12-TMSS-01-R1 Line Hardware
12-TMSS-01-R1 Line Hardware
12-TMSS-01-R1 Line Hardware
4.1 General
4.2 Ratings
4.3 Materials
4.4 Fabrication
4.5 Markings
1.1 This SEC Transmission Material Standard Specification (TMSS) specifies the
minimum technical requirements for design, engineering, manufacture, inspection,
testing and performance of line hardware intended to be used on the Transmission
System of Saudi Electricity Company (SEC), Saudi Arabia.
1.2.1 All hardware between the point of attachment on structures and conductors,
overhead ground wires (OGW), optical fiber ground wires (OPGW), all
dielectric self supporting (ADSS) cables, i.e., shackles, links, yoke plates,
corona control & power arc protection devices (guard devices), suspension
and deadend support hardware including semi-strain assembly (for Gap Type
Conductors) and armor grip suspension (AGS) units for conductors and
overhead ground wires
1.2.2 Vibration dampers (Stockbridge type and spiral type) and spacer dampers
1.2.3 Connectors, clamps and ground wires etc., for grounding of overhead ground
wires to structures
This Transmission Material Standard Specification shall be read in conjunction with the
latest revision of SEC Transmission Material Standard Specification No. 01-TMSS-01 titled
“General Requirements for all Equipments/Materials” which shall be considered as an
integral part of this TMSS.
This TMSS shall also be read in conjunction with SEC Transmission Purchase Order or
Contract Schedules for project, as applicable.
The latest revision/amendments of the Codes and Standards listed hereunder shall be
applicable for the equipment/material covered in this specification. In case of conflict, the
vendor/manufacturer may propose equipment/materials conforming to one group of Industry
Codes and Standards quoted hereunder without jeopardizing the requirements of this TMSS.
3.1 ASTM A 90M Standard Test Method for Weight (Mass) of Coating on Iron and
Steel Articles with Zinc or Zinc-Alloy Coatings
3.3 ASTM A 239 Standard Practice for Locating the Thinnest Spot in Zinc
(Galvanized) Coating on Iron or Steel Articles
3.4 ASTM A 153M Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and
Steel Hardware
3.5 ASTM A 384M Standard Practice for Safeguarding Against Warpage and
Distortion during Hot-Dip Galvanizing of Steel Assemblies
3.7 IEC 61284 Overhead lines - Requirements and tests for fittings
3.8 IEC 61467 Insulators for overhead lines – Insulator strings and sets for lines
with a nominal voltage greater than 1000V-AC Power arc tests
3.9 IEC 61854 Overhead lines – Requirements and tests for spacers
3.10 IEC 61897 Overhead lines – Requirements and tests for Stockbridge type
aeolian vibration dampers
3.11 CISPR 16-1 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring
apparatus and measuring methods - Part I: Radio disturbance
and immunity measuring apparatus
3.12 CISPR 18-2 Radio interference characteristics of overhead power lines and
high-voltage equipment - Part 2: Methods of measurement and
procedure for determining limits
3.13 IEEE Std. 1368 IEEE Guide for Aeolian Vibration Field Measurements of
Overhead Conductors
4.1 General
4.1.1 The line hardware shall be of manufacturer's standard design and shall meet
or exceed the requirements of this Specification in all respects. Service
conditions referenced in 01-TMSS-01 shall be the basis of design criteria.
The line hardware shall be designed to conform to the size and ampacity
ratings of the conductors joined.
4.1.2 The line hardware directly in contact with the heat-resistant conductors shall
specifically be designed for the size and/or type of conductor and shall be
suitable for continuous operation up to a conductor temperature of 230oC.
The manufacturer shall propose suitable line hardware including tension and
suspension clamps for heat-resistant conductors in coordination with the
conductor manufacturer.
f. be suitable for safe and easy installation. The clamp design shall
retain all parts when opened for attachment with the conductor. The
clamp design shall be such that the damper, during installation, can be
suspended on the conductors/overhead ground wires before tightening
the clamp;
g. be suitable for safe and easy installation. The clamp design shall
retain all parts when opened for attachment with the conductor. The
clamp shall be designed to minimize the possibility of incorrect
installation and allow installation inspection from the ground;
4.1.5 The minimum corona extinction voltage for line hardware when tested in
accordance with IEC 61284 shall be as per Table 01:
4.1.6 Radio Interference Voltage (RIV) of a complete string shall not exceed 40dB
above 1μV when measured across a resistance of 300 ohms. The test voltage
shall be the highest system voltage (per 01-TMSS-01) divided by √3 and the
frequency for the RIV measurement shall be 1MHz. RIV measurements shall
be made in accordance with International Special Committee on Radio
Interference (CISPR) Publication 16-1 and results evaluated in accordance
with CISPR Publication 18-2.
4.1.7 The line hardware shall be designed for safe and easy handling to facilitate
hot line installation, maintenance and dismantling operations. The
manufacturer shall indicate clearly on the drawings, the provisions made in
compliance with this requirement.
4.1.8 The line hardware shall be thermally designed to resist the short circuit/fault
current and the fault time specified in 01-TMSS-01 so that the mechanical
strength of the fittings, which are subject to fault current, is not weakened due
to the heating caused by the fault current. In addition, the zinc layer of hot-dip
galvanized steel fittings shall not be damaged. Welding due to power arc
between fittings included in the insulator strings shall be as far as possible
avoided. The attachment of the insulator strings to the supports shall be
designed to resist the specified short circuit/fault current and fault time so that
welding does not occur between the contact surfaces. This shall be
demonstrated by conducting a power arc test in accordance with IEC 61467,
test series X.
4.1.9 The design and drawings of the line hardware shall be developed in
accordance with the requirements of TES-P-122.04 and shall be based on the
conceptual details provided in TCS-P-122.21. The proposed design of line
hardware shall be submitted to SEC for review and acceptance.
4.2 Ratings
4.2.1 Rating of line hardware shall be in conformity and compatible with the rating
of corresponding equipment to which these are connected.
4.2.2 Ultimate tensile strength of line hardware shall exceed the ultimate
mechanical and electrical (M & E) strength of the insulators to which these
are attached. In case of multiple insulator strings in parallel, the connecting
hardware shall have an ultimate strength greater than the sum of the M & E
strength of the insulator strings supported. The line hardware shall be
designed to remain intact if one string fails and suitable fittings used to ensure
this. This shall apply to multiple suspension (vertical I-string and Vee-string)
and multiple tension strings.
4.2.3 Corona control and power arc protection devices (guard devices) shall be
thermally designed to resist the fault current with a current density of
80A/mm2 and to withstand a mechanical load of at least 1.5kN, acting at an
arbitrary point, without being deformed. Corona control and power arc
protection devices shall meet the acceptance criteria of IEC 61467.
4.3 Materials
4.3.1 All materials shall be of the highest grade, free from defects and
imperfections, of recent manufacture and unused, and of the classification and
grades designated, conforming to the requirements of the latest issue of the
appropriate specifications cited herein.
c. The damper clamping bolts shall have breakaway head caps. The
materials of the damper clamp/cap and clamping bolts/breakaway
head caps shall not exhibit galvanic corrosion due to bimetallic
The clamp bore shall be smooth and free of projections and shall not
be sand-blasted or rifled to increase artificially the coefficient of
friction between the clamp and the conductor as these can cause
damage to the conductor.
4.4 Fabrication
4.4.1 Contours, edges and corners of line hardware shall be rounded to eliminate
areas of high corona stress concentration.
4.4.2 Line hardware having ball and socket couplings shall be compatible with
applicable ANSI/IEC Standards.
4.4.3 Line hardware shall be fitted with suitable corona control & power arc
protection devices such as arcing horns, arcing rings, etc., on each end of
suspension (includes jumper strings) and tension insulator strings. However,
when the line hardware is used on composite insulators, additional
corona/electric stress control rings shall be required on the line end of the
string for 110kV to 230kV and on both ends of the string for 380kV
transmission lines. In case of combined corona control & power arc
protection of composite insulators, the design and arrangement shall be
approved by the insulator manufacturer.
For long rod porcelain insulator strings, intermediate corona control &
power-arc protection devices shall also be fitted, so that each insulator unit is
individually protected.
Arcing horns, arcing rings and corona rings etc. shall have sufficient
resistance against wind-induced vibrations and their natural frequencies shall
be outside the frequency range of aeolian vibrations.
4.4.4 Workmanship and general finish shall be of the highest grade and the best
modern practice. All components of the same design and designation shall be
identical and like components shall be interchangeable.
4.4.5 Split cotter keys shall be humped to maintain the key in the locked or
unlocked positions and shall have prongs spread to prevent withdrawal from
the socket. The design of the keys shall be such that their engagement and
disengagement can be achieved with the use of standard transmission hot-line
tools without excessive force required.
4.5 Markings
All markings shall be legible and indelible. Each line hardware shall bear a marking
identifying the following:
5.1.1 Conductor take-off angle shall be in a range of 15 and minimum radius of
curvature of the clamp shall be 360mm approximately with the conductor to
be always on a rounded smooth surface. The conductor shall be supported by
the suspension clamp for a minimum of 165mm for the minimum angle of
entry of the conductor.
5.1.2 The clamp shall be shaped in such a way that the clamping pressure on the
conductor will increase gradually from the point at which the conductor
enters the clamp to a maximum at the center of the clamp. The clamp seat
shall be rounded and curved into bell mouth at each end with a round lip
edge. The radius of curvature of the keeper portion of the clamps shall not be
less than the radius of curvature of the seat of the clamp.
5.2.1 The suspension clamp shall be free to pivot in a vertical plane parallel to the
conductor up to an angle of at least 30 to the horizontal. The suspension
clamp shall be free to swing transversely to the yoke plates (bundled
conductors) up to an angle of at least 65 from the vertical.
5.2.2 The suspension clamps and AGS units shall withstand an unbalanced
conductor tension equal to 5% of rated strength of conductor/ground wires
without any slippage and must slip at a maximum tension equal to everyday
tension value for conductor/ground wire. To account for the effect of
insulator swing, the slip load shall be taken as 70% of conductor everyday
5.2.3 In case of suspension vee-assembly, when the yoke plate is swung about one
arm of the vee-assembly so that the other arm becomes slack as in case of
maximum wind condition, the bottom insulator unit of the slack string shall
be able to freely swing downwards relative to the yoke plate up to an angle of
at least 75 from its normal position, measured with top edge of the yoke
plate held horizontal.
5.2.4 The clevis connecting the yoke plate to the bottom insulator shall be designed
in such a way that the bottom insulator unit shall not rotate to such an extent
as to contact the yoke plate when the bottom insulator or a slack string is
swung to its extreme downward position relative to the yoke plate. The yoke
plate shall be free to swing longitudinally to the conductor up to an angle of
20 from the vertical.
5.2.5 The suspension clamps/AGS units shall be designed to withstand without any
permanent deformation in any of the components a vertical load at least equal
to the rated strength of conductor or a minimum of 120kN if the rated
strength of conductor exceeds 120kN. The rating of clamps shall be 80kN &
60kN for OGW/OPGW with rated strength of 120kN and 70kN respectively.
5.3.1 Deadend support assembly (except deadend clamp) shall withstand without
permanent deformation on any of the components, a conductor tension equal
to the full rated ultimate strength of the conductor applied simultaneously on
all sub-conductors in a bundle. Sufficient articulation shall be provided such
that the complete assembly including the insulator units can be attached in the
vertical position and then moved to the horizontal position.
5.3.2 Provision shall be made on both sides of string (each string in case of bundled
conductors) for the attachment of a strain carrier to facilitate the replacement
of insulator strings for all types of assemblies during hot line maintenance.
5.3.3 Deadend support assembly shall be designed in such a way that the load will
be evenly distributed in the bundle strings at all times. Double tension strings
using long rod porcelain insulators shall withstand dynamic loading as
follows: The load during rupture of one insulator from the initial state up to
the quiescent state shall be displaced in such a manner, that no rupture will
occur on the second or remaining insulator strings. The yoke assembly
adjacent to the conductor shall be capable of weakening the dynamic motions
and to reduce the peak loads that may cause damage to the insulators. The
performance of the yoke assembly shall be proven by calculation or test. The
arising insulator stresses shall not exceed the harmful stress level. Each string
of the double tension long rod porcelain insulators shall be attached directly
5.3.4 Deadend support clamp (bolted type and preformed helical type) for ground
wire shall develop 95% of the full rated strength of the overhead ground wire
and under this condition, no slippage shall occur.
5.4.1. Armor rods shall be used in all conductor and shield wire suspension
assemblies. They shall be of the preformed type and so designed as to protect
the conductor from damage due to installation of the suspension clamp,
flashover or vibration.
5.4.2. Armor rods for use on the conductors or shield wire shall be made of
aluminum or aluminum alloy and provided with a center mark to facilitate
centering during application.
The manufacturer shall study the sag-tension data, environmental and actual site conditions
to ascertain the required quantity and spacing of vibration dampers and spacer dampers. The
manufacturer shall provide clear and complete description of installation procedure along
with positioning tables for vibration and spacer dampers which shall include the datum point
for sub-span length measurements, both for suspension and tension span extremities, the
position of spacer damper in relation to mid-span joints, night warning lights and other
devices installed on the conductors.
The spacer damper manufacturer shall arrange at site, a training session for Contractor's line
staff (engineers, supervisors & linemen) to demonstrate the correct procedure for installation
of spacer dampers. Linemen shall be asked to install spacer dampers on a test set up of
conductor in the training session during the presence of spacer damper manufacturer and
following points shall be explained:
How to open and tighten the clamps, correct orientation of the spacer dampers in
respect of the bundle, the top position and so on etc?
Cleaning of the conductor and the clamp bore to avoid loosening of clamp
Use of proper cable car designed for the purpose and the conductor bundle to avoid
longitudinal misalignments
Correct orientation of Belleville washer and the correct position of plane washer
6.1.1 The construction of vibration dampers shall be such that water collection is
prevented. The vibration dampers shall be suitable for use on conductors and
ground wires of specified sizes.
6.1.2 The clamping area shall be such that damper neither slips nor damages the
6.1.3 The manufacturer shall provide an analytical damping study in support of the
proposed damping system.
6.2.1 Spacer damper assembly shall be designed to provide effective damping for
the transmission line under the specified technical data and environmental
6.2.2 The energy absorbing assembly shall be electrically conductive and have the
ability to withstand any heat generated, avoid any displacement in the
housings, resist bond failure and avoid any other damage, which would
appreciably decrease the damping efficiency.
6.2.3 The clamp body and clamp cap shall each have an effective length in bearing
on conductor of not less than 65mm for metal surfaced clamps and 40mm for
rubber-surfaced clamps. The clamping bolts shall be of 16mm diameter
aluminum alloy or 12mm diameter stainless steel with a breakaway type head
cap and shall be furnished with a wrench stop to prevent socket from
engaging the lower head during installation.
6.2.4 The bundle spacing and configuration shall be as specified in the Data
6.2.5 Normal distance (maximum sub-span length) between spacer dampers shall
not exceed 60 meters with the first spacer damper fitted at a distance from
center of the support not more than 30 meters. In areas exposed to constant
high winds (above 8 m/s), the spacing shall be shortened in order to stabilize
the conductor bundle. The positioning of spacer dampers in a span shall be
optimized and staggered in such a manner that ratio between the lengths of
adjacent sub-spans is 0.85 to 0.90 whereas the ratio between the lengths of an
end sub-span and the adjacent one is 0.50 to 0.65.
6.2.6 The manufacturer shall provide an analytical damping study in support of the
proposed spacer damper system. The damping system for twin bundle
conductors shall comprise of spacer dampers plus the vibration dampers at the
both span extremities.
Same spacer dampers as used on the line shall be used, for practical reasons on
jumper loops.
The dampers (vibration dampers and spacer dampers) shall have the ability to
effectively control the levels of aeolian vibrations within safety limits for the
integrity of the conductors and overhead ground wires. Whereas, sub-conductor
oscillation shall be controlled by spacer dampers and the maximum oscillation
amplitude of each sub-conductor shall not exceed 100mm (peak to peak).
Bending amplitude when measured in accordance with IEEE Std. 1368 “IEEE Guide
for Aeolian Vibration Field Measurements of Overhead Conductors” shall not
exceed the values listed in Table 03. Bending amplitude is defined as the peak-to-
peak amplitude of conductor motion relative to clamp at 89mm from the last point of
conductor/clamp contact.
- No more than five (5) % of bending amplitude cycles shall exceed the
endurance limit.
- No more than one (1) % of bending amplitude cycles shall exceed 1.5 times
the endurance limit.
The vibration damper and spacer damper effectiveness shall be determined by means
of computer programs based on mathematical modeling. Sufficient evidence shall be
provided to demonstrate that the analytical method to be used has been validated
against laboratory results or field tests. The following requirements and parameters
shall be taken into consideration for the analytical study:
6.5.1 To simulate winter conditions, the average temperature of the coldest months
shall be taken as minus (-) 5ºC. The tensile load (initial condition, no wind)
of the conductor, OGW and OPGW shall be worked out at this temperature
and used in the study.
6.5.2 The terrain shall be considered as open, flat and desert type with no
vegetation and other obstacles.
6.5.4 Damping study shall be performed with and without night warning lamps
installed on conductors and warning spheres installed on OGW/OPGW, if
any. The spacing of warning spheres shall be considered as 61 meters.
6.5.5 The distribution of wind speeds shall be as per Table 04, with an average
speed of 4.5 meters per second and wind shall be assumed laminar with no
0.1 to 2.0 13
2.1 to 4.0 37
4.1 to 6.0 26
6.1 to 9.0 18
9.1 to 12.0 5
> 12.0 1
6.6.1 Actual vibration measurements shall be performed in the field for evaluating
the performance of the damping system installed on the conductors and
overhead ground wires (OGW/OPGW). The measurements shall be
performed in accordance with IEEE Std. 1368 “IEEE Guide for Aeolian
Vibration Field Measurements of Overhead Conductors” for a period of not
less than four (4) weeks and shall be done preferably in the winter season on
the completed sections of transmission lines before commissioning.
6.6.3 For transmission lines up to 10km length, field vibration tests shall not be
required and instead, results of analytical damping study shall be submitted
for SEC review and acceptance.
6.6.4. For transmission lines greater than 10km but less than 50km in length, two
vibration recorders, one each on conductor and OGW/OPGW shall be
installed and one span shall be checked for vibration measurement tests.
6.6.5 For transmission lines greater than 50km in length, at least three recorders
(two for conductors and one for OGW/OPGW) shall be required to measure
the vibration levels. Two different spans shall be checked for conductor while
one span shall be checked for OGW/OPGW.
6.6.6 On twin conductor bundles and square quad bundles, measurements of sub-
span oscillations shall be performed on two adjacent sub-spans of a span
chosen among the longest of the line in the most critical environmental
conditions for a period of not less than four (4) weeks.
6.6.7 Acceptance criteria for the field vibration measurements and the damping
performance shall be as specified in the performance requirements above.
All the mandatory type tests mentioned in IEC 61284 shall be performed on
each type of line hardware and shall include, but not limited to, the following:
Type tests shall be performed in accordance with IEC 61897 and shall
include, but not be limited to, the following:
Type tests shall be performed in accordance with IEC 61854 and shall
include, but not be limited to, the following:
63kArms for 230kV & 380kV lines for four cycles at 60Hz
without permanent deformation or damage).
7.1.4 Five (5) samples of line hardware and three (3) samples of vibration dampers
and spacer dampers, each type, selected at random from the production lot
shall be subjected to the above type tests. The failure of any one sample shall
constitute failure to meet the requirements of this specification.
7.1.5 In lieu of the actual type tests, certified type test reports of the type tests
performed on line hardware, vibration dampers and spacer dampers, which
are identical in all essential respects with the materials to be supplied, may be
submitted to SEC for review and approval.
b. Galvanizing Test
a. Visual Examination
a. Visual Examination
7.2.4 The Samples of each line hardware, vibration dampers and spacer dampers
shall be selected at random as per following sampling plan from the
production lot which has passed the appropriate routine test (if any) and
subjected to quality conformance (sample) tests.
When the order is one hundred or more identical fittings, the number of
samples for tests shall be p or the nearest whole number greater than p, as
given by the following formula, in which n is the number of fittings in the lot
offered for inspection.
For lots of less than one hundred identical fittings, four samples shall be
submitted to the specified non-destructive sample tests.
If these samples meet the test requirements, the lot shall be deemed to
conform to the requirements of standard. In the event of a sample not meeting
the test requirements, twice the original number of new samples shall be
tested. If all these new samples meet the test requirements, the lot shall be
deemed to conform to the requirements of the standard, but if any sample
fails to do so the lot shall be deemed not to conform to the requirements of
the standard and shall be rejected.
Type of Hardware *
Material *
Strength rating *
Bundle Configuration
Quad Bundle
Official Seal/Stamp
of the Company &