GYM Management: Submitted For Fulfillment of Laboratory Work in Software Engineering (3150711) in Computer Engineering
GYM Management: Submitted For Fulfillment of Laboratory Work in Software Engineering (3150711) in Computer Engineering
GYM Management: Submitted For Fulfillment of Laboratory Work in Software Engineering (3150711) in Computer Engineering
Submitted by
Soham Joshi(190540107085)
Semester 5th
Guided by
Dr. Pradyumansinh Jadeja
Assistant Prof, CE Department, DIET, Rajkot
This Gym Management System tool is basically developed to aid the user to
add a member to the gym. The user shall be able to add the name, date of
birth and contact address of the member. It also records the phone numbers
and the height and weight data of the member. It shall have the admission
date. It also has an option to check whether the member is new or an existing
one. It stores the photo of the member. It shall help the user to know about
fee payments. It has the option to select type of fee payments. It could be
monthly, quarterly or annually depending on the choice of the member. It also
holds the receipt number and the amount of fees paid. It shall also generate
reports based on the payment of fees. It shall also enable the user to update
information of members.
Soham A. Joshi(190540107085) 1
Computer Engineering | Semester – 5
Software Engineering (3150711)
GYM Management
Practical 1:
Project Introduction
The existing Gym Management System did not have a user-friendly interface. The details
regarding gym members were manually written and recorded. There was no system of
paying fees online. The gym members were not notified regarding the fee payment that
were outstanding.
Functional Requirement
All users of the software shall have the ability to create an account that is used to store user
data and tie user actions to a user alias.
User registration and login shall be mandatory.
Create an Account
The system should provide the user with an easy to use GUI to facilitate their creating an
The system shall ask for an email address and password.
The system shall notify the user if incorrect characters are used in the email or password
Manage Users
Admin can manage all Members and their records on one click.
Here, manage means ADD, UPDATE, VIEW, and DELETE record.
Manage Expenses
The system can manage daily, weekly, monthly expenses of Fitness with its module named
MANAGE EXPENSE that contains all the possible expenses of the system.
Soham A. Joshi(190540107085) 2
Computer Engineering | Semester – 5
Software Engineering (3150711)
GYM Management
This entity stores the information about the trainer who is hired by the gym administration
to train their member to work out correctly. Working out correctly is the same as important
as actually working out. This trainer could be hired on basis of hourly charges or special
training for the member or they could be on an agreement like a permanent employee of
the gym.
Non-Functional Requirement
User can install application from Apple App Store and Googles Play Store and look for regular
updates give ratting and feedback.
When application is made to start up it shouldn’t take more than 3 second to load initial screen.
Also, it should be made sure that app will not hindrance to the user Input.
When app gets interrupted by call, then app should able to save state and return to same state/
page which was there before it got interrupted.
Screen Adaption
Application should be able to render its layout to different screen sizes. Along with automatic
adjustment of Font size and image rendering.
Soham A. Joshi(190540107085) 3