Performance Analysis of Jet Engine of Aircraft: N. Lenin Rakesh, Sabarish R, S. Karthikeyan

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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8, Issue-6S2, August 2019

Performance Analysis of Jet Engine of Aircraft

N. Lenin Rakesh, Sabarish R, S. Karthikeyan

 Rotary wing aircraft are powered by turbo shaft engines which

Abstract: The jet engine family includes the rocket jet, pulse jet, produce shaft power to drive a gearbox and work on similar
ram jet & gas turbine powered jet. The gas turbine powered jet is principles to gas turbine propeller engines (turboprops),
further broken down into the turbo jet, turbo propeller, and turbo except that all the available energy is absorbed by the turbine,
shaft & turbofans types. These four types of engines are the most with no residual jet thrust.
commonly used in today’s aircraft. Kiran aircraft is the basic jet
trainer used in Indian air force. Kiran MkII is fitted with Orpheus
engine. The engine is a straight flow turbo jet type fitted with a
seven stage axial flow compressor and develops 4200+- 84 lbs/
1909+- 38 kg static thrust at 9500 rpm at sea level. This increase
to a maximum at 10,000 ft, due to the characteristics of high
pressure fuel pumps in the engine fuel system. Above this height
the thrust developed reduces as altitude increases. Air at
atmospheric pressure is compressed adiabatically, during its
passage across the compressor and diffuser, to approx 4 atm. The
Figure - 1 Arrangements of Thrust and Drag Forces
pressure and temperature increases and volume decreases at this
stage. In the combustion chamber it is supplied at constant II. DESIGN PRINCIPLES
pressure thereby considerably increasing the volume of the air.
Then during passage of the gas stream through the rear end of the
A. Propeller Engine
combustion chamber, stationary vanes, turbine and exhaust cone,
there is adiabatic expansion which is completed in the propelling
nozzle with increased volume and decreased pressure at the end of With a propeller engine, the engine power produced drives a
the propelling nozzle, there is rejection of heat at constant shaft which is connected to a propeller usually via a gearbox.
pressure. The Orpheus engine which is fitted in Kiran MkII jet The propeller cuts through the air accelerating it rearwards.
aircraft is performing an excellent job as it is used for giving the The blade of a propeller behaves in the same way as the
training to the fighter pilots. aerofoil of an aircraft; the air speeds up over the leading face
of the propeller blade causing a reduced pressure with a
Keyword : Gas turbine, Turbo propeller, Compressor
corresponding increase of pressure on the rearward face. This
I. INTRODUCTION leads to a net pressure force over the propeller where
Pressure × Area = Force thus providing thrust,
A. Basic Theory and Principles of Propulsion eg: Given: Net pressure of 40 kPa (Pa=N/m2)
At the point when an air ship is going through air in straight and a Blade area of 1 m2
and level flight and at a steady evident velocity (TAS), the Thrust = 40 kPa X 1 m2 = 40 kN
motors must create an all out push equivalent to the delay the With gas turbine powered propeller engines, a small amount
flying machine as appeared in Fig.1.1 If the motor push of thrust is produced by the jet exhaust which will augment the
surpasses the drag, the air ship will quicken, and if the drag
thrust produced by the propeller.
surpasses the push, the airplane will back off[19],[21],[22].
An alternative method of calculating the thrust produced by a
propeller is provided by Newton’s laws of motion which give:
Albeit an assortment of motor kinds are accessible for flying
machine impetus, the push power should consistently Force = Mass X Acceleration
originate from air or gas response powers regularly following Thrust = Mass flow rate of air through Propeller × Increase in
up on the motor or propeller surfaces. velocity of the air
= M x (Vj – Va)
The two common methods of aircraft propulsion are: Where M = Mass flow rate of the air
a. The propeller engine powered by piston or gas turbine. Vj = Velocity of slip stream
b. The jet engine. Va = Velocity of the aircraft (TAS)
This will give the same result as that given by the sum of
pressure forces. In the case of the propeller, the air mass flow
will be large, and the increase in velocity given to the air will
be fairly small.
Revised Manuscript Received on August 22, 2019.
N. Lenin Rakesh, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bharath
Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
B. Jet Engine
Email: [email protected] In all cases of the jet engine, a high velocity exhaust gas is
Sabarish R, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bharath Institute of produced, the velocity of which, relative to the engine, is
Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. Email: considerably greater than the TAS. Thrust is produced
[email protected]
S. Karthikeyan, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bharath
according to the equation:
Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. Thrust = M x (Vj – Va)
Email: [email protected]

Retrieval Number: F11790886S219/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijeat.F1179.0886S219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
606 & Sciences Publication
Performance Analysis of Jet Engine of Aircraft

Where Vj is now the velocity of the gas stream at the where in temperature and pressure increases progres¬sively
propelling nozzle. This represents a simplified version of the with its passage through the seven stages to the delivery
full thrust equation as the majority of thrust produced is a casing. Air discharged from the delivery casing enters the
result of the momentum change of the gas stream. combustion chambers, where it is mixed with the atomized
fuel sprayed from the burners. Initially, the mixture is ignited
by the igniter plugs. The continuous combustion inside the
combustion chamber raises the temperature and velocity (but
not the pressure) of the gas. Immediately after the combustion
zone, air is introduced to reduce the gas temperature to a value
compatible with the limits of the turbine blade mate¬rial from
the combustion chambers, the velocity of the gas increases
due to the nozzle effect between adjacent stator blades. A
further increase in velocity occurs as the pressure and
temperature fall during the passage through the turbine wheel
blades. The high velocity gases impinging on the combined
impulse and reaction type blades turn the turbine wheel. The
Figure 2 - Direction of Flight vs. Direction of Propeller power generated by the turbine is absorbed primarily in
driving the compressor to pressurize the incoming air, only a
small portion being utilized to drive the auxiliary equipment
and accessories. On leaving the turbine, the velocity continues
to increase and pressure and temperature falls, the ultimate
velocity being reached as the gases pass out of the exhaust
cone into the jet pipe.

Working Cycle
A gas turbine is basically a warmth motor utilizing air as a
Figure 3 - Jet Thrust - Relative Velocities liquid to create push. The working cycle of the gas turbine is
like that of a cylinder motor and both motor cycles have
C. Power unit and working cycle of jet engine enlistment, pressure, ignition and fumes stages. Anyway a gas
turbine can manage a lot bigger measures of vitality for a
Power Unit given size and weight, and it has the additional preferred
The aircraft is powered by an ORPHEUS-70105 engine. position that the mechanical movement is consistent and
The engine is a straight flow turbo-jet type, fitted with a totally rotational, while the cylinder motor uses a
7-stage axial flow compressor and develops 4200 ± 84 Ibs/ discontinuous responding movement which is changed over
1909 + 38 kg static thrust at 9500 rpm at sea level. This to revolving movement by methods for wrenches. In result the
increases to a maximum at 10, 000 ft, due to the gas turbine runs all the more easily.
characteristics of the high pressure fuel pump in the engine
fuel system. Above this height the thrust developed reduces as The gas turbine cycle can be spoken to by a
altitude increases. The engine change unit includes air driven temperature/entropy (T/S) outline. (Entropy is a proportion of
starter, switches for low-pressure fuel and oil pressure turmoil; the more noteworthy the entropy or level of
warning indicators and all engine driven accessories except confusion in the gas, the less work can be extricated from it.)
the main electrical generator and hydraulic Referring to, Point 1 speaks to the passage to the blower; the
pump[14],[16],[18]. air experiences adiabatic pressure along the line 1-2. Warmth
is added to the air through consuming fuel which causes
Engine Working Cycle consistent weight warming along the line 2-3. Adiabatic
Air at atmospheric pressure is compressed adiabatically, development through the turbines, line 3-4, extricates vitality
during its passage across the compressor and diffuser, to from the gas stream to drive the blower and perhaps a
approximately four atmospheres. The pressure and propeller, fan or rotor framework.
temperature increases and volume decreases at this stage. In
the combustion chamber, heat is supplied at constant pressure
there by considerably increasing the volume of air. Then
during the passage of the gas stream through the rear end of
the combustion chambers, stationary vanes, turbine and
exhaust cone, there is adiabatic expansion, which is
completed in the propelling nozzle with increased volume and
decreased pressure. At the end of propelling nozzle, there is
rejection of heat at constant pressure.
Air flowing through the engine follows a straight path. Air
entering in to the air intake duct is directed by entry guide
blades at the rear of the air intake casing into the compressor,

Retrieval Number: F11790886S219/2019©BEIESP

Published By:
DOI:10.35940/ijeat.F1179.0886S219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
607 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8, Issue-6S2, August 2019

be expected. The proportion of fuel utilized in kg/h per KN

push, or kW of shaft control, is known as the particular fuel
utilization (SFC). This is identified with the warm and
propulsive proficiency of the motor.

B. Comparison between Thrust KN (Force) and Shaft

Power KW (Power):

Since the turbojet motor is appraised in push and the

turboprop motor is evaluated in identical shaft control, no
immediate correlation can be utilized power change factors.
Elements changing over the pole power formed into push, or
the push created in the turbojet to shaft power might be
utilized, in this way, changing over capacity to power or
Figure 4 - Working Cycle power to control[8],[10],[12].

In the SI arrangement of units, 1 W = 1 Nm/s, so the

transformation of push to power requires the flying machine
speed, in m/s, to be considered. For an air ship going at 150
m/s (approx 290 kt), and the motor creating 40 KN, the push
to control change is as per the following:
40,000 X 150 = 6,000,000 = 6,000 kW
Now for a turboprop engine powering an aircraft at the same
velocity, 150 m/s, with a propeller efficiency of 60%, and
producing 6,000 kW the engine rating will be:
6,000 X 100/60 = 10,000 kW
Therefore, in an aircraft travelling at 150 m/s 1 KN of thrust =
250 KW of power.

C. Effect of Engine RPM on Gas Turbine Performance:

Figure 5 - Gas Turbine T-S Diagram Motor speed in cycles every moment has an extraordinary
impact on the push created by a stream motor. Figure 5.1
As the gas turbine motor is dependent upon warmth to grow demonstrates that almost no push is created at low rpm as
the gases, the higher the temperature in the ignition stage the contrasted and the push created at high motor rpm and that a
more prominent the development of the gases. given rpm change has more impact on pushed at higher motor
Notwithstanding, the burning temperature must be restricted rates than at lower motor rates. The heaviness of air siphoned
to a level that can be securely acknowledged by the materials by a blower is a component of its rpm. Reviewing the recipe
utilized in the turbine and fumes parts. Figure demonstrates
the gas move through a run of the mill gas turbine and Fn = Wa ( V2 - V1) /g
furthermore gives agent esteems for temperature, gas speeds
and weights[13],[15],[17]. It is evident that increasing the weight of air being pumped
will result in an increase in Fn or thrust. Engine speed may not
be indiscriminately varied but must be controlled within very
close limits. The conversion of fuel energy into gas energy is
A. Performance poor at low rpm, but improves rapidly to become most
efficient between 90-100% rpm.
The planned exhibition of an airplane motor is directed by
the sort of tasks for which the air ship is expected. In spite of
the fact that turbojet motors are evaluated in kilo-Newtons
and turbo-propeller motors in kilo-watts, the two kinds are
surveyed on the power delivered for a given weight, fuel
utilization and frontal zone.

Since the push or shaft power created by the gas turbine is

subject to the mass of air entering the motor, it pursues that the
exhibition of the motor is impacted by such factors as forward Figure 6 - Effect of Engine RPM on Thrust
speed, height, and climatic conditions. The effectiveness of
the admission, blower, turbine and spout are straightforwardly
influenced by these factors with a subsequent variety in push
or shaft power delivered from the gas stream. D. Effect of Airspeed on Gas Turbine Performance:
Fn = Wa ( V2 - V1) /g
To expand range and mileage, the proportion fuel utilization
to push or shaft power ought to be as low as could reasonably

Retrieval Number: F11790886S219/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijeat.F1179.0886S219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
608 & Sciences Publication
Performance Analysis of Jet Engine of Aircraft

It demonstrates that any expansion in the forward speed of the

plane will bring about a decline in push. The quicker the plane
goes, the more prominent will be the underlying force of the
air in connection to the motor (V1 expanding). Be that as it
may, the stream spout speed is commonly fixed by the speed
of sound. Clearly, the V2 - V1 contrast or force change will
decrease as plane speed increments. This loss of push will be
somewhat counterbalanced by the expansion in the Wa
because of slam. Not as much push is recuperated because of
the smash weight ascend as would appear to be shown on first
assessment. At high plane speeds there is an extensive
temperature ascend notwithstanding the ascent in weight. The Figure 8 - Comparison of Propulsive efficiencies
genuine load of the wind current increment into the motor will
be straightforwardly corresponding to the ascent in weight
and conversely relative to the square foundation of the ascent
in temperature[1],[3],[5].
The presentation of a fly motor relies upon the mass wind
From the recipe for push, it tends to be seen that push will stream (mf), weight, elevation, temperature and climatic
shift with velocity: conditions.
Momentum Thrust = W x (Vje - Va)
Where W = Mass Air Flow Motor speed (in rpm) greatly affects the push created by fly
Vje = Gas Exit Velocity motor. Almost no push is created at low rpm as contrasted and
Va = Gas Inlet Velocity the push created at high rpm. Along these lines, a non-direct
relationship exist between motor RPM and push.
If the ram effect is discounted any increase in ( Va ) because
of airspeed will result in a corresponding fall in thrust. Regardless, if motor works in air temperature more sultry
However, for most fixed wing aircraft, the intake geometry is than standard temperature (59 deg F= 15 deg centigrade),
designed to take full advantage of the ram effect, and there will be less pushed delivered. Then again, motor activity
therefore as forward speed increases so will the mass flow of in air temperature colder than standard day condition will
air inducted into the engine intake. The ram effect becomes create a more noteworthy than appraised push.
apparent at about 300 KT, and it increases as airspeed
increases until, at about 500 KT, the static thrust loss is fully The higher the height, the less weight there is, bringing
recovered[2],[4],[6]. The thrust then continues to increase for about reduction in push.
a time, but eventually tends towards zero as the Va
approaches the effective jet velocity (Vje). The effect of Thickness diminishes as stature (height) increments since it
increasing airspeed limits the use of a turbojet to Mach is straightforwardly corresponding to weight. As thickness
numbers of the order of 3.0. This limit can be extended diminishes push diminishes.
slightly by afterburning which increases the value of Vje .
As velocity (speed of aero plane) increments there is lost
(v2-v1) in light of the fact that v2 isn't expanding as v1. So
there is decline in pushed so motor needs to work more.

A variable - territory exhaust spout framework increment

the speed of the fumes to push the airplane quicker.

At the point when the situation of the trimmer in the stream

pipe is transformed, it can decrease the region of the fumes
cone in turns speed of airplane is upgraded by some degree
(20% of existing speed).
The advantage of the propeller over other forms of power
plant at low speeds. Similarly, the turbofan engines can be
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Retrieval Number: F11790886S219/2019©BEIESP

Published By:
DOI:10.35940/ijeat.F1179.0886S219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
609 & Sciences Publication
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Retrieval Number: F11790886S219/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijeat.F1179.0886S219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
610 & Sciences Publication

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