LABCW Guidance - Vibro Stone Columns

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3. Vibro stone columns:

LABC Warranty’s Surveyors and Engineers a) Written confirmation from the vibro designer that the
are required to assess the design and ground conditions are suitable for vibro treatment and
installation of vibro stone columns as that the site investigation report is adequate for the
part of the audit process on behalf of purposes of the design and installation of stone
the Underwriter. The following guidance columns
outlines recognised good practice in b) Vibro stone column layout drawings
relation to vibro stone columns which is c) Vibro design calculations confirming full-depth of made
acceptable to LABC Warranty. The design ground and soft/loose natural strata
and construction of vibro stone columns d) Confirmation of proposed testing regime (i.e. plate and
and foundations should be in accordance dummy footing tests etc., see notes below). A minimum
with the LABC Warranty Technical Manual of 1% of stone columns should be subject to dummy
and recognised publications from British footing test
Standards, Eurocodes, CIRIA, BRE and ICE. e) Vibro installation logs (with vibro column numbers
referenced to the vibro layout drawing). Logs should
include date, column number, depth, diameter, weight
of stone and surface level. Confirmation of the
platform level in relation to the finished floor levels and
site investigations and details demonstrating that all
KEY REQUIREMENTS made ground and soft/loose natural strata.
f) Copies of all testing carried out (with the locations
The scheme shall be designed to clearly demonstrate that referenced to the drawings) and interpretation of test
the foundations and treatment of the ground with vibro results
stone columns are capable of supporting and transferring g) Written confirmation from the vibro designer that
the foundation design loads safely to known natural soil the as-built installation has achieved the required
strata that are, in turn, capable of supporting the foundation bearing capacity and settlement characteristics
loads using the appropriate soil properties obtained from
geotechnical testing and contained in the appropriate site If there are queries with regard to anything not covered
investigation report. The foundations and vibro stone within this document and/or it is intended to deviate from
columns shall be designed in accordance with BS8004:2015 the above guidance, then please contact LABC Warranty for
and shall ensure that long term settlement does not exceed agreement prior to commencement. Following acceptance of
25mm or 1:500 (differential) at working load, unless more the proposals, please contact us if anything is subsequently
stringent criteria are required by the Project Structural discovered on site, which affects the design and/or
Engineer. construction.


The following documentation shall be submitted to LABC BS EN 1997-1:2004 + A1:2013 - Eurocode 7: Geotechnical
Warranty for assessment. Items 1-3d should be submitted Design (EC7)
prior to commencement of vibro treatment on site. In the BS 8004:2015 - Code of Practice for Foundations
absence of approval, works are proceeding at the Developer’s BS EN 1997-2:2007 – Ground Investigation and testing
own risk. Items 3e-3g shall be submitted as soon as they BS 5930: 2015 - Code of Practice for Ground Investigations
become available, prior to construction continuing over the

1. Geotechnical site investigation report with appropriate

geotechnical testing.
2. Foundation drawings and design calculations. Strip
footings should be designed for the specified bearing
pressures and be designed to span between vibro
stone columns.
© LABC Warranty 2019 | LABC Warranty, is a brand of MD Insurance Services Ltd. MD Insurance Services is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. 1


A site specific geotechnical site investigation should take Testing should be carried out across the full site and cover
place and be in accordance with BS5930/EC7 and extend into all of the various ground conditions.
adequate strata beneath the filled or poor-strength strata
above. The investigation should include enough geotechnical Plate Tests should be carried out:
testing to enable accurate geotechnical design of the vibro
stone columns in accordance with proven design methods. • With 600mm diameter plates loaded to 3 times
working load or 11 tonnes, whichever is greater
STRIP FOUNDATIONS • At a minimum rate of 1 per 100 vibro stone columns
or 1 per rig per day, or a minimum of 2 tests, whichever
Foundation drawings and calculations should be prepared is greater
by the Structural Engineer indicating the required bearing • Note that plate tests do not provide a direct indication
capacity and settlement characteristics for the purposes of the anticipated settlement of the completed
of design of vibro stone columns. In general foundations structure and therefore can’t be considered as the sole
should be designed for maximum settlements of 25mm or means of load testing
differential settlement of 1 in 500 unless more stringent • Dummy Footing Tests should be carried out:
measures are required by the Structural Engineer. Strip - With 1500 x 600mm plates, loaded to at least
foundations should be designed to span between vibro 1.5 times working load (kN/m2) for a minimum
stone columns and must incorporate top and bottom period of 13 hours
reinforcement. Irrespective of vibro foundations, Chapter 5.2 - At a minimum rate of 1 per 100 stone columns
of the Technical Manual needs to be fully complied with, with or 1 per 10 houses, whichever is greater
respect to trees/cohesive soils, whilst ensuring that the vibro • Penetration Tests should be carried out:
treatment is not affected by deepening of the foundations. - At a rate of 1 per 20-50 stone columns or 1 test
for not more than 500m2, with a minimum of 1
VIBRO DESIGN test for each structural unit
- Penetration tests will not be required if dummy
The ground must be suitable for vibro treatment (refer to the footing tests are carried out at the above rate.
above mentioned references for details). Vibro stone columns
should be designed in accordance with recognised methods If there are queries with regard to anything not covered
(eg. Priebe) and must extend through the full extent of filled within this document and / or it is intended to deviate
or poor ground and reach natural competent ground. Partial- from the above guidance, then please contact LABC
depth treatment of made ground or poor strength (loose/ Warranty for agreement prior to commencement.
soft) natural soils is not acceptable.
© LABC Warranty 2019 | LABC Warranty, is a brand of MD Insurance Services Ltd. MD Insurance Services is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. 2

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