Bato Balani Vol. 20 No. 2 SY 2000-2001

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S Y 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 1 V o l . 20 N o . 2

Dear Editor,
y to the entire
Ever wondered how it feels like living in a place with A pleasant da
i magazine.
below-zero degree temperature? of Bato Balan
s been
estion that ha
I have this qu w. How do
IN THE BEGINNING OF LIFE my m ind for some time no hope
in rk? I
out in the da
On his first voyage aboard the Beagle, Darwin made bats move ab er my
time to answ
a stop over at Galapagos Island. His view of how life you will find
began changed man’s view of himself since. question.
Thank you in
Ma. Imie Salo
The dreaded cockroach crawled on earth since
prehistoric age. Unless individual households kept y of th e
Our L ad
their premises free of waste and damp crevises, ut e
Snow s In stit
they may yet outlast humankind.
for the answ
This plant may look odd but you will be surprised at
how it is able to survive even the most arid regions
where there is not much water.

Violeta Arciaga, Jaime F. Bucoy
3 Science & Technology News Jose C. Calderon, Victoria V. Cervantes,
5 Filipino Scientists and Inventors Juanita M. Cruz, Belen P. Dayauon
Medical Facts and Fallacies
Merle C. Tan, Ph.D.
9 Livelihood Technology / I’d Like to Know
10 Cyber World Saturnino G. Belen Jr. President Lourdes F. Lozano Executive Editor
14 Earth Care Amada J. Javellana William S. Fernando Managing Editor

16 Investigatory Projects Executive Vice President Paul V. Ledesma Magazine Editor

Enrique A. Caballero, Virgie B. Naigan Art Director
19 Pseudoscience
Reynaldo M. de la Cruz, Silvano C. Santiago Cover Design
23 More Activities To Do William S. Fernando, Jose Valeriano P. Linay Layout Design
24 Mind Games Jose Maria T. Policarpio, Elma L. Ropeta, Silvano C. Santiago Illustrator
Lourdes F. Lozano Vice Presidents
for Science and Technology is published bimonthly by Diwa Scholastic Press, Inc. Bato Balani is one of Diwa’s Scholastics Enhancement Materials
). The SEMO R
trademark refers to a new genre of scholastic publication, comprising a selection of premium - quality magazines for greater learning. All rights reserved.
All articles in this publication may be reprinted provided due acknowledgement is given. All communications should be addressed to THE PRODUCT MANAGER, G/F Star
Centrum, Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City,Philippines, Telephone numbers 843-4761 to 66.

he Department of Science at DOST’s Advanced Science and
and Technology aims to Technology Institute (ASTI) in Diliman.
chip in to the export- ASTI’s design facility is expected
leading electronics industry to spawn “new industries for the
through a series of training production of locally designed
and R&D program that actively involves electronics products”. Eventually, the
the academic and industry sectors. project would usher industry crossover reliable, and inexpensive chips.
DOST’s flagship project called from primarily “contract manufacturing The training program will also
Virtual Centers for Technology to original design manufacturing by cover hands-on training from concept to
Innovation aims to pool R&D resources 2002”, DOST said. fabrication of Application Specific
and technical capabilities of participating As part of the VCTI in Integrated Chips (ASIC).
organizations to accelerate technology Microelectronics project, DOST will A group of experts from ASTI,
development in high-growth sectors like implement a training program in Basic University of the Philippines, Ateneo de
microelectronics and information Digital VLSI (Very Large Scale Manila University, and the electronics
technology. Integration) Techniques starting with a industry will handle topics like logic
So far, the VCTI in seminar at ASTI. The seminar is an design techniques, fabrication processes,
Microelectronics started with the setting introduction to latest VSLI design that device physics, and circuit
up of an integrated circuit design facility includes the manufacture of compact, characterization.


cience and technology a symposium dubbed “Scientific membership of over 2,000 scientists,
created today’s many Research for Sustained Use and Efficient researchers, and academicians in the
comforts like fast and cheap Management of Resources” at the Hyatt country.
communication, travel, Regency Hotel. DOST Secretary Filemon Uriarte
entertainment, health, and The symposium focused on Jr. and NRCP President Henry Samonte
even learning. But the same S&T also current research and development efforts led the Philippine side while IFS
created much of the world’s woes like in agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, food President Bjorn Lundgren headed the
dirty air, contaminated water, and and natural products, and environment international delegation.
denuded forests. management. DOST scientists are currently
And if the six billion people today Filipino scientists exchanged developing technologies for better and
grow twice in number, soon there may R&D information and discussed efficient recycling of plastic wastes, the
not be enough food, medicine, and even development experiences with their utilization of ocean, wind and solar
good educational opportunities for foreign counterparts. The symposium energy, conversion of forest wastes for
everyone. was organized by the National Research construction use, microelectronics,
Top Filipino scientists along with Council of the Philippines, a collegial genetically enhanced fish species, and
select counterparts from the International body under the Department of Science many more.
Foundation for Science recently met in and Technology. NRCP lists a

Comprehensive S&T
Program for Mindanao
country’s export-bound banana,
pineapple, tuna, and seaweed that
supplies the affluent markets of Japan,
South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, and
even mainland China.
DOST’s five regional offices along

epartment of Science and the resources-rich and typhoon-free with their counterpart agency in the
Technology Secretary island. Autonomous Region in Muslim
Filemon Uriarte Jr. The program also underlines the Mindanao will implement the program
recently launched a importance of Mindanao’s continuing with an initial fund of P15 million out of
flagship project called the economic progress especially in the P450 million total budget for the program
Comprehensive Science and Technology government’s desire to achieve food excluding funds set aside by other DOST
Program for Mindanao at the Grand security and technology-based agro- agencies.
Caprice-Limketkai Center in Cagayan de industry development. “The need to develop micro and
Oro City. Another component of the small-scale enterprises in Mindanao and
The program aims to lift program is the development of S&T to assist these enterprises until their
productivity through S&T intervention manpower to shore up the island’s operations become sustainable is one
among micro and small-scale industries. technical lag, and to prepare for its development strategy to enhance
The focus of the program includes possible participation in the growing productivity and alleviate poverty” in the
food processing, metals, seaweed, fish, biotechnology R&D, product island, a DOST project document said.
construction materials, furniture, natural development, and local and international Mindanao-wide poverty incidence
fibers, coconut, rubber, and introduction trade. ranks well within the top nine among the
of alternative farming systems suited to Mindanao grows much of the country’s 15 geopolitical regions.

Pr o f i t f r o m
oney buys you many agreement with the Technology training at ITDI facilities in Bicutan
things and makes life Livelihood Resource Center based in science complex.
comfortable. That’s Pasig City aimed at strengthening
The training courses currently
why people work to technology transfer. This agreement
open for enrolment are in food
get money. covers several technologies that can be
processing, making decorative and
built into commercial projects. Under
Aspiring entrepreneurs looking for scented candles, novelty items using resin
the agreement, ITDI experts will serve
new business ideas might find their dream or ceramic materials, Mt. Pinatubo lahar
as trainers for various TLRC business
business through technologies produced and wax-based novelty items among
development programs.
by the Industrial Technology others, ITDI’s Violy Conoza said.
Development Institute, an agency of the ITDI also hopes the agreement
Department of Science and Technology. could lead to better technology Reported by Rodel Offermaria
appreciation for participants especially DOST Correspondent
ITDI recently signed an in some lessons that require hands-on

Plant Geneticist
A plant’s physical structure is also are now grown on commercial scale in
complex like other living creatures. many Asian countries. In fact, the Asian
Understanding its genetic composition Vegetable Research and Development
helps scientists like Dr. Lantican improve Center based in Taiwan took in several
its productivity. For instance, a Philippine-bred smart plants. Dr. Lantican completed his
genetically improved rice variety may For his contributions to plant early education at Los Baños Elementary
grow faster and produce more yield. This breeding and genetics, Dr. Lantican School (1946), and University of the
means better income for farmers and received awards such as the Ten Philippines rural High School with
more food for people to eat. Outstanding Young Men of the honors (1950). He finished his Bachelor
In Dr. Lantican’s case, he is Philippines (1969), Honorary Felllow of Science in Agriculture at UPLB
credited for his outstanding research on Award from the Crop Science Society of (1954), Master of Science in Plant
cytoplasmic inheritance of the Philippines (1975), Rizal Pro Patria Breeding at North Carolina State College
hypersensitivity to a disease in maize. Award (1976), National research Council (1956), and Doctor of Philosophy in
This discovery led to greater awareness of the Philippines Achievement Award Plant Breeding and Genetics at Iowa
among biologists about the importance (1980), and the 1983 Science and State University (1961).
of genetic diversity as a weapon against Technology Award from the IBM, and He has worked as a consultant to
environmental diversities. National Science and Technology several international agricultural
Dr. Lantican’s expertise in plant Authority (now DOST), among others.
breeding, particularly on mungbean, has
led to better varieties. These varieties

Fallacy: A person suffering

from diarrhea should not take any food The irritant disturbs the
gastrointestinal tract by altering its
normal muscular movement. As a result,

Fact: Loose bowel movement, or absorption of liquids and salts is affected.

This causes body fluids and salts to pass
diarrhea, is a condition characterized by more rapidly through the intestines and
abnormally frequent fluid evacuation out of the body.
through feces. It may be accompanied by
Since salt attracts water, the lack
abdominal cramps, vomiting and thirst.
of it inside the body could lead to
The main cause of diarrhea is dehydration. Therefore, it is important to
infection of the intestinal tract by certain eat nutritious food to make up for the lost
microorganisms. Among the possible nutrients. More fluids should also be
causes of diarrhea are allergy, viral or taken to replace lost body fluids. Fluids
bacterial infection, ingestion of may be in the form of soups, tea, ginger
poisonous substances, excessive alcohol ale (salabat), or soft drinks. Oral
intake, nervous reactions, and some rehydrating solution (oresol) may also be
serious or chronic ailments. given for severe cases of dehydrtaion.


By Jenny Mae Sombrito

ave you ever wondered how it feels like

living in the Arctic or the Polar Regions?
Up North, summer and spring combined
last for about 50 to 60 days, and even then,
the average temperature (ranging from 3
to 12°C) is still lower than our coldest days (in Baguio City,
average is 14°C)!
The Arctic circle is found sixty-six and one half
degrees north latitude, and includes parts of the countries
of Canada, Denmark (Greenland), Finland, Iceland,
Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States. This land
area is classified as a tundra biome.
Basically, the tundra is characterized by low
temperatures and scarce precipitation or rainfall. In fact,
the tundra receives only as much rain as any desert does!
The only difference is that in a desert, it gets too hot for
any water vapor to condense and form clouds; but in a
tundra, it gets too cold for any water to evaporate and rise
up as clouds. In the tundra, almost all of the water is
found as ice or snow.

But when it does rain, vegetation flourishes – fertilization.
though vegetation is limited to moss, liverworts, grass, and Consequently, the
low shrubs, the variety includes up to 1700 species of these vegetation supports a
groups. There may be trees in some areas, but the trees variety of animals. The
grow only up to 1 metre tall. fauna, however, has
With their slow growth, these plants also grow in similar characteristics
clusters to help conserve heat and energy. They are also among them to survive
able to use low light intensity and low temperatures for the cold climate of the
photosynthesis. One group of plants, the mosses and Polar Regions.
liverworts, is specially adapted to the harsh living conditions To be able to
in the tundra. Collectively known as bryophytes, they do survive, animals are
not have true roots that push deep down to the soil to adapted to handle
obtain water. Instead they make use of root-like structures long cold winters and to ensure survival of the species;
called rhizoids, to take water up like a sponge. Like a true they breed and raise young quickly in the summer. Most
sponge they have gravity acting against their pull so they animals, such as mammals and birds, develop additional
cannot bring the water up too high hence, they grow low. insulation, like fat, to keep them warm. Also, since food is
As for the other plants that do have true roots, their limited during winter, most animals hibernate and some
roots cannot grow too deep because beneath the topsoil migrate southwards. There is a relatively low population,
is a frozen layer of soil called permafrost. At some parts if none at all, of amphibians and reptiles. These animals
of the tundra, the topsoil that supports vegetation can be are cold-blooded and depend on their surroundings for
as thin as 8 centimeters! Plants usually have heights warmth. One can also notice that a majority of the animals
similar to the length of their roots, so they also tend to in the polar regions have white coats, be it fur or feathers,
grow low. which are primarily used as a first line of defense –
Secondly, the plants here cannot reproduce camouflage.
sexually by flowering (for one they lack efficient pollinators Let us take a look at some of the animals living in
such as bees and birds), instead, they reproduce by the polar regions and how they adapt to the cold weather
budding and division. A minority produces cones to protect conditions.
the male and female reproductive cells before and after The Arctic Fox. The arctic fox is the Northern-
most member of the fox family. They are usually white or
grayish blue in color, but they can shed off their white coat,
turning it into brown, during summer – a perfect disguise!
Arctic fox feeds on small mammals such as lemmings,
but when the hunting gets tough for the fox, he would settle
for the meal leftovers of polar bears. The arctic fox’s
adaptation to its subzero habitat include a compact body
with short legs, short ears, dense fur, and thickly haired
foot pads, which insulate against the cold and provide
traction on ice.
The Arctic Hare. Like the Arctic Fox, the Arctic
Hare also has white fur during the winter for camouflage,
that turns into a spotted brown coat during summer.
Protection against predators is the main purpose of their
disguise, since there are few places for them to hide.
Rabbits and hares are said to be differentiated by
The Polar Bear is the largest of the land meat-eaters and the their ears, but this hare has shorter ears than any other
largest of the bear family


hare outside the arctic. The main reason is to conserve

heat. Larger ears will expose too many blood vessels to fun facts
the cold, resulting in more heat loss. Whereas they have
small ears, the Arctic hare dons a rather wide foot that it is • Some tundra insects, fish, and
plants produce “antifreeze” to
sometimes called “Big Foot.” The wide feet helps the hare protect them during the winter
to stay aboveground, on top of the snow, and stay away
from predators. • In tundra that has real cold
summers, most insects crawl instead
Speaking of predators, the Arctic hare has an
of fly because it uses too much
unusual way of escaping them. When they are not in energy to fly.
danger, the hares usually form large groups to resist the
cold temperatures. When threatened by a predator, they • Tundra fish, like the arctic char,
start to jump in different directions, looking like snowballs migrate to where some of the water
bouncing around the tundra. This would startle and remains unfrozen during the winter
confuse any approaching enemy. • The arctic fox has fur on the
The Polar Bear. Probably the most popular of the bottom of its feet to protect it from
polar region’s inhabitants, this species is the largest of the the cold and keep frost out of their
land meat-eaters and the largest of the bear family. feet while digging.
Polar bears are well-suited to arctic ice and snow.
To deal with the cold weather conditions, the polar bear
has a lot of unique adaptations. The polar bear’s skin is
actually black, which allows it to soak up as much heat as
possible from the sun. But their coat is white to help them
hide in the snow and sneak up on their prey. They are
also great swimmers and will swim from ice floe to ice 1.Describe the climatic conditions in the polar regions?
floe. They have been seen swimming 50 miles away from
2.What are the ways by which plants and animals
any ice or land.
survive the polar regions?
Although most animals in the polar regions
hibernate, the polar bears do not. Unlike their cousins
down south, they only ‘hide-out’ for a while when the
weather is bad. Also, female polar bears may seem to
hibernate, but they are actually staying in their dens
because they are pregnant.
These are just some of the plants and animals
Hibernate – to lie dormant or sleep throughout the
that brave the harsh, cold weather conditions of the polar winter
regions. Among the animals alone, the list continues
including, herbivorous mammals such as lemmings, voles, Permafrost – a permanently frozen layer of subsoil.
caribou, and squirrels; wolves; migratory birds: ravens, Tundra – a land biome characterized by low
snow buntings, falcons, loons, ravens, sandpipers, terns, temperatures and low precipitation
and snow birds, and various species of gulls; insects:
Traction – adhesive friction
mosquitoes, flies, moths, grasshoppers, blackflies and
arctic bumble bees; fish: cod, flatfish, salmon, and trout.
All of them are unique in their own way, though similarities
are evident – like their coats and sizes – to help them Reference
survive where even, human beings may not dare to dwell.

Q:How Do Bats Navigate Ma. Imie Salome

in the Dark
Our Lady of the
Snows Institute

:Small bats, or microbats, navigate and target their prey by
echolocation. This is the pulsed emission of high-frequency
sounds that are reflected back as echoes to a bat’s ears.
These echoes are used to tell the position, distance, and even
the character of objects in its environment. Microbats are able
to “see” by hearing in total darkness. The sound pulses are
produced by the larynx, and are sent out either from the mouth
or nostrils.
On the other hand, bigger bats, or megabats use their eye
rather than their ears for orientation. The eyes of megabats are also
relatively larger than those of microbats. No bat is blind, however,
and even echolocating microbats may use visual landmarks for homing
during flight.
Microsoft Encarta 97 Encyclopedia

1 kg. pork skin 1. Add salt, vinegar and dashes of pepper to the pork skin
1 tbsp. salt 2. Use enough water to boil the pork skin.
4 tbsp. vinegar 3. Cook until tender.
black pepper 4. Let pork skin cool.
monosodium glutamate (msg) 5. Scrape off excess fat.
6. Cut pork skin into desired sizes.
7. Dry under the sun until the pork skin hardens.
8. Deep fry in medium fire.
9. Chicharon is best served with vinegar as dipping.

the basics
n the last issue we learned about flowcharting, let’s say it’s a
prerequisite to any programming language. Now we will try and get
a little deeper into programming. We will be using a language called
Qbasic. Qbasic stands for Quick BASIC, an enhanced version of
Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. This programming
language is a good way to learn structured programming.
What do you need? Well you’re gonna need a computer to work
on and a program called Qbasic 4.5. this software can easily be
downloaded from the net. If you have a computer subject or lab, your
teachers might have a copy.
Now lets get down to business. Lets start off with a very simple
program to usher us into the wonderful world of programming.
PRINT “Hello World!”
If we run this program (in QB45 we do that by pressing shift-F5),
we will see displayed on screen the words HELLO WORLD! However
simple this program looks we can learn a lot from it.
The CLS command instructs the computer to clear the screen of
all text. Try running the program a couple of times, notice the “HELLO
WORLD!” will always appear at the top of the screen. Now remove the
CLS command and see what happens. First you’ll have one HELLO
WORLD, and then another, and then another. It just keeps adding on.
Without the CLS command it would simply continue printing out “HELLO
WORLD!” leaving behind anything that was on screen before you ran the

The END command is very easy to remember. It tells the computer that
the program should stop and exit at this point. Although it is automatic that the
program stops when it can no longer find any program lines, it is good practice to
place the END command at the very end of your program code.
The PRINT command is a very useful and important command. This
command will let you “output” things on screen. If you want to display text on
screen then you will need to use this command. Careful use of the print command
will allow you to do really cool stuff. Here are some more examples of the PRINT

PRINT 12 12

If you want to display a number you need not put quotes. Quotes are only
placed for strings. A string basically is any character, text or symbol, anything
you type between quotes will appear as is.

In this example the first print ends with a semi-colon. The semi-colon
instructs the program to put the next line of text right beside the 1st statement. In
this case any print statement after HELLO will be printed right next to it.
In this example we use a comma at the end of the line. It works similar to
the semi-colon but instead of printing side-by-side it adds a large space (tab
space) between the two words.
Okay with those in hand why don’t you practice a little. Remember the
key to programming is practice, practice, practice. It’s the only way to master the
topic. Be sure to catch next issue for more programming tips.
QUESTION: What’s the difference between 1 and “1”?
ANSWER: 1 is a number while, “1” is a string. Visually they are the same
but in programming they are very different. One major difference is that you can
perform mathematical operations on numbers, but on strings it would have a
different effect. For example 1+1 would produce the number 2 but “1”+”1” would
produce 11!! You see when you add strings it simply puts the two strings together.

OGY 11
In the
By Paul V. Ledesma of Life…
Charles Darwin
harles Darwin wrote in one of his has fascinated them.
essays:”The affinities of all the beings of The Scientist
the same class have sometimes been Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882), British
represented by a great tree. I believe this scientist, laid the foundation of the evolution theory with
simile largely speaks the truth. The green his concept of the development of life through natural
and budding twigs may represent the long succession of selection.
extinct species. The limbs divide into great branches, and He was born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England
these into lesser and lesser branches, were themselves on February 12, 1809. Darwin was the fifth child of a
once, when the tree was small, budding twigs; and this wealthy and affluent English family. His ancestors have
connexion of the former and present buds by ramifying great influences in the fields of art and science. Darwin
branches may well represent the classification of all extinct went to the University of Edinburgh to study medicine. His
and living species in groups subordinate to groups… From major influences were Adam Sedgwick, a geologist, and
the first growth of the tree, many a limb and branch has John Stevens Henslow, a naturalist. Henslow trained
decayed and dropped off, and these lost branches of Darwin to be a meticulous observer of natural phenomena
various sizes may represent those whole orders, families, and collector of specimens. Because of his passion to study
and genera which have now no the existence of life form on earth, the 22-year old Darwin
living representatives, and which (after graduation) was taken aboard the English survey
are known to us only from having ship HMS Beagle, as an unpaid naturalist on a scientific
been found in a fossil state. As expedition around the world.
buds give rise by growth to fresh The Voyage
buds, and these, if vigorous, On his first expedition aboard the Beagle, Darwin
branch out and overtop on all a collected and described thousands of animals and plants.
feebler branch, so by generation In his geological observations, Darwin was very much
I believe it has been with the impressed with the effect that natural forces had in shaping
great Tree of Life, which fills with the Earth’s surface. Aside from his own study, Darwin also
its dead and broken branches drew from the work of Linnaeus, Cuvier, Hutton, Lyell,
the crust of the earth, and covers Malthus and Lamarck. Most of his conclusions, however,
the surface with its ever were influenced by Sir Charles Lyell.
branching and beautiful Lyell, in his two-volume
blue-footed boobies
ramifications” (Darwin, work Principles of Geology,
1859). maintained that the Earth’s
It was Charles Darwin who first presented surface is undergoing constant
the theory of evolution. Like any other theory in change, the result of natural
science, this theory had constantly been attacked in forces operating uniformly over
the social, theological, and political arenas. For so
many centuries, men have been mystified by the
origin of life on earth, and the search for answers A sea lion at Galapagos

long periods of time. Although, very much influenced by Over the years, studies
Lyell, Darwin realized that some of his observations were about man’s evolution continue to
contradictory to his teacher’s viewpoint. He noted that there shed light on the issue. Many still
were certain fossils of supposedly extinct species that doubt Darwin’s theory because of their
closely resembled living species in the same geographical strong religious beliefs. Empirical data
area. Moreover, in South America, he observed the culled from observations of nature and
adaptation of different organisms to different habitats. For anthropological finds will
example, in the grasslands of Argentina, there were no be scrutinized by new
rabbits. However, there were rodents that resembled technology and may, one One of the many species of finches
rabbits. These rodents were different from the rodents day, help answer man’s that Darwin found at Galapagos
found in South America. Another finding was made in the questions regarding lifeon
Galapagos Islands, off the coast of Ecuador. Here, Darwin earth and how it all began.
observed that each island has its own form of tortoise,
mockingbird and finch; these various organisms were
closely related but differed in structure and eating habits
from island to island. These observations led Darwin to
raise the question of possible links between distinct but
similar species. Thus, the formation of the theory of
evolution through natural selection.
The Theory
After his return to England, Darwin immediately
recorded his findings about the changeability of species.
For the next two decades, Darwin painstakingly worked
on his theory and other natural history projects.
Essentially, Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural Marine iguanas are a common sight at Galapagos Island
selection revolves around the survival of the species. Since
there is the factor of food-supply problem, the young born
to any species strongly competes for survival. Those young
that survive produce the next generation. There may be
slight variations in the nature of those that survive due to
the process of natural selection, and these variations are
passed on by heredity. Thus, each generation will improve
1. How was Charles Darwin able to come up with his
adaptively over the next generations. This gradual, long theory of natural selection?
and continuous process is the 2. What did Darwin’s critics say about his theories?
source of the evolution of
species. Darwin also introduced
the concepts that organisms
came from common ancestors
and that the earth is continuously
adaptation-an alteration or adjustment by which a species
A great blue heron or individual improves its condition in
The Critics relationship to its environment.
Many have been evolution-A gradual process in which something changes
astonished by Darwin’s findings. Most of the publicized into a different and usually more complex form
attacks against Darwin were brought about by the
theological viewpoint of creation. Others criticized Darwin’s
concept of variation. They argued that Darwin could not
“Galapagos Islands”. 1996.Microsoft Encarta 97 Encyclopedia
only explain the origin of variations nor how they were passed
to different generations.These particular scientific questions
were later answered when the study of genetics was born.

OGY 13
By Leda A. Esguerra
he government plays a vital role in involvement of Multi-sectoral Forest Protection.
environmental conservation and Development and Rehabilitation of the Mt. Apo
protection. Land, water and air can be National Park. The highest peak in the country is host to
protected through the implementation of many species of flora and fauna, such as the world famous
projects and enactment of laws. Philippine eagle. This program rehabilitates the degraded
In the country, the primary organization tasked to portions of the park through vegetative and structural
oversee Mother Nature is the Department of Environment measures protecting and preserving the remaining forest
and Natural Resources (DENR). resources through the involvement of the local communities
One of DENR’s campaigns involves the and local government units.
conservation of the green environment. This is essential Pawikan Conservation Project. The marine turtle
due to the continuing, though reduced, deforestation in population in the Philippines is decreasing, prompting a
the Philippines. It aims to speed up the rehabilitation and project that formulates and implements conservation and
renewal of forests under a regreening strategy for protection policies, management and propagation plans
sustainable development. Activities include the and massive information and education campaigns to
conservation, management, development, protection and ensure the survival and growth of marine turtle resources.
proper use of our natural resources which are ongoing Operation and Maintenance of the Crocodile
and set for implementation up to the year 2004. The Farm Institute Project in Irawan, Palawan. This project
various programs include the following: which is jointly being undertaken with the Japan
Forest Management Services. The technical and International Cooperation Agency (JICA) aims to conserve
managerial expertise in the sustainable development of the two (2) endangered species of crocodile in the
forest resources are improved. Selective logging methods Philippines namely, the Crocodylus Mendorensis (Fresh
are enforced in logging concessions and technical support water crocodile) and the Crocodylus Porosus (Salt water
is provided in the establishment of plantations within private crocodile). It also seeks to improve the socio-economic
lands and industrial forest plantations. It also promotes well-being of the local communities through the promotion
the planting of trees and regreening of highly urbanized of sustainable farming technology.
areas such as school compounds, streets, highways and Biodiversity Conservation Program. It preserves
the establishment of mini-forests. and conserves biological diversity and genetic resources
Plantation Establishment and Maintenance and through the enforcement of regulation on wildlife collection,
Protection. New forest plantations are established in transport, and trade; and cave management through the
selected areas. It also involves the maintenance and assessment of priority caves, preparation of management
protection of plantations under existing reforestation plan and drafting of proclamation orders.
contracts. Pilot Plantation Establishment of Selected
Forest Protection. Physical resources within Forest Species. The establishment of plantations of
forestlands from any form of forest destruction are dipterocarp, bamboo, rattan and other species not yet being
protected as forest laws, rules and regulations are utilized for commercial plantation development through
enforced. It includes the strengthening of the DENR intensive research and development is the primary goal of
capacity on surveillance and apprehension through the this program. Source:

OGY 15

The Feasibility of Spider

Silk from nephila
clavipes as Textile Fiber
ABSTRACT commercially available ones. The demand. This is not so with the spiders.
This research project is aimed at quality of spider silk can definitely Spiders produce silk all their lives. Silk
testing the possibility of using spider as match commercial silk. gathering does not harm them and
an alternative source of silk. INTRODUCTION therefore the need to culture them is
The spiders used for this Since antiquity, silk has been minimized. The consequence of this is
research are members of the species regarded as the “queen of fibers” not lowered cost of raising spiders
Nephila clavipes collected at the grove only for aesthetic but also for practical compared to the price of culturing
inside the grounds of the Philippine reasons. Silk is elastic, highly resilient, silkworms.
Science High School. The silk was lustrous, smooth, and light in weight. It The Philippines is also a good
manually collected from the insect’s is also considered as one of the source of silk-producing spiders. Since
body without harming it. The silk was strongest natural fibers, even stronger silk is imported mainly from China, a
then twisted and entwined with the than some kinds of steel with the same cheaper alternative right at home will
others to produce the thread. The diameter. When made into textile, it be of great help to the economy.
thread was tested and compared with resists wrinkling and is waterproof. REVIEW OF RELATED
commercial silk based on its textile A common source of silk that is LITERATURE
properties like breaking point and used commercially is the moth The natural fibers utilized to
elongation limit. A survey was Bombyx mora. The moth and other silk make textile products include cotton,
conducted to compare its luster, producing organisms such as some flax, jute, silk and wool. Others use
texture, color and general acceptability insects and arachnids possess hemp, ramie, kapok, angara, and
with that of commercial silk. spinnerets that secrete a protein called cashmere. They are used for textile
Results indicated that the quality fibrin, and known as silk. However fibers because they possess properties
of spider silk could match that of these organisms are found only in that make them spinnable into yarn that
commercial silk. The chi-square tested certain parts of the world and produce is used to make cloth. These properties
revealed no significant differences in silk only during their larval stages to include length, pliability, strength, and
all of the four criteria of the sensory create their cocoons. Silk-producing cohesiveness.
evaluation test. Furthermore the t-test spiders, on the other hand, abound The origin of natural fibers may
on the strength and elongation limit everywhere and produce silk all be cellulose (plant), protein (animals),
showed no significant difference in throughout their life cycle. rubber, or mineral. Seed hairs, stalks,
breaking points between the The process of obtaining silk leaves, and husks supply plant fibers
commercial and spider silk while the from silkworm kills the developing such as cotton and flax. Wool fibers are
elongation limit favored that of the larva inside the cocoon. Therefore the animal hairs while silk fibers are
spider silk. larva is not given the chance to grow secretions from silkworm. Protein
The result gave a clear indication and reproduce. Because of this, the fibers are resilient, making them resist
that the spider silk from Nephilia silkworms must be cultured in large wrinkles and hold their shapes when
clavipes is a possible substitute to numbers in order to cope with the made into fabrics. Their ability to

absorb and retain moisture adds to their
comfort when worn in cool, damp
climate and prevent brittleness in
carpets. They generally weigh less than
cellulosic fibers of the same thickness
and thus, produce lighter fabrics. They
are also flame-resistant and make
products with some degree of safety.
Silk possesses all the above
quality. For centuries, it has been
valued for its aesthetic quality and also
for its strength and elasticity. The
spider that was used to produce silk for
this study is Nephilia clavipes, a
member of the arachnid family,
Nephilinae. Members of this subfamily
are remarkable for the large quantity research in a cage where they were fed. quality test to determine its useful
and the great strength of their silk. For However, half of them died of self- textile properties such as strength,
this reason, they are known as the silk starvation so the researchers decided to elongation limit, and appearance.
spiders. bring them back to their natural habitat To test for the strength of the silk
Silk produced by spiders is finer, after silk extraction. Part of the silk thread, a set of weight, iron stand,
lighter, and stronger than commercial obtained was utilized in the working meterstick, a clamp extension, and a
silk produced by silkworms, the model for the Joint School Science clamp holder were used. At the clamp
caterpillar of the moth, Bombyx mora. Exhibition in Hong Kong. extension, the silk thread was placed
The silk produced by spiders is a To obtain silk, the spider was and weights were attached. The
scleroprotein. This protein hardens into laid underside up. It was held gently by original weight of the silk thread was
silk thread on contact with air. It is hand, keeping the legs down so that measured before any weight was
produced in ampullate glands located they wouldn’t interfere with the pulling added. Five-gram weights were
in the rear part of the spider’s body. of silk A small wooden stick was attached to the thread one at a time,
The glands open through tiny holes on pressed gently against the spinnerets until the thread broke. The mass added
the ends of small nipplelike organs, found at the posterior part of the before the thread broke was its
called spinnerets, found at the hind of abdomen to have a small strand of silk breaking point. The length before the
the abdomen. stick to it. The silk was then pulled thread broke was its elongation limit.
To obtain this protein from the continuously from the spider and reeled The same procedure was
insect, forcible silking is done. This is on the stick. This process was repeated performed on the commercial silk
made possible by holding the spider on all other spiders until a significant thread obtained from the Philippine
underside up and using a rotating amount of silk was produced. Enough Textile Research Institute where the
mandrel to pull the fibers away from its silk was gathered for all the testing researchers observed silk production
body. This method is very different procedures. and testing.
from the process used to produce silk To produce silk thread, the very A survey was also conducted to
from silkworm which is the done by short fibers were removed. The long evaluate the properties of the silk
unwinding the cocoons. ones were grouped together, parallel to thread obtained from the spider
MATERIALS AND METHODS one another, and combed lightly using compared to that of commercial silk
The spiders used in this research a fine comb to straighten the silk thread. The researchers prepared
project are members of the species strands. They were then twisted sensory evaluation test to judge its
Nephilia clavipes collected from the together to produce a strong and appearance (luster) color, textures, and
Philippine Science High School continuous piece of thread. The thread general acceptability). The judges rated
grounds. The researchers originally was then reeled into a spool. the silk according to hedonic scale:1 –
kept the six spiders caught for the The thread was subjected to fair 2- barely satisfactory, 3-

OGY 17
satisfactory, 4 – very satisfactory, and 5
– excellent. the spider silk could match the
The data gathered from the tests commercial silk quality in terms of its Selected Reference
Work, R.W. “The Elongation Behavior
were subjected to statistical tests. appeal to consumers. The statistical test
of Web Fibers and Silks Forcibly
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION performed indicated no significant Obtained from Orb-Web, Spinning
The elongation limit test showed difference between the two silks in Spiders,” Textile Research Journal,
that the silk thread obtained from terms of luster color, texture, and 485-492 (1976)
spider silk could stretch up to 44.7% of general acceptability. These results
its original length while the indicated that the quality of spider silk
commercial silk thread could stretch is comparable to that of the commercial
only up to 5.27%. This means that the silk.
spider silk thread elongates at least 8 The researchers would like to
times as much as the commercial silk. recommend an efficient method of silk Maribel Amante
The t-test revealed a significant extraction to be developed for better Caryl CarmiñaMa.
difference in elongation of the two silk production. Due to lack of proper Cristina Santiago
silks. On the other hand data gathered equipment, the researchers performed Gameliel Taya
from the strength test revealed a big tedious manual procedures to gather Sherwin Valencia
breaking point for the commercial silk, silk from spiders. The procedure
196g compared to the 182g limit of the consequently produced broken short Ms. Juanita Cruz
spider silk. However the t-test strands due to human error. They also Adviser
produced no significant difference suggested additional tests on qualities
between their breaking points. of the spider silk, such as moisture Philippine Science
The result of the chi-square absorbency, resiliency, density, High School
test on the data gathered from the flammability, and reactions to some Quezon City
sensory evaluation test indicated that chemicals.

TABLE 1.Strength and elongation limit tests results

Types of Silk Weight Breaking Point Starting Length Final Length %

Commercial silk (g) (cm) (cm) (cm) Elongation

A 0.0046 200 31.5 44.1 6.27

B 0.0052 245 39.7 42.5 7.05
C 0.0050 180 41.5 43.4 4.58
D 0.0049 160 42.0 43.3 3.18

Weight Breaking Point Starting Length Final Length

Spider Silk (g) (cm) (cm) (cm) % Elongation
A 0.0044 230 27.5 41.6 51.3
B 0.0043 135 34.5 44.2 38.3

This section aims to present various practices and/or beliefs that have gained popularity over the years, and is
claimed by its advocates as grounded on sound scientific principles. They have yet, however, to be formally accepted by the
general scientific community as scientific. For any of it to be considered scientific, controlled and measurable conditions must
be able to replicate the phenomenon or activity. “Pseudo-“ means false and it is best for the public to be made aware of the
facts behind these practices and beliefs.

iorhythm is a theory that views human lives In many attempts to validate biorhythm cases,
as governed by rhythmic cycles based on many of the test subjects could easily rationalize any
numerology and intuition. A Berlin physician biorhythm chart given them, whether the chart was actually
and numerologist by the name of Wilhelm theirs or not. Biorhythm believers also profess to the
Fliess used the number 28 (supposedly the accuracy of its forecasts. But these are cases where the
number of days applicable to the female’s menstruation power of suggestion may be at play instead. A believer
cycle) and 23 as female and male periods, respectively. looking at her chart will more than likely behave according
Later, an Austrian engineering teacher was to add a ‘mind’ to the chart’s predictions: “My biorhythm chart says today
period of 33 days, based on his observation that his is going to be a ‘bad’ or ‘low’ day. That means I will be
students’ work followed a 33-day pattern. depressed today.” The forecasts become self-fulfilling
The pseudoscience of biorhythm is not to be
confused with the scientific study of biological rhythms or
biochronometry. Biochronometry studies the rhythmicity
For further reading:
and biological cycles or “clocks” determined by an internal
timing mechanism within the organism. It determines Pseudoscience and the Paranormal : A
Critical Examination of the Evidence,
certain physiological and behavioral patterns and are
Terence Hines
classified according to the frequency of their occurrence:
circadian for those occurring once a day; lunar for once 1988 Prometheus Books
per lunar day (24.8 hours) and circannual for those
occurring once a year.

Biorhythm the pseudoscience asserts that the

three patterns (male, female and mind) greatly influence
Pseudoscience and the Paranormal : A
whether a person is to have a “good” day or a “bad” one.
Critical Examination of the Evidence, Terence
No empirical evidence has been found or collected by Hines: 1988 Prometheus Books
biorhythm advocates that all persons who die were
determined to be biorhythmically experiencing “bad” days,
for instance.

OGY 19

The Million
Year Old
By Paul V. Ledesma

Fossil records indicate that cockroaches came to exist Cockroaches feed on human food and waste
during the Carboniferous period 345 to 280 million years materials. They also leave an obnoxious odor and are said
ago. These insects, considered as nuisance pests, have to carry disease-causing microorganisms. This is the
undergone little change in their appearance. The same reason why they are considered pests and scavengers.
cockroaches that we came to know look much the same Large amounts of money have been spent just to find a
as those that crawled the earth millions of years back. pesticide that could effectively eradicate them, but they
seem to develop a natural resistance to all attempts. The
These insects are photophobic or sensitive to light.
use of abrasives and boric acid powder is proven to be
This is the reason they are particularly seen during
effective. But maintaining good environmental sanitation
nighttime. They use their antennae and sensory bristles to
is the best way to at least minimize their presence.
move in the dark. They can “see” by using these highly
Cockroaches cannot survive in a place where there are
sensitive organs to find moisture and food. Cockroaches
no garbage and waste materials. We must also unclog
use another sensory structure called cerci. The cerci, found
stagnant drainage systems. Water is essential for the
at the rear of their abdomen, can sense the slightest air
survival of cockroaches. They must be denied access to
movements. When cockroaches detect these air
movements, they are able to sense and avoid danger.
Cockroaches crawl swiftly and are able to hide in very Totally wiping these insects is almost impossible.
narrow spaces such as cracks on walls. Their soft, slippery They have survived eons of challenging environmental
skin called cuticle, makes them hard to catch. The oil on conditions and may be seen in areas of extreme heat and
their cuticle also prevents them from being dehydrated. cold. These hardy pests feed on the discards of human
civilization and, unless individual households kept their
Cockroaches also have a very sophisticated way
premises free of waste and damp crevises, they may yet
of mating. To attract the male species, the female American
outlast humankind.
cockroach Periplaneta americana produces a chemical
odor, called pheromone. Male cockroaches look for the
female species that emits the odor with the use of sensors
on their abdomens. Once the partner is found, mating
follows. Some species have more complex mating signs
including abdominal movements and nibbling. The
Madagascar hissing cockroach, Gromphadorina
portentosa, produces hissing noises to attract its mate. 1. What are the benefits that we could get from
The female cockroach has a very bizarre yet 2. Why do you think has the cockroach survived after
effective way of protecting their eggs. The American millions of years?
cockroach, cements fertilized eggs in a sausage shaped
case called the ootheca. The ootheca may contain 14 to
30 eggs. When the casing hardens, the female cockroach
simply leaves the ootheca in a protected place to hatch.
Sometimes, freshly hatched nymphs often stay with their
mother for several days until they are able to live on their nuisance - inconvenient, annoying, or vexatious; bother.
own. nymphs - The larval form of certain insects, usually
resembling the adult form but smaller and lacking
Is there any benefit that we could get from these fully developed wings.
“pests”? Cockroaches play an important role in the food obnoxious - Very objectionable; odious
web. They are able to digest a wide range of substances,
such as animal feces and decaying materials. This is made References
possible through the presence of a wide variety of bacteria The American Heritage® Concise Dictionary, Third Edition
and protozoa in their digestive systems. They, in turn, serve Copyright © 1994 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Microsoft® Encarta® 97 Encyclopedia
as food for other predators. Their eggs are food to other Compton’s 99 Encyclopedia
parasitic organisms.

OGY 21

Cactus Story
actus is one of the plants that is amazing to
look at. Imagine its extraordinary
appearance…the protruding thorns that By Alma Renee R. Pavia
cover the surface of the plant… the thick
covering that seems to protect the plant from
danger...why does a cactus plant look like this?
Cactus belongs to the family Cactaceae with more
than a hundred different genera. Most of them are found energy already available from the sun and the carbon
in regions with arid climates. The most familiar dioxide will be released and used for photosynthesis. All
characteristic that we know about and have observed is these happen during daytime. But if there are no leaves,
the presence of spines and thorns on its surface. These how does photosynthesis take place? The leaves may be
spines and thorns arise from the organ that is peculiar to absent, but the stomates and the chlorophyll are not. They
the family of cacti-the areoles. The areole is the space or are found in the green stems which makes it possible for
the area in the surface of the plant that bears the spines them to perform the process of producing their own food.
and the thorns, and also the glochids. Glochids are the
bristles that are stiff that can easily penetrate and attach
to the skin. These structures serve their purpose of
protecting the plant from the different wild and browsing
animals common in the region. An example of this is the
llamas that are abundant in the Andes region. They eat 1. What are areoles and glochids?
2. Describe the environment where most cacti thrive.
away the vegetation but do not come near the cacti 3. Give three characteristics of cactus that makes it suited
because they are afraid of getting hurt by the protruding to its environment.
Have you noticed also that most cacti are just thick
green stemmed plants without any leaves? And if they did
have leaves, they are so small that you cannot see them
anymore. Since cacti are mostly found in the arid region Adaptation – the characteristic of an organism that makes it best
where there is not much water and at the same time too suited to its environment
Succulent – water storing
much heat, water evaporation quickly happens. Because Cuticle – the protective outer covering of plants
of the presence of the leaves transpiration will easily take
place, which will contribute to the dehydration of the plant. References:
To further prevent the cactus from dying out, the stomates Bartum, Douglas. Growing Cacti and Succulents. John Bartholomew
in the plants are closed during daytime. This action & Son LTD, Edinburgh. 1973.
Goodman, Harvey D. Biology. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
prevents water in desert plant from evaporating, however, Orlando. 1989.
it also prevents the plants from getting gases that are Campbell, Neil A. Biology Third Ed. The Benjamin/Cummings
needed for photosynthesis. Instead, the stomates open Publishing Company, Inc. Redwood City, California. 1993
Encarta 1997
during night time to get the carbon dioxide and save it until
the morning. When the morning comes, there is light

To study microorganisms in their own environment, it is better to grow them. Protozoans can be
grown in a hay infusion culture.
In this activity, you will prepare a hay infusion culture and examine a drop of it under the microscope.
You will draw and observe the behavior of some organisms you use under the low power objective.

Medicine dropper, glass slide and coverslip,
container with screw cap, microscope, boiled water,
pond water with mud and debris, dried hay, yeast,

A. Standard simplified technique for culturing
1. Half fill your container with boiled tap water.
2. Dissolve the sugar in the boiled tap water
3. Add several pieces of hay when the water cools to room temperature.
4. Add and stir a small amount of pond water containing mud and debris.
5. Cover and put the container in a desk place at room temperature. Make
sure it is not disturbed for a week or two.
6. Examine your infusion for protozoans by taking a drop from the bottom
and surface of the water. Use a medicine dropper.
7. Put a drop on a glass slide and add a coverslip on top.
8. Observe the slide under low-power magnification.
9. Use a biology textbook or reference book to help you identify some of
the organisms.
A. Easy technique of culturing
1. Fill your container with pond water along with mud and debris from the
2. Drop some yeast and dried hay into the water.
3. Cover and place the set up on the desk for a week or two.
Data and Observation
1. What was the original source of protozoans in the experiment
2. What served as food for the protozoans?
3. Do most protozoans have the ability to make their own food? What
step in the experiment gives you a clue?
4. Why do we have to wait for a week or two before examining the hay
5. Draw the microorganisms you see under the lower power magnification.
Can you identify them?
1. What other microorganisms are cultured? Why are they cultured?
2. Design an activity that will investigate some factors that affect the protozoans
rate of reproduction.

OGY 23
If you were to stand directly on top of the North
Pole, facing south, what direction would be on your left?
On your right? FLOOD
How many pairs of animals


did Moses load in his ark?

Match the name of the scientist with his contribution

to science.

1. Evangelista Torricelli
2. Sir James Dewar Pronounced as one letter
3. Sir Humpry Davy And written with three
4. Robert Brown Two letters there are
5. Anders Celsius And two only in me
a.Invented the vacuum flask I’m double, I’m single
b.Suggested dividing the tempertaure scale into I’m blue, black and grey
100 divisions I’m read from both ends
c. Inventd the barometer And the same either way.
d. Showed that the molecules of liquids and
gases are continually moving
e. Invented the miners’ safety lamp

1 Tissue that connects a muscle to its
1 Duration
bony attachment
5 Leaflike plant part
2 Indium
10 An organic compound
3 A household implement made of
11 An implement for planting or sowing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
absorbent materials
4 Ancient kingdom of Southwestern Asia
12 Any of the various pale or light colors 10 11
5 A stinging insect
14 In absentia
6 Religion (abbr.)
15 Doctor of Arts 12 13 14
7 Advertisement
17 Master of Physical Education
8 A massive tropical tree of the silk cotton
18 Rudiments of reading and writing 15 16 17 18
19 A source from which valuable matter
9 A system of body parts or organs that
is extracted 19 20 21 22 23
collectively serve some special
21 United Press International
23 Rodent 24 25 26
11 Degree in progress
24 The time from dusk to dawn when no
13 Expectorated saliva and discharges
light is visible 27 28 29 30
from the respiratory
25 Master of Public Administration
27 Decigram 31 32 33
16 Excessively dry
28 Moderate to dark yellowish browns
18 A native instrument used in agriculture
31 —ze; Indian corn 36 37 38
34 35 (Fil.)
32 To make a choice
20 Female gametes
34 Intermediate Pressure 41 42
39 40 22 To absorb or assimilate
37 National Basketball Association
26 Physical Education
38 —rta; main trunk of the arterial system, 43 44 29 ——ray; a devil fish
conveying blood from the heart
30 A mineral spring
39 Process of determining the
33 A tint or shade
concentration of a dissolved substance
34 Possessive form
in terms of the smallest amount
35 A hole, shaft, or cavity in the ground
43 Beds or layers of rock
36 Months
44 Single entity
24 BIOLOGY 40 Transpose
41 Astatine
42 Nobelium

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