Indian RailwayTechnical Bulletin March 2022

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Indian Railway Technical Bulletin

Number - 380
March 2022
Indian Railway Technical Bulletin published quarterly by the Executive Director (Administration-I), Research
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Instructions for the guidance of authors in the preparation of articles are given at the end of the bulletin.

Edited and published by:

Executive Director/Administration-I,
Research Designs and Standards Organisation,
Ministry of Railways,
Manak Nagar, Lucknow-226011
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Articles Authors Page

1 Word Class Passenger Amenities Jitendra Singh 1

in Indian Railways Principal Executive Director

Manoj Kumar
Director (Mechnical)

2 यटू ीएचएस निदेशालय, आरडीएसओ द्वारा मेट्रो प्रमाणन के एच.के . रघु 6

ऑनलाइन पोर्टल का विकास कार्यकारी निदेशक(समन्वय)
यटू ीएचएस/आरडीएसओ
एम. एम. वारिस
निदेशक/एस एडं टी
यटू ीएचएस/आरडीएसओ
आर. के . रस्तोगी
ए.डी.ई./ एस एडं टी
यटू ीएचएस/आरडीएसओ

3 Replacement of Brakevan with EOTT Dr. Veena K. Verma 9

System ED/Traffic
RDSO, Lucknow

Surendra Kumar Mishra

RDSO, Lucknow

4 Ground Penetration Radar Technology in S.K.Barnwal 13

Indian Railways ED/Track Monitoring
RDSO, Lucknow

Rahul Singh
Director/Track Machine
RDSO, Lucknow

5 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Dr. Vipin Kumar 20

(SCADA) System over Western Dedicated CVO/RDSO
Freight Corridor
Articles Authors Page

6 OHE Voltage & Current Fluctuation over Amit Kumar Saraf 27

Indian Railway Director Standard Electrical
RDSO, Lucknow

Rajesh Singh Yadav

Senior Section Engineer
RDSO, Lucknow

7 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Based Train Sanjeev Garg 30

Director Research Mechanical
RDSO, Lucknow

8 Evaluation of Shrinkage and Creep Sandeep Singh 35

Related Provisions of IRS: Concrete Joint Director/B&S
Bridge Code RDSO, Lucknow

A.K. Pandey
RDSO, Lucknow

Mukesh Kumar
RDSO, Lucknow

9 Use of "Self-learning Robotic Floor Aditya Ujjwal 40

Cleaner" in IR Coaches Sr.DME/C&W/SEE
Sonpur Division

10 An Overview of Metal Inert Gas Welding Ravindra Kumar Misra 50

Using Pulsed Current Dy. Director/SRESTHA
RDSO, Lucknow

11 Study of Total Harmonic Distortion in Jojo Joseph 56

Railway Signalling Power Supply Systems Apprentice Junior Engineer
and its Impact on Electrical Power Factor (Signal)
Delhi Division, Northern
Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022


Jitendra Singh Manoj Kumar

Principal Executive Director Director (Mechnical)

Abstract: This article will give brief details about improve safety features and passenger amenities
in Indian Railway coaches. The new variants of LHB coaches like Vistadome, Humsafar, Tejas,
Antyodaya, Uday, Mahamana, Gatimaan, Deen Dayalu, Anubhuti and Vande Bharat Express
have been provided with modern amenities like automatic plug doors, automatic internal sliding
doors, vacuum bio-toilet, electrically controlled opalescence on windows, GPC based PIS/PAS with
digital speed indication, hot spot for infotainment, CCTV Cameras, mini pantry and numerous
other technologies.
सारांश: इस लेख में भारतीय रेलवे के कोचों में सुरक्षा सुविधाओं और यात्री सुविधाओं में सुधार के बारे में संक्षिप्त विवरण दिया गया है।
एलएचबी डिब्बों के नए रूपों जैसे विस्टाडोम, हमसफर, तेजस, अंत्योदय, उदय, महामना, गतिमान, दीन दयालू, अनुभूति और वंदे भारत
एक्सप्रेस के कोचो में स्वचालित प्लग दरवाजे, स्वचालित आंतरिक स्लाइडिंग दरवाजे, वैक्यूम बायो-टॉयलेट, विंडोज़ पर विद्युत रूप से
नियंत्रित ओपेलेसेंस, डिजिटल स्पीड इंडिके शन के साथ जीपीसी आधारित पीआईएस/पीएएस, इंफोटे नमेंट के लिए हॉट स्पॉट, सीसीटीवी
कै मरा, मिनी पेंट्री और कई अन्य प्रौद्योगिकियां जैसी आधुनिक सुविधाएं प्रदान की गई हैं।

1.0 INTRODUCTION Provision of cushioned seats/berths in general

Second Class coaches, snack table and magazine bags
It is a continual endeavour of Indian Railways (IR) in Sleeper Class coaches, improved design of dustbins
to improve safety features and passenger amenities and washing of linens in mechanized laundries.
in train coaches. New coaches like Vistadome, Induction of Linke Hofmann Busch (LHB) coaches
Humsafar, Tejas, Antyodaya, UDAY, Mahamana, in Mail & Express.
Gatimaan and coaches like Deen Dayalu and
Anubhuti, Vande Bharat Express which have The objective of this article is to spread awareness
improved passenger amenities, have been introduced among the passengers about the better facilities
in service. available in the newly designed coaches.

Steps have been taken to improve safety features in

existing coaches also. In this direction, safety features
like fire & smoke detection system, fire detection and
suppression system and fire extinguishers in non-AC
coaches and Double Acting doors in AC coaches are
provided on identified class of coaches.
For the assistance of visually impaired travelers,
Integrated Braille signage, i.e. signage superimposed
with Braille scripts, are being provided in the newly
manufactured coaches of IR. Retrofitment of the
same in existing coaches has also been taken up in a
phased manner.

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin

2.0 PASSENGER AMENITIES OF LHB This development resulting in 260mm more

COACHES headroom for upper berth passenger in compartment
2.1 Coach Shell Body: Economical light weight
2.4 Cushioned Luggage Rack: Cushioned luggage
steel construction with interlocking technique. Roof
racks have been provided in Antyodaya coaches for
of beaded sheet construction with roof arches.
use as seats during rush time.
Corrugated sheet floor and roof sheeting are made
of stainless steel.
2.2 Monocoque Shell Design: Uday Express
2.3 Vinyl wrapping on the exterior: Tejas, Humsafar,
Uday, Antyodaya

2.5 Doors: Automatic Internal Sliding Doors:

Interior sliding doors serve to separate the
boarding area of the vehicle from the seating
area with advantages of the solution, reliability
and comfort of operation. The interior door can
be controlled either by a radar signal when the
person approaches or by pressing a button on the
door. In case of power failure, the doors are freely
movable manually or in case of emergency, the
door is disconnected from the power supply when
emergency button is pressed and is freely movable
3Tier roof profile
Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
2.8 Seats and Berth: Improved chair with E-leather
(eco leather) as upholstery material has been provided
in Tejas coaches. In executive class chair cars, leg
support has also been provided which are controlled
by gas spring.
Vistadome coach is the 180 degree Rotatable Double
seater offers a panoramic view of the surroundings
to the passengers. Like in other elite coaches, these
seats also have reclining operation, charging socket
under each seat, Snack tables can be unfolded from
arm rest, Bottle and Magazine holder in the back rest
of each front seat.

Automatic Internal Sliding Doors

2.6 Windows: Motorized Blind:The windows of
the new coaches have motorized blinds. Initially
provided in Tejas Coach passengers are provided with
a button next to the window, which can be used to
roll the blinds up and down.

E Leather seats in Tejas

Motorized Blinds in Tejas

2.7 Electrically Controlled Roof Opalescence Glass
Unit: This is a important feature provided in Vistadome
Coach. The Opalescence feature plays a vital role
in controlling the incoming sun light by electrically
controlling its transparent feature to opaque.

180 degree Rotatable Seats in Vistadome Coach

2.9 Modular Seats/Berths and Amenities:The

design for AC 3 Tier Economy Coach includes a
redesigned AC duct to provide individual vents for
each berth. The coach also has an improved and
modular design of seats and berths, foldable snack
tables in both longitudinal and transverse bays,
injury-free spaces and holders for water bottles,
mobile phones and magazines. Individual reading
lights and mobile charging points are provided for
Electrically Controlled Roof Opalescence Glass Unit in each berth in addition to standard sockets.
Vistadome Coach

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
2.12 Toilet: Improved toilet system with touch-
less fittings for water tap and soap dispensers have
been provided for clean experience. Also the interior
aesthetics have been improved substantially by marble
paint finish with anti graffiti coating, gel coated wash
basin shelf, new design dustbin, door latch activated
light and lavatory engagement display.

2.10 Gangway: In Tejas Coach the gangways are

fixed between two coaches as a single unit instead of 2.13 Vacuum Assisted Flushing with Bio-toilets:
conventional gangway vestibule where two separate
units are fixed on adjacent coaches. Due to this, it
has better sound levels, reduced dirt, sand and water
ingress and better passenger safety and comfort.

2.14 Water Level Indicator: Water level indicator

is used to indicate the level of water in the tank at
convenient place from where the level of water in
tank can be seen in trains during journey. It helps
railway staff in taking decision to fill up the tank at
coach watering station.

2.11 Pantry: Pantry compartment for storing,

preparing and serving of precooked food, snacks
and beverages with equipment like refrigerator, hot
case, beverage vending machine, water purifier and
microwave oven. Such mini pantry is available in
Vistadome Coach. For other coach where mini pantry
is not available, equipment such as chiller, hot case 2.15 Smoke Detection and Fire Suppression System:
and beverage vending machines have been provided. The complete rake has been provided with fire and
smoke detection system in all passenger coaches.
A central monitoring system (CMS) is provided in
each coach and a central monitoring unit (CMU) is
mounted inside crew room of power car. The CMU
displays the status of each coach of the rake.
All the power cars in the rake have been provided
with smoke detection and fire suppression system.
Fire extinguishers with anti-theft alarm have been
provided in Antyodaya coaches. A buzzer sounds
whenever fire extinguisher is taken out from housing
which also alerts passengers.

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022

3.0 Conclusion:
The introduced features of LHB design coach focuses
2.16 Passenger Information System: Such
on future vehicle developments of the country, with
technology is included in several coaches which
its numerous technical innovations and intelligent
include Humsafar, Uday etc. PIS system comprising
solutions, The flexible and modular design represents
of Master Board Unit, GPS receiver and LCD screen
a new innovative concept for long as well as short
display panel above the passenger compartment
distance passenger traffic in Indian Railways.
doors has been provided in each coach to display
the Welcome/farewell messages and information
regarding current time, current station, next stations, Tech_Development_Volume_2_Complete.pdf
remaining distance and late running status in Hindi,
English and Regional Language.
2.17 Digital Display Board: In Smart Coach, LED
Digital Destination Board has been installed. This
has been done by reducing the Display board size by
splitting the displayed data in to two rows:
Row1: Train number and Coach Type.
Row2: Scrolling text display of destination
and intermediate station in multiple languages.
Optimizing character height to 80mm for rationally
arrived at 25 m visibility.
2.18 Public Address System : PA system comprising
PA Amplifier and speakers in each coach has been
provided which are connected to the main amplifier
with the help of PA Couplers for interconnection of
the coaches in the rake along with a speech unit which
is used for Public address as per the requirement.
2.19 Camera:
The coaches like Humsafar have CCTV installed at
both the ends (2 in passenger area, 2 nos. in each
doorway area) have been provided. Cameras has
night vision capability and facial recognition in low
light condition.

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin

यूटीएचएस निदेशालय, आरडीएसओ द्वारा मेट्रो प्रमाणन के ऑनलाइन पोर्ट ल का विकास

एच.के . रघु एम. एम. वारिस आर. के . रस्तोगी

कार्य कारी निदेशक(समन्वय) निदेशक/एस एंड टी ए.डी.ई./ एस एंड टी
यूटीएचएस/आरडीएसओ यूटीएचएस/आरडीएसओ यूटीएचएस/आरडीएसओ

सारांश: भारत में विकसित की जा रही मेट्रो प्रणालियों की तकनीकी योजना और सरु क्षा प्रमाणन की जिम्मेदारी स्पष्ट रूप से भारतीय रेलवे
को दी गई है। भारत के विभिन्न शहरों में नए-नए मेट्रो रेल परियोजनाओं पर कार्य प्रस्तावित है जिसके समय पर तरीके से प्रमाण एवं तकनीकी
मंजूरी की आवश्यकता है अतः समय की मांग को देखते हुए आरडीएसओ (रेल मंत्रालय) द्वारा एक ऑनलाइन पोर्ट ल का विकास किया गया
है जो पेपरलेस कामकाज के साथ साथ समय बद्ध तरीके से मंजूरी प्रदान करने में सहायक हैI यह लेख ऑनलाइन पोर्ट ल की विशेषताओं
और इसके कार्यान्वयन के कारण हुए सधु ारों को सूचीबद्ध करता है।

1.0 पृष्ठभूमि: मार्च 2020 में COVID-19 महामारी के आगमन के साथ, सामान्य कार्यालय
भारत में लागू की जा रही मेट्रो प्रणालियों की तकनीकी योजना और सरु क्षा के कामकाज में भारी व्यवधान आया और कुछ महीनों के लिए कागजी
प्रमाणन की जिम्मेदारी रेल मंत्रालय को दी गई है। मेट्रो प्राधिकरण द्वारा कामकाज लगभग पूरी तरह से प्रतिबंधित हो गया। इसलिए, इन दस्तावेजों
अपने मेट्रो सिस्टम की तकनीकी मंजूरी और सरु क्षा प्रमाणन के आवेदन के भौतिक आदान प्रदान से बचने और इस प्रक्रिया में मानवीय भूल से बचने
करने के लिए उन दस्तावेजों को जमा करना आवश्यक है जिनकी जांच के लिए एक प्रणाली विकसित करने की तत्काल आवश्यकता थी। देशव्यापी
आरडीएसओ के यूटीएचएस निदेशालय द्वारा की जाती है। यह "मेट्रो लॉकडाउन की घोषणा के साथ ही मेट्रो की तरफ से होने वाली गतिविधियों
सिस्टम की सरु क्षा प्रमाणन और तकनीकी मंजूरी की प्रक्रिया" के अनस में भी कमी आई है, जिसमें मेट्रो द्वारा दस्तावेज तैयार करना भी शामिल
ु ार
किया जाता है। है। मार्च 2020 से मई 2020 तक यूटीएचएस निदेशालय/आरडीएसओ में
स्थिति की आवश्यकता को देखते हुए और कम कार्यभार का लाभ उठाते
कार्य सूची: हुए, यूटीएचएस निदेशालय ने आईटी प्लेटफॉर्म का उपयोग करते हुए मेट्रो
• आयामों की अनस ु ूची (एसओडी) को जमा और उनकी जांच करना। से दस्तावेज़ प्राप्त करने व परखने की एक ऑनलाइन प्रणाली तैयार की है।
इस ऑनलाइन पोर्ट ल का विकास 6 मई 2020 को मेसर्स रेलटेल के साथ
• विनिर्देशों, अभिकल्पन और परीक्षण प्रमाणपत्रों जैसे तकनीकी
समझौता (MoU) के तहत किया गया और इसे 06.Nov.2020 पर यानी
दस्तावेजों को जमा करना और उनकी जांच करना।
6 महीने की अवधि के भीतर चालू कर दिया गया था। इस ऑनलाइन पोर्ट ल
• प्रस्तावित उप-प्रणालियों की परीक्षण रिपोर्ट की मखु ्य विशेषताएं निम्नलिखित है:
• दोलन और ईबीडी परीक्षण करना और अंतरिम गति प्रमाण पत्र जारी 2.0 परिचय:
"मेट्रो सिस्टम की सरु क्षा प्रमाणन और तकनीकी मंजरू ी" के लिए ऑनलाइन
• मेट्रो प्राधिकरण द्वारा मेट्रो संचालन शरू
ु होने से पहले आवश्यक पोर्ट ल का विकास किया गया और 06.11.2020 को इसे लाइव बनाया गया।
दस्तावेज, परीक्षण रिपोर्ट और परीक्षण प्रमाण पत्र जमा करना। पोर्ट ल का वेबसाइट लिंक आरडीएसओ वेबसाइट के होमपेज (http://www.
इन गतिविधियों के लिए मेट्रो द्वारा बड़े पैमाने पर दस्तावेज जमा करने और और यटू ीएचएस निदेशालय के वेबपेज के
यूटीएचएस निदेशालय/आरडीएसओ द्वारा इसकी जांच और सधु ार/सझ ु ाव तहत उपलब्ध है। इसे सीधे लिंक से भी एक्सेस किया जा सकता है: https://
के बाद मेट्रो द्वारा दस्तावेजों को फिर से जमा करने की आवश्यकता होती वेब पोर्ट ल से आरडीएसओ की तकनीकी मंजरू ी और
है। मार्च 2020 तक ये दस्तावेज कागज कॉपी में जमा किए जाते थे। इन रेल मंत्रालय द्वारा सरु क्षा प्रमाणन के लिए मेट्रो द्वारा विभिन्न दस्तावेजों को
दस्तावेजों की बड़ी मात्रा के कारण, मेट्रो प्राधिकरणों द्वारा दस्तावेजों की अपलोड करने से लेकर पेपरलेस कामकाज की परू ी सवु िधा प्रदान की। अभी
विधिवत हस्ताक्षरित प्रतियां जमा करने और उसके बाद आरडीएसओ में तक यानी जब हमारा देश भारत अपना "आजादी का अमतृ महोत्सव" मना रहा
एक अधिकारी से दूसरे अधिकारी को स्थानांतरित करने में, हैंडलिंग और है, कुल 12 मेट्रो ने इस पोर्ट ल पर अपना पंजीकरण कराया और आरडीएसओ
ट्रांजिट समय के कारण, इस गतिविधि में काफी समय लगता था। की तकनीकी मंजरू ी के लिए अपने दस्तावेज अपलोड किए।
Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
यह पोर्ट ल अपने डैशबोर्ड के माध्यम से उचित कार्य वितरण और इसकी यह मेट्रो के साथ-साथ आरडीएसओ को भी ‘भगु तान डैशबोर्ड’ पर प्रदर्शित
कड़ी निगरानी की सवु िधा प्रदान करता है। यह एक स्तर से दूसरे स्तर तक होता है।
दस्तावेज़ का फ़्लोचार्ट भी प्रदान करता है, जिससे दस्तावेजों के आदान- 3.3 दस्तावेज़ जमा करना: पंजीकरण शलु ्क के भगु तान के बाद, परियोजना
प्रदान की स्थिति को पूर्ण रूप से देखा जा सकता है कोड मेट्रो रेल प्राधिकरण को उसकी प्रस्तावित परियोजना के लिए मैसेज
मेट्रो से आरडीएसओ और इसके विपरीत दस्तावेज़/पत्र के पारगमन समय में एवं ईमेल के द्वारा प्राप्त हो जाता है। जिसको इस परियोजना के संदर्भ के रूप
कमी के कारण, समय पर कुल बचत 20-25% तक पहुचं ने की उम्मीद है। में प्रयोग किया जाता है। प्रसंस्करण में तेजी लाने के लिए विभिन्न शीर्षकों
यह पोर्ट ल टिप्पणी, सिफारिश/पत्र आदि के मानक प्रारूप तैयार करता है के दस्तावेज समानांतर में अपलोड किए जा सकते हैं। यह पोर्ट ल मेट्रो
जिससे यह कुल प्रसंस्करण समय को 5-10% तक कम कर देता है, जिसके उपयोगकर्ता को एक सरु क्षा सवु िधा के रूप में विशिष्ट आईडी और पासवर्ड
परिणामस्वरूप प्रभावी रूप से 25-30% की सीमा में कुल समय की बचत प्रदान करता है जो के वल मेट्रो के नामित अधिकारी को डिजिटल रूप से
होती है। निकट भविष्य में मेट्रो प्रशासन एवं यटू ीएचएस निदेशालय के कर्मचारी हस्ताक्षरित आवश्यक दस्तावेज जमा करने की अनमु ति देता है।
इस प्रणाली पर कार्य के हस्त हो जाने पर समय की और भी बचत होगी I आरडीएसओ द्वारा तकनीकी मंजूरी के लिए और रेलवे बोर्ड के अनमु ोदन
3.0 मेट्रो प्राधिकरण के लिए सवु िधाएँ: के लिए मेट्रो प्राधिकरण द्वारा प्रस्तुत किए जाने वाले दस्तावेजों के प्रमख

यात्री सेवा के लिए मेट्रो प्रणाली को चालू करने के लिए सरु क्षा प्रमाणन और शीर्षक निम्नलिखित हैं:
तकनीकी मंजूरी की पूरी कवायद को मोटे तौर पर निम्नलिखित भागों में 1. डीबीआर (डिजाइन बेसिस रिपोर्ट )
विभाजित किया गया है। 2. एसओडी (आयामों की अनस
ु ूची)
3.1 मेट्रो द्वारा पंजीकरण: मेट्रो सिस्टम की तकनीकी मंजूरी और सरु क्षा 3. चल स्टॉक (यांत्रिक/ मैकेनिकल) अनल
ु ग्नक ए*
प्रमाणन के लिए आवेदन करने वाले मेट्रो प्राधिकरण पोर्ट ल पर जाएंगे और
पहले खदु को नए उपयोगकर्ता के रूप में पंजीकृत करेंगे। यह एक मेट्रो 4. चल स्टॉक (इलेक्ट्रिक) अनल
ु ग्नक बी*
रेलवे के लिए अपनी एक परियोजना के लिए एक बार की गतिविधि है। मेट्रो 5. ट्रैक संरचना अनल
ु ग्नक सी-1
प्राधिकरण के आसान मार्गदर्शन के लिए ऑनलाइन पोर्ट ल के होम पेज पर
6. ट्रैक फिटिंग अनल
ु ग्नक सी-2
पंजीकरण प्रक्रिया का चित्रण किया गया है। मेट्रो रेल प्राधिकारियों को किसी
प्रकार की कठिनाई होने पर सवु िधा प्रदान करने के लिए हेल्पडेस्क का भी 7. कर्षण (ओएचई) अनल
ु ग्नक डी-1
प्रावधान किया गया है। नए उपयोगकर्ता के लिए यह पंजीकरण अनरु ोध 8. ट्रैक्शन (तीसरी रेल)अनल
ु ग्नक डी-2
यूटीएचएस निदेशालय/आरडीएसओ में ऑनलाइन पोर्ट ल के प्रशासक को
सूचित किया जाता है, जो एसएमएस के साथ-साथ अपने पंजीकृत ईमेल 9. सिग्नलिंग सिस्टम अनल
ु ग्नक ई-1
के माध्यम से अधिसूचना प्राप्त करता है। प्रशासक विवरणों को सत्यापित 10. सिग्नलिंग सिस्टम अनल
ु ग्नक ई-2
करने के बाद पंजीकरण को आगे बढ़ने की अनमु ति देता है और मेट्रो को 11. टाइप-टेस्ट सर्टिफिके ट
अपने दस्तावेज अपलोड करने के लिए यूजर आईडी और पासवर्ड प्रदान
करता है। 12. अनभु ाग-स्वास्थ्य और सरु क्षा प्रमाणपत्र
नोट* चिह्नित दस्तावेजों के अनमु ोदन एवं रोलिंग स्टॉक के दोलन और
ईबीडी के सफल परीक्षण के पश्चात संबधि ं त मेट्रो प्रोविजनल/ अंतरिम गति
प्रमाण पत्र हेतु आवश्यक प्रपत्र को ऑनलाइन पोर्ट ल पर जमा करता है।

चित्र 1: लॉगिन/पंजीकरण विंडो

3.2 शुल्क का ई- भुगतान: संबधिं त मेट्रो को प्रत्येक गतिविधि के लिए
अधिसूचित शलु ्क के अनस ु ार आरडीएसओ को ई-भगु तान के माध्यम से
अपेक्षित शलु ्क जमा करना आवश्यक है। मेट्रो प्राधिकरण द्वारा एसबीआई
कलेक्ट के माध्यम से आरडीएसओ को जमा किया गया भगु तान स्वीकार चित्र 2: दस्तावेज़ सबमिशन पृष्ठ
किया जाता है। यह ऑनलाइन भगु तान प्रक्रिया को आसान बनाता है और

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
इन दस्तावेजों को संबधि
ं त मेट्रो अधिकारी द्वारा डिजिटल रूप से हस्ताक्षरित एक "मानकों का संग्रह" भी है जहां सभी आवश्यक राष्ट्रीय / अंतर्राष्ट्रीय
किया जाता है जो आरडीएसओ को जमा करने के लिए दस्तावेजों को मानकों की प्रतियां संबधि
ं त निदेशक द्वारा अपलोड की जाती हैं और सभी
अपलोड करने के लिए अधिकृत है। आरडीएसओ द्वारा सलाह दिए जाने आरडीएसओ उपयोगकर्ताओं द्वारा उपयोग के लिए उपलब्ध हैं। यह मेट्रो
पर मेट्रो उपयोगकर्ता कमियों के अनपु ालन में संशोधित दस्तावेज जमा कर परियोजना के तकनीकी दस्तावेजों की जांच के लिए आवश्यक प्रासगि ं क
सकते हैं, इससे मेट्रो प्रमाणन के त्वरित निपटान के लिए बहुत समय की और नवीनतम मानक को संदर्भि त करने में सहायक है। डिपाजिटरी में
बचत होती है। संशोधित मानकों को अपलोड करने की सवु िधा भी प्रदान की जाती है
3.4 डैशबोर्ड: मेट्रो उपयोगकर्ता को उसके दस्तावेजों के प्रमाणीकरण की ताकि जब भी मानक का कोई संशोधन जारी हो, संशोधित मानकों को
पूरी प्रक्रिया की एक नज़र स्थिति के लिए एक डैशबोर्ड प्रदान किया जाता अपलोड किया जा सके ।
है। इसी प्रकार आरडीएसओ में चल रही गतिविधियों और कार्र वाई की
आवश्यकता वाली गतिविधियों को भी प्रत्येक निदेशक, प्रधान कार्यकारी
निदेशक और कार्यकारी निदेशक (समन्वय)/यूटीएचएस/आरडीएसओ
को डैशबोर्ड पर परिलक्षित होता है। इसे वर्गीकृत किया गया है जैसे कि
शलु ्क का भगु तान, दस्तावेज़ अनमु ोदन, और दस्तावेज़ वापस किया गया,
दस्तावेज़ अभी जमा किया जाना है आदि।

चित्र 5: मानकों का भंडार

3.7 स्वचालन: पोर्ट ल में विशेषताएं हैं कि एक बार जब संबधि ं त

अधिकारियों द्वारा दस्तावेजों की जांच की जाती है, तो उनकी टिप्पणियों
को रेलवे बोर्ड को आगे भेजने/पनु रीक्षण के लिए मेट्रो रेल में वापस करने
के लिए मसौदा पत्र के अनल ु ग्नक के रूप में स्वचालित रूप से संकलित
किया जाता है। यह विशेष रूप से एसओडी और स्पीड सर्टिफिके ट जैसे
चित्र 3: मेट्रो का डैशबोर्ड विभिन्न विंग (सिविल, इलेक्ट्रिकल, एस एंड टी, और मैकेनिकल) के बहु-
अनशु ासनात्मक अधिकारियों से जडु ़े दस्तावेजों के लिए बहुत मददगार है।
3.5 आरडीएसओ के लिए डैशबोर्ड: सभी मेट्रो प्राधिकरणों से प्राप्त इससे समय की काफी बचत होती है और दस्तावेजों के त्वरित निपटान में
दस्तावेजों की स्थिति और संबधि ं त अधिकारी द्वारा इसकी जांच को दर्शाने भी मदद मिलती है।
वाले आरडीएसओ अधिकारियों को एक डैशबोर्ड प्रदान किया जाता है। यह
संवीक्षा अधिकारी से प्राप्त टिप्पणियों की स्थिति को भी दर्शाता है। दस्तावेजों
4.0 निष्कर्ष:
को मोटे तौर पर "दस्तावेजों की स्वीकृति", "परीक्षण प्रमाण पत्र / रिपोर्ट ", ऑनलाइन पोर्ट ल ने मेट्रो अधिकारियों द्वारा दस्तावेजों को अपलोड करने
सरु क्षा प्रमाण पत्र ", परीक्षण रिपोर्ट " आदि श्रेणियों में दिखाया गया है। और जमा करने, आरडीएसओ अधिकारियों द्वारा इसकी जांच और अंत
में तेजी से आने वाली मेट्रो परियोजनाओं की तकनीकी मंजरू ी और सरु क्षा
प्रमाणन किया है। मेट्रो के साथ-साथ आरडीएसओ द्वारा पेपरलेस वर्किंग,
ऑनलाइन भगु तान और प्रत्येक गतिविधि की ऑनलाइन स्थिति की निगरानी
ने तकनीकी मंजरू ी की प्रभावकारिता में सधु ार किया है और मेट्रो प्रमाणन
प्रक्रिया में पर्णू पारदर्शिता भी आई है। ट्रांजिट समय में कमी और रेलवे बोर्ड
को सिफारिशों के लिए पत्रों और अनल ु ग्नकों के ऑटो-जनरेशन और मेट्रो रेल
प्राधिकरण को आरडीएसओ तकनीकी इनपटु की सलाह देने के कारण, परू ी
प्रक्रिया में समय पर कुल बचत 30% तक पहुचं ने की उम्मीद है।
चित्र 4: आरडीएसओ का डैशबोर्ड
"ऑनलाइन पोर्ट ल" का विकास अवधारणात्मक रूप से वर्तमान ई.डी.
इंटरफ़े स प्रत्येक स्तर (एसएसई, एडीई/डीडी, निदेशक, ईडी/पीईडी) के (समन्वय)/यटू ीएचएस/आरडीएसओ द्वारा डिजाइन किया गया था, और कम
लिए उनके कार्यक्षेत्र और अधिकार के अनस ु ार अलग-अलग बनाया गया है, समय के भीतर इसे यटू ीएचएस निदेशालय टीम और मैसर्स रेलटेल, लखनऊ
ताकि वे उन्हें सौंपे गए कार्य को पूर्ण कर सकें । टीम के निरंतर प्रयासों द्वारा विकसित किया गया है। मैसर्स रेलटेल ने निविदा
3.6 रिपोर्ट अनभ
ु ाग: आरडीएसओ उपयोगकर्ता को एक "रिपोर्ट अनभु ाग" की परू ी प्रक्रिया में तेजी लाई है और य.ू टी.एच.एस. निदेशालय टीम के साथ
प्रदान किया जाता है जो परियोजना की स्थिति, समयरेखा, भेजे गए मामलों नियमित साप्ताहिक वीडियो कांफ्रेंसिंग कर इसे छह महीने के रिकॉर्ड समय में
आदि को दर्शाता है। ये विवरण किसी भी प्रक्रिया के तहत मेट्रो की स्थिति विकसित किया है। यटू ीएचएस निदेशालय इस पोर्ट ल को विकसित करने और
का पता लगाने के साथ-साथ नए प्रस्तावों से निपटने में संदर्भ लेने के लिए इसे मैसर्स रेलटेल, लखनऊ के साथ एमओयू के माध्यम से करने के लिए
पहले से संसाधित लोगों के लिए उपयोगी हैं। यटू ीएचएस निदेशालय के प्रस्ताव को शीघ्र मंजरू ी देने के लिए आरडीएसओ
प्रशासन और विशेष रूप से महानिदेशक आरडीएसओ का आभारी है।

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022


Dr. Veena K. Verma Surendra Kumar Mishra

ED/Traffic, CTA/Traffic,
RDSO, Lucknow RDSO, Lucknow

Abstract: End on Train Telemetry (EoTT) system is designed to work as an aid to facilitate running
of freight trains without guard and brakevan. Brakevan of freight trains may be replaced with loaded
wagons as a last vehicle equipped with the said system. This System consists of three units out of which
one is Head of Train unit (HoT), placed in the cabs of locomotive while the second one is End of Train
(EoT) unit which is mounted on the CBC of the rearmost wagon along with its connection to BP pipe
of the last vehicle of the train and the third one is an antennae unit which is fitted on the rooftop of the
locomotive. EoT is also equipped with auto ON/OFF HVML (High Visibility Marker Light) and with
inbuilt DTWL (Disable Train Warning Light) feature. Both HoT and EoT devices work in co-ordination
with each other during the run to ensure safe working of the system. Duties of Guard which is being
replaced by the system are very important in safe operation of trains. Since all the duties of guard have
not been covered in EoTT system, left over duties may be assigned to other staff working in the operation
of train. Running of EoTT equipped freight trains on a mixed route with both freight and passenger
trains is a matter of great concern for the safety. Communication between EoTT and station has also not
been covered in the system which is also a major gap in the operation system. In view of safety credibility
of the Indian Railways, EoTT system must perform with an extremely high degree of reliability.
सारांश: xkMZ o czsdoku jfgr ekyxkfM;ksa dks lqxerkiwoZd pykus ds fy, ,.M vkQ Vªsu VsyhesVªh ¼bZ-vks-Vh-Vh½ iz.kkyh
dk fMtkbu rS;kj fd;k x;k gS] ftlds QyLo:i ekyxkfM;ksa ds czsdoku ds LFkku ij bZ-vks-Vh-Vh- ls ;qDr ,d
[kfy;k@yksMsM oSxu yxk;k tk ldrk gSA bl iz.kkyh esa rhu ;wfuV gksrh gSa ftlds varZxr ,d gsM vkQ Vªsu
¼,p-vks-Vh½ ;wfuV gksrh gS tks yksdkseksfVo ds dSc esa yxh gksrh gS ,oa nwljh ;wfuV ,.M vkQ Vªsu ¼bZ-vks-Vh-½ gksrh
gS tks Vªsu ds lcls fiNys oSxu ds ckgj dh vksj fudys lh-ch-lh- dIyj ij yxh gksrh gS vkSj mlds ch-ih- ikbi
ls tqMh gksrh gS tcfd rhljh ;wfuV ,aVhuk gksrk gS tks yksdkseksfVo dh Nr ij yxk gksrk gSA bZ-vks-Vh- fMokbl esa
Lopkfyr vku@vkQ lqfo/kk ;qDr gkbZ foftfcfyVh ekdZj ykbZV ¼,p-oh-,e-,y-½ ,oe fMlscy Vªsu okfuZx ykbZV
¼Mh-Vh-MCY;w-,y-½ Hkh yxk gksrk gSA bZ-vks-Vh-Vh iz.kkyh ds lqjf{kr lapkyu dks lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, ;g vko’;d
gS fd ,p-vks-Vh o bZ-vks-Vh- fMokbl ,d nwljs ds lkFk leUo; esa dk;Z djrs jgsaA mijksDr iz.kkyh }kjk foLFkkfir gks
jgs xkMZ dh M;wVh] lqjf{kr Vªsu&lapkyu gsrq cgqr egRoiw.kZ gksrh gSA pwWafd xkMZ dh lHkh M;wVh] bZ-vks-Vh-Vh- iz.kkyh
esa lfEefyr ugha gS] blfy, xkMZ dh 'ks’k M;wVh dks] Vªsu&lapkyu esa tqMs vU; deZpkfj;ksa dks lkSaik tk ldrk gSA
bZ-vks-Vh-Vh iz.kkyh ;qDr ekyxkMh dk feDLM :V ¼tgkWa ;k=h ,oa ekyxkM+h nksuksa gh pyrh gaSA½ ij pyuk] laj{kk
ds fy, fo'ks’k fpark dk fo’k; gSA bl iz.kkyh ds varxZr LVs'ku o bZ-vks-Vh-Vh- ds chp lh/kh lapkj O;oLFkk LFkkfir
ugha dh x;h gS] tksfd Vªsu ds lqjf{kr lapkyu dks izHkkfor djsxkA Hkkjrh; jsyos dh laj{kk laca/kh foÜoluh;rk ds
n`f’Vxr] bl iz.kkyh dh vR;ar mPpLrjh; foÜoluh;rk visf{kr gSA

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
Initially, freight trains used to run at a very low speed
because wagons were coupled with chain and there
was no brake continuity across the train. Entire train
was reliant on the braking capacity of the locomotive
due to which train length was kept short. There was
a great need to control the train from rear end to
enhance the length and speed of freight trains. To EoTT system has also an antenna fitted on the rooftop
mitigate this problem, a railway vehicle equipped of the Locomotive to facilitate communication
with a hand brake was introduced and marshalled between HoT and EoT device. It also performs the
at the rear of the train. Brakevan was attached to task of High Visibility Marker Light (HVML) flasher
provide additional braking for freight trains and device which works as Tail Lamp. System’s GPS
manned with Guard who could take action in case of module indicates the location of train while GSM
any abnormality occurred during the run. module is to transfer data to server and radio between
In continuation to modernisation of train operation HoT (front unit) & EoT (rear unit). EoTT equipment
Indian Railways has emphasised on technological has been designed for a Codal life of 12 years.
aid to reduce dependency on manual system. End of
Train Telemetry (EoTT) system is also such an aid to
facilitate running of freight trains without guard and
brakevan. This technology driven initiative envisages
replacement of brake vans as last vehicle with loaded
wagons protected with a sophisticated device EoTT.
It is a digital device communicating over radio
frequency between loco (HoT), last wagon (EoT) and
control room (Server). This system is being used in HoT and EoT devices work in co-ordination with
foreign countries such as USA and South Africa. each other during the run to ensure safe working of
the system. Each EoT device should be paired with
HoT by using their unique ID code. After entering five
digit unique ID of EoT in “nnnnn” format in HoT
device, HoT & EoT are paired. This code ensures that
data transmitted from the assigned unit only will be
accepted by the cab unit. In this way, message from
other than the paired unit are rejected by the cab unit.
In order to maintain the inter-changeability between
rear unit and cab unit, the identification code of
EoT must be entered into the cab unit prior to the
movement of train. The EoTT system is compatible
2.0 EOTT (END OF TRAIN TELEMETRY) for working in Electric Locomotive which has a DC
SYSTEM supply of 110 Volts as well as in Diesel Locomotive
which has a DC supply of 74 volts.
EoTT mainly consists of two units, one is
Communication Display Unit (CDU) or Cab Unit Indian Railways have targeted to run approximately
(CU) or Head of Train Unit (HoT) and other is a 1000 freight trains equipped with EoTT system in its
portable Sense and Brake Unit (SBU) or Rear Unit 1st phase. BLW- Varanasi, CLW- Chittaranjan, and
(RU) or End of Train Unit (EoT). HoT is placed in the DMW- Patiala will be installing the EoTT system
cabs of locomotive. It comprises of display unit with in their locos. The field trials of EoTT systems are
suitable keyboard, Radio Transmitter and Receiver, presently being conducted by BNDM loco shed of
GPS module, GSM Module, etc. EoT is mounted on SER and Angul loco shed of ECoR. A few more
the CBC of the last wagon along with its connection to trial runs may be required for ensuring reliability of
BP pipe of the last vehicle of the freight train. Both the EoTT system on Indian Railways before completely
HoT and EoT are fitted with GPS receivers and GPRS adopting the system. Electric Loco Shed, BNDM &
having capabilities to report its location and other vital Angul have commissioned the system and testing
information to the client’s server and server also acts of technology is being done in co-ordination with
as a tracking device for the equipment and the train. RDSO.

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
3.0 MAIN FEATURES OF EOTT SYSTEM: Red colour High Visibility Marker light (HVML)
EoTT has the provision to display BP pressure flasher device in EoT is provided with automatic
of the last vehicle of the train to Loco Pilot in the switching ON & OFF based on the ambient light
cabs of locomotive. The Loco Pilot can confirm condition. ‘LV’ of suitable design as per drawing has
break power pressure drop in the train up to last been written on EoT with retro reflective material.
vehicle during application of air brake by observing LV/Red colour HVML of EoT device will be treated
break power pressure of last vehicle remotely in as LV Board/Tail Lamp of the train running with
the HoT display. The system allows application of EoTT system.
emergency brake from last vehicle of the train by There is also a provision of Disabled Train Warning
opening a valve in EoT remotely from the cab of Light (DTWL) in the EoT device which shall be
locomotive. It has also the provision for automatic required to use only when a freight train suddenly
application of emergency brake from rear along with becomes disabled in case of emergency. In such
the application of emergency brake by loco pilot in condition, there is a light to warn the approaching
the cab and simultaneous application of brakes from train to move ahead cautiously. This warning light
front and rear will reduce the braking distance and illuminate either automatically when train brake
time for controlling the train. In case of train parting, is applied in emergency or manually by the Loco
emergency brake of EoT can be applied by the Loco Pilot using a cab control switch. This amber colour
Pilot in order to bring the rear portion to an early halt. warning light is reset automatically once the pressure
The available provisions will boost the confidence of of brake pipe rises above 3.0 kg/cm2. There is also
loco pilot during run of trains with EoTT. There is a facility of command provided in HoT device to
also a provision of pressure alarm which is sounded Loco Pilot to broadcast location of EoT device to
and displayed on the DU of HoT when pressure other trains equipped with EoTT system in case of
drops below 3.0 Kg/cm2. emergency such as train parting, derailment, etc.
The HoT and EoT devices monitor their own health
status and immediately show an alarm on display of
HoT device by which LP can take notice. There is
a provision of air turbine/generator unit in EoT for
charging of battery of EoT during the run.
Duties of Guard are very important in safe operation
(Display of HoT unit installed in Loco no. 32245 of ECoR, make-PPS)
of trains. Safety of trains as well as passengers is a
To check the train integrity of the train, there is a major concern in train operation. Duties of Guard
provision of GPS unit in the HoT and EoT which are well defined in G&SR, such as, ensuring the
assist LP in ensuring whether the train is complete brake pipe pressure continuity with Loco Pilot,
and also continuously monitor the speed and applying hand brake in case of rise and fall of the
displacement differences between the front and rear gradient, ensuring clearance of fouling mark, TSRs
portion of the train. There is provision of determining and PSRs and advise the same to the Loco Pilot,
train length with the help of GPS location of HoT applying emergency brake and protection of trains in
and EoT in the cab. Train length can also be fed in case of abnormality during run such as train parting,
to the HoT device manually before starting journey derailment etc., protection of train also in case the
of the train. Loco pilot will ensure complete passing train has stopped at first stop signal for more than
of the train from a particular point on the basis of 10 minutes, securing of vehicles from rear end by
GPS location of EoT by pressing a button provided applying hand brake of last six vehicles and also
in HoT when passing at particular point. securing it by safety chain when load is required to
be stabled at station, ensuring closure of doors of
wagons, reporting position of jerks in detail to the
concerned authority when observed during the run,
attending minor troubles experienced on the run like
brake binding, Hot axle etc. along with LP/ALP,
exchanging all right signal with SMs, LPs, Points
man, Gateman etc. and also exchanging signal with
driver and guard of passing train from adjacent line
in double/multiple line sections, preparing joint

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
report of Guard and Driver when train load is stabled of Loco Pilots are already crucial in nature for safe
for more than 24 hrs. at road side station, etc. Most operation of trains. After introduction of EoTT
of the duties has been covered in the EoTT system system, continuous monitoring of all the parameters
still a few of which has not been covered may be displayed on HoT device will make the job of Loco
performed by other staff directly involved in train Pilot highly intensive and demanding.
operation such as LPs, Controllers, SMs, Points
Running of EoTT equipped freight trains on a mixed
man, Gateman, etc. depending on their presence and
route with both freight and passenger trains is a
nature of duties. Provisions have already been made
matter of great concern for Safety. After introduction
in G&SR for working of a train without Guard.
of the said system, freight trains will be equipped with
It may be adhered in case of a train running with
EoTT where as passenger trains will not be equipped
EoTT system as well. In case of failure of the EoTT
with EoTT. In case of any abnormality during the
equipment also, instructions for train running without
run, Loco Pilot will be able to broadcast the location
Guard may be followed as per G&SR. In view of all
of EoT device to EoTT equipped freight trains
above, although, EoTT may be a good technological
only. There will not be any such communication
aid for train operation and it will reduce dependency
with those passenger trains which are not equipped
on man power still safety features of this device are
with this system and running in the same section.
yet to be strengthened.
Proliferation of EoTT on mixed traffic route will
The introduction of EoTT System is a mile stone require more enhanced safety features in the system.
in view of the Technological advancement and may Communication between EoTT and station has
also help in operation of freight trains without Guard also not been covered which is a major gap in the
in night. EoTT system is likely to benefit Indian operation system.
Railways by reducing operational cost and enhancing
Introduction of EoTT should be route/section
its operational flexibility. When all the freight trains
specific and all trains running on a particular section
will be equipped with EoTT , it will increase their
should be equipped with EoTT. All goods trains on
loading capacity by eliminating the brakevan and
the proposed dedicated freight corridors may run
making it possible to carry an extra wagon.
with EoTT system. In view of safety credibility of
5.0 ISSUES OF CONCERN: the Indian Railways, EoTT system must perform
with an extremely high degree of reliability.
Since all the duties of goods guard have not been
covered in EoTT system, left over duties may be
assigned to other staff working in the train. Duties

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022


S.K.Barnwal Rahul Singh

ED/Track Monitoring Director/Track Machine
RDSO, Lucknow RDSO, Lucknow

Abstract: The ballast layer is designed to absorb the impact and dynamic energy of a passing train and
to distribute the loads evenly over the formation layer to preserve a smooth ride. It is important that the
ballast layer remains free of fines. Contaminated ballast causes an unstable pressure distribution on the
subgrade and may lead to unwanted and undesired rates of deterioration of assets. On Indian Railways,
assessment of attention required to Ballast in the form of deep screening of track was earlier based on
criteria of passing of 500 GMT or 10 years. The assessment criteria for deep screening of main line
tracks have now been modified on the basis of available clean ballast cushions. At present, there is no
scientific method being adopted to check the available clean cushion and it is done by manual methods of
collecting samples which is time taking, expensive and highly subjective. In the present paper an effort has
been made to bring out the advantages of adopting Ground Penetration Radar technology for analysing
the condition of Track Ballast and to assess the availability of a clean cushion for making scientific
decisions about ballast renewal.
सारांश: रेलवे ट्रैक में गिट्टी की परत को गजु रती ट्रेन के प्रभाव और गतिशील ऊर्जा को अवशोषित करने के लिए एवं आरामदायक यात्रा को बनाए
रखने हेतु फारमेशन की परत पर समान रूप से भार वितरित करने के लिए डिजाइन किया गया है। यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि गिट्टी की परत अवांछित दूषित
पदार्थो से मक्त
ु रहे। दूषित गिट्टी सबग्रेड पर एक अस्थिर दबाव वितरण का कारण बनती है और रेलपथ के बिगड़ने की अवांछित और अनअपेक्षित
दरों को जन्म दे सकती है। भारतीय रेलवे पर ट्रैक की डीप स्क्रीनिंग के रूप में, गिट्टी को दूषित अवस्था से उचित अवस्था में लाने का आकलन पहले
500 जीएमटी या 10 वर्ष व्यतीत होने के मापदंड पर आधारित था। उपलब्ध क्लीन गिट्टी कुशन के आधार पर अब मेन लाइन ट्रैक्स की डीप स्क्रीनिंग
के लिए मूल्यांकन मानदंड को संशोधित किया गया है। वर्तमान में उपलब्ध स्वच्छ कुशन की जॉच के लिए कोई भी वैज्ञानिक प्रक्रिया ज्ञात नही है
और यह मैनअ ु ल तरीको से नमूने एकत्र करके किया जाता रहा है जो कि अतिरिक्त समय लेने वाला, महंगा और अत्यधिक विस्तृत है। प्रस्तुत लेख
में ट्रैक बैलास्ट की स्थिति का विश्लेषण करने हेतु ग्राउंड पेनेट्रेशन रडार तकनीक को अपनाने के लाभों को दर्शाने हेतु एवं गिट्टी नवीनीकरण के बारे
में वैज्ञानिक निर्णय लेने के लिए स्वच्छ कुशन की आवश्यकता पर प्रकाश डालने का प्रयास किया गया है।

INTRODUCTION: reflection, scattering, and refraction of this energy

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a fast and from subsurface interfaces, and the receiving,
effective electromagnetic survey technique utilized in recording, and display of this reflected energy. The
the field of subsurface and underground explorations data obtained from GPR testing represents the energy
and is widely used in highways, archaeology and that is reflected off subsurface boundaries back to the
other fields. This technology uses electromagnetic radar antenna.
waves of the frequency of radio waves for assessing GPR requires two main pieces of equipment – a
conditions of subsurface strata. transmitter and a receiving antenna. The transmitter
The principle of GPR operation is based on sends electromagnetic energy into the soil and other
transmission of short electromagnetic waves by material. Ground Penetrating Radar works by emitting
an antenna into the subsurface, the subsequent a pulse into the ground and recording the echoes that
result from subsurface objects. GPR imaging devices

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
also detect variation in the composition of the ground Concrete, Natural materials etc. GPR is frequently
material. If the electromagnetic impulse hits an utilized to detect underground utility lines and pipes,
object, the density of the object reflects, refracts, and changes in ground strata, geological features and
scatters the signal. The receiver detects the returning rock obstructions, air pockets or voids, excavated and
signals and records variations within them. The GPR back-filled areas, groundwater tables, bedrock and
system has software that translates these signals into many more.
images of the objects in the subsurface. This is how
GPR application in Railways:
it is used to map structures and utilities buried in the
ground or in man-made structures. GPR application in railways uses electromagnetic
waves of ultra high frequency (300– 3,000 MHz,
Ground Penetrating Radar signals can be used to
wavelength 1–0.1 m) and enables the measuring of
find a wide range of items. GPR is often used to map
layers thickness, detection of changes on structure or
items made of materials such as Metal, Plastic, PVC,
on materials properties along the line.

It can also detect different types of defects such (iii) To provide a levelled bed or support for railway
as ballast pockets, fouled ballast, poor drainage, sleepers so that the desired cross level is
subgrade settlement and transition problems, maintained.
depending on their extension. These defects are
(iv) To hold the sleepers in a firm position while the
generally the causes of vertical deviations in track
trains pass by.
geometry and they cannot be detected by the common
monitoring procedures, namely the measurements of (v) To prevent the longitudinal and lateral movement
track geometry. of sleepers.
For above functionality, high speed GPR antennas (vi) To offer a good drainage to the track
are used and the same are being used to conduct To achieve the above functionalities with the desired
Survey of railway Track at Speeds upto 180 kmph. level of efficiency, the Ballast is required to have the
The collected data is then analysed by high-end following qualities.
customised software and Expert Geophysicists, to
finally assess the condition of the Ballast. CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD BALLAST:
Importance of Maintenance of Ballast Bed: Ballast must have following characteristics for
carrying out the above discussed functionalities;
Ballast is an important component of track and
plays a very important role in overall track strength, (i) It should have sufficient strength to resist
following are the important functions of Track crushing under heavy loads of moving trains.
Ballast; (ii) It should be durable enough to resist abrasion
(i) To distribute the axle load uniformly from and weathering.
sleepers to a large area of formation. (iii) It should have a rough and angular surface so as
(ii) To provide elasticity to the track. It acts as an to provide good lateral and longitudinal stability
elastic mat between subgrade and sleepers. to the sleepers.

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
(iv) It should not make the track dusty or muddy it affects the property of required elasticity and
due to its crushing to powder under wheel loads. drainage as the ballast gets choked up due to
presence of unwanted fines.
(v) It should allow for easy and quick drainage of
the track. (iii) In areas with heavy rainfalls and peculiar
geographical territories like cutting and tunnels
Deterioration of Ballast:
etc. rain water when flowing over track ballast
During the course of usage, the ballast laid in track deposits the silt and fines carried by it on ballast
gets deteriorated and loses its required properties causing the increase in fine particle concentration.
which are essential for effectiveness of the Ballast,
(iv) In areas where Goods trains are carrying
following are the few reasons as why the track ballast
commodities like iron ore and coal, due to
gets deteriorated;
droppings etc. the fine content of ballast increases
(i) Under heavy axle loads, ballast gets crushed at a and thus it reduces the Ballast properties
faster rate and thus the ballast loses its required drastically.
property of Gradation.
(v) Punchering the ballast into the subgrade of
(ii) Due to crushing of Ballast under load, the formation also leads to fouling of the ballast.
percentage of finer particles increases and thus

Effect of Deterioration of Ballast: of Ballast gets hampered and water is retained

in the track and due to water retention the
Following are few of the major effects on track
Deterioration of Ballast is further increased and
Structure and Maintenance of the Track due to
also as the water retention changes the frictional
deterioration of Ballast;
forces acting between the ballast particles the
(i) Drainage- With increases in percentage of fines load transfer is not as desired.
due to Deterioration of Ballast the drainage

In the above figure (a) is ballast which is comparatively in a similar situation of rainfall water retention in (b)
less deteriorated than (b) and we can clearly see that is much more than (a).

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
(ii) Due to an increase in the percentage of fines due of ballast. There are various formulae being used
to Deterioration of Ballast the desired elastic over different railways. It is important to have a BFI
properties of track are not achieved and due to as it helps to decide the mathematical limits based
improper behaviour of track life of other assets on which the decision of attention to ballast can be
like Rails, Sleepers and Fittings comes down. taken.
(iii) Due to the increase in Deterioration of Ballast, The GPR-derived fouling index is based on
the requirement of maintenance inputs gets measurement of the level of signal scattering within
higher as retention of packing of ballast is the ballast layer and is independent of the ballast
severely affected. layering.
Ballast Fouling and Ballast Fouling Indices: Many different formulae for quantifying Ballast
fouling have been proposed and following are a few
Before we discuss how the technology of GPR can being used over different railways;
be used on railway track and its benefits for Indian
Railways, it is important that we understand the 1. Selig’s fouling index developed by Selig and
concept of Ballast fouling and Ballast Fouling Index. Waters developed (FI), which has since been
extensively adopted in the US.
Ballast Fouling is defined as the presence of
unwanted contaminants of finer sizes which fill FI=P4%+P200%,
up the voids between the ballast and decrease the where P4% is the percentage by mass of the sampled
required qualities of Ballast like drainage, strength, ballast material finer than the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve,
resilience and elasticity etc. and P200% is the percentage by mass finer than the
Ballast fouling Indices (BFI) are formulas for 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve.
mathematically representing the extent of fouling

Following guidelines are used to identify the condition of track ballast.

Category F1 (Fouling Index)
Clean ˂1
Moderately Clean 1 to ˂10
Moderately Fouled 10 to ˂20
Fouled 20 to ˂40
Highly Fouled ˃= 40

2. Australian Railways’ formula for Fouling Index; Where,

The formula for fouling index F1P is defined as
P0.075 = Percentage passing 0.075 mm sieve
F1P = P0.075 + P13.2
P13.2 = Percentage passing 13.2 mm sieve

Following guidelines are used to identify the condition of track ballast.

Category F1 (Fouling Index)
Clean ˂2
Moderately Clean 2 to ˂10
Moderately Fouled 10 to ˂20
Fouled 20 to ˂40
Highly Fouled ˃= 40

3. South African Railways’ formula for Fouling where

Index; This index takes into consideration a P0.15=(% by mass of material finer than the 0.15
larger variety of sieves in assessing ballast fouling mm sieve)×100 27, P1.18=(% by mass of material
and sets a cleaning criterion at 80%. finer than the 1.18 mm sieve)×100 11.5, P6.7=(% by
FI=[0.1P0.15]+[0.2P1.18]+[0.3P6.7]+[0.4P19], mass of material finer than the 6.7 mm sieve)×100
18, P19=(% by mass of material finer than the 19
mm sieve)×100 27.

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
4. Volumetric fouling index: a volumetric fouling The Desired result shall be obtained by deploying
index (VFI) was established by Ebrahimi et al. to two types of GPR antennas in combination; High
evaluate the actual volumes of contaminants in frequency low wavelength antennas in the range of
ballasts subjected to different fouling agents; the 2GHz for addressing issues of Ballast fouling and
VFI is expressed as Low frequency high wavelength antennas in the
range of 700 MHz to assess the formation related
where FI is the fouling index expressed in Equation
selig’s fouling index, Grs is the specific gravity value GPR and track geometry
of the reference ballast material (approximately Combining the GPR derived indices with track
= 2.6), and Gfs is the specific gravity value of the geometry data shall also provide an efficient means
present fouling agent. of identifying those track geometry faults that are
GPR technology is also now being used for assessing associated with an underlying trackbed problem and
the condition of ballast for Ballast fouling (presence helping determine the extent of that problem. It can
of unwanted percentage of finer particles) and clean also highlight areas of moderate or poor trackbed
ballast depth. integrity that may not yet be manifested as a track
geometry fault.
Advantages of GPR of Indian Railway Track:
Data from multi-sensor survey platforms including
Monitoring ballasted trackbed with ground GPR and track geometry, when integrated as part
penetrating radar (GPR) will allow decisions to of a holistic strategy for prioritising and planning
be made on timely and cost effective maintenance appropriate maintenance, will provide unique
interventions. condition-based information and significant
Generation of exception reports for track-bed cost savings.Thus combining track geometry
condition including ballast fouling and formation measurements with GPR provides unique condition-
failure will result in accurate prioritisation of problem based information to plan a holistic and cost effective
trackbed and delineation of the extent of remedial trackbed management strategy.
works required by,
• Deployment of ballast cleaning and tamping
machines to where they are most needed,
• Reduction in the number of interventions during
the life of the ballast through condition-based
Planning of GPR on Indian Railways
On Indian railways it is planned to get the system
installed in one of the Track Recording Cars. By
GPR survey, the condition of ballast (fouling level)
will be known and thereafter Deep screening of
ballast will be planned on actual condition of ballast. Picture showing attached GPR antennas on railway vehicles.
This will be a scientific and rational approach to the
deployment of Ballast Cleaning Machines (BCM) Indian Railways is in the process of introducing
and is likely to significantly reduce the requirement this technology through a service contract to cover
of deep screening. This will also lead to a predictive almost all the important routes, which is approx.
system of track maintenance with regards to deep 50000 kilometres. In the above work which is to be
screening of ballast. Moreover, a clear scanning of done under Service Contract, the experts will also
problems below ballast level will also be available develop the Ballast Fouling Index formula for Indian
in locations of formation troubles, which will help Railways. Thus by using the GPR technology on
in the decision of proper formation treatment Indian Railways, we will have a scientific rationale
solutions. for prioritizing ballast cleaning.

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin

Picture showing sample of report detailing formation related issues.

Sample report of a stretch of 10 kilometres displaying the detailed BFI values as per predefined ranges.

Previous experience of IR on GPR vis-a-vis along with software application to interpret the data
TRC Mounted GPR Survey: which was done earlier by experts. Present system
being planned for induction in IR on service mode
Earlier the Subsurface Interface Radar System was will be a vehicle (TRC) mounted with capability for
procured by RDSO in 1999 from the USA It was recording at high speed, higher output (3000-4000
a Push trolley mounted system – bulky and heavy, km per month), analysing software and involvement
difficult in handling, very less speed of survey of firms geophysicists for interpretation of GPR data
and limited applicability, only display on monitor for generation of user friendly reports.
without any analysing software for report generation.
System provided limited useful results as the required Cost effectiveness of TRC mounted GPR
expertise to interpret the output of the survey was Survey:
not available with RDSO. Displayed images of the
This system of survey for ballast fouling Other than
ballast were not very clear as the frequency used was
being a scientific method of assessing the requirement
inadequate (1000 MHz as compared to the tentative
of ballast cleaning is also a very cost effective method
frequency of 2 GHz being used at present for GPR
as the average cost of survey of ballast bed would
survey of ballast). Advanced modelling techniques
come out to be around Rs.6500/- per kilometre. The
were required to allow complex GPR data to be
average cost of ballast cleaning is to the tune of Rs 25-
interpreted by defining probable subsurface properties
30 Lakhs per kilometre. Therefore the survey cost is
causing the signal which was not possible at that time
only around 0.2%-0.3% of the cost of Ballast Cleaning.
due to limitation of technology.
Further there are quite likely chances of reduction in
The current system is an advanced version which uses the total number of kilometres where ballast cleaning
hardware capable of recording data at high speed is required when the GPR system is adopted on IR.

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
Conclusion: ii. “Railways Track Characterization Using Ground
Penetrating Radar” by Simona Fontul, Eduardo
The growth in rail traffic and associated increase
Fortunato, Francesca De Chiara, Rui Burrinha
in the cost of occupying track (traffic blocks) for
and Marco Baldeiras.
routine inspection and maintenance is necessitating a
change in the maintenance planning paradigm. The iii. “Application of Ground Penetrating Radar
induction of GPR technology for making decisions To Railway Track Substructure Maintenance
for prioritising Ballast cleaning is an important step Management” Dissertation by Theodore R.
towards a more scientific approach on the subject. Sussmann JR.
After the first round of GPR Survey, this technology iv “A.M. Dynamic crack propagations in prestressed
may be adopted on a regular basis and with the concrete sleepers in railway track systems
application of several sets of data, in future predictive subjected to severe impact loads.” Kaewunruen,
planning of the maintenance can also be done. S.; Remennikov,J. Struct. Eng. 2010,
References and Acknowledgements: v “Source of Ballast Fouling and Influence
i. “Ground penetrating radar as part of a holistic Considerations for Condition Assessment
strategy for inspecting trackbed” by Asger Criteria”. Transp. Res. Rec. J. Sussmann, T.R.;
Eriksen, Jon Gascoyne, and Ron Fraser. Ruel, M.; Chrismer, S.M.Transp. Res. Board

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin



Dr. Vipin Kumar


Abstract: This article deals with the design and development of Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA) system being adopted over Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (WDFC) to meet
special requirements of 2x25kV ac traction system. The existing scenario of protection and SCADA
systems on IR and improvements there upon to develop the new system for WDFC have been covered.
The salient features, key equipment used, major advantages etc. are deliberated in detail. The merits of
TCP/IP communication protocol working on IEC 60870-5-104 are also briefly discussed in the paper.

सारांश: यह लेख 2x25kV एसी ट्रैक्शन सिस्टम की विशेष आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करने के लिए वेस्टर्न डेडिके टेड फ्रेट कॉरिडोर (WDFC) पर
अपनाए जा रहे पर्यवेक्षी नियंत्रण और डेटा अधिग्रहण (SCADA) प्रणाली के डिजाइन और विकास से संबधि
ं त है। आईआर पर सरु क्षा के मौजूदा
परिदृश्य और स्काडा सिस्टम और डब्ल्यूडीएफसी के लिए नई प्रणाली विकसित करने के लिए सधु ारों को शामिल किया गया है। मखु ्य विशेषताएं,
उपयोग किए जाने वाले प्रमख ु उपकरण, प्रमख ु लाभ आदि पर विस्तार से विचार किया गया है। आईईसी 60870-5-104 पर काम कर रहे टीसीपी/
आईपी संचार प्रोटोकॉल की खूबियों पर भी इस पेपर में संक्षेप में चर्चा की गई है।

1.0 Introduction lines and lines of logs to ensure that all the systems
are in order. Thankfully, the advances in technology
The Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (WDFC)
have made it possible to deploy computers to carry
is currently undergoing its project implementation
out these important tasks with near perfection levels.
in India. The project, partly financed by Japan
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
International Cooperation Agency (JICA) at an
system offers the ease of monitoring of sensors
estimated cost of 470 Billion Indian Rupees (INR),
placed at distances apart from one central location.
has the unique feature of being the world’s first
electrified dedicated freight corridor suitable for SCADA system is a collection of both software
running of double stack containers having a height and hardware components that allow supervision
of 7.1 meter from the rail level. This requirement of and control of entire traction network, both locally
running double stack containers of height 7.1 meter and remotely. The SCADA also examines, collects,
on WDFC shall create the need for developing the processes data in real time and logs for historical
traction contact lines at 7.54 meter height, which purposes too.
leads to several challenges in construction stage of SACDA is one of the most critical systems of electric
electric traction system. WDFC has adopted 2x25kV traction network over WDFC, as all the switching
system, which in itself poses several challenges due to and control posts are unmanned and needs to be
additional feeder wire and Aerial earth wire running monitored on continuous basis round the clock.
along the OHE masts/portals. The SCADA system for WDFC’s traction power
The supervision of traction equipment on a routine network consists of two major parts namely, one no.
and continuous basis is an extremely arduous task, Operations Control Center (OCC) being developed
as it involves checking of monitors and analyzing at Ahmedabad and large no. of Remote Terminal

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
Units (RTUs) spread across the entire route of operating at 600/1200 bps are used on voice grade
WDFC. The OCC controls the activities of the entire data channels over OFC and quad copper cable
network through RTUs. Large no. of RTUs have mediums in multi drop, half duplex, unbalanced
been deployed for interfacing with other elements of communication mode. Hard wiring is used between
the traction network. The end devices which are to RTU and Control & Relay panels for execution of
be monitored by OCC are interfaced through RTUs various commands.
only. The RTU polls the end devices and collects
status/alarm information of these end devices. The
RTU uploads the information to OCC as and when
required. This information collected through RTUs is
kept in database and is displayed through Graphical
User Interface (GUI) at OCC. The OCC configures
and controls the RTUs according to the network
requirements, which is dynamically available on
2.0 Brief Description of 2x25kV AC System
The 2x25 kV, 50 Hz system is used for high-
performance traffic in worldwide railways. This
type of feeding is characterized by additional auto-
transformers and a return line at a potential of 25
kV. In this system, the line is supplied by a Scott
Connected traction transformer without center
tapping. The power is fed from the TSS at 50 kV and
utilization is achieved at 25 kV by providing Auto- Fig.1 Schematic diagram of conventional SCADA
Transformers of adequate capacity and by providing
one additional conductor normally referred to as a Because of the rapid developments in the field
negative feeder wire between the auto-transformer of electronics and computing, there have been
stations and the traction substations. The center point developments in the areas of protection, monitoring,
of the Auto Transformer is connected to the earth/ control and integration of devices and also in
rail. This arrangement facilitates +25 kV voltage substation automation technologies. Numerical
between OHE and rail and -25 kV voltage between protection relays have the capacity to implement
Rail/earth and the Feeder Wire. multiple protections, control and monitoring
The substations need to be designed for two phases functions. The use of these devices has made it
instead of one. Because of this, twin-pole switch gear possible to combine protection and control functions
is required in the overhead line network. Also, the and also to transfer the useful data available in the
protection of the contact line is more cost-effective form of sequence of events, disturbance reports,
because of the double-phase design. fault waveforms and even system parameters. The
primary/main functions of SCADA system are as
3.0 Developments in SCADA System given below:
SCADA systems have evolved over Indian Railways • Quick isolation of faulty section of OHE
in parallel with the growth of sophistication
of computing technology. IR has followed the • Remote monitoring and control of Switching
developments in technology and gradually replaced control posts, paralleling posts, AT posts,
SCADA systems from electro mechanical to present auxiliary transformers locations
PC based systems working on tailor made protocol • Monitoring of AFL equipment and reporting of
like SPORT (Standard Protocol for Railway fault distance
Traction) protocol, which is a customized version of
IEC 60870-5-101 companion standard. This helps in • Health monitoring of CBs, interrupters, isolators
efficient operation of the system even with very slow etc.
data transfer rates. • OHE catenary indication
The schematic diagram of conventional 25kV AC The latest generation of SCADA systems being
traction SCADA system adopted over IR is shown in adopted over WDFC is based on open system
Fig.1. In this scheme, slow speed V-23, FSK modems architecture, open standards and protocols, thus

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
making it possible to distribute SCADA functionality 4.0 Merits of Latest generation SCADA System
across a Wide Area Network (WAN). With the The adopted system of SCADA over WDFC offers
adoption of modern IT standards such as SQL and the following advantages cum merits:
web-based applications, SCADA allows for real-time
information of the entire network to be accessed (i) Reduced hard wiring due to use of numerical
protection relays
from anywhere around the world.
(ii) Compact size of RTUs, leading to saving in
The major difference in the above SCADA system
comes from the use of WAN protocols such as
Internet Protocol (IP) for communication between (iii) Use of lesser components, leading to higher
the master station and communication equipment. reliability and reduced maintenance.
The RTUs adopted are wall mounted and equipped (iv) Reduced communication load on relays in
with RS 485 ports and can easily communicate with RTUs due to use of 485 ports
the master station using an Ethernet connection. (v) Ease in setting of local parameters due to local
It uses 100Mbps Ethernet substation LAN and HMI in RTUs
switches, object oriented data model having (vi) Use of satellite time using GPS time server to
logical nodes under client server architecture for ensure same time stamping at OCC and RTUs.
non critical data transmission and Generic Object
(vii) Compatibility with Auto Fault Locators
Oriented Substation Event (GOOSE) for exchange
of time critical data between same or horizontal (viii) No need of separate transducers for acquisition
communication. The protection relays that allow of analogue parameters like voltage, current,
power factor etc.
for control and acquisition of parameters have
also helped in reduction of hard wiring to a great (ix) The built-in logic in the feeder protection relay
extent. distinguishes the operation of breaker due to
the operation of some protection element or by
The computers at OCC, LAN and SCADA the controller at OCC.
software have also undergone many changes
and improvements to enhance optimization and 5.0 SCADA System Design and Architecture
improved performance. The completely dependable The functional block diagram of SCADA system
and stand-by server in case of failure of main server adopted over WDFC as shown in Fig.2 follows two
has also been successfully implemented. main concepts as given below:

Fig.2 Functional Block Diagram of SCADA in WDFC

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
(i) Distributed Architecture - to ensure that various
components can assume different responsibilities.
Moreover, it is easier to increase the capacity of
system in future by including more no. of similar
(ii) Modular Design - to make it possible to configure
the whole of the system in a single computer,
thereby, leading to flexibility in terms of sizing
of the system.
5.1 SCADA Functioning
The SACDA servers, operator workstations and
other front end devices located at OCC are used for
monitoring and control of the entire traction network
over WDFC. The RTUs provided along the network
will interact with local switchgear equipment, other Fig.3 Typical architecture of SCADA
IEDs and shall act as a gateway between the OCC
and the field equipment. 5.2 Remote Terminal Units (RTU)
The SCADA servers operate in hot standby mode The Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) have been
thereby, offering dual redundancy of the SACADA provided at different traction control posts along
server functions. These servers also host historian WDFC network. These RTUs will interface with the
database, thereby, ensuring dual redundancy of the electrical switchgear through hard wired digital inputs
historian too. Two sets of Communication Front and analog inputs, as well as through communicable
Ends (CFEs) have been configured in hot-standby IEDs (e.g. multi function transducers, numerical
mode, which will communicate with the RTUs. relays etc.).
Additionally, two work stations grade machines Husky make RTUs have been provided at each
have been provided for Man Machine Interface switching station for acquisition and control of
(MMI) functions to the Traction power controller. hardwired signals from field equipment. It is also
The main computer interacts with communication used for collecting data from Intelligent Electronic
processor and work station computers. It collects the Devices (IEDs) like energy meters, protection relays
formatted RTU information from communication etc or from other RTUs.
processor and sends the processed information to
Operating work station (OWS) computer. The main The RTU supports both serial-based and Ethernet
computer also responds to the requests of the OWS based communications on a variety of protocols.
computer which receives commands from TPC. This Both serial and Ethernet interfaces are available on
information is sent to the communication processor. the processor module itself. The RTUs used also
The SCADA server also provides the following third support traditional copper-based interfaces like
part interfaces: RS232, RS485, Fiber-optic based Ethernet interface.
Similarly, GSM/GPRS/CDMA modems can be
• Open database connectivity (ODBC), SQL to its interfaced for providing wireless connectivity to the
historical and real time database RTU. The RTU is capable to provide a transparent
• IEC 60870-5-101/104 for transfer of data to other Ethernet-to-serial or Ethernet-to-Ethernet pass-
SCADA systems through channel between a master station connected
over TCP/IP and a subordinate device connected to
• OPC unified architecture (OPCUA) the RTU over an RS232/RS485 or Ethernet port.
These interfaces allow exchange of data between This feature can be used by an operator at the master
SCADA and third party systems. For preventing station to remotely manage the device without
cyber attacks from external world, the SCADA LAN requiring a direct physical connection to the device.
has been isolated through suitable firewalls placed Using the IEC 61850 client service, the RTU can
at the point of interface with external world. These be installed in a substation for collecting data from
firewalls create an electronic security perimeter (ESP) various IEDs on IEC 61850 and transfer it to a
as per IEEE 1686 guidelines. master station on protocols like IEC 870-5. In this
The typical architecture of SCADA system is shown scenario, the RTU acts as a gateway for the substation
in Fig.3. providing access to the modern and traditional IEDs

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
in a substation. The IEC 61850 server service can be • Fault Table View.
used for transfer of RTU’s I/O and any IED data to
• Real-time monitoring of I/O variables with
an IEC 61850 client device using the standard data
• Integrated Events viewer with millisecond
Some of the salient features of Husky Studio are:
• I/O module configuration including parameters
• Offline Logic Simulator for testing of logics
like SoE, chattering, filtering, dead-band etc.
without RTU.
• Protocol configuration along with variable
• Online Logic Debugger. Import/Export of I/O
configuration from MS Excel.
• IEC61850 objects configuration and Object
• Protocol data capture & viewing.
• Time synchronization. 5.2.1 RTUs for TSS/SP/SSP/AT/PP

• Upload / Download of RTU configuration. The RTUs being provided at different locations are
based on a modular, rack-based architecture, with
• Real time monitoring of comm. status with redundancy of power supplies (PSU) and central
subordinate devices. processing units (CPU). The I/O modules are

Fig.4 Typical architecture of RTU

provided as per the site-specific I/O requirements, and on 100 Base FX Ethernet and the CPUs on 10/100
are provided in simplex, i.e. non-redundant fashion. Base T Ethernet.
The RTU rack, which are provided in dual redundant The modules of these RTUs are interchangeable with
fashion, can be powered from different battery other RTUs irrespective of the location, i.e. TSS/SP/
sources, so as to achieve redundancy of the 110V DC SSP/ATS/PP.
supply itself.
The RTU panel has been provided with 240V AC
Each CPU module of the RTU is provided and 110V DC power sources. The DC power supply
with six numbers RS232/RS485 serial ports for has been used to power the RTU system and for field
communicating with local IEDs. Further, the CPU integration requirements. AC power supply has
modules are also provided with two numbers 10/100 been used for RTU panel lighting and ventilation
Base T Ethernet ports. requirements. To ensure uninterrupted working of
RTUs, 2 nos power supply units and 2 CPUs have
The RTUs are also provided with in-built Ethernet
been provided.
switch which interfaces with the fiber optic backbone

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
5.2.2 RTUs for Auxiliary Transformers (AxT) The IEC 60870-5-104 communication protocol has
been used for communicating between the OCC
The status monitoring of the auxiliary transformers
and RTU. Therefore, data transfer is unsolicited
provided at stations, ALH (Auto Location Huts)
and no explicit polling is performed by OCC. The
and TH (Telecom Huts) locations has been carried
RTU has been configured to report analog values on
out with the help of a mini-RTU. The status of each
cyclic basis & status changes by exception to OCC.
auxiliary transformer in terms of availability of power
However, RTU also provides exception reporting of
output from the transformer would be captured and
analog data in case of any limit violations. Digital
sent to OCC. The mini-RTU is provided in a boxed
status data is having higher priority than the analog
form factor (and hence not interchangeable with
other type of RTUs) and in non-redundant fashion.
It has two 100 Base FX Ethernet ports for interfacing
with the fiber optic backbone.

Fig.6 Communication between OCC and RTU

All the analog values and status data has also been
assigned to scan groups for integrity check by OCC
Fig.5 RTU for Aux. transformer
at every 10 minutes configurable up to 60 minutes
RTU wise. In addition, RTU will report energy
The secondary of the AxT, i.e. 240V AC, has been
values to OCC on periodic basis. The periodicity is
connected to the RTU for measuring the voltage. The
configurable from 5 minutes to 24 hours (initially set
RTU would derive the status based on the measured
for 15 minutes).
voltage and transfer the data to OCC using the fiber
optic backbone. 5.3.2 Between OCC and AFL Equipment
The RTU has been housed in a wall-mounted panel The RTU at TSS locations will interface with AFL
and located in the respective station building or ALH/ equipment located at TSS on IEC 60870-5-104
telecom hut. The panel has got ingress protection in protocol and collect the fault, status information.
conformance to IP54. This information is then transferred by RTU to OCC
along with other signals.
5.3 Communications
5.3.3 Within OCC
The details of communication between OCC and
other equipment is as given below: At the operations control center, a dual redundant
SCADA LAN has been established to operate in
5.3.1 Between OCC and RTUs
fault-tolerant mode. This has been achieved through
Communications between the RTUs and SCADA use of two L2 managed network switches. All
system takes place over TCP/IP. SCADA computers connected to the SCADA LAN
The logical topology of the communication between are having two Ethernet ports configured to operate
the OCC and the RTUs is star-type, although the in fault-tolerant mode. One port of connected to
physical topology may be ring-type or daisy-chain LAN1, while the other to LAN2. In this scheme, a
type. Each RTU will be communicating directly single point of failure will not causes for loss of any
and independently with OCC. The architecture, function.
therefore, has the advantage that failures of one or The status of both the LANs for each computer
more RTUs does not affect the response times of would be monitored and recorded in the SCADA
other RTUs. alarm/event list.

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
5.3.4 Between OCC and External World interfaced with respective RTUs over IEC 60870-5-
1047 protocol. There are two AFL equipment at each
Connectivity to an external LAN or office network
TSS (one for the left side feeding zone and another
from the SCADA LAN has been provided through a
for right-side feeding zone).
firewall. The firewall secures the SCADA LAN and
will not allow any traffic except web server traffic 6.0 Conclusion
between the two LANs.
WDFC has taken a step forward by adopting the
5.3.5 Time Stamping latest and concurrent technology for and SCADA
The RTU performs time stamping of hardwired application for 2x25kV overhead traction network
inputs on individual I/O modules. It also preserves alongwith necessary integration with auto fault
the time stamping of any event done by another locators installed at different switching and control
external (slave) device. Thus, any time stamped event posts. WDFC has adopted SCADA system based
received from any slave is passed to SCADA master on technology prevalent over worldwide like use of
without any modifications. IEC 61850, which is neither much expensive nor
un-maintainable solution, but it is a highly reliable
5.4 Integrated Development Environment system based on future proof global standards.
The SCADA is also provided with an Engineering It is also expected that it shall open a new era of
tool known as Integrated Development Environment technology and vast field of opportunities for Indian
(IDE) mainly used for configuring the SCADA Railways also in the future projects of electrification
application and is having following features: and automation by adopting similar technological
and innovative measures.
• Makes use of single application to configure
SCADA and allows distributing configuration on 7.0 References:
multiple machines from the engineering machine.
(i) Trends in Protection & Substation Automation
• IDE is a complete integrated development Systems: Integration Standardization, Information
environment that allows rapidly designing and Technology by De Mesmeakar Ivan, Key note
distributing SCADA projects. address, 4th International Conference on Power
System Protection & Automation 21-22 Nov.
• Database editing, graphics editing, topology,
2007, CBIP, New Delhi.
report editing etc.
(ii) IEC 60870-5-103 Transmission protocols –
• Export/import of database points via Excel.
Companion standard for the informative interface
Thus, it is possible to configure SCADA database of protection equipment.
through this workstation without interfering with
(iii) IEC 60870-5-101 Telecontrol equipment and
the functioning of the online system. The changes
systems – Part 5-101: Transmission protocols-
become effective through manual switchover from
Companion standard for basic telecontrol tasks.
the standby server to the main server.
(iv) Research Design & Standards Organization
5.5 Automatic Fault Localization (AFL)
(RDSO), Indian Railways specification No.
One important difference of SCADA system being TI/SPC/PSI/PROTCT/4050(10/2005) and
provided over WDFC viz-a-viz IR is the capability TI/SPC/RCC/SCADA/1080(9/08) with
of integration with Auto Fault Locators (AFLs) Amendment No.1.
provided over the complete traction network for
(v) Design of IEC 61850 based substation
the purpose of localization of faults in automatic
automation systems according to customer
mode for quick restoration of healthy section. The
requirements, K.P. BRAND, C. BRUNNER, W.
AFL equipment installed at TSS and other switching
WIMMER ABB Switzerland Ltd, Baden and
posts (equipped with Auto Transformers) have been
Zurich, CIGRE, B5-103, 2004.

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022


Amit Kumar Saraf Rajesh Singh Yadav

Director Standard Electrical Senior Section Engineer (Research)
RDSO, Lucknow RDSO, Lucknow

Abstract: Most rolling stocks over Indian Railway such as EMU, MEMU, Locomotive etc. are equipped
with IGBT based propulsion system with active front end converter. In few cases, OHE voltage and
current fluctuation has been observed when these rolling stocks interact with Electrical power supply
system. An effort through this paper has been made to analyze the phenomenon and suggest mitigation
measures to address the same.
सारांश: आज के समय में भारतीय रेलवे मे लोकमोटिव, ई.एम.यू., एम.ई.एम.यू. प्रकार के सभी रोलिंग स्टॉक प्रायः  ऐक्टिव फ्रन्ट एंड कन्वर्ट र के
साथ आई.जी.बी.टी. प्रपल्शन से लैस है। जब यह रोलिंग स्टॉक किन्ही टी.एस.एस. के अंदर काम करता है तब कुछ मामलों में ओ.एच.ई वोल्टेज
और करंट में अस्थिरता पाई गई है। प्रस्तुत पेपर में इस घटना का विश्लेषण करने का प्रयास किया गया है एवं इसके बचाव के लिए कुछ उपाय
ु ाए गए है।

1. Introduction of TSS had been tripped when these phenomena

occurred such as Distance protection relay (DPR),
First reported OHE voltage fluctuation had been
wrong phase coupling relay (WPC), Delta relay
observed over Western Railway when IGBT
etc. When the tripping relay data analysis had
converter-based EMU operated in low speed in yard
been taken, it is found that the voltage and current
during month of August 2017. The case was taken
fluctuation in the waveform had occurred.
up with senior professors of Electrical Power system,
Power Electronics and Control System Branch of
IIT, Bombay. On the basis of preliminary analysis,
IIT, Bombay had opined that the nature of growth
of the oscillations seems indicative of a small-
signal instability (normally associated with closed
loop control) under specific operating conditions
i.e. Voltage fluctuation problem is correlated with
converter controls of EMU rakes lying in the section.
Fig: 1 Current wave form of DPR relay before tripping
Further, introduction of High Horse Power goods
locomotive (WAG12B power 9MW) over Indian
Railway, problem of OHE Voltage & Current
fluctuation had been again observed in some of the
Indian Railway Traction Sub-station such as Pt.
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya (DDU) (Jivanathpur TSS),
Ray TSS over East Central Railway, Kanpur (Panki
TSS) over North Central Railway and Paradeep over
East Cost Railway in January 2021. Different relays Fig: 2 voltage and current waveform of DPR relay before tripping

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
It was also observed that the system impedance goes
to Negative Resistance Area.

Fig: 4 current waveform recorded in Relay

Fig: 3 Impedance plot of System

2. OHE voltage & current fluctuation field

test with existing software of locomotive
For measurement of voltage and current of OHE, on
WAG12B locomotive no. 60077 was instrumented
and measurement done from 15.03.2021 to
19.03.2021 over Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya (DDU)
yard in East Central Railway. There were two LEM
current sensors (LTC 1000- S/SP2 with turn ratio of
1:4000) used in the return path of the transformers of Fig: 5 current recorded in locomotive
each section to measure the primary current drawn
from each section. These currents were processed in
a high sampling data acquisition system to compute
the current drawn from the OHE catenary line. Also,
catenary voltage had been measured using potential
transformer of 100/5V connected to the output of
isolation transformer TF2-PP (100/100V) inside
High Voltage Cubicle of section A of the locomotive.
The other details such as Tractive Effort and speed
had been obtained from the Traction Control Unit
(TCU) through Ethernet switch on Driver cab to
compute active power, reactive power & power
factor etc.
Trials with the combination of 6 nos. WAG12B Fig: 6 voltage recorded in locomotive
(2 with loaded rake, 2 with empty load and 2 light 3. OHE voltage & current fluctuation field
engine) was conducted in DDU yard in presence test with modified software of locomotive
of 24 other locos in same feeding zone. It was
noticed in the instrumentation of locomotive that M/s MELPL (the joint venture of Ministry of
there were heavy oscillations in the magnitude of Railways and Alstom India Pvt. Limited) had send
the recorded data to their core team at M/s Alstom,
current waveform with voltage fluctuation. These
France. They analyzed the data and confirmed
fluctuations were noticed at every place whenever
the presence of low frequency oscillations in the
AT supply was feeding. In these trials 6 nos. waveforms which are creating the problem. So
of WPC tripping was observed, the waveforms accordingly, they send a temporary software patch
recorded in the loco were correlated with the optimizing the converter parameters to be uploaded
waveforms found in the relay and it was confirmed in locomotive to resolve this problem. This patch was
that these low frequency oscillations were created installed in all the 6 WAG12B locomotives present in
by the WAG12B loco. same feeding zone of DDU yard.

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
Again, the trial with the combination of these 6 nos. 5. Cause of the problem
WAG12B (3 with loaded rake, 1 with empty load
It is a problem of low signal instability arises due to
and 2 light engine) was conducted in DDU yard in
different type of controller used on the locomotive
presence of 27 other locos in same feeding zone. It
control such as line side converter controller, DC link
was noticed in the instrumentation of locomotive
voltage controller, drive side converter controller,
that there were no oscillations in the magnitude of
current controller etc. in four quadrant converters
current waveform without voltage fluctuation. There
(4QC) interact with power supply system. The
were no fluctuations in AT supply also and no WPC
presence of an OHE voltage & current fluctuation is
or other relay tripped during the trial period.
also related to the number of trains. The magnitude
of the fluctuation is directly proportional to the
number of trains. Alternatively, the weakness of
the traction network system can be also regarded as
increasing operation number of the electric trains.
OHE voltage & current fluctuation usually occurs
under special loading conditions of the train-network
system. For instance, in Indian Railway systems, this
circumstance occurs when multiple trains are housed
at the rail depot/Yard but remain connected to the
traction network to power auxiliary loads (light-
loading). The auxiliary system draws power directly
Fig:7 current recorded in locomotive with modified software from the dc-link through the main 4QC. When
starting from station or yards where loco traction
system drawn less power and auxiliary system draw
power from the dc-link through the main 4QC.
6. Mitigation measures of the problem
Mitigation of OHE voltage & current fluctuation
through locomotive software parameter optimization
can be done. Network impedance also contributes
to instability issue with respect to OHE Voltage
& Current fluctuation phenomenon. Network
impedance is to be reduced & kept as low as possible
Fig: 8 voltage recorded in locomotive with modified software to allow such more locomotive with this type of
technology to accommodate in system by the
4. Further, Problem observed over Indian following possible measures:
Railway (i) keeping substation transformers connected in
Due to increase of number of WAG12B locomotive parallel
manufactured and some complex operational (ii) by reducing the length of the substation supply
condition of a particular substation area, the problem
of OHE voltage current fluctuation had been again (iii) Installation of an upgraded capacity of the
observed over Sahibabad (SBB) TSS over Northern traction transformer
Railway. Some mitigation measured had been (iv) by any other means which reduce the impedance
undertaken from locomotive side for this problem. of network.

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin


Sanjeev Garg
Director Research Mechanical
RDSO, Lucknow

Abstract: Presently, Indian Railways have Diesel and Electrical locomotives to haul the mainlines &
suburban trains. Diesel Locomotives consists of internal combustion diesel engine which uses diesel as
fuel to generate required power. Combustion of diesel fuel resulting exhaust emissions containing air
Hydrogen fuel cell based rail propulsion technologies powered by Proton Exchange Membrane based
Fuel Cell (PEMFC) along with a suitably sized battery bank are being tried out globally for powering
railroad vehicles. Dependency on fossil fuel and very low emissions are inherent advantages of Hydrogen
fuel cell based train.
सारांश: orZeku esa] Hkkjrh; jsyos ds ikl esuykbu vkSj miuxjh; Vªsuksa dks pykus ds fy, Mhty vkSj bysfDVªdy
batu gSaA Mhty yksdkseksfVo esa vkarfjd ngu Mhty batu gksrk gS tks vko';d fctyh mRiUu djus ds fy, bZa/ku ds
:i esa Mhty dk mi;ksx djrk gSA Mhty bZa/ku ds ngu ds ifj.kkeLo:i ok;q çnw"kd ;qä fudkl mRltZu gksrk gSA
çksV‚u ,Dlpsat esEczsu vk/kkfjr ¶;wy lsy ¼ihbZ,e,Qlh½ }kjk lapkfyr gkbMªkstu bZa/ku lsy vk/kkfjr jsy ç.kksnu
çkS|ksfxfd;ksa ds lkFk&lkFk ,d mi;qä vkdkj ds cSVjh cSad dks jsyjksM okguksa dks 'kfä çnku djus ds fy, fo'o
Lrj ij vktek;k tk jgk gSA thok'e bZa/ku ij fuHkZjrk vkSj cgqr de mRltZu gkbMªkstu bZa/ku lsy vk/kkfjr Vªsu
ds varfuZfgr ykHk gSaA


Presently, Indian Railways have Diesel and Electrical
locomotives to haul the mainlines & suburban trains. Hydrogen fuel Cell based hybrid power train consists
Diesel Locomotives consists of internal combustion of following major components:
diesel engine which uses diesel as fuel to generate
2.1 Fuel Cell:
required power. Combustion of diesel fuel resulting
exhaust emissions containing air pollutants. Proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), also
known as polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel
Hydrogen fuel cell based rail propulsion technologies
cells, are a type of  fuel cell being developed mainly
powered by Proton Exchange Membrane based Fuel
for transport applications, as well as for stationary
Cell (PEMFC) along with a suitably sized battery
fuel-cell applications and portable fuel-cell
bank are being tried out globally for powering
applications. Their distinguishing features include
railroad vehicles. Dependency on fossil fuel and very
lower temperature/pressure ranges (50 to 100 °C)
low emissions are inherent advantages of Hydrogen
and a special proton-conducting polymer electrolyte
fuel cell based train.

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022

Main Advantages:

• Energy conversion through Electrochemical

• Clean, quiet and efficient process
• No combustion
PEMFC is an electrochemical device that combines • No harmful emissions
hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, with water
and heat as it’s by product. A fuel cell is comprised • Higher Efficiency
of two electrodes and an electrolyte membrane. The
• Higher reliability in comparison to traditional
electrodes are called a cathode and an anode, and
they sandwich the electrolyte membrane between
them. Within that system, a series of chemical • No moving parts
reactions occur to separate the electrons from the fuel
molecules to create energy. 2.2 Battery Bank:

The fuel, typically hydrogen, is fed into the anode on

one side while oxygen is fed into the cathode on the
other. At the anode, the hydrogen fuel molecules are
separated into protons and electrons that will travel
different paths toward the cathode. The electrons go
through the electrical circuit, creating the flow of
electricity. The protons travel through the electrolyte
to the cathode. Once at the cathode, oxygen molecules
react with the electrons and with the protons to create
water molecules. A lithium-ion battery is a type of  rechargeable
battery in which lithium  ions move from the
Reactions: negative  electrode through an electrolyte to the
positive electrode during discharge and back when
Anode: H2→2H+ + 2e- charging. This type of batteries are preferred due to
high power density, light weight, fast charging, low
Cathode: ½ O2 + 2H++2e- →H2O
maintenance etc.
2.3 Hydrogen Cylinder:

Pressure vessel made of polymeric liner fully-

wrapped with a fiber-resin composite. Type-4 high-
pressure composite cylinders used for storage and
transport of gases under pressure. Type-4 tanks
are the best combination of safety, efficiency and
durability available. Their lightweight construction
improves vehicle range, payload and handling. There
are different types of Hydrogen cylinders classified
as under:
Figure 1: Chemical reaction of fuel cell

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
Cylinder type Materials Hydrogen storage pressure (MPa)
Type I All metal 17.5 to 20
Type II Metal liner with hoop wrapping 26.3 to 30
Type III Metal liner with full composite wrapping 35 to 70
Type IV Polymer liner with full composite wrapping 70
In the development project for retro fitment of 2.4 Types of Hydrogen:
Hydrogen Fuel cell based hybrid power train on
Hydrogen has higher heating value (HHV) of 39.4
1200 KW DEMU, Type IV hydrogen cylinders at a
kWh/kg or 141.7 MJ/kg and Lower Heating value
pressure of 350 bar has been proposed.
(LHV) of 33.3 kWh/kg or 120 MJ/kg. Hydrogen is
an invisible gas, however depending on the types of
production method, different colors are assigned to
the hydrogen. Various types of hydrogen and their
production methods are as under-

SN Type of H2 Description
1. Blue Hydrogen Produced mainly from natural gas using the process called Steam Reforming
2. Grey Hydrogen This is the most common form of hydrogen production. Grey H2 is created from
natural gas, or methane, using SMR
3. Black and brown Hydrogen Used black coal or lignite (brown coal) in the H2 making process.
4. Pink Hydrogen Pink H2 is generated through electrolysis powered by nuclear energy. Nuclear
produced H2 can also be referred to as purple H2 or red H2
5. Yellow hydrogen Yellow H2 is made through electrolysis using solar power
6. White Hydrogen White H2 is a naturally occurring geological H2 found in underground deposit
and created through fracking
7 Green Hydrogen Green hydrogen is produced by using renewable energy to power electrolysis,
which splits water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

3.0 DEVELOPMENT OF HYDROGEN FUEL Design for retro fitment of Hydrogen fuel cell based
CELL BASED HYBRID POWER TRAIN power stacks (Primary energy source i.e Proton
FOR INDIANRAILWAYS VEHICLE: Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell) along with the
complete associated support and secondary energy
Indian Railways plans to convert the existing 1200 source i.e. Battery Bank, suitable for supplying power
KW DEMU running between Sonipat-Jind section of for the complete driving cycle based on a suitably
Northern Railway into hydrogen fuel cell and battery designed EMS (Energy Management Strategy) for
based Distributed Power Rolling Stock (DPRS). peak total power rating of 1200 KW.
Removal of Diesel system Integration of New Items

Engine Fuel Cell

Alternator Hydrogen Cylinder
Radiator Battery Bank
Fuel Tank Converters/Invertors

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
3.1 Section & Drive cycle details: Sonipat-Jind 4.1 Coradiai Lint (Germany):
section of Northern Railways has total distance of 89
Kms. The section has 12 no. halts. Altitude 300 meter
approx. above mean sea level. Drive cycle graph for
Sonipat-Jind section is indicated below-

• World’s first Hydrogen Fuel Cell based passenger

train running since 17.09.2018
• Route of Germany: Buxtehude-Bremerhaven-
• Hydrogen storage on each car: 89 Kg at 350 bar
• Range: 1000 km
• Maximum speed: 140 km/h
• Fuel cell: 400 KW, Battery : 225 KW

3.2 Power flow diagram: Power flow diagram for

4.2 Hydro FLEX (UK):
hydrogen fuel cell based hybrid vehicle is given below-

In the proposed system, primary energy source (Fuel

cell) will supply the average power requirement of
drive cycle and for peak power demand, the power will
be supplied by fuel cell and battery bank. The excess • Developed by University of Birmingham and
energy generated by fuel cell during operation will Porterbrook (a rolling stock firm)
use to charge the battery bank. Output generated by • First phase of mainline testing on September 2021
fuel cell and battery bank will be delivered to traction achieving top speeds of 50 mph
motors through traction inverters/converters.
• Fuel cell: FCveloCity-HD 100 KW
4.0 HYDROGEN FUEL CELL BASED • Hydrogen storage tanks: Luxfer (20 Kg total)
• Batteries: M/s Denchi
Few countries has developed Hydrogen Fuel cell based
hybrid Railway Vehicle to demonstrate the technology
and at selected section commercialization started. The
details are as:

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
4.3 Hydrogen Fuel cell Vehicle in China: 4.4 Hydrogen Fuel cell Vehicle in Japan:

• East Japan Railway Company ("JR East"), Hitachi,

Ltd. ("Hitachi"), and Toyota Motor Corporation
("Toyota") have entered into an agreement to
collaborate on development of test railway vehicles
“HYBARI” (Hydrogen Hybrid Advanced Rail
• Tram developed jointly with CRRC Corporation vehicle for Innovation) Test Vehicle
Limited and Ballard Power Systems.
• Vehicle model-FV-E991 series
• Tram powered by two Ballard FCveloCity-XD fuel
cell modules with six hydrogen cylinders installed • Train configuration-Two cars in one unit
overhead. • Fuel cell: Solid polymer electrolyte 60 kW × 4
• Travel up to 125 Km per refuelling. • Battery: Lithium-ion battery 120 kWh × 2
• Commercial operation started in December 2019. • Hydrogen tank pressure-70 MPa
• Hydrogen storage capacity- 51L × 5 tanks × 4 units
• Test section -JR East Tsurumi Line, Nambu Line

Disclaimer: Details of development of Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in foreign geography have been taken from
respective website for reference.

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022



Sandeep Singh A.K. Pandey Mukesh Kumar

Joint Director/B&S ADE/B&S SSE/D/CB-I
RDSO, Lucknow RDSO, Lucknow RDSO, Lucknow

Abstract: Shrinkage and creep are complex phenomenon concrete so it is almost impossible to accurately
assess them. Approximate evaluations from various models can be seen for shrinkage and creep. For
many common design problems, various codal provisions allowing simple solutions can be used. It is
observed that the provisions in IRS:CBC are simple and serve the purpose. Shrinkage and creep have to
be taken into account only when they are considered important. The provisions of various codes and the
evolution of the provisions over time in the Indian Railway Standards have been compiled in this paper.
सारांश: कं क्रीट में संकुचन और विसर्पण एक जटिल समस्या है, इसलिए इसका सटीक मूल्यांकन करना लगभग असंभव है| संकुचन और विसर्पण
का अभिकल्पन विभिन्न मॉडलों से अनमु ानित मूल्यांकन कर देखा जा सकता है। कई सामान्य डिजाइन समस्याओं के लिए, सरल समाधान की
अनमु ति देने वाले विभिन्न कोडल प्रावधानों का उपयोग किया जा सकता है। यह देखा गया है कि आई आर एस: सी बी सी में प्रावधान सरल हैं और
प्रावधान उद्देश्य की पूर्ति करते हैं | संकुचन और विसर्पण को तभी ध्यान में रखना होगा जब उन्हें महत्वपूर्ण माना जाए। विभिन्न संहिताओं के प्रावधान
और भारतीय रेलवे मानक में समय के साथ प्रावधानों का विकास को इस पेपर में संकलित किया गया है।

1.0 INTRODUCTION to estimate shrinkage and creep are available in

literature and different Codes follow different
Shrinkage and Creep are time dependent deformations approaches/Mathematical models. The provision of
which are important in Concrete Structures specially different Codes and evolution of provisions with time
where deflections are important and in the design in Indian Railway Standard: Concrete Bridge Code
of the articulation for a bridge. Consideration of (IRS: CBC, Second Revision 1997-Reprint Sep-2014)
shrinkage & creep is important in Railway bridge have been compiled in this paper. It is observed that
where live load to dead load ratio is high and long the latest provisions in the IRS:CBC are with a view
service life is expected. The factors affecting the to realistically assess and simplify the calculation for
shrinkage of concrete are the variations in moisture the concrete bridge girders, commonly used in Indian
conditions, cement and water content, composition Railway.
and fineness of cement, type, amount, and gradation
of aggregate, ambient conditions, moisture, 2.0 SHRINKAGE AND CREEP
temperature, admixtures, size & shape of specimen,
SHRINKAGE- The Shrinkage is defined as the time-
etc. The different factors that affect the creep of
dependent strain measured at constant temperature in
concrete are level of stress, duration of loading,
an unloaded and unrestrained specimen. Shrinkage
strength and age of concrete, ambient conditions,
is expressed as a strain. The change in the volume of
rate of loading, percentage and distribution of steel
drying concrete is not equal to the volume of water
reinforcement in a reinforced concrete member,
removed. The evaporation of free water causes little
size of the concrete mass, type, fineness, content
or no shrinkage. As concrete continues to dry, water
of cement, water-cement ratio, type and grading
evaporates and the volume of the restrained cement
of aggregate, type of curing, etc. Many approaches

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
paste changes, causing concrete to shrink, probably (ii) B3 Model
due to the capillary tension that develops in the water
The model was developed by Bazant and Baweja
remaining in concrete. Emptying of the capillaries
and is described by ACI. Parameters required for
causes a loss of water without shrinkage, but once
calculation of shrinkage strain & creep using the
the absorbed water is removed, shrinkage occurs.
B3 Model are, concrete mean compressive strength
The shrinkage of concrete has a direct influence on
at 28 days, curing conditions, cement type, relative
pre-stress losses of pre-stressed concrete members
humidity, water content in concrete and specimen
and the long-term deformation of girders. Generally,
concrete shrinks at a high rate during the initial
period of hardening, but at a later stage the rate (iii) GL 2000 Model
diminishes gradually. It can be said that 40% to 80% The GL 2000 model was developed by Gardner et.
of the shrinkage occurs in one month and 80% to al. Parameters required for calculation of shrinkage
85% occurs in one year. strain & creep using the GL 2000 Model are mean 28-
CREEP- Concrete is an Elastoplastic material, and day concrete compressive strength, relative humidity,
beyond a small elastic range, plastic strains develop age of concrete at the beginning of shrinkage, type of
in addition to elastic strains. Under sustained load, cement and shape & size of specimen.
plastic deformation continues to develop over a (iv) CEB 90 Model
period that may last for years. Such deformation
increases at a high rate during the first 4 months after The CEB 90 model was developed by Muller and
application of the load. This slow plastic deformation Hillsdorf. Parameters required for calculation of
under constant stress is called creep. The ratio of shrinkage strain & creep using the CEB 90 Model
creep strain to that of the initial elastic strain due to are mean 28-day concrete compressive strength,
a sustained stress is used as a measurement of creep relative humidity, age of concrete at the beginning
deformation. It is called as the Creep Coefficient. of shrinkage, type of cement and shape & size of
Pre-stressed concrete structures are sensitive to long-
term deformations due to creep and shrinkage. Over (v) CEB MC 90-99 Model
estimation of the camber due to these effects leads The CEB MC 90-99 is a modification of the CEB
to inefficient designs and improper utilization of the 90. Parameters required for calculation of shrinkage
material strength. Under estimation may result in the strain & creep using this model are mean 28-day
failure of structures with serious consequences. concrete compressive strength, relative humidity, age
Creep develops not only in compression, but also in of concrete at the beginning of shrinkage, type of
tension, bending and torsion. The ratio of the rate of cement and shape & size of specimen. In this new
creep in tension to that in compression will be greater model, total shrinkage strain is sum of autogenous and
than 1 in the first two weeks, then decreases over long drying shrinkage component. In high-performance
period. concrete, autogenous shrinkage is significant and
needs to be considered in prediction of shrinkage.
3.0 LITERATURE SURVEY: This approach was necessary so that shrinkage of
normal as well as high-performance concrete can be
Different models being used for predicting the
predicted with sufficient accuracy.
shrinkage & creep of concrete.
(vi) The AASHTO Model
(i) The ACI 209 Model
The model is described by AASHTO LRFD bridge
The model is named after the code ACI 209R-92.
design specifications. Parameters required for
Branson and Christianson first developed this model
calculation of shrinkage strain using the AASHTO
in 1970. The ACI 209 model was used for many
Model are curing method (moist-cured or steam-
years in the design of concrete structures. This model
cured concrete), 28 day concrete compressive
is simple to use.
strength, relative humidity, drying time of concrete,
Calculation of shrinkage & creep using the ACI type of cement and shape & size of specimen.
209R-92 model can be performed if the following
parameters and conditions are known: curing method 4.0 COMPARISON OF RESULTS OF
(moist-cured or steam-cured concrete), relative VARIOUS MODELS
humidity, type of cement, specimen shape, ultimate
Different model predicts different values of shrinkage
shrinkage strain, age of concrete after casting, age
strain and creep as illustrated below with an example
of the concrete when drying commenced, (usually
with various parameters considered below:
taken as the age at the end of moist curing).
Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
• Humidity =75% 6.7.4 Shrinkage of Concrete–The loss of pre-stress
• Effective thickness to account for volume/ surface due to shrinkage in concrete shall be the product of
ratio =76 mm the modulus of elasticity of steel and the shrinkage
• 28-day concrete compressive strength = 45 Mpa of concrete calculated on the basis given in the
• Water content = 207.92 Kg/m3
• Water cement ratio=0.46
• Air Content =3.73 Age of concrete at the time Shrinkage of Con-
of pre-stressing days crete
• Age of concrete after casting =35 days
7 0.035 per cent
• Age of concrete at loading =28 days
10 0.03 per cent
• Age of the concrete drying commenced =8 days 14 0.025 per cent
• Concrete unit weight =2405 Kg/m3 21 0.02 per cent
• Moist-cured concrete In the case of pre-tensioned work, the
Values of Shrinkage Strain & Creep by various whole of pre-stressing of concrete will be effective
models for the given factors are tabulated as below: in reducing the pre-stress and the value of 0.04 per
cent shall be taken.
Table-1 : Values of Shrinkage Strain & Creep
Amendment was proposed to bring IRS:CBC in line
Shrinkage Strain with International Code. Accordingly, the second
SN Model Creep (per-Mpa)
(mm/mm) revised edition was adopted in 1997 after the draft
1 ACI 209 222x10-6 49.9x10-6 discussed and finalized in 13th Extra Ordinary
2 B3 185.9x10-6 43.3x10-6 Bridge Standard Committee (BSC) in November
3 GL2000 194x10-6 50.5x10-6 1996. Provisions of Shrinkage and Creep effect
4 CEB 90 159.3x10-6 44.4x10-6 in accordance with Clause 5.2.3, 5.2.4, &
CEB MC of IRS: Concrete Bridge Code, 1997 are
5 207.6x10-6 42.6x10-6
summarized as under.
6 AASTHO 237.15x10-6 41.2x10-6
7 IRS:CBC 240x10-6 43x10-6 IRS: CONCRETE BRIDGE CODE (Second
Revision 1997)
From the above table it is observed that the estimation
5.2.3 Shrinkage – The shrinkage of concrete
of Shrinkage Strain through various models varies
depends upon the constituents of concrete, size
from 159.3x10-6 to 237.15x10-6 mm/mm & creep
of the member and environmental conditions. For
varies from 41.2x10-6 to 50.5x10-6 per-MPa. The value
a given environment the shrinkage of concrete
of shrinkage strain upto 28 days as per IRS:CBC is
is most influenced by the total amount of water
240x10-6 (as deduced from residual shrinkage values
present in the concrete at the time of mixing and to
given in table-3 of IRS:CBC) and Creep is 43x10-6
a lesser extent, by the cement content.
per-Mpa as per clause of IRS:CBC. In the absence of test data, the approximate
5.0 Provisions of Shrinkage and Creep as per value of shrinkage strain for design may be taken
IRS: Concrete Bridge Code as follows: –
IRS: Concrete Bridge Code was first adopted in Total shrinkage strain in plain concrete, reinforced
1936 and subsequently revised in 1962. Provisions concrete and pre-tensioned pre-stressed concrete:
of Shrinkage and Creep as mentioned in Clause 0.003.
6.7.2 & 6.7.4 of IRS: Concrete Bridge Code 1962 are Residual shrinkage strain in post-tensioned pre-
summarized as under. stressed concrete: as per Table-3.
6.7.2 Creep in concrete – The creep in concrete shall be PRESTRESSED CONCRETE (Clause 5.2.3)
taken as 0.043 percent per 100 kg/cm2 (0.03 percent per
1000 lb/in2.) stress at the centroid of the pre-stressing
steel. The variation in the fibre stress in concrete along
the centroid of steel may be taken into consideration in
3 0.00043
allowing for the loss due to creep in concrete.
7 0.00035
10 0.00030

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin

14 0.00025 the concrete for stress of upto one-third of the cube

21 0.00020 strength at transfer. The loss of pre-stress is obtained
28 0.00019 from the product of the modulus of elasticity of
90 0.00015 the tendon (see 4.6.2) and the creep of the concrete
adjacent to the tendons. Usually it is sufficient to
NOTE: The above values of strain are for
assume, in calculating this loss, that the tendons are
Ordinary Portland cement.
located at their centroid. Creep of the concrete per
5.2.4 Creep of Concrete – Creep of the concrete unit length may be taken from
depends, in addition to the factors in 5.2.3, on the The figures for creep of the concrete
stress in the concrete, age at loading and the duration
per unit length relate to the ultimate creep after a
of loading. As long as the stress in concrete does
period of years. When it is necessary to determine
not exceed one third of cube strength at transfer,
the deformation of the concrete due to creep at
creep may be assumed to be proportional to the
some earlier stage, it may be assumed that half
the total creep takes place in the first month after Creep in concrete shall be taken as 43x10-6 transfer and that three quarters of total creep takes
per N/mm2 of stress at the centroid of pre-stressing place in the first 6 months after transfer.
steel in case of pre-stressed concrete structures.
The provision were further studied by Bridge In the absence of experimental data and Technology Development Group (BTDG) and
detailed information on the effect of the variables, based on the recommendation of BTDG were
the ultimate creep strain may be estimated from the discussed in the 16th Extra Ordinary BSC. On the
following values of creep co-efficient that is ultimate recommendation of 16th Extra Ordinary BSC, the
creep coefficient/elastic strain at the age of loading. Clauses were to be modified as below:
Age of loading Creep coefficient Clause To correct the typographical error in
7 Days 2.2 total shrinkage in plain concrete, reinforced concrete
28 Days 1.6 and pre-tensioned concrete as 0.0003 in Clause no.
1 year 1.1 and following paragraph may be added after
Note: The Ultimate creep strain estimated as above clause
does not include the elastic strain. “For special cases reference to expert literature may For the calculation of deformation at some be made for Shrinkage.”
stage before the total creep is reached, it may be Clause No change In Clause No. of
assumed about half the total creep takes place in first IRC: CBC.
month after loading and that about three-quarter of
Clause Following paragraph may be
the total creep takes place in the first six months after
added after clause
“For special cases reference to expert literature may Loss of pre-stress due to Shrinkage of
be made for Shrinkage.”
the Concrete - The loss of pre-stress in the tendons
due to shrinkage of the concrete may be calculated The above changes have been incorporated in the
from the modulus of elasticity for the tendons given present Indian Railway Standard: Concrete Bridge Code
in 4.6.2 assuming the values for shrinkage per unit (IRS:CBC, Second Revision 1997-Reprint Sep-2014).
length given in 5.2.3.
6.0 PROVISIONS ON SHRINKAGE AND When it is necessary to determine CREEP IN OTHER CODES
the loss of pre-stress and the deformation of the
concrete at some stage before the total shrinkage is (i) BS:5400 Part-4
reached, it may be assumed for normal aggregate The process of calculation of shrinkage and creep as per
concrete that half the total shrinkage takes place Annexure ‘’C’’ of BS:5400 Part-4 is summarized below.
during the first month after transfer and that three-
Final Creep deformation
quarters of the total shrinkage takes place in the
first 6 months after transfer. Where E28 is the secant modulus of elasticity at 28
days and coefficient equal to the product of five partial Loss of Pre-stress due to Creep of the
Concrete - The loss of pre-stress in the tendons due
to creep of the concrete shall be calculated on the Shrinkage deformation determined by the product of
assumption that creep is proportional to stress in four partial coefficients ΔcS=kL kc ke kj

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
kL depends on environmental conditions, km depends similar to IRC 112-2020, however the values of the
on hardening (maturity) of the concrete at the age of drying shrinkage strain εcd to be taken as per table
loading, kc depends on composition of the concrete, given in the code and autogenous shrinkage strain εca
ke depends on effective thickness of the member and have to be worked out by separate equations.
kj depends on time-dependent deformation. Values
As per EN Code 1992-1-1, the creep coefficient
of these can be work out from the different charts
φ(t,to ) is related to Ec, (tangent modulus), However,
given in Code.
where great accuracy is not required, the creep
(ii) IRC:112-2020 coefficient may be found from Figure 3.1 mentioned
in code, provided the compressive stress is less than
Provision in IRC 112:2020 for Shrinkage and Creep
0.45 fck at the time of loading.
have different methodology for determining the
shrinkage strain & creep coefficient. Factor affecting the When the compressive stress of concrete at the time
Creep and Shrinkage are shown in tabular form in IRC of loading exceeds the value 0.45 fck . then creep non-
112:2020. linearity should be considered. In such cases the Non
linear notional creep coefficient should be obtained
The total shrinkage of concrete depends upon the
from equation 3.7 of the code.
constituents of concrete, size of the member and
environmental conditions. 7.0 CONCLUSION
The total shrinkage strain is composed of two There are various models for predicting the shrinkage
components, the autogenous shrinkage strain and and creep of concrete. The ACI 209, B3, GL2000, CEB
the drying shrinkage strain. The major part of the 90, CEB 90-99 and AASTHO are some of them. The
autogenous shrinkage strain develops during hardening detailed procedure where mentioned in the codes is
of the concrete in the early days after casting. The drying based on one of these models.
shrinkage strain develops slowly, since it is a function of
In this paper, provisions regarding Shrinkage and creep
the migration of water through the hardened concrete.
in various models and IRS: Concrete Bridge Code, BS-
The value of the total shrinkage strain is given by : 5400, EURO/EN and IRC have been discussed. It is
observed that the provisions in IRS: CBC are simple and
serve the purpose as the values as per IRS:CBC are in
where conformity with values worked out based on the Models.
Shrinkage and creep have to be taken into account only
εcs is the total shrinkage strain
when they are considered to be important. Shrinkage and
εcd is the drying shrinkage strain creep being complex phenomenon so accurate prediction
εca is the autogenous shrinkage strain of the same is almost impossible as can be seen from
the range of values predicted from various models. For
In absence of accurate field/laboratory data, the value of a number of ordinary design problems, various codal
autogenous shrinkage strain given in table 6.6 of the Code provisions that allow simple solution may be used. In
has to be considered in design. view of above, the provision in IRS:CBC are sufficient
and in rare cases reference of specialist literature may be
Creep of concrete depends, on the stress in the concrete, age
required which is also permitted in IRS:CBC.
at loading and duration of loading, constituents of concrete,
size of the member and environmental conditions. REFERENCES:
The values given at Table-6.9 of the code applicable for M35 1. IRS: CONCRETE BRIDGE CODE -1962
grade concrete can be considered as final creep co-efficient 2. IRS: CONCRETE BRIDGE CODE -1997
for design for normal weight concrete, subject to certain
conditions. 3. IRS: CONCRETE BRIDGE CODE-1997
The coefficient may be multiplied by to estimate the value
4. 13th EXTRA ORDINARY BSC (November 1996)
for lower grade of concrete.
5. 16th EXTRA ORDINARY BSC (June 2008)
However for higher grades of concrete the coefficient may
be worked out separately or for simplification, the values 6. Concrete Bridge Design to BS:5400, by L.A. Clark
given in the Table 6.9 of the code can also be adopted for 7. IRC 112-2020
higher grades. 8. EN 1992-1-1
(iii) EN Code 1992-1-1 9. BS 5400 Part-4
Shrinkage: 10. Structural Concrete: Theory and Design-
The method for estimation of shrinkage is almost M.Nadim Hassoun, Akthem Al-Manaseer

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin

Aditya Ujjwal
Sonpur Division

Abstract: To enhance cleaning standards and passengers’ satisfaction, IR introduced Mechanized

cleaning as a tool for improvement over conventional cleaning methods. Various cleaning equipment are
being used for mechanized cleaning of the railway station platforms and coaches such as high-pressure
water jet cleaners, wet & dry vacuum cleaners, floor scrubbers, stain cleaners etc. However, there is ample
room for improvement. Benefits of ongoing technological advancements has made products and services
cost-effective while efficiently meeting customer satisfaction levels. This report is prepared based on the
tests conducted regarding the performance and efficacy of self-learning robotic cleaner over conventional
cleaning method.
सारांश: सफाई मानकों और यात्रियों की संतष्टि
ु को बढ़ाने के लिए भारतीय रेल ने पारंपरिक सफाई के तरीकों में सधु ार के लिए यंत्रीकृत सफाई को
एक उपकरण के रूप में पेश किया। रेलवे स्टेशन के प्लेटफार्मों और डिब्बों की मशीनीकृत सफाई के लिए विभिन्न सफाई उपकरणों जैसे उच्च दबाव
वाले वॉटर जेट क्लीनर गीले और सूखे वैक्यूम क्लीनर फर्श स्क्रबर स्टेन क्लीनर आदि का उपयोग किया जा रहा है । हालांकि सधु ार के लिए पर्याप्त
जगह है। चल रही तकनीकी प्रगति के लाभों ने ग्राहकों की संतष्टि
ु के स्तर को कुशलतापूर्व क पूरा करते हुए उत्पादों और सेवाओं को लागत प्रभावी
बना दिया है। यह रिपोर्ट पारंपरिक सफाई पद्धति पर सेल्फ-लर्निंग रोबोटिक क्लीनर के प्रदर्शन और प्रभावकारिता के संबधं में किए गए परीक्षणों के
आधार पर तैयार की गई है।

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND the way forward to achieve objective of time-bound
and satisfactory cleaning.
Coach cleanliness and hygiene are paramount for
ensuring passenger satisfaction for Indian Railways. This report is a study to compare and analyze the
Indian Railways has envisaged mechanization performance and efficiency of self-learning robotic
in cleaning services to improve overall cleaning cleaner vis-a-vis conventional cleaning methods in
standards in a cost-effective, scientific and time- terms of parameters of cost, energy, manpower and
bound manner. Cleaning with brooms and mops will environment friendliness.
no longer suffice to meet the standards of cleaning METHODOLOGY
that suit Indian Railways. These trials are performed with the self-learning
The Clean Train Station (CTS) model was initiated cleaning robot with vacuuming and mopping features.
by Indian Railway in year 2003 as a pilot project at Each trial involves the following steps in sequence -
Ratlam station within which mechanized, enroute i. Identifying and demarcating sample area to
cleaning of coaches with focus on toilet cleanliness be cleaned via conventional and mechanized
and disinfestations is done. To be precise - The scope methods.
of work under CTS comprises high pressure jet cleaning
and drying of coach toilets with specified pressure and ii. Measurement of lux values, with lux meter before
general wiping of all toilet fittings in coaches, floor cleaning cleaning.
of doorway and vestibule area with high pressure jet and iii. Visual ratings are also assessed and assigned
drying with wet vacuum cleaner. based on pre-decided levels*.
As per another initiative in 2007, it was decided to iv. Manual sweeping and mopping is done with
implement comprehensive mechanized cleaning conventional method for one sample area.
coaches with On Board Housekeeping Services v. One time vacuuming and two times mopping is
(OBHS). done with robotic cleaner in other sample area.
To accelerate the efforts to achieve universal vi. Measurement of lux values and assigning visual
sanitation coverage, the Swachh Bharat Mission was rating post-cleaning.
launched under the guidance of Prime Minister of
India on 2nd October 2014. vii. Comparison of parameter measured (LV – Lux
value & VR – Visual rating).
* Visual Rating are conception based, evaluated as -
Improved methods of cleaning with the use of new,
1 –worst, 2-poor, 3 – satisfactory, 4 – good, 5 – very
portable and cost-effective mechanized equipment is

Consumption / Input
Sl Variables
Manual Cleaning Robotic Cleaning
1 Water consumption 5-8 Ltrs 300 – 500 ml
(per coach)
2 Soap solution consumption 100- 150 ml 100 ml
(per coach)
3 Time taken (per coach) 8-10 Min. 125 Min
Mopping 1 Mopping 2
45 mins 40 mins 40 mins
4 Labor 1 person per coach 1 person per rake

5 Energy consumption
(per coach) - 0.78 electrical units

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin

Classification ITEM Details

Diameter 330 mm
Dimension & weight Height 80 mm
Weight 2.7 K
Battery Li-ion 2600 mAH
Electrical Spec Power 22 W
Charging Automatic / Manual
Capacity of dustbin 0.75 ltr
Cleaning Mode Classic / Edge/Spot/Daily schedule
Cleaning Spec Duration per charge < 300 mins
Duration of cleaning 90 mins
Button type Push
Display panel LCD
Color Iron grey
Other Navigation Random + Path + App
Body Material Aluminum Cover
Noise Level 68 dB


During trials Robotic cleaner has successfully & mopping were relatively higher, which reduced
performed auto didacticism and discernment. after initial trails and subsequently stabilized at an
Initially time taken by the Cleaner for vacuuming optimum time after it’s path learning was complete.

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
Cost Benefit Analysis
Per Coach cleaning average rate per year (Considering daily cleaning) Rs 2,29,950.00 (Rs 630** x 365)
Cost per coach considering floor surface area as 30 % of overall work Rs 68,985.00 (Rs 2,29,950.00 x 0.3)
Cost per Rake per year (Considering Rake length 24 coach) Rs 16,55,640.00
Total cost for 3 years Rs 1655640 x 3= Rs 49,66,920.00

Cost of a robot Rs 23900
Cost for 24 robots Rs 23900*24=Rs 5,73,600
Cost of consumables per month Rs 1300
Total cost incurred on consumables for 24 robots for 3 years Rs 1300*24*36= Rs 11,23,200
Total cost of machine + 3 years (spares supply) Rs 5,73,600+ Rs 11,23,200= Rs
**rate taken from average LAR of coach cleaning contracts.

Overall cost incurred for manual cleaning of floors of 1 rake for 3 years is Rs 16.97 lakhs.
of 1 rake for 3 years is Rs49.67 lakhs, whereas
Thus, there is a 65.8 % revenue savings with the use
overall cost incurred for robotic cleaning of floors
of self-learning robots.

Trial I (spot based – NAC coach )
Manual Cleaning Robotic cleaning

Spot Before After Difference Before After Difference

UNDER BERTH 7 2 15 4 8 2 7 2 14 4 7 2
21 2 40 4 19 2 21 2 36 3 15 1
Coach 1

LOBBY 17 2 30 4 13 2 21 3 33 4 12 1
VESTIBULE 1 5 1 9 3 4 2 10 1 12 3 2 2
VESTIBULE 2 3 1 9 4 6 3 6 1 9 3 3 2
DOORS 151 3 177 4 26 1 167 3 190 4 23 1
Average 12.7 2 Average 10.3 1.5
UNDER BERTH 4 2 7 3 3 1 3 2 6 3 3 1
30 2 55 4 25 2 29 2 52 4 23 2
Coach 2

LOBBY 24 3 36 4 12 1 23 3 32 4 9 1
VESTIBULE 1 11 1 14 3 3 2 9 1 13 3 4 2
VESTIBULE 2 9 1 11 3 2 2 8 1 11 2 3 1
DOORS 167 2 223 4 56 2 228 3 284 3 56 0
Average 16.8 1.7 Average 16.3 1.2
Overall average 14.8 1.8 Overall average 13.3 1.3
# Lux values vary depending upon the external lighting, so different lux values were found at different spots in same coach. Under
berth lux values are relatively low compared to window and lobby area. Indicative pictures taken during trial is produced below.

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
• Average improvement in Coach 1 by manual 16.3 LV & 1.2 VR for robotic cleaning, which
cleaning is 12.7 units of lux & 2 units of shows that lux values are almost at par and
Visual Rating where as it was 10.3 & 1.5 for improvement in VR is slightly lower for robotic
robotic cleaning respectively. Thus, we see that cleaning.
performance of manual cleaning was slightly
• Thus, for our first trail manual cleaning
better than robotic cleaning.
performed better than robotic cleaning albeit
• For Coach 2 it is 16.8 LV & 1.7 VR where as by a small margin.

Manual Cleaning

Before Manual cleaning After Manual cleaning

Robotic Cleaning

Before automated cleaning After automated cleaning

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
Trial -2(RA)
Location Manual Cleaning Robot Cleaning
Before After Difference Before After Difference
4 2 5 3 1 1 4 2 5 3 1 1
4 2 5 3 1 1 4 2 5 3 1 1
Dining Hall
4 2 5 3 1 1 4 2 5 3 1 1
Average 1 1 Average 1 1
1 2 1 3 0 1 1 2 1 3 0 1
1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1
1 2 1 3 0 1 1 2 1 3 0 1
Average 0.3 1 Average 0.3 1
15 2 19 3 4 1 45 2 51 3 6 1
Inspection 16 2 17 3 1 1 35 2 39 3 4 1
Hall 15 2 17 3 2 1 32 2 35 3 3 1
Average 2.3 1 Average 4.3 1
6 2 7 3 1 1 4 2 6 3 2 1
5 2 7 3 2 1 5 2 6 3 1 1
Room 1
4 2 5 3 1 1 4 2 5 3 1 1
Average 1.3 1 Average 1.3 1
3 2 5 3 2 1 4 2 5 3 1 1
4 2 5 3 1 1 5 2 6 3 1 1
Room 2 3 2 4 3 1 1 4 2 5 3 1 1
Average 1.3 1 Average 1 1
Overall average 1.3 1 Overall average 1.6 1

• From the above data for Trial 2, it we see that the location by robotic cleaning better than manual
Dining Hall
average improvement in cleanliness at different cleaning.

Dining Hall
Manually Robotic

Gallery 45
MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin


Inspection hall

Room No 1
Manually Robotic

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022

Room No 2

TRIAL - 3( ICF Coach)

Manual Cleaning Robotic cleaning

Before After Difference Before After Difference

44 3 54 5 10 2 34 3 38 4 4 1
Coach 1

39 4 46 5 7 1 36 4 45 5 9 1
20 2 26 4 6 2 22 2 31 4 9 2
Average 7.7 1.7 Average 7.3 1.3
24 2 34 4 10 2 14 2 20 5 6 3
Coach 2

36 4 41 5 5 1 31 4 34 5 3 1
50 5 52 5 2 0 22 3 28 4 6 1
Average 5.7 1 Average 5 1.7
Overall average 6.7 1.3 Overall average 6.2 1.5

• From interpretation of the above data, it can be average improvement in cleanliness by manual
deduced that average improvement in cleanliness cleaning is better than the robotic cleaning in
for Coach 1 by manual cleaning is better than terms of LV data and slightly poor in terms of
the robotic cleaning slightly better. For Coach 2, VR.

Before Cleaning of AC Coach

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
After Robotic cleaning

Before Cleaning of GS Coach

After Robotic cleaning

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
Overall Comparison of all Trials :-

Manual Cleaning Robotic cleaning

Average of Difference of before and after Average of Difference of before and after
cleaning cleaning
I 14.8 1.8 13.3 1.3
II 1.3 1 1.6 1
III 6.7 1.3 6.2 1.5

Thus - achieved by both manual and robotic cleaning for

all three trails was satisfactory.
• For Trial –I, Manual cleaning was slightly
better than the Robotic cleaning. Also, we found that self-learning robotic cleaning
is superior to manual cleaning in terms of –
• For Trial –II, Robotic cleaning was slightly
better than the Manual cleaning. i. Up to 3 times lower cost incurred.
• For Trial –III, Manual cleaning and Robotic ii. 15 times less water consumption.
cleaning were comparable.
iii. Upto 20% less soap consumed.
The difference in performance can be attributed
iv. Negligible human engagement.
to various factors, such as temporary changes
in lighting, human judgement (for visual rating v. Eco- friendly.
values) and machine precision. vi. No health hazard to operator.
However, one major difference between the 3 vii. Particularly suited to needs of post-Pandemic
trails was that the second trail was done on an world.
RA (inspection car) while the first and third trials
were done on passenger coaches. Since, the RA The trials for this study were done on a small scale
had a more smooth and glossy laminated surface in and use on industrial and commercial scales over a
comparison to PVC flooring of passenger coaches, prolonged period may shed light on other parameters
the robot which is best suited for cleaning on such as robot breakdown cost and down time.
smooth surfaces, performed slightly better on the Indian Railways could consider a pilot project on
RA. similar lines for a prolonged period of time, for better
This is no way means that the level of cleanliness appreciation of the scope of use of self-learning
achieved by the self-learning robot was quite inferior robots for cleaning of coach floors and subsequently
for passenger coaches. The level of cleanliness even for railway station platforms.

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin



Ravindra Kumar Misra

Dy. Director/SRESTHA
RDSO, Lucknow

Abstract: Metal inert gas welding process with pulsating current for metals is a popular state-of-art
joining process being used due to the associated benefit of lower heat input and controlled rate of metal
transfer in the form of pulsed-spray to the weld cavity in comparison to the conventional metal inert
gas welding where heat input was in higher side with unrestrained spray transfer of weld metal. This
review article throws light on the process methodology, optimization of process parameters and variable
applications consolidated by researchers. Considering important process parameters, materials, modelling
and simulation studies undertaken by authors and optimized with suitable numerical methods. Selected
experimentation studies are also reviewed and presented along with application on different material and
process variables.
सारांश: धातओ
ु ं के लिए पल्सेटिंग करेंट के साथ मेटल इनर्ट गैस वेल्डिंग प्रक्रिया एक लोकप्रिय अत्याधनि
ु क जॉइनिंग प्रक्रिया है जिसका उपयोग
कम हीट इनपटु के संबद्ध लाभ और वेल्ड कै विटी में पल्स्ड-स्प्रे के रूप में मेटल ट्रांसफर की नियंत्रित दर के कारण किया जाता है। यह पारंपरिक
मेटल इनर्ट गैस वेल्डिंग की तल ु ना में जहां वेल्ड धातु के अनियंत्रित स्प्रे हस्तांतरण के साथ हीट इनपटु अधिक था। यह समीक्षा लेख शोधकर्ताओं
द्वारा समेकित प्रक्रिया पद्धति, प्रक्रिया मापदंडों के अनकु ू लन और परिवर्तनीय अनप्रु योगों पर प्रकाश डालता है। इसे लेखकों द्वारा किए गए महत्वपूर्ण
प्रक्रिया मापदंडों, सामग्रियों, मॉडलिंग और सिमल ु ेशन अध्ययनों को ध्यान में रखते हुए और उपयक्त ु संख्यात्मक विधियों के साथ अनक ु ू लित किया
जाता है। चयनित प्रयोग अध्ययनों की भी समीक्षा की जाती है और विभिन्न सामग्री और प्रोसस े वैरिएबल्स पर आवेदन के साथ प्रस्तुत किया जाता है।

Introduction cycle consists of applying the repeated pulse current

over a constant background current to achieve desired
In conventional MIGW process, weld metal transfer
metal transfer i.e. size of droplet and detachment
takes place under constant current and voltage i.e.
rate for smooth weld bead. Choice of pulsing factors
higher heat input in the four type of metal transfer
for a specified wire feed rate is an intricate action.
modes viz. Globular, Short-Circuiting, cold metal
Pulsation amplitude and duration are functions of
transfer and Spray type metal transfer. Conventional
feed wire composition, dia and to a lesser extent,
MIGW process is having some inherent dis-
shielding gas consist.
advantages like spattered bead, high heat input to the
parent metal and associated losses. Pulsed Metal Inert Pulsed-MIG welding process is a time tested method
Gas welding, a variant of the regular Metal Inert Gas of welding and a lot of work is already done
weldment procedure in which the amplitude of the by researchers in the simulation, modelling and
current is fluctuated for managing the rate of metal experimentation of Pulsed-MIGW to establish the
transfer at low average current levels by applying process parameters, their variables and effectiveness
small duration high current which produces smooth on different materials. This article is an effort to
and un-spattered welding at variable currents, which consolidate the work done in the past on the process
would otherwise be too low for all except dip transfer parameter and other variables of Pulsed MIG
with its irregular transfer and associated spatter. The welding.

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
Working Principle the electrode in a pulsed MIGW process. The main
features of this process is summarized as under;
In Pulsed Metal Inert Gas welding, fluctuation of
current was introduced originally for controlling a. Scattered metal transfer at lower average current
metal transfer at comparatively low average current level and reduced bulbous metal deposition.
levels by introducing small duration high current b. Improved spray transfer process.
in between the cyclic process. The cycle consists of
applying the repeated pulse current over a constant c. Pulsation decreases overall heat input and at the
background current. In Metal Inert Gas Welding same time adequate metal transfer.
process, the molten weld metal is forced by the arc d. Better bead appearance by eliminating spattering.
from the electrode end to the puddle in bulb like
shape, spray type or short-circuiting type depending e. Directional control as the weld metal cools in
on the variables like welding current, used shielding between pulsation and solidify quickly which
gas and electrode chemistry. reduces risk of unsmooth or an excessive curved
The main parameters of MIG welding are related
to pulsation of current based on the requirements Pulsed welding process is mostly deployed on the
of input variables like puddle size and shape, wire metals where heat transfer rate is high and less input
thickness, rate of metal deposition and speed of of heat is desirable like Aluminum and steels etc.
welding. The important advancement of pulsating The process is automated easily for least manual
process is that the higher current is supplied for a intervention to achieve consistent quality of weld
smaller period in which the wire material is melted joints.
and separated in globular form. Subsequently, a Review of Process Parameters
smaller current is supplied to propel the globular
metal to the weld cavity. Presently, use of an extended range of pulsating
amplitudes, durations and wave shapes at frequencies
from a unit to few hundred Hertz. Pulsating
magnitude and timing are optimally combined
to melt and move each droplet of the similar or
slightly smaller size as compared to electrode wire.
The square shape pulsating current Vs. Time plot is
represented in FIG.2. Different variables of current
and time associated with the PMIGW process to be
fixed up for specific requirement of product.

FIG.2-Pulsating Current Wave Representation

Factors affecting choice of parameters of PMIGW

has been studied by P.K. Palani et al. [1] and found
that the Pulsed-MIGW is a method of spray transfer
FIG.1-Schematic of Spray Transfer & Droplet of metal in a controlled way. In this process the arc
Transfer System [21] current is kept at a higher magnitude to expedite
transfer of weld metal for long enough to initialize
In the FIG.1 shown above, the mechanism of the disconnection of molten metal in drop from wire
spray transfer of metal from the wire electrode in electrode. When the drop shape weld metal is
the droplet form to the weld cavity is represented. detached from the wire, the current is minimized to
Second figure indicates the amplitude of current a comparatively lower magnitude to keep up the arc
in the Current vs Time plot and correspondingly from propelling the droplet to the puddle. Variables
position of droplet detachment and propelling from

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
of current pulses have a definite effect on the microstructure, higher HAZ, and reduced depth of
features of weldment like, constancy of the arc, weld weld along with high underpinning reduces service
excellence, bead look and bead profile. Achieving life of weldment. Pulsed-MIGW is an improved
combination of parameters without a logical support method executed in a superior way to overcome the
is a matter of lower prospect because the complexity quality issues. In the process more peak current is
and correlation of the pulsed variables in the process. applied to detach melted droplet during each pulse
In a similar review consequence of study of pulsed and a low remaining current to keep regularising the
variables on Weld Quality, Kamal Pal et al. [2] arc stability. As a result, current pulsating refines the
presented that the quality of weld evaluated by bead grains in weld fusion zone and increased penetration
profile, micro-structure and other properties of the of arc fluctuation. Best quality weld joint can be
weld. In conventional MIGW produces coarse-grain produced by optimising pulsing parameters.

FIG.3-Predicted droplet profile, melting interface, and velocity field in globular transfer mode
(1.6mm wire, 175 A, 22V, 95 ipm or0.0402ms−1, argon) [3]

FIG.4-Predicted droplet profile, melting interface, and velocity field in spray transfer mode
(1.6mm wire, 350 A, 30.5V, 218 ipm or0.0925ms−1, argon) [3]

Review of Experimental Studies a peculiar detachment process in bulbous and spray

modes are shown in the FIG.3 and FIG.4 respectively.
Wang et al. [3] in his study of metal transfer
developed an un-isothermal numerical model for Spectroscopic study and analysis of PMIGW process
simulating transfer of metal in this process. Results by M E Rouffet et al. [4] presented that metal
with high-speed photography, laser based imaging vapours are impacting effectiveness. He established
and metallographic analysis is broadly in line with the that Iron is composed in the central part of plasma
practical process. Further they found that the taper and the iron level increases quickly at the starting
formation on the electrode end at higher welding of the high-current pulse and reduces slowly when
current is closely associated with heat energy input the central part widens. The minimum temperature
on the non-melted part of the electrode and also the profile becomes 8000 K to 13.000 K approximately
bulbous–spray changeover is because of the higher in central and remaining areas. High percentage
current, electro-magnetic squeeze force and the taper of iron and high radiation explain the shape of the
creation. Considered droplet shape consolidated for obtained temperature profile. Gregor Gott et al.

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
[8] shown that the light generated from the arc and procedure was followed to ascertain the correlation
analysed with spectroscopy and high-speed camera in weld variables and undercutting deficiencies.
imaging for comparison. A conclusive remark about This study established that suitable pulsed current
plasma arc and the droplet development is logical. may arrest undercut and spatter having increased
Desired control on the power input may be kept in CO2 composition in used gas. Jianxiong Li et al.
association with the spectral and local information [7] in their work studied influence of position and
about the plasma, accordingly, a spectral control unit angle of torch on product quality and consistency
is initiated. of process of welding. Results shown that shape of
arc their macro and micro-structure and mechanical
Yangyang Zhao et al. [5] worked on the impact of
properties are influenced by torch position when
pulsating variables on dynamic and heat transfer
work is at zero degree and travel angle of torch is 20°.
characteristics of drop by a numerical method
However, when both the angles are twenty degrees,
subjected to the magneto hydrodynamic co-relations
the effect of torch aiming position is not significant.
within the ambit of phase-field method. Pulses
having more current but smaller timing resulted in Review of Optimisation Studies
increased elongation of drop shape pendent, previous
Srinivasa Rao Pedapati et al. [12] experimented
disconnection, and increased velocity of the detached
and analysed using Taguchi method mathematical
drop. However, more peak current only leads to a small
models to establish relation between welding
increase in mean temperature of the disconnected
process parameters with weld bead geometry.
drop dissimilar to drop velocity. The cause for this
Important variables of process like, feeding speed
small increase is that value of joule heating enhances
of wire, thickness of part, pulsing frequency in Hz,
with the higher current only, whereas sheath heat and
current magnitude and welding speed are chosen
arc heating is being controlled by the mean current
for modelling with the help of several regression
and remains nearly constant having difference in
analyses. Outcome of study shown desirable accuracy
pulsating variables. Simulation results and elevated
and confirmation with experiments and established
speed photographs exhibited conformity. S. KIM et al.
that such modelling can anticipate the bead geometry
[10] shown that the static force balancing modelling
after checking process adequacy.
can forecast the drop dimension in transfer zone but
deviates significantly in the spray transfer range. The A 3D FEM model of pulsed AC type process have
reason behind this deviation may be the change in the been presented by Kiran at al [13] to assess the
geometry of the electrode as taper formation. M.St. shape and temperature sharing in the weld pool.
Wêglowski et al. [11] investigated that the wire input The results shown desirable confidence level in
rate and current has a noticeable influence on droplet modelling and experimental values of weld-width,
dia, speed and rate of transfer. Sensitivity of this penetration, and the heating cycles. They also
newly adopted procedure as per narrow band filter observed that the temperature distribution in the
for scanning is very high for the changes in welding region is as per Gaussian distributed heat source
parameters and advised to be used as a tool. Kamal were in synchronization with the current waveform.
Pal et al. [9] presented the recorded arc sounds with Increased cooling rate in the weld pool resulted
current and voltage in time horizon and frequency reduced bainitic phase and increased martensitic
horizon to compare with different process variables phase.
and modes of metal transfer. The most important ANN model to predict joint strength has been
difference of secondary arc sound frequency peak presented by Sukhomay Pal et al. [14] using
was found as a result of pulse shape change as seen parameters like, peak and back-ground voltage, pulse
in the outcome of frequency horizon study. Author duration, pulse frequency, wire feeding and welding
also used arc sound to find out defects in welding. speed. Root mean square (RMS) values of current
Influence of protective gas on the structure of and voltage are considered as input of the numerical
undercutting has been presented by Ran Zong et al. model and the UTS of the work piece is taken as the
[6] using vision-base data acquiring systems to analyse output variable. The outcome of simulation shown
the performance of droplet movement, arc profile that ANN model provided better confidence level
and melt flow by changing used gas composition. when compared with the multiple regression analysis
Outcome of study shown that suppressed undercutting for welding strength. A dynamic modelling presented
defect was primarily reduced backward flow-velocity by LA Jones et al. [15] shown that dynamic model of
of weld metal in pool because of the reduced arc drop disengagement at lower and medium current in
force and drop impact force when CO2 composition the plasma riched with argon and similar experiments
enhanced to 100% from 10%. Dimensionless fitment on axial magnetic forces is very low when compared

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
with simulation results may be due to the hypothesis  Lower heat affected zone (HAZ), higher
of internal flaws during development of droplet. production rate (welding speed), instantaneous
overlapping beads, easy automation and welding
Optimisation of Parameters with a Neuro-GA
on dissimilar materials are the encouraging
Technique using genetic algorithm by minimizing
features of the Pulsed-MIGW process and is
objective function considering weld strength, bead
being used predominantly with materials like
geometry, distortion and deposition efficiency into
steel, Aluminium, tungsten and magnesium etc.
the account for desired output quality presented by
Surjya K Pal et al. [16] and observed that Neuro-  Automation and implementation of Robotics
GA technique is a potent tool in optimization of with least manual intervention is comparatively
process in comparatively lesser experiments and easier in pulsed current metal inert gas welding
variation in results was within 3% only. Taguchi for achieving consistent quality.
orthogonal array method is used by S. R. Patil et al.
[17] for optimization to improve weld strength and References
observed that speed of welding has high influence [1] P.K. Palani, N. Murugan. Selection of parameters
on weld joints strength in tensile mode. Parametric of pulsed current gas metal arc welding. Journal
optimization by Using Factorial Design method is of Materials Processing Technology, (172) 1–10,
presented by Manoj Singla et al. [18] and found that 2006.
process parameters has a bearing on the bead area
[2] Kamal Pal and Surjya K. Pal. Effect of Pulse
to noticeable level in which welding current was
Parameters on Weld Quality in Pulsed Gas
most bearing variable to welds made using negative
Metal Arc Welding: A Review. Journal of
polarity electrodes with a small diameter electrode,
Materials Engineering and Performance, 20(6),
long electrode, low voltage and low welding speed
which produces large bead area.
[3] FWang, W K Hou1, S J Hu1, E Kannatey-
Similar works to optimize quality parameters using
Asibu1, W W Schultzand P C Wang. Modelling
grey-based Taguchi method has been presented by
and analysis of metal transfer in gas metal arc
Surjya K. Pal et al. [19] and observed that the pulse
voltage and frequency are the most significant factors
who affect the weld quality whereas other factors [4] M E Rouffet, M Wendt, G Goett, R Kozakov,
contribution can also not be neglected. Wire feed H Schoepp, K D Weltmann, D Uhrlandt.
rate for welding of Al sheets is optimised by H.J. Spectroscopic investigation of the high-current
Park et al. [20] and noticed that best quality weld is phase of a pulsed GMAW process. Journal of
achievable with 0.5 m/min, 1.0 m/min, and 1.5 m/ Physics D: Applied Physics, IOP Publishing, 43
min welding speed. (43), 2010.

Conclusions [5] Yangyang Zhao, Phill-Seung Lee, Hyun Chung.

Effect of pulsing parameters on drop transfer
Many remarkable works have been done in different dynamics and heat transfer behavior in pulsed
sub-domains of GMAW process and optimizations gas metal arc welding. International Journal of
and automation of the processes for different type of Heat and Mass Transfer. (129) 1110–1122, 2019.
applications are done with pulsed MIG welding. The
important conclusions drawn in review study are: [6] Ran Zong, Ji Chen, Chuansong Wu, Girish
Kumar Padhy. Influence of shielding gas on
 Quality of welds may be effectively optimised undercutting formation in gas metal arc welding.
by proper selection and regulation of process Journal of Materials Processing Technology.
parameters like, pulsed current and voltage, 2016.
welding speed, wire feed rate and shielding gas
etc. and is achievable in State-of-art Pulsed-MIG. [7] Jianxiong Li & Huan Li & Huiliang Wei &
Ying Gao. Effect of torch position and angle
 Modelling, simulation and optimisation on welding quality and welding process stability
studies are successfully done to review process in Pulse on Pulse MIG welding–brazing of
parameters and improve overall product quality aluminium alloy to stainless steel. Springer-
using suitable numerical methods. Verlag London. 2015.
 Experimental modelling with pre-defined [8] Gregor G¨ott, Heinz Sch¨opp, FrankHofmann
boundary conditions and welding parameters and Gerd Heinz. Improvement of the control of
studies shown matching results with simulation a gas metal arc welding process. Measurement
modelling up to the desired confidence levels. Science and Technology. 2009.

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
[9] Kamal Pal, Sandip Bhattacharya, Surjya K. Pal. welding electrode. J.Phys. D: Appl.Phys 31 107-
Investigation on arc sound and metal transfer 123, 1998.
modes for on-line monitoring in pulsed gas
[16] Surjya K Pal, Arun Kumar Samantaray.
metal arc welding.
Optimization of quality characteristics
[10] S. KIM & T.W. Eager. Analysis of metal transfer parameters in a pulsed metal inert gaswelding
in gas metal arc welding. Welding Research process using grey-based Taguchi method.
Supplement. 269s-278s, 1993. International Journal of Advanced
Manufacturing Technology, 2009.
[11] M.St. Wêglowski, Y. Huang, Y.M. Zhang. Effect
of welding current on metal transfer in GMAW. [17] S. R. Patil, C. A. Waghmare. Optimization of
International Scientific Journal published Mig Welding Parameters for Improving Strength
monthly by the World Academy of Materials of Welded Joints. International Journal of
and Manufacturing Engineering. (33)1 49-56. Advanced Engineering Research and Studies
2008. E-ISSN2249–8974.
[12] Srinivasa Rao Pedapati, Dr.O.P. Gupta. Effect [18] Manoj Singla, Dharminder Singh, Dharmpal
of process parameters and mathematical model Deepak. Parametric Optimization of Gas Metal
for the prediction of bead geometry in pulsed Arc Welding Processes by Using Factorial
GMA welding. Article in International Journal Design Approach. Journal of Minerals &
of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2009. Materials Characterization & Engineering. 9
(353-363), 2010.
[13] Degala Venkata Kiran & Jason Cheon & Nabeel
Arif & Hyun Chung & Suck-Joo Na. Three- [19] Surjya K Pal, Arun Kumar Samantaray.
dimensional finite element modeling of pulsed Determination of Optimal Pulse Metal Inert
AC gas metal arc welding process. Springer- Gas Welding Parameters with a Neuro-
Verlag London, 2016. GA Technique. Article in Materials and
Manufacturing Processes. 2010.
[14] Sukhomay Pal, Surjya K. Pal and Arun K.
Samantaray. Artificial neural network modeling [20] H.J. Park, D.C. Kim, M.J. Kang, S. Rhee.
of weld joint strength prediction of a pulsed Optimisation of the wire feed rate during
metal inert gas welding process using arc signals. pulse MIG welding of Al sheets. Journal of of
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Institute of Technology Kharagpur. Engineering. 2008.
[15] LA Jones, TW Eager and JH Lang. A dynamic [21] Web literature on Pulsed MIG Welding-2019.
model of drops detaching from a gas metal arc

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin

Jojo Joseph
Apprentice Junior Engineer (Signal)
Delhi Division, Northern Railway

Abstract: This paper deals with the topic of Power Quality in Power Supply Systems used for
Railway Signalling which with the advent of Integrated Power Supply System (IPS) has largely shifted
its dependence towards power electronic and other switching equipments. These power electronic
equipments have non linear characteristics which induce Power Quality issues in the supply provided
by Utility. There are different types of Power Quality issues such as Voltage Sags/Interruptions, Flicker,
Transients and Harmonics. Here Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) is used as the parameter for analysis.
For Harmonic analysis in case of non linear loads power factor has to be split into two components, i.e.
Distortion Power Factor and Displacement Power Factor and each component must be dealt individually.
This paper also covers the importance for S&T and Electrical Department to measure and regulate
the component known as Distortion Power Factor in the upcoming time. Further an amendment in
RDSO Specification No. RDSO/SPN/165/2012 is also proposed for integrating filters (active, passive
or hybrid) with IPS systems to deal with Distortion Power Factor due to ever increasing IPS loads
especially in Distributed EI systems.
सारांश: यह पेपर रेलवे सिग्नलिंग के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली बिजली आपूर्ति प्रणालियों में बिजली की गणु वत्ता के विषय से संबधि
ं त है, जो
एकीकृत बिजली आपूर्ति प्रणाली (आईपीएस) के आगमन के साथ बिजली इलेक्ट्रॉनिक और अन्य स्विचिंग उपकरणों की ओर अपनी निर्भरता को
काफी हद तक स्थानांतरित कर दिया है। इन बिजली इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरणों में गैर रेखीय विशेषताएं हैं जो उपयोगिता द्वारा प्रदान की गई आपूर्ति
में बिजली की गणु वत्ता के मद्ु दों को प्रेरित करती हैं। विभिन्न प्रकार की बिजली की गणु वत्ता के मद्ु दे हैं जैसे वोल्टेज सैग / रुकावट, झिलमिलाहट,
क्षणिक और हार्मोनिक्स। यहां टोटल हार्मोनिक डिस्टॉर्शन का उपयोग विश्लेषण के लिए पैरामीटर के रूप में किया जाता है। गैर रेखीय भार के मामले
में हार्मोनिक विश्लेषण के लिए पावर फै क्टर को दो घटकों में विभाजित किया जाना चाहिए, अर्थात डिस्टॉर्शन पावर फै क्टर और विस्थापन पावर
फै क्टर और प्रत्येक घटक को व्यक्तिगत रूप से निपटाया जाना चाहिए। यह पेपर आने वाले समय में विरूपण पावर फै क्टर के रूप में ज्ञात घटक
को मापने और विनियमित करने के लिए एस एंड टी और विद्तयु विभाग के महत्व को भी शामिल करता है। इसके अलावा आरडीएसओ विशिष्टता
संख्या आरडीएसओ/एसपीएन/165/2012 में एक संशोधन भी आईपीएस सिस्टम के साथ फिल्टर (सक्रिय, निष्क्रिय या हाइब्रिड) को एकीकृत
करने के लिए प्रस्तावित है ताकि विशेष रूप से वितरित ईआई सिस्टम में लगातार बढ़ते आईपीएस लोड के कारण डिस्टॉर्शन पावर फै क्टर से
निपटा जा सके ।

1.0 Introduction DC), DC Motor operated points (110V DC), Block

Instruments (12V DC), Data Logger (24V DC),
A large number of equipments are associated with
Audio Frequency Track Circuits (110V AC), Axle
Railway Signalling system and all these require
Counter (24V DC) etc.
different types of Power Supply based on their function
and make. The different types of equipments used To cater with the needs of different Power Supplies
in signalling system and the power supply required for all the signalling equpiments at one station any
is given as follows: Signal LED (110V AC), Track one the four types of Power Supplies Systems may
Circuits (110V AC), Relays – Internal/External (24V be used:

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
1. Conventional Power Supply System 1. AC Distribution Panel
2. Non-Conventional Power Supply System 2. DC Distribution Panel
3. LT Power Panel for Siemens RRI 3. SMPS based Boost cum Float Charger Panel
4. Integrated Power Supply System (IPS) 3.0 AC Distribution Panel (ACDP)
2.0 Integrated Power Supply System (IPS) The ACDP Panel consists of the following:
To cater the needs of different Power Supplies used in 1. 110V DC/230V AC Inverters
Railway Signalling through a single comprehensive
2. Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVR/CVT)
system RDSO developed a specification, RDSO/
SPN/165 in January 2000, thereby introducing 3. Transformers 230V AC /110V AC for Track and
Integrated Power Supply System (IPS) in Indian Signal Circuits
Railways to cater the demands of continuous AC and The incoming mains (150-275V AC) is directly fed
DC supply to signalling circuits [2]. to Track circuits through AVR and Signal circuits
Over the years certain Amendments had been are fed through AVR only when there is no inverter
introduced to the RDSO/SPN/165 2000 (Version 1), output. The supply from both AVR and inverter is fed
and features like battery charging, incorporation of through transformers to Signals/Track circuits. The
lightning/surge arrestors, SMPS based IPS and proper two inverters work in Master/Slave configuration
provisions for ventilation in modules have been added and is based on Pulse Width Modulation technique.
and the latest specification of SMPS based IPS is
4.0 DC Distribution Panel (DCDP)
RDSO/SPN/165/2012 (Version 3) dated January
2012. The 110V DC Power Supply is taken from the
SMPS panel or battery bank and is fed to DC-DC
The block diagram of Integrated Power Supply
converters in the DCDP panel which further is used
System is given in Fig 1. The SPMPS based Power
for supplying Relay INT, Relay EXT, Axle Counter,
Supply System (IPS) is modular in design and consists
Block Instruments, Block Tele, Panel Indication etc.
of the following modules [1]:
The DC-DC converters work in (n+1) configuration.

Fig 1. Block Diagram of Integrated Power Supply System (IPS)

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
5.0 SMPS based Boost cum Float Charger Panel Hence in case of Non Linear loads like SMPS,
analysis of Power Factor must be done by splitting
This module is of 110V/20A rating. Depending on
it into two components, Displacement Power Factor
the condition of the battery, this module operates in
which deals with the phase shift between voltage
either Float rectifier mode or Boost mode. The module
and current waveform and Distortion Power Factor
comprises of Rectifiers in (n+1) configuration. An
which deals with the amount of Harmonics in the
additional Rectifier module is given as cold standby.
waveform. The overall Power Factor for non linear
The incoming AC Supply of 150V-270V AC is fed to
loads is given by a term called True Power Factor
SMPS panel, the output of all Rectifiers are paralleled
which is the product of the above two Power Factors.
and fed to Inverter module, DC-DC converters as
Thus in case of non linear loads like SMPS, only
well as the Battery.
True Power Factor gives a holistic view about the
6.0 Theory of Harmonics and Components of Power Factor.
Power Factor for Non Linear Loads
Until the early 1980s electrical loads generally
fell into one of the three categories from the
perspective of power Factor i.e. Resistive, Inductive
or Capacitive. The power factor of these loads were
just an expression of the phase displacement between
voltage and current. Thus could be corrected using
Capacitor Banks or Synchronous condensers.
But with the advent of modern electrical loads like
inverters, heat pumps, computer supplies, UPSs,
LED Lighting etc. The current drawn from the supply
is quite different from the sinusoidal waveform. This
distortion is caused by Harmonics and the measure
of extent of harmonics in a waveform is given
by a term known as Total Harmonic Distortion
(THD). Here, the conventional Capacitor Banks Fig 2. Harmonics in a sinusoidal waveform
will not solve the issue rather harmonics can further
damage the Capacitor bank used for correction due
to a phenomena known as Current Amplification
(Resonance). This is where another term known
as Distortion Power Factor comes into the picture.
The Distortion Power Factor gives the extent of
Harmonics present in supply taken by the load. The
relation between Total Harmonic Distortion and
Distortion Power Factor is given in equation No. 2.
The harmonic currents are at multiples of 50Hz and Fig 3. Components of Power Factor
(Non Linear Loads)
add to the overall RMS current. Capacitor banks will
not correct this type of issue. Distortion power factor 7.0 RDSO Guidelines for Harmonics in SMPS
can only be improved by removing the harmonics
based Rectifier module of IPS
from the system.
As per Section 4.1.12 of RDSO Specification No.
RDSO/SPN/165/2012 for SMPS based Integrated
Power Supply System the efficiency and Power
Factor shall be as follows:
Table 1: Power factor and Efficiency Limits
Details Nominal input, output 150-275V input,
& full rated load Description 25% to
100% load
η% PF η% PF
110V /20A >90 >0.95 to >85 >0.9

Indian Railway Technical Bulletin MARCH 2022
As per Section 4.1.13 and Section 4.1.14 of RDSO From the above Tables it can be seen that in case
Specification No. RDSO/SPN/165/ 2012 the Total of non linear loads simple Displacement Power
Harmonic Voltage Distortion shall not be more Factor alone will not give a holistic picture about the
than 10% and the total current harmonic distortion load characteristic. Therefore knowledge about the
contributed by SPMS based rectifier at the input shall Harmonics THD(%) also becomes essential in order
not exceed 10% for all input condition and load 50% to get the True Power Factor. With the knowledge of
to 100% of the rated capacity.
THD(%), Distortion Power Factor can be calculated
As per Section 10.5.1 of RDSO Specification and from equation (4) True Power Factor can further
No. RDSO/SPN/165/2012, the test for output be calculated.
performance of SMPS based rectifier (Harmonic
distortion) is done at the AC input voltages 150V, 9.0 Harmful Effects of Harmonics
230V and 275V at different load currents by
There are large number of problems associated
connecting a variable resistance load across the
output terminals for the auto float mode and auto with Harmonics such as loss of electrical energy
boost mode respectively. (economical loss), increase in apparent power and
over sizing of electrical components like cables,
In auto float mode, readings shall be taken for float losses due to heating, damage to capacitors since
voltage setting of 2.15 V/cell & 2.25V/cell for low the impedance of capacitors reduces with increase
maintenance lead acid batteries & VRLA batteries,
in frequency therefore high frequency harmonic
respectively at load current in the ranges 25% load to
full load. In auto boost charger mode, readings shall currents will flow in capacitor banks connected
be taken for boost voltage setting of 2.42V/cell & 2.3 with the circuit. The increased currents cause higher
V/cell for conventional lead acid batteries & VRLA voltages across the capacitor which can lead to stress
batteries respectively at load current in the ranges and premature failure. This phenomena is called
25% load to full load. Harmonic Amplification.

8.0 Analysis of Distortion Power Factor and 10.0 Harmonic Amplification due to Capacitor
Displacement Power Factor of SMPS Banks and Solutions
based Rectifier Panel Harmonic amplification is defined as the undesired
As per the RDSO guidelines given in Section 7.0, the increase in magnitude of harmonics beyond the
SMPS based Rectifier Panel is loaded at 25%, 50% and level that is being generated in the system which
100% using resistive load across the output terminals. in turn amplifies the ill effects of harmonics in the
The AC input voltages used for Performance Testing system. Power capacitors are added to the network
are 150V, 230V and 275V. The value of Distortion for improving the power factor. The addition of
and Displacement Power Factor is tabulated below: capacitors further results in reduction of system
impedance [3].
Table 2: SMPS Based Rectifier in Float Mode
Further, addition of Capacitor banks used for
Input Input Load DPF THD Distortion True treatment of Displacement Power Factor is not the
Voltage Current (%) (%) Power Power solution for treatment of Distortion Power Factor
(V) (A) Factor Factor
caused by Harmonics.
150 8.74 50% 0.98 8.2 0.9967 0.9767
230 5.57 50% 0.97 8 0.9968 0.9669 The solutions to prevent harmonic amplification are:
275 4.62 50% 0.99 7.8 0.9970 0.9870 1. Connection of a series inductor, to form detuned
150 17.41 100% 0.97 7.2 0.9974 0.9675 filter (series LC circuit), this increases circuit
230 11.06 100% 0.98 7.4 0.9973 0.9773 impedance, when the frequency increases (as
275 9.09 100% 0.99 6.2 0.9981 0.9881 XL = 2fL). The impedance will be high for high
Table 3: SMPS Based Rectifier in Boost Mode frequency harmonics and no amplification will
happen, hence THD reduces [3].
Input Input Load DPF THD Distortion True
Voltage Current (%) (%) Power Power
2. Using Active Filters which uses power electronics
(V) (A) Factor Factor to produce harmonic current components that
150 9.82 50% 0.97 6.9 0.9976 0.9677
cancel the harmonic current components from
the non-linear loads.
230 6.25 50% 0.99 7 0.9976 0.9875
275 5.2 50% 0.98 6.4 0.9980 0.9779 Hence, instead of using Capacitor bank alone,
150 19.51 100% 0.97 7.6 0.9971 0.9672 Detuned Filter Reactor or Active Filters is to be used
230 12.32 100% 0.98 6 0.9982 0.9782 for Harmonic mitigation in case of Non Linear loads.
275 10.18 100% 0.99 6.9 0.9976 0.9876

MARCH 2022 Indian Railway Technical Bulletin
is supplying the power source and S&T Department,
which is using the power source. Hence, measurement
and study of Harmonics for S&T Department
becomes a necessity and should not be neglected.
With proper knowledge of the amount of Harmonics
induced by Signalling system, the required mitigation
methods can be adopted. This will help in saving the
life of capacitor banks used by Electrical Department
and also avoid the harmful effects of harmonics as
Fig 4. Active Filters for Harmonic Mitigation discussed in Section 9 & 10. Thereby maintaining
11.0 Conclusion Power Quality of the grid.

With the increasing use of Non Linear loads in References

Signalling system like LEDs, UPS, VDU, Battery [1] Handbook on Power Supply Systems for
chargers, Inverters, SMPS based IPS systems, Signalling, CAMTECH/S/PROJ/2017-18/
Distributed EI systems etc the input current supplied SP5/1.0, November 2017
by the Utility is distorted from the ideal sinusoidal
waveform due to the consumer load (S&T Power [2] Specification RDSO/SPN/165/2012 – IPS
Supply system). This raises the issue of Power Quality [3] L&T Electrical and Automation pdf on Harmonic
which affects both the Electrical Department, which Amplification.

Instructions for the guidance for contribution to the
Railway Technical
Technical Bulletin
Bulletin published
published by

Articles are invited from the serving and retired Railway personnel of the Zonal Railways, Railway
Institutes and Production Units for publication in Indian Railway Technical Bulletin (IRTB) on:

(i) Technical articles relevant to railway working.

(ii) Reference to Railway-relevant good articles from reputed magazines.
(iii) Short notes on handy gadgets or practical hints on care, maintenance and operation of
equipment used in railway working.

About the article:

¾ Article should normally not exceed 3000 words. Article should begin with a synopsis, both
in English & Hindi not exceeding 100 words. Reference should be quoted numerically in a
bibliography at the end. Standard or well recognized notations should be used. Personal
reference and lengthy quotations should be avoided. In case of reference to articles (item
ii above), whereabouts of the article (name of magazine, publication month, article’s name,
author’s name), and 2-3 lines about what the article is about and how it is so good - should be
¾ Author’s full name, designation and photograph should be sent.
¾ The authors should certify that the articles sent for publication in the Indian Railway Technical
Bulletin have not been sent elsewhere for publication.
¾ The entire content (article, photograph, certification etc.) should be sent in hard copy to
Executive Director (Administration 1), Research Designs and Standards Organisation, Manak
Nagar, Lucknow-226011 as well as in soft copy (editable e.g. .doc as well as non-editable, e.g.
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Articles from officials of RDSO should be routed through, and approved by, the concerned Principal
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forwarded by department head ( SA Grade and above). Retired Railway personnel may send their
article directly.
Decision of Executive Director ( Administration-I ) regarding selection of article for publication in IRTB
shall be final.
In order to incentivize better articles, every year there shall be a first prize of Rs.2,000/-, a second prize
of Rs. 1,500/- and two third prizes of Rs. 1,000/- each.
Comments and criticism in the form of ‘Letters to the Editor’ on articles which have appeared in earlier
issues of the bulletin are welcome. Suggestions about improving the IRTB are also welcome.

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