Avaya One-X Attendant
Avaya One-X Attendant
Avaya One-X Attendant
Your front desk personnel are constantly communications tools on virtually any
juggling phone calls, e-mails, instant PC, including touch screens.
messages and more.
Integrating directly with your Avaya
Keeping tabs on the office—knowing Aura® Communication Manager solution,
who’s available…where people are as well as popular programs such as
working…who assists whom—is critical Microsoft Outlook and IBM Lotus Notes,
to customer service and streamlining Avaya one-X Attendant brings together
office operations. the tools front-desk personnel—
attendants, receptionists, assistants
If creating the right customer impression
and others—need to deliver the service
and making your office run more
and support that callers notice.
efficiently are important to your
business, see what Avaya one-X®
Attendant can do for you. Streamlining Office
Avaya one-X Attendant is customizable Communications and
software that puts familiar front desk Customer Service
First impressions count.
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Phone Book
Avaya one-X® Attendant provides
your business with an integrated
phone book with room for up to
250,000 entries for internal and
external persons including telephone
number, first name, last name,
department, private number, e-mail
address, room, project team,
substitute, phone status free, busy,
send all calls, etc. Operators can
systematically search this data to
identify the right contact for any
given caller.
Personal Attention to locations powered by Avaya Aura®
Presence Services—making it possible
Callers It’s easy to keep the phone book
to put callers through to any desk
When a call comes in, Avaya one-X® up-to-date with personnel changes
anywhere on your network.
Attendant brings up information by setting it to automatically
instantly so front desk personnel can Extensions (i.e., Busy Lamp Fields) synchronize with Microsoft Active
welcome the caller personally, even are color coded so the attendant Directory or applications such as
using the caller’s native language. knows, at a glance, who is free, in a Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Domino
Avaya one-X Attendant lets front meeting, out of the office, etc. before and customer databases via
desk personnel know which employee transferring the call. Calendar LDAP/ODBC.
the caller typically speaks with and, if information from Microsoft Outlook
necessary, whether a backup is or Lotus Notes appears both in the
available. With one click, you can also color-coded status display and in
Web-based Absence
alert colleagues by e-mail (via contact cards of the one-X Attendant Notification
Outlook) or instant message. phonebook, providing a quick Employees who do not use Outlook or
overview of employee status at any Notes can use a simple Web-based
When a call gets transferred,
given time. tool to announce their absence from
information about the caller can stay
the office (e.g. lunch break or
with the call so responders not only You can customize the look of Avaya
meeting) and to indicate when they
know who is on the line but also have one-X Attendant the way you want.
will return. Employees can enter
access to other key information about The flexible and freely configurable
additional explanatory notes which
the caller. Avaya one-X interface makes it easy
can be viewed via the phone book.
to keep the features used most often
Once the deadline expires, the display
front and center. Extensions can be
is reset to the default status indicating
Managing the Office organized by tabs for department,
that the employee is available to
With Avaya one-X Attendant, your location, special requirements, e.g.,
receive calls.
front desk team can monitor up to tabs could be designated for VIP or
20,000 extensions across multiple emergency situations.
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Grows with Your enables you to create user profiles
Avaya one-X®
based on different levels of access
authorization and to assign individual Attendant At a
You can easily expand Avaya one-X®
employee areas of responsibility. Glance
Attendant as your business needs
grow. The multi-location capability • Greet incoming callers
means that you can make Avaya one-X Requirements/ personally, including
Attendant available for simultaneous
Configuration Options in-language
operation on a number of networked
Avaya Communication Manager:
computers. Authorized and properly • See color-coded
3.1 and higher; maximum 25
identified users can log onto the presence status of your
Avaya one-X® Attendant clients per
system from any computer equipped entire staff: 20,000
Avaya one-X Attendant server
with Avaya one-X Attendant and be extensions
greeted by the familiar user interface Client PC: CPU 2 GHz; 1 GB RAM (2 GB
so they can start working immediately for 64 Bit OS and in case of 3rd party • Leverage the enterprise
from virtually any location. products); 700 MB available disk phone book: 250,000
space entries
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Display: 19”-monitor with 1280x1024 pixels (21” monitor for visually impaired users;
COM port or USB to connect a Braille module)
Road Warrior Mode: requires USB headset or phone, PC sound card and
Groupware: Exchange 2007/2010 (support only 2007 feature set); Outlook 2007/
2010; Domino Server 8/8.5 with Lotus Notes 8/8.5
Presence: Avaya one-X Attendant can display presence information from: Microsoft
Outlook calendar, IBM Lotus Notes calendar, Microsoft Exchange/Microsoft Outlook
“out of office assistant,” internal Avaya one-X Attendant Web access tool and all
applications supported by Avaya Aura® Presence Services like Microsoft Office
Communication Server.
Learn more
To learn more about Avaya one-X® Attendant, talk to your Avaya Account Manager
or Avaya Authorized Partner or visit us at www.avaya.com.
About Avaya
Avaya is a global
provider of business
collaboration and
solutions, providing
unified communications,
contact centers,
networking and related
services to companies
of all sizes around
the world. For more
information please visit