The Impact of Regulation On Innovation
The Impact of Regulation On Innovation
The Impact of Regulation On Innovation
Knut Blind
The Impact of Regulation on Innovation
Knut Blind
Technische Universität Berlin, Chair of
Innovation Economics
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus
University Rotterdam, Chair of Standardisation‐02
This paper is part of the Compendium of Evidence on the Effectiveness of Innovation
Policy Intervention. It examines the evidence on the influence of various types of
regulation on innovation. Based on a conceptual approach distinguishing between the
positive incentive functions of regulations and the negative compliance burden, the study
covers economic, social and institutional regulations. Existing empirical analyses are
surveyed, which are characterised by rather heterogeneous methodological approaches,
data bases and results.
In summary, the numerous empirical studies on the impact of different types of
regulation on innovation present a rather heterogeneous picture both regarding the type
of regulation, the sectors, the companies and the time horizon of the impacts. Finally, it
has to be noted that most quantitative studies about the impact of regulations are not
able to distinguish between the influence of changes in the legislation and of their
enforcement and the related compliance of companies.
Research gaps still exist in the development of appropriate indicators of the regulatory
framework. Furthermore, the processes within companies to react to regulations deserve
more attention to understand the rather heterogeneous impacts on innovations. Finally,
regulations are per se not only exogenous to companies, but often there is close
interaction between regulators and the regulated companies, which should further
explain some of the existing ambivalence.
The Nesta Working Paper Series is intended to make available early results of research undertaken or supported by
Nesta and its partners in order to elicit comments and suggestions for revisions and to encourage discussion and further
debate prior to publication (ISSN 2050‐9820). © 2012 by the author(s). Short sections of text, tables and figures may be
reproduced without explicit permission provided that full credit is given to the source. The views expressed in this
working paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of Nesta.
The Impact of Regulation on Innovation Knut Blind
This report is part of the Compendium of Evidence on the Effectiveness of Innovation Policy
Intervention Project led by the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR), University of
Manchester. The project is funded by the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the
Arts (NESTA) - an independent body with the mission to make the UK more innovative.
The compendium is organised around 20 innovation policy topics categorised primarily according
to their policy objectives. Currently, a number of the reports are available.
Contents................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
List of Tables....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Conceptual Background .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 The impact of economic regulation on innovation.......................................................................... 7
2.2 The impact of social regulation on innovation............................................................................... 16
2.3 The impact of institutional regulation on innovation ................................................................. 20
3 Lessons ................................................................................................................................................................ 25
References ........................................................................................................................................................................ 28
List of Tables
Regulatory framework conditions have been identified as important factors influencing the
innovation activities of companies, industries and whole economies. However, in the growing
body of empirical based literature, the impacts of regulation have been assessed as rather
ambivalent for innovation in general, often depending on the different types of innovation.
Different types of regulations generate various impacts on innovation, and even a single specific
regulation can influence innovation in various ways differentiating between innovation input,
i.e. research and development, and output, e.g. incremental or radical innovations, often
depending on how it is implemented.
The endogenous growth approach developed by Carlin and Soskice (2006), which determines
endogenously the rate of technological progress and therefore innovation, allows a conceptual
analysis of the influence of different types of regulation on innovation. In general, the negative
effect of compliance costs, which are most relevant in the short run, is compared with the more
dynamic effect of regulations generating additional incentives for innovative activities. Based on
this approach, we analyse the impacts of different specific regulations on innovation assuming
that all types of regulation promote the diffusion of innovation in general.
We differentiate between economic, social and institutional regulations following the OECD
taxonomy of regulations. Existing empirical analyses are surveyed, which are characterised by
rather heterogeneous methodological approaches, data bases and results.
Social regulations mainly addressing negative external effects have strong impacts on the
direction of innovation activities towards the protection of the environment, the health and
safety of citizens in general, but more specifically of consumers and workers. The majority of
the studies examined focus on the innovation impacts of environmental regulations. Despite
some early ambivalent results, most recent studies reveal mainly positive impacts. This is also
due to the fact that environmental policies and the responsible regulatory bodies use regulation
explicitly as one policy instrument to foster innovation in contrast to most other policies and
regulating institutions.
Very few studies on selected institutional regulations provide evidence of stronger incentives
for innovation activities, such as product liability towards safer innovative products and
services. In addition, employment protection legislations may have in general a positive impact
In summary, the numerous empirical studies on the impact of different types of regulation on
innovation present a rather heterogeneous picture both regarding the type of regulation, the
sectors, the companies and the time horizon of the impacts. The studies also show differences
between short and long term impacts. The short term impacts of regulations are often negative
for innovation in contrast to the long term implications by forcing or encouraging their
adoption; and accelerating the uptake of innovations and their spillover benefits. Interestingly,
it should be noted that the impacts are not time invariant, i.e. earlier studies find slightly more
negative impacts, whereas more recent investigations tend to reveal more positive implications
especially in relation to environmental regulations. Furthermore, it has to be noted that most
quantitative studies about the impact of regulations are not able to distinguish between the
influence of changes in the legislation (on innovation activities) and of their enforcement and
the related compliance of companies. Finally, the development of an “innovation culture” within
regulatory bodies certainly promotes the positive innovation impact of regulations. However,
this aspect has not been analysed yet.
Research gaps still exist in the development of appropriate indicators of the regulatory
framework. Furthermore, the processes within companies to react to regulations deserve more
attention to understand the rather heterogeneous impacts on innovations. Finally, regulations
are per se not only exogenous to companies, but often there is close interaction between
regulators and the regulated companies, which should further explain some of the existing
Based on the general insights from the conceptual approach, the empirical analyses, but also the
gaps identified, the following proposals for more innovation-friendly and innovation targeting
regulatory policies can be derived:
1 More details on labour regulations can be found in the NESTA Compendium report by Barbra Jones
(2012): Innovation and Human Resources: Migration Policies and Employment Protection Policies;
Regulation, innovation and competitiveness in global markets have been discussed for several
decades. Recently, policymakers have started to extend their focus towards the regulatory
framework as a possible instrument for innovation policy, especially because many countries
have little leeway to increase public spending in R&D and other innovation related activities
after the global financial crises. Therefore, policies to improve the regulatory framework
conditions relevant for innovation or even setting regulation with the explicit objective to
promote innovation are becoming more important.
Classifying the numerous types of regulations, one can distinguish three types. First, there is a -
rather limited – number of regulations which is immediately dedicated to promote innovation.
The most relevant example is the regime of intellectual property rights, especially patents, and a
few specific market regulations such as those recently promoted within the Lead Market
Initiative by the European Commission. Secondly, there is the majority of regulations which try
to achieve other specific objectives, but not to promote innovation per se. In order to realise the
challenging objectives, like protecting health, safety or the environment, companies often
cannot comply to the requirements of these regulations with slight modifications of their
existing product assortment or their production processes, but are required to develop at least
incremental or even radical new solutions, i.e. product or process innovations. Rules to shape
market conditions in order to assure a certain level of competition belong to this second type of
regulations. In a competitive market environment, companies are required to provide new
innovative solutions. Finally, there is the remaining variety of regulations, which influence
companies’ strategies and activities, but not necessarily in a positive sense their innovations
activities. In this last category, especially the regulatory burden on innovation is more relevant
leading to less innovation in general.
Despite the variety of regulations and their numerous impacts on innovation, only recently
some progress has been made to understand the effect of regulation on the ability of companies
to innovate. Meanwhile some comprehensive studies have been conducted in addition to the
great amount of anecdotal evidence. Some in-depth analyses provide insights that allow a
further differentiation reflecting the heterogeneous impacts of different types of innovation.
Nevertheless, in total, these studies still provide no clear picture of whether the negative
impacts of regulation outweigh the positive effects.
There are a range of dimensions that shape the way regulations impact upon innovation
activities of firms. First, the investigations of the impacts of regulations have to take sector
specificities into account and have to address sector-specific regulations. Second, regulations
have different kinds of impact for different types of companies. In general, with increasing size,
companies have relatively less difficulties with regulatory compliance. Less clear is the influence
of firm age. On the one hand, young companies trying to enter new markets or just having
entered existing markets have less experience with the requirements set by regulatory bodies,
on the other hand they have more flexibility to react to upcoming regulations. In addition, the
position of companies in relation to the existing technological frontiers is another distinction
between companies for structuring the impacts of regulations. Third, the regulation impacts on
companies can be differentiated between short and long term impacts. In the short term, the
required regulatory compliance creates a burden for most companies, which might be negative
for innovation. In the long term, the innovation impact is very regulation specific. Finally, the
Since the impacts of numerous regulations are related to various other policy instruments
covered in the NESTA Compendium and this survey cannot address all areas of regulation, we
will not cover a range of areas: Public procures have to follow numerous regulations. However,
this is dealt with in the report on public procurement. Tax law can also be perceived as a form of
regulation. Nevertheless, this is addressed in the report of financial incentives. Further, labour
regulation and its relation to innovation is focus of a separate report. In addition, for numerous
regulations, like rules on urban planning, the literature survey has not provided any significant
evidence. Consequently, these regulations are not covered in the overview. Finally,
complementary to regulatory schemes, self- and co-regulatory rules are important for
innovation. Especially, the influence of standardisation and standards will be treated in a
separate report.
Economic regulations
Competition enhancing and securing regulation
Antitrust regulation
Merger & acquisitions
Market entry regulation
Price regulation
Regulation of natural monopolies and public enterprises
Social regulations
Environmental protection
Workers health and safety protection
Product and consumer safety
Institutional regulations
Liability law
Employment protection legislation
Immigration laws
Bankruptcy laws
Intellectual property rights
There are various definitions of regulation. However, we will stick to the very generic definition
published by the OECD (1997), in which regulation refers to the implementation of rules by
public authorities and governmental bodies to influence market activity and the behaviour of
private actors in the economy. Such intervention in the market is justified to maximise collective
welfare, including reaching some distributive goals. Economic literature (recently Stewart
2010) and OECD (1997) research distinguishes between economic, social and institutional
regulations, which we use to structure our literature survey.
There are various approaches to illustrate the impact of regulation on innovation. Stewart
(2010) distinguishes between compliance innovation and circumventive innovation.
Circumventive innovation can be realised when the scope of the regulation is rather narrow and
an innovation allows companies to escape the exposure of the regulation. Compliance
innovations have to be achieved when the coverage of the regulation is rather broad and the
resulting product or process innovations remain consequently within the scope of the
We follow the line of argument provided by Carlin and Soskice (2006), which differentiates
clearly between the incentive impact and the compliance cost of regulations. They determine an
equilibrium rate of technological progress and consequently innovation endogenously. Starting
from the Solow growth model, a negative relationship between the rate of labour productivity
enhancing technological progress or innovation – analogously to an increasing population or
labour force – and the equilibrium capital intensity can be derived. This relation is called the
Solow relation. In contrast, the Schumpeter relation assumes that with increasing capital
intensity more resources are available for investments in research and development, which
allows to foster innovation.
If regulation is introduced into this equilibrium scheme, two effects have to be considered. First,
the compliance cost of regulations reduces – in a manner similar to that of a tax – the available
resources for investment in research and development. Consequently, we expect a lower capital
intensity and a reduced level of technical progress and innovation (Crafts 2006). This negative
impact for the whole industry or economy is likely in the short run. However, in the long run
“smart” regulation allowing flexible solutions (Stewart 2010) may reduce the regulatory burden
and more resources will be available for research and development. Second, regulation changes
the incentives for investments in R&D. Some regulatory schemes, such as the special case of
patent protection, may create additional incentives to invest in R&D (Carlin, Soskice 2006)
whereas others such as price restrictions and product market regulation, may reduce incentives
for innovators (Crafts 2006).
Consequently, the net impact of regulation on innovation depends on the extent of the
compliance cost on the one hand and the incentive effect on the other hand. We expect a
positive impact on innovation, if compliance costs are low or even zero and the incentives are
positive and a negative impact especially in case of high compliance cost and low or even
negative innovation incentives.
The theoretical model shows that it is necessary to differentiate between specific types of
regulation for an empirical assessment of their impact on innovation. However, in addition to
the ambivalence of regulation on the creation of innovation, regulation can speed up the
Starting with an analysis of some empirical studies on the impact of economic regulations on
innovation, Bassanini and Ernst (2002) find a negative correlation between the intensity of
product market regulations and the intensity of research and development expenditure in OECD
countries, which was recently confirmed for the Member States of the EU by Barbosa and Faria
(2011), focusing on the share of innovators based on data of the Community Innovation Survey
coordinated by Eurostat. Swann (2005) examines a significant number of British companies also
surveyed within the Community Innovation Survey and shows that the content of regulations is
an important source for innovators (see also Aschhoff and Sofka (2009) for Germany), but also a
severe obstacle for the success of innovation activities. In a study focusing on the
telecommunication sector in the United States, Prieger (2002) confirms a negative influence of
stricter regulation on service innovations proposed by telecommunications providers to the
regulatory authorities. Besides these studies, there is a tradition of research on the influence of
competition and antitrust regulation on innovation. Koch et al. (2004) detect in a panel study a
positive impact of antitrust regulation on the R&D intensity in former G7 countries. This is in
line with Geroski (1991) who finds a positive correlation between competition intensity and
innovation activities measured by patents in British industry sectors. Aghion et al. (2005)
continue this research tradition and find an inverse U-shaped relation between competition
intensity and patents as innovation indicators in the United Kingdom. Recently, Amable et al.
(2009) developed a new extended conceptual model by taking into account the concept of
technological frontier and found empirical evidence that innovation in industries close to the
A new impact of regulations focusing on mergers and acquisitions on innovation has been
proposed and analysed by Chemmanur and Tian (2012). They study the relation between so
called antitakeover provisions and innovation. On the one hand, they argue that in the long run
these provision foster innovation by protecting managers from short-term pressures, e.g. the
equity markets. This insulation allows them to focus on long-term projects to promote
companies’ value. On the other hand, the antitakeover provisions reduce the disciplining
pressure of the market for corporate control on managers and therefore their efforts on
innovation. Chemmanur and Tian (2012) find in their empirical analysis based on more than
3000 US companies that firms applying a larger number of such antitakeover provisions are
more innovative, especially when such a protection is more needed, because innovations are
more difficult to achieve in the short term. For less innovative firms, antitakeover provisions are
negative for the development of their firm value. Sapra et al. (2011) develop a theory of the
effects of external corporate governance mechanisms such as takeover pressure and internal
mechanisms such as compensation contracts and monitoring intensity on innovation by firms.
From their model they derive the hypotheses that innovation varies in a U-shaped manner with
takeover pressure. For US companies under the regime of state level antitakeover laws, they
find strong empirical support for their hypotheses using R&D and patents as measures of
innovative activity. Their prediction of a U-shaped relation between innovation and takeover
pressure suggests that innovation is fostered by either strong anti-takeover laws that
significantly restrict takeovers or an unhindered market for corporate control. .
Deriving the overall implications for regulations to foster innovation, the findings by
Chemmanur and Tian (2012) suggest that there is an additional company specific argument – in
addition to securing sufficient competition – to consider in restricting takeovers especially of
innovative companies requiring a long term commitment to innovation. However, the U-shaped
relation between innovation and takeover pressure found by Sapra et al. (2011) does not allow
us to derive a clear recommendation. Obviously, further research is needed to provide specific
recommendations to regulators responsible for antitakeover laws.
Market entry regulations as such are not investigated, but market entry as such was recently
analysed by Aghion et al. (2009). They find that there is a heterogeneous impact on the impact
of firm entry on the innovation of incumbents across industries. Particularly, incumbents’
productivity growth and patenting is positively correlated with lagged foreign firm entry in
technologically advanced, but not in laggard industries. This result is explained by the argument
that the threat of technologically advanced companies entering the markets spurs innovation
incentives in sectors close to the technology frontier, where successful innovation allows
incumbents to survive the threat. In laggard sectors, entry discourages innovation, because
incumbents' expected rents are decreased from innovating.
The empirical evidence of the impacts of regulations of public utilities or even monopolies is
connected to their liberalisation. At first, the objective of these analyses was to develop
instruments to achieve cost covering business models. Later, Averch and Johnson (1962)
examined incentives schemes to increase the productivity of public utilities. In the 1990s the
innovations of public utilities were triggered by the deregulation and liberalisation of former
publicly owned or monopolised sectors. Various country studies (United States and Canada
(OECD 1999a; OECD 1999b) and sector studies (OECD 1997) show that innovation significantly
increased after the implementation of competition in markets such as telecommunication (see
below), but also transport and mail services, recently supported by the findings of Amable et al.
(2009), who find that increases in the number of companies in service markets triggered by
deregulation have a positive influence on innovation measured by patent applications.
Compliance cost or
Type of regulation negative incentive Positive incentive effect
Reduces rents for
Competition enhancing Increases and secures
and securing incentives to invest in Ambivalent
Prohibits R&D
regulation innovation
Dominant (innovative) Allows competitors to
companies have limited enter the market and put
Antitrust regulation anecdotal
incentives to invest pressure on dominant
further in R&D companies
Ollinger and Fernandez-Cornejo (1998) study the effect of environmental regulation on the
innovation of pesticides and find that increasing regulatory costs decreased the number of
pesticides brought to the market. Regulation encouraged firms to develop less toxic pesticides,
however, the overall innovation of pesticides was reduced. Finally, Porter and van der Linde
(1995) provide several anecdotal examples of environmental regulation stimulating innovation
in the chemical industry leading to significant cost savings for the affected companies.
In a comparative study between the US, the EU and Japan, Fleischer et al. (2000) find that the EU
system provides cost disadvantages for chemical companies interested in notifying new
chemical entities. However, for large companies, market entry barriers may temporarily
eliminate the adverse competitive effects of the EU notification system. In addition, the EU
system provides a quasi-patent protection for the first notifying company. The protection in
form of market entry barriers due to the regulation costs and to the quasi-patent status granted
to the first notifier may temporarily help large corporations in the EU. However, small and
medium-sized companies cannot afford, in general, to develop and notify new chemical
substances. Fleischer et al. (2000) relate these framework conditions with the rather low
innovation performance of European companies compared with US and Japanese companies
without applying rigorous econometric methodologies. Very recently, Rubim de Pinho Accioli
Doria (2010) investigated the impact of regulatory stringency on innovation in the chemical
industry by analyzing the evolution of innovative activity in highly regulated technological areas
in the European Union from 1976 to 2003. Overall, regulatory stringency influenced positively
patenting activity. However, large companies experienced a negative impact on their patenting
activity. Consequently, the concentration of innovative activity in highly regulated technological
areas has been reduced. Major changes occurred in areas in which the largest number of
regulatory restrictions was imposed. In addition, Rubin de Pinho Accioli Doria finds an overall
increase in innovations associated with new processes and formulations, indicating increased
incremental innovation and a shift from patenting in regulated to non-regulated areas. In
addition, patenting activity increased in areas that did not depend on novel chemical substances
or did not have an opportunity to innovate in non-regulated uses. By contrast, there was a sharp
fall in patent applications in areas in which these conditions did not exist. Obviously, “new”
Using regression analysis Hauptman and Roberts (1987) find that the increased stringency of an
amended FDA (Federal Drug Association) regulation on medical devices and the resulting
compliance uncertainty reduced in the short term innovations especially of advanced
technology products, but in the long term companies adapted their processes to innovate
effectively in the more stringent regulatory environment. Wrubel et al. (1997) also observe this
rebound effect in a study on the impact of regulation focusing on genetically engineered
microorganisms (GEMs), not because the companies adapted to the new framework conditions,
but because the regulators clarified and streamlined the regulation and its implementation.
For the pharmaceutical industry Grabowski and Vernon (1977) and Grabowski et al. (1978)
observe that increased stringency of regulations and compliance uncertainty due to regulatory
delay decreases the market introduction of new drugs, because innovation activities are
concentrated in larger firms less burdened by the compliance costs of regulation (see also
Thomas 1990). This concentration process reduced competition and consequently innovation in
the US pharmaceutical industry. Recently, Vernon et al. (2009) provided complementary results
by showing that a 10% decrease of approval times of new drugs by the FDA increased the R&D
spending of pharmaceutical companies by 1% to 2%.
Focusing on the information provided by regulation Katz (2007) and Eisenberg (2007)
postulate that regulation that promotes information or reduces information asymmetry in the
drug market can stimulate innovation by increasing the expected returns of successful
Besides the regulation responsible for organizing the market access of drugs, the
pharmaceutical sector has also to follow the price regimes of drugs. Vernon (2003, 2005),
Vernon et al. (2006) and Golec and Vernon (2010) find empirical evidence that drug price
controls reduce the R&D intensity and the market introduction of new drugs by pharmaceutical
companies. Finally, Golec et al. (2005) show that policy uncertainty related to price controls can
reduce R&D spending well before the regulation is in effect, but also change the nature of
innovation from developing expensive breakthrough drugs to cheaper patentable innovations
that do not require heavy R&D investment.
Besides these broad studies about the impacts of regulation on innovation in the
pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector, the very case-specific Orphan drug regulation has to
be mentioned. The Orphan drug regulation focuses on rare diseases and restricts the market to
a single pharmaceutical company investing R&D to find new chemical entities as the basis for
new drugs. This kind of infant industry regulation has been investigated by Reaves (2003), who
finds a positive impact on pharmaceutical innovations.
Goldberg (1998) analyses the impact of the corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards
and finds that they were successful at spurring environmental innovations. She tests whether
the downward pressure on fuel consumption due to the standards was offset by a “utilization”
effect, whereby consumers increase the mileage driven in fuel efficient cars; and a
“compositional” effect, in which consumers switch to less fuel efficient models. She finds no
evidence of the former and little evidence of the latter, suggesting that the environmental
objective has been achieved.
Lee et al. (2004) analyse regulatory measures related to emission control and safety
technologies in the U.S. Automobile Industry and find in a longitudinal study of patenting that
these “technology-forcing” standards have stimulated innovations. In a later version Lee et al.
(2007) admit that the regulations were only effective in driving innovation in the early phase of
technological change. Furthermore, Smith and Crotty (2008) find evidence that the EU End of
Life Vehicles Directive (ELVD) has driven regulation effectively diverting innovative capacity
into short-term, incremental technological trajectories rather than into more radical,
sustainable direction product innovation.
Finally, Pilkington and Dyerson (2006) examine the development of electric vehicle
technologies and find that while emissions regulations effectively promoted incremental
innovation in internal combustion engine vehicles, they have not stimulated the radical
innovations required for the successful commercialization of electric vehicles. Telecommunications
Following the deregulation of telecommunication sectors, several studies focused on the impact
of regulations in more competitive markets. Prieger (2002) finds that in a period of decreased
stringency in the regulation of telecommunications relevant for the introduction of a new
telephone service connected with a reduced compliance uncertainty the number of innovations
increased significantly. In a similar study, Prieger (2007) investigates the effect of compliance
uncertainty and discovers that reduced regulatory delay increased innovation. Ai and
Sappington (2002) study the impact of the change in the regulation of telecommunication
companies from rate-of-return regulation to more flexible incentive-based regulations and find
that it resulted in an increase in innovation, e.g. increased network modernization and process
improvements, measured by lower operating costs, as proposed and predicted by Averch and
Recently, studies like Ehrlich et al. (2010) investigate the influence of regulation on platforms,
e.g. in the area of wireless communication, or on two sided markets (Rysman 2009) on
innovation. In general, they propose regulations securing network or technology neutrality.
However, empirical studies based on sound data are not yet available, but will become more
relevant due to the increasing relevance of networks, especially the Internet, for innovation (see
Blind (2011) for an overview).
Baer and Pavel (1988) find that increased stringency of bank regulation, e.g. capital taxes and
reserve requirements, promotes financial innovations, e.g. Eurodollar deposits. Based on a
qualitative analysis, Silber (1983) observes that less than 30 percent of financial innovations
were induced by regulation. Jagtiani et al. (1995) find no influence of increased stringency of
bank capital requirements on innovation. Finally, Warren (2008) proposes that the inflexibility
of some regulations hinders those innovations that are most beneficial to consumers e.g. new
ways of informing consumers, while failing to regulate risky innovations, e.g. negative
amortization. Healthcare
Stewart (2010) notes that there has been little empirical research on the impact of regulation on
innovation in health care, which is also supported by Koornneef (2010). However, many of the
innovative products employed by service industries, like healthcare, are produced by other
industries, such as manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology. To close the gap at least
partly, Walshe and Shortell (2004) conducted a mostly interview-based study on the impact of
regulation on healthcare organizations’ performance. They find that regulation of healthcare
organizations had a generally positive effect on continuously improved processes (see on
Overall, for most sectors the evidence on the impact of regulations on innovation is rather
limited and does not allow the derivation of robust general conclusions. And even in the more
intensively investigated sectors, there is still an ambivalence of insights due to different
methodological approaches applied or data used.
2.2.1 Theory
The impact of social regulations, a term defined by the OECD (1997), on innovation has recently
been more frequently analyzed. Most of the existing literature on social regulations and their
impact on innovation focuses on the analysis of the impact of environmental regulation caused
by the increasing importance of environmental issues (Kemp 1998). In addition, new
environmental regulations have resulted in the scrapping of existing machinery and equipment
and enabled new entrants to introduce new production techniques in industry. Therefore, we
focus this chapter on the numerous studies dealing with the impacts of environmental
Environmental regulations have caused the emergence of new industries, such as the
‘environmental industry’, and of new products with fewer or almost no negative impacts on the
environment. Consequently, environmental regulations drive the industry explicitly towards the
development and implementation of innovative technologies which protect the environment or
produce at least less environmental damage. For example, Kemp (1998) proposes to use
regulation as a moderator of technological change, i.e. regulations may change the direction of
technological change into innovations with less negative impact on the environment. The
innovation triggering effect of environmental regulations was perceived by Michael Porter in his
famous Porter hypothesis stating that ambitious environmental regulations may be challenging
for the national industry at the very beginning, but help to improve international
competitiveness and to increase exports of the developed environmental technologies (Porter,
van der Linde, 1995).
In the consumer appliance industry, Newell et al. (1999) find that the performance standards
established by the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act (NAECA) of 1987 on the energy
efficiency of room air conditioners, central air conditions and gas water heaters improved the
energy efficiency of room air conditioners and gas water heaters by about 2 percent per year
faster than they otherwise would have. Norberg-Bohm and Rossi (1998) find that relevant
water quality standards led mostly to incremental innovations in the pulp and paper industry,
because radical innovators faced resource constraints.
Cohen (1979) and Marcus (1988) analyse the effect of regulation on innovation in the nuclear
power industry. Marcus finds that regulations affected plants differently depending upon their
prior safety records, i.e. the regulators take a less flexible approach to plants that had a poor
safety record, while it took a more flexible approach to those with good safety records. Cohen
(1979) reviews power plant licensing procedures and finds that they negatively impact market
innovation through compliance uncertainty due to regulatory delay.
Lyon (1995) analyses the impact caused by a specific regulation, which assesses whether a
utility’s investment was “used and useful” and is a cost-effective source of power, from which
the regulator determines whether the utility’s investment should be disallowed. He finds that
these reviews can cause a utility to forgo investing in risky innovation and instead utilize more
costly conventional technologies. Furthermore, utilities may cease making technological
investments at all and instead switch to purchasing power from third-party producers.
Lanjouw and Mody (1996) examine general trends of environmental innovation in response to
the increasing environmental regulations in the United States, Germany, and Japan. They find
that there is a correlation between regulatory compliance costs (as a proxy for stringency) and
environmental patenting. Nameroff et al. (2004) look at patents on chemical products and
processes to reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances across all
sectors in the United States. They find that an increase in the ratio of those chemistry patents to
other chemistry patents is correlated with an increase in environmental regulation.
Finally, Popp (2006) extends the analysis of the impacts of regulation on innovation to a cross-
country perspective and finds on the one hand that more stringent U.S. emissions standards
relevant for electric utilities resulted in greater innovation in the United States, but had no effect
on innovation in Japan and Germany. On the other hand U.S. firms innovate in response to
domestic regulations, but not foreign regulations. Recently, Johnstone et al. (2010) examined
the effect of various economic regulations on innovations of renewable energy technologies in
OECD countries, and find that the effect of different regulatory regimes, including public R&D
support, investment incentives, tax incentives, voluntary programs, quantity obligations, and
tradable permits, varies across energy sources. Although, all the different types of regulation
have a positive effect on the innovation of all energy sources, taking all instruments together
they find that only tax incentives, quantity obligations, and tradable certificates have a positive
effect on renewable energy innovation overall. Based on separate regressions, tax incentives
stimulated innovation for a most renewable energy sources.
However, besides the briefly described studies, further studies (Hart und Ahuja (1996),
Pickman (1998), Brunnermeier and Cohen (2003), Popp et al. (2007), Lanoie et al. (2008), and
those listed in the survey by Gonzalez (2009) generally find, at least in the long run (supported
by Blind (2012)), positive impacts of environmental regulations on innovation.
Recently, Rennings and Rammer (2011) differentiate the impacts further and find different
effects when looking at the various environmental regulation that triggered different types of
innovations. For example, regulations in favour of sustainable mobility increase turnover with
market novelties, while regulations in the field of water management lower this type of
innovation success. Furthermore, new processes implemented in order to comply with
environmental regulation requirements lower profitability, indicating higher compliance costs
for this type of innovation which cannot be passed on customers. In contrast, higher profit
Walz (2007) and Walz et al. (2008) extend the assessment of regulation influencing innovation
by integrating it into an innovation system approach and into a whole set of innovation policy
instruments. Their findings underline, like Johnstone et al. (2010) and Rennings and Rammer
(2011), the need for technology specific analyses, but also confirm the effectiveness of demand
side regulations (see OECD (2011) for an overview of demand side innovation policies) to
promote renewable energy technologies, e.g. the regulation of feed in tariffs in the case of wind
power technology (Walz 2007) or in the case of solar energy (Johnstone et al. 2010).
In contrast to the numerous and increasing number of studies about the impacts of
environmental regulations on innovation, the other two areas addressing workers’ and
consumers’ safety have not been investigated at all or only very little. Besides some sector
specific regulations, e.g. in the pharmaceutical industry, Unnevehr and Jensen (1996)
investigate safety inspection regulations in the meat industry. They conclude that this
command-and-control regime is more efficient than potential incentive-based regimes, because
the inherent information asymmetry in the meat market makes it difficult for consumers to
make the right choice. In contrast, Henson and Caswell (1999) argue that command-and-control
regulations restrict the freedom of food suppliers in controlling food safety and consequently
also innovation.
Compliance cost or
Type of Empirical
negative incentive Positive incentive effect
regulation evidence
Creates incentives for
Restricts innovation development of new eco-friendly
Environmental and creates processes and products (incl. Mainly
protection compliance costs environmental technologies) by positive
creating temporary market entry
Creates incentives for
Workers Restricts innovation
development of processes with
health and and creates Not
higher workers’ safety by creating
safety compliance costs available
temporary market entry barriers
and monopoly gains
Increases the acceptance of new
Product and Restricts innovation Limited
products among consumers and
consumer and creates ambivalent
promotes their diffusion creating
safety compliance costs evidence
innovation incentives
2.3.1 Theory
Besides single specific economic and social regulations, the institutional framework
implemented by administrative regulations is essential for the analysis of regulation and
innovation. Two approaches have been developed to link the legal framework to innovation.
The economic analysis of law has also focused on how the legal environment influences
economic efficiency, including innovation. In particular, the impact of liability rules on
innovation, especially in the domain of product safety has been analysed. If liability rules are too
strict, innovators do not introduce new products and services in the market, especially radical
innovations, because the risks are high, the expected revenues decrease, and the users of the
products reduce their self-protection efforts, leading to more accidents. Viscusi and Moore
(1993) confirm empirically that very high levels of liability have negative effects on product
innovation. However, without product liability, the acceptance of new products among
consumers is reduced which may prohibit their success in the market.
In addition to liability laws, there are regulations related to the input factors labour and capital,
which are important for innovation and will therefore also be addressed. The theoretical effects
of labour regulations such as employment protection legislation on innovation are ambiguous.
On the one hand, employment protection legislation increases job security for employees by the
more efficient enforceability of job contracts. This security may increase workers’ incentives
and consequently investment in innovative activity, e.g. because they may participate in the
future profits derived from successful innovations. On the other hand employment protection
legislation increases the adjustment costs for firms, especially in case of failures, and this may
lead to under-investment in activities that are likely to require adjustment, including risky
innovations. In summary, we have contradicting impacts of employment protection legislations.
The net impacts will obviously depend on the type of innovation, i.e. radical or incremental and
the time horizon to achieve it.
At the capital side the regulation of the finance sector is important, but already covered in the
overview of sector regulations. Therefore, we focus on bankruptcy laws, which have
implications on funding innovations, but also on the incentive to start a business at all, i.e. the
inclination to become an entrepreneur. Many innovations are financed by funds external to the
company. Besides the different cost of capital, the risk of bankruptcy has to be considered.
Creditors prefer in case of bankruptcy liquidating assets. Acharya and Sibramanian (2009) can
prove in a theoretical model that stronger creditor rights will lead to less investment in
innovation and more in well established production.
The link best analysed between administrative or institutional regulation and innovation is the
impact of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), especially patents and copyrights, on innovation.
Besen and Raskind (1991) point out that the fundamental dilemma lies between invention and
diffusion. On the one hand, a strong patent protection encourages innovation. On the other
hand, a weak one favours a rapid and wide diffusion of inventions, which leads to innovations
and growth for the whole economy. Appropriate licensing schemes may be a good way to reach
the two goals simultaneously. Since innovation processes differ across industries, optimal IPR
rules should also vary from industry to industry from a purely economic point of view, although
this is not practicable for the legal system. In general, institutional regulations can provide
Labour market regulations can be divided into the system of wage setting, which is more a self
regulatory regime composed by the labour unions and the employer associations, and the
labour contracts between employers and employees. The majority of all studies on labour
market regulations focus on their impacts on the development of unemployment and
productivity. However, within the last decades first studies addressed the role of labour market
regulations on innovation. At first, Eichengreen and Iversen (1999) postulated more
decentralized and flexible labour market institutions, especially in science-based and high-
skilled sectors referring to the disadvantages in Europe in relation to the labour market in the
United States. Soskice (1997) and Hall and Soskice (2001) stress that the culture of high quality
incremental innovation in Germany requires a solid consensus-oriented decision making based
on significant power of autonomous skilled employees called coordinated market economies.
The very deregulated labour markets in the liberal market economies of the US and United
Kingdom do not provide these framework conditions, but are more favourable for radical
Whereas these early studies are based on qualitative and rather descriptive analyses, Bassanini
and Ernst (2002) provide broad cross-country econometric evidence on the association of
innovation patterns and different labour market institutional regimes. They use the R&D
intensity in a cross-section of 18 OECD countries and 18 manufacturing industries for their
empirical analysis. Specific dimensions of labour market flexibility are positively correlated
with the level of R&D intensity (recently supported by Barbosa and Faria (2011) for the EU
countries) in low-tech industries and in all industries in those countries implementing a rather
decentralized wage-bargain regime with relatively little coordination between the different
actors. In contrast, in countries with a strongly coordinated and centralized system of industrial
relations the degree of the labour market flexibility is negatively related industries’ R&D
intensities, especially in knowledge intensive and specific areas. Bassanini and Ernst (2002)
explain this observation with the existence of two opposite forces. On the one hand, especially
process innovations in industries with restricted opportunities to open new markets and to
increase their output are leading to a shrinking workforce. If labour market regulations are
making adjustments in the employment of labour difficult or costly, e.g. by making reallocations
difficult, then investment in innovation activities are discouraged. On the other hand, the
compliance cost of labour market regulations created by restrictions in hiring and firing
employees are rather low if employers are quite flexible in reallocating their employees
internally in their company. Bassanini and Ernst (2002) also find empirical evidence supporting
Hall’s and Soskice’s findings, because in knowledge intensive sectors relying on quite
experienced workers, employment protection and a high degree of coordination in the
Saint-Paul (2002) derives from a theoretical model the hypothesis that countries with a rather
highly regulated labour market produce goods, which possess a lower commercial risk, e.g. by
improving already existing products being already at a later stage of their product life cycle
instead of introducing rather innovative product innovations. Based on this theoretical
argument Bartelsman et al. (2011) are able to show empirically, based on 30 industries of the
OECD countries, that high-risk innovative sectors are smaller in countries with strict
employment protection legislation compared to countries, like the US, following a more flexible
and less restrictive employment protection.
Recently, Acharya et al. (2010) analyse the impact of wrongful discharge laws, i.e. laws that
inhibit the common-law doctrine of “employment-at-will”. Although, it is obvious that
restricting an employer to terminate an unsuccessful employment contract ex post creates
inefficiencies, this negative impact can be overcompensated by the positive effects that the laws
limiting employment-at-will may have on ex-ante incentives. In particular, these laws might
have the countervailing effect of committing companies not to punish short-run failures. Such
commitment may spur employees to undertake risky but innovative activities leading to radical
innovations and stimulating the creation of new and the destruction of existing companies.
Acharya et al. (2010) can show that the wrongful discharge laws lead not only to more and
better innovations in the affected US states, but also to more new companies being founded and
more existing companies being closed. Ederer and Manso (2011) provide complementary
evidence based on experimental studies that provide evidence that the combination of tolerance
for early failure and reward for long-term success is effective in motivating employees for
Finally, Maré et al. (2008) and Kerr and Lincoln (2008) investigate the influence of immigration,
which is heavily regulated, on innovation. However, they find either no influence or little
influence on domestic innovation. Consequently, reducing the hurdles for foreign workers to
enter domestic labour markets does not necessarily spur domestic innovation.
The few, but increasing number of studies on the impact of labour market regulations on
innovation provide ambivalent evidence. The first studies argue and find empirical evidence in
the line of reasoning that more flexibility leads to more innovation. This argument is certainly
true in the short run. However, focusing on knowledge and experience based industries
requiring a long term approach to innovation provides also evidence that regulations which
commit companies to keeping employees under contract also in case of short term failure may
spur innovation in general and especially radical breakthroughs in the long run.
Finally, the regimes of intellectual property rights have been investigated in order to find
empirical evidence for innovation promoting incentives and disclosure effects. In contrast to the
expected and intended impacts, only very few studies like Koch et al. (2004) and Blind (2012)
find a positive influence of the stringency of IPR regulations on the R&D intensity in former G7
countries. In general, studies focusing on the innovation promoting impacts of patents either
find no significant positive influence, like Bessen and Meurer (2008), or even negative
implications like Barbosa and Faria (2011) and Bessen and Hunt (2007) in the case of software
patents on R&D activities in the United States. Also, Lerner (2009) who examines impacts of
strengthening patent protection over the last 150 years, concludes that patents may actually
discourage investment in innovation.
As framed by the conceptual model and shown in the survey of empirical studies, the variety of
regulations has different and often ambivalent impacts on innovation. They present a rather
heterogeneous picture both regarding the area of regulation, the type of companies, the sectors,
the type of innovation and the time horizon of the impacts incurred. The different impact
directions and strengths among the three types of regulations have been expected in line with
the predictions of the conceptual or theoretical models, especially in the area of environmental
Policy uncertainty, but also compliance uncertainty does appear to cause both negative and
positive effects of expected future regulation on innovation. However, the evidence collected
confirmed that policy uncertainty causes companies to delay investment and consequently
innovation decisions. More precisely, companies will delay or reduce innovation activities the
higher the level of uncertainty and the larger the differences in the expected profitability of
innovation investments. In contrast, flexible regulations, including incentives-based regulation
and performance standards, tend to promote innovation by maximizing the implementation
leeway for companies to implement cost efficient and commercially attractive solutions. In
addition, regulation that promotes more complete market information also fosters innovation,
e.g. by reducing information asymmetry on the consumer side or by promoting innovative
solutions on the producer side.
There is a clear divide between the effects of economic regulation and the effects of social
regulation. Economic regulations have ambivalent impacts on innovation, whereas social
regulations tend to stimulate innovation, because they require compliance innovation, e.g. in
order to correct for negative environmental externalities. Confirming Porter’s Hypothesis, some
social regulations led even to the development of completely new markets. This is more likely
the case, when social regulations are more stringent and disruptive in order to achieve
challenging societal or environmental objectives, because then they tend to promote more
radical innovation, whereas the moving target approach of gradually increasing stringency over
time is more likely to result in incremental innovation. In contrast, stringent economic
regulation, being largely detrimental to innovation, should be implemented in a more flexible
way in order to minimize the compliance burden and thus its negative impact on innovation.
Finally, the studies also show differences between short and long term impacts. The short term
impacts of regulations are often negative for innovation in contrast to the long term
implications. Finally, it should be noted that the impacts are not time invariant, i.e. previous
studies find slightly more negative impacts, whereas more recent investigations tend to reveal
more positive implications especially of environmental regulations.
Although not explicitly addressed in this survey as there is no sound existing empirical analysis,
there appears to be a significant lack of an innovation culture or awareness regarding
innovation within the regulatory bodies (Blind et al. 2004, BERR 2008). Furthermore, the
various interest groups and stakeholders involved in the regulatory process are also often not
aware of the opportunities innovations can have on their own interests.
Despite the progress in the investigations focusing on the effect of regulation on innovation,
three major research gaps can be identified in addition to the gaps in the areas already covered
by single or even several studies. At first, the available existing indicators measuring the
Based on the general insights from the conceptual approach, the empirical impact analyses and
the research gaps, the following proposals for more innovation-friendly and even innovation
targeting regulatory policies (see also Blind 2010) can be derived:
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