09 OnScreen 2 Units Audios

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Unit 1 Unit 2
1 What job is the woman describing? 1 Mark: Joe, how did you travel to Spain? Did
you fly?
I love my job because I meet so many people
Joe: Well, I really wanted to rent a car
and every day is different. I work in a
because I wanted to see the scenery along
restaurant in the theatre, so we're very busy
the way, but it was too expensive, and going
with people coming to see the plays. I enjoy
by train was too slow. We only had a week’s
working with everyone in the kitchen but I like
holiday. So, yes, we ended up flying.
talking with the customers and making sure
they are happy and enjoy the food that I serve
2 Jeremy: Alison, What are you going to do
this summer? I’m going camping. I’ve always
wanted to try it.
2 Where is Fabio from? Alison: Oh, camping is so much fun. I went
A: Hi, my name’s Fabio. What’s your name? last year. What I’d really like to do is go
B: Hi, Fabio. I’m Denis. Where are you from? sightseeing in New York! That would be so
Your name sounds Italian. exciting! But I can’t go this year because my
A: It is. My mother is Italian and my father is parents want the whole family to go on a
Spanish but I’m British. cruise.

3 What sport is Jenny going to do? 3 Kara: Hey, Timothy! How was your holiday?
Timothy: It wasn’t very good, actually.
A: Hey, Jenny! That's a nice bike. Is it new? Kara: Oh no. What a shame. Did it rain?
B: Hi, Crystal. No, it's my sister's but I often Timothy: It rained a lot, but that wasn’t a
borrow it to go cycling. problem. It was just so expensive. We
A: Lucky you! My sister doesn't let me use couldn’t do anything! Even a bottle of water
hers. I'm meeting some friends this cost two Euros!
afternoon to play tennis, do you want to Kara: Oh no, that’s awful!
come? Timothy: Yes, we were bored. We wanted to
B: I can't, I’ve got my Thai boxing class at 3 go to lots of museums but they cost too much
o’clock. so we just walked around for three days.

4 Where is Arthur going on Friday? 4 Betty: We’re going camping this year instead
of going abroad.
A: Hi, Arthur. Do you fancy going to the
George: Why?
cinema on Friday to see the new James
Betty: Well, I think it’s nice to see the sights
Bond film?
in my own country. It’s a lot cheaper, too.
B: I don't like the James Bond films very
George: Yes, I suppose you’re right. But ... I
much. There's a concert on in town, why
really like beach holidays in the sun.
don't we go to that instead?
Betty: Me too, but this year I want to do
A: Sure. Let’s meet at 7:00 outside the
something different.
shopping centre.

5 Eddie is calling Brian

Hi, Eddie. Brian here. Just to let you know

that my train is running late so I can’t be there
by dinner time. The train gets into the station
at 8 o’clock now. Is there a bus to your house
or should I take a taxi? Let me know. See you
soon, bye.


Unit 3 junction and past Mansion House. Then it goes

down Fleet Street and finally ends at the Strand.
Presenter: The recent bad weather caused a lot
The procession starts at 11 am every year, after
of damage in and around the city and there was
the Lord Mayor has his official breakfast. Channel
flooding in the city centre today. One person that
6 brings you all the action and carnival fun as it
got caught by the flood water was Abigail
happens! The day finishes with an incredible
Greenhouse. Abigail, what happened to you?
firework display that we will show live. So stay
Abigail: Well, I got to work as usual this morning
with us for a day of excitement, beautiful
at 9 o’clock. It was drizzling but nothing too bad.
costumes, and tradition …
Then, while I was inside the building, it started
raining heavily. I didn’t realise it at the time, but
there was so much rain that the river burst its
Unit 6
banks. It was only when we tried to go outside for
lunch that we realised we were trapped. We had Good morning everyone. Today, I’m going to talk
no way to get out. to you about the damage we are doing to our
Presenter: What did you do? planet. As you probably already know, global
Abigail: I used my mobile to call the emergency warming is causing the climate to change. When
services because the phone lines were down and we burn fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, they
we just waited. After about 40 minutes, I noticed a release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
boat in the car park slowly moving through the This creates air pollution which is dangerous for
parked cars! The boat was small so it took a long our health. Greenhouse gases also cause the
time and many trips to move all the people to Earth’s temperature to go up. If this continues,
safety. many of the earth’s ecosystems will become very
Presenter: Well, I’m glad you’re OK now. Thank different and many species of plants and animals
you, Abigail. Now, it’s back to the studio for the won’t survive. Also, climate change is causing the
weather forecast. ice caps to melt and sea levels to rise. Many
people who live near the sea and on islands will
be in danger of losing their homes if sea levels
Unit 4 rise. This includes some of the world’s biggest
cities, New York, for example, and even whole
1 Did you try the pizza?
countries, like Bangladesh. Now, any questions
2 Why aren’t you eating? before we go onto how we can take action to
reduce the problem?
3 Do you like chicken wings?

4 What do you think of this dish? Unit 7

Speaker 1
My family is very important to me so when it was
Unit 5 my nephew’s birthday last week I went shopping. I
This is Michael Foreman reporting live from the saw something that I have wanted for myself for a
Lord Mayor’s Show, one of the biggest public long time but I didn’t have enough money to get
events in London. This street parade takes place that and a present. I decided to spend my money
every year on the second Saturday of November, on a nice gift. After all, I couldn’t show up empty
and celebrates the new Lord Mayor of London handed for his 6th birthday party. I ended up
taking up their new position. It’s an amazing getting him a toy car from the toy shop, he loved
carnival with impressive floats and wonderful it!
costumes. Crowds started arriving at 9 am and
the festivities are beginning very shortly. The
route runs from Guildhall and goes to Bank


Speaker 2 Speaker 4
During the week, I work full-time in an office so I I went to the Fantasyland Amusement Park with
like to relax at the weekend. That’s why I prefer to my young cousins and we had a fantastic day.
go to the supermarket after work. It means that I But, because it was the school holidays the park
get to spend more time with my family at was really busy. In fact, we spent most of the day
weekends and I get time to myself to do the things waiting in line to get onto the rides and there were
I enjoy at the end of the day. The only problem is so many people in the gift shop that I didn’t
that everyone else seems to have the same idea manage to get a souvenir. It was worth it though. I
and it's always full of people! really enjoyed myself.

Speaker 3
Last summer I went to Berwick for the first time for Unit 8
a short break. I didn’t know what to expect but,
1 She’s an amazing actress, isn’t she?
after exploring the town, I found a wonderful little
souvenir shop. It reminded me of the shop my 2 Didn’t she play the lead role in last night’s
grandparents used to have. The shop had gifts for film?
all ages so I bought presents for my parents as
well as a little something to remind myself of the 3 Can you remember her stage name?
4 Is that her real name?

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