AA12 Evidencia 1
AA12 Evidencia 1
AA12 Evidencia 1
Ficha 2193547
Taking into account what I believe that the real success for Colombian companies in
an FTA
environment will be their ability to adapt, which will allow them to maintain the
between the production process and the needs of the final consumer, thus achieving
that positively impact their growth and development, says Edgar Blanco, director of
at the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics and the Latin American Center
Logistics Innovation (CLI) of Logyca, a consulting firm in logistics issues. In addition
to the
issues of red tape and the low competitiveness generated by logistics costs are the
drawbacks when it comes to doing business.
Finally, it is important to highlight that exporting companies in Colombia, in addition
assuming the high costs of exporting, they are not sufficiently 15 competitive
because their
size does not allow them to face the challenges of an increasingly globalized world.
increasingly globalized world.
Use of the distribution network. An efficient logistics system benefits from a large
distribution network of logistics operators, which allows them to be more powerful
nationally and internationally.
Difficult access for SMEs. The logistics sector is usually dominated by large
companies that have stronger distribution chains, so the access of small and
medium-sized companies to this field is quite difficult.
The distance. The cost of transporting unit by product rises the greater the distance.
In this way, if you do not have strong distribution systems it is difficult to offer a
competitive price for a product that is at the other end of the planet.
Legal framework. Legislation for the transport or import and export of goods is of the
utmost importance, since domestic laws and customs policy can stop the entry or
exit of a product.
In the Colombian case, the logistics system is currently lagging behind, so the main
for the excessive costs borne by the country's exporting companies is the cost of
transportation due to the backwardness of infrastructure (rail, air, sea and land),
making it
the most onerous item when it comes to exporting, In addition to the Colombian
applied to foreign trade, they point out that the impact on the costs and operations
of exports
is direct and that to a large extent the international indicators that place Colombia in
the last
positions of efficiency are given for reasons of corruption, lack of administration
3. Bibliográphy citation