − b2 ) = b (see Figure 4.10), and vice versa. The focal conic
of a parabola is a parabola with the same parameter; however, the two
parabolas open to different sides. We do not speak of a pair of focal conics
in the limiting case consisting of a circle c1 and its axis c2 , though some
of the following theorems are still valid in this case.
138 Chapter 4: Euclidean 3-space
L b T2
k ′′
S T1
A2 F2 M F1 A1 y
c′h M S′
A2 F2 F1 A1 y
FIGURE 4.12. The cones of revolution which pass through a given ellipse, have
their apices on the focal hyperbola.
4.2 Pairs of focal conics, Dupin cyclides 139
F1 A1 M A2 F2 y
S ′′
F1 A1 M A2 F2 y
T1 c′h
S k′ S tS
T2 x
FIGURE 4.13. Which cones of revolution pass through a given hyperbola ch ?
Proof: At this time we discuss the three types of conics separately, since the universal proof of
Theorem 4.2.1 is a little bit tricky and not so instructive (see Exercise 4.1.3 and the related
Figure 4.9, right).
Case 1: c1 is an ellipse ce in the horizontal xy-plane with axes a, b and the y-axis as principal
axis (see top view and front view in Figure 4.11). By virtue of Theorem 4.1.1, it is necessary
that any right cone passing through c1 has its axis in the vertical plane through the principal
axis, i.e., in the yz-plane. Furthermore, there must be a sphere S inscribed in this cone and
contacting the xy-plane at one focus F1 of ce .
So, let us choose such a sphere S with radius r and inspect the front view in Figure 4.11.
The second tangents drawn from the vertices A1 and A2 of ce to the contour of S intersect
at a point S — except the case where these tangents are parallel, i.e., the sphere S has the
radius r = b. The lines [S, A1 ] and [S, A2 ] are the contour of a right cone which contacts S
along a circle k. In fact, this cone already passes through the ellipse ce , since by virtue of
Theorem 4.1.1 the curve of intersection with the xy-plane has the principal vertices A1 , A2
and the focus F1 . Thus, it is identical with ce .
Let Ti for i = 1, 2 denote the point of contact between [S, Ai ] and S. Then, we learn from the
front view a series of equal distances:
A1 T1 = A1 F1 , A2 T2 = A2 F1 , ST1 = ST2 .
140 Chapter 4: Euclidean 3-space
FIGURE 4.14. All cones of revolution passing through a given hyperbola have
their apices on the focal ellipse.
Case 2: Let the given conic c1 be a hyperbola ch in the yz-plane with the vertices A1 and A2 .
Then, the apices of the right cones passing through ch lie in the xy-plane. Figure 4.13 shows
from both the top and the front view only one half. The rest can be obtained by reflection in
the y-axis.
We follow the same strategy like in case 1: We specify a sphere S which is in contact with the
yz-plane at the focus F1 of ch and inspect the top view. The tangents drawn from the vertices
A1 and A2 to the contour of S (contact points T1 and T2 ) intersect at a possible apex S which
satisfies obviously the following conditions:
A1 S + A2 S = A1 T1 + ST1 + A2 T2 − ST2 = A1 F1 + A2 F1 = F1 F2 = const.
This characterizes the focal ellipse ce of the given hyperbola ch (see also Figure 4.14).
Case 3: Figure 4.15 shows that all right cones C passing through a given parabola c1 have
their apex S on the focal parabola c2 , since SA = ST1 + T1 A = ST2 + T2 l = Sl. ◾
We conclude this subsection with some additional theorems concerning
focal conics.
C T2
k ′′
tS S
A F c′′1
c′2 A F
Remark 4.2.1 In volume 2, we shall learn that this theorem is a special case of Ivory’s theorem
in three dimensions. It will be useful for proving thread constructions of quadrics.
Proof: We start with two parabolas, one in the xy-plane and the other in the yz-plane. We
adjust the standard parametrization of parabolas from (2.17) and set (Figure 4.16)
P1 = (2pu, 2pu2 , 0), P2 = (0, − 2pv2 , 2pv) , (u, v) ∈ R2 .
This yields
2 p 2
P1 P2 = 4p2 u2 + (2pu2 − 2
+ 2pv2 ) + 4p2 v2
p2 2
= 2p2 u2 + 2p2 v2 + 4p2 u4 + 4p2 v4 + 8p2 u2 v2 + 4
= p2 [2(u2 + v2 ) + 12 ]
Now, we verify that
P1 P2 = ∣p∣ [2(u2 + v2 ) + ] = ∣y1 − y2 + p∣ = Q1 Q2 , (4.1)
where y1 = 2pu2 and y2 = p2 − 2pv2 are the respective y-coordinates of P1 and P2 , Q1 =
(0, y1 + p2 , 0), and Q2 = (0, y2 − p2 , 0). The second parabola through P1 which is confocal
with c1 has the vertex Q1 . This follows for v = 0 from (4.1) since the directrix of this parabola
has the y-coordinate y1 + 2pu2 + p2 . Similarily we can confirm that Q2 is the vertex of the
confocal parabola through C2 .
142 Chapter 4: Euclidean 3-space
P1 P2
Q2 p/2
A F p/2 Q1
c1 d1 y
When c1 is assumed as an ellipse and c2 as its focal hyperbola, then we refer to the coordinate
frame of Figure 4.11 with the y−axis as the common principal axis and the origin at the
common center M . We recall the parametrization of ellipses given in (2.12) and of hyperbolas
given in (2.14). Thus we can set up the points P1 ∈ c1 and P2 ∈ c2 as
P1 = (b sin u, a cos u, 0), P2 = (0, ± a2 − b2 cosh v, b sinh v), u ∈ [0, 2π), v ∈ R,
where the upper sign at the y-coordinate of P2 defines the right branch and the lower sign the
left branch of the hyperbola c2 . Hence, we compute
2 √
P1 P2 = b2 sin2 u + (a2 − b2 ) cosh
v ∓ 2a a2 − b2 cos u cosh v + a2 cos2 u + b2 sinh2 v
= (a2 − b2 ) cos 2 u ∓ 2a a2 − b2 cos u cosh v + a2 cosh2 v.
With e = a2 − b2 we obtain
e a
P1 P2 = ∣e cos u ∓ a cosh v∣ = ∣ y1 − y2 ∣ , (4.2)
a e
where yi denotes the y-coordinate of the point Pi for i = 1, 2. The point Q1 = (0, ae y1 , 0) is a
vertex of the hyperbola which is confocal with ce and passes through P1 . This can be verified
by direct computation. But we can also recall the particular case of Ivory’s theorem which
is depicted in Figure 2.24: The scaling (x, y, 0) ↦ (0, ae y, 0) maps the ellipse ce onto the
segment bounded by its focal points while each point remains on the same hyperbola of the
confocal family. In the same way we can prove that Q2 is a vertex of the ellipse in the yz-plane
which passes through P2 and is confocal with the hyperbola c2 . ◾
Figure 4.16 shows the equal distances in the case of parabolas. The case
of an ellipse and its focal hyperbola is displayed in Figure 4.17, however
with a slightly modified notation. Here, Theorem 4.2.2 gives rise to a
4.2 Pairs of focal conics, Dupin cyclides 143
ch E
X ′′ A2 T2
T1 A1 F1 c′′e F2
S1 X S2 X
c′h F1 F2
A1 S1′ U S2′ A2
FIGURE 4.17. Generalized gardener’s construction: For points S1 , S2 fixed on
different branches of the focal hyperbola ch we have S1 X + S2 X = const. for all
X ∈ ce .
v2 ce
ϕ ϕ
tX X v
FIGURE 4.18. The constant length of the string from S1 via X to S2 is also a
consequence of congruent angles between S1 X or S2 X and the tangent tX .
Corollary 4.2.2 Let (c1 , c2 ) be a pair of focal conics. Then, for all com-
mon secants [X1 , X2 ] with Xi ∈ ci , i = 1, 2, the connecting planes with the
tangents ti at Xi to ci are orthogonal.
Proof: This is trivial when X2 is a focus of c1 since t2 is orthogonal to the plane of c1 .
Otherwise, by virtue of Theorem 4.2.1, there is a right cone C passing through c1 , with apex
X2 and axis t2 . The plane connecting [X1 , X2 ] with t2 is a diameter plane of C while the
connection with t1 is tangent to C along the generator [X1 , X2 ]. ◾
Remark 4.2.2 It can be proved (see vol. 2) that orthogonal projections map a pair (c1 , c2 ) of
focal conics onto confocal conics (see, e.g., Figures 4.16 and 4.18), when edge views of one of
the conics’ planes are excluded. By virtue of Corollary 4.2.2, we can already confirm that the
views of c1 and c2 under an orthogonal projection must intersect orthogonally. This follows,
since each point X of intersection is the image of any secant X1 X2 , and the tangents at X
are edge views of the orthogonal planes mentioned in the corollary above.
P ′′
c ′′
k ′′
π ′′ x
Pn x
FIGURE 4.19. For the conic c = C ∩ π the subnormal xn − x of P = (x, y) is a
linear function of x.
If the given axis of symmetry is the principal axis, then Theorem 4.2.3 can also be concluded,
when c is given as a planar section of a right cone C (see Figure 4.19).
We choose a sphere S which is inscribed in C and intersects the plane π along a circle k. This
circle with center Pn has a double contact with c. The points P of contact belong to the circle
of contact between S and C. Obviously, the point Pn is the point, where the normal line at P
intersects the axis of symmetry. In Figure 4.19, the front view shows the x-coordinates of P
and of Pn . Suppose, the inscribed sphere S varies. Then, the point P ′′ is mapped onto Pn by
a sequence of three parallel projections from lines to lines. This causes the stated linearity of
the function xn (x). ◾
● Exercise 4.2.1 A flexible bipartite framework. For any pair (c1 , c2 ) of focal conics, let points
X1 , . . . , Xn ∈ c1 and Y1 , . . . , Ym be the knots of a bipartite bar-and-joint framework with
m, n ≥ 2 such that no knot lies on the common principal axis of the conics. Why can all knots
move along their conics such that all mutual distances Xi Yj remain unchanged?
Hint: By virtue of (4.1), in the case of two parabolas the distance Xi Yj depends only on the
y-coordinates of the points Xi and Yj . Choose a sufficiently small k ∈ R and add k to the
y-coordinates of all Xi while k is subtracted from the y-coordinates of all knots Yj . Due to
(4.2), a similar method works for ellipses and hyperbolas.4
See W. Wunderlich: Fokalkurvenpaare in orthogonalen Ebenen und bewegliche Stabwerke.
Sitzungsber., Abt. II, österr. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Naturw. Kl. 185 (1976), 275–290.
4.2 Pairs of focal conics, Dupin cyclides 147
Dupin cyclides
FIGURE 4.20. Dupin cyclides D are canal surfaces (cf. Remark 4.2.3) in two
ways. The spine curves are focal conics. The circles of contact with the enveloped
spheres form an orthogonal net.
the family of spheres, whose equators h = (X; ) satisfy XFi = ∣ri − ∣ for
i = 1, 2 , is a (non-parabolic) Dupin cyclide D, provided the set of equators
is not empty.
Remark 4.2.3 The envelope of a one-parametric family of spheres is called a canal surface.
The centers of the spheres form the associated spine curve. Dupin cyclides together with the
torus are the only surfaces which are canal surfaces in two different ways. Another approach
to Dupin cyclides via pentaspheric coordinates can be found in [42, p. 53ff].
Proof: We proceed in six steps and treat only the non-parabolic case. A similar proof for
parabolic Dupin cyclides is left to the readers as Exercise 4.2.2.
1) Let two circles g1 = (F1 ; r1 ) and g2 = (F2 ; r2 ) with F1 ≠ F2 and r1 ≠ r2 be given in a
horizontal plane. The two radii are signed, and these signs remain fixed. We show first that
the circles h = (X; ) satisfying XFi = ∣ri − ∣ have their centers on a conic c1 with focal points
F1 and F2 (Figure 4.21).
To this end, we use the following transformation: We subtract from all involved circles the
signed radius r1 of g1 , while the centers remain fixed. This preserves each mutual contact, but
transforms the circles h into circles which pass through F1 and contact the circle (F2 ; r2 − r1 ).
The rest follows from Corollary 2.2.2.
2) The sphere S with equator h = (X; ) contacts the enveloped surface along a circle k. This
circle is defined as the limit of the circle of intersection between S and a neighboring sphere,
4.2 Pairs of focal conics, Dupin cyclides 149
c′′1 p′′
A1 F1 F2 A2
h K1
X C′ p
h1 c1 K2 k′ tX
c′2 g2 P
U2 V2 V1
U1 A1 F1 F2 A2 P0
Q =q ′ h2
FIGURE 4.21. Top and front view of the Dupin cyclide D which envelopes the
spheres with equators h being tangent to two given circles g1 and g2 .
when the latter tends towards S within the family of spheres. The plane of k is vertical.
Furthermore, the axis tX of k is tangent to the conic c1 at X. We know already two points
K1 , K2 ∈ k, the respective points of contact of the equator h and the given circles g1 and g2 .
The lines connecting the center X of the sphere S with points of the circle k ⊂ S are orthogonal
to S and to the envelope D. These lines form a right cone with apex X and axis tX . Since
the centers F1 and F2 of the given circles are focal points of the conic c1 , the comparison
with Figures 4.11, 4.13 and 4.15 reveals that this cone passes through the focal conic c2 of
c1 . Hence, all normals of the Dupin cyclide D are common secants of the pair of focal conics
(c1 , c2 ).
3) There is a right cone C which contacts S and D along k. Let P be its apex. The power
P K1 of P w.r.t. the equator h = (X; ) is the same as with respect to g1 and g2 . Hence, for
all X ∈ c1 , the apex P is a point of the horizontal radical axis p of the given circles g1 and g2 .
4) The common diameter [F1 , F2 ] of the given circles is the principal axis of c1 . At the
principal vertices A1 , A2 of c1 , the radii of the corresponding equators h1 , h2 attain extremal
values 1 , 2 , respectively. [F1 , F2 ] is also an axis of symmetry of the Dupin cyclide D.
The tangents to h at K1 and K2 are symmetric with respect to the axis tX of the cone C
(Figure 4.21). The line [K1 , K2 ] intersects g2 at a second point, and there the tangent to
150 Chapter 4: Euclidean 3-space
5) We choose the principal axis [F1 , F2 ] of c1 as the y-axis and the secondary axis as x-axis of
a Cartesian coordinate frame (like in Figure 4.11). By virtue of Theorem 4.2.2, the distance
between any two points X ∈ c1 and Y ∈ c2 depends only on the respective y-coordinates y1
of X and y2 of Y . If c1 is an ellipse with semimajor axis a and numerical eccentricity e, then
according to (4.2) XY = ∣ ae y1 − ae y2 ∣.
Let all points X ∈ c1 and Y ∈ c2 be centers of spheres with respective signed radii
e a
rX = y1 + r 0 , rY = y2 + r 0 (4.3)
a e
with any real constant r0 . This defines two families of spheres, one centered on c1 and the
other centered on c2 . Because of XY = ∣1 − 2 ∣ any two spheres (X; rX ) and (Y ; rY ) taken
from different families are in contact. The point of contact lies on the connecting line [X, Y ].
In particular, all spheres centered on c1 contact the spheres with centers F1 and F2 , i.e., where
y2 = ±e. Their equators in the xy-plane have the radii rY = r0 ± a.
Conversely, if these two equators with centers F1 , F2 and respective signed radii r1 = r0 +a and
r2 = r0 −a are given, we obtain r0 = (r1 +r2 )/2 and a = ∣r1 −r2 ∣/2. According to Definition 4.2.2,
the envelope of both families of spheres is the same Dupin cyclide D which has been studied
above. By the same token, when the constant r0 changes, D is replaced by an offset surface.
6) The normal lines passing through a fixed point Y ∈ c2 form a cone of revolution. Its curve
of intersection with the sphere (Y ; rY ) is a circle l which is at the same time the circle of
contact between this sphere and D. For Y → ∞ the sphere becomes a plane. There are two
such planes passing through p. The top view in Figure 4.21 shows them in an edge view.
All spheres (X; rX ) of the first family contact these two planes which reveals again that the
radius rX is a linear function of the y-coordinate y1 of X.
Let T ∈ D on the normal line [X, Y ] be the point of contact between the two spheres (X; rX )
and (Y ; rY ). There are two circles of D passing through T : The circle k of contact between
(X; rX ) and D lies in a plane through the vertical line q; the circle l of contact between
(Y ; rY ) and D lies in a plane through the line p (Figure 4.22).
The tangents to k and l at T span the tangent plane of D which is orthogonal to [X, Y ]. The
tangent to l must intersect p and passes, therefore, through the apex P of the right cone C,
which contacts D along k (compare with Figure 4.21). The tangent to l at T is, therefore,
orthogonal to k. The circles of contact of both families of spheres form an orthogonal net on
D.5 ◾
In fact, the circles of contact between the spheres of both families and the Dupin cyclide D
are the curvature lines of D.
4.2 Pairs of focal conics, Dupin cyclides 151
X P0
g1 Q0
k P
FIGURE 4.22. The circles of contact between the Dupin cyclide and its two
families of spheres constitute an orthogonal net.
Remark 4.2.4 According to the proof given above, the point Q has the same power with
respect to the two circles h1 and h2 (Figure 4.21). Therefore, Q is the center of an inversion
(see Section 7.5) which maps h1 onto itself as well as h2 . This inversion exchanges g1 with g2 ,
while all circles h remain fixed. Consequently, also in space there is an inversion with center
Q mapping D onto itself since all spheres of the first family remain fixed. Similarily, the point
P0 is the center of an inversion which maps each sphere of the second family onto itself.
By the way, Dupin cyclides can also be obtained by applying a 3D inversion onto a torus, a
right cone, or a right cylinder.
● Exercise 4.2.2 Parabolic Dupin cyclides. Modify the proof of Theorem 4.2.4 as provided
above, for the case of a parabolic Dupin cyclide.
● Exercise 4.2.3 Equation of Dupin cyclides. Prove that a Dupin cyclide D with an ellipse
c1 and its focal hyperbola c2 as spine curves satisfies in the coordinate frame of Figure 4.11
the equation
(x2 + y 2 + z 2 + b2 − r02 ) − 4b2 x2 − 4(ay + er0 )2 = 0
of degree four with e = a2 − b2 and any constant r0 ∈ R, when, by virtue of (4.3), the
enveloping spheres have the radii r1 = ae y1 + r0 and r2 = ae y2 − r0 .
Hint: The spheres centered on c1 satisfy the equation
(x − b sin u)2 + (y − a cos u)2 + z 2 = (e cos u + r0 )2 ,
with u ∈ [0, 2π[ as parameter. Because of (a2 − e2 ) cos 2 u + b2 sin2 u = b2 , we can rewrite it as
F (x, y, z, u) ∶= x2 + y 2 + z 2 − 2bx sin u − 2 cos u(ay + er0 ) + b2 − r02 = 0 .
The circles of contact with the enveloped cyclide D satisfy, beside F (x, y, z, u) = 0, also
F (x, y, z, u) = 0 which leads to 2bx cos u − 2 sin u(ay + er0 ) = 0. The stated equation of
D is the result after the elimination of u from F (x, y, z, u) = 0 and its partial derivative.
152 Chapter 4: Euclidean 3-space
We obtain the same equation when starting with the spheres centered on the focal hyperbola
c2 . This gives
x2 + y 2 + z 2 ∓ 2 cosh v(ey + ar0 ) − 2bz sinh v − b2 − r02 = 0 ,
and for the planes through the circles of contact 2 sinh v(ey + ar0 ) ∓ 2bz cosh v = 0 .
Hence, Dupin cyclides with an ellipse and hyperbola as spine curves are of degree four, while
parabolic cylides are cubic surfaces. The latter can be proved in a similar way.
4.3 Perspective images of conics 153
Lemma 4.3.1 The lines in E3 connecting a given point S with the points
of a conic which is not coplanar with S, form a quadratic cone. Conver-
sely, a quadratic cone intersects all planes not passing through the apex
along conics.
Proof: We choose a Cartesian coordinate frame with the origin at the point S such that the
given conic lies in the plane z = 1. If the conic satisfies the equation
a11 x2 + 2a12 xy + a22 y 2 + a1 x + a2 y + a = 0,
a11 x2 + 2a12 xy + a22 y 2 + a1 xz + a2 yz + az 2 = 0
is the equation of a quadratic cone. In the reverse direction, this confirms the second statement
of Lemma 4.3.1, since without loss of generality the intersecting plane can be specified with
the equation z = 1. ◾
x2 y 2
C∶ + − z 2 = 0 with a ≥ b > 0. (4.5)
a2 b2
It turns out that among the planar sections of quadratic cones there are
always circles. We can prove this by checking the intersection between the
cone C in (4.5) and the sphere
S ∶ x2 + y 2 + (z − 1 − a2 )2 = a2 (1 + a)2
This is the equation of a pair of planes through the point (0, 0, 1) which
lies in the interior of S. Hence, the two planes which are displayed in red
color in Figure 4.23, intersect S along two circles which also belong to
C. All planes which are parallel to one of these two planes, intersect the
4.3 Perspective images of conics 155
z z
S ′′ S ′′′ y
x S′
FIGURE 4.23. Each quadratic cone has circular sections and (at least) three
planes of symmetry.
va im
sh ag
in e
g pl
πv pl π a ne
a ne
y y′
Xc X
C z H
x x′
Yuc Xuc
one has to note that the central projection is defined for all points X ≠ C
in space, while the photographic mapping depicts only points inside a
four-sided pyramid with apex C in one half-space of the vanishing plane.
In Figure 4.27, some of the circles are mapped onto hyperbolas; their
second branch would not be visible under a photographic mapping.
It does not matter that — contrary to Figure 4.24 — at the photographic
mapping the image plane does not belong to this half-space. As demon-
strated in Figure 4.28, the plane π shows the same image as its reflection
π in the center C. There is just one difference: The negative plane π shows
the image upside down.
158 Chapter 4: Euclidean 3-space
⎛ x ⎞ x′
x x
d⎛ ⎞ d 1 0 0 ⎛ ⎞
⎜ y ⎟ ↦ ( ′ )= ⎜ y ⎟= ( )⎜ y ⎟.
⎝ z ⎠ y z⎝ ⎠ z 0 1 0 ⎝ ⎠
z z
Now, we bring this in a more general form: We replace the camera frame
by arbitrary world coordinates (x, y, z), namely
⎛ x ⎞ ⎛ a ⎞ ⎛ x ⎞
⎜ y ⎟ = ⎜ b ⎟ + R⎜ y ⎟,
⎝ z ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ z ⎠
4.3 Perspective images of conics 159
π e π e
pl pl
a pl a ne
ne a ne
d d
FIGURE 4.28. Central projection X ↦ X onto the negative plane π.
160 Chapter 4: Euclidean 3-space
F2 F1
uc S
H p
Similar results are valid for parallel projections which are the limiting
cases of central projections, when the center C tends to infinity: conics
are projected onto conics of the same type, and the perspective of a sphere
is an ellipse. We will get a deeper insight in chapter 8 which treats affine
We speak of a linear image, whenever a scene in E3 is mapped into a
plane by a central or parallel projection.
162 Chapter 4: Euclidean 3-space
U1 s U1′ =s′
A A′
1 e e′ =Δ′
p p′
M M′
B ′
B B′
2 2′
C′ C′
U2 t U2′ =t′
FIGURE 4.31. The ellipses on three points A, B, C and two parallel tangents s, t
are orthogonal projections of four planar intersections of a cylinder of revolution.
s A′
A e′ =Δ′
B B′
U2 t U2 =t′
FIGURE 4.32. There is a perspective affine mapping between the circle e′ and
the requested ellipse e. Pairs (A, A′ ) of corresponding points are joined by mu-
tually parallel fixed lines of the affine mapping. The axis of the affine mapping is
the locus of points that have coinciding images in both orthogonal projections.
Note that there are two choices for A′ ∈ Δ′ : on the left or on the right-hand
side (Figure 4.31), i.e., on the back or on the front side of the cylinder
Δ. This is also the case for the pre-images of B and C. We choose the
particular configuration of A′ , B ′ , and C ′ shown in Figure 4.31. The pair
(A, A′ ) determines a point P in Euclidean three-space which is located
on the cylinder Δ. The same holds true for (B, B ′ ) and (C, C ′ ). We call
these points Q and R.
164 Chapter 4: Euclidean 3-space
The points P , Q, and R span a plane that meets Δ along an ellipse e. The
side-view e′ of e agrees with the side-view Δ′ of Δ. In order to complete
the conic e, i.e., the solution to the initial problem, one has to construct
at least the points U1 and U2 of contact of e with s and t. The latter
points are the contour points on e, and therefore, they are located on the
principal line6 with the side view p′ (cf. Figure 4.31).
Axes and vertices can be found in many ways. A constructive way is dis-
played and explained in Figure 9.7. We skip the details of the construction
here, since many CAD-systems have tools to construct ellipses from va-
rious pieces. On the other hand, there is a perspective affine mapping that
maps e′ onto e (Figure 4.32). It can be used to complete the drawing.
FIGURE 4.33. Eight ellipses on the cylinder Δ: Any two equally colored ellipses
map to the same ellipse under a certain orthogonal projection.
More important is the fact that there are, in general, four solutions. This
is clearly seen when we consider the following: As mentioned above, there
are two choices for the side-view of a given point. In Figure 4.31, the
different choices are distinguished by bars on top of the symbol. Thus,
there are eight planes that can be defined on these points and we have
eight intersections with Δ, see Figure 4.33. However, there are four pairs
of planes that result in coinciding images: For example the planes ε ∶=
[P, Q, R] and ε ∶= [P , Q, R] are symmetric with respect to the principal
In Descriptive Geometry, a principal line is a line that is parallel to the image plane of a par-
allel projection. Similarily, a principal plane is parallel to the image plane of any projection.
4.4 Spatial interpretation of conic constructions 165
plane through Δ’s axis. Thus, the two curves ε ∩ Δ and ε ∩ Δ are mapped
to the same curve under the orthogonal projection that yields the initial
figure (Figure 4.31, left).
There exists no ellipse on three points touching s and t if at least one of
the given points lies outside the strip bounded by s and t.
The choice of the auxiliary surface for obtaining a spatial pre-image should
be made such that constructions become as simple as possible. In the
present example, we could also take an elliptic cylinder (different from
a cylinder of revolution), but this would not simplify the construction.
Only theoretically, it would be the same way of solving the problem, and
it would yield the same four ellipses.
B B′ B′
1 1′ Δ′
a A′
U1 U1′
2 2′
b U2 U2′
C′ C′
● Exercise 4.4.1 Hyperbolas on three points and two parallel tangents. Discuss the type and
number of solutions to the example displayed in Figure 4.31 depending on the position of A,
B, C relative to s and t.
● Exercise 4.4.2 Modify the configuration of given points and lines from Example 4.4.1:
Assume that the points A, B, C lie outside of the strip bounded by the parallel lines s and t.
Hint: In this case, the auxiliary cylinder is a hyperbolic cylinder, i.e., its base is a hyperbola.
A short version of the construction may look as shown in Figure 4.34.
● Exercise 4.4.3 Find all parabolas on three points and a given tangent. Use a parabolic
cylinder as the auxiliary surface. An example is shown in Figure 4.38.
166 Chapter 4: Euclidean 3-space
U U′ b′
b c′
s A
2 2′ A′
S B B′
a 1 l a′ 1′
t s =t′
′ C′
V V′
A A′
B B′
t C′
FIGURE 4.36. All four solutions to the problem given in Figure 4.35 are ortho-
gonal projections of eight planar sections of the cone Γ. Curves with the same
color on the right-hand side map to the same curve on the left-hand side.
Figure 4.36 shows all four conics that touch the two intersecting lines s
and t and pass through the three points A, B, C. Any solution is the
image of two conics which are displayed in the same color in Figure 4.36.
In a similar way, i.e., using cylinders and cones as auxiliary surfaces, we
can solve the following problems: For the construction of conics on two
points and three tangents, we interpret two out of the three tangents as
the contour lines of a cone or cylinder (if two of these lines happen to be
parallel). For construction purposes it is much simpler to assume that the
contour is that of a surface of revolution. The third line is then considered
as a tangent of the auxiliary surface, and the two given points shall lie on
the surface.
● Exercise 4.4.4 Conics on line elements, points, and tangents. Apply the method of spatial
interpretation to the following configuration of given elements. Discuss the number of solutions
depending on the position of lines and points relative to each other: Figure 4.37 shall give an
idea how possible configurations and solutions may look like.
168 Chapter 4: Euclidean 3-space
1. Find all conics on one line element (A, a) plus two tangents b, c, and one point B.
2. Find all conics on one line element (A, a) plus two points B, C, and one tangent b.
l2 l1
B a
A s2
l1 l2
c B C b
The example of ellipses tangent to two parallel lines given at the very
beginning of this chapter (see Figure 4.31) is somehow special. A priori,
the affine type of the conics showing up as solutions is known. Another
special case in the sense of affine geometry would be the following varia-
tion: Find all parabolas on one tangent (proper line) and three (proper
and non-collinear) points. In this case, the given line is interpreted as
the contour line of a parabolic cylinder. The solutions to the initial pro-
blem are orthogonal projections of planar intersections of the cylinder.
The image plane is parallel to the cylinder’s generators. An example is
displayed in Figure 4.38. The construction is indicated and reduced to
the construction of the contact point T1 of one particular solution l1 .
C′ C
l4 l2
Δ′ =l1′ =l2′ =l3′ =l4′
1′ 1
A′ l3
T1′ t T1
FIGURE 4.38. A parabolic cylinder Δ serves as an auxiliary surface when we
have to find all parabolas on three points A, B, C, and a given tangent t.
not yield a single solution. We only deal with those cases that show (real)
solutions and start with a circle c and three points A, B, C in the interior
of c (Figure 4.39, right). We are looking for all conics that pass through the
given three points and touch c twice. Consequently, we interpret c as the
contour of a sphere Σ (indeed any regular quadric of revolution with the
same contour would also be a possible choice provided that its points are
mapped to the interior of c). The points A, B, and C are the orthogonal
projections of points P , Q, R on Σ. (Again, there are two possible choices
of P as pre-images of A, and similar for Q and R.) The plane ε spanned
by P , Q, and R meets Σ in a circle k1 whose orthogonal projection gives
one solution l1 (see Figure 4.39, left). Note that the solution l1 touches c
twice while the pre-image k1 meets c transversely.
Again, the situation in three-dimensional space shows eight conics that
map to only four solutions. This is due to the symmetry of the auxiliary
surface Σ with respect to the carrier plane of c. The red solution l4 shown
in Figure 4.39 (on the right) is not a wrong solution. The double contact
happens in a pair of complex conjugate points joined by a real line.
Figure 4.40 shows that a one-sheeted hyperboloid of revolution can serve
as an auxiliary surface if the three given points are exterior points of c.
Again, one solution seems to be wrong. However, like in Figure 4.39, the
seemingly wrong solution is in double contact with c at a pair of complex
conjugate points.
k1 Q
l1 l2 B
FIGURE 4.39. Left: Eight circles on the sphere that map to four ellipses touching
the contour circle twice. Right: Four ellipses l1 , l2 , l3 , l4 are in double contact
with the circle c and pass through three points A, B, C. These ellipses are
obtained from the eight ellipses on the left by an orthogonal projection.
contour of an ellipsoid (which may still be one of revolution) or as the contour of a one-sheeted
hyperboloid (which cannot be of revolution in this case). An ellipsoid has to be chosen if the
given points A, B, and C are interior points of c. In case of exterior points, we have to use
the one-sheeted hyperboloid.
Note that all examples given in this section have one property in common:
There are no real solutions if the given conic c separates one of the given
points from the others. A mixture of interior and exterior points of c
cannot be interpolated by a conic that touches a given conic twice.
In the case of lines and line elements, the given points have to lie in the
same wedge enclosed by two given tangents to allow real solutions.
4.4 Spatial interpretation of conic constructions 171
FIGURE 4.40. Left: Eight conics (ellipses) on the one-sheeted hyperboloid that
map to four ellipses touching the contour circle c twice (cf. Exercise 4.4.5). Right:
The four ellipses on A, B, C in double contact with c are obtained from the
eight ellipses on the left by an orthogonal projection to the carrier plane of c.
FIGURE 4.41. The spatial interpretation (cf. Exercise 4.4.6) shows eight conics
(parabolas and hyperbolas) on a hyperbolic paraboloid meeting the contour
(cyan) transversely. Any pair of conics with the same color map onto one conic
under the orthogonal projection onto the contour’s plane.
Again the (affine) type of the auxiliary surface depends on the given
conic c and on whether the given points are interior or outer points.
For a circle c the simplest auxiliary surface is a surface of revolution:
a sphere (or ellipsoid) if A and B are interior points of c, a one-sheeted
hyperboloid otherwise. If c is a hyperbola, we use a hyperboloid, and if c is
a parabola, we choose a paraboloid as auxiliary surface. Figure 4.44 shows
the situation in three-space, i.e., the result of the spatial interpretation.
Here, the simple case of conics that osculate a circle c is treated. The
auxiliary surface is a sphere.
The key idea is to interpret the two given points A and B as points on
the auxiliary quadric Φ which again leaves two possibilities for each point
(Figure 4.44). The line s = [P, Q] connecting the pre-images of A and B
meets the carrier (principal) plane ε of c in a point T . The two tangents
from T to c touch c at the contact points H1 and H2 of the conics l1 and l2
4.4 Spatial interpretation of conic constructions 173
l4 l1 l4
l1 l3
FIGURE 4.42. Conics in double contact with a parabola (cf. Exercise 4.4.6). The
orange solution l4 is in double contact with c at a pair of complex conjugate
l2 l1 B
interpreted as the top view of three points in E3 .) The front view (points
labeled with a double prime) shows the straight contour of the cone and
the three points A′′ , B ′′ , C ′′ . The right-side view (triple primes) attached
to the top view is chosen such that the plane ε = [A, B, C] is in edge-view
and can be seen as a straight line ε′′′ . The right-side view l′′′ = ε′′′ of the
particular solution l coincides with the image of l. Vertices and the center
(if at all present) can be found in the side view.
Figure 4.45 shows the constructive approach to one particular solution
l. Once a choice is made whether the corresponding points A, B, C in
three-space are on the “upper” or “lower” half of the cone Γ, the plane ε is
determined. The intersection l = ε∩Γ maps to a conic that passes through
A′ , B ′ , C ′ and has F ′ for a focal point. Figure 4.46 shows all solutions
to the initial problem. As in some examples before, there are eight planes
determined by these two times three points in Euclidean three-space.
These planes can be arranged in four pairs of planes (ε, ε) such that ε
and ε are symmetric with respect to the horizontal plane through the
apex of Γ. Therefore, the curves ε ∩ Γ and ε ∩ Γ have coinciding top views
and we find four different solutions. Example 7.2.2 in Section 7.2 shows
a different way to find conics on three points with a common focal point
by using the polarity with regard to a circle centered at F .
Once the pre-images of A, B, C on Γ are specified on different half-cones,
the corresponding solutions are hyperbolas with A, B, C on different
4.4 Spatial interpretation of conic constructions 175
l2 H2
A l1
H1 c s
P k2
branches. Hence, there is only one solution out of the four that gives
a continuous transition between the given points along an ellipse, or a
parabola, or one branch of a hyperbola. This is the solution which was
mentioned in the preface on page vi concerning the dwarf planet Ceres.
176 Chapter 4: Euclidean 3-space
′′′ ′′′
S 1
′′′ Γ
A ′′′
′′′ b
l ′′′ = ε ′′′ S ′′
′′′ A′′
′′′ =
4 H ′′ C ′′
′′′ = l′′
B ′′
H′ 1′
′′′ ′
2 4
B F ′ =S ′
M ′ C′
FIGURE 4.46. The top view of a point on Γ may correspond to two different
points in Euclidean three-space. Thus, there are eight different planar intersec-
tions which lead to four different conics with the focus F and passing through
A, B, C.
5 Projective Geometry
Projective Geometry is the proper frame work for understanding the geometry
of conics. It differs from Euclidean Geometry and allows us to treat points and
lines in a unifying way: There is no difference between points at infinity and
proper points. The lines in a projective plane are closed like any conic, and the
line at infinity is a line like any other. The above surface was discovered in 1901
by Werner Boy and is an immersion of the real projective plane into three-
space. Thus, Boy answered a question raised by David Hilbert whether the
projective plane can be embedded into a three-dimensional space or not.
10 11
20 21 1
19 2
6 18
3 4
4 8 5
1 16
2 6
9 15
5 7 14
12 13
13 8
12 11 10 9
FIGURE 5.1. Models of finite projective planes. Left: The plane of order three
has thirteen points {1, 2, . . . , 13} and as many lines (drawn in different colors).
Right: The plane of order four has twenty-one points and lines.
line is called collinear. Any set of lines through the same point is called
What makes the pair (P, L) a projective plane P2 ? It is a list of axioms
which is as follows:
(A1) Any two different points P ≠ Q can be joined by a unique line
l = [P, Q], the line connecting P and Q.
(A2) Any two different lines l ≠ m intersect in one point S = l ∩ m, the
point of intersection of l and m.
(A3) There exists a quadrangle, i.e., four points no three of which are
Two projective planes P2 = (P, L) and P2 = (P ′ , L′ ) are called isomorphic
if there exists a bijective mapping κ ∶ P → P ′ and L → L′ such that P ∈ l
holds if, and only if, κ(P ) ∈ κ(l) for all P ∈ P and all l ∈ L. Sometimes, we
say that (P, L) and (P ′ , L′ ) are models of the same abstract projective
From the axioms (A1) and (A2), we can deduce: Any two different lines
meet in precisely one point, otherwise, if they met in two different points,
these lines would be equal by (A1). Further, we can infer that any line
carries at least three points, or through any point, there are at least three
lines. A range of points carries as many points as there are lines in a pencil.
Moreover, the sets P and L are equipotent, i.e., there exists a bijective
mapping between P and L. A set of four lines with the property that no
three of them are concurrent, i.e., no three have a point in common, is
also called a quadrangle.
A relation on a set S is a subset R of the Cartesian product S × S, and therefore, R is the
union of ordered pairs of elements of S. With x ∼ y we indicate that (x, y) ∈ R or x is related
to y. An equivalence relation R satisfies the following conditions for all a, b, c ∈ S: (1) a ∼ a
180 Chapter 5: Projective Geometry
FIGURE 5.2. A scene from the real projective plane: The unique line l connec-
ting P and Q intersects the parallel line k in the ideal point L. The parallels m
and n share the ideal point M . (In drawings, we indicate ideal points by arrows.
Note that arrows in opposite directions define the same ideal point.)
speak of classes of parallel lines. In order to perform the projective closure of the real plane,
we add a unique ideal point or point at infinity to each class of parallel lines. The set of all
ideal points is called ideal line or line at infinity. The thus extended plane is called the real
projective plane and we denote it by P2 (R).
The real projective plane is, indeed, a projective plane: The axiom (A1) is fulfilled since any
point P in the real projective plane can be joined with any other point. In practice: To join P
with an ideal point means to draw a parallel to some line through P (cf. figure 5.2). Further,
the axiom (A2) is fulfilled since any two lines are either intersecting or parallel. If two lines
are parallel, then they intersect in the common ideal point. Finally, there is no doubt about
the existence of a quadrangle.
The bundle model of a projective plane. From the real plane P2 (R), we can easily create a
further model of a projective plane. Let O be a point which is not contained in P2 (R). Then,
we project the points and lines in the projective plane from O. This means that we connect
the points and lines of P2 (R) with the point O. Of course, points at infinity yield line parallel
to P2 (R). Any point P ∈ P2 (R) is now “blown up” to a line [O, P ] through O; and any line
l ∈ P2 (R) becomes a plane [O, l] through O. The points and lines of the real projective plane
are in a one-to-one correspondence with the lines and planes through O. We call this the
bundle model of the real projective plane.2 The point O is sometimes called the carrier of the
bundle. Figure 5.3 shows points, lines, and a quadrangle in the bundle model of a projective
pro jec Q pro jec
tive pl tive pl
ane ane
It is not hard to verify that the bundle also serves as a model of a projective plane: For
any two points p and q in the bundle (lines through O), there is a unique line in the bundle
(plane through O) joining these two, and thus, (A1) is fulfilled. Any two lines in the bundle
(planes through O) intersect in a point (line through O) which fits to axiom (A2). Four planes
through O constitute a quadrangle in the bundle model provided that no three of these planes
are coaxial (have a common line). So, the existence of quadrangles (as requested in (A3)) is
guaranteed, too.
l C
FIGURE 5.4. Left: Two lines l and m in the spherical model intersect at a point
S. Right: The lines of a quadrangle in the spherical model are great circles of
the sphere Σ.
182 Chapter 5: Projective Geometry
The sphere model of a projective plane. From the bundle model, we can create a further model
of a projective plane. We take a sphere Σ centered at the carrier O of the bundle. It means
no restriction to assume that the radius of Σ equals one. Any line p in the bundle intersects
Σ in a pair of opposite or antipodal points. Thus, the points in the sphere model are the pairs
of opposite or antipodal points on Σ. The lines in the bundle are planes through the carrier
O. Since O is the center of Σ, any plane of the bundle intersects Σ along a great circle which
represents a line in this model. The quadrangles in this model appear as the intersection of a
four-sided pyramid with apex O with the sphere Σ, see Figure 5.4.
The vector space model of a projective plane. Let F be an arbitrary field3 and F3 a three-
dimensional vector space over F. It can be shown that the set P of one-dimensional subspaces
together with the set L of two-dimensional subspaces defines a projective plane. We call it the
vector space model of a projective plane and denote it by P2 (F). Points P spanned by non-zero
vectors p ∈ F3 . Instead of P = {λp∣λ ∈ F} we write P = pF or briefly even P = p.
Later, we shall use a vector space in order to find an algebraic model of a projective plane.
The bundle model of a projective plane is the geometric realization of a vector space model,
cf. page 194.
A (non-empty) set F with an operation + is called a (commutative) group if for all x, y, z ∈ F:
(1) x + y ∈ F and x + y = y + x for commutativity, (2) there is a unique element 0 (zero
element), such that x + 0 = 0 + x = x, (3) there is a unique element −x (additive inverse)
such that x + (−x) = 0, (4) and x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z (associativity), and additionally, for
commutativity x + y = y + x. A (non-empty) set F is called a (commutative) field if there are
two different operations, say + and ⋅, acting on F such that F together with + is a commutative
group and F {0} together with ⋅ fulfills for all x, y, z ∈ F: (1) x ⋅ y ∈ F. (2) There is a unique
element 1 ≠ 0 (neutral element) such that x ⋅ 1 = 1 ⋅ x = x, (3) there is a unique element
x−1 (left multiplicative inverse element) such that x−1 ⋅ x = 1, (4) x ⋅ (y + z) = x ⋅ y + x ⋅ z and
(x+y)⋅z = x⋅z +y ⋅z (distributive laws), and additionally, for commutative fields x⋅y = y ⋅x ∈ F.
5.1 Projective planes 183
FIGURE 5.5. Quadrangles in the real projective plane: The diagonal points P ,
Q, and R, are never collinear.
(FA) The three diagonal points of a quadrangle, i.e., the points of inter-
section of opposite sides of the quadrangle are never collinear.
In Figure 5.5, we can see different appearances of quadrangles in the real
projective plane. It does not matter if vertices or diagonal points are
ideal points (lie at infinity) or not. The three diagonal points are never
collinear. So, in the real projective plane the axiom (FA) is fulfilled.
The dual of a quadrangle is called a quadrilateral. It is a set of four lines
such that no three of them are concurrent. A quadrilateral defines six
vertices and three diagonals. The axiom (FA) implies that the diagonals
of a quadrilateral are never concurrent.
◾ Example 5.1.2 The Fano plane. We shall continue the first item of Example 5.1.1.
Synthetic approach. In this example, we use the notation given in Figure 5.6. According to the
axiom (A3), there exists a quadrangle P1 P2 P3 P7 in the Fano plane together with the diagonal
points P4 = [P2 , P3 ]∩[P1 , P7 ], P5 = [P3 , P1 ]∩[P2 , P7 ], and P6 = [P1 , P2 ]∩[P3 , P7 ]. The axiom
(A1) says that there is a unique line l7 joining P4 and P5 . Further, l7 has to have a unique
point P6 of intersection with [P1 , P2 ].
Analytic approach. We identify the points of the Fano plane with the following vectors, cf.
Figure 5.6 (right):
We use 0 and 1 as the elements of the field Z2 , i.e., they satisfy the following rules: 0 + 0 =
1 + 1 = 0, 0 + 1 = 1 + 0 = 1, 1 ⋅ 1 = 1, 0 ⋅ 0 = 0 ⋅ 1 = 1 ⋅ 0 = 0. Now, we apply the usual addition of
vectors. By the latter rules, we find that three points are collinear if, and only if, any two of
the corresponding vectors sum up to the third. This allows us to prove all collinearities shown
in Figure 5.6. The fact that the diagonal points of a quadrangle are collinear is equivalent to
184 Chapter 5: Projective Geometry
P3 (0, 0, 1)
(0 ,
0, 1
P5 l6 P4
1, 1
(1 ,
P7 (1, 1, 1)
FIGURE 5.6. Left: The Fano plane with its seven points P1 , . . . , P7 and its
seven lines l1 , . . . , l7 . In the Fano plane, the axiom of Fano is not valid. Right:
The analytic model of the Fano plane.
the fact that the characteristic4 of the field, upon which the algebraic model is built, equals
two. The coordinatization of a projective plane will be described on page 194.
The axiom (FA) is not valid. The two equivalent models of the Fano plane given above show
the characteristic property of this projective plane: The three diagonal points P4 , P5 , and P6
of the quadrangle P1 P2 P3 P7 are collinear, and thus, the Fano axiom (FA) is not fulfilled in
the minimal projective plane. It can be shown that P2 (F) is a Fano plane if, and only if, the
characteristic of the field F equals 2.
The characteristic of a field F is denoted by charF. The symbol charF = n means that the
n-fold sum of the unit element 1 equals 0, i.e., 1 + 1 + . . . + 1 = 0 and n ∈ N {0} is the smallest
:;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ?;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; @
n times
number with this property.
5.1 Projective planes 185
The axiom (DE) together with the axioms (A1) – (A3) implies its du-
al which is exactly its converse. The configuration described in the axi-
om/theorem of Desargues is frequently called a Desargues configuration or
Desargues figure. The point to which the triangles are perspective is cal-
led the perspector. The line where assigned sides of the triangles intersect
is called the perspectrix. Figure 5.7 shows such a configuration including
the perspector and the perspectrix. It is self-dual, since each line (in the
configuration) carries three points of the configuration, and through each
point (of the configuration) there pass exactly three lines. We call a pro-
jective plane a Desarguesian plane if the axiom of Desargues holds. In
fact, (DE) holds in any projective plane P2 (F).
The axiom of Desargues guarantees the existence of perspective colli-
neations (cf. page 233). Furthermore, it can be proved that in any De-
sarguesian plane coordinates from a field F can be introduced such that
there is an isomorphism to a projective plane P2 (F) over a field F which
needs not be commutative (see [11]).
Figure 5.8 shows special forms of Desargues figures in the real projective
plane and their relations to elementary transformations. A translation is
defined by a Desargues figure with an ideal point P as the perspector and
the ideal line as perspectrix.
The two triangles in the middle of Figure 5.8 are similar, i.e., corre-
sponding sides are parallel and the lengths of corresponding sides have a
186 Chapter 5: Projective Geometry
C2 P C2
C2 P
P C1
C1 B P
B2 1
B1 B1 B2
A2 P A2 P
A1 P A1 A1 A2
FIGURE 5.8. Some versions of Desargues configurations in the (projectively
extended) Euclidean plane and their relations to elementary transformations:
translation (left), central similarity (middle), shearing (right).
are collinear.
Later, we shall see that (PP) also holds for six points on a conic. So, the
union of the two lines mentioned in (PP) can be seen as a conic.
Figure 5.9 illustrates the axiom (PP). It further displays the dual versi-
on of Pappus’s theorem which is usually ascribed to Charles Julien
Brianchon (1783–1864) and is related to Pappus’s theorem in a natural
way. We call a projective plane a Pappian plane if the axiom of Pappus
is valid.
5.1 Projective planes 187
6 M
2 6
4 2
p 4
c b
1 a
1 5
l L
FIGURE 5.9. Pappus’s theorem (left) and its dual form (right).
The axiom (PP) is stronger than (DE). A classical result which is due to
Gerhard Hessenberg (1874–1925) states that (A1) – (A3) and (PP)
imply (DE). Hence, each Pappian projective plane is also isomorphic to a
projective plane P2 (F). Furthermore, it can be proved that the projective
plane P2 (F) is Pappian if, and only if, F is commutative. This means
that the axiomatic approach to Pappian projective planes is equivalent
to the analytic approach via coordinates which come from a commutative
field. In the sequel, we will use both, because each of them, the analytic
approach as well as the so-called synthetic approach, has its advantages. If
not stated otherwise, the projective planes we are dealing with are always
188 Chapter 5: Projective Geometry
C P C1
l m
m x
L l l X a
C2 M
c2 N
a=a c′
n ′ m
A =A′ B′ C
B c1
C c
a b c
C1 l L
In order to indicate that two ranges of points l and m are joined by the
projectivity α (different from a perspectivity) we write l −
∧ m. The symbol
(A, B, C) − ∧(A′ , B ′ , C ′ ) means that A, B, and C are mapped to A′ , B ′ ,
and C ′ , respectively, via a projectivity.
190 Chapter 5: Projective Geometry
In any projective plane, (PP) is equivalent to (FT), for details, see [11, 36].
The chains of subsequent perspectivities can be arbitrarily long, but only
finitely many perspectivities are allowed. However, in any Pappian plane,
there is a possibility to shorten chains of perspectivities with the help of
the following reduction theorem:
The statements of Theorem 5.2.2 are also valid in their dual formulation
(illustrated in Figure 5.11). In the case l = m the minimal number of
perspectivities is two only if there is a point which is mapped onto itself.
Otherwise, we need at least three perspectivities.
Later, we shall use the following result:
A ↦ B, B ↦ A, C ↦ D, D ↦ C.
Proof: Let m ≠ l be a line through D and Z ∉ {l ∪ m}. Now, we define the points A = [Z, A]∩ m,
B = [Z, B] ∩ m, C = [C, Z] ∩ m, and B ′ = [A, B] ∩ [C, Z], as displayed in Figure 5.12. The
existence of m and Z and all further points is guaranteed by the axiom (A3).
B B′
A l B C D
′ =2
C m ′
′ C
m ′ Y
′ X
′ =6 B
B ′
′ =4 A
pα C
A pα
A=1 A
B =3 B
l X
Y l
C =5 C
FIGURE 5.13. The proof of Theorem 5.2.4: the construction of the axis of a
projectivity (left), the important property of the axis (right).
A projectivity may not always map points from one line to another line.
When we deal with conics, we are sometimes concerned with the case
of projectivities on a line or in a pencil. This will be of importance in
Section 7.3, especially in Theorem 7.4.1. For more clarity, we shall analyze
some examples on page 210.
As a consequence of the Fundamental Theorem 5.2.1, we can say: If a
projectivity α ∶ l → l has three mutually distinct fixed points, i.e., points
F with the property α(F ) = F , then α is the identity mapping idl on l.
The mapping idl has only fixed points.
194 Chapter 5: Projective Geometry
5.3 Coordinatization
In Projective Geometry, there is a need for a suitable coordinatization
that allows us to describe the objects and transformations in a simple
way. Homogeneous coordinates turned out to be the right choice. This
kind of coordinates goes back to August Ferdinand Möbius (1790–
1868), a German mathematician and astronomer. In his famous book Der
barycentrische Calcul (cf. [48]), he introduced barycentric coordinates as a
method to assign coordinates to points in a plane with respect to a base
of three points.
In the following, we show how to assign homogeneous coordinates to
points which are given in Cartesian coordinates. Thus, we perform the
projective extension of the Euclidean plane E2 analytically and reveal in
a constructive way its isomorphy to P2 (R). Before that, we give a very
short summary on affine and Cartesian coordinates.
x ∶= OX ∶ OE =∶ ar(O, E, X) (5.1)
0 1 x x
O E X O Ex Px
coordinate axes and the lengths OEx and OEy are called the unit lengths
(on the axes and on all lines parallel to the axes).
The coordinates (xP , yP ) of a point P in the plane are now found in the
following way: Draw two lines through P , one parallel to each axis. The
respective intersections with the coordinate axes shall be labeled with Px
and Py . Then, the coordinates xP and yP are the coordinates of Px and
Py on the lines [O, Ex ] and [O, Ey ], i.e.,
Homogeneous coordinates
Affine coordinates are no longer useful in the projective extension P2 (R)
of E2 since points at infinity would get coordinates (∞, ∞) and could not
be distinguished. Therefore, we introduce homogeneous coordinates. The
previously mentioned coordinates are called inhomogeneous just in order
to emphasize the difference.
We start with homogeneous coordinates of points on a line l. We assume
that a projective line, i.e., a line in a projective plane is embedded as
the line with the equation x0 = 1 in the x1 x0 -plane, as can be seen in
196 Chapter 5: Projective Geometry
b0 =(0, 1) (0 ∶1)
b0 =(1, 0, 0)
(1 ∶0 ∶0)
P =(p0 ∶p1 ) V =(v0 ∶v1 ∶v2 )
x (0 ∶ 0 ∶
(1 ∶0) (0 ∶1∶
(0, 0) b1 =(1, 0) (0, 0, 0)
b2 = (
0) 0, 0,1
,1, )
x0 =1 = (0
FIGURE 5.15. Homogeneous coordinates on a line and in a plane.
Figure 5.15. Any vector (p0 , p1 ) ∈ R2 {(0, 0)} starting from (0, 0) aims
at a point on the line l. For p0 ≠ 0 this point on l is finite and has the
coordinates (1, p1 p−1
0 ) considered as a point in the x1 x0 -plane. However,
the vector p = (p0 , p1 ) points in the same direction as any of its scalar
(non-zero) multiple does. We say that p represents the point P on the
line, but also any scalar multiple of p can serve as a representative of
P . So, only the ratio p0 ∶ p1 matters and we say that (p0 ∶ p1 ) are the
homogeneous coordinates of P on l and write briefly P = (p0 ∶ p1 ). We
call p coordinate vector of P and use the notation P = pR in order to
express that we have chosen some representative of P . More precisely,
pR = {p ⋅ λ ∣ λ ∈ R}
is a one-dimensional subspace of R2 . Note that (λp0 ∶ λp1 ) are the homo-
geneous coordinates of the same point for any λ ∈ R {0}. On the other
hand, any vector (p0 , p1 ) ≠ (0, 0) defines a unique point on l. The vector
(0, 0) must be excluded since it does not define a line through (0, 0) and
is not directed to a point on l.
Because of the special choice of the coordinate system in the x1 x0 -plane,
the line l is parallel to the x1 -axis. Thus, the vector b1 = (0, 1) points to
the direction of l. Therefore, b1 = (0, 1) is a representative of the ideal
point or point at infinity of l. The homogeneous coordinates of l’s point
at infinity are thus (0 ∶ 1).
The key idea of the coordinatization with homogeneous coordinates of
points on a line can now easily be carried over to a homogeneous coordi-
natization of the points in the real projective plane. All the vectors v in
5.3 Coordinatization 197
(0 ∶0 ∶1)
(0 ∶1 ∶1)
(1 ∶1 ∶1)
(1 ∶0 ∶0) (1 ∶ 1 ∶ 0) (1 ∶ 2 ∶ 0) (1 ∶ 3 ∶ 0) (0 ∶1 ∶0)
FIGURE 5.16. The fundamental triangle and a projective scale on one side.
⎛ x0 ⎞ ⎛ x0 ⎞
⎜ x′1 ⎟ = T ⎜ x1 ⎟ .
⎝ x′2 ⎠ ⎝ x2 ⎠
det(p, q, x) = 0
In the case a of non-commutative field F, there is a difference between left and right multipli-
cation. Therefore, we have to differ between a left and a right vector space on F. Consequently,
lines should then be written as Fl if points are written as pF.
200 Chapter 5: Projective Geometry
x0 q
l =p×q y
l P ne
j. pla
FIGURE 5.17. The line l = [P, Q] through P = pF and Q = qF has the represen-
tative l = p × q which satisfies ⟨l, p⟩ = ⟨l, q⟩ = 0.
x0 m
l s=
m ne
j . pla
l pro
are coordinates of the same line, and consequently, there is more than a
single common point. This statement is expressed by l × m = 0.
x = o ⋅ (1 − λ) + e ⋅ λ
o′ ⋅ (1 − λ) + e′ ⋅ λ = a ⋅ (1 − λ) + (Ae + a) ⋅ λ = Ae ⋅ λ + a = x′
which shows that the affine images O ′ , E ′ , and X ′ define the same affine
ratio as O, E, and X, i.e., ar(O, E, X) = ar(O ′ , E ′ , X ′ ).
Now, we extend E2 to the real projective plane P2 (R). Let O, U , and E
be three points on a line l. We assign homogeneous coordinates to these
points on the line l by setting O = (1 ∶ 0) and U = (0 ∶ 1). Without
loss of generality, we can assume that E = (1 ∶ 1). This is possible since
the homogeneous coordinate vectors of three collinear points are always
linearly dependent. However, sometimes the homogeneous representatives
o, u of O, U have to be rescaled in order to fulfill o + u = e. If X with
representative x is a further point that is collinear with O, U , and E,
then it has homogeneous coordinates (x0 ∶ x1 ) if x = vx0 + ux1 . All this
works in P2 (F) in the same way.
We define the cross ratio cr(A, B, C, D) ∈ F ∪ {∞} of four collinear points
(on a line l) A = aF, B = bF, C = cF, and D = dF with A ≠ D and B ≠ C
in P2 (F) by
det(a, c) ⋅ det(b, d)
cr(A, B, C, D) ∶= . (5.6)
det(a, d) ⋅ det(b, c)
If A= D or B = C and no other two points coincide, we set cr(A, B, C, D)=
∞. Rescaling of vectors, i.e., changing the representatives of points, does
not alter the cross ratio. When we deal with projectivities (cf. page 210)
and projective collineations (cf. page 233), we shall see that the cross
The definition of an affine transformation in the n-dimensional space Fn over any field F is
analogous: Take some regular n × n matrix A and some vector a ∈ Fn .
5.3 Coordinatization 203
x′0 x
( ) = T( 0 )
x′1 x1
Suppose that in the real projective plane P2 (R) the point U is the ideal
point of the line [O, E]. Then, for any finite point X = xR, we have
x = ox0 + ux1 = x−1 −1
0 (o + x0 x1 u) with u = o − e. Therefore, we have
0 x1 = ar(O, E; X) = cr(O, U, E, X)
= cr(U, O, E, X). (5.8)
Let A, B, C, D be four finite points on the line [O, E]. Then, by virtue
of (5.8) and (5.7), we find
ar(B, C, D)
cr(A, B, C, D) = cr(A, U, C, D) ⋅ cr(U, B, C, D) = . (5.9)
ar(A, C, D)
Finally, it should be said that cross ratios can also be defined for qua-
druples of concurrent lines. It is easy to prove that the cross ratio of four
concurrent lines a, b, c, d equals the cross ratio of the four points l ∩ a,
l ∩ b, l ∩ c, l ∩ d for any line l which is not incident with the common point
of a, b, c, and d. With the help of the cross ratio formula (5.6), one can
show that the cross ratio of four concurrent lines a, b, c, and d equals
sin(<) a, c) ⋅ sin(<) b, d)
cr(a, b, c, d, ) = . (5.10)
sin(<) a, d) ⋅ sin(<) b, c)
Theorem 5.3.1 The cross ratio of four collinear points (four concurrent
lines) is invariant under perspectivities and projectivities.
A projectivity π ∶ l → m that maps points A, B, C to A′ , B ′ , C ′ maps a
point X to a point X ′ if, and only if, cr(A, B, C, X) = cr(A′ , B ′ , C ′ , X ′ ).
Proof: We show that cr(A, B, C, D) is invariant under perspectivities. Let A = (1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0),
B = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ 0), C = (1 ∶ 1 ∶ 0), D = (d0 ∶ d1 ∶ 0), i.e., the four points are lying on the line
l with homogeneous equation x2 = 0, see Figure 5.19. Without loss of generality, we can use
Z = (0 ∶ 0 ∶ 1) as the center of a perspectivity from l to the line m with homogeneous equation
x1 − λx2 = 0 with λ ∈ F. The choice of m means no restriction. Due to the product rule (5.7),
we can express each cross ratio in terms of cross ratios where A = l ∩ m is involved.
= m sends A, B, C, and D to the points
The perspectivity l ∧
A′ = (1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0), B ′ = (0 ∶ λ ∶ 1), C ′ = (λ ∶ λ ∶ 1), D ′ = (λd0 ∶ λd1 ∶ d1 ).
We introduce homogeneous coordinates on the line m and let A′ = (1 ∶ 0) and B ′ = (0 ∶ 1). Then,
C ′ = (λ ∶ 1) and D ′ = (λd0 ∶ d1 ). With (5.6), we find cr(A′ , B ′ , C ′ , D ′ ) = dd0 = cr(A, B, C, D).
Each projectivity is a finite sequence of perspectivities (cf. Definition 5.2.2). Consequently, the
cross ratio of four points (lines) is not altered by projectivities.
It is also clear that the cross ratio between the lines in a pencil is invariant under projectivities
because the coordinatization on the line m is equivalent to the aforementioned coordinatization
in the pencil about Z.
5.3 Coordinatization 205
Z =(0 ∶0 ∶1)
D l ∶ x2 = 0
∶ 0)
C = (1 ∶ 1
∶ 0)
B = (0 ∶ 1
A=A′ B ′
=(1 ∶0 ∶0) C′ m∶ x −
1 λx2 = 0
FIGURE 5.19. Proper choice of a coordinate system, cf. proof of Theorem 5.3.1
For given mutually distinct collinear points A, B, C and a given cross ratio δ = cr(A, B, C, D),
the fourth point D is uniquely determined. This follows from (5.6), since the given δ leads to
a linear homogeneous equation for the coordinates of D. If now A′ , B ′ , C ′ are the images of
A, B, C, under a projectivity, then there is a unique point D ′ satisfying cr(A, B, C, D) = δ =
cr(A′ , B ′ , C ′ , D ′ ). Since projectivities are bijective, D ′ is the image of D. ◾
Let π ∶ l → m be a projectivity between two lines l and m that maps the
points A, B, C to the points A′ , B ′ , C ′ . If a point X has homogeneous
coordinates (x0 ∶ x1 ) with respect to the frame F = (A, B; C), then its
image point π(X) = X ′ has homogeneous coordinates (x′0 ∶ x′1 ) with
respect to the frame F ′ = (A′ , B ′ ; C ′ ). Since cross ratios are invariant
under projectivities, we have cr(A, B, C, X) = cr(A′ , B ′ , C ′ , X ′ ), and thus,
x1 ∶ x0 = x′1 ∶ x′0 .
P3 P3 P3 P3
P4 d
P2 g4
P1 g1 P1
g2 c b
FIGURE 5.20. Left: Construction of a the fourth harmonic point D for given
A, B, and C. Middle: Harmonic quadruple of lines obtained by the dualized
construction. Right: Constructing the fourth harmonic point using an ideal point
P3 simplifies the construction in P2 (R).
How to find the ”fourth harmonic point” if A, B, and C are given? Assume
the three given points are mutually distinct. Then, we choose two points
P1 and P3 which are collinear with C, as can be seen in Figure 5.20 (left).
The lines [A, P1 ] and [B, P3 ] intersect in P2 . Finally, the lines [A, P3 ]
and [B, P1 ] intersect in P4 . Now, we have a quadrangle P1 P2 P3 P4 , and
obviously, A and B are two of its diagonal points. The point C lies on the
5.4 Harmonic quadruples 207
P3 P3 P3
P4 P2
D l
P1 m
A C B D b
FIGURE 5.21. Left: C is the midpoint of AB and the ideal point D is the
harmonic conjugate of C with respect to (A, B). Right: Two lines l and m
together with their interior and exterior angle bisectors b and b form a harmonic
m), and b and b are orthogonal. Any line parallel to b or b meets l and
m in a pair of points which are equidistant to b or b. Thus, H(l, m, b, b)
holds for any pair (l, m) of non-parallel lines and the pair (b, b) of angle
From Theorem 5.2.3 we know that there exists a projectivity from a line
l onto itself with A ↦ B, B ↦ A, C ↦ C, and D ↦ D for any four
mutually distinct points A, B, C, and D. Therefore, δ = cr(A, B, C, D) =
cr(B, A, C, D) = 1/cr(B, S, C, D) = 1/δ. Harmonic position implies δ2 = 1,
hence δ = ±1. However, δ = +1 would mean C = D which is impossible in
a Fano plane. We obtain
H(A, B, C, D) 1⇒ cr(A, B, C, D) = −1.
Also the converse is valid, since the cross ratio defines D uniquely and
there is also just one harmonic conjugate.
◾ Example 5.4.1 On a line in the complex projective plane P2 (C), let four points with
homogeneous coordinates (1 ∶ x), (1 ∶ −x), (1 ∶ ix), and (1 ∶ −ix) with i2 = −1 be given. Show
that they form a harmonic quadruple.
These four points (like any other) can be considered as points in the complex plane C ≅ R2 .
We identify a point (x0 , x1 ) with the complex number x0 + ix1 . Then, (1 ∶ ±x) yields 1 ± ix and
(1 ∶ ±ix) leads to 1 ∓ x. These four points lie on a circle with the equation (x0 − 1)2 + x21 = 1.
It can be shown that four points in the Euclidean plane E2 considered as the complex plane
C are concyclic if, and only if, their cross ratio is real.
◾ Example 5.4.2 Harmonic quadruples in some finite projective planes. In the Fano plane there
are only three points on each line and the same number of lines incident with each point. Thus,
a fourth point or line that completes a harmonic quadruple does not exist. The cross ratio of
three points (lines) in the Fano plane can attain only the values 0, 1, ∞ (provided that we
have used an analytic model, such as P2 (Z2 )).
In the projective plane of order three, each line carries four points (and each pencil consists
of four concurrent lines). The choice of any three points on a line (lines in a pencil) yields
the fourth point (line) as the harmonic conjugate independent from the ordering of points
(lines). Synthetically and without any computation, this can be verified with the help of the
incidence diagram given in Figure 5.1. If one prefers the analytic approach, then we build
the vector space model P2 (Z3 ). There, Z3 consists of the elements 0, 1, 2. In order to meet
the requirements of the definition of the cross ratio, we add ∞ to the field Z3 . For any four
mutually distinct points, the cross ratio has to be different from 0, 1, and ∞. Thus, it has
to be 2. Actually, 2 ≡ −1 (in Z3 ). Moreover, we have 2 ≡ −1 ≡ (2)−1 . Consequently, any four
(mutually distinct) points (lines) form a harmonic quadruple.
l l′
FIGURE 5.22. Left: The line p is the polar line of P with regard to the base
triangle ABC. The line p carries the three harmonic conjugates PA′ , PB′ , and
PC′ of P ’s projections PA , PB , and PC of P from the triangle’s vertices to the
opposite lines. Right: The triangle polarity maps the points of a line l to the
tangents of a conic l′ .
210 Chapter 5: Projective Geometry
y0′ y
( ) = T( 0 ) with T = (a′F b′F ) (aF bF )−1 . (5.12)
y1′ y1
y0 x y0′ x
( ) = (aF bF ) ( 0 ) and ( ) = (a′F b′F ) ( 0 ) .
y1 x1 y1′ x1
Obviously, the multiplication of (y0 , y1 )T with the matrix T as given in (5.12) yields the
requested result (y0′ , y1′ )T for all (x0 , x1 ) ∈ F2 . ◾
◾ Example 5.4.3 Projective mappings on a line in the real projective plane. We look at some
projective mappings on a line. Their actions can be seen in Figure 5.23. First, we shall write
these mappings in affine coordinates as functions over the real numbers in order to convince
ourselves that these are elementary and well-known functions. After rewriting these mappings
in terms of homogeneous coordinates, we shall see that we are dealing with projective map-
pings. Along the way, we can introduce some new vocabulary and study some special types of
projective mappings:
(a) (b)
Z=Z ′ X=X ′ Y =Y ′ F1 X Y F2 Y′ X′
(c) (d)
X X′ Y Y ′ Z Z′ F X Y F1 Y′ X′ F2
(e) (f) F2
Y ′=Z X Z ′=Y X′ F1 A B C ′ B′ C A′
FIGURE 5.23. The projectivities from Example 5.4.3: (a) the identity mapping,
(b) an inversion, (c) a translation, (d) the reflection in F1 , (e) the anti-inversion,
(f) a further hyperbolic projectivity.
212 Chapter 5: Projective Geometry
The reflection in X is involutive which is clear from its definition. On the other hand, this
property can also be seen from the matrix representation: The square of the transformation
matrix is a scalar multiple of I2 .
Anti-inversion. The mapping x ↦ − x1 is a composition of an inversion and the reflection in a
point. In the older literature, one can find the name anti-inversion. The matrix representation
of this projectivity is given by
1 p0 0 1 p
(1 ∶ x) ↦ (1 ∶ − ) = (x ∶ −1) ⇐⇒ ( )↦( )( 0 ).
x p1 −1 0 p1
This mapping has no real fixed point, since (1, i) and (1, −i) are the two linearly independent
eigenvectors of the linear mapping. Because of the absence of real fixed points, the anti-
inversion is called an elliptic projectivity. If we consider this mapping as mapping over the
complex number field, then it would be hyperbolic.
Some projective mapping. In Figure 5.23 (f), there is one more projectivity. After fixing an
origin x = 0 and further a unit point x = 1 of an affine coordinate system, we can assign
homogeneous coordinates to all points given there. Suppose, we have
A = (1 ∶ −2), B = (1 ∶ −1), C = (1 ∶ 2),
′ ′
A = (1 ∶ 6), B = (1 ∶ 1), C ′ = (1 ∶ 0).
As we have shown above, we rescale the coordinate vectors of A and B so that they sum up to
a representative of C; and we do the same with A′ , B ′ , and C ′ : Since −3 ⋅ (1, −2) + 4 ⋅ (1, −1) =
(1, 2) = C and −1 ⋅ (1, 6) + 6 ⋅ (1, 1) = (5, 0) = 5 ⋅ C ′ , we arrive at
̃ ̃ = (4 ∶ −4), ã′ = (−1 ∶ −6), b̃′ = (6 ∶ 6),
a = (−3 ∶ 6), b
and with (5.12) this yields
−1 6 −3 4 −1 6 4 4 16 7
T=( )( ) ̂
=( )( )̂
=( ).
−6 6 6 −4 −6 6 6 3 6 −3
We have used the symbol ̂ = in order to indicate that the left-hand side and right-hand side
are equal up to a non-zero factor. It is left to the reader as an exercise to show that there are
two fixed points F1 = (7 ∶ 2) and F2 = (1 ∶ −3).
proportional. Now, we only have to verify the laws (except the commutativity) of a group as
given in the footnote on page 182. The proof of the isomorphy PGL(l) ≅ GL(F, 2)/D(F) can
be found in any textbook on algebra, e.g., [54], because it is the content of the homomorphism
theorem for groups: If f ∶ A → B is a homomorphism with kernel ker f , then A/ ker(f ) is
isomorphic to the image f (A). ◾
The cross ratio can be used to define an invariant of projective mappings:
for all X.
5.4 Harmonic quadruples 215
Proof: We assume that F = (1 ∶ 0) is the only fixed point of π. Therefore, the transformation
matrix T of π is an upper triangular matrix of the form
1 c
T=( )
0 1
with c ≠ 0. If X = (x0 ∶ x1 ) ≠ F , then π(X) = (x0 ∶ x0 + cx1 ) and π(π(X)) = (x0 ∶ x0 + 2cx1 ).
So, we have cr(F, π(X), X, π(π(X))) = −1. ◾
◾Example 5.4.4 The trace of T. Here and in the following, trT denotes the trace of the
matrix T, i.e., the sum of the diagonal elements:
t00 t01
trT = tr ( ) = t00 + t11 .
t10 t11
Lemma 5.4.3 A projectivity π ∶ l → l, π ≠ idl with x ↦ Tx is involutive if, and only if,
trT = 0.
Proof: First, let us assume that π is involutive. Then, π ○ π = idl , and consequently, T2 = cI2 .
The square of T equals
The right upper entry of T has to be zero, and thus, t01 (t00 + t11 ) = 0. Now, we have two
subcases: If t00 + t11 = trT = 0, the square of T becomes a scalar diagonal matrix with entry
c = t200 + t01 t10 ≠ 0 and is, thus, a scalar multiple of I2 . The second case corresponds to t01 = 0.
In this case, T2 is a lower triangular matrix
t200 0
( )
t10 (t00 + t11 ) t211
which becomes diagonal if, and only if, either t10 = 0 or t11 + t00 = 0. If now t10 = 0, then T2
is a scalar multiple of I2 and T describes an involutive projectivity if, and only if, t200 = t211 ,
i.e., in case t00 = t11 or t00 = −t11 . The case t00 = t11 is excluded by assumption (π ≠ idl ) and
the case t00 = −t11 is equivalent to trT = 0. ◾
A comparison with Lemma 5.4.2 reveals that involutions can never be parabolic in Fano planes,
i.e., if charF ≠ 2
Commuting involutions.
Proof: First, we assume that α and β commute: AB = BA. We have to show that this implies
(AB)2 = cI2 with some c ∈ F.
Since A and B are matrices of involutions, we have A2 = aI2 and B2 = bI2 , and consequently,
A = aA−1 and B = bB−1 with some a, b ∈ F {0}. Now, we compute (AB)2 = AB ⋅ AB =
216 Chapter 5: Projective Geometry
AB ⋅ BA, where the latter makes use of the assumption. Now, we use the fact that α and β
are involutive: ABBA = AbI2 A = bAA = abI2 .
Conversely, we assume that (AB)2 = cI2 and show that α and β commute:
We start with (AB)2 = cI2 and multiply with the inverses of B and A from the right and
find ABA = cB−1 and AB = cB−1 A−1 . Since α and β are involutive, we have A = aA−1 and
B = bB−1 and find AB = a−1 b−1 cBA. ◾
● Exercise 5.4.1 Prove the following statement: Two involutions commute if the fixed points
of one involution are corresponding under the second involution.
6 Projective conics
P2 P2
X = l ∩ σ(l)
The points S and T are sometimes referred to as the base points of the
generation of c. However, the term base point will also appear in a different
meaning when we treat pencils of conics in Section 7.3.
From Definition 6.1.1 we can conclude that there is no restriction to the
base points on a conic:
Jakob Steiner (1796–1863) was a Swiss mathematician.
6.1 Steiner’s definition of a conic 219
Theorem 6.1.1 Any two points on a conic c can serve as the base points
of a projective generation of c according to Steiner’s definition.
Proof: The theorem is valid if lines in the underlying plane contain 3, 4, or 5 points, since then
conics carry as many points.
X P1
FIGURE 6.2. The base points of a conic’s projective generation can be chosen
freely, cf. Theorem 6.1.1.
Let now S and T be the base points of a projective generation of a conic c. Further, let P1 , P2 ,
P3 be three mutually distinct and non-collinear points which, together with S and T , meet the
requirements of Definition 6.1.1, compare Figure 6.2. The generating projectivity α is defined
by [S, Pi ] ↦ [T, Pi ] with i ∈ {1, 2, 3}, and we call c the unique conic on S, T , P1 , P2 , and P3 .
Now, replace S with P3 (for example) and show that the projectivity from the pencil P3 to
the pencil T generates a conic c which contains all the points of c, and thus, c = c. For the
technical details, we refer to [11]. ◾
Proof: We specify two of the five points as the base points S and T . Then, we use the three
remaining points P1 , P2 , P3 in order to define two times three lines for the projectivity σ
(cf. Figure 6.1): Both triplets {[S, Pi ]∣i ∈ {1, 2, 3}} and {[T, Pi ]∣i ∈ {1, 2, 3, }} consist of three
mutually distinct lines. Thus, the projectivity σ is defined by [S, Pi ] ↦ [T, Pi ] with i ∈ {1, 2, 3}.
According to Theorem 6.1.1, the choice of the base points doesn’t matter.
If P1 , P2 , and P3 are collinear, then σ is a perspectivity with axis [P1 , P2 ] and there is no
conic at all. ◾
220 Chapter 6: Projective conics
P6 A P2
A P4
P3 P2
P5 C P3
B P2 P5
P1 c
C P1
P4 c
FIGURE 6.3. In the real projective plane P2 (R), Pappus’s theorem may appear
in different forms: Left: The ideal line is tangent to c at P2 . Right: The line
[P1 , P2 ] coincides with the ideal line.
Pappus’s theorem (cf. Figure 6.3) gives an incidence geometric, and thus,
a simple criterion for six points to lie on a conic:
are collinear.
are collinear.
1. First, we assume that the six points lie on a conic c, and we show that A, B, and C, as
defined above, are collinear.
We use the notation from Figure 6.4 and relabel two of the six points by letting S ∶= P1
and T ∶= P3 . The projectivity α from the pencil about S to the pencil about T generates
c. The pencil about S is perspective to the line g = [P4 , P5 ], and the pencil about T is
perspective to the line h = [P5 , P6 ]. Consequently, the two ranges g and h are linked by a
=S −
β ∶ g∧
∧T ∧ =h
which turns out to be a perspectivity since α(P5 ) = P5 , according to Theorem 5.2.2. The
projectivity β sends A = [P1 , P2 ] ∩ g to B = [P2 , P3 ] ∩ h, for α([P1 , P2 ]) = [P2 , P3 ].
Since β is a perspectivity, A and β(A) = B have to be collinear with the center C of the
perspectivity. Let now Q ∶= [P1 , P6 ] ∩ g and R ∶= [P3 , P4 ] ∩ h. Since α([P1 , P6 ]) = [P3 , P6 ],
we have β(Q) = P6 . Further, β([P1 , P4 ]) = [P3 , P4 ], and therefore, β(P4 ) = R. Thus, the
center of perspectivity is found as C = [P3 , P4 ] ∩ [P6 , P1 ] and is collinear with A and B.
P1 =∶S A P2
P3 =∶T
B R h P6 P5
2. Now, assume that the six points P1 , . . . , P6 lie such that A ∶= [P1 , P2 ]∩g, B ∶= [P2 , P3 ]∩h,
and C ∶= [P3 , P4 ] ∩ [P6 , P1 ] are well defined and collinear. We have to show that the six
points belong to one, and only one, conic.
The chain β of perspectivities from the pencil about S to the line g and further to the
line h (center C) and then to the pencil about T is a projectivity, for it is a finite chain
of perspectivities. It can be shown by contradiction that β is well defined. It acts in the
following way: [S, P4 ] ↦ [T, P4 ], [S, P5 ] ↦ [T, P5 ], and further [S, P2 ] ↦ [T, P2 ], for A,
B, and C are collinear. Therefore, this chain is a factorization of the projectivity α and
[S, P6 ] is mapped to [T, P6 ], and thus, the point P6 also lies on the same conic c on P1 ,
. . . , P5 .
So far we have used P1 and P3 as the vertices of the pencils generating the conic. If
we replace P1 with P5 , the line [A, B] remains unchanged und the generation of c is
independent of the choice of the base points. For details we refer to [11]. ◾
222 Chapter 6: Projective conics
are concurrent.
Both theorems, Pappus’s and Brianchon’s, are still valid if some points
or lines happen to coincide. We formulate these special cases for the case
of Pappus’s theorem. The special cases of Brianchon’s are nothing else
but the dual counterparts, illustrated in Figure 6.6.
B C t3 P3 =P4
P3 t5 P1
P2 P2 A P4
P1 A P5
C P2
P6 P1
P4 P3 P5 =P6 t5 B
FIGURE 6.5. Pappus’s theorem and its special forms: Left: the original version.
Middle: The point P6 has moved towards P5 . Now, the tangent t5 at P5 plays
the role of the former line [P5 , P6 ]. Right: A further coincidence, say P3 = P4 ,
replaces the pair (P3 , P4 ) by the line element (P3 , t3 ) and Pappus’s theorem
still holds.
6.2 Pascal, Pappus, Brianchon 223
Figure 6.5 (on the left) shows a Pappus figure in the generic case. All
six points on the conic c are mutually distinct, and in the closed polygon
P1 . . . P6 there are the three collinear crossing points A, B, and C. Assume
now that the point P6 is moving on c towards P5 . The theorem still
remains valid if we replace the pair of points (P5 , P6 ) by the line element
consisting of the point P5 and the tangent t5 to c at P5 , see Figure 6.5
(in the middle). With the point B ∶= [P2 , P3 ] ∩ [P5 , P6 ], we have P5 =
[P2 , P3 ] ∩ t5 . Now, we assume that a further pair of points on c coincides:
Let P3 = P4 and replace the pair (P3 , P4 ) by the line element (P3 , t3 ) with
the tangent t3 at P3 . Now, B = [P2 , P3 ] ∩ t5, and additionally, the point C
which was defined by C = [P3 , P4 ] ∩ [P6 , P1 ] is found as C = t3 ∩ [P6 , P1 ].
However, the three points A, B, and C are still collinear.
l5 l4 l3 l2 l2 l1
c a a
b l3 b c l1 c
a B5 b B5
l5 =
l2 l4 l5
l1 l3 =
l6 l4
FIGURE 6.6. Some versions of the theorem by Brianchon, cf. Theorem 6.2.3:
Left: the generic case with six mutually distinct tangents. Middle: One pair of
coinciding tangents somehow “converges” to a line element. Right: Two pairs of
tangents are replaced by two line elements.
The dual and degenerate versions of the Pappus configurations are illus-
trated in Figure 6.6. Note that pairs of lines are again to be replaced by
line elements, i.e., pairs (P, t) consisting of a tangent t and the point of
contact P .
Both theorems, Pappus’s and Brianchon’s, apply to the most dege-
nerate configurations where three pairs of points or three pairs of lines
collapse as shown in Figure 6.7. The configuration on the left-hand side
of Figure 6.7 is self-dual. The lines connecting the vertices of the tangent
triangle of the conic with the opposite contact points are concurrent in
the Brianchon point B.
224 Chapter 6: Projective conics
t1 =
5 =P
2 6
t3 = i
P3 =
FIGURE 6.7. The theorems of Pappus and Brianchon in the most degenerate
form: Left: The self-dual configuration of three line elements of a conic. Right:
The Gergonne point of a triangle ABC equals the Brianchon point of the
incircle i.
◾ Example 6.2.1 Find the intersection of a conic and a line through a given point of the conic.
The construction of the common points of a line x and a conic c is a quadratic problem, i.e.,
algebraically speaking, one has to solve a quadratic equation in order to find the points of
intersection. If one of the common points is already known, then the problem reduces to the
search of the remaining intersection. This construction is linear. It is the solution of a linear
Assume we are given five points and a line x through one of them, say S. We want to find the
point of intersection of the conic on the five given points and the line x without drawing the
conic itself. In the first step, we define a projectivity from the pencil of lines about S to the
pencil about one of the remaining four points, say T (cf. Figure 6.8). The remaining points
shall be labeled with 1, 2, and 3. The projectivity α from the pencil about S to the pencil
about T is uniquely defined by
g1 ∶= [S, 1] ↦ [g1′ ∶= T, 1], g2 ∶= [S, 2] ↦ g2′ ∶= [T, 2], g3 ∶= [S, 3] ↦ g3′ ∶= [T, 3].
In the next step, we construct the center Pα of the projectivity α. Following Theorem 5.2.4,
we have
Pα = [[g1 ∩ g2′ , g2 ∩ g1′ ], [[g2 ∩ g3′ ], [g3 ∩ g2′ ]].
6.2 Pascal, Pappus, Brianchon 225
1 1 1
3 Pα 3 3
2 2 2
x T x x
The third and last step is the construction of α(x). Again, we apply Theorem 5.2.4. Thus, we
X = [[x ∩ g2′ , Pα ] ∩ g2 , T ] ∩ x.
Note that every step of the construction is linear.
By constructing the remaining point of intersection, we have also shown how to find further
points on a conic that is given by five of its points. Following the Definition 6.1.1, we just have
to turn x around the one a priori known point of intersection and then construct the second
one. In this way, we can find infinitely many further points of c beside the given ones.
P2 P3
compositions with reflections are also projectivities. Or else, we can translate the point T into
T such that S and T are mirrors with respect to a line.
Further, we can state and prove what is illustrated in Figure 6.1 (right):
Theorem 6.2.4 Let (S, s) and (T, t) be two line elements with S /∈ t,
T ∈/ s, and let further R ∈/ {s ∪ t} be a point. Then, there is a unique conic
c through the two line elements (S, s), (T, t), and R.
Proof: If (S, s), (T, t), and R are in an admissible position, then there is a uniquely defined
projective mapping α from the pencil of lines about S to the pencil of lines about T rendering
s ↦ [S, T ], [S, T ] ↦ t, and [S, R] ↦ [T, R].
According to the construction of α, the thus generated conic c passes through S, T , and R.
We only have to show that s and t are tangents to c at S and T . We recall Definition 6.1.1: A
line s is a tangent of c if it contains precisely one point of c. The pre-image under α of [S, T ]
equals s and is unique. There is no further point of c, except S, on s. If there was such a point
X ∈ s with X ≠ S, then [S, X] = s would have two images under α: [S, T ] and [X, T ]. This
contradicts the bijectivity of α. Similar arguments apply to the line element (T, t). ◾
As already mentioned, the dualized Definition 6.1.1 yields a dual conic,
i.e., the set of tangents of a conic in Fano planes. In other words: The set
of tangents of a conic can be generated by a projective mapping α ∶ l → m
between two ranges of points l and m provided that α is not a perspec-
tivity. Consequently, a conic is also uniquely defined if we prescribe five
tangents t1 , . . . , t5 where no three are concurrent. A conic on five tangents
is illustrated in Figure 6.10.
6.2 Pascal, Pappus, Brianchon 227
g1 t =g5 g1 g5
′ 4
A′ =B
g2 g2 s=
′ S =A
t = g2
A g3 g3 C T =B ′
= g5
B C g3
s =g4 g4
A C′
T =(0 ∶0 ∶1)
x0 =x1
x1 =0
R =(1 ∶1 ∶1) R
s ∶ x2 =0
S =(1 ∶0 ∶0) s S
FIGURE 6.11. The proper choice of a coordinate frame simplifies the equation
of the conic c. Left: the chosen frame. Right: the unique conic c on (S, s), (T, t),
and R.
Here, some equations are multiplied by −1. This turns out to be useful,
since (0, 0, −1) + (0, 1, 0) = (0, 1, −1) and (0, −1, 0) + (1, 0, 0) = (1, −1, 0).
If we impose a frame on both pencils, we can assign the homogeneous
coordinates (1 ∶ 0) to s and [S, T ] and the coordinates (0 ∶ 1) to the lines
[S, T ] and t in the second pencil. Therefore, the mapping α from the
pencil about S to the pencil about T is described via equal coordinates.
This means that a line g through S with coordinate vector g(λ, μ) =
λ(0, 0, −1)+μ(0, 1, 0) = (0 ∶ μ ∶ −λ) is mapped to the line g with coordinate
vector g′ (λ, μ) = λ(0, −1, 0) + μ(1, 0, 0) = (μ, −λ, 0) where (λ, μ) ≠ (0, 0).
The points of c are the intersection of the lines gF and g′ F. With formu-
la(5.5) we have
In this parametrization, we have lost one point of c, i.e., the point cor-
responding to t = ∞. Since the first coordinate function is constant and
equals 1, we choose in P2 (R) the lines x0 = 0 as the ideal line and arrive
at a representation of the affine part of c in terms of affine coordinates
c(t) = (t, t2 ).
230 Chapter 6: Projective conics
On page 239, we shall show that there is only one type of conic in any
projective plane.
c T T
c S
s t s S
The projectivity α from the pencil about S to the pencil about T is defined by the following
three lines and their respective images:
x0 + x1 = 0 ↦ x2 = 0,
− x2 = 0 ↦ −x0 + x1 = 0,
x0 + x1 − x2 = 0 ↦ −x0 + x1 + x2 = 0.
Since the equations of these lines are scaled such that the sum of the first two equals the third,
we have a mapping via equal coordinates, and thus,
c c
O′ l P
FIGURE 6.13. Stereographic projection with center O: Left: Deriving the ratio-
nal parametrization of the unit circle. Right: A stereographic projection from an
arbitrary conic c to a line l maps any point C ∈ c to a unique and well-defined
point P on the line l. One hole is to be filled: The stereographic image of the
center O ∈ c is the intersection O′ of c’s tangent at O with the line l.
The construction of the unit circle as the locus of all points l ∩ l′ (as given in Equation
(6.5)) shows the following which is called Thales’s theorem (Thales of Miletus, Greek
philosopher, 624 BC–546 BC):
232 Chapter 6: Projective conics
Corollary 6.3.3 In E2 , the locus of all points from which a line segment ST is seen at right
angles is a circle.
and consequently, l and l′ are orthogonal. Exactly the same coordinates were used before.
Therefore, we obtain the homogeneous equation −x20 + x21 + x22 = 0. ◾
We can generalize the stereographic projection from a line to the unit circle in the following
way (Figure 6.13): The circle c can be replaced with any conic in the projective plane P2 (F),
and the center O may be an arbitrary point on c. The line l can be chosen freely, however, it
is not allowed to coincide with c’s tangent tO at O. The mapping c → l is one-to-one and onto
if we additionally define O ↦ O ′ ∶= l ∩ tO (see Figure 6.13, right). Later, we shall learn that
there are n-dimensional analogues of the planar stereographic projection.
From the definition of a stereographic projection, we obtain:
Corollary 6.3.4 There are as many points on a conic as there are lines in a pencil or points
on a line.
Equilateral hyperbola.
Now, we return to the projective extension of E2 . Let’s generate a conic with ideal base points
S = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ 0) and T = (0 ∶ 0 ∶ 1). If we interpret x0 = 0 as the ideal line, then S and T are the
ideal points of the axis of a Cartesian frame. We cannot choose a further ideal point since no
three points on a conic are collinear. Let R = (1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1), i.e., the unit point in the frame, and
assume further that s ∶ x2 = 0 and t ∶ x1 = 0 are the tangents at the base points S and T , as
shown in Figure 6.12, right.
Similar to the example above, the projectivity α from the pencil about S to the pencil about
T is defined by the following three lines and their respective images:
− x2 =0↦ x0 = 0,
x0 =0↦ − x1 = 0,
x0 − x2 =0↦ x0 − x1 = 0.
Again, the mapping between the pencils is described via equal coordinates and so the lines
l = (μ ∶ 0 ∶ −λ) and their images l′ = (λ, −μ, 0) (under α) have to be intersected. This yields
with (λ, μ) ≠ (0, 0). The coordinates of the points on this conic satisfy the homogeneous
equation x1 x2 − x20 = 0. In terms of inhomogeneous coordinates, we have xy − 1 = 0 which
is the well-known graph of the rational function x ↦ x1 . The resulting conic is an equilateral
hyperbola, i.e., a hyperbola with orthogonal asymptotes.
Pascal lines, i.e., for each permutation a new Pascal line. However, this is not the case. There
are only 60 of them (Figure 6.14).
The 60 Pascal lines of a hexagon inscribed in a conic intersect three at a time in 20 Steiner
points, and also three at a time in 60 Kirkman points. Each Steiner point lies together with
three Kirkman points on 20 Cayley lines. Between the 60 Kirkman points and the 60 Pascal
lines there is a relation that seems to be a duality. The 20 Cayley lines generated by a hexagon
inscribed in a conic pass four at a time through 15 points known as Salmon points. There is
a dual relationship between the 15 Salmon points and the 15 Plücker lines.
Find out which are the essential permutations of P1 , . . . , P6 . Without loss of generality, the
conic (1 ∶ t ∶ t2 ) (or x0 x2 − x12 = 0) can be used and it means no restriction to assume
P1 = (1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0), P2 = (1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1), and P3 = (0 ∶ 0 ∶ 1). Let u, v, w ≠ 0, 1, ∞ be the parameters that
correspond to the points P3 , P4 , P5 . For further details see [63].
mappings and show their relations to conics and their action on the set
of conics. We make use of
c c′
A B A′
f P′
P′ P
v P′ P
Q Q′
a a F a
FIGURE 6.16. Left: A perspective collineation is defined by prescribing a center
C, an axis a, and a pair (P, P ′ ) of assigned points such that C, P , P ′ are
collinear. We can also see that a Desargues figure and a perspective collineation
determine each other mutually. Middle: In the real plane P2 (R) we find the
vanishing line v as the set of images of ideal points under the collineation. The
line f is mapped to the ideal line. Right: Conics are mapped to conics via
perspective collineations, as we shall see later.
B Y ′ =Z
Q B ′
Y =Z
a a X′
T = (ã′ b̃′ c̃′ ) ⋅ (̃
c) (6.7)
where ̃ indicates that the column vectors are rescaled. This formula is
the analogon to the analytic description of projectivities (5.12) and con-
firms that a projective collineation is uniquely determined by two labeled
FIGURE 6.18. Projective and elementary reflections which leave conics invari-
ant: (a) The reflection in the center C of a circle c fixes the circle. The axis of
this harmonic homology is the line at infinity. (b) The reflection in a diameter a
of a circle c is a harmonic homology with axis a. The center C of the collineation
is the ideal point of lines orthogonal to a. (c) A conic c with center C (ellipse or
hyperbola) is invariant under reflections in the axis and under the reflection in
the center C. (d) A parabola c has no center but allows the reflection in its axis
a. (e) There are more harmonic homologies that fix the circle c. (f) For each
conic c, we can find harmonic perspective collineations that leave the conic c
fixed as a whole but not pointwise.
238 Chapter 6: Projective conics
Theorem 6.4.1 For any two conics c, c′ in P2 (F) with mutually different
points A, B, D ∈ c and A′ , B ′ , D ′ ∈ c′ there is a unique collineation with
A ↦ A′ , B ↦ B ′ , and D ↦ D ′ .
All conics c are collinear images of the conic given in (6.4).
c B C′
c′ B′
It turns out to be useful to write the simple equation of the conic given in
(6.4) in matrix form. First, we observe that 2(x0 x2 −x21 ) = 0 is an equation
240 Chapter 6: Projective conics
⎛ 0 0 1 ⎞ ⎛ x0 ⎞
0= 2(x0 x2 − x21 ) = (x0 , x1 , x2 ) ⎜ 0 −2 0 ⎟ ⎜ x1 ⎟ .
⎝ 1 0 0 ⎠ ⎝ x2 ⎠
0 = xT Ax, (6.11)
Q(x, x) = a00 x20 + 2a01 x0 x1 + 2a02 x0 x2 + a11 x21 + 2a12 x1 x2 + a22 x22 = 0,
or in matrix form
with aik = aki and a regular matrix (aik ). It is a quadratic form, i.e., it is
homogeneous, and thus, Q(x ⋅ λ, x ⋅ λ) = λ2 Q(x, x) = 0 for any λ ∈ F {0}.
So, with x also the multiples of λx also satisfy the equation Q(x, x) = 0,
and therefore, it is really the equation of a set of points in the projective
plane P2 (F).
Note that, conversely, not each such form defines a conic. E.g., in P2 (R)
there are no points satisfying x20 + x21 + x22 = 0.
6.4 There is only one conic in a projective plane 241
with T ∈ F3×3 and det T ≠ 0, and conversely, each such parametrization defines a conic.
Show that
⎛ p210 2p10 p11 2p10 p12 p211 2p11 p12 p212 ⎞
⎜ p220 2p20 p21 2p20 p22 p221 2p21 p22 p222 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ p230 2p30 p31 2p30 p32 p231 2p31 p32 p232 ⎟
det ⎜
⎟ (6.13)
⎜ p240 2p40 p41 2p40 p42 p241 2p41 p42 p242 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ p250 2p50 p51 2p50 p52 p251 2p51 p52 p252 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ p260 2p60 p61 2p60 p62 p261 2p61 p62 p262 ⎠
is a condition on six points Pi = (pi0 ∶ pi1 ∶ pi2 ) with i ∈ {1, . . . , 6} to lie on a conic and compare
it with the synthetic equivalent in form of the Pappus theorem. Clarify what happens in the
singular and degenerate cases. How does (6.13) change when it becomes the condition of four
points to be concyclic?
By Definition 6.1.1, a tangent has exactly one point with the conic c in common. Therefore,
the obtained quadratic equation has one solution with multiplicity two if l is a tangent of c.
This yields
a2 k 2 ± b2 = d2 .
242 Chapter 6: Projective conics
p ∶ y 2 − 2qx = 0, q ∈ R {0},
c′1 v a
c3 c′3
Many problems in connection with conics allow a graphical solution with ruler and compass.
For that purpose, perspective collineations turn out to be very helpful since any conic in the
real plane can be mapped to a circle and then most of the constructions are very simple. This
is a good reason to have a closer look at the perspective collineations that transform a circle
into the three affine types of conics, i.e., into an ellipse, a parabola, or a hyperbola. The result
depends on the position of the circle c relative to the pre-image v = κ−1 (ω) of the line ω at
infinity. If v ∩ c = ∅, then c′ = κ(c) has no ideal points, and therefore, it is an ellipse. The
intersection v ∩ c consists of two points, we find a hyperbola c′ . The conic c′ is a parabola if v
is a tangent of c (see Figure 6.20).
t there, then there exists exactly one perspective collineation α with center
P that maps c to d.
Proof: Assume l and m are two lines through P and l, m ≠ t. Then, l intersects c and d in P
and two further points, say C and C ′ (Figure 6.21). The line m intersects c and d in D and D ′ ,
besides P . Then, P CD and P ′ C ′ D ′ are two triangles. Referring to the proof of Theorem 6.4.1,
there exists a unique collineation κ with κ(P ) = P , κ(C) = C ′ , and κ(D) = D ′ . Consequently,
κ(l) = l, κ(m) = m, κ(t) = t. Thus, the restriction of κ to the pencil of lines about P is the
identity mapping and P turns out to be a center of κ which is now recognized as a perspective
collineation. ◾
d t
C c
c d
C′ d
Further, it is no restriction to assume that the points P1 , P2 , and P3 have the homogeneous
P1 = (1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0), P2 = (0 ∶ 0 ∶ 1), P3 = (1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1),
i.e., they correspond to the affine parameter values t = 0, ∞, 1 in (6.3). The remaining three
points shall be defined by the values t = u, v, w of the affine parameter. Consequently,
P4 = (1 ∶ u ∶ u2 ), P5 = (1 ∶ v ∶ v2 ), P6 = (1 ∶ w ∶ w 2 ).
In order to make the computations traceable, we give the homogeneous coordinates of all lines
[P1 , P2 ] = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ 0), [P4 , P5 ] = (uv ∶ −u − v ∶ 1),
[P2 , P3 ] = (1 ∶ −1 ∶ 0), [P5 , P6 ] = (vw, −v − w, 1),
[P3 , P4 ] = (u ∶ −u − 1 ∶ 1), [P6 , P1 ] = (0 ∶ w ∶ −1).
Note that factors of the form u − v or u − 1 (likewise for other combinations of u, v, and w)
can be canceled out, for u = v means P4 = P5 and u = 1 causes P4 = P1 . The three presumably
collinear points A, B, and C have the following homogeneous coordinates
A = (1 ∶ 0 ∶ −uv), B = (1 ∶ 1 ∶ v + w − vw), C = (1 + u − w ∶ u ∶ uw).
The coordinate vectors of A, B, and C are linearly dependent, and therefore, these three points
are collinear.
The limiting cases of Theorem 6.2.2 as described on page 223 can also be treated analytically.
We only have to be careful when canceling out factors of homogeneous coordinates.
The first part of Definition 6.4.1 could be slightly modified without chan-
ging the meaning substantially: The conics c and d with a common point
P and a common tangent t at P are osculating each other if there is a per-
spective collineation β with center P and an axis a through P such that
β(c) = d. The left-hand side of Figure 6.22 shows the osculating conics c
and d being each others collinear images.
Anyway, the center of the collineation mentioned in the first version has to
lie on t, and the axis a mentioned in the second version of the definition
has to pass through the two common points of c and d. Hence, both
collineations are elations. In Figure 6.22 (left), we can see the centers and
axes of both perspective collineations: C and t are the center and the axis
of α; P and a are the center and axis of β.
6.4 There is only one conic in a projective plane 245
α(L) a=t
a K ′ C
α(K) K
P =C
α(K) d d
c t
P ′′ 1 P
a P⋆ e P′
nP P′ R
a t′
t′ oP P
According to Definition 6.4.1, the axis a of this elation passes through P . Now, we have to
determine a such that tangents of e parallel to a are mapped to parallel tangents of o. Because
of the symmetry of oP with respect to any diameter, we reflect P in the principal and auxiliary
axes or e and we obtain P ′ and P ′′ . The tangents of c at P ′ and P ′′ are parallel to the wanted
axis. Thus, the pre-image of the center P ⋆ of oP is known (Figure 6.23, left). In Section 3.2,
we learned that there is also a differential geometric approach to the osculating circle.
◾ Example 6.4.5 Intersection of a line and a conic in P2 (R) with ruler and compass.
At this point, we should note that the perspective collineation α that maps a conic c into one
of its hyperosculating circles can be used in order to intersect a conic and a line graphically
(by straightedge and compass) with a minimum number of lines. Such questions seem to be
academic in nature, but line-saving drawings are useful even when using CAD systems.
● In the first case, we construct the intersection of a given line l with a hyperbola c. The
construction is shown in detail in Figure 6.24, left.
We are given the hyperbola c and its hyperosculating circle d at the vertex P . Now, we use the
perspective collineation κ that maps c to d. Its center is the point P of hyperosculation and
the axis coincides with the common tangent t of c and d at P . The asymptote a of c carries
the ideal point A ∈ c which is mapped to A′ ∈ d under κ. Thus, we have found the vanishing
line v. The line l′ = κ(l) is now determined by its fixed point l ∩ t and its vanishing point
which is the intersection of v and the parallel to l through P . The points T1 and T2 are the
intersections of l′ and d. The inverse collineation κ−1 sends them to the wanted intersection
points S1 and S2 on l.
t L
S1 ′
T1 T1 l
P ′ l′ A′
l P
T2 l d T2 d
t v v
● The intersection of a parabola c and a line l (see Figure 6.24, right) is relatively simple,
compared to the previous case. The vanishing line v of the perspective collineation κ (with
center P and axis t) has to be that tangent of d which is parallel to t. The line l′ = κ(l) is
again determined by its fixed point l ∩ t and its vanishing point L′ . Since κ(c) = d, we find the
points of intersection of c and l as the collinear images of d ∩ l′ under κ.
6.4 There is only one conic in a projective plane 247
● In the case of an ellipse c, we avoid the construction of the vanishing line. The line l intersects
the tangent of c at the principal vertex A that is opposite to P in a point 1. Since the latter
tangent is parallel to the tangent t at P , its κ-image is a parallel tangent of d. Thus, 1′ and
the fixed point l ∩ t determine l′ , and the common points of d and l′ are the κ−1 -images of
l′ ∩ d (see Figure 6.25).
1′ S1
T2 l′
S2 c
C c
t c′
c ′
x A d b
A′ a b
C′ B
with C ∈ c and D ∈ d.
According to Theorem 6.1.1, any two points of a conic can serve as base
points of a Steiner generation, as explained in Definition 6.1.1. Thus,
Definition 6.4.2 makes sense: If C and D are two different points on a
conic c, then c is perspective to both, the pencil C and the pencil D,
= c∧
and so we have a projectivity between the two pencils, i.e., C ∧ = D 1⇒
C−∧ D.
As a consequence of the axiom (FT), a projectivity α between two conics
c and d is uniquely defined by prescribing three pairs (Pi , Pi′ ) of assigned
points with α(Pi ) = Pi′ , Pi ∈ c, Pi′ ∈ d, and i ∈ {1, 2, 3}. Dual to that,
we have to define a mapping between the sets of tangents of two conics
by prescribing three pairs (ti , t′i ) of assigned tangents (cf. Figure 6.26).
Further, if c = d, then α ∶ c ↦ c is an automorphism of c. Figure 6.19 and
Theorem 5.4.2 reveal that each projectivity α ∶ c → c can be extended
to a projective collineation which mas c onto itself. Conversely, the re-
striction of each such projective collineation onto c is a projectivity on c.
We call such collineations projective automorphisms of c or automorphic
collineations of c and claim:
The fact that conics are isomorphic to lines and pencils can be used for
the determination of fixed points of projectivities. Let α ∶ l → l be a
projectivity on a line l with fixed points G1 and G2 . Projecting l from
some point C ∈ c (but C ∉ l) to c yields a projectivity β ∶ c → c, and the
fixed points G1 and G2 of α are mapped to fixed points F1 and F2 of β.
An important tool for the constructive approach to projectivities between
lines was given in Theorem 5.2.4. There, we have shown that a projectivity
α ∶ l → m between lines l ≠ m defines an axis pα such that for any two
points X, Y ∈ l with X ≠ Y and X ′ ≠ Y ′ ∈ m with α(X) = X ′ and
α(Y ) = Y ′ the point [X, Y ′ ] ∩ [X ′ , Y ] lies on pα . Theorem 6.2.2 was a
generalization of Pappus’s theorem to conics. These results lead to
A = 1 pα c
A′ = 4
Y =3 A
Y ′ =6
X =5 A′ F2
X =2 B′ C
F = α(F ) A l F 1 A′ B′ C′ F2 C B
FIGURE 6.27. Left: A projectivity α on a conic c and the axis pα , cf.
Theorem 6.4.4. Right: The construction of the fixed points F1 and F2 of a pro-
jectivity on a line l as described in Example 6.4.6. The conic c and the point
Z ∈ c can be chosen freely as long as Z ∉ l.
to be connected by a line in the construction, then the line is to be replaced by the tangent
to c at this point. Obviously, F = α(F ) is equivalent to F ∈ c ∩ pα . ◾
Proof: There are at most two tangents u, v of c passing through Z. Besides their points of
contact U and V , there are two further points A and C on c which are not collinear with the
center Z. Hence, [A, Z] ∩ c = {A, B} and [C, Z] ∩ c = {C, D}. Then, ABCD is a quadrangle
with Z as a diagonal point. Since the respective collineation keeps [Z, A] and [Z, C] fixed, it
interchanges A and B as well as C and D. The axis a must be the line carrying the remaining
diagonal points: [A, C] ∩ [B, D] and [A, D] ∩ [B, C]. On the other hand, only a harmonic
perspective collineation with center Z and axis a interchanges A with B and C with D.
tC u Z
D B a
FIGURE 6.28. The harmonic homology (center Z, axis a) from Theorem 6.4.5.
6.4 There is only one conic in a projective plane 251
It remains to show that maps c onto itself. Let tC and tD be the tangents of c at C and D.
We look at the projectivity σ from the pencil C to the pencil D that generates c. It maps
Since [D, A], [D, B], [D, C], tD are mutually distinct, Theorem 5.2.3 (page 191) applies, and
there exists a projectivity τ in the pencil D which interchanges [D, A] with [D, B] and [D, C]
with tD . Therefore, the composition τ ○ σ is a projectivity C −
∧ D with
[C, A] ↦ [D, B], [C, B] ↦ [D, A], [C, D] ↦ [D, C], tC ↦ tD .
Furthermore, we look at the restriction to the pencil about C: It maps [A, C] ↦ [B, D],
[B, C] ↦ [A, D], [C, D] ↦ [D, C]. Therefore, σ ○ τ acts like if restricted to the pencil about
C, and thus, (tC ) = tD . Consequently, c and (c) share four points A, B, C, D, and the
tangent tD at D. According to Theorem 6.1.2, we have c = (c).
Since is involutive, its restriction to the conic c is an involutive projectivity. The line a is also
the axis of c in the sense of Theorem 6.4.4, since [A, (C)] ∩ [(A), C] = [A, D] ∩ [C, B] ∈ a,
and further [A, (D)] ∩ [(A), D] = [A, C] ∩ [B, D] ∈ a, according to Theorem 6.2.2. In Fano
planes, involutive projectivities on lines as well as conics are never parabolic. Thus, a is never
tangent to c. ◾
F1 A B F2 B ′ A′ C
A B′
A′ C c
a F1 c a
B′ L
Iη A l B A′ B′
We should add a little comment on the analytic treatment of the involution of right angles.
Assume that C is given by its homogeneous coordinates (1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0). Then, we can represent the
lines in the pencil about C by their direction vectors which are at the same time homogeneous
coordinates of the lines in this pencil. Without loss of generality, a = (1 ∶ 0), a
= (0 ∶ 1),
b = (cos ϕ ∶ sin ϕ), and b
= (− sin ϕ ∶ cos ϕ) with 0 < ϕ < π2 . Then, the involution is described
by the matrix
0 −1
T=( ).
1 0
The eigenvectors of T are the coordinate vectors of the fixed lines. We use the complex
extension P2 (C) of P2 (R) and find f1 = (1 ∶ i) and f2 = (1 ∶ −i) which correspond to the two
complex conjugate lines with Cartesian coordinates
y = ±ix.
Indeed, these two lines are fixed under Euclidean rotations with any angle of rotation. These
lines are called isotropic lines of Euclidean Geometry through C. Through any point in the
(complex extended) Euclidean plane there exists such a pair of isotropic lines. The common
ideal points (0 ∶ 1 ∶ ±i) are called absolute points or absolute circle points of Euclidean Geo-
On the line y = ix, the Euclidean measurement of lengths degenerates: Let a, b ∈ R be two
different values. Then, the two points A = (a, ia) and B = (b, ib) have the Euclidean distance
√ √
AB = (a − b)2 + (ia − ib)2 = (a − b)2 − (a − b)2 = 0
although a ≠ b and A ≠ B.
● Any elliptic involution η on a line l gives rise to an elliptic involution in a pencil of lines
by simply inserting a perspectivity in between, while the property of being elliptic is not
violated. The right-hand side of Figure 6.29 (bottom) shows that for any elliptic and involutive
projectivity we can find a pair of points such that pairs (A, A′ ) of corresponding points can be
seen under right angles. (Two pairs (A, A′ ) and (B, B ′ ) of corresponding points determine η.)
Figure 6.29 shows only one such point L; the second one is the reflection of L in l. The point
L is usually called Laguerre point named after the French mathematician Edmond Laguerre
(1834–1886). L can be found as the intersection of the two Thales circles over the segments
AA′ and BB ′ .
The Laguerre point is useful when we have to find the image X ′ of a point X under an elliptic
involution on l: Draw the normal to [X, L] at L and intersect it with L, i.e., [X, L]
∩ l = X ′ .
Euclidean circles.
The name circle point can also be justified in the following way: The equation of the Euclidean
circle c with center C = (m, n)T ∈ R2 and radius r ∈ R+ reads either (in terms of inhomogeneous
Cartesian coordinates)
x2 + y 2 − 2mx − 2ny + m2 + n2 − r 2 = 0
or (in terms of homogeneous coordinates)
x21 + x22 − 2mx0 x1 − 2nx0 x2 + (m2 + n2 − r 2 )x20 = 0.
From the latter we can find the intersection of c with the ideal line x0 = 0 (cf. page 200) of
the projectively closed Euclidean plane as
I = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ i) and I = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ −i).
On the other hand, any conic that passes through I and I has an equation of the (inhomoge-
neous) form
a11 x2 + a22 y 2 + 2a01 x + 2a02 y + a00 = 0
254 Chapter 6: Projective conics
which can be verified by simply inserting the coordinates of I and I into the most general
form (6.12) (see page 240) ∑i,j=0...2 aij xi xj = 0 of a conic’s equation. Summarizing, we can
Corollary 6.4.2 Any conic in P2 (F) that passes through the absolute points I, I of Euclidean
geometry is a Euclidean circle, and vice versa.
Ih1 F Ih2
c c c c c
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
FIGURE 6.31. Common pairs of two involutions and common fixed points: Ie
and Ih are the centers of an elliptic and a hyperbolic involution on the conic c. (a)
and (b): There is a common pair of corresponding points if at least one involution
is elliptic. (c): A common fixed point F of two involutions can only appear if
both involutions are hyperbolic. (d): In case of two hyperbolic involutions, a
common corresponding pair either can appear, or it does not exist like in (e): If
the line [Ie , Ih ] connecting the two centers does not intersect c.
of lines about P . Since c passes through P the involution in the pencil induces an involution
on c, and according to Example 6.4.7 there exists a center of the involution where the chords
joining corresponding points meet. ◾
P c
tP c f
FIGURE 6.32. Left: Frégier’s theorem. Right: The points F trace a conic f if
P traces c.
FIGURE 6.33. The traces of centers of the involution of right angles lifted to a
hyperbola (left) and parabola (right): The hyperbola h produces a homothetic
hyperbola f . The parabola f is a translated copy of p.
6.4 There is only one conic in a projective plane 257
A′ κ(y)
c a′
p A′′
d = κ(c)
P A F = κ(F )
FIGURE 6.34. The two conics mentioned in the proof of Theorem 6.4.7.
one projective collineation κ with κ(A) = A′ , κ(A′ ) = A′′ , κ(P ) = P ′ , and κ(c) = d. The
collineation κ is not perspective since A, A′ , and A′′ are not collinear.
The projective mapping κ∣c ∶ c → d defines a projective mapping λA′ in the pencil A′ .
The lines a, a′ , and p are fixed lines of λA′ . Thus, λA′ is the identity mapping in the
pencil. Therefore, the projective mapping κ∣A generates c which according to 1. carries all
fixed points of κ. Since λA′ is the identity mapping, the fixed points of κ are precisely the
common points of c and d = κ(c) different from A′ .
3. Let F ∈ c ∩ d be a fixed point and f ∋ F a fixed line which meets c in a point G ≠ F .
Then, G ≠ A′ and G = f ∩ [G, A] ↦ κ(G) = f ∩ [G, A′ ] = G. Consequently, f must be the
connection of F with another fixed point G of κ. Therefore, if f is a fixed line through F
with the only incident fixed point F , then f is the uniquely determined tangent to c at F .
4. If F is fixed point on g with g ′ = κ(g) ≠ g, then g ′′ = κ(g ′ ) ≠ g ′ and F = g ∩ g ′ = g ′ ∩ g ′′ . The
projective mappings κ∣g ∶ g → g ′ and κ∣′g ∶ g ′ → g ′′ are perspective because F corresponds
to itself. The centers Z and Z ′ = κ(Z) deliver a fixed line [Z, Z ′ ] in case Z ≠ Z ′ , otherwise
[F, Z] is fixed.
It is clear that the dual statements hold as well. ◾
If the projective collineation is given analytically by its transformation
matrix T according to Theorem 5.4.1, then the coordinate vectors of the
fixed points are eigenvectors of T.
7 Polarities and pencils
πc ∶ P → L
c q
P (A) t A B = P (C)
A P T P (B)=C
πc (P )
t g
P (A)
FIGURE 7.1. Left: The polarity πc maps P to the axis p of P . Right: The
action of P and πc .
Lemma 7.1.1 The polarity w.r.t. any conic c has the property that Q ∈
πc (P ) implies that P ∈ πc (Q) for all points P and Q.
This lemma implies that πc is bijective since the inverse mapping exists:
If any line p is given, whether a tangent of c or not, choose two different
points Q1 , Q2 ∈ p. The corresponding polars πc (Q1 ) and πc (Q2 ) share a
point which must be the pole of p.
Any line g ≠ t through P that intersects c in a point, say A, intersects
c also at P (A) with H(P, g ∩ πc (P ), A, P (A)) (cf. Figure 7.1). Hence,
on the chords [A, P (A)] through P , the polar line p is the locus of the
fourth harmonic conjugates of P w.r.t. the pair (A, P (A)).
Let A, B ∈ c {P } such that A, B, and P are not collinear. Then,
A P (A) B P (B) is a quadrangle where P is one diagonal point. The
other two diagonal points span the polar line p of P (Figure 7.1).
which tells us that X ∈ c is incident with its λ-image. For any point X ∉ c,
we have λ(X) ∋/ X. We recall (6.10) for the vector representation of a
harmonic homology and insert c as a representative of the center C and
262 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
λ(C) = Ac for the axis. Thus, the harmonic homology C with center C
and axis λ(C) has the vector representation
c c c c tP
tS tS
Q tQ
x2 + y 2 = 0 x2 − y 2 = 0 x2 = 0
X x x
FIGURE 7.3. Left: The points on x = πc (X) are conjugate (w.r.t. the conic c)
to the point X. All lines through X are conjugate to x. Since there is a conic
(with real points), we have a hyperbolic polarity. Middle: Conjugate points and
lines in an elliptic polarity. Right: Some of the self-conjugate points and lines of
a hyperbolic polarity: the points and tangents of a conic.
The conic Q(x, x) = 0 carries no points if considered as a conic in the real projective plane
P2 (R). On the other hand, the matrix M is symmetric. Thus, the matrix M defines an elliptic
polarity ι considered as a polarity in the real projective plane. Note that ι as well as ι⋆ are
described by the identity matrix and ι ≠ idP2 .
c l
π̃c⋆ (l)
FIGURE 7.4. The particular elliptic polarity ι can be realized as the composition
of the polarity w.r.t. the circle ̃
c and the reflection in the common center O of the
elliptic polarity and ̃c. A line l is mapped to its anti-pole L, i.e., the reflection
of π̃c⋆ in O. The anti-inversion w.r.t. ̃c sends the pedal point F of l to L.
We can visualize ι by assuming that the underlying coordinate frame is Cartesian. The pole of
the ideal line (1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0) is the point (1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0) which has inhomogeneous coordinates O = (0, 0)
and be the origin of a Cartesian frame. The point O is called the center of the polarity.
A line l with inhomogeneous equation x = d (and homogeneous coordinates (−d ∶ 1 ∶ 0)) is
mapped to the point L = (−d ∶ 1 ∶ 0), i.e., L = (− 1d , 0) =∶ (d′ , 0) which gives
dd′ = −1.
Consequently, L can be found be constructing a right angled triangle as shown in Figure 7.4.
Let F denote the pedal point of l w.r.t. O. Then, the mapping F ↦ L is an elliptic and
involutive projectivity just as we have seen in Example 5.4.3 (on page 213) and in Figure 5.23.
The reflection M of L in O satisfies OM ⋅ OL = 1. Further, M is the pole of the line l under
the polarity η with the coordinate matrix C = diag(−1, 1, 1). Since xT Cx = 0 is the equation
of the unit circle ̃
c, M is the pole of l w.r.t. ̃
c. Therefore, ι can be realized as the composition
of the reflection in O and the subsequent polarity with respect to the unit circle. In the older
literature, the mapping ι is called an anti-polarity.
The mapping that sends the point F to L is called anti-inversion. The restriction of the
anti-inversion to lines through the center O is that kind of projectivity that is shown in
Example 5.4.3 on page 213. Here, the unit circle ̃c takes the role of the Laguerre points and is
sometimes called the real representative for the conic ⟨x, x⟩ = 0 without real points.
Pairs of conjugate points on the ideal line ω are seen from the center O under a right angle.
It is easy to see that each elliptic polarity in P2 (R) is the composition of the polarity in an
ellipse ̃
c and the reflection in the center of ̃c.
A hyperbolic polarity - orthogonality and the Euclidean unit circle. The Euclidean unit circle c
with its Cartesian equation x2 + y 2 = 1 can be given an equation in homogeneous coordinates
266 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
by letting x = x1 x−1 −1
0 and y = x2 x0 which yields
⎛ −1 0 0 ⎞ ⎛ x0 ⎞
−x20 + x21 + x22 = (x0 , x1 , x2 ) ⎜ 0 1 0 ⎟ ⎜ x1 ⎟ = xT Mx = 0.
⎝ 0 0 1 ⎠ ⎝ x2 ⎠
t2 P B1 R
T2 P
t1 c
C B2 Q
C T1
c p
FIGURE 7.5. Left: The polar line p of P w.r.t. c intersects c in the points T1
and T2 . These are the points of contact of c’s tangents t1 and t2 through P .
Middle: The pair ([C, B1 ], [C, B2 ]) of axes is a pair of conjugate diameters of
c. The triangle CB1 B2 is a polar triangle of c. Right: Any vertex of a polar
triangle P QR is the pole of the opposite side line. In P2 (R), each polar triangle
has precisely one interior vertex.
We define the center of the circle c as the center of the polarity πc . In this case, it is the point
C = (1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0). A line d through the center of the conic is called a diameter. Here, all lines
a1 x1 + a2 x2 = 0 with (a1 ∶ a2 ) ≠ (0 ∶ 0) are diameters.
In general, the diameters of a conic are the polar lines of all ideal points. The center of the
conic is the pole of the ideal line w.r.t. the conic. A pair (d1 , d2 ) of diameters is called conjugate
pair or a pair of conjugate diameters if, and only if, the two diameters (or equivalently their
ideal points) are conjugate w.r.t. c.
A pair (d1 , d2 ) of conjugate diameters of a circle is a pair of orthogonal lines: Assume u =
(u0 , u1 , u2 )T and v = (v0 , v1 , v2 )T are the homogeneous coordinates of two different diameters
u and v of a circle centered at the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system. Then, u0 = v0 = 0
and the conjugacy of u and v can be expressed in terms of coordinates as
⎛ 0 ⎞ u v
(0, u1 , u2 )M−1 ⎜ v1 ⎟ = u1 v1 + u2 v2 = ⟨( 1 ) , ( 1 )⟩ = 0
⎝ v2 ⎠ u2 v2
which means that the canonical scalar product of the normal vectors of the lines u and v
vanishes. Therefore, the diameters are orthogonal (see Figure 7.5, middle). There, we can see
the special pair ([C, B1 ], [C, B2 ]) with B1 = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ 0) and B2 = (0 ∶ 0 ∶ 1).
On the right-hand side of Figure 7.5, we can see a polar triangle of c. In general, a triangle
P QR is called a polar triangle of a polarity or a conic, if each vertex is the pole of the opposite
side line. In case of a hyperbolic polarity, precisely one vertex of the polar triangle is an interior
point of the conic c. In case of an elliptic polarity, we cannot distinguish between interior and
outer points.
7.1 Polar system of a conic 267
The construction of a polar triangle within a given polarity π (no matter, whether it is elliptic
or hyperbolic) starts with the choice of a point P which is not self-conjugate. Then, we
determine the polar line p = π(P ) of P . Finally, we choose a point Q ∈ p which implies
P ∈ π(Q), by virtue of Lemma 7.1.1. The third vertex of the polar triangle equals R = p∩π(Q).
Looking back to Figure 7.4 accompanying the previous example of an elliptic polarity, we see
that the points F = (1 ∶ d ∶ 0) and M = (d ∶ 1 ∶ 0) satisfy OF ⋅ OM = d ⋅ d1 = 1. They are said
to lie inverse w.r.t. the unit circle ̃
c. The mapping F ↦ M is called inversion w.r.t. the unit
circle or reflection in the unit circle. In Section 7.5, we shall see that the inversion in a circle
is a special case of a birational quadratic transformation. We speak briefly of a conjugate pair
of points and lines.
Polar forms
◾ Example 7.1.2 Polar forms of conics in the Euclidean plane. We assume that
x2 y 2
c∶ ± =1
a2 b2
is an ellipse (or hyperbola) with semiaxis lengths a and b. Thus, A = diag(−1, a−2 , ±b−2 ). For
x = (1, x, y) and y = (1, x′ , y ′ ), we obtain
xx′ yy ′
p(x, y) = −1 + ± 2
a2 b
′2 ′2
which gives the equation of the tangent tP to c at P = (x′ , y ′ ) if P ∈ c, i.e., if −1 + xa2 ± yb2 = 0.
A parabola may be given by
⎛ 0 0 −q ⎞
x2 − 2qy = 0 ⇐⇒ xT ⎜ 0 1 0 ⎟ x = 0.
⎝ −q 0 0 ⎠
l X
P P′
x T
p F1
c c c
FIGURE 7.6. Involutions induced by the polar system of a conic c: Left: The
involution of conjugate points on the line l is elliptic if l ∩ c = ∅. Middle: The
fixed points of the involution of conjugate points on the line l are the common
points of l and c. Right: There is no involution on a tangent t. The point T is
conjugate to all points of t.
traverses a line l? The polar line p goes through the pole P = πc (P ), and
we get P ′ ∶= p ∩ l for the point P ′ which is conjugate to P . The mapping
λ ∶ P ↦ P ′ is linear in terms of homogeneous coordinates of points, and
bijective, if l is not tangent to c. Thus, it is a projectivity. Moreover, λ is
involutive because π(P ′ ) ∋ P , according to Lemma 7.1.1. The mapping λ
is called involution of conjugate points (see Figure 7.6).
If the involution λ of conjugate points on a line l is elliptic, then there
are no common points of c and l. On the other hand, if there exists a
fixed point F1 of λ, then it is a common point of l and c. In this case,
there exists a further fixed point F2 since involutions are never parabolic
in Fano planes. Hence, l meets c in these two points (cf. Figure 7.6).
However, the case of a tangent t of c is different: Any point on t is conju-
gate to the point T of contact of c and t, since the polar lines of all points
on t are passing through T (see Figure 7.6). So, there is no involutive
projectivity on t induced by πc .
As the dual counterpart of the involution of conjugate points, we find
the involution of conjugate lines about a point P , provided that P is
not self-conjugate, i.e., P ∉ c. Figure 7.7 shows pairs (l, l′ ) and (m, m′ )
of lines conjugate w.r.t. a conic c. In the left-hand figure, the common
point of these four lines lies in the interior of c, and thus, the involution
of conjugate lines is elliptic. The right-hand figure shows the hyperbolic
case. The point P is an outer point of c. Then, the fixed lines of the
involution of conjugate lines through the point P are the tangents t1 and
t2 of c through P .
7.1 Polar system of a conic 269
m t1 l
l p
c m
c t2
l′ m′ ′
D′ A2 D′
F2 A2 F1 D A
f1 D
A1 A1 A
h p A
f2 e D
D′ ′
D′ D
FIGURE 7.8. Conjugate diameters: Left: The two fixed lines of the involution
of conjugate diameters of a hyperbola h are the asymptotes of h. Middle: An
ellipse e has no asymptotes. Like the hyperbola h, the ellipse has two axes being
the only pair of orthogonal conjugate diameters. Right: The parabola p with its
only axis and the vertex V has parallel diameters.
point of the hyperbola. Any other diameter d = [C, D] is the line spanned
by the center C and an arbitrary ideal point D. The diameter d′ conjugate
to d passes through the ideal point D ′ which is the conjugate of D on the
ideal line w.r.t. D. Consequently, the tangents at the endpoints of any
diameter are parallel to the conjugate diameter. Note that conjugacy is a
symmetric relation.
In the case of an elliptic involution of conjugate diameters in the pencil
about the center, the conic c is an ellipse since it has no self-conjugate
ideal points. Consequently, the center of an ellipse c is an interior point
of c. Again, pairs (d, d′ ) of conjugate diameters show the characteristic
behavior: The tangents at the endpoints of d and d′ form a parallelogram
(cf. Figure 7.8).
In both cases, ellipse and hyperbola, we defined the axes of the conic
as the orthogonal pair (a1 , a2 ) of conjugate diameters. Thus, (a1 , a2 ) is
a pair of assigned elements in both involutions, the involution of right
angles and the involution of conjugate diameters. Since the involution of
right angles is elliptic, there exists one pair, no matter if the involution
of conjugate diameters is elliptic or hyperbolic (cf. page 255).
The points of intersection of an ellipse or a hyperbola with its axes are
the vertices. Since the center C is an interior point of an ellipse c, there
are four vertices, because both axes meet c in two points. In the case of
a hyperbola, there are only two (real) vertices.
In the case of a parabola, there is exactly one ideal point A that is self-
conjugate since the parabola touches the ideal line. Therefore, the para-
bola has no center. It is impossible to view a parabola as the limit of an
infinite sequence of ever stretching ellipses. The lines through A are the
diameters of the parabola (see Figure 7.8). The parabola has only one
axis which is that diameter of the parabola which is perpendicular to the
tangent at its finite point of intersection with the parabola. So, if we want
to find the axis of a parabola, we first have to find the point V on c whose
tangent is orthogonal to the diameters. The point V is the only vertex of
the parabola.
As shown in Figure 7.9, we are looking for the parabola’s ideal point P in the first step. On the
chord [A, B], the ideal point I and midpoint M of AB are conjugate w.r.t. p. Since T = a ∩ b
is the pole of [A, B], the line [T, M ] carries p’s ideal point P .
I A a A
a P V
P b
p B 2
P P P p b
FIGURE 7.9. The vertex of a parabola on two line elements (A, a) and (B, b) is
constructed with the help of only six lines (left). The construction is based on
three harmonic quadruples (right).
Once we have found the direction of p’s axis, i.e., the ideal point P , we know that the ortho-
gonal direction P
is the direction of the tangent at the vertex V .
The second step is the construction of the vertex V being a point of p with a tangent [V, P
orthogonal to the diameters: We intersect the diameters through A and V with the orthogonal
line [T, P
] and obtain the points 1 and 2. Now, we claim that V = [1, B]∩[2, A] is the vertex.
Proof: The point 1 is the center of a harmonic homology 1 which is automorphic for p. We
have 1 ∶ A ↦ P , and T on the tangent a at A is mapped to P
on the line at infinity which
is tangent at P . The point 2 as the fourth harmonic point to the center 1 w.r.t. (T, P
) must
be a point of the axis of 1 , and therefore, remains fixed. Hence 1 maps B ∈ [2, P ] ∩ p to
V = [2, A] ∩ [1, B] ∈ p and the tangent b = [B, T ] to the tangent [V, P
] at V to p which
confirms that V is the vertex. ◾
If P
is replaced with another ideal point, then this construction gives the point of contact of
the second tangent drawn from this point to p.
Theorem 7.1.3 Let A, B, C be three mutually distinct points on a conic c. Any line l
conjugate to one side of the triangle ABC intersects the other two lines in a pair (P, Q) of
points conjugate w.r.t. c.
Proof: It means no restriction to assume that l is conjugate to [A, B] (see Figure 7.10).
Therefore, l passes through the pole S of [A, B]. Without loss of generality, we let c ∶ x0 x2 −x21 =
0 and A = (1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0), B = (0 ∶ 0 ∶ 1), and C = (1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1). Consequently, S = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ 0) and the
line l has an equation of the form μx0 − λx2 = 0. The intersections of l with [A, C] and [B, C]
272 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
c l
are thus P = (λ ∶ μ ∶ μ) and Q = (λ ∶ λ ∶ μ). Since the coeffcient matrix of c (which is also the
coordinate matrix of c’s polarity) equals
⎛ 0 0 1 ⎞
A=⎜ 0 −2 0 ⎟,
⎝ 1 0 0 ⎠
where we used the fact that the inverse of a symmetric matrix is again
symmetric. So, we can say:
c⋆ ∶ uT A−1 u = 0. (7.4)
◾ Example 7.1.5 Dual curve of a circle. In P2 (R), the equation of the conic c ∶ − r2 x20 + x21 +
x22 = xT Ax = 0 with r ∈ R and r > 0 equals the equation of its dual curve if, and only if, r = 1
since then
⎛ −r ⎛ −r
0 0 ⎞ 0 0 ⎞
A=⎜ 0 1 0 ⎟ and A−1 = ⎜ 0 1 0 ⎟
⎝ 0 0 1 ⎠ ⎝ 0 0 1 ⎠
are proportional matrices.
Dual parabola. What does the dual of a parabola look like? Assume we are given the parabola
p ∶ 2ax0 x2 − x21 = 0 with positive a. Here, we have
⎛ 0 0 a ⎞ ⎛ 0 0 a−1 ⎞
A=⎜ 0 −1 0 ⎟ and A−1 = ⎜ 0 −1 0 ⎟.
⎝ a 0 0 ⎠ ⎝ a−1 0 0 ⎠
Thus, the dual curve has the equation
p⋆ ∶ 2u0 u2 − au21 = 0.
It depends on the choice of the ideal line in the dual plane if the curve p⋆ is a parabola or not.
Focal points
In Section 2.1, we have defined conics in E2 as sets of points satisfying
certain distance relations. There, the focal points appeared first. Now,
we shall see that the focal points of a conic can be defined within the
framework of Projective Geometry. Later, in Section 7.5, we shall treat
focal points once again, but in a different way.
We define a focal point of a conic c in the real projective plane as follows:
h l l
l ′
l F
F m
F l′
l′ f m
e m′
m′ m′
FIGURE 7.11. The involution of conjugate lines w.r.t. the conic equals the
involution of right angles exactly in the pencils about the focal points. For the
case of an ellipse e (left), a hyperbola h (center), and a parabola p (right), two
pairs (l, l′ ) and (m, m′ ) of conjugate and orthogonal lines are displayed.
x2 y 2 ⎛ 1 ⎞
c∶ + − 1 = (1 x y) M ⎜ x ⎟ = 0.
a2 b2 ⎝ y ⎠
with M = diag (−1, a−2 , b−2 ) where a > b means no restriction. We want to
find the focal points of c. Let F = f F with f = (f0 , f1 , f2 ) be a point in the
complex extension P2 (C). The homogeneous coordinates of the isotropic
lines a1 = [F, I] and a2 = [F, I] = a1 are
a1 = (if1 − f2 ∶ −if0 ∶ f0 ) and a2 = (−if1 − f2 ∶ if0 ∶ f0 ) = a1 .
The lines a1 and a2 are tangent to c if, and only if, they are self-conjugate
w.r.t. c. In other words, a1 and a2 have to be points of the dual curve c⋆ .
Thus, the coordinate vectors of a1 and a2 fulfill
1 M a1 = f1 + 2if1 f2 − f2 − f0 (a − b ) = 0,
aT 2 2 2 2 2
2 M a2 = f1 − 2if1 f2 − f2 − f0 (a − b ) = 0.
aT 2 2 2 2 2
7.1 Polar system of a conic 275
b a b
F1 a F1 e F2 V F V⋆
e F2 a p p
FIGURE 7.12. Construction of the focal points of the ellipse (left), the hyperbola
(center), and the parabola (right).
● Exercise 7.1.3 Focal points of a hyperbola. Compute the focal points of the hyperbola
x2 y 2
h∶ − =1
a2 b2
in the way shown above. Prove that the construction shown in Figure 7.12 is a proper way of
finding the focal points of a hyperbola.
The parabola’s only focal point. Show that the point F = (1 ∶ q ∶ 0) is the only focus of the
parabola p ∶ y 2 − 4qx = 0. The point F is the midpoint of the segment between the vertex
V = (1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0) and its center V ⋆ = (1 ∶ q ∶ 0) of curvature.
Conjugacy between focal points and directrices. Show that a focal point and the associated
directrix of a conic c are polar w.r.t. c, i.e., a pair consisting of a pole and a polar line.
276 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
F1 2′ 1′
1 P1
Q G2
FIGURE 7.13. A conic constructed from the polar triangle P1 P2 P3 and a pair
(Q, q) consisting of a pole with its polar line.
1′ q
e e
P3 P3
e 1′ h h
2 2 1
Q 1 q e
2′ Q
P1 3 P2 3′ 3′ P1 3 P2
FIGURE 7.14. The sequence of elliptic (e) and hyperbolic (h) involutions on a
polar triangle is either (e,h,h) (left) or (e,e,e) (right).
tions on all three side lines of the polar triangle are elliptic. Then, there
are no self-conjugate points, and therefore, there is no conic. Figure 7.14
shows the two possible distributions of elliptic and hyperbolic involutions
induced on the side lines of a polar triangle.
● Exercise 7.2.1 A conic from a polar triangle and a line element. How does the construction
of the above example change if the pair (Q, q) is replaced by an incident (self-conjugate) pair
Q ∈ q, i.e., a point Q plus the tangent q at Q.
⎛ −r ⎛ m +n −R −m −n ⎞
2 2 2 2
0 0 ⎞
P=⎜ 0 1 0 ⎟ and A=⎜ −m 1 0 ⎟.
⎝ 0 0 1 ⎠ ⎝ −n 0 1 ⎠
Inserting P and A into (7.5), we arrive at the coordinate matrix of the conic d that is polar
to c w.r.t. p:
⎛ −r
r2 m r2 n ⎞
PA P = ⎜ r m R − m
2 2 2
−mn ⎟ .
⎝ r n
−mn R −n ⎠
2 2
Figure 7.15 shows the images d of three different circles c under the polarity πp . The common
points of d and p transform to the common tangents of p and d, while the common tangents
of c and p map to the common points of c and d.
Now, it is easy to show that the conic d has the center
(m, n)
m2 + n2 − R2
280 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
c d
p c
d p c p
FIGURE 7.15. The polar transform of a circle c w.r.t. a circle p yields a conic d:
Common points of c and p are mapped to common tangents of p and d; common
tangents of c and q are mapped to common points of p and d.
This classification of the polar image of a conic remains valid if the hyper-
bolic polarity πP from Example 7.2.1 is replaced by an elliptic polarity
since an elliptic polarity also has a center. The center is just the pole of
the line at infinity.
The results of this section can also can be used in order to solve some
conic problems by means of a graphical construction.
e3 l3
l2 e2
l1 l3
P2 l1
p3 P1
P3 F e4
l2 f
given focus F is an interior point of one of the tritangent circles of the lines pi or lies on one of
them. F cannot be the interior point of more than one circle ei because the tritangent circles
ei of the lines pi are the incircle together with the excircles of the triangle built by the lines
p1 , p2 , p3 . These circles are known to be disjoint.
Homofocal parabolas. We try a variation of the previous example. We are looking for all para-
bolas on two points P1 , P2 and a given focus F (Figure 7.17).
Again, we apply the polarity w.r.t. to a circle f centered at F : The given points P1 , P2 are
mapped to lines p1 , p2 and possible solutions (which should pass through P1 and P2 ) are, thus,
transformed into conics tangent to p1 and p2 . The focus considered as the intersection of a
pair of isotropic tangents to the solutions maps to the absolute points of Euclidean geometry,
and therefore, the polar transforms of the desired conics are circles tangent to p1 , p2 . Further,
the ideal line is mapped to F , because the center of f and the ideal line correspond to each
other in the polarity.
282 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
p1 P1
P2 l1
M2 F
f e2
FIGURE 7.17. The two parabolas l1 and l2 on two points with a common focus
are found in the following way: Find the circles e1 and e2 which are tangent to
the polar lines p1 , p2 of P1 , P2 w.r.t. f . Then, apply the polarity w.r.t. f to e1 ,
e2 .
Hence, we are looking for the circles tangent to p1 , p2 passing through F . In the generic case,
there are two solutions e1 and e2 , as shown in Figure 7.17. Their polar transforms are the
parabolas l1 and l2 .
7.3 Pencils of conics 283
An introductory example
2a √
x =
x0= 3 2
2 ay
y0 =
22 x
a 2a
FIGURE 7.18. The Delian cube duplication problem: The volume of the two
cubes on the left have ratio 2 ∶ 1. How can one construct the scaling factor of
the edge length?
the plague. The oracle wanted the Delians to build a new altar of twice
the volume of the old altar. Unfortunately, the altar was a regular cube,
and so, the Delians had to duplicate a cube. The ancient Egyptians and
Indians also knew this type of mathematical problem.
In principle, one has to find or construct 3 2 in order to solve the Delian
problem. Sad to say, but ruler and compass are not sufficient to construct
the cube root of two, as shown in 1837 by the French mathematician
Pierre Laurent Wantzel (1814–1848).
However, the Greek geometers discovered a way to construct 3 2 using
two parabolas, as shown in Figure 7.18. Assume that
are the two parabolas. Obviously, (7.6) is a system of two quadratic equa-
tions in the unknowns x and y. The solutions of (7.6) are
√ √
(x, y) = (0, 0), (x, y) = ( 2a, 4a).
3 3
The first solution is of no√importance for the Delian problem. The second
one with a = 1 gives x = 3 2, precisely that what the Delians were looking
for. If we allow a tool that draws parabolas, then the problem is solvable
in a constructive way.
We have solved a system of two quadratic equations in two variables.
An equivalent problem is to search for all points common to two curves
of degree two (cf. Section 6.3). In this particular case, we could extract
the solutions by mere elementary operations. However, this will not be
sufficient when it comes to the more general case with two quadratic
On the other hand, how do the configurations of two conics look like?
It can easily be imagined that there may occur more than two common
points, see Figure 7.19.
I I ω
d c
S1 S2
FIGURE 7.20. A complex and projective view on two circles: There are four
common points spanning three pairs of lines.
The four common points of the two “circles” c and d, as illustrated in Figu-
re 7.20, can be thread up by three pairs of lines, one real pair (magenta),
two of them consisting of a pair of complex lines (dashed in cyan and
violet): The real pair is (l m) with l = [I, I] and m = [S1 , S2 ]). The two
complex pairs are ([I, S1 ], [I, S2 ]) and ([I, S2 ], [I, S1 ]).
These pairs of lines can be viewed as singular conics each sharing the
same four points with c and d.
Consequently, it is natural to treat pairs of conics in the projective plane.
Whenever we deal with equations and coordinates, we prefer the homo-
geneous representation and extend the underlying field F properly. As we
shall see, a purely synthetic approach to pencils of conics is also possible.
On the other hand, five lines considered as the tangents of a conic also
define a unique conic if no three of these lines are concurrent.
What happens if we remove one point or line? In the following, we use
Definition 7.3.1 The family of all regular conics through the vertices of
a quadrangle B1 B2 B3 B4 is called a pencil (of conics) of the first kind.
The points Bi with i ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4} are called base points of the pencil.
Some conics in a pencil of the first kind are displayed in Figure 7.21.
How many conics are in this pencil? If we choose an arbitrary point P
which is not collinear with any two of the given base points, then we know
that there is a unique conic through B1 , . . . , B4 , and P . So, it seems that
there are as many conics in the pencil as there are points in the plane
(besides the one which are collinear with the base points). However, there
is only one degree of freedom in a pencil of conics, and the pencil is a
fibration of the projective plane. This can easily be seen with (6.13) by
writing down a conic’s equation in terms of homogeneous coordinates
t1 t2
B4 B3
B1 B2
B2 B3
B1 t1
FIGURE 7.21. Definition of pencils of conics: from left to right; the first three
7.3 Pencils of conics 287
There are some other types of pencils of conics which differ from the
viewpoint of synthetic geometry but not from the algebraic point of view:
The pencil of the second kind can be seen as a pencil of the first kind:
One base point of a pencil of the first kind, say B4 , has moved infinitely
close to B1 . In the limit, the two points become one point plus the tangent
there. An example of a pencil of the second kind can be seen in Figure 7.21
(middle). Naturally, the second type of pencil contains a one-parameter
family of conics as is the case for the pencil of the first kind.
The transition from the pencil of the first kind to that of the second kind
gives a rough idea of how to proceed in order to find the remaining kinds
of pencils of conics. Assume that we have two such limiting procedures:
Let B4 move towards B1 , and B3 move towards B2 . Then, we obtain:
The pencil of the third kind consists of doubly touching conics and is a
one-parameter family of conics. Some of the conics in a pencil of the third
kind can be seen in Figure 7.21 (right).
There are two further types of pencils. We can modify a pencil of the
second kind as described in Definition 7.3.1 and assume that the third
base point B3 is moving towards the point B1 . Algebraically speaking, we
have three points infinitely close together, and therefore, any two conics
in this pencil intersect at B3 with multiplicity three.
However, there is a more geometric way to define new pencils of conics.
For that purpose, we use Definition 6.4.1 and recall the perspective colli-
neation α between any two conics in the pencil.
From the definition of osculation and hyperosculation, it is clear that the
family of conics which are osculating a given conic k at B1 and share a
288 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
Figure 7.22 shows some conics in a pencil of the fourth and fifth kind.
The base points and some special conics in the pencil are highlighted.
t1 t1
c c
FIGURE 7.22. Pencils of conics in P2 (R): Left: The pencil of the fourth kind
with base points B1 , B2 , and the base tangent t1 consists of all conics that
osculate a conic c at B1 . Right: The pencil of the fifth kind consists of all conics
that hyperosculate c at B1 . In both cases, c is also an element of the pencil.
Analytic representation
The analytic representation of pencils of conics in P2 (F) enables us to
extend the previously defined pencils to singular conics. The following
7.3 Pencils of conics 289
Lemma 7.3.1 In P2 (F) with charF ≠ 2, the curves of degree two with the
equation xT Kx = 0 where K ∈ F3×3 with KT = K is
1. a conic or the empty set if, and only if, rkK = 3,
2. a repeated line if, and only if, rkK = 1,
3. a pair of lines or a single point if, and only if, rkK = 2.
Proof: We have already learned that a regular symmetric matrix defines a polarity where the
set of self-conjugate points is either empty or a conic. In the case of det K = 0 the singular
points S = sF are solving the system of homogeneous linear equations Ks = 0. Singular points
have the property that with any other point P = pF of the curve, i.e., with pT Kp = 0, all
points of the line [S, P ] = (λs + μp)F with (λ, μ) ∈ F2 {(0, 0)}, satisfy the quadratic equation.
In the case of rkK = 1 there is a line of singular points. If there exists another point p satisfying
the quadratic equation, all points in the plane satisfy this equation and K = 0. ◾
k ∶ xT Kx = 0 and l ∶ xT Lx = 0
Theorem 7.3.1 If the pencil of conics of any kind is spanned by the co-
nics k ∶ xT Kx = 0 and l ∶ xT Lx = 0, then all conics of the pencil are
included in the family of curves satisfying any non-trivial linear combina-
Proof: The coordinates of each base point Bi annihilate the equations of k and l, and therefore,
also each linear combination. Thus, all conics defined by (7.8) pass through the base points.
If any two points P , Q are conjugate w.r.t. k and l, then they are conjugate w.r.t. each curve
given in (7.8), since pT Kq = pT Lq = 0 implies pT (κK + λL)q = 0. If, therefore, k and l share
the line element (Bi , ti ), then each P ∈ t1 is conjugate to Bi w.r.t. k and l. Hence, all other
conics in (7.8) contain this line element.
If k and l are hyperosculating at B1 , then each P ∈ t1 has the same polar line w.r.t. k and l.
Consequently, all other conics in (7.8) hyperosculate k and l at B1 .
If finally k and l span a pencil of the fourth kind, then l share (B1 , t1 ) and another point
B2 ∉ t1 with k such that no other point or the tangent at B2 is common to k and l. This
condition holds for all other conics in the pencil as well as for each conic in (7.8).
Hence, for all pencils of any kind, each included conics satisfies also (7.8). Conversely, if any
regular conic satisfying (7.8) is given, choose any point Q different from the base points. The
290 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
pencil as well as the linear family (7.8) send just one conic through this point Q, and the two
conics must coincide. Thus, the set of regular conics in (7.8) is a pencil. ◾
Note that either conic in the pencil can be seen as a point in a five-
dimensional space. Then, a pencil of conics is a line in this space.1
The result of Theorem 7.3.1 is a good reason to extend the Definitions
7.3.1, 7.3.2, 7.3.3, and 7.3.4 as given below.
Definition 7.3.5 The set of regular or singular conics which satisfy any
linear combination of the equations of two different conics k and l, is
called a pencil of conics. In this sense, we extend all kinds of pencils of
conics by the respective singular conics.
◾ Example 7.3.1 Conics of a pencil through certain points.
l P k
1 p
1 x
In P2 (R), we are looking for the conic p through P = (− 12 , 2) in the pencil of conics spanned
by k ∶ 2y 2 − 3x − 5 = 0 and l ∶ 5x2 − 2y 2 + 3x = 0. The equations of all conics in the pencil are
given by
κ(2y 2 − 3x − 5) + λ(5x2 − 2y 2 + 3x) = 0 with κ ∶ λ ≠ 0 ∶ 0.
If a certain curve from that family runs through P , then the ratio κ ∶ λ ≠ 0 ∶ 0 is to be
determined such that the latter equation is fulfilled. Therefore, we substitute the first and
The idea of treating conics as points in five-dimensional projective space is due to the Italian
mathematician Giuseppe Veronese, 1854–1917.
7.3 Pencils of conics 291
3κ − 11λ = 0 ⇐⇒ κ ∶ λ = 11 ∶ 6.
The conic p through P (as displayed in Figure 7.23) has the equation
p ∶ 6x2 + 2y 2 − 3x − 11 = 0.
We can look for special types of conics in a given pencil. We show this by
means of examples:
1 x
In the projectively extended Euclidean plane let two conics k and l be given by their equations
We homogenize the equations and write the pencil in the form given in (7.8). The intersection
with the ideal line u is given by x0 = 0. In the matrix representation of (7.8), we have to
remove the first column and the first row, and we arrive at the quadratic form
The zeros of this quadratic form correspond to the ideal points of the conics in the pencil. In
order to find parabolas, we have to determine κ ∶ λ such that the conics touch the ideal line.
In other words: We have to look for double solutions. The existence of a double solution of a
quadratic form is equivalent to the vanishing of the determinant of the coefficient matrix. In
our example, we find
κ ∶ λ = −83 ∶ 9 and κ ∶ λ = −37 ∶ 1.
292 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
Now, the equations κ ⋅ k + λ ⋅ l = 0 are the equations of the two parabolas in the pencil and read
p1 ∶ 9y 2 − 43y − 6x + 40 = 0 and p2 ∶ x2 − y = 0.
Figure 7.24 shows four conics in the pencil: k, l and the two parabolas p1 and p2 .
From this example, we learn that there are at most two parabolas in a generic pencil of conics
in P2 (R). This fits to Theorem 7.4.1, as we shall see later. However, there exist pencils of
conics which contain only parabolas.
Now, we have to find κ ∶ λ in (7.8) such that the coefficient matrix of the quadratic form in
x ∶ y is a scalar multiple of the 2 × 2 unit matrix I2 . Therefore, we extract the matrices of
the quadratic forms by removing the first rows and columns of the coefficient matrices of the
homogeneous equations and arrive at
6 1 3 2
K=( ) and L=( )
1 12 2 15
6κ + 3λ = 12κ + 15λ, κ + 2λ = 0, κ + 2λ = 0
which is a system of three homogeneous linear equations in two unknowns, namely κ and λ.
Normally, we cannot expect a non-trivial solution. Since K and L are symmetric, the third
equation equals the second one and can, thus, be canceled. Since the first equation simplifies
to κ + 2λ = 0, it is equivalent to the second, and we end with one homogeneous equation with
solutions κ ∶ λ = −2 ∶ 1.
Consequently, there is one circle c in the pencil. It has the equation
c ∶ − 2 ⋅ (6x2 + 2yx + 12y 2 − 28y − 24) + 1 ⋅ (3x2 + 4yx + 15y 2 − 38y − 12) =
= −9x2 − 9y 2 + 18y + 36 = −9(x2 + y 2 − 2y − 4) = 0.
conics k and l as well as the circle c. The circle c is centered at (0, 1),
Figure 7.25 shows the √
and the radius equals 5.
FIGURE 7.25. There is only one circle in the pencil of conics spanned by k and
l (cf. Example 7.3.3).
From that we infer that there are at most three singular conics in the
pencil since this determinant is a cubic form in κ ∶ λ, i.e., a homogeneous
cubic polynomial. We shall emphasize that we are not interested in the
trivial solution κ ∶ λ = 0 ∶ 0 for it corresponds to the zero matrix which is
not the coefficient matrix of a conic.
It turns out that the singular conics can serve as a basis of a pencil in
three types. As we shall see, there are two kinds of pencils of conics that
cannot be spanned by taking only singular conics.
In the following, we assume that K and L are regular. Later we shall see
what happens if we drop this assumption.
Remark 7.3.1 For any root κ ∶ λ of (7.8) the quotient κ/λ can be seen as generalized eigenvalue
of K w.r.t. L. We will meet these eigenvalues again in (9.24) in Section 9.5.
First, we are dealing with the case of three different roots of (7.9). Any of
these roots has multiplicity one, and thus, we have three different singular
conics s1 , s2 , s3 in the pencil. The singular conics s1 , s2 , and s3 are pairs
of lines through four common points B1 , B2 , B3 , and B4 . This is a pencil
of conics of the first kind. All conics in the pencil, including the singular
ones, share the four base points B1 , . . . , B4 . Figure 7.26 shows some
conics from a pencil of the first kind. The three singular conics are pairs
of lines displayed in pink.
294 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
B4 B3
s1 l
FIGURE 7.26. The first kind of a pencil of conics: Left: some conics, the four
real base points B1 , . . . , B4 , and the singular conics s1 , s2 , and s3 . Right: the
common polar triangle (blue).
Figure 7.27 shows the three conics mentioned in Theorem 7.3.2 as well as
its dual counterpart.
● Exercise 7.3.1 The three-conics-theorem. Give a proof of Theorem 7.3.2. Why don’t we
have to give a proof for the dual statement? What happens if S1 and S2 are the absolute
points of Euclidean geometry?
Show that Theorem 7.3.2 (together with its dual version) is still valid even if some conics
degenerate into pairs of lines.
7.3 Pencils of conics 295
c3 S1
FIGURE 7.27. Left: Three conics with two common points S1 , S2 and the three
concurrent chords. Right: In the dual version, the intersections of the pairs of
remaining common tangents are collinear.
Closely related to Theorem 7.3.2 is the following strange result, the four-
If the cubic form given in (7.9) has two different zeros with respective
multiplicities one and two, we find precisely two singular conics s1 and s2
in the pencil.
The singular conic s1 that corresponds to the double root may be a pair
of lines or a repeated whereas the singular conic s2 corresponding to the
simple root is always a pair of distinct lines. In the first case, we have
Theorem 7.3.2 and Theorem 7.3.3 can be found among many other results in C.J.A. Evelyn,
G.B. Money-Coutts, and J.A. Tyrrell: The Four-Conics Theorem. Stacey Internatio-
nal, London, 1974.
296 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
FIGURE 7.28. Left: the four conics theorem in its original version. Right: the
dual version of the four conics theorem.
t1 ⊂s1 t2 ⊂s1
s2 s2 B1 s2 B2
B2 B3 s 1
B1 t1 ⊂s1
FIGURE 7.29. Left: pencil of the second kind with base points B1 , B2 , B3 and
singular conics s1 and s2 . Right: pencil of the third kind with base points B1 ,
B2 and singular conics s1 and s2 .
a pencil of the second kind. All conics in the pencil pass through three
different points one of which has multiplicity two. In other words: The
conics of the pencil of the second kind share two different points B2 , B3 ,
and a line element (B1 , t1 ). Figure 7.29 shows some of the conics in a
pencil of the second kind besides the singular conics.
7.3 Pencils of conics 297
Now, there is no common polar triangle to all the conics in the pencil.
Only B1 and the point [B2 , B3 ] ∩ t1 have equal polars w.r.t. all conics in
the pencil.
If the singular conic s1 corresponding to the double root of (7.9) turns out
to be a repeated line (sometimes called a double line), we have a pencil of
the third kind. Now, there are only two different base points, say B1 and
B2 , each of multiplicity two. Thus, the conics in the pencil of the third
kind touch each other at B1 and B2 . The line s1 = [B1 , B2 ] joins these
contact points. The singular conic s2 is the union of the tangents t1 at B1
and t2 at B2 . The right-hand side of Figure 7.29 shows some conics in a
pencil of doubly touching conics as well as the respective singular conics.
B k l
FIGURE 7.30. Pencils of conics: Left: pencil of the fourth kind with base points
B1 , B2 and singular conic s. Right: pencil of the fifth kind with base point B
and singular conic s.
Finally the cubic form given in (7.9) may have one root with multiplicity
three. In this case, there is only one singular conic s in the pencil. Depen-
ding on whether s is a pair of lines (rk(κK + λL) = 2) or a repeated line
(rk(κK + λL) = 1), we have a pencil of the fourth or fifth kind.
In the case of a pencil of the fourth kind, all conics of the pencil share
two points B1 and B2 . At B1 they have a common tangent t which is one
component of the singular conic s. The second component of s is the line
298 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
joining B1 and B2 . Any pair of conics in the pencil intersects at the point
B1 with multiplicity three and at B2 with multiplicity one. Therefore, any
two conics of the pencil of the fourth kind osculate each other. Sometimes
we say that the pencil of the fourth kind is a pencil of osculating conics.
On the left-hand side of Figure 7.30 we can see some conics of a pencil
of the fourth kind. The only parabola in the depicted pencil is shown in
red, and the common osculating circle is shown in orange.
If the one and only singular conic s in the pencil is a repeated line, then
there is only one base point B. Any two conics in the pencil of the fifth
kind intersect at B with multiplicity four. This is also the case for the
singular conics, and therefore, s is the common tangent to all conics in
the pencil. Any two conics in the pencil intersect with multiplicity four
at B, i.e., they are hyperosculating at B, and thus, the pencil of the fifth
kind is also called pencil of hyperosculating conics.
Note that the pencils of the fourth and fifth kind cannot be spanned by
singular conics exclusively.
Consider a pencil of the first kind with two base points, say B3 and B4 ,
at infinity. From the viewpoint of Euclidean geometry, the conics in this
pencil are hyperbolas if B3 and B4 are real points. If B3 and B4 are com-
plex conjugate, then the conics in the pencil are ellipses. In Figure 7.31
(left), we can see the conics of a pencil of the first kind with a pair of
proper real base points and a pair of ideal base points. In this particular
example, we have B3 = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ 0) and B4 = (0 ∶ 0 ∶ 1). The remaining base
points are B1 = (1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1) and B2 = (1 ∶ −1 ∶ −1). Note that all conics
in this pencil are equilateral hyperbolas with parallel asymptotes. This
pencil can be spanned by
k ∶ xy − 1 = 0 and l ∶ xy − x + y − 1 = 0.
7.3 Pencils of conics 299
FIGURE 7.31. Some versions of pencils of the first kind in P2 (R). Left: Two real
ideal base points and two real proper base points. Middle: A pair of complex
conjugate ideal base points together with a real proper pair. The absolute points
of Euclidean geometry are the two ideal base points, and thus, the conics are
circles. Right: Two pairs of complex conjugate base points.
Note that these curves are frequently considered to be the graphs of ra-
tional functions.
The middle of Figure 7.31 shows an example of a pencil of the first kind
with two real proper base points and a pair of complex conjugate ideal
base points. The proper points could be placed at
B1 = (1 ∶ 0 ∶ 1) and B2 = (1 ∶ 0 ∶ −1)
B3 = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ i) and B4 = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ −i).
Because of the latter choice, the regular conics in this pencil are circles.
Replacing B1 and B2 with a complex conjugate pair of points, we find a
pencil of conics which is still of the first kind and contains only circles.
The right-hand side of Figure 7.31 shows some of the circles in this pencil.
We shall treat pencils of circles in more detail in Section 7.4 (cf. page 320).
◾ Example 7.3.4 A pencil of equilateral hyperbolas. We assume that the four base points of a
pencil of the first kind are the vertices A, B, C of a triangle Δ in the Euclidean plane together
with Δ’s orthocenter O as shown in Figure 7.32. As a matter of fact, the three singular conics
in this pencil are the three pairs of lines ([A, B], [C, O]), ([B, C], [A, O]), and ([C, A], [B, O]),
i.e., any side line of Δ together with the altitude through the opposite vertex. Any of these
pairs can be viewed as a limiting case of an equilateral hyperbola with principal axis equal to
zero. Any regular conic in this pencil is an equilateral hyperbola. This can be seen as follows:
We impose a Cartesian frame on Δ such that A = (p, 0), B = (q, 0), and C = (0, r) with p ≠ q
300 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
k C′
k S h
A B A′
FIGURE 7.32. Left: The pencil of conics with base points A, B, C, and O con-
tains three pairs of lines and only equilateral hyperbolas. Kiepert’s hyperbola k
passes through the centroid of Δ. Right: The orthocenter of any triangle whose
vertices are chosen on an equilateral hyperbola h is also located on h.
and p, q, r ≠ 0. Then, O = (0, −pqr −1 ) and the equation of the conics in the pencil are linear
combinations of the equations of any two singular conics:
with (λ, μ) ≠ (0, 0). The ideal points of all conics in this pencil are real and belong to orthogonal
v1,2 = (μ(q 2 − r 2 ) − λ ± μ2 (q 2 + r 2 )2 + 2λμ(r 2 − q 2 ) + λ2 , 2qrμ)
since ⟨v1 , v2 ⟩ = 0.
Among the hyperbolas shown in Figure 7.32 (left), we find the Kiepert hyperbola h (named
after the German mathematician Friedrich Wilhelm August Ludwig Kiepert (1846–
1934)). The hyperbola h also contains the centroid S of the base triangle Δ.
The contents of Theorem 7.3.4 are illustrated in Figure 7.32 for two
different triangles ABC and A′ B ′ C ′ with vertices on one equilateral
hyperbola h.
7.3 Pencils of conics 301
In the case of a pencil of conics sharing one line element and two arbitrary
points, the different appearances in P2 (R) can be distinguished by the
relative position of the line element and the ideal line and the reality of
the two further base points.
FIGURE 7.33. Some versions of pencils of the first kind in P2 (R). Left: A pen-
cil containing only parabolas which could also be considered the graphs of all
quadratic functions y = a(x2 − 1) with zeros −1 and 1; a ∈ R. Right: A pencil of
equilateral hyperbolas. These are the graphs of rational functions of the form
y = 1−ax
with a ∈ R.
k ∶ x2 − y − 1 = 0 and l ∶ x2 + y − 1 = 0
is a pencil of the second kind, consists of parabolas only, and has the three
real base points
At the ideal point B3 , all the conics in the pencil share the tangent x0 = 0
which is the ideal line. The singular conics in the pencil are two pairs of
lines: a pair of parallels and the union of the ideal line and the line joining
B1 and B2 .
302 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
Another variant of a pencil of the second kind can be seen on the right-
hand side of Figure 7.33. We have chosen the base points
FIGURE 7.34. Some versions of pencils of the third kind. Left: The graphs of
the family of functions y = ax2 touch at B1 = (1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0) and at the ideal point
B2 = (0 ∶ 0 ∶ 1). Right: Ellipses (blue) and hyperbolas (violet) in a pencil of the
third kind.
at the base points can only be seen partly. The repeated line, i.e., the
connection of B1 and B2 , is drawn as a double line.
Next, we consider B1 = (1 ∶ 1 ∶ 0) and B2 = (1 ∶ −1 ∶ 0) to be the base
points of a pencil of the third kind. Further, we let (0 ∶ 0 ∶ 1) be the
common point of the common tangents of all conics at B1 and B2 . Now,
the pencil of the third kind contains ellipses and hyperbolas as well (cf.
Figure 7.34). The ellipses fill the strip in between the parallel tangents,
whereas the hyperbolas cover the exterior of the strip. In this particular
example in P2 (R), we have chosen the repeated line as the perpendicular
to the tangents at B1 and B2 .
FIGURE 7.35. Some particular versions of pencils of the third kind. Left: Con-
centric circles form a pencil of doubly touching conics. Right: Concentric equila-
teral hyperbolas are concentric circles in pseudo-Euclidean geometry.
The base points of the pencil of the third kind can be chosen on the
ideal line (Figure 7.35). The concentric circles displayed on the left form
a pencil of conics of the third kind. The base points form a complex
conjugate pair,
B1 = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ i) and B2 = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ −i),
and since these points are the absolute points of Euclidean geometry, the
regular conics in the pencil are Euclidean circles. Thus, the repeated line
in the pencil is the real ideal line which is spanned by B1 and B2 . Note
304 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
B1 = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ 1) and B2 = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ −1).
k ∶ x2 − x − y = 0 and l ∶ x2 + x − y = 0.
FIGURE 7.36. Some versions of pencils of osculating conics: Left: The parabolas
x2 + λ ⋅ x − y = 0 with λ ∈ R osculate at (0 ∶ 0 ∶ 1) and meet at the proper point
(1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0). Right: The hyperbolas x1 + λ − y = 0 with λ ∈ R also osculate at
(0 ∶ 0 ∶ 1) and share the ideal point (0 ∶ 1 ∶ 0).
Finally we shall look at special examples of pencils of the fifth kind. First,
let us assume that
λ⋅x+ − y = 0 with λ ∈ R
are the equations of the conics in the pencil. Once again, we can also
view these curves as the graphs of rational functions. Therefore, we have
306 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
x2 + λ − y = 0 with λ ∈ R
as shown on the right side of Figure 7.37. Note that these parabolas only
differ by a translation in the direction of the common axes. All the curves
in the pencil are congruent.
Singular pencils
A pencil of conics in the sense of Definition 7.3.5 (page 290) can be span-
ned by two singular curves in the pencil. However, spanning a pencil by
two singular conics, i.e., degenerate curves of degree two, may lead to a
pencil that contains only singular conics. We call a pencil of conics sin-
gular if all conics in the pencil are singular. Figure 7.38 shows the bases
of three types of singular pencils. The pencil P (λ, μ) = λx2 + μy 2 = 0 is
spanned by a pair of distinct repeated lines (Figure 7.38, left) and con-
tains pairs of real lines if λμ > 0 and pairs of complex conjugate lines if
7.3 Pencils of conics 307
s2 s2 s1 s2 s1
The synthetic treatment of flocks of conics does not differ too much from
the treatment of pencils. Every construction is to be dualized. The same
holds true for the analytical treatment: Point coordinates are replaced
with line coordinates.
When we visualize the flocks of conics, we should be aware of the fact
that the dual conic is a family of lines being the family of tangents of
what we call a conic (note Figure 1.5). The images in Figure 7.39 show
conics as sets of points which are just the envelopes of the dual conics. In
Figure 7.39 we have displayed three types of flocks. The pencils of third
and fifth kind are self-dual, i.e., the base consisting either of a pair of line
elements or a conic to be hyperosculated at some point stays the same
when we apply a duality. In the case of a pencil of the first, second, or
fourth kind the base changes to a quadrilateral of lines, a line element
plus two tangents, or a conic to be osculated and a further tangent.
FIGURE 7.39. The three types of flocks of conics that differ from their dual
counter parts: Left: A flock of the first kind consists of all conics tangent to a
quadrilateral. Middle: A flock of the second kind consists of all conics with a
common line element and two further common tangents. Right: The conics in
a flock of the fourth kind share an osculating element (black parabola with a
certain point of osculation) and one further tangent.
7.4 Desargues’s involution theorem 309
Proof: Let A = (aik ) and B = (bik ) be the coefficient matrices of the two conics c and d which
span the pencil, and let x0 = 0 be the the equation of the line l in P2 (F).
The points X = (0 ∶ x1 ∶ x2 ) and Y = (0 ∶ y1 ∶ y2 ) are conjugate w.r.t. c if, and only if,
The pairs (X, Y ) constitute an involution if the determinant a11 a22 − a212 ≠ 0. Otherwise l is
a tangent or, in the case a11 = a12 = a22 = 0 a component of l. There is an analogous bilinear
form characterizing the conjugate position of X and Y w.r.t. d.
If (P, Q) is a pair of conjugate points w.r.t. c and d, then it is conjugate w.r.t. all conics in
the pencil. Consequently, if fixed points S1 and S2 of such an involution of conjugate points
exist, they are harmonic w.r.t. P and Q. Hence, the fixed points are pairs of an involution on
In the case of an algebraically closed field F the proof is already done. However, in any other
case, the pair (P, Q) needs not exist. Therefore, we give a second proof which is valid for all
comutative fields F with charF ≠ 2.
Let us project the points X = (0 ∶ x1 ∶ x2 ) on l from the center A = (1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0) onto the “standard
conic” s ∶ x0 x2 − x21 = 0. Then, X is mapped to X ′ = (x21 ∶ x1 x2 ∶ x22 ). The points X, Y which
are conjugate w.r.t. c satisfying (7.10) are projected to points X ′ , Y ′ ∈ s which are collinear
with Ic = (a22 ∶ −a12 ; a11 ). This is either the center of an involution on s or the image T ′ of
the point T of contact between c and l, if l is tangent to c. The verification of this statement
is left to the reader as an exercise.
In the same way, the second conic d defines a point Id = (b22 ∶ −b12 ∶ b11 ). The corresponding
centers Ik of all other conics k in the pencil are represented as linear combinations. Hence,
310 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
Ik , Ic , and Id are collinear. Before confirming that Ic ≠ Id let us finish the reasoning: If k
intersects the line l at S1 and S2 , their projections S1′ , S2′ ∈ s are fixed points of the involution
on s with center Ik . Hence, S1′ and S2′ lie on the polar line pk of Ik w.r.t. s. While Ik traverses
the line [Ic , Id ], the polars pk pass through a fixed point I. If I ∈ s, then there is a point
of intersection B ∈ l with B ′ = I which belongs to all conics in the pencil, and l would pass
through any base point, but this was excluded. Therefore, all pairs (S1′ , S2′ ) are aligned with a
point I ∉ s. They are corresponding in an involution on s which, after projection from s back
to l confirms the statement.
Finally, we have to exclude the case Ic = Id : Suppose α(a22 , −a12 , a11 ) + β(b22 , −b12 , b11 ) =
(0, 0, 0) for any (α, β) ≠ (0, 0). Then, the conic with coefficient matrix αA + βB has the
(αa00 + βb00 )2 x20 + 2(αa01 + βb01 )x0 x1 + 2(αa02 + βb02 )x0 x2 = 0.
The conic is reducible and contains l as a component. This has been excluded as well. ◾
In order to get a deeper insight into Desargues’s involution theorem,
we add synthetic proofs for the different kinds of pencils.
R A ′ Q B
FIGURE 7.40. The Desargues involution for a pencil of the first kind on a line
l, as stated in Theorem 7.4.1.
the pencil of the first kind uniquely determines δl and δl does not depend on the choice of the
conic c.
2. If δl is the involutive projectivity determined by A ↦ Q and B ↦ R, then η ○ δl ∶ l → l maps
A ↦ R and B ↦ Q and fixes S and S ′ . Consequently, the projectivity α−1 ∶= π2−1 ○η○δl ○π1 from
the pencil P1 to the pencil P2 is identical with the projectivity α which generates the conic c,
because α−1 ([P1 , P3 ]) = [P2 , P3 ], α−1 ([P1 , P4 ]) = [P2 , P4 ], and α−1 ([P1 , S]) = [P2 , S]. Hence,
the point S ′ is also a point of c since α−1 ([P1 , S ′ ]) = [P2 , S ′ ]. ◾
In the case of a pencil of conics of the first kind, the Desargues involution
δl is determined by the quadrangle P1 P2 P3 P4 of base points. Also in the
case of a pencil of the second or third kind, the base points and base
lines determine the involutive projectivity δl on any line l that is in an
admissible position w.r.t. the base points (see Figure 7.41), and the proof
given above remains valid.
P1 =P3 P1 =P3
P2 P2 =P4
P2 P4
A′ l C C ′A B′ B A l A′ B′ B A=A′ B′ l B
FIGURE 7.41. Assigned pairs of points of the Desargues involution δl for pencils
of the first kind (left), the second kind (middle), and the third kind (right).
● Exercise 7.4.1 Three corresponding pairs in the Desargues involution. Show the following:
The three pairs of opposite side lines in a quadrangle P1 P2 P3 P4 in a projective Pappian Fano
plane intersect any line l which does not pass through a vertex of the quadrangle in three pairs
of corresponding points of an involutive projectivity on l.
=1 [P2 , P3 ] ∧
Hint: Study the action of l ∧ =4 .
Proof: Let F be a fixed point of δl which is not located on any side of P1 P2 P3 P4 . In the case
of a pencil of the first kind, the base points P1 , P2 , P3 , and P4 together with the point F
determine a unique conic c. The line l is tangent and contains only the point F : Otherwise,
l would also carry δl (F ) ≠ F (according to Theorem 7.4.1) which contradicts δ(F ) = F . If F
lies on any side of P1 P2 P3 P4 , then it must be a diagonal point.
Conversely, if c and l are in contact at a point X with X ≠ δl (X), then, according to
Theorem 7.4.1, c passes through δl (X) which is not possible for a tangent of the conic c.
pδs p2
Z P2
s F1
̃ A1
3 P3
3′ A1
2 3 P4
̃ 3′ 2′
2′ 2
1′ P1
1 1
F2 2
1 A2 1′ 1 A2 2 3
FIGURE 7.42. How to find the parabolas in a pencil of the first kind? The
six lines through the base points P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 have six ideal points which
comprise three pairs of corresponding points in the Desargues involution δω on
the ideal line ω. The projection of ω to the conic s from Z ∈ s yields an involutive
projectivity on s whose fixed points F1 and F2 correspond to the fixed points
of δω . The lines [Z, F1 ] and [Z, F2 ] are parallel to the axes of the two wanted
parabolas p1 and p2 .
7.4 Desargues’s involution theorem 313
Assume we are given the four base points P1 , P2 , P3 , and P4 of a pencil of the first kind, as
shown in Figure 7.42. We are looking for the parabolas in the pencil, i.e., we want to find the
parabolas through the points P1 , P2 , P3 , and P4 , if there are some.
A parabola is a conic that touches the ideal line ω, and thus, we use Theorem 7.4.2 which says
that the fixed points of δω belong to those conics that touch ω.
In order to handle the involution δω , we project the ideal points 1, 2, 3 (the ideal points of
the lines [P1 , P2 ], [P1 , P3 ], [P1 , P4 ]) as well as the ideal points 1′ , 2′ , 3′ (the ideal points of
the opposite lines [P3 , P4 ], [P2 , P4 ], [P2 , P3 ]) to an arbitrary conic s from some of its points
Z. Note that the ideal points of opposite sides in the quadrangle of base points are assigned
points in δω . For the sake of simplicity, we have chosen a circle s.
This yields a projectivity δs on s with (̃ 1, 1), (̃
2, 2), and (̃
3, 3) for its assigned pairs. The
projectivity δs is involutive since δω is. Thus, already two pairs of assigned points determine
δs . A priori, we do not know which pairs are useful for the construction of the fixed points.
Therefore, we have projected all points onto s. Now, Theorem 6.4.4 comes into play: The axis
pδs carries the points
1, 2] ∩ [1, ̃
[̃ 2], [̃
1, 3] ∩ [1, ̃
3], [̃
2, 3] ∩ [2, ̃
The fixed point F1 and F2 of δs are the points of intersection of s and pδs .
Finally, we project the fixed points of δs to that of δω by simply connecting Z with F1 and F2 .
The latter lines are parallel to the axes of the parabolas p1 and p2 in the pencil. In Figure 7.42,
the parabolas p1 and p2 are shown though we do not describe all constructions in order to
find the vertices and the precise position of the axes.
◾ Example 7.4.2 Conics in a pencil of the second kind touching a line l. The line l does not
pass through any of the base points P1 , P2 , and P3 . The base points together with the tangent
t1 at P1 determines the Desargues involution δl on l as shown in Figure 7.41. Thus, we obtain
the following pairs of assigned points
Since δl is involutive, we have δ(1′ ) = 1, and thus, we have at least three pairs of assigned
points which are sufficient according to Theorem 5.2.1. According to Theorem 7.4.2, the fixed
points of δl are the points of contact of conics in the pencil with the line l.
We choose a conic s and a point Z ∈ s, project the points 1, 1′ , 2, 2′ from Z to s. With 1′ = 3
and 1 = 3′ we can apply Theorem 6.4.4 and find the fixed points F1 and F2 of the projectivity
δl lifted to s (as in the previous example). The fixed points are projected to the points C1 and
C2 where the conics c1 and c2 touch l, see Figure 7.43.
◾ Example 7.4.3 Conics on three points and two tangents. Assume that three non-collinear
points P1 , P2 , P3 and two lines l and m are given, as shown in Figure 7.44. The lines l and
m shall not pass through any of the given points. Now, we are looking for conics through P1 ,
P2 , and P3 that touch both l and m.
If a conic c1 is a solution of the given problem, then it touches l and m at the points C1 and
C2 . Thus, c1 and the pair (l, m) span a pencil of the third kind with the two line elements
(C1 , l) and (C2 , m) for its base. Let g12 ∶= [P1 , P2 ] be the line through the given points P1
and P2 . According to Theorem 7.4.2, the line g12 (which is not passing through a base point)
intersects the conics as well as the lines l and m in pairs of assigned points in the Desargues
involution δ12 on g12 . The assigned pairs are
l ∩ g12 ↦ m ∩ g12 , P1 ↦ P2
314 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
2′ 1
F2 pδl
l F1
{ c1
1′ 1′
c2 C2 2′
P3 s
P1 1
FIGURE 7.43. The conics c1 and c2 in a pencil of the second kind with base
points P1 , P2 , P3 and base line t1 are uniquely determined if the contact points
C1 and C2 with the line l are known. These contact points are the fixed points of
the Desargues involution δl on l. The involution δl is projected from the center
Z to the Steiner conic s where we find the fixed points. (The image points are
labeled in the same way.) The axis pδl intersects s at the fixed points F1 and F2
which are mapped to the desired contact points C1 and C2 via the projection
from Z to l.
◾ Example 7.4.4 Conics that touch a given conic twice. In this example, we shall treat conics
on three points P1 , P2 , P3 that touch a given conic c twice. Like in the previous item, we are
concerned with pencils of doubly touching conics. In the previous example, two lines l and m
were given. Somehow, this pair of lines can be seen as a degenerate conic.
Again, we aim at a determination of the points of contact of the given conic c and the conics
we are looking for. Just as in the example before, the Desargues involutions on the sides of
P1 P2 P3 are defined by their intersections with c and the pair of given points on it, e.g., in
the case of the line [P1 , P2 ], the involution δ12 is determined by the following two pairs of
corresponding points
P 1 ↦ P 2 , S1 ↦ S2
7.4 Desargues’s involution theorem 315
c1 given points
l g23 m
FIGURE 7.44. Conics on three points and two tangents: There is a Desargues
involution on each side of P1 P2 P3 . Triples of fixed points are collinear and there
are four such lines which meet the tangents l and m at points where one of the
solutions touches.
where S1 and S2 are the common points of c and [P1 , P2 ], if they exist.
The fixed points of the three Desargues involutions, and thus, the points of contact of c and
the solutions give rise to the same configuration of points and lines as in the previous example,
cf. Figure 7.44.
The left-hand side of Figure 7.45 shows the configuration of given points, fixed points of
Desargues involutions, and points of contact.
◾ Example 7.4.5 A conic on three real points and a pair of complex conjugate points. How to
find a conic c on a pair (K, K) of complex conjugate points and three real points A, B, C?
The pair (K, K) of complex conjugate points can be given by its real join l and by the elliptic
involution with the fixed points K and K. If there exists a solution c, then the given involution
is the involution α of points conjugate w.r.t. c.
Applying a perspective collineation κ with l as its vanishing line and the Laguerre point Lα
for its center to A, B, C results in three points, say A′ , B ′ , C ′ . The collineation α maps the
pair (K, K) to the pair of absolute points of Euclidean geometry. Thus, the κ image c′ of c is
the unique circle on A′ , B ′ , C ′ . The κ−1 -image of c′ gives the conic we are looking for.
F12 P1
F13 c
P1 P2
P3 F23
FIGURE 7.45. Left: The conic c, the three given points P1 , P2 , P3 , the fixed
points of the Desargues involutions on the sides of P1 P2 P3 , and the points of
contact of the solutions. Two points of contact of one solution are always collinear
with one fixed point of each of the three involutions. Right: Four conics on the
same three points in double contact with c.
Desargues’s involution theorem for pencils of the fourth and fifth kind
In the previous section, we have learned that the base figure of a pencil of
conics, i.e., the base points together with base tangents, determines the
Desargues involution. In the case of a pencil of the fourth or fifth kind,
the base figure contains a non-degenerate conic. However, there is still
an involution determined on any line, that neither contains a base point,
nor coincides with a base line, nor passes through a common pole of the
conics in the pencil.
We state and show:
P1 P1
d d
t1 =a
a t1
C c
l′ P2 l′ B ′
A ′
l l
c B
FIGURE 7.46. Pencils of conics osculating each other at a common point also
define a Desargues involution on a line in an admissible position.
a line l with P1 , P2 ∈/ l) carries two different points A and B of a such conic d in the pencil (cf.
Figure 7.46, left-hand side).
The line l = [A, B] meets the axis a of the collineation η in a point C. Also the η-image of l
meets a in C. Further, the points A′ = η(A) and B ′ = η(B) are points on η(d) = c. Since C ∈/ c,
it is the center of an involutive projectivity α ∶ c → c that interchanges A′ and B ′ . Let us use
the projective mapping
β∶ l ∧= P1 ∧= c
in order to define the projective mapping
δl ∶= β −1 ○ α ○ β
that acts on the line l and is involutive, for it sends A to B and B to A. It is independent of
the choice of the conic d in the pencil. Since η sends A to A′ , η is uniquely defined.
In case of a pencil of the fifth kind, the base consists of (P1 , t1 , c) where (P1 , t1 ) is a line
element of c. The axis of η ∶ d → c now coincides with t1 (Figure 7.46, right). Everything else
of the previous proof remains valid. ◾
◾ Example 7.4.6 Parabolas that osculate a hyperbola. Figure 7.47 shows a hyperbola h with
the line element (P1 , t1 ) and a further point P2 . We are looking for all parabolas that osculate
h at P1 and pass through P2 .
In order to determine the parabolas, we are searching for their points at infinity, i.e., the
direction of the axis. The base of the pencil of osculating conics consist of the line element
(P1 , t1 ), the point P2 , and the conic h. Now, we look at the Desargues involution on the line at
infinity: We find the two ideal points 1 and 1′ of h as a pair of corresponding points. A further
pair comes from the singular conic in the pencil. The tangent t1 at P1 has the ideal point
2′ which corresponds to the ideal point 2 of the line [P1 , P2 ]. In this particular example, we
can simplify the construction of the fixed elements of the involution by using h as the Steiner
conic (cf. Example 6.4.7). Furthermore, we use P1 as the center of the perspectivity that maps
the range of points on the ideal line to the points on h. In Figure 7.47, the images of points
under the perspectivity ω ∧ =1 are labeled 1, 2, 1′ , and 2′ . The construction of fixed points F 1
and F 2 follows the advice given in Example 6.4.7. In Figure 7.47, the center of the involution
on h is the ideal point I = 2. The dashed lines [P1 , F 1 ] and [P1 , F 2 ] join P1 with the ideal
points being fixed points of the Desargues involution on the line at infinity, and thus, they are
parallel to the axes of the parabolas p1 , p2 we were looking for.
318 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
I =2 1′ =1′ 1′ =1′
h p2
I =2
F2 P2 =2
F2 p1
1 =1
I =2
P1 =2′
t1 1 =1
FIGURE 7.47. How to find the parabolas p1 and p2 (if there are some) that
osculate the hyperbola h at P1 and share a further point P2 with h: According
to Theorem 7.4.1, the Desargues involution on the line at infinity is uniquely
determined. The hyperbola serves as Steiner conic and the fixed points of the
involution determine the axes of the desired parabolas.
◾ Example 7.4.7 Conics that hyperosculate a given conic and pass through two given points.
Figure 7.48 shows a parabola p and two further points A and B. We are looking for all conics
that hyperosculate p somewhere and contain A and B if there are some.
The conics in a pencil of the fifth kind intersect a generic line l in pairs of corresponding points
in an involution (see Corollary 7.4.1). A fixed point F of this involutive projective mapping
on l is either a point of contact of l with a conic in the pencil or a point on the tangent at the
point H of hyperosculation.
Therefore, we determine the fixed points of the involution on l = [A, B]. The points A and B
form a pair of corresponding points as well as the two common points 1 and 2 of l and p do.
As a matter of fact, one fixed point, say F2 , lies in the interior of p. The other fixed point
F1 is an outer point of p. From F1 we can draw two real tangents to p that meet the given
conic at potential points H1 and H2 of hyperosculation. The conics c1 and c2 appearing as
solutions to the present problem, can be completed by applying the elations with centers H1
/ H2 and the respective axes [F1 , H1 ] / [F1 , H2 ] to the given conic p (see Definition 6.4.1).
This problem can also be solved by means of spatial interpretation as explained in Section 4.4.
7.4 Desargues’s involution theorem 319
H1 H2
Corollary 7.4.2 The tangents drawn from a generic point P to the co-
nics of a flock of any kind constitute corresponding pairs of an involutive
projective mapping in the pencil P . The fixed lines in this involution are
tangents of conics in the pencil that pass through P .
● Exercise 7.4.2 A parabola tangent to three lines. Show the following result: The orthocenter
O of each triangle built by three finite tangents of a parabola p lies on p’s directrix.
Hint: Check Desargues’s involution at O.
320 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
P1 1′
l1 l1 1
l2 ′ P2
2 2′ 1 1 P1
1 l3 f
1′ l2
l4 2 2′
l1 l2
′ ′
2 1
l1 l1
P1 1′ P1
2 P 1 P
◾ Example 7.4.8 Conics on two points and three tangents. Dual to Example 7.4.4, we briefly
describe how to find conics on three given tangents a, b, c and two points P , Q. Figure 7.50
shows an example.
Now, we look at the Desargues involutions in the pencils of lines with vertices a ∩ b, b ∩ c, and
c ∩ a. Assume f1 is a fixed line of δa∩b and let f2 be a fixed line of δb∩c , cf. Figure 7.50. For
example, the involution δa∩b is defined by
a ↦ b, [a ∩ b, P ] ↦ [a ∩ b, Q].
Dualizing the figure from the previous example, we find that T1 = f1 ∩ f2 is the common point
of two tangents of a solution conic s. Consequently, we obtain a configuration of six fixed lines
where three out of them pass through one such point Ti . There are four points Ti , and thus,
there are four real solutions provided that all three Desargues involutions are hyperbolic.
Pencils of circles
Circles are special conics in many ways. From the viewpoint of geometry
in the complex extended real projective plane, a circle is a conic through
the absolute points I = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ i) and I = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ −i) of Euclidean geometry
(see Example 6.4.7 on page 253).
7.4 Desargues’s involution theorem 321
T2 f2
c P
Q b
T3 b Q
c f1
s a
FIGURE 7.50. Conics on two points and three tangents. Left: The fixed lines of
the Desargues involution in the pencils about a ∩ b, b ∩ c, and c ∩ a meet in the
common points Ti (with i ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}) of the tangents at P and Q of the desired
conics. Right: In this case all three Desargues involutions are hyperbolic, and
thus, we have four real solutions.
Since the scale does not matter, it means no restriction to assume that the
two common points B1 and B2 of all circles in the pencil have Cartesian
B1 = (0, 1) and B2 = (0, −1).
Thus, the Cartesian equations of all circles in this elliptic pencil read
It is clear and easily verified that in this pencil of conics (of the first kind),
there are the following singular conics:
The first is a pair of real lines; the remaining pairs consist of conjugate
complex pairs of lines. The line [B1 , B2 ] is the radical axis of any pair of
circles in the pencil. The centers of all circles lie on the bisector of the
segment B1 B2 . We call this bisector the axis of the pencil. The axis is a
line of symmetry of the pencil as well as common line of symmetry for all
circles in the pencil.
We choose two circles l and m of the elliptic pencil (see Figure 7.52).
According to Thales’s theorem (cf. 6.3.3), we can see the intersections
1, 1′ and 2, 2′ of l and m with the axis a at right angles from either of
the two base points. However, the choice of l and m does not matter.
Thus, the pair of intersections of any circle with the axis of the pencil is
seen at right angles from the base points. Therefore, B1 and B2 are the
Laguerre points of the elliptic involution δa on the axis a interchanging
the intersection points of the circles in the pencil (see Example 6.4.7 in
Section 6.4, page 253). We can summarize:
7.4 Desargues’s involution theorem 323
l m l n
a 2 a 2′
′ ′ ′ F2 3 ′
2 1 2 1 1 F1 1 3
Again we make use of the fact that pencils of circles are objects of equiform
geometry. Since the actual size and position is not of importance, we may
choose the pair of complex conjugate base points as
B1 = (0, i) and B2 = (0, −i).
The regular circles in the hyperbolic pencil have the equations
x2 − 2tx + y 2 = −1 with t ∈ R {−1, 1} (7.12)
and the three singular conics in this pencil of conics of the first kind equal
that in the previous case. The singular curves (x ± 1)2 + y 2 = 0 which are
obtained for t = ±1 are called null circles. They split into two isotropic
lines through their real centers F1 = (1, 0) and F2 = (−1, 0), respectively.
These points are fixed under the Desargues involution δa induced on the
axis a.
A circle √k(t) from the pencil meets
√ the axis a ∶ y = 0 in two points
1 = (t − t − 1, 0) and 1 = (t + t − 1, 0), see Figure 7.52. Exactly for
2 2
324 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
the values t = 1 and t = −1, these two points coincide and we denote these
double points by F1 = (1, 0) and F2 = (−1, 0) which can be considered as
null circles, i.e., circles with radius zero. With (5.6), we can easily verify
cr(1, 1′ , F1 , F2 ) = −1
independent of t ∈ R {−1, 1}. Since the characteristic cross ratio of a
hyperbolic involution equals −1 (cf. page 214), we can say:
Theorem 7.4.4 The circles in a hyperbolic pencil of circles meet the axis
a in pairs of corresponding points in a hyperbolic involution whose fixed
points are the centers of the two included null circles.
● Exercise 7.4.3 Orthocircles of a hyperbolic pencil. Show that any circle (7.12) in the
F2 F1
FIGURE 7.53. The Thales circle on the segment F1 F2 of fixed points of the
hyperbolic involution in the hyperbolic pencil of circles is an orthocircle of all
circles in the pencil.
hyperbolic pencil meets √the Thales circle at right angles (see Figure 7.53). Hint: The radius
of a circle (7.12) equals t2 − 1, the Thales circle has radius 1 and is centered at (0, 0), the
distance of the centers equals t. Now, apply Pythagoras’s theorem.
● Exercise 7.4.4 Pencils of orthogonal circles. We are given a hyperbolic pencil and an
elliptic pencil of circles (see Figure 7.54) with the equations:
h∶ x2 − 2tx + y 2 + 1 = 0 with t ∈ R {−1, 1},
e∶ x2 + y 2 − 2uy − 1 = 0 with u ∈ R.
Show that for any (t, u) the circle h meets the circle e at right angles. Further, the base points
of the elliptic pencil are the fixed points of the involution induced by the hyperbolic pencil.
7.4 Desargues’s involution theorem 325
Theorem 7.4.5 For any hyperbolic pencil of circles there exists an ellip-
tic pencil of circles such that any circle of one family meets all circles of
the other family at right angles. The axes of the pencils are orthogonal.
The centers of the null circles of the hyperbolic pencil are the real base
points of the elliptic pencil.
The two pencils of circles mentioned in Theorem 7.4.5 are sometimes also
called conjugate to each other.
326 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
Apollonian circles
Since F1 = (−1, 0), F2 = (1, 0), and X = (x, y), the set c(q) is described
by the equation
FIGURE 7.55. The family of isoptic curves of the line segment F1 F2 consists of
the circles of the elliptic pencil with base points F1 and F2 . Any isoptic curve
is a pair of circular arcs. Only in case of an optic angle equal to π2 it is a unique
circle: the Thales circle on F1 F2 .
Any circle of the elliptic pencil within the Apollonius circles is the locus
of points where the segment F1 F2 between the two base points is seen at a
constant angle: on the arc from F1 to F2 at an angle of, say, ϕ and on the
complementary arc at an angle of π − ϕ, according to the theorem of the
angle of circumference. As can be seen in Figure 7.55, the isoptic curve
7.4 Desargues’s involution theorem 327
of the segment F1 F2 , i.e., the locus of points from which the segment can
be seen at constant angle ϕ, consists of parts of two circles and has a
two-fold symmetry (see also Section 9.2).
The parabolic pencil - a common line element
The parabolic pencil of circles consists of all circles that share a line ele-
ment. Though pencils of circle are objects of equiform geometry, there is
only one parabolic pencil up to Euclidean motions. The parabolic pencil
of circles is self-similar, i.e., applying a similarity to the pencil may in-
terchange the circles in the pencil but leaves the entire pencil unchanged.
It is easy to check that the circles
l ∶ x2 − 2tx + y 2 = 0 with t ∈ R
share the point O = (0, 0) and touch the line x = 0 there, and thus, they
form a parabolic pencil. The circles in the parabolic pencil
m ∶ x2 + y 2 − 2uy = 0 with u ∈ R
intersect all circles l at right angles, for all m touch y = 0 at O. Figure 7.56
shows the two parabolic pencils that form a rectangular grid of circles.
We can also say: The pencil conjugate to a parabolic pencil of circles is
again parabolic.
Concentric circles
Bipolar coordinates
e(1 − U 2 ) e(V 2 + 1)
u= and v=
2U 2V
at least one of the points S1 and S2 can be given in terms of rational
coordinate functions as
eV (1 + U 2 ) eU (V 2 − 1)
( , ).
U2 + V 2 U2 + V 2
For the moment, we assume that the two involved projective planes P and
P′ are different, but nevertheless isomorphic, and equipped with their own
coordinate frames.
The pre-image of any line l′ ∶ u0 x′0 + u1 x′1 + u2 x′2 = 0 in P′ with (u0 ∶ u1 ∶
u2 ) ∈ F3 {(0, 0, 0)} is the cycle3 of degree N , given by
These cycles form a linear two-parameter family of curves, called the net
associated with Φ. The net is spanned by the three cycles
where the cycle gi = 0 is the pre-image of the line x′i = 0 in terms of the
homogeneous coordinates chosen in P′ . The base points of the net are the
common points of the base curves, and therefore, they agree with base
points of Φ in the exceptional set E, as defined above.
In case of a birational mapping, any image point x′ F (off an exceptional set
E ′ in P′ ) has to have exactly one pre-image. Since x′ F can be considered
as the intersection of two different lines l′ and m′ , the two curves ϕ−1 (l′ )
and ϕ−1 (m′ ) have to intersect in precisely one point xF ∈ P E. This has
to be true for any point in P′ E ′ . It is not possible that two curves of the
net are in contact since there exists one, and only one, curve of the net
passing through a given line element in general position.
The quadratic transformations are obtained if N = 2. Thus, we are looking
for all the nets of conics with the additional property that any two curves
ϕ−1 (l′ ) and ϕ−1 (m′ ) intersect in exactly one point which is (in general)
different from all base points. Furthermore, it is necessary that any point
in P E can be found as a remaining point of intersection between two net
The two curves ϕ−1 (l′ ) and ϕ−1 (m′ ) span a pencil of conics. Depending
on the type of pencil (cf. Section 7.3), these curves share 4, 3, 2, or 1 point.
One of them is the point xF, while the remaining ones must be contained
We differ between a cycle and a curve: An algebraic curve in the projective plane is the
set of points whose homogeneous coordinates satisfy an irreducible homogeneous polynomial
equation. A cycle is the union of a finite number of algebraic curves. Thus, the equation of a
cycle is the product of irreducible homogeneous polynomials. Some of the factors may even
have a multiplicity greater than one.
7.5 Quadratic Cremona transformations 331
in the exceptional set E. Since a contact of ϕ−1 (l′ ) and ϕ−1 (m′ ) at xF is
not allowed, a pencil of doubly touching conics (third kind) and a pencil
of hyperosculating conics (fifth kind) cannot occur. Thus, there are three
types of associated nets left, provided, the field F is algebraically closed,
like C:
1. The three base points P1 , P2 , P3 are the vertices of a triangle.
2. There are two different base points P1 , P2 . The curves of the net share
a line element (P1 , t1 ) and the point P2 ∉ t1 .
3. There is only one base point P1 . The curves of the net osculate each
other at P1 .
Note that in P2 (R) two of the three base points in type 1 can be complex
P2 P2 P2
g2 g1 g0
g0 P0 P1 g1 g0 P0 P1 g1 P0 P1 g2
FIGURE 7.57. The three curves g0 , g1 , and g2 span the associated net of conics.
From left to right: the three types 1, 2, and 3.
For the sake of simplicity, we choose the three base points of the quadratic
transformation as the base points of the projective frame. Thus, P1 = (1 ∶
0 ∶ 0), P2 = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ 0), and P3 = (0 ∶ 0 ∶ 1). The associated net now reads
g0 ∶ x1 x2 = 0, g1 ∶ x2 x0 = 0, g2 ∶ x0 x1 = 0.
Adapting the frame in P′ such that these pairs of lines are exactly the
images of the coordinate lines x′0 = 0, x′1 = 0, and x′2 = 0, we get the
coordinate functions of the transformation Φ:
because these three curves pass through all the base points and touch t1
at P1 , and they are linearly independet. (For tangents to a singular conic
see page 263.)
With the suitable choice of the unit point, we arrive at the normal form
for the second type of quadratic Cremona transformation:
The conics and pairs of lines, labeled with g0 , g1 , and g2 which span the
associated net of conics for all the three types of birational quadratic
mappings, are illustrated in Figure 7.57.
We can summarize in the following theorem:
ϕ−1 ∶ (x′0 ∶ x′1 ∶ x′2 ) ↦ (x0 ∶ x1 ∶ x2 ) = (x′1 x′2 ∶ x′2 x′0 ∶ x′0 x′1 ),
ϕ−1 ∶ (x′0 ∶ x′1 ∶ x′2 ) ↦ (x0 ∶ x1 ∶ x2 ) = (x′1 x′2 ∶ x′0 x′2 ∶ x′0 ),
ϕ−1 ∶ (x′0 ∶ x′1 ∶ x′2 ) ↦ (x0 ∶ x1 ∶ x2 ) = (x′0 − x′1 x′2 ∶ x′0 x′2 ∶ x′2 ).
2 2
Proof: We have to show that the so far necessary conditions are sufficient.
In the case of type 1, we use x′0 x0 = x0 x1 x2 = x′1 x1 = x′2 x2 and find the system
x′0 x0 −x′1 x1 = 0,
x′0 x0 −x′2 x2 =0
x′0 x0 −x′1 x1 = 0,
x′0 x1 −x′2 x2 = 0.
−x′2 x1 +x′0 x2 = 0,
x′2 x0 −x′0 x1 +x′1 x2 = 0.
The solutions of the latter system are the coordinate functions of the inverse mapping. ◾
• Type 1: The bilinear form x′1 x1 − x′2 x2 = 0 is equivalent to (x′1 ∶ x′2 ) = (x2 ∶ x1 ). This is
the analytic representation of a projective mapping π0 from the pencil of lines about P0
to the pencil of lines about P0′ (see Theorem 5.4.1). The mapping π0 acts as follows:
⎧ ′ ′ ′
⎪ l2 = [P0 , P1 ] ∶ x2 = 0 ↦ π0 (l2 ) = [P0 , P2 ] ∶ x1 = 0,
π 0 ∶ L P0 −
∧ LP ′ with ⎨
0 ⎪
⎪ ′ ′ ′
⎩ l1 = [P0 , P2 ] ∶ x1 = 0 ↦ π0 (l1 ) = [P0 , P1 ] ∶ x2 = 0.
334 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
We can do the same with x0 x′0 − x2 x′2 = 0 and find (x′0 ∶ x′2 ) = (x2 ∶ x0 ) which gives the
analytic representation of a projective mapping β from the pencil about P1 to the pencil
about P1′ :
⎧ ′ ′ ′
⎪ m1 = [P1 , P0 ] ∶ x2 = 0 ↦ π1 (m1 ) = [P1 , P2 ] ∶ x0 = 0,
π 1 ∶ L P1 −
∧ LP ′ with ⎨
1 ⎪
⎪ ′ ′ ′
⎩ m2 = [P1 , P2 ] ∶ x0 = 0 ↦ π1 (m2 ) = [P1 , P0 ] ∶ x2 = 0.
Finally, there exists a third projective mapping π2 from the pencil about P2 to the pencil
about P2′ with
[P2 , P0 ] ↦ [P2′ , P1′ ], [P2 , P1 ] ↦ [P2′ , P0′ ].
The points X ∉ E can be transformed by mapping [P0 , X] and [P1 , X] to their respective
images through P0′ and P1′ . The image point is X ′ = π0 ([P0 , X]) ∩ π1 ([P1 , X]). Obviously,
X ′ is also incident with π2 ([P2 , X].
Note the difference between the constructions of the image point under a birational qua-
dratic mapping and under a collinear transformation. In case of a birational quadratic
mapping of type 1, the line [P0 , P1 ] is not mapped to [P0′ , P1′ ], neither under π0 nor under
π1 .
All points X ∈ [P0 , P1 ] {P0 , P1 } are mapped to the same point P2′ = π0 (l1 ) ∩ π1 (m1 ).
Thus, P2′ is an exceptional point for ϕ−1 , since its pre-image is not uniquely determined.
With Ẽ = [P0 , P1 ] ∪ [P1 , P2 ] ∪ [P2 , P0 ] and Ẽ′ = [P0′ , P1′ ] ∪ [P1′ , P2′ ] ∪ [P2′ , P0′ ], the restriction
̃ of ϕ as a mapping P Ẽ → P′ Ẽ′ is one-to-one and onto. It can be written in terms of
homogeneous coordinates as
1 1 1
̃ ∶ P Ẽ → P′ Ẽ′ ,
ϕ (x0 ∶ x1 ∶ x2 ) ↦ (x′0 ∶ x′1 ∶ x′2 ) = ( ∶ ∶ ),
x0 x1 x2
since x0 x1 x2 ≠ 0 for any xF ∉ E.
• Type 2: In this case there are only two projective mappings: π0 from the pencil about
P0 to the pencil about P0′ , and π1 from the pencil about P1 to the pencil about P1′ . The
analytic representations of π0 and π1 read
π0 ∶ (x′0 ∶ x′2 ) = (x2 ∶ x1 ) and π1 ∶ (x′0 ∶ x′1 ) = (x1 ∶ x0 ).
Again, π0 ([P0 , P1 ] ≠ [P0′ , P1′ ] holds true, since x1 = 0 causes x′2 = 0. Unlike in the previous
case, π1 ([P1 , P0 ]) = [P0′ , P1′ ], because x1 = 0 implies x′0 = 0.
• Type 3: In this case, there is only one projective mapping π0 left, acting from the pen-
cil about P0 to the pencil about P0′ . Its analytical representation also follows form the
coordinate functions of the birational quadratic mapping and reads
π0 ∶ (x′0 ∶ x′2 ) = (x1 ∶ x2 ).
The second bilinear form expresses the fact that the ϕ-image x′ F of the point xF is a point
on the polar line of xF with regard to the correlation
′ −1
⎛ u0 ⎞ ⎛ 0 0 ⎞ ⎛ x0 ⎞
κ ∶ ⎜ u′1 ⎟ = ⎜ 0 0 1 ⎟ ⎜ x1 ⎟
⎝ u′ ⎠ ⎝ 1 0 0 ⎠ ⎝ x2 ⎠
u′0 x′0 + u′1 x′1 + u′2 x′2 = −x1 x′0 + x2 x′1 + x0 x′2 = 0.
With a cyclic shift of the coordinates (y0′ ∶ y1′ ∶ y2′ ) ∶= (x′2 ∶ x′0 ∶ x′1 ), the latter two bilinear
forms (Theorem 7.5.2) change to
x2 y1′ − x1 y0′ = x0 y0′ − x1 y1′ + x2 y2′ = 0.
7.5 Quadratic Cremona transformations 335
⎛ v0 ⎞ ⎛ 1 0 0 ⎞ ⎛ x0 ⎞
κ ∶ ⎜ v1′ ⎟ = ⎜ 0
̃ −1 0 ⎟ ⎜ x1 ⎟ .
⎝ v′ ⎠ ⎝ 0 0 1 ⎠ ⎝ x2 ⎠
Now, the coordinate matrix of ̃ κ is symmetric. Identifying the coordinate frame of the
pre-image with the new coordinate frame in the image plane, then ̃ κ is the polarity w.r.t.
the conic p ∶ y0′ 2 − y1′ 2 + y2′ 2 = 0. The points ϕ(X) is the intersection of π0 ([P0 , X]) with
the polar line of X with regard to p.
The following theorem will be useful, when we deal with special quadratic
transformations. A proof can be found in books [13, 16]:
c′ P0=P0′ P1=P1′
c ∶ xT Ax = 0 and d ∶ xT Bx = 0,
The algebraic conditions on the coefficients on the quadratic forms are derived in: K. Fladt:
Die Umkehrungen der ebenen quadratischen Cremona Transformationen. J. reine u. angew.
Math. 170 (1933), 64–68.
7.5 Quadratic Cremona transformations 337
such exceptional points. In the first case, these are the points on the chord
common to all conics in the pencil. In the second case, the points on the
common tangent at the hyperosculation point play this particular role. It
is easy to show that the quadratic forms on the right-hand side of (7.19)
have a common linear factor if, e.g., c is a repeated line. In this case, Φ
becomes a collineation.
Consequently, the only cases that are left, originate from a pencil P of
the first, second, or fourth kind. According to Theorem 7.5.1, the trans-
formation Φ is then of type 1, 2, or 3. This type of quadratic Cremona
transformation is called transformation of doubly conjugate points.
The fixed points of this mapping are the self-conjugate points of c and d,
i.e., the base points of the pencil P. The projective mappings π0 , π1 , π2
in the pencils about the base points are involutive and their fixed lines
pass through these fixed points.
Now, we can state:
Theorem 7.5.4 Let c and d be two curves of degree two out of a pencil
P in P2 (F) which is either of the first, or the second, or the fourth kind.
1. The transformation Φ of doubly conjugate points with respect to c and
d is an involutive quadratic birational transformation of type 1, or 2,
or 3 if the pencil P is of type 1, or 2, or 4. The mapping Φ remains
unchanged if c and d are replaced by other curves from P.
2. The exceptional points of Φ and its inverse are exactly those points
whose polar lines with regard to c and d coincide. In the case of a pencil
of the first kind, these are the vertices of the common polar triangle.
The fixed points of Φ are the base points of the pencil P. In the case
of a quadratic transformation of the first type, the projective mappings
in the pencils about the exceptional points are involutive projectivities
whose fixed lines are the lines joining base points of Φ with the base
points of P.
3. The poles of lines l /∋ P0 , P1 , P2 with regard to all conics in P are
contained in a conic l′ that passes through all exceptional points of Φ.
If P is of the first kind with base points B1 , B2 , B3 , and B4 , then l′
contains on each line [Bi , Bj ] the fourth harmonic point L′ij to Lij ∶=
[Bi , Bj ] ∩ l with respect to Bi and Bj , i.e., H(Bi , Bj , Lij , L′ij ).
Proof: The only thing that is left to show is the third part of the theorem. The locus of all
image points P ′ of points P ∈ l is an irreducible curve of degree two (cf. Theorem 7.5.3). The
7.5 Quadratic Cremona transformations 339
image l′ passes through all exceptional points. On the other hand, the image point P ′ can be
found as the intersection of the polar lines of P with regard to c and d which form pencils with
the poles Lc and Ld of l w.r.t. c and d as carriers, when P traverses l. Thus, l′ is generated
by a projective mapping from the pencil Lc to the pencil Ld ,
Lc (πc (P )) −
∧ l(P ) −
∧ Ld (πd (P )),
and l′ is passing through the pencils’ vertices. Here and in the following, πc and πd denote
the polarities with regard to c and d. Since any two different curves from P yield the same
quadratic Cremona transformation, and thus, the same image curve l′ , it has to carry the
poles of l with regard to all conics in the pencil. This is what has been stated.
If P is a point on a fixed line of the involution π0 , e.g., P ∈ [B1 , B2 ], then the conjugate point
P ′ which lies on the polars πc (P ) and πd (P ), is the fourth harmonic point of P with respect
to [B1 , B2 ], since B1 , B2 ∈ c, d. ◾
The principle of duality (see Section 5.1, especially on page 182) gua-
rantees that the results from this section so far have valid dual counter
parts. The dual version of the transformation of doubly conjugate points
is called the transformation of doubly conjugate lines. We denote this
transformation by Φ⋆ .
Φ⋆ acts on the set of line in P2 (F) as follows: Let c⋆ and d⋆ be two (dual)
conics from a flock F of the first, or the second, or the fourth kind. Pairs
(l, l′ ) of lines are doubly conjugate if
Again, πc⋆ and πd⋆ denote the polar systems with regard to c⋆ and d⋆ .
Moreover, the lines l and l′ are doubly conjugate with respect to any two
different curves out of F.
The exceptional lines of Φ⋆ are those lines whose poles with regard to c⋆
and d⋆ coincide. In the case of a flock of the first kind, these are the lines
p0 , p1 , p2 of the polar triangle common to all conics of F. The fixed lines
of Φ⋆ are the base lines of the flock F.
340 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
c E
c l
C V1⋆ E
F2 F1 l′
C V1
F2 F1 V1⋆
FIGURE 7.59. Centers of curvature at vertices: ellipse (left), hyperbola (right).
l′ P
c1 t1
p0 F2
F1 M 1 π0 (1) p
P1⋆ h
π1 (2)
t2 c2
◾ Example 7.5.1 Chasles’s parabola and the Apollonian hyperbola. The transformation Φ⋆ of
conjugate normals w.r.t. the ellipse or hyperbola c maps the pencil of lines through a point P
outside the exceptional lines onto the tangents of a conic p, which contacts all three exceptional
lines (Figure 7.60). Therefore, p is a parabola which is named after the French mathematician
Michel Chasles, 1793–1880. On each axis, the contact point with p corresponds to the
pedal point w.r.t. P in the related focal involution. The parabola p remains the same when c
7.5 Quadratic Cremona transformations 343
is replaced by any other conic from the confocal family, e.g., by the ellipse c1 and the hyperbola
c2 passing through P . Therefore p contacts the corresponding tangent lines t1 and t2 which
bisect the angle <) F1 P F2 . The points of contact of these lines with p are the centers P1⋆ , P2⋆
of curvature of P w.r.t. c1 and c2 . It can be shown that the center P1⋆ of curvature of c1 is
the pole of the tangent t1 to c1 with respect to c2 (Figure 7.60), and vice versa.
The directrix of p (orthoptic curve of p) passes through P and the center M of c. Common
tangents of p and c contact c at the pedal points of normals drawn from P onto the conic c.
When p is polarized in c, we obtain an equilateral hyperbola h = πc (p) which contains P , the
center M , the ideal points of the axes, and the at most four pedal points of normals on c w.r.t.
P . It is the Apollonian hyperbola which we will meet again in Section 9.3. The pedal points in
question are also located on the strophoid s which already has been depicted in Figure 2.27.
In this section, we shall look at inversions from the projective point of
view. This gives a more general concept and shows that the inversion from
page 7.1.1 is just a special case and its properties are clear and obvious.
Projective Inversions
Let c be a conic in P2 (F) and let further C ∈ P2 (F) be some point. Two
points X and X ′ in P2 (F) are said to be inverse if
(1) X, X ′ , C are collinear and
(2) X, X ′ are conjugate with regard to c.
c ∶ x0 x2 − x21 = 0
C = P1 = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ 0) if C ∉ c, and
C = P0 = (1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0) if C ∈ c.
Then, in both cases we have two bilinear conditions. The first condition
equals the polar form of c
P2 P2
c c
P0 P1 =C P0 =C P1
FIGURE 7.61. Projective inversions with the center C, either not on c (left) or
on c (right).
Inversion in a circle
According to Theorem 7.5.3, any line l (not incident with a base point)
is mapped under the inversion to an irreducible curve l′ of degree two
passing through all three exceptional base points C, I, and I. Thus, l′ is
a circle through C (see Figure 7.62).
A curve k of degree two that does not contain any of the base points is
mapped to a quartic curve k ′ with double points at the base points C,
I, and I. Curves with double points at the absolute points of Euclidean
geometry are called bicircular. If k is a circle with C ∉ k, then the isotropic
lines [C, I] and [C, I] split off, and the proper image curve k′ is a circle.
Therefore, the inversion maps circles to circles, provided that lines are
counted as circles. The center of a circle is in general not mapped to the
center of the image circle.
c c
C =A
FIGURE 7.62. Left: The inversion in a circle c with center C (of the inversion)
maps a point P to P ′ on P ’s polar line with regard to c. Right: A straight line
l is mapped to a circle l′ through C.
2. The image of a circle k in general position is a circle k ′ , as we have deduced above. But
where is the center of k ′ ? We may assume that k ∶ (x − d)2 + y 2 = R2 is the circle to
be inverted in c. This means no restriction because the coordinate system can always be
rotated about C such that the center of k lies on the x-axis. Inserting the coordinate
functions of the inversion (and using x and y instead of ξ and η), we find
r 2 − 2dr 2 x + (d2 − R2 )(x2 + y 2 ) = 0
which is the equation of the image circle. The center can be found by completing to full
squares and equals
dr 2
( 2 , 0) .
d − R2
Figure 7.63 shows that there is a simple construction of the center of the inverse circle.
Circles that intersect c at right angles are fixed as a whole, but not point-
wise since in this case r 2 equals the power of C with respect to l.
Quadratic Cremona transformations (indeed any rational mapping) pre-
serve the contact order of curves, provided, the contact takes place outside
the exceptional set. To be precise: If the multiplicity μP (c, d) of two cur-
ves c, d at such a common point P is m, then the intersection multiplicity
μP ′ (c′ , d′ ) at P ′ of the transformed curves c′ and d′ also equals m. In the
special case m = 2 we obtain that curves in contact are mapped to curves
in contact. Therefore, these mappings are so-called contact transforma-
tions. If a curve c ∈ P E and a circle (or line) l are in second or third
7.5 Quadratic Cremona transformations 347
C Ck′ Ck
FIGURE 7.63. How to find the center Ck′ of the inverse k ′ of a circle k ? First,
invert C in k, and second, invert the obtained point Ck in c.
The inversion can also be performed when c is an empty circle with the
equation x2 + y 2 = −r 2 . In this case, the inversion in c equals the product
of the inversion in the circle ̃ c ∶ x2 + y 2 = r 2 and the reflection in the
center of c and ̃c.
◾ Example 7.5.3 Inversion and the complex plane. The Cartesian coordinates (x, y) in the
Euclidean plane can be identified with complex numbers z by setting z = x + iy. We replace
348 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
C k′
FIGURE 7.64. The inversion maps tangent lines to contacting circles. Angles
are preserved, but their orientation is changed.
in (7.21) ξ by x and η by y and rewrite the coordinate functions of the inversion in a circle in
terms of complex numbers as
x y x + iy z 1
+i 2 = = =
x2 + y 2 x + y 2 x2 + y 2 zz z
with z being the complex conjugate number of z. The function f (z) = z −1 is anti-holomorphic,
and thus, conformal but orientation reversing.
The function f (z) = z −1 is a special form of a more general linear rational mapping g(z) ∶ C →
C which can also be viewed as projective mapping of the line P1 (C) onto itself since
αz + β α β 1
g(z) = ⇐⇒ g(z) = ( )( ) (7.22)
γz + δ γ δ z
with (α, β, γ, δ) ∈ C4 {(0, 0, 0, 0)} and αδ − βγ ≠ 0. The choice α ∶ β ∶ γ ∶ δ = 0 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 0 yields
the inversion in a circle given in (7.21). The complex conjugation in (7.22) is an automorphism
of the field C, and thus, g(z) is an anti-projectivity.
The set of all g(z) with all their compositions constitutes the three-parametric Möbius group.
● Exercise 7.5.1 Hirst’s inversion - inversion in a pair of lines. So far we have dealt with
inversions in regular conics. However, we can replace the conic by a pair of lines c = l1 ∪ l2
such that the center C of the inversion is not incident with any of the lines.
The mapping η which is called Hirst’s inversion5 after the British geometer Thomas Archer
Hirst (1830–1892), sends a point X ∉ {c∪C} to a point X ′ collinear with C and X and satisfies
H(A1 , A2 , X, X ′ ), where the points A1 , A2 are the intersections of [C, X] with l1 , l2 .
T.A. Hirst: On the Quadric Inversion of Plane Curves. Proc. R. Soc. of London, Phil.
Trans. R. Soc. 14, 91–106 (1865).
7.5 Quadratic Cremona transformations 349
P p
FIGURE 7.65. The pedal curve k ′ of the parabola k w.r.t. a point A of its
directrix is a strophoid. The equilateral hyperbola h is polar to k w.r.t. the
circle c centered at A, and therefore, invers to k ′ w.r.t. c.
Pedal transformation
Let A be any proper point in the Euclidean plane. The pedal transfor-
mation assigns to each line l the pedal point P ′ of l w.r.t A (compare
with Remark 2.2.1 on page 34). The pedal transformation is a quadratic
line-to-point transformation. It is the composition of a polarity and the
inversion in a circle c centered at A (see Figure 7.62 left).
The pedal curve k′ of a given curve k also admits a kinematic generation:
One leg of a moving right angle remains tangent to k while the other leg
is gliding through the fixed point A. Therefore, the tangent to k ′ at P ′
is a path tangent and, as such, orthogonal to the line joining P ′ with the
350 Chapter 7: Polarities and pencils
instantaneous pole [66, 21]. Conversely, the curve k is called the negative
pedal curve of k ′ .
Let k be a curve of class n which does neither contain the ideal line nor
touch the isotropic lines through A. The dual curve c⋆ with respect to
c is of degree n and does not contain any of the exceptional points of
the inversion in c. Therefore, and according to Theorem 7.5.3, the pedal
curve k ′ of k with respect to A is of degree 2n with n-fold points at the
absolute points of Euclidean geometry (Figure 7.65).
8 Affine Geometry
t c
s ϕ
S b y
Y a P′
An ellipse can be the image of a circle under a parallel projection. The terms
ellipse, parabola, hyperbola are typical notions of affine geometry.
In any projective plane P2 , we can specify a single line ω and call it the
ideal line. Points on ω are called ideal points, lines l, m ≠ ω which are
concurrent with ω are called parallel. The set of proper points, i.e., the
points not on ω, together with the set of lines ≠ ω is called an affine plane.
If at any coordinatization of P2 (F) the line ω is represented by x0 = 0,
then for proper points we may set x0 = 1 and switch to inhomogeneous
coordinates (x, y) ∈ F2 obeying (1 ∶ x ∶ y) = (x0 ∶ x1 ∶ x2 ). Such a coordina-
te frame in the corresponding affine plane A2 (F) is uniquely determined
by the origin O = (0, 0) and the unit points E1 = (1, 0) and E2 = (0, 1),
provided that OE1 E2 is a triangle.
In P2 , any collineation which fixes ω can be restricted to A2 . Then, it is
called an affine transformation. Projective collineations induce projective
affine transformations, or affinities in brief. In A2 (F), affinities can be
expressed as
Q1 t
t1 P2 P
Q Q2 b
u e
We recall from Figure 2.6 in Section 2.1 the elegant and simple construc-
tion of points and tangents of an ellipse which is ascribed to the French
mathematician Philippe de La Hire. The construction of points of the
ellipse e starts with the circumcircle u and incircle i of the ellipse, i.e.,
the concentric circles with the semimajor and semiminor axes (lengths)
for their radii (Figure 8.1).
We consider two perspective affinities ψ1 and ψ2 with the axes of the
ellipse e for their axes that, respectively, map the circumcircle u and the
incircle i to e. Thus, in both cases the pencil of fixed lines is orthogonal
to the axis of the affine mapping.
The mapping ψ2 ∶ i → e maps any point Q2 ∈ i to a point Q ∈ e. The
tangent t2 of i at Q2 is mapped to t ∋ Q. The second affine mapping
ψ1−1 ∶ e → u maps Q ∈ e to a point Q1 ∈ u. The tangent t at Q is mapped
to the tangent t1 of u at Q1 . The product α ∶= ψ1 ○ ψ2−1 of these two
affine mappings is still an affine mapping with the center C of e as a
354 Chapter 8: Affine Geometry
In Figure 8.1, we observe that the two right triangles QQ1 Q2 and P P2 P1
are congruent. If we draw the line parallel to [C, P1 ] through P , a further
congruent right triangle appears: The parallel line meets the axes of the
ellipse in X and Y . The triangle CXY is congruent to P P2 P1 . Obviously,
CP1 = P Y = a and P1 P2 = XY = a − b, and therefore, XP = b. This yields
another construction of the points of an ellipse which is frequently called
the trammel construction:
Corollary 8.1.1 Move a line [X, Y ] such that two points X and Y trace
a pair of orthogonal lines. Any point P fixed on the line [X, Y ] with
P ≠ X, Y traces an ellipse.
ξ r
S y ϕ
′ a b ′
The factors α and β are those distorsion ratios that are to be multiplied
with all ξ- and η-coordinates, respectively. We have
XC ′ Y C′
α= and β= . (8.3)
From the first two equations in (8.4) we can eliminate t and arrive at the
Cartesian equation of c′ :
x2 y 2
+ = 1.
a2 b2
From Example 7.1.1 in Section 7.1 we know that any pair of conjugate
diameters of a circle is a pair of orthogonal diameters, and vice versa.
The tangents at the endpoints of one diameter are parallel to the conju-
gate diameter. The images of any such pair under a parallel projection
will, in general, not be a pair of orthogonal lines any more. Since paral-
lelity is preserved under π, the circumscribed square of tangents at the
endpoints of conjugate diameters of c will be mapped to a circumscribed
parallelogram of tangents of c′ .
Let now an arbitrary pair of orthogonal diameters be the pair of axes of
a Cartesian coordinate system. Consequently, c can be parametrized via
(8.1). The corresponding frame [x, y] in the image plane ϕ will not be
Cartesian any more. However, it will be a general affine frame wherein
the ellipse c′ still can be given by (8.3). Now, a and b denote half of the
lengths of a pair of conjugate diameters as seen in Figure 8.3. On the
other hand, any two segments in ϕ, say C ′ A′ and C ′ B ′ , emanating from
a point can always be considered as the images of a pair of orthogonal
semidiameters M A and M B under a parallel projection. Therefore, in
any affine coordinate frame, x = a cos t, y = b sin t parametrizes an ellipse.
So we can say:
8.1 Conjugate diameters of ellipses and hyperbolas 357
B P B′
r ξ
A b
t c′ x
c C a A′
FIGURE 8.3. Left: The undistorted version of a circle shows a pair of conjugate
and orthogonal diameters together with the circumscribed square of tangents at
the respective endpoints. Right: The image of the circle under a parallel projec-
tion still shows a pair of conjugate diameters which in general is not a pair of
orthogonal diameters. The square of tangents is mapped to some parallelogram
of tangents.
Q⋆ P1
C a A X
FIGURE 8.4. Points of an ellipse constructed out of the incircle and the circum-
Let us have a look at Figure 8.4: Like in Figure 8.1 we can see that
there are two congruent right triangles QQ1 Q2 and P P2 P1 . The diame-
ters [C, Q] and [C, P ] of the ellipse with center C, principal axis [C, A],
and auxiliary axis [C, B] form a conjugate pair since [C, Q1 ]B[C, P1 ].
If we apply a quarter turn about C in clockwise direction to the trian-
gle QQ1 Q2 , we see Q1 ↦ P1 , Q ↦ Q⋆ , and Q2 ↦ P2 . Thus, we obtain
a rectangle Q⋆ P1 P P2 whose sides are parallel to the ellipse’s axes. The
diagonal [P, Q⋆ ] meets the axes in the points X and Y and encloses
the same angles with the axes as [P1 , P2 ] does. Consequently, we have
Y P = CP1 = a and XP = CP2 = b and also for the center I of the rectan-
gle we have IX = IC = IY . This justifies the construction given by Rytz
as shown in Figure 8.5.
Note that the result does not depend on the direction in which the point
Q is rotated about C through 90○ .
● Exercise 8.1.1 Conjugate diameters and focal points of an ellipse. Let the center of an
ellipse be the origin of Cartesian coordinates (x, y) which are combined to complex numbers
z = x + iy. Suppose that p, q ∈ C are the complex
√ coordinates of the endpoints P and Q of a
pair of conjugate semidiameters. Prove that ± p2 + q 2 are the complex coordinates of the two
real focal points of the given ellipse.
b b
C a A X
FIGURE 8.6. The image of a pair (h, ̃ h) of conjugate hyperbolas under an affine
transformation is again a pair (h′ , ̃
h′ ) of conjugate hyperbolas.
Proof: The hyperbola’s diameter parallel to t meets t in the common ideal point Tu . This
diameter is conjugate to the diameter P . Thus, P is the fourth harmonic point to Tu with
respect to intersections T1 and T2 of t and h’s asymptotes (Figure 8.7). ◾
T1 T1
t t
b P
d C P C
V a
c v
T2 T2
S2 h h
FIGURE 8.7. Left: The point P of contact of the tangent t and the hyperbola
h is the midpoint of the segment T1 T2 . Any chord of h determines equally long
segments between h and the asymptotes. The midpoints of interior segments on
parallel chords gather on a diameter. Right: The area of the triangle built by a
tangent t of h and the asymptotes is constant and independent of t.
Theorem 8.1.2 The area of the triangle built by the asymptotes and a
tangent of a hyperbola h at any point P ∈ h is independent of the choice
of P and equals the product of the semiaxis lengths, i.e., A = ab.
Proof: Let P be a generic point on h with the tangent t. Assume further that t meets the
asymptotes in the points T1 and T2 .
From the right-hand side of Figure 8.7 and from Lemma 8.1.2 we can conclude that projections
of P parallel to one asymptote onto the other are the midpoints of the segments CT1 and CT2
where C is the center. Thus, there is a parallelogram (salmon parallelogram in Figure 8.7, left)
defined by P . Its area is half the area of the triangle enclosed by t and the asymptotes.
t′ h′′ h′
t y ′′
P P ′′
C h′
h x′′
FIGURE 8.8. Rotation (left) and shearing (right) for the proof of Theorem 8.1.2.
Now, we have to find the area of the parallelogram. For that purpose, we rotate the hyperbola h
about C through an angle ϕ such that one asymptote
√ is mapped to the x-axis (see Figure 8.8,
left). The angle ϕ is defined by cos ϕ = a/ a2 + b2 . The equation b2 x2 − a2 y 2 = a2 b2 of h
changes to −2abxy − (a2 − b2 )y 2 = a2 b2 . Then, we apply a shear transformation that preserves
areas by substituting x = x′ + cy ′ and y = y ′ . The constant c is to be determined such that
8.1 Conjugate diameters of ellipses and hyperbolas 361
the coefficient of y 2 vanishes (Figure 8.8, right). This yields c = (b2 − a2 )/2ab and, once again,
the equation of the hyperbola simplifies to ab + 2xy = 0 while the area of the parallelogram
does not change. Since x and y are the edge lengths of the rectangle (still a parallelogram),
the area of the parallelogram equals 12 ab, and thus, the area of the triangle between t and the
asymptotes is constant and equals ab. ◾
k k
h h
FIGURE 8.9. Left: A pair (h, k) of conjugate hyperbolas. Right: The parallelo-
grams built by tangents of h and k have fixed area.
● Exercise 8.1.3 Focal points of a hyperbola. Let p, q ∈ C be the complex coordinates of the
endpoints P and Q of conjugate
√ semidiameters of a hyperbola h as explained in Exercise 8.1.2
with P ∈ h. Verify that ± p2 + q 2 are the complex coordinates of the focal points of h.
362 Chapter 8: Affine Geometry
◾ Example 8.1.3 Center of a conic. Assume we are given a conic c with the equation
c ∶ xT Ax = 0 (8.6)
with A ∈ R 3×3
being a regular symmetric matrix with entries from the field R of real numbers
and x = (x0 , x1 , x2 ) being homogeneous coordinates in the real projective plane. According to
Section 7.1, the dual conic c∗ , i.e., the set of tangents of c is given by the equation
c⋆ ∶ uT A−1 u = 0 (8.7)
m = (a11 a22 − a212 , a02 a12 − a01 a22 , a01 a12 − a02 a11 ). (8.8)
The point M = mR from equation (8.8) is a proper point if, and only if, its first coordinate
does not vanish, i.e.,
a a12
a11 a22 − a212 = det ( 11 ) ≠ 0.
a12 a22
The matrix
a11 a12
A ∶= ( ) (8.9)
a12 a22
is the right lower 2 × 2-submatrix of A from (8.6).
◾ Example 8.1.4 Axes are conjugate orthogonal diameters of a conic with a center. Given the
conic c ∶ xT Ax = 0 in homogeneous Cartesian coordinates with A = AT in P2 (F). Compute
the axes of c as the orthogonal conjugate diameters of c, provided c is no parabola.
with coefficients aij ∈ F and i, j ∈ {0, 1, 2}. This time, we allow A ∈ F3×3
to be singular. Let the vector x stand for x = (x, y) ∈ F2 .
Now the equation of c can also be written as the sum of a quadratic form
in x and y, a linear from in x and y, and a constant, as
a11 a12
with the vector a = (a01 , a02 ) and the matrix A = ( ) ∈ F2×2 .
a12 a22
8.1 Conjugate diameters of ellipses and hyperbolas 363
x = x′ + m (8.12)
m = −A −1 a (8.14)
F (x) = x′ Ax′ + α = 0
This reveals that A has diagonal form if, and only if, the base vectors
point into conjugate directions. So, we can choose one basis vector e′1
such that a′11 = e′1 Ae′1 ≠ 0. Then, we have e′1 Ae′2 = 0 for the second
way. In the case a′11 > 0 we let e′′1 = √1′ e′1 , otherwise e′′1 = √ 1 ′ e′1 .
a11 −a11
Thus, the new entry a′′11 can be +1 or −1. Similarily, we obtain a′′22 = +1,
or a′′22 = −1, or a′′22 = 0. The latter case only arises if A is singular.
364 Chapter 8: Affine Geometry
Theorem 8.1.4 In the real affine plane A2 (R) there is an affine coordi-
nate frame such that the equation of any regular or singular conic can be
reduced to one of the following standard equations:
x2 + y 2 − 1 = 0, x2 − y 2 − 1 = 0, x2 + y 2 + 1 = 0, x2 + 2y = 0,
x2 + y 2 = 0, x2 − y 2 = 0, x2 + 1 = 0, x2 − 1 = 0, x2 = 0.
● Exercise 8.1.4 Center of a conic and the critical points of quadratic functions.
Assume f (x, y) = a11 x2 + 2a12 xy + a22 y 2 + 2a01 x + 2a02 y + a00 is a quadratic function over R2 .
Show that the maxima/minima of f are found at the zeros of the gradient gradf = 2Ax + 2a,
or equivalently, at xm = −A a.
(5, 2)T
B1 B1 B1
B01 B11 B01 1− t t
B2 B2 B2
B0 B0 B0
FIGURE 8.11. Repeated affine combinations of points reduces the number of
control points in each step of de Casteljau’s algorithm. Finally, the algorithm
terminates if the last polygon consists of just one point.
Proof: In order to show that (8.16) parametrizes a parabola, we assume (without loss of
B1 B2 =(b, c)
B2 x
B0 B0 =(0, 0) B1 =(a, 0)
FIGURE 8.12. Left: A parabola as a quadratic Bézier curve with control points
B0 , B1 , and B2 . Right: An appropriately chosen coordinate system, cf. proof of
Corollary 8.2.1.
generality) that b0 = (0, 0)T , b1 = (a, 0)T , and b2 = (b, c)T with a ≠ 0, a ≠ b, b ≠ 0, c ≠ 0 (see
Figure 8.12). Then, we compute an implicit equation of the curve by eliminating the parameter
t from x = 2at(1 − t) + bt2 and y = ct2 and find (cx + (2a − b)y)2 − 4a2 cy = 0 which is a parabola
with axis direction (2a − b, c)T .
For the second part, we refer to Example 6.3.1 in Section 6.3. Here we have shown that any
conic allows a rational parametrization. For a parabola we choose the center of the stereogra-
phic projection (that gives the rational parametrization) as the one and only ideal point of
the parabola. Then the parametrization becomes polynomial. ◾
Pierre Étienne Bézier (1910–1999) was a French engineer.
8.2 Conics are rational quadratic Bézier curves 367
2 −1 2
c(t) = (∑ wi fi (t)) ⋅ ∑ wi bi fi (t) (8.18)
i=0 i=0
where bi are the coordinate vectors of the control points, fi (t) are the
Bernstein polynomials (8.17) of degree 2, and wi ∈ R are weights. Incre-
asing weights of any control point, pulls the curve towards this point.
With appropriately chosen weights, we change not only the shape of the
rational Bézier curve, we can even change the type of conic. Thus, we can
parametrize ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas in this way.
B2 -0.6
ϕ B1 0 0.3 B1
C ϕ 1 3 10
B0 B0
FIGURE 8.13. Left: A circle as a rational Bézier curve and the geometric mea-
ning of the weight w1 . Right: Some rational quadratic Bézier curves with com-
mon control polygon and different weights of B1 .
With the help of the unit circle centered at (0, 0)T , we demonstrate how
to find weights and control points in order to make the rational Bézier
368 Chapter 8: Affine Geometry
B1 B0
FIGURE 8.14. Control points for pieces of conics: ellipse (left), hyperbola (right).
● Exercise 8.2.2 Symmetric arc on an ellipse. Give a rational parametrization of the symme-
tric arc of an ellipse with b0 = (a cos ϕ, −b sin ϕ)T and b2 = (a cos ϕ, b sin ϕ)T with 0 < ϕ < π/2
and a, b ∈ R {0, }. Show that b1 = ( cosa ϕ , 0)T and w1 = ± cos ϕ (cf. Figure 8.14, left).
8.3 Conics and number theory 369
a00 + 2a01 x + 2a02 y + a11 x2 + 2a12 xy + a22 y 2 = (1 x y)A ⎜ x ⎟ = 0 (8.19)
with coefficients a00 , . . . , a22 ∈ F are the points of a conic in the affine
plane A2 (F). Special interest was given to the case where F is replaced
with the ring Z of integers. This was studied by Carl Friedrich Gauß
(1777–1855) and many others before. The case a01 = a02 = a12 = 0 and
a11 = a22 = −a00 = 1 leads to the unit circle with four integer solutions
(±1, 0) and (0, ±1).
We have derived a rational parametrization of the unit circle in Section 6.3
(see page 231):
1 − t2 2t
( , ).
1 + t2 1 + t2
We recall that the stereographic projection was used in order to elaborate
this. Now we replace the affine parameter t with homogeneous parameters
(u, v) by t = uv and then we switch to the u homogeneous representation
(13, 84)
(0, 85)
(40 , 77)
, 75
(0, 65)
(16, 6
, 60
(3 3, 56
) ( )
39 , 40
52, 3) (75 , 36)
6, 3 (77
(5 )
, 25
(63, 1 (84, 13)
(65, 0) (85, 0)
x2 − dy 2 = ±1 (8.22)
with d ∈ N {0} is usually called Pell equation after the English mathe-
matician John Pell (1611–1685). The solutions (±1, 0) are called trivial
and are obviously independent of d. The case d = 1 has no integer solution
372 Chapter 8: Affine Geometry
tA tB
FIGURE 8.16. Just a rough idea what a conic in P2 (Z2 ) may look like: N is c’s
nucleus where the three tangents of c meet each other.
(besides the trivial ones) since the difference of two integer squares cannot
be 1.
This special type of diophantine equation can be interpreted as the equa-
tion of a hyperbola. The task is to find integer points on the hyperbola for
any d ∈ N. Once a solution (ξ0 , η0 ) is found, many others can be generated
by the linear recurrence
ξk+1 ξ dη0 ξ
( )=( 0 )( k ).
ηk+1 η0 ξ0 ηk
However, the linear recurrence does not necessarily produce all solutions.
Solving Archimedes’s cattle problem requires to solve a Pell equation2 .
In a projective plane over a finite field F there are only finitely many
points. Let N = #F be the number of elements in F. Then, any line has
N + 1 points and any conic contains that many points (see Example 6.4.8
in Section 6.4). The number of points in P(F3 ) equals N 2 + N + 1.
The very special case N = 2, i.e., the projective minimal plane, shows
conics with a completely different behavior than anywhere else: Assume
that a conic c in the projective plane is given by the homogeneous equation
c ∶ x20 + x21 + x22 = 0.
H.W. Lenstra: Solving the Pell equation. Notices of the AMS 29/2 (2002), 182–192.
8.3 Conics and number theory 373
Clearly, there are only three points on c because it contains as much points
as a line does. These points are
tA ∶ x1 + x2 = 0, tB ∶= x0 + x2 = 0, t C ∶ x0 + x1 = 0
The One-Seventh-conic
(1, 4), (4, 2), (2, 8), (8, 5), (5, 7), (7, 1).
y y
x x
FIGURE 8.17. The one-seventh-ellipses carry six points with integer coordinates
derived from the decimal expansion of 17 .
(1, 4), (4, 2), (2, 8), (8, 5), (5, 7), (7, 1),
(14, 42), (42, 28), (28, 85), (85, 57), (57, 71), (71, 14),
(142, 428), (428, 285), (285, 857), (857, 571), (571, 714), (714, 142),
(1428, 4285), (4285, 2857), (2857, 8571), (8571, 5714), (5714, 7142), (7142, 1428),
Show that these sixtuples of points are located on an ellipse if the number of digits in each
coordinate is either 3k + 1 or 3k + 2 (with k ∈ N). The ellipses have the centers
9 99 9999 99999
(1, 1) , (1, 1) , (1, 1) , (1, 1) , ....
2 2 2 2
If the number of digits in each place of the coordinate vectors equals 3k (with k ∈ N {0}),
then the one-seventh-conics degenerate into pairs of parallel lines with the direction (2, −1).
There also exists a family of one-thirteenth-conics: Write down the decimal expansion of 1/13
and define points in the same way as above. Show that these points define either ellipses or
pairs of parallel lines. The centers of the ellipses defined from 1/13 are identical with the ones
given above. The parallels have the direction (1, −3).
9 Special problems
There are many ways to define conics related to a triangle Δ with vertices
A, B, C. We are going to pick out very few examples. All triangles have a
circumcircle, i.e., the uniquely defined conic passing through the triangles
vertices and the absolute points1 of Euclidean geometry. In Section 7.3,
we have seen that each triangle in the Euclidean plane defines a pencil of
equilateral hyperbolas including the Kiepert hyperbola, cf. Example 7.3.4.
The base points of this pencil are the three vertices of the triangle together
with the orthocenter. By the same token, the set of the vertices together
with the orthocenter H is called an orthocentric quadrangle and has some
symmetry: The orthocenter of any triangle built from three of these points
is the fourth point.
k k
X22 X115
k A
X10 X44
FIGURE 9.1. Left: The Kiepert hyperbola k is the locus of perspectors of isosce-
les triangles attached to Δ’s sides and contains the centroid2 X2 and the ortho-
center X4 . The three unlabeled points are the first Fermat point X13 , the outer
Vecten point X485 , and the first Napoleon point X17 . Right: The Kiepert center
X115 is located on the nine point circle n. The Kiepert hyperbola also contains
the Spieker center X10 .
The absolute points of Euclidean geometry are explained in Section 6.4. Every Euclidean
circle passes through this pair of complex conjugate points on the line at infinity. Conversely,
any non-degenerate conic that passes through the absolute points of Euclidean geometry is
a Euclidean circle.
9.1 Conics in triangle geometry 377
When we deal with triangle geometry, we shall follow the usual notation: X1 is the incenter of
the triangle Δ, X2 is the centroid or barycenter, X3 is the circumcenter, X4 is the orthocenter.
For a complete list of named triangle centers we refer to [41].
378 Chapter 9: Special problems
e2 e2
e1 n
i X1
B X5
i X11
The term homogeneous should be used with care when dealing with
trilinear distances. The geometric meaning of the coordinates based on
(A, B, C, X1 ) is the following: The incenter X1 has coordinates (1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1)
for it is the chosen unit point. The incenter has equal distances to the
three side lines of Δ, it is the radius of the incircle, thus ( , , ) is also
a representation of X1 , expressing that X1 is actually at distance to
any side of Δ. The vector ( , , ) is, therefore, called the actual trilinear
coordinates of X1 . These coordinates are no longer homogeneous.
Any point P in the plane of Δ can be described by trilinear coordinates
which are simply the oriented distances of P to the side lines [B, C],
[C, A], [A, B] of Δ in that particular ordering. These coordinates show
signs in the different areas defined by Δ’s sides. Figure 9.3 shows the
distribution of signs of the trilinear coordinates.
We denote the side lengths of Δ by c = AB, a = BC, b = CA. Let further
F denote the area of Δ. Then, homogeneous trilinear coordinates (p0 ∶
p1 ∶ p2 ) can be transformed into actual trilinear coordinates (d0 ∶ d1 ∶ d2 )
9.1 Conics in triangle geometry 379
(− − +)
(+ − +) (− + +)
(+ + +)
(+ − −) A (+ + −) B (− + −)
(d0 , d1 , d2 ) = (p0 , p1 , p2 )
ap0 + bp1 + cp2
which can easily be seen by computing the area F of Δ as the sum of
the areas of the three subtriangles ABP , BCP , CAP . The scaling of
coordinates fails if
ap0 + bp1 + cp2 = 0
which characterizes points on the line L∞ at infinity. Thus, L∞ has (ho-
mogeneous) trilinear coordinates (a ∶ b ∶ c). A point P is called a triangle
center or simply center of Δ if its trilinear coordinates are cyclic sym-
metric functions in the side lengths of Δ. The first coordinate is usually
called a center function. For example X1 = (1, 1, 1) (incenter) is a center.
The centroid X2 = (bc ∶ ca ∶ ab) is also a center, since a → b → c → a
changes bc to ca, ca to ab, and ab to bc. A central line is a line whose
homogeneous trilinear coordinates are center functions.
Central circles
In terms of trilinear coordinates (x0 ∶ x1 ∶ x2 ), conics are given by homo-
geneous quadratic equations
● Exercise 9.1.1 Center of a circle. Show that the center of a circle given by (9.2) has the
following trilinear coordinates
(−λ0 + λ1 cos C + λ2 cos B − κ cos A ∶
λ0 cos C − λ1 + λ2 cos A − κ cos B ∶
λ0 cos B + λ1 cos A − λ2 − κ cos C)
where cos A = (b2 + c2 − a2 )/(2bc) is the cosine of Δ’s interior angle at A.3 The values cos B
and cos C are the cosines of the interior angles at B and C. Make use of the fact that the
center of a conic is the conic’s pole of the ideal line (cf. page 266).
● Exercise 9.1.2 Center of an arbitrary conic. Show that the centers of the circumconics given
by (9.4) have the trilinear coordinates
(q01 (−aq01 + bq02 + cq12 ) ∶ q02 (aq01 − bq02 + cq12 ) ∶ q12 (aq01 + bq02 − cq12 )). (9.3)
Simson line
A well-known theorem which is erroneously ascribed to the English mathe-
matican Robert Simson (1687–1768) is actually due to the Scottish ma-
thematician William Wallace (1768–1843). It characterizes the points
on the circumcircle:
This notation is standard in triangle geometry and shall not lead to any confusion.
9.1 Conics in triangle geometry 381
Theorem 9.1.1 The pedal points of the normals from a point P to the
side lines of a triangle are collinear if, and only if, P is a point on the
circumcircle u.
The locus of collinearity is called the Simson line. A proof of this result
can be found in the textbook [19]. Figure 9.4 illustrates the contents of
Theorem 9.1.1 and some more results that relate to Theorem 9.1.1.
u u
FIGURE 9.4. Some results related to Theorem 9.1.1: Left: the Simson line.
Middle: If the point P traverses u, then the Simson line envelopes a Steiner
hypocycloid. Right: The remaining intersections of the normals through P and
the circumcircle u give rise to three lines parallel to s.
Central conics
For conics that pass through the vertices, i.e., conics circumscribed to Δ,
(9.1) is characterized by
t2 P2
where the cyclic sum means that all terms are obtained from the given one
by a cyclic shift in all indices in {1, 2, 3} and components. For example
q q q q
∑cyclic x012 = x012 + x120 + x201 .
Obviously, it is sufficient to prescribe one coefficient (center function) in
order to determine the conic. In Section 7.5, we have learned that the
isogonal conjugation and the isotomic conjugation are quadratic Cremo-
na transformations. Comparing the normal form (7.15) of a Cremona
transformation with three base points and (9.4), we can see that the cir-
cumconics are the isogonal transforms of certain central lines.
● Exercise 9.1.3 Show that (9.1) is the equation of a parabola circumscribed to Δ if, and
only if, the coefficients qij satisfy
2abq01 q02 − a2 q01
+ 2bcq02 q12 − b2 q02
+ 2caq01 q12 − c2 q12
together with the regularity condition det(qij ) ≠ 0.
9.1 Conics in triangle geometry 383
Steiner ellipses
C s
Proof: There exist affine transformations α which map the given triangle Δ = ABC onto an
equilateral triangle A1 B1 C1 and, hence, the Steiner circumellipse s of Δ onto the circumcircle
s1 of A1 B1 C1 . Choose, e.g., A1 = A, B1 = B. Then, the affine transformations multiply all
384 Chapter 9: Special problems
(signed) areas with a constant factor f = det A if A ∈ R2×2 represents the associated linear
mapping in a Cartesian or an affine frame. Thus, the ratio AΔ ∶ As is affinely invariant. ◾
u s u s
B1 B2 C1 C2
S1 S2 t S1 S2
A1 =A2 Z L T R
FIGURE 9.7. Left: The circumcircle u of an equilateral triangle can be mapped
via an area preserving affine transformation (affine shearing, see page 186) to
the Steiner circumellipse s of an arbitray triangle. Right: The construction of
the principal axis of the Steiner ellipse s uses the Thales circle t centered at T
on the axis of the affine mapping (shearing) and the bisector of the two centers
S1 and S2 .
Figure 9.7 shows an elementary way to find the principal axis of the
Steiner ellipse s being the affine image of the circumcircle u. In fact, this
construction can be used for arbitrary affine mappings applied to a circle,
provided that there is an axis, i.e., the affine mapping is a perspective
affine mapping. Note that α is center preserving, for it preserves affine
The construction in Figure 9.7 (right-hand side) uses the fact that con-
jugate diameters of a circle are orthogonal. Furthermore, the axes of the
image s of u are conjugate and orthogonal. Thus, the fixed points L and
R on the axis z (of α) have to lie on the Thales circle t through the centers
of u and s.
The Steiner circumellipse also appears in combination with three concur-
rent osculating circles of an ellipse (see page 97).
The following theorem is usually ascribed to Morris Marden (US ma-
thematician, 1905–1991),4 though it was first published and proved by
Marden published this result in 1945, never claiming that it was his result, see: M. Marden:
A note on the zeroes of the sections of a partial fraction. Bull. AMS 51/12 (1945), 935–940.
9.1 Conics in triangle geometry 385
Theorem 9.1.4 The zeros ϕ1 and ϕ2 of the derivative p′ (z) of the com-
plex cubic polynomial p(z) = (z − α)(z − β)(z − γ) are the focal points of
the Steiner inellipse of the triangle with vertices α, β, γ, provided that the
complex numbers are identified with points in the Euclidean plane.
B F1 X2 F2
FIGURE 9.8. The Steiner inellipse m of the triangle ABC with focal points F1
and F2 is centered at X2 .
√ √
β = 1+t 2 (a(1 − t + 2 3t) + ib(2t − 3(1 − t2 )) .
1 2
Now, we build
p(z) = (z − α)(z − β)(z − γ).
Jörg Siebeck: Über eine neue analytische Behandlungsweise der Brennpunkte. J. reine u.
angew. Mathematik 64 (1864), 175–182.
386 Chapter 9: Special problems
Differentiating once with respect to z, we find p′ (z) = 3(z 2 − a2 + b2 ) whose zeros in C are
√ √
ϕ1 = a2 − b2 and ϕ2 = − a2 − b2
Remark 9.1.1 Another proof of Theorem 9.1.4 can be found in: D. Kalman: An Elementary
Proof of Marden’s Theorem. The American Mathematical Monthly 115 (2008), 330–338.
Marden’s theorem can be generalized: Assume that α, β, γ are roots of a polynomial p(z) and
have multiplicities r, s, t, i.e., they are the roots of p(z) = (z − α)r (z − β)s (z − γ)t . The two
non-trivial zeros of p′ (z) are the focal points of the inellipse of Δ that touches the sides at
points dividing the edges of Δ at ratios r ∶ s, s ∶ t, and t ∶ r.6
If Vi (with i ∈ {1, . . . , n}) are the vertices of an n-gon (not necessarily regular) that has an
inscribed ellipse i, then there is a complex polynomial p(z) of degree n that vanishes at all Vi
(or at the respective complex numbers). The focal points of i are among the roots of p′ (z).7
A characterizing property of the focal points of the Steiner circumellipse is given in [1].
Kiepert parabola
The famous nine point circle n (Figure 9.2) is centered at X5 (the nine
point center) and is half the size of the circumcircle. The circle n is the
circumcircle of the medial triangle, i.e., the triangle of the midpoints of
B.Z. Linfield: On the relation of the roots and poles of a rational function to the roots of
its derivative. Bull. AMS 27 (1920), 17–21.
J.L. Parish: On the derivative of a vertex polynomial. Forum Geom. 6 (2006), 285–288.
9.1 Conics in triangle geometry 387
u s
B′ X3 X110
A′ X2
A B A B p
FIGURE 9.9. Left: The Kiepert parabola p is the envelope of all perspectrices x
of Δ and the triangles Δx built by the “new” points A′ , B ′ , C ′ of the attached
triangles. Right: The Euler line e of Δ is the directrix of the Kiepert parabola
p. The focal point of the Kiepert parabola is the triangle center X110 .
Δ’s sides. It contains six more points: The three feet of the altitudes
of Δ and the three midpoints of the altitudes’ segments between the
orthocenter and the vertices.
R X4
FIGURE 9.10. Left: The nine point conic n is a circumconic of the diagonal
triangle of a complete quadrangle and carries the midpoints of all six sides.
Right: The nine point circle of a triangle ABC is the nine point conic of an
orthocentric quadrangle which means of the quadrangle ABCX4 with X4 being
the orthocenter of ABC.
388 Chapter 9: Special problems
Corollary 9.1.1 There exists a unique conic passing through the six mid-
points of the edges and the three diagonal points of a quadrangle.
The left-hand side of Figure 9.10 shows the nine point conic of a non-
convex quadrangle. It doesn’t matter if the quadrangle is convex or not.
The nine point conics always exists, but may sometimes degenerate as is
the case with a rectangle. In Section 7.5, we use a quadratic birational
transformation to construct the nine point conic as the image of a line
(see page 339).
● Exercise 9.1.4 Proof of Corollary 9.1.1. Proof the existence of the nine-point conic by
assuming that A = (1 ∶ 0 ∶ 0), B = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ 0), C = (0 ∶ 0 ∶ 1), and D = (1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1). Assume further
that (a ∶ b ∶ c) are the homogeneous coordinates of the line at infinity L∞ which helps to define
midpoints of the edges as fourth harmonic points of the ideal points of the edges with respect
to the edges.
Show that the diagonal points are P = (1 ∶ 1 ∶ 0), Q = (1 ∶ 0 ∶ 1), R = (0 ∶ 1 ∶ 1) and the
midpoints are
MAB = (b ∶ a ∶ 0), MAC = (c ∶ 0 ∶ a), MAD = (2a + b + c ∶ a ∶ a),
MBC = (0 ∶ c ∶ b), MBD = (b, a + 2b + c, b), MCD = (c ∶ c ∶ a + b + 2c).
The coefficient matrix of the equation of the nine point conic equals
⎛ 2a a+b a+c ⎞
⎜ a+b 2b b+c ⎟
⎝ a+c b+c 2c ⎠
α β
The isogonal conjugation κ is defined for all points in the Euclidean plane
off the lines [A, B], [B, C], [C, A], i.e., the side lines of Δ. The mapping
κ is defined as follows (see Figure 9.11): Any point X ∈/ [A, B] ∪ [B, C] ∪
[C, A] can be joined with Δ’s vertices. Then, we have
u C
e i
3 X
FIGURE 9.12. The circumcircle u is the image of the line L∞ , the Euler line
maps to the Jeřabek hyperbola j, and the incircle i is mapped to a quartic i′
with three cusps at the exceptional points A, B, C.
● Exercise 9.1.5 The circumcircle as isogonal transform of the line at infinity. Use the theorem
of the angle of circumference and Definition 6.1.1 and show that the circumcircle of Δ is the
isogonal transform of the ideal line. It turns out that the isogonal transform of L∞ is generated
with the help of congruent pencils of lines, cf. Example 6.2.2.
FIGURE 9.13. The isotomic transformation is somehow dual to the isogonal
transformation: The vertices XA , XB , XC of the Cevian-triangle of X are re-
flected in the midpoints of the sides of Δ which results in the Cevian-triangle of
the isotomic conjugate X ′ of X.
● Exercise 9.1.6 Isotomic conjugation. Show that the isotomic conjugation as explained
above is a quadratic Cremona transformation of type 1 (cf. the normal form given in (7.15)).
9.1 Conics in triangle geometry 393
(b2 c2 ηζ ∶ c2 a2 ζξ ∶ a2 b2 ξη).
● Exercise 9.1.7 The Steiner ellipse as the isotomic image of the line at infinity. Show that
the image of the ideal line L∞ under the isotomic conjugation is the Steiner circumellipse s
of Δ with the equation
s ∶ bcx1 x2 + cax2 x0 + abx0 x1 = 0.
Figure 9.14 shows the action of the isotomic mapping on the grid of lines parallel to the sides
of the base triangle Δ.
FIGURE 9.14. Left: grid of lines parallel to Δ’s sides, Right: the isotomic trans-
form of the grid.
394 Chapter 9: Special problems
The locus iϕ of points from which a given curve c can be seen under
a constant angle is called isoptic curve, or simply, isoptic. Especially, if
ϕ = π2 , we call iϕ the orthoptic curve of c. The orthopic curves of ellipses
are circles (cf. 2.2.6). However, it is clear that the isoptic curves of circles
are concentric circles. The radius rϕ of the isoptic circle cϕ of a circle c
with radius r equals
rϕ = .
cos ϕ2
In the following we shall derive the isoptic curve of conics. We start with
an ellipse and pay attention to the isoptics of parabolas. The computations
of isoptics of a hyperbola shall be left to the reader as an exercise.
X2 Y 2
e∶ + 2 =1
a2 b
where a > b is an admissible assumption. If the point with Cartesian
coordinates (x, y) is a point on the isoptic curve iϕ of e, then there are
9.2 Isoptic curves of conics 395
two tangents t and τ of e passing through (x, y). The tangents t and τ
touch e at the points (u, v) and (ξ, η) which yields
ux vy xξ yη
t∶ + = 1, τ∶ + =1 (9.7)
a2 b2 a2 b2
u2 v 2 ξ 2 η2
+ = 1, + = 1. (9.8)
a2 b2 a2 b2
c c=̂
FIGURE 9.16. Left: The two branches c and ̂ c of the isoptic curve of an ellipse
e appear as the zeros of one algebraic equation. From points on c, the ellipse e
is seen under the angle ϕ; from points on ̂ c the ellipse is seen under the angle
π − ϕ. Right: If ϕ = π, then the two branches c and ̂ c become one branch
√ of
multiplicity two. It is the director circle with center (0, 0) and radius a2 + b2 .
which results in
ξv − ηu
tan ϕ = a2 b2 . (9.9)
a4 ηv + b4 ξu
The isoptic curve iϕ of e is now determined by the equations (9.7), (9.8),
and (9.9). These are five equations in the six unknowns u, v, ξ, η, x, and y.
We eliminate all variables but x and y and arrive at an implicit equation
of iϕ . In a first elimination step we use (9.7) and eliminate for example u
and ξ from (9.8) and (9.9). In a final step, v and η are to be eliminated
from the modified equation in (9.9) and we arrive at the quartic curve
From (9.10), we can see that the orthoptic curve iπ/2 is a circle of multi-
plicity two: With ϕ = π2 , or equivalently, cot ϕ = 0, (9.10) simplifies to
(x2 + y 2 − a2 − b2 )2 = 0,
and thus, the isoptic circle iπ/2 of e is centered at (0, 0), i.e., it is concentric
with e and has the radius a2 + b2 (compare with Theorem 2.2.6). Figure
9.15 shows some isoptic curves of a hyperbola, a parabola and an ellipse.
The orthoptic curves are shown in dark blue. In Figure 9.16, the isoptic
curve of an ellipse with ϕ = π3 is shown. Here, we observe that the isoptic iϕ
consists of two separated branches c and ̂ c provided that ϕ ≠ 0, π2 , π. This is
a consequence of the fact that cot(π−ϕ) = − cot ϕ and cot2 (π−ϕ) = cot2 ϕ.
However, the two branches c and ̂ c are two disjoint components of one
irreducible algebraic variety given by (9.10).
We introduce homogeneous coordinates by letting x = x1 x−1 −1
0 and y = x2 x0
4 2
and multiply (9.10) by x0 tan ϕ which gives
tan2 ϕ(x21 + x22 − (a2 + b2 )x20 )2 + 4x20 (a2 b2 x20 − b2 x21 − a2 x22 ) = 0.
If ϕ = 0 or ϕ = π, we have
Theorem 9.2.1 The isoptic curves iϕ of ellipses are quartic curves with
double points at the absolute points of Euclidean geometry if ϕ ≠ 0, π2 , π.
The orthoptic of an ellipse√is a circle of multiplicity two concentric with
the ellipse and with radius a2 + b2 if a and b are the ellipse’s semimajor
and semiminor axes.
This result holds similarly for hyperbolas, see the exercise on page 399.
Isoptic curves of a parabola
c p
π−ϕ ϕ
FIGURE 9.17. Left: The two branches c and ̂ c of the isoptic curve of a parabola
p are part of one conic. From points on c, the parabola p is seen under the angle
ϕ; from points on ̂c the ellipse is seen under the angle π −ϕ. Right: If ϕ = π, then
the two branches c and ̂ c become one line of multiplicity two. It is p’s directrix.
which touch p at the points (u, v) and (ξ, η), respectively. The contact
points satisfy
u2 − 2qv = 0, ξ 2 − 2qη = 0. (9.12)
Again, we use the equations of the tangents (9.11) and read off the tan-
gent of the angles enclosed with the x-axis of the underlying Cartesian
coordinate system. We denote these angles by the same Greek letters as
done in the case of the ellipse and arrive at
u ξ
tan ϕ1 = and tan ϕ2 = .
q q
tan ϕ = tan(ϕ2 − ϕ1 ) = q (9.13)
q 2 + ξu
for the tangent of ϕ = <) (t, τ ). From (9.11), (9.12), and (9.13) we eliminate
u, v, ξ, and η in order to find the implicit equation of the isoptic curves
of the parabola p. This yields
y 2 − x2 cot2 ϕ
4x2 + (q − 2y)2
splits off from the final resultant. This quadratic polynomial does not
involve ϕ and can, therefore, not describe a part of the isoptic curve. If
it is set equal to zero, this is the equation of the pair of isotropic lines
through the focus of the parabola p.
9.2 Isoptic curves of conics 399
iϕ i π2
Since (9.14) can be rearranged and homogenized as done above for the
isoptics of the ellipse, we can write
(px0 + 2x2 )2 = 0.
The orthoptic curves of the given hyperbola is the circle centered at (0, 0) with radius a2 − b2
provided that a > b. What happens in the cases a = b or a < b (cf. Figure 9.18)? What is the
difference between iϕ and iπ−ϕ ?
h h
FIGURE 9.19. Any isoptic curve iϕ of a conic e is also an isoptic curve to another
conic h, but for a different angle.
are linear and the second equation is quadratic, we find up to two values
for a2 , b2 , cot2 ϕ. Therefore, we can say:
Figure 9.19 shows two conics e and h with the same curve iϕ for an isoptic
of both conics.
The isoptic curves of conics are spiric curves. Some of these curves can
be seen in Figure 3.37 in Section 3.2 where spiric curves appeared as
generalizations of conics.
402 Chapter 9: Special problems
h h P
e e
P e
Let us now face a problem that may be important for various problems
in computational geometry, e.g., for collision detection. Assume we are
given an ellipse e with the Cartesian equation
x2 y 2
e∶ + =1
a2 b2
with a > b and a point P = (u, v) in the plane of the ellipse. We ask for a
point N ∈ e that is closest to the given point P .
For an extremal distance between a parametrized curve c(t) and the point
P with coordinate vector p it is necessary that
⟨c − p, c − p⟩ = ⟨ċ, c − p⟩ = 0.
This means, at points in extremal distance to P the normal of the curve
has to pass through P . Therefore, we measure the distance of P to the
ellipse e on a normal n of the ellipse that is passing through P . The point
F ∈ e where n is the ellipse’s normal is called pedal point of the normal
n drawn from P to e. Thus, the distance of P to the ellipses satisfies
eP = F P .
The normal n at N = (x, y) ∈ e is parallel to the gradient
1 x y
gradc (N ) = ( 2 , 2 )
2 a b
9.3 Pedal points on conics, Apollonian hyperbola 403
Theorem 9.3.1 The pedal points of the normals drawn from a point P
to an ellipse e are located on the Apollonian hyperbola h. The hyperbola
h contains the point P and the center M of the ellipse. Furthermore, it
is equilateral since its asymptotes are parallel to the axis of the e. The
hyperbola h remains the same when the ellipse is transformed by a central
similarity with center M and scaling factor λ ≠ 0.
The number of solutions to the initial problem is at most four since there
are at most four common points of e and h. We can find at least two real
solutions, i.e., there are at least two real normals of e passing through a
point P in e’s plane because the hyperbola h contains the center M of the
ellipse e. Figure 9.20 shows three different choices of P such that there
are four, three, and two real normals form P to e.
l P l
l h l l h
h P P
h h
● Exercise 9.3.2 Pedal points on a parabola. Now we treat the normals from a point P =
(u, v) to the parabola p with the equation
p ∶ x2 − 2qy = 0
with q ≠ 0. The techniques are almost the same. We treat this case separately since the
number of solutions differs from that in the case of ellipses and hyperbolas. Again, we find an
Apollonian hyperbola h. Here, it has the equation
h ∶ xy + (q − v)x − uq = 0.
We cannot expect the same behavior of h for there is no center to pass through. If u = 0, then
P is a point on the axis of the parabola. Exactly in this case, the Apollonian hyperbola of p
splits into p’s axis (with equation x = 0) and a further line (with equation y = v − q).
h h h
P p P
h h
FIGURE 9.22. The normals from a point P to a parabola p (from left to right):
two solutions, one with multiplicity two, the generic case with three solutions,
one solution.
9.3 Pedal points on conics, Apollonian hyperbola 405
The two conics c and h share one ideal point (0 ∶ 0 ∶ 1), and thus, we
obtain at most three common points and at least one real common point
(see Figure 9.22). So, we have
Theorem 9.3.2 The number of real normals which can be drawn from
a generic point P to a parabola p ranges between one and three. The
pedal points lie on an equilateral hyperbola h which also contains P . The
asymptotes of h are parallel to the axis and the tangent at the vertex of
the parabola p.
406 Chapter 9: Special problems
p p p
c c
FIGURE 9.23. Pascal’s limaçons as pedal curves p of a circle c for three different
choices of F . Left: F is an ordinary double point on p if c sends two tangents
through F . Middle: F is an isolated double point of p if F is an interior point
of c. Right: The pedal curve has a cusp at F if F ∈ c; p is a cardioid.
t ∶ (x − d) cos ϕ + y sin ϕ = r
9.4 Pedal curves of conics 407
n ∶ − x sin ϕ + y cos ϕ = 0
with ϕ ∈ [0, 2π[ defining the point of contact. The intersection of t and n
results in a parametrization of the pedal curve p and reads
p(ϕ) = (cos ϕ(r + d cos ϕ), sin ϕ(r + d cos ϕ)). (9.18)
We eliminate the parameter ϕ from 9.18 and find the implicit equation
of the circles’ pedal curves as
Since the terms of lowest degree in x and y are quadratic, the curve p has
a double point at F = (0, 0). The linear factors
√ √
(x d2 − r 2 + ry) (x d2 − r 2 − ry) = 0
c P1
k2 P2 l
Obviously, this is a sextic which has triple points at the absolute points
since (x2 + y 2 )3 = 0 describes the directions to the points of intersection
with the ideal line.
9.4 Pedal curves of conics 409
If now F ∈ c, i.e., d = ±r, the sextic splits into a circle about F with radius
l and a quartic:
(x2 + y 2 − l2 )((x2 + y 2 )2 − 4rx(x2 + y 2 ) + (4r 2 − l2 )x2 − l2 y 2 ) = 0
A comparison of the quartic factor with (9.19) shows that, in the special
case F ∈ c, the pedal curve p equals the conchoid k if, and only if, l = ±r
and r = d2 . In this special case, k is known as Pascal’s limaçon, named
after Étienne Pascal (1588–1651), the father of Blaise Pascal. So,
we can state:
Figure 9.24 shows some conchoids of a circle for some choices of F and l.
Pedal curves of parabolas
We eliminate the parameter t from these two equations and find an im-
plicit equation of c’s pedal curve p with respect to F as
p p p
FIGURE 9.26. Special choices of F result in special pedal curves.
y(x2 + (y − a)2 ) = 0
which is the equation of a reducible cubic curve being the union of c’s
tangent at the vertex (with the equation y = 0) and the two isotropic lines
x ± i(y − a) = 0 through c’s focus F (see Figure 9.26, left). This means
that the lines through the focus of a parabola which are orthogonal to
the tangents of the parabola meet the tangents in points on the tangent
at the parabola’s vertex (compare with Theorem 2.2.2 and Figure 2.13).
This gives the following kinematic generation of a parabola:
9.4 Pedal curves of conics 411
Theorem 9.4.3 Let the vertex of a rigid right angle glide along a line l
such that one leg m is incident with a fixed point F ∉ l. Then, the envelope
of the other leg n is a parabola with focus F and the tangent l at the vertex.
y(x2 + y 2 ) + ax2 = 0.
This curve is called right cissoide (see Figure 9.26 in the middle) and is
a special case of cissoides. The more general forms of cissoides appear for
any other choice of F on the parabola c.
We obtain MacLaurin’s trisectrix if F = (0, −3a). Then, the tangents at
p’s double point F enclose an angle of 120○ .
FIGURE 9.27. Some lemniscates as pedal curves of conics with center: Left:
The pedal curve of an ellipse with respect to the ellipse’s center is Booth’s
lemniscate. Right: The pedal curve of an equilateral hyperbola with respect to
its center is Bernoulli’s lemniscate.
polygon at the same time. Then, we pay attention to the porism of Pon-
celet which deals with polygons which are inscribed in one conic and
circumscribed to another conic. The conics appearing in the Poncelet po-
rism can be seen as a generalization of the polygons which occur in the
Braikenridge-MacLaurin problem. In this section, conics are alway assu-
med to be regular unless otherwise stated.
Closure problems in polygons
C3 C4
I3 I1
C1 2′ 1′ 2 1 C2 C1 1′ 3′2′ 32 1 C2
FIGURE 9.29. Closed polygons inscribed in and circumscribed to triangles or
quadrangles always correspond to the solutions of quadratic equations.
Now the question arises: Is there a fixed point, i.e., a point 1 which coin-
cides with the corresponding point 1′ = α(1)? We learned in Section 5.2
that α ∶ xR → x′ R is represented by a linear map x′ = Ax with a 2 × 2
matrix A when on the line [C1 , C2 ] homogeneous coordinates are used.
xR is fixed if, and only if, there is an eigenvalue λ ∈ R with Ax = λx. The
eigenvalues of A are the zeros of the quadratic characteristic polynomial
of A, and each eigenvalue λ gives at least one fixed point as nontrivial
solution of the homogeneous linear system (A − λI2 )x = 0. Hence, either
two fixed points (two distinct real, or one real of multiplicity 2, or a con-
jugate complex pair) are to be expected, or, when A happens to be a
multiple of the unit matrix I2 , then α is the identity, and the triangle clo-
ses for each choice. The latter occurs when the point triples {C1 , I1 , I2 },
{C2 , I2 , I3 } and {C3 , I3 , I1 } are collinear (Figure 9.30, left). Since the solu-
tions of a quadratic equation can be found by straightedge and compass,
the Braikenridge-MacLaurin problem can also be solved graphically
by means of classical drawing tools.
● Exercise 9.5.1 The Braikenridge-MacLaurin problem asks for triangles inscribed in the
triangle C1 C2 C3 and circumscribed to I1 I2 I3 . Why is there an infinity of such triangles if, and
only if, the point triples {C1 , I1 , I2 }, {C2 , I2 , I3 } and {C3 , I3 , I1 } are collinear (note Figure
9.30, left)?
1 =1′
C1 1 =1′
FIGURE 9.30. These are particular cases where each triangle closes which is
inscribed in the triangle C1 C2 C (left) or to the conic c (right) and which has
sides passing in turn through I1 , I2 and I3 .
auto-polar triangle are outside of c, i.e., in the area of points where two
real tangent lines of c are meeting (note Figure 9.30, right).
Special porisms
What about the following? We replace the outer and inner polygon by co-
nics c and i and ask for n-gons which are inscribed in c and circumscribed
P2 c c
P1 P1
i i
P3 P3
FIGURE 9.31. Left: triangle with incircle i and circumcircle c. Right: poristic
family of triangles.
416 Chapter 9: Special problems
c P2
i i
P3 P1
In the next sections we will deal with the generalization for two conics
c and i (Figure 9.32). The theorem of Colin MacLaurin (1698–1746)
states (note Corollary 9.5.5 on page 425)
If there exists one triangle inscribed in a conic c and circumscribed
to another conic i, then there are infinitely many triangles inscribed
in and circumscribed to these conics c and i.
9.5 Poncelet porisms 417
P2 T1 P2 T3
P1 c M
M P1
i i
E2 P3
Inpolar conics
There are many porisms connected with pairs of conics. This is the reason
why in the coming sections we study relations between two conics which
are projectively invariant. Most important in this respect is the (genera-
lized) characteristic polynomial of two 3 × 3 matrices8 C, D
FC,D (σ, τ ) ∶= det(σC + τ D) = k0 σ 3 + k1 σ 2 τ + k2 στ 2 + k3 τ 3 . (9.24)
The substitutions τ = 0 or σ = 0 reveal k0 = det C and k3 = det D. But
there are also formulas for the remaining coefficients. For regular C and
D we can rewrite FC,D (σ, τ ) as
det(σC + τ D) = det [C(σI3 + τ C−1 D)] = det [(σI3 + τ DC−1 )C] =
= det [D(σD−1 C + τ I3 )] = det [(σCD−1 + τ I3 )D] .
Hence, the generalized characteristic polynomial is related to the (ordi-
nary) characteristic polynomial of CD−1 and its inverse DC−1 by
FC,D (1, −X) = det D ⋅ det(CD−1 − XI3 ),
FC,D (−X, 1) = det C ⋅ det(DC−1 − XI3 ).
The coefficient of X 2 in the (ordinary) characteristic polynomial det(M −
XI3 ) equals the trace tr M. This implies for the coefficients in the gene-
ralized characteristic polynomial FC,D (σ, τ ) introduced in (9.24)
k0 = det C, k1 = det C ⋅ tr(C−1 D) = det C ⋅ tr(DC−1 ),
k3 = det D, k2 = det D ⋅ tr(D−1 C) = det D ⋅ tr(CD−1 ).
Let C, D be symmetric coefficient matrices of two conics in P2 (R). Chan-
ges of the underlying coordinate frame leave the ratio of coefficients
k0 ∶ k1 ∶ k2 ∶ k3 in FC,D (σ, τ ) invariant since for C′ = TT C T and
D′ = TT D T we get
FC′ ,D′ (σ, τ )= det(σD′+τ C′)= (det T)2 det(σD+τ C)= (det T)2 FC,D (σ, τ ).
Nevertheless, the ratios of any two coefficients are still no invariants of the
pair of conics since the replacement of C by a scalar multiple λC yields
FλC,D (σ, τ ) = (λ3 k0 )σ 3 + (λ2 k1 )σ 2 τ + (λk2 )στ 2 + k3 τ 3 . (9.27)
The characteristic polynomial is of course defined more generally for n × n matrices, and it
is easy to rephrase the following particular results for general matrices.
9.5 Poncelet porisms 419
Since the conic p itself does not play a role here but only the polarity
with respect to p, we want to extend this definition to the case that p has
no real points. In any case, the conic c must have real points.
g h
p c
FIGURE 9.34. The conic p is inpolar to c
Note that this example shows again a porism: If there is one auto-polar
triangle inscribed in c, then there exist infinitely many.
Proof: Let ABC and GHK be two triangles which both are auto-polar with respect to p.
Then, due to a result of von Staudt, the six vertices are located either on two lines or on a
conic. This holds in each Pappian projective plane. A proof can, e.g., be found in [18, p. 87].
Let the defining triangle ABC be given. Then, specify another point G ∈ c such that its
p-polar line g intersects c at a point H ≠ G (Figure 9.34). Continuity arguments guarantee
the existence of G sufficiently close to A, B, or C. The line g and the polar h of H meet
at a point K which completes a second auto-polar triangle GHK. There must be a conic on
A, B, C, G, H, K. Since this conic is uniquely defined by the first five points, it coincides with
c. ◾
Compare [3, p. 33]. Sometimes in the literature the pair (p, c) is called apolar, but this
notation does not reveal clearly that this relation is unsymmetric.
420 Chapter 9: Special problems
In this case, the point G together with the two real or complex conjugate
points of intersection between g and c forms a triangle which is auto-
polar with respect to p. Then, Lemma 9.5.1 again implies that this holds
for each choice of G ∈ (c p). In fact, Figure 9.37 on page 428 shows an
example where p is inpolar to c though for all G ∈ c the p-polar g has no
real intersection with c.
p ∶ xT P x = 0, c∶ xT C x = 0
Corollary 9.5.3 Let p and c be conics with real points. Then, p is inpolar
to c if, and only if, c is “outpolar” to p, i.e., there are triangles auto-polar
with respect to c and circumscribed to p.
Only for p = c this choice would be impossible, but under P = C we get j1 = 3 det C ≠ 0.
Alternative proofs can be found in [62, p. 213], [3, p. 33–34], or [8, p. 85–86]. The three-
dimensional versions of Lemmas 9.5.1 and 9.5.1 can be found in [62, p. 213], the n-
dimensional versions in [55, p. 862, footnote 287].
422 Chapter 9: Special problems
c i
FIGURE 9.35. There is an infinite set of triangles inscribed in the circle c and
circumscribed to the hyperbola i. Two triangles are degenerate; the others are
auto-polar with respect to the circle p. They share the orthocenter O and the
centroid G.
Lemma 9.5.4 Let c and i be two different conics with real points such
that there exists a triangle inscribed in c and circumscribed to i. Then,
the tangent lines of i intersect c in points which are conjugate with respect
to a regular or singular conic p.
When C, P and D−1 are symmetric coefficient matrices of the conics c
and p and of the dual of i, resp., then up to a factor ∈ R {0}
P = −tr(CD−1 ) C + 2 CD−1 C.
Proof: It is easy to show that the stated representation of P is invariant against changes
of the coordinate frame. We can proceed like in the proof for the influence of coordinate
9.5 Poncelet porisms 423
⎛ 0 0 1 ⎞
c ∶ 2(x0 x2 − x21 ) = xT C x with C = ⎜ 0 −2 0 ⎟.
⎝ 1 0 0 ⎠
⎛ vv′ ⎞
′ ′ ′
u = p × p = (uv − vu ) ⎜ −uv′ − vu′ ⎟ ,
⎝ uu ′ ⎠
which we divide by (uv′ − vu′ ). This factor does not vanish under the assumption pR ≠ p′ R.
Let D−1 = (d̂ij ) with d̂ji = d̂ij be the coefficient matrix of the dual ̂
i of the conic i. Then,
our chord uR of c is tangent to i if, and only if, uT D−1 u = 0 (note the points P and P ′ in
Figure 9.36). This is equivalent to
We can re-substitute p and p′ and obtain the vanishing symmetric bilinear form
This means that the points pR, p′ R ∈ c are conjugate with respect to a regular or singular
polarity with the symmetric matrix P. By straightforward computation, we obtain due to the
symmetry of D−1
and we verify (d̂11 − d̂02 )C + CD−1 C = 12 P. Of course, the coefficient matrix of any polarity
is unique only up to a non-vanishing factor . ◾
◾ Example 9.5.1 Rectangles inscribed in the director circle. Figure 9.36 illustrates an example
where the matrix P has rank 2 : Here, c is the director circle of the ellipse i, i.e.,
⎛ −a − b 0 0 ⎞ ⎛ −1 0 0 ⎞
2 2
⎛ 0 0 0 ⎞
C=⎜ 0 1 0 ⎟ , D−1 = ⎜ 0 a2 0 ⎟ , P = ⎜ 0 −2b2 0 ⎟ .
⎝ 0 0 1 ⎠ ⎝ 0 0 b2 ⎠ ⎝ 0 0 −2a2 ⎠
The tangents of i intersect c at points pR, p′ R which are placed on conjugate diameters of i.
This means exactly that for of each rectangle which is inscribed in the director circle c and
circumscribed to the ellipse i, adjacent vertices are conjugate w.r.t. the singular polarity in p.
Theorem 9.5.1 Let c and i be two different conics with real points, and
let the tangents of i intersect c at points conjugate with respect to p. Then,
the following three statements are equivalent:
(i) p is inpolar to c in the generalized sense (Definition 9.5.1’, pa-
ge 420).
(ii) There exist infinitely many triangles (including such with a pair of
complex conjugate vertices) inscribed in c and circumscribed to i.
(iii) c and i are polar with respect to p.
Proof: (i) ⇔ (ii): By Lemma 9.5.1, there is an infinite set of triangles ABC inscribed in c and
auto-polar with respect to p. The vertices B and C are the only points of c which are conjugate
to A. Since the tangents of i which pass through A must intersect c in points conjugate to
A, the sides AB and AC are tangent to i. The same holds for vertex B. Hence, each triangle
ABC is circumscribed to i. When the two tangents from A to i are complex conjugate, then
also B and C are complex conjugate, but their connecting line [B, C] is real.
Conversely, according to the definition of p each triangle inscribed in c and circumscribed to
i has pairwise conjugate vertices with respect to p. Therefore, it is auto-polar.
9.5 Poncelet porisms 425
(ii) ⇔ (iii): The polarity with respect to p maps the vertices A, B, C ∈ c of the auto-polar
triangles onto the corresponding opposite sides. Hence, the envelope i is polar to c.
Conversely, for each point A ∈ c the p-polar a is a tangent of i. Let a intersect c in two real or
complex conjugate points B and C. Then, by the definition of p, the lines [A, B] and [A, C]
are tangents of i, too. Hence, ABC is circumscribed to i and inscribed in c. ◾
Now, the announced theorem of Colin MacLaurin (see page 416) is
just a corollary of Theorem 9.5.1.
Corollary 9.5.5 If for two conics c, i there exists one triangle inscribed
in c and circumscribed to i, then there are infinitely many.
Proof: Suppose, ABC is such a triangle. Then, the vertices A, B, C are pairwise conjugate
with respect to the uniquely defined polarity p (Lemma 9.5.4). Hence, ABC is auto-polar with
respect to p, and thus, p inpolar to c. The rest follows from Theorem 9.5.1. ◾
◾ Example 9.5.2 Triangles sharing the circumcircle and the centroid. For the conics displayed
in Figures 9.35 and 10.19 (page 463), we use a coordinate frame with the center M of the
circle c as origin and the centroid G with cartesian coordinates (g, 0). In Figure 9.35, we have
3g > r, in Figure 10.19, we have 3g < r. The equations of the involved conics are
r2 r 2 − 9g 2
c ∶ x2 + y 2 = r 2 , i ∶ x2 − 3gx + y2 = ,
r2 − 9g 2 4
9g 2 + r 2
p ∶ x2 − 6gx + y 2 = − .
In homogeneous coordinates the symmetric coefficient matrices of c, i, and p are
9g 2 −r 2
⎛ − 3g 0 ⎞
⎛ −r
0 0 ⎞ 4 2
⎜ ⎟
C=⎜ 0 1 0 ⎟, D=⎜ − 3g 1 0 ⎟,
⎝ 0 ⎜ 2 ⎟
0 1 ⎠ ⎝ 0 0 r2 ⎠
r 2 −9g 2
2 2
⎛ 9g +r ⎞
−3g 0 r 2 − 9g 2
−3g ⎟, PC−1 P = D.
⎜ 1 0 ⎟
⎝ 0 0 1 ⎠
r 2 − 9g 2 3 9g 2 − 3r 2 2
FP,C (σ, τ ) = det(σP + τ C) = σ + στ − r 2 τ 3 .
2 2
We note that in the last polynomial the coefficients j1 of σ2 τ is zero (cf. Lemma 9.5.2). In
FC,D (σ, τ ) the coefficients k0 , . . . , k3 satisfy k22 = 4k1 k3 , and this is in accordance with the
Theorem 9.5.2 below.
we pick out the statement (i) ⇒ (iii) from the aforementioned theorem
and present additionally an analytical proof:
By virtue of Lemma 9.5.4, there is a polarity in a regular or singular conic
p with the coefficient matrix P = −tr(CD−1 ) C + 2 CD−1 C. This implies
j0 = det P, j2 = det C tr(PC−1 ), j3 = det C.
By (9.28) and (9.29), we obtain from (9.30)
Theorem 9.5.2 Let c and i be two conics with symmetric coefficient ma-
trices C, D, respectively. Then, there exist infinitely many triangles (with
possibly two complex conjugate vertices) inscribed in c and circumscri-
bed to i if, and only if, in the corresponding characteristic polynomial
FC,D (σ, τ ) shown in (9.24) the coefficients k1 , k2 , k3 satisfy 4k1 k3 −k22 = 0.
9.5 Poncelet porisms 427
Note that the condition 4k1 k3 − k22 = 0 does not change when C or D is replaced by a scalar
Suppose there are infinitely many triangles inscribed in c and circumscribed to i or — equi-
valently — p is inpolar c. Then, Lemma 9.5.2 implies tr(CP−1 ) = 0, and with (9.31) follows
◾ Example 9.5.3 Theorem 9.5.2 is only valid in P2 (C). We show that the condition 4k1 k3 −
k22= 0 is not sufficient for the existence of real triangles inscribed in c and circumscribed to i.
The following symmetric coefficient matrices of the conics c, i and p displayed in Figure 9.37
are all diagonalized:
1 1 1 1 1 1
C = diag (−1, , ), D = diag (−1, , ), P = diag (−1, ,− ).
8 5 128 125 32 25
428 Chapter 9: Special problems
p i
g1 =πp (G1 )
g G2
B G c
g2 =πp (G1)
FIGURE 9.37. The conics c, i, and p satisfy the conditions of the Theorems 9.5.1
and 9.5.2, but all the infinitely many triangles inscribed in c, circumscribed to
i, and auto-polar with respect to p have two complex conjugate vertices. The
displayed triangle ABC is circumscribed to p and auto-polar with respect to c;
it confirms by Corollary 9.5.3 that p is inpolar to c.
It is easy to verify that p corresponds to c and i in the sense of Lemma 9.5.4. Furthermore,
i is polar to c with respect to p as C = PD−1 P, and in accordance with Theorem 9.5.1 the
conic p is inpolar to c in the generalized sense (see page 420). Hence, the matrices satisfy
the conditions presented in Lemma 9.5.2 and in Theorem 9.5.2. But all triangles inscribed in
c and circumscribed to i and consequently auto-polar w.r.t. p have two conjugate complex
vertices. Hence, there is nothing to see of the porism in Figure 9.37, except a real triangle
ABC auto-polar with respect to c and with sides tangent to p (note Corollary 9.5.3 on page
Also the fact that the tangents of i intersect p and c in harmonic quadruples √ cannot be
√ check: For example, the p-polar g1 of√the vertex
visualized. We can only √ G1 = ( 8, 0) of c
√ Its intersection points with c are (8 2, ±5i 3), those with p have
has the equation x√= 8 2.
the coordinates (8 2, ±5 3), and these√ two pairs separate harmonically√(see Example 5.4.1).
√ √the p-polar g2 of√G2 = (0,
√ 5) ∈ c has the equation y = −5 5. It intersects c at
(±8i 3, −5 5) and p at (±8 3, −5 5), and again this is a harmonic quadrupel of points.
Poncelet porisms
Jean-Victor Poncelet (1788–1867) studied “porisms” and proved that
MacLaurin’s theorem (see page 416) holds for general n-gons. This par-
ticular example of a porism involving two conics is called Poncelet porism.
Theorem 9.5.3 gives a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence
of infinitely many inscribed and circumscribed closed polygons. But it
430 Chapter 9: Special problems
says nothing about how to specify two conics c and i such that they
admit such polygons.
Figure 9.38 shows some porisms of Poncelet type. The theorem as well as
its first proof is due to Poncelet. He was a French mathematician and
engineer who joined the French army and participated in Napoleon’s in-
vasion of Russia from 1812 to 1814. However, he became a prisoner of war
and, while imprisoned at Saratow, he found the time to write his famous
work on the figures in geometry, a work that could be considered one of
the fundamentals of Projective Geometry, containing also Theorem 9.5.3
and its proof. It should be noted that none of the techniques that are
used nowadays for the proof were developed at that time.
The proof of Theorem 9.5.3 involves complex functions, differential geo-
metry, and elliptic curves. Because of its relations to many subdisciplines
of mathematics, this theorem is often called a pearl of mathematics. We
shall only give a sketch of the proof, since it is far beyond the scope of
our book. Details can be found in [26, 24, 25].
Proof: (Sketch) Let P and t be a point and a line in a projective plane P2 . We describe P
as well as t by homogeneous coordinates, i.e., P = (p0 ∶ p1 ∶ p2 ) and t = (t0 ∶ t1 ∶ t2 ). Since
P ∈ c, the point P can be represented by quadratic functions pi = pi (u) in the parameter u for
i ∈ {0, 1, 2}. The same holds true for the tangents t of c; this one-parameter family of tangents
allows an analogous parametrization tj = tj (v) with v ∈ R for j ∈ {0, 1, 2}. The incidence of P
with t can be written in terms of coordinates as
p0 t0 + p1 t1 + p2 t2 = 0. (9.33)
9.5 Poncelet porisms 431
⎛ a2 . . . am+1 ⎞
det ⎜ ⋮ ⋮ ⎟ = 0, if n = 2m + 1, m ≥ 1,
⎝ am+1 . . . a2m ⎠
⎛ a3 . . . am+1 ⎞
det ⎜ ⋮ ⋮ ⎟ = 0, if n = 2m , m ≥ 2.
⎝ am+1 . . . a2m+1 ⎠
The proof of this result uses the same ideas as the proof of Theorem 9.5.3
(see, e.g., [26]). The determinant det(t C + D) is a cubic polynomial in t.
It has no multiple roots if c and i span a pencil of conics of the first kind.
Otherwise there would be less than three singular conics in the pencil (cf.
Section 7.3).
Cayley’s Theorem 9.5.4 is more than just a projectively invariant criteri-
on on the equations of two conics. As a byproduct, even metric properties
of poristic figures result from the formula presented in (9.35). Consider
the following
◾ Example 9.5.4 Criteria for bicentric n-gons. An n-gon is called bicentric if it has a circum-
circle c and an incircle i. Theorem 9.5.4 delivers conditions on the radii and the distance of
the centers of c and i to make them the circumcircle and the incircle of a bicentric n-gon.
Let c and i be two circles with equations in terms of Cartesian coordinates that read
c ∶ x2 + y 2 = R2 and i ∶ (x − d)2 + y 2 = r 2 , (9.36)
where R, r, d are real or complex numbers and, without loss of generality, R > r (in the real
case). According to Theorem 9.5.4, we have to expand the function
−(t + 1) (t2 R2 + t(R2 + r 2 − d2 ) + r 2 )
in power series as given in (9.34). We obtain
i i
ri + (R2 + 2r 2 − d2 )t + 3 (R2 − 2Rr − d2 )(R2 + 2Rr − d2 )t2 + ⋯ .
2r 8r
Now, we use the condition from Theorem 9.5.4: When we look for triangles circumscribed
to i and inscribed in c, the determinant given in (9.35) is that of the 1 × 1 -matrix (a2 )
(compare Theorem 9.5.2). Therefore, the radii R and r and the distance d of the incenter and
circumcenter of a triangle satisfy
R2 − 2Rr = d2 . (9.37)
The second factor of the coefficient a2 of t2 only differs by the sign of r. The formula given in
(9.37) was at least known to Leonhard Euler (1707–1783).
Many other formulas relating the radii of the incircle and the circumcircle of an n-gon can
be derived from Cayley’s formula. The case of two circles like in Example 9.5.4 can also
9.5 Poncelet porisms 433
be treated by elementary methods, and a huge amount of formulas for arbitrary n-gons was
elaborated in the past.
◾ Example 9.5.5 Billiards in ellipses. Suppose a small ball can move within an ellipse c and
its collisions with the boundary are perfectly elastic. Then, the trace of the ball is called a
billiard, i.e., a polygon inscribed in c such that any two adjacent sides meet c under equal
angles (see Figure 9.39).
When at a point P ∈ c any line l is reflected at the conic, then l together with its mirror l′
are tangents of the same conic i confocal to c, and i does not change after iterated reflections
in c. Hence, a billiard is a polygon inscribed in c and circumscribed to i so that we can claim
that if c and i admit one billiard which closes after n reflections, then there are infinitely
many with this property.
Suppose, c is an ellipse with axes a, b. Then, we can set up the confocal ellipse i by the equation
x2 y2
i∶ + 2 = 1, 0 > k > −b2 .
a2 +k b +k
After some computation we obtain closing billiards with n = 3 reflections if, and only if, by
virtue of Theorem 9.5.2,
a2 b2 √
k= (a2 + b2 − 2 a4 − a2 b2 + b4 ) .
(a2 − b2 )2
◾ Example 9.5.6 Spatial ball-bearings. We end this section with a particular porism for two
circles c1 , c2 in 3-space: If there exists one closed n-gon in form of a zig-zag between c1 and c2
such that all sides are of equal length l, then there are infinitely many. The proof (see [38, 67])
is again based on Poncelet’s closure theorem since the orthogonal projections of the sides
into the plane of one circle ci envelope a conic [64].
There is an application in mechanical engineering: Suppose the vertices of the n-gon are
movable along the respective circles c1 , c2 and at the same time the centers of balls with
radius l/2. Then, we obtain the spatial version of a ball-bearing [4], because each ball remains
in permanent contact with the two adjacent balls which are centered on the other circle.
434 Chapter 9: Special problems
c c
At the ‘spherical Wankel engine’ the common path t of the three vertices of the
rotor is a trochoid. It can be generated when the circle m which is attached to
the rotor, is rolling along the fixed circle o. The angular velocities of the rotor’s
rotations about M and additionally about the fixed center O build the constant
ratio −3 ∶ 2.
FIGURE 10.1. A spherical conic and its quadratic projection cone. The foci of
the projected ellipse are not the images of the spherical foci.
where the spherical distance from a point is equal to the distance from a
great circle, can also be interpreted as such a spherical conic.
Spherical conics are the intersections of a sphere with quadratic cones
with the apex in the center of the sphere (Figure 10.1). Thus, they are
algebraic curves of degree four on the sphere. Their images under ortho-
gonal projections into their planes of symmetry are portions of planar
Many theorems about ordinary conics can be transferred to the sphere,
e.g., the property that the tangent and the normal of a spherical conic are
the bisectors of the focal rays through the spherical foci. Proclus’s (de
la Hire’s) construction of a conic and Ivory’s theorem about confocal
conics work on the sphere as well. Theorems of planar projective geometry,
e.g., Pascal’s and Brianchon’s theorem can be transferred without
difficulties onto the sphere.
we use the scalar product to compute the distance by cos P Q = ⟨p, q⟩.
̂ ≤ AC
AB ̂ + BC
holds true. In the case of an equality, the three points must be located on
a great circle.
̂ = π. There exists a great circle passing through
Proof: Firstly, we treat the particular case AB
A, B = A∗ and C, and AB ̂ = AĈ + BC.
For the remaining case AB ̂ +BX
̂ < π we can prove that there is no point X ∈ S 2 satisfying AX ̂<
̂ This statement is equivalent to the triangle inequality:
The set of points X ∈ S 2 with a given positive spherical distance r < π from a point M ∈ S 2 is
a circle denoted by (M ; r) or (M ∗ ; π − r). The points M and M ∗ are the spherical centers of
this circle. The plane spanned by the circle is orthogonal to the diameter connecting M with
M ∗.
̂ be given. Then the intersection of the circles
Let two positive reals rA , rB with rA + rB < AB
(A; rA ) and (B; rB ) is empty. We see this by inspecting the orthogonal projection onto the
plane of the great circle [A, B] (Figure 10.2, left). The two circles are depicted as two disjoint
line segments.
̂ (Figure 10.2, right) the two circles share exactly one point
In the limiting case rA + rB = AB
C on the side AB. ◾
<) AOB
rA B rA B
rB rB
rA + rB < AB ̂
rA + rB = AB
FIGURE 10.2. Proving the spherical triangle inequality by orthogonal projection
onto the plane of the great circle [A, B].
Corollary 10.1.1 The shortest path between any two points P and Q on
the sphere S 2 is their connecting arc P Q.
10.1 Spherical conics 439
A = α + β + γ − π.
F2 S2
a b a
A F1 e M F2 B A
S1 e B
M S2
∗ ̂
1 P − S2 P = π − 2a.
S1 , S2 S1∗ , S2∗
Therefore, the points on the spherical ellipse satisfy a sum relation and
a difference relation on their distances to the foci at the same time. The
constancy of the absolute value of differences was the defining property
of hyperbolas in the plane. When in the plane the order of the two focal
points is prescribed and the difference is signed, then the locus of points
X is one branch of a hyperbola.
Theorem 10.1.3 Any spherical ellipse with focal points S1 and S2 and
major axis 2a is a branch of a spherical hyperbola with ordered foci S2
and S1∗ and major axis π − 2a, where S1∗ is the antipode of S1 .
Now, we consider the symmetric curve on the sphere with respect to the
bisector plane of S2 and S1∗ (Figure 10.5, right). Each point Q of the
reflected ellipse obeys the condition
2a = Ŝ
∗ ̂∗ ̂ ̂
1 Q + S2 Q = (π − S1 Q) + (π − S2 Q),
Ŝ ̂
1 Q + S2 Q = 2π − 2a > π.
Ŝ ̂∗
2 Q − S1 Q = π − 2a.
10.1 Spherical conics 443
∗ ̂∗ ̂ ̂
1 P + S2 P = π − S1 P + π − S2 P = 2π − 2a.
We again come up with a constant sum; but this time for the same curve
the sum is > π.
What is the locus of points P obeying Ŝ ̂
1 P + S2 P = π ? Each such point
P has the property Ŝ ̂∗
2 P = S1 P . Hence, the locus is a great circle, the
spherical bisector (note the definition on page 439) of S2 and S1∗ and at
the same time bisector of S1 and S2∗ . Hence, we don’t lose any proper
spherical conic by the restriction 2a < π.
P̂ ̂l = π − P̂
S1 = P S2 or P̂ ̂l = P̂
S1 = P
S2 − .
2 2
P̂S1 + P̂
S2∗ = π2 with S2∗ denoting the antipode of S2 . This second condition
can never be satisfied since, due to the spherical triangle inequality,
S1 + P̂
P̂ S2∗ ≥ Ŝ ∗ ̂ π.
1 S2 = π − S1 S2 >
Sometimes, in the literature, a “spherical conic” is generally defined as a pair of antipodal
curves, a spherical ellipse together with its mirror. Nevertheless, we distinguish between the
two connected components.
444 Chapter 10: Other geometries
S1 S2
with Ŝ 1 S2 < 2 . Then the locus of points P with equal distances to S1 and
l is either an ellipse c with the major axis 2a = π2 and with focal points S1
and S2 (see Figure 10.6) or in the case S1 = S2 a circle with radius π4 .
P tP
F2 S1
F1 P
FIGURE 10.7. After reflection in the planar or spherical conic, all rays radiating
from one focus pass through the other focus.
10.1 Spherical conics 445
Note that now tangents and normals are ‘curved’. To be precise, they are
great circles.
Proof: We can repeat the arguments used in the second proof of the planar version stated in
Theorem 2.2.1 on page 31 (note Figure 2.11, right): With respect to each focal ray P Si , i = 1, 2 ,
the velocity vector v at P can be decomposed into two mutually orthogonal components. One
is the radial component vri tangent to [P, Si ]. It expresses the change of the focal distance
P Si . Because of the constant sum one distance increases while the other decreases by the
same amount. Therefore, the radial components vr1 and vr2 of v have the same length but
different directions w.r.t. the focal points S1 and S2 . Therefore, the two triangles formed by v
and the radial components are symmetric w.r.t. the tangent tP (see Figure 2.11, right). This
means that the tangent tP bisects the exterior angle of the spherical triangle S1 P S2 .
In terms of physical reflection on the sphere, this means that incoming and reflected rays
build equal angles with the tangent and the normal, respectively. This is the optical property
of spherical conics. ◾
FIGURE 10.8. The points A∗ and B ∗ are the centers of curvature at the vertices
A, B of a spherical conic c. This construction is analogous to that for planar
ellipses or hyperbolas.
At the end of this section, we mention two further properties which hold
for spherical conics as well as for planar conics:
• Figure 10.8 reveals that the construction of the circles of curvature
at the vertices A, B of an ellipse (Figure 3.11 or Figure 2.10, left) is
446 Chapter 10: Other geometries
PB P c
FIGURE 10.9. This is the spherical analogue of the construction named after
Proclus or de la Hire.
still valid for spherical conics c. This is even true when c is seen as
a spherical hyperbola with center Mh , with vertex A and ideal point
B (Figure 2.10, right, or Figure 3.14, left). This can be verified either
analytically or using the spherical version of the quadratic transforma-
tion defined by conjugate normals (see Section 7.5).
• Figure 10.9 shows the spherical analogue of the construction of de la
Hire (Figure 2.6). This can be proved by a projection analogue to the
one illustrated in Figure 10.11.
e e
x v
0 < e < a < π2 . We set P = (cos u cos v, cos u sin v, sin u). The parame-
ters u and v can be interpreted as latitude and longitude on the unit
sphere as shown in Figure 10.10.
By virtue of the spherical Pythagoras Theorem 10.1.2, we have
cos Ŝ
1 P = cos u cos(v + e) and cos P̂
S2 = cos u cos(v − e). (10.1)
From the definition of the spherical ellipse with major axis 2a we have
S2 = cos (2a − Ŝ
cos P̂ ̂ ̂
1 P ) = cos 2a cos S1 P + sin 2a sin S1 P . (10.2)
(10.2) simplifies to
cos2 e 2 sin e
cos2 u (cos2 v + sin v ) = 1. (10.4)
cos2 a sin2 a
448 Chapter 10: Other geometries
cos2 u
( cos2 v sin2 a + sin2 v(cos2 b − cos2 a)) = 1.
sin2 a cos2 b
The fact that this equation holds for u = 0 and v = a and for u = b and
v = 0 confirms that a and b are the semimajor and semiminor axes.
Note that the coefficients in (10.5) are always positive, since they are
squares of real numbers.
We can rephrase Theorem 10.1.6 by saying that the top view of any
spherical conic with foci in the plane z = 0 is a part of an ellipse.
The equation of the unit sphere
S 2 ∶ x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 (10.6)
is also satisfied by the coordinates of the points of the spherical conic. Each
linear combination of (10.5) and (10.6) gives an equation of a quadratic
10.1 Spherical conics 449
cos2 e sin2 e 2
C∶ ( − 1) x 2
− (1 − ) y − z 2 = 0, (10.7)
cos2 a sin2 a
which is obviously free from linear and constant terms in x, y and z.
Hence, it is the equation of a quadratic cone with its apex in the center
of the sphere (compare with the standard equation (4.5) of quadratic
Because of our assumption 0 < e < a < π2 , the signature of the quadratic
form on the left hand side, i.e., the sequence of signs at the coefficients
of x2 , y 2 , and z 2 is (+ − −).
F1 c
S2 y
FIGURE 10.11. The planar ellipse e0 is projected from the center O of a sphere
S 2 onto the sphere (via a quadratic cone C). The result is a pair of antipodal
spherical conics c. Note that the spherical foci S1 and S2 of c do not correspond
to the foci F1 and F2 of the planar ellipse e0 .
z ′′ z ′′′
P ′′ P ′′′
c′′ C ′′′
C C ′′ C C e′′′
′′′ ′′′
a0 c c
O′′ y ′′
O ′′′ x′′′
e′′0 b0
FIGURE 10.12. Front view (left) and side view (right) of the spherical conic c.
The projections of c are portions of planar conics c′′ , c′′′ .
u ∈ [0, 2π]. Now we just have to normalize the vector OE in order to get
the position vector c of the corresponding point C on the spherical curve
10.1 Spherical conics 451
c (Figure 10.12)
⎛ cx ⎞ 1 ⎛ x0 ⎞
c = ⎜ cy ⎟ = √ ⎜ a0 cos u ⎟ .
⎝ cz ⎠ x0 2 + a20 cos2 u + b20 sin2 u ⎝ b0 sin u ⎠
1 ⎛ 1 ⎞
c= √ ⎜ p cos u ⎟ . (10.8)
1 + p2 cos2 u + q 2 sin2 u ⎝ q sin u ⎠
and further to √
√ p2 − q 2
sin e = 1 − cos2 e = .
1 + p2
Thus, we have found S1 = (cos e, − sin e, 0) and S2 = (cos e, sin e, 0). Their
position vectors are
⎛ √1 + q 2 ⎞
1 ⎜ ∓ p2 − q 2 ⎟ .
s1,2 = √ ⎜ ⎟
1 + p2 ⎝ 0 ⎠
σ1 ∶ z = 0, σ2 ∶ y = 0, σ3 ∶ x = 0.
Equations of the principal views of the spherical conic are obtained by eliminating z, y, and x
from the equation (10.6) of the sphere S 2 , from eq. (10.5) of the elliptic cylinder L (or likewise
(10.7) of the quadratic cone C). The shape of the top view, i.e., the curve in σ1 , is given by
Theorem 10.1.6, and its equation is given by (10.5). Elimination of y and x from (10.5) and
(10.6) results in
These equations can be interpreted as equations of quadratic cylinders through the spherical
conic or of conics in the planes σ2 and σ3 . Because of e < a, in the latter case we obtain a
hyperbola in y = 0 and an ellipse in x = 0. Of course, the principal views of the spherical conic
are the restrictions to the closed unit disks.
Of course, the views of the spherical conic must lie inside the closed unit disk. ◾
Theorem 10.1.9 There are three quadratic cylinders and one quadratic
cone (concentric with the sphere) passing through any spherical conic.
p2 − q 2 2
(1 + q 2 )x2 + y = 1.
1 + p2 2 1 + q 2 2
y + z = 1.
p2 q2
Figure 10.12 shows the front and right side views of a spherical conic.
cos2 e sin2 e π
C ∶ x2 ( 2
− 1) − y 2
(1 − 2
) − z 2 = 0, 0<e<a< .
cos a sin a 2
Proof: For the sake of simplicity, we identify points P with their position vectors p. Therefore,
we briefly speak of points p, q ∈ S 2 .
Let l be a linear map
⎛ κ 0 0 ⎞
l ∶ R3 → R3 with p ↦ l(p) = Ap, A=⎜ 0 λ 0 ⎟,
⎝ 0 0 μ ⎠
where κ, λ, μ ∈ R and (κ ∶ λ ∶ μ) ≠ (1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1). We look for points p = (x, y, z)T ∈ S 2 whose image
points are again on S 2 . This holds if, and only if,
x2 + y 2 + z 2 = κ2 x2 + λ2 y 2 + μ2 z 2 = 1,
or equivalently
∥p∥ = 1 and (κ2 − 1)x2 + (λ2 − 1)y 2 + (μ2 − 1)z 2 = 0.
A comparison with the equation of the cone C in (10.10) shows that if
κ2 − 1 > 0 > λ2 − 1 > μ2 − 1, i.e., κ2 > 1 > λ2 > μ2 ≥ 0
these points p lie on the pair of antipodal conics given by
x2 y 2 z2 1 1 1
C∶ − − = 0 with 2 = κ2 − 1, = 1 − λ2 , = 1 − μ2 ,
u2 v 2 w 2 u v2 w2
after adjusting u, v, and w by an appropriate factor.
As a consequence, when μ2 > 0, the image points l(p) = (x′ , y ′ , z ′ )T = (κx, λy, μz)T are located
on the pair of antipodal conics of
x′ 2 y′ 2 z′ 2 x′ 2 y′ 2 z′ 2
C′ ∶ − 2 2 − 2 2 = 2 − 2 − 2 = 0.
κ u 2 λ v μ w u +1 v −1 w −1
10.1 Spherical conics 457
We learn from (10.12) that the conics on C and C ′ are confocal (with k = 1) and of the same
type (Figure 10.14), since
w 2 > 1 > −u2 .
Our linear mapping l ∶ p ↦ Ap is selfadjoint, since due to the symmetry of the matrix A, the
adjoint mapping l⋆ ∶ q ↦ AT q equals l. Now, we use a well-known rule from Linear Algebra. It
is a consequence of the following sequence of equations with switches between the dot product
⟨⋅, ⋅⟩ and its matrix representation:
⟨l(p), q⟩ = l(p)T q = (Ap)T q = pT AT q = pT l⋆ (q) = ⟨p, l⋆ (q)⟩.
This expresses directly the statement of Ivory’s theorem p ̂ ̂′ . It only remains to confirm
′ q = pq
that corresponding points p ∈ C and p′ = l(p) ∈ C ′ are always located on the same conic from
the other type of the confocal family, in our case on conics (10.12) with k between v2 and w 2 :
Remark 10.1.1 Ivory’s statement holds also for degenerate conics in the family of confocal
conics since the linear map l in the proof above is singular if μ = 0. Then, one conic on C ′ is the
segment S1 S2 between the focal points of C. Since the endpoints S1 and S2 are the l-images
of the vertices A, B ∈ C, we obtain
S1 + P̂
P̂ S2 = P̂
A′ + P̂
B ′ = P̂ ̂
′A + P ̂ = 2a.
′ B = AB
In this way, Ivory’s theorem can be used to prove directly that the intersection curves between
a quadratic cone and the unit sphere satisfy the properties of a spherical ellipse.
i P7
FIGURE 10.15. A spherical Poncelet porism with heptagons together with conics
passing through the intersections between the sides’ extensions.
10.1 Spherical conics 459
However, the metric properties of spherical conics often differ from those
of their planar counterparts. We have already seen this in the previous
sections. A deeper reason for this difference lies in the fact that the iso-
tropic lines (see Section 6.4, especially Example 6.4.7 on page 253) in the
complex extension of the Euclidean plane form a singular dual line-conic
while the quadratic cone of isotropic lines in the bundle is regular.
In Cartesian coordinates, the isotropic cone with the apex at the origin
O obeys the equation
x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 0.
The corresponding symmetric coefficient matrix is the unit matrix I3 .
Two vectors v1 = (x1 , y1 , z1 )T and v2 = (x2 , y2 , z2 )T are conjugate with
respect to this cone if, and only if,
0 = x1 x2 + y1 y2 + z1 z2 = ⟨v1 , v2 ⟩,
i.e., the vectors are orthogonal. The polarity in the isotropic cone is also
called absolute polarity of the bundle.
We set up the Cartesian equation of any quadratic cone with apex O as
C ∶ c00 x2 + c11 y 2 + c22 z 2 = 0 with c00 > 0 > c11 ≥ c22 . (10.13)
The intersections of this quadratic cone with the planes z = 0 and y = 0
show that the semiaxes a and b of the corresponding spherical conic in
the halfspace x > 0 obey
c00 c00 c00 c00
tan2 a = − , sin2 a = , tan2 b = − , sin2 b = . (10.14)
c11 c00 − c11 c22 c00 − c22
This follows also upon comparison with (10.7).
Among the quadratic cones we pick out the following two with special
metrical properties:
• equilateral cones have a vanishing trace, i.e., c00 + c11 + c22 = 0;
• normal cones are characterized by c00 + c22 = c11 .
We use these names also for the corresponding spherical conics.
Equilateral spherical conics
y z
FIGURE 10.16. The regular right triangle GHK can move around in the equila-
teral spherical conic c while all three vertices G, H, and K run along c.
⎛ σ + τ c00 0 0 ⎞
det(σI3 + τ C) = det ⎜ 0 σ + τ c11 0 ⎟.
⎝ 0 0 σ + τ c22 ⎠
The coefficient of σ2 τ vanishes. Hence, by Lemma 9.5.2 (page 420), the isotropic cone is
inpolar to c. In the bundle of lines and planes through O, each triple of lines which is self-
polar with respect to the isotropic cone consists of three pairwise orthogonal lines. Therefore,
by Lemma 9.5.1 (page 419), an infinite set of octants can be inscribed in the equilateral conic
(Figure 10.16). ◾
10.1 Spherical conics 461
y M
FIGURE 10.17. Top view of the motion of the octant GHK turning around
in the equilateral spherical conic c, together with the path m of the triangle’s
center M and the envelope i of the three sides.
The generic point paths are of spherical degree 24, i.e., they are projected from the origin by
cones of degree 24. For details see [59].
462 Chapter 10: Other geometries
other limit, with the splitting cone, the continuous motion consists of ro-
tations which keep one of the three vertices fixed. There are poses which
allow a bifurcation between these rotations.
Another spherical motion with the three vertices of a regular triangle
running along the same curve t occurs in the spherical version of a Wankel
engine (Figure 10.18): The curve t is a spherical trochoid generated as
a point path when the rotor rotates about its center M with angular
velocity −2 while additionally it rotates about the fixed center O with
angular velocity 3. During this spherical motion the circle m rolls along
the fixed circle o. In this case the rotor needs not be a spherical octant.
However, the common point path t is not a spherical conic but a curve of
spherical degree 6.
-2 m
FIGURE 10.18. At the ‘spherical Wankel engine’ the common path t of the three
vertices of the rotor is a trochoid. It can be generated when the circle m which
is attached to the rotor, is rolling along the fixed circle o. The angular velocities
of the rotor’s rotations about M and additionally about the fixed center O have
the constant ratio −3 ∶ 2.
FIGURE 10.19. Triangles sharing the circumcircle c0 , the centroid G and the
orthocenter O are circumscribed to the conic i0 .
sin2 a
sin a = tan b or sin2 b = . (10.16)
sin2 a + 1
On the other hand, the condition c00 + c22 = c11 is equivalent to the
fact that the corresponding cone C from (10.13) intersects the plane of
symmetry y = 0 in lines which are perpendicular to planes
√ √
x c00 − c11 ± z c11 − c22 = 0,
Figure 9.35 on page 422 shows a version with the orthocenter O outside of c. In this case the
envelope of the triangles is a hyperbola.
464 Chapter 10: Other geometries
After squaring this basic equation, we substitute according to the formula ∥u∥2 ∥v∥2 = ∥u ×
v∥2 + ⟨u, v⟩2
∥p × a∥2 ∥p × b∥2 = [(p × a) × (p × b)]2 + ⟨p × a, p × b⟩2
and obtain
⟨p × a, p × b⟩2 (1 − cos2 ϕ) = cos2 ϕ [(p × a) × (p × b)]2 .
Standard formulas for mixed products of vectors of R3 yield
and finally
[⟨p, p⟩⟨a, b⟩ − ⟨p, a⟩⟨p, b⟩] 2 = cot2 ϕ⟨p, p⟩ [det(a, p, b)]2 .
We set (note the coordinate frame displayed in Figure 10.21)
⎛ x ⎞ ⎛ cos λ ⎞ ⎛ cos λ ⎞
p = ⎜ y ⎟, a = ⎜ − sin λ ⎟ , b = ⎜ sin λ ⎟
⎝ z ⎠ ⎝ 0 ⎠ ⎝ 0 ⎠
and obtain
[(x2 + y 2 + z 2 )(cos2 λ − sin2 λ) − (x2 cos2 λ − y 2 sin2 λ)]
= cot2 ϕ(x2 + y 2 + z 2 )[2z sin λ cos λ]2 .
Finally, the cone connecting the center of S 2 with the locus c of the requested points P satisfies
the equation
[−x2 sin2 λ + y 2 cos2 λ + z 2 (cos2 λ − sin2 λ)] − 4z 2 sin2 λ cos2 λ cot2 ϕ (x2 + y 2 + z 2 ) = 0. (10.17)
This cone is symmetric with respect to all three coordinate planes (Figure 10.20b–d).
In the case ϕ = π/2, hence cot ϕ = 0, the cone reduces to a quadratic one (Figure 10.20a). A
comparison with (10.13) shows
B λ λ
λ A B λ A
(a) (b)
P c
B λ A B λ A
λ λ
(c) (d)
FIGURE 10.20. These are versions of spherical isoptic curves c for the segment
AB, i.e., sets of points P ∈ S 2 with <) AP B = ϕ or π − ϕ. (a) The spherical
analogue of the Thales circle (ϕ = π/2) is a normal conic c with A and B as
auxiliary vertices. In all other cases, c is a spherical quartic, i.e., it is projected
from the center of the sphere by a cone of degree 4. (b) the case AB ̂ = 2λ < ϕ;
(c) 2λ = ϕ, the point D is a singularity of the quartic c; (d) 2λ > ϕ.
c00 c00
tan2 b = − = tan2 λ = = sin2 a .
c22 c00 − c11
In the limiting case λ = π/4 and cot ϕ = 0, the cone splits into two orthogonal planes. ◾
466 Chapter 10: Other geometries
In the case λ = ϕ2 , all cylinders touch the sphere at a point on the z-axis.
The locus c has two symmetric singularities (see Figure 10.20c).
As a consequence of Theorem 10.1.12, we can state for the bundle of lines
and planes through the sphere center O: We obtain a projectivity between
two pencils of planes when each plane through the fixed axis [O, A] is
mapped onto the orthogonal plane passing through the second axis [O, B].
However, contrary to the planar case, it is no longer a projectivity when
corresponding planes through [O, A] and [O, B] enclose a given angle
ϕ ≠ π/2.
Figure 6.9 gives rise to a second spherical analogue of the theorem on the
angle of circumference. It refers to the projective generation of spherical
conics by a projectivity between pencils of great circles:
Proof: We confine our attention to the conic c passing through P and Q (cf. Figure 10.21).
According to Figure 6.1, right, on page 218 the pre-image 1 = α−1 ([P, Q]) and the image
2′ = α([P, Q]) are tangent to c at the points P and Q. These tangents must build equal angles
with the chord [P, Q] since α is supposed to be an orientation preserving congruence. Hence,
due to properties of the polarity with respect to c , the bisector of P and Q is an axis of
symmetry of c.
10.1 Spherical conics 467
4′ ′
a 2
3′ y
B 2 = 1′
3 1
FIGURE 10.21. On any sphere, two congruent pencils of great circles generate
a normal conic c.
Our congruence α must map the angle bisectors 3, 4 between great circles 1 and 2 onto the
angle bisectors 3′ , 4′ of 1′ and 2′ (Figure 10.21). Corresponding angle bisectors intersect at the
points A, B ∈ c on our axis of symmetry. Because of the orthogonality of (3, 4) and of (3′ , 4′ ),
and by Theorem 10.1.12, the points P and Q are located on a normal conic with the auxiliary
vertices A and B. The auxiliary vertices A and B together with the points P and Q define
the conic c uniquely. Hence, the spherical conic c must be normal.
Conversely, any normal conic is already defined by the two auxiliary vertices A and B because
of (10.16). Therefore, each normal conic c can be generated by a congruence, provided the
basic points P, Q ∈ c are symmetric with respect to the minor axis [A, B]. ◾
◾ Example 10.1.1 Spherical analogue of the Thales circle. Give a proof of Theorem 10.1.12
by confirming that the projection of our spherical conic c from the sphere center O into a fixed
plane orthogonal to the diameter [O, A] gives a circle. Note that corresponding orthogonal
planes through [O, A] and [O, B] intersect our fixed plane along lines which are mutually
468 Chapter 10: Other geometries
Named after Hermann Minkowski (1864–1909), mathematician and physicist in Göttingen.
10.2 Conics in non-Euclidean planes 469
The figures in this section are based on the standard model of the pseudo-
Euclidean plane M2 . This is embedded into the Euclidean plane E2 such
that the basis vectors of the Cartesian coordinates (x, y) are also ortho-
normal in the pseudo-Euclidean sense. Lightlike lines make an angle of
45○ with the x-axis, spacelike lines have an inclination < 45○ . In the case
of ambiguities we use the prefix “m-” or “e-” at geometric terms in order
to emphasize whether they are meant in the pseudo-Euclidean (Minkow-
skian) or in the Euclidean sense. In this sense we can, e.g., state that two
intersecting lines in the standard model are m-orthogonal if and only if
their e-angle bisectors are lightlike.
a211 − a221 = 1, a212 − a222 = −1, a11 a12 − a21 a22 = 0. (10.19)
470 Chapter 10: Other geometries
We obtain
(det A)2 = a211 a222 − 2a11 a12 a21 a22 + a212 a221
= (1 + a221 )a222 − 2a221 a222 + (a222 − 1)a221 = 1.
x x′ x cosh ϕ sinh ϕ
( ) ↦ ( ′ ) = R1 (ϕ) ( ) with R1 (ϕ) = ( ) (10.20)
y y y sinh ϕ cosh ϕ
Remark 10.2.1 The Minkowski plane represents the geometry which is associated with the
Einsteinian principle of relativity. The y-coordinate stands for the time t; points in M2 re-
present events (x, t) in space-time. Spacelike lines through the origin correspond to uniform
motions along the x-axis. The scaling of t is such that the motion with maximum speed, i.e.,
the speed of light, corresponds to lightlike lines with 45○ inclination. The pseudo-Euclidean
motions are socalled Lorentz transformations between inertial reference frames. The matrix
equation (10.21) expresses the relativistic law of the ‘velocity-addition’ such that the speed of
light is the same in all inertial reference frames. For further details see [68].
10.2 Conics in non-Euclidean planes 471
Pseudo-Euclidean conics
The pseudo-Euclidean plane M2 is an affine plane. Therefore, we still can
distinguish between ellipses, hyperbolas and parabolas. Now the question
arises: is the Apollonian definition of conics still valid in M2 ?
Given a focal point F , an associated directrix l with F ∈/ l, and the nume-
rical eccentricity ε > 0, what is the set of points P in M2 with proportio-
nal distances dm (P, F ) = ε ⋅ dm (P, l), when dm (P, l) denotes the distance
between P and its pseudo-Euclidean pedal point on l ? Obviously, the
directrix l must not be lightlike since otherwise all lines orthogonal to l
would be parallel to l.
Up to translations and a rotation about O, we can confine ourselves to
the cases that l is either the y-axis with F = (p/ε, 0) or the x-axis with
F = (0, p/ε) for p ∈ R {0}. Hence, for P = (x, y) the condition dm (P, F ) =
ε ⋅ dm (P, l) is equivalent to either
2p p2 2p p2
x2 − x + 2 − y 2 = ε2 x2 or x2 − y 2 + y − 2 = −ε2 y 2 .
ε ε ε ε
We can express these equations in the form
2p p2 2p p2
(ε2 − 1)x2 + y 2 + x − 2 = 0 or x2 + (ε2 − 1)y 2 + y − 2 = 0.
ε ε ε ε
They reveal that the wanted geometric locus c of points P is a conic,
namely for ε > 1 an ellipse, for ε = 1 a parabola and for ε < 1 a non-
equilateral hyperbola which intersects the axis of symmetry through F in
real points. (Note that in the Euclidean case we had ε < 1 for ellipses and
ε > 1 for hyperbolas.) After applying pseudo-Euclidean motions, all obtai-
ned ellipses and hyperbolas have a center and a spacelike and a timelike
axis of m-symmetry. The obtained parabolas have either a spacelike or a
timelike axis of m-symmetry.
The lightlike lines through F intersect the directrix l at two points which
satisfy the Apollonian condition, since their m-distances to F and l vanish.
These lightlike lines cannot meet the conic c at another point since such a
point must again have a zero-distance to l. Therefore, a point F is called
a focal point or focus of a conic c in M2 if and only if the two lightlike
lines through F are tangent to c (Figure 10.23).
472 Chapter 10: Other geometries
y T ch y Q
tP l
x tP x
c tQ
l1 X c l2
1′ c′ 2′
F1 1 X′ c′′
2 F2 x
4 Y
Y ′′
F4 4′′
y c′ 1
X′ X
Y′ Y
4′ 3′ =4
F1 F2
FIGURE 10.26. Nets of confocal conics of type 2 in M2 with real foci (left) or
with imaginary foci (right).
Two conics are called confocal in M2 if and only if their tangential equa-
tions span a linear system which contains the two pencils of lightlike
lines as a singular curve. Therefore, confocal conics share the lightlike
tangent lines and the foci. Also in the pseudo-Euclidean plane, a family
of confocal conics forms an orthogonal net. We prove this below with the
aid of Desargues’s involution theorem.
Let P be a point of any conic c included in a confocal family. When P
is not located on one of the common lightlike tangents of the family, the
tangent to c at P is one of the two fixed lines of the induced Desargues
476 Chapter 10: Other geometries
F4 =4′′′ ′′′
X 4
′ ′
X′ Y 4 5′ =6
F1 1 X ′′ 2 2′ F2 = 2′′
1′′ 1 7′ x
c 7
′ ′
c 3
F3 =3′′′
involution at P (Section 7.4). The fixed lines separate the lightlike lines
through P harmonically. Therefore, there exists a second conic of the
family which intersects c orthogonally at P .
Figure 10.26 shows a family of confocal ellipses and hyperbolas of type 2
with real focal points. When one semiaxis of an included ellipse tends to
zero, the limit of the ellipse is the segment F1 F2 and F3 F4 . The analogous
limits of the included hyperbolas consist of pairs of disjoint aligned half-
lines, each terminated by a focus. In the standard model of M2 which
is used in all figures, the pseudo-Euclidean foci belong to the e-director
circle or e-orthoptic circle (Theorem 2.2.6) of all ellipses and hyperbolas
included in the confocal family.
In the Euclidean plane E2 , an important property of confocal conics has
been stated in Theorem 2.2.3 (see Figure 2.23): according to Ivory’s
theorem, in each curvilinear quadrangle formed by two pairs of conics the
two diagonals have the same length. Another formulation of this theorem
uses the fact that for any two confocal conics c, c′ of the same type an affine
transformation α∶ c → c′ can be defined such that curves of the confocal
family which intersect c and c′ orthogonally, pass through corresponding
10.2 Conics in non-Euclidean planes 477
This statement holds even for singular α, when c′ = α(c) degenerates into
a point-set on an axis of symmetry (Figure 2.24).
The analogous results are valid for confocal spherical conics, as stated in
Theorem 10.1.10 (see Figure 10.14). It has been proved in [60] that even
in the pseudo-Euclidean plane M2 Ivory’s theorem is valid for all types
of confocal sets. However, one cannot generally define the term ‘of the
same type’. Sometimes the definition works that confocal conics c and c′
are of the same type, if within the confocal family there is a continuous
transition from c to c′ without passing a singular curve (Figure 10.26,
right). But this definition fails in the case depicted in Figure 10.26, left.
In terms of an affine transformation α∶ c → c′ with X ↦ X ′ and Y ↦ Y ′ ,
the pseudo-Euclidean version of Ivory’s theorem claims
In Figure 10.25 two confocal conics of type 3 are depicted. The distance
dm (X, Y ′ ) = dm (X ′ , Y ) is timelike and dm (1, 2′ ) = dm (1′ , 2) is spacelike.
Figure 10.24 shows singular cases with c′ as x-axis and c′′ as y-axis.
The equations dm (X, 1′ ) + dm (X, 2′ ) = dm (X ′ , 1) + dm (X ′ , 2) = dm (1, 2)
and dm (Y, 3′′ ) − dm (Y, 4′′ ) = dm (Y ′′ , 3) − dm (Y ′′ , 4) = dm (3, 4) reveal the
constant sum or difference of the pseudo-Euclidean focal distances. Also
in Figure 10.27 singular affine transformations X ↦ X ′′ and X ↦ X ′′′
between the ellipse c and its axes c′′ and c′′′ are indicated.
● Exercise 10.2.1 (i) Verify with the aid of (10.19) that direct pseudo-Euclidean motions
keep the directions of lightlike lines fixed, while in the indirect case these directions are ex-
(ii) Confirm that under the map (10.22) all points on the axis y = tanh τ2 x are fixed, while
other points remain on lines m-orthogonal to this axis.
478 Chapter 10: Other geometries
⟨p, q⟩h = p0 q0 − p1 q1 − p2 q2 .
Points in H2 have coordinate vectors p where ⟨p, q⟩h > 0. The hyperbolic
distance dh (P, Q) can be computed by virtue of
bbb bbb
⟨p, q⟩h
cosh dh (P, Q) = bbbb √ bbb .
bbb ⟨p, p⟩ ⟨q, q⟩ bbbb
b h hb
Y c′
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Kiepert curve, 34
center, 377 osculating
hyperbola, 300, 377 n-body problem, 63
circle, 25, 79, 81, 85, 86, 92,
parabola, 386 n-ellipse, 109 94, 96, 103, 246, 347
Kirkman points, 232 n-gon, 386, 413, 429, 432 of a parabola, 84
Klein, Felix, 10, 352 Napoleon point, 377 paraboloid, 124
Konika, 2 natural parameter, 27 plane, 26
needle cyclide, 37 osculation, 86, 235, 244, 298, 307,
L negative 308, 332
outer point, 251, 255, 266–268,
Laguerre point, 252, 253, 265, 315, pedal curve, 350
323 318
plane, 157
Laguerre, Edmond, 253
Lamé, Gabriel, 113 Law of Gravitation, 62
Lamé curves, 113
latitude, 447
Second Law of Motion, 63 P
Newton, Isaac, vi, 10, 62 pair of
lattice point, 370 nine point conj. diameters, 266, 357
lightlike, 468 center, 386 conj. hyperbolas, 123, 361
line, 178, 179 circle, 377, 386 conj. semidiameters, 361
at infinity, 180, 200, 235, conic, 339, 386, 387 lines, 263, 289, 295
254, 265, 280, 393
Noether, Emmy Amalie, 329 parallel lines, 123
element, 218, 296, 327
normal Pappian projective plane, 186, 187
repeated, 168, 263, 289,
295, 304 acceleration, 25 parabola, 2, 13, 60, 99, 100, 241,
cone, 459 246, 270, 291, 301,
self-conjugate, 260 312, 319, 352, 397,
line-conic-intersection, 224 curvature, 120 411
of a hyperbola, 403 compass, 60
line-saving, 246
of a parabola, 404 parabolic
eccentricity, 16, 441, 448 of an ellipse, 402 cylinder, 125, 165
image, 161 nucleus, 373 Dupin cyclide, 148
perspective, 155 null circle, 323 pencil of circles, 321
Liouville, Joseph, 82 nullpolarity, 264, 373 point, 123, 124
local expansion, 125 numerical eccentricity, 13, 17, 78 projectivity, 212
longitude, 447 paraboloid, 125
O elliptic, 125, 170
M offset, 117 hyperbolic, 125, 170
MacLaurin’s trisectrix, 411 of a parabola, 119 paracycloid, 107, 108
MacLaurin, Colin, 413 of an ellipse, 117 parallel, 352
major axis, 16, 441 one-parameter family of lines, 82 curve, 117
Mannheim one-seventh-conic, 373 lines, 180, 352
Index 487