Mapeh 10: Quarter 1 - Week 2

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Quarter 1 – Week 2

For the facilitator:
Welcome to the MAPEH 10 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Music – New
Musical Styles of the 20th Century, Composers of 20th Century New Musical
Styles, Music20th Century Compositions of Ravel, Prokofieff and Poulenc, 20th Century
Compositions of Bernstein, Glass and Stockhausen.

This module was collaboratively designed, developed, and reviewed by educators from
public institutions to assist you, the teacher, or facilitator in helping the learners meet the
standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and
economic constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners in guided and independent learning
activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners acquire the
needed 21st-century skills while taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.

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Notes to the Teacher

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also
need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own
learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the
tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
Welcome to the MAPEH 10 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Music – New
Musical Styles of the 20th Century, Composers of 20th Century New Musical
Styles, Music20th Century Compositions of Ravel, Prokofieff and Poulenc, 20th Century
Compositions of Bernstein, Glass and Stockhausen.

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West Fairview High School A.Y. 2021-2022

1st Quarter – Week 2 in MUSIC 10

Name:___________________________ Score:_______________ Year and

Section: ____________ Date:________________


MUSIC The module is divided into four lessons, namely:

• Lesson 5 – New Musical Styles of the 20th Century
• Lesson 6 – Composers of 20th Century New Musical Styles • Lesson 7 –
20th Century Compositions of Ravel, Prokofieff and Poulenc
• Lesson 8– 20th Century Compositions of Bernstein, Glass and

Quarter 1 – Week 2

• Relate 20th- century music to other art forms and media during the same time;
• Perform a music sample from the 20 th century;
• evaluate music and music performances using guidedrubrics;

Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter that best corresponds to your answer in a given
1. John Cage’s Four Minutes and 33 Seconds (4’33) is an example of this musical
A. Expressionism C. Avant-Garde Music
B. Electronic Music D. Chance Music
2. The random sounds heard in the surroundings are part of this music.
A. Electronic Music C. Avant-Garde Music
B. Chance Music D. Modern Nationalism
3. He is the painter of the Three Musicians.
A. Henri Matisse C. Pablo Picasso
B. Marc Chagall D. Vincent Van Gogh
4. He composed the Imaginary Landscape No. 4" for 12 radios.
A. Philip Glass C. George Gershwin
B. Leonard Bernstein D. John Cage
5. Composersin thisstyle did not adhere to the proper way of creating melody, harmony, and
rhythm that resulted in peculiar compositions and interpretations.
A. Chance Music C. Popular Music
B. Electronic Music D. Avant-Garde Music
6. He was the ―Father of American Jazz‖.
A. Edgard Varese C. George Gershwin
B. John Cage D. Leonard Bernstein
7. He experimented and created the ―prepared piano‖.
A. Philip Glass C. EdgardVarese
B. John Cage D. George Gershwin
8. It wasformed by merging different timbres and rhythms coming from musical
instruments and electronic resources.
A. Prepared piano C. Concrete Music
B. Organized sound D. Avant-Garde Music
9. The composer of Rhapsody in Blue.
A. John Cage C. Edgard Varese
B. GeorgeGershwin D. Karlheinz Stockhausen 10. A popular folk
opera composed by George Gershwin in 1934.
A. Rhapsody in Blue C. Porgy and Bess
B. An American in Paris D. Hyperprism

11. HismusicwasformalandshowedacombinationofImpressionisticand Classical style. A.

MauriceRavel C. George Gershwin
B. SergeiProkofieff D. Francis Poulenc
12. AFrenchneo-classicistis knownforhisastonishingpiano,voice,andchoral compositions A.
PhilipGlass C. Maurice Ravel
B. FrancisPoulenc D. Sergei Prokofieff
13. Identified as amodern nationalist, neo-classicist, and avant-garde
composer. A. GeorgeGershwin C.SergeiProkofieff
B. MauriceRavel D.FrancisPoulenc
14. The composer of Pavane for a Dead Princess.
A. John Cage C. Karlheinz Stockhausen
B. FrancisPoulenc D. Maurice Ravel
15. An orchestral work about Russian folk talesspecially made for
children. A. Romeo and Juliet C. Peter and the Wolf
B. Symphony no. 1 D. Pavane for a Dead Princess 16. AGerman composer
who became famousin theworld of electronicmusic. A. LeonardBernstein C.
Karlheinz Stockhausen
B. PhilipGlass D. Francis Poulenc
17. An American composer, conductor, pianist andlecturer.
A. PhilipGlass C. Leonard Bernstein
B. KarlheinzStockhausen D. George Gershwin
18. He became famousfor his Broadway musicals,shows, and concerts.
A. GeorgeGershwin C. Philip Glass
B. LeonardBernstein D. Francis Poulenc
19. The composer of West Side Story.
A. PhilipGlass C. Karlheinz Stockhausen
B. FrancisPoulenc D. Leonard Bernstein
20. A four-act opera performed for almost fivehours.
A. Einstein on the Beach C. Candide
B. Helicopter String Quartet D. Akhnaten

5 New Musical Styles of the 20th

The musical styles created in the 20th-century surprised the people at that
time. Some were amazed while some find it hard to appreciate it. In this lesson,
we will go over some more musical styles that were more shocking than the
previous one.

What is It
New Musical Styles:

1. Avant- Garde Music

A type of music developed after World War II was characterized as having
unusual or unconventional sound and form. Composers in this style did not
adhere to the proper way of creating melody, harmony and rhythm that
resulted in peculiar compositions and interpretations. Extensive use of
improvisation is also common for the performers. George Gershwin, Leonard
Bernstein, Philip Glass and John Cage were the popular composers who used
this style.
2. Electronic Music
This music uses different electronic machines like synthesizers, speakers,
tape recorders and amplifiers to come up with distinct sounds. Composers in
this style utilized different recorded sounds from the environment and then
experimented it with artificial tones and sounds. Concrete music is a type of
electronic music that creates their music with the help of a tape recorder.
The musical scores that composers used look like an engineering graph.
Popular composers who developed their music in this style are Edgard
Varese, Mario Davidovsky and Karlheinz Stockhausen.

3. Chance Music
It is a type of music that comes out different from every performance. The
random sounds heard from the performer and from the surroundings, may it
be man-made or natural, are part of the production. John Cage’s Four Minutes
and Thirty-Three Seconds (4’33”) is an example of this type of music. In this
composition, the pianist sits and open the lid of the piano and just stayed
silent for the whole time. The sounds heard in the auditorium were taken as
part of the composition.

What I Have Learned

Complete the information about the new musical styles of the 20th-century.
Write your answers on a piece of paper.
Musical Styles Characteristics Composers

1. Avant-Garde

2. Electronic Music

3. Chance Music


6 Composers of 20th
Century New
Musical Styles
The new musical styles of the 20 th century sound more experimental and out of this
world compare to other earlier musical styles. Some even seem too hard to comprehend.
In this lesson, we will discuss the lives and works of the
composers who formed and used the Avant-Garde,
Electronic, and Chance Music.

What is It
1. George Gershwin (1898-1937)
He is an American composer born on September 26, 1898.
He admired the classical repertoires of
Ravel, Stravinsky, Berg, Schoenberg and the
music of the French contemporary composers. His
name became popular for the Broadway musiche
made.They calledhimthe―crossover artist‖ for
producing music having classical and jazz styles.
―Father of American Jazz‖ was
another title given to him for producing amazing jazz pieces.
He created approximately 369 compositions varying from orchestral music,
chamber music, musical theater, film musicals, operas and songs. These include: •
Rhapsody in Blue (1924) – a composition for piano and orchestra
• An American in Paris (1928) – symphonic poem
• Porgy and Bess (1934) – a folk opera
George Gershwin died on July 11, 1937 in Hollywood, California, USA. 2.
Edgard Varese (1883-1965)
He is a French-bornAmerican composer born on
December 22, 1883. Considered as the
―Father of Electronic Music‖, his music focused on
creating the ―organized sounds‖, formed
by merging different timbres and rhythms
coming from musical instruments and
electronic resources. Hismusic influenced
many 20th Century composers. percussion
He produced approximately 50 compositions, which
include: • Hyperprism (1923) - a work for wind and Image:

• Ionisation (1931) - a piece for piano,two sirens and percussion instruments •

Poème Electronique (1958) – a work projected for 425 loudspeakers
Edgard Varese died on November 6, 1965, in New York City, USA.

3. John Cage (1912-1992)

He is an American innovator, philosopher, writer, and
born on September 5, 1912. He experimented on different sounds and
in making his compositions. He manipulated different
instruments to create different sounds. Some of his compositions
seem peculiar to musicians that is why people said that he is
more of a musical philosopher than a composer.
The popular ―chance music‖ was associated with him.
Chance music uses randomness or chance as part
of the composition.
He produced approximately 229 compositions. These include the following:
• Sonatas and Interludes (1946-1948) – a series of pieces having a wide ran ge of rhythms and sounds. His
―prepared piano‖ is part of these. He created the ―prepared piano‖ by inserting screws and pieces of
wood or paper in the strings of the piano to produce a different sound.
• Music of Changes (1951) – a musical piece for conventional piano.
• Four Minutes and 33 Seconds (4’33) – a chance music composition where the pianist justsit and open
the piano lid and stayed silent for the whole time.
John Cage died on August 12, 1992 in New York City, USA.

What I Have Learned

Complete the information about the 20th Century New Music Composers. Write your
answers on a piece of paper.
Name of Composer Titles Acquired/Musical Compositions

1. George Gershwin

2. Edgard Varese

3. John Cage

Lesson 7 of Ravel, Prokofieff and

20th Century Compositions

The20th centurymusicbloomedbecause ofthe exceptional skills ofitsmusicians.

Inthis lesson, we willtalk aboutthe remarkable compositions made byMaurice Ravel,
Sergei Prokofieff and FrancisPoulenc.

What is It
20 Century Compositions of Maurice Ravel, Sergei Prokofieff and Francis Poulenc

1. Maurice Ravel(1875-1937)
HeisaninternationallyacclaimedFrenchcomposer;hisworksmanifested clear
thematic orchestration, and advanced use of instrumentation. His music was
formal and showed a combination of Impressionistic and Classical style.
Some of his popular works are:
• Pavane for a Dead Princess (1899) – a slow music about a sixteenth- centurySpanish
princess.Itwasfirstarrangedforpianoandlateron for orchestra.
• Daphnis etChloe (1912) –amusicmadeforSergeiDiaghilev’sballet that showed his
impressionistic style.
• La Valse (1920) – his popular waltzintended to be use for ballet.

2. Sergei Prokofieff (1891-1953)

Aninnovative Russiancomposer is knownfor his exceptionalinstrumental music.
Identified as a modern nationalist, neo-classicist and avant-garde composer,hewas
abletocreateanimpressivebalancebetweentheclassical and modern styles of
Some of his popular works include:
• Symphony no. 1/ Classical Symphony (1917) – a composition that displayed his neo
classicalstyle,thispieceisamixtureofMozart, Haydn and Stravinsky’sstyle.
• Romeo and Juliet(1935) – a ballet music grounded on the works of Shakespeare.
• Peter and the Wolf (1936) – an orchestral work about a Russian folk tales specially made
for children.

3. Francis Poulenc (1899-1963)

AFrench neo-classicistis knownforhisastonishing piano, voice, and choral
compositions. His works were described as elegantly modern and the melodies that he
created were admirable.
Some of his popular works include:
• Concerto for Two Pianos(1932) – a music thatshowed amixture of the styles of Mozart and
Ravel as well as jazz music.
• Litanies of the Black Madonna (1936) – a choral music intended for women and organ.
• Dialogues des Carmelites (1956) – his famous 20th-centuryopera.

What I Have Learned

Identify the composers of the following musical pieces. Write the names of the composers before
the number.
1. Romeo and Juliet (1935)

2. Litanies of the Black Madonna (1936)

3. Pavane for a Dead Princess (1899)

4. Dialogues des Carmelites (1956)

5. Peter and the Wolf (1936)

6. Concerto for Two Pianos(1932)

7. Symphony no. 1/Classical Symphony (1917)

8. La Valse (1920)

__________________9. Daphnis et Chloe (1912)

Lesson 8 Bernstein, Glass and
20th Century Compositions
The compositions of LeonardBernstein, Philip Glass,
of andKarlheinz Stockhausen
are exemplary that demand to be exposed and introduced to you. In this lesson, their
musicalstyles,interpretations,andtreatmentsgiventoeveryperformancewill be discussed.

What is It
20th Century Compositions of Leonard Bernstein, Philip Glass, and Karlheinz Stockhausen
1. Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990)
He is anAmericancomposer, conductor,pianist, andlecturer,hebecame famous for
theBroadway musicals, shows, andconcerts thathe partook in as well as the
television series ―Young People‘s Concerts‖ where he lectured and performed
different kinds of music.
Some of his popular works are:
• Candide (1956) – a musical adaptation of Voltaire‘snovel.
• West Side Story (1957) –Bernstein‘smost popularmusic thatseems like a new version of
Romeo andJuliet.
• On the Waterfront (1954) – a film that used his composed repertoires.

2. Philip Glass (1937--)

He is a living musical genius who became popular forhisminimalist and
avant garde compositions. His style was described as repetitive and
Some of his popular works include:
• Music in Similar Motion (1969) – a composition played by any group of instrumentswith the
• Einstein on theBeach (1976) – a four-actopera performed for almost five hours.
• Akhnaten(1984) –athree-actopera thatrevolvedaround aruling Egyptian Pharaoh

3. Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007)

HeisaGermancomposerwhobecame famous intheworldofelectronic music. He
made use of atonality and total serialism (a series that uses chromatic tones)in
his music that resulted in unconventional sounds. Some of his popular works
• Gruppen(1957) –a compositionforthreeorchestrasmainly109 instrumentalists and
three conductors.
• Licht (1977) – an opera composing of seven parts, one for each correspondingdaysof
theweek,performedbyamassivegroupof musicians.
• Helicopter String Quartet (1993) – a piece made for a string quartet that plays inside four
helicopters while it is in the air. The sound techniciansequalizedthesoundsfromthe
musicians,thehelicopters, and speaking voices.
What I Have Learned
Identify the composers of the following musical pieces. Write the names of the composers
before the number.

1. Licht (1977)

2. Candide (1956)

3. Gruppen (1957)

4. Akhnaten (1984)

5. Helicopter String Quartet (1993)

6. On the Waterfront (1954)

7. West Side Story (1957)

8. Music in Similar Motion (1969)

________________________9. Einstein on the Beach (1976)

Read the statements carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answers
and write it on a sheet of paper.
1. Composers in this style utilized different recorded sounds from the
environment and then experimented with artificial tones and sounds.
a. Chance Music c. Avant – Garde Music
b. Electronic Music d. Popular Music
2. The random sounds heard from the performer and the surroundings, may it be
man-made or natural, are part of the music.
a. Avant-Garde Music c. Electronic Music
b. Chance Music d. Concrete Music
3. John Cage’s Four Minutes and Thirty-Three Seconds (4’33”) is an example of this
type of music.
a. Electronic Music c. Chance Music
b. Avant-Garde Music d. Popular Music
4. Composers who used thisstyle wereGeorgeGershwin, Leonard Bernstein, Philip
Glass and John Cage.
a. Popular Music c. Avant-Garde Music
b. Chance Music d. Concrete Music
5. Edgard Varese, Mario Davidovsky and Karlheinz Stockhausen utilized this
a. Concrete Music c. Popular Music
b. Avant-Garde Music d. Electronic Music
6. He composed the Imaginary Landscape No. 4" for 12 radios.
a. Edgard Varese c. John Cage
b. Karlheinz Stockhausen d. Philip Glass
7. Violin Concerto 3rd movement is an example of this type of music.
a. Electronic Music c. Avant-Garde Music
b. Concrete Music d. Chance Music
8. Atype ofmusic developed afterWorld WarII characterized as having
unusual or unconventional sound and form.
a. Chance Music c. Popular Music
b. Avant-Garde Music d. ConcreteMusic
9. Studie II used this musicalstyle.
a. Electronic Music c. Popular Music
b. Chance Music d. Avant-Garde Music 10. A type of music that comes out
different for every performance. a. Concrete Music c. Avant-Garde Music b.
Electronic Music d. Chance Music
11. He is a known American innovator, philosopher, writer and composer. a.
John Cage c. George Gershwin b. Philip Glass d. Edgard Varese
12. He has the title of the ―Father of American Jazz‖.
a. GeorgeGershwin c. Igor Stravinsky
b. John Cage d. Leonard Bernstein 13. The ―Father of Electronic
a. GeorgeGershwin c. John Cage
b. Edgard Varese d. Claude Debussy 14. He composed the piece
Music of Changes in 1951.
a. Edgard Varese c. George Gershwin b. John Cage d. Bela Bartok
15. It is a work projected for 425 loudspeakers composed by Edgard Varese. a.
Hyperprism (1923) c. Poème Electronique (1958) b. Ionisation (1931) d. An American
in Paris (1928)
16. His music was focused on creating the ―organized sounds‖. a. Philip
Glass c. Edgard Varese
b. GeorgeGershwin d. John Cage
17. The ―crossover artist‖.
a. GeorgeGershwin c. Edgard Varese
b. John Cage d. Karlheinz Stockhausen 18. The ―prepared piano‖ of John Cage
was part of this composition. a. Four Minutes and 33 Seconds (4’33) c. Sonatas
and Interludes b. Music of Changes d. Poème Electronique 19. He composed the
Rhapsody in Blue in 1924.
a. John Cage c. George Gershwin b. Leonard Bernstein d. Edgard
20. It is a music that uses randomness as part of the composition. a.
Electronic Music c. Popular Music
b. Chance Music d. Concrete Music 21. The musical style of
Francis Poulenc.
a. Impressionism c. Neo-Classicism
b. Expressionism d. Modern Nationalism 22.
AcompositionmadeforSergeiDiaghilev’sballetthatshowedRavel’s impressionistic
a. La Valse c. Daphnis et Chloe
b. Pavane for a Dead Princess d. Romeo and Juliet
23. The musical style of Maurice Ravel.
a. ModernNationalism c. Impressionism
b. Neo-Classicism d. Expressionism
24. The famous opera of Francis Poulenc.
a. Concerto for Two Pianos c. Dialogues des Carmelites b. Litanies of the Black
Madonna d. Peter and the Wolf 25.
AninnovativeRussiancomposerknownforhisexceptionalinstrumental music. a.
FrancisPoulenc c. Edgard Varese
b. SergeiProkofieff d. Maurice Ravel
26. An astonishing piano, voice and choral composer.
a. MauriceRavel c. Francis Poulenc
b. GeorgeGershwin d. Sergei Prokofieff
27. A ballet music grounded on the works ofShakespeare.
a. Daphnis et Chloe c. Litanies of the Black Madonna b. La Valse d. Romeo
and Juliet
28. AninternationallyacclaimedFrenchcomposer,hisworksmanifestedclear thematic
orchestration and advance use of instrumentation.
a. IgorStravinsky c. Sergei Prokofieff
b. FrancisPoulenc d. Maurice Ravel
29. He composed the La Valse in 1920.
a. SergeiProkofieff c. Maurice Ravel
b. LeonardBernstein d. Francis Poulenc
30. AcompositionthatdisplayedProkofieff’sneo-classicalstyle,thispieceisa mixture of
Mozart, Haydn and Stravinsky’sstyle.
a. Symphony no. 1 c. La Valse
b. Concerto for Two Pianos d. Romeo and Juliet
31. It is the musical style of Karlheinz Stockhausen.
a. Avant-GardeMusic c. Concrete Music
b. ElectronicMusic d. Chance Music
32. Itisacompositionforthreeorchestrasmainly109instrumentalistsand three
a. Licht c. Helicopter String Quartet b. Gruppen d. Einstein on the
Beach 33. It is the musical style of PhilipGlass.
a. ChanceMusic c. Popular Music
b. ElectronicMusic d. Avant-Garde Music
34. It is the famous Broadway musical of LeonardBernstein.
a. West Side Story c. Akhnaten
b. Einstein on the Beach d. On the Waterfront
35. He became famous as a composer, pianist, conductor and lecturer. a.
LeonardBernstein c. Karlheinz Stockhausen b. PhilipGlass d. Francis Poulenc
36. He performed and lectured in the television series ―Young People‘s Concerts‖.
a. PhilipGlass c. Francis Poulenc
b. KarlheinzStockhausen d. Leonard Bernstein
37. Itisanoperacomposingofsevenparts,oneforeachcorrespondingdaysof the week,
performed by a massive group of musicians.
a. Einstein on the Beach c. Licht
b. Candide d. Gruppen
38. He is a famous minimalist.
a. KarlheinzStockhausen c. Philip Glass
b. FrancisPoulenc d. Leonard Bernstein
39. He composed the Einstein on the Beach.
a. EdgardVarese c. Karlheinz Stockhausen b. LeonardBernstein d.
Philip Glass
40. Itis a three-act opera thatrevolved around a ruling Egyptian Pharaoh.
a. Candide c. Akhnaten
b. West Side Story d. Einstein on the Beach

Abdou, Kelly Richman. Cubism: How Picasso and Others Broke From Tradition to Transform Modern Art.
January 31, 2018

(accessed on June 22, 2020)

All Music. Avant-Garde Music. music-ma0000004930

(accessed on June 7, 2020)

Defensor, Marshall D., Salve A. Favila, Glinore B. Santiago, Aquilino

Eduardo P. Santos and Lordinio A. Vergara. “MAPEH: Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health”.
Philippines: St. Augustine Publications, Inc., 2007.

New World Encyclopedia. Twentieth-century music. (accessed on June 6, 2020)

Philadelphia Museum of Art. Picasso and the Avant-Garde in Paris (accessed on June 22, 2020) Avant Garde Music: Definition, Style & Artists

music-definition-style- artists.html (accessed on June 7, 2020)

Sunico, Raul M., Evelyn F. Cabanban and Melissa Y. Moran. “Horizons: Music and Arts Appreciation for
Young Filipinos”. Philippines: Tawid Publications, 2015.

Toledo, Carlos. Impressionist Music That Will Make You Experience Textures and Colors. April 5, 2017.

Music. (accessed on June 8, 2020)

Winold, Allen. Elements of Musical Understanding. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966.

Britannica Encyclopedia. John Cage (accessed on June

24, 2020)

Britannica Encyclopedia. Edgard Varèse (accessed

on June 2, 2020)

Britannica Encyclopedia. George Gershwin.

(accessed on June 2, 2020)

Defensor, Marshall D., Salve A. Favila, Glinore B. Santiago, Aquilino

Eduardo P. Santos and Lordinio A. Vergara. “MAPEH: Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health”.
Philippines: St. Augustine Publications, Inc., 2007.

Music Illinois. Indeterminacy. (accessed on June 2, 2020)

Biography. Maurice Ravel. July 18, 2019. (accessed on

June 25, 2020)

Britannica Encyclopedia. Francis Poulenc. (accessed on June 25, 2020)

Eduardo P. Santos and Lordinio A. Vergara. “MAPEH: Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health”.
Philippines: St. Augustine Publications, Inc., 2007.

Favorite Classical Composers. Pavane for a Dead Princess A Rich, Nostalgic Dance http://www.favorite princess.html (accessed on June 25, 2020)

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