D&D Adventurers League Forgotten Realms Player'S Guide: Hat Is This
D&D Adventurers League Forgotten Realms Player'S Guide: Hat Is This
D&D Adventurers League Forgotten Realms Player'S Guide: Hat Is This
You should use a logsheet to track rewards and note any COINS AND OTHER TREASURE
other important information from play of an adventure. A
Whenever your party finds treasure of a monetary value,
logsheet is available on the official website.
they can keep it with them to use during play. Any remaining
treasure unused at the end of the adventure is converted to
LEVELING UP gold pieces and divided evenly between all the characters.
The Dungeon Master can assist in this process.
You gain a level at the end of each play session that Mundane items, such as found equipment, are divided
completes an Adventurers League adventure or a part of an however the party chooses at the end of the play session.
official D&D adventure, at your discretion. If you’d like to
continue playing at your current level, you can decline to STORY AWARDS
gain a level. You still keep any rewards earned.
You gain hit points listed as the fixed value for your class Sometimes you and others in the party may earn a story
(plus any modifiers) when you level up. award. This is a special award or item, sometimes presented
Whenever you could gain a level (even if you decline), you as a certificate, that may have significance in future
may rebuild any aspect of your character. adventures in the same storyline.
Once you achieve 5th level, you may choose a magic item Whenever applicable, the Dungeon Master may ask if any
as presented in “Starting Play at 5th Level” above. of the characters in the party possess a story award. In
certain circumstances, such as the case of story items, the
party may have to determine who has it for the purposes of
REWARDS that adventure.
Whenever you have the option to level up and at other times
during play, you’ll earn rewards. These may include the
following: You may attend an event and receive a certificate, such as a
• Magic items pet or interesting trinket, as a reward for participation or
• Coins and other treasure engaging in a specific activity. These rewards are attached to
• Story awards the player, not a specific character. At the beginning of each
• Event awards play session, you may select one event award you possess to
use. You may only have one event award active at any time.
Whenever your party finds a magic item during play, the
party determines who has it for the remainder of the
adventure. At the end of play, any number of characters may
keep the magic item if it wasn’t consumed or destroyed
during play. You may keep as many magic items as you are
You earn 10 downtime days between each session of play.
Your character can participate in downtime activities
between sessions as listed under “Downtime Activities” in
the Player’s Handbook. The following additional downtime
activities are available; all others are unavailable unless
offered in an adventure.
Catching Up. Spend 10 downtime days to gain a level.
Copying Spells. If you can copy spells, you may use the
rules presented in the “Your Spellbook” sidebar in the
Player’s Handbook to copy spells found in adventures, except
it costs 1 downtime day for each spell up to 4th level and 2
downtime days for each spell 5th level and above. If you are
copying spells from another character’s spellbook, you may