Topic: National Nursing Core Competency Standards

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Lee, Ivy Reann A.


Topic: National Nursing Core Competency Standards

1. Read the 2012 National Nursing Core Competency Standards, to include the
Responsibilities of the following Roles:
a. Beginning Nurse’s Role in Client Care
b. Beginning Nurse’s Role in Leadership and Management
c. Beginning Nurse’s Role in Research

2. Write a reflective journal based on the following questions:

a. What do you want to be in the future as a Professional Nurse? You may

specify a nursing field or position.
I want to be a Medical Surgical Nurse or a Military Nurse, because
being near or inside the Operating Room, excites me and makes me feel
happy. Being a Military Nurse on the other hand makes me stay close to
my comfort zone since most of my family members are military officers.

b. Based on the concepts of National Nursing Core Competency Standards,

relate your roles as a Professional Nurse (in your chosen field) in the future.
As a professional medical surgical nurse, I need to be able to establish
collaborative relationship with colleagues and other members of the team to
enhance nursing and other health care services; Practices in accordance with
legal principles and the code of ethics in making personal and professional
judgment; and maintain complete and up to date recording and reporting
I need to be able to have a collaborative relationship with colleagues
because every surgery is a team effort of the whole surgical team, and proper
relationship and collaboration between its members is necessary. I need to
be ethical in educating patients in surgical procedures and administering
medications to them. Maintaining an up to date recording and reporting
system, is important in all aspect of healthcare, but especially during surgical
procedures in case there was any complications.
There are a lot more roles that a surgical nurse must have, but the ones
I’ve mentioned above are the most important for me, which is why I chose to
discuss them, since I cannot discuss everything.

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