Selected Questions From General Mechanical: Q No. Question Answer
Selected Questions From General Mechanical: Q No. Question Answer
Selected Questions From General Mechanical: Q No. Question Answer
37 Name the common ASTM standard used for the manufacture of wrought steel ASTM A234, A420, A403
buttwelding fitting.
40 Name the common test for checking holidays in nickel plating
43 What type of water is typically required for pressure testing of austenitic stainless steel Demi. Water
45 List 3 types of flange. Welding neck, slip on, socket welding
46 Name four types of shutoff valves. Gate, Globe, Plug, Ball
48 List three different types of wedges mentioned in API 600 Solid, Flexible, Split
50 What is the maximal allowable leakage rate in drops of a 24” soft seated ball valve? No leakage
53 What kind of valve material is used when valves are in high temperature service? Low alloy steel(A217)
54 What is the hydrotest sequence for a internal coated valve? Hydrotesting before coating
Surface preparation for coating
Body assembly
Shell test with N2 gas or air
59 The team Cv as related to control valves represents: c
a. Correction factor for viscosity
b. Controlled variable
c. Valve flow coefficient
d. Check valve
61 What would be most likely stem packing material for a sliding control valve selected for Teflon packing
NACE MR0175 services, if the temperature was bellow 400F?
Selected MT Questions
Q No. Question Answer
1 Can heat have an effect on the results of a magnetic particle test? Yes
3 How does the appearance of a surface differ from that of subsurface defect? Clearly seen than subsurface
4 True or false: A coil shot produces what is generally considered to be a longitudinal True
magnetic field.
7 As per ASME Sec.Ⅴ, what amperage should be used for the dry prod exam of base 100~125 A/in. of prod spacing for 3/4” and greater.
metal. 90~110 A/in. of prod spacing for 3/4” less than.
10 Surface defects are more clearly defined by A.C. or D.C. current. A.C.
12 True or false: discontinuities parallel to the magnetic field procedure the strongest False
14 True or false: it is possible to detect defects by magnetic particle examination that True
cannot be detected by radiography.
18 What method is more sensitive for the detection of subsurface defects, AC or DC AC
21 According to ASME Section Ⅴ, what are the three main steps in a magnetic particle Magnetization -> application of magnetic particle ->evaluation
22 True or false: when parts are to be welded after magnetic particle testing, residual False
magnetism may attract the material. This aids in the disposition of weld metal
improving the weld quality.
27 True or false: a longitudinal magnetized part retains a more objectionable residual than True
a circular magnetized part.
30 True or false: demagnetization is still required when a part will be subsequently heat False
32 True or false: the detection of subsurface defects over 1/4” deep in weldments is more True
of a problem than is the case of surface defects.
37 When a magnetic field is included in a part with prods spaced 6inched apart, the field b
is considered a:
a. Solenoid field
b. Distorted circular field
c. Longitudinal field
d. York field
40 True or false: abrupt changes in thickness, high amperages and drilled holes near the True
test surface are cause of nonrelevant indications.
Selected PT Questions
Q No. Question Answer
1 Is PT an acceptable method for non-ferrous material? Yes
4 What is dwell time? The total time that the penetrant or emulsifier is in contact with the test surface,
including the time required for application and the draintime.
6 What is the function of an emulsifier in the post emulsification penetrant method? Removed the emulsifier
8 True or false: it is possible to defects by liquid penetrant examination that cannot be True
defect by radiography.
11 Can liquid penetrant inspection be used on hot assemblies? No / 10℃~52℃
13 Can color contrast testing be performed on broad daylight? Yes
14 What type of defects can liquid penetrant testing detect? At least three(3) Crack. Incomplete penetration, overlap, porosity
16 Which of the following physical properties, more than any other determines what make d
a material a good penetrant?
a. Viscosity
b. Surface tension
c. Wetting ability
d. No single property if a material will or will not be a good penetrant
18 Which of the following is not recommended method for cleaning a surface prior to a e
liquid penetrant?
a. Acid etching
b. Vapor degreasing
c. Liquid solvent
d. Sand blasting
e. All of the above are acceptable
22 Which of the following are typical of foreign matter which might block the opening b
of discontinuities if the surface of a test specimen is not cleaned properly?
a. Water
b. Oxides
c. Carbon
d. All of the above
23 If a penetrant test is to be conducted using a visible dye penrtrant in pressurized spray b
cans, the temperature of the test area should not be lower than:
a. 90 degrees F
b. 50 degrees F
c. 40 degrees F
d. 0 degrees F
25 Developer assists in the detection of penetrants retained in discontinuities by aiding c
a. Post cleaning process
b. Emulsification process
c. Bleed-out process
d. Drying process
31 A commonly used method of checking on the overall performance of a penetrant c
material system is by:
a. Determining the viscosity of the penetrant
b. Measuring the wetability of the penetrant
c. Comparing two section of an artificially cracked part
34 Which of the following visible dye penetrant is more sensitive for detecting fine a
grinding crack?
a. Nonwater soluble visible dye penetrants
b. Water washable visible penetrants
c. All dye penetrants are about equal in sensitivity
38 What information does an inspector need for proper interpretation of indications? d
a. Previous manufacturing processes performed on the part
b. Technique used in applying and removing the penrtrant
c. Cleaning method
d. All of the above