Fairyland 2 Module 3

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Name.................................... Surname........................... Date ........./......./............

Fairyland 2 Written test 3 ( Module 3 ) Points ......... Mark ..........

1) Find the animals : 6 points

B .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... E .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... S .... .... .... .... .....

B .... .... .... F .... ..... ..... M ..... ..... ..... ..... .....

2) Divide the words into the correct category : apple , peas , tomato , pear , potato , banana , orange ,
carrot 4 points


3) Write the numbers : 5 points

16 ............................ 13 ............................. 18................................ 17..........................

15............................. 20............................... 11............................ 19...........................

14............................. 17..............................

4) Use the verb into your own sentences : 6 points

run ......................................................................................

fly .......................................................................................

jump ..................................................................................

draw ...................................................................................

swim ..................................................................................

climb ..................................................................................

5) Translate these words into English version : 5 points

larve - ............................. veze - .............................

flutur - ............................ kale - ..............................

akullore - .......................... njerez - ..........................

perime - ............................ perbindesh - ...........................

karamele- ......................... jo me - .................................

6) Complete : 6 points

Look at the horse . It can jump .

................................... . It can .................... .

................................... . It can ..................... .

................................... . It can .......................... .

7) Fill in the gaps : 10 points

Do you like cake ? Yes , I do . I love cake .

................... i.................... ? ............................................................

.................... j ............... ? ...............................................................

..................... l ............... ? ..................................................................

....................... j ............. ? ..................................................................

....................... s ............. ? ....................................................................

8) Translate these sentences in Albanian language : 8 points

Si eshte puna ? ........................................................ ?

A te pelqen keku ? ....................................................... ?

A mund te fluturosh ? ..................................................... ?

Dhe une mund te kercej gjithashtu . ..............................................

Points 0-9 10-15 16-21 22-29 30-37 38-44 45-50

Mark 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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