2011-03-070 Exh C

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WASHINC10N D.C . 20220

May 2,2011 Re: FOIA Request No. 2011-03-070 Judicial Watch AITN: Ms. Lisette Garcia 425 Third St., SW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20024 Dear Ms. Garcia: On behalf of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), I write in response to the abovereferenced Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, dated March 22, 2011, in which you request certain records relating to communications between Ms. Warren, Congress, consumer advocates, stakeholders, CEOs, bankers, and Attorney Generals. Attached to this letter, please find the CFPB's first interim response, which consists of 20 pages of records regarding Ms. Warren's communications with members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. Additional correspondence will be forthcoming soon. We note that certain responsive documents related to Ms. Warren's communication with Congress include information that is already puhlicaUy available (for example, biographies and press clips). We have chosen to omit these materials. If you would like copies of these publically available records, please notify the CFPB FOIA office. The CFPB is making every effort to provide you a complete and timely final response; however unusual circumstances exist with regard to the search of responsive documents pertaining to your request because we must consult with as well as search multiple offices for responsive records pertaining 10 your request. As such, we will require an additional ten (10) business days to complete our response to your request. In the event that we require additional time beyond this ten day period, we will inform you prior to the due date. If you have questions regarding this response, you may contact the CFPB FOIA office at I-S55-444FOIA (3642) or [email protected]. To adequately respond to your questions, please reference the FOIA number listed above.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

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