Kaldor'S Growth Theory Nancy J. Wulwick
Kaldor'S Growth Theory Nancy J. Wulwick
Kaldor'S Growth Theory Nancy J. Wulwick
The last decade has seen an outburst of growth models designed to
replace the conventional Solow growth model, with its exogenous trend of
technical progress, by more realistic models that generate increasing
returns (to labor, capital and/or scale) as a result of endogenous technical
progress. In contrast to the Solow model, the new models suggest that
policy interventions can affect the long-run rate of economic growth.
Nicholas Kaldor's growth model, designed in the late 1950s and early 1960s
to replace the Solow growth model, is a precursor of the new growth models.
Many of the new growth models are intended to rationalize the stylized
facts of growth established by Kaldor (Kaldor 1958, p. 178; Romer 1989, p.
54). Those stylized facts include the existence of:
(1) continued growth of labor productivity, with no tendency for afalling
rate of productivity growth;
(2) a continued increase in the ratio of capital to labor, however capital
may be measured
(3) steady capital-output ratios, or at least the absence of a clear long-
term trend in the positive or negative direction, once less than full
capacity utilization is taken into account;
(4) a constant rate of profit on capital;
(5) a constant share of investment in output and profits in income (which
follows from facts #3 and #4);
(6) no tendency for country growth rates to converge.
Some evidence has accumulated since the 1970s to suggest that the capital-
output ratio has not been constant (Haache 1979, p. 280), the share of
profits in income has fallen (Romer 1989, p. 63) and the growth rates of
countries have converged (Baumol and Wolff, 1988). However, the con-
sensus of opinion is that Kaldor's stylized facts are accurate broad generali-
Old Dominion Universily. The author benefited from the comments of two anonymous
referees. The Jerome Levy Economics Institute at Bard College sponsored the research.
The Solow growth model can reproduce only five of Kaldor's six facts.
Exogenous technical progress can account for productivity growth (fact
# 1 ) . Although the capital-labor ratio is rising (fact # 2 ) , as long as labor is
measured in efficiency units the neoclassical model is consistent with
balanced growth (facts # 3 - # 5 ) (Solow 1970, pp. 2-3,33-38). However, the
Solow growth model cannot account for persistent differences in country
growth rates (fact # 6 ) (Lucas 1988, p. 4). Assuming a Cobb-Douglas-type
technology, identical capital shares, perfect capital markets and complete
mobility, the neoclassical model predicts that capital will flow from rich to
poor countries, where the rate of profit on capital is highest, and that the
capital flows are reinforced by the diffusion of technical progress from rich
to poor countries (Lucas 1990, p. 92). Moreover, the Solow model with an
exogeneous time trend cannot explain (as opposed to reproduce) long-run
growth, which renders the model ineffective for the analysis of the impact
of government policies on long-run growth.
Kaldor and many other economists in the 1950s and 1960s, including
Robert Solow himself, criticized the Solow model for its limited capacity to
reflect the stylized facts of growth (Solow 1959, p. 98). The growth
economists in the last decade who have repeated those old criticisms have
often adopted devices used in Kaldor's models—such as endogenous
technical progress, increasing returns, path-dependence (or "history mat-
ters"), the priority of the manufacturing sector, and the presence of
complementarities to avoid the limitations of the Solow model (Wulwick
1990, pp. 68-103). Indeed, the recent debate over how to model growth
reflects in many ways the Kaldor-Solow controversy of the 1950s. Kaldor,
who was from the University of Cambridge, and Solow, who was at MIT,
were embroiled in the Cambridge-Cambridge controversy over how to
model production. They, like many economists of the time, saw that
technical progress provided the main explanation for the rapid growth of
production, but their models of technical progress differed.
In Kaldor's model, technical progress was embodied in capital with the
result that the growth of demand for capital (up to a definite limit) would
induce technical progress. It was as if attempts to move along the neoclas-
sical production function led to shifts of that function. There were, in other
words, increasing returns to capital and scale (in the model, capital is a
complement to a growing fully-employed labor force). Kaldor thought that
this, by conflicting with the neoclassical "adding up" theorem for a perfectly
competitive economy, was "sufficient to cause the whole [neoclassical]
structure to collapse like a pack of cards" (Kaldor 1966b, p. 297). In light
of his model, Kaldor argued that demand management that promoted
capital investment promised to increase the rate of technical progress and
the potential rate of growth. Solow's models accepted that capital invest-
ment was needed for progress to occur, but he treated the potential rate of
ll ll ll (k-x)* k-x
K, K 2 K3
relating as it did the growth of output (per worker) to the growth of capital
(per worker), constituted his basic model of increasing returns. The
intersection of the technical progress function (the position and shape of
which would vary by country) and the 45° line represented the position of
long-run growth equilibrium at which the rate of profit on capital, the
capital-output ratio and the distribution of income were constant, in line
with the stylized facts of growth # l - # 5 . Kaldor stated the technical
progress function either by equation
y=Plk + al (1)
as represented by Figure 1, where oc,/(l - p,) is the equilibrium rate of
growth of output (Kaldor 1957, pp. 276), or equation
y-x=P2(k-x) (2)
written for convenience in a linear form, with cc2 / (1 - p2) as the equilibrium
rate of output growth (Kaldor 1958, pp. 215-16). Both equations 1 and 2
hold only if the constant a, = a 2 and the slopes p,, p2 = 1, a restriction that
Kaldor would not accept.
Kaldor intended the technical progress function as an alternative to the
model of economic growth offered by the Cobb-Douglas production func-
Y = 0< n<1 (3)
Assuming the existence of perfect competition, the output elasticities equal
the income shares of labor and capital. Normalizing for labor, taking
logarithms and differentiating with respect to time results in the equation,
y-x = r\(k -x) + r (4)
It was Kaldor's view that equations (3) and (4) artificially separated the
growth of the capital-labor ratio from the rate of technical progress which
made productivity grow. "The use of more capital per worker," Kaldor
explained, "inevitably entails the introduction of superior techniques which
require 'inventiveness' of some kind," while most "technical innovations
which are capable of raising the productivity of labor require the use of
more capital per man" (Kaldor 1958, p. 264). Solow's (1957) pathbreaking
estimation of the exogenous rate of technical progress r in equation (4),
Kaldor remonstrated, was "purely circular." The slope of the curve (q) was
"supposed to determine the share of profits in income, the share of profits
is taken to be an indication of the slope, and the residual is then attributed
to the shift of the curve! There could be no better example," he concluded,
"of post hoc ergopropter hoc" (ibid., p. 33).
Yet, shortly after the publication of the linear technical progress function
several economists informed Kaldor that the technical function (as stated
in equation 2) was formally identical to the Cobb-Douglas production
function in growth form (equation 4, p2 = q, r = a j . Virtually every survey
on growth economics has emphasized that fact. Of course, mathematical
oversights of all sorts abound in the economics literature (Tinbergen 1988,
p. 225). Solow's (1956) presentation of neoclassical growth theory was
replete with a mislabeled graph (Figure 1) and errors of calculus, which he
later acknowledged (Solow 1969, p. 87). Those errors, however, hardly
diminished the clarity of the author's argument. Kaldor, recognizing that
the mathematical oversight threw his whole argument into question, re-
sponded that the representation of increasing returns required a function
which took into account the distribution of capital and labor between
sectors and the rates of growth of output and labor, so that there is no unique
relation between the levels of output and factor input (Kaldor 1958, pp. 44-
45, n. 2). Several years later Kaldor broached such a function in the form
of an econometric model of increasing returns. The coherence of Kaldor's
growth theory rested on that econometric exercise.
5. Kaldor stated that Arrow originated the name "Verdoorn law" (letter to the author
from N. Kaldor, July 18,1983), but Arrow does not recall having done so (phone conversation
with K. Arrow, July 27,1983). He did not use the term in his 1962 essay.
6. Letter to the author from N. Kaldor, October 12,1983.
and shortly before the regionalization of the scheme (see Wulwick 1983).
Officially SET, which taxed employers in the service sector and subsidized
employers in manufacturing, was intended partly to raise Britain's rela-
tively low rate of economic growth.
Kaldor's regression analysis, like a lot of policy-oriented statistical re-
search was simple. The lack of sophistication also was a product of his time
and place. The Cowles Commission established econometrics in the United
States in the 1940s. Yet one could find virtually no econometrics course
taught in British universities in the 1950s. Students who wanted economet-
rics would spend time at an American university or try to teach themselves.
Still, notable applied econometrics work was being done at the Department
of Applied Economics (DAE) at Cambridge. Under R. S. Stone's direction,
the D A E developed the single errors-in-equation model. The criteria for
an acceptable model were correctly signed coefficients, a high R2, statisti-
cally significant coefficients, and a Durbin-Watson statistic within the
appropriate bounds (Gilbert 1991, p. 293). By the early 1960s, the errors-
in-equation model had become the standard method of estimation. Mean-
while the DAE shifted its interest to economic planning and the center of
time series analysis moved to the London School of Economics. The LSE
offered its first econometrics course in 1962 and introduced the M.Sc.
program in econometrics in 1967. At this time, econometrics came into
vogue in business and government (Johnston 1967, p. 3). Having received
the advance copies of Kaldor's inaugural lecture sent out by the press office
of the Treasury, The Economist remarked upon the "present Treasury
shibboleth..., the language of regression equations" (November 5,1966, p.
Regression analysis at that time served mainly to estimate linear stochas-
tic models based on formal theory, with little attention paid to testing
alternative hypotheses. Kaldor, not unlike other policy-oriented econo-
mists, was prone to treat his least-squares estimates as measures of the true
model. Kaldor reported the R2, the standard error of the regression
coefficient and the standard error of the regression as a proportion of the
mean value of the dependent variable, but did not give these numbers a
statistical interpretation. His sample covered twelve of the twenty-two
OECD countries for the years 1953/54-1963/64, a period that he thought
was long enough to eliminate cyclical movements (Kaldor 1968, p. 390).
The data, which are available in Kaldor's publications, were based on
statistics from the recently developed data banks of the OECD and the UN
and were cross-sectional, with one exponential growth rate for each vari-
able for each country for the whole sample period. Like many economists,
Kaldor ignored the issue of the quality of the data. The manufacturing data
were fairly reliable, though the aggregate output and employment series
were not always comparable (Lomax 1964, p. 10). The service sector data
were unreliable because the indicators of real output of many (though not
the majority) of its activities were based only on employment data (Hall and
McGibbon 1966, p. 47). Like many international studies, Kaldor's study
neglected to explain its choice of sample, which included some but not all
of the industrialized OECD countries. The availability of data on produc-
tivity may explain Kaldor's choice of countries. Productivity was computed
in base year prices as the ratio of the index of net output to the index of labor
input at the industry level, with sizeable statistical adjustments made at the
aggregate level (OECD 1966, p. 19). Continuous OECD series usually
were limited to annual figures for 10-year periods and the OECD published
a productivity index only for twelve countries. Kaldor's sample covered
eleven of these countries, but excluded Ireland, which was not industrial-
ized, and included Japan.
Kaldor specified the Verdoorn law using two alternative specifications, of
manufacturing productivity growth on manufacturing output growth and
manufacturing employment growth on manufacturing output growth. Later,
he and others insisted that only the latter specification serves as the true test
of the law (Kaldor 1975, pp. 891-92; Scott 1989, p. 340). It is worth
emphasizing that as long as one's data are consistent, only one of these
specifications needs to be estimated since, by definition,)** = x* +p*. Using
ordinary least-squares, the three measures £m = 1.0005*m + 1.0037pm,Jcm =
0.9985yM - 1.0017/?;n, and pm = 0.9960ym - 0.9959*n show'that Kaldor?s data
were consistent. In this case, just one of Kaldor's two equations—;tm on.ym
orpm onym — suffices to provide the relevant information. No wonder that
Kaldor arrived at identical standard errors of the slope coefficient v in both
of his regressions. In addition, the standard error of the regression and the
log likelihood of the estimates of the two regressions are identical because
the data are consistent.
In order to state the relevant statistical tests, I have reestimated the
Verdoorn "law" using Kaldor's data. The estimates, which came very close
to Kaldor's, are:
ym = KK (a + b)>l (9)
and substituted that definition into (10) which resulted in the Verdoorn
*• •(£)
Kdepends on the ratio of the growth of capital to the growth of employment
and both output elasticities, implying that the Verdoorn relation pertains to
the growth of total labor productivity (Thirlwall 1980, p. 387). The slope of
the Verdoorn law (in equations 7 and 9) then is
7. The log likelihood of equation 8 is -11.319 and the null hypothesis ofpm regressed on
the constant is -21.712. Given the chi-square of one degree of freedom, the probability in
favor of the null hypothesis in a large sample is less than 0.005.
%- = *-•*• (13)
dy y '
In contrast, Rowthorn substituted the identityxn ym -p into equation (10)
which yielded
=(f) *-
as the neoclassical model underlying the Verdoorn "law." The slope
d£_ _ b-\
dy b
which depended solely on labor's output elasticity could not measure (as
Kaldor interpreted it) returns to scale or the effects of technical progress.
The competing underlying models of the slope of the Verdoorn law in
equations (13) and (15) are observationally equivalent, so that there is no
logical basis for choosing between them. This problem vitiated Kaldor's
attack on the production function approach to modeling growth.
Kaldor's writings mark him as one of the great literary economists of our
age, but his growth theory has received little recognition from mainstream
economists. The primary motivation of his growth theory was critical. He
considered that the constraints imposed on neoclassical growth theory as a
consequence of the use of calculus and the need for mathematical tractabil-
ity were unwarranted. Unfortunately, his own formal models could be
derived from —but did not necessarily imply—the neoclassical model that
he set out to criticize. The dismissal of Kaldor by economists like H. Varian
("Kaldor had no theory") and P. Romer (Kaldor lacked "a tractable
alternative" to the Solow growth model), however oblivious to Kaldor's
insights into the growth process, is not entirely unreasonable (Romer
1986a, p. 1005).8 "Mathematics," as Samuelson once warned, "can certainly
be a hindrance, since it is only too easy to convert a good literary economist
into a mediocre mathematical economist" (Samuelson 1952, p. 65). In this
context, the limitations of Kaldor as a growth theorist were a largely product
of his time, the transition of economics from a mainly literary to a mainly
mathematical discourse.
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