ACom Software Manual
ACom Software Manual
ACom Software Manual
User Guide
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
Technical Assistance.......................................................................................................................................................3
Functions of Software.....................................................................................................................................................7
Status Screen...................................................................................................................................................................7
Component Test............................................................................................................................................................14
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Known Issues with RP1210 adapters
Windows XP are either registered trademarks or trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other
• Tool does not support two adapters
countries. connected at the same time.
• Noregon PLC - 1708 Adapter does not
This guide, as well as the software described in it, support USB connection.
is furnished under license and may only be used or
copied in accordance with the terms of the license.
PC hardware requirements
The information provided in this manual is for AComTM diagnostics will run on Windows 98, NT,
informational purposes only and is subject to 2000, XP operating systems. Below are the
change without notice and should not be minimum requirements for running the
construed as a commitment by Bendix Commercial
Vehicle Systems LLC (“Bendix”). Bendix assumes
no responsibility or liability for any errors or • Intel Pentium II processor or compatible, 450
inaccuracies that may appear in this publication. MHz
• 64 MB RAM
• 300 MB free disk space
General Information • Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 4.1
ACom™ diagnostics will provide the user with the (current version will be part of distribution
capability to view and repair ABS component CD)
diagnostic trouble codes, monitor wheel speeds, • Adobe Acrobat Version 4.0 (current version
display and edit configuration of ABS ECU, self- will be part of distribution CD)
configure ABS ECU, and test ABS components. • Communication port
• VGA standard graphics adapter, 800 x 600
This application will support the Bendix® EC-60TM, resolution (1024 x 768 primary usage)
Bendix® EC-17TM, Bendix® EC-30TM, Gen 4 TM, • Window compatible keyboard and mouse
Gen 5 TM (U12 and U16), ABS 2X, Bendix®
TABS6TM, Bendix® EC-30TTM and A-18 TM ABS NOTE: Tool is not guaranteed to operate
ECUs. correctly on 95 operating systems.
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
software may contain additional third party proprietary information, but in no event less than
products. Licensee agrees and acknowledges reasonable standard of care.
that, to the extent that the AComTM diagnostic
software applications contain any such third party TERMINATION
software: (i) such third party software is provided The license will terminate automatically if you fail
on an 'as-is', pass-through basis, and as such is to comply with the limitations described herein.
provided to Licensee without warranty, On termination, you must destroy all copies of the
indemnification, support or other representation Software and Documentation.
by Licensor, except as independently provided
directly to Licensee from the third party licensor; LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.
(ii) Licensor bears no liability with respect to such UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER
products; and (iii) Licensee may be required to NO LEGAL THEORY, TORT, CONTRACT, OR
purchase new versions of such third party OTHERWISE, SHALL BENDIX OR ITS
products as they become available and are SUPPLIERS OR RESELLERS BE LIABLE TO
required by the AComTM diagnostic software. YOU OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY
The general help system may require the use of OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY
the Microsoft® Internet Explorer® software. CHARACTER INCLUDING, WITHOUT
Licensee agrees that, in addition to the terms and LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF
conditions of this Agreement, any copies of GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER
Microsoft® Internet Explorer® software it receives FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, OR ANY AND
hereunder are subject to the terms and ALL OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR
conditions of the Microsoft® End-User License LOSSES.
Agreement for the Internet Explorer® software
included. New releases of the Bendix® AComTM
software may contain additional third party Installing AComTM diagnostics
products. Licensee agrees and acknowledges
When installing AComTM Diagnostics it is
that, to the extent that Bendix® AComTM
recommended that all other programs be closed
diagnostic software applications contain any such
prior to running the installation.
third party software: (i) such third party software
is provided on an 'as-is', pass-through basis, and
as such is provided to Licensee without warranty,
The first screen that appears states that the
indemnification, support or other representation
installation program is going to install ACom TM
by Licensor, except as independently provided
directly to Licensee from the third party licensor;
(ii) Licensor bears no liability with respect to such
products; and (iii) Licensee may be required to
purchase new versions of such products as they
become available and required by the AComTM
diagnostic software.
Licensee agrees to treat the AComTM Software
and Documentation as confidential proprietary
information of Bendix and to use the same
degree of care with such Bendix proprietary
Figure 2
information as it uses to protect its own
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
Then the license agreement is displayed and the Install program displays that the program has
user is required to accept the terms for the been installed on the computer.
program to install.
Figure 7
Figure 3
Uninstall AComTM Diagnostics
Now the user is asked if they want to: Install the If there is a need to uninstall AComTM diagnostics
program automatically, uninstall the program, and it is recommended that the user: click on the
install add-on programs e.g. Acrobat, or if the “Start” button on the task bar, Program, find
user needs help with installing the program. Bendix, ECU installer, choose “uninstall”.
Provides you access to the help files available for
AComTM diagnostics. These files will provide you
with information about features / operation of
AComTM diagnostics. To access the Help
contents, select the Help icon from any screen or
the main menu.
Figure 4
The user has two options available to install the
program: automatic (install program selects Demo Mode
directory for software) or customized. The custom Allows the user to get familiar with the software
installation method also allows the user to select without having to be connected to a vehicle and
specific software components to install. an ECU. The information shown is for
demonstration purposes only, and does not
necessarily reflect actual conditions.
Figure 8
Figure 6
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
• Diagnostic Trouble Codes Part number Bendix ABS ECU part number
• Wheel speed Serial number Bendix ABS ECU serial number
• Configuration Software number Bendix ABS ECU software release
• Component test ABS configuration Number of sensors and modulators
• Installation test the ECU is currently configured for
Traction Control Displays mode(s) of ATC ECU is
currently configured as either engine
Additional screens provided based on ECU type or brake, no control if ABS ECU is not
• Stability Sensors (EC-60 TM Advanced) configured for ATC but supports it. N/A
• Pressures (EC-60 TM Advanced) if ECU does not support ATC
• Scratch Pad (Trailer ABS ECUs) PLC support Will only indicate when a tractor ECU
can support receiving DTC information
• ADL (EC-60 TM andTABS6 TM) over PLC with a Yes or No
• TIMS TM (TABS6 TM) Engine hours/ Will display engine hours if it is a
NOTE: EC-17TM is only supported with ECU odometer tractor, displays odometer mileage if a
trailer or displays N/A if information is
status, DTC and Configuration screens. not available
ADL Program # Will display the ADL Program the ABS
ECU currently has programmed in it.
Stability Control Will display only if the ABS ECU
Status Screen supports any stability control
Provides an overview of the current ABS system. TIMSTM OR
Not all information is supported or available from Trailer ABS 6 supports Tire Inflation
and Monitoring System
all the ECUs, in such a case the data field will
display not available (NA). Information displayed
Status Information
will be read once at the opening of the screen.
Information Explanation of Information
Input voltage, active faults and in-cab lamps will
be continuously updated.
Input Voltage The battery voltage read at the power
input connections to the ABS ECU
Active DTCs The number of active diagnostic
trouble codes read from the ABS ECU.
Event History The number of diagnostic trouble
codes recorded in the ABS ECU
history. Will not show if ECU does not
support this function. This information
is read once when screen is opened.
Active TIMS TM The number of active diagnostic
trouble codes for the TABS6 w/ TIMS
Inactive TIMS TM The number of inactive diagnostic
trouble codes for the TABS6 w/ TIMS
Status information
The TIMS TM DTC information is displayed in
addition to the typical ABS ECU information.
Figure 9
Figure 10
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
Lamp If lamp is illuminated (highlighted) this
indicates diagnostic trouble code(s)
within the ABS and or ATC system
ABS ABS warning lamp when illuminated
indicates active diagnostic trouble
code(s) with a component in the ABS
system. User may double click on
illuminated lamp to go to DTC screen
ATC ATC warning lamp when illuminated
or indicates active diagnostic trouble
ESP code with a component in the ATC
system. User may double click on
TM illuminated lamp to go to DTC screen.
TIMS NOTE: Will display ESP if the ABS
ECU supports the stability control
Figure 11
Display TIMS if the TABS6 ABS Diagnostic Trouble Code Window Tabs
ECU supports Tire Inflation and Active diagnostic trouble code tab will be
Monitoring System
TM Trailer in cab ABS warning lamp
displayed for all ABS ECU’s, while the inactive
indicates current status of trailer ABS diagnostic trouble code will only be displayed
warning lamp in the cab of the tractor. with U12, U16, ABS 2X, A18 TM, and TABS6TM
The tractor ABS ECU must support ABS ECUs. The event tab will be displayed for
PLC functionality with a PLC complaint
trailer in order for the lamp to EC-17™, EC-30™, EC-30T, EC-60™ controller and
illuminate TABS6 TM. The Advanced EC-60 ECU has an
additional tab, ESP Counter. The TABS6 TM
Control Buttons with Tire Inflation and Monitoring System (TIMS
DTCs Will launch diagnostic trouble code ) will have two additional tabs for Active and
screen Inactive TIMS TM DTCs.
Wheels Will launch wheel speed screen
Config Will launch configuration screen
Report Provides a report of the status
information which can be emailed, faxed, Figure 12
Help Will launch the help for status screen
Close Will close the status screen Diagnostic Trouble Code Specific Information
Active diagnostic trouble code information
consists of descriptions, occurrence counts, sub-
Diagnostic Trouble Code Screen system identifiers (SID), and failure mode
identifiers (FMI). Reference service data sheets
for more information. If the ABS ECU does not
The diagnostic trouble code window has three
support occurrence count information, N/A will be
main parts: active diagnostic trouble codes,
displayed. Additionally, each tab will display the
inactive or memorized diagnostic trouble codes,
current odometer (trailer) / engine hours (tractor)
and event history. One or more of these tabs
depending on the ABS ECU and what it supports.
may not appear in the window, because they are
ABS ECU dependent. All active diagnostic
trouble codes (DTC’s) are displayed “real” time,
meaning the ABS ECU is reporting item is
currently active. Inactive/Memorized diagnostic
trouble codes are DTCs, which were active in the Figure 13
past. Event history entries are chronological
listing of DTCs and other events, maintained by Troubleshooting Information
the ABS ECU. The embedded bitmap and test information will
show the connectors with highlighted terminal
locations to assist in troubleshooting.
Highlighting the selected diagnostic trouble code
will provide Service Data Sheet information, on
how to fix the diagnostic trouble code in the panel
below the active DTC description.
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
Figure 16
Figure 19
Control Buttons
Repair Launches detailed repair information for
ONLY sensor and modulator dtcs.
Service Data Launches the service data sheet
Read Manually command a read of the ECU.
This is dependent upon which tab is
active. Active diagnostic trouble codes
Figure 15 will always automatically refresh.
Clear Clears the diagnostic trouble codes,
When engine hours are available, the time stamp depending on the active tab, this function
will be displayed (displayed hhhh:mm, h=hours will send a clear command for active,
and m=minutes) for a tractor or the odometer for inactive (including TIMS active and
inactive) or the event history, and
a trailer. information events.
Report This will launch a dialog and prompt the
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
Figure 24
Configuration Screen
The configuration screen is used to display the Odometer
ABS ECU system configurations. Any The odometer section displays the current
unregistered or incorrect configuration will cause odometer reading. The trip odometer reading is
the ECU to generate a diagnostic trouble code, the odometer mileage since the odometer was
and the configuration will not be changed. cleared. The service odometer is the mileage left
Therefore, any change to the system must be before service is needed.
fully understood by the user. If any questions
should arise, consult Bendix for clarification
1-800-AIR-BRAKE or on the web @
Figure 25
Tire Size
The tire size section displays the current rolling
radius value programmed into the ABS ECU.
These values are for both tires on one axle.
These are dependent on the circumference of the
Figure 20 tire, and how many complete revolutions the tire
Antilock makes over one mile. These values should be
The antilock section displays the current number obtained from the tire manufacturer and typically
of sensors and modulators of the system. are different for each tire model. The tool
assumes a tone ring with 100 teeth.
Figure 21
Figure 22
The retarder section displays the current control Figure 27
of the retarder.
The ESP section displays a list of ESP
parameters stating if they are enabled or
Figure 23 disabled. Additionally, a listing of the stability
sensors indicating they’re mounted as standard
or inverted.
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
This field will show the available sensor /
modulator combinations for the ABS ECU.
Trailer applications will display the control
method along with the sensor / modulator
combination. Consult Bendix if you are unsure
how to correctly configure these parameters.
Possible configurations are listed below.
Figure 28 Tractor 4S / 4M
6S / 4M
Configuration Diagram 6S / 5M
6S / 6M
The diagram will reflect the typical ABS Trailer 4S / 3M
installation for the configuration read from the Control will
4S / 2M
be either
ABS ECU. 2S / 1M
axle or side
2S/ 2M
Tire Size
Tire size is adjustable to within the limits
available for the ABS ECU. Consult the tire
manufacturer specifications for these values.
Additionally, the ECU will set a DTC if the tire
sizes are out of range. NOTE: The program
assumes that a 100-tooth tone ring is being
used. The tire size read back from the ECU
Figure 29 may not be what the user selected because of
how the tool scales the values.
Control Buttons
Modify Launches the Configuration
Modification screen
Self Config Performs a self configuration of the
ABS System
Broadcast Launches the Broadcast options
AUX I/O Launches a window displaying the
status of the auxiliary inputs / outputs Figure 31
Calibrate Launches the sensor calibration NOTE: ACom Diagnostics 5.3 does allow the
(Advanced Only) services the Advanced ESP sensors tone ring to be changed for the TABS6 ONLY.
ESP Parameters Launches the ESP parameter
information. Once the window has Retarder
(Advanced Only)
been launched a save parameter The available control methods are typically:
option becomes available. NOT CONTROLLED – No retarder control for
Help Launches Help system this configuration
Close Closes the configuration screen Retarder Relay – Retarder controlled by a
retarder disable relay
Modify Button Retarder Datalink – Retarder controlled by
Opens the change configuration window allowing J1939 communications
the following configuration information to be
changed: Antilock number of sensors and
modulators, Tire size, Retarder, ATC.
NOTE: ESP parameters are read only.
Figure 32
Figure 30
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
Figure 37
The additional axle is configurable only if the ABS
configuration is 4S/2M or 4S/3M. Control Buttons
Figure 34 Write Writes new configuration
Cancel Closes window
Odometer (Trailer ONLY)
The odometer displays the accumulated mileage Calibrate
of the ECU. The trip odometer can be reset. The This test is available only if the ABS ECU is an
service interval mileage is set here. Advanced EC-60TM, providing calibration for
NOTE: The odometer write can not be set below steering angle and lateral acceleration sensors.
the actual accumulated mileage stored in the Start begins the calibration; the current step will
ECU. The service odometer can be set to a display information / instructions that the user will
mileage for service intervals. Any values inputted have to perform and acknowledge in order for
for odometer need to be positive numbers. If the calibration to occur.
number inputted is not correct the screen will
remain with change.
Figure 35
Figure 38
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
Control Buttons
Start Begins calibration
Stop Stops calibration
Yes Acknowledges condition
needed to continue
No Allows condition to be met
Cancel Stops calibration
Close Closes dialog
Manipulating Graphs
The user is able to display graphical data in
either line or bar graph form. It is possible to Figure 42
switch between the two types of graphs through
the “Graph Type” region of the wheel speed Information
screen. The “elapsed” field of this region refers to the
elapsed time of the current data logging session.
In other words, how long data has been
recording, since the start button was pressed. If
the “auto save” check box is selected before the
Figure 40 data logging procedure begins the user will be
immediately prompted to enter a file name.
Numeric Display of Data When the stop button is pressed at the end of a
The number of wheels displayed in each graph is data logging session, the data will automatically
configurable. Notice the “wheel speeds in MPH” be saved to the file that was created by the user.
region of the screen has check boxes. If the Each subsequent data trace will be saved under
boxes are checked the data for that wheel speed an auto-incremented file name with no further
will be displayed. In order to remove a particular input from the user. If the “auto save” checkbox
wheel from the graph screen; simply uncheck the is not selected, the user will be prompted to enter
box beside its name. a file name, if they wish to save the data they
Each wheel speed is displayed in the same color have recorded as the result of a data logging
as shown in wheel speed box. session.
Also the user can select between miles per hour
and kilometer per hour by selecting the correct
radio button.
The value displayed under the wording of Sensor
Threshold speed indicates the strength of the Figure 43
sensor signal in relationship to the sensor gap.
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
Figure 44
Control buttons
Open Opens saved data
Close Closes the configuration screen
Help Launches Help System Figure 46
Test Selection
The test selection region allows the user to
choose a test to conduct. There are a maximum
of six different tabs to choose from Modulators,
Lamps, Switches, Sensors, ESP and
Miscellaneous. Depending on the type of ECU
and its’ configuration, will determine which tests
are available. Furthermore, within a given test
list, only tests that are valid for the ABS ECU and
its’ configuration will be visible. To navigate
between these categories, the user clicks on the
corresponding tab at the top of the region. After
selecting which component to test, a list of valid
tests will be displayed. Aside from the list of valid Figure 47
tests, status is only displayed when test is
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
Lamp Test
The warning lamps are testable. During the lamp
test, the desired lamp will be turned on and off.
The user will be asked to verify that the selected
lamp behaved in the described manner. Lamps
listed will be based on the ECU model and
Figure 50
ESP Tests
The purpose of the ESP tests is to verify the
operation of various ESP components. Steering
angle checks the output of sensor versus the
movement of the steering wheel. Yaw rate /
Lateral acceleration is used to provide an
indication of the vehicle lateral acceleration and
rotation around the vertical axis. Primary
pressure monitors the primary pressure of the air
system. Secondary pressure monitors the
secondary pressure of the system. Air bag
Figure 48
sensor monitors the air bag pressure. ESP
valves provide the testing of the front ATC valve
Switch Test
and trailer control modulator. Once the program
The purpose of a given switch test is to
has begun, the user will be prompted to do
determine if the circuit for that switch is
various operations; the program will display
operational. Once the test has begun, the user
status. The program asks the user to
will be prompted to toggle the given switch to a
acknowledge whether or not the ECU responded
requested position and verify the status of the
switch. Switch tests listed will be based on ECU
model and configuration.
Figure 51
Figure 49
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
Figure 52
Figure 53
Figure 55
Installation Test
NOTE: The installation test is for reference
Figure 54 only; it does not replace the need for an
automated end of line test process.
Engine limiting test will test whether or not the
J1939 command to increase the engine torque is
being sent out. The user is asked to rev the
engine to 1200 RPM hold it while the test sends
out commands to increase, decrease, increase,
decrease the torque.
Conducting a Test
All tests are controlled via the control buttons on
the right side of the screen.
Start/Next Initiates the selected test
Abort Cancels the selected test
Displays service data information
Figure 56
Help Launches Help system
Close Closes the configuration screen The installation test window will open up and wait
for user input. Either customize the test or start
the test.
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
Other Settings
The last option will disable the program from
Figure 57 going to the next step until a failed step has been
This allows the user to customize various aspects Report
of the installation test. Such as change the order The report can be printed at the end of the
in which tests are performed. This is installation test or saved for printing or record
accomplished by selecting the test and then retention. Again the report can be saved in either
selecting up or down. Additionally, the user can HTML or Text. The report provides ECU
select specific tests to be omitted according to information, the results of the test.
the preference of the OEM personal. This is
accomplished by selecting (check mark) or Test Steps
deselecting (no check mark) which test to A green check mark will be displayed when a test
perform. ECU information and Scratch pad passes. Similarly, a red “X” will be displayed
information are not configurable, meaning they should the test fail. Some tests will require the
will always be part of the test sequence. user to respond if the test data is good in order
for test to complete.
ECU Information
This test will provide the user specific ABS ECU
information. If any data can not be read from the
ABS ECU, the Start/Next button will not enable.
This maintains the integrity of the overall test and
ensures components are available for testing.
Figure 58
Figure 63
Figure 60 Traction Lamp Test
This test verifies the wiring of the lamp and the
Pulse Modulator Test ABS ECU’s ability to illuminate the lamp. The
This test verifies whether the modulator(s) are tester is asked to confirm the result of the test.
installed correctly. The test energizes the
modulator(s) in the predefined order: Right steer,
left steer, right drive, left drive, right additional (if
available) and left additional (if available). The
tester will validate a correct response on the
vehicle. At the completion of all modulators
being energized, the program will ask the tester
whether the modulator(s) responded correctly.
Figure 64
Retarder Test
This test shall verify the operation of the retarder
by enabling and disabling the retarder while the
user revs the engine and listens for retarder to be
enabled or disabled. The tester is asked to
confirm the result of the test.
Figure 61
Figure 65
Figure 62
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Figure 70
Figure 71
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
Engine Limiting (EC-60 Only) delimited file. The pressures may be monitored
Engine limiting test will test whether or not the both graphically and numerically.
J1939 command to increase the engine torque is The pressure sensor window features are similar
being sent out. The user is asked to rev the to the wheel speed window. You can select
engine to 1200 RPM hold it while the test sends which pressure or pressures to display by having
out commands to increase, decrease, increase, the check mark next to pressure name. You can
decrease the torque. select graph type. The information provides the
amount of time data acquisition has been active.
The buttons and their functionality are the same
also as on the wheel speed screen.
Figure 72
Figure 73
Control buttons
Start/Next Initiates the selected test
Stop Stops current test
Repeat Repeats current test
Prints test report
Figure 75
Save Saves test report to file
Customizes test process The stability sensor window has features and
Help Launches Help system
operates similar to the wheel speed window. You
Close Closes the configuration screen can select which sensors to display what type of
graph, save data, and etc. The control buttons
operate the same as on the wheel speed window.
Pressure Sensor Data Acquisition Control Buttons
This screen is available only if the ABS ECU is Start Begins data logging
an Advanced EC-60TM. The pressure sensor Stop Ends data logging session
screen allows the user to monitor pressure Rewind Allows user to move backwards in time
sensors. Along with this functionality, the user through the data
Forward Allows user to move forward in time
has the ability to perform data acquisition of the through the data
pressures and save the results to a comma
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
Control Buttons
Open Opens saved data
Close Closes screen ADL Auxiliary Design Language
Help Launches Help System
This screen provides the mechanism to add an
ADL program, which allows an AUX input or
output of the ABS ECU to be programmed for a
Scratch Pad specific function. Currently the TABS6TM and
Not all ABS ECUs supported by AComTM EC-60 TM are the only ABS ECU models to
diagnostics have the scratch pad. Typically the support ADL.
trailer ABS ECUs have scratch pad. Scratch pad
enables the reading and writing to a specified
area of memory in the ABS ECU. This allows
information to be stored for OEM manufacturing
data and fleet service management.
Figure 78
Program information section provides the user
with read only information regarding the program
number of the ADL function, the ECU type the
ADL program is intended for, and instruction set
Auxiliary I/O displays which I/O the ADL function
will use what type either input or output and the
description of the ADL feature.
The ABS flex program description explains the
Figure 76 operation of the ADL feature.
For more details on ADL please call 1-800-AIR-
Fleet scratch pad is shown next. BRAKE (1-800-247-2725).
Control Buttons
Read ECU Reads ECU current ADL
program information
Load Select ADL program to load
Program Download of ADL program
Erase Erases ADL program
Drawing Displays system drawing of
ADL program (*.pdf)
Help Launches Help system
Close Closes screen
Figure 79
System Status
System operation screen displays various status
information regarding the tire inflation system.
The system status area displays the pressures Figure 81
manifold, atmospheric, and last supply readings.
Channel Status Resize
The channel status is continually monitoring and Resize allows the user to adjust the time and
displaying the state of the tires. Under last check pressure values. Once the values are inputted,
the pressure displayed is the pressure of the tires select update ECU for the changes to take effect.
when checked. The mode/status is continually
cycling through various states such as pressure
check, vent check, and maintain. The target is
the pressure the tires are intended to be inflated
Figure 83
Figure 80
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ACom TM Diagnostics User Manual
Figure 84
Configuration screen provides the user to set up
TIMS TM system target pressure, what percentage
below target pressure before the TIMS TM
warning, and J1587 MID depending on which
trailer, if more than one trailer is connected, to
Figure 85
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