Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
However, there is some drawback that can found from the solution in using
student attendance management system (andriod). First of all, the system will
still require the lecturers to key-in student attendance records in every class.
Although the system had developed to be work in computerization, but it still
require an operator to manage the storing and retrieving of information
frequently. So, the proposed system had only converted the traditional
attendance system to computerization but everything still have to be done
manually such as key-in student attendance and etc. In addition, it only reduces
the cost used for paper work but the system does not save up much time from
record the student attendance. Other than that, those kind lecturers may try to
help those student who always absent from the class to prevent get barred from
the final exam by fake the student attendance by their own since lecturers is the
one who key-in the attendance records in every class. Other than that, the
proposed system only provides very basic functions to be used by the lecturers.