Waves, Sound and Optics: Team 8 20 May 2022

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Team 8

20 May 2022


In the following essay we will talk about the qualities of sound and how
this is inescapable in our daily lives. To be able to talk about its qualities we
must know a little more about the sound. The sound to pass history has left
antecedents in the recording and playback processes; But since long ago
the physics considers it as a phenomenon which, involving propagation, It
provides the form of Elastic Waves (whether or not they are audible). Today
we can find sounds of different kinds, short or long, strong or low, whether
they are pleasant or not. But that sound that all listening person is
considered Sound Waves, since the oscillations reproduces due to air
pressure, you are, turning them into Mechanical waves in the human ear
and perceived by the brain. We must understand that sound has always
been present in our daily living, Man throughout history has tried to
establish a series of rules to order it, in such a way that we can understand
the wide coverage of sound. In any simple sound we can realize that they
are noticeable the qualities of sound. For us to know what sound quality it
is, we must sensitize and prepare our ears to listen. We can distinguish the
physical qualities of sound in four, which are: pitch or tone
- Duration - Intensity

● Doorbell
● When we talk about "Height O Tone” is that tuning that has a sound;
is determined by the frequency of the waves (this is what makes us
differentiate between a low tone and a high tone). we can measure
this characteristic by cycles, by seconds (s) or by Hertz (Hz). For that
anyone can perceive a sound, it must be chaired between a band or
range of 20 and 20,000 Hz.

● It can also be perceive a sound below the band we call infrasound
and above these is the Ultrasound. Talking about this topic can be
quite notorious especially between female and male voices. woman
raising her voice he is middle voices match up as they grow, your
listening skills are trained. Now let's talk about the "duration" of the
audio. What you know is very clear. It is the moment when the sound
stays. This includes the size of the wave from start to finish. Full wave
(period) defined by length. with an instrument, They want to be
people with strings like violins and harps for those who have wind It
depends on the capacity of each person's lungs. When we speak of
"force" * We speak of mass. So what If it is strong or weak, it is
sound. This is actually the amount of energy The sound of the waves.
Sounds we can feel good Threshold of hearing (or dB) may be
exceeded and threshold reached (140dB) pain. This quality is
measured with a sound level meter. In short, I pay tribute to
Alexander Graham Bell, scientist and inventor. The result is
expressed in decibels (dB). Finally, the quality of this "tone" allows us
to distinguish the sources. his. We know that every material vibrates
(among other devices) A completely different way of generating
sound waves. The complex that defines it. A very clear example of
this quality is that the piano cannot sound. Even if you play the same
song, it is equivalent to a trumpet. not than? We know the quality of
the sound that allow us.

Definition: frequency, duration, amount and source Sound or sound

waves, so sound is an integral part of life.

Hearing performs perceptual and transmission functions. Our brain

receives it and processes it there. The sound expands it from the sound
source by vibrating. Concentric circles until reaching your ears receiving
machine. One of the fields of physics is acoustics, which is investigating
broadcast and audio production. Furthermore, sound has four properties.
intensity, tone. The density of a medium represents the mass per unit
volume. Thus, the denser a material is, the greater the mass of the
molecules, if the same volume is considered, which implies that sound is
transmitted more slowly. The speed of sound wave propagation (speed of
sound) depends on the characteristics of the medium in which said
propagation is transmitted; pressure, temperature, density, moisture, etc.

La velocidad del sonido es la velocidad a la que se propaga una onda

mecánica en dirección vertical, por cambios de presión en el medio. Estas
fluctuaciones de presión crean una sensación de sonido en el cerebro. La
velocidad del sonido depende del medio por el que viaja la onda sonora.La
propagación en el medio permite estudiar algunas propiedades de dicho
medio. La velocidad del sonido no depende del tono (frecuencia) ni de la
longitud de la onda sonora, pero su atenuación es importante. Este
fenómeno se explica por la ley del cuadrado inverso de que la intensidad
del sonido disminuye a medida que aumenta la distancia a la fuente de
sonido. Esto se debe a que a medida que aumenta la temperatura,
aumenta la frecuencia de las interacciones de los portadores oscilantes, y
este aumento de la actividad aumenta la velocidad.

Sound intensity is the time average of the product of sound pressure

and particle velocity. To measure sound pressure, a microphone is enough;
this operation is not a problem. On the other hand, measuring particle
speed is not so simple. Fortunately, the particle velocity can be correlated
to the pressure gradient (the rate at which pressure varies instantaneously
as a function of distance) using Euler's linearized equation. With this
equation it is possible to measure the pressure gradient using two
microphones located a short distance from each other, and relate this value
to the particle velocity.

Euler's equation is essentially Newton's second law applied to a fluid.

Newton's second law relates the acceleration imparted to a mass with the
force acting on it. If we know the force and mass, we can determine the
acceleration and then integrate the acceleration with respect to time to
determine the velocity.
The directionality of the sound intensity analysis system is figure eight
(in two dimensions) and is called the cosine characteristic. This is due to
the probe and the calculation that is carried out in the analyzer.

Since pressure is a scalar quantity, the pressure transducer must

provide a uniform response regardless of the direction of incidence of the
sound (ie it must have an omnidirectional characteristic). In contrast, sound
intensity is a vector quantity. With a two-microphone probe, it is not
possible to measure the entire vector. What is measured is the component
in one direction, along the axis of the probe. The complete vector consists
of three mutually perpendicular components (each component makes an
angle of 90° with respect to the other two), one for each coordinate axis.

Optical storage devices, first defining them as a variant of computer

storage, those devices that are capable of storing data by means of a laser
beam on its plastic surface; but through the development of the work will be
studied in a more general way, from the impact provided by its origins in the
nineteenth century XX when in parallel David Gregg and the company
Philips and Sony launched this technological innovation, going through the
development and evolution that these devices have undergone in different
generations, since they exist in great quantity, the best known ones will be
developed, the advantages and disadvantages that these computing
devices offer, their first applications and most successful uses such as
music, video, audio and computer data CDs (which may be the information
or computer programs) and also how this optical technology is relatively
recently, we will try to explain in a simple way the storage process that
these devices and the most common and commercial models that we
know, explaining their individual characteristics with storage capacity.
Therefore, optical storage devices is a matter of undoubted importance. for
the knowledge not only of people dedicated to this computer science, but
as a general knowledge that as perpetual students, we are in a position to
know it, We hope that this work will serve in the significant contribution to
achieve such knowledge one of the main and so used at the time, of these
types of storage devices.
In conclusion we can say that the sound is the sensation produced in the
organ of hearing by the vibratory movement of bodies, transmitted by a
elastic medium, such as air, the necessary elements so that the sound can
be produced are any body that vibrate at a certain audible frequency and
an elastic medium serve as a vehicle to reach our ears and be interpreted
by our brain.

The speed of sound propagation depends on the medium in which it is

dispersed, be it air, water, gases and different metals, air when the
temperature is lower, the greater the propagation speed.

Intensity, tone and timbre are the qualities of the sound, hearing levels have
a spectrum that is between 20 and 20,000 Hz., the pain threshold is 120
dB, to measure sound levels a device is used called Sonometer. The units
of measure used in sound are Hz and dB. An exposure at 100 dB causes
irreversible damage to hearing at more than 100 dB Acoustics is the branch
of physics and technique that studies the sound in all the amplitude, taking
care of its production and propagation, its recording and reproduction, the
nature of the hearing process, of the instruments and apparatus for
measurement, and the project of rooms of hearing that meet suitable
qualities for perfect hearing.

The Doppler effect occurs when there is relative motion between the sound
source and the listener when either move with respect to the medium in
which the waves are propagate.

the characteristics that sound waves have, usually one does not take the
time to investigate, but it is something very interesting. I believe that waves
are very important in life because without them communication between
people would be slower and poorer.

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