Concepts of Mind: Crystaqueous

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March 2011

Re-edited Nov. 2013

Ridgefield, WA USA
Re-edited March 2018
Anjuna, Goa India
Page2, Disclaimer
Page3, Concepts of Mind—Primary Essence of Crystaqueous
Page6, Who Is Crystaqueous?
Page8, Correspondence with a Beloved Friend-
Friday/Saturday March 9th/10th, 2018 NYC/Anjuna Goa India
Page9, Finding Our Banyan Tree
Page15, Another Fun Dialog With A NYC Goddess
March 17/18, 2018 NYC/Goa India
Page17, More on Role Termination
Page24, Blowin in the Wind-Bob Dylan
Page24, To Speak or Not To Speak
Page27, The Mosquito—Prime Symbol Of Human Existence
Page28, The Colorful Butterfly—The Prime Symbol of The God-
Page28, Accompanying Concepts from Alfred Aiken’s book—
Page38, Courteous reflections Regarding Alfred Aiken
Page43, Does Divine Abundance Appear And Disappear?
Page46, Earth Events—March 2011 People are inquiring—
“What is the significance of current events— Japan, and
Page46, The Present Global Certainty
Page47, What’s Really Happening?
Page48, Extending Gratitude To Japan
Page48, Reference, the chapter entitled: The Law Of Miracles, in
Autobiography Of A Yogi, by Paramhansa Yogananda

This is not an instructional booklet as there is
no one in existence who could possibly fall into the
category of needing instruction. Hence these
utterances offer not a whit of hope to any for none
exist who need hope. Such alone constitutes
declarations of That which Joyously Is. Of a surety,
there are no beings that can come to know That which
Is. All that Is—Is Eternally and Immutably That!
Consequently, never are these utterances advanced as
an attempt to change the minds of any or to divert
play acting entities upon the earth-stage from the
visions that each hold in their own heart. Such can
never actually be done anyway even though it may
appear to some to the contrary. All writings
constitute simple statements depicting the nature of
The Earth Drama Divine as related to Reality Absolute.
That which is written obviously is known by All, for
The All is the Sole Eternal Knower.
In these writings, the ego of dream and the so-
called human mind are always synonymous.

Concepts of Mind

The Primary Essence


"Divine Beings are only ‘in’ the Cosmic Play in a

similar manner to which Julia Roberts is ‘on’ the
movie screen when the actual Julia is simply sitting as
a joyous spectator in the theatre seat!" (The Script
In other words, Spirit Reality Beings are not
actually present and participating on the so-called 3-d
Screen or in the material world paradigm. Nothing
therein is real much less are Reality Beings bopping
about all lost and confused therein. However, when
unreal actors or actresses terminate their individual
roles, the Reality Being behind such roles enters into
the Play in the form of Divine Mind taking residence
in that body from which the ego human mind has
vacated and so preserves that particular dream body
from further desecration, in the form of aging, decay,
and death.
This, some may liken to angels descending to
assist and inspire other dream beings on their way to
role termination. At any rate, it brings a Divine
Reality Element into the realm of dream which makes
for a very interesting picture. Jesus, Babaji, and a
great host of others are examples in point here. Such
were (after their illusion roles ended) “in” the world
of unreality but not “of” it. Such beings are invariably
immune to disease and harm. All such bodies indwelt
in this manner by Divine Mind never go out in "death",
but rather via “transfiguration” only. This is where
the race of play acting so-called "humans" are at in
this very time—that is, all are on track for role
termination in mass, no dream being can miss!
This is the precise picture related in the story of
the money changers being ousted from the Temple at
Jerusalem. The fact that the great Solomon’s
(material) Temple (out of which the money changers
were cast), was eventually to be leveled or dissolved
is symbolic of the fact that the so-called cleansed
dream or human body must follow suit. That is, such
must also disappear but via so-called transfiguration
and not by what is known in the dream as physical
death and burial. In this Play of Divinity it is clear—
that whatever has come into appearance (which
includes the entirety of so-called "creation" on planet
earth), must as well disappear.
Again, this is likened to the disappearance of the
water mirage in the desert! When the illusion of water
has disappeared—the dry sand—symbolic of Infinite
Mind and Body—, which was the only actual presence,
appears! But did such just begin to appear? Not at all!
The sand was always there and only seemingly
blocked from view by the illusion of an unreal body of
water which was never really present! The
disappearance of every last trace of illusion
constitutes the finishing of the Earth Story Divine!
Hence, the Cosmic Movie is consummated. Nothing

which constitutes Reality Absolute has appeared or
disappeared or been altered one iota!
Origin and endless Bliss happily reign Alone!
Such is the Fun nature of the Glorious Divine Play!
And such is the Joyous focal essence of the entirety of
the Crystaqueous writings!
Occasionally inquires come asking if these
utterances are channeled or if they are automatic
writings? Such terms denote the idea of distinction,
that is, setting one in a category as being separate
from the common others. These writings are not of
such nature. This writer stands firmly upon the
platform of the equality of all beings where none are
lower or higher than another. Hence, these writings
spring from the Consciousness of Oneness wherein All
Is the One Whole which knows of nothing existing
that dominates someone or thing else. This is Reality
Consciousness— all True Existence Is That!
Duality consciousness—wherein the separation
factor is rampant—is the multiple mindedness of the
dream—the Divine Earth Play. This dream features a
human existence that sees itself as a separate entity
from the Mind of the Infinite. Such are not real
people—hence its so-called consciousness is not real
or actual. It is merely the pretend Story consciousness
of the Play Divine.
All that distinguishes and sets beings apart—
one from the other—as though such were higher or
lower, wiser, more evolved, more important, more
gifted, purer, more spiritual, etc., etc.,—is the dualistic
or unreal consciousness of the Earth Play Divine. All
beings came into the Play of time to shed such
fabulous dualistic identity and mindfulness and to
awaken in a sense, as the Mind of Oneness which Is
the Equality of the Whole! Because these writings
proceed from the One Mind which is the
Consciousness of all True and Real Existence, such can
never be labeled as "personal" writings. Therefore, to
the inquiry: Who is Crystaqueous?---the following will

Who is Crystaqueous?
In spite of the fact that at least one specific
entity joyously roams the earth planet bearing the
above name—this in no way alters the other fact that
this name—-as all other Real names—is indicative of
the radiant crystal energy of all Reality Beings who
are happily poised behind every apparent mortal
role-player within the Earth Drama Divine! The
Celestial many of which the One is comprised!
Plainly speaking, these names signify the
timeless Spirit Essence of Infinite Collective
Consciousness—namely, that Mind and Loving
Intelligence which has designed and orchestrates the
entirety of the Cosmic Play of Earth!
The obvious extension of this line of thought is
that no singular embodiment of Eternal Spirit can or
will take credit for originating the sequential contents
of the earth writings that bear these names! Reference
is here being made alone to volumes dedicated to the
dethroning of the ego of dream! None such are drafted
at the hand of the walking dead of earth! In other
words, they are collective Mind-stuff—of the All that
Infinitely Is—and are adaptable alone to specific
segments out-playing at various ages in the fun Movie
of Earth!
It is due to this fact that all who read with a
deep inner interest, sense clearly that they too—on
some profound level—participated in the authorship
of it all! This is so because the “They” back of the false-
selves, did! The common so-called spiritual books-the
ones proving to be ego nurturers, are on a Self-
destruct course in this time as the general awareness
level has out-grown the need of such! Earth
teachers/authors have taken great pride in affixing
their names to these countless volumes!
Spirit seekers of this day have journeyed off the
chart—they have jumped ship, and broke out of the
confining stagnancy and depressive redundancy of
both the orthodox and alternative metaphysical box!
Hence, the collective “We”—the Whole that
constitutes the Happy Seeing Mind, have made certain
that if any more “ego-termination books” were to
appear in this advanced age, such were to dawn a
vastly different look and feel! They were to contain an
energy essence, that, on a powerful level, would
reflect what the seeking masses can presently
resonate with and feel good about pondering—having
cleanly exited the emptiness of all that went before!
Among such are the Fun “pink” Vedanta books
that have made their happy entrance upon the Play
Stage of the Earth Drama Divine in this time!
All are finished—done—with contradictive
mist—hence, the dizziness that attended their journey
through the maze of nowhere and nothingness!

Amusing it is to note, that The Mind Infinite in
Its collective capacity, while being the composer of
the All of Dream—inclusive of every last book of the
same, as well enjoys the fun of designating some as
nurturers of the ego, while others to its dethroning!
The human of dream appears to heap much credit for
this and that upon itself and yet in the final analysis —
there is no human to take credit for ought!
What a Show! What an incredible and harmless
Fabrication of this and that causing much which could
never be, to appear as though it does! The Grand Story
of the Exodus from the prison of the unreal and the
return to That Bliss World from which none ever
really left, will be told to its Glorious Finish!

Oh Earth Drama Divine, Joyous cast of God Mind,

loving genius I AM, eternally so fine.
Contrary to appearances, harm comes to no one, all
beings of the Real never had so much fun!

More than this—there is no further

explanation of the pink book utterances!

Correspondence with a Beloved

Friday/Saturday March 9th/10th, 2018
NYC/Anjuna Goa India

Once again, these sayings are never uttered as

so-called "teachings"—with the intention that
someone "out there" get them, and have their life
enhanced thereby! There is no such "out there" and
for certain, none exist to ever get their lives enhanced
by "learning" something from someone else!
All Real Beings Are the Magnificent Eternal
Knower of the Boundless All that Is Itself! Among
Such there are none who imagine they have more
wisdom than others—neither are there any who
perceive they lack ought and seek for others to supply
their need!
These joyous utterances are only and always
about Celestial Entertainment, hence, constitute—
only in part—a happy Self-Expression of the never-
ceasing Fun and Play of the Mind Absolute—which is
the Mind of us all!
And notwithstanding that these sayings appear
within the realm of the make-believe, such are dimly-
but joyously comprehendible alone to dream minds
that are on the brink of role-termination, ie., their
irreversible demise! Such are the Fun dynamics of Our
Earth Play Divine!

Finding Our Banyan Tree

It's all truly as you just said—in a few words—
We Know that the entirety of the Universe is rigged in
our favor! (Rumi paraphrased) Yes! yes! yes!
You know, I got pondering again—as long as
people cling to matrix disinformation-that teaches
that the Infinite intelligence is always "testing"
them—and that the way-divine is to suffer hardship
in order to fulfill one's purpose in life—their un-
reality can only reflect more and more of those same
unhappy scenarios! Hence, to retain the slave mind
(human mind/ego) is to continue the hopeless slave—
fulfilling one purpose only—namely, the building of
another man's castle with their own sweat and tears!
The Loving Intelligence of the Boundless
Universe—which is Our True Blissful Self—does not
toy around playing stupid games like that in this
Grand Earth Show! It's the matrix system alone that
teaches such treachery in order to maintain total
imbalance and keep the gullible common masses
enslaved to the greedy whims of the elite few!!
Apparently—such is the way of the entrapping matrix
of earth!
And yet, if this is indeed the whole picture—one
would assume the distinct impression that the
matrix—or false global educational network—having
utterly infiltrated every department of life—is the
great enemy of the common masses—and must
somehow be exposed and dismantled!
Thus many teach and thus many believe! But
this view is as futile as the horse trying to get the
apple while racing down the track that's dangling only
two feet in front of it, from a pole that's attached to
The matrix is not the enemy of human
existence—for such is but a projected illusory decoy
by the very consciousness that affirms human
existence to be real!
So-called human problems don't vanish by
doing battle with the "matrix" without! Apparent
human problems end only by the vanishing of that
mind which declares—humans are real! Such is the
nature of the Fun Earth Story Divine!
Not until that matrix-mind vanishes does the
Real Sole Freedom Mind appear in its place! To This
Bliss Mind the matrix is but a silly illusion that never
existed in reality—much less has the capability to
over-power and manipulate an imaginary human
Such constitutes Exotic Cosmic Entertainment,
and We laugh and are highly amused by it all! None of
it is real! We know—indeed, We are the Sole Knower!
It’s all Our Fun Movie—where none are ever really
born, become sad, get hurt, sick, or die!
It is apparently real—only to an imaginary
human ego/mind—and this is so because We made it
to be the Way of Our Story—but still, it’s unreal to its
very core!
That's why so-called "un-awake" humans
appear to be destined to maintain a hard and
depressed life in the Story! But again—none of this is
real! The "Awakened" Ones Alone Know this! And
hilariously enough, there's really no one existing who
doesn't know this! Hence, there aren't really any
awakened ones either! There's only Sleepless Pure
Infinite Mind! All that Is, is That! The One Mind! Our
Mind! It's simply the nature of the Play that so-called
"un-awake" entities Therein role-acting, are never
capable of distinguishing between what's real and
what's not!
And of course—there's no such thing as an un-
awake or an awakened human—for there is no such
thing as a human to begin with!
There's only Eternally Radiating Originless and
Endless Absolute Reality Beings and We all Are That!
Indeed, nothing else Is Being! Such is the nature of
Our Earth Play Divine and the Absolute Joy of Our
Glorious Entertainment Thereby!
We are dedicated to the Joyous exposure of the
seeming "cause" of the unhappiness issuing from the
detrimental practice of identifying with a false life,
reality, its beliefs, and their projection—an erroneous
education system—the matrix that also seems to
perpetuate such!
But it's like a mad inescapable circle- where one
knows not whether the matrix caused the
consciousness or the consciousness caused the
matrix! They both seem true and yet they both are
false! One factor alone gave apparent reality to both--
namely The Grand Story Script!
And joy of joys—We do our Fun writings alone
from the happy Observation Point of Divine Loving
Blissful Mind—That One Real Mind that Knows and
Sees All and Is the Real All that It Sees!
And of a certainty, We know there's no world
or people to save! Hence, nothing at all to be serious
about! Real Living Beings are all that Truly Exist! All
Such constitute Divine Loving Mind—the I AM of
Infinity! None Such require being saved from aught!
All Such Know is Timeless Joyous Life, Bliss,
Abundance of every possible description, and the
Endless Adventurous Fun that We Eternally have and
Our great joy is simply the writing of the Story
and the apparent awakenings Thereof as each
transpires at the exact scripted timing that each of Us
Real Beings Pre-set for our very own unreal shadow-
selves that are enacting these roles—from the utterly
ridiculous to the angelic—upon Our Earth Stage
Divine! These shadow beings only "seem" to be alive
and to be so utterly trapped and en-tranced under the
matrix spell encased in an unreal world of pain!
Impossible that any of this could ever be real!
We are Always rejoicing immensely when one
by one— seeming awakenings happen and another so-
called human mind/ego-the separation glutton—has
dropped! And We—as the Sole Loving Mind of Infinity
behind that very unreal human shadow—appear to
take its place!
No greater joy than this is Ours as We behold
the exciting unfolding of the Story transpiring within
Our Great Cosmic Play of Earth! We've all heard the
saying: (and of course, We never wonder where it
came from-haha) "life is what happens when people
are busy making other plans!"
How true it is—in the Play, that is—that
humans always appear as busy, busy, busy, making
this plan and that plan and thinking of going here and
doing that! And on and on and on! And obviously, they
haven't a clue regarding what everything's really all
about pertaining to their selves and their world! And
yet, they seem clear that there's much trouble and
chaos on every hand! According to the Celestial Story-
it's an on-going battle just to survive! Still humans are
busy, busy, busy, and exponentially so as "time"
elapses—planning this and that, and all in a constant
struggle to keep afloat!
Then—because it's scripted so—earth entities
begin taking inventory of their life situation! What a
menacing and disturbing picture this is to behold!!
Hence the quest begins—to know what's "really"
going on here! But here too—the matrix teaching—or
the mind that projects the matrix and its teachings—
has the answer—so it claims! It says—go join this
temple or that church or read that book or this one!
Or go sit at the feet of this wise teacher or that one!
And—oh yes—start embracing varying hallucinogenic
assistance which will really help you! And on and on
and on it goes!
One seems to have come from the arena of
busying their self via their own thought guidance- but
now are dialed into the "exterior" guidance system!
But life doesn't seem to get one whit easier or
happier! The cold fact is—it gets only worse by leaps
and bounds! More inventory seems to be needed
now—more than ever! At this stage, one feels driven
to make a clean break from and abandon all "outer"
babbling that has proven not merely not to be
helpful—but only an increased chaotic distraction
Resorting to the silence is the only area of
interest now! Jumping clear out of the useless boxes
of churches, temples, books, meetings, and gurus—the
whole works—is now the way! Finding one's own
"banyan tree" Is the sole importance now!
Of a certainty, the Script will lead to the End!—
The end of nothingness—in order that the Real
Blissful Everything take its place! Apparently!
Life "seemed" to happen only when the
busyness of making other plans ceased! One business

only has the non-mind—to be busy making other
plans so long as such appears to survive!

Oh play divine ever so fine,

the way out of nothing is losing one's mind!

Another Fun Dialog With A NYC

March 17/18, 2018 NYC/Goa India
Yeah, I just feel my mind and my heart and my
life opening up more and more rapidly. It's awesome.
It's also very freeing. I no longer care what people
think or what is considered normal or even what
anyone else is doing. I am focused on myself and my
joy and expansion
And only as We Live Our Real and True Divine
Blissful Self (which We really never do otherwise), are
we a most Radiant influence, and apparently trigger
all around us to hunger for the same!
Isn't that just Beautiful and so Awesome!
We as I AM, constitute a seeming influential
Energy to all egos to utterly vanish and drop so that
the True I AM Self of all others will be manifest in
their stead1 It’s as if We were the Sun that melts the
morning mist everywhere we are and go!
What a Beautiful Divine Show is transpiring on
Planet Earth! We are such incredibly Awesome Super

Beautiful and awesome for sure! Every day it
gets more awesome!
I know! Everybody wants to be doing what
they Love—Always! When the ego—the fabulous
human mind, that settles and resigns itself to remain
an unhappy and depressed slave, invariably doing
what it detests, is dropped, only I AM—the True
Blissful Self—remains as ever It Is, which is the Doer
of all that It loves, and Loves all that It does—Always!
I wish everyone was doing what they love, all
the time! How different would their lives be then! I
am just so grateful I've come to know this, or
remember this, since that knowledge was always
inside me
Yes! This is The Absolute Truth and It is
Magnificent! Such is utterly beyond any human mind
to fathom! We are Divine I AM Beings that never had
beginning and can never have ending!
We are not human beings enslaved in an
illusion matrix—which is simply the ego’s projection
of what life is! Most certainly—that’s not the truth!
Get rid of ego and all human imperfection and
misery everything—is gone too! No ego—no real
matrix! Only Bliss and Abundance of simply
Everything! Yes! This is our Divine Self-Knowing that
has been with Us and as Us throughout Timeless
The ego gone, and all that remains is Our
Blissful Abundant Happy Fun-loving Beautiful Self!
Yes just our blissful loving self! How beautiful!

Yes—Beautiful beyond description! This is Who
and What All Beings Truly and Eternally Are!
The Fun Divine Play is simply portraying a
hilarious Story where we, as Infinite Beings,
apparently forgot (which is utterly impossible for us
to really do—we just do it in a pretend way for the
Movie’s sake, just like the Hollywood Stars do)—Our
True Cosmic Identity—and eventually recover it back
again! What a Fun Story! What a Magnificent Divine
Movie —and we all are Its Grand Super Stars! Yay!
What glorious Awards are awaiting us all when
the Movie is done! Better than the Gramy's, Emmy’s,
or Oscar's (Academy Awards) of Hollywood!
Won't that be a lot of fun!!!!! And we will all be
together forever ❤❤❤❤❤ I am very grateful for
you…! I so enjoy our chats!
I so love our chats too, I am grateful for them
and You beyond words! OM Shanti!

More on Role Termination

There is but one Way in which one would
possibly and in the truest sense, rise from a bed of so-
called “death” in the dream—namely, as a result of
individual role termination at the Cue of Divinity.
This has absolutely nothing to do with an act of a
human will choosing or creating a “belief” shift within
a so-called human mind—that is, from viewing Life
and Reality as an exterior fact and temporary
“possession” to viewing It as All that Actually and
Eternally Is, and saying: “I am That!”

Only at role termination does the unreal belief-
shifting mind vanish without a trace, and all that’s left
is the One Omnipresent Mind which always and
Immutably Is I-Am-That-I-Am! Such Mind taking up
residence in the place of the ego or human mind
preserves the dream body instantly from further
aging, disease, and death. Such occurs not by a human
mind act, but alone by Divine Cuing at the pre-
determined moment established in the Cosmic Play
Script. This is the Way of My Divine Cosmic Play—
saith the Alone One.

No one in the dream can do aught for

themselves nor for another, much less raise
themselves from a so-called bed of death by an
alteration of belief! No one in the dream can even
“start” with Reality and think to exit the dream world
thereby. No one exits the dream into Reality period,
for none therein do really exist!

All Reality Beings are Originless and Endless

Beings. To Such Boundless Throng, nothing can be
added nor subtracted Therefrom. None Such did ever
or could ever cease from being That which They
Immutably and Eternally Are. And therefore, the idea
of someone being “out there” who is on a return path
thereto is less than meaningless!

Teachers within the dream are without number.

All such know only the promotion of mythical
methods and belief systems of every conceivable
description. Such are designed to persuade other
dreamers that they can, via so-called new revelatory
dogma, create a more comfortable and hopeful dream
for themselves as well as eventually attaining thereby
a place called heaven. All such comes to naught and
was destined to utterly fail from its bogus inception.
Such are the inexhaustible devices of the ego of
dream! Divine Mind knows this not! That is, Divine
Mind does not operate as such in a make-believe
dream world. Divine Mind always has All that It Is!
Eternally It is Its own Supply! It does not manifest or
bring aught forth into form—It is all Form Now and

Hence, Masters do not demonstrate magical

powers to instantly have in hand all they desire
within a dream world setting enticing unreal
dreamers to think they can do likewise. Masters have
no “magical” powers! Such are simply and always
being their Beautiful and Divine Omnipotent Selves!
Masters always Live and Play in Reality Absolute!
This Reality Realm is where and What all Light Beings
or so-called Masters Are. Here is where all Real
Beings live, even those who constitute the Reality
Beings behind each and every actor and actress of the
world of dream. Here Everyone is the Master! There
is no there where Masters are not!
Masters never tell dreamers that they can and
will perform the works or exercise the seeming
powers that Masters do. But rather, All who presently
perform the Works of The Bliss Life have Eternally
done so. No one “begins” to be God! Hence, there is
never a being in existence, much less one whom the
Masters would recognize as capable of “beginning” to
live the Master or God-Life and perform the Joyous
Works of the Same! No part of Almighty God ever
ceased to be God or to do the fun works thereof. And
therefore, the notion that “someone” exists who can
“begin” or “return” to being God and do the Works
Thereof, is non-sensical dream mist only! Never is
there such a thing as a survivor of dream! When
dreams, with all participants and pictures thereof
vanish, only the Dreamer or the One projecting such
remains, entirely unaffected by the unreality of
God or Divine Mind never entertains the idea
that His and Her Reality Domain needs re-forming or
enhancing! The Boundless Harmony of the Realm of
the Real is only and Eternally Immutable Glorious
Joyous Bliss! Nothing could possibly diminish from
Such nor be added Thereto!

Concepts of Mind are never comprehended by

dream or human consciousness. Such profundity
would only be warped about and utilized to support
the world of illusion. The few sayings offered by Such
are guaranteed to pass into the annals of obscurity in
the twinkling of an eye. The reason for this is plain.
Divine Mind or Consciousness can only affirm—

There are none lost, ill, or ignorant. All is Immutable

and Joyous Perfection Absolute! Consequently, none are
there to be saved, healed, or instructed.

Dream consciousness treats such phenomenal
mentality with utter disdain. For the apparent reality
of the dream mind knows and sees only what appears
to be the opposite.

It stands to reason in the dream, that anyone

who conveys a message or writes a book concerning
the healing of the diseased masses or instructing the
ignorant with so-called newly discovered or revealed
enlightening methods or dogma (alleging to apply
Truth to the problems of dream), will be applauded by
fellow dreamers and lecture halls and books of this
nature are certain to be in great demand. In
measureless mass, dreamers stand in line eager to
learn from others what next they must do.

The ego or mind of dream sees only human

existence and the so-called human predicament. So
long as human mind survives, mechanisms beyond
number will continue being instituted to extract
dollars from the masses—all in the interest of healing
the multiplicity of diseases and educating or
enlightening the ignorant. In spite of the fact that
generation after generation passes with hardly any
noticeable impact being made for the betterment of
society—still the ego mind hesitates to inquire:

“Why isn’t there any truly commensurate

change? Why is it that there are just as many—yea,
and even an onslaught of new diseases cropping up all
the time? And how can it be, that, after the compiled
noble efforts of sincere and caring souls through age
after age, little genuine fruit can be seen, and the
present-day humanity appear sicker, more
degenerate, and more violently inclined than ever? “

Around and around goes the ego in a dizzy

maze unknown even to itself! Such is the Way of The
Great Divine Play!

When the consciously ascended (for lack of a

better term) Jesus, who was not at all comprehended
by the illusion of human existence, ventured in a
private conversation to touch upon the concept of
Spirit birth, the renowned teacher of dream—
Nicodemus by name—was utterly baffled! And even
though Jesus gave absolutely not a hint as to how this
new birth was to be accomplished, millions upon
millions have, over the centuries, given lecture upon
lecture and written books without number assaying
to explain to others in the dream how Spirit birth is to
be achieved. Such is the way of so-called (hu)-man
whose breath is in his nostrils! Only one indisputable
difference is clearly evident: the masses of gullible
common people have fewer dollars left in their
pockets and nothing to show for it save a deepened
sense of exasperation and a highly depressional-
based state of confusion.

Jesus essentially said: “If you can’t get to first

base trying to figure out how you came to experience
your so-called flesh or physical birth, then wisdom
befits you to forget trying to figure out what Spirit
birth signifies and how to acquire such.”
All that was offered by this cosmic being was:

“The wind blows where it will; you can hear its

sound and observe its effects, but you cannot tell from
whence it comes nor where it goes. So are all Spirit

Only at the individual termination of one’s

acting role in the realm of the unreal, which is, in the
Divine Play Script predetermined for all, is it finally
“There is nothing left to think about or to be
done. The quest for what’s next, I now utterly
Then instantly the acknowledged of such
disappears without a trace and only the Entity of
Spirit remains as ever Such Timelessly Is!. This is
stage-one role termination in the Grand Play of
Dream. Such may be referred to as consciously
ascending out of the Divine Play. Hence, Spirit birth
and Consciousness ascension obviously are

All the great teachers of the dream to date, have

attempted to educate or enlighten the human mind
showing clearly they were of the same mind. The
human mind cannot—now or ever—be educated and
learn what is Truth. Such mind must dissolve leaving
not a trace. There is no alternate resolve! Truth is
always apart from the illusion of dream. And yet,
Truth always appears to be instantly Present in the
place of a dissolved ego of dream. The reason why the
Truth of Spirit birth or Being, cannot be taught is
simple. All who actually exist have Eternally been
Spirit Beings and will Forever and Immutably remain
the Same. Hence, no one exists to teach, much less
any to evolve thereby into the Divine State.

The answer my friend, is blowin in the wind,

The answer is blowin in the wind.”
Bob Dylan

To Speak or Not To Speak

To site the old flat earth theory as an
erroneous and outdated myth and to utilize such as a
comparison and a catapult to write volumes affirming
that there is only Consciousness and Reality Absolute
and that time never began—even on an illusion or
dream basis—and that to believe in and accept this
Reality as all that Is of All there is, admonishing that
this is the Truth for Now, and then to live in
conformity with such would indeed be a wonderful

However, to speak and write of the peerless

beauty of Reality Absolute and then continue to get
older, sicker, and eventually die—all in a weird
paradigm called time, seems to be synonymous with
one dreaming he is falling off the edge of the flat earth
even after the knowing is solidly in place that it is

Assuredly, there is a Divine Play in session and
within the so-called 3-d Play of Dream there is the
element called time. Yes, its all an unreal paradigm to
the hilt, nevertheless, its very much in motion on the
Universal or Divine Cosmic Screen. Even all the books
combined which testify saying there is no dream, are
among the powerful validating evidences that the
Dream is indeed very present! The more one labors
to discredit the Divine Event of Dream the more—
guess what happens? You’ve guessed it!

Certain it is that wherever there is a reluctance

to admit the fact of the Great Cosmic Play, teachers
and healers are the order of the day. The reason for
this is plain. Movie spectators are never motivated to
alter or re-direct the film they are viewing. Obviously,
such would be effort to no profitable end. However
just the reverse is true when there is a recognition on
some level, of the so-called ignorant and ill among
one’s peers in every day life, no matter that one’s
Reality Absolute presentation is contrary.

What, pray tell, is the object of such teaching if

indeed it makes not a wit of difference or alteration in
one’s experience in this realm where all such
discussions and books are made? If certain amongst
us appear to be lifted beyond the stronghold of the
seemingly unidentifiable illusion matrix—that is, out
of apparent aging, subjugation to disease and death
now, then there seems to be great wisdom for others
who have similar aspirations to take special note.
Otherwise words are simply a jumble having no
sensible end and there isn’t the slightest profit for any
to listen thereto!

If it is recognized that there is no such thing as

decay and death in Timelessness or Reality Absolute,
but only Joyous and Originless and Endless Bliss (and
obviously this so), and then to continue suffering
degradation and death in an unexplainable strange
dimension, wouldn’t such be commensurate to not
daring to venture on the high seas even after others
had done so and reported back that the earth was
indeed round and not flat at all?

The bottom line is this—if one’s “new”

understanding makes not an iota of change and fails
to be assimilated or incorporated into one’s life
experience, what then, is the point of speaking such to
any others? The notion referred to as faith, that is, the
idea that one must believe and hope to the future for
change out of darkness into Light, out of death into
Life, is less than worthless! Be assured that whatever
is not a reality in the Now is incapable of being such in
any so-called future! There is no future!

Masters do not promote idle tales, but rather all

Such Are Now all that they speak! All are to
experience Mastership in the here and now! The Fact
is, all are actually experiencing Entire Mastership in the
here and Now! But to hope for Such and be
comfortable to expect It in a so-called future is futile!
All actors/actresses within the Play will come to think
not in regard to this as well as every other
consideration in the Dream. Such is simply another
name for role termination where the dream waiter
and hoper dissolves without a trace and all that’s left
is The Divine Master in all Its Radiant Expression as
Always It Immutably and Eternally Is!

The Mosquito—Prime Symbol

Human Existence
The mosquito is dark in color and so is more
easily disguised in the murky shadows in which it
lurks. Such is an exploitive night predator. This subtle
creature does not seek permission to suck the life-
blood from its prey. But rather, and out of shear
desperation for its own survival, it indiscriminately
attaches itself to its subject not merely sucking the life
energy therefrom, but also injecting the same with an
irksome venom, which, in some cases, through the
transfer of a harmful virus, is said to claim the very
life of its prey.
Similarly, is the function of all who claim to be
human! Humans live only to survive as long as they
can any way that they can! For all the lack and chaos
in their lives, others are always to be blamed! All such
begin in death, journey in death and end in the same!
A miserable existence throughout! Such misery loves
and attracts but one thing only—namely, the
company of other like-depressed creatures and can
never be happy in the presence of aught besides!
Nothing of this nature ever did or could actually exist
The Colorful Butterfly—The
Prime Symbol of
The God-Being
The colorful and glittering butterfly harms
nothing and seeks naught from anyone. Such appears
to live for one purpose only, namely, to give of its love
and entertain with its radiant beauty. In this way the
fairy of the air brings a joyous cheerfulness into the
hearts of its myriad admirers. It flutters about and
dances quietly and so gracefully in the either then
glides gently downward to lite upon and plant its kiss
of love upon the tender and beautiful flower. Love it
gives and love it receives! All who behold are touched
with a peaceful gladness comparable to nothing.
Such is the Life of God—that is, all Beings that Truly
Exist. Besides Such, nothing is!

Accompanying Concepts from

Alfred Aiken’s book—
Spending thousands of years in the business of being
human has accomplished nothing in Fact, for there is
no Truth in humanity. No thing and no one is man.
There has never been a race of mortals, any more
than there has been a flat earth. Spirit only, is Infinite,
All, for the entire duration of Everpresent Eternity. p

The human sense is so void of Intelligence, of Truth

that it unhesitatingly assumes that God is responsible.
Nay, its assumption becomes a positive conviction
that this is the case! Ignorance, human sense, never
doubts its own authenticity, the validity of its
nonsense, because being utterly without Truth,
without Intelligence, its fiction is fact to it. It has no
Reality with which it can compare. Its ways-many are
but divisions of itself. Its extremes are but opposite
ends of the same falsehood. p112
It is not human toil and labor that accomplishes aught
in Truth. Struggle, strife, battling has never yet won
Heaven. If it could have done so, would it not have
become universal after lo, these many eons during
which it has been tried? Would not peace, plenty,
security and joy be the norm? But these are Real only
to the One who is still, and knows “that I am God.” (Ps
46:10.) This Awareness is a peace that is beyond any
so-called human comprehension.

Humanity being but a belief without a believer, has

kept itself so rushed in its foolish effort to carve out a
living for itself, so occupied mopping the sweat from
its face, so utterly in ignorance as to the nature and
meaning of Wealth or Supply, that it has no time for
Peace, no inkling of Heaven and happiness. In fact, no
human can ever enjoy Heaven, for there is no human,
and never was.
To pray to God as man, a human, a sinning mortal
assuming that Truth will meet or help to solve the
problem of being human, is to work in darkness—is to
sow to the wind and reap the whirlwind. (See Hos
9:7.) Such prayer or request is always based on
duality, supposition, superstition and is void of Truth,
hence does not and cannot reveal the affluence, the
magnitude of your unfathomable abundance. The
Infinite-I-Am-Intelligence knows nothing of finite
prayer or of the one praying thus. God’s business is to
be the Alone One without another, and God attends to
His business without interruption. He(/She) has no
other business and no other business has Him—no
other business exists, God being all.

That which believes it must beg Truth to be truthful,

Omnipresence to be present, Intelligence to be
intelligent is not the I that is God, the I-that-I-Am—is
not My I-Identity. Such a request stems from the
myth that there is another beside the One-Alone-
Infinity, the All-Good-Presence, God. Such a request
may be assumed to be true prayer, and there may be
sufficient faith in its utterance that what is requested
may materialize after the manner in which it is
expected, but there is no God in it. The results of faith
may appease the hunger for a time; may seem to fill
the vacuum of nothingness which gave it rise, but
ultimately faith will not be sufficient to meet the need.
Its believer is then left in a night without a star.

Truth does not depend on faith. pp 103,104

Is there an outside pressure bearing upon the Infinite-
One-I-Am? Is there danger of the Alone One being
swindled, depleted, lost? Can evil, stupidity, mortal
belief, darkness, Communism move in and take over,
ruin Unchanging Love, wreck God’s Infinite Affluence,
drive Mind into insanity, take Intelligence out of
circulation and place It in a concentration camp, a
body, a finite prison? Can ignorance rob and pillage
Substance, desecrate and destroy Spirit, stultify and
starve Infinite Power into submissiveness?

Can Awareness be taken prisoner, be subjected to

nuclear fission, be tortured into denying Truth? Can
Consciousness be invaded, driven out of Infinity, out
of Itself?

Can Existence be destroyed, Wealth burned, Soul laid

waste? Can Life be killed? Can aught finite,
dimensional, a self-constituted belief which has
neither God, Mind, Substance, Entity, nor Existence,
intrude itself upon the Infinite One and expunge
Truth? Who says so, and to whom do such questions
come? Is Intelligent Awareness, Self-Identity troubled
by such impossibilities? Never!

From this moment what Self are you going to claim—

the One that is yours, or the one that is not; that which
is One, or what is not One? Will you insist on being a
so-called human, a mortal, hence sick, sinning, lack-
weary? Will you deny your Self in order to claim that
you are man, a being cursed from inception to suffer
poverty, to struggle with limitation in all fields of
endeavor; a creature of confusions, doubt, duality,
indecision, darkness and despair; a creation of mist, of
a mythical deity, an animal urge, chemistry, and
subject to depression, disaster, disintegration,
disease, disorientation, destruction and ultimate

Are you now awake to who and what you are, awake
to your Self-identity? Are you rejoicing in God, in Life,
in Being the I that is, the All of all, the Omnipresent
Power that is Individually Identifying Itself as this
very Conscious Awareness, this All-inclusive
Intelligence I call “Me”—this Me besides whom I can
be no other? pp 101,102

Does Truth know aught of birth, frustration, disease,

struggle, privation, death? Can the victim of evil pray
himself up to God? Will God open the way of escape
from Satan’s trap? Did God ever promise that
whosoever prays to Him sincerely, will be answered?
Is prayer the only method, or system whereby one can
free himself of sin and its consequences? Carefully
consider these questions before answering them. Is
your answer based on a general acceptance of cause
and effect, or upon the Absolute Allness of Infinite
As a human, one’s sincerity or the length of time spent
in praying to a God who, as man he cannot know, will
not save him from going the way of all flesh, and
whereby his place shall know him no more. Because it
is so unnecessary, so futile, it makes the folly appear
doubly tragic, yet this pattern, with some modern
refinements, will seem the norm so long as one insists
on playing prodigal from the Self, clinging to human
identity; to cause and effect—a mythical deity, time,
separation, duality, biology and all included therein,
as the explanation of his being.
Do not be dismayed if the protests to these
pronouncements, or if the mutterings of anger rise in
pitch until they are like thunder. The lie, posing as
Truth, evades, voids and avoids that which reveals its

The proud intellect defends intellectualism lest its

theoretical foundation, its inconsistent compromise
and rationalization be exposed. The learned do not
like to appear ridiculous. The zealot does not like to
be entrapped by his zeal. The pious, the martyr, the
doer-of-good does not like to discover he has wasted
his years being prodigal, rooting among husks that
even the swine find useless. pp 64-66

To pray as man is to assume one has a lack of Good—

that some of Soul is missing (and this is exactly what
any lack implies, whether the lack appears to be of
health, money, friendship, tranquility or what). To
base one’s prayer on such an assumption or premise
is to deviate from Truth. The result is an enlarged
conviction of lack. To diverge from Reality at the
outset is to find the separation widening,
proportionate to its continuance. That is, the more
distant one assumes he is from God, the wider the
chasm will appear to be, but to whom? Can God know
aught of such separation? Can Infinite Intelligence
know of a divergence? Is there another life or mind
that can exist, separate from the Alone Present
Existence, the All-being One?
Can God hear a man’s prayer? Can Infinite
Intelligence be aware of finite assumption? Can that
which Is, be cognizant of the personality, shape, size,
location, movement, form or manifestation of that
which never is? Can Truth assist that which is not?
Can what-will-never-be receive help, succor,
salvation, emancipation from the Perpetual, Real, all-
inclusive Being? Can God include or be aware of a
spot within Himself where He (/She) is not?

No, God cannot hear a finite declaration of His (/Her)

absence; cannot be influenced by personal
supplication or assumption; cannot change from
being the All that He (/She) Eternally Is to satisfy
ignorance (which is not!) from presuming He (/She)
is not. Wisdom cannot become stupid, cannot reverse
Itself, cannot depart from the Total Being It is, in
order to acknowledge and fulfill the requests or
behests of foolishness. Life cannot stop death because
in Life there is no end, no termination, no start-stop
cycle. The Fact that Life is forever means that death is
never. The Truth that God is Infinite, One Alone,
means there is no duality to overcome, no devil, evil
or error, no sin or guilt to be corrected, set-right or
cast out. Perfection is Eternally Perfect, without
variance or dissimulation. pp 185,186

Prayer as a human attitude is worthless in Reality.

Human supplication or adoration, attempting to
bargain with Infinite Intelligence, or being
informative, never reaches the Divine ear. Love being
All of All leaves nothing human, hence no human
prayer can be answered. That which is not, cannot be
nurtured, supported, aided or rescued. That which
God Is, is never absent, never in need of improvement,

never imperfect in any way, hence does not require
saving, being already Eternally safe and secure.

To state that humanity and its shortcomings are

outside the pale of Mind may seem cruel, but is it? Is
it discouraging to dishonesty, cruel or unkind to
deceit, to ignorance or assumption, to call it by name
and treat it as it deserves? Does one wrong evil by
giving to God all the honor, glory and power that
belongs to God? Would it be Right to ignore God in
order to wait upon presumption, humanity, disease,
evil? Is mortality of such importance that Life must
be sacrificed to make room for it? Is lack so lovely
that Intelligence can be eschewed, while a shrine is
erected and the limitation served, hence worshipped?
Is fear and suffering so glorious that they deserve
your undivided attention, Spirit meanwhile being held
in abeyance or cast aside? Where is God,
Omnipotence, identified while these imposters are in
your every awareness? Is mythical finite man so
fascinating that Omnipresence can be by-passed so
one can blindly serve this nonsense? pp 174,175

To pray to a god, a deity out beyond somewhere—to a

power that is removed from the Self—is duality. Of
course, no human can pray otherwise, for humanity is
based on the assumption of a god or creator, and of a
man or creation which is subject thereto. Humanity,
manhood, creation, father-mother-child—this is
theological teaching which permeates every form of
thought-taking in the world today. It is duality, hence
any attempt to escape it by practicing its format, is
impossible. When the premise is wrong, the
conclusion must be wrong. A continuance of wrong
does not set one right. All the devout faith, sincere
practice, innocent adherence or mad insistence
cannot make nothing into something, or un-Truth
become Truth.

So-called prayer in the field of duality, the limits of

religion, the constrictions of theology, the agony of
fear and privation, the toils of disease and anguish,
are predicated on a petitioner and the One to whom
the petition is directed. Most humans term the
petitioned one “God,” but a human’s deity is actually
but a superior human, a man; a man-made, man-
authorized power supposed to reside outside of him,
out in the great beyond somewhere. He thinks of his
god as being capable of making him suffer, allowing or
permitting him to suffer—nay, in fact demanding that
he suffer for his own good; that his god can be
persuaded to intervene, if properly asked, and that he
will, under certain conditions, attitudes, or promises
made by the sufferer, set aside his plan for him; that
his god can be cruel, vindictive, revengeful, jealous,

Duality is confusion throughout. It is the babel of

present-day materiality—the threat of wars, of
bombs, of disease, of lack, of governmental
usurpation, of competition, of false ideology and
mental domination through malpractice and brain
washing, or death. Its only hope for identity or
classification depends upon a successful refutation of
Truth; upon keeping Reality hidden; upon the
petitioner or believer remaining confused and
God, Life as Omnipresent Perfection does not exist to
human belief with its multiplicity of demands, lacks,
irritations, misidentifications. Why? Because to the
human sense there are many individuals, minds, wills,
determinations, histories, sins and intentions. Duality
cannot exist save it conceives a multitude of lords
many and gods many. If duality could ever behold
Oneness, in that instant its very foundation would be
wiped out. But it (ignorance, belief, supposition, evil)
can never know Truth, for Truth is Solitary, Whole,
One Complete Being without another, while duality is
always two or more.
Yes, God is One, whether called Power, Presence,
Mind, Life, Action or what. To this All-inclusive One,
this All-embracing Entirety there can be no lack or
excess, no need for more or less of Himself (or
Herself) than already is, for Infinite Spirit is Totality,
Universal Substance—the Absolute in Intelligence,
Endless Perfect Life and Its own full and completely
satisfying Self-manifestation forever. This I that I Am
is never human, never mortal, never a sinner, sick,
dying or dead man. Mind can experience and be, act
in accordance with and know only Its own Full
Present Awareness. Whatever suggests or pictures a
contrary state is utterly void of Reality, Authority or
Power, hence in the light of Truth can be dismissed
instantly and permanently. Truth leaves no possible
“other” mind, no ignorant petitioner who needs aught,
nor aught in need anywhere. Truth excludes the
possibility of there being a lack of Truth anywhere, a
place where Intelligence is not, an absence or poverty
of Consciousness, a dearth of Good which must be
brought to the Divine attention. pp 171-174

God is all, and all is as God wills it. There is no thing

else, whether creation, children of God, children of
men, offspring of the senses or what—there is no
offspring, no addition beside whether good or bad,
legitimate or illegitimate, known or unknown. There
is only God Present, Infinitely Individual, the Sole I of
All, the Sole-I. God has not fallen from Himself, not
changed sides, not altered from His(/Her) Changeless,
Unchallenged Entirety, Infinity, All-inclusiveness.
His(/Her) will to be all of all is Inviolate, Uncensured,
Unbetrayed, Unabated, Unadulterated, Unaltered,
Uncontested, Uncompromised, and Inescapably
Omnipresent for Eternity, the Forever Now. What I-
Am wills Is; nothing can be added to God, nothing can
be taken from God. pp 146

Courteous reflections Regarding

Alfred Aiken
Alfred Aiken was said to have passed in the late
1960's. However, it is improbable that any literary
works—up to and including this present time in the
context of dream—exceed in accuracy regarding the
nature of Reality Absolute as expressed in his volume
entitled—Now. For this reason this volume sustains a
distinct value at present. Such is contributable alone

to the delightful uniqueness of The Script of Divinity!

However, and of which many readers become

aware, there is a substantial contradiction present
within Alfred’s reasoning and writing content! The
contradiction being that, while on the one hand, he
powerfully asserts that a human race is utterly non-
existent—-he, on the other hand, spent the lion-share
of his conscious endeavor—-which shows up
distinctly in all his writings—admonishing these non-
existent entities to “start” or “begin” with “Reality” in
order to break the spell and return or awaken to and
as that Joyous Consciousness from which it is
impossible that any ever depart! No fictitious figment
of dream ever did could or will jump thru the illusion
barrier of its unreality and be amazed to find itself in
participation in the waking reality together with he or
she who projected such into their night dream!
Likewise, no so-called human ever did could or will
leap out of the mirage world of humanhood into the
Realm of the Real!

Earth entities in the Cosmic Dream are not

real! None therefore can awaken as Divine Mind or
Reality Absolute! Reality Absolute is Immutable
Completeness—always was and always will be!
Never can anything or one be added thereto nor be
taken therefrom! Unreal earth entities simply role
terminate and thus totally disappear—first in mind
then in body. In other words, there is nothing left
after role termination to accept or become something
else—much less God! God is always God! No part of
God ever descended in order to require ascending
back to Its Divine State!

Such is an utter absurdity! All Reality Beings

behind every make-believe earth role are God!
Besides Divine Mind—- Nothing is! Hence, where is
the occasion and who exists to admonish? Such is the
unique silliness of the Script Divine
Alfred remained to the very last a teacher of
dream beings, indicating clearly that he himself never
fully departed from human dream consciousness or
experienced what may be referred to as mind
ascension. He did not see the Big Picture (simply
another term indicative of the unique significance of
pre-determined role termination) or else he never
could have appeared to have died in the human
dream. Such is the path of the mind called human.
The so-called human intellect remains determined to
the very last to blaze a way to evolve out of or survive
the unreality of dream when no survival of such is
ever possible! Teachers in the dream of human
existence pride themselves as being way-showers. But
in the final analysis, all that such apparently amounts
to is naught other than merely more glorified and
bewitching paths leading only to death and the grave!
This and this alone, constitutes the primary ¨warp¨ of
so-called human consciousness within the Play of
Dream. This too, is by no means contrary to the Script
Divine. Of an absolute Truth—the Eternal Seer alone
sees the Big Picture! No other seer exists!
Mr. Aiken did not role terminate simply because
he was not scheduled to do so in that time—like so
many others in the so-called time-line of dream.
However, never can such condition be laid at the door
of neglect with any entity of dream. This would be an
utter impossibility! No performing artist therein is
real enough to be responsible for aught! There is no
actual respond-ability going on anywhere upon the
Stage of Dream! Everything is in strict conformity
with the Script Divine. Nothing can possibly deviate
one iota from This Script.

Alfred himself made the following candid

observation: “If what appears to be an Alfred Aiken
should ‘appear to die,’ it would be an argument of an
Alfred Aiken mind. But, if there is an Alfred Aiken
mind, then God is a liar! Every slightest trouble
‘experienced’ by Alfred Aiken has to come by way of a
so-called Aiken mind, a murderer from its beginning,
for that ‘beginning’ is not, in Truth! Pertaining to an
Aiken mind (or whatever you call your body), there is
no Truth in it; when it speaks, it speaks a lie, for it is a
‘liar and the father thereof.’ Is this clear?” (Selected
Forums on Absolute Reality Series 1, p110).

The present however, is a radically different

time! It is the Grand Finale Time in the Divine Earth
Play! That's why there is clarity abounding on the
dream plane such as was never at any previous time
in the Play. But mark well—this is not to say that
dream entities need clarity to awaken! Dreamers do
not awaken! All such simply role terminate or utterly
disappear on Cue, and in strict conformity with the
pre-design of the Script Divine!
It all comes down to one bottom line—dream
beings are not real and therefore can neither be
taught much less be morphed into Divine Beings or
Eternity! All human dream teachers know one
thing—namely, to teach other dreamers their finite
human notions, and this is termed Truth Teaching! It
never was nor ever will be such! It’s the same with
healing in the dream—all such has less than nothing
to do with what is Real! The fact is—teaching and
healing endeavors can have but one apparent effect in
the dream, namely, to perpetuate ignorance and
disease therein. Such also is in precise accordance
with the Script of the glorious Divine Play. That to
which one devotes his undivided attention is certain
to be perpetuated thus intensified—whether it be the
illusion of imperfection or the Glorious Reality of
Universal Perfection. Such is the way of the Great
Cosmic Play!

Of a surety, never is there any healing or

teaching necessary or feasible in Reality Absolute!
Divine Mind Is Reality Absolute! Divine Mind Is
Perfection Absolute! Divine Mind Is Originless and
Endless Wholeness and Joyous Intelligence Absolute!
There is Only Divine Mind, naught else exists!

Therefore, when Divine Mind takes up

residence in a Consciousness aspect, within a role
terminated dream body in the Play, the central ear
mark of such is that never is there any attempt to
teach or heal the unreality of dream! Such was the
experience of Jesus and all others who terminated
their role as a human mind entity! Never were they
again involved in teaching or healing endeavors in the
Dream, for the mind that saw only imperfection was
no more! Hence the saying: “let the dead bury the
Divine Mind sees only and always That which It
Immutably Is—namely, all that is Actual or Real and
so does never address or express to or as make-
believe dream objects that appear contrary! Only
dreamers who perceive they always abide in a realm
of imperfection and ignorance resort to healing and
teaching effort. Such is always a vivid display of utter
blindness and oblivion to that which is Real and True!
Of a certainty, no one in the dream ever really gets
healed or enlightened. Apart from role termination,
all such apparently simply continue dropping their
bodies and apparently being reborn therein! Such is
the unreality of dream! Beings of Divinity always
residing elsewhere constitute unchallenged Bliss!
Again—there is no actual elsewhere!

Does Divine Abundance Appear And

The Magic of Divine Abundance "seems to
appear" when that glorious moment dawns for Us to
say Yes, in a sense, to Our Beautiful Blissful Self! That
is, Yes—the time has arrived that We Ourselves have
pre-arranged in Our Script for Our individual earth-
shadow/ego to drop in order that the Real Limitless
Abundant Us can now be disclosed to view upon Our
Play Stage! What unspeakable Fun is this!
Such Abundance is the Magnificent and
Immutable Nature of All who Know that It Eternally
belongs to them-because It "Is" Them!
In Our Earth Play this seems to be a
"beginning" of an appearance of something that was
not previously present! But such is never the actual
In Our Fun Theme—duality or ego
Consciousness—which is separation consciousness
can only see two—it's erroneous self "and" Divine
Mind or Intelligence and thinks/imagines that it is the
"lacking" side of this equation and that Divine
Intelligence is the "Abundance" side! Thus it imagines
that the One who "has" is gracefully to give to the so-
called "other" who "has not"!
The further way of Our Fun Play is to
eventuality reveal the seeming unhappy fact that
duality consciousness constitutes the total unfitness
to experience a peaceful and joyous abundance!
Our Play Script additionally declares, that
because the dualistic false self (human mind/ego) is
the epitome of unreality and nothingness- there is no
actual entity to be a recipient of any true abundance!
Hence it never comes!
Occasionally, there appears an ego hither
or yon that amasses a heaping stash of material
abundance! But is such True Abundance? Never! All
such proves-at least in the last analysis- to be but a
sort of cancer that is as a deteriorating plague to body
and mind of the fabulous self of dream!
There is never a so-called "recipient" of
Divine Abundance—period!
Rather, Our Glorious Play is invariably
featuring the irreversibly dissolve of the lack-mind—
like a water mirage—in order that the Timeless
Abundant Immaculate Real Us does manifest in its
place—just as the always present sand comes to view
at the dissipation of the unreal illusion of water!
Truly—Abundance Is the Eternal boon of
the So-called "awake ones" alone who Are the Infinite
Clarity that there is but One Existent Joyous
Intelligence/Abundance and They Are That!
Of a Universal certainty, there are none
who ever really "awaken" to or as this Abundance!
There's simply the disclosure of That which Always
Is-as and where Such Immutably Is! This is featured
as merely a fun "apparent" awakening upon Our Play
Stage! Nothing is real here! Lol! It's simply and
amusingly the fun fairy land of "make-believe" only!
Therefore, to the question: does the
glorious Cosmic Abundance ever appear or disappear-
-or "begin" to take up residence anywhere?—there is
but one answer—Never!
Such is the Fun Way of Our Magical Divine
Truly, Abundance never changes hands and
goes or is shared from One to a supposed "other"!
There is no "other"! We awake (but only in a
metaphorical sense) as the Abundant One! Naught
else is Being! Yay!

Earth Events—March 2011
People are inquiring—“What is the
significance of current events— Japan,
and elsewhere?”

The Present Global Certainty

The awareness that now appears to be
surfacing planet-wide is that all are commencing to
see that no man or coalition of men are any longer to
be thought of as being in control of earth events or the
inhabitants thereof—that day is over! Although so-
called manipulators of earth made an apparent show
of control, nothing was ever really out of control in so
far as the Divine Play Script is concerned. On all
counts, it is being made crystally clear that the
manipulators of earth are helpless to maintain the old
abusive and people-controlling paradigms and
prevent the entire collapse of these dark institutions.
Firstly, the manipulative financial institution
went down irreparably, and now all the rest of what
has been constructed for the control and distraction
of the masses—apparently preventing such from
focusing on the real purpose they came to
accomplish—is going down.
Egypt in recent weeks showed the rest of the
earth masses that no longer would they, under any
circumstances, continue to submit to tyranny.
Authoritarianism is breaking down and losing its grip
on the exploited common people around the globe.
Now the masses in Japan and beyond fear a disastrous
nuclear meltdown. Everything points to the one
end—the final wake-up call to earthlings! How can
these significant considerations be missed now?

What’s Really Happening?

From the perspective of the Only Consciousness
in Existence which is Omnipresent (Everywhere
Present) Divine Consciousness, what possible harm or
threat of harm could possibly co-exist or be present?
None! To Consciousness no contrary power exists
period! That means plainly that Japan, yea, the entire
seeming material world together with all its apparent
life-threatening chaos, is as well non-existent! Its all
merely harmless dream pictures, nothing less nothing
more! The final scenes of Dream are speedily
completing! Where Perfect Love is—and there is no-
where Such is absent—fear and harm are non-
existent! What an exciting and Joyous Now! Peaceful
Abiding Love Reigns Alone.
The following was taken from among yahoo
comments pertaining to the March 2011 Japan crisis.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?

Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?”

The following was submitted into yahoo
comments march 16, 2011.

Extending Gratitude To Japan

If apparent tragedy of this magnitude was
indeed authentic—all so-called “mankind” would
have genuine cause to utterly repudiate the notion
that somewhere exists a loving and caring God! But
great relief comes as all things earthly are viewed via
Vedanta. This Eastern philosophical structure
pictures the entire earth as a stage whereupon
nothing of the so-called 3-dimensional material
matrix is real. It says all Reality Beings behind every
earth role always dwell in Bliss and therefore enjoy
Immutable and Eternal immunity in every way, shape,
and form, from any apparent harm or sadness. There
is no actual adversity! Thank you Japan for playing
such noble role, as this provides an apparent massive
wake-up call to all other participants in the Grand
Divine Play.

Reference, the chapter entitled: The Law Of Miracles,

in Autobiography Of A Yogi, by Paramhansa


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