Air Data Accessories Kit MODEL No. ADA320-845-2AC: AIRBUS A318, A319, A320 & A321 Aircraft
Air Data Accessories Kit MODEL No. ADA320-845-2AC: AIRBUS A318, A319, A320 & A321 Aircraft
Air Data Accessories Kit MODEL No. ADA320-845-2AC: AIRBUS A318, A319, A320 & A321 Aircraft
Lubricating Fluid
Part No. LF5050 (1 req’d.)
This fluid is used to lubricate the glands
(seals) inside the test adaptors.
This is accomplished by use of finger tip or
cotton swab, applying a thin film of lubricating
fluid to the surface of the pre test probe,
inserting the probe into the test adaptor with a
rotating motion and then retracting it. This
action will ensure smooth test adaptor
installation on to the pitot probe and will keep
the test adaptor seals moist.