Evidencia 1 - Guia 12

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JUNIO 2022
International Physical Distribution
It is the logistical process that consists of placing a product in a foreign market,
complying with the terms negotiated between the buyer and the seller. Its main
objective of the DFI is to minimize the time, costs and risk that may be generated
during the journey from the point of departure at origin to the point of delivery at
Logistics is a fundamental factor for the country's competitiveness, taking into account
the accelerated evolution of current negotiations, the logistics variable becomes the
obligatory complement of international agreements that optimizes the times and costs of
the transport, storage and distribution, from importation to the final consumer and also
allows exporters to improve their costs and be able to enter the markets with
competitive prices compared to the competition. In order to adjust to the new needs,
Colombian foreign trade has implemented important developments since the early
1990s. It implemented important developments since the early 1990s, after the
modification of economic liberalization policies in the 1990s. from 1990.
Important points
- International Physical Distribution occupies a very important place in international
trade, being linked to its efficiency and competitiveness, as suggested by Giraldo &
Mazo (2011), the proper management of the DFI generates a correct flow of
materials and flow of goods. information, the first related to prior knowledge of all
the activities involved in the transfer of the product to its international destination in
optimal conditions, and the second that allows the organization to carry out its
logistics planning being consistent with the needs and trends of demand. Hence, it
contributes enormously to time optimization, cost reduction, inventory optimization,
timely delivery and optimal product condition, generating efficiency in the logistics
process and improving customer service levels.
- An opportunity for countries to achieve greater progress and economic growth,
since for a country's participation in the world economy to be sustainable, it is not
only necessary to produce exportable goods that can be accessed to international
markets, but also to develop competitive advantages and meet the needs of
importers, as Paredes, Suarez, & Villalobos (2018) state, what the DFI seeks is to
optimize resources to the maximum in terms of time, costs and exact delivery in the
place agreed, which determines the satisfaction of importers, and allows us to infer
that the effectiveness with which this process is carried out can generate, to a
greater or lesser extent, the development of a country.
- International Trade in Goods is an instrument that drives the economic growth of
countries, as stated by the World Trade Organization (2020):

• Economic development with regard to international trade refers to a society

where exports and imports, and especially the former have a significant
percentage of participation in the gross domestic product, the impact on
economic growth is positive, since it grows to the labor factor and increases in
capital (OMC, 2020).

- As the DFI is linked to the efficient development of the processes of placing a

product in the space and time agreed with the buyer, and oriented so that the
companies can obtain the expected business competitiveness indices, the adequate
planning of this logistics process can linked to the long-term survival of companies
in the market, as Giraldo & Mazo (2011) point out, "a strategy to achieve
competitiveness is the correct planning of international physical distribution, in
terms of costs and activities involved in the process, taking into account that within
the logistics chain they represent a representative item” (p.157). So, as we find
ourselves in an increasingly demanding and competitive world market, it is essential
that companies achieve efficient management of this transcendental element in
order to respond to the needs of the international market.
The logistics process of International Physical Distribution has shown a constant
evolution in terms of digital orientation, the logistics sector in general has focused its
efforts on the development and application of automated systems that are responsible
for routine and repetitive activities such as cargo handling, intelligent technologies that
provide real-time information on the location and characteristics of the load,
increasingly advanced storage systems and where not only the correct flow of
merchandise is prioritized, but also the information that is distributed to various
computers simultaneously to efficiently link all the processes that participate in the DFI,
as well as other disruptive advances that tend to reduce costs, delivery times and
increase customer satisfaction. But DFI's digitization is not just about the automated
and intelligent systems that allow them to enrich their offerings, it also puts the
customer first, recognizing how the customer experience can be improved through
- https://www.diariodelexportador.com/2017/12/la-distribucion-fisica-
- http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0120-
- https://repositorio.unicordoba.edu.co/bitstream/handle/ucordoba/3985/daguero

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