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AND CREEP-RUPTURE OF", was adopted on 15-OCT-93 for use by the
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Designation: D 2990 – 01 An American National Standard

Standard Test Methods for

Tensile, Compressive, and Flexural Creep and
Creep-Rupture of Plastics1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2990; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope * and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materi-

1.1 These test methods cover the determination of tensile als2
and compressive creep and creep-rupture of plastics under D 1822 Test Method for Tensile-Impact Energy to Break
specified environmental conditions (see 3.1.3). Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials2
1.2 While these test methods outline the use of three-point D 2236 Test Method for Dynamic Mechanical Properties of
loading for measurement of creep in flexure, four-point loading Plastics by Means of a Torsional Pendulum4
(which is used less frequently) can also be used with the D 4000 Classification System for Specifying Plastic Mate-
equipment and principles as outlined in Test Methods D 790. rials5
1.3 For measurements of creep-rupture, tension is the pre- D 4968 Guide for Annual Review of Test Methods and
ferred stress mode because for some ductile plastics rupture Specifications for Plastics6
does not occur in flexure or compression. 3. Terminology
1.4 Test data obtained by these test methods are relevant and
appropriate for use in engineering design. 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the 3.1.1 creep modulus—the ratio of initial applied stress to
standard. The values in parentheses are for information only. creep strain.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the 3.1.2 creep strain—the total strain, at any given time,
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the produced by the applied stress during a creep test.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- Discussion—The term creep, as used in this test
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- method, reflects current plastics engineering usage. In scientific
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. A specific warning practice, creep is often defined to be the nonelastic portion of
statement is given in 6.8.2. strain. However, this definition is not applicable to existing
engineering formulas. Plastics have a wide spectrum of retar-
NOTE 1—This standard and ISO 899 are similar in content, but are not dation times, and elastic portions of strain cannot be separated
in practice from nonelastic. Therefore, wherever “strain” is
2. Referenced Documents mentioned in these test methods, it refers to the sum of elastic
strain plus the additional strain with time.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.1.3 deformation—a change in shape, size or position of a
D 543 Practices for Evaluating the Resistance of Plastics to
test specimen as a result of compression, deflection, or exten-
Chemical Reagents2
D 618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing2
3.1.4 compression—in a compressive creep test, the de-
D 621 Test Methods for Deformation of Plastics Under
crease in length produced in the gage length of a test specimen.

3.1.5 deflection—in a flexural creep test, the change in

D 638 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics2
mid-span position of a test specimen.
D 695 Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid
3.1.6 extension—in a tensile creep test, the increase in
length produced in the gage length of a test specimen.
D 790 Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced
3.1.7 slenderness ratio—the ratio of the length of a column
of uniform cross section to its least radius of gyration; for
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20 on specimens of uniform rectangular cross section, the radius of
Plastics and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.10 on Mechanical
gyration is 0.289 times the smaller cross-sectional dimension;
Current edition approved August 10, 2001. Published October 2001. Originally
published as D 2990 – 71. Last previous edition D 2990 – 95. These test methods
and Practice D 2991 replace Practices D 674, which has been discontinued. Discontinued, see 1984 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.02.
2 5
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.02.
3 6
Discontinued; see 1994 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.03.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.
D 2990
for specimens of uniform circular cross section, the radius of 6.1.1 Grips—The grips and gripping technique shall be
gyration is 0.250 times the diameter. designed to minimize eccentric loading of the specimen.
3.1.8 stress—for tensile or compressive creep, the ratio of Swivel or universal joints shall be used beyond each end of the
the applied load to the initial cross-sectional area; for flexural specimen.
creep, maximum fiber stress is as calculated in accordance with 6.1.2 It is recommended that grips permit the final centering
Test Methods D 790. of the specimen prior to applying the load. Grips that permit a
4. Summary of Test Methods displacement of the specimen within the grips during load
application are not suitable.
4.1 These test methods consist of measuring the extension
or compression as a function of time and time-to-rupture, or 6.2 Compressive Creep:
failure of a specimen subject to constant tensile or compressive 6.2.1 Anvils—Parallel anvils shall be used to apply the load
load under specified environmental conditions. to the unconfined-type specimen (see 8.2). One of the anvils of
the machine shall preferably be self-aligning and shall, in order
5. Significance and Use that the load may be applied evenly over the face of the
5.1 Data from creep and creep-rupture tests are necessary to specimen, be arranged so that the specimen is accurately
predict the creep modulus and strength of materials under centered and the resultant of the load is through its center.
long-term loads and to predict dimensional changes that may Suitable arrangements are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 of Test
occur as a result of such loads. Methods D 621.
5.2 Data from these test methods can be used: (1) to 6.2.2 Guide Tube—A guide tube and fixtures shall be used
compare materials, (2) in the design of fabricated parts, (3) to when testing slender specimens (see 8.3) to prevent buckling.
characterize plastics for long-term performance under constant A suitable arrangement is shown in Fig. 1. The guide tube is a
load, and ( 4) under certain conditions, for specification 3.2-mm (0.125-in.) Schedule 40 stainless steel pipe nipple
purposes. approximately 150 mm (6 in.) long reamed to 6.860 6
5.3 Before proceeding with this test method, reference 0.025-mm (0.270 6 0.001-in.) inside diameter.
should be made to the specification of the material being tested. 6.3 Flexural Creep:
Any specimen preparation, conditioning, dimensions, and/or
6.3.1 Test Rack—A rigid test rack shall be used to provide
testing parameters covered in the material specification shall
support of the specimen at both ends with a span equal to 16
take precedence over those mentioned in this test method,
( + 4, − 2) times the thickness of the specimen. In order to
except in cases where to do so would conflict with the purpose
avoid excessive indentation of the specimen, the radius of the
for conducting testing. If there are no material specifications,
support shall be 3.2 mm (0.125 in). Sufficient space must be
then the default conditions apply.
allowed below the specimen for dead-weight loading at mid-
6. Apparatus span.
6.1 Tensile Creep: 6.3.2 Stirrup—A stirrup shall be used which fits over the

FIG. 1 A Compressive Creep Apparatus Including Details When Used in an Environmental Chamber


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D 2990
test specimen from which the desired load may be suspended shall be measured directly on the specimen, rather than by grip
to provide flexural loading at mid-span. In order to prevent separation. Anvil displacement may be used to measure com-
excessive indentation or failure due to stress concentration pression. If extension measurements are made by grip separa-
under the stirrup, the radius of the stirrup shall be 3.2 mm tion, suitable correction factors must be determined, so that
(0.125 in.). Connection between stirrup and weight shall be strain within the gage length may be calculated. These correc-
made in a manner to avoid nonuniform loading caused by tion factors are dependent on the geometry of the specimen and
misalignment or rack not being level. its drawing behavior, and they must be measured with respect
6.3.3 A suitable arrangement is shown in Fig. 2. to these variables.
6.4 Loading System—The loading system must be so de- 6.5.2 The deflection of the specimen at mid-span shall be
signed that the load applied and maintained on the specimen is measured using a dial gage (with loading springs removed,
within 6 1 % of the desired load. The loading mechanism must with its measuring foot resting on stirrup) or a cathetometer.
allow reproductively rapid and smooth loading as specified in 6.5.3 The accuracy of the deformation measuring device
11.3. In creep-rupture tests, provision must be made to ensure shall be within 6 1 % of the deformation to be measured.
that shock loading, caused by a specimen failure, is not 6.5.4 Deformation measuring devices shall be calibrated
transferred to other specimens undergoing testing. against a precision micrometer screw or other suitable standard
6.4.1 Loading systems that provide a mechanical advantage under conditions as nearly identical as possible with those
require careful design to maintain constant load throughout the encountered in the test. Caution is necessary when using
test. For example, lever systems must be designed so that the deformation measuring devices whose calibration is subject to
load does not change as the lever arm moves during the test. drifting with time and is dependent on temperature and
6.5 Extension, Compression, and Deflection Measurement: humidity.
6.5.1 The extension or compression of specimen gage 6.5.5 Deformation measuring devices shall be firmly at-
length under load shall be measured by means of any device tached to or seated on the specimen so that no slippage occurs.
that will not influence the specimen behavior by mechanical Electrical resistance gages are suitable only if the material
(undesirable deformation, notches, etc.), physical (heating of tested will permit perfect adhesion to the specimen and if they
specimen, etc.), or chemical effects. Preferably the extension are consistent with 6.5.1.

FIG. 2 Flexural Creep Test Apparatus


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D 2990
6.6 Time Measurement—The accuracy of the time measur- where such specifications are available.7 Other grades may be
ing device shall be 6 1 % of the time-to-rupture or failure or used, provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of
the elapsed time of each creep measurement, or both. sufficiently high purity to permit its use without lessening the
6.7 Temperature Control and Measurement: accuracy of the determination.
6.7.1 The temperature of the test space, especially close to 7.2 Purity of Water—Unless otherwise indicated, references
the gage length of the specimen, shall be maintained within 6 to water shall be understood to mean distilled water or water of
2°C by a suitable automatic device and shall be stated in equal purity.
reporting the results. 7.3 Specified Reagents—Should this test method be refer-
enced in a material specification, the specific reagent to be used
NOTE 2—The thermal contraction and expansion associated with small
temperature changes during the test may produce changes in the apparent shall be as stipulated in the specification.
creep rate, especially near transition temperatures. 7.4 Standard Reagents—A list of standard reagents is also
available in Test Method D 543.
6.7.2 Care must be taken to ensure accurate temperature
measurements over the gage length of the specimen throughout 8. Test Specimens
the test. The temperature measuring devices shall be checked 8.1 Test specimens for tensile creep measurements shall be
regularly against temperature standards and shall indicate the either Type I or Type II as specified in Test Method D 638. In
temperature of the specimen gage area. addition to these, specimens specified in Test Method D 1822
6.7.3 Temperature measurements shall be made at frequent may be used for creep-rupture testing. Tabs may be trimmed to
intervals, or continuously recorded to ensure an accurate fit grips, as long as the gripping requirements in 6.1.1 are met.
determination of the average test temperature and compliance 8.2 Specimens for unconfined compressive creep tests may
with 6.7.1. be suitably prepared in the manner described in Test Method
6.8 Environmental Control and Measurement: D 695, except that the length should be increased so that the
6.8.1 When the test environment is air, the relative humidity slenderness ratio lies between 11 and 15. The standard test

shall be controlled to within 6 5 % during the test unless specimen shall be in the form of a right cylinder or prism.
otherwise specified, or unless the creep behavior of the Preferred specimen cross sections are 12.7 by 12.7 mm (0.50
material under testing has been shown to be unaffected by by 0.50 in.) or 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) in diameter. Surfaces of the
humidity. The controlling and measuring instruments shall be test specimens shall be plane and parallel.
stable for long time intervals and accurate to within 6 1 %. 8.3 Test specimens for the compressive creep measure-
(The control of relative humidity is known to be difficult at ments, using the guide tube specified in 6.2.2, shall be slender
temperatures much outside the range of 10 to 40°C (50 to bars of square cross section with sides measuring 4.850 6
100°F).) 0.025 mm (0.1916 0.001 in.) and the diagonals 6.860 6 0.025
6.8.2 The composition of the test environment shall be mm (0.270 6 0.001 in.). The specimen shall be 51 mm (2.0 in.)
maintained constant throughout the test. Warning: Safety long with the ends machined perpendicular to the sides.
precautions should be taken to avoid personal contact, to 8.4 Test specimens for flexural creep measurements shall be
eliminate toxic vapors, and to guard against explosion hazards rectangular bars conforming to the requirements of Section 5 of
in accordance with any possible hazardous nature of the Test Methods D 790. Preferred specimen sizes are 63.5 by 12.7
particular environment being used. by 3.18 mm (2.5 by 0.5 by 0.125 in.) or 127 by 12.7 by 6.4 mm
6.9 Vibration Control—Creep tests are quite sensitive to (5.0 by 0.5 by 0.25 in.). Close tolerances of specimen and span
shock and vibration. The location of the apparatus, the test dimensions are not critical as long as actual dimensions are
equipment, and mounting shall be so designated that the used in calculating loads.
specimen is isolated from vibration. Multiple-station test 8.5 Test specimens may be made by injection or compres-
equipment must be of sufficient rigidity so that no significant sion molding or by machining from sheets or other fabricated
deflection occurs in the test equipment during creep or creep- forms. When the testing objective is to obtain design data, the
rupture testing. During time-to-rupture or failure, means to method of sample fabrication shall be the same as that used in
prevent jarring of other test specimens by the falling load from the application.
a failed test specimen shall be provided by a suitable net or 8.6 Specimens prepared from sheet shall be cut in the same
cushion. direction. If the material is suspected to be anisotropic, a set of
specimens shall be cut for testing from each of the two
7. Reagents principal directions of the sheet.
7.1 Purity of Reagents—Reagent grade chemicals shall be 8.7 The width and the thickness of the specimens shall be
used in all tests. Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that measured at room temperature with a suitable micrometer to
all reagents shall conform to the specifications of the Commit- the nearest 0.025 mm (0.01 in.) and 0.005 mm (0.002 in.),
tee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society, respectively, at five or more points along the gage length or
span prior to testing.

“Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications,” Am. Chemi-
cal Soc., Washington, DC. For suggestions on the testing of reagents not listed by
the American Chemical Society, see “Reagent Chemicals and Standards,” by Joseph
Rosin, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York, NY, and the “United States

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D 2990
8.8 In the case of materials whose dimensions are known to cates a limit of a material’s load-bearing capability at the test
change significantly due to the specified environment alone temperature. For the prediction of long-term performance, for
(for example, the shrinkage of some thermosetting plastics due example, in the design of parts that will bear constant loads six
to post-curing at elevated temperatures), provision shall be months or longer, test times longer than 3000 h are usually
made to test unloaded control specimens alongside the test necessary, particularly at elevated temperatures where heat
specimen so that compensation may be made for changes other aging of the material may be occurring, and in aggressive
than creep. A minimum of three control specimens shall be environments, both of which can greatly affect creep-rupture.
tested at each test temperature. 10.2.2 For materials that fail catastrophically (that is, with
8.9 In creep testing at a single temperature, the minimum negligible yielding, drawing, or flowing) measure and report
number of test specimens at each stress shall be two if four or the time-to-rupture. For materials that yield, draw, or flow
more levels of stress are used or three if fewer than four levels significantly prior to rupture, measure and report the time at the
are used. onset of tertiary creep (onset of yielding, flowing, or drawing)
8.10 In creep-rupture testing, a minimum of two specimens shall be considered the time-to-failure and shall be measured
shall be tested at each of the stress levels specified in 10.2.1 at and reported. For materials that yield, draw, or flow, creep
each temperature. strain may have to be measured with a recorder.
10.3 Creep:
NOTE 3—The scatter of creep-rupture data is considerable, with one
half to a full decade of variation in time-to-rupture being typical. 10.3.1 To obtain design data or to characterize a material,
Therefore, it may be necessary to test more than two specimens at each select stress levels as follows:
stress level to obtain satisfactory results. For materials that show linear viscoelasticity, that

is, successive creep modulus versus time for different stresses
9. Conditioning that superimpose upon each other (Boltzman superposition
9.1 Condition the test specimens at 23 6 2°C (73.4 6 principle8), select a minimum of three stress levels for each
3.6°F) and 50 6 5 % relative humidity for not less than 40 h temperature of interest.
prior to testing in accordance with Procedure A of Methods For materials that are significantly affected by
D 618 for those tests where conditioning is required. stress, select at least five stresses (and preferably more) for
9.2 The specimen shall be preconditioned in the test envi- each temperature of interest.
ronment for at least 48 h prior to being tested. Those materials Select stress levels in approximately even incre-
whose creep properties are suspected to be affected by moisture ments up to the 1000-h creep-rupture stress:
content shall be brought to moisture equilibrium appropriate to Stress levels above 7 MPa (1000 psi) to the nearest 3.5 MPa
the test conditions prior to testing. (500 psi);
10. Selection of Test Conditions Stress levels below 7 MPa (1000 psi) to the nearest 0.7 MPa
(100 psi).
10.1 Test Temperatures—Selection of temperatures for Do not use stress levels that produce failure in less
creep and creep-rupture testing depends on the intended use of
than 1000 h in creep testing.
the test results and shall be made as follows:
10.3.2 For simple material comparisons, as for data sheets
10.1.1 To characterize a material, select two or more test
and the like, determine the stress to produce 1 % strain in 1000
temperatures to cover the useful temperature range, usually at
h. Do this by selecting several loads to produce strains in the
elevated temperatures, in suitable increments that reflect the
approximate range of 1 % (both somewhat greater and less
variation of the creep of the material with temperature and
than 1 % in 1000 h) and plotting a 1000-h isochronous
transitions of the material.
stress-strain curve from which the stress to produce 1 % strain
NOTE 4—A useful method for measuring the elevated-temperature may be determined by interpolation.
response and transitions of a material for the purpose of selecting test
temperatures is Test Method D 2236. NOTE 5—Isochronous stress-strain curves are cartesian plots of the
applied stress used in the creep test versus the creep strain at a specific
10.1.2 To obtain design data, the test temperatures and time, in this case 1000 h. Since only one point of an isochronous plot is
environment shall be the same as those of the intended end-use obtained from each creep test, it is usually necessary to run creep tests at
application. at least three stress levels (and preferably more) to obtain an isochronous
10.1.3 To obtain the stress for 1 % strain at 1000 h (see plot (Fig. 3).
10.3.2) or for other simple material comparisons such as data
sheets, select the test temperatures from the following: 23, 50, 11. Procedure
70, 90, 120, and 155°C. These temperatures were selected from 11.1 Mount a properly conditioned and measured specimen
the list of standard temperatures in Practice D 618. in the grips, compressive creep fixture, or flexural creep rack.
10.2 Creep-Rupture: If necessary, mount a properly conditioned and measured
10.2.1 At each test temperature, make creep-rupture tests at control specimen alongside the test specimen in the same
a minimum of seven stress levels selected so as to produce manner.
rupture at approximately the following times: 1, 10, 30, 100, 11.2 Attach the deformation measuring devices to the speci-
300, 1000, and 3000 h. men (and control specimen) or, if these are optical devices, The objective of these tests is to produce at each
test temperature, a curve of stress-at-rupture versus time-to- 8
Nielsen, L. E., Mechanical Properties of Polymers, Reinhold Publishing Corp.,
rupture, often called a “creep-rupture envelope,” which indi- New York, NY, 1962.

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D 2990

FIG. 3 Cartesian Isochronous Stress Strain Curves at Various Times

install ready for measurements. Make the initial or reference S 5 3PL/2bd 2

measurement for extension or deflection.
11.2.1 If the test environment would be disturbed during the where:
attachment of the deformation measuring device, mount the S = stress, MPa (psi),
device prior to mounting the specimen. P = load, N (lbf),
L = span, mm (in.),
11.3 Apply the full load rapidly and smoothly to the
b = width, mm (in.), and
specimen, preferably in 1 to 5 s. In no case shall the loading d = depth, mm (in.).
time exceed 5 s. Start the timing at the onset of loading.
12.2 For tensile or compressive measurements, calculate
11.4 If an environmental agent is used, apply it to the entire
strain by dividing the extension or compression at the times
gage length of the specimen immediately after loading.
specified in 11.5 by the initial gage length of the conditioned
11.4.1 If the environmental agent is volatile, cover the
specimen; multiply strain by 100 to obtain percent strain.
specimen to retard evaporation without affecting the applied
12.2.1 For flexural measurements, calculate the maximum
load. Replenish volatile agents periodically.
strain in the outer fiber at the mid-span as follows:
NOTE 6—For liquid environmental agents a cotton swab, film, or other
device may be wrapped or sealed around the gage length or span of the r 5 6D d/L 2
specimen, and the liquid agent applied to saturate the swab.
11.5 Measure the extension of compression of the specimen r = maximum strain, mm/mm (in./in.),
in accordance with the following approximate time schedule: D = maximum deflection at mid-span, mm (in.),
1, 6, 12, and 30 min; 1, 2, 5, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 700, and d = depth, mm (in.), and
1000 h. For creep tests longer than 1000 h, measure deforma- L = span, mm (in.).
tion at least monthly. Multiply strain by 100 to obtain percent strain.
11.5.1 If discontinuities in the creep strain versus time plot 12.3 When a material shows a significant dimensional
are suspected or encountered, readings should be taken more change due to the environment alone, either of the following
frequently than scheduled above. approaches may be used, depending on the intended use of the
11.6 Measure temperature, relative humidity, and other results:
environmental variables and deformation of control specimen 12.3.1 Correct each measurement of deformation under load
in accordance with the same schedule as that for deformation by the algebraic addition to it of the average deformation
of the test specimen. measured on three nonloaded control specimens at the same
11.7 Upon completion of the test interval without rupture, time and at the same temperature. Contraction of the control
remove the load rapidly and smoothly. specimens used for tensile measurements shall be considered
NOTE 7—If desired, measurements of the recovery can be initiated on
positive ( + ); expansion shall be considered negative (−).
the same schedule as used in 11.5 during the load application. Calculate Contraction of the control specimens used for compressive
recovery strain as described in 12.2. measurements shall be considered negative (−), expansion
positive ( + ). Upward deflection of the control specimens used
12. Calculation for flexural measurements shall be considered positive ( + );
12.1 For tensile or compressive measurements, calculate the downward shall be considered negative (−). Calculate cor-
stresses for each specimen in megapascals (or pounds-force per rected strain using the deformation corrected for dimensional
square inch) by dividing the load by the average initial change due to the environment. Multiply corrected strain by
cross-sectional area of the reduced section. 100 to obtain percent corrected strain.
12.1.1 For flexural measurements, calculate the maximum 12.3.2 If, because of the intended use of the results, it is
fiber stress for each specimen in megapascals (or pounds-force desired not to correct the deformation under load for significant
per square inch) as follows: dimensional change due to the environment alone, then the

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D 2990
strain calculated in accordance with 12.2 or 12.2.1 shall be turer, trade name, code number, date of manufacture, type of
called uncorrected strain. Calculate the strain change due to the molding, annealing, etc.,
environment in accordance with 12.2 or 12.2.1 by using the 13.1.2 Dates of the creep test,
average deformation in the control specimen. Multiply by 100 13.1.3 Dimensions of the test specimen,
to obtain percent strain change due to the environment. 13.1.4 Test method number and revision date, and
Contraction of the control specimens used for tensile measure- 13.1.5 Preconditioning used and description of test condi-
ments shall be considered positive ( + ), expansive negative tions, including the relative humidity, temperatures, as well as
(−). Contraction of the control specimens used for compressive concentration and composition of the environment other than
measurements shall be considered negative (−), expansion air, loads used, type loading, etc.
positive ( + ). Upward deflection of the control specimens used 13.2 For each test temperature, plot log strain in percent
for flexural measurements shall be considered positive ( + ), versus log time in hours under load with stress as a parameter
downward negative (−). (see Fig. 6).
12.4 Calculate creep modulus in megapascals (or pounds- 13.2.1 Where deformation measurements of loaded speci-
force per square inch) by dividing the initial stress by the strain mens have been corrected from unloaded control specimens,
at the times specified in 11.5. plot log corrected strain (in percent) versus log time (in hours)
under load, and on the same graph also plot the log average
NOTE 8—For purposes of comparing materials, the plot of creep
modulus versus time not only realistically ranks materials but also dimensional change (in percent) due to the environment alone
provides modulus values for use in many design equations (see Fig. 4). versus log time.
13.2.2 Where significant changes in deformation due to the
12.5 At each test temperature, calculate a statistical least
environment alone have occurred, but because of the intended
squares regression equation of log stress versus log time-to-
use of the results it is desired not to correct the deformation
rupture or failure. From the regression equation calculate the
under load, then plot log uncorrected strain, in percent, versus
stress-to-rupture or failure in megapascals (or pounds-force per
log time in hours under load, and on the same graph plot the
square inch) at 1000 h (see Fig. 5).
log average strain change (in percent) of the control specimen
12.6 To calculate the stress to produce 1 % strain at 1000 h,
versus log time.
plot at each test temperature the 1000-h isochronous stress-
13.2.3 When a material shows a significant dimensional
strain curve (see Fig. 3) and interpolate for the stress at 1 %
change due to the environment alone, any properties calculated
strain. The isochronous stress-strain curve at 1000 h is obtained
from the creep data (such as creep modulus or isochronous
from several (at least three, and preferably more) creep curves
stress-strain curves) shall be labeled corrected or uncorrected,
at different stresses by plotting stress versus strain calculated
depending on which approach is used.
from deformation measurements at 1000 h.
12.6.1 Isochronous stress-strain curves may be plotted at 14. Precision and Bias
times other than 1000 h for purposes of analysis or for
specialized design situations involving relatively short-time 14.1 Attempts to develop a precision and bias statement for
loads and materials that show pronounced creep at such times. these test methods have not been successful. For this reason,
For long-term loading and in general, however, creep modulus data on precision and bias cannot be given. Anyone wishing to
curves are more useful. participate in the development of precision and bias data
should contact the Chairman, Subcommittee D20.10 (Section
13. Report D20.10.24), ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Consho-
13.1 Report the following information: hocken, PA 19428–2959.
13.1.1 Description of the material tested, including all NOTE 9—Precision data in the previous edition of these test methods
pertinent information on composition, preparation, manufac- have been judged to be invalid because they were based on round robins


FIG. 4 Logarithmic Creep Modulus Versus Time Curves at Various Stress Levels

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FIG. 5 Logarithmic Time-to-Failure (Stress Rupture) Curve


FIG. 6 Logarithmic Creep Strain Versus Time Curves at Various Stress Levels

which yielded insufficient data. The available within-laboratory data 15. Keywords
provided only two to six total degrees of freedom, and between-laboratory
data were based on only two to four laboratories. 15.1 creep; creep-rupture; plastics
14.2 There are no recognized standards for measuring bias
in regard to these test methods.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Since the properties of viscoelastic materials are for an extended period of time. Therefore, values of modulus
dependent on time-, temperature-, and rate-of-loading, an and strength should be obtained under conditions (stress, time,
instantaneous test result cannot be expected to show how a and so forth) that simulate the end-use application, and can be
material will behave when subjected to stress or deformation used in engineering design.

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X2.1 The creep test measures the dimensional changes that

occur during time under a constant static load, while the creep
rupture test measures the time to break under a constant load.
Creep is the progressive deformation of a material at constant
load (stress). A constant load is applied to a specimen in
selected loading configurations, (such as, tension, flexure, or
compression) at constant temperature and the deformation is
measured as a function of time.
X2.2 Following an initial rapid elongation (e o) upon
application of the load (eo may be considered to consist of the
elastic (ee) and the plastic (ep)), the following occurs:
NOTE 1—The segregation of creep data into instantaneous, primary, and
X2.2.1 The creep rate decreases rapidly with time, (primary secondary stages is dependent upon the time scale of the plot.
creep, Stage I), then NOTE 2—The parameters, ee, ep, and e o are not obtainable using these
X2.2.2 It reaches a steady-state value (secondary creep, test methods (see Note 5). However, such factors may be separately
Stage II), followed by defined for the sake of stress analysis. Any such definitions can be more
or less arbitrary with respect to the time-dependent material behavior.
X2.2.3 A rapid increase and fracture (tertiary creep, Stage
FIG. X2.1 Creep Curve
NOTE X2.1—This is an idealized curve. Some materials do not have a X2.4 Due to the long times involved, creep curves are
secondary stage, while tertiary creep usually occurs at high stresses and usually plotted on logarithmic scales where the data is gener-
for ductile materials.
ally linear. The three curves shown in Fig. X2.2, Fig. X2.3, and
NOTE X2.2—Since the specimen elongates and decreases in cross-
sectional area, the axial stress increases. Therefore, in a constant-load Fig. X2.4 are an example.
creep test the onset of Stage III shows up earlier than in a constant-stress
test (see dotted line in Fig. X2.1)
X2.5 As the stress levels increase the creep modulus will be

NOTE X2.3—In some terminologies the instantaneous strain (eo) is

often called the first stage, in which case we have four stages of creep.

X2.3 The strain, shown as eo, occurs instantaneously upon

application of the load. Even though the applied stress is below
the yield stress, some of this strain is not totally recoverable.
Although this strain is not really creep it is very important since
it constitutes a considerable fraction of the allowable total
strain in designing. Therefore, it should be included in all
calculations, especially of the creep modulus.
NOTE X2.4—In cases where this instantaneous strain is subtracted from
the total strain, the creep curve must start at the origin of the time/strain FIG. X2.2 Tensile-Creep Curve of PTFE at 650 psi, 23°C Creep
coordinates. Strain versus Time

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S Applied Stress
NOTE 1— Modulus 5 Total Creep Strain
FIG. X2.3 Creep Modulus versus Time

FIG. X2.4 Creep Modulus versus Time on Logarithmic



X3.1 In reporting strength data we often speak of creep

strength and rupture strength (creep rupture).

X3.2 The minimum creep rate (slope dE /dt ) is one of the

important parameters. A condition (for example, for jet-engine
material) is the stress needed to produce a creep rate of
0.0001 % E/h or 1 % E/10 000 h. Fig. X3.1 illustrates the
importance of the creep rate.
FIG. X3.2 Creep Strength
X3.3 Creep strength is defined as the stress at a given
temperature that produces a steady creep rate of a fixed amount
in percent per hour. (See Fig. X3.2.)

X3.4 Rupture strength is defined as the stress at a given

temperature to produce rupture in a fixed amount of time in
hours. (See Fig. X3.3.)

X3.5 The stress-rupture test is basically similar to a creep

test with the exception that it is continued until the material FIG. X3.3 Rupture Strength

fails. Since higher loads are used, creep rates are higher and the
material fails in a shorter time (usually terminated in 1000 h).
This test is useful in establishing a safe envelope inside which
a creep test can be conducted. The basic information obtained
from the stress-rupture test is the time-to-failure at a given
stress. Based on this data, a safe stress can be determined
below which it is safe to operate, given the time requirements
of the end-use application. The construction of the creep
FIG. X3.1 Creep Rate rupture envelope is shown in Fig. X3.4. Strain is plotted as a

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FIG. X3.4 Creep Rupture Envelope

function of time at different stress levels by connecting the

rupture points (before establishing the rupture point remember NOTE 1—Like creep-rupture curves, creep-modulus data can be ob-
that for ductile materials there is no abrupt failure, in which tained by dividing the stress by the measured strain. These values of secant
case the onset of tertiary creep might be more applicable). The modulus can be used when modulus is required for design purposes.
rupture envelope can be created (see Fig. X3.4) (within this FIG. X3.5 Creep Rupture Stress versus Time for Various Plastics
envelope creep curves can be used to predict long-term
behavior). be of adequate resolution, and should not distort the specimen
in any way.
X3.6 Plotted creep-rupture stresses versus time-to-rupture X3.7.2 The stress should be applied rapidly, smoothly, and
data can be used directly for design in some cases. (See Fig. reproducibly.
X3.5.) X3.7.3 If a specimen is expected to undergo dimensional
changes (humidity effects, post curing, crystallinity changes,
X3.7 Finally, the following should be taken into consider- and so forth), then the creep experiment should be accompa-
ation when making measurements: nied by a control experiment at no stress to study the effects,
X3.7.1 The extension-measuring device (if attached) should and compensate for the creep data.


X4.1 Creep curves can be presented in a comprehensive NOTE X4.1—As the stresses are increased, full-strain recovery after the
way, in constant stress-strain-time coordinates, as shown in 4t period may not be complete. In this case the additional strain should be
Fig. X4.1. recorded. This is defined as the difference between the total strain at the
end of the creep period and the residual strain that exists at the beginning
X4.2 From a set of creep curves at various stresses it is of that period.
possible to construct isochronous stress-strain curves by draw- X4.3.4 The applied stress is then plotted against the addi-
ing lines at fixed times (0, 1, 10, 100 h). The resulting curves tional strain it produces in time t. This curve is the isochronous
are the isochronous stress-strain plots. Alternatively, one can stress-strain plot and it is used in determining the strain that
start with the isochronous curves and create the creep curves. corresponds to a particular stress at time t.
X4.3.5 Creep curves can be adjusted to correspond to the
X4.3 The Isochronous Experiment: isochronous data at time t and interpolated for other stresses in
X4.3.1 A stress, s, (below the yield stress) is applied for an correspondence to the isochronous data. Fig. X4.3, Fig. X4.4,
arbitrary time period t (at least ten times the loading period) and Fig. X4.5 illustrate this process.
and the strain at time t is measured. X4.3.6 A quick isochronous test (at stress s lower than the

X4.3.2 The stress is then removed for a period of 4t and then actual creep stress) is recommended before a long-term creep
a stress s1 (s1 > s0) is applied for another period t. The total test begins, to ensure proper specimen-extensometer machine
strain is measured. interaction. Also, when creep tests are conducted, an additional
X4.3.3 This procedure is repeated until a stress sn is creep is available since the strains at time t should correspond
reached. For each stress the strain is measured (see Fig. X4.2). to those of the isochronous experiment.

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FIG. X4.1 Constant Stress-Strain-Time Coordinates

FIG. X4.2 Isochronous Data --`,``,``,`,,,`,,,,,``````````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---


X5.1 Superposition Principles—Two principles are most X5.1.1.1 The response of a material to a given load is
often used in the theory of viscoelasticity, the Boltzmann independent of the response of the material to any load which
superposition principle and the time-temperature superposition is already in the material.
principle. X5.1.1.2 The deformation of a specimen is directly propor-
X5.1.1 The Boltzmann principle describes the response of a tional to the applied stress, when all deformations are com-
material to different loading histories. Treating creep in terms pared at equivalent times. The total strain is given as follows:
of linear viscoelastic behavior, this principle states the follow- E~t! 5 J~t!s 0 1 J~t 2 t1!~s 1 2 s0! 1 ... J~t 2 t n!~sn 2 sn21!
ing: (X5.1)

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NOTE 1—Propylene-ethylene copolymer at 20°C. (3) for a stress of

2175 lb/in.2 Other experimental creep data are indicated (•). The spacing
of 100 s is determined by the isochronous stress-strain experiment.
FIG. X4.3 Numerically Interpolated Creep Data

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s0 = applied stress (initial).

Fig. X5.1 illustrates this principle. The material obeys the
power law (Nutting Eq):
E~t! 5 Kst n (X5.2)

K = 10−5, and
n = 0.25 temperature constants.
Doubling the load at 400 s, give a total creep that is the
superposition of the original curve shifted by 400 s on top of
the extension of the original curve.

FIG. X4.4 Constant Time Cross Sections from Fig. X4.3 FIG. X5.1 Boltzmann Principle
(Isochronous Sections)

X5.1.2 The Time-Temperature (W-L-F) Superposition Prin-

describes the equivalence of time and temperature. Creep or
relaxation curves made at different temperatures are super-
posed by horizontal shifts along a logarithmic time scale
(W-L-F method, developed by Williams, Landel, and Ferry9) to
give a single curve covering a large range of times (master
X5.1.2.1 Construction of a Master Curve:
(a) Experimental curves are first obtained at a series of
temperatures over a specific time period, and the values of
compliance or relaxation are plotted. Then the curve at some
temperature is chosen as reference (usually Tg). The curves are
then shifted one by one along the log time scale until they
superimpose. Curves above Tg are shifted to the right, and
those below Tg are shifted to the left. A relaxation master curve
is shown in Fig. X5.2. Horizontal shift is given as follows:
17.44~T 2 Tg!
log aT 5 51.6 1 T 2 T (X5.3)

NOTE X5.1—The numerical values change depending on the reference

temperature (°kelvin).
(b) Eq X5.3 holds for most amorphous polymers and it is valid between
Tg and 100°C above Tg. Below Tg a different temperature correction
FIG. X4.5 Constant Strain Cross Sections from Fig. X4.3 should be used.
(Isometric Sections) (c) A W-L-F horizontal factor of
28.90 ~T 2 T0!
log aT 5 89.5 1 T 2 T (X5.4)

J = creep compliance (time-dependent reciprocal of 9
Nielsen, Lawrence E., Mechanical Properties of Polymers and Composites,
modulus), and
Vols 1 and 2, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY, 1974.

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is used for the compliance curve shown in Fig. X5.3. The reference
temperature T0 = −30°C, 43°C above Tg.
(d) Nielsen, on page 86 of his book,10 gives a list of references to
papers discussing master curves for creep and stress relaxation of various
(e) Polymers also have a number of retardation times distributed over
many decades of time. This distribution L (t) can be estimated from the
slope of a compliance curve. Methods for calculating L (t) have been
described by Ferry.9
X5.1.3 Equation of State:
X5.1.3.1 In the paper by S. Goldfein,11 the equation of state
is used in its various parametric forms to predict mechanical
properties, either in stable structural form, or while under stress
and undergoing chemical changes due to elevated temperatures
or chemical attack. Creep and rupture can be predicted using
this method:
NOTE 1—W-L-F time temperature superposition applied to stress relax-
dlnK/dt 5 E/RT2 (X5.5) ation data obtained at several temperatures to obtain a master curve shown
by the continuous line. The master curve, made by shifting the data along
where: the horizontal axis by amounts shown in the insert for a T, is shown with
K = reaction rate constant, circles on a line.
T = absolute temperature, FIG. X5.2 Relaxation Master Curve
E = activation energy, and
R = gas constant.
viewed as chemical reactions. By integrating Eq X5.5 and
X5.1.3.2 The processes of creep and rupture are defined as
incorporating all constants in the parameter K, the equation
the separation and breaking apart of molecules, and are thus
assumes the form of the mechanical-chemical equation of state:
K 5 $@TT0 #/~T0 2 T!#%~23.78 2 log K (X5.6)
“Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers,” 3rd ed., Wiley, NY, 1980.
“Prediction Techniques for Mechanical and Chemical Behavior,” Testing of In this form reaction rate K can be expressed in terms of time
Polymers, Vol 4, p. 121, Interscience Publishers, 1968. t by using kinetic relationships. Three orders were considered

FIG. X5.3 Compliance Curve


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defined as the following: K = x/t (zero order), K = ln2 /( t/2) and rupture were predicted for thermoplastic and thermoset
(first order), and K = 1/(at/2) (second order). materials.
X5.1.3.3 Using Eq X5.6 and the three different orders, creep


X6.1 Curve-fitting techniques12 are used in representing constants of stress and temperature. A linear dependence on
models and extrapolating data for use in engineering design. stress, E = sf( t), is well suited to many small deformation
Creep functions are often written as a separable function of problems with solids.
stress and time:
E 5 f~s!3 f~t! (X6.1) X6.5 A creep curve can be divided into three parts, as
Some of these techniques are summarized in the following shown in Figs. X6.1 and X6.2.
X6.6 The four-element model is used to describe both creep
X6.2 Norton: and relaxation for several materials (see Fig. X6.3). A large
C 5 Bsn (X6.2) number of spring/dashpot components are usually needed to
reasonably describe creep or relaxation behavior over decades
of time.
log C 5 log B 1 n log s (X6.3)

C = strain rate,
s = applied stress, and
B and n = constants of material and temperature.

For secondary creep

E n
C 5 t and C 5 B s (X6.4)

E 5 Bts n or log E 5 log t 1 log B 1 n log s (X6.5)
In the case of steady-state creep, Eq X6.1 and Eq X6.2 are
the power law and log-log law, respectively.
X6.3 Hyperbolic Sine Creep Law (Nadai):
C 5 C0 sin hs (X6.6)

X6.3.1 Eq X6.3 takes into account the downward trend at

low stresses that some materials exhibit, which cannot be
predicted by the power law.
X6.4 Findley:
e 5 Kt n (X6.7)
X6.4.1 A function of this form called the time-power law
generally will follow Fig. 2 in these test methods. K and n are

Thorkildsen, R. L., “Engineering Design for Plastics,” SPE Series, Chapter 5,
1964, p. 297. FIG. X6.1 Hyberbolic Sine Creep Law

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Ee = Elastic = s/E
Ep = Primary = Dsm(1 − Pe −pt) (see Note 3), and
Es Secondary = Btsn

NOTE 2— Constants P and p, and procedures for deriving them, are

given in the “Engineering Design for Plastics,” SPE Series, Chapter 5,
1964, p. 277.
FIG. X6.2 Creep Curve (Three Parts)

FIG. X6.3 Four Element Model


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FIG. X7.1 Example Problems

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FIG. X7.1 Example Problems (continued)


X8.1 Obtaining the necessary data for use in design X8.1.4 A control experiment to determine dimensional
includes: change,
X8.1.1 Measurement of complex modulus as a function of X8.1.5 Repeating X8.1.2 and X8.1.3 at high temperatures,
T, X8.1.6 Based on the data, apply superposition theories, and
X8.1.2 Determination of an isochronous stress-strain curve, X8.1.7 Perform failure analysis.
X8.1.3 Creep tests at stress levels chosen from the isochro-
nous data, and duration to cover the service life of the material,

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This section identifies the location of selected changes to this test method. For the convenience of the user,
Committee D20 has highlighted those changes that may impact the use of this test method. This section may also
include descriptions of the changes or reasons for the changes, or both.

D2990 – 01: method designation and revision year be reported.

(1) An ISO equivalency statement has been added. (4) The definitions in Sections 3.1.7 and 3.1.8 have been
(2) The reference to use of material specifications in Section reworded to comply with Section E 4.4 of Form and Style for
5.3 has been modified in accordance with Guide D 4968. ASTM Standards.
(3) Section 13.1 has been changed to require that the test

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