Tech Drafting 9 Module 7 Week 7
Tech Drafting 9 Module 7 Week 7
Tech Drafting 9 Module 7 Week 7
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Pre-test. This part helps to examine your prior knowledge
about the lesson. It is only composed of 5-10 items. Remember
to answer this part as honestly as you can.
Let us determine how much you already know
about skills in preparing and setting-up tools and
materials for drawing
Skills Assessment
Direction: Listed below are some of the most important skills that you must gain in
order to draft a quality floor plan. On the right side of the matrix lists the skills
expected of you to master. Rate yourself by checking “Not much”, if you are not
so familiar yet, “A little” and/or “A lot”, if you are already familiar with the skills.
Don’t feel bad if you checked “Not Much” in all of the skills. Keep in mind that this
is being administered to determine your pre-entry knowledge of and skills on the
lesson to be presented.
Skills in Preparing and Setting-up Tools and Materials Not Much A little A lot
for Drawing
Learning Goals and Targets:
Well, have some fun in reading prepared lessons,
the activities and enrichment activities for your
reflection and better understanding of the lesson.
Challenge yourself by performing related activities
to determine if you have attained the
required knowledge and skills in a
particular learning outcome.
Enjoy reading. Good luck!
Learning Competency 1
LO 2. Prepare and set up tools and materials for drawing
2.1 Observe OHS policies and procedures in setting-up tools and materials for drawing
2.2 Prepare drawing tools, materials and equipment based on job requirements
2.3 Set up tools, materials, and equipment based on the job requirements
Technical Terms Encountered In Preparing and Setting-Up Tools and Materials for
Drawing Tools- are instruments used as guide in drawing processes.
Drawing Materials - are the consumable drawing items such as drawing paper,
masking tape, eraser etc.
Drawing Equipment - the instruments, attachments, and other equipment used to
make mechanical drawings.
The Importance of Drawing Tools, Materials, and Equipment
This lesson is only a review of your prior learning in technical drawing
particularly on the proper use and care of drawing tools, materials and equipment.
The purpose of this discussion is to allow you to review and recall its importance in
the Drafting Technology works.
A. Drawing/Drafting Tools
These refer to the sets of tools that are used in all drafting works or activities
especially if the activity requires mechanical presentation. Prior to the start of
drafting activity, it is expected therefore that all drawing tools needed must be
available in the work station to ensure that the assigned task can
be accomplished according job specifications.
The following are the common drafting tools:
1. Drafting 7. Pencil
Table/Drawing Sharpener or Pen
Board (24” x 36” knife
/0.61cm x 0.91cm)
13. Pull-push
B. Drawing/Drafting Materials
Drafting is the art of making
technical drawings and is
performed by architects,
engineers and designers of all
types. Drawings are created to
represent a specific idea and
become a blueprint for a physical
form. These drawings need to be
accurate for the object to be
These are sets of
consumable items that are
specifically used in drafting works
or activities. The draftsman cannot perform his drafting task without these items.
The following are the required materials needed in drafting works:
1. Bond Paper (short and Long)
2. Tracing paper
3. A4 drawing paper
4. Drawing pencil – HB, F, 2H
5. Pen and Ink Eraser
6. Masking Tape
7. Ink (Steadler/Rotring/Faber Castell)
8. Cartolina Paper
C. Equipment
These items are also essential in producing quality drafting output especially if
the assigned task requires mechanical manipulation. Although, these items are so
expensive, however, these are important in making the drawing output
presentable and convincing to the clients.
Procedure in Setting up Drawing Tools, Materials and Equipment and Standard
Operating Procedure
A. Before the start of drafting activity: Setting-up of drafting tools, materials and
1. Select the tools, materials and equipment which are needed in performing
the assigned task.
2. Properly set up the required tools and materials in a place within your reach
which is convenient for you to move and execute your work.
3. Clean the table and tools, see to it that these are free from dust and other
elements that would cause damage to your work.
4. Wash your hand with clean water.
B. Activity proper:
1. Perform the activity by following the standard operating procedure per job
2. Properly manipulate all the tools and equipment that are used in the activity.
3. In case of errors or mistakes along the way of the activity (for instance
misprinting of lines, letters, and other forms of mistakes) us
appropriate eraser for a particular mistake.
C. After the activity:
1. Submit your output to your teacher for checking.
2. Check all the tools and materials to ensure that nothing has lost.
3. Check and clean the drawing tools and equipment.
4. Return the tools and materials to the assigned tool keeper for safekeeping.
5. Withdraw your borrower’s card from the tool keeper as a proof that you have
returned the borrowed tools and materials.
6. Clean your work station before leaving.
Find out by accomplishing the Scoring
Rubric honestly and sincerely.
Remember it is your learning at stake!
Drawing Table/ Table
Using a two separate sheet of drawing paper or oslor paper. Used the
correct measuring tools or instruments, draw the sample figures
Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point
Line Technique Application of (all) At least 3-5 lines More than 5 lines
various lines was were used not were used not
used according to according to according to
standards standards standards
Accuracy All measurements At least 3-5 More than 5
and notations measurements and measurements and
needed were notations needed notations needed
accurately done were inaccurately were inaccurately
done done
Layout/Proportion All drawings were Layout was good but More than 2 drawings
drawn 1-2 drawing were out were drawn out of
proportionately and of proportion proportion and
was layout properly improperly layout
Neatness Finished output was Erasures/smudges Finished output has
neatly done, no are observable on so many erasures/
erasures nor any the finished output smudges present
Time Management Finish the task Finish the task on the Unable to finish the
ahead of the given given time/date task on the given
time/date time/date
Points earned Numerical Rating Descriptive Rating
21 - 25 91 - 100 Outstanding
16 - 20 86 - 90 Very Good
11- 15 81 - 85 Good
6 - 10 76 - 80 Fair
1 - 5 71 - 75 Needs Improvement
Teacher’s Comments:
After knowing the following considerations
strictly emphasized as Standard Operating
Procedure in the utilization of the drafting tools,
materials and equipment, answer the given
I. Direction. Identify the drawing tools, materials and equipment needed in performing the
different job or tasks. Write the answer on a separate sheet of paper.
II. Directions: Enumerate the following. Write the answers in your notebook.
A. List down five (5) drafting tools and materials when drawing sheet that
contains perspective, site development, title page and sheet index.
B. Give at least five (5) steps for fastening the drawing paper.
C. Cite the steps in setting-up drafting tools, materials and equipment observing
occupational health and safety procedures.
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Pre-assessment/ Skills Assessment
Skills in Preparing and Setting-up Tools and Materials Not Much A little A lot
for Drawing
Post- Test
A. Five most common tools in drafting architectural layout and details.
1. T-square
2. Triangle
3. Triangular Scale
4. Mechanical pencil
5. Technical Pens
A. List down five (5) drafting tools and materials when drawing sheet that
contains perspective, site development, title page and sheet index.
1. Drawing table
2. Mechanical Pencil
3. T- Square
4. Triangle
5. Tracing paper/ Drawing paper
B. Give at least five (5) steps for fastening the drawing paper.
1. Prepare and clean the drawing table.
2. Cut masking tape for the edge of the drawing paper.
3. Press firmly the T-square against the working edge of the drawing table.
4. Place the drawing paper close to the working edge of the drawing table and
working head of the T-square depending on you if you are right or left-handed,
while the paper is placed on top edge of the T-square.
5. Fasten the upper left portion of the drawing paper followed by the lower right
portion and finally the remaining corners.
C. Cite the steps in setting-up drafting tools, materials and equipment observing
occupational health and safety procedures.
1. Never use any tools and equipment without having it cleaned.
2. Always turn off the lights, air condition, ceiling fan, computer units, and
otherelectronic equipment before leaving the work station.
3. Maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the work station.
4. Use tools and equipment properly.