3 Unit EM

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1,Define Triads
The atomic weight of the middle element nearly equal to the mean of the atomic weight of the remaining two
Elements like chlorine, Bromine and Iodine have same chemical properties in the group. These are called as triads.
2. Define Law of Octaves
On arranging the elements in the increasing order of atomic weights, the property of every eighth elements is
similar to the property of the first element.
3. Define Mendeleev’s Periodic law
The properties of the elements are the periodic functions of the atomic weights.
4. Define Modern Periodic law
The Physical and chemical properties of the elements are the periodic functions of the atomic numbers.
5. Give the Anomalies of Mendeleev’s Periodic table
 Elements with same properties are placed in different groups
 Elements with different properties are placed in same groups.
 Elements with higher atomic weights are placed before the lower atomic weights.
6. Define Periodicity
The repetition of the Physical and the chemical properties at regular intervals are called periodicity
7. How Lavoisier classified the elements
Acid making elements Sulphur
Gas like elements Oxygen
Metallic element Gold
Earthly elements Lime

8. What are the basic difference between Mendeleev’s and Modern periodic table
Sl.No Mendeleev’s periodic table Modern periodic table
1 The properties of the elements The Physical and chemical properties of
are the periodic functions of the the elements are the periodic functions of
atomic weights. the atomic numbers.
2 There 8 groups and 12 periods There 18 groups and 7 periods
3 Contains vacant place for new No vacant place
4 Elements of same group contains Elements of same group contains
different properties identical properties

5 Isotopes are not explained Isotopes are explained.

9. Explain the Henry Moseley X-ray spectra experiment

 Hendry Moseley studied the X-ray spectra of many elements by bombarding them with high energy electrons.
 He observed a linear correlation between the atomic number and the frequency of the X-ray emitted.
10. Explain the different types of elements in the Periodic table.
There are 4 types of elements
a) S-block elements
 The elements of group 1 and group 2 are called as S-block elements
 The last valence electron enters into the ns orbital
 Group 1 elements are called as Alkali metals and group 2 are called as Alkaline earth metals
 They are highly reactive
 They are soft metals with low boiling and melting point
b) d-block elements
 The elements of group 3 to 12 are called d-block elements

Their general electron configuration is ns2 (n-1)d 1-10
 They have high boiling and melting points
 They are good conductor of heat and electricity
 They are used as catalyst
c) P-block elements
 The elements of group 13 to 18 are called P-block elements
 Their general electron configuration is ns2 np 1-6
 Group 16 is called as Chalcogens
 Group 17 is called as Halogens
 Group 18 is called as Noble gases
 They form covalent compounds
 They have high electron affinity and Ionization energy values
d) f-Block elements
 There are 2 series of F-block elements
 Lanthanides = 4f 1-14 5d 0-1 6s2
 Actinides = 5f 0-14 6d 0-2 7 s2
 They have high melting points
 Most of the compounds are coloured
 They show variable oxidation states
11. Write the electronic configuration of Lanthanides and actinides
Lanthanides = 4f 1-14 5d0-1 6s2
Actinides = 5f 0-14 6d 0-2 7s2
12. Define atomic radius and explain the variation in the periodic table
The distance between the center of the nucleus and the outer most shell containing the valence electron called
as atomic radius.
Along the Period : It Decrease along the period.
 As we move along the period the valence electrons are added to the
 same shell.
 So the Nuclear charge increases,
 And the attractive force between the valence electron and the nucleus increases
Along the Group: It Increases along the group.
 As we move down the group the valence electrons are added into new shells.
 As a result the distance between the nucleus and the valence electrons increases.
13. Define ionic radius
The distance between the center of the nucleus of a ion and the outer most shell containing the valence
electron called as ionic radius.
14. Define metallic radius
The half of the distance between two adjacent metal atoms in a closely packed metallic crystal is called as
Metallic radius
15. Define Covalent radius
The half of the inter nuclear distance between two identical atoms linked by a single covalent bond is called as
Covalent radius
16. Define Shielding effect
The inner shell electrons act as a shield between the nucleus and the valence electrons, this effect is called as
Shielding effect.
17. Explain the Pauling method of calculating Ionic radius
• In the Pauling method the Ionic radius was Calculated by using the
Inter Ionic Distance
• Example for Isoelectronic :
Na+ = 2, 8 ; F- = 2, 8
r( C +) + r(A- ) = d(C+ - A- ) ------ 1
Effective Nucelar charge Zeff = Z - S
r( C +) α_ -------------- -------- 2
Zeff ( C +)
r( A -) α -------------- -------- 3
Zeff ( A -)
r( C +) Zeff ( A -)
-------- = ---------- ------- 4
r( A -) Zeff ( C +)
r( C +) = ionic radius of the cation ; r( A- ) = ionic radius of the anion
d(C+ - A- ) = inter ionic distance
Z eff ( A -) = Effective nuclear charge of the anion
Zeff ( C +) = Effective nuclear charge of the cation
Using Eqn 1 and 4 Ionic radius can be calculated.
18. Define is ionization energy and explain the variation in the periodic table.
Ionization energy is the amount of energy required to remove an loosely bounded electron from the outermost
shell of an atom. Unit is eV
Along the Group : It decreases along the group.
 As we move down the group the valence electrons are added into new shells.
 As a result the distance between the nucleus and the valence electrons increases.
 Hence the nuclear charge decreases and the ionization also decreases.
 Along the period : It increases along the period Reason
 As we move along the period the valence electrons are added to the same shell.
 So the Nuclear charge increases, And the attraction between the valence electron and the nucleus increases
 Hence more energy is required to remove the valence electron, so Ionization energy increases.
19. Define Valence State or Oxidation state
Valence state is the number of electrons present in the valence shell
 Along the group the Valence state remains a constant
Because along the group the valence electrons does not changes.
 Along the period the Valence State increases.
Because along the period the of valence electrons increases.
20. Define second ionization energy
Second Ionization energy is the amount of energy required to remove a electron from a unipositive cation.
21. Why the second ionization energy is always greater than the first IE Or Successive Ionization energy is
always greater. Explain Why ?
 The total number of electrons is less in a cation than a neutral atom
 So the effective nuclear charge of the cation is greater than the atom
 The order is IE1< IE2 < IE3 < ………
22. Define electron affinity and explain the variation in the periodic table.
Electron affinity is defined as the amount of energy released when a electron is added to the valence shell of a
Along the Group : It decreases along the group.
 As we move down the group the nuclear charge decreases
 The atomic size increases.
 The Shielding effect of the inner electrons increase
Along the period : It increases along the period
 As we move along the period the nuclear charge increases
 The atomic size decreases.
 The attraction between the valence electron and the nucleus increases
23. Define electron negativity and explain the variation in the periodic table.
Electro negativity is a tendency of a element present is covalent molecule to attract the shared pair of electrons
towards itself.
Along the Group : It decreases along the group.
 As we move down the group the nuclear charge decreases
 The atomic size increases.
 Along the period : It increases along the period Reason
 As we move along the period the nuclear charge increases
 The atomic size decreases.
 The attraction between the valence electron and the nucleus increases
24. Explain the Pauling’s method of calculating the Electro Negativity
 According the Pauling the EN value of Hydrogen is 2.1 and for Fluorine is 4.0
 He calculated by using the Formula
( XA – XB ) = 0.182 EA-B - ( EA-A × EB-B ) ½
Where EA-B, EA-A and EB-B are the bond energy of AB, A2 and B2 molecules.
25. Define Diagonal relationship
The similarities in the properties between the diagonally present elements are called as Diagonal relationship.
Eg Li and Mg have same properties.
Example lithium and magnesium have similar properties
26. Why Beryllium has high Ionisation energy than Boron ?
 Be4 = 1s2 2s2
 B5 = 1s2 2s2 2p1
 Beryllium is having high ionization energy than Boron
 Beryllium has high Nuclear Charge
 Beryllium has Stable Fully filled ns2 electronic configuration
 The force of attraction between the nucleus and the outermost electron is very high in Beryllium
 So it is difficult to remove the outermost electrons of Beryllium
27. Why Nitrogen has high Ionisation energy than oxygen ?
 N7 = 1s2 2s2 2p3
 O8 = 1s2 2s2 2p4
 Nitrogen has high Nuclear Charge
 Nitrogen has Stable Half filled np3 electronic configuration
 The force of attraction between the nucleus and the outermost electron is very high in Nitrogen
 So it is difficult to remove the 2p electrons of Nitrogen
 But if one electron is removed from Oxygen it gives stable 2p3 configuration, so it is easy to remove the 2p
electron of oxygen
28. Why Beryllium has Zero electron affinity ?
 Be4 = 1s2 2s2
 Beryllium has Stable Fully filled ns2 electronic configuration
 If a electron is added it will disturb the stable electronic configuration.
So it will not accept electrons
29. Why Nitrogen has Zero electron affinity ?
 N7 = 1s2 2s2 2p3
 Nitrogen has Stable Half filled np3 electronic configuration
 If a electron is added it will disturb the stable electronic configuration.
So it will not accept electrons
30. Why Noble gases ( Neon ) has Zero electron affinity ?
 Ne10 = 1s2 2s2 2p6
 Neon has Stable Fully filled np6 electronic configuration
 If a electron is added it will disturb the stable electronic configuration. And it requires more energy.
So it will not accept electrons
31. Why the 17th group ( Halogens ) have high electron affinity ?
 Halogens have a unstable np5 electronic configuration.
 By gaining one electron it becomes a Stable Fully filled np6 electronic configuration
 Hence it accepts one electron and become a stable Noble gas configuration
.32. Why the electron affinity of Oxygen and Fluorine is lower than sulphur and chorine
 Oxygen and Fluorine is smaller in size.
 Oxygen and Fluorine have high electron density.
 In oxygen and Fluorine the valence electrons enter into the 2p orbital.
 But in Sulphur and chlorine the valence electrons enter into the 3p orbital.
33. Define Isoelectronic ions.
Ions having same number of electrons and same electronic configuration are called as Isoelectronic ions
Example for Isoelectronic:
Na+ = 2, 8 ; F- = 2, 8
34. Define effective nuclear charge
The net nuclear charge experienced by the valence electron in the outermost shell is called as effective nuclear
charge Effective Nuclear charge Zeff = Z - S
Z = atomic number ; S= Shielding constant
35. Why halogens act as oxidizing agents ?
 Halogens have high electron negativity and electron affinity values.
 Halogens have a unstable np5 electronic configuration.
 By gaining one electron it becomes a Stable Fully filled np6 electronic configuration
 Hence it accepts one electron and become a stable Noble gas configuration
36. Give any 2 Anomalous properties of 2nd group elements
 Lithium and Beryllium form covalent compounds but other forms ionic compounds
 The second period has only 2 orbitals ( 2s and 2p ) in the valence shell. So the maximum valency is 4. But
others have more orbital in the valence shell and higher valencies.
Example Boron forms BF-4 but Aluminum forms AlF6-3
37. Mg+1, Mg+2 and Mg+3 which step required more energy ?
The formation of the Mg+3 ion from Mg+2 ion requires more ionization energy because
 Mg+2 has stable noble gas configurations of 2,8 electrons
 Since the valence orbital is completely filled it requires more energy to remove an electron.
 Mg+2 ion has more effective nuclear charge.
38. Why the first IE value of sodium is lower than Mg. but the second IE value is higher than Mg
Na11 = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 ; Mg12 = 1s2 2s2 2p4 3s2
 First IE value of Mg is larger because Mg is smaller in size and has high nuclear charge. So more energy is
required to remove a electron from Magnesium than sodium
 But in second IE value is larger for Sodium because Sodium has full filled Stable np6 electronic
configuration. And high nuclear charge.
39. Why the first IE value of Carbon greater than Boron. But the second IE value is reverse.
B5 = 1s2 2s2 2p1 ; C6 = 1s2 2s2 2p2
 First IE value of Carbon is larger because Carbon is smaller in size and has high nuclear charge. So more
energy is required to remove a electron from Carbon than Boron
 But in second IE value is larger for Boron because Boron has full filled Stable ns2 electronic configuration.
And high nuclear charge.
40. Why the EA of Be, Mg and noble gases is zero
Mg12 = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 ; Ne10 = 1s2 2s2 2p6 ; Be4 = 1s2 2s2
Be, Mg and Noble gases are having fully filled stable electronic configuration.
These elements will not accept electrons
41. Why the EA value of Nitrogen and Phosphorous is very low ?
N7 = 1s2 2s2 2p3 ; P15 = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3
 Nitrogen and Phosphorous has Stable Half filled np3 electronic configuration
 If an electron is added it will disturb the stable electronic configuration.
So it will not accept electrons
42. Why the covalent radius is less than atomic radius.
During the formation of the covalent bond there is a overlapping of atomic orbitals so the inter nuclear
distance decreases. So covalent radius also decreases.


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