Audit Report Part 1

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Address: Gala No: 219,319,419 & 420, Prakash Industrial Premises Co-op Society Bharat Industrial Estate,
Tokershi Jivraj Rd, Sewri, Mumbai 400015

Audit Report by:


The structural examination of the building “Gala No. 219,319,419 & 420, Prakash Industrial Premises Co-op Society
Bharat Industrial Estate, Tokershi Jivraj Rd, Sewri, Mumbai 400015

The building was investigated for its external and internal members. Each column, beam and slab were observed for
the defects such as a minor / major crack, seepage, dampness, spalling, and leakages. etc. Also non-destructive tests
were carried out to find out the extent of structural strength. Information about the previous repair was also
collected. All these defects, observations and approximate repair areas
forms the total data of the structure.
1. The type/class of occupancy in the said
building or premises is as under
Industrial Building
(i) Residential
(ii) Commercial/ Industrial

2. General / Particular condition of the  The building’s age is more than 50 years.
building / Premises

3. Particulars of the building / Premises

(i) Number of stories and basement, if G + 5 storied with the Basement

(ii) Number of exits / staircase / lifts 1 main exit / staircase

(iii) Details of ceiling / columns / Structural members show major distress signs at Internal and
beams / flooring / balconies external area of the building.
Chajja/elevations at some places shows minor to Major Cracks

(iv) Parking Open Parking Area

4. Location of the building / premises Google map of location of building attached.

(append the relevant sketch).

5. History of recent repairs to the building 1) During our visit, and as per information provided, the
carried out by owner / occupier: (in 5 building is Repaired on regular Basis
years) 2) Building is surrounded by other building from all the
General Information of Surroundings. sides.
History of water logging: 3) No water logging. (Drainage System is Improved)

6. As required, detailed survey was carried Following non-destructive tests were carried out at the time of
out along with the non- inspection:
destructive/laboratory tests. 1. Re-bound hammer.
2. Ultra-sonic plus velocity test.
3. Carbonation
4. Half-cell Potentiometer
5. Concrete Core Testing.
6. Concrete Chemical
The test performed on existing structure to check the current
structural condition and material uniformity are:

Visual Inspection + N.D.T Tests.

During visual inspection all component parts of structure are

visually inspected like is there any wall cracks, length and width
of cracks, condition of column, condition of beam, condition of
toilets, condition of flooring tiles, condition of internal and
external plaster etc.
Visual examination of structure is the most effective and
qualitative approach to evaluate the structural soundness and to
identify the typical distress symptoms together with the
associated problems. With experience in condition assessment,
Structural Audit and Rehabilitation Engineering, the symptoms
of distress allow a reasonably sufficient understanding of the
cause of distress, as these are mainly related with the age and
maintenance of the structure.

OBJECTS: The rebound hammer method could be used for:

 Assessing the compressive strength of concrete

with the help of suitable co-relations between
rebound index and compressive strength.
 Assessing the uniformity of the concrete.
 Assessing the quality of concrete in relation to the
standard requirements.
 Assessing the quality of one element of concrete in
relation to another.


The ultrasonic pulse velocity method is used for non- destructive

testing of plain, reinforced and pre-stressed concrete whether it is
precast or cast in-situ

Objects: The main objects of the ultrasonic pulse velocity method

are to establish,
• The Homogeneity of the Concrete

• The Presence of Cracks, Voids and other


• Changes in the Structure of the Concrete Caused by the

Exposure Condition, Corrosion, wear etc. which may occur with

• The Quality of the Concrete in Relation to the

Specified Standard Requirements.

• The Quality of One Element of Concrete in Relation to

the Another.

• The Values of the Dynamic Elastic Modulus of the


Sr. Concrete
Pulse Velocity by Cross
No Quality Grading
Probing (km/sec)

1 Above 4.5 Excellent

2 3.5 to 4.5 Good

3 Below 3.5 Doubtful


The powder of concrete is obtained by drilling inside into

concrete at selected location. Then the collected powder is
made moist & then phenolphthalein indicator is dropped on it to
check any color change. If the color changes to pink, indicates
that concrete is not affected by carbonation & if no color change
is observed, indicates concrete is affected by carbonation.


The risk of corrosion is evaluated by means of the potential

gradient obtained, the higher the gradient, the higher risk of
corrosion. The test results can be interpreted based on the
following table.

Half Cell Potential Corresponding to Percentage Chance of

Corrosion Activity.

Half-cell potential (mv) % Chance of corrosion

relative to Cu-Cu sulphate activity
Ref. Electrode

Less than -200 10%

Between -200 to -350 50% (uncertain)

Above -350 90%


Core tests is carried out to determine the estimated equivalent

in situ compressive strength & to establish correlation between
Rebound hammer test & in situ
strength of concrete.

Steps to the Core Tests:

 The reinforcement is detected at planned location with

the help of Rebar Locator called Profometer to avoid
cutting of reinforcement.
 The Core cutting equipment is fixed at the planned
location & core is extracted.
 The Cores are transported to the laboratory & visual
observations of cores are recorded for interpretation
purpose. Reinforcement bars, if encountered, are cut
 The Cores are removed from water cut to the required
L/D ratio of 2, wherever possible, exactly perpendicular
to the longitudinal axis.
 Both the ends are prepared by grinding up to the
tolerance limit as specified by Clause 4:8 of BS 1881:
Part 120: 1983 for flatness & parallelism.
 A thin layer of plaster of Paris is applied to ends to
ensure proper contact.
 Now the cores are ready for compression testing.
6. Building (External Components)

(A) Whether structure is RCC or load The structure is RCC Framed


(B) Condition of

(i) R.C.C. Columns Some columns of the building shows corrosion cracks
Few columns of the building were subjected to tapping by the
hammer. For some of the columns compact sound was

(ii) R.C.C. Beams At some places, beams of the building were found to have
formed corrosion cracks and hollow due to corrosion of steel
Few beams of the building were subjected to tapping by the
hammer. For some of the beams hollow sound was observed.
This hollow sound is mainly due to loss of integrity between
reinforced steel and surrounding concrete.
(iii)R.C.C. Balconies Balconies having Minor to Major cracks.

(iv) R.C.C. Chajjas Spalling at few Places

(v) R.C.C. Porch Not Applicable.

(vi) R.C.C. Lintels Spalling at few Places

(C) Basement:

Condition of Raft & R.C.C. Pardi: Not Applicable.

(D) In stilt portion, condition of: Not Applicable.

(a) R.C.C. Columns Not Applicable.

(b) R.C.C. Beams Not Applicable.

(c) R.C.C. Slabs Not Applicable.

(d) RCC Frame & tying of columns in Not Applicable.

lateral direction

(e) Cracks in beam / Column junction Not Applicable.

(f) Deflection noticed Not Applicable.

(g) Settlement in foundation / floor It may not be possible to identify the distresses in the
structural below the ground level. Detailed investigation to
be done, if needed.
(h) Seepage noticed. Yes

(E) Condition of other building


(i) External Masonry Found Ok

(ii) External Plaster The external walls are having cement plaster in two coats. Over
all plaster of the building is in Moderate condition there are
some minor to major cracks.
(iii) External Paint Found in Average Condition. At some places of the exterior
of the building, fungal formation, pilled-off and washed
were observed.
(iv) Plumbing & Drainage. Plumbing lines for sanitary blocks are spread along the length of
walls in duct area, with separate G.I pipes for Bathroom & W.C
and rain water pipes made of P.V.C. flowing from terrace to
ground level.
While during the inspection, we found that the all the Running
Pipes are in average condition.

(v) Drainage Chambers / Lines U.G. Drainage and chambers are functioning properly.

(vi) Ducts Plaster having crack, hollow and salt reaction. Found fungal

(F) Staircase &Condition of:

(i) R.C.C. Columns Corrosion Cracks

(ii) R.C.C. Beams Corrosion Cracks

(iii) Mid landing / Landing Slab Corrosion Cracks

(iv) R.C.C. Pardis. Corrosion Cracks

(v) Lift well Spalling

(vi) Roof of staircase cabin Spalling

(vii) Masonry & Plaster Severe Cracks at most location

(viii) Paint Not Ok

(ix) Leakages in lift well Not Applicable.

(G)Terrace area:

(i) Condition of RCC Over Head

Syntex Water tank is Placed
Water Tank.

(ii)Condition of RCC Lift Machine Repairs required


(iii)Condition of masonry & plaster of Repairs required

Lift Machine Room.

(iv)Whether leakages noticed through No


(v)Observations on staircase cabin Found ok.

from inside

(vi) Observations on parapet Found ok.

masonry, its plaster and leakages

(vii) Observations about leakages at Found ok.

junction of masonry and terrace slab top

(viii) Condition of waterproofing of Found ok. Waterproofing done


(H) Ancillary structures:

Condition of
(i) Underground Water Tank Average
(ii) Pump Room Average
(iii) Paving NA
(iv) Compound wall Average
(v) Electric meter Room Average
(vi) Society's office Not applicable.
7.2 Internal Building Components:
8. The structural examination carried out Non-Structural Cracks are there in few places. In some g, Minor
r e v e a l s t h a t (B) T h e b u i l d i n g cracks have formed, and steel is exposed.
/Premises would become fit for human
habitation after the following remedial
measures / structural addition /
alterations are to be carried out:
9. The next Structural examination is Conclusion:
required to be carried out on or before.
The structural diagnosis is vast, important and highly
responsible job which relates to lives of human beings. It is
mandatory and advisable to carry out the periodical
structural audit of the buildings by professional experts and
act immediately through recommendations provided in
audit report. The success of repairs and restoration is
always based on thorough knowledge, correct diagnosis
and in-depth studies of problems in building, proper repair
practices and finally socio-economic considerations. The
effective implementation of auditing enhances the life span
of structure, prevents deterioration of building leading to
sustainability. For any structure it is necessary to carry out
structural audit at least once in the five years. For structure
older than 15 years’ structural audit should be carried out
once in 3 years.


1. Inspection of foundations and seismic assessment are beyond the scope of Structural Audit.

2. All other Additions/Alteration done which are at variance with the original approved building plans should

be made good in accordance with the municipal rules and regulations.

3. This report relates only to the strength of R.C.C and not for any other aspect of building safety, that are not

attended / checked.

4. This structural audit of the above said building is done on the request of client.

5. We will not participate in any of the legal matter arising out of implementation/use/reference of this report.

6. Validity of this report is six months from the date of submission of report.
Methodology and Investigation 1.1-
Condition survey-
The objective of condition surveys of a building structure.
Conditional survey is an examination of concrete for the purpose of identifying and defining area of distress.
1.2- Stages for Condition Survey: -The condition survey has following stages.
A) To identify: -
1. Causes of distress
2. Their sources.
B) To assess: -
1. The extent of distress occurred due to corrosion
2. The residual strength of the structure.
C) To priorities the distressed elements according to seriousness of repairs
D) To select and plan the effective remedy.
1. Preliminary inspection.
2. Planning
3. Visual inspection
4. Field and laboratory testing.
E) Visual observations
The building was investigated rooms by rooms for observation and external area of the building. Some of the
column, beams & slab within the section were observed for a range of defects such as cracks, spells, crazing,
seepage etc.
F) Tapping observations
Some of the column & beams inside the Rooms were subjected to tapping by hammer. And Structural
Members were found ok.
G) Non-Destructive Observations
Some of the column & beams in were subjected to Tests by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity, Rebound Hammer Test,
Carbonation tests and Core test. The readings were recorded which were evaluated further for remedial
 In internal staircase & head rooms having Minor /Major Structural /non - structural cracks.


 External Plaster is showing minor cracks at few Places.

 External plaster acts as a skin on the R.C.C frame and the brick / block work, the most
vulnerable part is the joints between the R.C.C and brick work.

R.C.C Chajjas:
 Found some Minor/Major Spalling Cracks at few Places.
Staircase and Common Passage

 Staircase concrete observed in moderate condition. Staircase ventilation grill/window not

applicable need to be foxed grill or window.

Average Condition
Over Head Room
 Some major structural crack, hollow & reinforcement exposed, plaster crack & hollow observed.
Separation crack b/w RCC and brick work.

Over Head Water Tank

 Syntex water Tank Found ok.

 Water Proofing of the Terrace is done. Found ok
Criteria Concrete Quality No. of Readings Average UPV (km/s)
Above 4.50 km/s Excellent 0 0
3.50 to 4.50km/s Good 0 0
Below 3.50 km/s Doubtful 7 2.42
Rebound Hammer Test (strength in Mpa)- 7 Nos. with Average Strength of 24.4 N/mm2
Insitu concrete Strength (core Strength) (strength in Mpa)- 2 Nos. with Strength of 13.9 N/mm2
Carbonation depth (Depth in mm) = 30mm (4 nos.)
Half-cell Potentiometer = -0.29(V)
PH = 9.68
Chloride = 0.05
Sulphate Content = 0.15

NDT Conclusion:
 Considering all the above observations, it can be concluded that building: -

The structural condition of the building is in Average c o n d i t i o n internally and externally. Concrete
quality is average according to core test.

Beams, columns and ceiling of some locations have cracked and hollow; the building need to be maintained
properly to external & internal.


1) The concrete has lost its strength in fire .so it is recommended that the spalled concrete needs to be replaced
by polymer concrete, Micro concrete as mentioned in BOQ and Water based Epoxy should be grouted in slab
and beams to retain the moisture in concrete to get the flexural strength of slab return.

2) Widening & filling of Structural and Non-Structural Cracks with Crack filler and Painting to be done regularly
for long Life of the Structure
Date: 24/10/2024
The Hon. Chairman /Secretary
Gala No. 219,319,419 & 420, Prakash Industrial Premises Co-op Society
Bharat Industrial Estate,
Tokershi Jivraj Rd, Sewri, Mumbai 400015


The Structural examination as per request of managing committee of the building. We have
inspected “Gala No. 219,319,419 & 420, Prakash Industrial Premises Co-op Society Bharat Industrial Estate,
Tokershi Jivraj Rd, Sewri, Mumbai 400015

We have inspected the building and checked the building component for the purpose to find out current structural
condition. The report is based mainly on visual inspection & N.D.T test. The building is R.C.C framed structure with
brick walls. Building is B+ G + 5 storied.

Considering all the above observations, it can be concluded that: -

On the basis of the examination and the verification of the building / premise and as required under provision of
section 265A of the Bombay Provincial Municipal Corporation Act 1949, I submit the following certificates:
The grade for assessment of the building is: - C-2B
“I, Swapnil Gandhi, hereby certify that the aforesaid building requires minor repair work internally as well as
externally so as to remain fit for human habitation and I hereby recommend that the following civil and structural
repairs to be taken within 6 months in order to make the building structurally safe.
 External and Internal Structural repair work (Columns, Beams, Slabs, etc.) as required external
and internal.
 External Patch Plastering/ Crack filling Work wherever needed
 Crack filling and Painting work. (External of Building / Internal staircase)
 Other allied miscellaneous works.

Thanking You,

Nishith Tanna Swapnil Gandhi

Viztech consultants Structural Engineer

LS 840022324 STR 840024431
1. Inspection of foundations and seismic assessment are beyond the
scope of Structural Audit (Visual Inspection + Hammer Tapping &
N.D.T Test).
2. In absence of design data & as built R.C.C. details drawing, the
resistance of the structure for earthquake forces / wind forces
cannot be assessed.
3. It may not be possible to identify the distresses in the structural
below the ground level. Detailed investigation, if needed.
4. This report relates only to the strength of R.C.C and not for any
other aspect of building safety that are not attended/checked.

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