Issuance of Certificates For Medical Devices For Export: (1) Where Applications Should Be Submitted
Issuance of Certificates For Medical Devices For Export: (1) Where Applications Should Be Submitted
Issuance of Certificates For Medical Devices For Export: (1) Where Applications Should Be Submitted
When Japanese medical device manufacturers intend to export their products to foreign countries,
certain countries require the manufacturers to submit the regulatory authority-issued certificate
which authenticates that the products were manufactured in accordance with the Pharmaceutical
Affairs Act (Act No. 145 of 1960).
Those certificates are to be issued as specified in the “Issuance of Certificates of Drugs, etc. for
Export,” the Administrative Notice jointly issued by the Evaluation and Licensing Division, Office
of Medical Devices Evaluation and Safety Division of Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau,
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), dated October 3, 2005.
A medical device manufacturer who intends to obtain a certificate for medical devices
(hereinafter referred to as "applicant") is required to submit the application form for certificates
for medical devices and the form of a certificate pre-completed by the applicant, by delivering in
person or by mail, to the Overseas Medical Equipment Technical Assistants (OMETA).
OMETA checks the validity of the information provided in the certificate form before
forwarding the forms (with OMETA’s seal of confirmation affixed) to the relevant division or
office according to the certificate category. OMETA charges a commission for the validity check
of application documents.
In case where an applicant intends to obtain certificates for two or more products to submit to a
single foreign government, it is recommended, where possible, that all the relevant products be
included in one certificate rather than preparing a certificate for each product.
(5) Others
Please refer to the OMETA website for more information. (Japanese only)