Sample Syllabus For Educational Leadership and Management

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Republic of the Philippines

Sorsogon State University

Sorsogon City

in Educational Leadership and Management


An institution with a culture of excellence in developing globally competitive

and values-oriented leaders and professionals.


A premier institution committed to provide industry relevant programs that

are anchored on a culture of research and entrepreneurship
for the development of Sorsogon and beyond.


1. Offer advanced studies that are responsive and relevant to the priority needs of the community.
2. Provide graduate students equity and access to quality education.
3. Promote and participate in the attainment of the College vision and mission.
4. Assist graduate students in achieving quality and excellence in their chosen profession.
5. Incorporate the integration of values and learning in all courses.
6. Prepare leaders in their own areas of specialization who manifest vision, innovation, excellence and
commitment to serve their community clients and the community at large.


The Doctor of Educational Leadership and Management (EdDLM) is an academic research degree
designed for school leaders and managers in basic or higher education institutions. The program emphasizes
high standards and advance levels of academic challenge in the pursuit of quality and excellence in education.
It incorporates a research orientation for effective decision making, enabling them to become positive change
agents in the attainment of national and international goals.


1. To develop high quality leadership and expertise in the field of educational leadership and
management to meet global standards.
2. To enhance conceptual, analytical and research skills in the field of educational leadership and
management through the use of emerging technologies.
3. To provide advanced knowledge, skills and competencies in instruction, research, production and
extension services.
4. To strengthen research capabilities of the postgraduate students towards national growth and
5. To cultivate a culture of scholarship, mentoring, professionalism, ethical, humanism, gender sensitivity
and social responsibility.


1. Demonstrate expertise on theoretical knowledge along educational leadership and management that
may lead to a distinguished professional practice.
2. Demonstrate competence and motivation to understand and solve different problems along
educational leadership and management that may extend or generate new knowledge through
3. Undertake advanced independent practice-based research in educational leadership and management
along the design, implementation, evaluation and communication of complex educational programs.

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Course Syllabus in EdDLM 704
Educational Leadership and Management in Education

I. Course Code: EdDLM 704

II. Course Title: Educational Leadership and Management
III. Prerequisite: None
IV. Credit: 3 units (54 hours)
V. Class Schedule: Friday, Saturday, Sunday
VI. Term: Midyear
VII. Consultation: By appointment
VIII. Course Description
This course designs aims to help educators develop a critically reflective understanding of school
improvement concepts and research. Also, this motivates administrators to enrich their skills and credentials
as leaders and managers to advance their current career. This gives school administrators develop their
knowledge and skills required to function as effective leaders within complex and challenging educational
environments. The researched-based project is the output of this course.
IX. Course Objectives in Relation to Program Outcome

Program Outcome
Course Objectives
1 2 3
1. Demonstrate the development of a critical reflective understanding of school
improvement concepts and research.
2. Demonstrate understanding of the knowledge and skills required to function
as effective leaders and managers within complex and challenging educational L P O
3. Demonstrate understanding on how to enrich leadership and managerial skills
to help achieve educational goals and career advancement.
Legend: L – Learned in the course, P – Practiced in the course, O – Not learned or practiced in the course but opportunity exists

X. Course Coverage
Part Facilitators Content
Levelling of Expectations, Discussion of SorSU VMGO
Course Introduction
Part I Bembo & Bernarte The School as a Social System

The Technical Core: Learning and Teaching

Camposano &
Part II
Dionglay Case Study No. 1: Cooperative Learning: Sound Practice or Social
Principle (with Bembo)
Leadership in Schools
Elli, Espenida,
Part III
Case Study No. 2: School yard dangers

Communication in Schools
Foster, Gonzales &
Part IV
Case Study No. 3: Student can’t take any pressure any longer

Digo Midterm Examination

Organizational Culture of Schools

Part V Las Pinas & Sano
Case Study No. 4: Faculty Teamwork (with Bernarte)

Duaman, Authority, Power, and Politics in School

Part VI Dollentas &
Tarraya Case Study No. 5: How much should parents be told?

Shared Decision Making

Dolorica, Burton &
Part VII
Case Study No. 6: Faculty dissatisfaction and low morale

Digo Final Examination

XI. Teaching Strategies: Andragogy (4As)

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XII. Performance Indicators

Lesson Objectives Performance Indicators

1. Demonstrate understanding of the knowledge and 1. Application of knowledge and skills on the
skills required to function as effective leaders and seven (7) leadership concepts identified
managers within complex and challenging for this course.
educational environment.

2. Demonstrate the development of a critical 2. 100% (6/6) case studies analyzed and
reflective understanding of school improvement evaluated using the appropriate
concepts and research. leadership and managerial concepts.

3. Demonstrate understanding on how to enrich 3. 100% submission of narrative essay and

leadership and managerial skills to help achieve video presentation for the central point:
educational goals and career advancement. “Teachers as Servant Leaders during
CoViD-19 Pandemic”

XIII. Course Requirements and Grading System

1. Examinations (Midterm & Finals) - 40%
2. Quizzes: 6 Case Studies (1 Group Output & 5 Indv. Outputs) - 30%
3. Project : Mga Kuwentong Lingkod Guro sa Panahon ng Pandemya - 20%
(Teachers as Servant Leaders During CoVid-19 Pandemic)
• (Indv. Output thru email) Narrative Essay (500 – 1000 words) – July 3
• (Indv. Output thru FB Group) Video Presentation – July 24
4. Other requirements (Attendance, Presentation of Assigned Topics, etc.) - 10%
• (Group Output thru FB Group, Video Lessons) - June 26

XIV. References

Gorton, R. & Alston, J. A. (2019). School Leadership and Administration (10th Edition). McGraw-Hill

Hoy, W. K. & Miskel, C. G. (2008). Educational Administration: Theory, Research and Practice (9th

Hoy, W. K. & Miskel, C.G. (2013). Hoy and Miskel PowerPoints.

Lunenburg, F. C. (2012). Educational Administration: Concepts and Practices: Important Concepts, Case
Studies, & Simulations (6th Edition). Cengage Learning.

Prepared by:


Professor 5
C.P. No. 0905-236- 4590
E-mail: [email protected]

Recommending Approval:





VP for Academic Affairs

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