Microsoft - LeetCode
Microsoft - LeetCode
Microsoft - LeetCode
We've improved our algorithm that calculates company tags and their frequencies to be more accurate and
794 Valid Tic-Tac-Toe State (/prob… Math (/tag/math) Recursion (/tag/recursion) 32.4% M
138 Copy List with Random Point… Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) 34.7% M
42 Trapping Rain Water (/proble… Array (/tag/array) Two Pointers (/tag/two-pointers) 47.9% H
Stack (/tag/stack)
273 Integer to English Words (/pro… Math (/tag/math) String (/tag/string) 26.5% H
103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Ord… Stack (/tag/stack) Tree (/tag/tree) 46.4% M
218 The Skyline Problem (/proble… Divide and Conquer (/tag/divide-and-conquer) 34.0% H
Heap (/tag/heap) 1/14
26/05/2020 (7) Microsoft - LeetCode
# Title Tags
Backtracking (/tag/backtracking) Acceptance D
297 Serialize and Deserialize Bina… Tree (/tag/tree) Design (/tag/design) 46.4% H
Heap (/tag/heap)
340 Longest Substring with At Mo… Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) String (/tag/string) 43.5% H
Sliding Window (/tag/sliding-window)
Backtracking (/tag/backtracking)
232 Implement Queue using Stac… Stack (/tag/stack) Design (/tag/design) 48.3% E
Backtracking (/tag/backtracking) 2/14
26/05/2020 (7) Microsoft - LeetCode
8 String to Integer (atoi) (/probl… Math (/tag/math) String (/tag/string) 15.2% M
# Title Tags Acceptance D
225 Implement Stack using Queu… Stack (/tag/stack) Design (/tag/design) 44.0% E
535 Encode and Decode TinyURL… Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) Math (/tag/math) 79.3% M
2 Add Two Numbers (/problem… Linked List (/tag/linked-list) Math (/tag/math) 33.3% M
Backtracking (/tag/backtracking)
105 Construct Binary Tree from Pr… Array (/tag/array) Tree (/tag/tree) 47.3% M
Backtracking (/tag/backtracking)
Backtracking (/tag/backtracking)
Greedy (/tag/greedy)
Backtracking (/tag/backtracking)
295 Find Median from Data Strea… Heap (/tag/heap) Design (/tag/design) 42.9% H 3/14
26/05/2020 (7) Microsoft - LeetCode
295 Find Median from Data Strea… Heap (/tag/heap) Design (/tag/design) 42.9% H
457 Circular Array Loop (/problem… Array (/tag/array) Two Pointers (/tag/two-pointers) 29.0% M
String (/tag/string)
772 Basic Calculator III (/problem… String (/tag/string) Stack (/tag/stack) 40.8% H
706 Design HashMap (/problems/… Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) Design (/tag/design) 60.3% E
Sort (/tag/sort)
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell St… Array (/tag/array) 50.0% E
Backtracking (/tag/backtracking)
148 Sort List (/problems/sort-list) Linked List (/tag/linked-list) Sort (/tag/sort) 40.9% M
622 Design Circular Queue (/probl… Design (/tag/design) Queue (/tag/queue) 43.1% M
Stack (/tag/stack) 4/14
26/05/2020 (7) Microsoft - LeetCode
Random (/tag/random)
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1… Array (/tag/array) Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) 46.2% M
Design (/tag/design)
String (/tag/string)
Graph (/tag/graph)
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator (/… Stack (/tag/stack) Tree (/tag/tree) 55.0% M
Design (/tag/design)
346 Moving Average from Data St… Design (/tag/design) Queue (/tag/queue) 70.0% E
88 Merge Sorted Array (/proble… Array (/tag/array) Two Pointers (/tag/two-pointers) 38.8% E
128 Longest Consecutive Sequen… Array (/tag/array) Union Find (/tag/union-find) 44.5% H
Graph (/tag/graph)
Graph (/tag/graph) 5/14
26/05/2020 (7) Microsoft - LeetCode
308 Range Sum Query 2D - Muta… Binary Indexed Tree (/tag/binary-indexed-tree) 34.9% H
Segment Tree (/tag/segment-tree)
Backtracking (/tag/backtracking)
Queue (/tag/queue)
328 Odd Even Linked List (/proble… Linked List (/tag/linked-list) 55.0% M
String (/tag/string)
358 Rearrange String k Distance … Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) Heap (/tag/heap) 34.5% H
Greedy (/tag/greedy)
Backtracking (/tag/backtracking)
204 Count Primes (/problems/cou… Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) Math (/tag/math) 31.1% E
149 Max Points on a Line (/proble… Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) Math (/tag/math) 16.8% H
381 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1… Array (/tag/array) Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) 33.7% H
Design (/tag/design) 6/14
26/05/2020 (7) Microsoft - LeetCode
Design (/tag/design)
# Title Tags Acceptance D
69 Sqrt(x) (/problems/sqrtx) Math (/tag/math) 33.4% E
317 Shortest Distance from All Bu… Breadth-first Search (/tag/breadth-first-search) 40.9% H
287 Find the Duplicate Number (/… Array (/tag/array) Two Pointers (/tag/two-pointers) 53.6% M
Tree (/tag/tree)
Heap (/tag/heap)
Graph (/tag/graph)
199 Binary Tree Right Side View (/… Tree (/tag/tree) 53.0% M
1104 Path In Zigzag Labelled Binar… Math (/tag/math) Tree (/tag/tree) 71.4% M 7/14
26/05/2020 (7) Microsoft - LeetCode
(p Array (/tag/array)
# Title Tags Acceptance D
45 Jump Game II (/problems/ju… Array (/tag/array) Greedy (/tag/greedy) 30.2% H
Sort (/tag/sort)
Backtracking (/tag/backtracking)
26 Remove Duplicates from Sort… Array (/tag/array) Two Pointers (/tag/two-pointers) 44.4% E
208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) (/… Design (/tag/design) Trie (/tag/trie) 47.7% M
String (/tag/string)
417 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow (/… Depth-first Search (/tag/depth-first-search) 40.3% M 8/14
26/05/2020 (7) Microsoft - LeetCode
String (/tag/string)
# Title Tags Acceptance D
Sliding Window (/tag/sliding-window)
1038 Binary Search Tree to Greater… Binary Search Tree (/tag/binary-search-tree) 80.2% M
987 Vertical Order Traversal of a B… Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) Tree (/tag/tree) 34.8% M
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal (… Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) Stack (/tag/stack) 62.2% M
Tree (/tag/tree)
387 First Unique Character in a St… Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) String (/tag/string) 53.1% E
1004 Max Consecutive Ones III (/pr… Two Pointers (/tag/two-pointers) 57.9% M
347 Top K Frequent Elements (/pr… Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) Heap (/tag/heap) 60.0% M
Backtracking (/tag/backtracking) 9/14
26/05/2020 (7) Microsoft - LeetCode
Backtracking (/tag/backtracking)
# Title Tags Acceptance D
114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked … Tree (/tag/tree) 47.9% M
147 Insertion Sort List (/problems/… Linked List (/tag/linked-list) Sort (/tag/sort) 40.4% M
Graph (/tag/graph)
609 Find Duplicate File in System … Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) String (/tag/string) 58.8% M
String (/tag/string)
314 Binary Tree Vertical Order Tra… Depth-first Search (/tag/depth-first-search) 44.3% M
Breadth-first Search (/tag/breadth-first-search) 10/14
26/05/2020 (7) Microsoft - LeetCode
692 Title
Top K Frequent Words (/probl… Tags
Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) Heap (/tag/heap)
50.6% DM
Trie (/tag/trie)
String (/tag/string)
215 Kth Largest Element in an Arr… Divide and Conquer (/tag/divide-and-conquer) 54.0% M
Heap (/tag/heap)
Trie (/tag/trie)
282 Expression Add Operators (/p… Divide and Conquer (/tag/divide-and-conquer) 35.2% H
1122 Relative Sort Array (/problem… Array (/tag/array) Sort (/tag/sort) 67.6% E
202 Happy Number (/problems/h… Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) Math (/tag/math) 50.0% E
532 K-diff Pairs in an Array (/probl… Array (/tag/array) Two Pointers (/tag/two-pointers) 31.2% E
Backtracking (/tag/backtracking)
1155 Number of Dice Rolls With Ta… Dynamic Programming (/tag/dynamic-programming) 49.5% M 11/14
26/05/2020 (7) Microsoft - LeetCode
Two Pointers (/tag/two-pointers)
# Title Tags Acceptance D
Stack (/tag/stack)
341 Flatten Nested List Iterator (/… Stack (/tag/stack) Design (/tag/design) 52.1% M
Tree (/tag/tree)
123 Best Time to Buy and Sell St… Array (/tag/array) 36.7% H
876 Middle of the Linked List (/pr… Linked List (/tag/linked-list) 68.1% E
707 Design Linked List (/problems… Linked List (/tag/linked-list) Design (/tag/design) 23.5% M
977 Squares of a Sorted Array (/p… Array (/tag/array) Two Pointers (/tag/two-pointers) 72.3% E
270 Closest Binary Search Tree V… Binary Search (/tag/binary-search) Tree (/tag/tree) 47.2% E
938 Range Sum of BST (/problem… Tree (/tag/tree) Recursion (/tag/recursion) 80.5% E 12/14
26/05/2020 (7) Microsoft - LeetCode
Binary Search (/tag/binary-search) Sort (/tag/sort)
# Title Tags Acceptance D
222 Count Complete Tree Nodes (… Binary Search (/tag/binary-search) Tree (/tag/tree) 42.7% M
144 Binary Tree Preorder Traversa… Stack (/tag/stack) Tree (/tag/tree) 54.9% M
219 Contains Duplicate II (/proble… Array (/tag/array) Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) 37.3% E
Backtracking (/tag/backtracking)
11 Container With Most Water (/… Array (/tag/array) Two Pointers (/tag/two-pointers) 49.9% M
106 Construct Binary Tree from In… Array (/tag/array) Tree (/tag/tree) 44.5% M
Graph (/tag/graph)
283 Move Zeroes (/problems/mov… Array (/tag/array) Two Pointers (/tag/two-pointers) 57.4% E
416 Partition Equal Subset Sum (/… Dynamic Programming (/tag/dynamic-programming) 43.1% M
Tree (/tag/tree)
739 Daily Temperatures (/problem… Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) Stack (/tag/stack) 62.7% M
242 Valid Anagram (/problems/val… Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) Sort (/tag/sort) 56.1% E 13/14
26/05/2020 (7) Microsoft - LeetCode
Breadth-first Search (/tag/breadth-first-search)
# Title Tags Acceptance D
209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum … Array (/tag/array) Two Pointers (/tag/two-pointers) 37.4% M
217 Contains Duplicate (/problem… Array (/tag/array) Hash Table (/tag/hash-table) 55.6% E
230 Kth Smallest Element in a BS… Binary Search (/tag/binary-search) Tree (/tag/tree) 59.0% M
167 Two Sum II - Input array is so… Array (/tag/array) Two Pointers (/tag/two-pointers) 53.4% E
973 K Closest Points to Origin (/p… Divide and Conquer (/tag/divide-and-conquer) 62.4% M
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell St… Array (/tag/array) Greedy (/tag/greedy) 56.1% E
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