Concepts of Mind: Crystaqueous
Concepts of Mind: Crystaqueous
Concepts of Mind: Crystaqueous
March 2011
This is not an instructional booklet as there is
no one in existence who could possibly fall into the
category of needing instruction. Hence these
utterances offer not a whit of hope to any for none
exist who need hope. Such alone constitutes
declarations of That which Joyously Is. Of a surety,
there are no beings that can come to know That which
Is. All that Is—Is Eternally and Immutably That!
Consequently, never are these utterances advanced as
an attempt to change the minds of any or to divert
play acting entities upon the earth-stage from the
visions that each hold in their own heart. Such can
never actually be done anyway even though it may
appear to some to the contrary. All writings
constitute simple statements depicting the nature of
The Earth Drama Divine as related to Reality Absolute.
That which is written obviously is known by All, for
The All is the Sole Eternal Knower.
In these writings, the ego of dream and the so-
called human mind are always synonymous.
Concepts of Mind
which constitutes Reality Absolute has appeared or
disappeared or been altered one iota!
Origin and endless Bliss happily reign Alone!
Such is the Fun nature of the Glorious Divine Play!
And such is the Joyous focal essence of the entirety of
the Crystaqueous writings!
Occasionally inquires come asking if these
utterances are channeled or if they are automatic
writings? Such terms denote the idea of distinction,
that is, setting one in a category as being separate
from the common others. These writings are not of
such nature. This writer stands firmly upon the
platform of the equality of all beings where none are
lower or higher than another. Hence, these writings
spring from the Consciousness of Oneness wherein All
Is the One Whole which knows of nothing existing
that dominates someone or thing else. This is Reality
Consciousness— all True Existence Is That!
Duality consciousness—wherein the separation
factor is rampant—is the multiple mindedness of the
dream—the Divine Earth Play. This dream features a
human existence that sees itself as a separate entity
from the Mind of the Infinite. Such are not real
people—hence its so-called consciousness is not real
or actual. It is merely the pretend Story consciousness
of the Play Divine.
All that distinguishes and sets beings apart—
one from the other—as though such were higher or
lower, wiser, more evolved, more important, more
gifted, purer, more spiritual, etc., etc.,—is the dualistic
or unreal consciousness of the Earth Play Divine. All
beings came into the Play of time to shed such
fabulous dualistic identity and mindfulness and to
awaken in a sense, as the Mind of Oneness which Is
the Equality of the Whole! Because these writings
proceed from the One Mind which is the
Consciousness of all True and Real Existence, such can
never be labeled as "personal" writings. Therefore, to
the inquiry: Who is Crystaqueous?---the following will
Who is Crystaqueous?
In spite of the fact that at least one specific
entity joyously roams the earth planet bearing the
above name—this in no way alters the other fact that
this name—-as all other Real names—is indicative of
the radiant crystal energy of all Reality Beings who
are happily poised behind every apparent mortal
role-player within the Earth Drama Divine! The
Celestial many of which the One is comprised!
Plainly speaking, these names signify the
timeless Spirit Essence of Infinite Collective
Consciousness—namely, that Mind and Loving
Intelligence which has designed and orchestrates the
entirety of the Cosmic Play of Earth!
The obvious extension of this line of thought is
that no singular embodiment of Eternal Spirit can or
will take credit for originating the sequential contents
of the earth writings that bear these names! Reference
is here being made alone to volumes dedicated to the
dethroning of the ego of dream! None such are drafted
at the hand of the walking dead of earth! In other
words, they are collective Mind-stuff—of the All that
Infinitely Is—and are adaptable alone to specific
segments out-playing at various ages in the fun Movie
of Earth!
It is due to this fact that all who read with a
deep inner interest, sense clearly that they too—on
some profound level—participated in the authorship
of it all! This is so because the “They” back of the false-
selves, did! The common so-called spiritual books-the
ones proving to be ego nurturers, are on a Self-
destruct course in this time as the general awareness
level has out-grown the need of such! Earth
teachers/authors have taken great pride in affixing
their names to these countless volumes!
Spirit seekers of this day have journeyed off the
chart—they have jumped ship, and broke out of the
confining stagnancy and depressive redundancy of
both the orthodox and alternative metaphysical box!
Hence, the collective “We”—the Whole that
constitutes the Happy Seeing Mind, have made certain
that if any more “ego-termination books” were to
appear in this advanced age, such were to dawn a
vastly different look and feel! They were to contain an
energy essence, that, on a powerful level, would
reflect what the seeking masses can presently
resonate with and feel good about pondering—having
cleanly exited the emptiness of all that went before!
Among such are the Fun “pink” Vedanta books
that have made their happy entrance upon the Play
Stage of the Earth Drama Divine in this time!
All are finished—done—with contradictive
mist—hence, the dizziness that attended their journey
through the maze of nowhere and nothingness!
Amusing it is to note, that The Mind Infinite in
Its collective capacity, while being the composer of
the All of Dream—inclusive of every last book of the
same, as well enjoys the fun of designating some as
nurturers of the ego, while others to its dethroning!
The human of dream appears to heap much credit for
this and that upon itself and yet in the final analysis —
there is no human to take credit for ought!
What a Show! What an incredible and harmless
Fabrication of this and that causing much which could
never be, to appear as though it does! The Grand Story
of the Exodus from the prison of the unreal and the
return to That Bliss World from which none ever
really left, will be told to its Glorious Finish!
only has the non-mind—to be busy making other
plans so long as such appears to survive!
Beautiful and awesome for sure! Every day it
gets more awesome!
I know! Everybody wants to be doing what
they Love—Always! When the ego—the fabulous
human mind, that settles and resigns itself to remain
an unhappy and depressed slave, invariably doing
what it detests, is dropped, only I AM—the True
Blissful Self—remains as ever It Is, which is the Doer
of all that It loves, and Loves all that It does—Always!
I wish everyone was doing what they love, all
the time! How different would their lives be then! I
am just so grateful I've come to know this, or
remember this, since that knowledge was always
inside me
Yes! This is The Absolute Truth and It is
Magnificent! Such is utterly beyond any human mind
to fathom! We are Divine I AM Beings that never had
beginning and can never have ending!
We are not human beings enslaved in an
illusion matrix—which is simply the ego’s projection
of what life is! Most certainly—that’s not the truth!
Get rid of ego and all human imperfection and
misery everything—is gone too! No ego—no real
matrix! Only Bliss and Abundance of simply
Everything! Yes! This is our Divine Self-Knowing that
has been with Us and as Us throughout Timeless
The ego gone, and all that remains is Our
Blissful Abundant Happy Fun-loving Beautiful Self!
Yes just our blissful loving self! How beautiful!
Yes—Beautiful beyond description! This is Who
and What All Beings Truly and Eternally Are!
The Fun Divine Play is simply portraying a
hilarious Story where we, as Infinite Beings,
apparently forgot (which is utterly impossible for us
to really do—we just do it in a pretend way for the
Movie’s sake, just like the Hollywood Stars do)—Our
True Cosmic Identity—and eventually recover it back
again! What a Fun Story! What a Magnificent Divine
Movie —and we all are Its Grand Super Stars! Yay!
What glorious Awards are awaiting us all when
the Movie is done! Better than the Gramy's, Emmy’s,
or Oscar's (Academy Awards) of Hollywood!
Won't that be a lot of fun!!!!! And we will all be
together forever ❤❤❤❤❤ I am very grateful for
you…! I so enjoy our chats!
I so love our chats too, I am grateful for them
and You beyond words! OM Shanti!
Only at role termination does the unreal belief-
shifting mind vanish without a trace, and all that’s left
is the One Omnipresent Mind which always and
Immutably Is I-Am-That-I-Am! Such Mind taking up
residence in the place of the ego or human mind
preserves the dream body instantly from further
aging, disease, and death. Such occurs not by a human
mind act, but alone by Divine Cuing at the pre-
determined moment established in the Cosmic Play
Script. This is the Way of My Divine Cosmic Play—
saith the Alone One.
Dream consciousness treats such phenomenal
mentality with utter disdain. For the apparent reality
of the dream mind knows and sees only what appears
to be the opposite.
Assuredly, there is a Divine Play in session and
within the so-called 3-d Play of Dream there is the
element called time. Yes, its all an unreal paradigm to
the hilt, nevertheless, its very much in motion on the
Universal or Divine Cosmic Screen. Even all the books
combined which testify saying there is no dream, are
among the powerful validating evidences that the
Dream is indeed very present! The more one labors
to discredit the Divine Event of Dream the more—
guess what happens? You’ve guessed it!
Are you now awake to who and what you are, awake
to your Self-identity? Are you rejoicing in God, in Life,
in Being the I that is, the All of all, the Omnipresent
Power that is Individually Identifying Itself as this
very Conscious Awareness, this All-inclusive
Intelligence I call “Me”—this Me besides whom I can
be no other? pp 101,102
never imperfect in any way, hence does not require
saving, being already Eternally safe and secure.
to the delightful uniqueness of The Script of Divinity!
Earth Events—March 2011
People are inquiring—“What is the
significance of current events— Japan,
and elsewhere?”
The following was submitted into yahoo
comments march 16, 2011.