Mausam: Project Proposal On
Mausam: Project Proposal On
Mausam: Project Proposal On
Tribhuvan University
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Bachelors in Computer Application
Submitted to
Biratnagar, Morang
Submitted by
Kusal Kattel
Class: Sixth Semester
Class Roll No.: 08
April 2022
1. Introduction
Weather Report means a public announcement of prevailing or expected status in the
weather conditions all over the country and also important cities for the information of all
people and warn of any drastic changes like thunderstorms, heatwave, cold weather
conditions, etc. It has come a long way from the old manual instruments of observation to
satellite weather monitoring over a very wide region. Modern life is very much dependent
on advance weather reports for planning daily requirements like air travel, shipping
industry, agriculture sector, etc. The mass media, with its far and wide reach throughout
the day, makes our lives easy with periodic updates in weather. In our daily routine, it
plays a significant role in as much as we are prepared for our outings, field reporting etc.
MAUSAM focuses on studying the weather report and alerting the users about upcoming
disasters that could be caused by irregular behavior of weathers. For example, if the
temperature goes above 30 degrees Celsius, users is alarmed about the weather and they
can protect themselves outside by using suns-cream or also by wearing light clothes and
taking umbrella if necessary.
2. Problem Statement
Individuals and socioeconomic sectors use different types of weather information. Most
weather forecasts reports are targeted at one of four areas. These include the aviation
industry, agriculture the general public and other meteorologists. Several countries set up
government agencies to provide forecasts to the public in order to protect life and property
and to boost the economy and geological need. The World Summit on the Information
Society (WSIS) advocates effective communication of disaster risk information to mitigate
the effects of disasters that might be easily prevented. Awareness of what the end user
needs from weather forecast and communicating it effectively is very important.
The system greatly simplifies the weather report for the governmental bodies and also
publics in order to protect life and property and to boost the economy and geological need.
The system will also warn you if there is drastic change in climate and if natural disasters
like heavy rainfall, hurricane, etc. are about to occur in coming days.
3. Objective
The objective of this project is to study how the weather forecasting and weather report
works and the process of the system followed by the users:
4. Methodology
4.1. Requirement Identification
4.1.1. Study of Existing System
People have attempted to predict the weather informally for millennia and
formally since the 19th century. Weather forecasts are made by collecting
quantitative data about the current state of the atmosphere, land, and ocean
and using meteorology to project how the atmosphere will change at a given
place. Once calculated manually based mainly upon changes in barometric
pressure, current weather conditions, and sky condition or cloud cover,
weather forecasting now relies on computer-based models that take many
atmospheric factors into account.[1] Human input is still required to pick the
best possible forecast model to base the forecast upon, which involves
pattern recognition skills, teleconnections, knowledge of model
performance, and knowledge of model biases. The inaccuracy of forecasting
is due to the chaotic nature of the atmosphere, the massive computational
power required to solve the equations that describe the atmosphere, the land,
and the ocean, the error involved in measuring the initial conditions, and an
incomplete understanding of atmospheric and related processes.
There are a vast variety of end uses to weather forecasts. Weather warnings
are important forecasts because they are used to protect life and property.
Forecasts based on temperature and precipitation are important to
agriculture, and therefore to traders within commodity markets.
Temperature forecasts are used by utility companies to estimate demand
over coming days. On an everyday basis, many uses weather forecasts to
determine what to wear on a given day. Since outdoor activities are severely
curtailed by heavy rain, snow and wind chill, forecasts can be used to plan
activities around these events, and to plan ahead and survive them.
The AccuWeather forecasting and severe weather alerts you know and
trust. From local weather updates to Winter Cast snow alerts, get the
weather forecast you can rely on. With in-depth weather news, forecast
updates, free weather alerts, plus today’s forecast and much more.
Find out what makes AccuWeather the best as a trusted, free weather
app. It’s the weather tracker you need. AccuWeather is internationally
recognized by the World Meteorological Organization with awards for
“Best User Interface and Data Representation”, “Best Weather
Warnings”, and “Best Design and Presentation of Information, User-
Friendliness; Access and Customization” making AccuWeather one of
the best weather apps!
Appy Weather
Appy Weather is the most personal weather app because it's been
designed for humans by someone who actually checks the weather too.
By summarizing the weather in plain-spoken & user-friendly language
via its one-of-a-kind Timeline screen, Appy Weather sets itself apart
from all other weather apps — no more scrolling long lists to figure
out the weather as it's now summarized for you in a few lines and
makes checking the weather fast, easy and actually fun! That said,
there are more conventional hourly & daily views if that's what you
prefer. Appy Weather's hyperlocal accurate forecasts are powered by
Meriweather, Dark Sky, Open Weather and Forecast.
Today Weather
And so on. Above mentioned applications are good for users aboard but
not very useful for our nation. The application should be easy to login and
see the weather reports at anytime, anywhere. So, the goal of this project
is to provide easy and useful application which could be beneficial for
any users who wants to get weather details.
Weather simply refers to the condition of air on the earth at a given place and time. It is a
continuous, data-intensive, multidimensional, dynamic and chaotic process. These properties
make weather forecasting is a formidable challenge. Forecasting is the process of estimation in
unknown situations from the historical data. Weather forecasting is one of the most scientifically
and technologically challenging problems around the world in the last century. To make an
accurate prediction is indeed, one of the major challenges that meteorologists are facing all over
the world. Since ancient times, weather prediction has been one of the most interesting and
fascinating domains.
Weather forecasting has been one of the most challenging difficulties around the world because
of both its practical value in popular scope for scientific study and meteorology. Weather is a
continuous, dynamic, multi- dimensional chaotic process, and data-intensive and these properties
make weather forecasting a stimulating challenge. It is one of the most imperious and demanding
operational responsibilities that must be carried out by many meteorological services all over the
globe. Various organizations / workers in India and abroad have done demonstrating using
supported time series data manipulation. The various methodologies viz. statistic decomposition
models, Exponential smoothing models, ARIMA models and their dissimilarities like seasonal
ARIMA models, vector ARIMA models using flexible time series, ARMAX models i.e.,
ARIMA with following informative variables etc., which has been used for forecasting purposes.
Many trainings have taken place within the analysis of pattern and circulation of rainfall in many
regions of the world. Totally altered time series methods with different purposes are used to
investigate weather information in many different literatures. Accurate and timely weather
forecasting is a major challenge for the scientific research. Weather prediction modelling
involves a combination of many computer models, observations and acquaintance of trends and
designs. Using these methods, practically accurate forecasts can be made up. Regression is a
statistical experimental technique and it must be widely used in many businesses, the behavioral
sciences, social and climate recasting and many other areas.
Agrawal et al. (1980) explained the phenomena for time series regression models for forecasting
the yield of rice in Raipur district on weekly data using weather parameters [1]. In [2] the author
Kou and Sun, (1993) was used to Associate in having intervention model for average10 days
stream flow forecast and synthesis that was investigated by to affect the extraordinary
phenomena caused by typhoons and different serious irregularities of the weather of the Tan Shui
geographical area in Taiwan. In [3] Chew et al, (1993) conducted a comparison of six rainfall-
runoff modeling approaches to pretend daily, monthly and annual flows in eight tolerant
catchments. They concluded that time-series approaches will agreement adequate estimates of
monthly and annual yields within the water capitals of the catchments. In [4] Langu, (1993) is
another approach which used statistical analysis to observe changes in weather and runoff
patterns to go and look for important changes inside the parts of variety of weather statistic. Box
and Jenkins (1994), in early 1970's, pioneered in developing methodologies for statistic
indicating within the univariate case often known to Univariate Box-Jenkins (UBJ) ARIMA
modeling in this approach of the author[5].The variables which describes weather conditions
vary continuously with time in this explanation we found that the author [6], describing time
series of each and every parameter and can be used to develop a forecasting model either
statistically or using some new means that uses this time series data (Chatfield 1994;
Montgomery and Lynwood 1996). Several authors have discussed the fuzziness associated with
the weather systems.
Requirement collection plays a key role. Requirement’s collection is not only important for the
project, but it is also important for the project management function. For the project,
understanding what the project will eventually deliver is critical for its success. Through
requirements, the project management can determine the end deliveries of the project and how
the end deliveries should address client’s specific requirements.
Requirements are of basically two types. They are functional requirements and non-functional
Functional Requirements
MAUSAM aims to improve the efficiency of weather report on everyone's palm, and the main
function is to made easy and effective for everyone to view and get notified about weather. The
admin are major functional requirements in the system. Only the Admin will be given powers to
add, delete and update weather reports of various place if needed.
Non-Functional Requirement
Non-functional requirements enhance the system by providing quality-based attributes which
leads to system running more smoothly and efficiently. These requirements are to enhance user
experience by making sure system is responsive, fast and works as intended.
Software Requirement
Operating System: Windows
Technology: Java, android studio
Server: XAAMP
Gantt Chart:
A Gantt chart is a bar chart that provides a visual view of tasks scheduled over time. A Gantt
chart is used for planning projects of all sizes, and it is a useful way of showing what work is
scheduled to be done on a specific day. It can also help you view the start and end dates of a
project in one simple chart.[4]
Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Data Collection
Project Management is one of the confusing and tedious tasks. It is one of the important steps to
choose the right methodology to develop the new system. Software development life cycle
(SDLC) models show the ways to navigate through the complex and demanding process of
software building. A project’s quality, timeframes, budget, and ability to meet the stakeholders’
expectations largely depend on the chosen model. [4]
To develop the MAUSAM I have chosen the waterfall model. The Waterfall Model is the linear-
sequential life cycle model. It is very simple to understand and use. In a waterfall model, each
phase must be completed before the next phase can begin and there is no overlapping in the
phases. It was the first Process Model to be introduced.
The Waterfall model is the earliest SDLC approach that was used for software development.
The waterfall Model illustrates the software development process in a linear sequential flow.
This means that any phase in the development process begins only if the previous phase is
complete. In this waterfall model, the phases do not overlap.
The Project MAUSAM is a complete mobile application designed on android studio using
Java and Visual Studio Software. The main aim of the project is to provide users with weather
report and estimated weather forecasting reports.
This mobile application is based on the data mainly provided by Government of Nepal,
Department of Hydrology and Meteorology and some others applications like Accuweather,
Google feed, Today Weather, etc. The application contains detailed weather report of various
places of Nepal and some other countries also.
Here the login page is created in order to save the weather report for future use and also to
alert the specific user based on their location.
After the completion of the project, we are expecting the following outputs which will
minimize the problems as well as solve the existing problem.
Expected to be easy in viewing weather report.
Gets notified if there is heavy changed in climate.
Save reports for future use if needed.