Understanding The Experiences of Grade 7 Students in Completion of Requirements Under Limited Face-To-Face Classes

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Jalen Chrysler Hernandez1, Mrs. Ma. Helen Dr. Esguerra2
[email protected], [email protected] 2
College of Education, Rizal Technological University, Pasig City 1
Araling Panlipunan Department, Antonio C. Esguerra Memorial National High School, Taytay

Pandemic has been a great stain on the educational system of our country forcing the
schools to foreclosure and to begin a new teaching and learning modality which is
distance learning. Now that the COVID cases are reported to be lower compared to the
number of cases that our country has two years ago, limited face-to-face classes are now
implemented. With this being said, the economy is still recovering and many families are
struggling to make the ends meet. This research paper focuses on understanding the
experiences of grade seven students in completing their requirement in Social Studies
and the underlying reasons of late submission behaviors. This study used case study
analysis, and thematic analysis method to analyze the data given by the participants. It
does not only evolve about summarizing, but it pertains in understanding deeper the
participants and understand the phenomena they are experiencing. Based on the data
collected, reasons like slow internet connection, work, and sharing of gadgets are some
factors that students have to endure during the distance learning and still continue to
experience under limited face-to-face classes. Under the Socio-Cultural Theory (1978)
the learning is based on a clear communication between the teachers and students. This
can be observed that the students are able to endure the difficulty in learning during the
limited face-to-face classes because they are having fun in learning with their classmates.

Keywords: Socio-Cultural Theory, Limited face-to-face classes, distance learning

INTRODUCTION distance learning, it has been divided into
three categories such as the Modular
As the Corona Virus Disease 2019
Distance Learning, Online Distance
or COVID-19 became a pandemic-
Learning and TV/Radio-Based
concern during the earlier quarters of
Instruction (Yes, 2021). The utilization of
2020, many countries have forced
these three modalities is in response to
themselves to stop the operations of
the convenient way to augment and
transportation, business, industry and
provide the pedagogical needs of the
government works and Philippines is not
learners without putting them into the risk
an exception to that. Even the
of getting infected of the disease.
educational system was disrupted as the
Moreover, the combined utilization of the
Philippine government have ordered to
aforementioned modalities has brought
suspend temporarily the classes and
another approach called blended-
other education-related operations, from
learning which is extensively being
basic education to higher education, both
administered in basic education schools.
public and private schools in order
mitigate the fast increase of COVID-19 Nonetheless, in a report of ABS-
infection and to protect also the students, CBN NEWS (2020), there were some
teachers and school staff. parents who were doubtful of the
distance learning as they were
Due to the uncertainty, schools
questioning if there is really a learning
and institutions around the world have to
acquisition using the said approach. In
formulate and administer strategic plan
fact, according to the report of Erram
that is responsive to the demand of
(2022) of Inquirer.Net, the DepEd 7 has
learning continuity and is adaptable in the
released a survey that implied that both
sudden changing world. Here in the
learners and teachers were more inclined
Philippines, the government
with the implementation of face-to-face
spearheaded particularly by the
classes than distance learning. The
Department of Education made an
aforementioned concern poses an
initiative of adopting the Basic Education
absence to accessible and quality
Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP)
education. According to UNESCO et al.
wherein it stipulates that no face-to-face
(2020) as cited in Llego (2021), the
classes will be held until it is safe to return
interruption to the teaching-learning
in the said approach (DepEd Order No.
process time inside classroom premise
012, s. 2020 as cited in Llego, 2020). In
can have an implication to the ability
relation to this, conducting a distance
learners to learn.
learning as an aid for the continuity of
instructional process in the basic Adhering to the provision of Article
education amidst the national health XIV Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution of
crisis has been administered by the the Republic of the Philippines which
Department of Education. Pertinent to states that:
“The state shall protect and the said approach and with the same
promote the right of all citizens to hour duration per day.
quality education at all levels and
Since limited in-person class
shall make appropriate steps to
approach is gradually returning to be
make such education accessible”
administered amidst the continuous fight
In line with it, despite of omitting against COVID-19, it is vital to look on the
periodical examination and replacing it experiences of the students who are
with assessments (ABS-CBN NEWS, being subjected to this kind of
2020), this concern of some parents pedagogical approach. In relation to the
further led to recommendation of DepEd initial conducted pilot limited in-person
to conduct in-person class approach. The class approach, the Department of
department has initially implemented the education has made a survey regarding
conduct of pilot limited face-to-face the experiences of the learners.
classes that has started from November Referring to the survey results, Masapol
15 to December 17 last year of 2021 as cited in Hernando-Malipot (2022),
(Hernando-Malipot, 2022). Furthermore, stated that 97% of Grades 1-3 learner-
based on a news report of Ombay (2021), respondents and 86% of Senior High
as the aforesaid department has the School learner-respondents had this
eagerness of expanding the initial pilot satisfaction regarding the entire
run of traditional class approach, there experience of limited conduct of the
has already a total number of 25,668 or a traditional class approach. Moreover,
percentage of 56.89% public schools emphasizing the schedule of school
across the country which have returned reporting, learning delivery of teachers,
to an in-person class approach and this time-allocation, hands-on activities and
happened due to the approval of instructional materials and resources
President Duterte to allow the face-to- administered inside the classroom were
face classes in the areas falling under the indicators of “satisfied” rate of the
alert level 2. Kinder and the specified elementary
grade levels. On the other hand, there is
Based on DepEd Memorandum
only 67% of the SHS learner-
No.071, s 2021, there are class sections
respondents who were “most satisfied”
that will be attending limited face-to-face
when it comes to lesson delivery.
classes in a duration of half day within
Likewise, 12% of respondents from SHS
one straight week and the other half of
students who were “least satisfied” for
the entire day will be spent on distance
the time allocated for traditional class
learning while the other sections will be
approach while 4% of them who
conducting a pure distance learning.
observed that hands-on activities were
However, all class sections will attend the
not administered.
limited in-person class approach
alternately within the period of pilot run of
Since the word requirement in the the Enhanced Basic Education Act of
title is a broad term, then it can be 2013 (RA 10533) in which a certain part
associated to instruction. Moreover, of a provisional paragraph implies that
since this paper also talks about the teaching-learning must be student-
student’s experience interacting with the oriented, accommodates the
teacher in requirement compliance, then pedagogical needs, capacity of the
according to Bao et al. (2019), feedback students in the context of cognition and
from the instructor is under the regular culture, circumstances and learner’s
teaching requirements. Feedback from diversity.
the teacher can be source of student’s
When it comes to the process-
experience in completion of necessary
oriented requirements, according to
requirements. Focusing on the feedback
Anglia (2021), homework completion and
in relation to the student’s experience,
better accomplishments in the areas of
Ahea (2016) stated that feedback should
Mathematics, Science and English have
be optimistic as it is vital for the
a significant relationship. He stated that
improvement of the coursework of the
homework completion can develop core
learner. They added that feedback
skills vital for school and career lives.
should not also be degrading.
Likewise, taking into account the time
Nevertheless, negative feedback could
appreciating homework completion help
be more significant enough than the
increase the student’s productiveness
positive feedback (Mathew, 2020).
and motivation.
Since teacher is being involved in
Considering the above paragraph
the acquisition of experience of the
about the process-oriented requirements
students in the completion requirements,
of the students in the completion of
the school has its provision of the proper
requirements, the teachers has also
learning and development plan in support
provided with the orientation regarding
of giving better services of quality
the work budget. This one pertains to the
education to the students and one of
implementation of Most Essential
them is the Learning and Action Cell
Learning Competencies (MELCS) that is
sessions. LAC sessions emphasize the
in inclusion of their work budget during
provision of intervention/remediation for
the conduct of limited traditional class
students during in-person class approach
approach. Likewise, the orientation for
(DepEd Memorandum No. 071 s. 2021).
the teachers about academic ease
The aforementioned learning and
observance and flexibility provision in
development plan is intended for those
terms of managing limited in-person
learners who are in the difficult
class approach was conducted (DepEd
circumstances such as being subject to
Memorandum No.071 s. 2021). The
child labor practices, abuses, negligence
matters above may have an implication
and abandonment among others. The
of experience by the students on the
conduct of LAC sessions is anchored to
manner of answering their mandatory 3. What intervention program for
requirements in their subject. students can be drawn based from
the experiences of the
In line with these things mentioned
above, the proponent of this paper would
like to find out the experiences of the
students in completing their requirements SCOPE AND DELIMITATION
under the limited face-to-face classes.
This research will emphasize the
Since requirements are crucial factor in
experiences of the student-participants in
passing a certain grading period and in
completion of their requirements under
promoting into another higher grade
the limited face-to-face classes for the
level. Particularly the researcher has the
school year 2021-2022. The participants
desire to extract the descriptive
will be from the four sections of Grade 7
experiences of the students whenever
from Antonio C. Esguerra Memorial
they answer their tasks, activities among
National High School. This paper will
others. Knowing, the empirical
delimit the experiences of the student-
knowledge of the students regarding the
participants in completion of
learner-teacher interaction in the times of
requirements obtained from answering
requirement compliance is also a matter
the AP subject requirements and
of concern. Likewise, if there are
interacting with AP teacher.
drawbacks in the experiences of the
students, then the proponent of this
paper would also like to possible
interventions to provide better and more
learner-oriented quality education The theory that has been
services under the limited face-to-face administered in this paper is socio-
classes. cultural theory of Lev Vygotsky. Socio-
cultural theory of development provides
an emphasis that human learning is
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM dominantly grounded on social process
in which the cognitive tasks are
This study aims to answer the following
established based on the socialization
with those more skilled or more
1. How can the participants describe knowledgeable other (MKO) (Cherry,
their experiences in answering 2022).
their statutory requirements in
According to Vygotsky (1978)
Araling Panlipunan?
effective learning acquisition occurs
2. What are the participants’
when there is a social engagement to
experiences with interacting with
social activities. The more
their respective teachers in AP for
knowledgeable other such as the
complying their requirements?
parents, guardians, teachers and other intervention responsive to needs of the
adults in the student’s learning learners.
environment have the contribution to the
process of learning attainment. The
process of effective learning acquisition METHODOLOGIES
includes demonstrating, explaining,
Methods and Techniques of the
assisting, providing instructions and
giving feedbacks to the students by the
MKO. Likewise, peers who may be also This research study will be
considered as MKO provide collaboration conducted through the method of
and cooperation to the learning descriptive case study which aims to find
experience of the learners. visible connection between the
participant and its developed
Moreover, the community
conjectures. Initiatives of this study can
demonstrate a vital role in the process of
be taken through a text-based or virtual
making meaning.
interview uncovering the experiences of
“Learning is a necessary nd students in which propositions about the
universal aspect of process of phenomena were carefully scrutinized
developing culturally organized, and articulated. Hence, by gradually
specifically psychological applying participants' description of their
function” (1978, p.90 as cited in experiences embodied the nature in
Mcleod, 2020). between the anticipation of possible
subsequent turn of responses in shaping
It means that the social learning comes
their connections. (Strong, 2005b;
before development.
Knapik,2006). To expound the idea into a
This theory of Vygotsky may help deeper sense, the primary objective of
this research to identify the possible this descriptive case study was to
drawbacks in the completion of investigate the perceptions and
requirements of the students through the experiences of students with regards, the
experiences that will be obtained from implications of understanding student's
the student-participants. By recognizing completion of their requirements under
the possible concerns, the proponent can the limited face-to-face classes. In
draw possible intervention that critical for relevance to study of Marsella (2018)
the development of the learners. subjected that academic plan should
Moreover, since socio-cultural theory is a consist of elements that contains both the
social process-oriented theory intended learners and the school initiation of
for the development, then the teachers’ needs. Once these connections are
interaction to the students as MKO is found, the study can conclude into a
significant for the creation of possible greater benefit. The researcher applies
this as it includes various types of result
inquiries that describes the current state usually a researcher who wants to study
of affairs in managing potential solutions a certain phenomenon related to a typical
to different experiences administered. or average event affected by its
Additionally, by means, this may cluster population. (Crossman, 2020)
their statements in featuring participants'
accounts into a relevant fact-finding.
Instrument of the Study

The researchers used a

Participants of the Study
researcher-made questionnaire used to
The study participants are gather all the information needed in this
enrolled at Antonio C. Esguerra Memorial research. It is composed of open-ended
National high school and Grade 7 questions to make sure that the
students in completing their requirements participants will have all the liberty to
under limited face-to-face classes. shares their experiences. It is also written
Participants that were selected are in Filipino language to avoid confusion
limited to two persons per section and misunderstanding between the
(Jasmin, Ilang-ilang, Gumamela, Dama researchers and the participants.
de Noche) to acknowledge the
compromised time and effort in the
search. Data Gathering Procedure

Data gathering is the process of

collecting data related to the study. The
Sampling Method
researchers will secure a permit and
Putting the idea into its approval to the Teaching Internship
perspective, a descriptive case study can Instructor and Cooperating Teacher.
sometimes be sufficiently enough to They will formulate an inductive
explain certain phenomena, particularly approach to begin the research
both with common and critical matters. formulating the research contents such
Hence, this is where the Purposive as the Introduction, Review of Related
sampling is commonly used as an aid in Literature along with the research
case study research. In understanding methodology. The researchers will
this sampling procedure and case conduct a virtual interview whether it is
selection, always take note of whether text based or online session. They are
the case in question is a deviant, typical, prepared to ask questions to get further
extreme or convenience case information required in the study, wherein
(Creswell,1998). In a profound these questions have been approved.
knowledge, to accommodate a deeper The feedback of the respondents will be
analysis, a typical case sampling which is recorded through the assistance of online
a type of purposive sampling which is platforms or will be written in papers to
ensure that every data of the Poor Internet Connection
respondents will be protected. All the
Two out six participants revealed
feedback of the respondents will be
that the poor internet connection was the
gathered and taken care of by the
reason for late submission of activities
researchers of this study.
and tasks. Respondent 3 reasoned out
that there was a presence of slow signal
in his residence as he stated that “Kasi
Ethical Consideration
po mahina ang signal dito samin”.
Processes for gaining ethical Likewise, Respondent 5 asserted that he
approval for research are held was in his province and the signal there
accountable for the researcher's was also poor as he told that “Nasa
courtesy of study. According to Kang probinsya po kasi kami ni hindi ko po
(2021), Sustaining or trying to establish namamamalayan na may kulang pa po
mutual relations is an ethical practice that ako mahina po kasi signal sa probinsya
is frequently regarded as a prerequisite namin, nahuhuli po ako sa pagpapasa”.
for developing trust with research In line with these answers of the
participants, which is likely to help the participants, it was definitely true that the
researcher obtain more honest poor internet connection was the
responses from research participants emerging theme.
and reach their findings successfully.
According to the report from
They must be assured that where the
Michigan State University (2020), slow
research topic goes will justify a clear
internet connectivity can have
relevance and appropriateness to the
contribution in the academic failure of the
populations being researched. In addition
students. Moreover, learners who have
to that, it is important that they uphold
been residing in rural and remote places
information consent along with securing
encounter slow internet connectivity
their data privacy. Researchers who
affecting their involvement in class
collect data through observation and
discussion and evaluation conducts
interviews are responsible for ensuring
(Matte, 2021). Taking into account these
the validity of the findings. Participants
related reports pertinent to answers of
are informed to the greatest extent
the participants, poor internet connection
possible about the nature of the research
was really a significant issue in the limited
or study.
face-to-face classes as there is still
online learning conduct that is being
implemented. In line with the interviews,
this common technological problem is
1. Students experiences in answering associated with the geographical
their requirements in Araling Panlipunan. location.
Too Much Work in generating the More Knowledgeable
Other as the emerging theme. For
One out of six respondents
instance, Respondent 1 admitted that he
revealed that the too much work is
has been approaching his older sister to
another factor to consider in late
sometimes help him as he told that
submission of activities and tasks.
“Meron po akong ate na tinatanong ko
Respondent 1 implied that his late
pag may subject akong hindi ko
submission was due to too much school
maintindihan.”. Likewise, Respondent 3
works to be accomplished as he stated
said that his older sister was there to help
that “Dahil nag kakasabay-sabay po kasi
him as he stated that “Meron po, sila ate
minsan natatambakan po ako kaya hindi
po pero minsan po hindi ren po nila alam
ko po mapasa yung dapat ipasa”.
ang sagot eh”. Also, Respondent 4
According to Stanford University indicated that he has his older sister who
(2013 as cited in Levy, 2019), high school can assist him as he uttered that “Meron
students’ much of their time on home naman po akong ate pero busy rin po sya
works are in encounter of more stress sa kanyang online class, kung di po sya
and unbalanced life and it reveled also busy pwede po ako magtanong sa
that more than two hours of spending kanya”. Furthermore, Respondent 5
time for assignment every night is insinuated that he has older siblings who
counterproductive. In this sense, it can can provide assistance as he said that
be argued that the idea of counter “Mayroon po akong kasama mga ate ko
productiveness may lead to beating the po at kuya, nagpapatulong naman po ako
deadlines and late submissions of ng activities…”. These answers from the
assigned activities and tasks as there are conducted interview emphasized the
many to finish and comply with. presence of the More Knowledgeable
Furthermore, since too much school Other in the instructional process of the
works is being given to the students learners.
simultaneously, mental well-being and
The concept of More
physical health are being affected
Knowledgeable Other (MKO) was
leading to the interruption of learning
founded by Lev Vygotsky and it pertains
process and acquisition (Stenger, 2022).
to those individuals who have extensive
knowledge than the students (Vygotsky,
1978 as cited in Cherry, 2020). According
Being Assisted by More
to Vygotsky, the MKO certainly and
Knowledgeable Other
frequently refers to the adults such as the
Four out of six respondents parents and teachers who can provide
answered “yes” that they had someone guided instruction within the zone of
who they were asking to in order to proximal development of the student and
provide help in dealing with the activities as part of the pedagogical opportunities
that were confusing to do and it resulted of the learner. In the interviews of the
respondents, the relatives and the that he also sometimes asks assistance
teacher are the MKO who are also the from his older sister as he told that “Nag
stimulators of the social process of tatanong po minsan kila ate…”. Also,
learning acquisition of the learner. Respondent 4 implied that he has been
Moreover, the community demonstrate a asking help from his older sister as he
vital role in the process of making uttered that “Nagpaptulong po ako sa
meaning. “Learning is a necessary aking ate”. Furthermore, Respondent 5
and universal aspect of process of indicated that he usually asks assistance
developing culturally organized, from his older siblings as he said that
specifically psychological function” “Pag nahihirapan po ako nagpapatulong
(1978, p.90 as cited in Mcleod, 2020). po ako sa mga ate at kuya ko po para
mas lalo kong maintindihan ang mga
The statement above says that
gawain”. Meanwhile, Respondent 6
social learning is happening in a socio-
insinuated that he normally seeks help
cultural context and the development is
direct from his teacher as he told that
occurring in a psychological context. It
“nagtatanong po ako s guro”.
means that learning is deductive. A
learner gains a lot of knowledge from the Fear or feeling of
outside and this knowledge will become uncomfortableness to ask question is a
refined and established firm common thing among students when
development. there is an attempt of asking a help to the
teacher. Although this act is associated
to negativity, asking for assistance is not
Asking for Assistance weakness but rather a strength
(Kostaras, 2020). For Winner (2015) she
All six respondents clearly
argued that asking for a help is a
mentioned that they were asking help
significant block for establishing a
from the others and it divulged the
meaningful connection with the other.
presence of asking assistance as the
She further asserted that an individual
emerging theme. Based on the interview,
who never ask help or defaults in
Respondent 1 indicated that he usually
speaking to the others what such person
seeks help from his older sister for some
knows can be tagged as “know it all”
clarifications in his activities as he said
individual or an arrogant person. The
that “Nagpapatulong po ako sa mga ate
latter idea of Winner (2015) clearly defies
ko”. Meanwhile, Respondent 2 implied
the notion of the significance of More
that what he normally does is to ask help
Knowledgeable Other and Scaffolding
from his neighbors since his parents
Vygotsky in which the learning
were not able to graduate as he stated
acquisition of learner is grounded on the
that “Nagpapatulong nalang po ako sa
social process and involvement of
kapit bahay namin sir”. Similar to
knowledgeable adults. Moreover, lower
Respondent 1, Respondent 3 insinuated
grade is a matter that is associated to the
avoidance of asking a help of one’s self before the deadline. Possible changes in
from a teacher (Kennedy, 2017). This the fixed deadline that considers the
means that students should practice pedagogical welfare of the learners
asking a help not only from peers or should be made.
family members but also from the teacher
since such individual is the most
responsible for giving educational 2. The experiences of participants with
opportunities and who provides grade for their teachers about completing their
the academic performance. requirements.
The situation of pandemic has
been a game changer for the education
Considerate Communication
sector of our country, most of the
Four out of six participants respondent remarked that their teachers
answered that their teachers were giving specifically in Social Studies gives
them enough time to answer the CONSIDERATION to them all the time.
assigned activities leading in generating The lessons given to the students are
ample time provision as the emerging accompanied with activities that can help
theme. Nevertheless, out of those four, them to process the knowledge gain from
there were only two who reasoned out the lesson, and be able to apply it in a
that their teachers’ reason of providing an real-life setting. Based on the answers of
ample time is to give way for those who the participants, the limited face-to-face
were not able to pass the requirements classes is actually a relief for them, they
before and on due. Respondent 5 stated pointed that they feel motivated in
that “Opo, they’are have patients to wait learning because they have their
who is still haven’t submitted output/work classmates with them. When giving out
test”. Likewise, Respondent 6 said that activities it is also important for the
“Opo nagbibigay po sila ng sapat na araw teachers to give a very direct direction to
at oras sa mga hindi pa po”. their students, and what they are
expected to them. This will make the
According to Hughes (2021),
students aware on what should be done,
considerate communication involves the
and how should this be done. Moreover,
positivity, sense of understanding and
Berile (2020) noted that it is also
care with the students. It means that it is
advisable for teachers to break the tasks
the student that is being the center of
into smaller activities so the students will
consideration. In line with the interviews
not be overwhelmed with activities
above pertinent to the submission of
assigned to them. Not all students learn
assigned activities and tasks, it is the
at the same time, and some students
duty of the teacher to look upon the
may have many questions than the other
situation of the students if they are able
but that is totally normal but making
to submit the needed requirements on or
things clear can make the students even more, especially that not all
understand what the activity is all about. students came from the same

Students also take noted that

SOCIALIZATION could help them to 3. Intervention program based on the
learn even better at limited face-to-face participants answers.
classes. On the study conducted by
Diving into the students' daily life,
Gharnas et al (2021) entitled “E-Learning
they would spend their necessary time
vs. Face-To-Face Learning: Analyzing
doing their homework, quizzes, exams
Students’ Preferences and Behaviors”
for weeks and months highlighting
they found out that socialization is face-
information that would benefit and feed
to-face classes is one of the most
their minds. The majority of students drop
important factors in class, through these
out of the course due to a lack of student
students was able to share their ideas
support. As a result, it is critical to provide
and be able to ask questions whenever
necessary and timely student support.
somethings are not clear. Clarifications
This hereby includes the first major
and or questions from students is also a
theme which is GAINING SUPPORT
sign that the students want to learn, and
to clarify things on the lesson given.
SERVICES. Cited by the study of Tung
Though distance learning can help the
(2012) Learners may experience a
students to save some time, and to have
variety of difficulties, such as being
a flexible time; limited face-to-face
unable to navigate or carry on the course
classes makes the learning experience of
in experiencing technical difficulties
the students full because they are with
meaning they were unable to understand
their classmates while studying (Riha,
some instructions or submit
2020). Considering that students has a
assignments, and so on. Asserting online
vast background with different problems
platforms to promote student's
at home, it is expected that not all of them
assistance in their internet resources
can turn in and or give their requirements
which helps students to engage more in
on time. Socio-cultural Theory (1978)
class. In accordance with the
also discussed that learning is bonded
achievements of the students,
with communication, with clear
mismanagement has been the problem
communication, explanation, assisting
they've been into since the learners have
and providing a feedback then and only
different skills to execute and to discover.
then can the learning process can be
However, solutions are always around,
effective for the students. Nucaro (2017),
this just needs a little improvisation and
also discussed that to eradicate the late
promotion of designed intervention
passing behavior of the students the
programs which produce educational
teachers shall motivate the students
programs, new and stronger policies.
The participants described many CONCLUSION
academic problems that were sought out
In the matter of learning, studies have
based on the management on passing
been the great guide which students do.
the requirements on time. According to
They will point out common mistakes
Balduf(2009), Engagement behaviors
people make when taking the problems
are needed to execute in the students'
and will explain needs to focus on and
persistence to know the extent of how a
what to leave behind. This creates a
student focuses on certain tasks. Another
strong correlation that conforms to the
fact that students who can't pass their
requirements on time may have
LEARNING. Continuing creating a path
difficulties in focusing or having
in how the students will be interested will
phenomenological events that can't be
create a desire for them to go above and
predicted. Based on the data findings,
beyond what is expected for them to do
data analysis, and views of related
certain requirements or tasks. This
literature, therefore, includes the
means that some interventions can be
formation of a tiered system support,
done using distinct and paying
teacher, and school support towards the
accentuation on planning properly its
intervention programs and strategies of
engagement in behavioral aspects. In
creating a shared vision can increase the
relevance to the article of
involvement of the student's
Pellegrino,et.al(2021) Online academics
engagement. The researcher also found
optimized its profile by acknowledging
out that students had a strong
key traits such as building connection,
relationship between managing the time,
compassion, consistency, content and
support system, behavioral aspects and
community. In the study of
impact in their academic achievement of
Akalin,et.al(2015) shows that it would be
learning. It is therefore concluded that the
beneficial if the intervention will turn its
participants were associated in different
way on giving sources and getting a
skill engagement which affects their
performance based feedback that will
learning seriously. Hence, this research
help to see the things that needed to be
provides a comprehensive analysis of
changed in teacher's performance which
established proactive measures that
may help to have a positive effect on
retains some strategic ways to provide a
students' behaviors. Education and being
clearer overview of the learners'
a learner is a thing that will never harm
perception on passing their requirements
you. Hence, it can be the greatest
on time.
weapon to use time and achieve certain
objectives which will stick as a benefit in
the long run.
RECOMMENDATION requirements but should also become a
storage of various instructional learning
material that are needed by and
beneficial for the learners.
Since the current operation of the
basic education system in the country is
a combination of online and limited face- 3. IN-PERSON KAMUSTAHAN
to-face classes, it is advisable that the
Since limited face-to-face class is
school and the stakeholders make and
available, then the school should allocate
come up with a comprehensive program
specific time and day for an actual
of establishing internet connection within
kamustahan that will be facilitated by the
the school premises that is accessible by
teacher. This is significant to be done at
all learners. This is beneficial to those
least once for every batch of student who
learners who are residing near the school
will be subjected to limited face-to-face
and having a hard time to connect online
classes. Conducting this may address
whenever there is a virtual discussion.
some undesirable behaviors that are
Meanwhile, the school should establish a
being observed online since virtual
school committee that is responsible for
setting is not as authentic environment as
the provision of load subsidy among
the traditional approach. Authenticity of
those learners who are having financial
communication among the learners can
constraint. In this sense, both
be improved and restored as the
technological and geographical and even
kamustahan session will be led and
financial hindrances will be addressed.
organized by the teacher. Moreover,
conducting kamustahan may help the
learners to become motivated. Likewise,
student-teacher relationship will be
enriched as the teacher will provide
Establishing Learner Management advises and guidance to the learner. This
System or LMS will be a great help for the session should be done in a cycle.
learners. Even there is already the
conduct of limited in-person class
approach, submission of necessary 4. COLLABORATIVE &
requirements may still be advisable for COOPERATIVE ACTIVITIES
those students who are being subjected THROUGH THE INTEARCTIVE
under the distance learning. The LMS PLATFORMS.
should be child-friendly, can be operated
Since socialization is vital for the
in most of the gadgets circulating in the
educational growth and development of
market and it should be easy-to-
the learners, it is advisable to conduct
navigating. The LMS should not only be
collaborative and cooperative activities
designed for accepting submitted
and tasks through interactive platforms Balduf,M.(2009)Journal of Advanced
during a face-to-face class. This is better Academics.Underachievement Among
rather than none as it may promote College Students.Volume 20,No. 2 (pp.
interpersonal intelligence without 274–294).
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be done by allowing the use of
Requirements: A Case Study of
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Academic Performance and Satisfaction
vested upon the teacher and the purpose
in an Online Classroom.
of using smartphones is for instructional
process only.
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