Cabrera, Jo Aliage G. Laboratory Exercise No 2

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A breed is a group of animals, which has a common

ancestry, developed for a special function. Distinguishing

characteristics of breeds may include body size and coat

Source: http://www.
color and pattern while that of dairy breed is milk

On the other hand, breeding systems may mean the methods of

for the purpose of selecting most desirable animals and or to
AniMAl breeding : ApplicAtion of
scientific knowledge to the produce superior type of animals. In a practical view
genetic improvement of
point, a student who is considered a future animal
producer, must be knowledgeable as far as breeds of
cattle , beef or dairy, is concerned, to have an efficient


Upon completion of this exercise, the students are expected

to: 1. Name the different breeds of beef and dairy cattle;

2. Characterize

3. Identify the various breeds by viewing their

4. Name the common breeding system in beef and dairy cattle

5. Differentiate the common breeding systems in terms of advantages


Power point presentation showing the different breeds dairy and beef cattle


Live animals

The laboratory session shall start with the short discussion by the professor on the

different breeds of beef and dairy cattle as well as their breeding systems.

View the pictures (power point presentation) of different breeds of dairy and beef


For more pictures to be viewed and additional information about breeding systems,

use internet and/or refer to other reference materials

Questions/Critical thinking

1. What are the breeds of beef cattle commonly raised in the Philippines?
- The Ilocos in northwestern Luzon, Batangas in southwestern Luzon, Iloilo on Panay Island, and
Batanes Black on the Batanes Islands between Luzon and Taiwan have all been identified as
breed types. Philippine cattle are an indigenous cattle breed that may be found all across the
Philippines. It's a small breed, with mature bulls reaching around 400 kilograms and mature cows
weighing around 300 kilograms. The color ranges from grey to brown to fawn, with some
animals having white markings. Males have a low hump, while females are hump less. The Ilocos
in northern Luzon, Batangas in southern Luzon, Iloilo in the Panay Islands, and Batanes black on
the Batanes islands between Luzon and Taiwan are the four recognized breed types in the

Name the breeds of dairy cattle commonly raised in the country.

1. Ayrshire
2. Brown Swiss
3. Red and White
5. Milking shorthorn

3. Characterize each breed of beef cattle by completing the following table. Start with those
common in the Philippines. You can add additional page/s if necessary.

Name Origin Color Mature Weight Other

Male/ Female characteristics
ANGUS SCOTLAND Black or red weigh - Largest breed
around 1210 lbs Registry in U.S
(550kb) for a - Maternal, easy
mature female, fleshing, average
and around 1870 muscle, high
lbs (850 kg) for carcass quality,
bulls (on grow quickly
average). - mature early,
calve easily

HEREFORD ENGLAND Rust brown to a Mature males - Second largest

deep rich red. may weigh up to breed registry in
1,800 pounds, U.S.
while mature - moderate framed
females may - easy fleshing, low
weigh around maintenance,
1,200. average muscle,
structurally correct
- average milk
- udder quality
- moderate growth
- red body
- white face, crest,
belly , socks
- naturally horned
POLLED ENGLAND Rust brown to Mature males - hey are muscular,
HEREFORD deep rich red may weigh up to moderate to long in
body color with 1,800 pounds, length of side,
white on the face, while mature adequate in length
females may of leg, large in size,
weigh around trim, and smooth.
SHORTHORN ENGLAND Red, white, Bulls weigh - earliest known
red/white paint, from 1,800 to breed imported into
roan (mixing of 2,200 pounds or the U.S.
individual red and more. - polled and horned
white hair) - popular as show
cattle but little
commercial use.
CHAROLAIS FRANCE White, off-white 1,250 to 1,600 - large framed with

to cream pounds, bigger birth weights

coloration some depending on and large mature
skin pigmentation conditions. size
possible - produce lean
- muscular
- poor marbling
- below average
CHIANINA ITALY Off white hair Chianina cow - developed as
coat with black weighs 800-1,000 draft animals
skin pigmentation kg, while the bull - extremely large
weighing 1,150- framed
1,280 kg. - late maturing
breed that is fast
- produce lean
- muscular
- marbling is
- terminal breed
GELBVIEH GERMANY Reddish gold to Male: average - developed as a
russet hair color , 1200 dual purpose breed
now some black kg Female: averag in Germany
pure breeds e 800 kg - moderate sized
- early maturing
- good dispositions
- excellent fertility
and milk
- balancer
(Gelbvieh* Angus)
is extremely
LIMOUSIN FRANCE Reddish gold, Male: 1000–1300 - moderate sized
some black kg Female: 650– breed
crosses from 850 kg - low fertility and
Angus in maternal
- produce
extremely lean,
muscular carcasses
but difficult to
grade choice
- aggressive
MAINE ANJOU FRANCE Deep red color Bulls weigh - horned

with white approximately - largest

underline and 2000-2500 lbs continental breed in
patche, some females 1400- terms of weight
black due to 1600 lbs - relatively high
crossing with birth weights
Angus - known for being
fairly efficient
grazing forages
- produce
extremely lean,
muscular carcasses
but difficult to
grade choice
SIMMENTAL SWITZERLAND Originally red The bulls on - one of the oldest
and white but also average weight and most widely
black and white around 1300 kg, distributed
today but can be and average body - polled or horned
solid colored . weight of the - fullbloods are
cows is called Fleckvieh
around 700-900 - excellent milk,
kg. growth and muscle
BRAHMAN INDIA very light grey or 800 – 1,100 kg - exposure to
red to almost (Adult), 500 – inadequate foods,
black. 700 kg (Adult) pests, parasites,
diseases and
weather , develop
adaptations for
- large, floppy ears,
excess skin at throat
and dewlap
- more highly
developed sweat
- intermediate in
size, horned
- later maturing,
poor carcass quality
BEEF MASTER UNITED STATES No set color Adult females w - 50% Brahman,
pattern, through eigh from 1,100 25% Hereford, and
mostly reds, some 1,500 pounds and 25% Shorthorn
black fully - noted for
grown bulls range longevity,
in weight from hardiness, rapid
2,000 to 2,500 growth, and
pounds. maternal ability
- lower carcass
quality due to high
Brahman content
BRANGUS UNITES STATES Black Mature Brangus - 5/8 Angus and

bulls generally 3/8 Brahman

weigh between - naturally polled
1,800 and 2,000 - excellent
pounds, while mothering ability,
mature females moderate size, early
generally weigh sexual maturity,
around 1,100 to heat tolerance, and
1,200 pounds. foraging ability,
average carcass

SANTA UNITED STATES Dark red A mature bull - 5/8 Shorthorn and
GERTRUDIS may average 3/8 Brahman
1,700 to 2,200 - both horned and
pounds, while an polled
average cow will -developed on the
weigh between King Ranch by
1,350 and 1,850 founder Robert J.
pounds. Kleberg
- breed traces back
to a single sire
- noted for
maternal ability of
productivity under
hot, adverse
conditions and
overall hardiness
- popular as range
cattle, not as show
Characterize each breed of dairy cattle by completing the following table. Start with those

common in the Philippines. You can add additional page/s if necessary.

Name Origin Lactation Average milk Other
period production/yea characteristics
HOLSTEIN NETHERLANDS 270 days Average U.S. - Can be mostly
Production black, mostly red,
25,000# of mostly white or
milk/lactation anywhere in
Produce more between
milk than any - Came to the US
other dairy breed in 1852
Average Fat - Largest of the
content in milk: Dairy Breeds
3.65% Average Average mature
protein content in cow weighs 1,500#
milk: 3.2% and stands 58
inches tall at the
- The Holstein
breed is known for
high milk
production, but has
less butterfat and
protein based on
percentage in the
milk, compared
other breeds.
JERSEY THE ISLE OF around 9 – 10 Produce milk - Jersey cows are
JERSEY IN THE months of the with highest fat the most productive
ENGLISH year, with 2-3 and protein of the dairy breeds.
CHANNEL months being a Average U.S breeds. They
restful (dry) production: generate more milk
period. 18,020#s Average per pound of milk
Fat: 4.8% than other breeds.
Average Protein: any other breed's
3.7% body weight
- They are also
known for having a
high fertility rate.
Despite having a
low risk of dystocia
(difficulty calving),
hypocalcemia at a
high rate (milk
- Smallest dairy
breed 1,000#
mature weight
- Vary from a very
light gray or mouse
color to a very dark
fawn or a shade that
is almost black.
White markings are
also acceptable.
GUERNSEY ISLE OF 10 months Average U.S - Came to the US
GUERNSEY IN production: in 1840
THE ENGLISG 17,000#s Average - Moderate in size
CHANNEL Fat: 4.7% 1,200# mature
Average Protein: weight
3.4% - Fawn (light
reddish brown) to
red and white
Hooves, udder, tail,
and muzzle do not
have pigment so in
a purebred these
will always be
white or cream
- Guernsey milk
has a "golden" tint
due to the presence
of calcium.
the high protein and
fat content, as well
also due to a high
concentration of

BROWN SWISS SWITZERLAND 287 days Produce milk - Came to the US

with highest fat in 1869
and protein - Larger dairy
Average U.S breed (2nd in size
production: to Holstein) 1,500#
22,040#s Average mature weight
Fat: 4.0% - Range from a
Average Protein: deep brown that is
3.5% almost black, to a
light greyish brown.
Will also have a
dark tail switch,
dark hooves, deep
brown eyes and a
black nose.
- known for
having very good
feet and legs.
- Originally known
as a dual purpose
breed utilized for
meat and milk
- Brown Swiss
have the longest
gestation period of
the dairy breeds-
287 days. This is 7
days longer than the
average gestation of
280 days.
AYRSHIRE THE COUNTRY between 318 Average U.S - Came to the US
OF AYR IN and 329 days production: in 1822
SCOTLAND 14,500#s Average - Moderate sized
Fat: 3.9% dairy breed 1,400#
Average Protein: mature weight
3.3% - Red and white-
Can range from a
light shade of
orange to dark
- Another feature
of Ayrshire beef is
Brindle or lawn
court options.
Brindle is a
coloring pattern for
animal coats
Sometimes called
"tiger stripe". Color
stripes are irregular
and darker than that
The basic color of
fur, but very dark
That is, the
markings can only
be seen on one coat
A little easy.

MILKING NORTHERNEAST 252 days Produce milk - Came to the US

SHORTHORN ERN ENGLAND, with highest fat in 1783
IN THE VALLEY and protein - Moderate sized
OF THE TEES Average U.S dairy breed 1250#
RIVER production: mature weight
15,000#s Average - Red, red with
Fat: 4.0% white markings,
Average Protein: white, or roan
3.5% - . In these breeds,
white and red coat
color genes are
co- dominant,
resulting in the
roan (evenly
mixed white and
red) and unique
color patterns.

5.. List some advantage/opportunities of raising beef cattle. What are

the Disadvantages/constraints?
Advantages/Opportunities Disadvantages/Constraints

- Promotes integration with crops, trees - It takes more time to form and grow a herd
and of
soil and promotes nutrient cycle. cows than to raise pigs and sheep.
- Waste in the form of manure can also be - Cattle feeding is a high risk business

incorporated to the soil to fertilize high-

- Crop residues that are not suitable for - Cow is not an efficient converter.
human consumption can be converted into feed for meat.
foods such as milk and meat.
- For a significant number of people, it is a - Livestock can also contributes to air and
source of employment. pollution.

- As a means of manure as a source of biofuel - Chemicals from tanning factories that

animal skins can also get into the water.
- Cattle ranches aim to improve the overall - If the ranch is dedicated to milk production,

income of farmers and improve their living there will be a cost for milking equipment.
conditions. costs affect the profitability of your farm.
- Beef cattle eat roughages. - The unsustainable beef system has a major
impact by contributing to climate change.

In the Philippines, what are the limitations of raising dairy cattle?

The advantages of this feeding system are: feeding in pasture is more natural it
provides the cattle with exercise it is not laborious and building is less
expensive to construct.

The drawbacks cows will be more exposed to infestation especially when they
are allowed to continuously graze on contaminated pasture the land space
requirement will be large and the amount of milk production is less.
8. What are the common breeding systems in cattle production. Illustrate.

Natural breeding is simply putting a herd bull out with a herd of cows or heifers and letting him do his job
for a few weeks or couple months, then pulling him out again.

It involves the insemination of the semen of superior bulls of exotic or indigenous
breeds into the native cows. The inseminating pipette is carefully inserted into the cervix through
vagina. The semen should be deposited either deep in the cervix or at the beginning of the body
of the uterus. Semen from desired bull located at distant places can be used. The spread of
certain diseases can be controlled by this method.

When the one ovum is released from each ovary at the time of ovulation but by
hormone injection more ova can be produced from the ovary. After artificial
insemination 4 to 10 embryos are collected at a time. Then each embryo is
transplanted into a surrogate mother carrier cow. At very low temperature
fetuses can be preserved for several days.

Superovulation (SOV) is a necessary technique to produce large numbers of

embryos for embryo transfer. In the conventional methods, follicular stimulating hormone (FSH)
is administered to donor cattle twice daily for 3 to 4 days.

If you are to choose a breeding system, which system would you choose. Why?
I choose NATURAL BREEDING, because natural mating has one perceived
advantage over artificial insemination in that it can reduce the need for heat detection.
On dairy farms, bulls are often used alongside AI in an attempt to increase the rate at
which cows get pregnant and also animal breeding makes use of the natural variation
among animals. It can yield permanent and cumulative improvements in the population
because the selected traits are directly transferred from generation to generation.
module-breeds-and- selection.pdf
mitigating-climate- change



PCARRD. 2008. The Philippine Recommends for Beef Cattle Production PCARRD. 2003.
The Philippine Recommends for Dairy Cattle Production

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