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A Thesis
Presented to the
Faculty of Senior High School Department
Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Academic Track


Fruelda, Lhyca F.
Galvez, Lorenz M.
Maalihan, Fritz Marielle E.
Ortiz, Ralph Joshua S.
Percera, Sarah Mae F.



The researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to everyone

during the title proposals until the hardbound of this thesis, who contributed to the

success of one of the toughest academic endeavors they have ever experienced from

a year full of challenges. This study would not have been finished if these people

and institutions did not show their support and share their expertise. It is from them

that the researchers owe a lot of gratitude.

Ms. Angel Jyra D. Dejucos, Research Instructor and statistician for the

motivation, inspiration, guidance, and impetus that she instigated to meet the

success of this research.

Mr. John Larry Nario, School Principal, for prompting the undertaking of

this study through his approval.

Panel of Examiners: Ms. Lyka Mae P. Falculan, Ms. Jaye Anne B. Baluca,

and Mrs. Arlene Malla for giving their valuable suggestions that made the study a

better output and for sharing their precious time despite the demand of their hectic

schedule and academic works.

Ms. Astrid Kyst Babasa, one of the experts in the field of English, the

researchers' language critique for being there in utmost needs, for her unending

support and letting the researchers borrow spare of her time. And for her untiring

support and patience in checking the grammar of the research.


Above all, to Almighty God, who always answer prayers and keep on

enlightening and showering everyone with His blessings during the ups and downs

of the academic and non-academic challenges.

The researchers


This humble piece of work is wholeheartedly dedicated to God Almighty for the

strength and enlightenment of our minds, to our beloved family

Mr. Rod F. Fruelda and Mrs. Margie F. Fruelda

Mr. Zaldy R. Galvez and Mrs. Lorna M. Galvez

Mr. Freddie A. Maalihan and Mrs. Mia Flor E. Maalihan

Mr. Renato S. Ortiz and Mrs. Elizabeth S. Ortiz

Mr. Federico F. Percera and Mrs. Gemma F. Percera

Whose love, encouragement, and support are priceless and who inspired us in

going through and in continuing our struggle in taking this journey of life, to all th

people who helped me and guided us as we mold our future.







Title : The Impact of Valuing Employees on the Growth

of Businesses in Batangas City

Authors : Lhyca F. Fruelda

Lorenz M. Galvez

Fritz Marielle E. Maalihan

Ralph Joshua S. Ortiz

Sarah Mae F. Percera

Type of Document : Quantitative Research

Academic/Strand : Academic Track

Accountancy, Business and Manangement

Year : 2023

Adviser : Angel Jyra D. Dejucos, LPT


This study aimed to determine the impact of valuing employees the growth

of every business in Batangas City. The researchers create the informative flyer to

help the employers or business owners to treat their employees better by giving tips

and strategies.

The type of research used in this study was descriptive, with a questionnaire

as the instrument for gathering data from 45 respondents, who are employees in

Batangas, City. The statistical used were frequency, percentage, and weighted


In terms of the profile of the respondents, findings revealed that most of the

respondents were females, and the majority of them are 28-37 years old.

There are incentives and rewards that are being given to the employees as a

token of appreciation, and the result revealed that 13th month pay is the most given

incentives in Batangas, City. Moreover, the result also revealed and proved that the

relationship of employer to its employees has a huge impact on the growth of a

business since treating employees well is a must. Through building a healthy

relationship with the employees, both parties can work efficiently and effectively

that will allow the business to gain more profit because of their productivity. The

results also revealed that employees are well aware that a good treatment of

employers allows them to be more driven at their work.

The informative flyer created by the researchers was made to educate

businesses on how to treat their employees right. The flyer must be viewed since

this well help the business to retain and attract skilled and efficient workers.



TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………….

APPROVAL SHEET………………………………………………….

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY…………………………………………...



TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………..

LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………...

LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………….




Statement of the Problem………………………………………

Scope and Limitation of the Study…………………………….

Significance of the Study………………………………………


Conceptual Literature…………………………………………

Research Literature……………………………………………



Conceptual Framework……………………………………….

Definition of Terms……………………………………….


Research Design…………………………………………..

Subjects of the Study……………………………………...

Data Gathering Instrument………………………………..

Data Gathering Procedure………………………………...

Statistical Treatment of Data……………………………....



Profile of the Respondents………………………………..

The benefits, rewards, and incentives the employees get in

their workplace……………………………………………

Factors the Employees Consider in Staying in a Certain


Employee appreciation affect the productivity of employees

in making sales…………………………………………….

Employer’s relationship to employee affects the growth of

the business………………………………………………..


Summary of Findings……………………………………….







Figure Page

1 Research Paradigm on the Impact of Valuing Employees

in the growth of businesses in Batangas City……………



Table Page

1 Distribution of respondents in terms of Gender……………….

2 Distribution of respondents in terms of Age…………………..

3 The benefits, rewards, and incentives the employees get in

their workplace……………………………………………….

4 Factors the Employees Consider in Staying in a Certain


5 Employee appreciation affect the productivity of employees

in making sales……………………………………………….

6 Employer’s relationship to employee affects the growth of

the business…………………………………………………...




Businesses are essential to society; they provide for the people’s needs,

including goods and services. These make people’s lives easier because they

produce functional products that meet their needs and wants. They do not have to

make things on their own using raw materials. Everyone who is part of the business

is the one who makes those products with the intention of serving and selling them

for a good price. Running a business is not as easy as people think. It is given that

they earn money through this, but there are a lot of hard work, sacrifices, and risks

to take. In order for a business to succeed, cooperation is needed, and most

especially the willingness to give everybody good services, not only as an employee

but also as the one who owns the business. Every business consists of the owner,

employees, and consumers. The owner is the one who owns the business, the

consumer is the one who buys the products and services, and the employee is the

person who helps run the business.

Every business needs an employee because without them, the owner cannot

run the company alone. Employees are considered one of the company’s assets.

Employees have a significant role in businesses; they are the ones who help the

business grow. Even though they are paid to do their job, they are important to every

business because they have the skills and abilities to manage their work

professionally. Employees have the responsibility to make customers satisfied with

their products and services. The employees must have characteristics that is good

for both their co-workers, and customers in order to have a peace at their work place.

The characteristics that they should have been professionalism, hardworking,

responsible, kind, approachable and productive. These personalities are most valued

by others than being rude and aggressive.

In every business, employees are important to help it grow, which is why it is also

very important to value and treat them equally and properly. Every business owner

must know that the secret to the success of their company is to have a good

relationship, not only with their customers but also with their employees. When it

comes to any business, having good morals should start with the person who

manages it. The person who manages it or person who is on higher position should

be role models in the workplace, so the employees will do the same and treat their

customers dearly. The person in a higher position must know how to treat their

employees correctly because the productivity of their workers depends on them. The

workers cannot work properly if all they can hear is their manager or owners yelling

at them. Workers or employees will love their work if the owner is good at them,

and as a result, they will have a peaceful workplace that provides good services to

the customers.

It is the owner’s or manager’s responsibility to value and appreciate the

employees. The employees can feel when their efforts are not valued, and it might

result to bad performance of the employees. When owners motivate them to do their

work, they will be more productive at their jobs. A motivated employee will give

their best to do their task in the workplace. As a result, the employees will give their

best, and the entire work flow becomes more efficient. The capacity of the

organizations to produce high-quality work also increases. The company may easily

boost quality and production with the aid of its driven employees. As a result,

businesses can hire new talent to greatly boost overall production while also

properly recognizing and rewarding their staff.

According to Markos and Sridevi (2010), the effectiveness and productivity

of employees are measured by their performance, which eventually affects the

organization’s total performance by contributing positively to the achievement of

organizational goals. The statement of the authors clearly said that the success of

business depends on the performance of the employees. It is because employees

play a huge role on businesses, that is why treating them nicely will help to improve

the moods of the employees for them to be able to function properly. As a result,

the employees can work passionately that will lead to the achievement of goals of

the company.

As time passes by, lots of businesses are being built. As a result, lots of

employees will be need by the business to help them operate and run the business

properly. Employees have a huge role on achieving the goals of the company, that

is why companies need to take care of their employees. The researchers conducted

this study to determine the impact of valuing employees the growth of every

business in Batangas City. The purpose of this study was to know how people on

higher position value their employees.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the impact of valuing employees on the

growth of businesses in Batangas City.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Job designation

2. What are the factors the employees consider in staying in a certain company?

3. What benefits, rewards and incentives do employees get in their workplace?

4. How does employees’ appreciation affect their productivity in making sales?

5. How does employer’s relationship to employee affect the growth of the business?

6. What informative materials may help the people who is in higher position to treat

their employees better?

Scope, Delimitation and Limitations of the Study

The focus of this study was to determine how the relationship of the people

in higher position to their employees affects the businesses’ ability to keep growing

and how proper treatment is needed since employees play an important role and they

are considered assets of every business.

However, this study only focused on the employees in Batangas, City and

other employees from other towns were not covered by this study. Any type of

businesses, no matter how big or small as long as there are employees who help for

the growth of their business are included in this study.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believed that this study could benefit the following: business

owners, people on higher position, employees, present researchers, and future


To the business owners, this study will be beneficial to them because this

study provides information that is important in the growth of their businesses.

To the people on higher position, this study will help them on how they can

treat their employees better since it provides information on how employees should

be treated in their workplace.

To the employees, this study will be beneficial to them because this study

provides knowledge about how important employees are in businesses, as well as

their rights as employees.


To the present researchers, this study will help them to learn more

information about the impact of valuing employees on growth of businesses and

will also answer the questions in their minds because of curiosity

To the future researchers, this study will be beneficial to them because this

study can be used as a reference and will also serve as a guide when they are

conducting research that is related to this topic.




This chapter presented the conceptual and research literature for better

understanding of the study. It served as the background and provided insights that

help the researchers in conceptualizing the framework of the study.

Conceptual Literature

Employees have the rights to be treated right, to be valued, and to be

appreciated. Employees are considered as the assets of every business, thus reason

the owners and other people who is in higher position must take care of them

properly to maintain the productivity of the employees that results for business to

grow. This section presents some topics that are related to the study, namely;

managers’ capacities, employee’s needs, and employees’ attitude.

Managers’ capacities. Any organization’s success depends on its managers’

capacity to create an environment that inspires its workforce. According to Osabiya

(2015), keeping employees motivated and doing effectively at work is a problem

for managers nowadays. The management needs to be aware of how each employee

acts and what could personally inspire them. Managers can determine what

incentives to utilize to inspire their staff by recognizing what needs they have. Most

businesses want to gain from good employee’s conduct by fostering an environment

where everyone wins—the business and the employees. Osabiya emphasized that

good employee’s conduct is essential for managers nowadays, as it helps to create

an environment of employee motivation and engagement. They need to be aware of

how each employee acts and what could inspire them, so they can determine what

incentives to utilize to inspire them. Recognizing the needs of employees is a key to

successful business practices.

According to Tonya Wang (2015), the practice of developing manager

capacities was centered on assisting managers with routine tasks like filling out

review forms and conducting regular appraisals. This was because the traditional

perception of the role of managers was focused on transactional work. The demands

placed on managers today have changed. Managers must understand the firm's aims

and objectives as leaders in the organization in order to connect their strategies with

what the company needs from them. Managers are responsible for playing their parts

in achieving the overall goals of the organization. Additionally, managers are

expected to do these cyclical duties concurrently with achieving the strategic goals

of the firm.

It is stated that managers capacities are responsible for helping managers

with routine tasks like review forms and conducting regular appraisals, as the

traditional perception of their role was focused on transactional work. Managers

must understand the firm’s aims and objectives in order to connect their strategies

with what the company needs from them. So these strategies should be done and

applied simultaneously to meet the overall goals of the firm.


The study of Kim (2006) discussed that managers must confront and deal

with the complex and sophisticated subject of employee motivation if they are to

achieve organizational success. Managers must acknowledge the necessity of

employee motivation, its ideas, and variations in individual demands in order to

better comprehend it. Hence, managers must be aware of the various elements that

motivate employees as well as how these factors fluctuate in importance over time.

Also, managers should become familiar with the ideas, examples, and prior

iterations of motivating programs because doing so will help them recognize reward

schemes that would be a good fit for their workforce. Managers must comprehend

that employee motivation and its process are there to motivate their people. Thus,

employee input must be appreciated and incorporated throughout this process. This

awareness of the employee motivation process necessitates a systematic approach.

Kim believed that managers must be well-educated regarding the subject of

employee motivation in order to achieve organizational success. They must

understand the different factors that motivate employees and give importance to

each consideration over time. Managers should also be knowledgeable with the

ideas, examples, and prior iterations of motivating programs to recognize reward

schemes that would be a good fit for their workforce. Finally, they must comprehend

and apply that employee motivation and its process for the employees to be

motivated, appreciated, and incorporated to the success of the company.


Employee’s Needs. When workers feel appreciated and have an influence,

they are more driven, and fair compensation plays a role in this. Everyone wants to

feel appreciated, trusted, and empowered. The employees also want opportunities

for growth. More and more, employees want to be themselves at work. Employers

should regard their workers on a personal level and acknowledge their worth.

Money is necessary for survival, but thriving requires deeper connections, a strong

sense of community, and work that is motivated by a greater good. Employees

anticipate receiving this value from their employers. The employee’s intent to depart

is higher the more restrictions an employer places on those things.

According to a study by Balba (2019), published in the international journal

of research in engineering, science, and management in the Batangas Provincial

Division, receiving awards stimulates and drives people to keep raising the bar on

their performance in order to achieve excellence. Rewards and incentives at work

are advantageous to both employers and employees. When excellent performance

and productivity are recognized and rewarded, employee morale, job satisfaction,

and involvement in organizational activities all improve. Employers benefit from

greater productivity, revenue, and efficiency as a result. Balba emphasized that

rewards and incentives are important for both employers and employees. Rewards

and incentives can lead to increased productivity, revenue, and efficiency, resulting

in improved morale, job satisfaction, and involvement in organizational activities.


The study of Kimberlee Leonard (2019) said that employers who is

knowledgeable understands the need of offering competitive pay and benefits to

attract and retain quality workers. Wages, salaries, bonuses, and commission

arrangements are all forms of compensation. Companies should not overlook the

perks component of employee remuneration and benefits because it makes

employment contracts more enticing and provides the priorities that the majority of

employees require. Paying workers fairly demonstrates appreciation to them as both

employees and human being. People are more inclined to show up for work when

they feel valued. People are more inclined to show up to work and perform well,

and overall company morale rises. Employees are also more driven to produce better

results when they are aware of bonuses or commissions. Plans for commissions and

bonuses become the main focus of success.

It is stated by Leonard that being aware of how to attract effective employees

is crucial for the growth of a business. Knowing the techniques including giving

rewards and incentives will be a good strategy to have skilled and strong workforce.

Leonard stated that when the efforts of an employee is recognized and appreciated,

they will be more productive and driven to do their work. Having good incentives

is a key to attract efficient and affective employees.

Mardiana et.al, (2022) stated that efficiency and effectiveness go hand-in-

hand with employees’ performance. Although its effectiveness focuses on the

process of achieving goals related to human work or enhancing human labor, life

and culture regeneration, a mental attitude that glorifies work, and extending efforts

to enhance people’s lives, its efficiency stresses the outcomes of the work. To put it

another way, the process of boosting work productivity can be done through

motivation, education, work discipline, skills, technology, work ethic attitudes,

income levels, work environment and climate, management, achievement

opportunities and production facilities, as well as social security, work ethic, and

work loyalty, work-life balance, management, governance, and supervision.

It explained that efficiency and effectiveness are closely associated with

employees’ performance. In their study, they tackled the difference between the

efficiency and effectiveness but also discussed how does those differences go hand-

in-hand with the employee’s performance. It is given that when an individual applies

for a job, they should possess skills, abilities, knowledge and other requirements in

the job they are applying for. To be concise, the effectiveness is the process on

achieving goals and efficiency is the output or the outcome of the process on their

way of achieving their goals.

Employees Attitude. Employees that are motivated and disciplined are

crucial to the success of any firm. Their work ethic will decide the outcome and how

quickly the organization will reach its intended goals. The organizational

environment also has an impact on the functional behavior, propensities, and

motivations of employees. A mental attitude is a state of mind. According to Estacio

and Cabrera (2021), attitude is a person’s perspective on events that ultimately


defines how they will behave. Employees may have a positive or negative attitude

toward certain work duties, goods or services, coworkers, management, or the

business as a whole. Workdays are made more fun by the attitudes of the employees.

Activities are completed more skillfully and without complaint.

As mentioned in the study of Estacio and Cabrera, attitude is a person’s

perspective on events that ultimately defines how they will behave. Employees’

behavior and attitudes are the factors that the employer is considering because how

they behave and interact with their co-employees will reflect with their works and

how will they contribute to the success of a business. It is true that employees that

are motivated and disciplined are crucial to the success of any firm. If an employee

possesses a negative attitude and behavior, it will only result to conflicts and

problems which will affect the success of a firm. On the other hand, if an employee

has positive behavior, attitude and perspectives with their work, they will surely

produce good services, and products, and gain more loyal customers which will help

their business to prosper.

According to Gomathy (2022), an organization's productivity may gradually

rise as a result of an improvement in workplace attitude toward innovation and

creativity. Positively inclined employees are more likely to offer useful suggestions

and come up with ideas that will aid in the expansion of the organization. Employees

with a bad attitude, on the other hand, might just be concerned with creating enough

to get by while showing little interest in innovation and caring the least about the

advancement of the business. In addition to the high hiring expenses, businesses

with high staff turnover percentages often suffer from lower production while new

hires are getting up to speed. Employee satisfaction may reduce the likelihood that

workers would leave for better opportunities, assisting businesses in reducing the

productivity gap brought on by turnover. Negative attitudes among staff members

may lead them to eventually look for a better job opportunity or leave the


As stated by Gomathy, employees’ behavior is really essential because the

productivity of organization depends on the attitude of employees. Employees

behavior has an impact in the development of any organization for the reason that

an employee who has positive attitude can give more efficient and effective service

for the organization or its customers. An employee that has a positive attitude can

give positive impact in the company while an employee that has a negative attitude

will also have a negative impact on the organization. Additionally, the organization

and how does employers manage their employees also contributes to the behavior

and attitude of their employees. Lastly, an organization that is managed well will

motivate their employees to give suggestions and be give their ideas and opinions

that can contributes to the improvement of an organization. The performance of an

employee is also reflected by how an organization works and managed. If an

organization has a record of high staff turnovers, an organization will suffer as it


will lower the production rate because of the lack with human resource and the

possibility of difficulty in hiring good and top tier employee will decline.

Another study that cited the importance of employees’ behavior was

conducted by Dina Weheba et.al (2008) wherein looks into the connections between

customers' perceptions of service quality, employees’ positive and negative

behaviors, and overall customer satisfaction. The study showed a strong correlation

between all employee behaviors—positive or negative—and overall customer

satisfaction. By reviewing pertinent literature and polling opinions on the effect of

employees’ behaviors on customers’ perceptions of quality and overall contentment,

the study tracked the impact of behavior on customers’ perceptions and overall

satisfaction. Also, it was shown that regardless of the gender, nationality, reason for

the visit, frequency of visits, and length of stay of the client, employee behavior had

a significant impact on total customer satisfaction.

It showed that an employees’ behavior has a great impact with the level of

customers’ satisfaction. If an employee offers great customer service, it can give

customer satisfaction that can boost their sales and increase the number of their loyal

customers. In contrast, it can be interpreted in their study that if an employee shows

negative behavior or bad work performance, it can affect the customer satisfaction

and will get negative feedback from them that can affect the image of their business

and their sales. Furthermore, regardless of the traits of a customer either they are

male or female, local or foreign citizen, if they are satisfied with the employee’s

performance and behavior, they will likely to become loyal customers and become

an asset for a business.

Research Literature

A brief review of previous studies is contained at this section. This enabled

the current researchers to see the objectives and relevant findings of the study.

According to Burton (2012), most employers nowadays would like to have

motivated employees that are prepared to work, but they do not know what really

drives people. If employees were invested in the company’s future, businesses might

operate more effectively. For a person, particularly an employee, to succeed in the

job, there are certain requirements that must be fulfilled. Burton studied at many

theories of motivation, how they apply to the workplace, and how employers may

use the theories to guarantee that their staff members are content and motivated.

Every employee is in a different stage of life, so various management strategies are

needed. It has been demonstrated that an employee must be motivated from within.

The theories studied at will aid in describing how managers may encourage their

staff to be motivated and perform their best.

Burton also discussed that in today’s generation, companies would like to

have employees who works efficiently and effectively but they lacked strategies to

manage employees to stay long and work hard for them. Companies nowadays likes

to just hire employees but does not know how to make them stay by giving

incentives, appreciation, and rewards. Some of the theories has been seen in the

study of Burton about employee motivation and how important it is for an employee

to be motivated in their workplace. Thus, the study proved how important employee

motivation is for a company to have an efficient employee because it drives the

company to success.

Many ideas have been developed to try to explain motivation. Scientists have

been researching motivation for more than a century, and they have made great

strides toward understanding motivation as it relates to the workplace. Below are a

few theories that have been validated and approved by society. Maslow’s hierarchy

of needs, Herzberg’s two-factor theory, other motivational theories, such as intrinsic

and extrinsic motivation, and the PERMA model are a few of them.

Incentives are described by Milton (2013) as varied rewards given in

response to variations in the attainment of particular results. A stimulant to greater

action is another name for it. Incentives might be employed to encourage action or

more effort. Something that can be offered in addition to pay is considered an

incentive. Hence, rewards are sources of work incentive. These might be monetary

or non-monetary benefits. Employees are given motivation by incentives to increase

their production. Nobody naturally takes action without having a reason for doing

so. As a result, the prospect of a reward is a potent motivator for workers. Together

with financial incentives, there are other motivators include job happiness,

employment stability, career advancement, and pride in one’s achievements.


Milton stated the different rewards that makes the employees to work hard.

Through the rewards and incentives, workers will be encouraged and give their full

effort to their job that results to a possible lift of a company. It can be in form of

money or non-monetary benefit. Employees are motivated through incentives to

increase their production. It is a good way to motivate every worker because the

reward is important for every employee to function more effectively.

According to a study conducted by Gabčanová (2011), the foundation of a

competitive organization is comprised of happy, highly motivated, and devoted

personnel. Increased productivity, better-quality goods and services, and more

innovations are all expected to be indicators of growing customer satisfaction.

Employee satisfaction raises the employer’s appeal to potential candidates for

employment and improves its ability to compete in the market. The company’s

management frequently ignores the opinions of its own employees and undervalues

the link between employee satisfaction and the overall success of the business in the


The study of Gabčanová identified the foundation that an organization builds

for employees with loyalty to work. It is said that increasing productivity is the good

quality of service and product, and making improvements contribute to customer

satisfaction. They usually just ignore the opinions of others regarding company

matters and they do not value it, they do not think that maybe the opinion of other

employee can make a business or company even better.


Desler’s (2008) study provided context for performance evaluation. Any

process that involves establishing work standards, determining the actual

performance of the personnel is called performance evaluation. Each organization

would need staff who can evaluate performance in relation to those criteria, provide

feedback to workers with the intention of inspiring them, to address performance

shortcomings or maintain above-average performance. Businesses would have

personnel who can demonstrate competence in the following skills, abilities, and

attitudes. These employees must possess these skills in the hospitality industry in

order to deliver satisfied customers. Each company would have to offer considering

the health and wellness of their workers as a factor that could affect the quality of

the services they provide.

Desler indicated that each company should have a performance evaluation of

workers. This is for them to inspire maintaining their performance at work to deliver

customer satisfaction. Through establishing work standard, this will help not just

the employee but also the employer and the company to provide good product and

service. This evaluation can show also that business has personnel with skills and

abilities. Lastly, this can also evaluate each workers health and well-being to deliver

each product and services and eliminate lower performances.

One of the fundamental components of modern human resource management

is encouraging employees to perform to the best of their abilities in their positions

in the majority of businesses today. According to Murhadi et.al (2013), it is assumed


that a person who is motivated will generally be satisfied with their employment

and, as a result, be able to make their best efforts and contribution to the job that has

been assigned to them. But everyone is motivated in different ways, and typically,

not all employees in a firm or in a certain area are motivated in the same ways. Many

dependent variables, such as individual requirements, outside rewards, recognition,

self-actualization, and self-esteem, can influence employee motivation in different

ways. Numerous older studies and works of literature mentioned this.

In this study, the researcher reviewed the different motivational factors and

looked at the demographics of the employees, including age, gender, education

level, and length of employment, which may be related to their level of job

satisfaction and, consequently, lead to better performance at work. Descriptive

analysis using a quantitative approach was used through a survey that was

distributed to 120 employees in the chosen company. In order to determine the

relationship between motivational factors and job satisfaction, questionnaire that

consisted questions about factors including compensation, job security, teamwork,

relationships with clients and bosses, recognition, sense of given authority and

autonomy, promotion and fringe benefits, challenging activities, and fear of failure

were included

The relationship between employee motivation and job performance has

been studied for a long period. The focal point of the study of Murhadi et.al is

“motivation as a major catalyst to an employee’s work performance and job


satisfaction”, which may usually be affected by certain factors or variables. One

factor to be considered is how the management encourage their personnel to be

effective and efficient at their jobs. At first it can be concluded that it is indeed

possible to motivate employees to perform well for an organization and that is a

critical task for managers. It seems that there exists a self-reinforcing circular

relationship between the performance, satisfaction and motivation of an employee;

an employee achieves a high performance, therefore internal satisfaction arises and

the employee is motivated to perform well in the future. Nevertheless, it might not

be applicable to every individual as each employee might have different ways or

attributes to handle or cope up within the company.

According to a study conducted by Bentinio et.al (2022), the best method to

keep workers motivated to perform their duties to the best of their abilities is through

incentive programs. If they want to motivate their staff, the company should provide

something that can be obtained if an employee reaches a certain goal or completes

a task. Offering employees incentives can encourage them to put more effort into

their work and stay with the company longer. These perks might keep employees at

the company instead of luring them to competitors. Reward programs are

advantageous for business as well as the happiness and wellbeing of the staff. A

great method to make sure employees enjoy working for the company is to provide

them the option to win rewards or let off steam. Companies are constantly looking

for fresh approaches to keep staff members interested and motivated. After all, a

company’s most valuable asset is its workforce. It is understandable that many

businesses are looking for innovative and creative ways to recognize and reward

great work, given that almost half of businesses use incentive programs. Rewards

and incentives for exceptional performance benefit both the employer and the


The discussion of Bentinio et.al stated that maintaining highly skilled

individuals who are motivated, hence rewarded, by professional human resources

systems are a vital component in achieving superior employee performance and job

satisfaction. Organizations typically rely heavily on reward systems to retain and

encourage people and to achieve high levels of performance. Employees’ level of

motivation, behaviors, and attitudes toward their organization are factors that

influence their perception about the organization, as such, their actions are critical

to the society, management and overall organizational success. That is, employees’

actions and behavior have an effect on the organization’s reputation. When

employees are rewarded, they are happy. And when they work happily, they tend to

do their jobs better and have the tendency to stay longer. Rewards and recognition

might be a positive factor in boosting staff morale and confidence, thereby

contributing to achieving the organization’s goals and success.

A study conducted by Sumilan et.al (2019) about the relationship between

working environment and employee performances, stated that in order to ensure

employee productivity and prevent unneeded stress on the staff, which could impair

their work performances, a happy work atmosphere is essential. The working

environment was one of the elements that influenced job satisfaction. So, the

purpose of this study was to examine the connection between the working

environment and employee performance using the working environment’s five

aspects. In this study, a quantitative survey design was used, and questionnaires

were used to gather data. Administrators from several departments in a Kuching-

based local municipality served as the study's respondents. The association between

the variables was determined by utilizing person’s correlation analysis to analyze

the data.

Most people spend fifty percent of their lives within indoor environments,

which greatly influence their mental status, actions, abilities and performance.

Better physical environment of office will boost the employees and ultimately

improve their productivity. The study which was conducted by Sumilan et.al

focused about the important role working environment plays towards the

employees’ job performance. Working environment includes those processes,

systems, structures, tools or conditions in the workplace that may favorably or

unfavorably impact individual performance. The working environment also

includes policies, rules, culture, resources, working relationships, work location,

internal and external environmental factors, all of which influence the ways that

employee perform their job functions. To avoid unnecessary stress and unhealthy

relationships within the workplace, there should be a happy and healthy working


The study of Sakanau and Charni (2021) about the customers’ perception of

employees’ attitude and behavior discussed that the satisfaction and loyalty of the

customer are crucial goals for any firm. Customer perception of value is influenced

by employee conduct and attitude toward providing services. Hence, in a private

institution in Saudi Arabia, this research was carried out to ascertain how employee

behavior and attitude affected customers’ perceptions of value. In this study, they

looked at how employee job happiness, altruistic values, extra-role performance,

and affective commitment affect how customers perceive. A test sample for this

study included 211 pupils. An organized questionnaire was used to collect the data.

The study’s findings demonstrated a direct correlation between customer

perceptions of value and employees’ attitudes and behaviors. The results of the

study showed that attitudes and behaviors of employees and customer perceptions

of value are directly correlated.

In this study it was stated that employees of any organization play a major

role in guaranteeing the satisfaction and loyalty of the customers. The study of

Sakanau and Charni focused on how employee’s behavior and attitude towards

service delivery influence the customer’s perceived value. The reputation of the

service provider, depends on the effectiveness of the employee’s performance and

the quality of the service provided to the customer. Customer evaluation of service

quality is greatly impacted by the service provider employee’s job satisfaction. This

then all comes down to fulfilling employees’ needs thereby motivating and

encouraging them to be effective and efficient workers which will also benefit not

only the employees themselves, but as well as the company, the organization and its

customers in the future as a whole.


The examined conceptual and research literature aids researchers in

deepening their comprehension of ideas relevant to their research in the involvement

of how valuing employees affects the employee’s productivity and the businesses’


The discussion about the managers capacities broadened the knowledge of

the researchers. The capacities of managers were discussed since it is very important

for managers or for people on higher position that they are capable of handling the

business and specially their employees. Osabiya discussed that it is the managers’

responsibility to make the workplace more inspiring, motivating, and knowing what

employees need, so the employees will be more productive and motivated to their

tasks. It was further elaborated by the study of Wang that managers must practice

their capabilities like conducting regular appraisal and not just do the traditional like

doing transactional works. They both discussed about the managers capacities and

things they must do with their employees in order to make them stay with their

businesses. Kim also discussed that employee motivation is very important in the

success of businesses. It was stated that managers must have knowledge or ideas

how they can motivate their employees because it is beneficial for the workforce.

The study of Kim, Osabiya, and Wang has similarities with the present study

because it tackles about how valuing employees in any way such us reward system,

incentives or anything that is beneficial motivates the employees to perform well in

their workplace that results for a company to achieve its goals. On the other hand,

the difference is the focus of their study. Kim focused on how motivation is

important to achieve the company’s goal. Osabiya and Wang focus in the capacities

of managers and things they must do with their employees in order to make them

stay with their businesses. While the previous study focused in knowing the impact

of valuing employees on how businesses grow in Batangas City.

Balba’s discussion about how rewarding employees drives them to perform

better and how incentives plays an important role in both of them because they

benefit on each other. Both employees and employers will achieve their goals.

Incentives and rewarding system will make the employees to stay in the business

and continues to get income and the business will continue to grow because of the

employees. Leonard also discussed about the needs of employees. However, the

discussion of Leonard stated that paying employees fairly means appreciation to

them not just as employees but also as a human being. Kimberlee also states that a

competitive paying attracts employees. Nova Merdianna et.al, tackled that there are

many ways to boost or enhance the employee’s productivity. Some of the examples

are the work ethics, income, the workplace environment and through motivation. It

was also stated that efficiency and effectiveness is related with employee’s

performance. It was clearly stated in the study of Balba, Merdianna et.al, and

Leonard that employees have their own needs that drives them to perform well that

is why their study is connected to the researchers’ study. On the other hand, the

study of Merdianna is different from the study of Balba and Leonard because they

talked about how rewarding and incentives benefits both the employees and

employers, and how it attracts quality workers while Merdianna, et.al study talked

about the relation of effectiveness and efficiency on the performance of employees.

The previous study has something in common with the study of Balba,

Leonard, and Merdianna because they all discussed the needs of employees and how

important it is for boosting the productivity of employees and the company or

business success. However, it has also difference and it was the focus of their

studies. The study of the three only tackled about the employees needs while the

previous study focused on determining how the treatment of the people in higher

position to their employees affects the growth of businesses in Batangas City.

Finally, the review about the employees’ attitudes also proved that the

behavior of an employee has an impact on the workplace and their performance.

The study of Estacio and Cabrera discussed the meaning of attitude, and as well as

how attitude makes the workdays more fun and how it affects their skills. It was

further elaborated by Gomathy because they both agreed that attitude really has an

impact on how they behave at their workplace. Gomathy also discussed that it has

both positive and negative effects depending on what attitude the employees are

showing towards each other and to their workplace. Gomathy also discussed what

positive inclined employees might contribute to the business as well as employees

with bad attitude. On the other hand, Weheba's study discussed how employee’s

behavior and customer satisfaction is connected because when the employees have

a good attitude then they can provide a good service that will satisfy the customer.

The study of Gomathy, Weheba, and Estacio and Cabrera have similarities because

their study tackled about the employees’ attitude or behavior. However, it differed

from the focused of their studies. Weheba talked about the correlation between

employee’s behavior to customer satisfaction; Gomathy tackled about the impact of

attitude to the workplace and in the business; while Estacio and Cabrera discussed

about how the behavior of employees affects their skills.

The study of Estacio and Cabrera, Gomathy, and Weheba was similar from

the current study because they all talked about the employees and its behavior. On

the other hand, the current study differed because it is mainly about the impact of

valuing employees in the growth of businesses while the study of Weheba, Estacio

and Cabrera, and Gomathy focused on the employees’ attitude.

Concerning the review of the research literature, several studies were chosen

by the researchers. As stated by Bentinio et. al, the best method to keep the workers

motivated to perform their duties to the best of their abilities is through incentive

programs. Their study discussed that if a company wants to maintain and obtain

employees and put more effort to their work, they should provide something like

offering incentives to their employees. They believed that in this way, they will

make their employees stay in their business or company and will avoid being an

employee of their competitors. The research conducted by Bentinio et. al concluded

that the employees should be given rewards and incentives for exceptional

performance that will benefit both employees and employers. However, the studies

mentioned is different from the present study because they focused only in giving

rewards and incentives. Many employees are expecting to have extra incentives or

rewards for the work that they accomplished. This study discovered the different

impacts of valuing employees rather than only giving them rewards and incentives.

Furthermore, the study of Milton, described incentives as varied rewards

given in response to variations in the attainment of particular results. They

emphasized that employees are given more motivation and become more productive

by giving them incentives. They have come to conclusion that the prospect of a

reward is a potent motivator for workers. They also added other motivator such as

job happiness, employment stability, career advancement, and pride in one’s

achievements which are similar to the present study because those are some of the

ways on how an employer should value their employees, however, the present study

is looking for the impacts on how an employer values their employees here in

Batangas City.

The study conducted by Bentinio et. al has similarities to the study conducted

by Milton as both of the study discussed the importance of giving rewards and

incentives to employees. They explained that giving rewards and incentives can

motivate and encourage employees to put extra effort to their jobs. Both studies

reasoned that nobody takes action without having a reason for doing so. Rewards

and incentives will serve as the trophy of the employees. Meanwhile, their studies

have differences. The study of Bentinio focused on incentives which can also serve

as a reward for the employees. Milton, on the other hand, enumerated the other

motivators for employees such as happiness, employment stability, career

advancement, and pride in one’s achievements.

The study of Burton, determined that most employers nowadays would like

to have motivated employees that are prepared to work, but they do not know what

really drives people. Burton emphasized that for an employee to succeed in their

job, there are certain requirements that must be fulfilled. Likewise, the present study

both stated that employees also need to feel motivated and that employees should

feel valued in their workplace. However, the present study and the study conducted

by Burton differ in some ways. The present study aimed to know the different

impacts of valuing employees on the growth of a business while the study of Burton

focused on the different motivational theories that an employer should apply in their

workplace. In addition, it focused on the different strategies that an employer may

use to motivate their employees.


As discussed by Sakanau and Charni, the satisfaction and loyalty of the

customer are crucial goals for any firm. Customer perception of value is influenced

by employee conduct and attitude toward providing services. The study of Sakanau

and Charni is similar to the present study because both of the study tackled about

the behavior of an employee in a firm. Both studies discussed how the behavior of

an employee affects his work performance. In contrast, the study of Sakanau and

Charni focused on customer satisfaction. Their study is about how does the behavior

and attitude of an employee affects the satisfaction of their customers.

The study of Burton and the study of Sakanau and Charni are somewhat

related as the study of Burton is about how the behavior of an employee affects their

work performance which is related to customer satisfaction. If an employee is doing

his job properly and fulfilling his requirements and responsibility as an employee

then he can meet the satisfaction of their customers. On the other hand, the two

studies have differences. The study of Burton aimed to know the different strategies

to motivate the employees to put more effort in work while the study of Sakanau

and Charni focuses on the customer satisfaction which can only be obtain if an

employee performs well in their job.

The study of Desler’s was similar to the study of Sumilan et.al. because both

studies tackled about relationship between the company and employees. Desler’s

give employees feedback with the goal of motivating them to improve upon their

performance flaws or sustain above – average performance. Then, there was


Sumilan et.al discussed about the relationship between working environment and

employee performances. And that in order to ensure employee productivity and

prevent unneeded stress on the staff, this can affect how well they function at work.

They differ on objectives of the study. The objective of Desler’s is to determine the

actual performance of the personnel and each organizational would need staff who

can evaluate performance in relation to those criteria while Sumilan et.al study is to

explore the relationship between the working environment and employee


The study of Sumilan et .al and the present study has similarities because

they both discussed the impact of valuing the employees in businesses. However,

they differ in variables. Sumilan’s study includes job satisfaction while the present

study is employee needs, employee attitude and manager capacities. On the other

hand, the study of Desler was different from the present study because Desler’s

study tackled mainly about the employees’ attitude while the present study

discussed about how treating employees good impacted in the growth of the

business. However, Desler and the present study have similarities because of their

respondents. Employees were their respondents because they both aimed to

determine the effect of the behavior and treatment that affects the business to grow.

Gabcanova’s study and the current study is similar because it both tackled

about the employees. It determines how employees are being treated or valued. It

also includes their importance to a company or a business which the owners must

satisfy their employees in order to do a good job and help the business to grow. On

the other hand, the difference of Gabcanova’s study to the current study is that it

includes the growing satisfaction of customers which the current study only focused

about the impact of valuing employees.

To compare with Murhadi’s study to the current study, both mentioned about

the employees that are being valued or treated good. Both studies included the

performance of an employee to their job if they are being satisfied with what their

boss or the business owners show and give to them. It tells employees that are being

valued perform their tasks well, feel motivated and exert their efforts to do their job

that are assigned to them. While the difference of Murhadi’s study to the current

study is that it includes different variables of the employees’ different ways of

motivation which it does not include to the discussion of the current study.

Conceptual Framework

Valuing employees in every way the business owners can and even the

people in higher position is significant and a must in establishing a business. Mainly

because employees contribute a lot in the business including their time, effort, and

hard work. For these reasons, they deserve to be valued, appreciated and rewarded

even in the simplest ways. Appreciating the hard works of the employees can boost

their productivity that will lead to achieve the goals of the business and will affect

the growth of its success. Employees will stay in the business because they want a

job where their efforts are being valued because they will be motivated to function


The foregoing concepts were used as basis for developing the study’s

research paradigm as presented in Figure 1. As shown in the figure, the Input-

Process-Output (IPO) model was adopted in depicting the conceptual framework of

the study.

Indicated in the input box are the questions that need to be answered to reach

the objectives of this study. These questions were answered by the respondents to

determine the impact of valuing employees on the growth of businesses in Batangas,


The process box contains the data gathering instrument, which is the

questionnaire that was used to gather data in order to answer the research questions.

The output box presents the output of the study, which is the informative

flyers to give strategies that will help the people in higher position treat their

employees better.


• Factors the

employees consider

in staying in a certain


• Benefits, rewards

and incentives the

➢ Conducting a Informative flyers
employees get in survey
➢ Questionnaires
their workplace

• Effects of


appreciation in their

productivity in

making sales

• Effects of

employees' Figure 1.1

relationship to
Research Paradigm in the Impact of Valuing Employees in the Growth of
employee to the
Businesses in Batangas City
growth of the


Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined

conceptually and operationally.

Business growth. It refers to a process to reach a certain grow, it needs new

ways to make money (Keenan, 2022). In this study, it refers to the progress of the

business over time.

Efficient. This term refers to the ability to do tasks without wasting time or

energy, especially in obtaining desired results (Banton, 2022). In this study, it refers

to accomplish the desired outcome with the least amount of time, effort, and

resources wasted.

Ethics. It refers to moral standards that direct how someone acts or how

something is done (Oxford Language). In this study, ethics refers to how the

employees behave in their workplace.

Informative flyer. This term refers to a printed piece of paper with

information on a specific occasion, company, commodity, or service. (Kaur, 2023).

In this study, it refers to the output of this study that consist of information that can

help employers and owners to treat their employees better.

Incentives. This term refers to something that inspires or has the potential to

inspire resolve or action (Merriam Webster Dictionary). In this study, this term

refers to the rewards that are being given to the employees that drives them to be

more productive and motivated.

Raw Materials. It refers to the supplies or inventory that a business requires

to produce its goods (Indeed Editorial Team, 2023). In this study, this term refers to

the supplies or inventory that a business requires to produce products.




This chapter presents the research design, the subjects of the study, data

gathering instrument used, the data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of


Research Design

The study was conducted through the use of quantitative research design to

determine the impact of valuing employees in the growth of businesses in Batangas

City. This research was appropriate for this study because its main goal was to

gather data that were used to find answers to the questions raised.

As defined by Pritha Bhandari (2020), the process of gathering and

interpreting numerical data is known as quantitative research. It can be used to

identify trends and averages, formulate hypotheses, examine causality, and

extrapolate findings to larger populations.

Subjects of the Study

The respondents of the study were employees of businesses around Batangas

City. The respondents were chosen through a random sampling. They were the

respondents to this study because they are the ones who can give answers to the

questions raised regarding the impact of valuing employees on the growth of

businesses in Batangas City.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers made use of a questionnaire in gathering the needed data.

This served as the main tool to generate data on the impact of valuing employees

in the growth of businesses in Batangas, City.

Questionnaire. The questionnaire was the primary data gathering instrument

constructed by the researchers. The items in the questionnaire were derived from

reading related literature, studies, and observation of the existing conditions of

employees in Batangas City. It was designed to determine how employees are being

treated by their employees and owner at their workplace.

Construction. The researchers constructed a questionnaire which was the

primary gathering instrument. They reviewed books, journals, magazines, theses,

and dissertations, and some questionnaires to gain insights on concepts that could

be use as bases of items for the data gathering tool. Having gathered adequate

information, they made a draft of the questionnaire which was presented to the

adviser for correction and possible suggestions.

Validation. To determine the validity of the questionnaire, it was presented

to some practitioners for content validation. Their comments and suggestions were

taken into consideration in revising the draft to improve the content of the

questionnaire. The researchers made the final copy for reproduction.

Administration. The copies of the questionnaire were distributed personally

by the researchers to the different employees in Batangas City. The assistance of the

school administrator was sought to facilitate the administration of the data-gathering

instrument and the retrieval of the accomplished questionnaires.

Scoring of responses. The items in the questionnaire were scored based on

the Likert scale with four as the highest score and one as the lowest score. Equivalent

verbal descriptions were also provided

Option Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

4 3.50 - 4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.50 - 3.49 Agree

2 1.50 - 2.49 Disagree

1 1.00 - 1.49 Strongly Disagree

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers made a validation letter, requesting permission for their

students to look for employees around Batangas City to serve as respondents of the

study. After the letter was analyzed by the adviser, they went to the Branch

Administrator of Asian Institute of Computer Studies for the approval of the


When the questionnaires were validated, they started the distribution of the

questionnaires. The researchers went to the different places to look for employees

who can participate in answering the questionnaire. They explained the purpose of

the study and discussed some important points in accomplishing the questionnaire.

Through the help of the teachers, the questionnaires were distributed to the

respondents. The accomplished questionnaires were retrieved on the same day. With

100 percent retrieval, the responses were tallied and tabulated for statistical

treatment of data. The assistance of the statistician was sought to ensure the

precision of statistical decisions, computation, and tabulation.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The four-point scale was used to interpret items in the questionnaire. These

responses were based on the respondent’s assessment on how valuing employees

affect the business growth in Batangas City.

In analyzing and interpreting the gathered data, the researchers used the

following statistical tools to produce quantitative and reliable results.

Frequency. This is used to evaluate and comprehend data set including age

and gender of the respondents.

Percentage. This is used to employ to determine the frequency counts and

frequency distribution of personal related variables of the respondents.


Weighted mean. This was used to determine the influence of certain

variables in assessing from the four-scale options. Of which 4 is the highest and 1

is the lowest value. Equivalent verbal descriptions were utilized to give

interpretation and meaning to the numerical data gathered.




This chapter includes the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

gathered from the questionnaire administered to the employees in Batangas City.

1. Profile of the Respondents

The 45 respondents from selected employees around Batangas City were

described in terms of gender and age. Tables 1 to 2 present the distribution of

respondents based on the aforementioned characteristics.

1.1 Gender. In general terms, sex refers to the biological differences between

the males and the females. As given in Table 1 shows that out of 45 respondents, 22

or 48.89 percent are males while 23 or 51.11 percent are females. Therefore, most

of the employees that participated in answering the survey are females.

Table 1

Distribution of respondents in terms of Gender

Gender Frequently Percentage

Male 22 48.89

Female 23 51.11

Composite Mean 45 100

1.2 Age. This refers to the length of time that a person or a thing has existed.

Table 1 presents the age of the respondents. As shown in the table, 9 or 20.00 percent

were 18-27 years old; 16 or 35.56 percent were 28-37 years old; 13 or 28.89 percent

were 38-47 years old; and 7 or 15.56 percent were Above 47 years old. It can be

seen in the table that most of the respondents were 28-37 years old while above 47

years old was the least.

Table 2

Distribution of the respondents in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percentage

18-27 years old 9 20.00

28-37 years old 16 35.56

38-47 years old 13 28.89

Above 47 years old 7 15.56

Composite Mean 45 100

2. The benefits, rewards, and incentives the employees get in their workplace.

Employee appreciation such as giving benefits, rewards, and incentives

drives the employees to work harder and be more efficient in their workplace.

Moreover, these rewards help the business to attract skilled employees that will help

the business to keep growing. Without these, the employees might leave in the

business that might result for a business to fail.

Table 3 shows benefits that employees’ gets in their workplace. The table

reveals that most of the respondents gets the 13 th month pay as a reward for their

hard work with a frequency of 11.00 or 24.44 percent. Followed by health insurance

with the frequency of 10.00 or 22.22 percent. Out of the 45 respondents, 9.00 or

20.00 percent answered that they got bonuses and raises as incentives in their

workplace. 4.00 or 8.89 percent received promotions while 3.00 or 6.67 percent

were given food as rewards. Followed by paid holidays, and recognition as

employee of the month with the frequency of 2.00 or 4.44 percent. Paid sick leave,

gift cards, and flexible work hours were answered by the respondents with the

frequency of 1.00 or 2.22 percent. Lastly, tuition reimbursement, retirement

benefits, referral programs, and training opportunities got 0.00 or 0.00 percent.

Table 3

Benefits, rewards, and incentives the employees get in their workplace

Benefits, rewards, and Frequency Percentage

Health Insurance 10 22.22
Paid sick leave 1 2.22
Free food 3 6.67
Double paid 1 2.22

Paid holidays 2 4.44

13th month pay 11 24.44
Promotion 4 8.89
Bonuses and raises 9 20.00
Gift cards 1 2.22
Tuition reimbursement 0 0.00
Retirement benefits 0 0.00
Referral program 0 0.00
Recognition as employee 2 4.44
of the month
Flexible work hours 1 2.22
Total 45 99.98
*Approximately 100% because there is a non - terminating or repeating decimals

3. Factors the Employees Consider in Staying in a Certain Company .

In terms of staying in a company or a business, employees have their own

reasons why they chose to keep staying. It is either the company runs the business

well, the employers treat their employees fair, and the employee receives

recognition. One thing is for sure, the employees will no longer stay in the business

if they do not receive what they deserve. It is evident from the table that the weighted

mean ranges from 3.04 to 3.56, obtaining a composite mean of 3.34.

It can be seen in the table that the two statements were strongly agreed

by respondents; company provides rewards and incentives with the weighted mean

of 3.56; and employees are being treated fairly with the weighted mean of 3.73.

Followed by employees trust the business and the business leaders with the

weighted mean of 3.49, verbally interpreted as agree. The respondents strongly

agreed because no employees will stay in a business if they are not being treated

fairly and not being appreciated by giving rewards and incentives. In addition, if the

employers run the business well, then the employees will trust the business because

they know it will last long that will allow them to stay and work longer in the


Moreover, the least agreed statements by the respondents and verbally

interpreted as agree. These statements are: company offers professional

development opportunities with the weighted mean of 3.04; company has a healthy

workplace/environment with the weighted mean of 3.13; and employees has a good

relationship with their co-workers and bosses with the weighted mean of 3.20. It is

least agreed by the respondents because their company only focus on earning and

doing their jobs without thinking that employees cannot get professional skills.

Also, some of the employees does not have a good relationship with their bosses

and co-workers that results of having a poor environment.

To sum up, the respondents agree that there are factors that the employees

consider in staying in the company with the composite mean of 3.34, verbally

interpreted as agree. It is for the reason that, nowadays employees will not settle for

a business that they do not benefit because they know on themselves that they

deserve more than that since they are doing their best and they invest their time and

effort in it.

Table 4

Factors employees consider in staying in company

Items Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

Company provides rewards and 3.56 Strongly Agree


Company offers professional 3.04 Agree

development opportunities.

Company has a healthy 3.13 Agree


Company gives respect and trust 3.29 Agree

to their employees.

Employees love what they do at 3.31 Agree

their work.

Employees have mentors who 3.29 Agree

encourages them.

Employees are being treated 3.73 Strongly Agree


Employees has a good 3.20 Agree

relationship with their co-
workers and bosses

Employees performance is being 3.40 Agree

recognized and appreciated.

Employees trust the business and 3.49 Agree

the business leaders.

Composite mean 3.34 Agree


It can be seen in the table that the two statements were strongly agreed by
respondents; company provides rewards and incentives with the weighted mean of
3.56; and employees are being treated fairly with the weighted mean of 3.73.
Followed by employees trust the business and the business leaders with the
weighted mean of 3.49, verbally interpreted as agree. The respondents strongly
agreed because no employees will stay in a business if they are not being treated
fairly and not being appreciated by giving rewards and incentives. In addition, if the
employers run the business well, then the employees will trust the business because
they know it will last long that will allow them to stay and work longer in the

Moreover, the least agreed statements by the respondents and verbally

interpreted as agree. These statements are: company offers professional

development opportunities with the weighted mean of 3.04; company has a healthy

workplace/environment with the weighted mean of 3.13; and employees has a good

relationship with their co-workers and bosses with the weighted mean of 3.20. It is

least agreed by the respondents because their company only focus on earning and

doing their jobs without thinking that employees cannot get professional skills.

Also, some of the employees does not have a good relationship with their bosses

and co-workers that results of having a poor environment.

To sum up, the respondents agree that there are factors that the employees

consider in staying in the company with the composite mean of 3.34, verbally

interpreted as agree. It is for the reason that, nowadays employees will not settle for

a business that they do not benefit because they know on themselves that they

deserve more than that since they are doing their best and they invest their time and

effort in it.

4. Employee appreciation affect the productivity of employees in making


When employees are motivated, they are more driven to work harder. As a

result of that, the employees can make more sales that will help the business to be

more profitable and grow continuously. But in order for that to happen, the

business or the employers must motivate and appreciate their employees for them

to be more productive. It is evident from the table that the weighted mean ranges

from 3.62 to 3.93, obtaining a composite mean of 3.78.

It can be seen in the table that the respondents strongly agreed that employee

appreciation will lessen the laziness of employees with the weighted mean of 3.91;

there will be harmony and tranquility in the workplace as a result of healthy

interactions between the employees and employers with the weighted mean of 3.93;

and companies are more likely to find effective, dependable staff with the weighted

mean of 3.93, verbally interpreted as strongly agree. It is for the reason that

employees are aware of how employee appreciation can affect the employees’

performance since they have experience about it. Without the employers’

appreciation, employees will not be motivated to their jobs that makes the

employees to be unmotivated to do their work or act on their workplace.


Moreover, the least agreed by the employees are employees will not hesitate

to stay in the business with the weighted mean of 3.69; the chance of the business

going bankrupt is low because the employees are efficient with the weighted mean

of 3.64; and the business will achieve its goals and objectives with the weighted

mean of 3.62. These statements are the least strongly agreed by the employees

because they know that the success of business does not only depend on the

productivity of the employees because the interest of the buyers or customers is still

the major factor.

To sum up, the respondents strongly agreed that when employees are being

appreciated by the company, they are more willing to give extra efforts in order to

make sales and for business to gain and earn profit with the composite mean of 3.78,

verbally interpreted as strongly agree. The respondents knows that employee

appreciation has really a good impact for both the business and the employees since

a productive employee can contribute greatly to business growth and success.


Table 5

Employee appreciation affect in making sales

Statements Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1. Profits increased because employees are 3.71 Strongly
more motivated Agree
2. Employees can provide better service to 3.78 Strongly
customers Agree
3. Employee appreciation will lessen the 3.91 Strongly
laziness of employees Agree
4. Many good opportunities will come due to 3.80 Strongly
the good performance of the employees Agree
5. The chance of the business going bankrupt 3.64 Strongly
is low because the employees are efficient Agree
6. Employee appreciation will result in 3.82 Strongly
immediate growth of the business Agree
7. There will be harmony and tranquility in 3.93 Strongly
the workplace because of healthy Agree
interactions between the employees and
8. Companies are more likely to find 3.93 Strongly
effective, dependable staff Agree
9. Employees will not hesitate to stay in the 3.69 Strongly
business Agree
10. The business will achieve its goals and 3.62 Strongly
objectives. Agree
Composite mean 3.78 Strongly

5. Employer’s relationship to employee affect the growth of the business

In life, every relationship that a person has a positive and negative impact on

how a person behave. Just like in business, an employee that has a good relationship

with their employees boost their productivity to contribute more on the business.

Table 6

Employer’s relationship to employee affect the growth of the business

Statements Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation

1. Employees and employers’ healthy relationship helps in 3.78 Strongly Agree

making long-term profits and generating sustainable growth.

2. Employees and employers’ good relationship will lead to the 3.91 Strongly Agree
ultimate success of organization

3. Employees encouragement helps the employee to do their work 3.89 Strongly Agree
more confidently

4. Employees and employers will work effectively and efficiently 3.76 Strongly Agree

5. Employees will have a good relationship with the customer 3.82 Strongly Agree

6. Employees will trust and stay in the business 3.91 Strongly Agree

7. Healthy relationship between the employee and employers 3.91 Strongly Agree
allows both to trust each other regarding decision making.

8. Healthy relationship results to a healthy environment 4.00 Strongly Agree

9. A healthy relationship between the employees and employers 3.67 Strongly Agree
will result to increase the market share

10. A good relationship between the employees and employers has 4.00 Strongly Agree
a positive impact on the company’s growth and revenue
Composite Mean 3.86 Strongly Agree

It is evident in the table that the respondents strongly agree that healthy

relationship results to a healthy environment with the weighted mean of 4.00; a good

relationship between the employees and employers have a positive impact on the

company’s growth and revenue with the weighted mean of 4.00; and healthy

relationship between the employee and employers allows the both of them to trust

each other regarding decision making with the weighted mean of 3.91, verbally

interpreted as strongly agree. It is for the reason that aside from employee

appreciation, a healthy relationship between employees and employers will allow

both of them to work comfortably and confidently in their workplace. The bond that

they will have can be the foundation of their business that will make it stronger and

will be the reason of their success.

On the other hand, the least answered by the employees were employees and

employers’ healthy relationship helps in making long-term profits and generating

sustainable growth with the weighted mean of 3.78; employees and employers will

work effectively and efficiently with the weighted mean of 3.76; and a healthy

relationship between the employees and employers will result to increase the market

share with the weighted mean of 3.67. Although these are the least three statements,

the employees strongly agreed that the relationship between employers and

employees has an impact on the ability of the company to gain and earn money, as

well as the ability of the company to keep growing.

To sum up, the respondents strongly agreed that the relationship between the

employees and employers can affect the growth of the business because if both

parties do not have a good relationship with each other then it will be hard for them

to communicate and understand their wants and needs. The company or business

will continue to keep growing if they will build a relationship with each other. It is

verbally interpreted as strongly agree with the composite mean of 3.86.




This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and

recommendations of the study.

Summary of Findings

This study aimed to determine how the businesses in Batangas City value

their employees.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. What are the factors the employees consider in staying in a certain company?

3. What benefits, rewards and incentives do employees get in their workplace?

4. How does employees’ appreciation affect their productivity in making sales?

5. How does employer’s relationship to employee affect the growth of the business?

6. What informative materials may help the people who is in higher position to treat

their employees better?

The type of research used in this study was descriptive, with a questionnaire

as the instrument for gathering data from 45 employees here in Batangas City . The

statistical tool used were percentage and weighted mean. From the data gathered,

the following findings were reveals.


From the data gathered, the following findings were reveals.

1. Characteristic of the Students

1.1 Gender. Out of the 45 respondents, 22 or 48.89 percent were males and

23 or 51.11 percent were females.

1.2 Age. Out of the 45 respondents, 9 or 20.00 percent were 18-27 years old;

16 or 35.56 percent were 28-37 years old; 13 or 28.89 percent were 38-47 years old;

and 7 or 15.56 percent were Above 47 years old.

2. The benefits, rewards, and incentives the employees get in their workplace.

Giving employees bonuses, awards, and incentives makes the employees

more productive 13th month pay was the most answered by the respondents with the

frequency of with a frequency of 11.00 or 24.44 percent.

3. Factors the Employees Consider in Staying in a Certain Company

There are factors employees consider when they are staying in a business, as

shown by the composite mean of 3.34. The top three factors were employees trust

the business and the business leaders; company provides rewards and incentives;

and employees are being treated fairly. Their weighted mean ranges from 3.49 to


4. Employee appreciation affect the productivity of employees in making sales.

The relationship of the employers to its employees can affect the productivity

of an employee which might result to making low sales. The top three statements

are that employee appreciation will lessen the laziness of employees; there will be

harmony and tranquility in the workplace as a result of healthy interactions between

the employees and employers; and companies are more likely to find effective,

dependable. The weighted mean ranges from 3.91 to 3.93.

5. Employer’s relationship to employee affects the growth of the business.

The status of the employees and employers in their workplace always have

an impact on the growth of the business. All of the statements were answered

strongly agree by the respondents. The top three are: employees and employers’

good relationship will lead to the ultimate success of organization; healthy

relationship results to a healthy environment; and a good relationship between the

employees and employers has a positive impact on the company’s growth and

revenue. The weighted mean ranges from 3.91 to 4.00.

6. Flyer

The informative flyer, the output of the study, composed of all the

information that will help the employers or business owners to treat their employees

better. Through the output, employers will be able to treat their employees right and

give the things that their employees deserve.



Based on the findings, the conclusion are drawn:

1. Out of the 45 respondents, there are more females than males, and the

majority of them are 28-37 years old.

2. Encouraging workers to work harder, be more productive, and find

appropriate applicants, employers can avoid failure by providing bonuses,

prizes, and incentives.

3. Employees stick with a company if it runs efficiently, compensates its staff

honestly, and rewards them. The majority of respondents indicated that in

order to consider sticking with a company, they would like to be treated fairly

as employees.

4. Employee appreciation is a key step to the business success. Increasing

employee motivation results in greater productivity, earnings, and business


5. Productivity in the workplace can benefit from positive relationships. The

company or corporation will continue to grow if they can connect with one


6. The informative flyers intended to provide employers a better awareness of

the need of treating their own employees with respect. This output provides

tips on how to respect and value employees properly for employers



In the light of the findings and conclusion of the study, the following

recommendations are hereby endorsed.

1. Employers and business owners may build a good and healthy relationship with

their employees that will result of having a healthy workplace.

2. Incentives and rewards may be given to the employees as a token of appreciation.

3. Employees can find a place where their efforts and hard works are valued.

4. Building relationship can be implemented as a strategy to help the business grow

and succeed.

5. This study can be viewed as source, as well as to understand the importance of

valuing employees for the growth of the business.




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Personal Information

Name: Lhyca F. Fruelda

Nickname: Lhyca

Gender: Female

Birthday: May 27, 2004

Age: 19

Civil Status: Single

E-mail.com: [email protected]

Birth Place: Batangas City

Home Address: Ilang-Ilang St. Batangas, City

Religion: Roman Catholic

Parents: Rod F. Fruelda

Margie F. Fruelda

School Address: P. Burgos cor. Alegre St., Barangay 11, Batangas City


Elementary School: Herrera Oriental Mindoro

Junior High School: Batangas National High School

Senior High School: Asian Institute of Computer Studies - Batangas

Track/Strand: Academic/Accountancy, Business, and

Management Stran

Personal Information

Name: Lorenz M. Galvez

Nickname: Renz

Gender: Male

Birthday: October 25, 2004

Age: 18

Civil Status: Single

E-mail.com: [email protected]

Birth Place: Batangas City

Home Address: P. Herrera Street Batangas City

Religion: Roman Catholic

Parents: Lorna M. Galvez

Zaldy R. Galvez

School Address: P. Burgos cor. Alegre St., Barangay 11, Batangas City


Elementary School: Batangas City East Elementary School

Junior High School: Batangas National High School

Senior High School: Asian Institute of Computer Studies - Batangas

Track/Strand: Academic/Accountancy, Business, and

Management Strand

Personal Information

Name: Fritz Marielle E. Maalihan

Nickname: Fritz

Gender: Female

Birthday: September 28, 2005

Age: 17

Civil Status: Single

E-mail.com: [email protected]

Birth Place: Batangas City

Home Address: Wawa, Batangas City

Religion: Roman Catholic

Parents: Mia Flor E. Maalihan

Freddie A. Maalihan

School Address: P. Burgos cor. Alegre St., Barangay 11, Batangas City


Elementary School: Wawa Elementary School

Junior High School: Batangas National High School

Senior High School: Asian Institute of Computer Studies - Batangas

Track/Strand: Academic/Accountancy, Business, and Management


Personal Information

Name: Ralph Joshua S. Ortiz

Nickname: Ralph

Gender: Male

Birthday: July 9, 2005

Age: 17

Civil Status: Single

E-mail.com: [email protected]

Birth Place: Manghinao, Bauan Batangas

Home Address: Sta. Rita Karsada, Batangas City

Religion: Roman Catholic

Parents: Elizabeth Ortiz

Renato Ortiz

School Address: P. Burgos cor. Alegre St., Barangay 11, Batangas City


Elementary School: Sta. Rita Elementary School

Junior High School: Sta. Rita National High School

Senior High School: Asian Institute of Computer Studies - Batangas

Track/Strand: Academic/Accountancy, Business, and


Personal Information

Name: Sarah Mae F. Percera

Nickname: Sarah

Gender: Female

Birthday: October 18, 2004

Age: 18

Civil Status: Single

E-mail.com: [email protected]

Birth Place: Malitam, Batangas City

Home Address: #044 Camia St., Malitam, Batangas City

Religion: Roman Catholic

Parents: Gemma F. Percera

Federico F. Percera

School Address: P. Burgos cor. Alegre St., Barangay 11, Batangas City


Elementary School: Malitam Elementary School

Junior High School: Batangas National High School

Senior High School: Asian Institute of Computer Studies - Batangas

Track/Strand: Academic/Accountancy, Business, and

Management Strand

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