KB Clean Marinas

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by Kristen Berry

would race Lasers, but I don’t want ing across the Bay is the sloshing gurgle Ou
“I to swim in the Bay.” I swallowed
the would-be racer’s words like a big gulp
of our wind-blown wakes, it is easy to feel
like Al Gore’s got nothing on us. Dive
in particular
of mid-summer Bay muck, knowing— deeper, and we are all a little complicit have a long way to go before any green,
without really knowing—which way his big in a smudged reality that is as murky as or “blue,” moniker can be taken seri-
boat discharge Y-valve was pointing. Baltimore Harbor. ously. Here is the positive part: marinas
How is it that sailors have such a Some day recycled materials will be used and yacht yards are great starting points
disconnect for sailors and
between “Sailing is ostensibly an environmentally conscious activity. Re- other boaters to
what we do
on the water
gardless of whether you buy into the green movement zeitgeist, as start contribut-
ing more to Bay
and what we boaters we are all common partners in a cleaner healthier Bay…” conservation.
do to protect Think about
the quality of the water and surrounding to build our sails, our iron genoas will all what marinas really represent: pump-outs,
environment? It is shocking, if undeniable, be bio-diesel, plug-in jet drives, and those bottom jobs, paints, cleaners, polishes, oil,
because sailing is ostensibly an environ- rotting old boats in the weedy corners of diesel, gas, noxious cleaners, waxes, and
mentally conscious activity. Regardless of our marina facilities will all dissolve into more. Yuck. Don’t think about it for too
whether you buy into the green movement Bay grass and oyster reefs, but as with long because you might come to the con-
zeitgeist, as boaters we are all common most things good, there are some very dirty clusion that the problem is too much, too
partners in a cleaner healthier Bay, and aspects to our passion. overwhelming, too gross to address.
when the only sound our boats make tear-

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Stay for our Service
280 slips and 60 moorings on the picturesque
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Complete service facility for power and sail, includ-
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Chesapeake Bay Sailing SpinSheett March 2009 51

There is hope. Maryland and Vir-

ll I sle
ginia both have programs that are helping

DIY facilities improve using established best

Repair Yard practices and also guiding boaters to the
Subs Avail. facilities that are addressing the biggest en-
27,000 lb.
vironmental concerns. There is plenty we as
Fork-Lifts individual sailors can do to do our part to
Long Term &
(Lower Bay) Trailerable keep the Bay the treasure we all know it is.
Mast Removal/ The Maryland Department of Natural
Installation Resources manages a program, the Clean
Marina Initiative, that offers marina and
Dry Storage
Transients boatyard operators, along with boaters
Hampton, VA (757) 850-0466 to 36 Feet themselves, the opportunity to partici-
WWW.BELLISLEMARINA.COM pate in efforts to protect the Bay’s natural
The Maryland Clean Marina Initiative
 Seldén Mast Regional Center  recognizes and promotes marinas, boat-
H Y D R AU L I C S & R I G G I N G
yards, and yacht clubs of any size that meet
#1 in the USA for Selden & Furlex Sales & Service

Complete Range of Services

Mast & Boom Replacement

legal requirements and voluntarily adopt

pollution prevention practices. While their

goal to qualify 25 percent of Maryland’s

600 marinas as “clean” is still just over the
horizon, they are providing a service for
marinas and clubs as well as an informa-
4800 Atwell Road, Shady Side. MD 20764
tive and useful site for boaters. Individuals
410-867-1012 Fax: 410-867-9177 can find information about what they can
[email protected] www.westriverrigging.com do to contribute at dnr.state.md.us/boating/
Virginia’s program, while similar to
 Over 25 Years Experience  Maryland’s, is an offshoot of a national af- f
filiation of states and facilities and is part of
the NOAA Sea Grant program. To date,
bsi om
H Est.
they have more than 60 registered facilities
(out of 1000 facilities in Virginia alone).
e A
rw .c 1960
ou isers Both programs are voluntary and work


i s i n
V ah by exchanging endorsement by the pro-
w.z gram or state for adoption of measures that
ww YACHTING CENTER prevent or reduce pollution from tradition-
Serving Power and Sail Since 1960 al and non-traditional marinas, boatyards,
and recreational boats.
Given the shortfalls that grander Bay
MULTIHULL HAULING UP TO 25’ WIDE clean-up efforts have seen in recent years,
Meeting All Your Service Needs In One Location some are dubious that a voluntary program
can realize meaningful results and cleaner
245 C Street 6 Solomons, MD 20688 6 410-326-2166 marinas; managers of participating facili-
ties beg to differ. Manager of registered
Clean Marina, Port Annapolis, Scott
Tinkler says, “We are so dependent on the
PIER MARINA water and these resources that it is in our
personal and business interest to keep the
301 Fourth St. Eastport, Annapolis, MD water and Bay ecosystem clean.”
(Across Spa Creek from AYC)
In contrast to big multi-lateral clean-up
www.pier4annapolis.com plans, cleaning up marinas is something
which individual boaters can easily do and
s 30 slips, 20' - 42' s on-site parking enjoy the benefits of immediately. The
s 4 shower baths s deck with a grill Maryland program, now more than a
s laundry room s each slip with individual water and electric decade old, has evolved from a loose col-
laboration between a few pioneering facili-
Don't delay--we only have a couple of slips left!
ties and a state agency to an established
[email protected] Olivia McCleary 410-990-9515

52 March 2009 SpinSheet spinsheet.com

program that provides best practices and guidance
for facilities and individual boaters. There is even
a Maryland State Senate Bill, S. 240, which could
provide significant funding for facilities that are look-
ing to expand their clean initiatives.
More marina facilities could be green and “clean.”
According to Tinkler, the steps are fairly easy, and
the costs balance out. “We use available technology
to stop things from getting to the water during boat
maintenance and use fewer products to do the same
jobs… We are dependent on the Bay for our liveli-
hood, so we need to lead the way. That’s the respon-
sibility of a business like ours.”
The process of becoming a “Clean Marina” begins
when facilities contact the state managing authority
and take steps to pledge to be clean—a low barrier to
entry. Increasing public interest in environmentally
sensitive practices should mean that more facilities
will take the simple steps to become Clean Marinas.
Phoning your marina facility manager will quickly
confirm whether your facility participates in the pro-
gram and sends a clear message that their participa-
tion is important to you. Offering to dock-mates to
collect and dispose of items such as old paint
and varnish, batteries, and oily rags at your
community clean-up day can go a long way


s Complete on-site marine services

s Slips from 25 to 65 feet
s Haul-out capacity up to 60 feet
s Dry sail services available
s Boatel operation: Sail and Power up to 27 feet
Walter Cooper photo


7310 EDGEWOOD ROAD www.b j yy.com
Chesapeake Bay Sailing SpinSheett March 2009 53
to diminishing that little no man’s land
behind facility buildings and dumpsters.
On their own, none of these activi-
ties will clean up the Bay water, restore
oyster habitat, or buoy rockfish stocks.
But the state of the Bay today is not the
product of a single culprit, but rather the
result of thousands of tiny indiscretions.
If we ever hope to see a Bay ecosystem
that is natural, healthy, sustainable, just,
and economically viable, then we will
all need to contribute in our own tiny
way. Cleaning up our own “backyards”
seems like a good place to start.

About the Author: Kristen Berry is a

Washington, DC-based professional
sailing coach and the commodore of
the Ocean Conservation YC (ocyc.
g Find his blog and send
him ideas at galeforcesailing.com.

The first certified Clean Marina in Maryland,

Port Annapolis has made many efforts, such as
this drainage ditch, to prevent run-off.

Seasonal Slips
In Rock Hall


Certified Maryland Clean Marina

Located in Swan Creek Slips on the Bay 24 Hour Emergency Towing and Haul Outs
Floating Docks New Docks & Breakwater
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54 March 2009 SpinSheet spinsheet.com

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