QR Code Based Entry System
QR Code Based Entry System
QR Code Based Entry System
Abstract— This paper discourses about a very general problem items [5], [6]. On the basis to a Tech Crunch report, united
that occurs in everyday life. In many universities, students are at state countries on an average lost their one mobile phone
risk of misplacement or theft of valuables. So, to avoid such mis each year, causing $ 30 billion of money lost in 2012. Due
happening, the development of security system was designed for
to the theft of personal wallets, a person can lose their
providing the safety of university student belongings. The
proposed security system contains some common information, driver's license, cash and credit card. It is not so easy in
methodology, schematics and some details related to technical general to mention the theft in high grade collages.
field that is employed into the system, such as RFID (Radio Therefore, for minimizing the above problems related to
Frequency Identification) and barcode readers along with the security, the security system is planned and developed that
design of the established system. For the functioning of the is capable of providing the safety to the university students
system in a most effectively manner, assumptions with some
of their personal properties. Recently, numerous ranges of
specific requirements that is needed to be met are encompassed in
this paper. alarm have been developed that uses different technologies
some of them are radio frequency identification, GPS, two-
Keywords- Lab security, barcode, RFID, security system, dimension Barcodes, Wireless sensors, etc. [7]–[9]. Current
microcontroller. work is integrating RFID and barcode technology to
recommend a low cost and most effective security system
I. INTRODUCTION for students.
The definition of “Internet of Things (IoT) could be given
as a global infrastructure that combines intelligent services II. DESCRIPTION OF MECHANISMS
with situational awareness and lets interactive A. Radio frequency identification (RFID)-
communication in between one entity and the other, also
For the automatic detection or identification of any object
between sharp and people objects within a system” [1]. The
such as any person or vehicle, RFID plays a dominant role
communication of Machine to Machine is comparatively
in such cases. RFID is a broad terminology describing the
much dissimilar than the use of IOT since nobody is
use of radio waves for transmitting a unique serial code in a
controlling the apparatus or equipment tool directly. The
form of number after detecting a person or any other object
internet of things is generally controlled by the group of
wirelessly [9]. Likewise, the barcode, the application of
persons. At present, a variety of choice has been reviewed in
RFID does not need any line of sight or contact for the
the matter of the communication machineries for getting a
purpose of communication. The information of the RFID is
proposal fact about matters. IoT technology can now
readable by a means of any person, clothes or any other
communicate with a combination of appliances for home
materials that are not metallic. Basically, an RFID
devices and mobile devices. Recently, “electronic door
comprises of 3 parts i.e. a coil acting as antenna, transceiver
locks” are used in several homes and administration offices
and thirdly RF tag that includes unique info.
[2], [3]. In many situations, by circumventing the lock, an
intruder has attempted to penetrate an area. In many
situations, the interloper tried to break into the area by
avoiding the lock. In this research, door locks are designed
and adopted to improve various security using barcode
scanning and RFID technology and minimizes the rate of
damaging of digital door lock interfering.
Developed models comes into the class of “Electronic
Article Surveillance (EAS)” [4], using special tags fixed to
goods or books. At the store exit, when the active tag gets
detected, the detecting system alerts the supervisor by
making an alarm sound. Likewise, in the present paper,
RFID tags are fixed to the monitored item, the reader
Fig.1 RFID Module
module will detect some object, and the detected data gets
compared by a microcontroller which after comparison aids B. Barcode-
in producing an alarm. In many cases, students are at risk of “A barcode is an optical machine-readable representation
misplacement and theft of valuables and other personal of data relating to the object to which it is attached” [10].
Published By:
Retrieval Number: L103410812S19/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L1034.10812S19 115 & Sciences Publication
Entrance Security Based Barcode And Rfid System
Formerly, the barcodes analytically signify information student’s belongings are non-removable and non-
through adjusting the thicknesses and space of parallel lines replaceable. As the students or scholars do entry or exit the
arrangement, it could be denoted as one dimensional or classroom, office or laboratory, the reader namely the RFID
linear. For the purpose of scanning these barcodes, a visual that is fitted on the door will scan the data tag placed on
scanner is introduced and originally named as barcode each belonging of a particulars [12]. Mutually the RFID
reader. The barcode readers can be found in various reader and the barcode scanner both are associated to the
applications such as reading the product information that is microcontroller. The microcontroller is used to compare the
printed in wrappers or outer cover of any products and data of each student during the entry or exist from
goods. Moreover, almost each and every barcode scanner laboratory or any other place. If the stuff persuaded by the
encompass a decoding circuit board that determines the data particular students is found to be their own, then a
image of barcode. microcontroller will generate the command signal to the
green light to glow. If the stuff is not match with the
particular student then microcontroller will generate an
alarm signal and a red light will glow.
During the entrance of any person, student or scholar Fig.4 Flow diagram of proposed system
inside any offices, laboratories etc. the ID card which is
provided to each of the student comprises barcode in it that
is scanned by the barcode reader due to which a unique
number of each student is stored. All the important stuffs of
students such as mobiles, wallets, fountain pen, scientific
calculators etc. encompass an RFID tags that is capable of
storing the holder’s WSN. The tags that are placed in the
Published By:
Retrieval Number: L103410812S19/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L1034.10812S19 116 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
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Published By:
Retrieval Number: L103410812S19/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L1034.10812S19 117 & Sciences Publication