Cot 1 A Notation
Cot 1 A Notation
Cot 1 A Notation
*New lesson
Video presentation(
Base on the examples given, the students will analyze and predict what the underline word
C. Presenting 1. Activity (Group activity)
Examples/Instances Solve Me!
of the Lesson
Find the password to our lesson today by solving the given mathematical equations.
Take note that each letter is represented by a number.
Enjoy Solving! 😊
A – 1 B – 2 C – 3 D – 4 E – 5 F – 6 G – 7 H – 8 I – 9 J – 10 K – 11
L – 12 M – 13 N – 14 O – 15 P – 16 Q – 17 R –18 S – 19 T – 20 U – 21
V – 22 W- 23 X – 24 Y – 25 Z – 26
To know more about modal verbs let’s sing a song and take a look on bold words.
2. Analysis
D. Discussing New Let’s Learn More!
Concepts and What are modals?
Practicing New Skills Modal – are helping verbs that are joined with other verbs to express permission,
#1 obligation, and other moods.
3 Modes of Modal Verbs
Permission – can, may, could
'Can' is most often used to ask for or give permission but 'may' and 'could' are also
possible even though they are not used as often as 'can'.
Can I borrow your pen?
May I use the comfort room?
Could you please stop talking?
You can’t enter the mall without facemask.
You mustn’t use the phone in class.
We have to wear facemask and face shield when we go shopping.
I must call my parents.
Can, may and could – we use these modal verbs to give permission.
Can’t and mustn’t - we use these modal verbs to give prohibition.
Have to and must - we use these modal verbs to give obligation.
Observe and Identify Me!
F. Developing Mastery Below are sentences, underline the modals and label it whether it’s permission,
prohibition or obligation.
(Leads to Formative Example:
Assessment 3) Can I ask you a question?
1. You have to come to the meeting but it would help us all if you’re there.
2. I can’t get a connection on my phone. Can I borrow yours?
3. I must stay on for a few hours because I’d rather work late today than over the
4. There’s a lot of noise coming from outside. Could I close the window?
5. You mustn’t go outside it’s too hot.
1. have to – obligation 3. must - obligation 5. mustn’t - prohibition
2.can’t – prohibition 4. could - permission
4. Application
G.Finding Practical Show and construct!
Applications of Base on the 3 pictures; construct sentences using the modal verbs in three different modes.
Concepts and Skills Criteria in giving points
in Daily Living
Presentation of Grammar Correctness of the Total
Ideas 5pts. idea resented 15pts
5pts. 5pts.
I. Evaluating Learning
Directions: Choose the correct verbs to be use in the sentence. Write your answer in a ¼ sheet of paper.
1. There’s a lot of noise coming from outside. ___ I close the window?
have to
3. Did they tell you that you ___ come into this area. It’s restricted to staff only.
don't have to
have to
5. The rules say that you ___ only invite one guest to the club.
have to
I. Additional Activities Make either of the following that interest you: a slogan, rap song, short dialogue or spoken poetry
for Application or regarding the pandemic we are having today using the modal verbs. Post it on your social media account.
Let your friends/schoolmates from other parts of the world say something and rate your work. Don’t
Remediation forget to tag me in your post.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why did
these work?
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