Fflanila: 31/cpubfit of TBC Llbihppincs
Fflanila: 31/cpubfit of TBC Llbihppincs
Fflanila: 31/cpubfit of TBC Llbihppincs
$,Upreme Qtourt
- versus-
x----------------------------------------~-~~-1-3-20_2_1- - - ' ~
The Cases
* On official leave-.
Rollo, p. 258.
Decision 2 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
of the Service;2 and (b) OMB-C-A-13-0375 for Grave Misconduct and Grave
Abuse of Authority. 3
Gross Neglect of Duty, Gross
Insubordination, and Conduct
Prejudicial to the Best Interest
of the Service
Again, petitioner did not respond. Four (4) years after the case got filed
though, the OMB-MIN eventually dismissed the complaint for lack of
probable cause. 8
2 Id. at 140.
Id. at 862.
Id. at 74.
5 December 28, 2009 - Spouses Osabel filed their first Motion for Early Resolution.
April 18, 20 l l - Spouses Osabe I were informed by L'ien Records Head Teofila Q. Maeatiog, Jr. that their
complaint remained pending at the preliminary investigation stage.
On May 6, 2011 - Spouses Osabel filed a supplemental complaint which, among _other things, prayed for the
immediate resolution ofthelf complaint.
August 31, 2011 - they were again advised that their complaint was still undergoing preliminary
September 12, 20 t I - Spouses Osabei requested from the Ombudsman an early resolution of their complaint.
' Rollo, p. 86 J.
7 Id.
8 Id.
Decision 3 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
By Decision 12 dated March 5, 2015, the IAB found petitioner liable for
Simple Neglect of Duty and Conduct Prejudicial to the Best Interest of the
Service but exonerated him of gross insubordination. 13
On petitioner's liability for simple neglect of duty, the IAB held that
it was petitioner's duty, as overall head ofOMB-MIN to ensure that all cases
filed and pending with his office were timely resolved. Otherwise, OMB-
MIN's inexplicable failure to resolve cases within a reasonable period may be
considered an infringement of the litigant's right to speedy trial. Any formal
chmge resulting from an unduly protracted preliminary investigation may be
dismissed outright by the trial court. His supposed heavy workload was not
an excuse. 14
The IAB noted that despite the repeated follow ups and motions for
immediate resolution coming from Spouses Osabel, petitioner took no action,
until four (4) years later. 15
Id. at 861-862.
10 Id at 256-265.
11 Id. at 140.
12 Id. al 137-151.
Id. at 20.
14 Id. at 145.
Id. at 144.
Decision 4 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
The IAB held that for simple neglect of duty, the 2011 Revised Rules
on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service (RRACCS), provides for the
penalty of suspension for one (1) month and one (1) day to six (6) months for
the first offense. 20 On the other hand, Conduct Prejudicial to the Best
Interest of the Service is punishable with suspension for a period of six (6)
months and one (1) day to one (1) year for the first offense and dismissal from
the service for the second offense.
Petitioner having been found guilty of these two infractions, the penalty
should be that corresponding to the more serious charge which is Conduct
Prejudicial to the Best Interest of the Service. Simple neglect of duty, on the
other hand shall be considered as an aggravating circumstance. 21 The IAB,
nonetheless considered petitioner's length of government service as a
mitigating circumstance. Hence, following Section 49 22 of the RRACCS, the
Id. at 143.
17 Id at 144.
18 Id at 148.
1, Id.
20 Id. at 149.
22 Section 49. Manner of Imposition. - When applicable. the imposition of the penalty may be made in
accordance with the manner provided herein below:
a. Toe minimum of the penalt'j shall be imposed where only mitigating and no aggravating circumstances
are present.
b. The medium of the penalty shall be imposed where no mitigating and aggravating circumstances are
c. The maximum of the penalty shall be imposed vvhere only aggravating and no mitigating circumstances
are present. d. "Where aggravating and mitigating circumstances are present, paragraph [a] shall be applied
where there are more mitigating circumstances present; paragraph [b] shall be applied when the
circumstances equally offset each other: and paragraph [cJ shall be applied when there are more aggravating
Decision 5 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
IAB imposed on petitioner the medium period of the prescribed penalty which
is nine (9) months suspension. 23
Grave Misconduct and Grave
Abuse of Authority
Grave Misconduct
One day, petitioner gave him Pl0,000.00 and ordered him to open a
bank account under his (Arquellano's) name with Metrobank, Sta. Ana,
Davao Branch. He did, as instructed. Sometime later, the bank informed him
of a P300,000.00 deposit made in the account, the source of which he failed
to substantially explain upon the bank's inquiry. Thus, the bank closed the
account. Petitioner, however, ordered him to open a new account, this time
with Banco de Oro (BDO). The initial deposit of P200,000.00 was taken from
the P300,000.00 drawn from the closed Metrobank account. The remaining
Pl00,000.00 was remitted to petitioner. From time to time, he withdrew
23 Id.
ld at i49-150.
Id. at 150.
ld at 164-174.
27 Id. at 552-556.
28 Id at 862.
Decision 6 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
significant amounts of money from the BDO account which he handed over
to ?etitioner. 29
29 Id. at 862-863.
1d. at 863.
Id. at 404.
Id. at 586-596.
33 ld. at 589.
Id. at 591.
lAB-10-0024, !AB-11-0004 and JAB-12-0046.
Rollo, pp. 77-78.
Decision 7 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
By letter-reply dated December 26, 2012, Peligro informed the IAB that
she cannot submit the required docm11ents because she was refused access to
all HR files which were already in the custody of Mary Sol Ariarte (Ariarte),
whom petitioner assigned "to handle HR matters in the meantime that the
HRMO III position is still vacant." Petitioner warned her not to get records
without first asking permission, even ifit pertained to an IAB case. Petitioner
further berated her saying she had no authority over the files because she was
a mere chief administrative officer ( "admin chief ka fang dito! "). She felt
humiliated because she had been scolded by petitioner in front of a colleague,
Executive Assistant Raymundo Go. 37
For grave misconduct, the IAB held that petitioner unfairly took
advantage of Arquellano when he made him perform household chores for
him and his family without any compensation. His sala,7 as such was drawn
from the OMB-MIN which employed him as Administrative Aide II. 42
Id. at 78.
Id. at 406.
Id. at 518-534.
40 Id. at 256-265.
41 Id. at 398-417.
42 Id. at 408-409.
43 Id. at 409.
Decision 8 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
As for grave abuse of authority, the IAB found that it was oppressive
for petitioner to have Arquellano perform domestic chores early in the
morning aside from his duties as an administrative aide at the OMB-MIN,
without paying him a separate compensation for these domestic chores. 46
As for the penalty, the IAB noted that under the RRACCS, grave
misconduct is a serious achninistrative offense and is punishable by dismissal
from service, even on the first offense. Grave Abuse of Authority or
Oppression, on the other hand is punishable by suspension for a period of six
(6) months and one (1) day to one (l) year for the first offense and dismissal
from service for the second offense. so
Id. at 409.
Id. at 413.
46 Id. at 410.
Id at 87.
' Jdat41L
50 Id. at.414.
Decision 9 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
51 Id at 21.
52 Id at 150.
53 Id at 79.
N. Disqualifications
The Chainnan, Vice Chainnan or any member of the !AB, as well as any member of the !AB Investigating
Staff, shall be automatically disqualified from acting on a complaint or participating in a proceeding under
the following circumstances:
1. He is a party to the corn plaint, either as a respondent or complainant;
55 Penned by Now Supreme Court Justice Ricardo R. Rosario and concurred in by Associate Justices Edwin
D. Sorongon and Maria Elisa Sempio-Diy; Rollo, pp. 73-91.
Decision 10 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
The Court of Appeals affirmed the OMB's ruling that in view of the
expiration of petitioner's term as Deputy Ombudsman, in lieu of suspension,
he should be fined in the amount equivalent to petitioner's salary for six (6)
months deductible from his retirement benefits, accrued leave credits, and any
other receivables due him. 58
CA-G.R. SP No.143405
Grave Misconduct and Grave
Abuse of Authority or
Id. at 85.
Id. at 86.
Id. at 149-150.
Id at 88.
60 Id at 87.
,1 Id
Decision 11 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
disciplinary action. This duty ~a.'illot he made subject to the whims of a higher
officer, in this case, petitionei. 62
The Court of Appeals further affirmed the OMB's ruling that in view
of the expiration of petitioner's tenn as Deputy Ombudsman, his dismissal
from service is no longer feasible, hence, in lieu thereof, he should be fined in
the amount equivalent to petitioner's salai-y for six (6) months with accessory
penalties of cancellation of eligibility, forfeiture of retirement benefits,
perpetual disqualification from holding public office and bar from taking civil
service examinations. 63
Lastly, the Court of Appeals rejected petitioner's claim that the special
panel should have inhibited in the cases below in view of its participation
therein as a party. Too, the Court of Appeals clarified that the special panel is
not covered by Section III (N) of AO 16-2003 because it is merely a nominal
party in the subject cases being t.he one which investigated the cases, and
based on the results of the investigation, recommended that petitioner be made
liable for the infractions charged. Its members had no personal interest in the
complaints against petitioner.64
Petitioner now seeks affirmative relief from the Court via G.R. Nos.
235274 and 235275.
Rollo, p. 89.
Id. at 149-150.
H. Action on the Intelligence or Fact-Finding Investigation Report
Grave Misconduct
There was no evidence or at least affidavit from other people who were
allegedly present when he supposedly berated Peligro for her "low position"
and her effort in assisting the IAB get HR files. The truth is, Peligro merely
wrote a letter addressed to the IAB justifying her inaction. 73
The amount of fine imposed on him equivalent to six (6) month salary
in lieu of dismissal as well as forfeiture of retirement benefits are too grave a
penalty and is an overkill on the part of the Ombudsman. 74
Lastly, petitioner reiterates that the special panel members should have
inhibited themselves from participating in the cases against him. 75
Through its Comment76 dated May 18, 2018, the special panel counters
that it is not covered by AO 16-2003 since it is merely a nominal complainant
in the cases against petitioner. Its members had no personal interest in the
complaints they were required to file against him pursuant to Section III (H)
of AO 16.
Too, for simple neglect of duty, Gonzales Ill is not on all fours with
the case. In Gonzales Ill, Deputy Ombudsman Gonzales III was not held
administratively liable for gross neglect of duty because there was no evidence
showing inordinate and unjustified delay on his part in resolving the motion
for reconsideration then pending before his office. In stark contrast, petitioner
failed to satisfactorily explain why it took his office almost four (4) years to
resolve Spouses Osabel's complaint. Petitioner also failed to act on the
numerous letters sent by Spouses Osabel and the internal indorsements
forwarded to him for action. 79
73 Id at 46.
Id. ai 62.
75 Id at 30.
Id. at 860-875.
77 Section 13. Mandate. - The Ombudsman and his Deputies, as protectors of the people, shalI act promptly
on complaints filed in any fonn or m,mner against offir.ers or employees of the Government, or of any
subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or controlled corporations, and
enforce their administrative, c.ivi1 and criminal liability in every case when! the evidence warrants in order to
promote efficient service by the Government to the peopJc.
78 Rollo, p. 866.
ld. at 868.
so Supra, note Tl.
Decision 14 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
inaction or omission to perform this duty, nay, his indifference, tarnished the
image of his public office. 81
Our Ruling
The first issue: are the special panel members disqualified from
participating in the cases against petitioner?
Rollo, p. 866.
Id. at 867-868.
83 Id. at 867.
E. Conduct ofEvaiuation. Upon receipt of the complain!, the investigator shall evaluate the complaint and
submit to the JAB Chairman, within five (5) days from receipt thereof, an evaluation report, which shall
contain, among othe.rs. the following:
3. The actions recommended to be taken, which may be any ofihe following:
Decision G.R. Nos. 235274-75
finding investigation oftl-1e complaints filed against petitioner and submit its
ree;ommendation whether to pr,)Ceed with the administrative adjudication or
to dismiss the complaints.
2. The !AB-IS investigator or panel of IAB-IS investigators shall submit an Intelligence or Fact-
Finding Report, together with his/its recommendation, to the JAB Chairman within sixty
(60) days from his/its receipt of the complaint.
(a) Act promptly on letter~ and i::equ~sb,. - AH pllbiic offlciah and employees shall, with1n fifteen (15)
working days from receipt thereof, respor~d to letters, teies111..ms Qr other means of communications sent by
the pubiic. The reply must contain the actioH taken on the request.
Decision 16 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
Rollo, pp. 85-86.
Civil Service Commission v. Catar.,;;fan, G.R. No. 22465 l, July 3 . 20 I 9.
88 Office of the Ombudsman v. Tongson, s:; l Phil. l 64~ '! 91 (2006).
G.R. No. 237129., December 09, 2020.
Decision 17 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
which he should be held llable for cond1,ct prejudicial to the best interest of
tht service. 90
Under the Civil Service law and rules, there is no concrete description
of what specific acts constitute the grave offense of conduct prejudicial to the
best interest of the service. Jurispnldence, however, instructs that for an act to
constitute such an administrative offense, the act need not be related to or
connected with the public officer's official functions. As long as the
questioned conduct tarnishes the image and integrity of his or her public
office, the corresponding penalty may be meted on the erring public officer or
employee. 92
The next question is: May a single act or omission of a public officer or
employee give rise to two or more infractions lh'1der the RRACCS?
In CSC v. Catacutan, 93 the Court held respondent liable for both simple
neglect of duty and Conduct Prejudicial to the Best Interest of the Service. For
simple neglect of duty, the Court said that she incurred this liabiiity when she
failed to sort and attach a bar code to a trial court's decision declaring a
marriage void, resulting in the OSG's failure to appeal the decision within the
reglementa..---y period; while for Conduct Prejudicial to the Best Interest of the
Service, the Court ruled that Catacutan became liable therefor when her failure
to ;xoperly discharge her duty Jed to the forfeiture of the state's right to appeal.
So must it be.
For simple neglect of duty, petilioner claims that his delayed action on
the official co~espondences in question is punishable under Section 23 of
Republic Act No. 8770 (RA. 8T!O), not the RRACCS.
90 Rolio, p. 86.
91 G.R. No. 213502, February 18, 2019.
92 Villanuevav. F!SINSP. Reodique, G.R. No. 221647, Nov(':mber27, 2018,
93 G.R. No. 224651, July 3, 2019.
94 Section 2,3. Formal lnvestigation. --
Decision 18 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
(1) Administrative in".estigations conducted by the Office of the Ombudsman shall be in accordance with its
rules of procedure and consistent with due process.
(2) At its option, the Office of the Ombudsman may refer ceitain complaints to the proper disciplinary
authority for the institurion of appropriate administrative proceedings against erring public officers or
employees, which shaii be determined within the period prescribed in the civil service law. Any delay without
just cause in acting on any referral made by the Office of the Ombudsman sh:::ill be a ground for administrative
action against the officers or employee~ to \Vhom such referrals are addres.sed a:r.d shall constitute a graft
offense punishabk by a fine of not exccetiing ?iv~ tiwusand pesos (PS,000.00).
Office of the Ombudsman v. Tongson, 5'.! l Phil. 164, 191 (2006)
96 Section 46 (B) of the RACCS.
97Section 49. T\fanner of lrripo;;ition. -- \1\/hcn app-Hr..at-k, the impc:::it!on of the penalty may be made in
accordance with the manner pn;vided hi.":rein 0dow:
d. Vlhere aggravating and rn!tigs.ting circumsti:i:r;.t:e:-:. ar=;! presem, paragraph [a) shall be applied where there
are more mitigming circumstances prescr.1'; parng:!'aph [bj 3ha!i be J.pplicd when the circumstances equally
offset each other; and pa,agmph [i.;] shaJ;_ bl:'. aJ-'.'plk:d wli.z:n -i:h,::re are. more aggravatir!g circumst:.'!_nces.
Decision ]9 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
As aptly found by the OJ\Jffi and the Court of Appeals, petitioner, taking
undue advantage of his position as Deputy Ombudsman, facilitated the
appointment of Arquellano (his family house boy) as an Administrative Aide
II in the Ol\1B and had him assigned to his office. Arquellano continued to
work as his family house boy even after he already got employed with the
government. His salaries supposedly as a government employee inured to the
personal benefit of petitioner and his family as Arquellano continued to serve
as a house boy, instead of rendering full time service to The government as
Administrative Aide II.
Decision 20 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
the services rendered by Arq\J<:,ihtn,,, wh-ich, in tum, were paid for by 0MB
Mindanao using public fi.«ids.'''·
We are not persuaded. Nc:\ther t,0:1tioner's bare deiiial nor his distorted
hypothesis carries any prub~,t;ve vaiue. It does not suffice to negate the
incriminating evidence aga.mst. him :;n record, specifically the credible and
Rolla. pp. 408-409.
Id at 87.
Id ar-'i'.13-4:4.
lOi Id. at 409.
Decision 2) G.R. Nos. 235274-75
id a~ 556.
103 OJjice of the Omfmdsmarz-J\,findanao ·,,_ ,\'.h!t.'!:tl, &06 ('i1iL 649,655 (2_003).
104 C~ljlCe ,.)_fth1;;· Dmhud:mum (:. fvfagno, 592 Pllii. o..:'.J, ,;sg (20i7).
105 Domingo v. Civil Service Commissmn, G R No. ~(' }6:>.tl, .hmc i 7, 2020.
106 Jd
Acting under the color of his office and in excess of his authority,
petitioner berated and humiliated Chief Administrative Officer Peligro when
she assisted the special panel in o~taining copies of petitioner's HR files. He
alsa assigned another person to take custody of the HR files and imposed as a
condition for access or release thereof his prior permission. Notably, Peligro
was able to request HR files from the Human Resource Management Office
(HRMO) prior to petitioner assigning another person to handle the HR files.
Even then, he made clear that even the request of the special panel for his HR
records should not be allowed without his pennission.
Chua v. Cordova, A.I'v'l. No. P-19-3960, Septemb~r 7, 2020.
109 A.M. Nos. MTJ-12-18i3, 12-1-09-MeTC, MTJ-13-l836, MTJ-12-1815, OCA !Pl Nos. ll-2398-MTJ.
11-2399-MTJ, 11-2378-MTJ, 12-2456-MTJ & A.M. No. MTJ-13-182 !, 800 Phil. 307-458 (2016).
i!O Re.ves, Jr. v. Belr:t:ario and Malicdem, 612 PhiL 936_, 96_2 (2009).
Decision 23 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
Hence, in addition to the imposed fine, petitioner should also suffer the
accessory penalties of forfeiture of retirement benefits, cancellation of
eligibility, perpetual disqualification from holding public office, and bar from
taking the civil service examinations that the penalty of dismissal carried. A
contrary holding would have the undesirable effect of giving the erring
employee the opportunity to re-enter public office by the simple expedient of
the expiration ofhis term of office as Deputy Ombudsman. 113
lil See Remolona v. Civil Service Cornmissior1) 414 Phi~. 590~ 601 (200]).
112 Section 4 7. Penalty of Fine. - The foiiowing are the guide! ines for the penalty of fine:
6. The fine shall be paid to the agency imposing the same, computed on the basis of respondent's salary at
the time the de.cision becomes final and exec11tory.
Decision 24 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
As'sociate Justice
Decision 25 G.R. Nos. 235274-75
On official leave
Associate Justice
Associate Justice