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General Chemistry
General Chemistry
General Chemistry
Ebook1,646 pages20 hours

General Chemistry

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  • Chemistry

  • Elements

  • Chemical Reactions

  • Thermodynamics

  • Compounds

  • Science Fiction

  • Mad Scientist

  • Mystery

  • Science Hero

  • Eureka Moment

  • Science & Technology

  • Hard Science

  • Enemies to Lovers

  • Misunderstandings

  • Power of Knowledge

  • Statistical Mechanics

  • Periodic Table

  • Quantum Mechanics

  • Science

  • Entropy

About this ebook

"An excellent text, highly recommended." — Choice
When it was first published, this first-year chemistry text revolutionized the teaching of chemistry by presenting it in terms of unifying principles instead of as a body of unrelated facts. Those principles included modern theories of atomic and molecular structure, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. In addition, Dr. Pauling attempted to correlate the theories with descriptive chemistry, the observed properties of substances, to introduce the student to the multitude of chemical substances and their properties.
In this extensively revised and updated third edition, the Nobel Prize–winning author maintains an excellent balance between theoretical and descriptive material, although the amount of descriptive chemistry has been decreased somewhat, and the presentation of the subject, especially in relation to the nonmetals, has been revised in such a way as to permit greater correlation with the electronic structure of atoms, especially electronegativity.
The principles of quantum mechanics are discussed on the basis of the de Broglie wavelength of the electron. The quantized energy levels of a particle in a box are derived by means of a simple assumption about the relation of the de Broglie waves to the walls of the box. No attempt is made to solve the Schrodinger wave equation for other systems, but the wave functions of hydrogen-like electrons are presented and discussed in some detail, and the quantum states for other systems are also covered. Statistical mechanics is introduced before thermodynamics, and the discussion of thermodynamics is based on it. This arrangement reflects the author's belief that beginning students can understand statistical mechanics better than chemical thermodynamics.
Aimed at first-year college students who plan to major in chemistry or closely related fields, the book is written in a logical, clear and understandable style. In addition, many excellent figures are included, along with numerous problems and 75 pages of appendixes covering such topics as symmetry of molecules and crystals, hybrid bond orbitals, and magnetic properties of substances.

Release dateNov 24, 2014
General Chemistry

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General Chemistry - Linus Pauling


The Nature and Properties of Matter

1-1. Matter and Chemistry

The universe is composed of matter and radiant energy. Matter (from the Latin materia, meaning wood or other material) may be defined as any kind of mass-energy (see Section 1-2) that moves with velocities less than the velocity of light, and radiant energy as any kind of mass-energy that moves with the velocity of light.

The different kinds of matter are called substances. Chemistry is the science of substances—their structure, their properties, and the reactions that change them into other substances.

This definition of chemistry is both too narrow and too broad. It is too narrow because the chemist in his study of substances must also study radiant energy, in its interaction with substances. He may be interested in the color of substances, which is produced by the absorption of light. Or he may be interested in the atomic structure of substances, as determined by the diffraction of x-rays (Section 3-7 and Appendix IV) or by the absorption or emission of radiowaves by the substances.

On the other hand, the definition is too broad, in that almost all of science could be included within it. The astrophysicist is interested in the substances that are present in stars and other celestial bodies, or that are distributed, in very low concentration, through interstellar space. The nuclear physicist studies the substances that constitute the nuclei of atoms. The biologist is interested in the substances that are present in living organisms. The geologist is interested in the substances, called minerals, that make up the earth. It is hard to draw a line between chemistry and other sciences.

1-2. Mass and Energy

Matter has mass, and any portion of matter on the earth is attracted toward the center of the earth by the force of gravity; this attraction is called the weight of the portion of matter. For many years scientists thought that matter and radiant energy could be distinguished through the possession of mass by matter and the lack of possession of mass by energy. Then, early in the present century (1905), it was pointed out by Albert Einstein (1879-1955) that energy also has mass, and that light is accordingly attracted by matter through gravitation. This was verified by astronomers, who found that a ray of light traveling from a distant star to the earth and passing close by the sun is bent toward the sun by its gravitational attraction. The observation of this phenomenon was made during a solar eclipse, when the image of the star could be seen close to the sun.

The amount of mass associated with a definite amount of energy is given by an important equation, the Einstein equation, which is an essential part of the theory of relativity:

In this equation E is the amount of energy (J), m is the mass (kg), and c is the velocity of light (m s−1).* The velocity of light, c, is one of the fundamental constants of nature;† its value is 2.9979 × 10⁸ meters per second.

Until the present century it was also thought that matter could not be created or destroyed, but could only be converted from one form into another. In recent years it has, however, been found possible to convert matter into radiant energy, and to convert radiant energy into matter. The mass m of the matter obtained by the conversion of an amount E of radiant energy or convertible into this amount of radiant energy is given by the Einstein equation. Experimental verification of the Einstein equation has been obtained by the study of processes involving nuclei of atoms. The nature of these processes will be described in later chapters in this book.

Until early in the present century scientists made use of a law of conservation of matter and a law of conservation of energy. These two conservation laws were then combined into a single one, the law of conservation of mass, in which the mass to be conserved includes both the mass of the matter in the system and the mass of the radiant energy in the system.

1-3. The International System of Units

The metric system of units of length, mass, force, and other physical quantities was developed during the French Revolution. Because of their greater convenience and simplicity, metric units have replaced native units (such as the foot and the pound) in scientific work everywhere and have been formally accepted for practical use in many countries (all except the United States, Canada, and some African countries). An extended and improved form of the metric system, called the International System (IS, or sometimes SI, for Systéme International), was formally adopted by the General Conference of Weights and Measures in 1960.

The symbols of the basic IS units and of the prefixes for fractions and multiples and those for some derived IS units are given in Appendix I. If you have made use of the MKS system (meter-kilogram-second system) in your study of physics the IS system will be familiar to you, for the most part, but if you have made use of the cgs system (centimeter-gram-second system) you will have to learn some new units.

The IS unit of mass, the kilogram, is defined as the mass of a standard object made of a platinum-iridium alloy and kept in Paris. One pound is equal approximately to 453.59 g, and hence 1 kg is equal approximately to 2.205 lb. (Note that it has become customary for the abbreviation of units in the metric system to be written without periods.) There is at the present time a flaw in the International System, in that the name for the unit of mass involves a prefix, kilo. This flaw will remain until agreement about a new name and symbol has been reached. In the meantime we must remember that 1 milligram (symbol 1 mg, not 1 μkg) is one millionth of the unit of mass, not one thousandth, as indicated by the prefix milli.

The IS unit of length, the meter (m), is equal to about 39.37 inches (1 inch equals exactly 2.54 cm). The meter was formerly defined as the distance between two engraved lines on a standard platinum-iridium bar kept in Paris by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures; in 1960 it was redefined, by international agreement, as 1,650,763.73 wavelengths of the orange-red spectral line* of krypton 86.

The IS unit of time is the second (s). It is defined as the interval occupied by 9,192,631,770 cycles of the microwave line* of cesium 133 with wavelength about 3.26 cm. The second was formerly defined as 1/86400th of the mean solar day.

The IS unit of volume is the cubic meter, m³. In chemistry a unit that is much used† is the liter, symbol 1, which is 1 × 10−3 m³. The milliliter, 1 × 10−3 1, is equal to the cubic centimeter: 1 ml = 1 cm³.

The IS unit of force is the newton (N), which is defined as the force needed to accelerate a mass of 1 kg by 1 m s−2. The newton is 10⁵ dyne (the dyne, the unit of force in the cgs system, is the force that accelerates 1 g by 1 cm s−2). The IS unit of energy, the joule‡ (J), is the work done by 1 newton in the distance 1 meter: 1 J = 1 N m = 10⁷ erg = 10⁷ dyne cm.

In chemistry the calorie has been extensively used as the unit of energy. The thermochemical calorie, defined as 4.184 J (Appendix I), is approximately the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C. The large calorie (kcal or Cal) is 10³ cal. In this book we shall use the joule in most of the tables and discussions. Since most thermochemical reference books use the calorie or kilocalorie, you will find it worth while to remember the conversion factor:

Example 1-1. Niagara Falls (Horseshoe) is 160 feet high. How much warmer is the water at the bottom than at the top, as the result of the conversion of potential energy into thermal energy? The standard acceleration of gravity is 9.80665 m s−2.

Solution. The gravitational force on a mass of 1 kg at the earth’s surface is 9.80665 N. The change is potential energy of 1 kg over a vertical distance h (in meters) is 9.80665 × h J. In this problem h has the value 0.3048 × 160 = 48.77 m (conversion factor from Appendix I); hence the change in potential energy produces 9.80665 × 48.77 = 478 J of thermal energy. The energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1°C is given above as 1 kcal = 4.184 kJ = 4184 J. Hence the increase in temperature of the water is 478/4184 = 0.114°C.

Example 1-2.When 2 kg of uranium 235 undergoes nuclear fission (as in the detonation of the Hiroshima atomic bomb on 6 August 1945), 1.646 × 10¹⁴ J of radiant energy and thermal energy is liberated. What is the mass of the material products of the reaction?

Solution. We can calculate the mass of the liberated energy by the use of the Einstein equation (1-1). Rewriting this equation by dividing each side by and introducing the values of E and c, we obtain

Thus, the material mass of 2 kg has decreased by 0.00183 kg (that is, by 0.0915%), leaving material products of the reaction with mass 1.99817 kg.

The Einstein relation between mass and energy has been verified by the direct measurement of the mass of the products and of the energy emitted in nuclear reactions.

Example 1-3. It is found by experiment that when 1 kg of glyceryl trinitrate (nitroglycerine) is exploded, the amount 8.0 × 10⁶ J of energy is liberated. What is the mass of the products of the explosion?

Solution. This example is to be solved in exactly the same way as the preceding one. The mass of the radiant energy that is produced by the explosion is obtained by dividing the energy, E, by the square of the velocity of light:

Thus we calculate that the mass of the products of the explosion is 0.999999999911 kg.

We see that the mass of the products of this chemical reaction differs very slightly from the mass of the reactant—so slightly that it is impossible to detect the change in a direct way. The change, less than one part in ten billion (1 in 10¹⁰), is so small that for practical purposes we may say that there is conservation of mass in ordinary chemical reactions.

1-4. Temperature

If two objects are placed in contact with one another, thermal energy may flow from one object to the other one. Temperature is the quality that determines the direction in which thermal energy flows—it flows from the object at higher temperature to the object at lower temperature.

Temperatures are ordinarily measured by means of a thermometer, such as the ordinary mercury thermometer, consisting of a quantity of mercury in a glass tube. The temperature scale used by scientists is the centigrade or Celsius scale; it was introduced by Anders Celsius (1701-1744), a Swedish professor of astronomy, in 1742. On this scale the temperature of freezing water saturated with air is 0°C and the temperature of boiling water is 100°C at 1 atm pressure.

On the Fahrenheit scale, used in everyday life in English-speaking countries, the freezing point of water is 32°F and the boiling point of water is 212°F. On this scale the freezing point and the boiling point differ by 180°, rather than the 100° of the centigrade scale.*

of the centigrade degree, and that 0°C is the same temperature as 32°F.

The Kelvin Temperature Scale

About 200 years ago scientists noticed that a sample of gas that is cooled decreases in volume in a regular way, and they saw that if the volume were to continue to decrease in the same way it would become zero at about—273°C. The concept was developed that this temperature,—273°C (more accurately,—273.15°C), is the minimum temperature, the absolute zero. A new temperature scale was then devised by Lord Kelvin, a great British physicist (1824-1907). The Kelvin scale† is defined in such a way as to permit the laws of thermodynamics to be expressed in simple form (see Chapter 10).

The IS temperature scale is the Kelvin scale with a new definition of the degree. The absolute zero is taken to be 0°K and the triple point of water is taken to be 273.16°K. (The triple point of water, the temperature at which pure liquid water, ice, and water vapor are in equilibrium, is discussed in Section 11-9.) With this definition of the degree, the boiling point of water at one atmosphere pressure is 373.15°K and the freezing point of water saturated with air at one atmosphere pressure* is 273.15°K. Hence the IS Kelvin temperature is 273.15°K greater than the centigrade temperature.

1-5. Kinds of Matter

We shall first distinguish between objects and kinds of matter. An object, such as a human being, a table, a brass doorknob, may be made of one kind of matter or of several kinds of matter. The chemist is primarily interested not in the objects themselves, but in the kinds of matter of which they are composed. He is interested in the alloy brass, whether it is in a doorknob or in some other object; and his interest may be primarily in those properties of the material that are independent of the nature of the objects containing it.


The word material is used in referring to any kind of matter, whether homogeneous or heterogeneous.

A heterogeneous material is a material that consists of parts with different properties. A homogeneous material has the same properties throughout.

Wood, with soft and hard rings alternating, is obviously a heterogeneous material, as is also granite, in which grains of three different substances (the minerals quartz, mica, and feldspar) can be seen.

A mineral is any chemical element, compound, or other homogeneous material (such as a liquid solution or a crystalline solution) occurring naturally as a product of inorganic processes. Most minerals are solids. Water and mercury are examples of liquid minerals, and air and helium (from rocks or helium wells) are examples of gaseous minerals. Amalgam (mercury containing dissolved silver and gold) is an example of a solution occurring as a mineral. Rocks are simple minerals (limestone consists of the mineral calcite, which is calcium carbonate) or mixtures of minerals (granite is such a mixture).


A substance is usually defined by chemists as a homogeneous species of matter with reasonably definite chemical composition.

By this definition, pure salt, pure sugar, pure iron, pure copper, pure sulfur, pure water, pure oxygen, and pure hydrogen are representative substances. On the other hand, a solution of sugar in water is not a substance; it is, to be sure, homogeneous, but it does not satisfy the second part of the above definition, inasmuch as its composition is not definite but is widely variable, being determined by the amount of sugar that happens to have been dissolved in a given amount of water. Similarly, the gold of a gold ring or watchcase is not a pure substance, even though it is apparently homogeneous. It is an alloy of gold with other metals, and it usually consists of a crystalline solution of copper in gold. The word alloy is used to refer to a metallic material containing two or more elements: the intermetallic compounds are substances, but most alloys are crystalline solutions or mixtures.

Sometimes (as in the first section of this chapter) the word substance is used in a broader sense, essentially as equivalent to material. For the sake of clarity, the chemist’s more restricted meaning may be indicated by the phrase pure substance.

Our definition is not precise, in that it says that a substance has reasonably definite chemical composition. Most materials that the chemist classifies as substances (pure substances) have definite chemical composition; for example, pure salt consists of the two elements sodium and chlorine in exactly the ratio of one atom of sodium to one atom of chlorine. Others, however, show a small range of variation of chemical composition; an example is the iron sulfide that is made by heating iron and sulfur together. This substance has a range in composition of a few percent.

Kinds of Definition

Definitions may be either precise or imprecise. The mathematician may define the words that he uses precisely; in his further discussion he then adheres rigorously to the defined meaning of each word. We have given some precise definitions above. One of them is the definition of the kilogram as the mass of a standard object, the prototype kilogram, that is kept in Paris. Similarly, the gram is defined rigorously and precisely as 1/1000 the mass of the kilogram.

On the other hand, the words that are used in describing nature, which is itself complex, may not be capable of precise definition. In giving a definition for such a word the effort is made to describe the accepted usage.

Mixtures and Solutions

A specimen of granite, in which grains of three different species of matter can be seen, is obviously a mixture. An emulsion of oil in water (a suspension of droplets of oil in water) is also a mixture. The heterogeneity of a piece of granite is obvious to the eye. The heterogeneity of an emulsion containing large drops of oil suspended in water is also obvious; the emulsion is clearly seen to be a mixture. But as the oil droplets in the emulsion are made smaller and smaller, it may become impossible to observe the heterogeneity of the material, and uncertainty may arise as to whether the material should be called a mixture or a solution.

An ordinary solution is homogeneous; it is not usually classified as a substance, however, because its composition is variable. A solution of liquids, such as alcohol and water, or of gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen (the principal constituents of air), may also be called a mixture. The word mixture may thus be used to refer to a homogeneous material that is not a pure substance or to a heterogeneous aggregate of two or more substances.

A homogeneous crystalline material is not necessarily a pure substance. Thus natural crystals of sulfur are sometimes deep yellow or brown in color, instead of light yellow. The dark crystals contain some selenium, distributed at random throughout the crystals in place of some of the sulfur, the crystals being homogeneous, and with faces as well formed as those of pure sulfur. These crystals are a crystalline solution (or solid solution). The gold-copper alloy used in jewelry is another example of a crystalline solution. It is a homogeneous material, but its composition is variable.


A material system (that is, a limited part of the universe) may be described in terms of the phases constituting it. A phase is a homogeneous part of a system, separated from other parts by physical boundaries. For example, if a flask is partially full of water in which ice is floating, the system comprising the contents of the flask consists of three phases: ice (a solid phase); water (a liquid phase); and air (a gaseous phase). A piece of malleable cast iron can be seen with a microscope to be a mixture of small grains of iron and particles of graphite (a form of carbon); it hence consists of two phases, iron and graphite (Figure 1-1).


A photomicrograph (linear magnification 100 times-that is, magnified by a linear factor of 100) of a polished and etched surface of a specimen of malleable cast iron, showing small grains of iron and roughly spherical particles of graphite (carbon). The grains of iron look somewhat different from one another because of different illumination. (From Malleable Founders’ Society.)

A phase in a system comprises all of the parts that have the same properties and composition. Thus, if there were several pieces of ice in the system discussed above, they would constitute not several phases, but only one phase, the ice phase.

Constituents and Components

Chemists use the words constituent and component in special ways. The constituents of a system are the various phases that constitute the system.

A set of components of a system is a set of substances (the minimum number of substances) from which the phases (constituents) of the system could be made.

The constituents of the system discussed above are the three phases air, water, and ice. The components of the system may be taken to be either air and water, or air and ice, because the water phase and the ice phase can both be made from a single substance, water (or ice).* In this case the number of components is less than the number of phases. It may be greater; for example, a system consisting just of a solution of sugar in water is constituted of one phase, the solution, but it has two components, sugar and water.

1-6. The Physical Properties of Substances

Properties of substances are their characteristic qualities.

Sodium chloride (common salt) may be selected as an example of a substance. We have all seen this substance in what appear to be different forms—table salt, in fine grains; salt in the form of crystals 2 or 3 mm in diameter, for use in regenerating water-softening minerals; and natural crystals of rock salt 5 cm or more across. Despite their obvious difference all of these samples of salt have the same fundamental properties. In each case the crystals, small or large, are bounded by square or rectangular faces, of different sizes, but with each face always at right angles to each adjacent face. The possession of different properties in different directions—in particular the formation of faces, edges, and vertices— is characteristic of crystals. The cleavage of the different crystals of salt is the same: when crushed, the crystals always break (cleave) along planes parallel to the original faces, producing smaller crystals similar to the larger ones. The different samples have the same salty taste. Their solubility is the same: at room temperature (18°C) 35.86 g of salt can be dissolved in 100 g of water. The density (ratio of mass to volume) of the salt is the same, 2.163 g cm−3.

Properties of this sort, which are not affected appreciably by the size of the sample or its state of subdivision, are called the intrinsic properties* of the substance represented by the samples.

There are other properties besides density and solubility that can be measured precisely and expressed in numbers. Another such property is the melting point, the temperature at which a crystalline substance melts to form a liquid. The electric conductivity and the thermal conductivity are similar properties. On the other hand, there are also interesting physical properties of a substance that are not so simple in nature. One such property is the malleability of a substance—the ease with which the substance can be hammered out into thin sheets. A related property is the ductility—the ease with which the substance can be drawn into a wire. Hardness is a similar property: we say that one substance is less hard than a second substance when it is scratched by the second substance, but this test provides only qualitative information about the hardness. A discussion of hardness is presented in Section 7-1. The color of a substance is an important physical property. It is interesting to note that the apparent color of a substance depends upon its state of subdivision: the color becomes lighter as large particles are ground up into smaller ones, because the distance through which the light penetrates before it is reflected back from the interfaces (surfaces) becomes less as the particles become smaller.

It is customary to say that under the same external conditions all specimens of a particular substance have the same specific physical properties (density, hardness, color, melting point, crystalline form, and others). Sometimes, however, the word substance is used in referring to a material without regard to its state of aggregation; for example, ice, liquid water, and water vapor may be referred to as the same substance. Moreover, a specimen containing crystals of rock salt and crystals of table salt may be called a mixture, even though the specimen may consist entirely of the one chemical substance sodium chloride. This lack of definite-ness in usage seems to cause no confusion in practice.

The concept substance is, of course, an idealization; all actual substances are more or less impure. It is a useful concept, however, because we have learned through experiment that the properties of various specimens of impure substances with the same major component and different impurities are usually nearly the same if the impurities are present in only small amounts. These properties are accepted as the properties of the ideal substance.

1-7. The Chemical Properties of Substances

The chemical properties of a substance are those properties that relate to its participation in chemical reactions. Chemical reactions are the processes that convert substances into other substances.

Thus sodium chloride has the property of changing into a soft metal (sodium) and a greenish-yellow gas (chlorine) when it is decomposed by electrolysis. It also has the property, when it is dissolved in water, of producing a white precipitate when a solution of silver nitrate is added to it; and it has many other chemical properties. Iron has the property of combining readily with the oxygen in moist air, to form iron rust; whereas an alloy of iron with chromium and nickel (stainless steel) is found to resist this process of rusting. It is evident from this example that the chemical properties of materials are important in engineering.

Most substances have the power to enter into many chemical reactions. The study of these reactions constitutes a large part of the study of chemistry.

The properties of taste and odor are closely correlated with the chemical nature of substances, and are to be considered as chemical properties; the senses of smell and taste possessed by animals are the chemical senses. There is still complete lack of knowledge as to the way in which the molecules of tasty and odorous substances interact with the nerve endings in the mouth and nose to produce the sensations of taste and odor; this problem, like the problem of the molecular basis of the action of drugs, is one that awaits solution by the younger generation of chemists.

1-8. The Scientific Method

An important reason for studying science is to learn the scientific method of attack on a problem. The method may be valuable not only in the field of science but also in other fields—of business, of law, of government, of sociology, of international relations.

It is not possible to present a complete account of the scientific method in a few paragraphs. At this point there is given a partial account, which is amplified at the beginning of the following chapter, and in later chapters. Here I may say that one part of the scientific method consists in the application of the principles of rigorous argument that are developed in mathematics and in logic, the deduction of sound conclusions from a set of accepted postulates. In a branch of mathematics the basic postulates are accepted as axioms, and the entire subject is then derived from these postulates. In science, and in other fields of human activity, the basic postulates (principles, laws) are not known, but must be discovered. The process of discovering these laws is called induction.

The first step in applying the scientific method consists in being curious about the world, about the facts that have been found by observation and experiment. In our science these are the facts of descriptive chemistry. The next step is the classification and correlation of many facts by one statement. Such a general statement, which includes within itself a number of facts, is called a law—sometimes a law of nature. Such an effort to classify facts often suggests new experiments, which uncover new facts.

For example, when it was discovered, early in the nineteenth century, that water could be decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis (the action of an electric current), quantitative measurements of the amounts of hydrogen and oxygen were made. It was found in one experiment that 9 g of water on electrolysis produced 1 g of hydrogen and 8 g of oxygen. This fact, for a particular specimen of water, was then amplified by additional facts, all showing that the same amount of hydrogen, 1 g, and the same amount of oxygen, 8 g, were obtained by the electrolysis of 9 g of water from other sources. After many more experiments had been made, all giving the same result, the facts were summarized in a law: all samples of water give on electrolysis the same relative amounts of hydrogen and oxygen. When similar results were obtained for some other substances, this law was generalized into the law of constant composition (or law of definite proportions): in every pure sample of a given compound, the elements are present in the same proportion by weight.

It must be pointed out that the process of induction is never completely reliable. If one hundred analyses of water are made (by weighing the amounts of hydrogen and oxygen obtained by electrolysis of samples of water obtained from different sources), and the same proportion by weight of hydrogen to oxygen is found—to within the limits of accuracy of the experiments—it would seem to be reasonably well justified to state that all samples of water have the same ratio of hydrogen to oxygen by weight. However, if a single reliable analysis were then to be made that gave a different ratio, the law would have to be modified. It might turn out that the law is valid if the weighings of the gases are made with an accuracy of 0.1%, but not if the weighings are made with greater accuracy. This has, in fact, been found to be the case for water. In 1929 William F. Giauque (born 1895) discovered that there are three different kinds of oxygen atoms, with different masses (these atoms are called isotopes; see Chapter 4), and shortly thereafter Harold C. Urey (born 1893) discovered that there are two kinds of hydrogen atoms, with different masses. Water consisting of molecules made with these different kinds of hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms contains hydrogen and oxygen in different ratios by weight, and it has been found that the composition by weight of pure water from different natural sources is, in fact, slightly different. It has accordingly become necessary to revise the law of constant composition in such a way as to take into account the existence of these isotopic forms of atoms. The way in which this is done is described in Chapter 4.

One important way in which progress has been made in science is through a process of successive approximations. Some measurements are made with a certain precision, such as the measurements of the compositions of substances with an accuracy of 1%, and a rough law is formulated that encompasses all of these measurements. It may then happen that, when more precise measurements are made, deviations from the first law are found to exist. A second, more refined but more complicated law may then be formulated to include these deviations. This procedure may have been carried out several times in the formulation of a law of nature in its now accepted state.

It is wise to remember that a law obtained by the process of induction may at any time be found to have limited validity. Conclusions that are reached from such a law by the process of deduction should be recognized as having a probability of being correct that is determined by the probability that the original law is correct.

The application of the scientific method does not consist solely of the routine use of logical rules and procedures. Often a generalization that encompasses many facts has escaped notice until a scientist with unusual insight has discovered it. Intuition and imagination play an important part in the scientific method.

As more and more people gain a sound understanding of the nature of the scientific method and learn to apply it in the solution of the problems of everyday life, we may hope for an improvement in the social, political, and international affairs of the world. Technical progress represents one way in which the world can be improved through science. Another way is through the social progress that results from application of the scientific method—through the development of moral science. I believe that the study of science, the learning of the scientific method by all people, will ultimately help the people of the world in the solution of our great social and political problems.


1-1. What is the difference between matter and radiant energy?

1-2. What is the Einstein relation between mass and energy? Indicate the IS units of the terms in this relation.

1-3. Approximately how much energy, in IS units, is needed to raise 1 liter (1 kg) of liquid water from 273.15°K to 373.15°K? (See the discussion of the calorie, Section 1-3.)

1-4. Verify the following method of converting temperature on the Celsius scale to temperature on the Fahrenheit scale (or the reverse): add 40, multiply by f (or by f), subtract 40.

1-5. Mercury freezes at—40°C. What is its freezing point on the Fahrenheit scale?

1-6. For each of the following systems (i) state how many phases are present in the system; (ii) state for each phase whether it is a pure substance or a mixture; (iii) give the constituents of the system; (iv) give a set of components for the system:

(a) A flask containing a saturated aqueous solution of salt and several crystals of salt.

(b)An evacuated, sealed quartz tube of 100-ml volume containing 10 g of pure zinc heated until about one half the zinc is melted.

(c)As (b) but containing 10 g of a copper-gold alloy instead of 10 g of zinc.

1-7. What is meant by intrinsic property of a substance? Are odor, shape, density, color, weight, taste, luster, area, magnetic susceptibility, and heat capacity intrinsic properties? Which of these are properties that can be quantitatively measured?

* See Section 1-3 for a discussion of the units.

† The symbol c represents the velocity of light in empty space.

* This line corresponds to the transition of the atom from the state designated 5d5 to the state designated 2p10, each of which has J = 1. In this transition an electron drops from a 6d orbital to a 5p orbital (see Section 5-3).

* The normal state of cesium involves one unpaired electron, in a 6s orbital, symbol 2S½. The nucleus cesium 133 has a spin, the spin quantum number having the value 1 = 7/2. The nuclear spin angular momentum and the electron spin angular momentum combine to a resultant angular momentum corresponding either to the value F = 4 or to the value F = 3 of the total angular momentum quantum number. The 3.26-cm line involves the transition between these two levels (see Section 26-7).

† The liter was formerly defined in such a way that there was a small difference between the milliliter and the cubic centimeter (1 old milliliter = 1.000027 cm3 ).

‡ Usually pronounced to rhyme with howl.

* The Fahrenheit scale was devised by Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit (1686-1736), a natural philosopher who was born in Danzig and settled in Holland. He invented the mercury thermometer in 1714; before then alcohol had been used as the liquid in thermometers. As the zero point on his scale he took the lowest temperature he could obtain, produced by mixing equal quantities of snow and ammonium chloride. His choice of 212° for the boiling point of water was made in order that the temperature of his body should be 100°F. The normal temperature of the human body is 98.6°F; perhaps Fahrenheit had a slight fever while he was calibrating his thermometer.

† Another absolute scale, the Rankine scale, is sometimes used in engineering work in the English-speaking countries. It uses the Fahrenheit degree, and has 0°R at the absolute zero.

* The definition of 0°C (and 32°F) is that it is the freezing temperature of water saturated with air at one atmosphere pressure. This temperature is 0.010°K below the triple-point temperature. Increase of pressure from the triple-point value 0.00603 atm to 1 atm decreases the freezing point by 0.0075°K and the presence of dissolved air (nitrogen and oxygen) decreases it further by 0.0024°K.

* In the above discussion air has been described as a component of the system. In discussing changes in state of the system in which the air behaves in the same way that nitrogen would behave, this would not lead to any difficulty, but in a rigorous treatment air might have to be described as involving several components (nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and others).

* Also called specific properties.


The Atomic and Molecular Structure of Matter

The properties of any kind of matter are most easily and clearly learned and understood when they are correlated with its structure, in terms of the molecules, atoms, and still smaller particles that compose it. This subject, the atomic structure of matter, will be taken up in this chapter.

2-1. Hypotheses, Theories, and Laws

When it is first found that an idea explains or correlates a number of facts, the idea is called a hypothesis. A hypothesis may be subjected to further tests and to experimental checking of deductions that may be made from it. If it continues to agree with the results of experiment the hypothesis is called a theory or law.

A theory, such as the atomic theory, usually involves some idea about the nature of some part of the universe, whereas a law may represent a summarizing statement about observed experimental facts. For example, there is a law of the constancy of the angles between the faces of crystals. This law states that whenever the angles between corresponding faces of various crystals of a pure substance are measured they are found to have the same value, whether the crystal is a small one or a large one. It does not explain this fact. An explanation of the fact is given by the atomic theory of crystals, the theory that in crystals the atoms are arranged in a regular order (as described later in this chapter.)

Chemists and other scientists use the word theory in two somewhat different senses. The first meaning of the word is that described above-namely, a hypothesis that has been verified. The second use of the word theory is to represent a systematic body of knowledge, compounded of facts, laws, theories in the limited sense described above, deductive arguments, and so on. Thus by the atomic theory we mean not only the idea that substances are composed of atoms, but also all the facts about substances that can be explained and interpreted in terms of atoms and the arguments that have been developed to explain the properties of substances in terms of their atomic structure.

2-2. The Atomic Theory

In 1805 the English chemist and physicist John Dalton (1766-1844) stated the hypothesis that all substances consist of small particles of matter, of several different kinds, corresponding to the different elements. He called these particles atoms, from the Greek word atomos, meaning indivisible. This hypothesis gave a simple explanation or picture of previously observed but unsatisfactorily explained relations among the weights of substances taking part in chemical reactions with one another. As it was verified by further work in chemistry and physics, Dalton’s atomic hypothesis became the atomic theory.

The rapid progress of our science during the current century is well illustrated by the increase in our knowledge about atoms. In a popular textbook of chemistry written in the early years of the twentieth century atoms were defined as the imaginary units of which bodies are aggregates. The article on Atom in the 11th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, published in 1910, ends with the words The atomic theory has been of priceless value to chemists, but it has more than once happened in the history of science that a hypothesis, after having been useful in the discovery and the coordination of knowledge, has been abandoned and replaced by one more in harmony with later discoveries. Some distinguished chemists have thought that this fate may be awaiting the atomic theory…. But modern discoveries in radioactivity are in favor of the existence of the atom, although they lead to the belief that the atom is not so eternal and unchangeable a thing as Dalton and his predecessors had imagined. Now, only half a century later, we have precise knowledge of the structure and properties of atoms and molecules. Atoms and molecules can no longer be considered imaginary.

Dalton’s Arguments in Support of the Atomic Theory

The Greek philosopher Democritus (about 460-370 B.C.), who had adopted some of his ideas from earlier philosophers, stated that the universe is composed of void (vacuum) and atoms. The atoms were considered to be everlasting and indivisible—absolutely small, so small that their size could not be diminished. He considered the atoms of different substances, such as water and iron, to be fundamentally the same, but to differ in some superficial way; atoms of water, being smooth and round, could roll over one another, whereas atoms of iron, being rough and jagged, would cling together to form a solid body.

The atomic theory of Democritus was pure speculation, and was much too general to be useful. Dalton’s atomic theory, however, was a hypothesis that explained many facts in a simple and reasonable way.

In 1785 the French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794) showed clearly that there is no measurable change in mass during a chemical reaction: the mass of the products is equal to the mass of the reacting substances.

In 1799 another general law, the law of constant proportions, was enunciated by the French chemist Joseph Louis Proust (1754-1826). The law of constant proportions states that different samples of a substance contain its elementary constituents (elements) in the same proportions. For example, it was found by analysis that the two elements hydrogen and oxygen are present in any sample of water in the proportion by weight 1:8.

Dalton stated the hypothesis that elements consist of atoms, all of the atoms of one element being identical, and that compounds result from the combination of atoms of two or more elements, each in definite number. In this way he could give a simple explanation of the law of conservation of mass and of the law of constant proportions.

A molecule is a group of atoms bonded to one another. If a molecule of water is formed by the combination of two atoms of hydrogen with one atom of oxygen, the mass of the molecule should be the sum of the masses of two atoms of hydrogen and an atom of oxygen, in accordance with the law of conservation of mass. The definite composition of a compound is then explained by the definite ratio of atoms of different elements in the molecules of the compound.

Dalton also formulated another law, the law of simple multiple proportions* This law states that when two elements combine to form more than one compound, the weights of one element that combine with the same weight of the other are in the ratios of small integers.

It is found by experiment that, whereas one oxide of carbon consists of carbon and oxygen in the weight ratio 3:4, another consists of carbon and oxygen in the ratio 3:8. The weights of oxygen combined with the same weight of carbon, 3 g, in the two substances are 4 g and 8 g; that is, they are in the ratio of the small integers 1 and 2. This ratio can be explained by assuming that twice as many atoms of oxygen combine with the same number of atoms of carbon in the second substance as in the first.

Dalton had no way of determining the correct formulas of compounds, and he arbitrarily chose formulas to be as simple as possible; for example, he assumed that the molecule of water consisted of one atom of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen, whereas in fact it consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen.

2-3. Modern Methods of Studying Atoms and Molecules

During the second half of the nineteenth century chemists began to discuss the properties of substances in terms of assumed structures of the molecules. Precise information about the atomic structure of molecules and crystals of many substances was finally obtained during the recent period, beginning in 1912. Physicists have developed many powerful methods of investigating the structure of matter. One of these methods is the interpretation of the spectra of substances (see Figure 21-1). A flame containing water vapor, for example, emits light that is characteristic of the water molecule. The spectrum of water vapor may be observed when this light passes through a spectroscope. Measurements of the lines in the water spectrum have been made and interpreted, and it has been found that the two hydrogen atoms in the molecule are about 97 pm (that is, 97 × 10−12 m) from the oxygen atom. Moreover, it has been shown that the two hydrogen atoms are not on opposite sides of the oxygen atom, but that the molecule is bent, the angle formed by the three atoms being 104.5°. The distances between atoms and the angles formed by the atoms in many simple molecules have been determined by spectroscopic methods.

Also, the structures of many substances have been determined by the methods of diffraction of electrons and diffraction of x-rays. In the following pages we shall describe many atomic structures that have been determined by these methods. The x-ray diffraction method of determining the structure of crystals is discussed in Appendix IV.

It is stated above that in the water molecule the two hydrogen atoms are 97 pm from the oxygen atom. This usage is in accordance with the International System. In the past, however, it has been customary to describe interatomic distances with use of the Ångström* as the unit of length; 1 Å = 10−8 cm = 10−10 m = 100 pm. Because of the convenience of the Ångström in the discussion of interatomic distances and because of its use in reference books, we shall use it in this book. The hydrogen-oxygen distance in the water molecule is 0.97 A, and most bond lengths in molecules and crystals lie between 1 Å and 4 Å.

2-4. The Arrangement of Atoms in a Crystal

Most solid substances are crystalline in nature. Sometimes the particles of a sample of solid substance are themselves single crystals, such as the cubic crystals of sodium chloride in table salt. Sometimes these single crystals are very large; occasionally crystals of minerals several meters in diameter are found in nature.

In our discussion we shall use copper as an example. Crystals of copper as large as a centimeter on edge, as shown in Figure 2-1, are found in deposits of copper ore. An ordinary piece of the metal copper does not consist of a single crystal of copper, but of an aggregate of crystals. The crystal grains of a specimen of a metal can be made clearly visible by polishing the surface of the metal, and then etching the metal slightly with an acid. Often the grains are small, and can be seen only with the aid of a microscope (Figure 2-2), but sometimes they are large, and can be easily seen with the naked eye, as in some brass doorknobs.


Crystals of native copper.


A polished and etched surface of a piece of cold-drawn copper bar, showing the small crystal grains that compose the ordinary metal. Magnification 200X (200-fold linearly). The small round spots are gas bubbles.

It has been found by experiment (Section 2-5) that every crystal consists of atoms arranged in a three-dimensional pattern that repeats itself regularly. In a crystal of copper all of the atoms are alike, and they are arranged in the way shown in Figures 2-3 and 2-4. This is a way in which spheres of uniform size may be packed together to occupy the smallest volume. This structure, called the cubic closest-packed structure, was assigned to the copper crystal by W. L. Bragg in 1913.

It is the regularity of arrangement of the atoms in a crystal that gives to the crystal its characteristic properties, in particular the property of growing in the form of polyhedra. (A polyhedron is a solid figure bounded by plane faces.) The faces of crystals are defined by surface layers of atoms, as shown in Figures 2-3 and 2-4. These faces lie at angles to one another that have definite characteristic values, the same for all specimens of the same substance. The principal surface layers for copper correspond to the six faces of a cube (cubic faces or cube faces); these faces are always orthogonal to (at right angles with) one another. The eight smaller surface layers, obtained by cutting off the corners of the cube, are called octahedral faces. Native copper, found in deposits of copper ore, often is in the form of crystals with cubic and octahedral faces (Figure 2-1).


The arrangement of atoms in a crystal of copper. The small cube, containing four copper atoms, is the unit of structure; by repeating it the entire crystal is obtained.


Another atomic view of a copper crystal, showing small octahedral faces and large cube faces.

Atoms are not hard spheres, but are soft, so that by increased force they may be pushed more closely together (be compressed). This compression occurs, for example, when a copper crystal becomes somewhat smaller in volume under increased pressure. The sizes that are assigned to atoms correspond to the distances between the center of one atom and the center of a neighboring atom of the same kind in a crystal under ordinary circumstances. The distance from a copper atom to each of its twelve nearest neighbors in a copper crystal at room temperature and atmospheric pressure is 2.55 Å; this is called the diameter of the copper atom in metallic copper. The radius of the copper atom is half this value.

2-5. The Description of a Crystal Structure

Chemists often make use of the observed shapes of crystals to help in the identification of substances. The description of the shapes of crystals is the subject of the science of crystallography. The method of studying the structure of crystals by the diffraction of x-rays, which was discovered by the German physicist Max von Laue (1879-1960) in 1912 and developed by the British physicists W. H. Bragg (1862-1942) and W. L. Bragg (born 1890), has become especially valuable in recent decades. Much of the information about molecular structure that is given in this book has been obtained by the x-ray diffraction technique.

The basis of the description of the structure of a crystal is the unit of structure, often called the unit cell. For cubic crystals the unit cell is a small cube, which, when repeated parallel to itself in such a way as to fill space, reproduces the entire crystal.

The way in which this is done can be seen from a two-dimensional example. In Figure 2-5 there is shown a portion of a structure based on a square lattice. The unit of structure of this square lattice is a square; when this square is repeated parallel to itself in such a way as to fill the plane, we obtain a sort of two-dimensional crystal. In this case there are present a lattice of atoms of one sort, represented by small spheres at the intersections of the lattice lines, and a lattice of atoms of another sort, represented by larger spheres at the centers of the unit squares. It is customary to describe the structure by the use of coordinates x and y, giving the position of the atoms relative to an origin at the corner of the unit cell, with x and y taken as fractions of the edges of the unit of structure, as indicated in the figure. The atom represented by the small sphere has the coordinates x = 0, y = 0, and the atom at the center of the square has the coordinates x = ½, y = ½.


Arrangement of atoms in a plane. The unit of structure is a square. Small atoms have the coordinates 0, 0 and large atoms the coordinates.

Similarly, the unit cell of a cubic crystal is a cube which when reproduced in parallel orientation would fill space to produce a cubic lattice, as shown in Figure 2-6. The unit cell of a given cubic crystal could be described by giving the value of the edge of the unit, a, and the values of the coordinates x, y, and z for each atom, as fractions of the edge of the unit. Thus, for metallic copper, a cubic structure, the unit of structure is a cube with edge a × 2.55 Å and with four atoms per unit, with coordinates x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; x = 0, y = ½, z = ½ x = ½, y = 0, z = ½ and x = ½, y = ½, z = 0, as shown in Figure 2-7. Often these coordinates are written without giving the symbols x, y, and z; it is then said that there are four copper atoms in the unit, at 0, 0, 0; 0; ½, ½;, ½, 0, ½;, ½, ½, 0.


The simple cubic arrangement of atoms. The unit of structure is a cube, with one atom per unit, its coordinates being 0, 0, 0.

In the unit cube shown in Figure 2-7 the coordinates place an atom at only one of the eight corners. Of course, when this unit cube is surrounded by other unit cubes, atoms are placed at the seven other corners, these atoms being formally associated with the adjacent unit cubes.


The cubic unit of structure for the face-centered cubic arrangement, corresponding to cubic closest packing of spheres. There are four atoms in the unit, with coordinates 0, 0, 0; 0; ½, ½;, ½, 0, ½;, ½, ½, 0.

The unit of structure of the most general sort of crystal, a triclinic crystal (see Appendix III and Figure III-4), is a general parallelepiped, as shown in Figure 2-8. It can be described by giving the values a, b, and c, the lengths of the three edges, and the values of α, β, and γ, the angles between pairs of edges.


The parallelepiped representing a general unit of structure. It is determined by the lengths of its three edges, and by the three angles between the edges. A rectangular parallelepiped with its ab face in the same plane is also shown, light lines.

Example 2-1. The metal iron is cubic, with a = 2.86 Å, and with two iron atoms in the unit cube, at 0, 0, 0 and ½, ½, ½. How many nearest neighbors does each iron atom have, and how far away are they?

Solution. We draw a cubic unit of structure, with edge 2.86 Å, as shown in Figure 2-9, and we indicate in it the positions 0, 0, 0 and ½, ½, ½. When cubes of this sort are reproduced parallel to one another, we see that we obtain the structure shown in Figure 2-10; this is called the body-centered arrangement. It is seen that the atom at ½, ½, ½ is surrounded by eight atoms, the atom at 0, 0, 0 and seven similar atoms. Also, the atom at 0, 0, 0 is surrounded by eight atoms. In each case the surrounding atoms are at the corners of a cube. This situation is described by saying that each atom in the body-centered arrangement has ligancy 8 (or coordination number 8).


The unit of structure corresponding to the cubic body-centered arrangement. There are two atoms in the unit, with coordinates 0, 0, 0 and ½, ½, ½.


Stereoscopic view of the body-centered cubic structure, found for iron and some other metals. [The stereo drawings in this book can be viewed by looking at the right drawing with the right eye and the left drawing with the left eye from a distance of a few inches. It may help to hold a stiff piece of paper upright between the drawings. A moment or two may be required before the viewer learns to integrate the two images.]

To calculate the interatomic distance, we note that the square of this distance is equal to (a/2)² + (a/2)² + (a. Thus the distance between each iron atom and its neighbors is found to be 1.732 × 2.86 Å/2 = 2.48 Å. The metallic radius of iron is hence 1.24 Å.

Example 2-2. The English mathematician and astronomer Thomas Harriot (1560-1621), who was tutor to Sir Walter Raleigh and who traveled to Virginia* in 1585, was interested in the atomic theory of substances. He believed that the hypothesis that substances consist of atoms was plausible, and capable of explaining some of the properties of matter. His writings contain the following propositions:

" 9. The more solid bodies have Atoms touching on all Sydes.

10. Homogeneall bodies consist of Atoms of like figure, and quantitie.

11. The weight may increase by interposition of lesse Atoms in the vacuities between the greater.

12. By the differences of regular touches (in bodies more solid), we find that the lightest are such, where every Atom is touched with six others about it, and greatest (if not intermingled) where twelve others do touch every Atom."

Assuming that the atoms can be represented as hard spheres in contact with one another, what difference in density would there be between the two structures described in the above proposition 12?

Solution. The structure in which every atom is in contact with six others about it that Harriot had in mind is probably the simple cubic arrangement, shown in Figure 2-11. In this arrangement of atoms the unit of structure is a cube that contains one atom, which can be assigned the coordinates 0, 0, 0. Each atom is then in contact with six other atoms, which are at the distance d from it. The volume of the unit cube is

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