Deneme: 2021 - 2022 Eğitim Ve Öğretim Yili Yabanci Dil Testi

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YDT • İngilizce İNGİLİZCE TESTİ Genel Müdürlüğü

1. Bu testte 80 soru vardır.

2. Cevaplarınızı, cevap kâğıdının İngilizce Testi için ayrılan kısmına işaretleyiniz.

5. Dissatisfaction with one’s weight can ----

1. - 8. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere anorexia, defined by extreme and practically
uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. impossible eating habits that harm one’s
physical and emotional health.
1. The fact that diabetes is linked to an essential
human ----, namely nutrition, makes the A) cut off
treatment procedure more complicated than for B) sort out
other disorders.
C) look into
A) convergence B) requirement
C) feature D) classification D) turn down

E) variation E) bring about

2. Scientists have developed a ---- technique for

the first time to regenerate skin cells, enabling
them to reset a human’s cellular biological
clock by around 30 years using molecular
measurements. 6. As a result of their rigorous research and
observations, a group of astronomers ---- that
A) loyal B) hostile four billion years ago, half of the north pole of
C) deficient D) novel Mars ---- with water, to a depth of 1.6 kilometres
E) decrepit in some places.

A) have estimated / should have been covered

3. Seafood by-product utilisation is becoming ---- B) estimate / could be covered

important due to the rising demand for health
C) estimated / might have been covered
products and the pressing need to maximise
the value of finite seafood resources. D) will estimate / may be covered

A) artificially B) increasingly E) had estimated / would have been covered

C) admittedly D) conveniently
E) impatiently

4. Injuring all of a habitat’s members, including 7. Unless a child ---- with an exceptionally severe
endangered animals, by allowing them to ----
condition, parents ---- to give consent to
and possibly be destroyed should be penalised
perform medical services on their child.
with severe fines.
A) will have diagnosed / must be forced
A) protect
B) affiliate B) was diagnosed / could not be forced

C) flourish C) has diagnosed / do not have to be forced

D) degenerate D) has been diagnosed / should be forced

E) harness E) is diagnosed / cannot be forced

3 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

8. Podcasts, ---- value to listeners through their 12. ---- effective verbal communication is essential
informative and educational content, have been for success in both personal and professional
identified as powerful marketing tools due to relationships, it is your nonverbal clues that
their ability ---- brands with a speciality-focused have the most impact on how others see you.
A) Since B) When
A) having provided / connecting
C) Given that D) Unless
B) being provided / to be connected
E) While
C) to provide / having connected

D) providing / to connect
13. ---- scientific research shows that spending
E) to be providing / being connected quality time with friends and family brings more
happiness than almost ---- else in the world.
9. - 15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
A) All / anything
uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
B) No / anywhere
9. We rarely forget things that leave a deep C) Most / nobody
impression ---- our minds because what we
D) Some / nothing
don’t forget are the things we pay attention to,
and it depends ---- what we’re dealing with. E) Much of / somewhere

A) in / up B) on / upon

C) with / on D) for / at 14. As there are debates about whether viruses

can be counted as organisms, they can be ----
E) at / for
considered as microorganisms with very simple
10. While blockchain was initially associated ---- structures ---- molecules with very complex
cryptocurrency, it has rapidly moved to various systems.
sectors ---- the years, including oil, dairy, and
A) neither / nor
B) so / as
A) in / for B) for / through
C) whether / or
C) with / over D) of / beyond
D) rather / than
E) across / in
E) either / or
11. In recent years, organic farming has grown
in importance as an alternative agriculture
practice, mostly ---- it is environmentally friendly 15. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese method in
and takes into consideration both human and which the aim is to harmonise the present
environmental health. energy in a place ---- its occupants’ health, well-
being, and prosperity.
A) although

B) in order that A) at the expense of

C) in case B) for the sake of

D) because C) for fear of

E) provided that D) as opposed to

E) by means of

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YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

16. - 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. A) moreover

The body needs vitamin D, popularly known (16) ---- the B) in fact
‘sunshine vitamin’, for various vital activities. It serves C) therefore
some important functions, (17) ---- it essential to your
regular diet. Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D. D) however
When exposed to sunlight, your body produces vitamin E) for example
D. A shortage of vitamin D might make it more difficult
for the body to function properly. It also aids in nutrient
absorption from the food we eat; (18) ----, it is critical
for strong bones and teeth. It also helps the defensive
and neurological systems function (19) ----. Vitamin D
may decrease the incidence of depression by aiding in
the creation of serotonin, (20) ---- modulates mood and
promotes immunity.

16. 19.

A) as A) continually
B) for B) doubtfully
C) on C) courageously
D) like D) fortunately
E) to E) properly

17. 20.

A) made A) who
B) being made B) which
C) making C) where
D) to be made D) whose
E) to have made E) when

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YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

23. Although many opponents of a vegetarian diet

21. - 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde
argue that eating meat is healthy and ethical, ----.
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) raising cattle is frequently the most effective
21. Since games have potential features such as method of producing food for human use
motivating students and ensuring their active
B) processed vegetarian protein sources like tofu
participation in the learning process, ----.
can emit more greenhouse gases than raising
A) the integration of new technological tools into livestock
education has been ignored
C) vegetarians contend that killing animals for
B) the use of computer-assisted approaches is still food is cruel and unethical as non-animal food
in its infancy sources are abundant

C) gamification is handled as a concept to increase D) the majority of plant-based meals do not contain
academic success sufficient amounts of all of the essential amino

D) companies have recently devoted increased acids in a single serving

priority to on-the-job training and continuous E) fish are rich in fatty acids, which are crucial for
education brain function and lower the chance of heart

E) gamification methods are supported by mobile attack death


22. ----; however, it was the Japanese who made it a 24. ----, but researchers have not settled on how the
part of their culture. vitamin affects children’s chances of developing
autism spectrum disorders.
A) For thousands of years, people in China have
grown rice and wheat, providing most of the A) Children need a lot of healthy food to grow
country’s grain supply strong, healthy, and smart
B) Pyramids were generally viewed as man- B) Pregnant women generally take folic acid to
made mountains, and they were attempts by prevent certain congenital disabilities
the Egyptian aristocracy to create a symbolic
C) Kids should not consume more than two
teaspoons of sugar per day
C) The calendar system, ritual ballgames, and
D) Taking supplements on a regular basis can
maise squash as the main food are some
reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke
Mesoamerican cultural traits
E) Fish oil is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which
D) Places such as Uaxactun and El Mirador in the
the body requires for many functions
Maya plains are examples of colossal buildings
from the Late Formative period

E) ‘Origami’, or paper-folding developed throughout

the world as paper-making technology advanced

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YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

25. Music is a global means of self-expression and 27. A great majority of small children tend to
healing for humans ----. become jealous of their younger siblings ----.

A) due to its ability to elicit intense feelings and A) when parents are excessively harsh or
alter moods through its use of sound authoritarian and expect their kids to stick to
their rules and regulations
B) as playing music can be beneficial to your
dietary habits, according to some studies B) since it is important for every child to learn the
importance of empathy and sharing at an early
C) since your musical choices may give you a
valuable understanding of your personality
C) although they may become overly possessive
D) although singing new words helps people
about everything, and this attitude might cause
learn a new language since it improves their
D) as avoiding comparing your kid’s academic
E) despite its positive effects on cognitive
performance with that of their siblings is
development and well-being
strongly advised

E) because they are granted extra attention and

care from their parents and other adults in the

26. Effective advertisements use creativity to stand 28. Speaking another language improves the
out and make a brand instantly recognisable or ability to communicate across cultures while
unique; ----. also ensuring employment ----.

A) for example, how many times we watch this A) as anybody using a second language knows
funny commercial the impact of a minor mispronunciation

B) nevertheless, advertising is communication B) because employers desire multilingual people

designed to inform, educate, or persuade for low- and high-skilled roles

C) in fact, a sufficient amount of money must be C) since, without some exposure a foreign
spent on this advertising campaign language, it is challenging to gain the self-
confidence to speak
D) furthermore, they clearly deliver a message
that viewers may recall on critical occasions D) although non-native speakers are more patient
with errors
E) however, they give examples of how the
product is superior and distinctive E) otherwise, between the ages of 6 and 9,
European youngsters begin learning a second

7 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

30. According to the passage, how do bird flocks

29. - 31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
reduce energy consumption?
A) It is known that birds flying in a ‘V’ shape fly
The most accepted explanation for why bird flocks fly in an aerodynamically optimal way, in line with
in certain ways is that it reduces energy consumption what is predicted theoretically.
and promotes communication and harmony among
B) In reality, it is well known that aircraft fleets may
the birds in the flock. When birds fly slightly ahead of conserve fuel by flying in a ‘V’-shape when they
and behind the bird in front, they take advantage of the are in flight.
upward airflow created by the bird’s wings in front. Since
C) Bird experts state that this synchronised flight
it is known that aircraft fleets save fuel when they fly in
of starlings makes it easier to find food and is
a ‘V’-shape, many scientists think that migratory birds
a defence mechanism against other birds of
fly in specific ways for the same reason. However, the
regular current created by the planes with their wings
D) Especially when large-bodied birds fly in flocks
motionless and the more variable current produced by
while migrating, they have an experienced bird
the birds flapping their wings affects the aircraft and the
leading the way.
birds alike, causing some questions about this view.
The study, published in the journal Nature, revealed that E) Birds that fly slightly to the right and behind
birds flying in a ‘V’ shape fly in the most aerodynamically the bird in front take advantage of the upward

favourable way—consistent with what was theoretically airflow created by the bird in front’s wings.

predicted. The researchers who carried out the study

showed that the birds use the airflow most efficiently by
adjusting their wing movements during flight according
to the movement of the closest bird in the flock. It was 31. Which of the following cannot be said about birds,
according to the passage?
understood that during the ‘V’shaped flight, the wing
movements of the birds are in harmony with each A) Birds use the airflow most efficiently by
other so that they benefit from the upward airflow at the adjusting their wing movements during flight
highest level. according to the movement of the nearest bird
in the flock.

B) In ‘V’-shaped flight, the leading bird saves the

29. Which of the following could be the best title least energy, while the energy saved by those
for the passage? flying in an inverted ‘U’-shape is almost equal
for all birds.
A) The Mystery of the Airborne Birds
C) During the ‘V’-shaped flight, the wing
B) The Adventure of Birds and Airplanes
movements of the birds are in harmony with
C) The Reason Why Birds Fly in Specific Ways each other, so they benefit from the upward
D) Betrayal of Birds Flying Together airflow at the highest level.

E) How to Reduce Aviation Fuel D) Because it is well known that aircraft fleets
reduce fuel by flying in a ‘V’-shape, many
experts believe that migratory birds fly in similar
patterns for the same reason.

E) Flying in specific patterns with bird flocks

reduces energy consumption while increasing
communication and unity among the birds in
the flock.

8 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

33. We can understand from the passage that the

32. - 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
Vikings ----.

The term ‘Vikings’ refers to maritime people, mainly A) travelled all over the world, conquered
from Scandinavia, who pirated, traded, and settled those lands as pirates and established new
across much of Europe between the late eighth and late civilizations there
eleventh centuries. Additionally, they travelled around B) made their living not only by seafaring but also
the Mediterranean, North Africa, the Middle East, and by doing various jobs, though they were known
North America. This time is widely referred to as the as sailors
Viking Age in some nations where they invaded and
C) had many different beliefs throughout their
settled. The Vikings spoke Old Norse and carved runic
history before they chose Christianity
inscriptions. They initially followed the Old Norse faith
but subsequently converted to Christianity. The Vikings D) did everything they could to change people’s
developed their own laws, culture, and architecture. The perception of themselves in the ancient world
majority of them were farmers, fishermen, artisans, and E) used to wear horn-shaped helmets between
merchants. Popular perceptions of the Vikings often the late eighth and late eleventh centuries
diverge significantly from the sophisticated, advanced
culture shown by archaeological and historical sources.
The perceptions of the Vikings as relentless pirates
or daring adventurers owe a great deal to the various
variants of the contemporary Viking myth that had
developed by the early twentieth century. Popular
depictions of the Vikings in the modern day are often 34. According to the passage, the Vikings are
based on cultural clichés and prejudices, hampering known as brave sailors or cruel pirates by
current understanding of the Viking heritage. These today’s society because ----.
depictions are often inaccurate; for example, there is
A) the cultural preconceptions and biases based
no evidence that they wore horned helmets, a costume
on numerous modern Viking myths created in
piece introduced in Wagnerian opera.
the early twentieth century are commonly seen
in current portrayals of Vikings

B) most of these maritime Scandinavians invaded

32. Which of the following is not mentioned in the
and colonised most of Europe between the late
passage about Vikings?
eighth and late eleventh centuries by raiding
A) How they make their living and trading at sea

B) The religions they believed in C) many of them were engaged in farming, fishing,
artisanal work, and commerce despite the fact
C) The land where they inhabit
that they had their own laws, customs, and
D) Why they are portrayed with horned-helmets aesthetics
E) The nations they fought with D) they established new settlements during a
period known as the ‘Viking Age’ in some
countries, where they spoke Old Norse and
used runic symbols

E) there is no proof that they wore horned helmets,

a costume element popularised during a
performance, which complicates the modern
understanding of Viking origins

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YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

36. According to the passage, palaeontologists

35. - 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
A) found a few more relics beside a fearsome
Around 42 million years ago, a fearsome bobcat- bobcat-size creature fossil at a site
sized creature patrolled the forests of what is now San
B) discovered the ancestor of the now-extinct
Diego. Unlike many other mammals at the time, it was
Machaeroidinae family that lived long ago
a hyper carnivore, designed to eat meat and almost
only meat. A recently discovered species of the now- C) managed to identify the new predator using a
extinct Machaeroidinae family, this animal is thought 71.5-millimetre-long lower jawbone
to be the first mammal with saberlike fangs and sharp D) unearthed a significant fossil which will
slicing teeth. Only a few dozen other machaeroidine overshadow the ones that precede it
fossils have been described to date, with the majority
E) used carbon dating to determine the exact age
coming from Wyoming and a few from Utah and Asia.
of the machaeroidine fossil
Palaeontologists were able to identify this new predator
thanks to a 71.5-millimetre-long lower jawbone with teeth
discovered in a San Diego County fossil bed. The fossil
reveals that the creature had long, saberlike canine teeth
because the bony chin is downturned to guard the fangs.
Among today’s hypercarnivore mammals are massive
polar bears and ferocious tigers, as well as your cuddly
(or not) house cat. That lifestyle, however, was highly
unusual for predators roaming the earth millions of years
ago, and there are not many carnivores known from that
time, making this newly discovered animal unique.

35. According to the passage, the first mammal to 37. What is the main purpose of the author?
possess saberlike fangs and razor-sharp teeth
----. A) To emphasise the importance of fossil beds for
A) was believed to be the only hypercarnivore
B) To announce a new type of hypercarnivore
fossil discovered in a San Diego County fossil
C) To highlight the basic needs of some
B) roamed in the jungles of what is now known as
hypercarnivore mammals.
San Diego more than 40 million years ago
D) To give examples of the first hypercarnivore
C) was discovered together with a few dozen
other machaeroidine fossils in San Diego
E) To explain why mammals adapted throughout
D) was somewhat like today’s hypercarnivores
such as bears, tigers, and even house cats

E) hunted predators that were larger than itself,

thanks to its muscular rear legs

10 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

39. Which of the following was not a function of the

38. - 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
Silk Road when it was popular?
A) Supplying expensive commodities
Countries on the Silk Road route came to the fore and
prospered in parallel with the importance of the Silk B) Exchanging cultural and scientific achievements
Road. In addition, they became socio-economically and C) Being a communication way
socio-politically active states and were able to control
the peripheral regions. In this context, the Silk Road, D) Discovery of new trade routes
along with being basically a trade route, has also been E) Contributing to the economic and political
instrumental in transferring culture, religion, technology, development of the countries
and lifestyles between countries for ages. This
situation also gave the Silk Road the quality of being a
communication way. In this context, not only silk, which
is a special weaving, but also various technological
materials and goods of the time were transported to
the west through it. These include porcelain, watches,
weapons, paper, glass, gunpowder, and precious and
semi-precious stones. However, starting in the 16th
century, European sailors’ sailing to the intercontinental
seas opened a new era. For example, when people
found out about the Cape of Good Hope and the Indian
Sea Route, they came up with another way of travelling
to distant places. This made the Silk Road less important,
especially after the industrial revolution.

38. According to the passage, the Silk Road ----. 40. It is stated in the passage that the Silk Road
lost its importance because of ----.
A) is a metaphorical term for the network of roads
extending from Southern Europe to East Asia A) the cultural rise of the western world along with
the Renaissance
B) contributed to the development of the countries
on its route both politically and economically B) unsettling political events of the time between
C) was the centre of culture, religion, technology the empires
and lifestyles for the countries
C) silk weaving and valuable commodities losing
D) lost its importance as sea transportation was their importance
replaced by land transportation
D) long wars between the countries along the Silk
E) includes different timing systems as it extends
a large area
E) the opening up of new commerce routes in the

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YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

42. One of the scientific theories about the Bermuda

41. - 43. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
Triangle is that ----.
A) the pilots’ calculation errors in the region may
As many as 50 ships and 20 planes are said to have have led to serious failures
mysteriously vanished from the North Atlantic Ocean
B) rescuers got lost after they reached the
in the Bermuda Triangle, whose boundaries are not
unanimously agreed on. Unexplainable incidents have
been reported in the area for at least 150 years. Some C) aeroplanes flying in the area might have been
ships were found abandoned for no obvious reason, misdirected by officials
while others did not send out any distress signals and D) ships going towards the triangle must not have
were never heard from again. A number of aircraft and sent SOS
rescue teams have been reported to have gone missing
E) some vessels were left by the crew in the ocean
in the area. But the wreckage has not been found. As a
as they were afraid of huge waves
result, some of the explanations that have been put up
to explain these recurring riddles have been imaginative.
However, geophysical and environmental reasons are
more likely to be the source of these disappearances
than supernatural explanations. One theory is that as
the planes reached the Bermuda Triangle, the pilots
failed to figure out the agonic line, where the magnetic
compass did not need to be adjusted, resulting in major
navigational mistakes and catastrophic failure. Another
possibility is that the missing ships and planes were
wiped out by ‘rogue waves’, which can reach up to 30
metres and could theoretically destroy all evidence of a
vessel or aircraft.

41. It can be clearly understood from the passage 43. According to the passage, the disappearances
that the Bermuda Triangle ----. in the North Atlantic Ocean ----.

A) is an obviously demarcated region in the North A) have been proved by strong scientific evidence
Atlantic Ocean B) have been appealing to many people for years

B) has existed in the Atlantic Ocean since the 19th C) have been the sources of fear for many pilots
century D) cannot be accounted for clearly and precisely

C) is a fictional place captains and pilots have E) are the events that are completely speculative
made up

D) is something that cannot be explained


E) is a hypothetical district that is believed to

swallow ships and planes

12 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

45. Karima:
44. - 48. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi – I would like to go abroad for my master’s
bulunuz. education, and I need some information
about international student loans.

44. Maria: Educational counsellor:

– According to a comprehensive study, the – Sure, let me help you. First of all, you must have
many wildlife sanctuaries around the world necessary documents, such as a motivation
don’t contribute to supporting wildlife. letter, evidence of financial need, references,
a CV, a certificate of undergraduate, and your
language proficiency.
– I’m not so sure about that. In recent years,
hundreds of protected areas have been
created for animals and plants, offering them – Yes, I have them all. Is there anything else?
a natural habitat to survive.
Educational counsellor:
– ----
– ----
– Oh, that’s a big problem. Will you help me in
– So, you mean targets should be set for the finding him, or is it my responsibility?
quality of them, not for the quantity.

A) No, we just recommend that students who want

A) The researchers observed how bird populations to receive graduate scholarships start their
changed over time. applications as early as possible.
B) The results of the study are disappointing but B) Yes, you generally need citizenship or a
not surprising. permanent resident co-signer from the country
C) Wildlife population in the areas tends to increase where you want to study.
in these years. C) Of course, tuition fees increase or decrease
D) Yes, but the focus should be on improving according to university quality, academic
conditions in these areas. program, and the country you want to study.

E) I think you should do more research on this field. D) Unfortunately, getting an international student
loan is not as easy as it seems, as you need to
prove your competence and determination.

E) Yes, finding financial aid for international

students can be one of the most challenging
obstacles to pursuing higher education in a
foreign country.

13 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

46. Kelly: 47. Cindy :

– I’ve always wondered why the QWERTY – ----

keyboard was arranged the way it is now.
Ahmet :
Since you’re into computers, do you know
why? – Oh really? I’ve never heard or read anything
about it before. Can you give me an example?

Cindy :
– ----

– Sure. For example, the word ‘umarell’ is

peculiar to Italians, and it refers to an older
– I’m all ears. Do please tell me. man who spends his days watching heavy
construction equipment, such as bulldozers,
loaders, or diggers, at construction sites.

– Since the bars inside the early prototype

typewriter would often collide with each
other, the most commonly used letters had – As a Turk, it sounds very familiar to me. I
to be spaced apart. think there should be such a term in Turkish,

A) I don’t know why it’s like that, but I’m glad it is.
It’s the best for typing. A) Italian is the European Union’s second-most
widely spoken native language, with 67 million
B) I have no idea, but I’m sure it had something to
do with typewriters.
B) It didn’t surprise me to learn that Italian is
C) I don’t have an answer to that question, but
widely spoken by immigrant communities in the
someone out there does.
D) Sure, you’ll be shocked to hear that it wasn’t
C) Did you know that some languages have
done scientifically at all.
certain expressions that don’t exist in others?
E) I’m only a programmer, so I know just a little
D) Human language is unique in that it is not
about how computers work.
based on a single channel of transmission.

E) I didn’t know that there are about 5,000 - 7,000

languages in the world.

14 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

48. John:
49. - 53. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en
– Instead of traditional classes, I want to attend yakın cümleyi bulunuz.
an online university program.
49. When the effects of mobbing are evaluated in
Nick: terms of the employee, it makes the employee
feel unsuccessful, and accordingly, it will cause
– ---- intense anxiety and stress.

John: A) When mobbing is viewed from the employee’s

perspective, it causes them to feel inadequate,
– Why do you think so? which in turn will lead to extreme tension and
B) As a result of the employee being exposed to
extreme mobbing, anxiety, stress, and failure
– In an online programme, you must be able to
come one after another.
manage your time and be self-motivated to do
the required reading and assignments, which C) Due to mobbing, which starts with anxiety and
stress, the employee will also feel unsuccessful
seems impossible for you.
from the employer’s side.
D) When the employer uses mobbing, the employee
who is exposed to excessive anxiety and stress
A) This is a great idea; you can continue working,
will start to fail at work.
running the household, and taking classes all at
E) When an employer uses mobbing tactics, the
employee who is faced with extreme anxiety
B) If you want to take classes on-campus, you can and tension will begin to underperform in the
choose a school that will allow you to design a workplace.
timetable designed for specific needs.

C) When deciding between online and traditional

programmes, it is critical to consider your own
50. The story is told by an anonymous narrator who
learning style and scheduling requirements. lives with his aunt and cousin in a scenic valley
D) Since you are a social learner, you might full of fragrant flowers and fantastic trees.
benefit from the traditional classroom format of A) A writer whose name is unknown tells the story
collaborating with your friends and teacher. of his aunt and cousin who dwell in a gorgeous
valley of beautiful flowers and majestic trees.
E) I suggest you choose a hybrid class to enjoy the
convenience of online learning while meeting B) An unnamed author residing with his aunt and
cousin in a picturesque valley filled with odorous
with professors and peers in person.
flowers and magnificent trees narrates the tale.
C) An anonymous author tells the story of a
beautiful valley filled with magnificent flowers
and exquisite trees while living with his aunt and
D) While living with his aunt and cousin, an
anonymous writer tells the story of a stunning
valley filled with amazing flowers and stunning
E) The tale of a magnificent valley filled with
magnificent flowers and majestic trees is told by
an unknown author who lives with his aunt and

15 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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51. For more than two centuries, the Avars, 53. According to new research, although spiders do
mysterious horse-riding warriors who helped not have ears, they can sense vibrations with
speed the downfall of the Roman Empire, their feet through the webs they weave.
dominated the lowlands between Vienna and
Belgrade. A) Spiders do not have a hearing sense, which
helps them detect vibrations with their feet via
A) The Avars, mysterious horse-riding warriors the webs they create, according to new research.
who aided in speeding the fall of the Roman
B) According to new research, as spiders do not
Empire, ruled the lowlands between Vienna and
have ears, they are not able to feel the vibrations
Belgrade for more than two hundred years.
in the webs that they construct with their feet.
B) Two hundred years after their outstanding
contributions to the Roman Empire’s coming C) Not having ears, spiders can detect vibrations
to a close, the Avars, mysterious horse-riding with their feet with the help of the webs they
warriors, ruled the area between Vienna and construct, according to a new study.
Belgrade. D) New research shows that spiders’ lack of ears
C) The Avars, mysterious horse-riding warriors, does not prevent them from sensing vibrations
not only put an end to the Roman Empire but with their feet via the webs they create.
also controlled the plains between Vienna and E) New research indicates that spiders can feel
Belgrade for more than two hundred years. vibrations with their feet through the webs they
D) Those who dismantled the Roman Empire, construct in spite of their sense of hearing.
which ruled the lowlands between Vienna and
Belgrade for more than two hundred years, were
nobody but the Avars, the mysterious horse-
riding warriors.
E) When the Avars, mysterious horse-riding
warriors, halted the invasions of the Roman
Empire in the plains between Vienna and
Belgrade, they also caused the empire to fall two
hundred years earlier.

52. In problem-solving and strategy development

processes, brainstorming is an ideal tool for
generating a large number of ideas within the

A) Conflict-resolution and strategy development

processes require brainstorming, which is an
excellent method for developing a large sum of
opinions in a group.
B) Brainstorming is a great way to produce lots of
ideas within a group when solving problems or
developing strategies for the future.
C) Developing a group’s collective wisdom through
brainstorming is a critical component of any
conflict-resolution or strategy-development
D) In problem-solving and strategy development
processes, brainstorming is utilised to produce
the most ideal from many opinions within the
E) Brainstorming is an excellent method for
developing a wide range of ideas within a
group during problem-solving and strategy
development practices.

YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

55. You are on an intercontinental flight, and one

54.- 58. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
of the stewardesses accidentally spills orange
olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
juice on you while serving breakfast. Since you
know it happened due to her fatigue from a long
54. You are studying at university and have a part-
flight, you sympathize with her and do not get
time job at a cafe. It is Friday, and you have a
angry. To appease the stewardess, who is shyly
midterm exam on Wednesday. You’ve just found
apologizing to you, you say sarcastically: ----
out you have been scheduled to work all week.
If you do not work this week, you risk getting A) No worries! But next time, I would prefer cherry
fired, and you need this job. On the other hand, juice rather than orange.
working leaves you very little time to study. You
B) If only you had been more careful, you wouldn’t
decide, quite desperately, to talk to the cafe
have spilt all that juice on me.
manager to change your schedule. So you say:
---- C) There’s no point in apologizing from now on
since my shirt is drenched with juice already.
A) You know, my school is much more important
D) Could you pour the juice into my glass, not on
than this cafe, so I want to let you know that I
my shirt, next time?
won’t be coming to work next week.
E) You are so clumsy. If there was turbulence, I
B) I’m desperate for the money I earn from this cafe,
think you would have given me a juice bath.
and I’m not going to lose anything by skipping
the tests this time.
C) Is it possible to switch my shift for the next week
so that I can prepare for my exams? I’m in
serious need of help.
56. One of your close friends, who is undecided
D) I appreciate that you have provided me with
about which investment tool to use for his
work, but my examinations are also extremely
savings, has asked for your opinion on crypto
important, and as a result, I must resign.
money. Since you know your friend is an anxious
E) I would never have spoken to you unless I was person, you think this high-risk investment is
desperate, but given that I’ll be working all week, unsuitable for him. Therefore, you want to steer
is it possible for you to postpone the exams by him toward less risky options. So, you say: ----
one week?
A) As I do not have much experience in finance, you
should consult with more experienced friends.
B) If you want to make a lot of money, you should
consider more risky options such as the stock
C) Since it is such a volatile market, you should
consider safer financial instruments which won’t
make you stress out.
D) I think it is a good idea. It has become a new
investment instrument all over the world in
recent years.
E) I have been investing in it for a long time, and I
strongly recommend you give it a try.

17 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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57. You are waiting at the traffic lights to cross the 59. - 63. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada
street, and there is a woman who is visually
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek
challenged. It is apparent that she is having
cümleyi bulunuz.
trouble since the light post is not equipped with
a voice assistant like many others on the main
streets. You want to help her, so you go near her
59. For decades, the use of animals in research and
and say: ----
determining the safety of products has been a
A) Excuse me, ma’am. I’d be pleased to help you source of contention. Individuals have varying
cross the street if it’s OK. attitudes toward animals; some regard them as
companions, while others view them as a way
B) If you had a guide dog now, you’d cross the
of refining medical procedures or conducting
street easily. Think about that.
experimental studies. Regardless of how
C) Come on! It feels like I’ve been waiting for the individuals view animals, the fact is that they are
light to turn green for ages. exploited by research institutes and cosmetics
D) While crossing the street, mind your steps as the corporations throughout the world. ---- As a
pavement looks a bit high. result, animals should not be used in research
or product safety testing.
E) Considering your situation, it must be pretty
hard. May God help you! A) When a product causes damage to this synthetic
material, it becomes opaque, closely matching
how the human eye reacts to potentially
dangerous compounds.
58. You have been informed that your project, which B) It has been shown that all of these tests are
you have prepared by spending a lot of time practical and reliable alternatives to evaluating
and effort to apply for a national competition, items on live animals.
has been rejected. The rejection of the project
C) The difficulty with this kind of thinking is that the
disappoints you as you have done everything
animals’ safety, well-being, and quality of life are
exactly and in accordance with the rules and
rarely taken into account.
believed in its adequacy. Therefore, you start to
wonder about the reasons for the rejection. You D) Although people frequently gain from successful
call the head office of the institution organising animal studies, the agony, suffering, and deaths
the competition and ask them to give you of animals are not worth compared to the
feedback, so you say: ---- potential human benefits.
E) These individuals believe that animals do not
A) I believe you are doing me an injustice by
have rights since they do not have the mental
rejecting a project that has been meticulously
capacity to comprehend or intentionally exercise
these rights themselves.
B) Would you mind telling me about your criteria for
a project to be rejected?
C) I can’t understand why you rejected my project
even though I fulfilled the conditions of the
D) Is it possible for me to contact an official in charge
of the project competition and get information
about the results?
E) Could you please send me an e-mail informing
me why my project has been rejected so that I
will be able to improve it?

YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

60. Studies show that children should not be given 61. According to studies, stress is an inevitable part
mobile phones until they reach the age of sixteen of life and attempting to escape it is irrational.
because their developing brains are insufficient That is why psychologists advocate for
to withstand mobile radiation. Due to the fact that recognising stress as a natural part of life rather
the brain and body tissues are still growing, this than demonising it because our perspective on
radiation has the potential to cause cell damage. stress has an effect on our response to stressful
Children can develop serious health problems as situations. Recognising the beneficial features
a result of radiation absorption. ---- Additionally, of stress does not negate the fact that it may
experts believe there is a connection between be destructive. By altering our perspective on
childhood cancer and children’s use of mobile stress, we might avoid feeling more overwhelmed
phones. and despairing in such situations. ----

A) Although this radiation also impacts adults, the A) Normally, the effects of stress, such as increased
effects on children are more severe due to the heart rate and faster breathing, cause more
greater absorption of this radiation level. oxygen to be delivered to our muscles and brain.
B) Some children regard sophisticated, expensive, B) Chronic stress also accelerates biological
and fashionable mobile phones that are often ageing by causing cell damage, which depends
offered on the market as status symbols. on whether the stress is short-term or long-term.
C) They continually monitor messages and their C) This enables us to manage stressful situations
social media accounts and do not complete the more readily and better ourselves due to the
necessary tasks. experience gained.
D) While visiting some websites, youngsters may D) Our body reacts to a situation it perceives as
unintentionally click on links that lead to adult a threat by fighting or escaping, and stress
content. is a normal mechanism that regulates these
E) Parents of young children who own a mobile
phone must obtain a post-paid connection and E) Negative effects of stress on health weaken
monitor their child’s cell phone account upon immunity and increase the risk of diseases such
receipt. as heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure.

19 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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62. A US-based high-tech company is building a

64. - 69. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye
disc-shaped flying vehicle, and its creators
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.
believe it will fundamentally alter the landscape
of personal transportation. The zero-emission
64. Comprising about 20% of all classified mammal
electric vehicle takes off vertically and then
species worldwide, bats provide some direct
accelerates to 260 kilometres per hour. ---- Four
benefits to humans by consuming insect pests,
of them are located at the top, while the other
thereby reducing the need for pesticides.
four are located at the bottom, and each is
optimised for its assigned place. It is produced A) Dünya çapında sınıflandırılan tüm memeli
to carry a single person, and an early prototype türlerinin yaklaşık %20’sini oluşturan, böcek
is presently undergoing some human-piloted zararlılarını tüketen ve böylece böcek ilacı
flight test programmes. ihtiyacını azaltan yarasalar, insanlara doğrudan
bazı faydalar sağlar.
A) It is classified as an octocopter, which refers to a
vehicle with eight engines. B) Böcek zararlılarını tüketerek insanlara bazı
doğrudan faydalar sağlayan ve böylece böcek
B) The first clients may be medics who need to be
ilaçlarına duyulan ihtiyacı azaltan yarasalar,
transported to the scene of an accident.
dünya çapında sınıflandırılan tüm memeli
C) Eight celebrities have already stated that they türlerinin yaklaşık %20’sini oluşturmaktadır.
wish to use it to fly between their estates and
C) Yarasalar haşereleri tükettiğinden ve dolayısıyla
haşere ilaçlarına duyulan ihtiyacını azalttığı
D) It is a new class of aircraft with a streamlined için, dünya çapında sınıflandırılan tüm memeli
wing-body for an increased range. türlerinin yaklaşık %20’sini oluşturarak insanlara
E) It is developed to transport cargo faster than doğrudan bazı faydalar sağlar.
ground vehicles. D) Dünya çapında sınıflandırılan tüm memeli
türlerinin yaklaşık %20’sini oluşturan yarasalar,
böcek zararlılarını tüketip böylece böcek
ilaçlarına duyulan ihtiyacını azaltarak insanlara
63. While most fish use their gills for breathing, bazı doğrudan faydalar sağlar.
dolphins use their lungs. They inhale through E) Yarasalar böcek zararlılarını tükettiği gibi pestisit
a hole in their heads. A muscular flap covers ihtiyacını da azaltır, böylece dünya çapında
it when underwater, and it opens to exhale sınıflandırılan tüm memeli türlerinin yaklaşık
when they come up. They need to surface to %20’sini oluşturarak insanlara doğrudan
exhale and inhale. ---- They must be aware of faydalar sağlayabilirler.
their breathing. So, they cannot have a good
night’s sleep because they will be out of breath.
Fortunately, as a solution to this problem, they
have a unique ability to let one half of their brain
sleep at a time.

A) Dolphins usually breathe 4–5 times each minute,

holding their breath for several minutes.
B) Dolphins do not sleep at a fixed time as we do,
and they usually sleep in groups.
C) Adult male dolphins typically travel in pairs and
swim slowly side by side while sleeping.
D) Humans do it automatically; on the other hand,
dolphins must decide when to breathe.
E) Some species must swim continuously because
of strong ocean currents and floating debris.

YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

65. Solar energy technologies are generally 67. Sleep deprivation can create a hormonal
categorized as active or passive, depending on imbalance in the body that raises ghrelin levels
how solar energy is obtained and converted into while decreasing leptin levels, and this makes
energy. you feel hungrier during the day.

A) Genellikle aktif veya pasif olarak iki kategoriye A) Uyku yoksunluğu, vücutta leptin düzeylerini
ayrılan güneş enerjisi teknolojilerinde bu durum, yükseltirken grelin düzeylerini düşüren hormonal
güneş enerjisinin nasıl elde edildiği ve enerjiye bir dengesizlik oluşturarak gün içinde kendinizi
dönüştürüldüğüne bağlıdır. daha aç hissetmenize neden olur.
B) Gün içinde kendinizi daha aç hissetmenizin
B) Güneş enerjisinin elde edilme ve enerjiye nasıl
nedeni vücutta leptin düzeylerini düşürürken
dönüştürüldüğüne bağlı olarak güneş enerjisi
grelin düzeylerini yükselten hormonal bir
teknolojileri çoğunlukla aktif ve pasif olarak
dengesizliktir ve buna uyku yoksunluğu neden
sınıflandırılır. olur.
C) Güneş enerjisi teknolojileri, güneşten elde ettiği C) Vücutta leptin düzeylerini düşürürken grelin
enerjiyi nasıl enerjiye dönüştürdüğüne bağlı düzeylerini yükselten hormonal bir dengesizlik
olarak aktif ve pasif olarak iki kategoriye ayrılır. oluşturabilen uyku yoksunluğu gün içinde
D) Güneş enerjisi teknolojilerinin genellikle aktif ve kendinizi daha aç hissetmenize neden olur.
pasif olarak sınıflandırılması, güneş enerjisinin D) Uyku yoksunluğu, vücutta hem leptin hem
nasıl elde edildiği ve enerjiye dönüştürüldüğüyle de grelin düzeylerini yükselten hormonal bir
ilişkilidir. dengesizlik oluşturabilir ve bu gün içinde
kendinizi daha aç hissetmemenize neden olur.
E) Güneş enerjisi teknolojileri, güneş enerjisinin
nasıl elde edildiği ve enerjiye dönüştürüldüğüne E) Uyku yoksunluğu, vücutta leptin düzeylerini
bağlı olarak genellikle aktif veya pasif olarak düşürürken grelin düzeylerini yükselten
sınıflandırılır. hormonal bir dengesizlik oluşturabilir ve bu gün
içinde kendinizi daha aç hissetmenize neden

66. Contrary to painting, in miniature art, in which 68. With more women entering business life, since
the important figure is drawn larger than others, time allocated to housework has considerably
the rules of light-shadow, proportion, and decreased compared to the past, tumble dryers
perspective are mostly not applied. have become a necessity rather than a luxury
A) Önemli figürün diğerlerinden daha büyük
çizildiği minyatür sanatında resmin aksine ışık- A) Kadınlar iş hayatına girdikçe, ev işlerine ayrılan
gölge, orantı ve perspektif kuralları çoğunlukla vakit eskiye göre oldukça azaldı ki bu da çamaşır
uygulanmaz. kurutma makinalarının lüksten çok bir ihtiyaç
haline gelmesine neden oldu.
B) Işık-gölge, orantı ve perspektif kurallarının
çoğunlukla uygulanmadığı minyatür sanatında B) Çamaşır kurutma makinalarının lüksten ziyade
bir ihtiyaç olmasının sebebi, kadınların iş
resmin aksine önemli figür diğerlerinden daha
hayatına girmeleri ve ev işlerine eskisi kadar
zaman ayıramamalarıdır.
C) Resmin aksine ışık-gölge, orantı ve perspektif
C) Ev işlerine ayrılan zamanın geçmişe göre
kuralları çoğunlukla uygulanmadığı minyatür azalmasından ve kadınların iş hayatına
sanatında önemli figür diğerlerinden daha büyük girmesinden dolayı lüks çamaşır kurutma
çizilir. makinaları bir ihtiyaç haline geldi.
D) Minyatür sanatında önemli figür diğerlerinden D) Kadınların iş hayatına daha fazla girmesi ile
daha büyük çizilir ve resmin aksine çoğunlukla birlikte ev işlerine ayrılan zaman geçmişe göre
ışık-gölge, orantı ve perspektif kurallarına büyük oranda azaldığı için çamaşır kurutma
başvurulmaz. makinaları lüksten çok bir ihtiyaç haline geldi.
E) Önemli figürün diğerlerinden daha büyük E) İş hayatına atılan kadınlarla birlikte ev işlerinin
resmedildiği minyatür sanatında ışık-gölge, gerektirdiği vaktin azalması çamaşır kurutma
orantı ve perspektif kuralları çoğunlukla makinalarını geçmişe kıyasla lüks bir ihtiyaç
uygulanmaz. haline getirdi.

21 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

69. Although some research has demonstrated

70. - 75. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca
that anxiety can decrease memory and
en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
concentration, a new study has revealed that it
does not necessarily impede performance.
70. Dünyanın gelmiş geçmiş en büyük
A) Bazı araştırmalar, kaygının hafızayı ve
müzisyenlerinden biri olan Beethoven’in 9.
konsantrasyonu düşürebileceğini söylüyor,
senfoninin bestesi tamamlandığında işitme
ancak yeni çalışmalar, performansı her zaman
yeteneğini tamamen kaybetmiş olduğu ve eserin
etkilemediğini gösteriyor.
son halini asla dinleyemediği bilinmektedir.
B) Bazı araştırmalar, kaygının hafızayı ve
A) It is known that Beethoven, one of the greatest
konsantrasyonu azaltabileceğini gösterse
musicians of all time, lost his hearing ability
de yeni bir çalışma, performansı her zaman
when the composition of the 9th symphony was
düşürmediğini ortaya koydu.
completed, and he could never listen to the final
C) Kaygının hafızayı ve konsantrasyonu version of the piece.
azaltabileceği bazı araştırmalarda ispatlanmış
B) It is known that Beethoven lost his hearing ability
olmasına rağmen yeni bir çalışma performansta
just before the composition of the 9th symphony
etkili olmadığını ortaya çıkardı.
was completed, so he could never listen to the
D) Birkaç araştırmaya göre kaygı, hafıza ve final version of the piece.
konsantrasyon eksikliğine sebep olsa da yeni
C) Beethoven, who was one of the greatest
bir çalışma performansı büyük ölçüde artırdığını
musicians of all time, lost his hearing ability
ileri sürüyor.
when the composition of the 9th symphony was
E) Bazı araştırma sonuçları kaygının hafıza ve completed, and he could never listen to the final
konsantrasyon düşüşüne yol açtığını savunsa version of the piece.
da yeni bir çalışma, performans üzerinde çok da
D) When Beethoven lost his hearing ability, the
etkisi olmadığını belirtmiştir.
composition of the 9th symphony, which made
him one of the greatest musicians of all time,
was completed, but he could never listen to the
final version of the piece.
E) Beethoven, who is known as one of the greatest
musicians of all time, had completed the
composition of the 9th symphony, but he could
never listen to the final version of the piece as he
had become deaf.

YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

71. Teknolojik cihazların özellikle geceleri yaydığı 72. Düşünülenin aksine, deha delilik değildir,
mavi ışık sadece göze zarar vermekle kalmaz, çünkü toplumlar, dehalar tarafından keşfedilmiş
aynı zamanda uyku düzenine müdahale ederek yeniliklerin ve düzenlerin getirdiği rahatlıktan
vücuttaki psikolojik ve fizyolojik süreçlerin yararlanarak, mutluluk ve refah dolu yaşama
işleyişini de olumsuz etkiler. olanağına kavuşabilmektedirler.

A) As blue light emitted by technological devices, A) Contrary to what is considered, genius is not
particularly at night, harms the eyes, it negatively a form of insanity because communities can
impacts the functioning of psychological and benefit from the convenience of innovations and
physiological processes in the body by interfering orders discovered by geniuses, living a happy
with sleep patterns. and prosperous life.
Technological devices emit blue light, B) Contrary to what is thought, genius is not
particularly at night, which not only harms the madness because societies can have the
eyes but also negatively impacts the functioning opportunity to live happily and prosperously by
of psychological and physiological processes in taking advantage of the comfort of innovations
the body by interfering with sleep patterns. and orders discovered by geniuses.
C) Blue light emitted by technological devices, C) Genius is not madness, despite what people
particularly at night, not only harms the eyes think, as people in communities can have the
but also negatively impacts the functioning of opportunities to live happy and prosperous lives
psychological and physiological processes in the by taking advantage of new ideas and rules that
body by interfering with sleep patterns. geniuses come up with.
D) The fact that technological devices emit blue D) Genius is not lunacy, contrary to what is thought,
light, especially at night, not only harms the because geniuses’ innovations and orders
eyes but also negatively affects the functioning allow others to have the possibility to live more
of psychological and physiological processes in comfortably and more prosperously in their
the body by interfering with sleep patterns. society.
E) Because blue light emitted by technological E) Genius is not a sign of insanity since society
devices, especially at night, is harmful to the can have the possibility to live happily and
eyes, it has a detrimental effect on the functioning prosperously by making use of the comfort of
of psychological and physiological systems in improvements and regulations discovered by
the body by interfering with sleep patterns. geniuses, in contrast with what is thought.

23 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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73. Öğleden sonra şekerlemeleri, beynimizin 74. Kentsel alanlarda bulunan bahçelerde, çatılarda,
dinlenmesine ve gün içinde karmaşık olan boş arsalarda ve depolarda inşa edilen dikey
düşüncelerimizin temizlenmesine yardımcı çiftlikler giderek yaygınlaşıyor.
olabilir ve ideal bir şekerleme 13.00 ile 15.00
A) The construction of vertical farms in urban areas,
arasında olmalı ve 10 ila 30 dakika sürmelidir.
gardens, roofs, vacant lots, and warehouses has
A) Afternoon naps assist our brains in resting and become commonplace in urban areas.
clearing jumbled thoughts during the day, and an
B) Vertical farms built in gardens, roofs, vacant lots,
ideal snooze should be between 1 and 3 p.m.
and warehouses in urban areas are becoming
and last 10 to 30 minutes.
increasingly common.
B) Afternoon naps enable our brains to rest and
C) The use of vertical farms in gardens, roofs,
clear our cluttered thoughts during the day, and
vacant lots, and warehouses of buildings in cities
the best naps should be taken between 1 and 3
is becoming more and more common.
p.m. for at least 10 to 30 minutes.
D) Creating vertical farms in urban gardens,
C) Afternoon naps can help our brains rest and
rooftops, vacant lots, and warehouses is
clear our jumbled thoughts during the day, and
becoming increasingly commonplace in cities
an ideal nap should be between 1 and 3 p.m.
across the country.
and last 10 to 30 minutes.
E) Vertical farms built in urban areas, gardens,
D) Optimum naps should be between 1 and 3 p.m.
roofs, vacant lots, and warehouses have become
and last 10 to 30 minutes, and a brief afternoon
nap can help your brain rest and clear your
jumbled thoughts during the day.
E) Taking an afternoon nap between 1 and 3 p.m.
for 10 to 30 minutes helps the brain rest and
clear the jumbled thoughts during the day.

YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

75. Günümüzde bazı sağlık merkezleri sadece

vücudumuzu iyileştirmeyi amaçlamıyor aynı 76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
zamanda ruhumuza da iyi gelecek ‘terapi parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi
bahçeleri’ oluşturarak bizleri bir bütün olarak bulunuz.
sağlıklı kılmayı hedefliyor.

A) Today, some health centres aim not only to heal 76. (I) E-books have become an essential part of the
our bodies but also to make us healthy as a publishing industry in the last several years. (II) If
whole by creating ‘therapy gardens’ that will be you’re a regular reader, taking an e-reader or a tablet
good for our souls. to the coffee shop is much easier than carrying a
B) Some health centres of today intend to heal our book or stack of books. (III) E-book purchasers also
bodies by constructing ‘therapy gardens’ which enjoy the benefits provided by the internet for all
will treat our souls as well as make us healthy as other types of products. (IV)There are no restrictions
a whole. on the amount of space available; almost everything
that has ever been published is readily accessible
C) Nowadays, several health centres attempt to
at any moment. (V) Some electronic devices, such
rehabilitate our physical bodies and our mental
as e-readers, require recharging, and some screens
and emotional health by building ‘therapy
are difficult to view in direct sunlight.
gardens’ that are beneficial to our spirits.
D) Several health centres today do not aim to make A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
our bodies better but to heal us as a whole with
the help of ‘therapy gardens’ that will rehabilitate
our souls.
E) Today, some health centres are trying to make
us healthy as a whole by setting up ‘therapy
gardens’ that will be good for our souls, besides
making our bodies better.

77. (I) In science fiction films, computers and robots that

are as intelligent as humans are frequently featured.
(II) However, despite the fact that computers are
capable of storing large amounts of information and
performing quick calculations, it is exceptionally
challenging to imbue them with consciousness and
make them think like humans. (III) The brain, like
computers, is a physical thing that interacts with
electrical signals, solves complicated problems, and
processes information. (IV) The science of artificial
intelligence (AI), on the other hand, is devoted to
improving the ability of computers to think. (V) They
might one day surpass us in intelligence.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

25 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

78. (I) Due to parents’ changing living and working 80. (I) Schoolwork, homework assignments, and
conditions in today’s modern world, children largely extracurricular activities can leave high school
stay in and relate to three environments: their students feeling like they don’t have enough time
homes, schools, and entertainment venues. (II) to complete everything. (II) As a result, many
Early childhood is a rich experience period in which students delay sleeping in order to get the highest
children acquire basic conceptual and scientific
grade on their exams. (III) While students who study
process skills. (III) Children’s experiences in this
more perform better in school, those who stay up
period create a suitable environment for learning
all night preparing for tests actually increase their
concepts considered knowledge components. (IV)
During this period, children who are very curious risks of failing the test and having difficulty following
due to their developmental nature try to explore their instructions the next day. (IV) You can generate a
environment by asking questions about the world checklist of everything you need to learn before the
around them and doing research. (V) These things exam, but it’s probably too late to learn everything
make it possible for kids to learn enough about the if you’ve left the revision to the last minute. (V)
world, thus having good attitudes and behaviours. One of the reasons for this is people need sleep to
recharge, consolidate, and retain the memories and
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
information they have acquired throughout the day.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

79. (I) Animals can develop various defence

mechanisms against parasites living on them,
such as immune and physiological responses. (II)
For example, while the shells of insects provide a
physical barrier against parasites, peptides with
antimicrobial properties can destroy many types of
bacteria, viruses and fungi. (III) In addition, animals
can prevent the transmission of parasites to other
living things in the colony with some behavioural
changes and reduce the intensity of infection. (IV)
The self-administered drug therapy of animals is
called ‘zoopharycognosia’. (V) Moreover, animals
prefer certain foods that inhibit the growth of
bacteria and fungi or the reproduction of viruses to
fight various diseases and even be protected from
disease-causing microorganisms.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V



1-B 2-D 3-B 4-D 5-E 6-C 7-E 8-D 9-B 10-C

11-D 12-E 13-A 14-E 15-B 16-A 17-C 18-C 19-E 20-B

21-C 22-E 23-C 24-B 25-A 26-D 27-E 28-B 29-C 30-E

31-B 32-E 33-B 34-A 35-B 36-C 37-B 38-B 39-D 40-E

41-E 42-A 43-D 44-D 45-B 46-D 47-C 48-C 49-A 50-B

51-A 52-E 53-D 54-C 55-A 56-C 57-A 58-E 59-D 60-A

61-C 62-A 63-D 64-D 65-E 66-A 67-E 68-D 69-B 70-A

71-C 72-B 73-C 74-B 75-A 76-E 77-C 78-A 79-D 80-D

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