Scrumban - Ultimate Guide: Teamhood

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What is
Scrumban? Scrumban is an Agile framework that helps teams
manage projects more efficiently.
Scrumban was created by mixing two other popular Agile
frameworks Scrum and Kanban. Initially, it was used as a
stepping stone when switching from one of the parent
frameworks to the other. However, in time teams started
seeing value in Scrumban and it became a standalone
Why Scrumban?
Easier to adopt than Scrum
01 Scrumban has a less constrained process,
more similar to Kanban. Thus, the teams can
learn and pick it up faster.

Great for R&D teams and product

The quick paced process allows to test out
ideas quickly and without much loss.

Focused on throughput and

continuous improvement​
Scrumban ensures the team produces at a
steady pace and keeps improving their process.
Key aspects of Scrumban
1. Planning & planning trigger​
The team plans only for next
Sprint and only when needed.
4. Work freeze and Triage
Helps identify and execute the most
2. Kanban board​ important work items at the end.
For visualizing and tracking work
items throughout the process.
5. Planning buckets​
Aids the Scrumban team in long-
3. WIP Limit​ term planning efforts.
Limits the number of tasks the >5
team can work on at a time.
1. Planning and planning trigger
In Scrumban the team plans for the next Sprint only. This is done based
on previous performance and estimation.

To know when to plan for the next iteration Scrumban teams use a planning
trigger. This is a number that defines how many tasks should be left in the
backlog when the team holds a planning session.

For example, a team of 5 people have an average cycle time of 1 day and it
takes 2 days for them to hold a planning session. To make sure there are no
interruptions in the process, they have to hold the planning session at a time
where the team still has 2 days of work left in the backlog. So their planning
trigger is 10.
2. Kanban board
To monitor the work that is being done, Scrumban teams use a Kanban
board. This allows them to track all the work that is planned, being done
and completed.

Kanban boards vary from team to team, but usually are composed out of
Backlog, Process section (divided into columns based on your process –
Design, Manufacturing, etc.) and Done column.

It is important to note, that the team members pull tasks from the
backlog on their own. Once a team member is done with a task, they
review the backlog and pick the highest priority task based on their skillset.
This is why it is important to review the board daily and reprioritize if needed.
>5 3. WIP limits
To ensure constant value delivery, Scrumban teams limit the amount of
work items the team can work on at any given time. This is called a
Work In Progress (WIP) limit.

It helps deliver each individual work item faster and allows to more easily
estimate the delivery dates of all work items.

Usually the teams set this limit based on the amount of people in the team.
For example, if there are 5 people in the team the WIP limit is 5. Thus, each
team member can work on one task at a time.
4. Work freeze and triage
To control the work scope at the end of the project, Scrumban teams
use Work freeze and Triage.

First a Work freeze is used, meaning the team cannot add any new tasks to
the backlog. Then, the project manager or the team implements the Triage.
Which means they look through the backlog and decide which of the tasks
they are going to complete and which will be left undone in this cycle.

These measures help ensure the team delivers a minimum viable product at
the end of each sprint throughout the project.
5. Planning buckets
Planning buckets are the long-term planning technique that Scrumban
teams use.

It works by specifying 3 buckets (this can be lists or simply additional

columns in a Kanban board) where the team lists out their roadmap.
• The first bucket holds the largest ideas and goals that the team wants to
realize within a year.
• The second bucket holds clearer plans that the team wants to realize
within 6 months.
• And the third bucket holds specific plans for the next 3 months.

As the team decides to move forth with their plans, they are moved to the
backlog and executed in the next iteration.
Team roles Scrumban does not specify any roles for the
teams to use. Instead, the teams are encouraged
to keep the roles they used previously and
change them up only if necessary.
One thing to note when assembling a Scrumban team is to
make sure they are self-managing. As many processes are
left for the team to handle without having a project manager.
Scrumban cycle
The Scrumban cycle usually follows these 6 steps that are repeated during every Sprint throughout the project.

Work item refinement​ Planning​ Daily standup

Work freeze​, Triage​ &

Retrospective​ Release​ Stabilization
Work item refinement
Work item refinement takes place before every Sprint
and is aimed to identify which of the work items
3 should be considered for the next iteration.

This meeting is attended by the project manager and the

stakeholders, and it helps set the direction in which the
4 team will be going next. It is important to consider which
of the suggested work items are the most important and
Once you have a prioritized list, you also have to define
5 what has to be done for each of those items. So that once
the team gathers for a planning session they can pick up
the work items and start working on them without any
6 issues.
Once the project begins and then each time after the
planning trigger goes off, the Scrumban team meets to
3 plan tasks for their next Sprint.

The team takes the most important work items from the
refined product backlog, specify what has to be done for
4 each and estimate how much time that is going to take.
The team only takes so many tasks that they can complete
in one Sprint.

Daily standup
The team then starts working on the planned tasks.
Each team member pulling tasks from the backlog
3 based on their priority.

To make sure tasks are completed quickly, no team

member can work on more than one task at a time. And to
4 track the progress and identify issues, the team gathers
each day to review their progress in a short standup meeting.

1 Work freeze, Triage &
2 Stabilization
If the team is working with time boxed Sprints or the project
3 is coming to an end, the project manager might use a Wor
k freeze. This means that the team can no longer take on
new tasks from the backlog.
4 Then the project manager holds a Triage and decides
which of the backlog items the team is going to complete in
the current Sprint or project, and which of them will be left
5 unfinished.

Work freeze and triage mean that the amount of work

completed by the team will stop growing and stabilize.
Once the team reaches the deadline or completes all
the planned tasks, the Sprint ends. The goal of the
3 team is to make an incremental change to the end
product during the Sprint and then present it to the
stakeholders during the Release.

4 Here, the project manager or the team representative

explains what has been done and gathers feedback from
the client. This way checking if they like where the team is
going and gather any new requirements.
This allows the Scrumban team to adjust course and
present the best result for the clients.
The final step of the Scrumban process is the
After every release, the team gathers to review their work
processes and to identify what went well and what needs
improvements for the next cycle. This is a good place to
4 implement process changes and to commit to 1 or 2
concrete improvements for the next Sprint.

Once the Retrospective is done, the cycle begins again

5 from the first step.

Scrumban board example
Scrumban board example
Scrum Kanban Scrumban
Iterations 1-4 week sprints Continuous work alongside shorter releases Continuous work with short planning cycles
& longer release cycles
Work routines Push and pull principles, early binding to tea Pull principle, late binding to team members Pull principle, late binding to team members
m members
Scope limits Sprint limits total work amount Work in progress limits Work in progress limits
Planning routines Sprint planning Release/iteration planning, demand planning Planning on demand for new tasks
Estimation Must be done before a sprint Optional Optional
Performance metrics Burndown Cumulative flow diagram, lead & cycle time Average cycle time
Continuous Sprint retrospective Optional Short Kaizen event as an option
Meetings Sprint planning, daily scrum, retrospective Can be avoided Short Kaizen event
Team members Cross-functional team members Cross-functional team members, Specialization or preference to tasks
specialization is allowed
Task size Not bigger than a Sprint Any size Any size
New items in iteration Forbidden Allowed whenever queue allows it Allowed whenever queue allows it
Ownership Owned by a team Supports multiple teams ownership Supports multiple teams ownership
Board Defined/reset each sprint Persistent Persistent
Prioritization Through backlog Optional Recommended on each planning
Roles Scrum master, product owner, team Not defined, may vary Not defined, may vary
Rules Constrained process Only a few constraints, flexible process Slightly constrained process
Fit for Teams working on product or project Support and maintenance teams, Startups, fast-pace projects,
which is longer than a year continuous product manufacturing continuous product manufacturing
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