Parikshit Kali: Encounters
Parikshit Kali: Encounters
Parikshit Kali: Encounters
JULY 2021 The
Adiguru Prakriti
Adiguru Prakriti
Kali Yuga has Tamas as dominant Guna hence people with greed, fear come to power and rule
humanity, wars happen, lack of love & compassion & in general darkness spreads.
Every Age or an Era has specific characteristics and impacts on human civilisation. Age or
an Era could be divided into one or more subdivisions in many ways. Western thinkers have
created subdivisions based on the socio-economic advancements as Stone Age, Iron Age,
Bronze Age, Golden Age or Agricultural Age, Industrial Age, Information Age and so on.
While in the Vedic System, Indian Sages (Rishis (male sages) & Rishikas (female sages))
have subdivided the ages/eras on the basis of Human Characteristics or more precisely
Gunas/Virtues of Sattva (Highly pure), Rajas (action-oriented), Tamas (impure) that
humans beings have and which directs their life. People are born with Gunas as per their
Karma of past lives, if they improve, become more conscious they move more towards
Sattva guna, if they are driven more by unconscious ignorance and their hardened mental-
emotional patterns, they degress and have more of Tamas Guna. What Gunas humans have
decides what kind of world we will live in.
On the basis of three Gunas, Vedic Rishis & Rishikas subdivided the Yuga (Unit of Time,
can be called an Era or Age in English) into four as; Sat Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapar Yuga
and Kali Yuga. Sat Yuga has the Sattva Guna dominant, hence people were Dharmic,
Spiritual and were in general pure by mind, heart, speech and deeds. Treta Yuga has the
Rajas Guna dominant, where people are Dharmic, Spiritual, yet very action-oriented.
Dwapar Yuga had people with Rajas and Tamas domination, hence a whole lot of
action/deeds for impure (mentally, emotionally & spiritually) reasons. Kali Yuga has Tamas
as dominant Guna hence people with greed, fear come to power and rule humanity, wars
happen, lack of love & compassion & in general darkness spreads. In the story below
"Kali" is a Tamas Personified.
Parikshit encounters kali 2
JULY • 2021
Adiguru Prakriti
Beginning of kali yuga
Lord Krishna after setting up Dharma on Earth and living his At the advent of Kali's spread,
Dharma personified as Bull and
life left his body and right next day was the first day of Kali
Mother Earth personified as Cow
Yuga when Kali (personified Tamas) was ready to spread the were conversing with each other as
darkness, impurity. to how Truth, Kindness, Compassion,
Ahimsa (non-violence) were present
In the Dwapar Yuga, the Pandavas (the five brothers) after the great
till the time Lord Krishna was alive,
war of Mahabharata made their grandson named Parikshit the King of
but since he died, all the purity and
a place called Hastinapur and Lord Krishna's grandson Vajra as the
goodness is gone.
ruler of the place called Mathura. Parikshit and Vajra both were
spiritual warriors and upholders of Dharma (righteousness). Lord
Mother Earth as Cow was trembling
Krishna after setting up Dharma on Earth and living his life left his
in a bad situation and Dharma as Bull
body and right next day was the first day of Kali Yuga when Kali
was crippled losing its three legs
(personified Tamas) was ready to spread the darkness, impurity. Kali
(Austerity, Purity & Compassion) and
was progressing very quickly on Earth and has already occupied vast
was barely standing on the fourth &
areas. Who gets possessed by darkness or Tamas quickly? People who
last remaining leg of Truth. Dharma
are living unconsciously, living with spiritual ignorance. Seven days
was explaining how much Truth is
before the start of Kali Yuga, a whole lot of Rishis, Rishikas, Dharmic
important and needs to be saved
& Spiritual people left their bodies as they knew they wouldn't be
somehow in this Kali Yuga, else
able to live among the people full of darkness, Tamas. And for the
humans will kill all humans and Earth
same reason the entire city of Dwarka which was full of divine beings
submerged in water in the great flood.
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JULY • 2021
While the Bull and Cow were busy expressing their grief to each other, a Tamas driven
man in Princely attire started beating Dharma the Bull for no reason
Mother Earth as a Cow was depressed not just about the plight of
Dharma the Bull but also on the condition of all the remaining
Spiritual & Divine Beings as to how difficult it is for them to live
now, and how many will just suffer enormously and die at the
hands of people full of Tamas.
While the Bull and Cow were busy expressing their grief to each
other, a Tamas driven man in Princely attire started beating
Dharma the Bull for no reason at all and when Earth the Cow
tried to intervene, she also got kicked real bad. It was as if that
man was enjoying the suffering, torture of the Bull and the Cow.
That Princely looking Man was no other than Kali (personified
Tamas) himself. Suddenly King Parikshit came there and asked
that man to stop at once. He pointed his arrow towards that man
and declared that he will save the Bull and the Cow at any cost
and he asked for the true identity of Bull and the Cow.
Upon hearing Parikshit, Kali pleaded for one more place. Parikshit being a
compassionate one, gave him fifth place too
5. Gold - tamas filled people/fools will dig gold all around the earth, wage wars because of that, kill
indigenous populations because of that and that way Greed, Attachment (Raga) Anger, Rage (Dwesha), Fears
will find an expression.
Through these 5 places; Kali was assured that Avidya (Ignorance), Asmita (Identities), Raga
(Attachments/Greed), Dwesha(Aversions/Hatred/Anger/Enmity), Abhinivesha (Fears) of people will find an
expression. And yet some places will be left without Kali's Tamasic influence and people with Sattva will be
able to survive and pursue their spiritual journey and such people will be able to save Dharma
(righteousness), will be kind and compassionate for all beings and mother Earth. And because of these
Dharmic, Sattvic people, Earth and Yuga will complete their time cycle.
These 5 places will be an entry point to Adharma (non-righteousness) for people dominated by Tamas
influenced by Kali, while people with Sattva will have no impact on them despite being present at these
places & times.
Parikshit encounters kali 5
JULY • 2021
Adiguru Prakriti
Current yuga, recognizing kali or tamas, move towards sattva, purpose of kali yuga
Paramatma/Divine/Brahm is the ultimate compassionate one, and in his creation, one can't be
punished forever, they must get another chance to improve upon themselves. Hence the system
of Yuga/Time Cycle and hence the dominance of the people ruled by one or the other Guna.
Adiguru Prakriti
The fourth & last remaining leg of the Bull the Dharma
is "Truth". The meaning of Truth is not the opposite of
lying here. The Truth here means the Ultimate Truth
which is that all beings are an Atma who needs to
pursue the spiritual journey to merge with Paramatma
(The Creator Divine), and this whole world
(Prakriti/Creation) is at our disposal to help us
complete our spiritual journey and provide for us.
Three are Sat or Truth or Existential - Prakriti (Creation), Atma (Beings) & Paramatma
(Supreme Being, Creator). Those who have Sattva within must live and stand up for the
Ultimate Truth and stop from it being destroyed in myriad hideous ways by the people full
of Tamas.
Adiguru Prakriti
Although they are still highly full of Tamas and dark patterns, yet they may choose not to
do bad deeds, if not in thoughts, then at least through speech they may exercise some
control, if not through speech, at least in actions they may show some control, some
improvement. Hence the reason that Kali Yuga is the time when most of such Atma(s) takes
the human body who have been in other lower beings bodies due to bad karma. We also
need to realize that Paramatma/Divine/Brahm is the ultimate compassionate one, and in
his creation, one can't be punished forever, they must get another chance to improve upon
themselves. Hence the system of Yuga/Time Cycle and hence the dominance of the people
ruled by one or the other Guna. Sat Yuga is the longest one, people are very-very tall,
most of them having Divine Spiritual Powers, meditating and living peacefully, with fewer
people having Rajas Guna and even fewer having Tamas. By the time Kali Yuga comes
people become smaller in size. As per scientific research, in the last 20 years in general
newborns are taller than their previous generation. Many young people in their late teens
or early twenties are highly conscious about spirituality, dharma and especially
Environment, Climate & Mother Earth. Yugas are generally counted in terms of Years of
Devas (Divine Beings) and as per that we are in Dwapar Yuga and soon (2084) moving
towards Treta Yuga. Climate, Environment, Global Consciousness is changing very quickly.
There will less Tamas driven people in the Treta Yuga, so the Earth and Humanity are going
through that transition now.
Adiguru Prakriti
4. Perseverance (Pure one, not an impure one which may lead to bad karma and more
5. Detachment/Renunciation/Generosity
6. Contentment
7. Straightforwardness
8. Control of Mind (for bad Chitta-Vrittis)
9. Control of Senses (for sensory pleasures)
10. Austerity, Responsibility
11. Indifferent in pain & pleasure, Equanimity
12. Forbearance
13. Withdrawl from purely worldly pursuits
14. Studying Vedas, Upanishads, Darshans (Scriptures that takes one towards Moksha)
15. Knowledge of "Being/Atma"
16. Detachment from Worldly Objects
17. Leadership (Sattva Driven)
18. Spiritual Warriorship, Intellectual Warriorship & protection of Dharma and Dharmic
19. Brilliance, Charisma, Pure High Energy
20. Pure Intellect & Memory which retains Wisdom and is easily able to let go of pain,
grief, grudges or anything that doesn't serve any purpose
21. Being Independent and respectful for co-dependencies where they exist as being
Human on this planet
22. Skillfulness, knower of 64 Kalas (forms of arts & sciences)
23. Beauty, Attractiveness, Appeal
24. Brave Heart
25. Open Heart
26. Applied Intellect/Wisdom/Knowledge
27. Modesty
28. Pure Virtues
29. Strong Determination (for pure things)
30. Vigor, Vitality
31. Six divine qualities - Pure Strength, Pure Fame, Pure Wealth, Pure Knowledge, Pure
Beauty, Renunciation
32. Profoundness
33. Steadfastness
34. Faith in oneself/Atma, Divine/Paramatma
35. Pure Fame /Magnanimity
36. Worthy of Being Worshipped
37. Absence of Pride