1DZ Engine

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This repair manual explains the repair points of the 1 DZ model engine equipped
on the To yota Forklift Trucks.

Please make good use of this manual for your technical service.

This repair manual contains the latest information available as of September

1989. For any changes thereafter, Toyota reserves the right to make such
changes in specifications and descriptions without incurring any obligation and
without previous notice.

SEP. 1989





SPECIFICATIONS ................................................... 0-2

ENGINE EXTERIOR VIEWS ...................................... 0-3

ENGINE SECTIONAL VIEWS .................................... 0-4


Explanation Range of Repair Works ....................... 0-6
Viewpoint of Explanation Contents ....................... 0- 6
Signal Word Definition ......................................... 0-8
Abbreviations ..................................................... 0-8

REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS ........................................ 0-9


TORQUES .......................................................... 0 - 1I

Intake valve opening & closing t i m ~ n g

Exhaust valve opening and closing timing BBDC 52"

Close ATDC 14'

Ignition system Compression i g n ~ t ~ o n

Injection timing 0 statlonary (BTDC)

Oil pump type Trochoid pump

Oil filter type Paper filter

Oil pan capacity (- 1991.31 6 . 0 11.58)

Engine oil amount P ( 19 9 1 . 3-7.0 (1.851
(- 1 9 9 1 . 3 ) 6 . 9 11.82)
Total capaclty
( 19 9 1 . 3- 1 7 . 2 12.09)

1 DZ Engine Exterior Views KANCI


1 DZ Engine Longitudinal Sectional View KANM I

1 DZ Engine Transverse Sectional View


Explanation Range of Repair Works

Repair work is classified into 3 processes.

Process 1 . Troubleshooting
Process 2 . Removal and installation/replacement/disassembly and assembly/inspectionladjustment
Process 3. Completion inspection
This manual explains process 2.
For process 1 and process 3, please refer t o the repair manual of the corresponding models.

Viewpoint of Explanation Contents

I . Working procedure
( 1 ) Components and a sectional view are shown at the beginning of each section to enable you t o grasp
ti-e installed condition of each component.
( 2 ) Non-reusable parts and tightening torques are indicated in the components block.


-00- 00
Parts not be reused.
Tightening torque: kg-m (ft-lb)


( 3 ) Parts removal and installation procedures use the numbers shown in the illustration.
Important points in repair work are described as " point" .
(4) The description covers detailed repair methods, information, standards and cautions.


Operation concerning the numbers n o t s h o w n in the

illustration are explained i n the disassembly procedure.


Remove to described in "Disassembly and assembly from the engine assembly to the partial en-
gine" o n page 2-2.
Remove the lock nuts on the crank shaft pulley.
Remove the crank shaft pulley. (Disassembly and assembly: Point 1 ) Operation covered o n t h e following

Remove the timing gear cover.


Removal: Points on disassembly operation

Installation: Points on assembly operation
Removal and installation: Points on disassembly and assembly operation

2. Matters not covered in this manual

( 1 1 The following works are omitted in this manual. Be sure to carry them out in actual to work
@Jacking and lifting works
@Cleaning and washing of parts
@Visual check
Signal Word Definition
Warning: This is an important explanation item, negligence of which may cause an accident.
Caution: This is an important explanation item, negligence of which may lead to an accident of your vehicle.
It also shows an item which require special care in doing the repair work.
Standard: This is the permissible range in inspection or adjustment.
Limit: This is the maximum or minimum value as the criterion in inspection or adjustment.


Abbreviation Meaning Abbreviation Meaning

ASSY Assembly OHV Over head valve

BTDC Before top dead center RIM Repair manual
EX Exhaust rPm Revolution per minute
IN Intake SST Special service tool
01s Over size STD Standard
OPT Option T= Tightening torque
UIS Under size
0- 9


( 1 ) Correctly wear protection tools (cap, safety glasses, gloves, safety shoes, etc.)
( 2 ) Do not touch the radiator, muffler, exhaust pipe and other engine related parts immediately after
stopping the engine t o prevent scalding.
( 3 ) Do not bring clothes, tools and others close t o rotating parts during engine operation.
(4) Extract the ignition key to prevent unexpected engine starting unless the engine operation is necessary.
Disconnect the battery cable from the negative terminal of the battery, to prevent short circuit.
( 5 ) Be sure t o use correct size of wire ropes for hoisting a heavy material.
( 6 ) After jacking up, always support the frame with stands, etc.
( 1 Prepare general tools, SST, measuring tools, oils, greases, and non-reusable parts.
(21 When disassembling a complicated assembly, put punch or matching marks at places not affecting
the function t o facilitate reassembly operation.
( 1 ) Each time a part is removed, check the part for the installed state, deformation, damage, roughening
and scratching.
12) Disassembled parts shall be arranged orderly. Distinguish the parts t o be replaced from the parts t o
be reused.
13) Parts t o be reused shall be cleaned and washed thoroughly.
(4) Disassembly of hydraulic epuipment shall paticulally be done in a clean place using clean tools.
( 1 Detailed inspection, measurement and judgment shall be carried out as required for parts to be reused.
( 1 ) Install correct parts according to the correct procedure and observing the determined standards (tight-
ening torques, adjustment values, etc.)
( 2 ) Always use genuine parts for replacement of existing parts.
( 3 ) Always replace oil seals, O-rings, gaskets, cotter pins, etc. with new ones.
14) Coat seal packing on gaskets depending on the places, coat oil on the sliding contact places, coat
oil or grease at specified places, and coat M P grease on oil seal lips before reassemb;y.
( 1 ) Adjust t o the service standard values by using gages and testers.
7. Precoated parts
Precoated parts mean bolts, nuts, etc. that have
been coated with a seal lock adhesive at the
( 1) Do not use precoated part in any of the fol-
lowing cases:
@ W h e n a precoated part is removed.
@ W h e n a precoated part is removed as
a result of tightening torque check, etc.
Check the torque with the lower limit
of the tightening torque.
If it moves, retighten it according to
the following procedure:
( 2 ) Recoating of precoated parts
@ Clean off the old adhesive from the bolt,
nut or threads.
@Dry with compressed air.
@Apply the specified seal lock adhesive
to the bolt or nut threads.
H o w t o judge tightening torque of a standard bolt or nut.
1 . H o w to judge tightening torque of a standard bolt.
Find out the type of the bolt from the list below.
Then, find the bolt tightening torque from the table.
2 . H o w t o judge tighting torque of a standard nut.
The nut tightening torque can be judged from the bolt type. (See the item above.)


1. Judging by part 2. Judging by part No.

Hexagon head bolt

Parts No.
91611- 40625

LCs Length ( m m )
Diameter ( m m )


Stud bolt

Parts No.
9 2 1 32- 406 14
Length ( m m )
Diameter ( m m


ENGINE OIL INSPECTION ........................................ 1-2


AND ADJUSTMENT ......................................... 1-2


AND ADJUSTMENT ........................................... 1-3


AND ADJUSTMENT ........................................... 1-4

AND ADJUSTMENT ........................................ 1- 4


AND ADJUSTMENT ........................................... 1-5

INSPECTION ..................................................... 1-7


AND ADJUSTMENT ........................................ 1-8
1. Engine oil inspection
The engine oil level shall be between F and
L on t h e level gage.
The engine oil shall n o t be heavily contami-
nated and shall have proper viscosity.
Coolant or light oil shall not be mixed.

1 1

Inspecting the Engine Oil B2320


I, V belt flexure inspection
( 1 ) Make sure that the belt IS installed cor-
(2)INspect the flexure when the V belt is
pushed with a finger (a force of about
10 k g ) between the water pump and al-

Initial standard Inspection standard Inspecting V Belt Flexure (1) KAHSI 1 2
mm (in.) mm (in 1

7-9 ( 0 . 2 8 - 0 . 3 5 ) 8 - 1 3 ( 0 . 3 1- 0 . 5 1 )

0 The belt flexure shall be measured at t h e

place between the specified pulleys.

0 After replacement w i t h a n e w belt, adjust
the flexure t o t h e median o f the initial
standard limits.
0 When inspecting a belt used over 5
minutes, use the median of the inspection
standard limits.
0 When a belt used over 5 minutes is reas-
Inspecting V Belt Flexure (2) B1669
sembled, adjust t o t h e median of the in-
spection standard limits.
0 Standard tension for measurement w i t h
tension gage
SST 092 1 6-00020

0 Measure w i t h the hook of the belt tension

gage applied o n the belt crest portion. Applying the Tension Gage F0607
V belt flexure adjustment
(I) Loosen alternator fixing bolt A and nut B.
12) Apply a 300 to 400 m m long lever rod to
the alternator to tension the belt and tight-
en bolt A.
131 Tighten n u t B.
( 4 ) Check the belt tension (flexure of tension).

Since tension adjustment with a lever rod in-
volves much personal difference causing ex-
cessive or insufficient tension, always
Adjusting the Belt Tension K A N 1-1 1
inspect the flexure.


1. Warm up the engine

Standard coolant temperature:


2. Inspect the valve clearance.

( 1) Rotate the crankshaft in the forward direc- - No. 1 Cylinder TDC
Adiustinq K A N 1-6
lion to bring the No. 1 cylinder to the com-
pression TDC.
(2)Measure the valve clearance of the valve
shown in the figure.

Inspection standard:
IN: 0 . 1 8 - 0 . 2 2 m m
(0.0071 - 0.0087 in.) (hot)
EX: 0 . 3 3 - 0.37 mm
(0.01 3 - 0 . 0 1 5 in.) (hot)

( 3 ) Rotate the crankshaft in the forward direc-

tion and bring No. 4 cylinder to the com-
Adjusting the Valve Clearance (1) KAN3-5
pression TDC.

Adjust the valve clearance.

( 1) Loosen the lock nut. Turn the adjusting
screw for valve clearance adjustment.

IN: 0.20 m m (0.0079 in.) (hot)
EX: 0.36 m m (0.0142 in.) (hot)

(21 Tighten the lock nut and inspect the valve

clearance again.

Adjusting the Valve Clearance KAN3-2

1. Warm up the engine

Standard coolant temperature:

7 5 - 85OC

2. Install the tachometer.

3. lnspect the idle speed.

( 1 ) Check the accelerator wire return and con-
tact between the injection pump idle ad- Installing the Tachometer KAN 16-6
justing screw and adjusting lever
( 2 ) Inspection the idle speed.

Standard: See repair manual for model

Adjust the idle speed.

( 1 Loosen the lock nut and turn the adjust-
ing screw for adjustment.

Standard: See repair manual for model

(2) Tighten the lock nut and inspect the idling

rpm againe.

Adjusting the Idling rpm KAN2-18

1. Warm up the engine

Standard coolant temperature:


2. Install the tachometer.

3. lnspect the maximum no-load speed.

( 1 1 With the engine in stopped state, fully Installing the Tachometer KANS2
depress the accelerator pedal and check
that the adjusting level is in contact with
the maximum set screw.
( 2 ) Start the engine. Measure the engine
speed when the accelerator pedal is fully

Standard: See repair manual for model

Adjust the maximum no-load speed.

( 1 ) Unseal the adjusting screw and turn the
adjusting screw for adjustment.

Standard: See r e ~ a i manual

r for model
Adjusting t h e No-load M a x i m u m r p m KAN2-18
lnspect the maximum loaded speed.
( 1 ) Operate the material handling lever with
the engine running at the maximum speed,
and measure the engine rpm at full relief.

The decrease in t h e engine r p m a t full
relief shall be w i t h i n 250 r p m .

12) Seal the adjusting screw

Inspecting the Loaded Maximum rpm LA05-25


1. Adjust No. 1 cylinder t o the compression TDC

Adjusting the TDC KAN2-21

2. Remove the bolt at the rear end (f, the i

tion pump.

3. Set the SST and dial gage.

SST 0 9 2 7 5 - 5 4 0 1 0 or
SST 09240-32880- 7 1
4. Inspect the injection timing
11 1 While observ~ngthe dial gage, rotate the Bolt
crankshaft in the reverse direction until the
dial gage pointer defection stops
(21 Set the dial gage to 0 at this pos~tion.
131 Rotate the crankshaft shlowiy in the for-
ward direction until N o . 1 cylinder comes
t o the TDC.
14) Read the dial gage a: the time.

Standard: 1.14+0.03 mm
(0.0449 *0.001 18 in.)

inspecting the Injection Timing LANI-10

- 21-
Adjust the injection timing.
( 1 ) Check that the matching marks on the tim-
ing gear case and injection pump body are
aligned or how much they are offset. (For
reference at the time of adjustment)
( 2 ) Remove the fuel pipe.
( 3 ) Remove the overflow pipe.
( 4 ) Loosen the injection pump mounting nut
and lower bracket.

Checking the Matching Marks KAN4-26

(5) Move the pump body for adjustment.

@ If the measured value in step 4 is be-
low the standard, move the pump in
the direction of A in the figure.
@ If the measured value step 4 is above
the standard, move the pump in the
direction of B in the figure.

( 6 ) Tighten the injection pump mounting nut

and lower bracket, and inspect the injec-
tion timing again.
17) Tighten the loosened pipes.
Adjusting the Injection Timing KAN3-I 0

After lnspectlng and adjust~ngthe lnjectlon tlm-

ing, remove the SST and d ~ agage,
l and install
the bolt at the rear end of the pump.
T = l 0 0 - 1 6 0 kg-cm
( 7 2 2 - 11 6 ft-lb)

0 Always use a n e w copper washer.
0 Carefully prevent dust and foreign matters
from entering t h e circuit.
If output lowering or excessive oil consump-
tion is perceived, or if t h e fuel consumption
ratio is extremely poor, measure the cylinder
compression pressure.

1. Warm up the engine.

Standard coolant temperature: Removing Air Cleaner Connector KAN4-14


Disconnect the air cleaner connector.

Remove (all) glow plugs.

( 1 ) Glow plug connector
( 2 ) Glow plugs (all)

Disconnect the fuel cut solenoid connector.

Rotate the starting motor to discharge fore~gn

matters from the inside of the cylinder.

Removing Glow Plug KAN5-10

6. Install the gage attachment to the glow plug
hole and connect the compression gage to the
Compression gage set: SST09992-00023

Measure the compression pressure

Compression pressure:
(kg/cm2 (psi)- 260rpm)

Standard 29 ( 4 1 2 )

Limit 20 (284)

Dispersion between Disconnect Fuel Cut Solenoid Connector KAN 16-1 8

cylinders 2 (28.4)

Use the same number of compression strokes
for each cylinder. For example, if t e n com-
pression strokes are necessary t o obtain the
maximum pressure for No. 1 cylinder, use ten
strokes also for other cylinders.

Measuring the Compression Pressure KAN4-19

1. Inspect and adjust the injection pressure.
( 1 ) Remove the injection pressure.
(2)Move the tester lever quickly to inject a few
times to blow off the carbon deposit at the
nozzle orifice.
( 3 ) Slowly push the tester lever to raise the
pressure. I I
(41 Read the pressure at the moment when the Injection Pressure Test KANS4
pressure changes from rising to sudden

1 15- 125 kg/cm 2 (1635 - 1777 psi)
( 5 ) If the pressure is outside the standard,
select a proper washer for the top end of
the pressure spring for adjustment.

2 0 types of washers are provided in 0.25 mm
( 0 . 0 0 9 8 4 in.) steps in the range of
Adjusting the Injection Pressure KANS5
1.00- 1.95 mm (0.039 0.0768 in.).

The injection pressure changes by about

5 k g i c m ( 7 1 psi) for each 0 . 0 5 m m
( 0 . 0 0 1 9 7 i n . 1 change in the washer


page 0
TO PARTIAL ENGINE .............................................. 2-2

CYLINDER HEAD AND VALVE SYSTEM ................... 2-4

Components ...................................................... 2-4
Cylinder Head Disassembly and Assembly ............. 2-7
Cylinder Head Inspection and Cleaning .................. 2-10

TIMING GEAR ....................................................... 2-17

Components ...................................................... 2-17
Timing Gear Disassembly and Assembly ................ 2-18
Timing Gear Inspection and Replacement .............. 2-23
Oil Pump Drive Gear Bearing Replacement ............. 2-25

CYLINDER BLOCK .................................................. 2-27

Components ...................................................... 2-27
Cylinder Block Disassembly and Assembly ............. 2-29
Cylinder Block Inspection ..................................... 2-35
Camshaft Bearing Replacement ............................ 2-37
Piston and Connecting Rod Disassembly ............... 2-39
Connecting Rod Bush Replacement ....................... 2-43
Crankshaft Inspection ......................................... 2-43
Piston and Connecting Rod Inspection ................... 2-44
Refer to each section for operation details.
Always refer t o t h e key points as they include important matters.

D l Remove the fan, fan pulley and V-beit.
Remove the alternator.
Remove the water pump.
ljl Remove the oil filter.
Remove the intake pipe.
Remove the glow plug.
Remove the fuel hose.
H Remove the injection pipe.
Remove the injection nozzles. (Removal and Installation: Point 1 )
lnjection pump wldrive gear. (Removal and Installation: Point 2)
Intake manifold.
Exhaust manifold.
The installation procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Key Points for Operation

Point 1
Removal: Arrange the removed nozzles in the ord-
er of cylinder Nos. after protecting the
openings with caps.
Installation: Always replace nozzie gaskets with new
ones. Nozzles seats, however, may be
reused after fully cleaning carbon
deposit if no abnormality is observed.

Injection Nozzle Storage Method KAN5-19

Point 2
Removal: Always place cylinder N o . 1 at the top
dead center and punch the match mark
on the pump drive gear.
Installation: 1 . Check that cylinder N o . 1 is at the
2. Correctly align the match marks at
the timing gear cover hole and drive
3 . Adjust the injection timing by refer-
ring to the engine tune-up section.
Rernovingllnstalling the Injection KANSG
Pump KAN5-22

torque: kg-m (ft-lb)l

20 Cylinder head sub-assy 40 Cylinder head gasket

20A Valve guide intake bushing 41 Cylinder head cover gasket
20B Valve guide exhaust bushing 43A Tight plug, No. 1
20C Bolt (for cylinder head set) 43D Tight plug, No. 4
21 Cylinder head cover sub-assy AA Engine caution plate
30 Oil filler cap sub-assy


Cylinder Head Components KANM5

[Tighting torque: kg-rn (ft-lb)l

20 Valve rocker shaft sub-assy, No. 1 42 Valve push rod

208 Conical spring (for valve rocker shaft) 43 Intake valve
20C Retainer spring (for valve rocker shaft) 44 Exhaust valve
22 Valve rocker arm sub-assy, No. 1 45 Valve lifter
22A Valve adjusting screw 46 Valve compression spring
22B Compression spring (for rocker arm) 47 Valve spring retainer
47A Valve spring retainer lock
56 Valve rocker support, No. 1
57 Valve rocker support, No. 2
BI Valve stem cap

Valve System Components KANM6

[Tighting torque: kg-m (ft-lb)]

40 lntake manifold EY lntake pipe stay

41 Exhaust manifold EZ Gasket
43 Gasket (intake manifold t o cylinder head)
44 Gasket (exhaust manifold to cylinder head)
70 lntake pipe

Manifold Components

- 30 -
Cylinder Head Disassembly and Assembly
Always refer t o t h e key points because they include important instructions.

Remove to and to in the removallinstallation from engine ASSY to partial engine on page 2-2.
Remove the intake manifold.
Remove the exhaust manifold.
Remove the cylinder head cover.
Remove the valve rocker shaft ASSY. (Removal and Installation: Point 1)
IjZ Remove the valve stem caps.
Remove the valve push rods. (Removal: Point 2)
Remove the cylinder head set bolts. (Removal: Point 3)
E I Remove the cylinder head ASSY. (Removal: Point 4)
@jRemove the cylinder head gasket. (Installation: point 5)
Remove the valve springs and valves. (Removal and Installation: Point 6)
Remove the valve stem oil seals. (Removal and Installation: Point 7 )

The assembly procedure is the reverse of the disassembly procedure
Key Points for Operation

Point 1
Removal: Evenly loosen the support set bolts in
the sequence shown in the illustration
at right.
Installation: Evenly tighten the support set bolts in
the reverse sequence 14-3-2- 1 i of
that shown in the illustration at right.
T = 3 . 0 - 4 . 5 kg-m ( 2 1 . 7 - 3 2 . 5ft-lbi

Removing and Installing the Valve KAN5-35

Rocker Shaft Assy
Point 2
Removal: Store the removed push rods In the ord-
er from the front.

Storing t h e Valve Push Rods KANS7

Point 3
Removal: Loosen the cylinder head set bolts in 2
to 3 steps in the sequence shown in the
illustration at right.
Installation: Evenly tighten the cylinder head set
bolts in 2 to 3 steps in the reverse se-
quence (18- 17- 16-... 3-2-11 of
that shown in the illustration at right.
T = 8 . 7 - 9 . 7 kg-m ( 6 2 . 9 - 7 0 . 1 ft-lb)

Removingllnstalling t h e Cylinder Head KAN6-6

Point 4
Removal: When removal is difficult, pry with a
screwdriver. Do not damage the
cylinder head and cylinder block mount-
ing surface.

Removingllnstalling the Cylinder Head KAN6-14

Point 5
Installation: 0 Clean the block upper surface and
head bottom surface before gasket
Always use a new gasket.
Do not damage the gasket coating
Install in the correct direction.


Installing the Cylinder Head Gasket KANS8

Point 6
SST 09202- 4301 3
Removal and ~nstallat~on:
Removal: Store the removed parts by arranging
them for each cyl~nder.

Removingllnstalling the Valve Spring KAN6-20

Installation: After installation, lightly tap on top of the

valve stem t o stabilize the spring.

Checking Valve Spring Installation KAN7-23

Point 7
Removal: Remove the oil seal by prying lightly
with a flat head screwdriver.
Installation: Push the oil seal with a finger for instal-
lation. Push it until the oil seal lip enters
the groove in the upper part of the stem

Removing the Oil Seal KAN6-21

Cylinder Head Inspection and
1. Clean the cylinder head combustion camber
and bottom surface.
( 1 Use a wire brush and remove carbon from
the combustion chamber.
12) Use a scraper and carefully clean the head
bottom surface and manifold mounting
surface so as not to damage the cylinder
Cleaning the Cylinder Head Bottom KAN6-33
2. Clean the valve guide bush.
( 1) Clean inside of the valve guide bush with
light oil.

3. Wash the cylinder head.

( 1 ) Use a soft brush and wash the cylinder
head with light oil.

I 1
Cleaning the Valve Guide Bush EM 1825

4. Inspect distortion at cylinder head bottom sur-

face and manifold mounting surface.

Bottom surface
0 . 1 5 m m ( 0 . 0 0 6 in.)
Manifold mounting surface
0 . 2 0 m m ( 0 . 0 0 8 in.)

Measuring the Distortion at Cylinder KAN6-28

Head Bottom Surface
The procedure is the same for t h e exhaust
manifold mounting surface and t h e intake

Cylinder Head Distortion Measuring KAN6-24,32


Check racks in the cylinder head.
( 11 Use red check (flaw detection with dye) t o
check the combustion chamber, intake
port, exhaust port, head bottom surface
and head top surface.

Cylinder Head Red Check KAN6-34

6. Clean the valve.

( 11 Use a scraper and remove carbon deposit.
(21 Use a wire brush for perfect removal.

7. Inspect the oil clearance between the valve

guide bush and valve stem.
( 1) Use a caliper gage and measure the inside
diameter of the valve guide bush.

INIEX: 8.01 8.03 m m
I 1
(0.315- 0.31 6 in.)
Cleaning the Valve EM0580

(2)Use a micrometer and measure the outside

diameter of the valve stem.

IN: 7.97- 7.99 m m
(0.314- 0.315 in.)
EX: 7.96- 7.97 m m
(0.313- 0.314 in.)

( 3 ) Calculate the difference between the valve

guide bush ins~dediameter and valve stem
outside diameter.
Measuring the Valve Guide EM 1903, EM 1 9 0 4
Standard oil clearance Bush Inside Diameter

IN: 0.02- 0.06 m m

(0.00079 0.00236 in.)
EX: 0.04- 0.07 m m
(0.0016 - 0.00276 in.)
W e a r limit
IN: 0.10 mm (0.0039 in.)
EX: 0.12 m m (0.0047 in.)

If the wear limit is exceeded, replace the valve

or valve guide bush.

Measuring the Valve Stem EM0963, EM 1 9 6 4

Outside Diameter
Replace the valve guide bush.
(I ) Use a vernier caliper and measure the pro-
trusion of valve guide bush from the
cylinder head top surface.

Standard: 16.6 0.4 mm
( 0 . 6 5 4 0.01 6 in.)

Measuring the Valve Guide Bush Protrusion KAN6-25

(2)Use the SST and drive out the valve guide

bush to the c o m b u s t ~ o nchamber s ~ d e .
SST 09201-6001 1
! 3 ) Use the SST and drive in the valve guide
bush until the protrusion from the cylinder
head top surface satisfies the standard.
SST 09201-6001 1

Replacing the Valve Guide Bush KAN6-24

14) Use a reamer t o grind the bore as required

t o make the oil clearance between the I
bush and valve stem satisfy the standard. I
9. lnspect the valve. 1
( 1 ) Inspect the valve head wall thickness

Wear limit
IN: 0 . 9 m m ( 0 . 0 3 5 4 in.)
EX: 1 . 0 m m ( 0 . 0 3 9 4 in.)


Inspecting the Valve Head Wall Thickness B6097

12) Inspect the overall length of the valve

IN: 1 0 8 . 5 4 m m ( 4 . 2 7 3 in.)
EX: 1 0 8 . 2 4 m m ( 4 . 2 6 1 in.)
Wear limit
IN: 107.9 mm ( 4 . 2 4 8 in.)
EX: 1 0 7 . 6 mm ( 4 . 2 3 6 in.)

Measuring the Valve Overall Length 26062
10. Inspect the valve seat.
( 1 ) Thinly coat red lead on the valve face.
( 2 ) Insert the valve into the valve guide bush
and force it against the valve seat.

Do n o t rotate the valve w h e n i t is in forced
contact state.

( 3 ) Check that the contacting with satisfies the

s t a ~ d a r dfor the whole circumference.

Inspecting the Valve Contacting Width KAN6-35

IN: 1.2- 1.6 m m I

(0.047 0 . 0 6 3 in.)
EX: 1 . 6 - 2 . 0 m m
( 0 . 0 6 3 - 0.079 in.)

If the standard is not satisfied, replace the valve

or valve seat.

11. Correct the valve seat

0 Use a cutter w i t h a cemented carbide tip I

for t h e exhaust side. Refacing t h e Valve Seat F2656, M4909

0 Always check t h e valve contacting posi-
tion and w i d t h while cutting t h e valve
o Gradually decrease the applying force near
the end of cutting t o prevent stepped c u t
o Check the valve guide bush worn state be-
fore correcting the seat.

(1 Use a 45" valve seat cutter for refacing.

( 2 ) Use a 20' and 75" valve seat cutters for
the outer and inner contacting positions,
respectively. Lapping the Valve KAN6-37

12. Lap the valve

( 1) Use a lapping compound and check for full
uniform face contact by using red lead.

Thoroughly remove t h e compound after lap-
ping the valve.
lnspect the compression spring.
i 1 1 Use a square and thickness gage t o meas-
ure the rectangularity at the top of each

Limit (IN and EX):

2 . 0 m m ( 0 . 0 7 9 in.)

Compression Spring Rectangularity Inspection

Use a vernier callper and measure the free

Standard: 45. I m m ( 1 . 7 7 6 in.)

Limit: 44.5 m m ( 1 . 7 5 in.)

Measuring the Compression Spring Free KAN6-39

lnspect the valve stem cap.
( 1 ) Use a micrometer and inspect the valve
stem cap wall thickness.

Standard: 1.31 1.49 m m
( 0 . 0 5 1 6 - 0 . 0 5 8 7 in.)

( 2 ) If there IS any damage on the contact~ng

surface wlth the rocker arm, use an 011-
stone for correction If heav~iyworn or
damaged, replace the valve stem cap

Inspecting the Valve Stem Cap KAN6-38

lnspect the valve rocker arm.

( 1 1 lnspect wear or damage of the rocker arm
contacting surface with the valve stem
(21 A slight damage shall be corrected by
grinding with an oil stone. If heavily worn
or damaged, replace the valve rocker arm.

Inspecting the Valve Rocker A r m KAN7-17

( 3 ) Move the rocker arm as illustrated and
measure the clearance between the rock-
er arm and shaft.
If the clearance is excessive, disassemble
and insoect the valve rocker arm.

Inspecting the Valve Rocker Arm (2) KAN 1 6-31

16. Disassemble the valve rocker assy.

( I ) Shaft lock screw
(2)Valve rocker support
( 3 ) Rocker arm
( 4 ) Compression spring
(51 Valve rocker shaft

Disassembling the Valve Rocker Assy KAN7-2

Inspect the oil clearance between the rocker

arm and rocker shaft.
( 1 ) Use a caliper gage and measure the inside
diameter of the rocker arm.

Standard: 18.50- 18.52 mm

(0.7284- 0.7292 in.)
Limit: 18.60 mm (0.732 in.)

(2)Use a micrometer and measure the outside

diameter of the rocker arm shaft.

Measuring the Valve Rocker Arm

Standard: 18.47- 18.49 mm Inside Diameter
(0.7272-0.7280 in.)
Limit: 18.44 mm (0.726 in.)

( 3 ) Calculate the difference between the rock-

er arm inside diameter and rocker shaft
outside diameter.

Standard: 0.007 - 0.0049

(0.003-0.001 9 in.)
Limit: 0.16 mrn (0.006 in.)

If the limit is exceeded, replace the rocker arm

or rocker shaft Measuring the Valve Rocker Shaft KAN7-5
Outside Diameter
18. Reassemble the valve rocker assy.
( 1 ) Valve rocker support
(21 Valve rocker shaft

When reassembling t h e valve rocker shaft,
t h e screw set hole of the shaft shall be o n
t h e upper side.

13) Valve rocker arm

141 Compression spring
151 Shaft lock screw
Reassembling t h e Valve Rocker Assy KAN7-14

1 9 . lnspect the push rod bend.

( 1 i Use a dial gage and measure the bend
when the push rod makes one full turn.

Limit: 0.25 m m ( 0 . 0 0 9 8 in.)

Dial gage deflection
Bending =

Measuring the Push Rod Bend F2334

2 0 . Inspect the manifold distortion.

( 1 i Use a square and thickness gage, and
measure the cylinder head mounting

Limit: 0 . 2 m m ( 0 . 0 0 8 in.)

Inspecting the Manifold Distortion K A N I 1-19


(10.9- 15.1) [Tighting torque: k g -m ift-lbll

Hydraulic pump flange assy 44 Timing pointer 55 ldle gear shaft (for camshaft)
Timing gear cover sub-assy 45 Rear oil seal retainer gasket 60 ldle gear thrust plate
Oil seal (for timing gear cover) 46 Rear oil seal retainer 62 ldle gear
Timing gear case sub-assy 46A Engine rear oil seal 63 ldle gear thrust plate
Timing gear case gasket 47 Injection pump drive gear 64 ldle gear shaft
Camshaft bearing set 48 Pump drive gear AC Key
Camshaft 48A Bearing, No. 1 AH Washer
Expansion plug 488 Bearing. No. 2 BC Plug
Camshaft timing geai 49 Camshaft thrust plate BJ Gasket
Timing gear cover gasket 54 Idle gear (for camshaft) CU Plate washer


Timing Gear Components KANM9

Timing Gear Disassembly and Assembly
Always refer t o key points because they include important instructions.


Remove [I] to [31 in removal and installat~onfrom engine ASSY to partial engine on page 2-2.
Remove the crankshaft pulley lock nut.
Remove the crankshaft pulley. (Removal: Point 1)
Remove the timing gear cover.
Measure the backlash and thrust clearance. (Removal and installation: Point 2 )
H Remove the oil pipe.
Remove the PTO pump flange w l d r ~ v egear.
fl Remove the injection pump drive gear. (Removal: Point 3)
Remove idle gear No. 1, plate washer and shaft. (Removal and installation: Point 4)
Remove idle gear No. 2 and shaft. (Removal and installation: Point 4)
Remove the cylinder head ASSY wIlN and EX manifolds.
Remove the valve lifters. (Removal: Point 5)
0Remove the camshaft wltiming gear. (Removal and installation: Point 6)
D3 Remove the crankshaft timing gear. (Removal and installation: Point 7 )
Remove the timing gear case.
H Remove the front oil seal. (Installation: Point 8)
The assembly procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure
Key points for operation

Point 1
Removal: SST 0921 3-60017


Removing t h e Crank Pulley KANS 10

Installation: SST 09370-20270-71

Point 2
Removal and installat~on: Measure the backlash
between gears before gear removal.

Standard backlash and limit ,

M a t c h mark
1 Limit
Action when
limit is
I Installing the Crank Pulley KANSI I

Point A 0.05 0.3 Replacing

"1 "
(0.00197) (0.0118) each gear
Point B 0.05 0.3 Same as
"2" (0.00197) (0.01181 above

/ 0.05
(0.001971 1 10.0013181
Same as
above I
I 1 0.05
10.OOi 971 1 0.3
10.01 181 / Same as
above I
I 1 0.05
10.001971 1 (0.0013181
Same as
above I
I 1 0.05
10.001971 1 (0.00:181 1 Same as
above I
Removal and installation: Measure t h e thrust Measuring the Backlash (at Point A1 KANS
clearances of idle gears No. 1 and No. 2.
0 ldle gear No. 1 : 0.03- 0.1 1 m m
( 0 . 0 0 1 2 - 0 . 0 0 4 3 in.)
0 ldle gear No. 2: 0.10- 0.260 m m
(0.0039- 0.01 0 in.)
0 ldle gear No. 1: 0.3 m m ( 0 . 0 1 2 in.)
0 ldle gear No. 2: 0.5 m m ( 0 . 0 2 0 in.)

Measuring the Thrust Clearance KAN8-23

Point 3
Removal: SST 0 9 2 1 3 - 6 0 0 1 7
Installation: Tighten the set nut to the specified
T = 5 . 9 5 - 7 . 0 5 kg-m
( 4 3 . 0 - 51 . 0 ft-lbl

Removing the lnjection Pump Drive Gear KAN8-31

Point 4
Injection pump
Installation: Always align match marks 0, 1 and
2 punched o n idle gear N o . 1 when
installing each gear.
Installation: Tighten the set bolt to the specified
T = 3 . 0 - 4 . 5 kg-m
(21.7-3 2 . 5 ft-lb)

timing gear ldle gear No.2

Installing Idle Gear No. 1 KANMI 1

Point 5
Removal: Store the removed valve lifters by ar-
ranging them in the order from the

Storing the Valve Lifters KANSI 3

Point 6
Removal and installation:
Do not damage the camshaft bear-
ing during removal or installation.
Installation: Tighten the set bolts t o the specified
T = 1 . 5 - 2 . 2kg-m
(10.8-15.9ft-1 b)

Installing the Camshaft w l Timing Gear KAN8-41

Point 7
Removal: SST 09950-20017

Removing the Crankshaft Timing Gear KAN9-1 1

Installation: SST 09370-20270-71

Install the timing gear with the match
mark facing outward.

Assembling the Crankshaft Timing Gear KANS14

Point 8
Installation: SST 09608-35014
0 Coat a small amount of M P grease on the oil
seal lip.

Installing the Front Oil Seal K A N I 1-1 6

Timing Gear Inspection and

1. lnspect the idle gear oil clearance.

( 11 Use a cylinder gage and measure the idle
gear inside diameter.

Standard: No. I 45.00- 45.025 mm

(1.772- 1.773 in.)
No.2 50.00- 50.025 mm
(1.9686- 1.9698 in.)
Measuring t h e ldle Gear Inside Diameter KAN10-9
(2)Use a micrometer and measure the idle
gear shaft outside diameter.

Standard: No. I 44.950- 44.975 mm

(1.769- 1.770 in.)
No.2 49.930- 49.945 mm
(1.9657- 1.9663 in.)

13) Calculate the difference between the idle

gear inside diameter and idle gear shaft
outside diameter.
Standard: No. I 0.025 0.075 mm
(0.001 - 0.003 in.) Idle Gear Shaft Outside Diameter KAN10-12

(0.0022- 0.0037 in.)

Limit: 0.3 mm (0.012 in.)

If the limit is exceeded, replace the idle

gear or idle gear shaft.

Plate washer inspection.

Standard thickness: 2.45 - 2.50 mm

(0.0965 0.0984 in.)

Inspecting the Plate Washer KAN 1 0 - 8

lnspect the camshaft.

( 1 ) Measure the cam height.

IN: 39.928 - 40.028 mm
(1.5720- 1.5759 in.)
EX: 40.31 2- 40.41 2 mm
(1.5870- 1.5910in.)
IN: 39.47 mm (1.554 in.)
EX: 39.85 mm (1.569 in.)

Measuring t h e Cam Height

( 2 ) Use a dial gage and measure the bend
when the camshaft makes one full turn.

Limit: 0.04 rnm 10.0016 in.)

Dial gage deflection

Measuring Camshaft Runout KAN9-27

(31 Measure the camshaft thrust clearance

Standard: -
0.06 0.13 m m
(0.0024-0.0051 in.)
Limit: 0.3 m m (0.012 in.)

Measuring the Camshaft Thrust K A N 10-38

(4) Use a micrometer and measure the outside
diameter of the camshaft journal.

No. I : 47.159 - 47.175 m m
(1.8566-1.8573 in.)
No.2: 46.959-46.975m m
(1.8487-1.8494 in.)
No.3: 46.759-46.775 m m
(1.8409-1.841 5 in.)

If the outside diameter is outside the stan-

Measuring the Camshaft Journal Outside KAN9-32
dard, inspect the camshaft bearing oil Diameter

Replace the camshaft and camshaft timing

( 1 ) Set bolt

Removing the Camshaft Timing Gear KANS

(21 Remove the camshaft timing gear w l
thrust plate use the press.

Removing the Camshaft Timing Gear KAN9-23

( 3 ) Install the thrust plate and camshaft tim-

ing gear.

The oil groove side shall face the timing gear.
T = 3.0- 4.5 kg-m (21.7- 32.5 ft-lbi

Installing the Camshaft Timing Gear KAN9-34

Inspect the valve lifter.

( 1 ) Use a micrometer and measure the valve
lifter o u t s ~ d ediameter.

Standard: 22.1 70 22.190 mm
(0.87287 - 0.87366 in.)

If the outside diameter is not within the

standard, inspect the valve lifter oil

Reference: See page 2-36 for the oil clear-

Measuring the Valve Lifter Outside KAN9-40
ance inspection method. Diameter

Oil Pump Drive Gear Bearing


1. Remove the drive gear w l bearing

(1) Snap ring
( 2 ) Drive gear wi bearing
SST 09620- 30010

Removing the Drive Gear wl Bearing KAN 10-27

Remove the bearing No. 2

Removing the Bearing No.2 KAN 1 0 - 31

3. Remove the bearing No. 1.

SST 09420-23000-7 1 ....... SSTl
SST 09239-4001 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . SST2
SST 09620-300 1 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . SST3

Removing the Bearing No. 1 KAH 15-17,18

4. Install the bearing

( I ) Bearing No. I
SST 09608-3501 4
( 2 ) Bearing No.2
SST 09608-3501 4

Installing the Bearing K A H I 0-29,28

5. Install the drive gear wi bearing.

i 1 ) Drive gear wlbearing
12) Snap ring

installing the Drive Gear

2 -27


1.5- 2.2
(10.9- 15.1)

( 1 0 . 9 - 15.1)
[Tighting torque: kg-rn ift-lbil

20 Cylinder block sub-assy 41 Oil level gage guide

21 Oil pan sub-assy AC Drain cock sub-assy
21 A Drain plug Al Bolt
21B Gasket
30 Oil level gage

Cylinder Block Components KANM

[Tighting torque: kg-m (ft-lb)l

Connecting rod sub-assy 32 Piston ring set

Connecting rod bushing 34 Crankshaft thrust washer set
Connecting rod bolt 40 Crankshaft
Nut 41 Crankshaft pulley
Piston sub-assy, wi Pin 41A Crankshaft key (for pulley set)
Hole snap ring 42 Crankshaft timing gear
Connecting rod bearing set 42A Crankshaft key (for timing gear set)
Crankshaft bearing set

Piston and Crankshaft Components KANMI 3
Cylinder Block Disassembly and Assembly
Always refer t o t h e key points because they include important instructions.


Remove to @ in the cylinder head disassembly and assembly section on page 2-7.
Remove @ to and to in the timing gear disassembly and assembly section on page 2-18.
3 Remove the oil pan. (Removal and Installation: Point 1 )
EE Remove the oil strainer.
Remove the connecting rod cap wlbearing. (Removal and Installation: Point 2 )
Remove the piston wlconnecting rod. (Installation: Point 3 )
Remove the rear oil seal retainer. (Installation: Point 4)
Remove the crankshaft bearing cap wlbearing and thrust plate. (Removal and Installation: Point 5)
EZ Remove the crankshaft.
Remove the rear oil seal. (Installation: Point 6)

The assembly procedure is the reverse of the disassembly procedure
Key points for operation

Point 1
Removal: SST 09032-00100
Never pry with a screwdriver,, etc

Removing the Oil Pan KANll- 26

Installation: Coat FlPG along the sealing groove on

the oil pan.
FIPG: 08826-00080

See P5-9 for the FlPG coating method.

I 1

FlPG Coating Method KANSI5

Point 2
Removal: Measure the thrust clearance of the con-
necting rod before removal.

Standard: 0.08-0.30 mm
(0.0032-0.0063 i n . )
Limit: 0 . 4 mm ( 0 . 0 1 2 in.)

Measuring the Thrust Clearance KAN 1 1-37

Removal: Punch the match mark for each cylinder

on the connecting rod and bearing cap.

Punching the Match Mark K A N I 1-39

Removal and installation:
Measure the oil clearance of -the connecting rod

Standard: 0 . 0 4 4 - 0 . 0 7 2 m m
(0.001 7 3 - 0 . 0 0 2 8 3 in.)
Limit: 0.1 1 m m ( 0 . 0 0 4 3 in.)

o Do n o t rotate t h e crankshaft at the time of
o Cap set n u t tightening torque
Measuring t h e Oil Clearance EM1 103
T = 6 . 0 - 7 . 0 kg-m ( 4 3 . 4 - 50.6 ft-lb)

If the limit is exceeded, replace the bearing.

If deep scratch or burn is observed, grid the crank-
shaft and use an UIS bearing.


Bearing Cap Fitting Code KANS 1 6

Installation: Install the bearing cap with its front

mark on the front side.
T = 6.0- 7.0 kg-rn (43.4-50.6 ft-lb)
Installation: Prevent the bearing rear surface from
oil adhesion. Installing the Bearing Cap KANSI7

Point 3
Installation: The p~stonw l connecting rod and
each cylinder shall be used in the
same combination as before disas-

0 Use a vinyl tube at t h e connecting rod bolt
0 Confirm the piston ring joint directions.
(See page 2-46.)
0 Place the piston front mark o n the front side. KANI 5-8
Installing t h e Piston w l Connecting Rod
Point 4
Installation: Carefully handle the oil seal as grease
IMP grease No. 21 is,coated between
the dust lip and seal lip.

installing the Rear Oil Seal Retainer KAN13-12

Point 5
Removal: Measure the crankshaft thrust clearance
before removal.

Standard: 0.04- 0.24 m m

(0.001 5 7 - 0 . 0 0 9 4 5 in.)
Limit: 0 . 3 m m (0.01 2 in.)

if the limit is exceeded, replace the thrust washer

or crankshaft.

(Reference) Thrust washer thickness

Measuring the Thrust Clearance KAN 13-9
STD 2 . 9 3 0 - 2 . 9 8 0 m m (0.1 1 5 - 0 . 1 1 7 in.)
OIS 0 . 1 2 5 m m ( 0 . 0 0 4 9 2 in.)
OIS 0 . 2 5 0 m m ( 0 . 0 0 9 9 6 in.)

Removal: Measure the crank pin oil clearance

before removal.

Standard: 0.034- 0.070 m m

( 0 . 0 0 13 4 - 0 . 0 0 2 7 6in.)
Limit: 0.1 m m ( 0 . 0 0 3 9 in.)

0 Loosen t h e cap set bolts in t h e illustrated se-

quence. Set Bolt Loosening Sequence KAN 1 3-6

0 Do n o t rotate the crankshaft at the time of
0 Cap set bolt tightening torque
T = 9 . 8 - 11.2 kg-m ( 7 0 . 6 - 8 1 .Oft-lb)

Measuring the Oil Clearance EM1 1 3 9

If the limit is exceeded, replace the bearing.
Selection markings
If deep scratch or burn exists, grind the crankshaft
and use an U I S bearing. Starting hole selection
markings for crank shaft
Reference Numbered 1 through 5,
starting from the front side

64.98- 65.00
A r--n--
(2.5583- 2.5591)

Bearing Cap and Bearing Fitting Codes KANSI 8

U I S 0.25 m m

U I S 0.75 m m

U / S 1.OO m m

Ren Arrange the bearing caps, bearings

and thrust washers by mounting po-
sitions for storage.

Installation: Prevent the bearing rear surface from Storing the Bearing Caps, Bearings, etc. K A N I 3-33
oil adhesion.
Instaliation: Install the thrust washer with its oil
groove facing the cranl<shaft.
InsTallation: The arrow (front mark) on the bear-
ing cap shall point to the front side.

Thrust Washer Mounting Direction KAN 13-36

Installation: Coat engine 011on threaded portior;s

of bearing cap set bolts and tighten
them evenly in several steps in the se-
quence illustrated at right.
T = 12.2-13.8kg-m

Bearing Cap Tightening Sequence MAN 13-6

Point 6
Installation: SST 09223-6001 0
o Coat a small amount of MP grease on the oil seal

Replacing the Rear Oil Seal KAN 14-12

- ---

linder Block Inspection

Cylinder block cleaning

( 1 ) Remove the adhered cylinder head gasket
with a scraper.
(2)Clean each part of the cylinder block with
a washing liquid.

Cleaning t h e Cylinder Block KAN 16-33

2. Cylinder block upper surface distortion in-

( 1 ) Use a straight edge and thickness gauge
and measure 7 places shown in the figure.
Limit: 0.1 m m (0.0039 in.)

3. Cylinder wall surface inspection

( 1 ) Check there is no deep scratch on the
cylinder wall surface.

4. Cylinder wear inspection

( 1 Use a cylinder gauge and measure 6
Inspecting the Distortion on Cylinder Block KANS20
places shown in the illustration. Obtain the Upper Surface
difference between the maximum and
minimum values.
Limit: 0.3 m m (0.012 in.) or less
If the l ~ m iist exceeded, replace the cylinder
block or bore the cylinder and use an 01s
ist ton.

Reference: Cylinder bore standard:

86.00- 86.03 rnm (3.3858-3.3870 in.)

Piston f i t - Cylinder bore

t i n g code rnm (in.) 1 I

1 Inspecting Cylinder Wear KANS21, C 2 0 4 7

86.00- 86.01 (3.3858- 3.3862)
2 86.01 - 86.02 (3.3862 - 3.3866)
3 86.02 - 86.03 (3.3866- 3.3870)

5. Inspect the ellipticity and taper.

(11 Use a cylinder gauge and measure the
bore. Ellipticity = A -B or a-b
Taper=A-a or B-b
Calculate the ellipticity and taper as
Ellipticity: A-B or a-b
Taper: A-a or B-b s b
Limit: Ellipticity or taper: 0.02 m m
(0.0008 in.) Inspecting the Ellipticity and Taper KANS21,
Valve lifter oil clearance inspection
( 1 ) Use a micrometer and measure the valve
lifter outside diameter.

Standard: 22.170- 22.190 m m

(0.87287- 0.87366 in.)

Measuring the Valve Lifter Outside KAN9-40

12) Use a caliper gauge and measure the lifter
bore in the cylinder block.

Standard: 22.200- 22.221 mm

(0.87405- 0.87488 in.)

131 Calculate the difference between the I~fLer

bore in the cylinder block and the valve
lifter outside diameter

Standard: 0.01 0 - 0.051 m m

(0.00039- 0.00201 in.)
Measuring the Lifter Bore in Cylinder Block KAHS13
Limit: 0.1 m m (0.0039 in.)

If the limit is exceeded, replace w i t h the STD

valve lifter or OIS ( 0 . 0 5 ) valve lifter.


Valve Valve lifter outside Standard lifter

lifter type diameter mm (in.) bore mm (in.)
22.1 70- 22.190 22.200- 22.221
(0.87287-0.87366) (0.87405- 0.874841

01s 22.22- 22.24 22.245- 22.271

0.05 (0.8748- 0.8756) (0.87582-0.87685)

7. Camshaft oil clearance measurement

( 1 ) Use a cyl~ndergauge and measure the
camshaft bearing ~ n s i d ediameter.


Measuring the Camshaft Bearing Inside Diameter

KAN 14-8
(21 Use a micrometer and measure the cam-
shaft journal outside diameter.


Measuring the Camshaft Journal Outside KAN9-32

( 3 ) Calculate the difference between the cam-
shaft bearing inside diameter and camshaft
journal outside diameter.

Standard: -
0.025 0.066 m m
( 0 . 0 0 0 9 8 - 0 . 0 0 2 5 9 8 in.)
Limit: 0.1 m m ( 0 . 0 0 3 9 in.)

If the limit is exceeded, replace the bearing.

If deep scratch or burn exists, grind the cam-
shaft journal and replace the bearing with an
UIS bear~ng.

Camshaft bearing replacement

C a m s h a f t journal outside diameter standard m m (in.)
Bearing type
No. I No.2 No.3

47.759-47.175 -
46.959 46.975 46.759 - 46.775
(1.8566- 1.8573) -
(1.8487 1.8494) (1.8409- 1.841 5)
47.034- 47.050 46.834- 46.850 46.634- 46.650
UIS 0.1 25
(1.8517- 1.8524) ,8439- 1.8444)
(I (1.8360- 1.8366)

UIS 0.250
46.909 46.925 46.709 - 46.725 46.509-46.525
(1.84681 - 1.8474) -
(1.8389 1.8400) (1.8310- 1.83171

Camshaft expansion plug removal

( 1 ) Use SSTs and remove the expansion p l ~ g
SST 0921 5-0001 2
SST 0921 5-00100


Removing the Expansion Plug KANS23

Camshaft bearing removal
SST 0921 5-00012
SST 0921 5-00100

Removing t h e Camshaft Bearings KAN 14-8

3. Camshaft bearing installat~on

SST 0921 5-00012
SST 0921 5-00100

0 Be sure t o align the oil holes on the bearing and
cylinder block.

Aligning the Oil Holes KANS24

0 First install bearing No. 2 in t h e center, then

install bearing No. 1 in the front and bearing
No. 3 in t h e rear.

Installing t h e Camshaft Bearings KANS25

4. Camshaft expansion plug installation

SST 0921 5-00012
SST 0921 5-00100

0 Coat the sealing agent on outer circumference

of t h e plug.
0 Drive in the plug until i t becomes flush w i t h

t h e cylinder end surface.

Installing t h e Plug KANS26

Piston and Connecting Rod
Removed pistons, piston rings and piston
pins shall be arranged so as not t o change
the combinations.

1. Inspect piston movement.

! 1 ) Move the piston back and forth and make
sure that it moves smoothly.
( 2 ) If it is seized, loose or heavy, replace the Inspecting Piston Movement KAN12-19
piston su b-assy.

Remove the piston rings.

( 1 ) Use the piston ring tool and remove each
piston ring.
(7JNo.l piston ring
O N o . 2 piston ring
@Oil ring side rail

Removing t h e Piston Ring KAN 1 2-2 1

12) Remove the oil ring expander

Removing the Oil Ring KAN 1 2-24

3. Remove the piston pins.

( 1 ) Snap ring

Removing t h e Snap Ring KAN 12-26

Heating the Piston EM 1036

( 3 ) Use a brass bar and extract the piston pin.

Removed pistons, piston pins and connect-
ing rods shall be arranged for each cylinder.

Removing the Piston Pin KAN 1 2-30



1. Clean the piston.

( 1 Carbon deposit in the ring groove shall be
removed by using an old piston ring.
(2)After removing carbon deposit from each
part, clean with light oil.

Caution: / I
Do n o t use a hard wire brush because it m a y
cause scratching.
Cleaning the Piston KANS27

Measure the piston outside diameter.

( 1 ) Use a micrometer and measure the place
vertical to the piston pin at 1 2 m m
(0.47 in.) from the bottom (skirt) of the

Standard: 85.950 - 85.980 m m

(3.3838- 3.3850 in.)

Inspecting the Piston KAN 14-1 8


3 . lnspect the piston clearance.

(I I Use a cylinder gage and measure the mini-
mum cylinder bore In the thrust direction.
( 2 ) Measure the piston outside diameter and
o b t a ~ nthe piston clearance.

Standard: 0.040- 0.060 m m

(0.0016 - 0.0024 in.)

If the standard is exceeded, replace the piston

or cylinder block, or reborn the cylinder and use
an OIS piston.
Measuring the Cylinder Bore KAHSI9


Piston Fit Code (Piston Side) K A N I 4-1 9

When using cylinders after reboring, select

the OiS piston t o be used w i t h the maxi-
mum bore among all cylinders as the
Reboring finishing size
= (01s piston outside diamter) + (Oil
clearance) - (Honing margin)
Oil clearance: 0.040 0 . 0 6 0 m m
( 0 . 0 0 1 6 0 . 0 0 2 4 in.)
Honing margin:
0 . 0 2 m m ( 0 . 0 0 8 in.)
After reboring, inspect the finishing size
and measure the ovalness, taper, bore
Piston Fit Code (Cylinder Block Side) KAN 13-41
difference and piston clearance.

Inspect the clearance between the piston ring

and ring groove.
( 1 ) Use a thickness gage and measure the
clearance along the whole circumference
of the is ton.

Compression ring No. 1:
0.05-0.09 rnm (0.00197-0.00354 in.)
Compression ring No.2:
0.05-0.09 mm (0.00197-0.00354 in.)
Oil ring: 0.03- 0.07 rnm Measuring t h e Ring Groove Clearance K A N I 2-38
(0.00118- 0.00276 in.)
5. Inspec? the piston ring gap.
Push in the piston ring to deeper than the slid-
ing contact surface by using the piston, and
measure the gap.

Compression ring No. I
0.27-0.39 (0.0106-0.01 53 in.)
Compression ring No.2
0.45- 0.60 m m (0.0180- 0.0240 in.)
Oil ring
0.20-0.40 m m (0.0079-0.0160 in.)
Setting t h e Piston Rings EM 1043

Measuring t h e Piston Ring Gap EM2552

6. Inspect the connecting rod bush oil clearance.

( 1 ) Use a caliper gage and measure the bush
inside diameter.

Standard: -
27.01 1 27.023 m m
(1.0634- 1.0639 in.)

(2)Use a micrometer and measure the piston

pin outside diameter.

Standard: 27.000- 27.01 2 m m

(1.06299- 1.06338 in.)
Measuring the Connecting Rod Bush EM 1090
Inside ~ i & e t e r
( 3 ) Calculate the difference between the con-
necting rod bush inside diameter and
piston pin outside diameter.

Standard: 0.007-0.01 5 m m
(0.00028- 0.00059 in.)
Limit: 0.05 m m (0.00197 in.)

If the limit is exceeded, replace the con-

necting rod bush.

ankshaft Inspection

lnspect the crankshaft bend.

( 1 ) Use a dial gage and measure the crank-
shaft bend w h l e it makes one full turn.

Limit: 0.05 m m (0.00197 in.)

Dial gage deflection
Bend =

Inspecting t h e crankshaft Bend KAN 13-22

Inspect the crankshaft wear.

( 1 i Use a micrometer and measure the crank
journal portion indicated in the figure.

Standard: 64.98- 65.00 m m

(2.5582- 2.5590 in.)

(2)Calculate the ovalness and taper

Taper limit:
0.05 m m (0.00197 in.)
Ovalness limit:
Measuring the Crankshaft Journal KAN 13-28
0.02 m m (0.000787 in.) Outside Diameter KAHS2O
(31 Use a micrometer and measure the crank-
shaft pin portion indicated in the figure.

Standard: 50.48- 50.50 m m

(1.9874- 1.9882 in.)

(4) Calculate the ovalness and taper.

Taper limit: 0.05 m m (0.001 97 in.)

Ovalness limit: 0.02 m m (0.000787 in.)

If the standard and limit are exceeded or if any

excessive scar or burning is perceived, grind the
crankshaft outside diameter and pin outside di- Measuring the Crankshaft Pin Outside KAN 13-27
ameter to the size allowing use of an UIS Diameter KAHS20



Bearing Crankshaft journal outside diameter Bearing Crankshaft pin outside diameter
type finishing dimension m m (in.) type finishing dimension m m (in.)

UIS 0.25 64.73- 64.75 (2.5484- 2.5492) UIS 0.25 50.23- 50.25 (1.9780- 1.9783)
UIS 0.50 64.48 - 64.50 -
(2.5385 2.5394) UIS 0.50 49.98 - 50.00 (1.9677 - 1.9685)
UIS 0.75 64.23- 64.25 (2.5291 - 2.5295) U/S 0.75 49.73- 49.75 (1.9578- 1.9587)
U/S 1.OO 63.98-64.00 (2.5189- 2.51 97) U/S 1.00 49.48- 49.50 (1.9480- 1.9488)
Piston and Connecting Rod c


Warming the Piston KAHWS21

( 3 ) Match the front marks of the piston and

connecting rod. Front mark
(4) Install the piston pin to the piston and con- I
necting rod.

,Front mark

Matching Marks KANS28

(5) Use long-nosed pliers to install the snap

ring to the piston.

Make sure that the snap rings on both sides
are firmly fit in the snap ring grooves.

Snap Rings KAN 1 2-29

2. Install the piston rings.

( 1 ) Install the oil ring expander

Oil Ring (1)

-68 -
(21 Use the piston ring tool and install the oil
ring side rail.
( 3 ) Adjust the oil ring expander and side rail
t o the illustrated positions.

Oil Ring (2) EM0242

14) Use the piston ring tool and install com-

pression rings N o . 2 and N o . 1 sequential-
ly, with their punched marks facing

unched mark

Compression Ring

15) Place the ring joints at the illustrated po-

sitions. I Second ring opening position

Oil expanding
joint position

Piston Ring Joint Positions KANSBO

Install the bearing

D o n o t let oil adhere on t h e bearing outside
surface (the surface in contact w i t h the con-
necting rod or bearing cap).

( 1 ) lnstall the upper bearing, with proper

matching with the connecting rod oil hole
and lock groove.
(2)Install the lower bearing, with proper
matching with the bearing cap lock
Oil Hole Alignment KAN 14-4

FUEL FILTER ......................................................... 3-2

INJECTION NOZZLE ............................................... 3-5

INJECTION PUMP .................................................. 3- 11

Specification ...................................................... 3-11
Components ...................................................... 3-12
Removal & Installation ......................................... 3-14
Disassembly ....................................................... 3-16
Inspection .......................................................... 3-24
Assembly ......................................................... 3-27
Airtightness Test ................................................ 3-40
Adjustment ........................................................ 3-40

01 . Fuel filter
24. Priming pump
25. Fuel filter
25A. O-ring
26. Sedimenter
BS. Gasket
BR. Drain cock

L 1
Fuel Filter Components KAGM9

Always refer t o o t h e key points because they include important instructions.



3 Remove the hose clamp and fuel hose

Disconnect the sedimenter harness.
E Remove the fuel filter set bolts.
3 Remove the fuel filter.


The installation procedure is the reverse of the

Air Bleeding KANS31


1. Sedimenter removal
( 1 ) Hold the fuel filter in a vice
( 2 ) Sedimenter

Removing the Sedimenter KAG16- 13

Fuel filter element and priming pump separation

1 I ) Fuel filter element
SST 09228-6401 0
12) Priming pump

Removing the Element KAG16-15


1. Fuel filter inspection

( 1 ) Fuel filter element clogging
( 2 ) Priming pump operation
13) Sedimenter damage

Inspecting the Fuel Filter KAG16-18,19


1. Fuel filter installation

(1 Apply light oil slightly on the O-ring por-
tion of the fuel filter element, and install
the element to the priming pump by manu-
ally turning it.
( 2 ) Sedimenter

Installing the Element


[Tighting torque: kg-m (ft-lb)]

Holder & nozzle set 45 Washer (for nozzle holder ring packing)
Nozzle Assy 47 Nozzle holder pressure spring
Nozzle leakage pipe assy 48 Nozzle holder pressure pin
Combustion chamber sub-assy AJ Nozzle retaining n u t
Injection nozzle seat
lnjection nozzle seat gasket
Distance piece (for nozzle)
Fuel hose

lnjection Nozzle Components K A N M 16

3- 6


A l w a y s refer t o the key points as they include important instructions.


a Remove the ~ntakepipe.
Remove the fuel hose.
Loosen the injection pipe (on pump s ~ d e ) .
Disconnect the injection pipe ion nozzle side)
E Remove the nozzle linkage plpe.
Remove the injection nozzle ASSY.

The installation procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Always replace the nozzle gaskets w i t h n e w ones.

1. lnspect and adjust the nozzle injection pressure.

( 1 ) Remove the injection nozzle.
(2)Quickly move the tester lever t o cause in-
jection a f e w times t o blow off carbon
deposit at the nozzle spout.
( 3 ) Slowly push the tester lever to increase the
(4) Read the indicated pressure when the
pressure suddenly starts t o fall.
Injection Pressure Test KANS4

Standard: -

11 5 - 125 kg/cm2 (1635- 1777 psi)

( 5 ) If the pressure is outside the standard

range, adjust the pressure by selecting a Washer
proper washer for setting on top of the
pressure spring.
The injection pressure changes by about
5 kglcm 2 (71 psi) as the washer thickness
changes by 0 . 0 5 m m ( 0 . 0 0 19 7 i n . ) .
20 types of washers are provided in
0 . 2 5 m m ( 0 . 0 0 9 8 4 in.) steps in a range Adjusting the Injection Pressure KANS5
of 1 .OO to 1 . 9 5 rnm (0.039 to 0 . 0 7 6 8 in.).
I 1

2. lnspect oiltightness at the valve seat.

( 1) Slowly push the tester lever until the pres-
sure rises t o 10- 20 kglcm 2 ( 1 4 2 . 3 -
2 8 4 . 6 psi) below the specified injection
After holding the pressure for about 1 se-
cond, inspect if the fuel is not leaking from
the nozzle spout.
( 2 ) If leaking, disassemble, clean and recheck Good No good
the nozzle or replace the nozzle.
Inspecting Oiltightness at Nozzle Seat KAHS36
3. lnspect the spray and spray pattern.
( 1 1 After setting to the specified injection pres-
sure, operate the tester lever at 1 5 - 6 0
strokes per minute. Spray shall occur in
any of the strokes.
( 2 ) When the spray starts, inspect the spray
? 4
(See the figure.) b

If the spray pattern is defective, disassem- 1 1

ble, clean and recheck the nozzle or Good No good No good No good
replace the nozzle with a new one.

Inspecting the Nozzle Spray Status KAHS37


1. Disassemble the nozzle.

( 1 ) Use the SST and loosen the nozzle holder
SST 09268-6401 0
SST 09268-64020
SST 09268-64030

Caution: 1I I
Never drop inside parts during disassembly.
Nozzle Assv ( 1 ) 28483

( 2 ) Remove the following parts:

@ Nozzle hodler body
@ Washer
@ Pressure spring
@ Pressure pin
@ Distance piece
@ Nozzle assy
@ Nozzle retaining nut

Nozzle Assy ( 2 ) 28482

2. Clean the nozzle.

( 1 Use the nozzle cleanlng kit to clean the

Nozzle Cleaning K i t KAHS4O

( 2 ) Use a hard wooden chip to clean the car-
bon deposit at the tip end of the nozzle

Cleaning the Nozzle Needle

( 3 ) Use a cleaning scraper and clean the noz-
zle seat.

Cleaning t h e Nozzle Body ( 2 )

15) Use a brass bush t o remove the carbon

deposit from outside of the nozzle body.

Cleaning t h e Nozzle Body (3) KAHS44

3. lnspect the nozzle appearance.

( 1 ) lnspect if the nozzle body IS cracked or
(2)lnspect if the nozzle needle is cracked or
corroded. If defective, replace the nozzle

Inspecting the Nozzle Appearance KAHS45

4. Sinking test I
( 1 Wash the body and needle with clean light
12) Tilt the body by about 60' and pull out
about 113 of the needle.

Sinking Test (1 ) KAHS46

13) Release the needle and check if it smoothly

sinks into the body due t o its o w n weight.
(4) Repeat the test while turning the needle lit-
tle by little. If the needle does not sink at
any position, replace the body and needle
as a set.



Sinking Test (2) KAHS47

1. Reassemble the nozzle assy.

( 1 ) Retaining nut
(21 Nozzle
13) Distance piece
14) Pressure pin
15) Pressure spring
161 Washer
( 7 ) Nozzle holder body
0 Assemble so that the needle does not

come off.
0 Do not drop internal parts.
Nozzle Assy

(81 Tighten the retaining nut

SST 09268- 6401 0
SST 0 9 2 6 8 - 6 4 0 2 0
SST 0 9 2 6 8 - 6 4 0 3 0
T = 3.75*0.25 kg-m
(27.1 + 1.8ft-lb)
2. Inspect the injection pressure, oiltightness and
spray pattern. (See 3-71


The installation procedure is the reverse of the Retaining Nut

removal procedure.
3- 11

Rotat~ngd ~ r e c t ~ o n Clockw~seas vlewed from the d r ~ v ~ nsg~ d e
Inject~onsequence A- B- C- D
Injection ~nterval 90°*30'
Plunger d~ameter 1 0 mm ( 0 394 ~n )
Dellvery valve d~ameter 5 m m (0197 ~n)
Cam ltft 2 2 m m ( 0 0866 ~n )
Governor ~ y p e Mechanical (all speed)
Governor speed regulat~ngrange 3 5 0 - 1200 rpm
T~mer Hydraul~c( w ~ t h o uload
t senslng t ~ m e r )
Feed pump Vane type (bu~lt-tn)
meihod Fuel Iubr~cation
Fuel cut Fuel cut solenoid 112 V spec~f~cation)

Injection Pump Components KANM 18

Adjusting lever Drive gear
Return spring Roller ring
Overflow screw Coupling
O-ring Coupling spring
Governor thrust washer Cam plate
Adjusting lever shaft Adjusting shim
Speed control spring Feed pump
O-ring Feed pump cover
Full load set screw Key
Idle adjusting screw Drive shaft washer
Maximum speed adjusting screw Feed pump cover
Hollow screw Drive shaft
Union washer Key
Fuel inlet union Timer slide pin
Washer Timer slider stopper
Regulating valve Timer clip
Oil seal Solenoid
Governor link support bolt O-ring
Timer cover Plunger
O-ring Spill ring
Adjusting washer Distributor head
Timer spring Plunger lower plate
Pump housing Plunger upper plate
O-ring Plunger spring lower seat
Timer piston Plunger spring
Timer sub-piston Plunger spring upper seat
Timer cover Shim
O-ring Spring guide
Governor shaft Lever
Adjusting washer O-ring
Fly weight washer Delivery valve gasket
Fly weight holder Delivery valve
Fly weight Delivery valve spring
Fly weight washer Spring seat
Governor sleeve Delivery valve holder
Governor sleeve stop ring Connector support clip
Governor sleeve plug Plate washer
Damper spring Distributor head set bolt
Governor spring seat Distributor head plug
Governor lever Bolt
Rubber joint Governor cover
Removal & Installation
Always refer t o t h e key points as they include important instructions.

Place cylinder N o . 1 at the TDC. (Removal and installation: Point 1 )
Remove the intake pipe.
Remove the injection pipe.
Put a match mark on the injection pump drive gear. (Removal and installation: Point 2)
Remove the injection pump bracket set bolt.
PZ Removethe injection pump set bolts.
Remove the injection pump ASSY w l drive gear. (Installation: Point 3)

The installat~onprocedure IS the reverse of the removal procedure
Key Points for Operation

Point 1
When cylinder No. 1 is at the TDC, the injec-
tion pump cam is in the lifted state t o make
operation difficult. Return cylinder N o . 1 a lit-
tle from the TDC.
To confirm the TDC of cylinder N o . 1, remove
the glow plug and check the compression state.
TDC of Cylinder No. 1 KANI- 6
Adjust the injection timing after mounting the
engine ASSY on the vehicle.

Point 2
Use a white paint and put a match mark on the
injection pump drive gear.
The mark shall be put so as not t o be erased
Installation: Be sure t o align the timing gear
case hole and the match mark on the pump
drive gear.
Match Mark KANS32

Point 3
Check that the match mark on the pump d r ~ v e
gear matches the tlmlng gear case hole posl-
llon when the punip ASSY IS ~nstalledon the
Installation Coat MP grease t h ~ n l yon the O-ring

Installing the Injection Pump KANS33


0 Wash outside o f t h e injection pump. Clean t h e w o r k bench and workshop for operation.
0 Always measure and record the pump injection volume characteristic before disassembly. If there

is an adjustment error or part w i t h defective function, comparison of t h e characteristics before

and after disassembly enables detection o f the defect cause.
0 During disassembly, remove each part while checking t h e part mounting status, deformation,

damage, roughening and scratching.

0 The disassembled parts shall be arranged t o clarify those t o be replaced and others t o be reused.

1. Injection pump drive gear removal

( 1 ) Self locking nut
12) lnjection pump drive gear
SST 0 9 2 1 3-3 1 0 2 1
( 3 ) lnjection pump cover

Check t h e matching marks o n t h e pump
and the cover.

Removing the Drive Gear KAGS49

Remove the overflow screw and drain the fuel.

Use the SST and install the pump to the pump

mounting bench.
SST 09245-5401 0

Setting the SST LAD34-2

4. Remove the governor cover

( 11 Socket bolts

Removing the Socket Bolt

Raise the governor cover and disconnect
the control spring from the governor spring
Damper spring
Governor spring seat
Control spring
Governor cover

Removing the Governor Cover LAD34-6

Remove the fuel inlet union.

Remove the governor shaft parts.

( 1 ) Loosen the governor shaft lock nut, and
use a hexagon wrench to loosen the gover-
nor shaft.
SST 0 9 2 6 0 - 5 4 0 12

Be careful t h a t t h e lock n u t and governor
shaft use left-handed screw.

Removing the Governor Shaft LAD34-7

( 2 ) When extracting the governor shaft, re-

move the following parts as an assembly.
@ Fly weight holder
@ Fly weight
@ Fly weight washer
@ Governor sleeve

Remove parts @, 0,
@ and @ as an as-

Removing the Fly Weight LAD34-8

Adjusting washer

Removing the Washer

7. Remove the solenoid.
( 1) Boot
( 2 ) Solenold ASSY

Removing the Solenoid LAD34-10

Remove the d~stributorhead plug

( 11 Head plug
SST 09260-5401 2
(21 0 - r ~ n g

Removing the Head Plug LAD34-I 1

9 Remove the dellvery valve.

( 11 Dellvery valve holder
SST 09260-5401 2
(21 Valve spring seat
(31 Valve sprlng
( 4 ) Dellvery valve and valve seat
(51 Valve gasket

Removing the Delivery Valve Holder LAD34-12

0 Removed valves and valve seats shall al-
ways be paired, and never use t h e m for
different cylinders.
0 Distributor heads are punched w i t h t h e
symbols (A, 6,C and D ) showing t h e mat-
ing cylinders.
0 Delivery valves and delivery valve holders
shall be arranged for reinstallation t o t h e
same cylinders.

Removing the Delivery Valve LAD34-14,KAA15-2

Remove the distr~butorhead
( I ) Distributor head
(21 Lever support spring

Removing the Distributor Head LAD34-16

Remove the plunger.

( 1 ) Plunger sprlng g u ~ d e
(2)Plunger sprlng s h ~ m
( 3 ) Plunger spring upper seat
( 4 ) Plunger sprlng
(5) Spill rlng
161 Plunger sprlng lower seat
(7)Plunger upper plate
(8)Plunger lower plate
(91 Plunger

- - - - .
Removing the Plunger L A D 3 4 - I7
Carefully operate because the adjusting shim
under t h e plunger. (Remained o n the cam

Removing the Plunger KAA2-23,26

12 Remove the governor lever

(1 Support bolt
SST 09260-54012

Removing the Support Bolt

(21 Governor lever

Removing the Governor Lever LAD34-19

13. Remove the cam plate and coupling.

( 1I Cam plate
12) Plunger adjusting shim

Removing the Cam Plate LAD34-20

(31 Coupling spring

( 4 ) Coupling

Removing the Coupling LAD34-21

14. Remove the timer spring.

( 1 Timer cover
( 2 ) Timer spring
13) Adjusting washers (2pcs.)
(4) O-ring

Removing the Timer Spring

Remove the roller ring and timer piston.
( 1 Timer clip
(2)Stopper pin

Removing the Clip, Pin LAD34-23.24

( 3 ) Push the timer slide pin to the center of the

roller ring.
Set the p a w l of the drive shaft 90° off from
the timer slide pin.

Removing the Slide Pin LAD34-25

(41 Roller ring SUB-ASSY

0 Use long-nozed pliers and remove t h e
roller ring carefully without tilting it.
0 In t h e roller ring, t h e height o f four rollers
are made identical. Therefore, do not
change the assembling position of four
rollers nor change the combination of the
roller, bushing and roller pin.

Removing the Roller Ring LAD34-26

(5) Timer piston

(6)Timer sub-oiston

Carefully prevent the sub-piston f r o m being

Removing the Timer Piston LAD34-28

Remove the drive shaft
( 1 ) Extract the drive shaft (with gear) upward.

Carefully prevent loss of t h e feed pump driv-
ing key.

Removing t h e Drive Shaft LAD34-29

12) Disassemble the d r ~ v eshaft ( w ~ t hgear)

@ Dnve shaft
@ Dr~vegear
@ Rubber jolnts 12 pcs
@ Dr~veshaft washer
@ Dr~veshaft

Disassembling the Drive Shaft K A A I 5 -2 2

Remove the feed pump related parts

( 1 ) Feed pump cover set screws
( 2 ) Feed pump cover
( 3 ) L~ner

0 Use wire and insert ~tin t h e cover set

screw hole for removal.

0 Carefully prevent t h e rotor and the blade
from coming o u t w i t h the cover and liner.
0 Avoid slanting and prying.

Removing the Cover, Liner LAD34-30,33

( 4 ) Rotor end blade

0 The relative positions of four blades w i t h
the rotor shall n o t be changed.
0 When replacement is necessary, replace
the rotor, blades and liner as an a s s e m b ! ~ .

Removing the Rotor & Blade LAD34-32

18 Remove the regulat~ngvalve.
( 1 Regulat~ngvalve
SST 09260-5401 2
(21 O-ring

Removing the Regulating Valve LAD34-34

Remove the 011seal

SST 096 12-6501 4

Install the SST as illustrated, and drive out
t h e oil seal by using a driving bar, etc.

Removing the Oil Seal KAHS49

20. Remove the adjusting lever parts from the

governor cover.
( 11 Punch matching marks on the lever shaft
and lever.

Matching Marks LAD34-36

( 2 ) Nut
( 3 ) Sprng g u d e
(41 Adjsut~nglever
(51 Return spring
( 6 ) Extract the lever shaft toward the Inside

Removing the Adjusting Lever LAD38-8


lnspect the plunger.

( 1 ) When wear, scratch or discoloration at the
plunger load part is perceived, replace the
plunger, spill ring and d~stributorhead as
a set.
( 2 ) lnspect the plunger sliding contact surface
as follows:
1 Slide the plunger 4 t o 5 times in clean
light oil.
2 Tilt the distr~butorhead about 6 0 " as lnspect~ngthe Plunger
illustrated and aull out the alunoer bv
m . 2 ,

about 1 5 m m ( 0 . 6 i n . ) .
3 When the plunger is released gently,
is shall drop at least 3 mm 10.12 i n . )
by its o w n weight.
4 Fix the spill ring and distributor head
and rotate the plunger to change its
position. Repeat steps 2 and 3 three
to four times for inspect~on.
5 If the plunger does not drop by 3 mm
( 0 . 1 2 in ) or more by its o w n weight,
replace the plunger, spill ring and dis-
tributor head as a set.
lnspecting the Plunger Sliding Movement KAAZ-28

lnspect the delivery valve and holder.

( 1 ) Scratch, dent and wear at valve seat sur-
face and piston.
(2)Scratch o n delivery valve holder surface In
close contact with high-pressure pipe.

Inspecting the Delivery Valve, Holder K A A I 5-2

lnspect the roller ring.

( 1 If flaking, local wear or damage not allow-
ing reuse exists w i t h the roller and roller
pin, replace the roller ring as assy.

Inspecting the Roller Ring KAA~-30

lnspect the height of four rollers with a dial
gauge to check if dispersion of the height
is within the limit.

Limit dispersion of roller height:

0 . 0 2 m m ( 0 . 0 0 0 8 in.)
If the limit is exceeded, change the roller
positions. It is acceptable if dispersion be-
comes less than the limit.

Measuring the Roller Height K A A I 5-33

lnspect the drive shaft.

( 1 ) There shall be no looseness between the
key and key groove.
( 3 ) Wear at oil seal contact surface

Depth wear limit: 0.08 m m ( 0 . 0 0 3 in.)

Inspecting the Drive Shaft KAA2-9

lnspect the cam plate.

( 1 ) Flaking, local wear and damage on cam

Inspecting the Cam Plate KAA I 5-35

12) Wear of cam plate at contact surface with

(Measure the ~llustrateddimens~onL with
a vernier caliper.)

Wear limit L = 4.2 m m (0.1 65 in.)

Inspecting the Cam Plate KAHS50

3- 26

6. lnspect the fly w e ~ g h t s

(I i Measure staged wear at the fly weight sur-
face in contact w ~ t hthe washer if the wear
l ~ m IS~ exceeded
t replace four fly we~ghts
as a set.

Depth wear limit A = 0.2 m m (0.008 in.)

Inspecting the Fly Weight KAHS5 1

lnspect the feed pump

( 1 ) lnspect the slid~ngcontact surface.
Replace the feed pump assy ~fexcesslve-
ly worn or damaged

Inspecting the Feed Pump KAA2-17

8. lnspect the governor lever and sp~llring

( 1 ) Insert the ball pln of the governor lever into
the hole of the sp~llrlng, and lnspect ~fthey
sl~desmoothlv wlthout loose f ~ t .

lnspecting the Governor Lever, Spill Ring KAA2-16

9. lnspect the plunger spring.

( 1 i Replace the plunger spring with surface
defect because it may be broken.

Replace b o t h t h e right and l e f t springs a t t h e
same time.

12) Rectangularity of spring

Limit rectangularity A = 2.0 mm

(0.08 in.)
lnspecting the Plunger Spring KAHS52
Inspect the pump housing.
( 1 ) Wear and damage at sliding contact sur-
face of feed pump
( 2 ) Damage at each threading
131 Wear of housing bushing
@ Fit the nut to the drive shaft as illus- L I .;
trated. Gghtly shake the drive shaft in
Drrve shaft
the wear direction (by a light push
with a hand), and measure the wear
amount with a dial gauge. If the wear
Fit the nut --
limit is exceeded, replace the pump
houing. (Replacement of the bushing f----)

Shake lightly (Force less

only is not allowed.) than 2 kg (4.4 Ibs))
I Worn part I
Bushing wear limit: 0.1 m m
(0.004 in.)


Inspecting the Housing Bushing KAHS53


0 The assembly procedure is roughly t h e reverse of t h e disassembly procedure, but t h e careful be-
cause there is a little difference in t h e sequence.
0 The w o r k bench and w o r k shop shall be kept clean and pay careful attention t o t h e operation.
0 Do n o t let dirt or foreign matters enter the pump. Each part shall be thoroughly washed w i t h clean
light oil before assembly.
0 Coat light oil o n the sliding contact surfaces, O-rings and oil seals before assembly.
0 Always replace O-rings, nipple washers, gaskets and joint rubber w i t h n e w ones.

Assemble the adjusting lever parts.

( 1 ) Assemble the O-ring and washer to the
lever shaft.
12) Assemble the lever shaft from inside the

Assembling the Lever Shaft

(31 Return spring
( 4 ) Adjusting lever

o Align matching marks o n the adjusting
lever and lever shaft for assembly.
0 One serration @ of t h e adjusting iever
corresponds t o 7 . 5 O in lever angle.
0 When replacing the adjusting lever, check
t h e punched number 9o n t h e lever is

Assembling the Adjusting Lever LAD38-1 1

Assembling the Adjusting Lever LAD38-17

( 5 ) Spring guide
(61 Nut
T = 0 . 5 - 1 .O kg-m ( 3 . 7 - 7 . 2 ft-lb)

Assembling the Adjusting Lever LAD38-6

Use the SST and install the pump housing to

the pump stand.
SST 09245-54010

Assemble the oil seal

Use a 22 mm box and drive in t h e oil seal t o
t h e end of t h e pump body.

Assernbl~ngthe Oil Seal

Assembling the regulating valve.
( 1 ) Assemble the O-ring To the regulating
( 2 ) Regulating valve
SST 09260-54012
T = 0.8-1 . 0 kg-m (5.8-7.2it-lb)

Assembling the Regulating Valve LAD35-9

Assemble the feed pump parts

( 1) Liner

Install the liner i n the direction s h o w k in Fig.
Reversed installation (left and right or upside
down1 shall carefully be avoided because i t
will prevent discharge.
(Place t h e staged part of the side surface at
t h e t o p in t h e figure.)

Assembling the Liner LAD35-10

121 Rotor and blades Be careful Be careful

about the hol about the blade
0 Assemble the rotor and blades as s h o w n (Reverse instal-
in figure. Install each blade w i t h its
grooved side facing inward (toward the ro-
tor center). The rotor and blades shall slide
0 When replacing the feed pump, always

replace i t as an assembly (rotor, blades

and liner).

Assembling the Feed Pump KAHS54

( 3 ) Feed pump cover I I

0 Check t h e fuel discharge hole position of
the feed pump cover. Reversed installation
is n o t sllowed.
0 After cover installation, make sure that the
rotor slides smoothly u p and d o w n and t o
t h e left and right.
Screws I J - - - L l
Assembling the Feed Pump Cover KAHS55

6. Assemble the drive shaft

(I I Install the governor drive gear to the drive
shaft and then manually insert the rubber
joint to the clearance between the drive
shaft and drive gear.

0 When installing t h e governor drive gear,
direct its indented side t o w a r d t h e p a w l
side of the drive shaft.
0 Use a n e w rubber joint.

Assembling the Governor Drive Gear KAHS56

( 2 ) Assemble the following parts:

@) Drive shaft washer
@ Drive shaft ASSY and key

o Direct the rotor key groove upward. Install
the rotor drive key and thrust washer t o
the shaft and assemble the shaft and ro-
tor w i t h correct mating of the key and the
rotor key groove.
0 Check smooth rotation after assembly.

Assembling the Drive Shaft

lnstall the roller ring

( 1 ) Insert the timer slide pin to the roller ring I

0 Washers at rollers of the roller ring shall
be set so t h a t their curved surfaces face
0 The slide pin shall be inserted fully t o t h e
center as s h o w n i n t h e figure at right.

Assembling the Timer Slide Pin LAD35-8

(21 Place the pump vertically and install the

roller ring ASSY as shown in the figure at

0 Carefully prevent dropping of t h e roller.

o Install the roller ring so t h a t its notched

part faces t h e upper side o f t h e pump

Assembling the Roller Ring KAA4-3

- 100-
Assemble the timer.
(I! Install the sub-piston to the tlmer piston,
and insert them to the pump housing af-
ter coating grease (Denso grease # 50 or
timer grease) on them.

0 lnstall the piston so t h a t its l o w pressure

end (timer spring side) comes t o t h e right

as viewed from t h e pump drive side. Also
check that the fuel inlet hole of the pump
housing is o n the l o w pressure side.
0 The hole on t h e sub-piston shall face the
Assembling Timer Piston KAA4-4

timer slide pin.

(2)Insert the timer slide pin @ into the timer

sub-piston @ and install the stopper pin
Then, fit the clip @ .

Make sure that the timer piston slides

Assembling the Slide Pin, Clip KAHS57

131 Instal the follow~nqparts:

8 O-ring
3 Washer
@ Timer spring
@ Timer cover

A t lease 0.5 mm ( 0 . 0 2 0 i n . l thick washer
shall be placed at each end of t h e spring.

9. Instal the couplng and cam plate

. -
( 2 ) Install the cam plate with its pln directed the Timer Spring KAHS58
toward the Ikey groove of the drive shaft.

0 lnstall the coupling so that its larger center

hole faces upwards.

0 Carefully coincide t h e cam plate pin w i t h
the drive shaft key groove t o prevent in-
correct injection sequence.
Do n o t install t h e coupling spring in this

Assembling Coupling and Cam Plate KAHS59

Plunger spring shim adjustment (Measurement
of dimension KF)
( 1) Dimension KF is the distance between the
end surface of the distributor cylinder @
and the end surface of the plunger @
head. The plunger spring set length shall
be adjusted by changing the thickness of
The plunger sping shim (selective use).
(2)Assemble the following parts to the cyln-
der head:
@ Plunger sping guide
@ Upper spring seat
Dimension KF KAHSGO
@ Plunger spring
@ Lower spring seat
@ Plunger upper plate
@ Plunger lower plate
@ Plunger

0 The plunger spring shim shall n o t be in-
stalled in this step.
0 The spill ring shall be removed.

Assembling the Plunger Temporarily KAHS61

131 Plunger spring shim selection

Measure dimension KF for free plunger
spring length and obtain the plunger spring
shim thickness by the following equation.
Shim thickness m m (in) =
5.9 (0.023) - dimension KF

0 Use the plunger spring shims of t h e same
thickness o n both sides. (Use t w o identi-
cal shims for one pump.)
0 If t h e shim exactly as thick as t h e calcu-
Measuring Dimension KF
lated value is not available, select t h e one
whose thickness is nearest t o t h e calcu-
Plunger spring shim type
lated value o n t h e greater side.
0 When replacing the plunger spring, replace Part No. Thickness m m (in.)
the left and right springs as a pair. 22182-54010 0.5(0.020)
221 83-5401 0 0.8(0.031
22184-54010 1 0 (0.039)
221 85-54010 1.210.0471
22186-54010 1.5(0.059)
22187-54010 1.8(0.071)
22188-54010 2.0(0.079)
Plunger shim adjustment (measurement of
dimension Ki
( 1) Dimension K is the disiance beiween the
end surface of the distributor cylinder 9
in installed state and the end surface of the
plunger @ head at the plunger BDC.
Dimension K shall be adjusted by chang-
ing the thickness of the plunger adjusting
shim (select~veuse)

Dimension K KAHS62

( 2 ) Insert a plunger shim of an arbitrary thick-

ness and install the plunger so that the cam
plate drive pin enters the plunger groove.

Do not coat grease o n the plunger shim.

Adjusting the Plunger Shim LAD35-13

(31 Carefully fit the distributor head and fix it

0 If t h e plunger does n o t rotate, carry out

reassembly because the cam plate pin is
n o t in the plunger groove.

Head KAHS63

(4) Bring the plunger to the BDC position and

measure dimension I<.
Standard: K = 3.0h0.1mm
(0.118 * 0.004in.)

Make sure t h a t t h e plunger is n o t raised a t
t h e time of measurement.

Measuring Dimension K LAD35-I4

(5)Plunger shim selection Plunger shim type
Select the plunger shim thickness by com-
paring the measured value with the Part No. Thickness m m i ~ n )
standard. 221 79-54010 1.910.075)
Shim thickness (rnrn)
221 79-54011 2.0(0.079)
= t, + (t2-3.0)
Shim thickness (in.) 221 79-54012 2.1 (0.083)
= t, i- (t, - 0.1 1 8 ) 22179-54013 2.2(0.087)
t,: Thickness of the shim ~nstalledfor
22179-54014 2.3(0.021
t,: Measured value 22 1 79-5401 5 2.4(0.094)
221 79-5401 6 2.510.098)
16) Remove the distributor head, plunger and 22:79-54017 2.610.102)
cam plate again.
221 79-54018 2.710.1061
221 79-54019 2.810.1101
221 79-54020 2.910.1141

12. Install the coupling spring

Installing the Coupling Spring LAD35-16

Install the cam plate

Install t h e cam plate so t h a t its drive pin @
is aligned w i t h t h e drive shaft key groove.
Carefully prevent misalignment because it
will cause incorrect injection sequence.

Installing the Cam Plate

- 1 04-

Assemble the plunger parts.

(I)lnstall the following parts t o the plunger:
a Plunger lower plate
@ Plunger upper plate
( w i t h oil groove)
@ Plunger spring lower seat
@ Spill ring

lnstall t h e spill ring s o t h a t t h e end surface
w i t h a hole a l w a y s faces t h e c a m plate.

Assembling the Plunger Parts KAA2-26

(2)lnstall the following parts to the plunger

spring lower seat:
8 Plunger spring
3 Spring upper seat
3 Plunger spring shim (selected one)
8,Plunger spring guide

Assembling the Plunger Parts KAA4-16,KAAZ-23

13) Plunger shim (selected one)

D o n o t c o a t grease o n t h e plunger shim.

14) lnstall the assembled plunger parts as

s h o w n in the figure at right.

Install t h e plunger so t h a t t h e c a m plate drive
p i n enter t h e groove a t t h e plunger leg.

Assembling the Plunger LAD35-18

lnstall the governor lever.

( I 1 Governor lever

lnstall t h e governor lever s o t h a t t h e ball p i n
surely f i t s i n t o t h e spill ring.

( 2 ) Support bolt
SST 0 9 2 6 0 - 5 4 0 1 2
T = 1 .O- 1 . 3 kg-m ( 7 . 3 - 9 . 3 f t - l b )

Assembling the Governor Lever LAD35-19

Assemble the d~str~butorhead
(I!lnstall the followng parts to the dlstrbu-
tor head
130 - r ~ n g
13 Lever support sprlng
Adhere the spring b y grease (Denso grease
# 5 0 or timer grease) t o t h e hole in t h e dis-
tributor head.

Assembling the Support Spring LAD35-20

( 2 ) lnstall the distributor head

0 Direct t h e lever support spring toward t h e
governor lever in assembling.
0 Push t h e distributor head w i t h a hand up

t o the O-ring installing part.

Assembling the Distributor Haad LAD35-21

( 3 ) Distributor head set bolts

T = 1.1 - 1.3 kg-m ( 8 . 0 - 9 . 3 f t - l b )
Alternately tighten four bolts evently.
0 After tightening, operate t h e governor

lever t o check if the spill ring follows


Assembling the Head Bolts LAD35-22

Install the head plug.

( 1 lnstall the O-ring to the head plug.
( 2 ) Head plug
SST 09260-5401 2
T = 6 . 0 - 8 . 0kg-m ( 4 3 . 4 - 5 7 . 6it-lb)

Always use a n e w head plug.

Assembl~ngthe Head Plug LAD35-23

- 106-
18. Assemble the delivery valve.
( 11 Gasket
121 Delivery valve
( 3 ) Valve spring I
131 Valve spring
14) Spring seat
151 Valve holder
SST 09260-5401 2
T = 4 . 5 - 5.5 kg-m ( 3 2 . 5 - 3 9 7 ft-lb)

0 Always use a n e w gasket. I I
( 2 ) Delivery valve '
(4) Spring seat I
o The valve and valve seat o f t h e delivery
Assembling the Delivery Valve KAHS64
valve are paired. Whenever replacement
is necessary, replace them as a pair.

Assembling the Delivery Valve LAD35-24

19. Instal the solenoid.

( I ) Install the O-ring to the solenoid.
12) Solenoid
T = 2 . 0 - 2 . 5kg-m 114.5- 18.0ft-lb1

When installing the solenoid, never forget t o
install the piston and spring.

131 Boot

Assembling the Solenoid LAD35-25

20. Assemble the governor shaft parts.

( 1 ) Install the following parts to the governor
@ Stop ring
@ Sleeve plug

Assembling the Governor Sleeve LAD35-26

12) install the following parts to the weight
@ Fly weights
@ Fly weight washer
@ Governor sleeve

Whenever fly weight replacement is neces-
sary, replace all four weights as a set.

Assembling t h e Fly Weights KAHS65

13) Install the O-ring to the governor shaft.

14) Assemble the following parts:
@ Governor shaft
I@ Adjusting washer
@ Governor fly weight ASSY

The governor shaft threading is left-handed.

Assembling the Governor Shaft LAD35-27,29

(5) [Vleasurethe thrust clearance of the weight

holder with a thickness gauge. If the stan-
dard is not satisfied, adjust the clearance
by changing the adjusting washer
Thrust clearance:
0 . 1 5 - 0 . 3 5 rnm ( 0 . 0 0 5 9 - 0 . 0 1 37 in.)
(Clearance o n entire circumference)
Weight holder -4 -I ~ h r u s clearance
Adjusting washer type
Thrust gap: o.l5*~'nm /
Part No. Thickness m m i n
- 1 I

227 1 3-540 1 0 1 0 5 ( 0 041 3 ) Assembling the Weight Holder KAHS66

Measuring the Thrust Clearance L A D 3 5 -3 1

- 108-
( 6 ) Adjcst dimension Lfrom the governor shaft
a tip end to the pump housing end

L = 1.5 2.0 mm (0.059 - 0.078 in.)
The governor shaft threading is left-handed.

Dimension L KAHS67

Measuring Dimension L LAD35-32

( 7 ) Governor shaft lock nut

SST 09260-5401 2
T = 2 . 5 - 3 . 0kg-m (18.1 - 2 1 . 6 f t - b )

The lock n u t adopts left-handed screw.

Assembling the Lock Nut LAD35-33

21. Install the governor cover.

( I ) Hock the control spring @ on the gover-
nor cover.

Install the control spring so that the open end
of the hook is directed as s h o w n in t h e figure
at right.

Assembling the Governor Cover KAHS68

12) Install the governor spring and damper
spring t o the tension lever, and hook the
control spring to the hole In the spring seat.

0 Pay attention t o the governor spring seat
installing position.
0 Use a new governor cover gasket.

( 3 ) Socket bolts

Assembling the Governor Cover LAD35-36

Airtightness Test
After assembly, carry out the airtightness test according to the steps below

1. Install the blind plug t o the overflow screw part, apply an air pressure at about 1 .5kg/cm2121.3psi1 from
the fuel inlet hole and immerse the pump in oil until the overflow screw IS fully covered with oil to check
that air is not leaking from any part of the oil pump.

2. Then, apply an air pressure at about 5 kglcm' ( 7 1 .I PSI) in the same condition to test that the pump is
not leaky.


1. Inspection and preparation before test

2. Running-in

3. Temporary adjustment

4. Pump internal pressure adjustment

5. Overflow rate inspection Pump Adjustment LAD36-I1

6. Timer adjustment

7. Full-load injection volume adjustment

8. Adjustment of injection volume at starting

9. Full-load injections volume check

1 0 . High speed lever setting

1 1 . Low speed lever setting


0 6 k g /cm 2 -
0 1 0 kg/cm2 -
145 1 55 kg/cm2
( 0 - 85 osil -
( 0 1 4 2 psi) -
(2061 2204 psi)

a Feed pump @ Pressure gauge (for internal pressure meas-
@ Fuel filter @ Nozzle and nozzle holder
@ Adjusting valve a Measuring cylinder
@ Pressure gauge @ Fuel tank
(for feed pressure measurement) @ Overflow screw

Piping Diagram for Pump Adjustment KAHMG

Inspect the valve opening pressure of the noz-

zle holder for the test.

Valve opening pressure:

145 155 kg/cm2
(2061 2 2 0 4 psi)

Install the pump to the pump tester

Manually rotate the pump t o check that it ro-

tates smoothly.

Pump LAD36-1
Connect the high-pressure pipe and pressure
gauce (for internal pressure measurement)
( 1 Connect the inlet hose.

Connecting the Inlet Hose LAD36-3

12) Connect the pressure gauge and overflow


Do not mistake t h e overflow screw and inlet
screw. The overflow screw is marked

Connecting the Pressure Gauge and LAD36-5

Overflow Hose
13) Connect the high-pressure pipe.
Use the following high-pressure pipe:

Inside Outside
diameter diameter Length

2.0mm x 6.0mm x 840mm

(0.079 in.) (0.236 in.) (33.07 in.)

High-pressure Pipe LAD36-7

141 Apply 14V to the fuel cut solenoid

Applying a Voltage t o the Solenoid LAD36-9

- 112-

1. Stabilize the fuel temperature at 40-45OC ( 10 4 - 1 1 3 ° F )

2. Adjust the feed pressure of the pump tester to 0 . 2 kg/cm 2 12.8 psi)

3. Run the pump at a low speed (about 300 rpm) and make sure that the air in the pump chamber has been
bleed through the overflow pipe.

4. Fix the adjusting lever at the FULL position by pulling with a spring.
Gradually raise the pump speed. After checking that injection occurs at 1200 rpm, wipe the oil off from
the pump surface to enable oil leakage detection.

5. Operate the pump in this state at 1200 rpm for 5 minutes to run in the pump

If any abnormality such as oil leakage, injection failure or abnormal noise generation is found during
this operation, immediately turn the s w i t c h o f f and inspect t h e pump.

After setting the key groove of the drive shaft

at the angle shown in the figure at right, ex-
tract the delivery valve from cylinder C. Make
sure that the fuel comes out when a feed pres-
sure of 0.2 kg/cm 2 ( 2 . 8psi) is applied.

If t h e fuel does n o t come out f r o m cylinder
C, correct t h e cam plate installation because
it is faulty ( 18 0 ° opposite).

Drive Shaft Key Groove Position KAHS69,70


1. Temporary adjustment of full-load standard in-

jection volume
Measure the injection volume at a pump speed
of 1000 rpm. If the standard is not satisfied, ad-
just the injection volume by turning the full load
set screw.
8.4- 9.4 ~ ~ 1 2 st. 0 01 ~ ~ 1 . 1
(0.51 - 0 . 5 7 cu-in.1200 st. 1 cyl.)
Adiustinq the Full-load Standard Injection LAD36-22
2. Temoorary adjustment of high speed lever
Measure the injection volume at a pump speed
of 1300 rpm. If the standard is not satisfied, ad-
just the injection volume by turning the maxi-
m u m speed set screw.

2.1 4.1 c c i 2 0 0 st. 1 cyl.
(0.1 2 8 - 0 . 2 5 0 cu-in./200 st. 1 cyl.)

Adjusting the High Speed Lever Setting LAD36-23


?. Measure the pressure at each specified speed


Pump speed Pump chamber internal

pressure k g /cm 2 (psi)
2.2- 2.8 (31.3- 39.8)
1200 4 . 2 - 4 . 8 (59.3- 68.2) Adjusting the Pump Internal Pressure LAD36-18

If the measured value is less than the standard;

App y 3- 4 m m ( 0 . 12 - 0 . 1 6 in.) diameter
round rod to the regulating valve piston and give
a light tap t o drive in the piston while observ-
ing the pressure gauge.

Carefully prevent overdriving.

If the measured value is above the standard,

Replace the regulating valve.

Measure the overflow rate at a p u m p speed of

1200 rpm.
167 3 6 4 c c / l 0 0 0 st
(10.2- 22.2 cu-in./1000 st)

Always use the overflow screw attached t o
the engine.
Measuring the Overflow Rate


1. Remove the ccver o n the high pressure side

( n o t installed with a s p r ~ n gof
i the timer. Install
the timer measuring device (Denso part N o .
9 5 9 0 5 - 1 0 1 1 0 and make zero adjustment.)

Installing the Measuring Device LAD36-I 5

2. Measure the i m e r p s t o n stroke for each s p e c i I

fied speed.

Pump speed Piston stroke
rPm m m (in.)
600 0.05 - 0.85
(0.002 - 0.033)
1100 1.0 - 1.8
(0.039 0.07 1 )
I change-the washer thickness

Adjusting the Timer KAHS71

(The hysteresis shall bp 0.3 m m 10 0 1 2 i n . ) or
less.) Timer adjusting washer types
If the standard is not sat~siied,remove the timer
cover (the side installed w i t h the spring) and Note:
make adjustment by changing the thickness of
Washer Part No. Thickness m m (in.)
adjusting washers o n both sides of the timer
spring. 22624-5401 0 0 . 2 (0.0079)
22621 -5401 0 0 . 5 (0.0197)
22622-5401 0 1 .O (0.0394)
o Washers shall be inserted on both sides
of the timer spring.
0 Increasing the washer thickness reduces
the stroke and vice versa.

1. Measure the injection volume at a pump speed

of 800 rpm. If the standard is not satisfied,
make adjustment by turning the full load set
8 . 7 - 9 . 1 cc1200st. 1 cyl.)
(0.53- 0 . 5 6 cu-in.1200 st. 1 cyl.)
[Deviation: 1.0 cc (0.061 cu-in.) or less]
Adjusting the Full-load Injection Volume LAD36-22


1. Measure the injection volume at a pump speed

of 1 00 rpm.
1 1 . 3 - 1 5 . 7 cc-in./200 st. 1 cyl.
( 0 . 6 9 - 0 . 9 6 cu-in.1200 st. 1 cyl.)
\ Governor
[Deviation: 1.2 cc ( 0 . 0 7 3 cu-in.)] Governor sleeve sleeve plug

1 1
2. If the standard is not satisfied, made adjustment
Governor Sleeve Plug KAHS72
by changing the governor sleeve plug. Increas-
ing dimension L of the governor sleeve plug by
0 . 2 m m 10.0079 in.) reduces the injection
volume by 1.6 cc1200 st (0.098 cu-in1200 st.)

Note: Governor sleeve plug types

Dimension L Dimension L
Part No. Part No.
mrn (in.) mrn (in.)

22787-5401 8 4.3 ( 0 . 1 6 9 ) 22787-54022 5.1 ( 0 . 2 0 1 )

22787-5401 9 4.5 (0.177) 22787-54023 5.3 ( 0 . 2 0 9 )
22787-54020 4.7 ( 0 . 1 8 5 ) 22787-54024 5.5 (0.21 7 )
22787-54021 4.9 (0.1 9 3 ) 22787-54025 5.7 (0.224)

3 . If the deviation does not satisfy the standard, replace the delivery valve and delivery valve spring.

1. Check that the full-load standard injection

volume under the conditions in the following
table satisfies the standard. If not, make adjust-
ment by turning the full load set screw.

Pump lnjection volume
Lever Deviation
speed cc1200 st. 1 cyl.
angle cc (cu-rn.)
rPm (cu-in.1200 st)
Adjusting the Full-load Standard LAD36-22
9.54- 1 0 . 4 6 0.5 Injection Volume
(Full 500
7.75- 8.66
(0.47- 0.53) (0.031
8 . 4 - 1 1.4 -
(0.51 - 0.70)

2. If the deviation does not satisfy the standard,

either replace the delivery valve and valve spring @200*50&
FULL @18O&5O
or inspect the delivery valve gasket installation I IDLE

Adjusting Lever Angle


1. Adjust the injection volume by turning the rnaxlmum speed set screw so that the standard is satisfied
under the conditions in the f o l l o w n g table.

Injection volume
Pump speed Deviation
Lever angle cc1200 st. 1 cyl. Remarks
rPm cc (cu-in.)
(cu-in.1200 st)
+ 2 0 ° & 5O 1310 2 . 2 - 4 . 0 ( 0 . 13 - 0 . 2 4 ) - High speed lever setting

(FULL 1275 4.8- 8.4 (0.29- 0.51) - Confirmation

position) 1400 9 or less ( 0 . 0 5 5 or less) - Confirmation

Tightening the screw reduces t h e injection

High Speed Setting LAD36-23

LOAD SENSING TIMER Constant pump rotation speed

1. Application start position setting

( 1 ) Run the pump at the specified speed.
sensing @ Start of load
Slowly move the adjusting lever from the
full position toward the idle position. Fix the
lever at position (A)where the pump in-
ternal pressure starts to drop as shown in
the figure at right, and measure if the Idle - Full
specified injection amount is obtained. Lever position

Lever Position t o Pump Internal Pressure KANS34

( 2 ) If the specified injection amount is cot

satisfied, adjust the governor shaft, set the
lever again as in step 11) above, and meas-
ure the injection amount to check if the
specification is satisfied.

Adjusting method
0 Insufficient injection amount: Return t h e
governor shaft by turning i t clockwise
0 Excessive injection amount: Screw in the
governor shaft by turning i t counter-
Setting the Application Start Position KANS35,36

Lever Pump Injection amount Deviation Remarks

angle speed cc/200 st. kc)
Start of 1100 (q full- 0.8) +0.4 - By gover-
appli- (0.049) (0.004) nor shaft
End of 1100 (q full-2.4)+0.4 - Check
appli- (0.15 (0.024)

q full: lnjection amount (actually measured Governor shaft installation angle

value) w i t h t h e lever at full position
I 1

when the pump is running at loo Example o f Governor Shaft Screw-in KANS37
rP m Angle and Injection Amount Variation
(Reference value) 9 - 1 0 cc
(q(full)- 0 . 0 4 9 ) r t 0 . 0 2 4
(q(full)- 0.15) r t 0 . 0 2 4

Application end position setting

Run the pump at the specified speed and slowly
move the adjusting lever from the idle position
toward the full position. Fix the adjusting lever
at position ( B ) where the pump internal pres-
sure starts to rise (in the lever position to pump
internal pressure chart), and check if the speci-
fied injection amount is obtained.
Setting t h e Application End Position KANS38

1. Free the adjusting lever.

2. Adjust the injection volume by turn~ngthe ~ d l eset screw so that it satisfies the standard

Injection volume
Pump speed Deviation
Lever angle cc1500 st. 1 cyl. Remarks
rpm cc (cu-in.)
(cu-in.1500 s t )
- 18O&5O 380 2.5- 55 (0.15-0.33) I.0 ( 0 . 0 6 1 ) L o w speed lever setting
position) 480 1 0 . 7 5 max. ( 0 . 0 4 6 max.) - Confirmation

Tightening the screw increases the injection

Low Speed Lever Setting LAD36-24

Upon completion of adjustment, cut off voltage SI~ p p l y
to the fuel cut solenoid and check that injection
ceases. (Set the pump speed i o 100 r p m . )

The lever angle shall be 38"

- 5 " between the IDLE and FULL positions. (See 3-45)

Seal the full load set screw and maximum speedI set screw.

COOLING SYSTEM COMPONENTS .......................... 4-2

THERMOSTAT ....................................................... 4-3

WATER PUMP ....................................................... 4-4


1 ) Fan 5 ) Thermostat
2 ) Fan pulley 6) Gasket
3) V-belt 7) Water pump
4) Water outlet housing

Cooling System Components KANM20


1. Drain the coolant.

2. Water outlet housing

3. Thermostat

Removing the Thermostat KANS39

1. lnspect the opening start temperature and full
opening temperature.
( 1 Place the thermostat in water bath, and
heat the water bath while stirring.
12) lnspect the valve opening start tempera-
ture and full opening temperature.

Opening start temperature
80 - 84OC
Inspecting the Thermostat (1 B2793
Full opening temperature 95OC
Lift in fully opened state I
1 0 m m (0.4 in.) or more

2. lnspect the sealing state.

( 1 1 Replace the thermostat if the valve is open
at the room temperature or if sealing is im-

m m or more
4 in. or more)

lnspecting the Thermostat ( 2 )


D l Remove the fan, fan pulley and V-belt.
Remove the aiternator ASSY and adjusting bar.
Remove the water pump ASSY.
Remove the water outlet housing.
Remove the thermostat.

The installation procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.
4- 5


1. Water pump rotor inspection

( I ) Inspect the rotor for crack, damage and ex-
cessive corrosion.

Inspecting the Rotor KANS40

2. Water pump bearing inspection

( 1 Inspect the bearing for abnormal sound or

Inspecting the Bearing KANS4l


LUBRICATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS .................... 5-2

OIL PRESSURE INSPECTION .................................... 5-3


REPLACEMENT .................................................. 5-3

OIL PUMP ............................................................ 5-5

OIL STRAINER ....................................................... 5- 8


[Tightening torque: kg-m (ft-lb)]

01 Oil pump Assy AA Union
11 Regulator Assy AD Oil pump set bolt
20 Oil strainer sub-assy AK Gasket
30 Oil filter element sub-assy
40 Oil filter bracket
42 Oil pipe, No. 2
45 Oil filter gasket

1. Oil inspection

The oil level shall be between F and L marks
o n t h e level gauge.
The oil shall have proper viscosity w i t h o u t
heavy contamination.
Cooling water or light oil shall not be mixed.
Inspecting the Engine Oil KAN2-11

2. Remove the oil pressure switch I I

3. Install the oil pressure gauge.

Gauge: OPG-100 (Banzai) Ire

4. Engine Warming up

Standard: Coolant temperature:

75 - 85OC

5. Oil pressure measurement

Inspecting the Oil Pressure KANS42
A t idling speed: 0.5 kg/cm 2 (7.1 psi)
or above
A t 1 6 0 0 rpm 3.5 kg/cm 2 ( 4 9 . 8 psi)
or above

6. Install the oil pressure switch.


Draining the Engine Oil
1. Engine oil draining KAN2-1
(1 Remove the oil filler cap.
12) Remove the oil drain plug and rain the oil.

Remove the oil filter

( 1 ) Use the SST and remove the oil filter
SST 09228-4401 I

Removing the Oil Filter KAN4-1

Remove the oil filter bracket.
( 1 Oil filter bracket
(21 Gasket

lnstall the 011filter bracket

( 1 New gasket
( 2 ) 011filter bracket
T=3.0 - 4 . 5 kg-m

lnstall the oil filter.

( 1 ) lnstall the O-ring coated with a small
amount of engine oil on the coil filter, and
Removing the Oil Filter Bracket KAN3-8
install the oil filter to the filter bracket by
manually turning it.

Clean t h e mounting surface before instal-

6. Engine oil filling

( 1 ) lnstall the oil drain plug with a new gasket

Remove old gasket adhering o n t h e oil pan
and clean the mounting surface before instal-
lation. Installing the Oil Filter KAG 14-32

(21 Fill out 1 I

Total oil capacity (F level)
(- 1991.3) 6.9F (1.82 U S gal)
( 1 991.3 - 7.9F (2.09 U S gal)
Oil pan capacity
(- 1991.3) 6.0F (1.58 US gal)
(1991.3 - ) 7.01 (1.85 U S gal)

( 3 ) lnstall the oil filler cap.

7. Oil level inspection Inspecting the Engine Oil Level

( 1 1 Take out the oil level gauge and check the
oil level.

8. Oil leakage inspection

( 11 Start the engine and check no oil is leaking.

9. Oil level inspection

( 1 Check that the oil level is between F and
L marks on the level gauge.

Check the level at 3 minutes after stopping
t h e engine.

Always refer t o t h e key points as t h e y include important instructions.

fl Remove the

crank pulley set bolt.
Refer to the timing gear disassembly and assembly
D?Remove the crank pulley.
section for details.
a Remove the timing gear cover.
Measure the oil pump gear backlash. (Removal and installation: Point 1 )
Remove idle gear No. 1
@ Remove the oil pump ASSY. (Removal and installation: Point 2 )

The installation procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure
Key points for operation

Point 1
Removal: Measure the backlash between the oil
pump gear and idle gear No. 1.

Standard: 0 . 0 5 mm (0.001 97 in.)

Limit: 0.3 m m (0.01 18 in.)

If the limit is exceeded, replace idle gear No. 1 and

the oil pump ASSY.

Measuring the Pump Gear Backlash KAN8- 22

Point 2 I
Instalation: Do not drop the rotor when installing
the oil pump ASSY.
Set bolt tightening torque
T = 1.5 - 2.2kg-m
110.8 -15.9 ft-lb)

Installing t h e Oil Pump ASSY


1. Disassembly
!I1 Outer rotor
(21 Oil pump gear
(31 lnner rotor

2. Assembly
1 I 1 lnner rotor
121 011pump gear
(31 Outer rotor

Disassembling t h e Oil pump KAG9-11,lO

The outer rotor is symmetric and the install-
ing direction is not specified.


1. Body clearance inspection

11 ) Use a thickness gauge and measure the
clearance between the rotor and body.

Standard: 0.10- 0.17 mm

(0.0039 0.0076 in.)
Limit: 0.2 mm (0.0079 in.)
Inspecting the Body Clearance KAN 14-3 1

121 Use the thickness gauge and measure the

clearance between the outer rotor and in-
ner rotor.

Standard: 0.05- 0.1 5 mm

(0.002 0.006 in.)
Limit: 0.2 mm (0.0079 in.)

Inspecting the Tip Clearance KAN 14-32

2. Rotor protrusion inspection

11 Set the straightedge and dial gauge as il-
121 Move the straightedge and dial gauge at
the same time t o measure the driven rotor
protrusion from the oil pump body.

Reference value: -
7.91 7.97 mm
(0.311 - 0 . 3 1 4 in.)

Inspecting the Rotor Protrusion KALS67


1. Oil pan removal

( 1 Bolts w l washer ( 2 2 pcs.)
( 2 ) Nuts ( 2 pcs.)

Removing the Oil Pan KAN 1 1-24

( 3 ) Separate the cylinder block and oil pan by

using the oil pan seal cutter.
SST 09032-001 0 0

o Carefully operate so as n o t t o deform t h e
oil pan flange portion.
0 Never pry w i t h a screwdriver.

( 4 ) Oil pan

Seal Cutter KAN 1 1-26

2. Oil strainer removal
( 1 ) Oil strainer
( 2 ) Gasket

Removing t h e Oil Strainer KAN 1 1-27


1. Oil strainer installation

( 1 Gasket
( 2 ) Oil strainer
T = 1.50-2,20 kg-m
( 10 . 8 - 15.9 ft-lb)

Installing the 011Strainer

- 13 4 -
2. Oil pan installation
(I) Remove FlPG adhering on the oil pan and
cylinder block with a scraper.
( 2 ) Coat FlPG on the oil pan. (See the coating
method and assembly procedure at bottom
right for the FlPG handling method.)
( 3 ) Set bolts ( 2 2 pcs.) and set nuts ( 2 pcs.)
T = 1 . 5 0 - 2 . 2 (10.8-15.9 ft-lb)

Installing the Oil Pan

3. Engine oil filling

( 1 F~lloil.

Total capacity (F level):

( - 1 9 9 1 . 3 ) 6.91 ( 1 . 8 2 US gal)
( 19 9 1 . 3 - ) 7.91 12.09 US gal)
Oil pan capacity:
(- 1 9 9 1 . 3 ) 6.OP ( 1 . 5 8 US gal)
( 19.91.3 - 1 7.OP ( 1 . 8 5 US gal)

( 2 ) Install the oil filler cap

Engine Oil Inspection B2320

4. Oil level inspect~on
( 1 ) Take out the oil levei gauge and check the
FlPG Coating and Parts Assembly
5 Oil leakage Inspection
( 1 ) Start the englne and check no oil is leaking.
When removing t h e gasket, carefully prevent
gasket fragments from falling into the engine.
6. 011level check
( 1 1 Clean each part and mating surfaces w i t h
( 1 ) Check that the 011level IS between F and
dry cloth t o eliminate oil, moisture, dirt, etc.
L marks on the 011level gauge.
( 2 ) Coat FlPG o n the parts t o be installed (oil
pan) and coating position shall be o n t h e in-
ner side of bolt holes.
Check t h e oil level at 3 minutes after stop-
ping the engine. ( 3 ) Avoid excessive or insufficient coating. The
start and end of coating shall be overlaid.
(4) After assembly, carefully prevent parts
( 5 ) Always assemble within 3 minutes after
(6) Avoid cooling water supply, oil filling and en-
gine starting within 3 0 minutes after as-

PREHEATING SYSTEM ........................................... 6-2
Circuit Diagram .................................................. 6-2
Components ...................................................... 6-2
Glow Plug Removal and Inspection ....................... 6-3
Preheating Timer Inspection and Removal .............. 6-3
Water Temperature Sensor Removal
and Inspection ................................................ 6-4

STARTING MOTOR ................................................ 6-5

Components ...................................................... 6-5
Disassembly ....................................................... 6- 6
Inspection .......................................................... 6- 9
Reassembly ........................................................ 6-13
Starting Motor Individual Inspection ...................... 6- 15
Circuit Diagram


Preheating System Circuit Diagram KANM24



1. Battery
2. Glow plug
3. Sensor
4. Preheating timer
5. Startor relay
6. Glow plug relay

Preheating System Components KANM25

Glow Plug Removal and

1. Remove the glow plug.

( 1) Screw grommet
( 2 ) Connecting nut
(3) Wire harness
(4) Glow plug connector
(5)Glow plug

2. lnspect the glow plug

Inspect the glow plug continuity. Glow Plug KAN4-24

Continuity shall exist.

0.6 Qlroom temperature

Do n o t damage t h e heater portion. Heater

3. Install the glow plug.

T = 100 - 150 kg-cm (7.23 1 1 ft-lb) I
Inspecting t h e Glow Plug KAHS76

Preheating Timer lnspection and


1. Set the key switch to ON and measure the glow

indicator lamp lighting time.

Standard: See t h e figure at right.

2. lnspect the glow plug preheating circuit.

( 1) Set the engine switch to ON. Check that
the battery voltage is applied between pre-
heating timer terminals 2 and 5,and that Glow Indicator Lamp Lighting Time K A H S I 21
the voltage disappears after a while

lnspect t h e connectors in connected state.

(2)If the engine is started when a voltage is

applied to terminal 2, make sure that the
voltage at terminal 2 disappears.

lnspecting the Preheating Timer KAN 1 6-23

If any abnormality is found by inspections in
steps 1 and 2, replace the preheating timer.
( 1 1 lnstrument panel set screws
( 2 ) Disconnect the preheating timer con-
( 3 ) lnstrument panel w l preheating timer

Instrument Panel w i Preheating Timer LA08-23

141 Set bolt
151 Preheating timer

Replacing the Preheating Timer LA08-15



1. Disconnect the connector

( 1 Extract the connector after removing the
stop ring.

2. Remove the water temperature sensor

3. Measure the resistance between water temper-

ature sensor terminals.
( 1 Gradually raise the water temperature and
Removing the Water Temperature Sensor KAN 16-25
measure the resistance between terminals.


Resistance (kQ)
temperature (OC)

0 about 5.9
20 about 2.5
40 about 1.1
60 about 0.6
80 about 0.3 I I

Inspecting the Water Temperature Sensor KAHSI1 9

6- 5



1. Starting motor assy 9 Magnet switch assy 17. Idle gear clutch roller
2. Commutator end frame sub-assy 10. Contact tip sub-assy 18. ldel gear retainer

3. Brush holder sub-assy 11. Packing 19. Housing assy

4. Yoke assy 12. Contact plunger sub-assy 20. Magnet switch return spring
5. Brush 13. Plate 21. Steel ball
6. Armature assy 14. Lead wire 22. Clutch assy
7. Bearing 15. Idle gear clutch washer 23. Pinion sub-assy
8. Felt washer 16. Idle gear

Starting Motor Assy Components KAHMI 2

6- 6


1. Disconnect lead wires from the magnet switch.

Magnet switch
I 1

Lead Wires KAHS91

2. Remove the yoke assy.

( 1 ) Through bolts
(2)Yoke assy

I ~ a ~ ; l switch

Yoke Assy KAHS92

I 1
3. Remove the end frame
( 1 ) Screws
( 2 ) End frame


End Frame KAHS93

Remove the brushes.

( 1 ) Raise the positive @ side brush spring \ Brush holder /
w ~ t hlongnose pl~yers.

Carefully operate so as n o t t o damage t h e
brush and commutator.


Brush KAHS94
5. Kemove tne armature assy.

o Carefully prevent t h e armature f r o m

I ~ d k e

Armature Assy KAHS95

6. Remove the housing Assy.

( 1 Screws
(2)Housing assy

a kousing \
Magnet switch

Housing Assy

7. Remove the clutch assy


Clutch Assy KAHS97

8. Remove the steel ball

Do n o t lose t h e steel ball. Steel ball

Steel Ball KAHS98

Idle Gear KAHS99

10. Remove the retainer a n d rollers.

Carefully prevent the retainer and rollers from

Retainer and Rollers KAHSl 0 0

1 1 . Remove the coil spring.

Spring ' ~ i ~ n switch
e t

Coil Spring KAHS101

Inspection I
1. Armature coil ground test
( I i lnspect the continuity between the com-
mutator and armature coil.

Standard: No continuity

Armature Coil (1) 25260

Armature coil short-circuit test

( 1 ) Use an armature tester. Rotate the arma-
ture with a thin steel strip applied parallel
with the armature.

Standard: The steel strip shall n o t be

attracted or vibrated.

Thoroughly clean the armature surface before
t h e inspection.

Armature Coil (2) 25261

Armature coil open-circuit test.

( 1i lnspect continuity between all segments.

Standard: Continuity b e t w e e n all


Armature Coil (3) 81 41 6

4. Commutator inspection
( 1 ) lnspect the radial runout.

Limit: 0.05 m m (0.00197 in.) or less

Commutator (1 25256
(21 lnspect the outside diameter

Standard: 36 m m ( 1 . 4 2 in.)
Limit: 3 5 m m (1.38 in.)

Measuring the Commutator Outside Diameter 2 5 2 5 7

( 3 ) lnspect the undercut depth between


Standard: 0 . 7 - 0 . 9 rnm
( 0 . 0 2 8 - 0 . 0 3 5 in.)
Limit: 0 . 2 m m ( 0 . 0 0 7 8 7 in.)

1 I

Undercut M5044

Field coil open-circuit test

( 1 1 Inspect the continuity between the field
coil brush and terminal C .

Standard: Perfect continuity

Field Coil Open-circuit Test M5047

6. Field coil ground test

( 1 ) lnspect the continuity between the field
coil brush and yoke.

Standard: No continuity

Field Coil Continuity Ground Test M5048

Brush inspection
( I ) lnspect the contact surface roughening
and brush length.

Standard: 2 0 . 5 mm (0.81 in.)

Limit: 1 3 . 0 mm (0.51 in.)

Measure the brush length at t h e center (con-
cave portion).

12) Wrap sand paper around the commutator

for correction of the contact surface and
for a new brush

8. Brush spring inspectian

( 1 ) After checking smooth movement of the
bursh spring, measure the spring instala-
tion load.

Standard: 3 2 0 0 - 4 0 0 0g
(7.4- 8.8 1b)


Brush Spring S4116

9. Brush holder inspection

i I ) lnspect the insulation between the positive
@ side brush holder and negative @ side
brush holder.

Standard: No continuity


Brush Holder ST0062

10. Clutch and gear inspection

( 1 ) lnspect the gear for wear or damage.
( 2 ) Make sure that the gear is locked when
operated in the drive (counterclockwisei
direction, and rotated smoothly when
operated in the reverse (clockwise)


Clutch Assy ST0020

Bearing inspection and replacement
(I) The bearing shall move smoothly without
any abnormality when it is rotated with a
finger force.
( 2 ) N o abnormal sound shall be heard when
rotated quickly.
( 3 ) Replace the bearing if any abnormality is

Inspecting the Bearing C0842

(4)Use the SST and remove the front and rear I
SST 09286-4601 1

Replacing the Bearings B1419

(5)Use a press and install the n e w front

(6)Use a press and install the new rear

Replacing the Bearing

12. Magnet switch inspection

( 1 1 Inspect the continuity between terminal 50
and C .

Standard: Perfect continuity

Inspecting the Magnet S w i t c h Assy (1) ST01 1 0

( 2 ) Inspect the continuity between terminal 50
and the magnet switch body.

Standard: Perfect continuity

Inspecting the Magnet Switch Assy ( 2 ) ST01 11


1. Install the steel ball.

11 ) Coat grease on the steel ball and place it
in the clutch shaft hole.

Steel Ball ST0044

lnstall the starting motor housing assy.

( 1 1 Coat grease on the idle gear, starting mo-
tor clutch and return spring.
121 Install the start~ngmotor clutch, return
spring, idle gear, idle gear retainer, six idle
gear rollers and plate washer to the mag-
net switch


Housing Assy (11 ST0357

( 3 ) Install the starting motor housing to the

magnet switch assy by us-ing three bolts.

I 1

Housing Assy ( 2 ) ST0355

lnstall the armature assy.
( 1) Coat grease on the armature bearing, and
install the armature t o the starting motor

Armature Assy ST0237

lnstall the brush holder.

( 1 ! Raise the brush spring with a screw-driver,
and install the brush holder t o the starting
motor yoke.
( 2 ) Pull up the brush sprinc and install the
brush to the brush holder.

Brush Holder ST0039

lnstall the end frame.
( I ! Match the end frame notch and lead wire
( 2 ) lnstall the end frame by using screws.

End Frame Assy KAHSI 0 2

lnstall the yoke assy w l armature assy.

(I! lnstall the felt washer onto the armature
shaft bearing.
( 2 ) Match the yoke notch and magnet switch
protrusion, and install the yoke assy
w l armature assy.
( 3 ) Through bolts.

Yoke Assy KAHSI 0 3

7. Connect the C temrina lead.
(1 Connect the lead wire to the C terminal
with a nut.

C Terminal Lead ST0347

Srarting Motor Assy Individual


Each test shall be completed in a short
time ( 3 t o 5 seconds).

1. Pull-in-test
( 1 ) Make sure that the pinion gear cornes out
when the connection is made as shown in
the figure. I I

Pull-in Test ST0349

2 Holding coil hold test

( 1 ) Make sure that the pinion gear is held in
the out posit~oneven after the C terminal
lead is disconnected from the pull-in test

Holding Coil Hold Test ST0350

3. Plunger return test

(I i Make sure that the pinion returns when the
terminal is disconnected as illustrated from
the holding coil hold test state.


Plunger Return Test ST0351

4. No-load test
( 1 1 Firmly fix the starting motor with a vise,
( 2 ) Use a thick lead wire for the no-load test
because a big current flows in the lead.
( 3 ) Read the ammeter when the indication is

Standard: 180 A or less

No-load Test ST0352


ON-VEHICLE TEST ............................................... 7-2

ALTERNATOR ...................................................... 7-3

Components ...................................................... 7-3
Circuit Diagram .................................................. 7-4
Removal and Installation ...................................... 7-4
Disassembly ....................................................... 7-5
Inspection .......................................................... 7- 8
Reassembly ........................................................ 7- 10

1. lnspect the specific gravity of the battery fluid

Standard: 1.28 (at 2 0 ° C )

2. inspect the battery terminals.

3. Inspect the V belt

4. lnspect the fuses

Inspecting the Battery Fluid Specific Gravity KAHSIOG
5. lnspect the wiring status

6. Check abnormal sound.

( 1 ) Check abnormal sound generation from
the alternator while the engine is running.

7. No-load test (regulated voltage and current in-

( 1 ) Connect a multimeter as shown in the
( 2 ) Gradually raise the engine speed to
1500 rpm, and measure the voltage.
Measuring t h e No-load Regulated Voltage KANS46
Standard: 13.8-14.4 V

( 3 ) Measure the current when the engine

speed is raised to 1500 rpm.

Standard: 1 0 A or less

The current temporarily exceeds 1 0 A im-
mediately after starting the engine, b u t it is
not an abnormal state.

Alternator Assy Rectifier holder

Alternator rotor Assy Bearing retainer plate
Bearing Spacer
Alternator brush holder Assy Rectifier end frame
Drive end frame Assy Pulley set n u t
Bearing Insulator
Bolt, stud Spacer
Alternator pulley Nut
Rear end cover IC regulator
Alternator brush Cover
Brush spring Nut

Alternator Components KANM26

7- 4

Circuit Diagram

Alternator Circuit Diagram KANM27

Removal and Installation

See Removal and lnstallation from Engine Assy t o Partial Engine.

1. Remove the terminal insulator

2. Remove the rear end cover.

( 1 ) Screws
( 2 ) Rear end cover

Rear End Cover K A H 2 1 -7

3. Remove the brush holder sub-assy.

( 1 i Screws
12) Brush holder sub-assy

Brush Holder Sub-assy KAH21-12

4. Remove the IC regulator assy.

( 1 1 Screws
( 2 ) IC regulator assy

IC Regulator KAH21-16

Remove the rectifier sub-assy.

( 1) Terminal screws at four places of stator
( 2 ) Straighten the terminals.
( 3 ) Rectifier sub-assy

Rectifier Sub-assv KAH21-21

Remove the pulley.
( 11 Set the alternator pulley t o a vise.

Always use mouth pieces for clamping w i t h
the vise.

(21 Set nut (Use a 22 m m socket wrench.)

(31 Pulley

Pulley KAH22-2

7. Remove the rear end frame

( 1 Set nuts
( 2 ) Set bolts

Rear End Frame (1) KAH22-5

( 3 ) While holding the rear end frame, tap the

rotor shaft tip end t o separate the drive end
frame and rear end frame.

Apply a wooden block t o t h e t i p end of t h e
rotor shaft at t h e t i m e of tapping.

Rear End Frame (21 KAH22-8

Separate the drive end frame and rotor assy.

( 1 1 Use a press and remove the rotor assy
from the end frame.

Carefully operate t o prevent damage t o the
bakelite at t h e rear tip end of t h e rotor assy.

Rotor assy K A H 2 2 - I4

- 158-
9. Remove the rear bearing.
( 1 ) Use the SST and remove the rear bearing.
SST 09820- 00021

Do not remove it unless any abnormality is

Rear Bearing B1565

10. Remove the front bearing.

( 1 Screws
( 2 ) Retainer plate

Retainer Plate K A H 2 2 -2 6

131 Front bearing

Use a proper round bar ($25-28 mm) and a

Front Bearing KAH22-27


1. Rotor assy inspection No. 1 (coil open-circuit

( 1 Measure the resistance between two slip

Standard: 1 2 V vehicle: about 2.9 0

1 2 V (UL DS Spec.)


2: Rotor assy inspection No. 2 (coil ground test)

( 1 Measure the insulation resistance between
the slip ring and rotor core.

Standard: 1 MQ or more

Inspecting the Rotor Assy KAH22-24

(Coil Ground Test)
Slip ring inspection
( 1 ) Check the slip ring for damage.
1 If any damage is found on the slip ring
surface, correct it with sandpaper
t #400).
( 2 ) Measure the slip ring outside diameter.

Standard: 1 4 . 4 m m ( 0 . 5 6 7 in.)
Limit: 1 4 . 0 m m (0.551 in.)

Inspecting the Slip Ring KAH22-25

Stator coil inspection

( 1) Measure the resistance between phases

Standard: 1 0
5. Rectifier sub-assy inspection
( 11 Test the continuity using the kQ range of
a rnultimeter.

Perfect continuity in one direction and n o
continuity in t h e other direction w h e n
tested w i t h polarity change.

o See t h e figure at right f o r t h e rectifier
Rectifier Sub-assy KAH21-33
0 The rectifier quality cannot be judged o n
t h e basis of t h e resistance in t h e forward
Because of t h e diode characteristic, the
forward current varies greatly w i t h the
source voltage.
A s a result, t h e multimeter indication de-
p e n d o n t h e m u l t i m e t e r t y p e and
resistance range.
Therefore, the rectifier is judged normal if
the difference between t h e resistances in
t h e forward and reverse directions is
0 Do n o t use a 5 0 0 V meger since it will Rectifier Sub-assy F3509
damage t h e rectifier.

6. Brush inspection
( 1 ) Measure brush protrusion length A.

Standard: 10.5 m m (0.41 3 in.)

Limit: 1.5 m m ( 0 . 0 5 9 in.)

(2) If the brush length is less than the limit,

melt the brush holder soldered portion and
remove the brush.
( 3 ) Install the brush to be brush holder and
solder the brush to make the brush length Brush Protrusion F3510
10.5 m m 10.41 3 in.)
(4) Cut the surplus lead.
( 5 ) Coat insulating paint on the soldered

0 Always replace b o t h brushes a t t h e same
0 Do n o t let t h e solder thickness exceed
1.0 m m (0.039 m m ) .

Adjusting the brush Length 85004

IC regulator diode inspection
( 1 Test the conduction of the diode between
terminals B and F w i t h a muitimeter set t o
the kQ range.

Conduction in one direction and n o conduc-
tion in t h e other direction w h e n tested w i t h
polarly change between terminals B and F.

Inspecting the IC Regulator KAH21-27


1 . Install the rear bearing.

This operation is necessary w h e n t h e bear-
ing is removed.

(1 1 Use the SST and press to press-fil the rear

SST 09820-00030
Rear Bearing C5024
Carry out press fitting o n t h e bearing inner
race side.

Assemble the rear end frame sub-assy and ro-

tor assy.
(1 1 Use the SST and press to press-fit the rear
end frame t o the rotor assy.
SST 09381 -41950-71

Use a pad (plate washer, etc.) at the clear-
ance between t h e SST and rear end frame
Rear End Frame KAH22-33
t o apply the pressure evenly t o the rear end

3. Install the bearing to the drive end frame

Carry out this operation w h e n the bearing is

( 1 ) Use a brass bar for installation to the front

end frame.
(21 Retainer Plate

Front Bearing F3514

- 162-
Assemble the drive end frame sub-assy and rear
end frame sub-assy.
11 ) Straighten the stator coil terminal.
12) Rear end frame sub-assy
(31 Set bolts
14) Set nuts
T = 55 kg-cm 14 ft-lb)

Rear End Frame Sub-assy KAH22-7

5. lnstall the pulley to the rotor shaft.

6. Assemble the rectifier holder sub-assy.

( 1 ) Shape the wire ends in the order of @ t o
@ t o make the terminal ends be fastened
with screws.
( 2 ) After shaping (@I, fasten the terminals
with screws.

i I
Rectifier holder sub-assy KAHSI 05

7. Install the IC regulator

( 1 ) IC regulator
121 Screws

IC Regulator KAH21-14

8. lnstall the brush holder

( 1 ) Brush holder

M a k e sure t h a t t h e brush holder b o o t is in-
stalled correctly.

121 Screws

9. lnstall the rear end cover

( 1 ) Rear end cover
12) Screws
Brush Holder KAH22-36

SST (SPECIAL SERVICE TOOL) LlST ........................ 8-2

09032-00100 Cutter, oil pan seal

Remover & replacer,

09201-6001 1
Valve guide bush

09202-4301 3

Puller, crankshaft

Puller, crankshaft
0927 3-60017
pulley and gear

Remover and replacer

0921 5-00012 set B, camshaft

Remover and replacer

0921 5-001 00 set A, camshaft


Remover and replacer,


Replacer, crankshaft
09228-44011 Wrench, oil filter

09228-64010 Wrench, fuel filter

Puller, water pump


Tool, plunger stroke



09260-5401 2


Tool, plunger stroke


pump spline shaft
Replacer, HST pump

09420-23000-71 Remover, b e a r ~ n g

Tool set, axle hub

09608-35014 and d r ~ v eplnlon


09620-30010 steerlng gear box

Puller, alternator
09820-00021 0

Replacer, alternator
09820-00030 0

09950-20017 Puller, universal 0


ENGINE TUNE-UP .................................................. 9-2

ENGINE BODY ....................................................... 9-4

FUELSYSTEM ....................................................... 9-11

COOLING SYSTEM ................................................ 9-14

LUBRICATION SYSTEM ........................................ 9-14

STARTING SYSTEM ............................................... 9-15

CHARGING SYSTEM .............................................. 9-17

TIGHTENING TORQUES .......................................... 9-19

Inspection item Standard Limit Page

3.5 -
Coolant capacity (Engine only) P (Us gal)
(- 1991.3) 6 . 9 (1.82)
Total capacity -
5 -4
!(Us gal) ( 1 991.3- ) 7.9 (2.09)
Lubrication oil capacity
( - 1 9 9 1 . 3 ) 6 . 0 (1.58)
Oil pan capacity +

( 1 9 9 1 . 3 - ) 7.0 (1.85)
Specific gravity of battery electrolyte -
1.28 7-2
(Fluid temperature at 20°C 68OF)
7- 9 -
New part 1-2
V belt flexure mm (in.) (0.276-0.354)
[Pressure 10 kg (22 Ib)l 8- 13
At inspection - 1-2
10.31 5-0.512)
53- 77 -
New part 1-2
V belt tension kg (Ib) (116.6- 169.4)
(Use tension gauge)
At inspection
33 57 - 1-3
(66 125)
Injection timing BTDC 0' c 1-5
Injection pressure kg/cm 2 (psi) - 1-8
(1635- 1777)
See RIM for each
Idle speed t 1-3
No load maximum speed See RIM for each t 1-3
Engine speed down (at tilt relief) rP m 250 or less - 1-5
Fuel injection sequence 1-3-4-2 - -

IN - 1-3
Valve clearance (hot engine) mm (in.)
EX - 1-3
Inspection item Standard Limit Page

29 or more 20
kg/cm 2 (PSI)
1412 or more) 1284)
Cyl~nderd~fferent~al -
128 4)
0.5 or more -
Idle speed
011pressure kglcm' ips11
3.5 or more
2000 rpm -
149 8)
I Inspection item Standard Limit Page


- (I.15
Under surface warpage m m (in.) 2-10

- o2 . I (
Manifold surface warpage m m (in.) 2-1 0
Contact angle 45 O - 2-1 2
Correct~onangle 20°, 45O, 75O - 2-1 3
Vaive seat 1.2- 1.6
IN 2-1 3
Contact width m m (in.)
(0.047 0.079)

1.6- 2.0 -
EX 2-1 3
(0.063- 0.079)


8.010- 8.030
Inside diameter m m (in.) - 2-1 1
(0.315- 0.316)

Protrusion above head m m (in.) - 2-1 2
I Inspection item Standard Limit Page

108.54 107.9
IN 2-12
(4.273) (4.248)
Overall length mm (in.) 108.24 107.6
EX 2-1 2
(4.261 ) (4.236)
Contact face angle 45.5O -
7.975 - 7.990 - 2-1 1
(0.314- 0.315)
Stem diameter mm (in.) 7.960-7.975
EX 2-1 1
(0.313- 0.314)

- 0.9
IN 2-1 2
Margine thickness mm (in.) 1 .o
EX - 2-1 2
0.020- 0.055 O.I0
IN 2-10
(0.00079- 0.00265) (0.004)
Stem oil clearance mm (in.) O.I2
0.035- 0.070
EX 2-10
(0.00138-0.0026) (0.0047)

45.1 44.5
Free length rnm ( i n . ) 2-14
11.7761 (1.75)
Squareness mm (in.) - 2-1 4
21.7 18.5 -
Installed tension at 40.0 mm (1.57 in.) kg (Ibl
(43.41 (40.7)


18.500- 18.521 2-1 5
Rocker arm inside diameter rnm (in.) 18.60
18.472 18.493
8.44 2-1 5
Rocker shaft diameter mm (in.)
(0.7272 0.7280)
Difference between rocker arm 0.007 - 0.049 O.I6
mm ( i n ' ) 2-15
diameter and shaft diameter (0.0003- 0.0019) (0.006)
Inspection item Standard Limit Page


22.170- 22.190
STD - 2-36
Lifter diameter mm (in.)
22.220- 22.235 -
Ois 0'05 2-36
(0.8748 0.8756)
Difference between cylinder block 0.010-0.051 0.1
mm (in') 2-36
diameter and lifter diameter (0.00039- 0.00201) (0.0039)
Cylinder block ~nsidediameter mm (in.) - 2-36
(0.87405 0.87488)
Push rod bending rnm (in.) - 2-1 6


IN - 2-1 6
Cylinder head installing '
m m (in.)
surface warpage limit - 0.2
EX 2-1 6


Gear Backlash, thrust clearance, oil clearance

0.05 0.3
Crankshaft timing gear x idle gear mm (in.) 2-20
(0.00201 10.012)

0.05 0.3
Idle gear No.1 x camshaft timing gear mm (in.) 2-20
10.00201 (0.012)
ldle gear No.1 x injection pump 0.05 0.3
mrn (in.) 2-20
drive gear (0.0020) 10.012)
0.05 0.3
Idle gear No.2 x oil pump mm (in.) 2-20
(0.00197) (0.0118)
0.05 0.3
Idle gear No.2 x PTO gear mm (in.) 2-20
(0.00197) (0.0118)
0 . 0 3 - 0 . 11 0.3
No'1 2-20
(0.0012-0.0043) 10.01 18)
ldle gear thrust clearance
0.100- 0.260 0.5
No.2 2-20
(0.0039 0.01 0 ) (0.0201
I Inspection item Standard Limit Page

No. 1
0.025 0.075 0.3
(0.001- 0.003) (0.0118)
Oil clearance between idle
mm (in.)
gear and idle gear shaft 0.055 - 0.095 0.3
No.2 2-23
(0.0022- 0.0037) (0.0118)

Thrust washer thickness mm (in.)

2.45 2.50 - 2-23
(0.0965- 0.0984)


- 0.04
Camshaft bending mm (in.) 2-24
39.928- 40.028 39'47
IN 2-23
(1.5720- 1.5759) (1.554)
Cam height mm (in.) 40.312- 40.412 39,85
EX 2-23
(1.5870- 1.5910) (1.569)
47.159-47.175 -
No'1 2-36
(1.8566- 1.8573)
46.959 - 46.975 - 2-36
(STD) Journal diameter mm (in.) No'2
(1.8487 1.8494)
- -

46.759 - 46.775 - 2-36

47.200- 47.225 -
No'1 2-36
(1.8583- 1.8593)

Camshaft bearing inside diameter mm (in.) No.2

47.030 47.025 - 2-36
(1.8504- 1.8514)

46.800 46.825 - 2-36
(1.8425 1.8435)
0.025- 0.066 0.1
Camshaft oil clearance mm (in.) 2-37
(0.0009843-0.0025981 (0.0039)
0.125 -
Type of UIS camshaft bearings 2-37
0.06- 0.13 0.3
Camshaft thrust clearance mm (in.) 2-24
(0.0024- 0.00511 (0.012)
Inspection item Standard L~mlt Page

O lo
Top surface wapage m m ( ~ )n - 2-35
86 00 - 86 03 -
D~ameter 2-35
(33858 - 3 38701
002 or less
Taper - 2-35
10 0008 or less1

- 002 or less
Cyl~nderbore m m (In ) Ell~ptic~ty 2-35
10 0008 or less1

- 03
Wear 11m1t 2-35

- 002 or less
Honing m a r g n -
10 0008 or less1


85 95-85 98
STD 2-40
(33838 - 3 3850)

86 45 - 86 46 - 2-41
OisO 50
Piston d~ameter m m (in.) (34035 - 3 4039)

01s 1 .OO 86 95-86 98

(34232- 3 4244)

Clearance wlth cylinder m m (in

0 04-0 06 - 2-41
(00016-0 00241
27 000-27 012 -
Piston p ~ no u t s ~ d ediameter m m ( ~ )n 2-42
( 1 06299- 1 063381
0 05-0 09 -
No 1
(000197-0 00354)
0 05-0 09
P ~ s t o nrlng t o ring groove m m ( ~ )n No 2 - 2-41
(000197- 0 003541
0 03-0 07
011 -
10 001 18-0 00276)
0.27-039 -
No 1
(00100-0 0153)

Plston .Ing end gap mm ( ~ 1n

0 45-0.60
No 2 - 2-42
(0018-0 024)
0 20-0 40
011 -
10 0079 0 01 60)

Pin f ~ t t i n gtemperature "C ( O F ) 60 ( 1 40) 2-44

lnspect~onrtem Standard Llrn~t Page


0 05 or less -
Conect~ngrod bend~ng(per 100 mm (3.9 In 1) mm (In (0 00197 or lessl

- 0 15 or less -
Conect~ngrod twlstlng (per 100 mm ( 3 9 In ) ) mm (In 1
10 0059 or lessl
0 0 8 - 0 30 0 3
Large end thrust clearance mm (In ) 2-30
( 0 0032 - 0 001 2) ( 0 001 2)

Bear~ng011Clearance mm ( ~ )n
0.044 0 072 0 1
2-3 1
(0.0017 3 - 0 00283) ( 0 0039)
0 0 0 7 - 0 015
Small end bush 011 clearance mm ( ~ n 2-42
10 0 0 0 2 8 - 0 00050) O O597)
( 0 001


Crankshaft bending mm (in.) - 2-43
0.05 2-43
Taper -
Crankjournal and crankpin (0.00197) 2-44
mm (in.)
taper and out-roundness Ovalness 0.02 2-43
limit (0.000787) 2-44

0.04- 0.24 0.3

Crankshaft thrust clearance mm (in.) 2-32
(0.00157 - 0.00945) (0.012)

2.930- 2.980 - -
(0.115- 0.117)
Thrust washer thickness
0.1 25, 0.250 - -
(0.00492), (0.00996)
64.98- 65.00 -
(2.5583- 2.5591
64.74- 64.75 -
Journal finishing dimension: (2.5488-2.5492)
mm (in.)
diameter (For UIS)
'IS o.50
64.49 64.50 - 2-43
(2.5390- 2.5394) 2-44
64.24- 64.25 -
'IS0 ' 7 5
(2.5291- 2.5293)

63.99 64.00 -
0.044- 0.072 0.11
Crankjournal oil clearance mm 2-3 1
(0.00173- 0.00283) (0.0043)
I Inspection item Standard Limit Page

50.48 50.50 -
50.24- 50.25 -
' I S 0'25
(1.9780- 1.9783)
Crankpin finishing dimension: 49.99- 50.00 -
mm "IS0'50 2-44
Diameter (For UIS) -
(1,9681 1.9685)
49.74- 49.75 -
(1.9583- 1.9587)
49.49- 49.50 -

Crankpin oil clearance mm (in.)

0.034 0.070 0.1
(0.00134- 0.002761 (0.0039)
I Inspection item Standard Limit Page

115-125 -
Nozzle opening pressure kglcrn2 (psi) 3-7
( 1635 - 1777)

Roller ring height 0.02
rnm (in.) - 3-25
misalignment (0.0008)
Oil seal working face 0.08
Drive shaft - 3-25
wear depth mm (in.) 10.003)
Cam Plate Plunger working face wear mm (in.) - 3-25
Washer working face stepped - 0.2
Fly weight mm (in.) 3-26
wear depth (dimension A) (0.008)
Plunger spring Squareness rnm (in.) - 3-26

- 0.1
Pump housing Bush wear (looseness) rnm (in.) 3-27
1.11-1.17 -
Cam lift at injection timing inspection mm (in.) 1-5
1. Adiustment conditions

Nozzle Nippon Denso Part No. 093400-0540

145 155 kg/cm 2
Nozzle opening pressure
(2062 2204 psi)

I Pest 011

Feed oil pressure

JIS NO. 2 Light oil

0.2 kg/cm 2
( 2 . 8psi)

I High pressure pipe

[inside diameter x outside diameter x length)
2.0 x 6.0 x 840 mm
10.0787 x 0.236 x 33.07 in.)
40- 45°C
Test oil temperature
(104- 113°F)

Solenoide voltage when adjusting

2. Temporary adjustment (at full lever position)

Pump speed Injection volume
irpm) (cu-in1200 st)
8.4- 9.4
Full load reference point 800 Adjust with full load set screw
(0.51- 0.57)
3 . 0 - 3.2 Adjust with maximum speed
High speed lever set point 1310
(0.18- 0.19) adjusting screw

3. Pump internal pressure adjustment (at full lever position)

Pump internal pressure
Pump speed (rpm) Remarks
kg/cm 2 (psi)
400 2.2- 2.8
( 3 1 . 3 -39.8)
Adjust with regulating valve
4.2 4.8
159.8- 68.2)

4. Overflow volume inspection (at full lever position)

Overflow volume (ccl1000 st)
Pump speed (rpm) Remarks
(cu-in11000 st)

167 364
Use overflow screw on each pump
(10.2- 22.1)
5. Timer adjustment (at full lever position)

Pump speed (rpm) 700 1100

Piston stroke mm (in.) 0.05- 0.85 1.0- 1.8

(0.00197 - 0.033) (0.0394-0.0709)

Note: Hysteresis must be less than 0 . 3 mm (0.012in.), at all speeds.

6. lnjection volume adjustment

Pump speed Injection volume Variation limit

Lever angle Remarks
(rpm) cc1200 st (cu-in.1200 st) cc (cu-in.)
8.7- 9.1 1 .O Set the full load standard
(0.530- 0.553) (0.061 injection volume

2.2- 4.0 -
1310 Set the high speed lever
(0.134- 0.243)

4.8 8.4 - Check
(0.292-0.51 1 )
Less than 0.9
@20° ~ 5 " 1400 - Check
(Less than 0.055)
(at full po-
sition) 11.3- 15.7 1.2
100 Increase when starting
(0.687- 0.955) (0.073)
8 . 4 - 11.4
400 - Increase effect finishes
(0.510- 0.693)
7.74- 8.66 0.5
500 Check
(0.471- 0.527) (0.030)
9.54- 10.46 0.5
1200 Check
(0.580-0.636) (0.030)

7. Low speed lever set

Pump speed Injection volume Variation limit

Lever angle Remarks
(rprn) ccl500 st (cu-in.1500 st) cc1500 st (cu-in.1500st)
2.5- 5.5 1 .O
(Idling po-
(0.15 0.33) (0.061)
Set the low speed lever

sition) Less than 0.75 -

480 Check
(Less than 0.049)

8. Load sensing timer adjustment

Pump speed Injection volume Variation limit

Lever angle Remarks
(rpm) ccl500 st (cu-in.1500 st) ccl500 st icu-in.1500 st)
Application (q full-0.8) & 0.4
loo - at governorshaft
start (q full-0.048) *0.007
Application ( q full-2.4) ~ 0 . 4
O0 - Check
end ( q full-0 141L 0.007

* q full: lnjection amount (actually measured

value) with the lever at full position
when the pump is running at 1100
Inspection item Standard Limit Page


Initial opening temperature "C (OF)

80 84 - 4-3
(176- 183)
95 -
Full opening temperature "C ("Fl 4-3

0.05- 0.15 0.2
Tip clearance mm (in.) 5-7
(0.0020- 0.006) (0.0079)
0.10- 0.17 0.2
Body clearance mm (in.) 5-7
(0.0039- 0.0067) (0.0079)

Rotor protrusion mm (in.)

7.91 7.97 - 5-7
(0.311 - 0.31 4)

Relief valve opening pressure kg/cm 2 (psi)

5.5 6.5 - 5-3
(78.1- 92.3)
Full capacity - 5-9
Engine oil capacity e (us gal) oil pan 6.0 - 5-9
capacity (1.58)
lnspect~onltem Standard L~mlt Page


Nominal voltage x Nominal output V x KW 12 x 2.5 - -

Voltage V 11.0 - -

No-load characteristics Current A 180 or less - 6-1 6

Speed rPm 3500 or more -

Departure from mm (in,) 0.02 0.05

roundness (0.0008) (0.00197)
36 35
Commutator Outside diametermm (in.) 6-1 0
(1.42) (1.38)
0.7- 0.9 0.2
6-1 0
Under cut mm (in.)
(0.028 0.035) (0.008)

20.5 I3.O
Brush length mm (in.) 6-11
(0.81 (0.512)

Brush spring installed load g (Ib)

3200 4000 2200
6-1 1
17.04-8.8) (4.84)

Voltage V 3 - -

Locked-in condition Current A 1200 - -

Torque 350 - -
kg-cm (ft-lb) (25.3)


Nominal voltage V 12 - -

Rated coil current A 1.2 =t0.3 - -

Rated contact current A 25 - -

Peak contact current capacity A 95 - -

Minimum operating voltage V 6 (at 20°C) - -

Service voltage range V 9- 16 - -

Grounding with -
Grounding system
lead wire
I Inspection ltern Standard L~mit Page


Normal voltage V 12 - -

Rated current A 68 -

(Line resistance 0.023)

Normal temDerature resistance - 6-3
"single part 0 . 6 )
1050 - -
Heater temperature (reference) OC (OF)
( 1922)


Nominal voltage V 12 - -

Servlce voltage range V 68 - -

- 30- 65 - -
Serv~cetemperature range OC (OF) (-22-143)
- 30- 65 - -
O p e r a t i ~ gtemperature range "C (OF)
(- 22- 185)

Glow ~ndicatorlamp type 12V, 3.4W - -

Glow plug relay coil rated current A 0 75 - -

lnspect~onitem Standard L~mit Page


Nominal voltage x maximum output V x A 12 x 40 -

Adjusted voltage V 13.8-14.4 -

No-load characteristics 7-2

Adjusted current A 10 or less -

10.5 1.5
Brush length m m (in.) 7-9
(0.413) (0.0591
14.4 14.0
Slip ring outside diameter m m (in.) 7-8
(0.567) (0.551)

Rotor coil resistance Q About 2.9 - 7-8

Resistance between slip ring and rotor core MQ 0.1 or more - 7-8

Resistance between startor coil and each phase Q 1 - 7-8


Nominal voltage x maximum output V x A 12 x 50 -

Adjusted voltage V 13.8- 14.4 -

No-load characteristics 7-2
Adjusted current A 10 or less -

10.5 1.5
Brush length m m (in.) 7-9
0.413 0.059
14.4 14.0
Slip ring outside diameter m m (in.) 7-8
(0.567) (0.551)

Rotor coil resistance Q About 2.9 - 7-8

Resistance between slip ring and rotor core MQ 0.1 or more - 7-8

Resistance between startor coil and each phase Q 1 - 7-8

I Inspection item Standard Limit Page


Nominal voltage x maximum output V x A 12 x 20 - -

Adjusted voltage V 13.8- 14.4 -

No-load characteristics 7-2

Adjusted current A 10 or less -

10.5 1.5
Brush length m m (in.) 7-9
(0.41 (0.059)
14.4 14.0
S l ~ pring outside diameter mm (in.) 7-8
(0.567) (0.551)

Rotor coil resistance a About 12 - 7-8

Resistance between slip ring and rotor core MQ 0.1or more - 7-8

Resistance between startor coil and each phase Q 1 - 7-8

Tightening Point Tightening Torque kg-m (ft-lb)

Cylinder block x Cylinder head 8.7-9.7 (62.9-70.1


Cylinder block x Crankshaft bearing cap -

12.2 13.8 (88.2- 99.8)
Cylinder block x Timing gear cover 1.5-2.2 (10.9-15.1)
Cylinder block x Idle gear thrust plate 3.0-4.5 (21.7-32.5)
Cylinder block x Camshaft thrust plate 1.5-2.2 (10.9-15.1)
Cylinder block x Oil pan 1.5-2.2 (10.9-15.1)
Cylinder block x Oil pump 1.5-2.2 (10.9-15.1)
Cylinder block x Timing gear case 1.5-2.2 (10.9-15.1)
Cylinder block x Rear oil seal retainer 1.5-2.2 (10.9-15.1)
Cylinder block x Engine mouting bracket 3.0-4.5 121.7-32.5)
Cylinder block x Oil strainer 1.5-2.2 (10.9-15.1)
Cylinder block x Oil filter bracket 3.0-4.5 (21.7-32.5)
Cylinder block x Oil regulator 2.12-2.88 (15.3-20.8)

Cylinder head x Cylinder head cover 0.55-0.85 (4.0-6.1

Cylinder head x Intake manifold 1.5-2.2 (10.9-15.1)
Cylinder head x Exhaust manifold 3.8-5.7 127.5-41.2)
Cylinder head x Valve rocker support 3.0-4.5 121.7-32.5)
Cylinder head x Glow plug 1 .O-1.5 (7.23-10.9)
Cylinder head x Injection nozzle 6.0-7.0 (43.4-
Cylinder head x Water outlet housing 1.5-2.2 (10.9-15.1)
Cylinder head x Water pump 1.5-2.2 110.9-15.1)

Crankshaft x Crankshaft pulley 12.0-18.0 (86.8-130.1)

Camshaft x Camshaft timing gear 3.6-5.4 126.0-39.0)

Connecting rod x Connecting rod cap 6.0-7.0 (43.4-50.6)

Injection purnp x Injection pump retainer 1.5-2.2 (9.18-20.2)

Injection pump x Pump drive gear 5.85-7.15 (42.3-51.7)
Injection pump x Injection pipe 2.5-3.5 (18.1-25.3)

Timing gear case x Timing gear cover 1.5-2.2 (10.9--15.1)

Timing gear case x Injection pump retainer 1.5-2.2 (10.9-
Timing gear case x PTO pump flange 3.0-4.5 (21.7-32.5)
Tightening Point Tightening Torque kg-m (ft-lb)

Timing gear x Alternator 1.5-2.2 (10.9-15.1)

Water pump x Fan and fan pulley 1.5-2.2 (10.9-15.1)

Valve rocker arm x Adjust screw 2.0-3.0 (14.5-21.7)

Valve rocker support x Rocker shaft 1 .I - 1.6 (8.0-11.6)

Water outlet x Water pump 1.5-2.2 (10.9-15.1)

Nozzle holder x Nozzle leakage locknut 2.65-3.35 (19.2-24.2)

Intake pipe x Intake manifold 1.5-2.2 (10.9-15.1)

Oil pipe No. 2 x Cylinder block 1.5-2.2 (10.9-15.1)

Oil pipe No. 2 x PTO pump flange 1.5-2.2 (10.9-15.1)

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