All Hands Naval Bulletin - Jul 1943
All Hands Naval Bulletin - Jul 1943
All Hands Naval Bulletin - Jul 1943
JULY 1943
Table of Contents
T h e Amphibs Are Training to Strike . New V-12 ProgramUnderWay NavyGainsinU-boatWar Spencer Sinks a U-boat Learning-As-You-Like-It T h e Enterprises War Against the Japs Navy MakesSea Water Drinkable Destruction Rather Than Surrender U. S. C. G. Rescues 235 Men from Atlantic How the Seabees Have Grown Special Delivery, Worldwide T h e Wolf i n ShipsClothing Cats Sink Subs in Two Oceans War Workers to See Navy Films We FiredOne Torpedo- T h e Navys School for Civilians One Armed Guard Gets Eight Bombers Navy N a m e s . . French: Short List of Words and Phrases Pearl Harbor Takes Off Its Bandages f War News Photographs o the Month This Was the Battle for Attu T h e MonthsNews Navy Department Communiques Decorations and Citations Legislative Matters of Naval Interest
In this S e c t i q the Bureau of Naval Personnel directs attention to matters of particular interest and importance to the service general&. A separate index to the contents o f the section may be found on page 67.
This magazine is published monthly in Washington, D. C., by the Welfare Division the Bureauof Naval of Personnelfortheinformationandinterest o the f Naval Service as a whole. Where reference is made to regulations, orders and directives,such reference isintended as informationanddoesnotcomprise authority for action. The authority for action is the regulation, orderor directive upon which the Bulletin article is based. Because the magazine cannot be furnished personnel individually, it is requested that readers pass along their copies to insure that all hands will opportunity have to read each issue. All activities should keep the Bureau informed of how many copies arerequired.Shipandstationpapers are authorizedto reprint material as desired. Articles of general interest may be forwarded to the Editor via official channels.
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Amphibious force in actiom: Army troops stream out of a LCI (Landing Craft: Injamtry) durimg inuasiom maneuvers alolzg Atlamtic coast.
assaults on enemy territory. These are the Amphibians, (INFORMATION BULLETIN, May 1943, p. 6 ) , upon whomwilldevelop the task of carrying the fight to the enemy-
starting the offensive on enemy-held shores. On the Pacific coast, underRear Admiral Francis W. Rockwell, U. S. Navy, commander Amphibious Force, Pacific Fleet, who personally directed the landing operations on Attu, and on the Atlantic coast, under Rear Admiral Alan G. Kirk, U. S. Navy, commander Amphibious Fbrce, Atlantic Fleet, therehas been createda striking force, still in process of expansion, ready to carry out speed, with precision, and perfect coordination the most difficult of military assignments-a landing on a fortified hostile shore. Under the training courses of the Amphibious Forces, thousands of naval officers and men have learned totake the newly designed landing boats, ships, and amphibious craft through heavy surf safely to selected beaches; and thousands of toughened Army troops have learned to swarm ashore from the landing craftand race for the beachtoestablish the spearhead of an Allied invasion. On the Atlantic coast, for instance, working together in the closest cooperation, especially selected Army and
Troopsclimbdown transport imto landing boat, somewhere off the East Coast
Ashore, soldiers unload ammunition from lad- ing barge as other landingcraft moue in.
Navy units are going through an arduous training program, acquiring the high skill needed for joint land, sea, and air operations, studying the lessons of the British commando raids and of our own landings in the Solomons, North Africa, and the Aleutians, and learning, in long day-and-night sessions, tocarryouttheir assignments with split-second timing. Because of the complex nature of amphibious operations, the training program is both broad and intensive. Every officer andmaninthe force mustunderstand not only his own task, but the part thatwill be played by the other units involved.Differences in Army and Navy practice and terminology must be ironed out so thoroughly that there will be no misunderstanding in an actual operation. Training for amphibious warfare falls into four parts: first, the indoctrination of commanding officers in the strategy. tactics and techniques of joint operations; second, training of the many specialists needed to carry operation; out smoothly a landing third, basic training in the use of the highly specialized amphibious equipment;and,fourth, advanced training-joint exercises of all the units in the force in landing operations under simulated battle conditions. Naval officers who are assigned to the Amphibs are selected from the fleet and the from midshipmens
schools on the basis of outstanding ing, in a few minutes, a military base. records in service or in theclassroom, Finally, a group selected after .rigid and for excellent physical condition. physical examination joins similarly Enlisted men are picked from boot picked Army units, and together they camps and specialists schools by the train jointly for service in scouting same method. The result of the care- and raiderdetachments, which are ful screening is a group young, en- assigned the duties of landin&, by thusiastic, and capable of meeting.the stealth on the enemy shore ahead of extraordipary demands of its dari2er- the actual landingin force to reconous assignment. noiter and eliminate obstacles that They are sent to one of the bases might impede the progress of the of the Amphibious Force, Atlantic assault troops. A t the same time, the Army selects Fleet, where they begin their specialunits which have already had thorized training. They study seamanough training in the infantry or the ship, piloting, and navigation;they drill in gunnery, ship, and plane iden- armored forces, and assigns them to tification, and the highly intricate the Amphibious Force. The enlisted men are given a tough communications methods necessary to carry out a landing with dispatch; conditioning course to prepare them and, day and night, they go out to sea for the hardtask that lies ahead, and in their landing craft and then come then receive basic amphibious train-, back in to beach again and again, until ing. They learn to clamber over the they can bring the ships through all sides of ships and down into thesmallkinds of wind and weather to a safe boats pitching below; they are taught! to come ashore from the landing craft landing on the shore. through, rough water and still keep Some groups are assigned to the small boats that carry in the waves their equipment dry; they study the of assault troops and their equipment. tactics of surprise attacks. Meanwhile, the Army officers go to Others learn to maneuver the larger another base, where, with Navy ofcraft which can land large detachments of infantry or important units ficers, they learn the art of amphibof the armored forces. Still others are ious operations. They study strategy assigned to units where, with Army and tactics, and the proper methods troops, they practice landing on the of liaison between the many organenemy shore, establishing and organ- izations involved. Great stress is laid izing the beachhead for the succeeding upon communications. Visual and wavesof troops-in effect establish(Continued om p . 5 1 )
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not merely classroom, dormitory, and messhall space and a stipulated amount of instruction,but also the highest teaching skill, the best judgment, and the soundest administration of which the colleges are capable. Navy students will have the benefits of faculty counseling, of extracurricular activities-the best undergraduate education the colleges can offer. As apprentice seamen on active duty, they will have certain responsibilities to the Navy; but it is not contemplated that Navy units will observe completely such purely military regulations as those in force at the Naval Academy or a t specialized naval training schools.Navaldiscipline will beenforced, but navaltraining will be definitely subordinated to academic work. Former V-1 and V-7 students who are called to active duty on 1 July, for furthercollege instruction for the purpose of qualifying themforappointment in professional classes of the Naval Reserve will be permitted to complete additional terms, so that upon graduation they will have completed a total number of terms as follows: Engineer specialists, 8; medical anddentalstudents, the minimum number necessary to complete the requirements for their professional degrees. Former V l and V-7 students who are selected t o become engineers. for special or general duty, o r deck, supply, or Marine Corps general duty, willbe permittedto complete additional terms as follows:
To be accepted by the Navy for the V-12 program, civilians must be between the ages of 17 and 20 years, must pass the special examination and a physical examination, and must be approved by a board composed of a naval officer, an educator, anda representative civilian, at district Offices of Naval Officer Procurement. Enlisted personnel of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard may apply for the Navy V-12 program throughtheir commanding officers. Application blanks, similar t o those used b y enlisted men in applying for a commission, have been made available to all ships and stations. Every effort is being made to select the most intelligent studentswho also possess the necessary potential officerlike. qualities for admission to the V-12 program, so that the maximum time, energy, and money may be conserved by including only thosemen who will, in the end, measure up to
officer qualifications for commissions. Those students who are not successful in the college course will still be important additions to theenlisted complement of the fleet. The Navy assigns officer candidates in the new class V-12 to the selected colleges and prescribes curricula designed to insure production of officer .material for the various branches of naval service. Colleges receive the general outlines of these curricula, together with suggested references, but are allowed considerable freedom in the selection of instructional aids and in the methods of instruction. The college, at its own discretion, may give or withhold regular academic credit for courses successfully passed, but it must offer instructiontoanyman assigned to it by the Navy. Every effort has been made to select institutions offering the highest type (Continued 012 p. 51)
The uniformed men who begin college courses under the Navy V-12 program on 1 July may attend classes with civilian students or with co-eds; theymayjoinstudent unions, fraternities and campus clubs. They will not do a lot of marching(one hour of drill a week usually with formation for breakfast and lunch) and, although reveille will be sounded for them in the morning, there probably WtZZ receive Those who had m will be no taps at night (to permit umttianaz 1 July completed late study). After the first term of 7 1 the freshman year, they may go out 6 1 for varsity athletics, provided that 2 5 a 4 theytakenotrips longer than 48 3 3 hours and that such participation is 3 2 approved by the commanding officer. 4 1 Generally speaking, the Navy V-12 The length of courses for new V-12 units will begin operating in much the students who enter college for the first same manner as colleges always have, time to become a member of special- except that courses will be stiffer. ized service, including chaplain, mediThe compulsory physical training cal, dental, and engineering officer program contemplates 1 hour and 20 candidates, will vary from 8 to 1 4 minutes of physical educationeach terms. Students entering college for day. Twenty minutes inthe early the first time destined general duty morning will be devoted t o setting-up for as deck, engineering, supply, or Ma- exercises. The ,other hour (swimrine Corps officers will remain in col- ming, organized sports, etc.) will be lege from 4 to 6 terms. At the con- fitted in depending on the schedule of clusion of their college work,students the individual student and the school. will take specialized navaltraining A typical day's schedule might go like leading to comissions. this : Four-fifths of those called to active Reveille-__-____------_"-_____--__ 0600 duty with the first V-12 group will be Setting-up drill___________________ 0615 men already in colleges in aninactive Breakfast formation (inspection) ___ 0715 0730 reserve status. A large proportion of Breakfast-______-----_"_-__"_-_-_-_ 0800 the remaining fifth will enter the pro- Classes_-__----__-_-___"_-__"_"_-_---_ Lunch--__---___-_--__"_-_---_-_-gram directly from civilian life. Classes__--_--__--____----------_-_ 1200 1330 Others will be drawnfrom enlisted Athletics or recreation_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1630 1800 personnel of the Navy, Marine Corps, D i n n e r _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ - - _ - - _ - - - _ L i b e r t y - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ - - _ _1700 --and Coast Guard. Of the total, about 15 percent will Liberty over-__----_____-_------___ 2200 Seventeen hours of classes a week be officer candidates for the Marine will be a minimum for Navy men, with Corps; several hundred willbedestined for service with the Coast Guard outside preparationandlaboratory and the rest will befuture naval work to bring the total week's work up to 52 to 58 hours. There will be no officers.
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U. S. Knry Photozral~lls.
T H E NEWVEGAVENTURAAND HER FIRST CREDZTED VZCTZM: Omeof the Navys mew Vega Velzturas (PV-l), rd patrol plame,recemtly depthcharged and saek am enemy submarhe while protectimg am Atlamtic comey. At left: The Vemtura plane like this one saek the sub despite a wing
riddled by gumfire. A t right: After depth four bombs, the bow of the U-boat broke about 25 feet out of the water at a steep angle. The sub slowly staggeredforward,stopped mouimg,them slid bemeath the surface for the last time, a 100-foot oil slick behind her.
round trip between the British Isles and America.Officers of escort Vesselson the trip said they were attacked by a pack of about 24 submarines and engaged the raiders in a running battle that raged for4 days. Describing the attacks, one Officer said by day we had a pillar of water from depth charges and by night a pillar of flame. One of the most spectacular sinkings reported last month was accomGuard plished by the U. S. Coast cutter Spencer which engaged a Nazi U-boat in a running fight, sank her with gunfire and captured more than 40 members of her crew. I n a short engagement last April, it was revealed this month, one the of Navys Vega new Ventura bombers shattered an enemy submarine and senthertothe bottom four with depthcharges, one of which struck the partly submerged sub just forward of the conning tower. Lt. (jg) Thomas Kinaszcuk, pilot, said the sub was blown tothe surface. Her bow, he said, broke water a t a steep angle and she staggered forward before sliding beneath the surface once again. This was the first sinking credited to the new Vega Ventura bombers, which only recently had been reported in service. On May 26 the Navy reported that a PBY patrol plane, piloted by Ens. Thurmond E. Robertson, USN, dived
on a surfaced subin the face of steady antiaircraft fire and crippled the vessel with depth bombs. A second plane, piloted by Lt. Gerard Bradford, Jr., usm, joined the attack and sank the sub. I n another action reported June 3 the Navy reported that aCatalina patrol plane, operating over South Atlantic waters, surprised a surfaced U-boat whose crew members were sunbathing on her deck and blew it in two with depth bombs. The pilot, Lt. (jg) William R. Ford, USNR, said the stern of the sub rose 8 to 10 feet after the bombs struckher, bobbed up and down and then plunged straight down. The Air Ministry in London May 30 reporteda weird air-seabattle between giant planes on Atlantic Patrol and enemy submarines which resulted in the sinking of a t least five U-boats over a 10-day period. Thesubs attempted tofight off the attacking planes with machine guns, but depth bombs finished them off. Several other attacks were made by these planes during the same period which may have resulted in additional sinkings. (More onplanes vs. U-boats: Page 23.) The Navy, meanwhile,announced that twonew types of smallescort craft will join the fleet soon.
(Comtimued om p . 53)
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an Atlantic Convoy. Suddenly the rSpencers radio operator detects a sub, and t h e n . ,
2. DEPTH CHARGES drop into the sea ouer t h e submerged raider. T h e s u brums hut t h e Spencer follows dropping her cans a n d . ash
3. T H E SLJB is forced t o surface. She shows fight and t h e t w o vessels exchange lively g u n fire. One shot the tears off part of the subs conning tower and cutter
5. A BOAT from the cutter which rows over to the . sinking raider picking up more than 40 members of her crew, They are greeted b y the cutters
6. HAPPY CREW, which gave credit for the victory t o theirhero,Popeye. T h e convoy sailed on, unmolested.
signed to permanent stations on outlying or continental bases, or to fleet stations on the battle line, the needs for a nonmilitaryeducational program became more explicit. Accordingly, the Chief of Naval Personnel assigned a group of officers to make a survey of possible in-service education which would be supplementary to the direct military task. Three outlying bases where need the appearedgreatest were selected for these.surveys. These studies revealed a number of characteristics common to each of these bases. The primary finding was that, despite long working daysand extensive military duties, there existed an enthusiastic demand among bath officers and men for offduty instruction in nonmilitary subjects. This was due to a number of factors among which were: (1) Sufficient free time and the desire to use ,it for purposes of selfimprovement. (2) A desire to continueor complete school and college educations, interrupted by the necessity of military service. (3) A desire to learn skills and obtain information in subjects corollary tothe job being performed inthe Navy. (4) A concern for the eventual return to civilian life. Contributing factors to the demand for nonmilitary instruction included: inability to get away from the base on leave (except by air or water, which was virtually impossible except in emergency), a shortage of female companionship,infrequent mail delivery, lack of news from the United States, limited local resources-especially those depending upon a grasp of foreign languages-and a serious shortage of information about the progress of the war in other theaters of the globe. The compilation of these needs pointed to the immediate necessity for a vigorous and far-reaching program of education. Experimental laboratories were set up in the autumn of 1942, and gradually, in answer to pleas fromthe fleet and bases and stations, the program took shape. On January 1, 1943, Educational the Services Section was created. Since that date, a world-wide educational program has been developed. Centers jocularlygiven such namesas The College of the Aleutians, Kodiak University, and Andreanof Academy, only to mention those in one war sector, have been established on a n informal basis to give courses in almost any subject the men on duty a t those stations want.There are self-explanatorytexts available, for private learning or for use in the Centers. A wealth of educational material-phonograph records, maps, books, charts, almost anythingthat is useful-is provided, even for the farthest outpost. These educational opportunities represent vital a development in planning for the future. By enrolling
This i s the Newsmap-actual size 35 inches by 47 inches--which is distributed weekly by the Educational Services Section. Printed m both sides, the Newsmap covers both the current events of the war throughout the world a d I special training feature which be brought to the attentiom can of personnel by illustrative display. Above i s shown thecurrent sideof the 3.4 June 1943 issue, with a large, detailed map the Easter# Front, as well of as a general world map, spot photographs, d a rbsumk of the fighting om a all fronts.
On the back side of the 14 June 1943 issue of the Newsmap appears a picture story entitled The Making a U . S. Bluejacket, the first feature of subject developed. entirely by the Navy, being prepared by theRecruiting Division through arrangementof the Educational Services Section. Naval activities not now receiving copies the Newsmap should direct requests of to the Educational Services Section, Bureau of NavalPersonnel. ,
Paue 9
for courses, the men who had to leave school or who could not go to school may now prepare for better jobs and careers after thewar is over. Instead of marking time, or forgetting what they were learning before they joined the Navy, they can come out of the service even better educated than when they came in. Arrangements are even being made for students a t these Centers to convert their work to regular institutions of learning when the$ get back home againand,wantto go a n working toward high-school diplonias and college degrees. Courses are being offered in any high school or college subject which three or more students elect to take. Books are available for a wide range of subjects. Inthe Centers, more technically known as group instruction, classes are held evenings in mess halls, barracks, and special huts, and even in the open in tropical centers. A typical curriculum includes a revealing assortment of subjects: accounting, algebra, arithmetic, cabinetmaking, Diesel, English, history, navigation, physics, shorthand, Spanish, trigonometry, international code, typing, refrigeration, blueprint reading, bacteriology, public speaking, Russian, carpentry, surveying, and electricity. Almost all instructors are university-trained men, but they range from high-ranking officers to seamen second class in militarystation. If a petty officer is best qualified to teach Russian, for instance, he is selected.
stantly being sent a stream of carefully trained officer-supervisors.Onthe-spot, these officers are charged withteaching and administering of instruction in a wide variety of courses, requested by the men themselves. The task of the officer-supervisor is tosetup informal classes in these subjects, if numbers and time schedule permit, andto find competent teachers to give the courses. USUally the supervisor can himself take time out administrative from and record-keeping duties to teach one or more such classes. This officer is steward of off-duty education. He guides and counsels officers and men in the selection of correspondence courses in the United States Armed Forces Institute,and through Institute the in selecting school or college courses. During long evenings innorthernlatitudes,the Educational Service Center may be a little red schoolhousewhere men are learninglanguages by Linguaphone Records, poring over mathematics problems, reading history, listening to discussions of the latest Newsmap, carving in wood, or studying technical magazines, pocket guides, or intelligence reports. The Service Centers are the backbone of the whole program. They operate as schools, central clearinghouses for war information, guidance clinics, andculturaland vocational counseling services. They are the outposts: the answer tothe wide(Comtimued om p. 53)
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BATIZE OF MIDWAY, 3-6 June 1942: A squadron of Douglas Devastator torpedo bombers unfoldtheir wings before take-off. It is 4 June. Before the battle ends, the Enterprise will have scored one of her biggest successes. Her Devastators, Dauntlesses, and Grumman Wildcats will make four separate attacks on enemys invasion the fleets. I n one attack alone, 33 of her planes will send eight bombs onto one carrier,three on other.Both carriers eventually sank.
During the Battle of Midway, Enterprises aircraft got five direct hits on a Japanese cruiser of the Mogami class, left her (photo) dead in thewater. Also, 17 of Enterprises planes, with seven from another carrier, screamed down out of the sun to hit a battleship with two bombs, a carrier with six.\ The carrier, Soryu, burst into flame from stem to stern and sank. Also, six fighters from the Enterprise strafed two destroyers a t point blank range.
1942: After covering the first Marine landings in the Solomons, the Enterprise took part in a battle comparable to Midway in scope, ferocity and importance. A 3ap force of carriers, battleships, cruisers, destroyers, etc., etc., attempted to retake Guadalcanal. During the action, the Enterprise knocked down 30 Japanese planes while successfully warding off an enemy dive bombing attack.She is underattack in this photograph. Her air groups, with others of the Navy, Marines, and Army, turned back the enemy.
BATTLE OF SANTA CRUZ, 26 October 1942: When the famous battleship called Old Nameless, Big Bastard or simply X shot down 32 Japanese planes with antiaircraft fire, the Enterprise was beside her. ,Under constant menace from enemy dive bombers and torpedoes, the Enterprise that day brought down 63. planes, 30 by photograph ack-ack and 33 by her own planes. Th~s shows the Enterprise under theantiaircraftbarrage thrown up by the battleship. After this most determined Japanese effort to sink her, the Enterprise retiredfor repairs. She was back fighting theJaps 2 weeks later when, beginning November 13, the enemy made another unsuccessful effort to retakeGuadalcanal.
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1. A PHARMACISTS MATE, simulatimg a castaway, 2. HE SQUEEZES the upper portionof the bag, which l comtaims a filter sack, iz order to disperse the performs thefirst step in a newprocess transformThis step removesthe chemical inthewater, ing sea water ircto lifesauing drink.Scooping chlorides (salt), water out of the sea into a plastic bag, he introduces a small quantity of chemical.
The Navy hopes to complete experiments this month that will lead to equipping all lifeboats and rafts with a standard process for the elimination of salt fromsea water which then could be used for drinking by shipwrecked survivors. A simple and effective method of making sea water safe to drink was perfected recently at the Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Md., and will be included in tests of several processes to be made under actual emergency conditions during the nextfew weeks. This new method of chemical desalination,announced by Rear Admiral Ross T. McIntire, Surgeon General of the Navy, appears to be the most practicable method of producing drinkable water from the sea of any yet devised except distillation. Equipment consists of two chemical compounds,compressed to soap-bar size, and four plastic bags. Each bag has a capacity of slightly more than 1 quart. This is how the transformation works :
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USS ARGONAUT: W7ith her oficersa d me*, she met a heros death.
With no regard for personal safety and in the of imminent death the face officers and crew accepted destruction rather thansurrender. So stated Rear Admiral Charles A. Lockwood. USN, in identical posthumous letters of commendation t o men of the American submarine Argonaut destroyed during an attack on a Japanese convoy last winter. On patrol against enemy shipping lanes, the Argonaut, largest undersea raider in theU.S. Navy, intercepted a Jap convoy not farfrom Rabaul, New Britain, and successfully torpedoed an enemy destroyer. During a severe counter attack, the American U-boat was depth-charged and forced to the surface where, rather than run up the white flag of surrender, her officers and men elected to fight out with superior it the enemy force. An Army reconnaissance plane, reporting the action, saidshe was blown to the surface, shelled during the fight and destroyed. This, said Rear Admiral Lockwood, is symbolic of the courageous, determined and aggressive conduct and spirit of self-sacrifice of the submarine personnel and serves as an inspiration to other submarines. Prior to her destruction, the Argonaut participated in a raidon Makin in theGilbert Islands in which a Marine Raider Battalion transported by submarines staged a successful attack against a Japanese seaplane base. The identical letters o f commendation said: His performance of duty was an important and material contribution to thecourageous and determined attackagainstsuperior enemy forces. The Commander Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet (Admiral Lockwood), is pleased to forward this commendation on splendid performance of duty which was in keeping with the highest traditions of the Naval service. Commanding Officer of the Argo-
naut was Lt. Comdr. John R. Pierce, USN, 37, and herEkecutive Ofacerwas Lt. Robert N. Robertson, USN, 31, a survivor of the Squalus, which sank, but was later raised, off Portsmouth,
In addition to the Commanding and Executive Officers, the following officers and men received letters of commendation: Lts. Forrest w. Simoneau, USN; John L Everett, Jr., USNR; Gordon A. . Bowker, USNR; Robert W. Allen, USNR. Lt. (jg) Blaine G. Miltner, USN. Ens. George H. Kocis, USN. Charles H. Alexander, Ylc, USN; Robert Dean Alexander, QM2c, USN; Charles Hugh Baker, CMoMM, USN; Robert Norman Ball, Slc, USN; Thomas Walter Beecham, CEM, USN; Marcelino Taclob Bergado, StMlc, USNR; Milton Victor Brown, Mo2c, USN; John Ben Bodak, MoMMSc, USN; Frank Howard Bowers, Flc, VSN; Robert Henry Boyt, CMoMM, urn; Malcom Marion Brooks, MoMMSc, USN; Crawford Keller Campbell, MoMM~c, urn; Stanley Herbert Carlisle, MoMMlc, USN; Walter Arnoldus Cartmell, CNoMM, USN; Charles Joseph Cerrinack, CGM, USN; Ivan Bush Corbin, RMlc, USN; Alfred Cox, F2c, USN; Rodney Charles Davidson, GM3c, USN; Warren Walter Davis, S ~ C , ; m Donald Henry Dischner, MoMM2c, USN; Dario Frank Facchini, MoMMSc, OSN; John Ferentz, S~C, USNR; Charles Venable Ferguson, Slc, USNR; George William Finley, BM2c, USN; William Daniel Fitzgerald, GMlc, USN; John Gasko, EM2c, USN; John Adam Gilliland, Jr., Slc, USN; Ray Lester Goshorn, GMlc, UsN; Virgil Eugene Hall, S ~ C , USNR;Edward John Hansen, EMSc, USN; Robert Norris Harbison, TM3c, USNR; Ernest Hutton Harrison, SClc, USNR; Dennis Russell Hartman, MoMMac, UsN; .Francis MarionHogg, MoMMac, USN; Billy John Hudson, RMlc, WSN; Ray USNR; George Stanley Hunter, S ~ C , Jenkins, CQM, urn; Gerald Kaplan, SSc, USNR;Frederick Graybill Kaylor, PhMlc, USN; James Arthur Kelley,
N. H.
MoMMlc, USN; Harold Kessinger, SClc, USN; ArthurLanham Knapp, QM3c, USN; Frank Manley Koller, TM3c, USN; Guy EdwinLauder, TM2c, USN; George Elmer Lay, MoMMSc, USN; Charles Cecil Leaverton, EMlc, urn; Kenneth Richard Legler, RM3c. USN; Lawrence Dewain Leland, CRM, USN; Frederick Henderson Lewis, EM3c, USN; George A. Lockey, EMZc, USN; Harold Luke Logan, CMoMM, USN; Zody Leyritana U s Banes, StMlc, USNR;Elmo McCIelland, EM3c. USIN; Richard Martin Maloney, Jr.. TMlc, USN; Paulino Pascual Martin, StMac, USNR; RobertHenry Miller, EMSc, USN; Walter Fred Miller, Jr., Slc, USNR; Thomas Moore Morgan. Myers, Jr., FC3c, USN; William~Hugh Thomas Anthony Narrow, Slc, m; Jr., Slc, m ; Roland Franklin Nichols, E M ~ c ,USN; Percy James Olds. OS~C, USN; Billie Butler Parker, Slc, USN; Theodore Parker, MoMM2c, USN; Rolla Parsons, Jr., RNISc, USN; James Wallace Peevey, EM3c, USN; Wayne Louis Pritchard, Flc, USN; Alfred John Rasimas, CEM, USN; Paul Byron Remillard, SMSc, urn; Harold Lomani Mann Rolland, CGM, USN; Gerald Rollins, Slc, USN; Lupe Romero, CCS, USN; Marion Francis Roup, MoMMlc, USN; James Rule, MoMMac, USN; Fred Edsel Schempp, TM3c, urn; Walter Francis Seidman, RM3c, USN; Hugo Joseph Serafini, MoMMac, USN; David. Carrol Sheeks, Y ~ cUSN; Elwin Wil, liam Sigler, MoMMlc, USN; Thomas Luther Smith, CBM, USN; John Robert Spaeth, MoMM2c, USN; Jason Stanley, GM2c, USN; David Willie Thomas, OC2c, USN; Henry John Tinling, Slc, USN; Julius Vesmas, GMlc, USN; William Edward Vierling, MoMMlc, USN; EarleJentoft Wagner. USN; MOMM~C, William George Wehner, Flc, USNR; Clifford Charles White. Jr., TM2c, USN; Thomas Allen White, Slc, USN; Roy Windfred Williams, TM3c, USN; William Denman Winsor, GMlc, USN;Robert Donald Wylie, Flc, USN, and Edward Lawrence Zints,
Sck, USN.
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Life rafts and boats pull away from the sinking merchantman
other torpedoed United Nations vessel, bringing to 235 the number of men rescued. Under command of Corn&. Roy
Raney the cutter was proceeding with the convoy One night when a pack Of enemy U-boats launched their a t t a ck. Without Warning all enemy submarine Sent a torpedo crashing into the side of a large American merchant ship, forc-
ing its crew to take to boats and rafts which they rode for 5 hours in the rough sea and cold. When the cutter came upon survivors they were falling off rafts, dying aboard boats, and slipping beneath the waves. Some were SO weak they were unable to grablife-lines and Coast Guardsmen, despite thefoul weather, dived in the sea, tying lines around the men SO they could be hauled t o safety.
Fiue hours later a Coast Guard cutter risks torpedokg to pick up survivors from the freezisg North Atlastic.
Seabee in oueralls, left, arriues at South Pacific base; Seabee irt heavy coat, right, watches mechanical shovel dig earth at Adak, last stop before Attu.
Page 18
conditions on strange and foreign shores. His training includes lectures and Aeld follow-up on military courtesy, extended order drills for squad and platoon together with combat signals, scouting ,and patrolling, fire distribution, control and fire orders, security on haltand march. He is carefully trained in deployment from aircraft and use of rifle for antiaircraft fire.He learnsbattalion field maneuvers in heavily wooded terrain. He is given carefully supervised instructionon bayonet use and drill, grenade instructions, commando tactics. He learns t o defend himself through judo in unarmed defense and hand-to-hand combat. He is given instructions in field fortifications, booby traps, jungle warfare, and trail cutting. He learns first aid under the careful guidance of competent instructors. He learns the care and use of machine guns, mortars, automatic rifles, and submachine guns. He is given careful instruction and drill in chemical warfare, gas, etc. He may be selected for a school offering courses in electricity, refrigeration, diving, passive defense, signaling, photography, gas engine and mobile equipment, welding, rigging, drafting, radio, earth-moving equipment, Piping and heating,and many others too numerous to mention. He is thoroughly trained and familiarized with advance-base equipment and other problems pertaining to his specialist duty. To sum it all up, the Seabee is as well trained and well equipped a fighting and construction man as the world has ever seen. He is truly Prepared for action, be it of a civil or a warlike nature. His motto, Construimus Batuimus, really means what it says: We can build; We can fight. The Seabees were inthe North African movement which finally terminated in victory in Tunisia. They have taken over the public works maintenance and operation of Navy bases in the United Kingdom. They arein Iceland -to insure the more rapid completion of the Navys facilities inthat country. They arein Argentia, Bermuda, Trinidad. They havetaken over the advance base construction t h ro u g h o u t Alaska. Their work at Guadalcanal, where theyconstructed Henderson airfield and performed otherfeats of engineering, will long be remembered. They have constructed and continue t o construct advance base facilities for our fleets throughout the South Pacific. The Seabees have further cause for pride both in .,their phenomenal growth and in the factthat their proportion of rated men, with come,spondingly higher pay, far exceeds that of any other branchof the Navy. Official U. S. Savy Pllotoglxph. Although the growth of the SeaAt Camp Peary, Va., Specia2 Battalions of Seabees are trained t o load bees has been nothing short of phe- and unload ships in record time. Geeera2 view here shows actiuities at (Continued o s p. 52) Pearys imitation dockside.
Page 19
I-. S. S a v y Photograph.
FLYZNG NOAHS ARK is one nickname for huge air tralzsport planes like this one, speeding lzeeded supplies and equipment t o units of the fleet operatircg
is a fouri n every corner of the globe. This ship motored Coromado, known in Navy circles as the PB2Y, built by Consolidated.
Navy Yards, supply centers, naval communications, commercial transportation of all kinds, the Army and Navy air services, and our Allies. More achievements of the service: Pump equipment needed for a heavy cruiser about to go into commission was found to be manufactured in several widely separated localities. By air express andtruck shipments, these parts were collected, assembled and installed in time to prevent delay in her return toactive duty. The gain in time was sufficient to have permitted this cruiser to make a round trip to the European war zone. Information was received of a
Page 20
U. S.
Kary Photographs.
A NEW ENGZNE lzeeded by one. of the Navys tactical squadrons is loaded f o r immediate delivery. T h e covering is pliofilm to protect the machinery from the corrosive actiolz of the salt air;
crankshaftfailureon a smallseaplane tender. Two days later a new crankshaft with two representatives of the Bureau of Ships and a factory representative arrived at a Caribbean base. With only limited facilities available, the crankshaft was renewed. The ship was back in service 10 days later. One afternoon word was received from the air command in the South Pacific of the need for engine parts foraircraft rescue boats. The material was located in a Pennsylvania supply depot and shipped by air the same afternoon, permitting the continuance of air operations in that area.
pla~e engine to Africa, blood plasma to the Aleutians. This pictureshows the insideof one of the Navycargo planes built byDouglas. The replacement a conning tower establishments. And transportation of door frame was necessary while a of men and materiel by naval a v h submarine was undergoing overhaul tion over most of the world will bein an overseasAllied dockyard. Re- come a reality. placement parts weighing 500 pounds There will be three main divisions: were delivered within 48 hours to the Atlantic, serving the Atlantic coasts fpreign port and were on hand before of North, Central, and South Amerthe removal of the damaged door ica, extending across the ocean to frame was completed. Europe and South Africa, with headquarters at the Naval Air Station, NATS To Have Patuxent River, Maryland. West Coast, operating transcontiThree Main Divisions nental service, and serving western The seven NATS squadrons in com- Canada and Alaska from headquarmission soon will be 10. Several hun- ters in Alameda, Calif. dred air cargo carriers, both land and Pacific, operating primarily to the available. The Pacific southwest, with headquarters sea planes, will be service will be integrated with naval at Pearl Harbor.
PB2Y in Flight
. Page 21
page: at the left is the crownimg imhis How Wolf hero. the lived through two face-liftimgs is show* sult, Navy the wolfimg a d the im the metamorphosis at the bottom Armygettingtheblame. At the of this page-the one at the left be- right is displayed mice piece of aba img the first appearance of the wolf breviatimg tirtuosity. Im the cemter head om 5 August 1942 im Duck- is the Wolf himself, as drawm by board, the paper at Fort Belvoir, Samsome especially for the ImformaVa., a d the one at the rightbeimg tiom Bulletim. typical of the weekly panel Sansome Not that the Wolf is somethimg. mow prepares for the Camp Newsmew im- Naval history. Opposite paper Service, distributed t o Army of publicatioms. I n betweem i s a way- page 128 Capt. Leland P. Louettes book,NavalCustoms, Traditions stop. How Navy mem have takem over a d Usage, is a picture of Jack on the Wolf as their owm is indicated a Cruise? c. 1780, which has, so t o im the cartoorcs at the top of the speak, much the same idea.
What would like yo@ tortight?
Heres agood
book4.f you care f o r women!
to do
Page 22
AIRCRAFT us. SUBMARINES: This drawing of a British Sunderland flying boat attacking an enemy subU . s. Navy marine can be used to illustrate three similar feats of courage and skillperformedrecentlyby airmen. The story below tells how U . S. planes sank their subs.
Page 23
Dowm this column: Captured, German films. An enemy sub commander prepares to attack.
Down thiscolumn: Pictures from movie on D-Es: This is Rear Admiral E . L. Cochrane.
Nazi U-boat officers salute on their return from a raid on Allied shippilzg. Page 24
Therequest will be forwarded to the film distributor in the locality of the plant. Company officials then will be contacted by a respresentative of the film distributor to arrange the loan of the motion picture. Once a plant has indicated to the Industrial in Incentive Division its interest showing incentive films, and hasbeen approved, the plantmay deal directly with the distributor for all future film showings. The distributor for the Division is permitted to make a nominal charge of $1plus transportation .charges, to cover cost of handling, insurance, inspection, and general maintenance of the films and the charge covers three reels or less in any one shipment. Arrangements also have been made with the film distributors to furnish 16-mm projectors and experienced projectionists where plants and shipyards do nothave projection facilities available for showings. This service will ba furnished at a reasonable cost upon request. These projection points have been established in 300 localities. Distributors also will assist plant operators in arranging locations for
(Continued OB p. 28)
Twenty D-Es like this, said Secretary Knox, were to be ready f o r their rrshakedowmslast month.
Oficers and men of the Americansubmarine which sank 10 Japanese .vessels recently paused in their trwork,, for this picture. From left t o right: Lts. Franz P. Hoskins, Tacomu, Wash.; Charles K . Miller,. Williamsport, Pa.; Charles Mawzing, Cheraw, S. C.; Luther R. Johnson, Atlanta, Ga.; William Rube, Emmaus Pa., atzd Lt. Comdr. William E. Ferrall, Pittsburgh, Pa., comm.a&ingofficer.
We Fired One TorpedoAnd With It, the U. S. Submarine Sank the Jap Sub-In Jap Waters
A lone American submarine, preyingonJapaneseshippinglanesto .Indochina and in the South Pacific since shortly after Pearl Harbor, sent 1 enemy vessels totaling more than 0 50,000 tons to the bottom. Hercommanding. officer, Lt. Comdr. William Edward Ferrall, USN, announced the scorecard of the sub included 7 Japanese cargo ships carrying supplies, 2 troop transports carrying reinforcements and 1 submarine sunk. Beginning her odyssey the day the !Japanese bombed the Cavite Naval Base, the submarine put to sea after suffering slight damage and proceeded to Manilafor repairs. ContinuedJapaneseairraids, however, disrupted repairs and the vessel was forced to travel to Java to complete repairs.
After she was again seaworthy the sub was placed on patrol duty to help check the Japanese push southward, but was subsequently ordered to Corregidor to assist in evacuating naval personnel during the siege of that Philippine Island fortress. She also participated in evacuations from Java when the Japanese attacked the Dutch East Indies. After a brief overhaul in Australia, the submarine resumed her patrol dutyduring which she sank the 10 enemy vessels. Describing the sinkings as routine, Lieutenant Commander Ferrallsaid that no survivors were taken off the sunken vessels because the waters in which he was operating were too dangerous and were infested with enemy shipping,
The prize sinking was the Japanese submarine, sent, to the bottom with a single torpedo shot. We came upon the Jap submarine, Mr. Ferrall said,when we were submerged and on patrol. They were on the surface and near their base and never saw us. We fired one torpedo and she filled up and sank rapidly, stern first. We didnt see any survivors and they never knew what hit them. When one J a p troop transport was torpedoed, the expl~sionblew one of the transports whale boats into the water, right side up and oars in place. When the second torpedo sank the ship, some Japs merely jumped overboard and climbed into their whale boat.
The second in a series of Navy Ci- which build such armament that we vilian Orientation Courses has been witnessed at the close of the last war. concluded at the United States Naval He also asked the civilians t o conReserve Midshipmens School, New sider seriously the belief that a strong, efficient Navy is an instrument York, N. Y. Under the immediate supervision for preserving peace as well as for of the commanding officer, Captain waging war. Many rear admirals delivered adJ. K. Richards, USN (Ret.), of the United States Naval Reserve Midship- dresses during the courses. They mens School, the civilians were sub- were: . Rear Admiral E Marquart, USN, jected to a strenuous series of lectures, motion pictures, and trips designed t o CommandantThird Naval District; give them a vivid impression of the Rear Admiral H. G. Bowen, USN, Spevast and vital job in which the Navy cial Assistant to the Under Secretary of the Navy; Rear Admiral J. M. Irish, and industry are partners. In the Mens Faculty Club of CO- USN, Supervisor of Shipbuilding in the lumbia University, lectures were New York Area; Rear Admiral Lamar given by authorities in many phases R. Leahy, USN (Ret.), President of the of Naval activity. In the closing ad- General Court Martial; Rear Admiral dress, UnderSecretary of the Navy J. A. Furer, USN, Coordinator of ReJames Forrestal stressed the impor- search andDevelopment for the Navy tance of continued good understand- Department;Rear Admiral Randall ing between the Navy and industry. Jacobs, USN, Chief of the Bureau of Naval Personnel; Rear Admiral K. C. He expressed the hope that in the peace that follows this war, we will Melhorn (MC). USN; Rear Admiral not witness the wholesale destruction Ralph Whitman, TJSN, Civil Engineering Corps; Rear Admiral W. B. of naval armament and the factories
Young, Chiefof the Bureau of S U P plies and Accounts, TJSN; Rear Admiral Ben Moreel (CEC), USN, Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks; Rear Admiral John S. McCain, USN, Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics; Rear Admiral C. E. Rosendahl, USN, Commandant, Lakehurst N. A. S.; Rear Admiral Theodore D. Ruddock, Jr., USN, Assistant Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance; Rear Admiral w. S. Pye, USN, President of the Naval War College. Many other lectures on specialized subjects were delivered by other ofEcers. Three civilian authorities contributed to thecourse. One was Prof. Charles Cheney Hyde of Columbia University, who lectured on InternationalLaw; the second, Dr. Carroll C. Pratt of Rutaers University, spoke on Methods of Waging Psychological War, and the third, Dr. A. Hoyt Taylor, on Naval Researchand Its
U. S.
Navy Photograph.
A SERlES of ciuiliam orientatiom courses i s being conducted at the U.S. Naval Reserve Midshipmens School, Columbia Umiuersity, N e w York City. Here, keymem from Americamindustryarebrought into closer comtact with the work and problems of the Nauy. The courses cover a period of 2 weeks; one will begim this summer. Capt. J. K . Richards, USN (Ret.), Commanding Oficer of the school, i s showm above administerimg am oath to an earlier class by which the students afirm that they will not disclose amy comfidential informatiom they may acquire during the course. Page 26
In addition. mecia1 luncheon talks were daily features at the Columbia University Faculty Club where the civilians had their midday meals together. These talks were informal accounts of personal experiences in naval engagements inthe present war, delivered byofficerswho happened to be on temporary shore duty or enjoying leave from action. Among them were: Capt. W. B. Coleman, USN; Commander A. E. Uehlinger, USN; Commander S. R. Clark, TJSN; Lt. D. S. Edwards, USN; Captain N. V. Van Bergen, USN; Capt.Paul Pihl, urn; Commander P. J. Wright, urn; Lt. Noel A. M. Gaylor, USN; Commander L. S. Parks, TJSN; Capt. P. Frend (RN.). Commander E. A. Solomons, USN; Commander W. C. Ford, TJSN; Commander C. A. Petersen, TJSN; Lt. Comdr. F. E. Shoup, USN; Lt. Comdr. Morgan Slayton, USN; and First Lt. H. L. Merillat, umc. Perhaps the most lasting impressions of the huge job that the Navy is doing were gained from field trips tothe Brooklyn Navy Yard, where men-of-war of various types, were visited; Floyd Bennett Field; and the New London Submarine Base, where all members of the class were taken out in submarines. I n spite of the strenuous nature of the Civilian Orientation Course, the members of the class grew more and more enthusiastic about it as the days went by.
-Latest chapterthe in story of for theirpart in beating off a German boro, Ga. Theirship was the S. S. Armed Guard units manning United U-boat in a surface duel in the Columbian, a 30-year-old vessel. Statesmerchantmen is that of the Atlantic. ms. Merrill R. Stone, USNR,Nashcrew aboard the Liberty ship William The submarine, her deck swept ville, Tenn., and William H. Albright, Moultrie. For a week the convoy in which the clean by machine-gun fire and suf-. Cox., urn, Elizabeth, N. J., were William Moultrie sailed was under fering froma direct hit made at point awarded the Silver Star medal for , almost uninterrupted attack from blank range just below the conning Letters of commendation also went Nazi planes and submarines. In the-course. of the long- running tower, was left dead in the water to Joseph S. Lambert, Slc, Chicago; battle, the Moultries gun crew: (1) and in a seriously damaged condi- Ill.; Lowell C. Robinson, Slc, Candtion. Themerchantship was un- ler, N. C.; CharlesClayton Spivey, shot down - 8 . enemy bombers; (2) damaged 12 others by hits; (3) by ac- damaged. Navy casualities: A blis- Slc, FXher,N. C.; Robert J. Walters, curate gun fire forced a sub to flee; tered arm fora gunner, when a tracer and (4) trained their guns on a shell grazed him; thestrap of an- Slc, Williamsport, Pa.;Sam Brack Watlington, Slc, Fort Benning, Ga.;. torpedo racing through the water toby Dave Phillip Whittemore, Slc, Jackward the ship, causing it to .explode others safety jacket cut a bullet. The twins were Deonard Joel sonville, ma., and Walter Lee Wyatt, before it could reach its target. The Moultrie-a n e wv e s s e l and Leonard John Sanders of Tooms- Slc, Abington, Va. . launched in May, 1942-delivered the goods unharmed. For- his part in the action against the enemy raiders, the ofacer in charge of the Moultries gun crew, Ehs. Jeremiah T. Mahoney, USNR, New York City, was awarded the Silver Star medal. These 24 enlisted members of the crew have been awarded identical letters of commendation by..the Chief ,of Naval Personnel. William Robert Abbott, BM2c, Quincy, Mass.; James William Bragg, jr., Slc, New Market, Ala.; Timothy Benedict Lenihan, Slc, Kansas City, Kan.; Rex Lee Malone, Slc, Quinton, Okla.; Raymond Albert Moore, Slc, Snyder, Tex.; John Henry Buckner, S ~ CFountain City, Tenn.; Edward , Joseph Conway, S ~ CChicago, Ill.; , Doniphan, Hasten Leland Crim, S ~ C , Mo.; Oral Bley Hallows, S ~ C , Bunker Hill, Ill.; Elmer Russel Hartgrave, S~C, Pioneerville, Idaho; Lester Ode11 Henson, Sac, Russellville,Ala.;Kyle Greenville, Tenn.; Kinsel Kelley, S ~ C , John Paul Koss, S ~ C , Greenville, Pa.; Stanley Vernon Leifheit, S ~ C , Hamilton, 0.; Richard Lowe, S ~ C San , Antonio, Tex.; Happy Howard Miles, S~C, Tyler, Tex.; Ernest Earl Moore, S ~ CKinta, Okla.; Donald Eugene , Smith, S ~ CMarion, Indiana; Ray, mond Phillip Tapscott, S ~ C , Chicago, S~C, Ill.; Gordon Otis Thurston, Shelbyville, Indiana; Fred Cliner Tittle, S ~ C , Dalhi, Calif.; William Eugene Turner, S ~ C ,Indianapolis, Ind.; Cleveland, Peter Gene Wanson, S ~ C , 0.; Omer Lester West, S ~ C , Moberly, Mo. Double Trouble-For Enemy Twin brothers were among nine members of an Armed Guard crew aboard an American merchant vessel whoreceived letters of commenda- Om the Double: A Nauy gum crewaboardam Americam merchamtmam tion by Secretary of the Navy Knox races to i t s gum positiom.
Page 27
(Colztilzued from p. 24) showings where no suitable auditorium is available. Requests for use of film should be accompanied by information as to whether the company has its own projection equipment or wishes to make arrangements to rent such facilities fromthedistributor. Also, whether 16-mm or 35-mm film is requested. The following films, all with sound, are ready for distribution while still others are tobe produced in the near future,: FULL SPEED AHEAD-18 minutes-produced primarily for showings at shipyards building the Navys Destroyer Escort vessels and plants making DE component parts. It contains interesting captured German U-boat films, dramatic scenes of warfare on the seas, together with first motion pictures of the new DES. Photographs with this article are from this film. THIS ISGUADALCANAL-20 minutes-a dramatic story life with the of Marines in the South Seas from the time they departed for Guadalcanal to the day they left the conquered island in the hands of the Army, to embark for a well-earned rest. Comis Major mentatorforthispicture Donald L. Dickson who was with the Marines throughout their long stay on Guadalcanal. THE NAVY FLIES ON-18 minutes-hitherto secret films from the Navys Bureau of Aeronautics which tell thedramatic history of Naval Aviation through the experimental years. when pioneersgambled with their lives to the present high development of planes and aircraft carriers.
The main school building at the Submarine School, New London, Conn., Gilmore Hall, in honor of the late Comdr. Howard W. Gilmore, USN, whowas awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor posthumously for sacrificing his life to save his submarine and its crew from possible destruction by a Japanese gunboat. U. s. s. OToole, in honor of Ens.
John AlbertOToole, USNR, of DorChester, Mass., who posthumously received the Navy Cross after being fatally wounded in action in the performance of his duty. U. S. S. Reybold, in honor of Lt. Comdr. John Keane Reybold, OSN, of Norfolk, Va.,who was killed in action intheAtlanticarea on March 19, 1942, in the line of duty.
What About Our Girls in Uniform? What Kind of People Are They?
By Vida
J. Williamson
minutes-the poignant story of a woman who found her place in the war on the assembly line in the aircraft industry. CONQUER BY THE CLOCK (RKOPathe)-11 minutes-two short stories which reveal how American fighting men lose their lives through carelessness on the part of patriotic but thoughtless Americans. This film has been shown in commercial theaters but its message is so effective it has been included in the list fordistribution. THE LIFE AND DEATH OF THE preparation). This HORNET (in will be. the entire storyof the famous aircraftcarrier from which Major General Jimmie Doolittles planes Tokyo took off when they bombed over a year ago. The fighting career of this ship will be vividly portrayed from its launching to its glorious end. The forthcoming film subjects will beannounced a t a laterdate.
bluntly, dumb questions. Our soldiers are the same sort of people as our American youth and young men-because they ARE these; and almost all of them at that! They are good, they are bad, they are indifferent. Mostly, through a longperiod of propaganda, we kind of idolize them in a way-but that doesnt make them any different; they are still just ALL of our American men. Thenwhataboutthe WAACS andthe WAVES? Well, the same holds true; they are ,our Americanwomen.Not what womenused to be-they are modern American women. Better? Worse? Well, who knows? But whetherbetter or worse, they are still our women, and NO DIFFERENT IN UNIFORMTHAN OUT, except that theyhave more careful training there, more careful supervlsion, and MUCH harder work. You know they say- Have you heard-? But I heard- BUZZ-bUZZ-ZZ~ Yes, weve heard; and, yes, we know they say-. We also know that all such sayings and rumors should correctly close with a click of the heels, an outstretched arm anda guttural Heil! Women of known bad character are not accepted in these organizations-but then neither are women of known bad character accepted in our clubs, schools,or coIleges-yet in allof these there are the circumspect, the careless, and even the daring-thegood, the bad, and the indifferent. THESE S A M E WOMEN ARE I N O m COUNTRYS UNIFORM; that you or I-anyofu-hould repeat a rumor that would besmirch the honor of that uniform is thoughtless treason. That any of us who are women should do this is double treason-treason against theuniform of our country and treason against our sex. Certainly there will be isolated cases of indiscretion: I dont personally know of any and have not personally heard of any except the propaganda type described above; but,.to quote our own editorial of a couple of weeks ago: The WAVES and WAACS arenot God AMighty. A woman!mustbe 20 years old to join the WAVES. I f you want t@ know what sort of women belong, then look about you at the women 20 years old and above; vision them with a little more energy, a little more vitality, a littlemore ambition, a little more love of country perhaps than most; add a lot of training; a lot of discipline; the effect of a lot of daily hard work on character, and youll know what sort of women make up our Women in Uniform. Did you stop last week and pick up a soldier boy, ask him about his folks, and think: Such A Fine Fellow, so far away from home; I just want todo something for him. If you did, that was fine. Did you see a lovely young woman in uniform walk down the street last week, and did you step back a little, stare curiously and whisper to your companion-maybe snicker a little? If you did t h a h s p e c i a l l y if you yourself are a woman-then SHAME! Most of us in Carroll County have seen only a few womenin uniformoccasionally a t a patriotic meeting; in a railroad station, a bus station, or Some eating place-but, have you noticed the dignified bearing, the orderly appearance, the correctness of behavior that always characterizes them? Thats training-its good training. We ,,could stand a little of it for ourselves.
(In the Carroll County Democrat, of Huntingdon, Tenn.) Thesequestions have been heard by everyone. Theyare, to put it
Page 28
[NOTESubstitute this
sheet for pages 2 9 and 30. Original pages contain confusing printers errors and should be destroyed.]
The following list, third ina series setting forthphrases in languages common to areas in which the Navy is operating, isdesigned for Naval personnel interested in acquiring a limited knowledge of certain phrases. It was prepared by the Language Unit of the Educational f Services Section o the Training Division. I n May the INFORMATION published a Japanese Phrase List; BULLETIN in June, Spanish. It is planned to publish a Portuguese word list in August. After exhausting the possibilities of this phrase list, personnel interested in the Navy Language Program may familiarize themselves with the article, Language Program Expanded, in the March 15 issue of the TraDiv Letter, page 35.
Thank you Dont mention it Understand me? Yes No I want cigarettes accommodations toeat to sleep to bathe What is it? What is this?
The column indicating how to say the French expression is only an approximation. I the following hints are taken into consideration f the result will be quite understandable by a Frenchspeaking person : 1. Do not pronounce the Anal ng of ang or ong. 2 Where 00occurs to represent the sound of the . vowel u in the French word, it should be pronounced by pronouncing the English ee with the lips rounded and extended as far to the front as possible.
Donnez-moi une coupe Salle de danse Mbdecin Pharmacie Garage
Note on Pronunciation
Mair-see Sahl der dong-as kooP Dance hall Der ree-ang Doctor maid-sang Kong-prer-nay voo Drug Store Fahr-mah-see We Oui Garage Gah-rahj Nong Non CinBma Movie See-nay-mah Jer ver Res-toh-rong Jeveux Restaurant Restaurant see-gah-ret cigarettes Shoe maker Cordonnier Kohr-don-yay lohj-mong logement Tailor Tailleur Ty-yer mong-jay manger dohr-meer dormir Pronouns mer ben-yay me baigner Prepositions I Je Jer Kess-ker-say LQuest que cest? YOU vous voo From De Der Kess-ker-say-kerAQuest que cest He I1 Son, Sa, SesSong, Eel In Dans Dong que ceci? ser-see His, her, Inside Dedana Der-dong Kess-ker-say-keriQuest que cest What is that? hers h Y o f De Der ser-lah que cela? 5he Elle El On Sur Soor Pahr-lay-voo LParlez-vow? DO you s p e a 11% Elles Eel, El They To A Ah franpais frong-say French Me Me, Moi Mer, Mwah With Avec Ah-vek anglais ong-glay English M Y Man, Ma, Mong,&h, Without Sans Song Come out ~Sortez! Sohr-tay May Mes We i Combien Kong-bee-ang Nous How many Your dhommes dum men Votr, Votre. vos No0 voh Conjunctions OUr avec vous? ah-vek voo with you? Notre, nos Notr, noh Their Leur Comment dit-on Kom-mong dee-tong How do you say i n Ler And Et Eh These Ces French? en franpais? ong frong-say As C o m e Com Who? I have Jai ;Qui? Kee Say But Mais May %:-nay-pah I have not Je nai pas What? iQuoi? Kwah ~. See Tf Si I am hungry . Jai faim Jay fang Oil 00 or When? iQuand? Kong I am thirsty Jai soif Jay swahf Pahrss Because Parce LOU? Where? Why? ipourquoi? 00 Poor-kwah I do understand Jer koag-prong Je comprends que ker I dont understand Je ne comprends Jer-ner kong-prong Pah Pas How many?i Combien? Rong-beeMan (Mister) Homme (Monsieur) Om (Merss-yer) Adjectives Boh-koo Much Beaucoup Who, whkh,Qui, que Kee, ker ang Mademoiselle Mad-mwah-zel Miss that Long Long Long Jai besoin de . . I need Jay ber-zwang der.. Short Court Koor Days of theWeek Un habit Ern ah-bee A suit Red Rouge Rooj Une couverture A blanket Ooon koo-ver-toor Bler Blue Bleu Day Sunday jour dimanche Dee-mongsh Joor Please Sil vous plait See1voo play Green Vert Vair Here Ee-see ICi Monday lundi Yellowr Jaune Joan Lerndee Ah-say ASSeZ Enough Tuesday mardi Black Noir Nwahr Mahr-dee i Comment allezKom-mong tal-lay How areyou? Wednesday mercredi Mair-krerWhite Blanc Blong VOUS? voo Bong Good Bon iTr& bien Tray bee-ang Verywell Mauvais Moh-vay Bad Thursday jeudi Jer-dee dee mair-see merci thank you Small Petit Per-tee Friday vendredi Vong-dredet vous? ay voo and you? Sick Malade Mah-lahd dee Bonsoir Good Evening Bon-swahr Well Bien Saturday samedi Sahm-dee Bee-ang Good Afternoon Bonjour Bon-jmr High Haut Oh Months GoodNight Bonne nuit Bun-nwee LOW Bah Bas January janvier Jong-vee-ay Hello (Good day or Bonjour Bon-joor Cold Froid Frwah February f6vrier Fay-vree-ay Good morning) Hot Chaud Shoh March mars My name is - Je mappelle Mahrss Jer mah-pelWet Mouill6 Moo-yay April avril Comment vous What is your namei Kom-mong voo Ah-vreel Sek Sec Dry mai May appeles-vous? zah-play-voo? June juin May Joo-ang A bient6t Until later Ah bee-ang-toh HumanBody August July aodt juillet Jwee-ay Temps Tong Weather September septembre Sep-tong-br 00 toiles AY-twahl Stars Bras Brah Arm Solei1 Soh-lay-ee Sun Back DOS Doh October octobre Ok-tobr Eel fay shoh I fait chaud 1 It is hot corps Kor November novembre Noh-vongI fait froid 1 Eel fay frwah It is cold Oreille Or-aye !Ey Vong Vent Wind Oeil Er-ye Eye December d6cembre Day-song-br br Finger Doigt Ay-gleez Dwah kglise Church Distances Pee-ay Veel Foot Pied Ville City or town CneveuX Sher-ver Mahr-shy Hair Distances are often given in Market March6 Hand Main Mang kilometers, not mlles. 1 kilometer Pohst Poste Postoffice squals y8 of a mile. Tet Head Tste Gahr Gare Station (Railroad) Kilometers Rilom6tres Kee-lohJambe Jomb Roo Rue Street Bouche Boosh %th Tay-lay-fohn metr T616phone Telephone Koo Neck cou [nch Pouce Vee-lahj Pooss Village Village Nose Nee ?oot Boo-long-jay Pied Pee-ay Boulanger Nay Baker Teeth Dents Mile Cwah-fer Mille Meel Coiffeur Dong Barber
Useful Phrases
Merci De rien
Give me a haircut
i Comprenez-vous?
Page 29
[NOTESubstitute this sheet for pages 29 and 30. Original pages contain confusing printer's errors
and should be destroyed.]
Sailor Officer Dock Ocean Cable Chart Depart Port (harbor) Ship Submarine Matelot OWcier Dock O&an Cable Carte Partir Port Navire Sous-marin Mat-loh Off-feess-yay Dok Oh-say-ong Kah-bl Kahrt Pahr-teer Pohr Nah-veer Sooh-mahrang
Ammunition Munitions Bomb Eombe Cannon Kah-nong Canon Arrstez-vous! Halt ! Who's there? Qui est I&? Parachute Parachute Avi6n Plane Fusil Rifle Guerre War Moo-nees-yong Bomb Ah-ret-ay-voo; Kee ay lah Pah-rah-shoot Av-yong Foo-zeel Gair
Franc (100cenFranc Frong times=2 cents) So0 Sou ( 5 centimes= Sou 1/10 cent) Centime (1/W c e n t ) a n t i m e Song-teem
How much?
Combien? Kong-bee-ang
Kell err ay-teel ~Quelle heure est-il? Ee ah-tee1 ah-say ;Y a-t-il assez de der tong " temps? Mee-dee Noon Midi Meen-wee Midnight Eel ay-toon-err It is 1:OO A. M. I1 est une heure It is 1:OO P.M. I1 est treize heures Eel ay tray-eerr It is 1:lO I1 est une heure dix Eel ay-toon err deess Eel ay trwah zerr It is 3:oo fl trois est heures Eel ay sank err It is 5:OO I1 cinq est heures Eel ay weet err kanz It is 8:15 I1 est huit heures quinze Eel ay deez-err I1 est dix heures It is 1o:oo Eel ay weet err I1 est huit heures It is 7:40 mwang vang moins vingt I1 est neuf heures Eel ay ner-verr vangIt is 9:25 Sank vingt-cinq Eel ay tong-zerr ay It is 1l:SO I1 est onze h e m s der-mee et demie Ah-pray der-mang m y after tomorrow Apres-demain Ah-vong ee-yair Day before yester- Avant-hier day Swahr Soir Evening Mwah Mois Month Nwee Nuit Night Mang-ter-nong Maintenant Now Ser-men Semaine Week An ong Year Mee-noot Minute Minute Moh-mong Moment Moment Oh-joor-dwee Aujourd'hui Today Der-mang Demain Tomorrow Ee-yair Hier Yesterday Kong i Quand When pahr part sails ler nah-veer le navire? the ship? What time is it? Is there time? One-half
0 1 2 3 4
Demi Zero Un Deux Trois Quatre Cinq Six Sept Huit Neuf Dix Onee Dome Treiee Quatorze Quinze Seize Dix-sept Dix-huit Dix-neuf Vingt Vingt-et-un Trente Trente-deux Quarante Cinquante Saixante Soixante-dix Quatre-vingts Quatre-vingt-dix Cent Cent soixante-cinq Mille
10 11 12
14 15 16
19 20 21 30 32 40 50
Der-mee Zay-ro Ern Der Trwah Kah-tr Sank Seess Set Weet Nerf Deess One Trayz Kah-tom Kane ' ,Say2 Deess-set Deez-weet Deez-nerf Vang Vang-tay-ern Tront Tront-der Kah-ront Sang-kont Swah-sont Swah-sont-deess Kahtr-vang Kahtr-vane-deess Song Song sw'ah-sont-sank Meel
m z
17 18
70 80
90 100 165
I am sick. Je suis malade Are you sick? zfites-vous malade? I have a pain i n my J'ai mal d'estomac stomach Couchez-vous! Lie down! I need a purgative I1 me faut un purgatif Give me some quiDonnez-moi de la nine quinine Chill; cold; conF'risson; rhume; tagious contagieux Illness; indigestion Maladie; dyspepsie
Meat Milk Potatoes Rice minking water Food Matches Oranges Pipe Salt sugar T~bacco Tomatoes Wine
Couteau Fourchette Cuillere Une tasse de cafe de th6 Un verre de biere Haricots Pain Beurre Oeuf Poisson Viande Lait Pommes de terre Riz Eau potable Nourriture Allumette Orange Pipe
Koo-toh Foor-shet Kwee-yer Oon-tass der kah-fay dey Ern ver der bee-air Ah-ree-koh Pang Berr Erf Pwah-song Vee-ond Lay Pom der tair Ree Oh poh-tah-bl Noo-ree-toor Ah-loo-met Oh-rongj Peep Sell Sookr Tah-bak Tohm-maht Vang
Jer swee mah-lahd Ayt-voo m h - l a M Jay mahl des-to-ma$. Koo-shay-voo Eel mer foh ern poor-gah-teef Don-naY-mwah der lah kee-neen Free-song; room; cong-tahj-yer Mah-lah-dee; deesspep-see Greep; maid-seen pwah-zong; [mong ong-pwah-zonOh ser-koor
Are you hurt? My arm is broken
I am wounded
Go straight ahead To the left To the right Where is the soldier? the station? Allez tout droit A gauche A droite im ' e s t le soldat? la gare? Ah-lay too drwah Ah gohsh Ah drwaht 00 ay ler sohl-dah lah gahr
Ett-voo bless-say Mong brah ay c a s say Jer swee blessday Je suis bless6 oh pee-ay a u pied a h I s h tet a la tete ee-see ici jpouvez-vous panser Poo-vay-voo pongsay oon bless-mor une blessure?
Ahs-pee-reen; bondahJ Ee-od; ee-od-ohform Kee-neen
Page 30
repairs weremade. Resides her at the left is the Tennessee which was not so seriouslydamaged. Note the scout plane in the right-hand corner beupside down. Today, the neath the gun turret, rWest Virginia returned t o sea. has
T H E CALIFORNIA, seriously crippled, was also reclaimed by Navy salvage teams. At left: Huge pumps empty her holds and her main deck breaks water.Herbow can beseenpartlyblownaway.
At right: The port quarter of the California after she was raised. The wooden structure aroum? her after end was built to hold out water while she was being raised. She, too, has since rejoined the fleet.
T H E OGLALA, mine layer. At left: T h e hall of the capsized uessel beside salvage tamksthat brought her t o t h e surface. At right: Refloated, she rides beside a pier awaiting repairs that permitted her returnto active duty. Fourteen of t h e 19 ships damaged at Pearl Harbor are now sailing umder their own power. 5-the Oklahoma andtarget T w o of the remaining ship Utahwil1 be salvaged. Much ualuable
equipment including guns and machimery has been reclaimed f r o m t h e other three-the Arizona and the destroyers Cassim and Downes. T h e battleship rrNevada/ beached during the attack, also has been raised, repaired, am? has returned t o sea. T h e OWI this month revealed that a German dpy who helped prepare the Japanese attack om Pearl Harbor is now serving SO years imprisonmemt at hard labor. Page 31
A c m e Photogrqh.
The Navys fleet of destroyer escort ships-designed to combat the submarine menace-is growing almost daily. Here six of the swift, deadly DEs are ready to avenge the deathsof the war heroes whose names they bear. They were christened by mothers and wives of the lost Navy fighters at an impressive mass launching at thePhiladelphia Navy Yard, May 29. The ships (left to right, front) are: U. S. Enright, named after Ensign Robert P. P.Enright, USNR, killed in action aboard the U. S.S. Hammann in the Pacific; U. S. S. Coolbaugh, named after Lt. (jg) Walter Wesley Coolbaugh, USNR,flier killed in a plane crash after receiving the Navy Cross; U.S.S.Darby, named for Ehsign Marshall Eugene Darby, jr., USN, killed aboard the battleship Oklahoma at Pearl Harbor. Left to right, rear: U. S. S. J. Douglas Blackwood, after Commander J. Douglas Blackwood (MC) USN, who died in theSolomons; U. S. S. Francis M.Robinson, after Commander Francis Martin Robinson, USN (Ret.), and the U. S. S. Solar, after Aldolfe Solar, BMlc, urn, killed aboard the battleship Nevada at Pearl Harbor.
...a Zero,
A c m e Photograuh.
Page 33
Official U. S. Marine Corps Photograph. -Press Association Photograph. Five Appendectomies in48 Hours South Pacific P-T Base Sets a Record for the Navy Installs a Drinking Fountain A Navy record for mass appendectomies was set aboard
a United States transport carrying troops into the South Pacific when five such operationswere performed by Navy surgeons within 48 hours. Dr. Alexander S. Angel, Lieutenant (MC) USN, performed one operation and assisted in another, only to become the patient in the third. Here the incision is made on one of the patients while careful check is kept on his blood pressure through the instrument in the foreground. The operations were performed under conditions (modern equipment, sanitaryprecautions, etc.) as favorable as those a t any hospital ashore.
Such modern conveniences as drinking fountains are rare things in the South Pacific islands, but make isolated bases such as this one more homelike. Rigged up from odds and ends of equipment and operating, thanks to the law of gravity, this fountain supplies fresh water from the nearby hills for P-T men.
U. S. Navy Photograph.
Page 34
STANDING OFF Holtz Bay, her big rifles smoking, a U . S . battleship hurls shells into Japanese shore installations. Army, Navyplanes aided in softeninpup process.
contact with the enemy. Thus many of these photographs-on land'aswell contributed by as on water-were Navy men. From a distance, as in the picture by the Navy photography unit.
below, an Aleutian island often looks and the jagged mountainsblavngwhlte where &he sun hits the and blue in the shadow, with the lower slopes showing a strange delicate pink.
HEAVILY LADEN landing boats, with some soldiers crouching dowa out the west armof Holtz Bay 11 May.
Page 36
A F E W JAPS in the Holtz Bay area lived in tents, but most lived undergroulzd. Part fense area fell to Americam early i n fighting.
was the trenchsystem t thewest arm a Whatever else theJapanesehad been doing on Attu for the past year, of Holtz Bay that it was possible to one war correspondent radioed decross the entire valley-a distance of scribing the scene above, they must almost 2 miles-withoutoncebeing have spent most of their time digging exposed to the sight of anyone in the in the mushy tundra. S o elaborate bay. Most elaborate of all under-
ground positionswere those of Jap anti-aircraft gunners, which included three Or four rooms* underground, except the single roofless circle to hold the gun itself. Jap lived, slept, worked, played in the Caves they had built.
A VICTIM of the softening-upprocess: At Holtz Bay, America% soldiers a float-type Zero that was machinefilzd gunned before the lading by attacking U.s. pla9es.
Page 37
OVER MASSACRE BAY, 17 May, this Vought King- TRUCKS and their tracks in this photograph of landfisher (OSZU) jlew on despite hole in her wing from ing at Massacre Bay show that no time was wasted in t n l a p ack-ack.Later, plane,was hoisted aboard ship k speeding supplies o m e already ashore. same area.
snow line putsyou in mind of the old concrete-tank obstacles on the Maginot Line, if you can imagine them . You cant walk on sodded that stuff the way youve been walking all your life. You have to develop a n entirely new style-a special tundra gait which makes ordinary clod-
hopping look as graceful as theballet. Sometimes this surface is buried un. der snow,sometimesits mud Sometimes,too, it is sandstorms-a man canbe knee-deep in muda t Attu and have sand blowing in his eyes at the same time.And so plentiful are the hummocks-small hills, medium a manoften hills,mountains-that cannot go from his tent tomess without climbing a hill of some kind.
L A N D I N G P A R T Y on Massacre Beach fires at Japanese snipers in t h e hills. Japs, camozcflaged, would come dowtz t o edge of fog line and fire from crevices in rocks. Page 38
Pantelleria, Lampedusa, Linosa and ferred with Churchill at Washington, Lampione all were taken after Amer- said in a statement regarding the With the African campaign closed, ican and British planes, backed up meeting of the combined British and Allied, forces last month opened a by naval units, subjected them to al- American military andnaval staffs . has ended gigantic air and sea offensive against most ceaseless bombardment. m e - that the conference Italian positions, capturing in quick witnesses said these tiny but impor- with complete agreement on future succession four island steppingstones tant outposts appeared during the at- operations in all theaters of war. of the sea. Caplying between the north coast of tacks toleapout Shortly afterward, Gen. George C. noise alone Marshall, Army Africa andthe big island of Sicily turedItalianssaidthe Chief of Staff, rewas almost fatal. at the toe of the Italian boot. turnedto Washington from Africa. Without landing a soldier, tank, or The Alliesweremovingcloser t o He. said nothing but went directly to gun, the Allies captured the islands of Axis Europe and invasion rumors the White House to reporttothe Pantelleria, 60 miles from Sicily; spread. Axis broadcasts said that (1) President. Lampedusa, 90 miles southeast of the invasion of Sicily was imminent; On 16 June, London announced Pantelleria; Linosa, 80 miles south of (2) British and American armies that King George VI had arrived in Pantelleria;and Lampione, 10 miles would landonthe continent itself Africa andwas inspecting Allied land, before the end of June; (3) there sea and air forces. American soldiers west-northwest of Lampedusa. Sicily remained the only Axis were huge convoys off Sicily; (4) at stronghold between Africa andthe there were others at North African entertainedtheBritishmonarch Italian mainland. Even before the Ports and at Gibraltar.The broad- lunch in one of their mess halls and he also inspected garrisons of Italians and Germans on casts dared the Allies to come. They ship in an African an American warport. the other four islands were taken told their people t o be ready. Premier TheWarDepartment in a terse prisoners, the 9,935 square miles of Mussolinisown newspaper said the Sicily were feeling the fury of Amer- fateful hours for Italy had arrived. statement announced that troops skilled in amphibious operations are The Allies remained silent. ican and RAF bombers. As in the case of Pantelleriaand Prime Minister Churchill said to trained and ready for combat. Lonthe other islands captured, Allied Commons: It is evident that am- don said laconically that another planes operating against Sicily at- phibious operations of a peculiar com- large contingent of American soldiers tacked airfields, harbors, communica- plexity and hazard on a large scale had arrived in Britain. tions, rail centers, other defenses. are approaching . . . Brighter and The Near East, meanwhile, was inMessina, important port on the north solid prospects lie before us. jected suddenly into thiscomplex piccoast, was among the first to feel the A complete agreement about forture by areport that Britainhad bombs. Ironically, ward steps has been reached between closed the Turkish-Syrian border, reweight of Allied planes from tiny Malta, which wrote the two governments (the U. S. and viving speculation as to Turkeys an epic,,indefense, participated in the Great Britain) . stand-whether she had decided to raids. President Rocxsevelt, who had con- leap off the fence on to the side of the
The War
Page 41
attempting to attack Guadalcanal and shot down 7 7 - 4 5 bombers and 32 Zeros-with a loss of 6 U. S. Planes. In another.,air .battle, 12 June, U. S. airmen shot down 25 Jap planes in the vicinity of the Russell Islands. Headquarters of the South Pacific Air Force announced officially, 16 June, that 1,337 Jap,planes had been destroyed inthattheater since 3 1 July. U. S. losses were much smaller during this same period, it was said. . Jap Premier Tojo, in an address before the Diet, warned that the war has reached a serious, decisive stage with the enemy mobilizing all his resources for a counteroffensive, and intimated that Japan had been forced on the defensive. Tojo definitely was on the defensive in China. A t Chungking army spokesmen said the Chinese had eliminated the threat to theChinese rice bowl and Chungking, itself, and reported several otherimportant victories in the upper Yangtze area. Here, American planes, blasting Japanese positions, were paving the way for the Chinese advance. Some 40,000 Jap soldiers were killed or wounded in the 40-day battle for the upper Yangtze, said a Chinese Army spokesman. The OWI, quoting Jap broadcasts, Shipyard workers admire the USS rrImtrepid,,,mew flat topi just before saidthere were indications that guershe slides dowm the ways at the Newport News (Va.) Shipbuildimg a d rilla resistance was mounting in the Philippines.
Drydock Co. The rrImtrepidwas the elevewth aircraft carrier laumched ilz t .. e r h . bast mime momths. Her size cam be judged by a cornparisow to the party being loweredto her flight deck.
Allies. Another report said the border had been closed to check leakage of information on Allied troop movements. While the enemy continued t o talk invasion, the Allies went ahead with their softening up program, wiping out whole areas of German, Dutch, French, and Italian industrial centers. Two-ton block busters rained down on cities scattered over the entire length of northern Europe and others gave Italy its worst raids of the war. Submarine bases and shops at Kiel and Bremen were hit during the greatest air battle ever waged by the United States Eighth Air Forces. Shipyards a t Cuxhaven and Wilhelmshaven were smashed. Naples and Foggia were blasted without the loss of a single plane. Dortmund was the target for the greatest aerial attack in all history. Duesseldorf received more than five 2-ton block busters per minute in an attackon the Ruhr Valley. Maj. ,&n. Ira C. Eaker reported on 10 June that the size of the United States Eighth Air Force had doubled since March and was approaching parity with the R A F . It is now capable, he said, of obliterating any normal industrial target. The WarDepartment, summarizing raids on Europe, said American fourengined bombers in Britain were shooting down German planes at a . ratio of 6 to 1
The Russians, too, were troubling the Germans. On 1 June more than 1 700 Russian planes hammered Axis airfields, damaging or destroying some 160 enemy planes on the ground and inthe air. The Soviets reported a total of 3,319 Axis planes destroyed in 6 weeks. 72 On the land front the GermansA spectacular double omen of still failing to launch their promised victory was reported by Sgt. Irwin S. spring offensive-made several strong Bradford, USMC, from a base someattacks in the Ore1 sector on the cen- where in South the Pacific. Upon tral Russianline, but all of these, the first raising of the Starsand said Moscow, were repulsed with Stripes at the Marine Corps unit, heavy enemy losses. Little activity Bradford said a cloud formation split was reported on the Kerch Peninsula. the rays of the sunrise into a gigantic American forces cleaned up the V. Then, as the National Anthem brief, but bloody, battle for Attu, and was played, a flock of geese in perfect focused on Kiska, now between the V formation appeared, and,as if jaws of two heavily armed U. S. bases. directed by unseen hands, changed Kiskas volcano was reported becom- course to fly directly over the flag. ing active, bringing further worry to a the Japs. TheWar Department announced Secretary Knox implied that major of 36,688 Axis prisoners blows against Japan were in themak- that a total early in June confined to ing. I cant tell you when, he said of war were to reporters, except that it takes an 2 1 prison camps inthe U. S. The 22,110 Germans, awfully long while to get ready for prisoners included 62 Japanese. 14,516 Italians, and any sizable movement. 72 U. S. planes pounded Japanese bases andterritoryin widespread raids The bulk of 0. Army and Navy S. throughout the South Pacific and forces outside of the continental American submarines rhiding enemy United States-except for air unitsshipping routes reported the destruc- is now concentrated inthe Pacific tion of an additional 12 ships and the. theater, President Roosevelt revealed. damaging of 5 others. He added, however, that air strength On 16 June, American planes inter- in this theater very nearly equals that cepted an armada of Japanese planes in other areas.
. American shipyards during May delivered for service 175 new ships t o t a 1 n g approximately 1,782,000 i deadweight tons, the Maritime Commission announced, bringing to 711 the number of vessels constructed thus far in 1943. This figure is only 35 ships less thanthe 746 vessels which were delivered in 1942.
Page 42
President Roosevelt, in a report on lendllease aid, revealed that $1,041,,000,000 worth of material had been sent to Russia in a little more than 2 years. Russia, said the President, received.more fighting equipment than .any other country.
Some French warships, immobilized after the fall France at Alexandria, of have joined the Allies followingnegotiations between the British and Gen. Henri Giraud. Among. the ships at the British naval base were the 20,000-ton battleship, Lorraine, three heavy cruisers, one light cruiser, three destroyers, and a submarine.
President Roosevelt, at a press conference, said reports indicate significant preparations by the Axis to use poison gas and warned that such action would bring fulland swift retaliation. Chungking later said there were signs the Japs were preparingtoresortto gas warfare in China.
The largest War Department Appropriation Bill in history-totalling $59,425,586,500 -was submitted t o Congress by the President. Biggest single item was $23,655,481,000 the for Army Air Corps. White House Secretary Stephen Early revealed that the Army next year would build 1,147,- The Navy 000,000pounds of planes-exclusive of BuPers announced a engine weight-compared with 911,- ing rotation of duty forpolicy regardenlisted men 000,000pounds during fiscal 1943. who have been performing hazardous duty aboard ship andat outlying stations. (See page 67.) The Navy reduced physical requirements for the induction of men through Selective Service.(See page
PANTELLERIA SURRENDERS: On the airfield o f the ltalialz islalzd of Pantelleria ilz the Mediter7anea.n war~ows be seen the whitesignal of can surreder. The white cross was laid on the field hours before the Allies accepted capitulatiolz of the isla.nd, but smokea d dust from almostcontilzuous Allied bombings hidit from uiew.
four rescued men hadspent 5 days and 4 nights aboard a rubber raft just large enough for them to sit, inwith their knees drawn up to their chests. Marines on the Russell Islands met 70-year-old Martin Nelson, a former trading company manager, who had been hiding from the Japs in the Solomon Islands jungles for 6 months. He told them he saw little possibility of the natives joining the Japanese. When the Japs landed, he said, they killed all the natives pigs-and the pig is sacred in the islands. Four naval officers reported to the Naval Medical Bulletin the results of a study indicating a definite relationship between toothache and the low atmospheric pressure of the upper air, encountered by airmen in high altitude flying. A n undisclosed number of cases revealed that: (1) Fiftyseven percent of those suffering from toothache were subjected to low atmospheric pressure inside a chamber which was equivalent to a height of 28,000 feet before pain was felt. ( 2 ) Twenty-three percent experienced pain at a reading equivalent t o 18,000 feet. (3) Twenty percent began having symptoms before reaching the equivalent of 10,000 feet. I n addition to infiicting losses and casualties the Japanese forces attacking Guadalcanal, the Navys P-T boats were credited with another achievement. Said Lt. John H. Claggett, Bowling Green, Ky., P-T boat
The Navy has 760 new ensignsgraduates of the Academy at Annapolis. Annual June week ceremonies were climaxed with an address by Navy Secretary Knox. Vice Admiral Adolphus Andrews, USN, commander of the Eastern Sea Frontier, predicted that with additional escort ships, planes, and blimps which are now being delivered, the submarine menace will be under control in the next 6 months.
ITALIAN PRISONER: A small force of Allied troops quickly rounded up members of the bomb-blasted garrison on Pamtelleria - including . this gentleman-hen the Italian islaPzd capitulated after 13 days of incessant air and sea attacks. Once described as the ItalianGibraltar, the island is now being used by the Allies-maysertle as stepping stone to Italy.
The Navys 1942 torpedo output nearly tripled 1941 production; 1941 had nearly doubled 1940. The Charleston Navy Yard launched two destroyers, built inthe record time of 59days. Cruising f a r at sea, the famed U. S. S. Marblehead picked up the crew of an ArmyAir Force bomber which had been forced down. The
Page 43
captain: The boats attacked everything the Japs threw at Guadalcanal one This night. respite gave the Marines more sleep.
Casualties among naval personne1 through June 19 totaled 23,110. The totals since 7 December 1941:
u. s. u. s. u. s.
its initial appearance May 8. The first issue required the three editors to make a 1,400 mile roundup by air to Kodiak to get the magazine set up. The Navy is assigning officers of the Womens Reserve who are expert dietitians to naval stations a assists ant commissary officers to aid in improving both the nutritional value and the palatability of the food served to naval personnel.
Lt. (jg) Grace I d l y , chief nurse at the U. S. Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Md., told this story. Onduty in a war zone she was stopped by a young man in great pain who requested a drink of water. When she brought it to him,hesaid: Say, I guessIm pretty selffish. Give it to the fellow across the way. He needs i t worse than I do only he didnt stop you to ask for it.
Coast Guard- 22 79
The U. S. Coast Guard cutter Escanabasank recently in the North Atlantic following an explosion of undetermined origin: All but two members of the ships crew were lost. The Escanaba distinguished herself earlier in the by rescuing 133 men war from a torpedoed ship in the North Atlantic. Crew members went into the icy waters wearing rubber suits to rescue men aboard life rafts, tying lines around them so they could be towed to safety.
as You Are My Sunshineon his tonette, beaming them by the radio tothe other boat. Smaha, to vary the program, indulged in imitations of Donald Duck.
Four Marine Corps pilots on Guadalcanal in a previously-reported 25 Apr. action: (1) shot down 6 Jap Zeros, (2) dispersed at least 18 others and ( 3 ) caused 16 enemy bombers to abandon their attack on U. S. Solomon bases. The pilots: Maj. M. K. Payton, Cannel City, Ky.; Seca ond Lt. Milton Vedder, Los Angeles; Milton Peck, Vicksburg, Midshipman Cadet Jack Smaha,20, First Lt. First Lt. L. L Eckart, entertained men in two life boats with Miss., and his tonette, a high-brow bazooka, Chicago. after they left their torpedoed mera Members of the Army,Navy, and Bechant ship off South America. tween sending calls for help over the Marine Corps in Alaska are cooperatpublication of an all-service hand-cranked radios installed in the ing in the two boats, Smaha played such ditties magazine, The Aleutian, which made
The number of Women Reservists in training for naval aviation billets is expanding so rapidly that by the end of next year approximately 20,000 women will be handling jobs at aviation bases that have heretofore been handled by men. By the end of 1943, 1,500 officers and 12,000 enlisted women are scheduled to be on duty in naval aviation. Residents of Summit, N. J., last month presented t o chaplains of the new 45,000-ton battleship New Jersey atriptych, a communion setand n pair of candelabra. Trees on Iceland. When U. S. Sailors landed on Iceland they discovered that not so much as a sapling graced the landscape. Robert Bryant, ACM1, USN, salvaged old tin cans, discarded pipe, burlap bags, iron rods and green paint grew two trees for the main surentrancetothe base. Officers, prised and pleased, asked Bryant to grow two more which were planted at the entrance of the Officers Club. The Navy is investigating the collision between a tanker and mediumsized merchant .vessel, heavily laden with ammunition, which resulted in the loss of an estimated 83 crew members including 35 members of the 2 ships gun crews. The merchant ship exploded and sank immediately and the tanker into burst flames and was badly damaged. The collision occurred off the U. S. East Coast. Specially trained Seabees are trimming days off the time required to unload ships at advance bases. Men are trained particularly in winch operation, gangway tending, slinging, tractor and fork truck operation, coopering, and also gear maintenance ana repair. Second Lt. Milton M. Vedder, USMC, a pilot, reported that his ability to blow smoke rings for natives on a South Pacific island led to his safe return to Guadalcanal. Forced down, Lieutenant Vedder met the natives who at first, he said, were not very friendly. After entertaining them by blowing smoke rings, which the natives thought was very funny, he was helped to return to his base in return for entertainment services rendered. Lt. Comdr. Frank H. Wickhorst, USNR, once a Naval Academy a,ll$2
ONLY SLIGHT DAMAGE: U s k g huHtilzgklziues am? chisels, seamelz aboard olze of the U . S. vessels which fought a Jap supply expeditiolz west of the Aleutialzs dig shrapnel from the deck of their ship. The Navy reported that a lightlzaval force emgaged alzd drove off the elzemy vessels with slight damage. Page 44
BLACK SIDE: Expenditures of the Post Office Department during the first 10 months of the 1943 fiscal year were held within revenues-the first time in 24 years. TRADE: Members of Hitlers Africa Korps turned in rifles for cross-cut saws. As prisoners of war, they turned up working on a Texas-Oklahoma reservoir damproject. DIED: Maj, William (Navy Bill) Ingram, USMCR, 46, former football player and head coach at the U. S. Naval Academy, apparentlyfroma heart attack, at Us Gatos, Calif. DIED: Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe, 60, who attended the birth the Dionne quinof tuplets, of pneumonia at North Bay, Ontario. Official U. S. Kars Photograph. BIRTHDAYS: The Naval Training FROM THE ARIZONA: A large percelztageof equipmelzt from warships Stations at Newport,R.I., and San sulzk alzd damaged at Pearl Harbor has been reclaimed by salvagework- Diego, Calif., observed their anniverNewport wcs 60 ers. Here, two gums from the sulzkelz Arizolza are raised and placed on sarieslastmonth. June 4 ; San Diego 20 years a pier. The main and secolzdary batteries of the battleship have beelz years old 1. old June recovered RANGER REPORT: Amusing and America football player, has been base. The load of 37 persons was be- trying, said Lt. (jg) J. R. Samuel of appointed officer in charge of the lieved to have set a new record for the U. S. S. Ranger in a letter on the erroneous German report thatthe Naval Aviation Physical Training Catalinas. aircraft carrier had been sunk. Program, succeeding Cdr. Thomas J. a Amusing when we listened tothe Hamilton, USN, who has been ordered Sailors at NAS, New Orleans, are radio and trying when we thought of to sea. saying that the Japanese UP north the anxiety of our folks at home. In a are b ein g seriously D~SALEU- a P. S. he said: We are all applying Dispatched recently to pick up 2 TIANED. for survivors leave. Marine fliers and 2 Jap prisoners in a NAMESAKES: Seven officers and theSouth Pacific Area, a Catalina A Navy PBY bomber May rescued 28 enlisted men in theU. S. Navy bear in flying boat was called upon to actalso as a transport for 22 Chinese refugees four survivors of a medium-sized Brit- the name of John Paul Jones, naval near enemy-held territory. The crew, ishmerchant vessel after they had hero of the Revolution. MISSING: Leslie Actor Howard, dubious about the load, decided to spent 39 days on the Atlantic aboard chance the flight, succeeded in taking a life raft.The bomber, piloted by who was aboard a British Airliner atthe big plane off the water, and re- Lt. Maurice Kauffman, USNR, of Wap- tacked by enemy aircraft en route turned safely toits Solomon Island pingers Falls, N. Y., landed on the from Lisbon to England. ocean despite a running sea, picked up the men, fedthem,andcarried them tothe base where they were hosOfficers Graduated Admiral King Sends pitalized for several days. Thesurvivors reported that their torpedoed FromMilitary Message to Brazils ship was carrying women passengers and two small children when a GerGovernment School Navy man submarine sent two torpedoes into her side, sinkingher within a Twenty-six naval officers last Admiral Ernest J. King, USN, few minutes. month were graduated from the Commander in Chief, U.S.Fleet, first class of the Navy School and Chief of Naval Operations, of Military Government. and last month sent the following Miscellany Administration at Columbia message to the Brazilian Navy University. on Brazilian Navy Day: DIED: Forty-nine-year-old PresiAddressing the graduating On the occasion of June 11 dent Edsel Ford of the Ford Motor class, Rear Admiral John H. of this year I wish to express to Co., from an old stomach malady Newton, USN, Sub-chief of Nayou, on behalf of all officers and aggravated by undulant fever. men of the United States Navy, val Operations, said that our DIED: Admiral Henry A. Wiley, traininghas been small comour congratulations and appreUSN (Ret.), 75, former commander of ciationfor the excellent work pared to that of the Axis, the U. S. Fleetand the battleships which has so far been done by pointing out that the Japanese New Jerseu and Wuomina. at Palm -, the Brazilian Navy in our comalone had sent out some 45,000 Beach, Fla: mon effort against the enemy. officers as fishermen among the APPOINTED: Admiral William The record todate of things Pacific Islands. Glassford, USN, hero of the Battle- of r done by our comrades of the Graduates u n d e w en t 42 Macassar Straits, as Minister to Brazilian Navy makes us confiweeks of study preparing them Dakar. dent that together we shall do for assignments in connection HONORED: Generals D w i g h t even more to bring about the with administration and reconEisenhower and Douglas MacArthur defeat of the enemy who menstruction of occupied countries by Englands King George VI as honaces all of us. or territories. orary Knights, Grand Cross, of the Order of Bath, military division
Page 45
Fritz Kuhn, leader of the GermanAmerican Bund, was ordered released from a Federal prison after serving 31/* years of a &yearsentencefor a stealing fundsfrom that organization. Federal agents were to take him from President Benes of Czechoslovakia: the prison for internment as an The respect and maintenance of inenemy alien for the duration. dependence of small European nations is now and will be in the future vital a to thepeace of Europe and theworld. A record total of 7,200 planes of all a types was turned out by U. S. factories Australian Prime Minister Curtin: during May, the WPB reported. A substantially larger number was Pre- Isay with gratitude and I may say with pride that Prime Minister dicted for June. Churchill and President Roosevelt a agreed that the war inthe Pacific The Bums are having their troubles. will beprosecuted with the same vigor Before wailing crowdsat Ebbets Field, as the war in Europe. the Brooklyn Dodgers on 18 June lost to the -Phils 10 to . 8 after leading better Philadelphia 8 to0 up to the sixth in- President Roosevelt: The ning. St. Louis was leading the Na- .use of natural and human resources tional League, with Brooklyn second, must be assured to improve living standards . . . :and.Cincinnati third. -New York was by any nation. without exploitation leading the American league, Washington second, Philadelphia third.
President Roosevelt: Let us pay special tribute to the men who sail these (merchant) ships. By their courage and fortitude (they) have won the everlasting gratitude of the people of the United Nations.
Lt. Col. Evans F. Carlson, USMC, leader of the Carlson-Roosevelt Marine Raiders in the South Pacific, on how to fight the Japs: If a mountain ridge is considered inaccessible, climb it and surprise the enemy. If a frontal attack is the expected thing, envelop the opponent by outflanking him o r moving around him. Chinese guerrillas have won many battles in this way. The hazards are sometimes great but theprofits are tremendous.
House Appropriations Committee Chairman Cannon: The Navys job ahead is tremendous, and it must be provided with every essential to make its accomplishment less difficult and absolutely sure and decisive.
President Roosevelt: New land routes are being developed t o increase lend-lease shipments into China, and the reopening of the Burma road is among the strategic objectives of our forces.
playing in thenations capital, Per.formers of the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus gave Celebrities a blue-ribbon exhibition of one of the oldest traditionsamong .actors-the show must go on. Just before the evening performance OM .18 June some 150 members of the troupe were, stricken with food poisoning. Despite their illness and pain, virtually all of them-including such figures astheFat Lady andThin Man, the tight-rope walker-went on. Police cars, ambulances and circus wagons took many to a hospital later.
Secretary n o x , explaining his recent statementin which he declared the United States now has a sevenocean Navy: Isaid we would have it when we have our fleet completed. A seven-ocean Navy is a popular phrase to cover a fleet on all the seas. There is no particular significance in seven.
Winston Churchill: The steady wearing down of theGermanand Japanese air forces is proceeding remorselessly. The enemy who thought that air wouldbe their weapon of victory are now finding in it the cause of their ruin.
The new War Department Appropriation Bill reported by a House committee included $3,595,788 for dog TO HELP SHIPWRECKED SURfood for the Armys expanding canine VIVORS: M o s t Navy lifeboats corps. and rafts today are equippedwith
Secretary Knox: Today the initiative is ours. That this is a long stride towaxd an ultimate victory .is attested by the jitters that are sweeping over our enemies, east and west, numerous new devices to help A l l over Germany and Japan there is men adrift at sea. These include a feeling akin to ours afterPearl new-style life belts, signal lights, Harbor. In every German,Japanese, and ration kits, charts, portable radios, Italian mind, there is the question: when willthe blow fall?
We are now girding ourselves not for a single attack on a single front but for many attacks on many fronts both in the European theater of war and in the Pacific.
fishing kits, water stills, and special clothing. k t e s t lifesaving a. devices include a shark repelBritish Vice Air MarshalJones: lent/ waterproof charts, and If the RAF and the U. S. Air Force can increase, or even sustain,their reflecting mirrors. Another represent heavy attacksonGermany cently added to lifeboats equipand Italy, the enemys air power may ment was theNew Testament. collapse and land operations except The canvas sack which the sailor for the purpose of occupation, may holds was designedto carry a pair not be necessary. of signal flags. There happened 72 to be just room enough for a New Pope Pius W: Never perhaps Testament, wrapped in a watertight envelope. The New Testa- was there launched calumny -more ments were presented to the Navy absurd than . propaganda of antireligious inspiration thatthe Pope by the AmericanBibleSociety. supports the war and supplies money For another new safety process for its continuance, thatthe Pope see page 14. does nothing for peace.
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y \
. .
North Pacific:
2 On 1 May, operations on Attu con. 9 tinued. Japanese forces have established positions on the high ground ea& of Attu Village. U. S. Army bombers attacked Japanese entrenchments in the north area of Sarana Bay.
p (b)Lightning fighters s .p ~ o r t e d ground operations by stramg and bombing enemy positions from low altitudes. A fuel depot was set on fire and other fires were started. Attu Village was completely destroyed with the exception of a church and one other building. 4. On 21 May, Army Liberator heavy bombers, (Consolidated B-24) attacked the Japanese main camp area on Kiska. Due to weatherconditions, results were not observed.
Attu Island continues. A number of enemy points of resistance have been liquidated. (b) During the afternoon 16 Japanese twin-engine bombers were attacked by 6 Army Lightning (Lockheed P-38) fighters over the eastern part of Attu. Five of the enemy bombers were shot down. One United States fighter is missing. Another ,fighter was shot down, but the pilot was rescued.
North Pacific:
1. On the afternoon of 22 May, about 15 twin-engine Japanese bombers unsuccessfully attacked two United States surface units operating in the Attu area. 2. There was no change in the general situation ashore.
bombed by Liberator (Consolidated) heavy bombers. Results were not observed. 3. During the night of 23-24 May: ( a ) Guadalcaml Island was attacked by three Japanese bombers. No damagewas inflicted on United States personnel and positions. (b) Strong formations of Liberator and Flying Fortress (Boeing B-17) heavy bombers heavily attacked Japanese positions in the Shortland Island area and at Munda, in the Central Solomons. ( c ) One Japanese plane attempted to bomb Espiritu Santo, in the New Hebrides group. The bombs fell without effect into the sea. No. 390: 26 May I943
1. On 23 May, the small United States auxiliary vessei Niagara was attacked by Japanese planes east of Cape Surville, San Cristobal Island. Considerable damage was inflicted on the vessel, which was subsequently sunk by United States forces after members of the crew were taken aboard accompanying naval units. 2 On 24 May, Avenger (Grumman TBF) . torpedo bombers and Wildcat (Grumman F4F) fighters bombed and strafed Japanese installations at Ringi Cove, west of Vila on Kolombangara Island. 3. On 25 May, Dauntless (Douglas SBD) dive bombers, Avenger torpedo bombers and Wildcat fighters bombed and strafed Japanese installations at Rekata Bay. Santa Isabel Island. Ammunition dumps were exploded and large fires were started. 4. On 24 May, United States Army ground troops cleared out both sides Of Chichagof Valley. An assault was made by combined northern and southernforces along the ridge northofthe Valley and was reported as continuing. Assisting in the assault were U.S. Army air forces consistingofLiberator (Consolidated B-24) heavy bombers, Mitchell (North American B-25) medium bombers and Lightning (Lockheed P-38) fighters. These planes bombed and strafed Japanese positions in the Chichagof area and started fires.
(b) The U. S. Army's northern forces have penetrated a part of Fish-Hook Ridge about 1% miles southwest of Chichagof Harbof. FIghting continues in order to clear the Japanese from the high peaks in the vicinity. (c) An attack by UnitedStates troops t o eliminate the enemy from the ridge south of Lake Cories is in progress. (d) Army Liberator (Consolidated E 24) heavy bombers, Mitchell (North American B 2 5 ) medium bombers and Lightning (Lockheed P-38) effectively supportedground operations. 2. On 26 May, Army Mitchell medium bombers and Warhawk (Curtiss P40) fighters made three attacks on Kiska bombing the Japanese main camp area and runway. N u m e r o u s hits were observed. 3. In an attack on Kiska (reported in Navy Department Communique No. 391) the Warhawk fighters participating were manned by Royal Canadian Air Force pilots. No. 393: 28 May 1943 North Pacific: 1. O n 27 May, on Attu
extending to the eastof Fish-Hook Ridge. A Japanese position on Fish-Hook Ridge was neutralized. (c) U.S. Army patrols continueto probe Japanese positions on the lower ridge extending eastward' fromthe Chichagof Valley floor. ( d ) ,Army Mitchell (North American B-25) medium bombers and Lightning (Lockheed P-38) fighters s Up p 0 r t e d ground operations. 2. A formation of Army Warhawk (Curtiss P40) fighters bombed Japanese positions at Kiska. Due to poor visibility results were unobserved.
North Pacific:
(a) U.S. Army forces moved ahead and along a ridge commanding .the area betweenLake Cories and Lake Canirca. (b) After artillery and mortar preparation, U.S. Army troops attacked the ridge
Island :
Island, U. S. 1 On 27 May, on Attu . the Army troops, in capturing strong Japanese position on Fish-Hook Ridge (previously reported as neutralized in Navy Department Communique No. 393) fought over rugged and snowy terrain and scaled 60 degree ridges in face the of strong enemy fire. The Japanese positions were entrenched above the cloud line. 2. On 28 May: (a) The strong point of Japanese defense is centered in the area formed between thenorth wall of Chichagof Valley, Holtz Bay Pass and Chichagof Harbor.
North Pacific:
( a ) A United States naval vessel bombarded Japanese shore installations in the Chichagof area and started numerous fires. ( b ) Army Warhawk (Curtiss P-40) flghters bombed themain camp area at Kiska. Hits were scored inthe vicinity of gun emplacements and other installations.
(a) All buildings in the Chichagof area have been destroyed. ( b ) United States Army troops,after hard fighting in a coordinated attack along the ridge south of Chichagof Corridor, succeeded in gaining afootholdon the high ground south of Chichagof. (c) The right flank of the United States Army's southern forces is opposed by a Japanese force dug in on a ridge south of Lake Cories. ( d ) Air support wasprovided by Army Liberator (Consolidated B-24) heavy bombers and Mitchell (North Amerlcan B-25) medium bombers which attacked Japanese positions in the Chichagof area. Army Lightning (Lockheed P-38) fighters assisted by strafing attacks.
2. O n 26 May:
(a) U 5. Army troops gained several . important points along the ridge'south of Chichagof Corridor. Hard hand to hand fighting over rLtgged terrain continued.
Pace 48
(b) There is little Japanese activity in the Khlebnikof area except for one enemy position on the ridge east of the north end of Lake Cories. Otherparts of the island are devoid of enemy activity. (c) Air operations were hampered by bad weather.
3. On 31 May, formations of Army Liberator (Consolidated E 2 4 ) heavy bombers, Mitchell (North American B-25) medium bombers and Warhawk (Curtiss P 4 0 ) fighters bombed and strafed Japanese positions a t Kiska. Hits were scored on the runway, North Head and Gertrude Cove.
ers, Ventura (Vega B-34) medium bombers and Lightning and Warhawk fighters carried out five attacks against Japanese installations a t Kiska. Hits were scored on buildings and gun emplacements.
man TBF) torpedo bombers fiew f n bad weather to bomb Munda, on New Georgia Islandthe in Central Solomons. Hits were scored on therunway and in the revetment area. Numerous explosions were observed and Areswere started.
North Pacific:
1. On 1 June, onAttu Island, U. 8. Army troops combed scattered areas and by noon had eliminated minor groups of Japanese troops encountered. 2. It is further reported t h a t t h eknown Japanese dead on Attu Island total 1,791. This figure -does not include the unknown number killed by artillery fire and bombs. Such casualties were either cremated or buried by the Japanese. 3. On 1 June, formations of Army Mitchell (North American E-25) and Ventura (Vega B-34) medium bombers, Lightning (Lockheed P-38) and Waxhawk (Curtis P-40) fighters bombed and North Pacific: strafed Kiska. Hits were scored. onthe 2 On 5 June, Army Liberator (Consoli. Japanese main camp area, runway and gun. dated E 2 4 ) heavy bombers and Ventura emplacements. A number of Canadians (Vega E-34) medium bombers attacked piloting Warhawks participated. Japaneseinstallations a t Kiska. Due to a heavy overcast results of the attack could not be observed. South Pacific: (Dates East Longi-
North Pacific:
North Pacific:
North Pacific:
Army troops coming in from the South, Southwest, and West respectively, effected a junction on the shores of Chichagof Harbor. ( b ) I n t h e forwardmovement of the U. S. Army troops, small Japanese groups offeredweak resistance. Over 400 of the enemy were killed i n t h e operations during the night of 29-30 May. 2. On 30 May,Army Liberator (Consolidated B-24) heavy' bombers, Mitchell (North American B-25) medium bombers, and Warhawk (Curtiss P 4 0 ) fighters attacked Japanese installations a t Kiska. Flres were started in Gertrude Cove, the camp area, and on a beached ship and on the runway.
No. 397: 1 June 1943. on 30 May, on Attu Island : (a) Three separate columns of U. S.
4. During the evening of 31 May, Liberator (Consolidated) heavy bombers attacked Japanese installations at Tinputs Harbor and Numa Numa Harbor on the northeast coast of Bougainville Island. Numerous large fires were started. In addition, two small Japanese vessels off Tinputs were bombed. One of these vessels was damaged and beached.
proximately 40 or 50 Japanese Zeros and torpedo bombers were attacked by United States fighter planes in thevicinity of the Russell Islands. Nineteen Zeros were shot down and 6 damaged. United States losses were 7 planes, but three of the pilots were saved.
North Pacific:
2 On 7 June, an additional eight Jap. anese were killed on Attu Island. Eleven more of the enemy killed themselves with grenades after being surrounded by U. S. Army troops in Chichagof Valley. The total known enemy dead as of 7 June is 1,826.
1. United States submarineshavereported the following results of operations against the enemy in the waters of these areas: (a) One destroyer sunk. (b) One large tanker sunk. (c) One large cargo ship sunk. ships (d) Two medium-sized cargo
S W .
East Longi-
North Pacific:
2. On 9 June, duringt h e day, 19 more of the enemy were killed onAttu Island. In addition, 5 prisoners were taken.
(e) One small cargo ship sunk. (f) One medium-sized transport sunk. (g) One large tanker damaged and probably sunk. 2. These actions have not been announced in any previous Navy Department Communique.
North Pacific:
North Pacific:
North Pacific:
1. During the night of 8-4 June, U. S .
Page 49
(f) 1 s al supply vessel sunk. ml Army patrols on Attu Island killed 66 (9) 2 Small cargo vessels sunk. Japaneseand captured one in the area (h) 1 Large tanker damaged. between Sarana Bay and Cape Khlebnikof. (i) 1 Destroyer damaged. There is no enemy activity on other parts (j) 1 Medium-sized transportdamo the island. f aged and.probably sunk. 2. On 10 June,duringtheafternoon, (k) 1 Medium-sized transport badly Army Mitchell (North American B-25) damaged. medium bombers, Liberator (Consolidated B 2 4 ) heavy bombers, and Lightning 2. These actions have not been an(Lockheed F38) and Warhawk (Curtiss nounced in any previous Navy Department ,P40) flghters made four attacks on Japa- Communique. nese installations a t Kiska. Hits were scored along the runway and on gun emN o . 412: 15.Jane 1943 placements. Barges were strafed by the fighters. South Pacific (Dates EastLongitude) : 1 On 13 June: (a) During theday Navy . No. 408: 12 June 1943 fighter planes in the South Pacific damaged a Japanese reconnaissance bomber. 1. The United .States submarines Am(b) During the night, Japanese bombberjack and Grampus have failed to reA ers were over Guadalcanal Island. t u r n from patrol operations and must be small number of bombs were dropped. presumed to be lost. No personnel or material casualties Dc2. The next of kin of personnel in the curred. Amberjack and Gramplcs have been so informed.
and Avenger (Grumman TBF) torpedo bombers, escorted by Wildcat (Grumman F4F) fighters, attacked Japanese positions i n Western New Georgia Island. Fires were startedand heavy explosions were observed. 2. On 16 June,duringthe morning, Navy Avenger and Dauntless dive bombers, escorted by Corsair (Vought F4U) fighters, attacked Japanese positions on Choiseul Island. Fires were started.
North Pacific:
3. On 15 June,duringthe afternoon, Navy Ventura (Vega PV) medium bombers attacked Kiska. Hits were scored in the main camp area, along the runway and among antiaircraft batteries.
South Pacific:
1. A brief report received from the South Pacific reveals t h a t i n a n air battle over Guadalcanal Island on 16 June, United States planes shot down 32 Japanese bombers and 45 Zero fighters. Six United States planes are missing. 2. No further details have been received.
1 During the evenings of 13 and 14 . June, Flying Fortress (Boeing B-17) and Liberator (Consolidated) heavy bombers No. 416: 18 June 1943 Liberator (Consolidated E 2 4 ) heavy attacked Japanese installations a t Kahili bombers, Mitchell (North American B-25) the South Pacific: (Dates East h n g i medium bombers. and Lightning. (Lock- and on Shortland Island in Buin Area. 2. On t h e evening of 14 June, Army heed P-38) and Warhawk (Curtiss P-40) tude) : Mitchell (North American B-25) medium fighters carried out five attacksagainst 1. On 1 June, during the night, Army 6 bombers escorted by Navy Corsair (Vought Japanese installations at . Kiska. Hits heavy F4U) fighters bombed the runway and Liberator (Consolidated B-24) were scored in the main camp area and on antiaircraft positions of the airfield a t bombers attackedJapanesepositions on the runway. Barges i nt h e harbor Ballale Island, Shortland Island Area. Vila, Kolombangara Island. .ware bombed and strafed. Results were not observed. One United 3. On 15 Juneinthe early morning, South Pacific (Dates East Longi- Japanese planes dropped bombs on Gua- States bomber is missing. 2. Further details of the air battle over dalcanal Island. No personnel or material tude) : Guadalcanal Island(previouslymentioned damage has been reported. 2. On 10 June, during the night,Flying in Navy Department Communique No. Fortress (Boeing B-17) heavy bombers 415) reveal that the Japanese air forces No. 414: 17 Jane 1943 and Avenger (Grumman TBF) torpedo engaged were estimated t o have been 60 bombers bombed and started fires among South Pacific: (Dates East Longi- bombers and 60 fighters. Japanese positions in the Buin Area. One United States merchant ship and 3. On 12 June: (a) During the morning tude) : one landing barge were damaged. United a force of Navy, Marine Corps and Army 1. On 15 June, during the morning, Navy States personnel casualties were: Twentyfighter planes intercepted about 40 or 50 Dauntless (Douglas SBD) dive bombers 22 missing five killed, 29 injured, and Japanesefighters in the vicinity of the Twenty-five Zeros were RussellIslands. shot down and eight more probably shot down. United States losses were six planes, all with but two of the pilots being rescued. (b) On the same morning Anny Liberator bombers encountered two Mitsubishi bombers 20 miles west of Buka Island. One enemv bomber was destroyed. On 10 May: During the morning, a force of Dauntless dive bombers 4. In NLvy Department co-mmunique and avenger torpedo bombers, escorted by Corsair, Wildcat, and LightNo. 406, i t was reported that United States ning fighters, attacked Japanese installations in Munda on New Georgia flghter planes intercepted and shot down Island in the Central Solomons. Hits were scored on enemy antiaircraft four Mitsubishi bombers over the north positions and several fires were started.-Navy Department Communique Island. A later report end of Malaita No. 373. now reveals that five enemy bombers were shot down instead of four as previously reported.
1. During the morning of 11 June, Army
North Pacific:
(a) 1 Destroyer sunk. (b) 1 Large transport sunk. (c) 5 Medium-sized cargo sunk. (d) 1 Large trawler sunk. (e) 1 Patrol vessel sunk.
Guadalcanal, 10 May-A large force of Planes flown by Marine and Navy pilots blasted the Japanese airport at Munda, on New Georgia Island, for nearly half an hour this morning, and the gaping holes and pillars of black smoke told us our raid had been a success. SBDdive bombers held the target first and sweeping over the aiffield silenced anti-aircraft positions. The TBF torpedo bombers then went in with 500-pound bombs, fired a large ammunition dump, blasted huge craters in the runway, blew grounded planes into the air,strewed death through the bivouac areas and throttledack-ack batteries. Iflew with Second Lt. Homer J. Cornell, USMC,Minneapolis, Minn. He is inclined to use dive-bombing tactics in his TBF. Lieutenant Cornell released his bombs in a salvo. They hit in close succession on an antiaircraft battery. Bodies, timbers, gun pieces and shells were thrown into the air over a wide area. We made a n S turn and watched the other planes come in to do more damage. One bomb hit an ammunition dump. Smoke, flames, and explosions certified the hit.-From an account by Marine Gunner Gordon A . Growden.
Page 50
afloat and ashore. The latest report conArms that 6 United States planes were lost, but the pilot of 1 plane was rescued.
North Pacific:
3. On 16 June,threeadditionalJapanese soldiers were captured in the Khlebnikof Area, A t t u Island. The total number of enemy captured is 24.
1. On 16 June, a twin-engine Japanese reconnaissance bomber was shot down southeast of San Cristobal Island. 2. On 17 June: ( a ) During the afternoon, Dauntless (Douglas SBD) dive bombers escorted by Wildcat (Grumman F4F) fighters attacked Japanese positions a t Rekata Bay, Santa Isabel Island. Hits were scored on enemy antiaircraft. positions. ( b ) During the night an unknown number of Japanese planes approached Guadalcanal Island, and dropped several bombs f harmlessly into the water o f Tulagi. No damage or casualties were sustained. 3. Additional reports received indicate that in the air battle over Guadalcanal Island (previously reported i n Navy Department Communiques 415 and 416) 94 Japanese planes were destroyed instead of 7 7 . Of the additional 17, 16 were shot down by ships in the harbor and 1 by shore-based antiaircraft. The Japanese planes were met by Army and Navy fighter planes, participating in approximately equalnumbers. The Navy planes were manned by Navy and Marine Corps pilots. Eight of the Army planes New Zealand pilots. All were flown by United States planes were based on Henderson Field. Fighting plane types including Cosairs (Vought F4U), Wildcats (Grumman F4F) , Lightnings (Lockheed P 3 8 ) . Airacobras (Bell P-39), and Warhawks (Curtiss P 4 0 ) . This air victory was a striking example of coordinated battle action by the various units concerned. The Japanese planes came over Beauin fort Bay (west coast of Guadalcanal Island) and were engaged by the United States planes. A t aboutthesame time, another group of Japanese planes approached from farther north and were immediately attacked. Approximately 30 enemy dive bombers maneuvered to at.tack United States cargo vessels escorted by destroyers. Subsequent contacts were made overKoli Point, Savo Island, Cape Esperance and Tulagi. The dive bombing of United States surface units occurred a t about 2:15 p.m. In this attacka cargo vessel and a landing craft were damaged. One other cargo vessel sustaincd minor damage. In the air action, 30Navy and Marine Corps planes shot down 16 Zero fighters and 17 bombers. Thirty-six Army planes shot down 29 Zeroes and 10 bombers. The 8 New Zealand pilots shot down 5 bombers. Of the six United States planes shot down.. two of the pilots were rescued.
Butwere going to a formal party! Wheres your gold braid and sword?
No. 419: 20 June 1943
proper sequence when the landing is made, while at thesame time full use is made of the cargo-carrying capacity of the vessels. have completed When all units their basic training, they are assembled for advanced training. The crews of the small boats are assigned to the transports aboard which they will serve; the flotillas of larger landing craft are formed; the Army troops go aboard the transports. Then dress rehearsals of actual landingoperations are run through. The ships are loaded for combat operations with the needed supplies and equipment. The convoy then sails for a selected practice landing beach, and actual landings are made under simulated battle conditions, with thebeach defended by opposing troops and with aircraft and Naval combat vessels taking part. In this manner is the Amphibious Force being trained to strike. Thus a strong, well-drilled invasion spearhead is being created, which will be ready when called upon to carry the fight to the enemy, to drive ashore from a convoy with perfect coordination,tostartthe offensive on the shores of enemy-held territory.
1. On 18 June: ( a ) During thenight, Army Liberator (Consolidated E-24) heavy bombers attacked Kahili, BuinArea. Large fires were started. ( b ) On the same night, Mitchell (North American B 2 5 ) medium bombers attacked Ballale Island, Shortland Area. In Wilson Strait (south of Vena Lavella Island) six Japanesa barges were strafed. The Vila runway on Kolombangara Island was also bombed by a Mitchell bomber. 2. On thenight o 18-19 June, Navy Catalinas (Consolidated PBY) patrol bombers and Army Liberators attacked Japanese positions on Nauru Island. Large oil Ares were startedand a considerable amount of damage was caused in thedispersal area and among the living quarters.
V.12 Program
(Conthzued from p. 5 ) of instruction and to assign student quotas that fairly represent the capacities of those institutions to provide housing, feeding, and medical facilities as well as instruction in the several curricula prescribed forthe students. A joint committee of nine, with three representatives each from the Army, the Navy, and the War Manpower Commission, assigns all quotas of Army and Navy personnel for war training to be conducted in non-Federa1 educational institutions. Contracts for the college facilities allocated to the Navy by the joint committeeare being negotiated by the Navy. Navy administrative staffs will be assigned to colleges in proportion to (ConZnued from p. 3) the number of enlisted men attached. The commanding officer will have radio communication between the adequate assistance to handle routine shore party, the landing craft bring- problems of discipline,pay, issuance ing in troops and supplies, the naval of uniforms, inoculations, etc., to vesselsproviding supporting gunfire teach the course in naval organizaand the covering airplanes, must be tion, and to supplement, whennecthoroughly understood and coordi- essary, the physical training staff of nated. the college. In another school, the Army transParticipation of Navy students in port quartermasters study the all-imextracurricular activities is optional. portant subject of the loading of the Navy students will be encouraged, cargo vesselsand transports to used however, to support student unions be infuture operations. Working with and otherbeneficial campus organizalarge scale models of the ships at- tions. tached to the Amphibious Force and The establishment of the V-12 proalso scale models of the equipment gram is another in a long series of that will be used, the supply ofljcers steps to procure and naval train work out the intricate problems of so officers. loading the ships that the equipment The Naval Reserve Act of 1938 promay be unloaded swiftly and in the vided for the appointment of Mid-
shipmen, USNR. To furtherthisact, a class of enlisted men, age limit 1926, who had completed 2 years of college and to be known as V-7, was established. Their first cruise was in July 1940. Of this group 4,621 were commissioned ensigns. I n 1941, the V-7 program changed the educational requirement to 4 years of college instead of 2. When warwas declared, the Navy realized the necessity for looking deeper than ever before for itssupply ofofficer candidates. I n mid-December 1941, with the war barely started, the V-5 and modernized V-7 programs for men still in college in junior and senior years were approved. These programs were announced to college and university presidents a t a meeting in Baltimore on 3 Jan. 1942. A t that time the colleges and universities were urged to (1) stress technical fields, (2) guide students already in college along lines of best interest to the Nation, viz, volunteer immediately-take subjects required for V-5 or V-7-m in thecase of engineers, to complete college education, and ( 3 ) to accelerate their programs and stress physical fitness. This was the first emergency use of the Nations private educational institutions for providing officers. Following closely came the announcement of the V-1 program on 21 Feb. 1942. This dipped somewhat deeper into the reservoir of potential men as they candidates by taking entered college. As rumblings of the inclusion of 18-year-olds under the draftlaw were heard, coupled with the necessity of a more comprehensive and definite plan for providing an adequate flow of officers for the Navy for the future, the college training program now called Navy V-12 was proposed. The original proposal was presented to theNavy Advisory Council on Education in August of last year. This council drew up their recommended plan in preliminary form at thattime, met again in October when their finished recommendations were made. This plan was approved by the President on 1 December and announced to the public on 13 December.
(Comtimued from p . 19)
nomenal, there is still a need of experienced construction men for service in this fighting, building outfit. Mechanics, carpenters, riggers, stevedores, steel workers, electricians, and many other skilled craftsmen between the ages of 17 and 50 are sought. Further, these men can volunteer for service inthe Seabees. Salariesrangefrom $54 to $126 a month, plus 20 percent for overseas duty, and include quarters, food, clothing, transportation, medical and dental care, and other incidentals to which enlisted personnel are entitled.
The SpecialBattalioms
The Seabee Specials are composed of men who have had training or experience in loading and unloading ships. Most of the original enlistees were formerly affiliated with steamship and stevedoring companies and had first-hand experience in this field, but the demand for such trained personnel has made it necessary for the Navy totrain regular enlisted men in this type of work. This is accomplished at the Seabees Training Center located at Camp Peary, near Williamsburg, Va. There a training ship has been set up, complete with all gear ordinarily used on the Liberty ships which are commonly used to transport supplies and equipment to our combat forces overseas. This ship, which is worked around the clock and under all conditions on the theory that time and weather cannot be a bottleneck in this new task, is used to traingreen men, who, in most cases, have neither seen nor been aboard a ship, in the intricacies and tricks of the trade which will fit them for the Seabee Special battalions. Many branches of cargo handling are included in this training course, among which arethe operation of winches, tending gangway, slinging and tiering of frelght, cooperage, gear maintenance and repair, as well as the mechanical aspects of the handling of freight on the pier or dock by the use of tractors, lift trucks, dock cranes, conveyors and other labor-saving devices. Actual and simulated packages are loaded into the training ship from the dock and vice versa until theoperation becomes smooth and all kinks and difficulties are ironed out. This training is accomplished with equipment regularly used on the type of ships the special battalions will be expected to work. In addition to this specialized instruction, the men are taught military tactics, the use of firearms and other combat practices so they may -Section Base Sweepings. defend themselves at foreign bases. But you married me the last time Another school has recently been you were im this port! Fort of New created a t the York,
where commissioned officers selected for duty with the special battalions are sent for final polishing orto supplement what practical experience they have withadditionalinformationand observation; Thereare no classroom lectures. Instead, the men , are assigned in. groups to various supervisors and pier superintendents who are the most competent instructors in this subject in the world. A course outline is followed covering every detail of cargo handling through watching actual loading operations at the most active port in the world. After the course is finished the officersproceed to Camp Peary for assignment to battalions and are then ready to assume their new duties. As the Seabees adopted the motto Can DOto denote their determination to perform anydutyto which they are assigned, the Seabee Specials also have a byline: Keep the Hook Moving. The hook refersto the cargo hook usedin all shiploading and discharging operations. The speed with which this hookmovesproves the efficiency of the operating gangs and determines how much cargo is being handled. The few battalions that have reached the field are rendering excellent accounts of themselves. One battalion, upon reaching the advanced base depot, was asked to assist The proficiency in loading a ship. exhibited by this battalion amazed local cargo-handlingauthorities, as they performed the job in approximately one-half the time usually required. While performing a loading operation, one battalion asked that their food be brought to the scene of operation, as they were having a good time at their work and wantedto continue. Another battalion found congestion in the harboronarrival at Island X. Cargo handlinghad been performed by well-intentioned but inexperienced units. Within 3 weeks after arrival the congestion was relieved, and they received the commendation of the Commandant of the Naval Base. Two weeks later they were again commended by the commanding officer of the Army Units stationed there.
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cations Commissions Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service. To these broadcasts are added comments, summaries and forecasts originating in the War Orientation Unit of the (Comtilzzced from p. 10) Washington Educational Services Center. A Map-Talk feature is inspread need for in-service nonmilicorporated in the bulletin each week, tary education. and informative and useful materials On stations where it is not feasible go out fromtime to time. to establish voluntary Educational A third phase of war information .Service Centers because of the small activity is the widespread useof docunumber. of men involved or the type of mentary and training films. Already courses desired, correspondence or the technicolor Battle of Midway, self-teaching courses are being made the documentary films Prelude to available. The United States Armed War and The Nazis Strike, have Forces Institute, established by the brought resounding cheers from War andNavy Departments at Madi- news-starved men on lonely island son, Wis., administers this phase of bases, on shipboard, and in recruit or the program. Through the Institute, indoctrination centers. arrangements have been made to proTheEducational Service Sectim vide some 70 courses at high school war level and some 700 courses of college maintains a large orientation level in cooperation with the nations laboratory or experimental station at establishment at Bainleading colleges. A catalog of these the naval courses has been.made available to all bridge, Md., where interesting new Personnel of the armed forces. This methods of distributing war informaphase of the program is being widely tion are constantly being worked out. been made an accepted and is particularly popular Warorientationhas with men on shipboard. The answers integral part of the training of the to questions on these correspondence thousands of recruits stationed there. courses are being handled by V-mail The Educational Services Program for men overseas. is at work on the solution to many BYthe endof April 1943,the report problems. These problems not only of the Institute revealed some inter- cover all phases of off-duty, thinkesting information. Over 80 percent ing time education, but also embody of those enrolled in courses had had planning for betterequipping the men less than 2 years of service, while the and women of the service with inforeducation and jobs same percentage had been out of mation as to their school for more than 2 years. Sub- while on active duty for conversion to and resumption of their civilian occujects most frequently selectedwere pations and educational careers when mathematics and business,followed closely by technical, engineering, and discharged from the service. These guidance and electrical courses. Over 66 percent of problems involve serious enrollees had received a high-school counsel and the preparations of the forth above. Already education or less, whileall were under material set 30 years of age. Such a statistical steps have been taken for developing pictureindicatesrather clearly the a n acceptable plan of accreditation origin of the demand for nonmilitary formilitary service, including both education among naval personnel who formal and .informal education and see in naval service an opportunity to actual work within the service. This develop skills and seek information of program has been developed under the auspices of the American Council their own choosing. Another feature of these educa- on Education and has been accepted tional services is that of distributing by all of the national accrediting timely and accuratewar information. agencies and most of the institutions The Army Orientation Course News- of higher learning. This certificamap, which is widely distributed to tion or appraisal of war experience developed aroundcertain naval personnel, has filled an acute has been need for adequate information on the testing devices. progress of the war. Published A current and more immediate weekly, the Newsmap is the core of a n problem of evaluation of work and orientationprogram which includes education within the service rests such problems as: What are our with those men who are interested in enemies like? What weapons have acquiring credit leading toward a been most successful in World War high-school or secondary-schooldiII? Who are the United Nations? ploma. A simplified method of evalWhat is the geographical strategy of uation ha&been devised, and the inglobal warfare?What is happening formation on this subject will be very in Guadalcanal, Tunisia, Russia, shortly released to the general service as to its operation. This information China, or Alaska? To supplement the Newsmap, a will be released to the schools of the weekly war information bulletin is country prior to September of this sent out, containing latest Axis short- year. The Educational ServicesSecwave warcommuniques and propa- tion will assist a central clearing ganda broadcasts intercepted by the agency for accreditation, location of monitors of the Federal Communi- which will be later announced, in de-
veloping necessary materials to implement extracts of the navalpersonnels service record. Steps are already being taken and detailed plans formulated in developing a series of job descriptions covering all jobs in the Navy so that those men being discharged from the service, after the present conflict is over, may have additional ammunition explaining justwhattheirparticular performance was while on active duty. This information is designed to assist future employers in betterplacing the discharged personnel seeking employment. More detailed information on this subject will also be forthcoming. The general statements listed above as to plans in assisting naval personnel in being placed properly, either in civilian work or formal education, are set forthmerely to inform the service that already certain steps are being taken to prepare for a demobilization period whenever that time might arrive. Attention is invited to B e e r s Circular Letter No. 12-43, which announced the establishment of the Program.
U-Boat War
(Colztilzzcedfrom p. 6 )
One of these (photo) is known as PCE-Patrol Escort Craftdesigned specially for heavy convoy duty in northern waters. PCEs are 180 feet long and of steel construction. They
have more than double the displacement ofPCs, and a much broader beam. The other type-PCS-is an adaptation of the 136-foot wooden minesweeper. Depth charges and other patrol craft equipment are substituted for sweeping gear.
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. .
d c m e Photograph.
U. S. ( ~ o a s Guard Il~otofraph. t
SF2c, USN, ofNew Ulm, Minn., whose feats aboard the U. S. S. Marblehead after shewas severelydamaged in the waters of the Netherlands East Indies SCAT-South Pacific Combat Air led to his designation posthumously Transport Command-has been comby Resident Roosevelt as one of the mended by Admiral William F. Hal- first two men in the Navy to receive sey, Jr., USN, commander, South Fathe Silver Star Medal, was given t i e cific Area and South Pacific Force. Cross of Merit by the Queen. This The transport command, whose award corresponds to the United boxcars on wings carried supplies States Navy and Marine Corps to the battlefront on Guadalcanal and Medal. brought wounded back to base hospiThe Bronze Cross, corresponding tals despite ceaseless attack by Japa- approximately to the United States nese warplanes, missed but a single NavyCross, was awarded by Queen days flight to Guadalcanal and flew Wilhelmina to JohnSherwood Tuttle, 1,800,000 air-miles. QMlc, USN, of Bremerton, Wash., and I n addition to the commendation Carol Oswald Mekkelson, CMM, USN, forthetransport organization as a of Long Beach, Calif. whole, four Marine Corps officer Aschenbrenner died 18 March 1942, pilots of SCAT were awarded the Sil- as a result of the incident for which ver Star medal: Lt. Col. W. F. Mar- the Cross of Merit wasawarded. Both shall, of Edina, Minn.; Owen Maj. Tuttle and Mekkelson were aboard the Ross, of Bethany, Mo.; Capt. Meade U. S. S. Pope when she was lost off Wittaker, of Minneapolis, Minn.; and Java in March 1942,and are listed as Lt. James Walker, of Raleigh, N. C. missing. Lt. Thomas T. Flaherty (MC), USN, Aschenbrenner was awarded the Long Beach, Calif., naval flight sur- Cross of Merit for attempting to save geon with SCAT,wasalso awarded the life of a shipmate, Bernard J. the Silver Star. Wardzinski, GM~C, USN, of Buffalo, N. Y . Aschenbrenner had started beQueenWilhelmina low to relieveWardzinski,whowas on watch to takesoundings in several Honors Navy Men compartments that were shipping Three enlisted men of the United water, andhe saw the carpenters States Navy, who served in ships de- mate lying on the deck of a compartsomehow had become fending the Netherlands East Indies, ment which have been awarded decorations by filled with gas. He sounded analarmandthen Queen Wilhelmina. C 1 a r e n c e John Aschenbrenner, went into the compartment to rescue
the unconscious man. He, too, lost consciousness. A r e s c u e squad brought them out, but both died shortly after. Tuttle and Mekkelsons citations for the Bronze Cross were identical: For courageous and meritorious performance of duty in various actions while a member of a crew of a United States destroyer engaged in the defense of the Netherlands East Indies, which ship was finally lost in her last engagement.
Capt. Willard A. Kitts m, USN, of Los Gatos, Calif., for his heroism as commanding officer of the U. S. S. Northampton during action against Japanese naval forces off Savo Island on the nightof 30 November 1942. A1though a number of ships ahead were sunk by hostile bombardment and others were leftin flames, Captain Kitts maneuvered his vessel and kept her fighting with all the weapons a t his command. When the Northampton was eventually torpedoed, he prevented her from beaching on the enemy shore and thereby enabled the lives of a great many of his crew to be saved. Although every possible effort was exerted to keep the damaged vessel afloat, he was finally compelled to order the crews over the side and,
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Commander Laurence A. Abercrombie, USN, of Lawrence, Mass., a Gold Star inlieu of a third Navy Cross, for boldly strikingat theenemy in.a daring daylight raid on a hostile patrol line while commanding officer of a destroyer division south of the Gilbert Islands, 22 October 1942, and expertly maneuvering his division to engage Japanese surface units with the result that4wo enemy vessels were sunk and repeated Japanese aerial attacks were repelled without damage to ships or personnel of his command. Through the high combat efficiency of his forces, heavy damage was inflicted on the enemy and an important andhazardous mission was brought to a successful conclusion. Commander Abercrombiereceived his second Gold Star for actions as screen commander of a task unit during action against Japanese aerial forces in the Solomon Islands area, 17 February 1943. By theaccurate and timely warning given by the ships under his command, Commander Abercrombie enabled the task unit commander to dispose his transports and destroyers for the most effective action against hostile torpedo planes. Despite the difficulties and hazards of a night engagement during which five Japanese planes were destroyed, Commander Abercrombie brought his forces throughwithout casualty or damage. Lt. Comdr. Douglas H.Fox, USN, of Dowagiac, Mich., who is listed as missing in action, a Gold Star in lieu of a second Navy Cross, for heroism as commanding officer of a United States warship during action against Japanese forces near the Santa Cruz Islands on 26 October and during the arduoustask locating and rescuing survivors of damaged aircraft. While underintense and prolonged aerial bombardment, L i e u t e n a n t Commander Fox maneuvered his ship to effect the rescue of 250 survivors from a stricken aircraft carrier. Later, under extreme darkness and adverse weather conditions, hebroughthis ship into a vicinity of dangerous reefs and, despite imminent threat of submarineattacks, picked up stranded crews and passengers from four large patrol planes without loss of personnel.
GOLD STARS IN LlEU OF SECOND N A V Y CROSSES: Talking things overafterhavingbeenawardedGold Stars in lieu of second Navy Crosses arefour U.S . submarine commanderswho collectively sank more than 250,000 tons of enemy shipping in operations in the Pacific. Left to .right:Comdr. Frank W . Fenno, Westmimter, Mass.; Lt.Comdr. Dudley W . Morton, Miami, Fla.; Lt. Comdr. Glynn R. Donaho, Normangee,Texas, and Lt. Comdr.,A. H . Taylor;Philadelphia,Pa. The awards .were made by Admiral Chester W . Nimitz at Pearl Harbor.
Lt. Comdr. Arthur R. Taylor, USN, of Narbeth Post Office, Pa., a Gold Star inlieu of a second Navy Cross for sink'ing a total of 24,052 tons of hostile shipping and severely damaging an additional 27,500tons duringa war patrol of hissubmarine in enemycontrolled waters. He brought his ship through without damage and his crew home without injury or loss of life. Islands area from 13-15 November 1942. Ry his courageous leadership, exceptional skill and indomitable fighting spirit he contributed immeasurably to the success of his squadron inthe overwhelming defeat of the enemy in this engagement.
Lt. Comdr. Frank A. Davis, USNR, of San Diego, Calif., who is listed as a prisoner of war, for participating in operations of strategic importanceinvolving hazardous missions such as to reflect great credit upon the United States Naval Service, while exposed to frequ'ent horizontal and dive bombing attacks by Japanese air forces during the period 7 December 1941 to 7 Janua.ry 1942, while on board the U. S. S. Pigeon.
Lt. Stockton B. Strong, USN, of Washington, D C., who served as sec. tion leader of a scouting flight from a Lt. Comdr. James Richard Lee, USN, a United States carrier duringthe enof Washington, D. C., for leading his gagement with Japanesenavaland scouting squadron of a United States air forces near the Santa Cruz Islands on 26 October 1942,a Gold Star aircraft carrier against heavy Japanese cruiser and transport forces in in lieu of a second Navy Cross. Interthe Solomon Islandsarea on 13-15 cepting a radio report which gave the November 1942,and launching numer- location of enemy carriers in a sector ous daring attacks against the enemy, widely separated from his own, Lieutenant Strong,instead of returning inflicting great losses in shipsand men; (See also Distinguished Flying to his carrier as the normal call of duty required, continued toward the Cross.) enemy ships, knowing full well that he would meet with overwhelming Lt. John Alfred Thomas, USN, of numbers of Japanese fighters and Knoxville, Tenn., posthumously, for thathe might run out of fuel. In leading his bombing squadron against attaining position he eluded the heavy Japanesesurface forces and enemy fighters and dived toward a launching numerous daringattacks, large Japanese carrier the Shokaku of obtaining 12 heavy bomb hits on class, scoring a direct hit on the flight enemy vessels, as commanding officer deck. During their retirement, while of the squadron attached to a United Lieutenant Strong and his comrades States aircraftcarrier in theSolomon fought off repeated attacks by enemy
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Lt. (jg) Robert D. Gibson, USNR, of Unionville, Mo., who served .as a bombing pilot during the engagement with Japanese naval and air forces in the Solomon Islands area on 14 and 15 November 1942,for making and developing contactwith a large force of enemy cruisers and destroyers and, attacking a Nachi-class heavy cruiser and several enemy transports, he scored a direct hit on the cruiser and a transport. After his plane had destroyed one Zero-type fighter and hit another, he brought his ship gallantly through the engagement, although badly ,damaged by enemy fire. The next day, returning to attack a beached Japanese transport, he bombed and exploded it.
Lt. (jg) Maxwell Ascher Eaton, USNR, of Wakefield, M s . pilot of as, a plane of a scouting squadron during the assault on and occupation of French Morocco from 8 November 1942 to 11 November 1942, for participating, on 8 November, in a flight of planes on a dive-bombing mission in the vicinity of Casablanca during which he scored a hit with a 500pound bomb on a hostile light cruiser, in the faceof heavy antiaircraft fire. On another flight he volunteered for and brilliantly executed an individual dive-bombing attack on an antiaircraft battery, which he succeeded in silencing. Lt. (jg) Eatons performance of duty was highly instrumental in reducing the resistance of the hostile forces and thereby greatlyassisted the final occupation of the Casablanca area.
aircraft, sending one down in flames, he transmitted a complete radio report of his action and then led his men safely back to their carrier. (See also Air Medal.) Lt. John J. Lynch, USN, of La Jolla, Calif., for participating in determined and effective bombing andstrafing attacks on fleeing Japanese forces in the Battle of Midway on 6 June, 1942, obtaining a successful hit on one of the enemy ships while serving as a pilot in a bombing squadron, and in the face of intense anti-aircraft fire. 6
Lt. (jg) David H. Boyd, USN, of Parksley, Va., for his actions when the torpedo officer of the U. S. S . Duncan was mortally wounded and director control was lost after thefiring of one torpedo during action against Japanese naval forces off Savo Island on the night of 11 October 1942. Lt. (jg) Boyd, then a chief torpedomans mate, unhesitatingly mounted the tube and launched the remaining torpedoes. Scoring a direct hit in the side of a Japanese cruiser which had gagement with Japanesenavaland been damaged earlier in the engageair forces near the Santa Cruz Is- ment, he finished off the enemy vessel lands on 26 October 1942,a Gold Star with a crumbling blast amidships that in lieu of a second NavyCross. As quickly sent it under. great numbers of enemy dive bombers and torpedo planes launched a vicious a attack upon hiscarrier,Lieutenant Ensign Alva A. Simmons, USNR, of Vejtasa unhesitatingly challenegd Portales, N. Mex., who served as pilot andshot down two Japanese dive of a divebomber in actionagainst bombers and thenled his patrol in an Japanese forces in the Coral Sea on attack on a group of enemy torpedo 7 May 1942, for diving his plane a t planes with such daring aggressive- a Japanese aircraft carrier and releasness, that the formation was com- ing his bomb in the face heavy antiof pletely broken and three of the hos- aircraft fire andfierce fighter oppositile bombers jettisonedtheirtorpetion;for contributingmaterially to does as they fled. Lieutenant Vejtasa the high percentage of hits inllicted by his particular squadron and for assisting in the ultimate destruction of the enemy carrier. His individual action was an important factor in the
collective success of those . United States naval forces which engaged the enemy in the Battle the Coral Sea. of Lloyd Thomas Mathis, PhhIlc, urn, of Clifton, S. C., who served as company corpsman with the First Marine Raider Battalion during an engagement with Japanese forces on Guadalcanal on the night of 13-14 September 1942, for constantly exposing himself to enemy fire to care for and evacuate the wounded, when his company was almost completely surrounded by the Japanese and under full attack from all directions. He undoubtedly saved the lives of many of the injured who otherwise might have perished.
Milton Parker Looney, F C ~ C ~ M J I ) , of Bryan, Tex., for his actions when the U. S. S. Northampton was badly damaged by a torpedo hit and set afire during action against Japanese naval forces off Savo Island on the night of 30 November 1942. Organizing and directing a section of men for fighting the flames, Looney Official U. S. Sary Ihotograph. labored tirelessly in the midst of exploding ammunition and in immedi- IN THE NORTH AFRZCAN ZNVASZON: For extraordinary heroism ate proximity to the blaze until he am! distinguished service in action as a pilot of a plane attached to a@ had the fire on the boat deck under aircraft carrier during the assault 0 2 and occupation of French Morocco, 1 control. When the water supply eventually failed, he was attracted by Lt. Comdr. Joseph A . Ruddy, USN, was awarded the Navy Cross by cries of distress from a wounded shipAdmiral R. E. Ingersoll, USN, commander i n chief of the Atlantic Fleet. mate the in mainmast and, while attempting to reachhim by means of a line-throwing gun, was injured hoist in immediate proximity t o a mendous hostile bombardment, and by a shell fragment which lodged in his arm. raging blaze when the ship was badly despite severe wounds and repeated shell hits in the damaged by a torpedo hit andset vicinity of his station. afire. Later, despite recurrent exh plosions from the boat deck, he asLt. Comdr. Eugene B. McKinney, sisted in fighting fires until the fail- USN, of Eugene, Oreg., for damaging SILVER STAR ure of water supply and eventual one tanker totaling abandonment of the listing vessel. two freighters and 18,000 tons, and sinking one 6,000-ton Returning three times to the vicinity tanker and one 100-tonsampan, while Commander Orlin L. Livdahl, USN, of the sinking ship, he swam to the commanding a United States submaof Bismarck, N. Dak., gunnery officer aid of exhausted and helpless persona war of a United Statesaircraftcarrier nel who were in danger of drowning. rineduring brought patrol in enemy waters. He his ship through duringtheStewart Island engagewithout material impairment and his menton 2 4 August 1942, andthe Lt. Comdr. DeWitt C.T. Grubbs, Jr. crew home without injury or loss of aerial attack on Japanese naval units (SC), USN, of Azusa, Calif., who was near the Santa Cruz Islandson 2 6 severely wounded by shrapnel shortly life. a October 1942. By the excellent train- after the commencement of action being andefficient directing of the anti- tween the U. S. S. Atlanta and JapaLt. Comdr. William E. Townsend, aircraft batteries of his ship, Com- nese naval forces in the Solomon Is- USN, of Marietta, Ohio, who was fiight mander Livdahl and his gun crew in lands area on 13 November 1942, for deck officer of a United States aircraft both of these engagements accom- calmly directing the recovery of vital carrier during the engagement with plished the outstanding feat of shoot- supply documents undamaged by fire. Japanese naval units near the Santa ing down nearly half of the attacking Unwilling to abandonhis efforts in Cruz Islands on 26 October 1942, for planes. By thorough preparation order to submit tomedical treatment, coolly and courageously directing the and the able manner in which he di- he requested permission to flight-deck activities and for taking remain rected the fire of his batteries,he con- aboard the vessel after injured perimmediate action in controlling and tributed immesurably to the success sonnel had been removed. extinguishing a blaze which broke out of his ship in these engagements. amidst the planes on the deck. He carried on in spite of the tremendous Lt. Comdr. Louis A. Bryan, USN, of difficulties and great hazards attendLt. Comdr. Forrest M. Price, USN, Williamsburg, Ky., who served aboard ant upon the devastatingfirefrom, of Austin, Tex., who served as assist- the U. S. S. Duncan duringaction large numbers of enemy aircraft conant gunnery officer aboard the U. s. s. against Japanese forces off Savo Is- tinually attacking the carrier. land on the night of 11 October 1942, Northampton duringactionagainst a Japanese naval forces off Savo Island for supervising evacuation of injured Lt. Comdr. Selman S. Bowling, USN, on thenight of 30 November 1942, personnel and survivors trapped by for takingcharge of a detail attempt- fire on thestarboard wing of the of New Albany,Ind.,who served as ing to jettisonammunitionfrom a bridge while his ship was under tre- communication officer on the staff of
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were in danger of exploding did he leave the Nonssen and take charge of life rafts and floats in his vicinity.
Lt. Philip I.Hauck, USN, of Brook? l y n , N. Y., for ably controlling the main battery of the U. S. S. Duncan during action against Japanese forces o f f SavoIsland on thenight of 11 October 1942, and securing 9 hits out of 10 salvos fired a t a hostile cruiser. When thetarget began to disintegrate, shifted he fire on his own initiative and scored hits on a Japanese destroyer in atleast 4 salvos. Lt.VanOstrandPerkins, USN, of Greenwich, Conn., for continuing his direction of fire-fighting parties and other damage control activities aboard the U. S. S. Atlanta during action against Japanese naval forces inthe Solomon Islands areaon 13 November 1942, although he was severelywounded during the course of the engagement and despite acute pain and waning strength. Unwilling to abandon his efforts in order to submit to medical treatment, he requested permission to remain abroad after injured personnel had been removed, but -was ordered to be evacuated.
SON ADMlRES SILVER STAR MEDAL: Richard Dexter, 4-year-old son of Comdr. Dwight H . Dexter, USCG, studies the Silver Star Medal presented his father for intrepidity and gallantry in actiolz while in
charge of all small boat operations at Guadalcanal. Mrs. Dexter smiles. Ceremony was at Goverlzment Islam!, Alameda, Calif.
the Commander Amphibious Force, capable assistance in launching of SouthPacific, and who, in spite of re- effective torpedo attacks while serving peated Japanese attacks and dm- as torpedocontrol officer aboarda the United States submarine. culties of carrying on his task, suc,ceededin maintaining communication with the command echelons ashore, thus permitting the task force comLt. George S. Hamm, USNR, of mander to be constantly advised of Charlottesville, Va., for actions his the situation ashore throughout each aboard the U. S. S. Monssen during of four separate missions to theSolo- combat with Japanesenaval forces mon Islands. During this period also, ~ f fGuadalcanal on 12 November Lieutenant Commander Bowling vol1942. While his ship was under untarily served with a motor torpedo tremendous bombardment, hostile boat squadron, this first-hand combat Lieutenant Hamm, with the main experience providing a valuable system ruptured and only hand exsource of information for the Com- tinguishersavailableforcombating mander Amphibious Force. flames, capably supervised the activities of fire-fighting and damage confr Lt. Frederick J. Harlfinger, IC, USN, trol parties. Refusing to goover the of East Nassau, N. Y., a Gold Star in side when ordered to abandon ship, lieu of a second Silver Star Medal for hesoughtout wounded personnel, contributing materially to thesinking administeredfirstaid,anddirected of one hostile freighter of 9,400 tons evacuation of survivors by emergency andthe severe damaging of three rafts. Not until warned by shipmates others totaling 18,139 tons, by his that magazines aboard the vessel
Lt. Thomas B. Owen, USMI, of Seattle, Wash., who served as communications officer aboard the U. s. s. Northampton duringactionagainst Japanese naval forces off Savo Island on the night of 30 November 1942, for going below and assisting in thepreparation for abandonment of the ship after the vesselbecame badly damaged and was in imminent danger of running on aground enemy-held ,shore. Later, while waiting to abandon ship, he reestablished communitask comcations with the force mander and furnished him with valuable information. After he had gone over the side, he rendered assistance to men who were nearexhaustion, towing two of them a t a time to a point within reach of a rescuing destroyer.
Lt. Albert W. Dickinson, USNR, of La Mesa, Calif., who served as assistant sky-control officer aboardaUnited States warshipwhich was badly damaged by a torpedo hit and set afire during action against Japanese naval forces off Savo Island on the night of 30 November 1942,for directing operations of a hose against flames in immediate proximity to exploding ammunition.Laterhe descended t o a blazing deck to secure a nozzle and, while returning, crushed his hand in the door of the splinter shield as he climbed through. When exPlosions finally. rendered his position untenable, he moved his hose over to the starboard side and continued its use until the waterpower failed.
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Lt. Roy E. Schaeffer (DC), USN, of Amherst, Ohio, who servedas boat division officer on board a United States vessel duringlandingoperations on Gavutu Island, 8 and 9 August 1942. I n volunteering to pilot three loaded amphibian tractorsover a difficult and hazardous route under continuous enemy sniper fire, Lieutenant Schaeffer accomplished a task previously attempted in vain by tractor crews and succeeded in reaching the shore with urgently needed supplies although he had run aground on reefs three times in the darkness and rain. On his return trip to the ship he and his boat crew salvaged an abandoned ramp boatfrom a reef on which it was lodged, carrying this on operation within range of Japanese snipers on shore.
A SMALL WORLD: These three'sailors, all f r o m Poughkeepsie, N . Y., a were shipmates in the North African invasion. In the center i s C. C. Lt. James E. Cashman, USNR, of Curry, PhM3c, USNR, whoremained on a beach swept by enemyfire to Rawlings, Wyo., who served as medi- . treat wounded Coast Guardsmen am? soldiers. Congratulating him and cal officer aboard the U. S. S.Cushing admiring the Silver Star he received for gallantry in action are Lt. J. J. during action against Japanese naval Bruno, USNR, am?K . J.Wanzer, EM1 c, USCG. f forces off Savo Island on the night o 12-13 November 1942,for braverycontinuing toadminister t o wounded personnel and assisting in their evacua- Temporarily driven from his station Ward duringthe engagement with tion, although he himself was injured by gunfire, he returned and,while at- Japanese navalforces off Guadalcanal and the ship was under heavy hostile tempting to give aid to wounded ship- on the night of 12-13 November 1942, mates, was struck down and severely for courageously carrying on the light, bombardment. injured by flying shrapnel. although painfully wounded, when a a direct hit beneath the torpedo tubes $ 2 Lt. Robin M. Lindsey, USN, of San killed his trainer. After another shell Francisco, Calif., for his actions as Lt. (jg) Jack Kopf, Jr., USNR, of tore away the radio antenna and landing signal officer of a United Modesto, Calif., for pressing home a fouled the tubes in train, he cleared States aircraft carrier during the en- determined and vigorous torpedo at- them and assumed the duties of gagement with Japanese naval units tack on a Japanese heavy cruiser in trainer until relieved by the torpedo nearthe Santa Cruz Islands on 26 the face of extremely heavy antiair- officer. He then made an inspection of October 1942. While enemy planes craft fire, while piloting a torpedo charges and assisted roared overhead attacking the ship, bomber of the U S.S. Hornet air damaged depthship of wreckage. . in clearing the Lieutenant Lindsey signalled his dam- group near Santa Cruz Islands, 26 a aged planes on board. He was pri- October 1942. marily responsible for holding to a Lt. (jg) George B. Craighill, Jr., minimum the damage to planes of USNR, of Washington, D C., who, with . Lt. (jg) John A. McWaid, USNR, two carrier air groups. When not Bell, Calif.,serving aboard the U. S. of the assistance of another officer S. performing his normal duties, Lieu- Northampton when that vesselwas aboard the U. S. S. Atlanta during tenant Lindsey abandoned the shelter badly damaged by a torpedo explosion action against Japanese naval forces of his battle station to man theguns during action in the Solomon Islands area on 13 Noof a plane on deck and fire effectively forces off Savoagainst Japanese naval vember 1942, organized and particiIsland on the night of at approaching enemy aircraft. 30 November 1942,for organizing and pated in a bucket brigade which, in the immediate vicinity of exploding leading a fire-fighting party to the a searchlight platform directly above ammunition, extinguished a fire in the Lt. (jg) Robert W. Lassen, USNR, of area of the bridge superstructure. Ogden, Utah, who served as torpedo the boat deck fire. Although explod72 officer aboard the U. S. S. Monssen ing ammunitionshowered his position and burning during action against Japanese forces with shell fragments Lt. (jg) Jerome A. Rapp, USNR, of off Guadalcanalon the night of 12 powder, he continued to direct ahose Cape Girardeau, Mo., for courageously spreading flames until the and boldly pressing home his bombing November 1942,for sightingand scor- against ing two torpedo hits on a Japanese ship's water supply failed. attack on a Japanese heavy cruiser in battleship and one possible hit on z?3 the faceof intense hostile antiaircraft another vessel without the aid of ilCharles S. Ritter, CTM, USN, of Cin- fire while piloting a torpedo bomber lumination and while his ship was cinnati, Ohio, who served as torpedo- attached to a United States aircraft under tremendous bombardment. tube captain aboard the S. S. Aaron carrier during the engagement with U.
Lt. Edward D. Corboy, USNR, of Chi'cago, Ill., for, in the midst of exploding shells, rendering valuable assistance to another officer in the organization of and participation in a bucket brigade which extinguished a fire in the bridge area of the U. S. S. Atlanta during action against Japanese naval forces in the Solomon Islands area on 13 November 1942.
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leg, he administered first aSd and fitted splints, then lowered the helpless man to a raft alongside and re-, mained with him throughout the night.
of David Benson, GM2c, USNR, West Des Moines, Iowa, who served as gun captain of the 1.1-inch machine gun mount aboard the U. S. 8. Barton during action against Japanese forces near the Santa Cruz Islandson 26 October 1942, for maintaining accurate control of his mount under violent attacks by hostile dive and torhis ship was pedo bombers, while stationed in the screen protecting an aircraft carrier, and succeeding in shooting down three Japaneseplanes.
HE ZS NOW CHZEF BOATSWAINS MATE: Thomas Sortilzo, BMlc, USCG, of Forest Park, Ill., wouded in North Africa, i s awarded the Purple Heart by Vice Admiral Russell R. Waesche, USCG commandalzt, andalso promoted im rate.After his imuasion boat bad beensunk, Sortilzo was rescued by fishermem. They brought him to a French surgeolz, who, without amesthetics, amputated his arm.
Japanese naval forces near Santa Cruz Islands on 26 October 1942. (See also Air Medal.) ammunition supply below decks during a lull inthe battle, Capo was thrown against the starboard bulkhead by a torpedo explosion and forced into an adjacent compartment by the resulting pressure of escaping air. Regaining his feet, he immediately proceeded to open hatches, for the release of trapped personnel, to flood magazines and above deck, to assist injured menonto life rafts during abandonmentof that vessel. When there were no more life jackets available on the fantail, he put hisown on a nonswimmer and helped him from the ships side to the safety of a life raft. Walter Asa Eslinger, CPhM, nsN, of The Dalles, Oreg., who served aboard the U. S. S. Northampton during action against Japanese naval forces off Savo Island onthe night of 30 November 1942, for-after his ship had been badly damaged by a torpedo hit and set afire-three times climbing atop the flame-enveloped structure of the mainmast and leading to safety a number of men who had been injured by the explosion and blinded by oil and smoke, although he was menaced by terrific heat and bursting ammunition from the boat deck. Discovering a shipmate who was suffering from severe burns and a broken
Jack Austin Campbell, 2 c , USN, of Greensboro, N. C., who served on the U.S. S Barton during action against . Japaneseforces off Guadalcanal o n the night of 12-13 November 1942, when that ship was torpedoed and sunk, for swimming tirelessly from f man to man among a group o struggling survivors, cheerfully offering encouragement and rendering assistance, after he hadbeen thrown overboard by the violent force of an explosion axid although he was without a life jacket. Discovering an exhausted shipmate, about to drown, he remained withhimuntilthey were both picked up at sunrise, supporting him and calmly reassuring him through frequent periods of delirium in which theman forcibly resisted his efforts and begged to be left to die.
Ensign Fred D. Hoover, Jr., USNR, of Gladstone, Mich., pilot of a torpedo bomber of the U. S. S. Hornet air group during action against Japaneseforces near Santa Cruz Islands, 26 October 1942, for pressing home a determined and vigorous bombing attack on a Japanese heavy cruiser in the face of extremely heavy antiaircraft fire.
Gunner Harry C. Ebert, USN, of San Diego, Calif., who was severely burned after his ship was damaged by a torpedo hit and set afire during action against Japanese naval forces off Savo Island on the night of 30 November 1942, for voluntarily organizing a party and jettisoning ammunition from theblazing boat deck until compelled to retire because of the intense heat from spreading flames and the dangerous proximity of exploding shells.
Lt. Comdr. James Richard Lee, of Washington, D. C., commander of the scouting plane squadron attached to a United States aircraft carrier, who led an offensive search immediately preceding an enemy attack on Japanese naval units near the Santa Cruz Islands on 26 October 1942. Making contactwith Japanese naval units, including aircraft carriers, LieutenantCommander Lee succeeded in penetrating the, enemys airandsurface screens to develop the contact, and then transmitted an accurate radio reportwhile fighting his way through repeated attacks by enemy fighters, dooming one. Although his plane was heavily hit by enemy gunfire, he landed safely back aboard the carrier. (See also Navy . Cross.)
Drayton John Capo, CGM, USN, of St. Augustine, Fla., for his actions aboard the U.S. S. Northampton during action against Japanese naval forces offSavo Island on the night of 30 November 1942. While inspecting
Lt. Comdr. James H. Flatley,Jr., USN, of Cambridge, Ohio, for repeatedly leading his squadron against Japanese surface and air forces in the face of heavy anti-aircraft fire and
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enemy fighter opposition destroying at least 1 enemy aircraft and inflict0 ing heavy damage by strafing enemy combatant ships, transports, and shoreinstallations while serving as fighting squadron commander attached to a United States aircraft carrier in theSolomon Islands area from 13 to 15 November 1942.
Watson, Royal New Zealand Air Force, for his achievement while participating in aerial flight as flight commander of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Squadron serving under a MarineAircraft Group in combat against Japanese forces a t Guadalcanal. Flight Lieutenant Watson consistently carried out the many and varied patrols assigned him. He l e d the first night bombing raid on Munda to be made by his squadron and, in spite of heavy antiaircraft fireand a bad weather front, successfully bombed the runway of that vital Japanese airport. A few days later, while following hostile surface craft, he was attacked by a flight of Zeros, but by his excellent airmanship and cool courage, he finally escaped.
Flight Lt. W. R. B.
carrier dispatched torepel a Japanese raid on Henderson Field, Guadalcanal, 15 November 1942. In the face of superior numbers of enemy aircraft, Lieutenant Ruehlow led his men t o the attack in which six enemy fighters were destroyed and four more were probably shot down. He personally accounted for one Japanese plane shot down and onedamaged. As a result of this action the air raid was repelled and Lieutenant Ruehlow and all of his fighters returned safely to their base.
PURPLE HEART:Wounded five times by a strafing German plane during the invasion, African George Paajanen, 21 MM1 c, USCG, received the PurpleHeart. The scar of one wound is visible on his hand.
Lt. William I Martin, USN, of East . San Gabriel, Calif., for his achievement as pilot of a scout bomber attached to a United Statesaircraft carrier during the engagement with Japanese navalforces off Guadalcanal on 14 and 15 November 1942. After conducting a highly satisfactory searchfor enemy ships,Lieutenant Martin returned to his carrier. Leading three attack groups in the face of heavy antiaircraft fire and an umbrella of enemy fighters, he obtained two direct bomb hits on enemy vessels. ing Fortress crash-landed a Greenon land icecap. Locating the E 1 7 on a broad plateau, crisscrossed by gapping crevices and encircled by moun-tains of ice, Lieutenant Farunak, fully aware of the utterinaccessibility of the spot, made several flights to his base and back, dropping emergency supplies to the stranded crew. After intensive aerial survey, he discovered, about 12 miles from the crippledbomber, a diminutive artificial lake, formed in a shallow depression by melting icefrom the surrounding slopes. Accurately estimating its size, then loading his plane with base camp 72 equipment, he set the 15-ton flying Lt. MacDonald Thompson, USN, of boat down on the precarious ice cap San Pedro, Calif, leader of a division and disembarked a rescue party. Two the crew of torpedo planes attached to a days later, as they and trekked back, he guided them by air United States aircraft carrier during around the bursting canyons and a n engagement with Japanese naval forces off Guadalcanal on 13-15 No- spontaneous rivers that broke without vember 1942, for launching a devas- warning across the frozen wilderness. tating attack against a Japanese bat- Although the glacial lake hadshrunk, tleship of the Kongo class, in spite of he nevertheless made repeated landheavy antiaircraft fire and an um- ings, successfully evacuated every brella of enemy fighters. He and his man, and each time liftedthe PBY off comrades scored three torpedo hits, the water with remarkable skill. A stopping the enemy vessel and pre- day later the base of thecuphad venting her from shelling the aircraft cracked anddrained the lake down installations on Henderson. Field, a crevasse. By his superb airmanship unsurGuadalcanal, thereby contributing in and conquest over almost great part to the outstanding success mountable obstacles, Lieutenant Parof t h i s engagement. Lieutenant unak not only saved the lives of 13 Thompson then took part in repeated men, but also established precedent for future rescues under similarly attacks on major enemy forces. desperate circumstances.
Lt. Albert D Pollack, Jr., USN, of . Santa Barbara, Calif., who served as leader of a patrol of four fighters attached a to United States aircraft carrier during an aerial attack on Japanese naval forces near the Santa Cruz Islands on 26 October 1942, for persisting in an attemptto explode by machine-gun fire an enemy torpedo which was circling near a friendly escort vessel, in spite of heavy attacks by large numbers of enemy aircraft and also fire from his own ships, when his plane was mistaken for a Japanese craft. During the same flight he shot down one enemy divebomber and one torpedo plane, thereby cont.ributing materially to the defense of his carrier.
Lt. (jg) Ralph H. Goddard, USNR, of Bemidji, Minn., posthumously, for leading his division of bombers in launching an attackon a large enemy transport force, damaging twoof the hostile vessels although strongly op-. posed by antiaircraft fire and enemy Zero fighters, while attached to the air group of a United States aircraft carrier during an attack against Japanese naval forcesoff Guadalcanal on 14 and 15 November 1942. The next day, having been assigned to the task of locating and destroying an enemy shore antiaircraft installation, he deliberately placed himself in a position of great danger in order to entice the enemy to open fire and betray their position. Not succeeding inthis, he searched for and found a likely target
Lt: Stanley E. Ruehlow, USN, of Bradhead, Wis., for his achievement as leader of a flight of eight fighters attached to a United States aircraft
Lt. Aram Y. Parunak, usN, of San Francisco, Calif., who piloted a PBY patrol plane during a hazardous rescue in July 1942, when an Army Fly-
in a small clearing at the end of an obscure jungle path. Skillfully placing his bomb in the clearing, Lieuten-, ant (jg) Goddard succeeded in destroying quantities of enemy ammunition, fuel and supplies, as evidenced by great fires which sprang up and spread for a distance of half a mile along the beach area.
Lt. (jg) J. V. Deede, GNR, Woodof worth, N. Dak., for flying achieve-
ment while commanding a PBY-type airplane which delivered a bombing attack on a Japanese naval force in Jolo Harbor, Sulu, P. I., on 27 December 1941. While undercontinuous anti-aircraft fire which crippled his plane, and while opposed by enemy fighters, he successfully evaded the enemy and landed his plane at sea, from which he and the members of his crew were rescued by another PBY-type airplane. Also, for shooting down an enemy fighter which attacked him.
Lt. (jg) Edward S. Parks, Jr., USNR, of Atlanta, Ga., who,as officer-of-thedeck of a United States submarine during a highly successful war patrol, sighted an enemyvessel despite reduced visibility, for maneuvering his vessel into a favorable position and enabling her to launch a fatal attack four minutes after the enemy ship had been sighted.
Lt. (jg) Hugh C. Van Roosen, USN, of Newton Centre, M s . officer-ofas, the-deck of a United States submarine during a highly successful war patrol, for displaying resourcefulness and initiative in conning his vessel t o a favorable position which enabled it to deliver a fatal attackupon a 1,635-ton enemy submarinewhichLieutenant (jg) Van Roosen had.sighted.
Lt. (jg) Vernon P.Sorensen, USNR, of Seattle, Wash., who served as torpedo. control officer of a United States. submarine during a highly successful war patrol. Through the prompt and accurate operation of the torpedo fire control equipment and the excellent performance of control personnel under the command of Lieutenant (jg) Sorensen, the submarine succeeded in delivering a fatal torpedo attack on a Japanese destroyer leader of 1,700 tons.
Ensign Charles B. Irvine, USNR, of Indianapolis, Ind., who piloted a dive bomber in company with one other similar plane during an aerial attack onJapanese Naval forces near the Santa Cruz Islandson 26 October 1942, for succeeding in fighting off or evading numerous enemy defending fighters and in scoring a direct hit on the flight deck of a large enemy carrier of the Shokaku class. I n retiring after the attack, he and his gunner courageously and successfully defended their plane against the attacks of numerous enemy fighters, sending one down in flames. Although his plane was damaged by enemy gunfire, Ehsign Irvine landed safely aboard hiscarrier. (See also Air Medal:)
Elmer Edwin Jackson, ARMlc, USN, of Wagener, N. C., who served as radioman and free machine gunner in an airplane of a bombing squadron in action against Japanese forces in the Battle of Midway on 6 June 1942, for participatinginpersistent bombing and strafing attacks against fleeing enemy light forces in an airplane which obtained a bomb hit on an enemyvessel in the face of tremendous anti-aircraft Are.
Joseph Roberti, CQM,. USN, of Brooklyn, N. Y., for rendering valuable assistance in rigging an emergency antenna and in supervising the restoration of the bridge to normal operation although he was painfully wounded when he was blown from the bridge to the well deck when the U. S. S.Blakeley was undergoing an enemy torpedo attack
Harry Smith ODonnell, CM2c. Siloam Springs, Ark., for rescuing a comrade while attached t o the U. S. S. Gannet during the sinking of that ship in the Atlantic area. Blown into the sea by the explosion which blasted the Gannet, ODonnell began swimming toward the stricken ship, when he heard cries for help a t some distance behind him. He turned back and swam in the direction of a dazed and seriously injured comrade. Securing the life jacket which had been partially blown off the body of the struggling and helpless man, ODonnell supported him in the water and shouted for assistance. Meantime, the s h i p destroyed, ODonnell sustained his shipmate for more than half an hour before they were picked up by a life raft.
Lt. John G. Downing, USN, of St. Paul, Minn., who is listed as missing in action, for volunteering to organize Harry Hackett Ferrier, RM3c. USN, two boats from the warship to which of West Springfield, Mass., rear-seat he was attached, toremove personnel gunner of a torpedo plane in the from a wrecked plane, stranded deep 5 June inshore of the edge of a reef. FightBattle of Midway on4and 1942, for effectively manning his gun, ing a high wind and imperiled by during theinitialattack upon an treacherous swells breaking against enemy aircraft carrier, under a ter- jagged rocks, he personally directed rific barrage of firefrom numerous operations which resulted in the successful rescue of 17 officers and men Japanese fighter planes and antiaircraft batteries. without injury to either survivors of
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Lt. (jg) William E. Johnson, USNR, of Gadsden, Ala., a Gold Star in lieu f? of a second Air Medal, for obtaining direct heavy bomb Lt. Willard D. King, USNR, of ex- a probablevessel in the face of hit on ington, Va., for inflicting serious dam- an enemy Are after he made heavy conage on Japanese installations in four antiaircraft successful bombing raids as pilot of tact with a major Japaneseforce dursearch operations as a a Catalina airplane in the South Pa-- ing air group attached tomember of a United cific area. A s pilot of the flag plane an States aircraft carrier in the battle for Commander Aircraft, South Pacific Force, Lieutenant King made re- for the Solomon Islands on 14 November 1942. Upon retiring after the peated routine administrative trips into the combat area, performing this bombing, he was viciouslyattacked by task expeditiously and with oustand- Japanese fighters and failed to return from his mission. ing skill. Lieutenant Johnson received his f? first Air Medal for his achievement Lt. James W. McConnaughhey, USN, while participating in an aerial enof Newton, Kans.; Lt. Marvin D. gagement as pilot of 8 scouting plane Norton, Jr., USN, of Marietta, Ga.; operating from a United States aircraft carrier during an attack against Lt. (jg) Jerome A. Rapp, USNR, of Cape Girardeau, Mo., and Ehsign Japanese naval forces near the Santa Robert E. Oscar, USNR, of Cleveland, Cruz Islands on 26 October 1942. I n Ohio, pilots in a torpedo squadron at- company with his squadron commander, Lt. (jg) Johnson penetrated the tached to a United Statesaircraft air and surface screens of the enemy carrierin combat againstJapanese developed and reported naval forces in the battle the Sol- formation and for omon Islands during the period from the first contact with Japanese carriers. While climbing to attain a 12 to 15 November 1942,for flying with position from which to dive bomb one theirsquadron to deliver an attack against a Japanese battleship of the of the hostile vessels, he was attacked Kongoclass, and, in spite of heavy by large numbers of enemy fighters, antiaircraft Are and an umbrella of but by skillful maneuvering he shot enemy fighters, scoring three hits, down two Japanese Zero fighters with stopping the enemy vessel and pre- his fixed guns. By his expert airmanventing i t from shelling the aircraft ship he was able to return safely with squadron commander to their installations on Henderson Field, his Guadalcanal. They then partici- carrier.
Lt. Stockton B. Strong, USN, of Washington,D. C., pilot of ascout bomber attached to a United States aircraft carrier in combat against Japanesenaval forces in the battle for the Solomon Islands during the period 14 and 15 November 1942, for participating in numerous attacks against major Japanese forces, personally leading one of the attacksand securing a direct heavy bomb hit on an enemy vessel in the face of heavy antiaircraft fire. (See also Navy Cross.)
Lt. (jg) Henry N. Ervin, USNR, of Ottawa, Canada,who is listedas missing in action, for leading his section of scout bombers, launched from a. United States aircraft carrier during the Battle of Santa Cruz, 26 October 1942, throughfurious a attack by enemy fighter planes to bomb a Japanese battleship of the Kongo class, inflicting severe damage by scoring two direct hits and one near miss.
Lt. (jg) Bruce A. McGraw, USNR, of Houston, Tex., for participating in two attacks against hostile transports attempting to land troops on Guadalcanal and, in spite of strong opposition fromsurface. antiaircraft fire and repeated assaults by great numbers of Japanese Zero fighters, on each occasion scoring one direct heavy bomb hit on an enemy ship. Lt. (jg) McGraw wasserving with an air group of a United States aircraft carrier in the Solomon Islands area on 13-15 November 1942, when this action occurred.
Lt. (jg) John F. Richey, USNR, of Sabinal, Tex., who served as pilot of a scout bomber attached to a United States aircraft carrier in combat against Japanese naval forces in the battle for the Solomon Islands on 14 and 15 November 1942,for, after taking partinanattack on a major Japanese force, leading an attack group and obtaining adirect heavy bomb hit on an enemyvessel in the face of heavy antiaircraft fire and hostile fighter planes.
Lt. (jg) Frank R. West, USNR, of Fombell, Pa., who served with an air group of a United States aircraft carrier during an engagement with Japanese naval forces inthe Solomon Islands area on 13-15 November 1942, for participating in two assaults against hostile transports attempting toland troops on Guadalcanal, and, in spite strong opposition from of surface and antiaircraft fire and repeated assaults by great numbers of Japanese Zero fighters, maneuvering so as toinflict the greatest damage on the enemy and scoring one direct heavy bomb hit.
Youre right, doctor, meed Z do glasses!
-Section Base Sweepings.
f 7
Lt. (jg) George C. Estes, USNR, of Franklin, La., for participating in numerous attacks against major Japanese forces in the face of heavy antiaircraft fire, personally leading one
Lt. (jg) Thomas W. Ramsay, USNR, of Perkinston, Miss., for his achievement as pilot of a scout bomber, attached to a United States aircraft car-
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of the attacks and securing a direct heavy bomb hit on an enemy vessel, during the period 1615 November 1942, in the Battle for the Solomon Islands while serving as pilot of a scout bomber attachedto a United States aircraft carrier.
Lt. (jg) George L. Welles, USNR, of Glendale, Calif., for his actions while participating as pilot in a torpedo squadron attached to a United States aircraft carrier in combat against Japanese naval forces in the battle for the Solomon Islandsduring the period from 13 t o 15 November 1942. Flying with his squadron to deliver an attackagainst a batttleship of the Kongo class, Lt. (jg) Welles and his comrades, in spite of heavy antiaircraft fire and an umbrella of enemy fighters, scored three torpedo hits, stopping the hostile vessel and preventing i t from shelling the aircraft installations on Henderson meld, Guadalcanal. He then participated in repeated attacks on major enemy forces
Raleigh, N. C., whowas member of an air group aboard a United States aircraft carrier in combat against Japanese naval forces in theSolomon Islands area on 13-15 November 1942, for,during two attacksagainst the enemy, scoring a near miss on a Japanese cruiser and a direct heavy bomb hit on a transport that was attempting toland troops on Guadalcanal. Despite strong opposition from surface antiaircraft and fire reand peated attacks by a large number of Japanese Zero fighters, he pressed home his attacks, inflicting heavy damage on the enemy. libsign Dan H Fris$ell, USNR, of . Chaffee, Mo., a member of anair group aboard a United States aircraft carrierduring an engagement with Japanese naval forces in the Solomon Islands area on 13-15 November 1942, who participated in two attacks against hostile transports attempting toland troops on Guadalcanal,for pressing home his attacks and, in spite of strong opposition from surface antiaircraft and fire and repeated assaults by great numbers of Japanese Zero fighters, scoring one direct bomb hit on an enemy ship, inflicting heavy damage.
Official U. S. S a v y Photograph.
Lt.. (jg) John H. Finrow, USNR, of Fort Wayne, Ind.; Lt. (jg) Leslie J. Ward, USNR, of Monroe, N. H., and Ensign Leonard Lucier, USNR, of Davenport, Iowa, whoserved as pilots o f scout bombers attached to a United States aircraft carrier in the battle for the Solomon Islands on 14 and 15 November 1942, forparticipating in numerous attacks on major Japanese forces and scoring direct hits on an enemy vessel, in theface of heavy antiaircraft Are and hostile fighter planes.
PLASMA SAVED H S LIFE: SerI geamt Ralph A . Johnsom, USMC,of Waynesboro, Va., receives the Purple Heart from Rear Admiral C. W . 0. Bunker, medical officer i coms mand, Natiomal Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Md. Wounded at Guadalcaml, Sgt. Johnson was giuem blood plasma and rallied quickly. He was evacuated by ambulance plane to a base hospital, later brought to Bethesda.
other fighting planes or his first combat fiight in defense of his carrier,and despite fierce attacks by a large number of Japanese aircraft. Ensign Leonard S. Robinson, USNR, of Seattle, Wash., serving as pilot of a plane attached to the air group of a United States aircraft carrier in combat, againstJapanese forces in the Solomon Islands area on 14 November 1942, for taking part in two attacks against enemy transports attempting to land troops on Guadalcanaland scoring a direct heavy bomb hit on onevessel which contributed to her ultimate destruction. Although his plane was set afire when he was beset by a large number of Zero fighters during the second attack, he skillfully extinguished the blaze, eluded his pursuers andlanded safely.
Ensign Donald Gordon, USNR, of Fort Scott, Kans., member of an air group aboard a United States carrier during an engagement with Japanese naval units near Santa Cruz Islands on 26 October 1942,for destroying two enemy torpedo planes and badly damaging a third after he took off with
Ensign Charles B. Irvine, USNR, of Indianapolis,Ind., pilot of a scout bomber attached to a United States aircraft carrier during the battle for the Solomon Islandson 14 and 15 November 1942, for proceeding t o Guadalcanal, after having searched thoroughly his assigned area, and engaging the enemy in the face heavy of antiaircraft fire and fighter opposition, making two attacks on Japanese forces, one alone and entirely unaided, and obtaining a heavy bomb hit on an enemy vessel. (See also Distinguished Flying Cross.)
T h e Williwaws.
Robert Potter Fitzpatrick, CAP, USN, of Fort Crook, Nebr.,who served as navigator and; gunner of a patrol plane in against action Japanese forces in the Aleutian Islands campaign, for skillfully assisting in determined dive-bombing and strafing attacks after braving severe Alaskan weather and with a low ceiling forcing his plane to fly through clouds to carry out its attack mission against a ships in Kiska Harbor. Ensign Max D.Mohr, USNR, Of St. Japanese Paul, Minn., for participating in sev- Pulling out in the clear at a very low eral attacks on major Japanese forces altitude, his plane was subjected to from his carrier andlater while based withering antiaircraft fire from enemy on Gaudalcanal, scoring two heavy ship and shore batteries and pierced bomb hits onenemy vessels in the face by shrapnel and lighter caliber proof heavy antiaircraft fire and hostile jectiles. a fighter planes, while serving as pilot Wayne C. Colley, ARMlc, USN, of of a scout bomber attached t o a United States aircraft carrier during the Clintwood, Va., for shooting down at battle for the Solomon Islands on 14 least one enemy fighter while taking part withhissquadroninrepeated and 15 November 1942. attacks against major Japanese forces a Ensign Edwin J. Stevens, USNR, of in the battle for the Solomon Islands
on 14-15 November 1942, as a radioman-gunner aboard a scout bomber attached to a United States aircraft carrier.
The following patrol plane captains for their achievement in action againstJapanese forces during the Aleutian Islands campaign: John Howard McNair, ACMM, USN, of Hopewell, Va. Charles Jermie Tant, A l c , USN, of Elm City, N. C.. Floyd Hill, AMMlc, USN, of Signal Mountain, Tenn. Braving severe Alaskan weather and with a low ceiling forcing their planes t o fly through clouds to carry out its attack mission against Japanese ships in Kiska Harbor, they skillfully assisted in determined dive-bombing and straflngattacks.Pulling out in the clear at a very low altitude, their planes were subjected to withering antiaircraft fire from enemy ships andshore batteries and pierced by shrapnel lighter and caliber projectiles.
mN, of Chicago, Ill., for shooting
Acme Photograph.
down two Japanese Zero fighters and assisting in the destruction of a third enemy aircraft which attemptedto attack his plane. He was taking part in anoffensive missionas a radiomangunner on a torpedo plane attached to an air group aboard a United States aircraft carrier, in combat against enemy naval forces near the Santa CruZ Islands on 26 October 1942. Willis LeRoy Stillmaker, ARMlc, USNR, of Shevlin, Oreg., radioman and gunner of a patrolplane in action againstJapanese forces during the Aleutian Islands campaign, for skillfully assisting in determined divebombing and strafing attacks against Japanese ships inKiska Harbor after his plane had braved severe Alaskan weather and was forced to fly through clouds to reach its objective because of a low ceiling. The plane was subject to withering antiaircraft fire from enemy ship and shore batteries and and was pierced by shrapnel
COMMENDED FOR VALOR: Commander 1, Mack Young shakes the Ham? of Lt. (jg) Bawett Gallagher as he preseets the lieutenant a letter of commendation for valor while serving with the U. S. Navy Armed Glutrd aboard s merchantvessel. Lt. William J. Pitt, center,salutes. The presentation was madeduringceremonies at the Navy Armed Guard Center Receiving Statiolz at Brooklyn,N . Y .
bombing and strafing attacks against Japanese ships in Kiska Harbor, braving severe Alaskan weather, including a low ceiling which forced the planes Clifford Ernest Schindele, ARMlc, to fly through clouds, to do so. Pulling USN, of Tolna, N. Dak., member of an out in the clear a t a very low altitude, air group attached to a United States their planes were subjected to withaircraft carrierin the Solomon Islands ering antiaircraft fire from enemy area on 14-15 November 1942, dufing ships and shore batteries and pierced a search mission, for transmitting by shrapnel and lighter caliber proclear and accurate contact reports on jectiles. the presence and activity of an enemy a cruiser-destroyer force, enabling a n . Eligie Pearl Williams, ARM2c, USNR, attack group to damage several Jap- of Center, Tex., a Gold Star in lieu of a anese cruisers. In spite of heavy en- second Air Medal, for shooting down emy fire from ships and planes, Schin- at least one enemy fighter while taking dele, following his own planes attack on an enemy cruiser, sent reports of part in repeated attacks against mathe resultsto his base, and on several jor Japanese forces. He was serving a scoutas radioman-gunner occasions took valuable photographs bomber attached to an in group of a air of enemy surface vessels, showing the United States aircraft carrier comin damage inflicted on them. While fiybat against Japanese naval and air ing from Henderson Field, he scored forces in the battle for the Solomon hits on a Japanese fighter plane and Islands on 14 and 15 November 1942. destroyed it. lighter caliber projectiles when it pulled out into the clear at a very low altitude.
Jack Pershing MacCrossen, ARMlc, USN,of Milwaukee, Wis. . . Murdo Lee Martin, ARM2c, USN, af La Junta, Colo. Rolland Arthur Reynolds, AEM~c, USN, of Toledo, Wash. William Heinrich, Jr., Slc, USN, of Dawson, Ill. The above men, serving as radiomen and gunners of patrol planes in action against Japanese forces during the Aleutian Islands campaign, f o r skillfully assisting in determined dive-
Page 65
Womens Reserve shall be that of captain.(The highest ranking officer is now a lieutenant commander.) s The measure, a amended, also provides that : There shall not be more than one officer in the grade of captain, exclusive of officers appointed in theMedical Department of the Naval Reserve: Provided further, That military auunder thority of officers commissioned the provisions of the act may be exercised over womenof the reserve only and is limited to the administration of the Womens Reserve. Members of the Womens Reserve of the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or their dependents, shall be entitled to all allowances or benefits provided by law for male officers and enlisted men with dependents: Provided, That husbands of such members shall not be considered dependents. (This section shall be effective from 30 July 1942.)
MN-119b.Aerology-Fog. MA-2333. Electricity and MagnetismPart I-Elements of Electricity. MA-2392. Malaria-Its Cause and Effect. MA-2511s.ArmyCookSeries-Meat Cutting Tools and Equipment-Part I. MA-2511b. Army Cook Series-Cutting 1 Hindquarters of Beef-Part 1 . MA-2511~. Army Cook Series-Cooking and Carving Meat-Part III. MA-2379a through f. Rifle Marksmanship with M-1 rifle. S(3-2257. Tips on Slide Films. MN-l49a, b, c. Japan Our Enemy. MA-1631. Radio Receivers-Principles and Typical Circuits. SA-2326. German Soldier. SA-2325. Japanese Eoldier. MN-1298~. Pontoon Assembly and Utilization-Part 2-Assembling a Ponton Barge. SA-2538a. Rigging-Part 1RopeS and Lashings. SA2538b. Rigging-PaI% 11-Knots. MA-2465. Recognition of Japanese Zero Fighter. MN-2295. Experimental Underwater Concussion Injuries. MA409AK. Identification of A i r c r a f t British LanCaSter. SN-1449c. Electrical Controls-Part IIIRelays-Protectors. SN-1595b. Mark 37 Gun Director-Description of the System (Part I ). I SA-2576. Censorship of Mail. MA-2592. Ten Ton PontonHinge Span. MA-2591. Ten Ton Ponton Rafts. MA-2593. Camouflage of Airdromes. MN-16f. T r a i n i n g Look-outs-Night Vision. 6 8 5 . Repair, Supply, and Relief. SN-75a. b, c. Ground Tackle-Parts I, 11, and 111-Equipment, Flying Mooring and Ordinary Mooring.
Designed to call attention to published information which otherwise may be missed. Activity o publisher in par renthesis indicates where publication may be obtained; cost, if any, as indicated. Issuing activities should furnishlistings to Editor.
The Significance of Aids t o Marine Navigation (U. S. Coast Guard) : To acquaint beginners in the study of navigation with basic principles. Instrument Flight, Part 1 (Training Division, BUAer) : Aids to instrument flying. The American Nautical Almanac for S. 1944 (U. Naval Observatory, Washington, D. c . ) . Ice Formation on Aircraft (Training Division, BuAer): How to avoid and get rid of ice. Thunderstorms (Training D i v i s i o n, thunderBuAer) : How t o understand storms. Fog (Training Division, BuAer): How t o combat fog. Lest We Forget (Industrial Incentive Division, Navy Dept.) : Excerpts from personal letters, many written by Navy ,men who did not return from battle.
TraDiv Letter (Training Division, BuPers) : Antiaircraft at Great Lakes: Easts Largest Training Station; The Navys Fighting Stevedores; S.S.City of Midland; Gas Mask Drill a t Farragut; WAVES In-Service Training; Training Ship of the Desert; Norfolk Cooks and Bakers School; The Japanese Soldier; A Two-Dimensional Steam Engine; First Naval District Physical ,,Fitness; Admiral Jacobs Speaks on V-12.
The following new training Alms and fllm strips have been approved for initial distribution to applicable Naval activities. Activities not included i n initial distribution may borrow prints from Naval District Libraries.
LegaI Eflects of Military Service (Ganson J. Baldwin, 72 Wall St., New York City) :
Page 66
With the approval of the Commander in Chief, United States Fleet, and the Chief of Naval Operations, the Bureauannounces a policy regarding rotation of duty for enlisted men who have been performing hazardous duty aboard ship and at outlying stations, and establishes 18 months in such duty as theminimum period after which enlisted personnel may, commensurate with the fighting efficiency of the service, be considered available to return the to United States for rehabilitationleave and assignment to duty. Administrative commands shall determine the types of duty in order of priority which warrant consideration under the rotation program. It should be understood clearly that this policy does not establish a right, but entitlement is only, depending upon the exigencies of the service, the enlisted personnel situation, available transportation, and the prosecution of the war. Transportation facilities and individual ship requirements will admittedly determinehow much relief may be afforded. Experience will indicate the extent to which the policy can be caried out. . Enlisted personnel entitled to rotation, particularlymen who donot wish to return to the United States, maybe granted 30 days rehabilitation leave in allied countries. In such cases leave entries shall be made in service recHaving received rehabilitaords. . tion leave in an allied country, they will begin serving a new18 months rotation period. . Personnel attachedto vessels returning to theUnited States foroverhaul or extensive repairs of sufficient length topermit general leave will begin a new 18 months rotation period from date of completion of overhaul. During the overhaul period it is anticipated that enlisted personnel will have received a n opportunity to be granted 30 days rehabilitation leave and men failing to take advantage of this opportunity may not receive credit under the rotationprogram for prior service in combat areas. Exceptions to this rule are authorized only
in the cases of key enlisted ratings where the services of the men are urgently required on board ship during the overhaul period, as determined by Commanding Officers, and so entered in service records. . . Enlisted personnel now serving in combat areas, and a t outlying stations, in excess of complement, may be considered immediately available for rotation when they complete the minimum 18 months service. Thereafter, personnel automatically made in excess by the receipt of drafts will become eligible under the same conditions. The Bureau authorizes publication of this policy to all Commands for promulgation to the crew. It should be emphasized that this is a policy only, the fulfilment of which will be dependent upon the conditions which exist in the individual activity. . .
The Chief of Naval Personnel notes with gratification the following memorandum which has been received by the Bureau of Naval Personnel: Attn: All Medical Officers. Subj : Temporary Appointments and Promotions, procedure in effecting. Ref.: (a) Joint Circular Letters Pers-32-IW; P14-2(1469), dated 8 December 1942. 1. Attention is invited to reference (a). Information at hand reveals that in many instancesthe procedures outlined are not being followed. In effecting future temporaryappointments and promotions the provisions of Ref. (a) will be adhered to strictly. Should similar action followed by be other Commands, much of the difficulty involved in effecting temporary appointments and promotions would be eliminated.
Page Army Commissary Privileges69 ChangesinUniformRegulations 69 Correct Address Noted for 71 Training School Qesight Waivers Authorized Refor Enlisted Women servists 71 Facts Available Identification Cards-surrender and Destruction on 70 Discharge 69 Kindergarten Service 71, Legal Aid forServicemen__69 Maternity and Infant Care Available to Service Wives71 Parcels for Prisonersof War__ 67 PhysicalRequirements Lowered Selective for Service Inductees 68 Qualifications for Specialists (U) 70 Reservists Now Eligible for Good Conduct Awards___ 70 Rotation of Duty for Enlisted Men _ __ __67 Short Wave Radio Frograms_--_--____--________ 70 Small Arms Medals - 69 Temporary Appointments___ 67
____- __ _ -_ --___
Page 67
Former Navy minimum requirement. sonnel in the Far East, although the PhysicalRequirements 62 inches. Navy is standing ready to provide Venereal diseaseNavy will nowacthese shipments whenever transpor- Lowered for Selective cept men with acute, uncomplicated tation can be arranged. ServiceInductees gonorrhea, but will not accept men Private parcels containing items Reduced physical requirements for with cardio-vascular, cerebrospinal, o r other than food may be sent direct to American prisoners (including Naval induction of men through Selective visceral syphilis, or active syphilis retreatment. Men with adepersonnel) each 60 days-if trans- Service procedures became effective 1 quiring portation' is possible-by next of kin, June 1943. Under the joint induction quately treated syphilis, other than and to those United Kingdom prison- procedure with the Army, substan- the above, are acceptable. Formerly tially lowered standards for general the Navy would not acceptindividuals ers whose next of kin reside in the with venereal diseases. United States, to whom labels are is- service go into effect. The process of drawing together Extremities-F'revious regulations sued by the Office of the Provost Marshal General, U. S. A., Washington, and lowering the physical qualifica- governing loss or incapacity of extremities including loss of either D. @., by any individual to whom tions has resulted in a minimum deor The thumb or the right index finger or the next of kin transfers his label. viation frommutualstandards. two entire fingers, for personnel to be Labels issued by the Department of Navy deviations are asfollows: War Services, Ottawa, Canada, to next Vision-Color vision required for inducted into the Army will nowapply of kin in the United States of captured Navy, not for Army. Minimum visual for bothservices, except that the Navy members of the Canadian forces au- acuity of 6/20 in one eye and 10/20 will not accept men who havelost thorizes the sending of a private parcel in the other eye without glasses, or more than one phalanx of the right 10/20 withboth eyes open without index finger, the terminal andmiddle each 90 days. Although contributions forstandard glasses, provided vision is not below phalanges of any two fingers on the food parcels for American prisoners 6/20 in either eye and provided defec- same hand,or entire loss of any finger are not accepted by the American Red tive vision is not due to organic dis- except the little finger of either hand ring finger of the left hand. Cross, that organization does accept ease, now acceptable for general serv- or the Literacy-Army standards of litunrestricted contributions for general ice with both Army and Navy. Forrelief to United States prisoners, ap- merly, Navy required 15/20 binocular eracy have been adopted by the Navy. plying such funds to the purchase and vision with no less than 6/20 in one Those acceptable for induction include citizens of the United States and shipment of medical supplies, ciga- eye. HeighGMaximum for Army, 78 aliens of friendly and cobelligerent rettes, tobacco, and other comfort articles not provided by the Army and inches, for Navy, 76 inches. Minimum nations who are in all respects physheightfor both services, 60 inches. ically qualified. The Navywill conNavy.
Page 68
tinue to refuse aliens of enemy nations or aliens of countries allied with enemy nations. Teeth-Navy will accept inductees without teeth any provided they possess healthy gums correctible by dentures. Hitherto the Navy has required sufficient naturalteethor suitable replacements to supply satisfactory biting function.
Changes in uniform regulations Previously announced have been modified 8s fOllOWS, effective 1 October
For other than formal occasions, officers shall wear undress caps with polished black vizors and black braid chin straps. (Note: This does not affectthe wearina of the garrison -~ cap.) For formal wear, dress caps with
embroidered vizors and gold lace chin straps may be worn by officers of the rank of commander and above. Officers of and below the rank of lieutenant commander may wear dress caps with polished Vhr and gold lace chin straps. Sleeve Stripes on the blue service coat shall extend on the outside of the sleeve from seam to seam only.
Article 30-2290 (2) S,Army RegU. ulations authorizes cash sales at Army Commissaries to be made to officers, warrant officers and enlisted men of the Army,Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard on the active or retired list for their own use or for the use of dependent members of their families. A recent change to U. S. Army Regulationsextends the same privilege Reserve, to members of the Naval Coast Guard Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve while on active duty.
The .following table is reprinted for information from the 15 June 1941 issue the NavyDepartment SemGMonthly Bulletin:
Dress Blue
Blue (full lace on White (goldlace Blue (halflace on Gray(clothshoulsleeves). shoulder marks). sleeves) .a der marks). Blue__._____...... Blue _ _ _ _ _ _ _ White Gray. TROUSERS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ ____.____..._.. CAP Dress4._______.... Undress a ___...... Dress4._.._.______ Undress! Rlwk __________... __________... White Black. Black SHOES SHIRT-------------- Gray--. _______.. Gray (pin-on devlces) White_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ Black. _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Black ___________ White_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _or black. Black Gray _ . Gilt_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Gilt_ _ _ _ _Blue-hlack. __ plastic. Yes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ Yes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yes. Service. As prescribed___.._ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Service
___________________ ________________
White 1
Service Blue
1 Where Dress White is appropriate Service Dress Blue B C or D or Service Dress E may be worn 3 aray workink unifoA will be word when availadle. 6,u;int the decessary transitiin eriod, o5cers will be permitted to wear khaki uniforms, now in their possession ormanufactured, untirthe supply in stock is exhausted, but undress caps shall be worn after 1 October 1943. a Half lace on sleeves and undresscaps will be mandatory for wearwith Service uniforms after October
Gold embroidered vizors commanders andabove- gold lace chin strap for all ranks. for Plain vizor and black braidchin strap. Garrison cs)p of same coloras uniform optional.
Armory News.
States and the District of Columbia, which is known as the Committee on War Work of the American Bar Association. The object of such committee is to render free legal aid to servicemen and their dependents, where, as a result of their navalservice, such persons are unable to pay for the same. Each State and theDistrict of Columbia has a separate organization for the Performance of such work under the direction of a respective State or District Chairman. A complete list of the names of the Chairmen for theDistrict of Columbia and theStates of the Union was published in the Bureau of Naval Personnel Circular Letter No. 72-43, dated 11 May 1943. Since the publication of such circular letter there have been six changes in the names the State of Chairman which are as follows: Arizona-Strike out the name and address of Fred Blair Townsend, and insert in lieu thereof, James C. Haynes, Tucson. Arkansas-Strike out the name and address of Edward H. Wooten, and insert in lieu thereof, A. L Barber, . 1408 Donagher Building, Little Rock. New York-Strike out the name and address of Jackson A. Dykman,
Page 69
andinsertin lieu thereof, Edward Schoeneck, State Power Building, Syracuse. North Carolina-Strike out the name and address H. P. Taylor, and insert in lieu thereof, John S. Bradway, Durham. South D a k o t a S t r i k e dut thename and address of Clifford A, Wilson, and insert inlieu thereof, Claude A. Hamilton, Security National Bank Building, Sioux Falls. Virginia-Strike out the name and address of John. C. Parker, Jr., and insert in lieu thereof, ThomasH. Willcox, National Bank of Commerce Building, Norfolk. There willbe continuous changes from time to time in the names of the chairmen of such committees, which changes will be brought to the attention of members of the naval personnel by publication in the INFRMATION
1. 95 30
15,350 9,897.5
Tell It ToThe
KWU 19.5
vision of not less than 6/20 in the Reservists Now Eligible worst eye, with binocular vision (two eyes) not less than 12/20. For Good Conduct Waivers may be granted by the Awards Office of Naval Officer Procurement without a formal waiver letter from Ehlisted men of the United States the Bureau of Naval Personnel. Naval Reserve are now eligible to. reAnother recent ruling permitted waivers to be granted qualified women ceive good conduct awards previously min- authorized only for men of the regular who are 1 inch shorter than the Navy or for Reservists who had transimum height requirement of 5 feet. ferred to the regular service. Naval Reserve men may be recommended for the award after each three-year period of continuous active service in time of national emergency and/or war. They must also meet the requirements prescribed for the regular Navy.
2 34 16 27 69 35 40 67 34 23
in 48 Hours Set
Argonaut, Crew Accepts Destruction Rather Than Surrender Armed Guard Gets Eight Bombers Army Commissary Privileges, Navy Allowed
............... ............
. . 69
16 32 67
D E d Launched atPhiladelphia
. . . . 67 PearlHarbor Takes Off ItsBandMail,CatalinaDelivers to Amchitka . 34 ages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Massacre Bay: Snow,Sand, Mud . . 38 Photographers, Navy, Photograph Maternity and Infant Care Available Holtz Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 to Service Wives . . . . . . . . . 71 PhiladelphiaNavyYardLaunches McIntire, Rear Admiral Ross . T on , 32 Sea Water Made Drinkable . . . 15 6 DES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physical Requirements Lowered for Medals, Small Arms . . . . . . . . . 69 Selective Service Inductees . . . . 68 Months News . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Prisoners of War, Packages for . . . 67 . 47 Base NavyDepartmentCommuniques P-T in South Pacific . . . . . . 34 Navy F i l m , w a r Workers TOSee . 24 Qualifications for Specialists (U) . 70 Navy Gains in U-Boat War . . . . . 6RadioPrograms,ShortWave(July, August) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 New V-12 Program Under Way . . 4 RecreationCenters,New,inSouth Pacific, Newfoundland . . . . . . . 33 Rescue MenMissing 66 Days . . . . 34 This Months Cover Rockwell, Rear Admiral Francis W., AmphibiousCommander . . . . . 2 Rotation of Duty for Enlisted Men . 67 Sansone, Cpl. Leonard, Creator of Wolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Life of a V-12 Man
26 18
............. 8 Enlisted Men, Rotation of Duty for . 67 Enterprises War Against the Japs . I1
68 22 69 20 70
............... FactsAvailable . . . . . . . . . . . Fog at Attu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . French: Short List of Words and Phrases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Global Maintenance Service . . . . .
70 71 39 29 20
Seabees HaveGrown
Navy Photographers
36 18 69 71 71 2 8 69 66
....... .....
G., Am-
As was the case at Gzcadalcanal and the Russell Islands, American forces utilized captured Japanese equipment in their attacks and recapture of Attzc. Among the booty taken at the small Aleutian outpost was this Japanese landing barge, captured at Massacre Bay. The American jlag was secured to the staff and the boat was put t o work against its former owners. Although smaller, the Jap boat is similar to the Higgins landing barge, two of which can be seem at theleft.Thebow opens in the same fashionfor the discharge of troops and equipment. (For details of the battle f o r Attu, see p . 35.) On the opposite: page A sailor atop a mooring mast makes fast a blimp at the Naval Air Station, Lakehurst, N . J . (All cover pictures are Oficial U . S. Navy Photographs.)
.... Ships Clothing, the Wolf in .... SmallArmsMedals ......... Special Delivery, Worldwide . . . . Specialists (U),Qualificationsfor .
.............. ...... Subs, Sunk by Cats in Two Oceans . Torpedo, W e FiredOne . . . . . .
Spencer Sinks a U-Boat Tunis-Liberated Men Women and Welcome Allied Army. U-Boat War, Navy Gains in Spealman, Lt. (jg) Claire R., Discovers Method to Make Sea Water Drinkable
15 7 23 25 33 12 69 17 12 24
....... To See Navy Films .
War Workers
WAVES, Eyesight Waivers, Authorized for We Fired One Torpedo- Wolf in Ships Clothing
25 22
Page 72
6. 5 . GOVERNMENT P R I N T I N G OFFICE: 1 9 4 9